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Institute And Changes In Society

World-famous trouble-shooter, VIP magician and psychologist Inga SABOVA today is fighting for the rights of the nation at her level together with all Ukrainians. Thanks to her vast experience of working with people, she has the ability and desire to analyse the behaviour of our society. Today, my guest and I are talking about love, about how people’s relationships changed during the war.


– Inga, we are very glad to discuss the most relevant topics with you again. We know that you mostly work with entrepreneurs, but you can be contacted with other questions at the same time. We invite you to talk about love, families and relationships in this issue. What trend do you observe in society today?

– According to my observations, the current trend is quite unusual. Of course, I will not discuss the topic of our defenders. Our defenders remain real men. If we talk about women, they have become much more feminine. They began to earn more, develop in various fields, and are more and more involved in all life processes. And at the same time they remain emotionally and physically fragile. Instead, men become more and more infantile and offer, for example, to pay the bill 50/50 in a restaurant. Also, among the trends I’m seeing more and more often is the situation when young guys are looking for relationships with more mature women to provide for them. In other words, the generation of people who were brought up on the classical form of the institution of the family is simply disappearing. And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why women do not want to return to Ukrainian men.

– To what extent and how have your clients’ inquiries in matters of love changed?

– Very strong! Often these days I see women making court to men, not the other way round. And the surprising thing about this is that he can be a narcissist or an abuser, for example, but the woman continues to try to win his favour. «Let me suffer! Let it not be perfect, but mine! I don’t want to be alone!» Such phrases are very scary to hear from women. In this way, they literally lower the slat of their value at their own discretion.

From the statistics: previously, my clients were mostly men trying to win the heart of a woman. Now everything has changed radically. Today, according to my observations, approximately 70% of women are trying to gain the affection of men.

– Today’s Ukraine has lost a large part of its territory, men are at war, many women with children have left the country... What help can you provide to Ukrainian women and men who are forced to live in different countries, but want to maintain relationships?

– Long-distance relationships are very difficult to maintain. People prefer to suffer, but not to talk about it. If they turn to me with such a question, I try to find exactly those approaches so that partners preserve their feelings, relationships and families as long as possible, but only if they really want it.

– If it is a marriage that both want to end? How do you comment on it?

– There is such a thing as a karmic relationship. And often in a situation where there was love, but it passed for some reason, I have to explain that one of the partners simply grew up earlier, or someone does not want to grow up. At the stage of joint life, these partners did everything possible for each other and are now ready to go their separate ways. I will say from practice that such couples often continue communication during a divorce and even help each other in some matters. This is a normal, healthy adult relationship.

– Some people believe that magic is not a proper, positive tool in love stories. How about a justification for such thinking? – If we are talking about a manic desire to possess someone, it is wrong! This is mostly done by women who want to subjugate their husbands. The second option is the positive aspect of using magic when love is present in a relationship, but they want to return their former feelings and states. In this case, it is possible to get very good results. Today, many people have begun to engage in occultism, esotericism, magical practices, etc. The world is full of high-quality literature, so I think that very soon magic will enter everyone’s life. If a person does not see magic, it does not mean that it does not exist!

– Інго, дуже раді знову розкри- з найактуальніші теми. Знаємо, що здебільшого працюєте з підприємцями, але, водночас, до Вас можна звертатися й з іншими питаннями. Пропонуємо поговорити у цьому номері про кохання, про сім’ї та стосунки. Яку тенденцію в суспільстві сьогодні спостерігаєте? – За моїми спостереженнями, нинішня тенденція досить незвичайна. Безумовно, я не буду обговорювати тему наших захисників. Наші оборонці залишаються справжніми чоловіками. Якщо говоримо про жінок, вони стали значно жіночнішими. Почали заробляти більше, розвиватися в різних сферах, дедалі більш залучені в усі життєві процеси. І водночас залишаються емоційно й фізично тендітними. Натомість чоловіки стають дедалі інфантильнішими і пропонують, наприклад, у ресторані оплачувати рахунок 50/50. Також серед тенденцій, які я спостерігаю дедалі частіше: молоді хлопці шукають стосунки із більш зрілими жінками, аби ті їх забезпечували. дуже страшно чути від жінок. Таким чином вони буквально самостійно опускають планку своєї цінності. Зі статистики: раніше моїми клієнтами були здебільшого чоловіки, які намагалися завоювати серце жінки. Зараз же все змінилося кардинально. Сьогодні, за моїми спостереженнями, приблизно 70% жінок намагаються отримати прихильність чоловіків. – Україна сьогодні втратила значну частину світ. Оптика виявилася чимось, що важливо і потрібно практично всім, це може бути красиво та надихаюче. Естетика оптики чудова. Окуляри завжди на видному місці, на нашому обличчі. Вони прикрашають, доповнюють, створюють образ, стиль, але найважливіше в окулярах

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