3 minute read



– Good afternoon, Tetiana! Please explain what mental health is and why it is important to society.


– Mental health is a state of psychic well-being, the ability to cope with stress, to work, to study and realize abilities and to contribute to society. The state of mental health is very important, because it is a key factor for general well-being and satisfaction in life. A mentally healthy person is able to recognize his or her emotions and manage them. Such person is able to build relationships and successfully present his or her best qualities. The state of mental health today has an impact on the formation of transgenerational stories that will be passed on to our descendants after several generations. Therefore, taking care of mental health today has a direct impact on building a sturdy nation tomorrow.

– What are the main factors affecting a person’s mental health?

– Mental health is influenced by genetic factors, a person’s lifestyle, physical health, social environment, feeling of support and belonging to certain groups, stressful situations and trauma. Self-perception and level of self-worth, presence of negative attitudes and beliefs are also important factors.

– How did the war affect the mental health of Ukrainians?

– War is a traumatic event that directly affects the human psyche, and unfortunately, it is still ongoing. Being in a state of constant stress and uncertainty increases the level of anxiety, self-doubt, and depressive disorders as well as decreases the level of communication skills. Such states often pass into the stage of aggression or, on the contrary, apathy. War affects not only human health, but also all spheres of one’s personal realization. Sometimes it becomes difficult for people to fulfil their social roles (mother, wife, specialist or friend). This leads to interpersonal conflicts, divorces, professional burnout, etc.

The mental health of each person is the key to a better future for the entire society. Tetiana Kril-Frytsak, a psychologist with extensive experience in various fields, is sure of this. Tetiana is a public figure, the founder and head of the PA «Being a Woman», the head of the mental health service of the psychological support centres «Razom with you», the curator of therapeutic support groups for war victims, families of prisoners and those released from captivity.

– What disorders in your opinion are the most common now?

– One or even several types of disorders cannot be singled out. These can be generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, simple phobias, social anxiety disorder, etc. It is worth noting that anxiety itself is a normal response of the brain to stress. However, in some cases, a person develops pathological anxiety, a state of worry, nervous tension. The quality of life suffers, intellectual and physical capacity decreases, and there is a risk of developing full value depression. Therefore, you should be attentive to your health, be able to listen to yourself and respond to alarm bells in time.

– How can you recognize the first signs of mental problems in yourself or loved ones?

– It is worth to analyse your emotional, physical and mental state. Pay attention to the daily time-table and sleep. Insomnia or, on the contrary, a long sleep during the day can be a signal. Eating behaviour disorders, low energy level, refusal of usual activities, significant mood swings, inability to perform daily tasks, avoidance of communication with loved ones can also be a signal for anxiety.

– What advice can you give to maintain psychological health in conditions of stress and uncertainty?

– A person needs a person! Therefore, it is extremely important to understand who can give you support, what is the shoulder on which you can lean, share and consult. It can be a relative, an older relative, a colleague or a friend. Secondly, it is to continue living life under any conditions! Have small plans every day: from elementary things like making the bed, making coffee, going for a walk, changing activities and focus of attention, to forming new healthy habits, doing sports, finding a new hobby. Thirdly, it is useful to develop one’s own stress resistance. Form positive thinking and record achievements. Learn to experience emotions through creativity and read professional literature. Use self-regulation methods and attend growth and psychological support groups. Timely response to the problem is the key to its successful solution. I sincerely believe in the strength of the nation’s spirit, our unity and identity. And I also believe that our thirst and will to win will help us to overcome any difficulties.

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