Danielle M Miller Portfolio

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Danielle M Miller Portfolio



Interior Design Stone Lodge Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and Central Autism Assessment Center (CAAT) ......3-8 Detroit Loft..................................................................................................................................................9-12 Seashore Haven.........................................................................................................................................13-14 Woodland Escape.....................................................................................................................................15-16 Creative Space.................................................................................................................................................17 Central Michigan University Park Library Signage.............................................................................18-19

Stone Lodge is a 16,903sqft Assisted Living Facility and Central Autism Assessment Center in one. The goal was to create a space where aging adults with varying stages of Alzheimer’s can live safely and children ages 2-21 with autism can learn in interactive ways. The two separate facilities are connected by a single wall where interaction between guests can take place when needed.

Stone Lodge ALF and CAAT

Stone Lodge Schematic Block Plan Through extensive research in ADA guidelines and accessible design, Stone Lodge was designed to create a safe place for guests to enjoy. Different finishes that cater to the changing vision, limited mobility and differing senses of each guest were selected to enhance the functionality and aesthetic of the facility.

Design Objectives Stonelodge was created to provide guests to ability to express themselves in their living, eating and sleeping spaces to make them feel at home. Different sensory cues, such as camoflouged doors, were added into the facility to keep all guests safe. Lastly, the whole facility is designed as a Green House space to make all guests feel comfortable and part of a caring family-like community.


Stone Lodge Funriture Plan

Stone Lodge ALF and CAAT dwgmodels.com



























Stone Lodge Design Concept


Influences from the natural environment specific to Michigan are used to promote a feeling of biophilia within the assisted living facility and the autism center. Biophilia brings in different aspects of nature into a space that, in turn, creates a calming grounded sense of emotion that is beneficial to the guests and staff. The focus of this design is to create a soothing space through the incorporation of elements such as rhythmic patterns, natural color schemes, layout of the space, and flexibility of design. Biophilia will be incorporated through the usage of natural woods, stones, grasses, soft neutral colors, and specific lighting. For this space, English colonialism elements will bring a sense of comfort through the space form the incorporation of different finishes floor layouts, and decorative aspects. This space will feel residential, while functioning at a level of expertise within a commercial business environment.



Historical Influence Throughout the Stone Lodge Assisted Living Facility and Central Autism Assessment Center historical influences from English Colonial styled design are incorporated to make our guests feel comfortable and at home. Aspects such as color scheme, hardwood floors, crown molding, window design, and bonze hardware are used throughout the space to create a sense of the historical aesthetic desired.


Stone Lodge ALF and CAAT Schematic Sketches

An indoor terrarium for guests from ALF and CAAT to interact and decompress through the healing aspects plants provide is located at the center of this facility. After checking into either the CAAT or ALF, guests can view the terrarium. To incorporate more biophilia into the space, wood planks were used on the ceiling and as shelving units around the space.


Stone Lodge ALF and CAAT Schematic Sketches

Within the Assisted Living Facility spaces where guests can have an improved quality of life was the main priority. Therefore, a movie theater was added to allow guests to enjoy time with their peers and family RY ION members. This space creates a way for the guests to feel like they are out of their Iliving while reNA UCTspace R LIMONST E C R





Creating an “out on the town” experience for the facility guests was a main goal. Therefore, by adding an awning and a bench outside of the movie theater, guests can have a different experience from their everyday activities.

To create a great experience for our guests, concessions open upon entry are accessible for all guests. Additionally, to cater to the different needs of each guest, movable furniture was incorporated into the space. This allows for wheelchairs to move in and out of the theatre when needed.

Within the Central Autism Assessment Treatment Center there are areas where the children can go when they are over stimulated and need a safe space. The sensory room is a specific space within the CAAT center that has no windows and dim light, making the space calm and relaxing. The room also has foam mats to create a softer floor where children can sit and sprawl out if needed. This room is meant to help the children who need time away from the group or one on one time.

Stone Lodge ALF and CAAT Schematic Sketches

Blues and beiges were specifically selected for this sensory room because of the calming effect that blue has on people within the space. Acoustical panels on the wall create a quieter environment for those inside and outside the room.


Electrical Plan

Stone Lodge ALF and CAAT Design Development



Plumbing, electrical, and sprinkler plans were designed according to specific codes and ADA guidelines. For example, on the electrical plan wall outlets are raised to 18” so that guests in wheelchairs can easily access outlets when needed. This also makes it easier for guests who have limited mobility and cannot bend down to be more independent.

Plumbing Plan





Each guest bedroom on the ALF side of Stone Lodge has a half bath. Across from the guest room or the community bathrooms where staff can help guests wash up and use the restroom when needed. Therefore, wet columns were placed accordingly around the facility to make sure that all spaces needing access to water received the water.




Sprinkler Plan

Stone Lodge ALF and CAAT Design Development

The Stone Lodge Assisted Living Facility and Central Autism Assessment Center was created to give aging adults with varying stages of Alzheimer’s a safe place to enjoy life, and where children with autism can learn. Within the facility, there are spaces where guests from both the ALF and CAAT sides can interact and grow together. Stone Lodge has different spaces and activities that cater to the needs of each individual guest while creating a comforting and healthy environment.

Through different design solutions, a finished facility was designed with historical influences pulled form English Colonial design. These influences can be seen in the gabled roof, entry columns, grided windows, and through the fences used in outdoor spaces. To incorporate biophilia into the design, nature is brought into the space through different elements. Outside there are areas where guests can sit and socialize, including a bird watching area right off the living room on the ALF side, giving guests entertainment and a stimulating activity.



Detroit Loft

Jay is a single 35 year old professional and his parents, who are in their early 60s, are looking for a new place to live. The apartment must accommodate Jay’s mother who is disabled and requires ADA accessible living. Therefore, our client will be moving into a newly reovated apartment build-ing, Griswold Apartments, 1117 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI 48226. Corner apartment located on the 14th/15th floors (2-story loft)

Through design solutions while taking into consideration Jay’s requests and his mother’s limited mobility in a wheelchair, space planning within the apartment was completed. To make sure that each request was completed, an adjacency matrix was filled out and presented to the client for further tweaking. An open space plan was essential for this luxury apartment. The lower floor is home to Jay’s parents where his mother can easily get around and access necessary items on her own. The upper floor is where Jay will stay. By sepa-rating the two floors into different living spaces, Jay and his parents can both have privacy.


First Floor Space Planning

Second Floor Space planning



Once the space planning was revised, furnishings and kitchen design could begin. The first floor was my focus. The second floor was done by my partner, Kainani Kalilimoku. T


Detroit Loft


Written Narrative

Second Floor

The first floor’s design was created to be an open style plan. Therefore, the kitchen, living room, and dining room are all connected. The spaces that Jay’s mother occupies meet ADA guidelines so that she can be independent and feel as though the space is hers. Additionally, the main first floor living areas receive natural light through the south wall where there are floor to ceiling windows. The second floor is designed for Jay’s specific lifestyle, separate from his parents.

First Floor


Detroit Loft Design Concept

Due to Detroit has a rich history with the automobile industry, I wanted to create a space that had influences from Detroit’s historic background. The Fox theater is where the motif used throughout this design originated from. The “X” in FOX was used to create the final motif. I rearranged the bars in the “X” to create a more complex design for this luxury apartment. Then the bars were angled in different directions to create a more dimensional design.

This motif can be seen in different areas within the loft. The main design element that incorporates the motif is the stair and upper floor railing. Other areas within the loft that incorporate the historic motif are the light fixtures. Each fixture is designed in a geometric way including different angled and sized bars.


Boston Copper Hood Marble Countertops

Copper hardware

Detroit Loft

Rail Ceiling Fixture

Design Concept Brick Wallpaper

Walnut Milwork/Cabinets

This kitchen design uses warm colors and differing materials to portray an industrial style. Wood, brick, and marble were used to create the intended design. Copper appliances are used to create focal points throughout the kitchen and bring emphasis on the industrial history of Detroit, MI.

Dark walnut wood creates a warmth that incorporates the brick, and the copper appliances. The floating shelves are a lighter wood that breaks up the abundance of warmth in the design


Design Concept

Seashore Haven Written Narrative

Being a college student is no easy feat for any young adult. Between going to school full time, having a large workload of assignments outside of class time, and possibly working one, if not multiple jobs to help them finance their way through school. It is no wonder that the rate of college students who struggle with their mental health is particularly high. In fact, during the 2022-2023 school year, 46% of college students were diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder. This is why we have created the “Seashore Haven.” Through asking a few different college students diagnosed with various mental health disorders, we were able to conclude that the one thing they all had in common when it came to a relaxing environment was nature. The one environment that students kept mentioning was sitting on the beach when the waters are calm and everything around them feels serene and calm.

Site Analysis


When designing a place of restoration and respite for college students, it is important to incorporate design choices for a space that allows for tranquil relaxation, a sense of nature, and a feeling of community. To provide a peaceful setting we have included natural elements such as daylight imitation, water elements, and a wide range of textures. The color palette we have chosen consists of soothing blues and earth tones that help create a more serene space. We designed for community through less formal applications such as comfort seating, unique lighting solutions, and seating arrangements that allow for conversation. Overall, our design incorporates natural aspects that help to create a relaxing and motivating space for college

Seashore haven is located on the 3rd floor of the Education and Human Services buliding in the center of campus. The space is open to the second floor below and is a hot spot of students to study. Floor to ceiling windows cover the north and south walls of this space allowing for plenty of natural light to enter.

Seashore Haven Design Concept

Due to the vast majority resonating with the beach being their first thought when thinking about a relaxing environment, we decided to build a study area that replicated the same feeling someone would receive from being at the beach. We chose a light wood as the flooring to help replicate the feeling of sand, and wood beams on the ceiling to create acoustical boundaries from the floor below. Additionally, there is a whickered rug and whickered blinds covering the windows to represent driftwood that has been cast ashore. We have also included textured glass railings to emulate sea glass. The furniture we chose is organic and dark navy blue to imitate the feeling of water. In addition, there are two live water features on the back wall to make the space feel even more serene.


Woodland Escape Woodland Escape is a small cabin located on the cliffs of Red River Gorge in West Virginia. This cabin, designed in a modern industrial style, is perfect for a couple looking for a weekend get-away overlooking the river below. This project was entirely hand drafted to create the designs shown below. Through the use of different line weights and patterns, I was able to create effective floor plans for the envisioned space.

Figure 1 : First Floor Dimension Plan

Figure 1: First Floor Dimension Plan


Figure 2 : Second Floor Dimension Plan

Figure 3: 1 Point Perspective


Woodland Escape Through precise hand drafting, I was able to create a composi-tion that is detailed, accurate, and effective. Details such as the pendent lighting on the balcony, and the front door reinforce the modern industrial style of this cabin.



Creative Space Through the design process, I was able to come up with a floor plan that worked well for this space (Figure 5). Hard wood was used for the flooring to bring in aspects of nature. Each selection was chosen for a specific reason to provide the space with the intended feel. After the floor plan was created, I began perspective drawing of this space (Figure 7). Each piece of furniture was hand drawn to match the selections from the schematic phase. Lastly, I hand rendered the space to give a clear idea of a creative jungle space.

Figure 8 : Hand Rendered Creative Jungle Space


Figure 6 : Rendered FLoor Plan

Figure 7: Hand Drawn Perspective


Park Library Signage

Park library is a Central Michigan University hotspot for students, faculty, and guests. Therefore, making a effective wayfinding system so everyone can get to where they need to be is the main objective of this project. The service desk, on the second floor of Park library, is where anyone who needs assistance can go. However, there are limited signs pointing to where the service desk is. For this project, eye tracking and heat maps were utilized to analyze where a sign would be the most effective.

To gather information on where signage is needed, a heat map and eye tracking anal-ysis was conducted in the entrance of Park Library. In the image above, red indicates areas where the eye is drawn to the most, as one can see, the areas include the bottom of the floor above is where the eye is drawn. For this reason, signage was created to go above the walkway to aid visitors in finding the service desk


Park Library Signage Through careful analyzation of the heat maps, I decided to place the signage I developed above the walkway, and on either side of the stairs that lead to the second floor where the service desk is located. Central Michigan graphics, colors and typefaces were used to create the contrasting signage and then proposed to the graphic design chair member of the University for further feedback.

Central Michigan colors were used to reinforce the University’s brand. With this attention to detail, an effective wayfinding solution was created.



Danielle M Miller Portfolio


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