Danielle Miller

Mille10d@cmich.edu (734)-585-6781
Central Michigan University
Major: Interior Design Minor: Visual Merchandising
Van Atta’s Greenhouse and Nursery- Seasonal Annuals Sales assistant: Moving and Organizing Inventory, sweeping floors, assisting customers, answering phone calls, planting seeds April 2021- June 2021
Total Local - Community Guides & Marketing Services - Data Entry: Adding data to directories for publication February 2022- Present (working as needed)
Tropical Smoothie Café – Food Service: Making smoothies, Cash July 2022- September 2022
-Microsoft office
-Data entry -Cash Register -Detailed oriented
-Adobe InDesign -Adobe Photoshop -Adobe Illustrator
This image shows elements of design in depth and in contrasting color. This image was converted into grey scales, altered to have better contrast and then traced to show a pencil style marked up space. This makes it easier to see design elements without taking color into account.
This peice of furniture is perfect for a rockstar. In the design sunglasses, lightning bolts, rock on hand signs, and lips can be seen. all of which resemble the life of a rockstar.
These furniture peices were too light for the patterns to show up so I chose a darker peice that was also at a different perspective for optimal pattern displayed.
The eye is directed toward the middle hallway which misguides you to the gallery instead of the Service Desk.
Although, the eye is already drawn to the center, so this is a great place for our proposed signage to be placed.
This sign clearly shows where the desk is located and creates great visual contrast. The white against the maroon makes the text stand out and east to read.
This sign has visual design and contrast that looks great in the space and is easy to read. This sign is our preferred design because of the use of color and graphics.
A sign will be placed on the collumn directly infront of the stairs so that visitors will be able to see the directional sign first.
Signage will be placed on the collumns next to the service desk to provide information abour what services are offered.
For this assignment we were to create a wall merchandising directive for a specific brand. Up until this assignment, I was doing clothing brands but wanted to branch out and try something new. Sherwin-Williams is the brand I chose and I think the directive turned out really well.
For this window merchandising directive I decided to do a window for Alexander McQueen. The theme is black and white or “Two Souls Connected as one, Together at last”. I felt that because this brand does dramatic displays, I needed to create a deep, inspiring, and dramtic display as well. I had some troubles figuring out contrast in the main window but in the end I am very pleased with how it turned out.