Barbados in a Nutshell - 2023 to 2024

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Barbados Nutshell in a

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Corner McGregor & Broad Street, Bridgetown (246) 429-2900 | www.shopmilano,com
4 Contents Advertisers Index 159-160 Art & Craft 50-53 Beaches 100-107 Calendar of Events 26-29 Car Hire 154-157 Credits 2 Eco Friendly 24-25 Golf 30-31 History in a Nutshell 10-11 Island Adventures 54-61 Kids Activities 84-87 Nightlife 150-153 Nuts & Bolts 6-7 Property 88-99 Restaurant Guide 108-149 Rum 12-17 Rum Shops 18 Safety Tips 158 Shopping 34-49 Sightseeing 62-87 Wellness Services 32-33 Terrific Tours 19-23 Welcome Stamp 8






Lifestyle Centre,
St. James
Broad Street
St. Michael
246-430-2412 Available at

Nuts & Bolts

AREA CODE - The international telephone area code for Barbados is +1 (246).

CAPITAL CITY - Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list on 25th June, 2011. For original Bajan walking food tours of Bridgetown contact Lickrish Food Tours (pg. 19).

CURRENCY - The Barbados Dollar. US Dollars are usually accepted. Check online for rates.

DRESS - Keep swimwear on the beach. Camouflage is prohibited.

ELECTRICITY - 110/230V 50Hz.

HOURS OF BUSINESS - Banks open Monday to Thursday from 8am-3pm and Friday 9am-5pm. Supermarkets open daily from 8am and close between 7pm and 10pm. Other retail outlets generally open Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm and on Saturday from 9am2pm.

POPULATION - 287, 733

SIZE - Barbados is 166 sq. miles - 21 miles long x 14 miles wide.

TAX - 17.5% VAT is usually included in prices quoted. VAT and 10% service charge will be added to your hotel bill.

TIPPING - Usually 10%–15%.

WATER - Safe to drink from the tap.

WHEELCHAIR ACCESS - See for list of attractions that have good wheelchair access. The Barbados Council for the Disabled rents beach/ sea wheelchairs. (246) 629-0574

Barbados Council for the Disabled Lickrish Food Tours of Bridgetown Barbados Curency National Walk for Breast Cancer Rentable wheelchair for the beach/sea


First introduced in 2020, this 12-month visa allows visitors to live and work remotely from Barbados with other privileges of resident status. As of December 2021 over 2,000 Welcome Stamp Visas have been granted. Go to See Page 8 for more details.

GOVERNMENT - Politically stable and a member of the British Commonwealth, the constitution is based on the British style of parliamentary democracy. In 2014, Barbados celebrated the 375th Anniversary of Parliament. In 2021 Barbados became a republic.

RELIGION - Predominantly Anglican, but over 100 religions practice in harmony.

LOCAL BUSES - A standard bus fare of BB$3.50 takes you to and from anywhere on a single bus – be sure to have the exact local change when boarding. A signifigant percentage of Barbados’ bus fleet is electric with zero emissions.

DRUGS - Narcotic drugs, including Cannabis, are illegal.

LOCAL NEWSPAPERS - Printed and online The Nation and The Barbados Advocate. Online only: Barbados Today.

OVERSEAS NEWSPAPERSNewspaper Direct Tel: 436-1314

7 Nuts & Bolts
Barbados Transport Board electric bus St. Margaret’s Church All photos: Andrew Hulsmeier

Welcome Stamp

Work Remotely in Barbados for 1 year

Introducing the 12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp – a visa that allows you to relocate and work from one of the world’s most beloved tourism destinations! Sure, the sun, sea and sand are major perks, but Barbados has so much more than that to offer. We are the home of friendly people, professional and modern services, quality education and most importantly, safety and security.

How to Apply

This remote work programme establishes a visa to allow people to work remotely in Barbados for a maximum of 12 months. The visa is available to anyone who meets the visa requirements and whose work is location independent. Once approved, the Barbados 12-Month Welcome Stamp visa is valid for one year, and if you love it, you can easily reapply.

Before you apply learn more at


Uncover Barbados

Enlighten Yourself on its Storied Past and Enchanting Culture

A to Z of Barbados Heritage

A true A-Z - from Aberdare to Zouave - this fascinating compilation of ‘All things Barbadian’ offers a compelling insight into a comprehensive range of heritage topics from yesteryear and today.

Did You Know?

An entertaining collection of stories of Barbadian heritage, laced with humour, social and political wisdom, intrigue and mystery.

Available islandwide and at

History in a Nutshell

History in a Nutshell

There are archaeological remains of an Amerindian presence in Barbados from around the time of Christ – Barrancoid, Arawak and Carib Indians have all left evidence of settlements here. The Spanish and Portuguese adventurers who rode the prevailing North-East Tradewinds in the 1500’s named it Los Barbados but chose not to settle. The English chanced upon the island in 1625 and for them it represented a golden opportunity to acquire a colony with tremendous scope for agricultural development. They returned in 1627 when Captain William Powell brought with him 80 settlers and several slaves captured en route. After initially planting tobacco and cotton, leading planters drew on Brazil’s experience in sugar cane production to introduce the production of sugar, molasses and rum. As the sugar industry flourished, the large labour force needed was sought firstly from indentured servants from Ireland and Scotland and then large numbers of slaves from Africa. With a high value of sugar and low labour costs, fortunes were made and Barbados was referred to as one of the richest spots of ground on earth.

As most of the planters were resident, some of their vast wealth helped to develop the island’s infrastructure. One facet of this was the establishment by 1639 of Barbados’ own Parliament and in 1652, the Charter of Barbados declared “no taxation without representation”. Barbados, a tiny island of 166 sq. miles, had

Barbados Defence Force Band parading in front of the Parliament Buildings

global significance in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. It is the only place outside of the USA that George Washington visited, the British established a military garrison, Carlisle Bay became a major shipping hub for the New World, the oldest synagogue in the Western Hemisphere was built, the oldest ecclesiastical seminary, Codrington College, was created and the list of globally signifigant firsts goes on.

The British took the initiative for the rest of the world by abolishing the slave trade in 1807 with emancipation following in 1834-38. In 1843 Samuel Jackman Prescod became the first non-white Member of Parliament and in 1886 Conrad Reeves became the first black Chief Justice.

Nevertheless, many inequalities existed in what historians refer to as the ‘Dark Century’. The flames of discontent finally erupted in the form of the 1937 riots. A group of highly educated black leaders emerged and in 1950 Universal Suffrage was at last a reality. In 1966, Barbados gained independence from Britain under the leadership of National Hero, Errol Walton Barrow. 55 years later Barbados was ushered into republic status by the current Prime Minister, the Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, with His Royal Highness Prince Charles (now King Charles III) honouring the occasion with his attendance on November 30th 2021.

This snapshot does not do justice to what is a fascinating and extraordinarily rich history. For further reading visit the bookshop at the Barbados Museum and Historical Society or

Contents History in a Nutshell
Museum and Historical Society
Prince Charles (now King Charles III) with Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley

Barbados Rum

Considered by many connoisseurs to be the finest in the world, Barbados rum has a long, rich and fascinating history.

As recorded by Richard Ligon in his benchmark book, ‘A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados’, by the time he arrived in 1647, the island was already producing a potent sugar-cane spirit on a commercial scale. Based on Ligon’s first-hand observations, all the bigger plantations had their own distilleries and sales of the cane spirit accounted for a significant proportion of their income. This is truly quite remarkable given the fact that sugar cane cultivation had only recently been introduced, just a decade or so after settlement in 1627.

Ligon clearly didn’t have too high an opinion of this rudimentary alcoholic beverage, describing it as, “Kill-Devil … a hott, hellish and terrible liquor … infinitely strong, but not very pleasant in taste”. However, later in the book, he does concede that by the time he left the island, distillation methods had started to improve. Coincidentally, it was in that same year, 1650, that the earliest recorded use of the word ‘rum’ was included in a lease agreement for the sale of 150 acres at Three Houses Plantation in St. Philip. Thereafter, various other forms of the name ‘rum’ start to appear, including ‘rumbullion’, which is a word from Devon in England that refers to the kind of uproar created by a large crowd of noisy people.

As early as 1655, Royal Navy ships serving in the Caribbean adopted rum to replace beer for the sailors’ daily alcohol allocation, and the famous ‘Rum Ration’ was born. This also gave rise to the sailors’ coining the word ‘rumbustion’. To verify the strength of the rum, the crew would pour some onto gunpowder

12 RUM
Sugar Cane being harvested at Mount Gay Rum Bond at Mount Gay

and try to light it. If the rum was too diluted, the gunpowder would not ignite. If it did ignite, then the rum had been ‘proved’. And that is the origin of the old alcohol proofing system. Given the procedure involved, it seems logical to assume that the sailors combined the words rum and combustion to give ‘rumbustion’.

By 1740, the navy’s standard rum ration allowance was half-a-pint of rum per day for each of the officers and men. But that was drastically reduced in the interest of better health and safety by Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon, who ordered that the “half-pint of rum to be daily mixed with a quart of water”. Needless to say the men were not at all happy, and from that day on they labelled the weakened mixture of water and rum as ‘Grog’, in reference to Vernon’s nickname ‘Old Grogram’, because of the Grogram coat he liked to wear. The rum ration continued in the Royal Navy until it was abolished in 1970, after 315 years. Interestingly, to this day, Bajans of a certain vintage still talk about ‘firing a grog’, meaning to drink a rum.

As Barbados rum became increasingly more refined and palatable, it rapidly became the preferred tipple of a wider audience, especially visiting Royal Navy and merchant sailors who often took a supply back home with them. This in turn created greater demand overseas, most notably in Britain and British North America. In the case of the latter - the future America and Canada - Barbados rum was heavily traded in exchange for lumber, manufactured goods, and food items such as flour, corn and salt fish. However, when the American War of Independence broke out, all trade between mainland US and Barbados was banned, causing the island’s rum industry to virtually collapse. Nevertheless, with smugglers maintaining a limited supply, rum soon became the beverage of choice for privileged Americans, including none other than George Washington who had taken a liking to it when he visited Barbados as a 19-year-old. When

14 RUM
Keith Miller Image from the George Washington movie about his trip to Barbados in 1751

Washington was elected as the first President of the United States in 1789, he specifically ordered Barbados rum to be served at his inauguration.

In more modern times, Barbadian rum exports boomed when the US Government’s Prohibition Laws outlawed alcohol in 1920. Sales went from 4,000 gallons to 150,000 gallons in just two years, most of it recorded as being sold to the Bahamas, where ‘Rum Runners’ would collect it for delivery to mainland America. Ironically, prohibition re-introduced Barbados rum to the American market and exports continued to grow after the ban on alcohol was lifted in 1933.

With regard to the domestic market, at the turn of the 19th century Barbados passed legislation that banned rum distillers from bottling their own rum. Seeing an opportunity, wholesale traders bought rum in bulk and bottled it themselves, creating their own brands, many of which still exist today: ESA Field, Doorly’s, Cockspur, Alleyne Arthur, and the recently revived Perkins and Sons. Around 1925, Mount Gay – owned at the time by A.F. Ward and his partner John Hutson – successfully overcame the new legislation by establishing a second company called Mount Gay Distilleries Limited, specifically to blend and bottle rum produced at their rum distillery in St Lucy, making them the sole owner of the trademark. Having been producing rum in St. Lucy since 1703, Mount Gay qualifies as the world’s oldest continuous rum distillery still in operation today. Now owned by Remy Cointreau, Mount Gay Rum is widely recognised as one of the world’s very top brands, as evidenced by its numerous international awards.

15 RUM
Rum being exported from the Careenage in Bridgetown, circa 1920’s Henry Walter Parkinson

The other two major distilleries currently operating in Barbados are West Indies Rum Distillery, WIRD, and Foursquare Rum Distillery. WIRD was founded by the Stade brothers in 1893, at which time they introduced the first column still to Barbados. The multi-award-winning Foursquare Distillery is owned by R.L Seale, which started out as a Bridgetown commission agent in Roebuck Street, bottling and selling rum. Since building and opening their own distillery in 1995, Foursquare has developed into a highly respected producer of premium quality rum. So much so, that Foursquare’s CEO and Master Distiller, Richard Seale, has earned the distinction of being chosen as the International Wine and Spirit Competition’s Industry Champion for 2023.

On a more modest scale, in 2006 St. Nicholas Abbey, one of only three existing Jacobean plantation houses in the Western Hemisphere, became the first rum producer to resurrect the old Barbadian tradition of producing highquality rum entirely on site, from field to bottle, using sugar cane grown on the estate, crushed and boiled into syrup, then distilled into rum. Since then, both Mount Gay and Foursquare Distilleries have followed suit, investing heavily in their infrastructure and plant, to once again directly link rum production to the sugar estate.

In tandem with this paradigm shift, several of the island’s rum producers have applied for a Certified Geographical Indicator, a CGI, to officially identify what constitutes 100% genuine Barbados Rum. If successful, this will be another exciting step forward for the small island of Barbados that developed the world’s first rum industry almost 400 years ago.

16 RUM
Larry Warren at St. Nicholas Abbey

The Mount Gay Visitor Experiences

“Over 320 years of heritage in Barbados rum”


Take a captivating tour of the fully operational headquarters to discover how each bottle of Mount Gay is created, from sugar cane to rum. Each week there is a selection of distillery tours, premium rum tastings and cocktail experiences. Located in St. Lucy, in the north of Barbados.


Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Mount Gay at the open-air Visitor Centre located on the outskirts of Bridgetown. Discover the flavours and traditions through a Signature Tasting or Cocktail Workshop followed by a delicious Bajan lunch. Their gift shop is well stocked with wonderful gifts from accessories to rum cakes, and of course rum.

17 RUM
Scan to Book a Tour

rum shops

Rum Shops

Small establishments which sell a variety of small items, but are licenced to sell spirituous liquors as well. It is difficult to determine how many rum shops there are in Barbados, because they are generally listed with all other places licenced to sell spirituous liquors, which includes hotels, bars and restaurants. There is one, and sometimes several, in practically every village in Barbados, and some say they vie with churches for first place as the largest number of non-residential buildings on the island. There are clearly several hundred in Barbados today, an interesting selection of which are showcased in Peter Laurie’s book The Barbadian Rum Shop.

The rum shop is a point of social gathering among imbibers, and at almost any time of day, but particularly in the afternoon and at night, groups of men of varying ages can be found ‘firing one’ (having a drink). There is always energetic discussion, with a variety of topics, although the most frequent are those issues currently occupying public attention, and especially local politics and cricket. Conversations are loud and often punctuated with expletives.

Often a game of dominoes is going on in a corner, characterised by loud slamming and equally loud talking. The rum-drinking section is often separated from the rest of the shop. Few women frequent these areas, and any unaccompanied woman is frowned upon. (That said, some of the most shrewd shopkeepers are women!).

In recent years rum shops have undergone dramatic changes from the simple combination of grocery and bar, with some bedecked in the advertising colours of beer, rum, ice cream and biscuit manufacturers and some even offering free wifi! To survive and compete with supermarkets and the 24 hour automarts at service stations, many have “moved on” to become minimarts and successful small restaurants serving tasty Bajan food.

Visitors can be assured of a friendly welcome and beastly cold drinks which are served with a separate container of ice - Bajan style. Check it out!

Taken from A-Z of Barbados Heritage by C.M. Sean Carrington, G. Addinton Forde, Henry S. Fraser and John T. Gilmore.


Original Bajan Walking Food Tour

“Eat like a local on this fascinating walking tour of historic Bridgetown!”

Keen on cuisine and hungry for history? Tantalise your taste buds and fill up on fascinating facts about Barbados on a fun-filled, off-the-beaten-path excursion with Lickrish Food Tours. Sample traditional Barbadian goodies at spots best known to the locals, while your tour guide introduces you to the culture and culinary heritage of our island. It’s a unique, informative and finger-licking way to discover the true Barbados!

Explore Bridgetown with one of their knowledgeable guides. This easy jaunt through our capital reveals some of the fascinating stories of this UNESCO World Heritage site and exposes you to many of our favourite local foods – Bajan tested, Bajan approved; it’s simply Barbados’ best food tour!

Tour details: Multiple tastings included, with more than enough for lunch! Minimal wait time at food stops. Transportation options available. Tour starts 10:30a.m and lasts 2.5-3hours.

Book now online:

Or call: (246) 622 1886



Beautiful Barbados Tours and Excursions “Barbados by Sea”

Join them aboard Tranquility Cruises. The boat is fitted with ramps for easy boarding and disembarking on the beach, 2 washrooms on board, a bar and an upper and lower deck with lots of seating. There is a glass bottom area for those who prefer to stay on board and enjoy the sights below. Tranquility is also equipped with life vests, snorkels and masks for those who wish to get wet and explore a shipwreck or swim with turtles and fish. An extra treat for kids and the young at heart on board is the waterslide. Their Turtle and Shipwreck Cruise is 1 hour and 30 minutes long with one stop to swim with the turtles and one to snorkel at a shipwreck. The cruise departs from their dock in the Bridgetown Careenage and from Savvy on the Bay on Bay Street.

Please note that the sea life seen from day to day varies. Cruises Starting at US$28

Reservations: (246) 231 2932

Beautiful Barbados Tours and Excursions “Barbados by Land”

With 17 years experience, their mission is to provide fun filled, adventure packed, informative tours and excursions in Barbados. They love our island and want to share that love with you. They will show you the sights and attractions and share with you the many stories behind them. Join them and they will regale you with stories of pirates, battles, love affairs and fateful journeys.

This little island is quite a gem and they are excited to show and share with you, just why. A Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence Award Winner offering the widest selection of tours on the island.

Coastal and Scenic, Surf and Turf, Private Excursions, Hunte’s Gardens, Flower Forest, Earthworks Pottery, Mount Gay Visitors Centre, St. Nicholas Abbey, Andromeda Gardens, Barbados Wildlife Reserve

Reservations: (246) 231 2932



Mallalieu Motor Collection

“Love cars? Drop by one morning when Bill Mallalieu is there.”

Bill Mallalieu’s love affair with cars is still going strong. His latest acquisition is quite a bit younger than him - a 63 year old Studebaker 1960. He’s always wanted to own what, in his eyes, is the prettiest car made in the USA. It’s extremely rare; 20 right hand drives were made and only 2 went to England. Visitors invariably enjoy Bill’s ability to share his experiences and knowledge about the motor vehicle industry over the past 70 years. His passion for beautifully made motor cars is infectious and he shares his endless knowledge in an eloquent and entertaining manner.

Along with his knowledge of the classics - “the older the cars, the better they work” - his knowledge of the global car industry today is extensive and he enjoys a discussion on the subject. • Cars on display include: 1955 Rover 75, 1949 Allard P1, 1947 Bentley Drophead Coupe, 1953 Citroen Big 15, 1963

Triumph TR4, 1964 Volvo 122S, 1937 Chevrolet Master 6 and more

Open during normal working hours

Admission BB$20

Tel: (246) 426 4640

Pavilion Court, Hastings, Christ Church


Bushy Park Barbados

“Arrive and Drive!”

“Need for Speed? Come and enjoy life in the fast lane with Bushy Park’s Ultimate Driving Experiences. Choose from their Biz Karts, Swift Cup racing cars and Radical SR3 Sportscars. Bushy Park Barbados is the premier motor sports facility in the Caribbean and host to a number of International Racing Events. Check out their social media pages for upcoming events.

• Kids and Adult Karting Experiences: age 5 +

• Swift Cup Experiences

• Radical SR3 Experiences

• Birthday party and customised packages available

• Enclosed shoes are required • Safety gear provided Scan to Book

For more information and reservations please visit their website:

Tel: (246) 537 1360


Eco Friendly

WirredWalkers Institute for Regeneration, Research, Education & Design

8 Actions for an eco-friendly vacation

Contribute to our efforts to be more sustainable, environmentallyfriendly and move closer to our global net zero targets.


Rent an electric car from Go Car Rentals, a hyrbid from Stoutes Car Rentals or check out the cool new electric Mokes from eMoke. Visit their website www.


Check out Walkers Reserve, to participate in the One Tree for Every Bajan initiative, or Coco Hill Forest (pg 74) as part of their efforts to build back and protect the biodiversity that was lost to sugar cane monoculture.

Tree Planting at Walkers Reserve


Make sure it doesn’t contain oxybenzone or octinoxate which kill coral on our precious reef ecosystems. Better yet, skip the sunscreen and wear a rashguard and hat.


Check out CORALL Barbados who do important reef conservation work. Or help replanting Staghorn coral while scuba diving with Barbados Blue.


Look out for breadfruit, yams, plantain, sweet potatoes, watermelon and mangos, helping to reduce our food imports and supporting local farmers.


Choose lionfish, flying fish, mahi mahi and red snapper from menus and say no to overfished species like parrot fish (chub), marlin and shark. Check out Slow Food Buyers Guide at


Our Bajan water is safe to drink. But if you choose to buy bottled water, try Eco Sky Water, a local brand using solar powered atmospheric water generation with plant-based bottles which are backyard compostable.


Take your own bags shopping, say no to plastic straws and use a refillable water bottle.

25 Eco Friendly
Corall volunteer Holly Trew Macarius Deterville harvesting plantain at his farm in Bath Eco Skywater Compostable Water Bottles Andrew Hulsmeier Courtesy Barbados Blue Eco Skywater

Calendar of Events


• Horse Racing takes place on most Saturdays and other designated days throughout the year. Call (246) 6263980 or visit: for the race day calendar.

• Bushy Park Track Days provide a safe and controlled environment away from public roads to allow drivers and riders, from complete novices to professional racers, to test the speed and handling capabilities of their own vehicles.

• International Polo tournaments take place from January to May each year.

• Get the full Crop Over Festival 2023 Calendar at

JULY 2023

1 Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes, Haymans Factory, St. Peter

1, 15 Horse Racing at the Garrison

2 Junior Monarch Semi-Finals, National Botanical Gardens

3 Full Moon

15 Junior Kadooment & Junior Monarch Finals, Nat’l Botanical Gdns.

16 Pandemonium, National Botanical Gardens

26 Crop Over Folk Concert, Golden Square Freedom Park, B’town

29 Bridgetown Market at Deacons, Cheapside Market, Golden Square Freedom Park, Heroes Square, Independence Square

30 Bushy Park Track Day

30 Soca on de Hill, Farley Hill Park


1, 30 Full Moon

1 Emancipation Day (Bank Holiday)

1 B’dos Derby Day at the Garrison

4 Pic-O-de-Crop Finals, National Botanical Gardens

5 Summer Craft Fair at Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown

5 Foreday Morning Jam, B’town to Mighty Grynner Highway

5&6 Bridgetown Market, Mighty Grynner Highway

Courtesy National Cultural Foundation Courtesy National Cultural Foundation Courtesy Barbados Tourism Mktg. Inc. Keith Miller Junior Kadooment Kadooment Reveller Bridgetown Market Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes

6 Soca 4.0, Nat’l Botanical Gdns.

7 Bridgetown Market, Mighty Grynner Highway

7 Grand Kadooment (Bank Holiday)

12 Bridgetown Market, Golden Square Freedom Park

12, 26 Horse Racing at the Garrison

20-26 B’dos Int’l Hockey Festival, Sir Garfield Sobers Sports Complex

27 Bushy Park Track Day


3 Radical Caribbean Cup & Bushy Park Motor Sports Inc. Championship, Bushy Park

9, 16 Horse Racing at the Garrison

TBA Vujaday Music Festival

29 Full Moon


8 BKC’s All Breed Championship Dog Show, Waterford (Judge: Graham Hill, UK)

19-22 Barbados Food & Rum Festival

22 33rd Annual Barbados National Triathlon Championships at the Mighty Grynner Highway

28 Full Moon


Bushy Park Track Day


1 Independence Lighting Ceremony, Bridgetown

3, 18, 30 Horse Racing at the Garrison

8-12 Barbados Open Water Festival

12 UltraFest, Bushy Park

19 BKC’s All Breed Championship Dog Show, Waterford (Judge: Patsy Hollings, UK)

24-26 Inaugural Caterham Caribbean Cup, Bushy Park

27 Full Moon

30 Independence Day (Bank Holiday)

30 57th Anniversary Independence Day Parade

Calendar of Events

Courtesy B’dos Open Water Festival André Williams Andrew Hulsmeier Courtesy Bushy Park Barbados Radical event at Bushy Park Barbados Open Water Festival Independence Day Parade Barbados National Triathlon

Calendar of Events


2, 17 Christmas Craft Fairs at Limegrove Lifestyle Centre

3 Bushy Park Track Day

8 Horse Racing at the Garrison

8-10 Run Barbados Marathon Weekend

TBA BARFIT B’dos Adventure Race

TBA Carols by Candlelight, Ilaro Court

TBA Carols at St. Nicholas Abbey

25 Christmas Day (Bank Holiday)

25 Royal Barbados Police Force

Band Concert, Queen’s Park

26 Boxing Day (Bank Holiday)

26 Boxing Day Raceday, Garrison

26 Full Moon


1 New Year’s Day (Bank Holiday)

12-16 St. Peter’s Parish Church Flower & Garden Festival

TBA Horse Racing at the Garrison

13-22 Barbados Sailing Week

21 Errol Barrow Day (Bank Holiday)

21 Mount Gay Round Barbados Race

25 Full Moon

27-28 BHS Annual Flower & Garden Show, Balls Plantation


3 St. James Harvest Garden Party

TBA Horse Racing at the Garrison

12-17 Annual Sun, Sea & Slams International Bridge Tournament

12-18 Holetown Festival

23-25 Agrofest (National Agricultural Exhibition) at Queen’s Park

24 Full Moon

MARCH 2024

TBA B’dos Independent Film Festival

2 Horse Racing at the GarrisonSandy Lane Gold Cup Day

TBA BKC’s All Breed Championship

Dog Show, Waterford

TBA Easter Craft Fair at Limegrove

Lifestyle Centre

Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. André Williams Brian Carrington Erin Brewster Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Agrofest Race Day at the Garrison

25 Full Moon

TBA B’dos Surf Pro/Live Like Zander Junior Pro, Soup Bowl, Bathsheba

29 Good Friday (Bank Holiday)

29-1 Oistins Festival, Oistins, Ch. Ch.

APRIL 2024

1 Easter Monday (Bank Holiday)

TBA 2024 Sir Charles Williams B’dos Int’l Fishing Tournament

TBA Horse Racing at the Garrison

23 Full Moon

25-28 Sir Garfield Sobers Festival of Golf

28 National Heroes Day (Bank Holiday)

MAY 2024

1 May Day (Bank Holiday)

TBA Celtic Festival Barbados

TBA Gospelfest

23 Full Moon

TBA Horse Racing at the Garrison

JUNE 2024

TBA Sol Rally Barbados

20 Whit Monday (Bank Holiday)

21 Full Moon

TBA Horse Racing at the Garrison


• Visual Arts Events - Artist and photographer Corrie Scott creates a fantastic monthly digital magazine showcasing art events and artists in Barbados. Read now at corriescott. Follow on Instagram for updates.

• Gallery of Caribbean Art - Visit their website to view current shows and exhibitions.

• Artist Alliance Barbados - Hosts pop-up exhibitions in public spaces throughout the year. Follow them on Facebook to see upcoming events.

• Barbados Arts Council at Pelican Centre. See Gallery Schedule at

Calendar of Events

Sally Miller Andrew Nichols Peter Marshall Peter Marshall Live Like Zander Junior Pro Barbados vs New Zealand Celtic Festival Barbados Sol Barbados

A Genuine Golf Destination

For such a small Caribbean island, Barbados is truly blessed with an incredible richness of golf courses. On the south coast can be found the Barbados Golf Club, an enjoyable 18-hole championship course, and Club Rockley, a well-maintained 9-hole resort course. Both are open to the public. The Barbados Golf Club offers some excellent packages inclusive of transport. On the west coast, the quality of the courses and their very close proximity to each other represent a veritable ‘Golfer’s Paradise’. Endorsed by the successful staging of a world-class golf tournament, and offering four PGA standard courses, Barbados is a genuine golf destination. Sandy Lane is home to two Tom Fazio designed courses, the Country Club and the Green Monkey; Royal Westmoreland is a very impressive Robert Trent-Jones Jr. creation. There is also a stunning 18-hole course at Apes Hill Barbados, a spectacular residential development.

The Sir Garfield Sobers Golf Tournament, held annually in April at Sandy Lane, Apes Hill Club, Royal Westmoreland and the Barbados Golf Club, is one of the Caribbean’s most outstanding golf tournaments.

30 Golf
Royal Westmoreland - a par 72, 7,045-yard course designed by acclaimed course designer, Robert Trent Jones Jnr. Photo courtesy Royal Westmoreland
18-hole Championship Course • Practice Chipping & Putting Green Clubhouse, Bar & Restaurant • Tournaments and Groups Welcome Driving Range • Pro Shop • Clubs and Shoe Rental Available Standard Golf Dress Code in Effect Great Greens Great Value Great Golf Du ra nt s, Christ Church | 1 246 538 GOLF | 1 246 538 4653 teetime@barbadosgol fc | barbadosgol fc l Ask about our All-Inclusive Golf Days

Wellness Services

Mobile Massage

“Bringing the spa to you!”

A Barbadian, who received her training in London and holds a diploma in Beauty Therapy and Applied Aesthetics, Sonia Stoute offers a unique, mobile aesthetics and massage service so you can enjoy a full range of spa services in the privacy and comfort of your villa, hotel room, home or private yacht.

Services include (in Barbados $):

90 min Relaxing Massage - $200

Hot Stone Massage - $160

Hot Oil Massage - $140

Deep Tissue Massage - $140 Swedish Body Massage - $120

Kids Massage (12yrs & under) $60

Spa Manicures - $50

Spa Pedicures - $50

Reflexology - $120

Rejuvenating/Deep Cleansing Facials - $100

Waxing also available


(246) 230 0287

Every Day 9am-9pm including Sundays & Bank Holidays

Serenity Spa

“Relax, refresh & renew!”

With a holistic approach to Wellness, the Serenity Spa experience is all-encompassing spa care, in a serene, comfortable and welcoming environment. The tranquil and intimate ambiance created by the well-trained, genuine and friendly spa professionals allows you to relax, refresh and renew. Located at The Crane Resort, the Spa features a variety of Caribbean influenced massages, facials, body treatments, manicures and pedicures. Attentive service and professional staff ensure that clients’ exercise, nutrition, relaxation and self-awareness goals are accomplished.

Open: Daily 9:00am to 5:30pm

Opening hours subject to change

The Crane Resort, St. Philip Tel: 416 6521



Relaxation Group Relaxation Group

... an hour of gentle movement, guided meditation & head massage ...

Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary

Newcastle, St. John, East Coast Free To Join Donations Appreciated

Need a break from the everyday? Need to Paws For Breath? Come chill out at Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary and feel the tension melt away.

Stay as long as you wish, spend time with the animals, have a picnic! Everyone welcome –including the cats who love to join in! Simply bring yourself, something to lie on and just “be”...

East Side Yoga at the Round House

“Open-air oceanfront community yoga classes on the magical East Coast of Barbados!”

The great thing about coming to these yoga classes is the availability of the most delicious Round House breakfast afterwards; Eggs Beni with a Bajan breadfruit twist, Vegan breakfast bowl made with a rainbow of fresh local veggies and all the other favourites.


For More Info. Visit: www. /paws-for-breath/

8am-9am Reservations required. No Walk-ins. Karma Donation Round House, Bathsheba, St. Joseph (246) 230 0033/433 9678

33 Wellness Services
PRINT-SIZE: 1.64” x 5.25”

Duty Free & VAT Free Shopping

With no import duties or VAT charged, tax free shopping for visitors in Barbados is as much as a third cheaper than prices in Europe, the UK and North America. Barbados the ideal place to purchase luxuries such as jewellery, watches, designer wear and cosmetics. The savings are very impressive and well worth leaving the beach for.


The largest Bridgetown Duty Free is on Broad Street and carries the best selection of ladies and gents fashions Take a browse along this historic street in the heart of Bridgetown, home to the island’s best jewellery and watch stores offering dutyfree shopping on top designer brands. Diamonds International, Little Switzerland, Colombian Emeralds International, The Royal Shop and Milano all have their flagship stores here.

PELICAN CRAFT VILLAGE – within walking distance of the Cruise Terminal in Bridgetown, this is the place to pick up authentic Bajan art, crafts and textiles with the chance to speak to the artisans themselves.

34 Shopping
Bridgetown Andrew Hulsmeier

Little Switzerland

“Defining Luxury Across the Caribbean for Over 60 Years!”

Little Switzerland has grown to be the preeminent luxury jeweller in the Caribbean. Featuring 15 stores and branded boutiques on 7 different islands, Little Switzerland is the largest and most reputable authorised dealer in the Caribbean for world class luxury brands.

In Barbados our watch brands include Breitling, Omega, TAG Heuer, Movado, Citizen and more. Our designer jewellery brands include David Yurman, John Hardy, Pandora and our very own Engrace lab-created diamond jewellery. Engrace lab-created diamond jewellery is an environmentally friendly and sustainable jewellery brand that offers the same long-lasting luxury as mined diamonds at half the price.

Colonnade Mall Broad Street, Bridgetown (246) 431 0030 |




Diamonds International Barbados

“A luxury duty free shopping experience unmatched anywhere in the Caribbean!”

Diamonds International is the world’s largest duty free jeweller offering handcrafted timepieces and jewellery of unparalleled distinction from some of the world’s most iconic designers. Our claim of “Luxury, Value and Trust” is more than a mission statement; it’s a promise to our existing customers and those who have yet to enjoy the experience that can only be found at one of our many locations worldwide. Custom create your signature piece of jewellery with the finest ethically sourced non-conflict diamonds including those from DeBeers. Simply choose your diamond; select the setting of your choice; and you have just created the jewel of your dreams. Best of all, our on-site jewellers will have your piece ready to wear before you leave the island.

Lower Broad Street, Bridgetown | Tel: 430 2412

The Bridgetown Cruise Terminal | Tel: 431 9216/7

The Tamarind Hotel, St. James | Tel: 419 2508

Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St. James | Tel: 271 8230

Sandy Lane Hotel, St. James | Tel: 432 0076

Colony Club, St. James | Tel: 422 2335

The Fairmont Royal Pavilion, St. James | Tel: 419 2503

Turtle Beach Resort, Dover, Christ Church | Tel: 418 1331

Cartier Boutique, Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, St. James | Tel: 271 8234

Breitling Boutique, Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, St. James | Tel: 271 8237

/diamondsbarbados @diamondsinternational_barbados/





Holetown – This is the shopping hub of the west coast with Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Sunset Mall, Chattel Village and a collection of wonderful small shops.

Canewood - St. Thomas. There are upscale home stores located here including Dwellings, Ashley Furniture, Walker’s World and Gajah Home as well as several other great shops with the popular Open Kitchen lunch spot with the Wine Cave.

Sheraton Centre – for a one-stop shop, Sheraton Centre has clothes, shoes, stationery, toys, electronics, a pharmacy, a bookshop and a large food court.

Sky Mall – another local favourite, with small clothing and shoe shops, toy shop, electronics shops, photo-printing facilities, stationery and a supermarket.

Hastings - on the south coast has a number of shopping centres with little boutiques in Lanterns Mall, Coconut Walk and Quayside Centre

Worthing - Bridgetown Duty Free has a popular branch in the heart of the south coast and the stretch from Rendevous to the entrance of St. Lawrence Gap has a number of boutiques as well as a well stocked branch of Clifton Market.


Donation Nation - The First Charity Shop of its kind in Barbados, where you can Donate, Shop and Give Back all in one place. They accept donations of clean household items and clothes, in saleable condition, with the intent of giving back to charities in Barbados, including the Future Centre Trust.

A’New Treasures - Shop, donate or purchase a souvenir at this thrift shop in Pelican Village, with a wide selection of clothing in excellent condition.

Chattel Village, Holetown Andrew Hulsmeier

Limegrove Lifestyle Centre

“Barbados’ premier destination for shopping, dining, services, events and entertainment”

Nestled in the heart of historic Holetown, Limegrove Lifestyle Centre is one of the island’s most exciting destinations. Visitors to Limegrove can enjoy duty-free and tax-free shopping, and an interesting mix of fashion, food, art and more. As a fashion hub, the Centre is home to some of the world’s leading brands, as well as exciting independent and local labels. Browse boutiques including Breitling, Cartier, Hublot, Longchamp, Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren and Vilebrequin. Fun specialty stores in categories like organic skincare, chocolates, cigars, home decor, eyewear and souvenirs, add to the overall shopping experience, making Limegrove a ‘must visit’ whenever you are in Barbados. The diverse and eclectic array of on-site restaurants, bars and coffee shops, gives visitors to the Centre an opportunity to enjoy everything from traditional Bajan dishes to global cuisine.

Open Mon-Sat 9am-6pm

Cinemas and select restaurants/bars open ‘til late Holetown, St. James

(246) 620 5463




Artsplash Farmers Market

Stocking Up

In addition to the large supermarkets like Massy Stores, Jordan’s, Popular Discounts, PriceSmart and Cost-ULess, there are a number of smaller specialty shops that sell a variey of high quality local and international brands. With their original little store on the south coast and their new super store at Limegrove Lifestyle Centre on the west coast, Clifton Market has a fantastic selection. The Gourmet Shop, a west coast staple for over 30 years, offers superb personalised service with a fine variety of quality groceries.

See the full list in the shopping section of our website:

La Baguette

“A traditional French bakery”

A superb selection of French breads and pastries, croissants, pains au chocolat, country breads baguettes, quiche and sausage rolls - all sourdough.

Open Wed-Sat 8am–1:30pm Sun 8am-12pm Closed Mon & Tues

West Coast: Porters, St. James

Call/WtsApp +1 (246) 850 2460

South Coast: Worthing, Ch Ch Call/WtsApp +1 (246) 850 2462

Orders and delivery available

Order online from our website:

Andrew Hulsmeier

Clifton Market

“Discover a world of premium meats and quality gourmet foods!”

From exotic finds to everyday essentials, special dietary needs to healthier alternatives, indulgent cravings and exciting treats, our shelves are bursting with the best of local and international flavours.

Experience the unparalleled quality of our own Clifton Meats locally sourced and produced and the exclusive distribution of world renowned Meats by Linz and their Linz Heritage Angus premium cuts. Plus, explore the widest variety of health-conscious, sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, guilt-free, and eco-friendly options, including Vegan, Plant-Based, Keto, Paleo, and Organic ingredients on the island.

Enjoy our exceptional personalised customer service, two convenient locations, and door-to-door online delivery. At Clifton Market we believe great food brings great people together, we don’t just sell you food, we share your love and passion for it!


(246) 537 0510

Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, St. James

Worthing Main Road, Christ Church

Exclusively at Clifton Market



Farm toTable

FISH MARKETS - Fresh fish is really only available in fish markets. The largest are in Oistins and Bridgetown with others in Paynes Bay and Weston in St. James, Speightstown in St. Peter, Tent Bay in St. Joseph and Consett Bay in St. John.

FRESH PRODUCE - A wide variety of very tasty, high quality vegetables and fruit are grown in Barbados. The best sources are farmers markets and roadside vendors who dot the landscape. Steeped in history, Cheapside Market in Bridgetown is brimming with fresh produce and interesting characters. Speightstown on the west coast and Oistins on the south coast both have a great selection of fresh local produce, sold by street vendors. The Slow Food Buyer’s Guide is a great resource for locally grown produce with an exhaustive list of farmers, producers and manufacturers. Visit slowfoodbarbados. org/resources

FARMERS MARKETS - With the pervading smell of freshly brewed coffee, the charm of Brighton Market on Saturday morning in the countryside is undeniable. There is a good but small selection of fruit and vegetables but a sophisticated array of stalls selling food, crafts, art, plants and much more. The same is true of the Holders Farmers Market on Sunday morning, conveniently located just off the west coast slightly south of Sandy Lane. Hastings Farmer’s Market on the south coast in Hastings has a good selection of fruit and veggies as well as food, crafts and plants. Market days are Wednesday and Saturday but they sell fresh produce on most days.

Red Snapper for sale in Oistins Cheapside Market Cheapside Market Brighton Farmers Market All photos Andrew Hulsmeier

Explore the taste of the Caribbean with these 3 authentic cookbooks


Bajan Cooking In a Nutshell is a bite size version of Sally Miller’s popular Contemporary Caribbean Cooking recipe book. Lightweight and glossy, it makes the perfect souvenir, corporate or personal gift for locals and visitors alike. The taste of Barbados can easily be enjoyed at home with these 40 recipes of traditional Bajan favourites.

Shopping Island Delights


The name Sylvia Hunt is synonymous with good cooking in Trinidad and Tobago. As a teacher, caterer and television personality for decades, she compiled, created and collected recipes that represent the wonderful culinary heritage of her twin island home.


The Slow Soup Drive was conceived at the beginning of the Covid 19 Pandemic to nurture and support some of the island’s more vulnerable residents. This book is a collection of the actual soups cooked during that period by some of Barbados’ best known chefs and upcoming culinary stars, with bonus recipes of breads, dumplings and stock bases. Available from Miller Publishing Company Ltd., and bookstores islandwide.



Art, Craft & Souvenirs


Publishing produces over 30 titles of Barbadian books, from the best-selling Bajan Cooking in a Nutshell to their popular Ins & Outs of Barbados calendars. Available from Ganzee, Best of Barbados and Bridgetown Duty Free. A great selection of books is also available from the Barbados Museum.


One of the best quality fabrics in the world is made from our local cotton. It can be purchased from Exclusive Cotton’s headquarters at The Grove, St. George.


The ‘Shop 1359’ catalogue produced by the National Cultural Foundation is a shopping guide with the products and brands of over 50 local businesses. Visit:


Gail Greene’s lovely tie dye T-shirts are available at Holders and Hastings farmers markets (246) 282-0758 email:


Red and yellow locally made Scotch Bonnet pepper sauce keeps well and is an excellent kitchen staple. Available from supermarkets and farmers markets.

The Market at Local & Co.

Best of Barbados Gift Shops

“Creating Quality Art and Gifts Since 1975”

Make it top of your list to visit this unique chain of gift shops with the largest variety of attractive local craft, giftware, art, t-shirts and beachwear in Barbados! Kids love Sue Trew’s popular Turtle Tracks Family series of educational books and matching plush toys – there are now 10 books to collect. Beautiful turtle inspired giftware by Sue is also a must for all turtle lovers. Jill Walker’s paintings of Barbados, her giftware and screen-printed designs and books about her life and early days in the Caribbean are magical. Friendly, welcoming staff in all 5 locations are sure to make you feel you’ve come home.

Bring in this ad to get a Jill Walker print FREE with purchases over US$30: One print per purchase - value $7.

The Chattel Village, Holetown Quayside Centre, Rockley

Southern Palms Hotel, St. Lawrence Gap

Airport Departure Lounge

Bridgetown Cruise Terminal




Ganzee and Caribbean Kidz Souvenir Shops

“A wide array of products with prices to suit”

In their vibrant Island Shops you’ll find a great choice of souvenirs for everyone at a range of prices to suit all pockets! Their exclusive, quality offering has been developed over 20 years in the island souvenir business. Souvenir tee shirts, island apparel, caps and hats, beach and kitchen towels, photo frames and albums, bags, wraps, coffee and beer mugs, shot glasses, postcards... the list goes on and on so head on in! They look forward to welcoming you.

Visit them at any of the following locations:

The Chattel Village, Holetown

Bridgetown Cruise Terminal

Grantley Adams International Airport

Quayside Centre, Rockley

Bridgetown Duty Free, Broad Street

Bridgetown Duty Free, Sunset Crest Mall

Bridgetown Duty Free, Rendezvous

Bridgetown Duty Free, Crane Resort


Hastings Farmers Market at ArtSplash

“A fun community art centre, café, art gallery, farmers market and play park. A unique place with cool vibes… something for everyone!”

Homemade, home grown or created in Barbados in the heart of the south coast just across from the beautiful Richard Haynes Boardwalk with lovely sea views, the Hastings Farmers Market at ArtSplash is held every Wednesday and Saturday!

• ArtSplash Café serves super fresh natural juices, fresh fruit smoothies, great coffee, breakfast, salads and gluten free waffles, burgers and wraps

• Play park open during the market

• Local and organic fresh fruit and vegetables

• French bakery stalls and hot Bajan patties

• Fish cakes, Bajan food and breakfast goodies

• Lots of plants, art & crafts and local souvenirs

• Covered seating areas to sit back, relax and enjoy what the market has to offer

ArtSplash Café, serving healthy eats, opens for breakfast & lunch

Mon-Sat 7am-3pm, Sun 7am-2pm Market open Wed & Sat 8am-2pm

ArtSplash Centre, Hastings, Ch. Ch. Tel: 228 0776 |





“Beautiful new lines to wow collectors!”

10 mins inland from the west coast or off the centre of the ABC Highway, on a breezy hillside in St. Thomas, is the iconic Earthworks Pottery. Barbadian master potters produce quality ware that’s durable, foodsafe and made to be used. The fantastic designs include 150 unique shapes and sizes and 40 eye-catching original patterns, not counting the bespoke and personalised ware produced daily. A visit here is a one of a kind Caribbean experience that everyone enjoys. Earthworks will package your duty-free purchase for easy carriage, or ship to any destination. Repeat visitors to Barbados often return to Earthworks to add to their collection; new guests are intrigued to watch the staff of 20 busily going about their craft. Earthworks pottery is a superb Barbadian product that is not to be missed. On the property you’ll also find their spruced up café with a wonderful breezy verandah and Henderson Reece’s Batik Studio.

Open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and 9am-1pm on Saturdays. (246) 425 0223 •


Art and Craft

Art and Craft Lessons in Barbados

A surprising number of visitors have been signing up for art lessons. Hendy at his Batik studio was one of the trailblazers with countless visitors enjoying a day in his studio at the Earthworks complex. Here are a few options for classes in painting, woodwork, pottery and photography.

The Batik Studio Henderson ‘Hendy’ Reece is well-known for his fresh and vibrant batik creations of familiar local scenes and offers very enjoyable workshops. A day under his tutelage is BB$400 (US$200) per person, including all materials and lunch.

Earthworks Complex, St. Thomas. Tel (246) 424-0391

Larrie Belgrave An active member of the Barbados Arts Council, offering painting classes for locals and visitors alike. Tel (246) 283-4304

Tracey Williams offers painting classes for adults and children. Students get a 10% discount on purchases from her store, the Art Hub in Bridgetown. Tel (246) 231-6847 or 231-6846.

Earthworks Pottery Enjoy pottery making or pottery decorating classes at their Edghill, St. Thomas studio. Classes are 2 hours, minimum of 3 persons. Tel (246) 425-0223

Gallery of Caribbean Art
Available from
Market Lady Series 1 - Kristianne Buxo

Northern Business Centre, Queen Street, Speightstown, St. Peter (246) 419 0858

Mon - Fri 10am – 4pm • Sat 10am – 2pm

Vxxxx xxxxx
susan mains tracey williams sheri ann marie nicholls suzanne davis

Art and Craft

Paint & Groove No art experience necessary! Learn painting in a fun atmosphere with Yasmin Vizcarrondo. Classes include all materials. Bring your favourite drink and snacks. The classes take place at the Paint & Groove studio in Maxwell, Christ Church or can be arranged for other locations. Tel (246) 262-5500

Cathy Alkins offers fun painting classes for both adults and children. Drawing and private classes are also available. Tel (246) 234-6113

Facebook: @Cathyalkinsart

Paradise Sip and Paint located in Sunset Crest, St. James, offers group painting classes with wine, small bites and a very social atmosphere. All materials are provided. There

are also classes for children. Private paint parties are also available. Tel (246) 432-6403 or 256-9045

Facebook: @paradisesipandpaint

Plein Air Barbados Barbadian artist Neville Legall, who has 35 years’ tutoring experience, offers outdoor painting classes using oils, acrylic or watercolour. Enjoy “en plein air” painting sessions at picturesque locations around the island. All materials are provided and transportation can be arranged if necessary.

Tel (246) 425-2126 or 829-8841

Facebook: Plein Air Barbados

Ronnie Carrington offers both photo adventure tours and workshops at his studio in Clapham Close, St. Michael. Tel (246) 230-9170. ronniebarbados@

Danielle Miller Pottery classes at Earthworks

Woodworking with Tony Whitehall

“Unleash your creativity”

Design a one-of-a-kind souvenir using reclaimed lumber, local mahogany or a stunning blend of purple heart and new and aged pine. Join the Coaster Set Workshop for a one-day course, creating stylish coasters that pack easily and spark conversation at your table. If you have more time to spare, craft your cutting board or food tray with its own distinctive character. Have a special request? Tony is happy to assist. Let him know in advance, and he’ll help bring your vision to life.


(246) 288 9111

Lot 3a Mangrove, St. Philip

Hamilton’s Pottery

“Functional pieces & great gifts!”

In their quaint pottery studio Hamilton Wiltshire and his wife Dale, use only the indigenous red clay from Barbados’ Scotland District. These accomplished potters are dedicated to developing local clay for use in functional ceramic products including the traditional Barbados Monkey Pot, tableware, vases and candle shades, using environmentally safe glazes, and now also featuring volcanic ash glaze.

Located between Harrison’s Cave and Welchman Hall Gully in St. Thomas, this charming little pottery is welcoming and fun to visit.

Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Saturdays 9am-1pm (246) 242 7176

Lot 4, Sturges, St. Thomas

Art and Craft


Island Adventures

Island Adventures

For a growing number of visitors, the reason to visit Barbados is what lies beneath the surface of the warm Caribbean waters. You want to explore shipwrecks? You got it. You want to swim with the turtles? Any day. You enjoy discovering rare and cryptic species such as frogfish, seahorses and batfish? Check, check and check! You want easy access to a range of habitats? Barbados has you covered. To see Barbados’ marine ecosystems in full bloom, you only have to put on a mask, and visit either the Carlisle Bay or the Folkestone Marine Parks. Collectively, scientists have documented over 110 species of Reef Fish in these parks, and all of the most common corals can be seen in both areas. For most divers and snorkelers, the sheltered Carlisle Bay Marine Park on the south coast is the most popular destination. With calm, clear water and a diversity of marine life, the park has become a dream for visitors and locals alike. Located about a half-mile north of Holetown, Folkestone Marine Park & Museum is a 2km stretch of marine reserve between Coral Reef Club and Sandy Lane. Folkestone packages your snorkeling experience beautifully, offering equipment for sale from the shop for BB$25 each, a marine life information centre, a protected area for snorkeling, insightful museum, food and drink on sale and picnic tables for relaxing in the shade.

One of the 5 wrecks in Carlisle Bay

Elegance Catamaran Cruises

“Enjoy luxury, style, excellence & pure elegance!”

Sail away with Elegance on a 5 star luxury catamaran experience. Cruises are limited to just 12 guests, ensuring a more intimate, personalised experience. They operate a daily 5-hr lunch cruise making 3 stops to snorkel over the shipwrecks and reef and to swim with the turtles before sailing to a quiet bay where a sumptuous Bajan-style buffet is served onboard. Alternatively, you can try their superb 4-hr sunset dinner cruise. Open premium brand bar and transfers included.

Elegance is also available for Private Charters tailored to your specific requirements.

For bookings contact Sarah

Tel: (246) 830 4218 or 259 2558

Island Adventures

Island Adventures

Tips for the Underwater Explorer

• A catamaran cruise, with Tiami Catamaran Cruises, Elegance Catamaran Cruises, Small Cats and El Tigre Catamaran Cruises, is the best way to get “up close and personal” with the sea turtles and get some snorkeling experience at the same time. They supply all the good quality gear and the crew will guide you every step of the way.

• Several boat operators offer Swim & Snorkel trips – a wonderful opportunity to see some wrecks and swim with the turtles ... notably Maximum Watersports, Tranquility Cruises and Cannon Charters. Hazell’s Waterworld, now located at Carter’s on Princess Alice Highway in Bridgetown, is the only scuba diving equipment retailer on the island. They carry Mares and Tusa gear and a wide range of accessories for scuba diving, snorkeling and swimming. John Hazell offers first-class advice and tailor-made recommendations for all of your diving and snorkeling needs. If you’re looking for safety equipment, they carry snorkeling vests for both adults and children as well as surface buoys which are highly recommended. While there, pick up a Reef Smart Guide Book and/or Cards. The detailed three-dimensional underwater maps and waterproof cards that divers and snorkelers can take into the water, provide information that can be used to help plan a route around a site, while also pointing out where particular species of interest and noteworthy structures can be found.

Swimming with the turtles Courtesy Cat & The Fiddle

Tiami Luxury Catamarans

“Not to be missed…this is as good as it gets!”

Tiami Luxury Catamarans operate daily Five Star Lunch Cruises, with three stops to swim and snorkel, including one with the captivating turtles. A delectable lunch, ice cold refreshments from an open premium bar, snorkel equipment and transfers are included.

Tiami Turtles at Sunset Cocktail Cruise offers the opportunity to swim with the turtles just before the sun sets in a blaze of colour. A sumptuous Buffet menu and cool tropical drinks are served as the day’s last golden rays of sunshine slip beyond the horizon. Interested in a Private Charter? Tiami Luxury Catamarans also offer unforgettable, tailor made sailings just for you.

Tel: (246) 430 0900

Island Adventures

Island Adventures

El Tigre

“Great excursion for all ages…an unforgettable experience.”

El Tigre has a proven commitment to customer service and to making every cruise special. These classic schooner catamarans provide an elite and relaxing experience guaranteed by limiting the number of guests on board for absolute comfort.

El Tigre offers daily 3-hour Snorkeling Cruises, 5-hour Lunch Cruises, Sunset Cruises and Private Cruises, each includes unlimited drinks, snorkeling gear and transportation. Escape to an underwater playground of sea turtles, tropical fish and historical shipwrecks; unwind in the shade or work on your tan on the spacious decks. On the lunch cruises you will enjoy a tasty, traditional Bajan lunch served by professional crew. Sunset Cruises provide a unique occasion to dine on delicious canapés and watch the sun set on one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. If you prefer to personalise your cruise for a special event, the Private Cruise option is perfect for you. Visit the website for more details and to book online today!

Tel: (246) 417 7245 / (246) 231 1585 |

Small Cats

“Small, intimate & loads of fun!”

Small Cats specialises in private charters for families and small groups of no more than 12 people. With a commitment to making every experience a memorable one, the professional crew will entertain you as you sail along the beautiful west coast of Barbados on this sleek catamaran. With 3-hour Snorkeling Cruises, 5-hour Lunch Cruises or exclusive Private Cruises, there is a perfect option for everyone. Imagine yourself sailing into picturesque bays to swim and snorkel with sea turtles and tropical fish. Savour delicious meals on the lunch cruises. Relax in the sun, or shade, and enjoy a wonderful time in paradise. You can also personalise your exclusive private cruise for a dream day on the water. Small Cats provides unlimited drinks, snorkeling gear and transportation on all cruises. Contact them today to reserve your place on one of their unique cruises.

Tel: (246) 421 6419 / (246) 231 7306 |


Island Adventures

Maximum Watersports

“Glass bottom boat tours, water sports & loads of fun in the sun!”

An established owner run watersports and taxi service operating from the west coast of Barbados. They specialise in traditional glass bottom boat cruises with drinks, a waterslide and two snorkeling stops at shipwrecks, coral reefs and the ever popular turtles. Private Charters available. They also offer water skiing, jet ski rentals, towables, water taxi services and live bait fishing. Friendly and helpful staff. Full safety equipment on board.

Taxi Services: airport transfers and trips to restaurants, supermarkets, beaches and Island Tours. Advanced bookings appreciated.

Contact Max or Julia

Tel or WhatsApp:

+1 (246) 249 5115/242 2108

Trents, Holetown, St. James

10% Discount on Direct Bookings

Cannon Charters

“Over 30 years experience.”

This beautiful and comfortable 42ft. Hatteras Sports Fisherman is fully equipped with rods and Penn International gold reels. Cannon takes you on a fishing safari equal to none in Barbados. Hunt for tropical game fish like Marlin, Tuna and Sailfish or the more frequently found Wahoo and Dorado. Their experienced captain of over 30 years and his mate are serious fishermen and know these waters well. An all inclusive package of bait and refreshments, tackle and transportation awaits your call. Flexible with requests - ask about snorkeling trips with the turtles!

• 4-hour Fishing Trips

• 5-hour Fish, Swim & Snorkel

• 6-hour Fish & Snorkel or Fish only

• 8-hour Fishing Trips

Tel: (246) 424 6107 / 230 1580

61 Island Adventures Reef Smart Guides and Dive Cards available from, Hazell’s Waterworld and dive shops across the island.
What’s that fish?

Exploring Barbados

Barbados has a compelling range of scenic surprises around every corner so be sure to go exploring! A mere 21 miles long by 14 miles at its widest point, you are never more than 20 minutes from the coast and there are attractions and activities all over the island. Hiring a car is an excellent idea as this allows you to explore at a leisurely pace and take in the sights and attractions that are of particular interest to you. See the Car Hire section on page 154. You will also find the fold-out Road Map, which is provided with this publication, very useful for plotting your route and finding the major attractions.

Touring the West & North

Barbados’ platinum coast is a predictable stretch of sandy bays, luxury seaside homes, restaurants and beach bars with Holetown in St. James headquartering the coasts’ shopping, and historic Speightstown being restored into a quaint culinary destination. But the west coast begins in Bridgetown with several attractions: Kensington Oval, the Cricket Legends of Barbados Museum, Rihanna Drive, the childhood home of our National Hero, and the Mount Gay Visitor Experience all located at the start of the Mighty Grynner Highway. A few miles up the coast is Holetown, the site where John Powell landed in 1625 to claim Barbados in

St. Nicholas Abbey Heritage Railway Northern coastline from the area around the Animal Flower Cave


Touring the West & North cont’d

the name of England’s King James. There is a short boardwalk to amble along to check out the coast but the main attraction here is the shopping; Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Sunset Mall and Chattel Village provide some superb vacation retail therapy. Just north of Holetown is the architectural gem of St. James Parish Church, which stands on one of the island’s oldest parcels of consecrated land known as “God’s Acre”. Many of the original settlers and a number of prominent Barbadians were laid to rest in the church. The bell predates America’s Liberty Bell and bears the words “God Bless King William III” - dating from the seventeenth century. Tours are offered Monday to Thursday from 9am to 1pm. Next door is the Folkestone Marine Park, a government funded public facility with a protected snorkeling area. There is also a small marine museum with an aquarium and shop, a short boardwalk, a little seaside café and plenty of parking.

There’s a wonderful charm to the small, salty seaside town of Speightstown in St. Peter, the first major port and commercial centre of Barbados, with its historic buildings, waterfront boardwalk, colourful roadside vendors, fish market and a number of splendid cafés and restaurants. Once known as Little Bristol because ships laden with sugar and rum left Speightstown bound for Bristol in England.

A visit to Arlington House Museum (un der renovations), gives an

Andrew Hulsmeier Historic Churches of Barbados Limegrove Lifestyle Centre St. James Parish Church Local & Co. in Speightstown Speightstown

Touring the West & North cont’d

introduction to this old port town’s role in Barbados’ sugar industry and the brisk trade it once had with England.

Art lovers will really enjoy a walk around the impressive Gallery of Caribbean Art, located on the upper floor of the shopping centre just next door to the Museum.

Just past the Port St. Charles and Pendry Barbados Marinas, is the little fishing village of Six Mens. There is often a selection of fresh fish for sale on the roadside. Interestingly, during the 19th century, whalers in small open boats set sail from this area. Today, fishermen still bring their fresh catches ashore here and sell them at the roadside. On the north west coast, tucked away on a remote cliff top near Archer’s Bay, you’ll find Catch-22 Restaurant at Sunset Point. A wonderful stop for lunch, they also now offer day passes so you can lounge by their massive cliff-side pool or take one of their guided sightseeing hikes to Stroud Bay and Harrison’s Point.

The steep, weathered cliffs of the northern coastline are constantly pounded by waves coming in from the Atlantic. The resulting erosion provides countless photo opportunities with dramatic rock formations and powerful blow holes and sea caves.

The Animal Flower Cave is located on the craggy cliff tops at the northernmost point of the island. This large sea cave, with several huge chambers, is filled with pools,

Andrew Hulsmeier Courtesy Gallery of Caribbean Art Andrew Hulsmeier Gallery of Caribbean Art Caboose Seafood Kitchen View from Catch 22 Animal Flower Cave

Animal Flower Cave

“A must see for the adventurous.” A natural wonder of Barbados not to be missed. Located at the most northerly tip of the island where the coastal scenery is spectacular. The name historically comes from the many sea anemones that were present when the cave was discovered in 1753. Waves permitting, you can have a delicious swim in the natural rock pool. The view from the naturally formed ‘windows’ out to the sea and the pounding surf is simply awesome, so don’t forget your camera. The restaurant is the ideal place to enjoy lunch whilst experiencing THE best ocean view in Barbados, where the Atlantic and the Caribbean meet. An ideal place for whale watching from February to April.

Cave Open

Tue-Sun 9:30am-4:30pm

Cave closed during high seas

Restaurant Open

Tue-Sun 11:30am–3:30pm

Reservations: (246) 439 8797

North Point, St. Lucy

unusual rock formations and a few sea anemones. The cliff top restaurant, owned and run by Sue and Mannie Ward, has become a favourite dining spot with awesome ocean views.

Walk off lunch with a spectacular cliff top walk from Animal Flower Cave south to the location of what was once North Point Surf Resort. Be cautious as there are some blow holes and collapsed sea caves. Check out Little Bay and Cove Bay on the north east coast. Little Bay is quite amazing, with sea spouts at high tide and delightful rock pools at low tide.

The Barbados Wildlife Reserve is set amidst a lush mahogany forest where you can mingle with free roaming monkeys, tortoises, deer, maras, peacocks and a few other animals. Their information centre features snakes, an iguana sanctuary and birds. The popular feeding times are at 11am and 2pm. Just next door, Grenade Hall Forest & Signal Station houses many interesting artifacts, including pre-Colombian tools unearthed during its restoration. The forest has over 2km of trails winding through many species of trees and plant life – intriguing, informative and educational - and of course, more monkeys!

Another fascinating stop in the north is St. Nicholas Abbey. Built in 1658, it is one of only three remaining Jacobean houses in the western hemisphere, and possibly the oldest

Touring the West & North cont’d
67 Sightseeing Barbados Wildlife Reserve Grenade Hall Forest & Signal Station • Feeding Times are 11am & 2pm daily • One entrance fee* gets you into two great attractions! Open daily 10am-5pm · Last entry 4pm · Refreshment Bar daily · Snack Restaurant Mon-Fri Farley Hill, St. Peter · 246 422-8826 ·


Touring the West & North cont’d

original building on the island. The St. Nicholas Abbey Heritage Railway is now fully operational and offers a splendid steam locomotive journey through the surrounding 400 acres of sugar cane fields and ancient mahogany woods culminating with the expansive view down the east coast from Cherry Tree Hill. Owner run by the Warren family who produce an excellent single barrel rum, local liqueurs and many other treats from their sugar cane. Larry Warren offers a Rum Experience Tour by reservation, but his eldest son Simon is usually on hand for an entertaining rum tasting. The entire property is a show piece of Barbadian heritage.

The north eastern parish of St. Andrew is known for its dramatic landscapes and unusual rock formations. The early Scottish settlers thought that the area was much like their native Scotland and named the region the Scotland District. If you fancy a bit of horse riding in the area, contact Nature Fun Ranch at (246) 851-1637. It is a facility to assist youth at risk where they are schooled in the care of animals. Walkers Reserve is an ongoing project to regenerate Walkers Sand Quarry. They do offer guided and driving tours with breathtaking views and a wealth of flora and fauna or you can wander the trails of this truly unique environment and reconnect with nature at your own pace. Tel: (246) 622-4097.

St. Nicholas Abbey St. Nicholas Abbey Scotland District looking north Walkers Reserve offers guided tours

Touring Central Barbados

The central highlands of Barbados are exceptionally verdant. St. George and St. Thomas are the only two parishes not bordered by the sea. An essential stop in St. Thomas, just off the ABC Highway, is the delightful Earthworks Pottery. Perched on a hillside of suburbia it is a fascinating, working pottery where Barbadian master potters produce quality ware in extraordinary designs. A visit to Earthworks is a one of a kind Caribbean experience that everyone enjoys. Hendy produces batik artworks, sarongs and table cloths in The Batik Studio. Earthworks and Friends Art Gallery always has a good selection of work by local artists. You can relax on the breezy patio and enjoy Cherie’s delicious Bajan specialties with fresh lemondade or her outstanding rum punch at Café Ma Cherie. In close proximity you’ll discover some of the island’s most famous attractions, all within a few miles; Hunte’s Gardens, Welchman Hall Gully, Harrison’s Cave, Coco Hill Forest and Flower Forest. A cool find in this area is Hamilton’s Pottery. The husband and wife team are always hard at work trying to keep up with the demand for their beautiful line of household ware.

Coco Hill Forest is a peaceful and productive Eden clinging to the ridge of land in St. Joseph that leads to the Flower Forest. In fact, the two make a good

69 Sightseeing
Flower Forest
cont’d on page 72


Welchman Hall Gully

“Monkey feedings between 10:30am - 12 noon.”

Take a stroll through one of Barbados’ true tropical treasures. Located in the heart of the island, just 2 minutes from Harrison’s Cave, Welchman Hall Gully is a unique place, definitely well worth a visit. Formed centuries ago when the roofs of caves collapsed, it is now filled with an abundance of flourishing, exotic tropical plants and trees. In the peaceful hush of the forest, visitors can often see troops of Green Monkeys frolicking in the trees – monkeys’ feeding time is generally around 10:30am.

Children’s Play Park!

Open daily 9am to 4pm

December to April guided tour at 10:30am daily.

Tel: (246) 438 6671

Barbara Secher Greenidge

Flower Forest

“This stunning forest punctuated with exotic tropical blooms brings peace and energy to those who visit.”

Located within a 53-acre nature reserve 750 ft. above sea level in the scenic Scotland District, the Flower Forest Botanical Garden offers visitors a golden opportunity to enjoy a close-up view of rare and exotic tropical blooms and foliage, while also admiring spectacular panoramic vistas of the east coast. At any time of day, a cool shady stroll through the mature forest reveals majestic palms and a variety of specialist hybrid flowers, many of which have been included in the Barbados Horticultural Society’s Gold Medal exhibits at the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show in London. With its magnificent natural beauty, the Flower Forest can provide an ideal location for weddings and events. With several distinct areas, the garden offers up something new throughout the year. A Café serves light lunches such as delicious flying fish and salad, snacks, cold drinks and teas.

Open 8am - 4pm daily

Tel: (246) 433 8152

71 Sightseeing
Spectacular scenic views Angela’s famous fish cakes

Touring Central Barbados cont’d

pairing for an afternoon outing. Both forests reveal the marvels of cultivation that can be achieved on these dramatic slopes, but one centres on agro-forestry and the other on the blooming beauties of tropical horticulture. With the highest point at 1,085 feet, both Coco Hill Forest and the Flower Forest enjoy amazing panoramic views of the dramatic east coast scenery.

In the lush hills of St. Joseph, follow the signs to Hunte’s Gardens – a real treat for all garden enthusiasts. Legendary horticulturalist, Anthony Hunte, welcomes you to his home where he has lovingly landscaped Castle Grant plantation into what can only be described as a spectacular tropical garden! His rum tasting experience is always a hit with visitors and he makes a delicious rum punch. Suprisingly, in addition to the 10 year old Hunte’s Rum, Hunte’s Gardens is also a great place to find tasteful gifts.

Close by is the intriguing biodynamics project at PEG Farm & Nature Reserve, offering a chance to stretch your legs and learn about free range farming techniques while enjoying some of the best views of the island’s east coast. Their Farm House Café at PEG is owner run by chefs Rebecca and Nathan who serve up the most delicious organic farm to table and fresh-fromthe-sea dishes for breakfast, brunch and lunch. Their herb infused local drinks are also delicious.

In the neighbouring parish of St. George, stop by the interesting Exclusive Cottons of the Caribbean Ginnery and Visitor Centre, producers of the most fabulous West Indian Sea Island Cotton (call ahead to arrange a tour 433-3108).

PEG Farm and Nature Reserve Erin Brewster

Hunte’s Gardens

“At the home of legendary horticulturalist, Anthony Hunte B.C.H.”

These magical gardens, featured on the BBC’s Gardeners’ World, are truly spectacular. They are set in the historic plantation, amongst the sugar factory ruins of Castle Grant, circa 1643. Roam and stay as long as you like while enjoying the subtle sound of classical music. Hunte’s 10 year old Rum inspires Anthony and Imran to keep Hunte’s Gardens as “The most enchanting place on earth”. Rum punch, lemonade and afternoon tea are served in the old stable which is now Anthony’s home. Bring a picnic - there’s plenty of seating!

Open every day 10am-4pm • Gates close at 5pm

• Adults US $20 • Children US $10

Follow the red and white signs

Route 5 Bus from the Fairchild Street Bus Terminal

Tel: (246) 433 3333

Castle Grant, St. Joseph

Scan QR Code to visit our website

73 Sightseeing

Coco Hill Forest

“Hike, ‘Forest Bathing’, or take a gentle nature walk through a permaculture forest of fruit trees, herbs and plant medicinals in the lush Scotland District with spectacular views.”

This beautiful 66-acre tropical forest of lush and hilly terrain has a small part that is original forest which is home to royal palms, bamboo groves and primordial tree ferns. Approx. 5km of walking trails, including a water trail that fans out in leafy arteries to a series of visual vignettes, each quite different from the other. They practice regenerative agroforestry by using vertical, edge and terrace farming. They are a repository of tropical flora growing Coconut, Cacao, Banana and Ginger to name a few.

Open Daily: Monday to Sunday 9am-5pm

Admission: BB$25 Self-guided

Forest Bathing & Guided Walks by appointment

Tel: (246) 571 5520

WhatsApp: (246) 238 7199

Richmond Road, St. Joseph

Logan Thomas Pineapple Turmeric Coffee Buds Royal Palm Cathedral Hiking Stunning views

Exclusive Cottons of the Caribbean Inc.

“From the Fields of Barbados to the world’s Best Cotton!”

West Indian Sea Island Cotton (WISIC), a unique variety of the species Gossypium Barbadense, is an internationally certified fibre, considered to be among the finest, most brilliant cottons in the world, comparable to both silk and cashmere. It is also the most rare of cottons, comprising only a fraction of 1% of the world’s supply and commands the highest price. It is carefully hand harvested in Barbados, put through a special ginnery, and shipped abroad to be converted into fabric by industry experts. Its resulting luxurious textile has been called “The Cloth of Kings!” It’s hard not to feel like royalty when wrapped in a supple robe, caressed by a fine garment, or reclining on satiny white bedding made of West Indian Sea Island Cotton.

The cotton ginnery at Groves in St. George offers guided tours Monday to Friday hourly between 10am and 2pm. Calling ahead is recommended. At the Visitor Centre there is a display room where WISIC articles can be purchased or ordered, including, but not limited to, ladies’ and gentlemen’s attire, linens, interior decor and novelty items. The team looks forward to sharing more with you about Barbados’ remarkable and regal cotton.

To arrange a tour of the Exclusive Cottons of the Caribbean’s Ginnery & Visitor Centre, please call (246) 433 3108

Groves, St. George

75 Sightseeing
WI Sea Island Cotton fabrics available Ginned cotton Stunning cotton scarves on sale

Touring the East

The Ermy Bourne Highway hugs the east coast from Belleplaine at the northern end through to Cattlewash. In the area of Belleplaine, stop by Sand Dunes, a friendly, casual roadside bar and restaurant run by Curtis Hall – they serve ice cold drinks and the tastiest array of local food. Further along this Highway is Cattlewash and its wild Atlantic seascape, with the spectacular clay escarpment of Chalky Mount, rising up dramatically inland.

Coming uphill from the coast, take a right turn sign-posted to the potteries and Chalky Mount Village. This is where Barbados’ ancient pottery industry began and a good pottery still operates here. This is an excellent area to take scenic walks with a few rum shops for refreshments. Jabar Henry at Enlightened Travelers offers guided adventure tours in this area. WhatsApp (246) 831-7142.

Returning the way you came, the quaint seaside village of Bathsheba is just over the next hill. In the middle of the bay is ‘Soup Bowl’, a favourite surf spot with top surfers from around the world! The view and the lunch at Round House are equally enjoyable. In the hills just above Atlantis, you’ll find the Barbados National Trust’s Andromeda Botanic Gardens, encompassing some 6 acres of tropical gardens with exotic flowers, plants and trees collected from around the world.

From here, take an adventurous drive along the coast stopping off at architectural gems like St. John’s Parish Church and Codrington College. Both are rich in historical interest and command wonderful views of the coast.

76 Sightseeing
Tent Bay in Bathsheba Andrew Hulsmeier

PEG Farm & Nature Reserve

“All about People Environment Growth - Growing since 2015!”

Join knowledgeable, local tour guides on an ecotour exploring every aspect of the farm and nature reserve or just enjoy wandering around the spectacular property. Explore Hackleton’s Cliff, 1,000ft above sea level, wooded gullies, a medicinal garden, a camp ground, free range farm with pigs, chickens, cows, goats, guinea birds and peacocks and an organic veggie farm. Buy premium meat and chicken at Oink and Moo, Island Fresh Fruit Juices, PEG Eggs and fresh organic veggies. New Events Facility: Check for upcoming events on IG.

Farm House Café - Indulge in a flavourful farmto-table meal prepared by the imaginative chefs Rebecca and Nathan and their team. Pop in for great teas, coffee, local cocktails and fresh juices.

Camping - The campsite, fully equipped with compost toilets, showers, a BBQ grill and campfire areas with breakfast and lunch at the Farm House Café.

Farm Open Daily

• Café Open Thursday-Sunday. See page 129

For further info, to book your tour

Tel: (246) 433 9806

77 Sightseeing
Farm to table Farm House Café Free range farm The View Herb infused drinks Great burgers


Touring the South

The south coast is home to many of the island’s hotels, lovely beaches, the popular Oistins Fish Fry and St. Lawrence Gap with its outstanding restaurants and vibrant nightlife scene. Take a leisurely stroll along the lovely Richard Haynes Boardwalk which meanders along the waterfront between Rockley and Hastings. A number of inviting watering holes and good restaurants pop up all along the way; Blakey’s on the Boardwalk, Tapas and Blue Pineapple are all great choices for a casual meal or a few cold ones!

Near to the boardwalk is the Mallalieu Motor Collection. It is best to visit before 11am when Mr. Mallalieu is there in person to give his entertaining tour of his collection and motoring memorabilia.

Near the southern tip of the island is the coastal town of Oistins – the island’s fishing capital, famous for its Friday night Fish Fry. All types of fresh fish are available daily from the vendors in the fish market. Just up from Oistins is the new Paradise Nature Park. Make friends with indigenous and exotic animals and learn about plants on self-guided tours through five acres of lush tropical gardens.

The owners of Sunbury Plantation Great House in the St. Philip countryside, undertook extensive restoration work in 2018 and it is well worth a visit to see the amazing array of Barbadian antiques.

Sally Miller Surfers Café in Oistins Mallalieu Motor Collection Paradise Nature Park Sunbury Plantation Great House

Hike Barbados

The Barbados Hiking Association came about as a result of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and the Barbados National Trust. Hikes are held on Sunday at 6am with 4 different levels or 3:30pm with one level. Once a month the afternoon hike is 5:30pm to take advantage of the full moon. There is also a hike for beginners on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm when you are asked to bring a torch light.

The BHA President is Sandra Nurse but Rafael Gibson, a founding member and respected hike leader, can be reached to supply information on planned hikes. Better known as Raffie, he also offers private hikes. Call or WhatsApp (246) 253-4817. You can also check out their Facebook page, Barbados Hiking Association. Any questions posted there will be answered.

Naniki offers a Sunday morning hike with yoga and breakfast. Reservations required (246) 433-1300. Bath Beach House (246) 243-6902 offers hikes along the east coast with a buffet lunch and options to kayak. Catch 22 (246) 622-1825 in St. Lucy offers guided hikes on the dramatic north coast.

79 Sightseeing
Marley Vale Coastline, St. Philip

Historic Bridgetown & its Garrison

By the 1690’s, Bridgetown was one of the two largest English port cities in the Americas. This once bustling hub of sea trade is now a picturesque careenage and bay, filled with pleasure boats. The historic architecture is still very evident throughout the city and its long life has left a legacy of character and charm.

In June 2011, Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison joined the ranks of iconic global landmarks as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Wherever you go in Bridgetown, up Broad Street, down Swan Street or wandering through Cheapside you can be sure of a real Barbados experience, unlike anything else in the world.

A new attraction is the recently opened Exchange Interactive Centre on Spry Street. Housed within a beautifully restored 18th century building, it’s Barbados’ largest interactive centre with fascinating displays exploring commerce in the city over the past four centuries.

Interestingly, the Barbados National Trust’s Nidhe Israel Synagogue and Museum, founded c.1654, is the oldest synagogue in the western hemisphere. There is an excellent interpretive museum and functional mikvah. In the graveyard, some of the graves date back to 1658.

Tours of Bridgetown

Keen on cuisine? Tantalise your taste buds and fill up on fascinating facts about Barbados on a fun-filled, off-the-beaten-path excursion through Bridgetown with Lickrish Food Tours Call: (246) 622-1886.

Dr. Karl Watson, retired lecturer of history and archaeology, offers fascinating walking tours of Bridgetown covering social/natural history, architecture and archaeology (BB$60pp). Call (246) 427-4509 or WhatsApp (246) 241-1554

80 Sightseeing
The Nidhe Israel Museum in Bridgetown Andrew Hulsmeier

Parliament Buildings

“Interesting Guided Tours”

Although the Museum of Parliament and National Heroes Gallery are closed for restoration and maintenance until further notice, the Parliament is still offering very interesting guided tours of the hallowed chambers of the Senate and Parliament when not in session. There is a series of intricate stained glass windows depicting the ruling monarchs from the time of Barbados’ settlement in 1627 to 1870. A beautiful young Queen Victoria stands out over the speaker’s chair and interestingly, Oliver Cromwell is also included in the line up.

81 Sightseeing

There is also much to explore in the Garrison Historic Area where a collection of solid and graceful Georgian structures encircle one of the oldest racetracks in the world. Based in the beautiful old military prison, the Barbados Museum depicts the island’s colourful past, including its African heritage and a state of the art interactive children’s gallery.

Open 7 days a week, the George Washington Attraction is the only house outside of the USA where young George Washington resided during his visit in 1751. The tour includes an interesting film about Washington’s time here and a chance to explore the recently rediscovered network of ‘secret’ tunnels running beneath the Garrison complex. Private Dinners with George can be booked for between 26 and 30 people. The café there is a very popular lunch and breakfast spot for locals and visitors alike.

Deep within the eerie bulwark of St. Ann’s Fort, the National Armoury & Cannon Museum displays the world’s finest collection of 17th century English iron cannon.

A full 3-hour Garrison Tour is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sometimes the end of the tour coincides with the Changing of the Sentry Ceremony. For information on tours of The Garrison, contact James Blades on 233-2601 or Peter Stevens 233-1648.

Barbados Museum and Historical Society Tour of St. Ann’s Fort Café at George Washington House Changing of the Sentry Ceremony

George Washington House and the Mysterious Garrison Tunnels

e ver y place where America’s rst president George Washington spent almost 7 weeks in 1751 at the age of 19. Learn why he fell in love with this most precious British colony and understand how this visit shaped his life and in uenced world histor y. Experience a high de nition lm of his visit and then take in a guided tour of the carefully restored house that he slept in. Learn about and experience the mysterious Garrison Tunnels, built around 1820 partly to provide covert communications and escape for 3,000 soldiers who lived in Barbados’ Garrison.

• Interactive educational displays

• Exciting weekly day tours of Barbados’ Historic Garrison

• Private 5 course ‘Dinner with George’ with period dramatisation for 24 - 30 people

• Breakf ast and lunch served daily at their café

• Adults: US$20

• Children under 12: US$10 • Childen under 5: Free

• Groups 10 or more - 10% Discount

For further information please email or call (246) 228 5461

kids activities

Fun Things to do with Kids


Barbados Wildlife Reserve: Explore the mahogany forest with green monkeys, deer, tortoises, Caiman, South American snakes, Cuban iguanas and more.

The Paradise Nature Park: Make friends with indigenous and exotic animals and plants on self-guided tours through five acres of lush tropical gardens.

Welchman Hall Gully: Follow the stroller-friendly paths through the lush gully filled with flora and fauna. Go at monkey-feeding time: 10.30am-12pm.

Coco Hill Forest: Hike along forest trails (different lengths for different abilities) through fragrant nutmeg trees and swaying coconut palms with stunning views.

Joe’s River: Wander along from Bathsheba to Joe’s River bridge or go down and explore the stream that runs into the sea.

Turtle Hatchings: Call the Turtle Hotline (+1 246 230-0142) for locations and times (June-October). The beach at Southern Palms Hotel is a favourite for nesting.

Animal Flower Cave: Explore the cave, swim in the beautiful underground pools, and then head back above ground for lunch at the onsite restaurant with stunning views out to the Atlantic Ocean.

Wading in Joe’s River Animal Flower Cave Turtle hatching at Southern Palms Danielle Miller Southern Palms Paradise Nature Park Pygmy Goat at Paradise Nature Park Coco Hill Forest

kids activities


Glass Bottom Boats and Atlantis

Submarine: See the underwater life without getting wet. The exciting submarine tour takes you beneath the waves and the glass bottom boat explores coral reefs from above teeming with marine life.

Catamaran Cruise: A great day out for the whole family. Enjoy snorkeling with turtles, exploring shipwrecks, sailing along the west coast, a delicious Bajan lunch and rum punch for the parents!

Beach Picnics : Pack some fish cutters and cold drinks and enjoy an alfresco meal on a shaded beach. We recommend Gibbs Beach (west) or Bottom Bay (east).

Sharks Hole: Visit at low tide for a swim in the tiny calm, protected bay. Take a cliff top walk to nearby Bull’s Nostrils and Gun Rock to witness the power of the Atlantic Ocean.

Bathsheba/Soup Bowl : Kids love splashing in and exploring the rock pools at low tide – look out for sea anemone, eels and even hidden octopus.

Watersports: Paddle boards, kayaks and Hobie Cats are great for exploring calm bays with little ones. Bigger kids can enjoy snorkeling or learn to scuba dive. Age 10+ for PADI certification.


Surfing: You’ll be spoiled for choice with surf spots in Barbados. Check out the long gentle waves at Freights Bay and

Danielle Miller Elegance Catamaran Cruises Atlantis Submarine Paddle Boarding in Carlisle Bay Gun Rock Catamaran Cruise

Surfers Bay near South Point – perfect for kids to learn to catch waves.

Bushy Park Race Circuit: Put the pedal to the metal with this fast-paced gokart racing experience at the home of car racing in Barbados. Age 5+.

Harrison’s Cave Eco Adventure Park: Whizz through the tree canopy along the exciting Monkey zipline, with a bird’s eye view of the gully below. Age 6+.

Island Safari: 4x4 jeeps take you on Safari-style adventures off-thebeaten-track to discover all Barbados’ hidden gems. Age 5+, who can walk independently.


St. Nicholas Abbey: The kids will love the historic steam train ride and exploring the extensive gardens, and the adults will love sampling the exquisite rum produced on site.

Gun Hill: Explore this historic signal station with one of the best views of the island and a nineteenth century stone carving of a lion. Explore! Children’s Gallery at the Barbados Museum: Learn about our island’s fascinating past, with state-ofthe-art interactive exhibits for young visitors.

Codrington College: Wander through the beautiful gardens and grounds, with spectacular views of the east coast. Bring a little snack for the ducks in the pond.

kids activities

Danielle Miller Barbados Museum & Historical Society Island Safari 4x4 Jeeps Steam Train at St. Nicholas Abbey Children’s Gallery at the Barbados Museum Go-Karting at Bushy Park

Living the Dream

Riding on the wave of a recent surge in positive international media exposure, Barbados’ longstanding reputation as a holiday-home destination of choice has never been stronger, nor more justified.

Barbados offers the essential ingredients of classic tropical-island living –blissfully ideal climate, sandy beaches, crystal clear seawater, verdant natural environment, a plethora of dining and entertainment options, helpful friendly people, and a healthy exercise-oriented lifestyle – all within a safe and secure society, where having fun is encouraged and children are happy. Many secondhome owners will testify that owning a property in Barbados offers more than just ‘bricks and mortar’. By living here, residents get to know the island and its people more intimately, especially through interacting with Bajan staff.

But look a little deeper and it will become apparent that Barbados also has a lot to offer from a practical perspective for discerning property investors:

Accessibility - easy access with daily direct flights from the UK, the USA and Canada, as well as scheduled flights from Europe and South America. Being a central hub for the Caribbean, Barbados is a convenient base for visiting neighbouring islands for business or pleasure.

Healthcare - a range of public and private sector hospitals and clinics provide international standard medical facilities, with the option to engage international air ambulance services if required.

88 Property
Apes Hill Courtesy Altman Real Estate Port St. Charles

Communications - the country’s sophisticated telecommunications system, including advanced Internet capacity, enables international business to be conducted efficiently at personal and corporate levels.

Long-stay Visa - first introduced during the pandemic in 2020, the highly successfully Barbados Welcome Stamp Visa Programme affords non-residents an opportunity to relocate and work remotely in Barbados for up to 12-months, with eligibility to re-apply if desired. This gives potential investors an opportunity to rent a property on a long-term basis prior to committing to purchasing.

Fiscal incentives - Barbados offers significant tax-free allowances on the construction and furnishing of vacation properties.

Investment security - Barbados has a well-regulated legal system and a longstanding record of financial stability. Should a foreign home buyer choose to sell at a later date, there are no restrictions on repatriating funds brought into the country for the initial purchase. Historically, through capital appreciation and rental income, second homes in Barbados have generally proven to be a good investment.

Income generation - the vibrant villa rental market in Barbados can provide a healthy source of income for owners who rent out their property. There is a broad selection of well-established, highly-efficient villa management companies

90 Property
Royal Westmorelend

who take care of vacation properties, thereby freeing the owners of mundane responsibilities, allowing them to relax and enjoy themselves.

Eclectic choice - Barbados offers a diverse range of properties for sale, including the ever-popular beachside villas and apartments, sport and lifestyle themed resorts, country homes and individual houses of all sizes.

Environmentally friendly - Barbados has emerged as a global leader in sustainable and environmentally sensitive practices, many of which have been adopted by investors building new houses and residential developments with leading-edge design solutions.

As a measure of the burgeoning appeal of Barbados as a destination to own property, it is worth noting the increasing number of globally successful entrepreneurs who could literally live anywhere in the world yet have chosen to invest in a home here. That vote of confidence suggests that they can enjoy a lifestyle in Barbados that is at least as comfortable as in their homeland. Or possibly even more so, due to the intangible but invaluable attributes of benefitting from a more relaxed frame of mind and improved health and well-being.

With a buoyant property market in 2023 and several major new investment projects earmarked to start in 2024, this is an opportune time to buy a second home in Barbados.

91 Property
The Ridge Courtesy Alleyne Real Estate

Royal Westmoreland

Nestled on the exquisite west coast of Barbados, Royal Westmoreland has found an idyllic harmony between natural beauty and refined luxury for almost 30 years. The 750-acre Estate proudly caters to those seeking a short retreat, and also those looking to join a community of likeminded individuals all sharing a passion for this exclusive part of the world. Whether you’re keen to sharpen your sporting abilities on the 18-hole world-class golf course, tennis courts, and tailored fitness classes, or unwind in style at their wellness spa – the 5* amenities perfectly enrich your experience, and help shape memories to be cherished for a lifetime.

The top 4 reasons why current owners have chosen Royal Westmoreland:

• Natural beauty & unparalleled panoramas

• The exclusivity of a gated community

• The 5* amenities including golf, tennis, gym & Beach Club

• A vibrant members community

Barbados Office - Tel: (246) 419 0394

92 Property

The Ultimate in Resort Living

Royal Westmoreland in St James offers a resort experience which is second to none

Enjoy fi ve-star amenities including a world-class golf course and exclusive Beach Club at Mullins Bay. Our dedicated concierge team is on hand to ensure your stay is perfect from beginning to end.


� Beach Club with chef Larry Rogers

� World Class Golf

� Gyms

� Clay Tennis Courts

� Padel Tennis Courts

� Pickleball Courts

� Sanctuary with Salt Water Pool & Heated Jacuzzi

� Spa Facility

� Bars & Restaurants

� Concierge Service

� Hiking Trail

The exclusive, gated community is made up of a collection of stunning properties, from apartments to sprawling detached villas. Stay for a while, or for a lifetime with holiday rental, fractional and full ownership opportunities all available.

Find out more at

Call 1-246-419-0394 to arrange a personal tour or email


The Crane Private Residences

Resort Living Perfected

Ideally located within Barbados’ renowned Crane Resort, The Crane Private Residences offers contemporary-styled residences extending from intimate one-bedrooms of approximately 600 sq. ft. up to grand three-bedroom twostoried penthouses measuring over 3,700 sq. ft.

Residents enjoy an enviable lifestyle enhanced by access to world-class amenities and services including concierge, duty-free shopping, a grocery store, five restaurants, a café, three bars, a spa, a fully equipped fitness centre, five spectacular pools, tennis courts, a kids’ club, and glass-fronted elevator access to Crane Beach – voted Best Caribbean Beach by USA Today readers! With the option to participate in The Crane’s historically successful rental management programme, managed by a team with over two decades of experience, these are effortless residences to own, whether intended for personal use or as an investment.

Phase 4 of The Crane Private Residences has commenced sales with preconstruction pricing ranging from US$352,000 – US$1.7M.

For more information visit:


Tel: (246) 416 6560

The Crane, St Philip

94 Property
Discover Luxury. Premium Holiday Rentals.


Private Pool

Country Club Access Concierge


Access to Golf

Courtyard Villa #27 - Apes Hill Club | from $450 USD/Night

Immerse yourself in a world where luxury meets comfort. Courtyard Villa #27 invites you into a sprawling paradise nestled amid lush greenery at Apes Hill Club. The villa is tastefully designed, keeping the essence of Caribbean style intact. Enjoy the picturesque view from your private pool, and savor the distinct privilege of staying at Apes Hill Club.


Private Pool

Country Club Access



Access to Golf

Fairway Villa #9 - Apes Hill Club | from $450 USD/Night

Fairway Villa #9, one of our select rental properties at Apes Hill Club, offers a panoramic view of the beautifully manicured golf course, setting a perfect backdrop to your Barbadian vacation. Soak in the Caribbean sun by the private pool or enjoy a breezy evening on the expansive patio - Fairway Villa #9 is your holiday dream turned into a reality.

3 3



Private Pool



Access to Golf at Sandy Lane

Fairway Villa #3 - Apes Hill Club | from $450 USD/Night

The tastefully designed interiors exude a timeless charm, featuring high-end finishes, contemporary furnishings, and a neutral color palette that creates an atmosphere of serenity. This magnificent villa boasts three spacious bedrooms, each offering a private sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Bali H’ai - St. James | from $450 USD/Night






Airport Transfers

VIP Meet & Greet

Discover the enchanting beauty of Bali H’ai on the Beach, a tropical oasis located on the picturesque shores in Holetown, Barbados. This beachfront property offers a captivating escape where azure waters meet pristine white sands. Immerse yourself in the laid-back Caribbean lifestyle as you soak up the sun and enjoy the gentle sea breeze from the comfort of your own private paradise. Perfect for families or groups seeking a luxurious getaway.


Communal Pool




Sandy Cove No. 302 - St. James | from $950 USD/Night

3 3

3 3.5

This magnificent beachfront residence offers unparalleled elegance and sophistication. Overlooking the turquoise waters, this property is designed for those seeking an exclusive retreat. Impeccably furnished with high-end finishes, this residence embodies contemporary coastal living at its finest. Experience the ultimate in privacy, comfort, and style at Sandy Cove 302 “The Pearl.”


Private Pool




Smugglers Cove No. 2 - St. James | from $900 USD/Night

The elegant open-plan living area and modern kitchen provide the perfect setting for entertaining guests. With its prime location on Paynes Bay Beach and proximity to world-class amenities, Smugglers Cove 2 offers an unparalleled coastal lifestyle. Experience the pinnacle of luxury living in this exclusive waterfront retreat.


Barbados Beach Therapy

There are over 80 beaches in Barbados and it is suprising how much they can vary. Going in search of them is both safe and great fun. In this edition of Nutshell we have given our readers some guidance as to which beaches we suggest for snorkeling, surfing, picnicing or just liming at a beach bar. Our Nutshell Road Map, included in this publication, has symbols indicating vehicular and pedestrian beach access.

A Few Words of Caution

• Remember, Barbados is only 13 degrees north of the equator so be sure to use a sunscreen with a high protection factor and reapply regularly.

• When snorkeling, remember to take a brightly coloured buoy/float so that you are clearly visible to water craft – these are available from Hazell’s Water World at Carters General Store on the Harbour Road in Bridgetown

• The east coast is notorious for dangerous currents and there are no lifeguards on duty. Other coasts can also have rip tides in places so please be cautious.

• Beware of the poisonous manchineel trees (usually marked with a red ring around the trunk) with their yellowgreen ‘apples’ found along the west coast beaches - the tree and its fruit cause severe blistering.

Simone’s offerings at Thunder Bay, St. James Andrew Hulsmeier
Bottom Bay


Try these beaches for snorkeling ...

When snorkeling, remember to take a brightly coloured buoy/float so that you are clearly visible to water craft –these are available from Hazell’s Water World at Carters General Store on the Harbour Road in Bridgetown.


The Carlisle Bay Marine Reserve is a haven for snorkelers with six shipwrecks quite close together. Turtle tours are popular. The horses from the Barbados Turf Club swim here most mornings between 6am and 9am and there is coffee available! Umbrellas, sun loungers and facilities can be found at Harbour Lights and Lobster Alive along with drinks and great food.

BATTS ROCK, St. Michael

The swimming conditions here are wonderful with good snorkeling at either end of the beach. Plenty of shade, parking and public facilities.


The best snorkeling in this busy west coast area is off the secluded beach at the southern end of the Holetown boardwalk.


The snorkeling in this protected area is very good. It’s also safe due to restricted water craft. Parking and Public Facilities.

THUNDER BAY, Lower Carlton, St. James.

A large area of beautiful reef particularly at the southern end which continues quite far off shore.

Niall Thomas, Be Social Carlisle Bay

Harbour Lights Beach - Carlisle Bay

We’re bringing you the dreamiest beach day at Carlisle Bay ever; filled with seaside sips, salty dips, swimming with the turtles on our snorkel tour, plus cocktails and food to power you through. Come prepared to unleash your inner islander and live it up, island style. Oh yes, this must be the place!

Amenities include: • Swim with the Turtles on our Snorkel Tours • Wifi • Beach Loungers & Umbrellas • Beach Bar & Grill • Shower Facilities

Scan to make a booking

Tel: (246) 436 7225

#thismustbetheplace #lightsbyday



Try these beaches for surfing ...

Barbados has an excellent range of surf breaks. is a good website to get surfing information because apart from Soup Bowl which is pretty much surfable year round, most of the surf breaks in Barbados are seasonal.

SOUP BOWL, Bathsheba, St. Joseph

With pounding surf, ‘Soup Bowl’ is a famous surf break with local and international surfers. Due to strong currents and heavy waves surfing here is for more advanced surfers. Round House serves breakfast, lunch or snacks

and has a wonderful view. (Closed Monday in season with reduced openings in summer)

FREIGHTS, Cotton House Bay, South Point, Christ Church

This famous surf spot is ideal for beginners - a great classroom. Most of the surf instructors begin their lessons here.

BRANDONS Hastings, Christ Church

This surf break is centrally located and very popular with young surfers and the young at heart who enjoy an quick early morning surf before work. There’s plenty of shade and parking.

Freights Brian Carrington Barbadian champion surfer, Chelsea Tuach Photo: Andrew Nicholls


Try these beaches for liming at a beach bar ...

Sit back, relax and enjoy the beach. Order lunch, grab a pool noodle and have a rum punch floating in the sea under a nice big straw hat.

ACCRA BEACH, Rockley, Christ Church

The Tiki Bar serves delicious light bites that are ideal for enjoying whilst reclined in a beach chair. Excellent swimming for children. There can be dangerous currents at the boardwalk end of Accra Beach.


Calma Beach Club is perfect for cocktails on the beach with a cool vibe where locals and tourists come together and share their stories. They serve elevated Bajan classics as well as iconic sharing boards.

CARLISLE BAY, Bay Street, St. Michael

Harbour Lights and Lobster Alive both offer drinks and very good food with wonderful beach chair service. Harbour Lights also offer turtle tours.

CRANE BEACH, The Crane, St. Philip This is one of Barbados’ iconic beaches. The Crane Resort’s beach bar, The Grove , has delicious beach bar favourites off the grill, while drinks and coconuts are also sold by a couple of small enterprises on the beach. The swimming and boogie boarding here is fun but caution is advised.


Local & Co. is the ultimate Farm to Table dining and drinking beachfront experience in historic Speightstown. Their ‘Beach Smoke & Grill’ has a menu of house smoked BBQ meats, tacos, ceviches & salads. Book a sunlounger and chill all day.

Accra Andrew Hulsmeier

Try these beaches for picnics ...

Whether you’re packing up your own or having your hotel or villa staff prepare it for you, a picnic at the beach is always fun and relaxing.

BATH, St. John

This long breezy beach has plenty of shade, shallow swimming and a nice coastal walk. Public facilities and good parking.

GIBBS, St. Peter

Parking is a bit tricky, up a side road and there is quite a long walk through the public access but its worth the effort.


A long stretch of beach north of Speightstown just across from the Caboose Seafood Boat with lovely swimming and good parking.

MIAMI BEACH, Christ Church

This popular beach has plenty of shade and two distinct swimming areas, one of which is very calm.

BOTTOM BAY, St. Philip

With very large waves most of the time, not many people swim here but it is relatively safe to do so. Access is by a long, steep flight of steps.


There is not much shade so umbrellas are necessary and the swimming is limited to rock pools, but in spite of all that Bathsheba is still a beautiful and memorable picnic spot.

PALM BEACH, Hastings, Christ Church

Between Sugar Bay Resort and Palm Beach Condos, is a lovely shady spot to the left with good swimming in front of Coconut Court Hotel.


Andrew Hulsmeier Gibbs

RestAurant Guide

Eating Out in Barbados

Although most restaurants welcome walk-in diners, there are many that are fully booked in advance, especially between December and May, so reservations are highly recommended.

Sunset varies between 5:30pm in December and 6:30pm in June. An early evening reservation, sipping cocktails while the sun goes down on either the south or west coast, is a wonderful idea.

The quality of the restaurants in Barbados is superb, ranging from fine dining establishments to friendly beach bars and bistros, so visitors can enjoy a wonderful variety of dining options while on the island. Wherever you decide to dine, be sure to try the island’s fresh fish. A very good choice is Mahi Mahi or Dorado, referred to locally as Dolphin. This moist, flaky fish is absolutely delicious and is not in any way related to the beloved porpoise, known as ‘Flipper’. Other recommended catches include Flying Fish, Barracuda, Red Snapper, Tuna and King Fish. Shrimp here are usually very large and very good. Most of the beef served is very high quality US Prime.

Unless otherwise stated all prices are in Barbados dollars and include 17.5% VAT. Bon Appétit!

Paul Owens at the Beach House
109 Restaurant Guide Bistros | Cafés Animal Flower Cave 122 Artsplash Café 138 Bajan Blue (Sandy Lane) 116 Calma Beach Club 121 Catch-22 124 Castaways 146 Cocktail Kitchen 147 Coffee Bean 138 D’Onofrio’s Trattoria 133 Dis Ole House 131 Drift 114 Farm House Café at PEG 129 Golden Apple Café 137 Irie Foods 149 Just Grillin’ 121/139 Le Shack 135 Lobster Alive 111 Local & Co. 120 Nishi 119 Open Kitchen Café & Bistro 117 Primo Bar & Bistro 144 Round House 126 Sage Bistro 140 Surfers Café 148 Tapas 141 Fine Dining Champers 145 L’Acajou (Sandy Lane) 116 L’Azure 134 Muscovado 137 Paul Owens at The Beach House 115 Zen 132 Beach Bars Bombas Beach Bar 113 Calma Beach Club 121 Lobster Alive 111 Local & Co. 120 Surfers Café 148 The Tiki Bar 143 Local & Co. in Speightstown
110 RestAurant Guide Dinner Shows Harbour Lights 151 Drinks & Nibbles Animal Flower Cave 122 Atlantis Historic Inn 128 Calma Beach Club 121 Castaways 146 Cocktail Kitchen 147 Drift 114 Le Shack 135 Local & Co. 120 Nishi 119 Primo Bar & Bistro 144 Round House 126 Surfers Café 148 Tapas 141 The Tiki Bar 143 Breakfast ArtSplash Café 138 Atlantis Historic Inn 128 Bajan Blue (Sandy Lane) 116 Catch-22 124 Coffee Bean 138 Dis Ole House (Sun) 131 Farm House Café at PEG 129 Golden Apple Café 137 L’Azure 134 Local & Co. 120 Open Kitchen Café & Bistro 117 Round House 126 Sage Bistro 140 Sand Dunes 127 Surfer’s Café 148 The Dutchie 142 Ice Cream Parlours Chilly Moo’s 139 Traditional Bajan Sand Dunes 127 Indian Asian Spice 118 Jamaican Irie Foods 149 The Dutchie 142 Japanese | Thai Nishi 119 Zen 132 Italian D’Onofrio’s Trattoria 133 Tapas 141 Pizza Castaways 146 D’Onofrio’s Trattoria 133 Primo Bar & Bistro 144 Open Kitchen Café & Bistro 117 Good Vegan Options Asian Spice 118 Atlantis Historic Inn 128 Champers 145 Cocktail Kitchen 147 Farm House Café at PEG 129 Local & Co. 120 Nishi 119 Sandy Lane 116 Surfers Café 148 Tapas 141 Zen 132

Art Taylor’s Lobster Alive ...and all that Jazz!

“Freshest lobster in a beachfront setting with live Jazz!”

On the stunning beach in Carlisle Bay this popular ‘shabby chic’ restaurant is THE place to eat lobster. Owner Art Taylor and his son Sam pilot their aircraft to the Grenadines to fly in live lobsters to stock the restaurant’s large tank. Enjoy Trotty’s Jazz steel pan at lunchtime or top line Jazz quartet most nights and Sunday lunch in season. Good wine list. Wheelchair and kid friendly. Great restaurant to reach by boat. Beach umbrellas and facilities. Enquire about “Takeaways” - live or cooked.

Open every day • Lunch and dinner • Closed Sunday evening

Reduced openings in summer Reservations advised

Enquiries: (246) 435 0305

On the beach in Carlisle Bay, close to Bridgetown

Restaurant Guide


RestAurant Guide





Rose Hill Colleton Maynards Retreat Douglas

Mount Brevitor

Ashton Hall


Pleasant Hall Portland


Mile And A Quater

Mount Brevitor


Benny Hall French Village Prospect

White Hall

The Whim Warleigh Farm Road Farm Black Bess Hayman’s Factory Battaleys

Mullins Gibbes Rock Dundo

Richmond Hill

The Rock Orange Hill Roebuck Fours Hill

Bakers Mangrove Springhead Taits

Lowe Carlto





Sedge Pond Plumtree


Sir Frank Hutson Sugar Museum & Port vale Sugar Fact

Arch Hall Sunset Crest

Sandy Lane

Endeavour Shop Hill

GordonCumminsHighway H 1 B H 1 B A2H H2 H2A H1 Port St. Charles
Cove Hotel
Fairmont Royal Pavilion Glitter Bay
Reef Club
Colony Club Hotel Coral
The Sandpiper Sandy Lane
Treasure Beach Hotel
Cr ystal Cove Resor t
Bay Hotel
on the Beach
Club Barbados Resor t & Spa
Tamarind Hotel
The House
Luxur y Resor t & Residences
Legend Condos Reeds Bay
Beac h
Gibbes Bay Lowe r Carlto n St. Alban’s Church St. Francis R.C. Church
Grillin’ West
/ Nishi
& Co.
Owens at the Beach House / Drift Co ee Bean / Asian Spice
Little Good
Schooner Bay Reeds House Waves
Saint Peter’s Bay
Limegrove Lifestyle Centre The
Alleynes Bay
Open Kitchen Calma
Bombas Beach Bar Local
Six Mens The Garden Mount Standfast Porter
Greenwich Folkstone Ridgeway Lascelles
Holders Hill Durants Haynesvill Appleb
Welches Clermont
Oxnard Husbands Fitts Prospect LazarettoWanstead Weston Paynes Bay
Edge Hill e Hill Arthurs Seat Friendship Terrace Green Hill Friendship Eden Lodge Lodge Hill Rock Dundo Cave Hill Rock Hall
Jackson We
Redmans Thorpes
s s s
St. John Church Golf Cours
Sandy Lane Golf Cours rish Chur St. James Parish Church
All Saints Church ST . PE TER
/ Bajan Blue at Sandy Lane
. JAME S L’Acajou
West Coast dthe location of restaurants on pages 113 to 121

Bombas Beach Bar

“Easy, breezy beach bar bursting with irie vibes!”

This buzzing beach bar, with its colourful setting, eclectic music and friendly service, makes Bombas somewhere you will want to dine more than once. It’s a great spot to enjoy that perfect tropical combo of cocktails, stunning sunsets and magical evenings under the stars. Fresh and organic foods set the scene. Wayne arrives daily with the seafood catch from local fishermen and organic salad produce fresh from his farm in the hills of St. Joseph. A wide variety of fish is available on the menu, including Amber Jack and Lionfish which Wayne cooks to perfection! A small boutique on the premises features colourful sarongs and jewellery from Tanzania.

Starters from BB$20; Salads from BB$34; Mains from BB$40

Dec-May Open for Dinner every night

Open for Lunch Tues-Fri (Closed for Lunch Sat-Mon)

June-Nov Open for Dinner only Tue-Sun (Closed Mon)

Reservations: (246) 432 5664 WhatsApp: 236 7750

Turtle Bay (North of Mullins), St. Peter •

113 Restaurant

RestAurant Guide

Drift Ocean Terrace Lounge

“A magical oceanfront location to meet with friends and relax in comfort”

The perfect west coast rendezvous for sunset drinks and starlight conversations, where you can choose between the air-conditioned lounge or ‘Drift’ out to the ocean front deck. Here you can easily immerse yourself in the magic of island life, enjoying delicious ‘Night Bites’ and signature cocktails. If you find yourself still craving, ask about the Tasting Menu from renowned Chef Paul Owens. Visit to find out more.


Tel/Whatsapp (246) 233 5404

Sunset Crest, Holetown, St. James


Paul Owens at The Beach House

“A stunning west coast setting with outstanding cuisine by Chef Paul Owens”

With numerous accolades for his outstanding cuisine over 25 years at the original Cliff, Paul Owens has created an exquisite menu at his own restaurant. Renowned for consistency, Paul has a gift for combining contrasting flavours and textures to produce delicious, beautifully plated dishes. If choosing proves a challenge, the 7-course Tasting Menu may be a good option. With an extensive wine list, attentive service team, this casually elegant oceanside location has all the ingredients for an unforgettable dining experience.


Tel/WhatsApp (246) 256 1163



Sunset Crest, Holetown, St. James

115 Restaurant

RestAurant Guide

Sandy Lane

“Experience the luxury of this five-star, beachfront resort!”

L’Acajou - Overlooking the sparkling waters of the Caribbean Sea is L’Acajou, Sandy Lane’s signature restaurant. The romantic L’Acajou specialises in light, gourmet European cuisine with an emphasis on French and Mediterranean paired with an impressive range of Old and New World wines. The stunning, open-air beachfront setting of this chic, fine dining restaurant is simply magical. Set the tone for a wonderful evening by starting with canapés and Champagne cocktails in the L’Acajou Bar.

Bajan Blue - Located on the oceanfront Lower Terrace, this informal restaurant offers sumptuous all day dining with a mélange of European, Caribbean and Asian influenced cuisine. The elaborate Sunday Brunch is a must, as are the spectacular themed buffet evenings. Enjoy truly delightful dining in a breathtaking waterside setting.

Reservations: (246) 444 2030

Sandy Lane Hotel, St. James


Open Kitchen Café & Bistro

“Great Food, Wine Cave, Excellent Value, Great Fun.”

A very popular concept bistro with an emphasis on local and organic produce, gourmet coffee and pizza. The Friday and Saturday night a la carte dinners, with occasional live entertainment, are a great place to meet people and have a blast. Breakfast and lunch selections include daily specials. Choose from the extensive selection at the Wine Cave, the superb en suite cellar-style wine shop. Located just five minutes off the ABC Highway in the hub of home décor stores at Canewood. Great food! Excellent value! They also offer a catering service.

Fun For Groups Take Out Available

Breakfast & Lunch Monday to Saturday

Dinner Friday & Saturday

Reservations: (246) 228 6736

#1 Millhouse, Canewood, St. Michael



117 Restaurant

RestAurant Guide

Asian Spice Indian Restaurant

“Authentic Indian cuisine prepared by chefs from India”

Anyone who loves their Indian food should head to Asian Spice. The menu features Northern Indian Mughlai cuisine and the kitchen uses traditional methods of preparation, making good use of quality ingredients to create an impressive array of dishes. Choose from traditional Tandoori favourites and delectable, melt-in-your-mouth kebabs, to rich and creamy Kormas and superb vegetarian and vegan selections, invigorated with authentic spices to create a truly palate-pleasing dining experience.

For Take-Away and Reservations Call (246) 432 1321

All Seasons Resort, Palm Ave., Sunset Crest, St. James

For current opening hours please check our FB page




“Sushi is only the half of it!!”

Nishi is a chic, elegantly casual, award-winning restaurant run by hosts Steve Prebble and Cherrianne Perucci. Their menu, crafted by executive chef Peter Lister and head sushi chef Sandy Hardono, offers the best of British, Caribbean and Asian cuisines. Dine under the stars in the ambient courtyard or in comfort in the airconditioned dining rooms. Nishi’s bar serves a brilliant range of cocktails in a relaxed atmosphere often with live entertainment. Families are welcome!

We recommend: Assortment of 5 Dim Sum, Chargrilled BBQ Pork Rib, Sweet ‘n’ Sour Pork, Local Organic Steak and Mushroom Pie, Lobster Maki, Volcano Roll, California Roll, Classic Sticky Toffee Pudding, Yuzu Lemon Meringue.

Open every night in season. Closed Mondays in Summer. Take-Aways available early evening.

Reservations Recommended:

(246) 432 2112 or (246) 432 8287

2nd Street, Holetown, St. James

Restaurant Guide


Restaurant Guide

Local & Co.

“Eat Like You Give a Fork”

Local & Co. is the ultimate Farm to Table dining and drinking beachfront experience in the historic west coast town of Speightstown. Well known Chef Patron Sophie Michell and her team are devoted to sourcing all the ingredients from local and regional farmers, foragers and artisan producers. Walking into the Local is magical. You enter via the Market Place and Bakery full of house made goodies and gifts, then move into the antique filled ‘Library Bar’ to pick from one of the widest selections of rums on island - perfect for a late night cocktail! The restaurant has two menus and eating areas, the ‘Main Deck’ which serves elevated Caribbean food with a twist, and the ‘Beach Smoke & Grill’ with a more relaxed vibe and menu of house smoked BBQ meats, tacos, ceviches and salads. Or you can just book a sunlounger and chill all day.

Local & Co. is a UN accredited sustainable and eco friendly concept and is a partner company of ‘WIRRED’ and ‘Slow Food Barbados’.

Breakfast, Lunch, Beach, Dinner

Tel: (246) 421-FARM 3276

WhatsApp (246) 262 5617

Speightstown, St. Peter


Calma Beach Club

“Perfect for cocktails on the beach”

‘Calma Beach Club is located on the calm shores of Holetown beach, just minutes’ walk from all the amenities of Holetown. They offer an all day menu featuring elevated Bajan classics as well as iconic sharing boards, the finest crafted cocktails and the perfect vibe where locals and tourists come together and share their stories.

Starters $30-45; Mains $40-90

Everyday 10am-10pm

Tel/Reservations: (246) 432 0355

Holetown Beach, 1st St., St. James

Just Grillin’ West

“Good food and great prices!”

Just Grillin’ West offers some of the best value around. A great casual dining option, with meals ranging in price from US$12–$26, the menu features a selection of up to 5 varieties of fresh fish daily. Many agree it is among the tastiest grilled fish to be had on the island. Grill selections also include shrimp, steak, spare ribs, chicken and burgers, served with your choice of any two delicious side orders including Caesar salad, coleslaw, grilled vegetables or potatoes. Ready-to-go salads and take-away service also available.

Take-Away service available.

Open Mon–Sat 11:30am–10pm

Sunday 4pm–10pm

Tel: (246) 432 5410

Sunset Crest, Holetown, St. James

121 Restaurant

Restaurant Guide

Animal Flower Cave

“Cliff top dining #best views ever”

Come for stunning scenery and stay for lunch in their fantastic cliff top restaurant! The Cave is the ideal place to enjoy lunch whilst experiencing THE best ocean view in Barbados. An ideal place for whale watching from February to May. Located right out on the most northerly point of Barbados, the ocean views are stunning - it feels almost like dining at sea! Family run by Mannie & Sue Ward who use as much local produce as possible including from their own farm and the ocean around them. Fancy a Sunday Lunch? Their roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is a treat. The oldest attraction in Barbados. Cave Tours include pools deep enough to swim in. Just 15 minutes from Speightstown and 30 minutes from Holetown and well worth the drive! Lovely children’s area. Visit and swim in the cave.

Open for lunch: Tue–Sun 11:30am–3:30pm

Reservations: (246) 439 8797

Reservations recommended on Sundays

North Point, St. Lucy

123 Restaurant Guide Hey w oods Beach Ma ycock ’s Ba y Jordan’s Cowpen Animal FlowerBay River Ba y Little Ba y St. Clement Abbott ’s Ba y T he Landloc Co r ben’s Cove Bay (G Smito n’s Ba y Fr ye r’s Well Ba y Hangman’s Ba y Mother ’s Day Ba y Norse’s Ba y Stroud Bay Archers Bay Clu s Bay Six Mens Bay Fish Market Sunset Point Shermans Sutherland Road Sugar Cane Club & Spa Ch a r l e s D u n c anO’nealHighway H1B H1B H1C H2 H2A H 1 B Galler y of Caribbean Ar t Arlington House Museum Frangipani Art Galler y Whispers on the Riviera Tiyi By Design Colombian Emeralds Int’l Moontown Juma’s Restaurant Island Plates Animal Flower Cave Merton’s Place Catch 22 Seaside Restaurant Little Bristol Beach Bar/ SPEIGHTSTOWN D uppies Retreat Flat eld Connell Town Clu s Salmond Grape Hall Greenidge Crab Hill Coles Cave Content Mount Poyer Bright Hall Seaview Spring Garden Bishops Hope Harris Friendship Spring Hall Chance Hall Upper Salmonds Rock eld Well Road Pie Corner Backstage Alley Cave Hill Josey Hill Graveyard Date Tree Hill Free Hill Mount View Rock Hall Lamberts Alexandra Cottage Mount Gay Mount Gilboa Pickerings Durham Jemmotts Harrisons Husbands Brome eld Maycocks Hannays Fosters Bourbon Babbs Allmans Benthams Trents Nes eld Half Acre Church Hill Luke Hill Checker Hall Fustic Clinketts Long Rock Green Point Cowpen Rock Great Head Black Bird Rock Cookram Rock Fryer’s Well Point Lowland Touce’s Point The Cabben Sandy Hill Point The Spout Antilles Flat Paul’s Point Alleynedale Hall Farrs Rose Hill Colleton Maynards Retreat Douglas Ebworth Pleasant Hall Diamond Corner Portland Castle Collins The Baltic Gays The Risk Mount Stepney Benny Hall French Village Mount Prospect Mount Brevitor White Hall The Rock Orange Hill Roebuck Fours Hill Richmond Hill Ashton Hall Rockless The Whim Warleigh Farm Road Pico Teneri Farm Hayman’s Factory Battaleys Moore Hill Welchtown Mor Shorey Village Cleland Breedy’s Greenland Indian Ground Bawdens Boscobelle Douglin Mile and a Quarter Oxford Bethesda Chapel Coconut Hall Earth & Fire Workshop La Cuevita Souvenir Shop s Vuemont St. Andrew Church Morgan Lewis Mill Barbados Wildlife Reser ve & Grenade Hall Signal Station & Forest Farley Hill National Park All Saints Church Denmark Fort Half Moon Fort Harrison’s Point Lighthouse St. Lucy Church St. N icholas Abbey Cherr y Tree H ill St. Clements Churc h Cuckold Point St. Swithins Church Animal Flower Cave North Point St. Philip the Less Church ST . LU CY ST . PE TER ST . ANDRE W P P North Coast map showing the location of restaurants on pages 122 & 124

RestAurant Guide


“A hidden gem, splendid food!”

Day Passes & Coastal Hikes


It’s hard to talk about Catch-22 without mentioning the view… Given its magnificent cliff top location near Archers Bay in the north west, superb views come as standard! The kitchen matches the seaside vibe with a menu of dishes ranging from fresh lobster, lionfish and ceviche to burgers, salads and pasta and their famous homemade rum punch is now available by the bottle! A great spot for whale watching between January and April. Take advantage of their $90 Day Pass (redeemable in food and drink) and spend the day lounging by their NCAA size cliff top pool, or enjoy one of their guided coastal hikes to Stroud Bay and Harrison’s Point for $150 with lunch and rum punch included. Available for weddings and private functions.

Open daily 11am-6pm. Reduced Hours in Summer - call ahead.

Starters BB$28-35 • Mains BB$40-60 • Lobster BB$100

Lionfish BB$48

Reservations: (246) 622 1825

Sunset Point, Salmond, St. Lucy


Sand Quarry Belleplaine Lakes

Chalk y Mount Potteries

Barclays Park & Picnic Site


Forest Gardens

co H ill Forest Hunte’s Gardens

s Parks Bowling Alley Hill Villa Nova


East Coast map showing the location of restaurants on pages 126 to 129

Fisherpond House

St. Ann’s Church St. Augustine Church

Andrew Sugar Factor y

Belair St. Helens Francia Thorpes

Soup Bowl (Sur f Spot)

Andromeda Botanic Gardens

St. Joseph Church St. Margaret ’s Church

Cotton Tower

Horse Hill Gun Hill Signal Station Drax Hall (His. Building)

Cleaver’s Hill Zores Coach


Hackletons Verdun

St. John’s Churc h Mount Tabor Church Tropical Garden

Roebuck Street

Palmers Cherry Grove Stewar Guinea Cli Kendal




Kendal Hill View

Parish Land

Moncriefe Summer

125 Restaurant Guide Bathsheb a Barclays Pa rk Wa l ker ’s Beach Lakes Beach Cattlewash B eac h Lo ng Po nd Te nt Ba y Ma rt in’s Ba y Co ngor Ba y H 2 H3 H4 H 4 B H4 H3 H3 H3A H3 Sand Dunes Bar & Restaurant Round House Inn & Restaurant Atlantis Historic Inn Round Rock
House Café at PEG Farm ErmyBourneHighway Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary Woodland
Savanna Windy Hill
Chalky Mount Benab Less Beholden Cambridge
St. Sylvans
St. Elizabeth’s
Venture Wilson Hill
eld Spooners
Bissex Hill
Bruce Vale
Cane Garden Fruitful Hill Spring
Upper Parks Melvin Hill Mellowes Frizers
Horse Hill Surinam Chimborazo Castle Grant Co
Gully Sugar Hill Lammings Airy Hill Branchbury Blackmans Parris Hill Bushy Park Hillcrest
Foster Hall Easy Hall Bonwell Claybury Redland Bloomsbury Mount Wilton Clifton Hill
Selmans Three Boy’s Rock St. Margarets Hothersal Newcastle Congor Rocks Clifton Hall Church View Malvern
Sherbourne Small Hope Wake
Pool Eastmont Pot House Gall Hill Quintyne Bath Welchtown Glebe Land Cli Cottage Colleton Haynes Hill Sar Bascombe Massiah Street Ashford Moores Small Town Pool Tenantry Wake
Tenantry FOUR
ROADS Lemon Arbour Todds
Drax Hall Greens Drax Hall Hope Work Salisbury Free Hill Bairds Newbury Fair View Prospect Drax Hall Greens Ellesmere Uplands Factory Prerogative St. Judes Ashbury Retreat Wood Golden Ridge Sweet Vale Jericho Market Hill Old Post O ce Roach
Exclusive Cottons of The Ca ribbean Inc. Redland Farm Shop Verdun Chapel P

RestAurant Guide

Round House

“A favourite for locals and an essential stop for visitors.”

In the picturesque village of Bathsheba on the iconic east coast of Barbados, Round House has been a beloved seaside destination for locals and visitors for over 150 years. The historic property offers commanding views of the Atlantic coast and an undisturbed stretch of beach framed by natural tidal pools for swimming and exploring. This popular spot offers casual dining, with an internationally inspired menu that emphasises fresh, organic and locallysourced ingredients from local farmers and fishermen. Indoor and outdoor seating overlooking the beach provides some of the best views Barbados has to offer, and a prime spot for watching surfers brave the waves at one of the world’s most famous surf breaks.

Round House also houses architecturally unique guest rooms, a calendar of live music events and a rotating selection of local art for sale.

All Day Dining Tue-Sun (high season)

Check social media for days/hours in low season

Popular Weekend Brunch Sat & Sun

Monthly Moonrise Dinners!

Closed on Mon

Reservations recommended: (246) 433 9678

Bathsheba, St. Joseph


Sand Dunes

“A great local favourite!”

An easy-on-the-wallet bar and restaurant that’s the perfect stop for a cold drink, a fish cutter or a tasty Bajan lunch. Daily menu favourites include flying fish, Bajan beef stew, baked chicken, macaroni pie, sandwiches and their delicious fresh fish-off-the-grill! On Tuesdays and Fridays try their tasty breadfruit cou-cou with flying fish or grilled mahi mahi, and on Saturdays their ever-popular Puddin’ & Souse draws a crowd!

Open daily 9am-6pm

Lunch from 11:15am-4:30pm

Free WiFi

Dinner by reservation only

Tel: (246) 422 9427

Ermy Bourne Highway, East Coast Road, St. Andrew

127 Restaurant

RestAurant Guide

Atlantis Historic Inn

“Seaside dining on the spectacular east coast for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner!”

On the water’s edge in picturesque Tent Bay, in Bathsheba, the Atlantis Historic Inn is a treasured Barbadian tradition. With similar emphasis on fresh, local ingredients as its sister restaurant, The Fish Pot, the Atlantis Restaurant offers delectable local dishes prepared with a cool modern twist. Their legendary Sunday Buffet Lunch is popular with locals and visitors alike and offers a veritable feast of Barbadian delights. A selection of vegetarian dishes are also available. They also offer a fabulous Breakfast Buffet every last Sunday of the month, (every second and last Sunday from Dec. to Feb.) – very popular, so be sure to book! With its delicious food, dramatic coastal setting and cooling east coast breezes, Atlantis is a wonderfully authentic Barbados experience.

Breakfast 8-10am; All Day Dining 12-7pm (Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat), 12-3:30pm (Tue/Thu/Sun)

Sunday Breakfast Buffet - Adults BB$75, Kids (3-12) BB$50

Sunday West Indian Buffet Lunch - Adults BB$115, Kids (3-12) BB$50 Appetisers from BB$26 and Entrées from BB$42

Tel/Reservations: (246) 433 9445

Tent Bay, St. Joseph



The Farm House at PEG Farm & Nature Reserve

“Farm to Table Restaurant at PEG Farm & Nature Reserve”

This popular farm-to-table countryside restaurant is owner run by accomplished and creative chefs Rebecca and Nathan. Vegans rejoice to find several options made with beautiful organic local produce. PEG raises free range and grass fed animals. Meat lovers adore the pork chop slow braised in molasses and spice served with rosemary and garlic roast vegetables and sweet potato wedges. Their burger is also a winner. The fresh fish is often served with an interesting twist like fish curry and breadfruit cou cou. Enjoy herb flavoured Prosecco cocktails, rum punch or refreshing locally made fruit juice as well as delicious special coffee and tea. At their popular breakfast, the plantain pancakes, eggs benedict, pulled pork and the corned beef, keeps regulars coming back. After your meal there’s so much to see on the 108 acre PEG farm: cliff top views of the dramatic east coast, a camp site, happy farm animals in a wonderful setting, gullies for exploring, farm meat shop and a very interesting medicinal garden.

Café open Wednesday to Sunday 8am-3pm

Reservations or Enquiries

Tel or WhatsApp: (246) 433 9806


129 Restaurant

St. Marks

Cummins Hole

Skeet e’s Ba y

Fish Market






Bushy Park

acing Circuit


Model Home of Beach Houses - Now Open

Whitehaven Bay eld

Blades Hill

Three Houses Pa rk

Golden Grove Great House

Golden Grove

C ulpepper Island

Ragged Point

East Po int Lighthouse

Deebles Point


Marley Vale

St. Catherin e’s Church

Sealy Hill

Industry Hall Coles


Bayleys River


The Chair

K itridge Ba y

Kitridge Point



Apple Hall Phinneys Sandford Fair eld

Bushy Park



Holy Tr init y Church



ngo Road

RestAurant Guide

Hear t Church



King George V Memorial Pa rk

Lucas Street

Work Hall

Beulah Chapel

Stroude Land


Blades Hopeland Kirtons


Car Rental


Shrewbur y Chape l

Harmony Hall

Eastbourne Harrismith




Long Bay

Union Hall



Pe at Ba y

P almett o Ba y

B ottom Ba y Harrismith

Sam Lord’s Castle (under construction)

Dis Ole House

Atlantic Park

Bel Air

Sam Lo rd ’s

Lo ng Ba y

Shark’s Hole



Diamond Valley Rices

Le Shack

Beachy Head

Crane Beach

The Crane Resort


Crane Ba

Cobbler’s Rock

Foul Bay

Foul Ba

South-East Coast map showing the location of restaurants on pages 131 to 135

/ L’Azure / Zen at The Crane Resort

Dis Ole House Kitchen and Garden

“Go for the food, stay for the fun.”

Nestled at the gates of historic Sam Lord’s Castle, this 100-year-old Barbadian family home has been transformed into a hip open-air dining spot with a full roster of live entertainment. Owners Julia and John serve up a wonderful gastronomic experience with fresh Caribbean flavours. The lively, yet casual atmosphere keeps guests from all over the island coming back for more.

Open for lunch and dinner

Wednesday-Saturday 12noon-10pm

Sunday 10am-10pm


Call or WhatsApp: (246) 571 0502

Long Bay, St. Philip

Restaurant Guide

RestAurant Guide


“Authentic, Asian-inspired restaurant in an amazing setting.”

Zagat rated Barbados’ No. 1 for Food, Zen offers authentic Japanese and Thai delicacies in a magnificent setting on Barbados’ southeast coast. Zen’s sophisticated, Asian-inspired architecture and interior decor complement its dramatic setting, complete with an all-glass frontage offering spectacular views of Crane Beach.

Private booths, designed in traditional Japanese style, and a large Tatami room with a recessed floor, provide an option for parties up to 16 to dine in privacy.

Open for Dinner 5:00pm - 9:30pm. Closed Tuesdays.

Starters BB$16-$46 • Mains BB$20-$90 • Desserts BB$14-$26

Opening hours and prices subject to change

The Crane, St. Philip

Reservations: (246) 423 6220


D’Onofrio’s Trattoria

“Great Italian home cooking at the heart of Crane Village”

Nestled at the heart of the charming Crane Village, D’Onofrio’s serves up the finest authentic Southern Italian fare in a casual atmosphere. Classic dishes are inspired by the simple flavours and Old World traditions of Italy, but done to modern standards of taste and excellence.

Open daily 5:00pm - 9:30pm

Starters BB$24-$48

• Mains BB$30-$76

• Desserts BB$14-$28

Opening hours and prices subject to change

Reservations: (246) 423 6220

The Crane, St. Philip

Restaurant Guide

RestAurant Guide


“Exquisite Food & Desserts. Elegant & Enchanting Ambiance.”

Famous for perfectly prepared fresh seafood and stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean and the magnificent Crane Beach, L’Azure Restaurant serves up a tempting range of classic international and Caribbean delicacies. From salads to steaks and mouth-watering desserts, L’Azure maintains its longheld reputation for elegant dining. The atmosphere offers elegance and beauty to patrons sitting inside or on the balcony.

Open daily (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) 7:30am - 9:30pm

Starters BB$26-$57 • Mains BB$57-$119 • Desserts BB$22-$26

Opening hours and prices subject to change

The Crane, St. Philip Reservations: (246) 423 6220


Le Shack

“The new French Caribbean restaurant near Crane Beach”

Owner-managed by chef Jean Jacques Carquillat, Le Shack serves refreshingly different French/Caribbean cuisine in a casual, fun ambiance. Using only the finest ingredients, the chef offers an eclectic mix of traditional and creative dishes. All served by friendly but efficient staff who ensure that their guests are made welcome and well looked after. Good vibe, good food, good wines, good times!

Dinner · From 5:30pm

Closed Wednesday

Brunch · Sunday 11:30am-3:30pm

Take Away available

Starters · BB$20-$60

Mains · BB$40-$85, Ribeye BB$130 (246) 271 3008

The Crane, St. Philip

Restaurant Guide


RestAurant Guide

Staple Grov e Bannatyne

St. Davids


E lizabet h Pa rk

Globe Driv eIn

Sheraton Ce ntre & Fo od C our t

Sheraton Pa rk V auxhal l

Upto n

W ildey

Regenc y Pa rk

Ba rt lett s Sa rgeant s Wa rner s


Wo tton Gall Hill

S ilver Hill Mont rose

Kendal Hill

Maxw ell Hill

Maxw el l

C ane Hill


Maxw el l C oast Rd . We lche s

T op Rock Do ve r

St. Lawrence Graeme Hall


P inelands H ighgate Brittons Hill

s s s

Blue Wa t ers Wo r thing




Rock le y s

Max well/Oistins:

Su rf ers Ca fé

Max well Coast R oad :

Bougain villea Resor t Do ve r: In nity On The B each St. Lawrence G ap


St. Lawrence

Irie F oods


Na vy Gar dens Marine Gar dens St. Matthias

Wo rt hing :

Just Grillin ’ South Co ee Bean

Garriso n Ba iyv lle Henr ys

Governmen t Headquar t ers

obster Aliv e

Castaways / Barbados Magic L ounge

Rock ley :

Chilly Mo o’ s The Dutchie The Ti ki Bar

Pr imo Bar & Bistr o C ocktail Kitchen

O2 Beach Club & Spa

Sandals Barbados Sandals

Roya l BLR Reso rt

Divi Sout hw inds Hote l


Sage Bistr o Ar tSplash Ca fé Tapas

Needham ’s Po in t

Hilton Barbados


The Soco Hotel Sugar Bay Hotel

Marriott C our ty ar d


Golden Apple Ca fé

South Coast map showing the location of restaurants on pages 137 to 149


Muscovado Restaurant & Golden Apple Café

“Great food and value for money in Barbados.”

These two restaurants in Hotel PomMarine are part of the Jean & Norma Holder Hospitality Institute of the Barbados Community College. Enthusiastic trainee students are charming in their efforts to showcase their skills. The Institute participates in international culinary competitions and is the proud recipient of numerous global awards.

“Come experience our offerings!”


Golden Apple Café

Mon to Fri from 12pm-2:30pm

Muscovado Restaurant & Bar

Tue to Fri from 12pm-2:30pm

Saturday luncheon from 2pm-4:30pm - options change depending on the season

Sunday Special Lunch from 12pm-2:30pm


Muscovado Restaurant & Bar

Thur - Ethnic Cuisine early dining from 6:30pm-8:30pm

Fri - Gourmet Evening from 7:00pm-10:00pm

Available for receptions and other F&B events such as small groups luncheons, dinners and family reunions.

Reservations recommended: 228 0900 •

Hotel PomMarine, Marine Gardens, Hastings, Christ Church

Restaurant Guide
olden Bar and Restauran t at Hotel at Hotel PomMarine G olden Apple Café Bar and Restauran t at Hotel PomMarine at Hotel PomMarine

RestAurant Guide

Coffee Bean

“Barbados’ premium café”


Espresso, cappuccino, iced latte, mocha frappe and teas with carrot cake, cookies and pastries.


Pastas with a choice of two sauces

Caesar, Greek and Garden salads

Grilled, jerk or curried chicken

Crab salad Wraps, bagels, paninis, sandwiches, Daily Caribbean soup special, Spicy Barbadian patties and sushi.

Call about south coast delivery.

• Collymore Rock 437 BEAN (2326)

One Bishop Court, (Close to The Garrison & Wildey)

• Welches 421 BEAN (2326)

The Walk, adjacent to Cost-U-Less

• Sunset Mall 422 BEAN (2326)

Sunset Crest, St. James

• Rockley (Wine World) 426 1094

Artsplash Café

“Great Fresh Food!”

This trendy south coast café is very popular for their healthy selection of fresh breakfast, lunch, snacks, local juices and smoothies. They also serve Lavazza coffee that can be enjoyed with free wifi. The sea-view verandah is still the best place to cool down near the boardwalk and relax with friends! Serving a very tasty brunch menu every day. Lovely children’s playpark. Farmers Market – Wednesday and Saturday 8am to 2pm. Art Gallery open daily.

Mon to Sat. 7:00am – 3:00pm. Sun. 7:00am – 2:00pm.

Telephone: (246) 228 0776

Hastings Main Rd., Ch. Ch.


Chilly Moo’s

“Loads of flavours to choose from!”

Create your own flavour!

At Chilly Moo’s there are dozens of delicious mix-ins like candy, fruit and nuts – on a frozen granite slab with your choice of 20 delicious flavours of ice cream and stuffed into one of their homemade cookie dough waffle cones to produce a unique creation!

Ice cream Heaven!

Try one of their divine Smoothies, Shakes, Sundaes or Floats!

Just Grillin’ South

“Good food and great prices.”

This popular open-air grill and bar serves some of the best fresh grilled fish on the island, with a choice of up to five varieties of fresh fish daily. The atmosphere is friendly and very casual with meals ranging between US$12 and US$26 – among the best value anywhere. Other selections from the grill include shrimp, steak, chicken, spare ribs and burgers served with your choice of any two delicious side orders including Caesar salad, grilled vegetables, coleslaw or potatoes.

Take-Away service available.

Open Daily 11am-9pm.

Tel: (246) 435 1877

Quayside Centre, Rockley, Ch. Ch.

Open Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sunday 4pm-10pm

Tel: (246) 435 6469

Quayside Centre, Rockley, Ch. Ch.

139 Restaurant

RestAurant Guide

Sage Bistro

“Modern Bajan fare and flair”

A quaint, attractive, and cozy bistro — located on Barbados’ south coast — offering a fresh, vibrant menu of delicious dishes, comforting beverages and drinks, and the friendliest of positive vibes.

Open 8am-4pm, Tuesday-Sunday

Check IG for Dinner Openings

Tel/Reservations: (246) 228 7243

Upper Bay Street, St. Michael



“Reserve early and request a water-side table.”

This trendy restaurant, wonderfully positioned along the south coast boardwalk, is not only known for its breathtaking view but for exceptional service and delicious cuisine. No small wonder it’s a favourite amongst locals and visitors alike. With a wide variety of tapas dishes and an à la carte menu, there is more than enough to satisfy any palate. Just a few feet away from the water’s edge, the atmosphere at the bar is casual and the conversation bubbly. Dining is intimate with sweeping views of the island’s southern coastline from both floors of the restaurant. Outdoor seating alongside the boardwalk and shoreline has been a very popular addition, making Tapas the ideal spot for sunset cocktails and a romantic dinner under the stars.

Open Daily from 11:30am, last order 10:30pm

Reservations: (246) 228 0704

Hastings, Christ Church

Restaurant Guide


RestAurant Guide

The Dutchie

“A great new addition to the south coast liming and dining scene”

This hidden gem is actually located just across from the popular Accra Beach in the heart of the south coast. The elegant new member of the Irie Foods family serves all the Jamaican favourites - ackee & salt fish, Jamaican jerk, curried goat, oxtail stew, rotis, calaloo, breadfruit and a great Dutchie burger. Owner run by Curtis and his son Andrew they open 365 days a year for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the attractive pool deck, chilled vibe and good music make it a great liming spot. The Dutchie is ideal for weddings and other private celebrations.

Open Everyday 7am-10pm

Sunday Live steelpan and lunch buffet

Orders/Reservations: (246) 435 8916 Ext. 5

Blue Horizon Hotel, Accra, Rockley, Christ Church


The Tiki Bar Barbados

“A lazy beach day place, ideal for sunset cocktails!”

Relax and let the friendly staff at Tiki Bar Barbados make your day with delicious Bajan cocktails and beastly cold beers. Their menu of light bites is ideal for chilling out on the beach–Tiki wings, Tiki ceviche, Tiki chips and salsa, buljol, calamari and their famous caprese flatbreads, fish cutters and burgers and fries in a basket. After the popular sunset cocktails there’s a cool vibe with delicious pastas, curries and tasty dinner specials.

Open Everyday 10am-10pm

Friday - Happy Hour 5-7pm

Tel/Reservations: (246) 435 8074

Accra Beach, Rockely, Christ Church

Restaurant Guide

RestAurant Guide

Primo Bar & Bistro

“One of the best south coast spots to enjoy sunset cocktails and either have a light bite or stay on to dine.”

Idyllically located on the edge of St. Lawrence Bay, Primo offers rustic sophistication with stunning views. An eclectic Mediterranean styled menu for lunch and dinner with an extensive selection of seafood, meat and pasta dishes that accentuate freshness and flavour. Dine at one of their many seaside tables, sip signature cocktails in the air-conditioned lounge or relax in their seaside lounge with open-plan bar and Pizza Kitchen. Eat, drink and relax in a unique ocean chic setting. Primo is where west coast style meets south coast charm.

Lunch Friday to Sunday 11:30am–3pm

Dinner Daily from 5pm

Starters BB$25-42

• Mains BB$32-110 • Desserts BB$18-27

Reservations: (246) 573 7777 • WhatsApp 231 8382 • Online via our website St. Lawrence Gap, Christ Church •



“One of Barbados’ most popular restaurants.”

Champers’ sterling reputation for outstanding food and service has made it one of the island’s leading restaurants. Set away from the south coast main road, right at the water’s edge, this elegant cliff-top restaurant ‘bubbles’ with atmosphere and has well earned its fiercely loyal clientele of locals and visitors. Champers is owner-run by much admired restaurateur, Chiryl Newman, who ensures the highest quality, locally grown produce and Barbados-caught fish and seafood are served. The restaurant boasts a dedicated gallery of original Caribbean art and several ideal options for private and corporate functions.

Lunch Sun to Fri, dinner every night

Dinner: Starters BB$28-48

Mains BB$57-128 Wine BB$70-455

Champagne BB$190-455

Reservations Recommended:

(246) 434 3463 or 435 6644

Skeetes Hill, Rockley, Ch. Ch.

Restaurant Guide


RestAurant Guide

Castaways Restaurant & Barbados Magic Lounge

“Stunning seaside dining and the option of a world class magic show”

Soak up stunning ocean views from the elegant roof terrace at Castaways, at the entrance to St. Lawrence Gap. Go for sunset, when the soft lighting and draping Allamanda flowers frame the magical scene where sky meets sea. Dine al fresco or indoors with two levels of table settings, enjoying local and international fare from fresh catch-of-the-day to slow-roasted lamb shank, or light bites from the bar menu and pizza selection. Serious about their sours, there’s a different twist on offer from the bar for every day of the week. After dinner get ready to laugh out loud, be mesmerised by strong magic and captivated by intriguing storytelling. Their master magician and host Hans Grane delivers all elements of wonderful entertainment.

Happy Hour 5-6pm

Dinner from 5:30pm daily

Barbados Magic Lounge Shows

Thursday, Friday and Saturday (see pg153 for more details)

Reservations: (246) 420 7587

St. Lawrence Gap, Worthing, Ch Ch


Cocktail Kitchen - St Lawrence Gap

“This restaurant is a must when visiting Barbados. The food and cocktails are creative and delicious.”

In the heart of St. Lawrence Gap lies local hotspot Cocktail Kitchen - where the food is full of flava, cocktails are next level and vibes cyan’ done!

• Experience elevated twists on local cuisine, by award-winning chef Damian Leach.

• Enjoy expertly crafted cocktails with a panoramic rooftop view of the South Coast.

Reservations: (246) 622 3017

St. Lawrence Gap, Christ Church

147 Restaurant
Scan To Reserve With...

RestAurant Guide

Surfers Café

“Great atmosphere and fantastic food on the waters edge in Oistins”

The relaxed seaside vibe of Surfers Café in Oistins Bay is enjoyed from early morning with their famous breakfasts and connoisseurs coffee. Sensational signature house cocktails get you #buzzed on their sunny seaside deck or enjoy dining under the stars. Whether you are logging on to that meeting, jammin’ to live reggae music every Thursday night or catching up with your crew, let them know how you like your brew! Their wonderful chefs proudly prepare a wide variety of local favourites and international cuisine, from ocean fresh ceviche and panko crusted shrimp to succulent steak, pulled pork paninis and our popular “bajan belly full”. Many visitors, luggage still in hand, stop off one last time en route to the airport!

Open 7am-10pm every day for breakfast, lunch & dinner and later on music nights. Thurs nights Live Reggae Band “Rite Side of Red.”

Tel/Reservations: (246) 435 5996

Oistins Bay, Christ Church


Irie Foods

“Nyam and Jam!”

About as close as you’ll get to Jamaica in Barbados! Irie Foods is a refreshingly casual spot, inspired by Jamaican home cooking. Probably best known for their char-grilled jerk chicken and pork, but it’s not just the jerk that stands out… Dishes such as ackee & salt fish, curry goat & escovitch fish share the menu with roti and oxtail & beans, accompanied by a host of tasty staples like rice & peas, roast breadfruit, plantain and ‘festival’. Wash down your meal with a beastly cold Red Stripe, or some refreshing homemade sorrel. For authentic Jamaican meals on the go, try their new frozen meals available at Massy Stores Supermarkets islandwide!

Dine in or take away. Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner Mon-Sat: 9am-10pm

Reservations and Orders:

Tel: (246) 420 4743

WhatsApp: 285 5749

2nd Ave., Dover, Christ Church


Restaurant Guide


Island Hot Spots


Full Moon Rise at Round House: Featuring some of the island’s best performing artists, sit under the stars and watch the full moon rise over the dramatic east coast vista. With great food and fantastic cocktails, spend a night out at this historic inn and restaurant.


Thursday is Reggae night at Surfer’s Café in Oistins Bay: Along with their exciting cocktails and amazing dinner specials, the music on Thursday evening at Surfer’s Cafe is a chilled Caribbean vibe.

Sage Bar & Stage: Sage has two stages featuring some of Barbados’ best talent in many musical genres; Cuban, jazz, reggae - even stand up comedy.

Blakey’s on the Boardwalk: Whether you go there to wine or dine, Blakey’s is always full of atmosphere! The boardwalk location makes it a great spot for sundown cocktails. Live music most weekends.

Worthing Square Food Garden: This hub of activity along the south coast is home to an eclectic collection of food canteens featuring cuisine from all over the world, much of it prepared right there on the spot! It is very easy and convenient to drop in any time of day for a delicious meal.

Savvy on the Bay: Barbados’ first 24hr place for eating, relaxing and enjoying the view along the stunning Carlisle Bay.

150 Nightlife
Drift Ocean Lounge Rite Side of Red at Surfer’s Café Ch’An at Sage Bar & Stage

Harbour Lights Beach Extravaganza Dinner Show

“Unmatched entertainment, exciting, lively & colourful” Be mesmerised as we take you on a spectacular journey; one with authenticity, amusement and passion. Enjoy an evening of traditional Bajan food, flowing drinks and a complete Caribbean production of social past times. Dance the night away to the music of three live Caribbean bands, before being introduced to the “movementations” of Mother Sally and the nutsellers. You will be hypnotised by the colour of flames as the stirring fire eater, the reggae dancers and the indigenous landship movement showcase their iconic talents. Look on in admiration as we climax the night with a hypnotic celebration, featuring the towering Stiltwalkers and captivating Dancers, presenting the modern day Crop Over season.

• Dinner & Drinks Inclusive

• Hotel Shuttle Transfers • All Ages Welcome

Scan to make a booking

Wed & Thurs 7:30-10:30pm

Tel: (246) 436 7225

#thismustbetheplace #lightsbynight

151 Nightlife


St. Lawrence Gap: Located on the south coast, St. Lawrence Gap (or simply The Gap as it’s locally known) is a mile-long strip bustling with activity and packed with a huge variety of bars, restaurants, nightclubs, hotels and some of the best beaches on the island!

Cocktail Kitchen: With next level cocktails and an exceptional menu developed by head chef Damian Leach, it’s no wonder that Cocktail Kitchen is always buzzing with activity. Be sure to reserve well in advance.

Harbour Lights Night Club: Every Friday night this iconic open air night club pulses to the beat of the hottest local and international music. With two dancefloors, two beach bars, and a grill servin’ up the renowned Harbour Lights’ Burgers!


Drift Ocean Terrace Lounge: This breezy bar and restaurant overlooks the beautiful west coast. It’s a fantastic spot to enjoy light bites or pizza over a classy glass of wine or Champagne. Nishi: The bar serves a brilliant range of cocktails in a relaxed atmosphere with live entertainment every Friday.

The Bearded Rose by Timothy Oulton: This newly re-imagined bar at Limegrove is an upscale hangout spot with fabulous décor, cocktails crafted with the finest local ingredients and a decadent seasonal menu, filled with local ingredients and fine international flair.

Cocktail Kitchen Savvy on the Bay Cocktail Kitchen Savvy on the Bay The Bearded Rose Niall Thomas Worthing Square

Barbados Magic Lounge

“Chills, thrills and laughter—that’s what happens at the Barbados Magic Lounge”

Welcome to the Barbados Magic Lounge, an intimate comedy-magic theatre where the impossible becomes possible. Enjoy the specially curated show by master magician Hans Grane – a lifelong entertainer, featured on TV in a dozen countries. The show is filled with strong magic, funny interludes and intriguing storytelling. A unique opportunity to turn a regular night out into your own special memories.

“Possibly the worst, but probably the best magic show in Barbados.”

• Weekly shows from mid-December through April

• The show is created for adults, but kids from the age of 10 are welcome in the company of a guardian.

Castaways Restaurant, St. Lawrence Gap, Worthing, Ch. Ch.

153 Nightlife

Car Hire

Hiring a Car

Visitors must produce a valid driver’s licence in order to obtain a Visitor’s Permit which is usually issued by the car hire companies or online, https://, from the Barbados Revenue Authority for BB$10 – it is valid for two months from the date of issue.

Driving Tips in a Nutshell

• In Barbados we drive on the left.

• Seat belts are compulsory.

• The roundabout system of lanes: when taking the first left exit off the roundabout you should remain in the left lane; when proceeding straight, take either lane and filter at the exit, all other exits off the roundabout remain in the right lane. At roundabouts always give way to traffic approaching from the right.

• The main ABC Highway runs from the Grantley Adams International Airport, parallel to the South Coast and then to the West Coast.

• Highways 1-7 all start in Bridgetown and branch out across the island.

• Highways A-Z are the smaller roads in between.

• When you hear the honk of a horn it has a variety of meanings. It could be a warning, a ‘hello’ to a passing friend, an ‘excuse me, I’m coming’ or a ‘thank you’.

• When someone flashes their lights at you at a junction it usually means ‘proceed, I’m letting you go first’.

Andrew Huslmeier

National Car Rentals

“Over 400 vehicles, 24 hour emergency service & unlimited mileage.”

We offer a full range of vehicles from fully loaded sedans to mokes. In addition, we have a superb luxury class, which includes Mercedes.

Vehicles are delivered free of charge to hotels and guest houses and our rental agents can issue your local driver’s permit.

Reservations: (246) 434 8450

Toll Free: 1 800 581 8773

Grantley Adams International Airport and CWTS Complex, Lower Estate, St. Michael

155 Car Hire
FREE toDELIVERY hotels & guesthouses 15% Discount when you use promo code NUTSHELL15 This offer is not applicable through agents or with any other special offer.

Car Hire

Stoutes Car Rentals

“All kinds of vehicles for every adventure.”

Stoutes Car Rental Ltd. is a family-owned company that offers jeeps, vans and air-conditioned sedans for short and long-term rental in Barbados. The company’s large fleet of well-maintained vehicles is backed by decades of experience. Seasoned staff meet arriving clients at the airport or deliver the vehicles to any local address, providing them with detailed maps of the island and directions to their destination. Visitor driving permits, GPS systems and child seats are supplied if requested, and 24 hour roadside assistance is offered to all customers.

Tel: (246) 416 4456

Grantley Adams Int’l Airport and Kirtons, St. Philip


15% GO Rent A Car

Mangera Car Rentals “36 years of great service!”

Mangera’s well-maintained vehicles: automatic, air-conditioned cars and eight seater vans, manual and automatic jeeps and Suzuki mokes will be delivered to the airport or directly to your hotel or villa islandwide. Local driver’s permits are issued on delivery and baby seats are also available. Major credit cards accepted. 24-hour service.

In everything that we do, we believe in challenging the status quo, we believe transactions should be seamless enjoyable experiences.... and we happen to rent cars. Want to rent one?

Complimentary Islandwide Delivery Modern Fleet » Competitive Rates 24/7 Roadside Assistance

Scan bar code for information or to make a reservation

Tel: (246) 436 0562

Cell: (246) 265 7573

Welches Main Road, St. Michael


157 Car Hire gorentacar_bb
Located at Grantley Adams Int’l Airport and the Villages At Coverley
or Tel: (246) 228

Safety Tips


Barbados is considered to be a safe place but always be as cautious as you would at home.

At the hotel: Avoid carrying large sums of cash; make copies of original documents; do not leave valuables exposed, secure them in a safe or at the front desk; keep doors locked at all times.

On the beach: Marijuana is illegal, avoid persons who try to offer it or other illicit drugs to you. Avoid walking or frequenting lonely beaches; do not leave cameras, cell phones and other valuable items unattended; adhere to beach signs and follow the advice of life guards on duty.

When sightseeing: Avoid deserted areas. If you feel uneasy, leave the area.

When driving: Keep on the left side of the road; avoid leaving bags or valuables in plain sight in vehicle.

The Sun’s UV: Barbados is close to the equator and the sun can cause severe skin damage, so be sure to use a good sunscreen and sit under an umbrella.


Although extremely rare, there is a rock dwelling variety of lionfish that gives a nasty sting when stepped on. Victims should seek medical attention.


Emergency only: 211

PBX: 430-7100

Crime Stoppers Hotline: 429-8787/1 800-8477


Urgent Care 24 Hour:

Doctors on Call (246) 538-3838

The Estates, Highway 5, St. George

Private Ambulance: 622-3061/2 / 228-8633

QEH Ambulance:

511 or 426-0016


Sandy Crest Medical Centre: (Open 24-Hrs.) Sunset Crest, Holetown, St. James. Tel: 419-4911

Urgent Care 24 Hour:

Doctors on Call (246) 538-3838

24 hour clinic: The Estates, Highway 5, St. George

FMH Emergency Clinic:

Open daily 8am–midnight.

3rd Ave., Belleville, St. Michael.

Tel: 228-6120

Queen Elizabeth Hospital: Martindales Road, St. Michael.

Tel: 436-6450

Decompression Chamber:

Barbados Defence Force

Medical Unit, The Garrison, St. Michael. Tel: 436-6185/6/7/8

Ext. 2556.

159 advertisers Index Art & Craft 50-53 Gallery of Caribbean Art 51 Hamilton’s Pottery 53 Whitehall Enterprises 53 Beaches 100-107 Harbour Lights Beach 103 Car Hire 154-157 Go Rent A Car 157 Mangera Car Rentals 157 National Car Rentals 155 Stoutes Car Rentals 156 Golf 30-31 Barbados Golf Club 31, Map Island Adventures 54-61 Cannon Charters 60 Maximum Watersports 60 El Tigre/Small Cats 58, 59 Elegance 55 Reef Smart Guides & Cards 61 Tiami 57, Map Nightlife 150-153 Harbour Lights Dinner Show 151 Barbados Magic Lounge 153 Property 88-99 Beach Houses by Crane Resorts 94 Crane Private Residences, The 95 Reservation Barbados 96-99 Royal Westmoreland 92-93 Restaurant Guide 108-149 Animal Flower Cave 122 Art Taylor’s Lobster Alive 111 ArtSplash Café 138 Asian Spice 118 Atlantis Historic Inn 128 Bombas Beach Bar 113 Calma Beach Club 121 Castaways/B’dos Magic Lounge 146 Catch-22 124 Champers 145 Chilly Moo’s 139 Cocktail Kitchen 147 Coffee Bean 138 Dis Ole House 131 D’onofrio’s Trattoria 133 Drift Ocean Terrace Lounge 114 Farm House Café at PEG 129 Golden Apple Café 137 Irie Foods 149 Just Grillin’ South 139 Just Grillin’ West 121 L’Azure 134 Le Shack 135 Local & Co. 120 Muscovado 137 Nishi 119 Open Kitchen Café & Bistro 117 Paul Owens at the Beach House 115 Primo Bar & Bistro 144 Round House 126 Sage Bistro 140 Sand Dunes 127 Sandy Lane 116 Surfers Café 148 Tapas 141 The Dutchie 142 The Tiki Bar 143 Zen 132 Rum 12-17 Mount Gay Visitor Experiences 17 Shopping 34-49 9, 43 Best of Barbados 45 Clifton Market 41 Diamonds Int’l 5, 36, 37 Earthworks Pottery 48, 49, Map Ganzee & Caribbean Kidz 46, Map Hastings Farmers Market 47 La Baguette French Bakery 40, Map Limegrove Lifestyle Centre 39, Map Little Switzerland 35, Map Milano Diamond Gallery 3 Royal Shop, The IFC, 1 Sightseeing 62-87 Animal Flower Cave 66 Barbados Wildlife Reserve
160 Advertisers Index Trents, Holetown, St. James Contact Max or Julia Tel or WhatsApp: +1 (246) 249 5115/242 2108 Maximum Tours & Taxi “Providing reliable transportation.” Maximum Tours is an owner run taxi service company operating from the west coast of Barbados. Hassle-free, dependable airport transfers and trips to restaurants, supermarkets, beaches, shopping etc. They also offer Island Tours. Max and Julia are prompt, reliable, and take pride in providing a safe, comfortable experience. • Luxury and group transfers are available in a variety of vehicle sizes. • Advanced bookings are appreciated. & Grenade Hall 67, Map Coco Hill Forest 74 Exclusive Cottons (ECCI) 75 Flower Forest 71, Map George Washington House 83 Hunte’s Gardens 73, Map Paradise Nature Park, The Map Parliament Buildings 81 PEG Farm & Nature Reserve 77 Welchman Hall Gully 70 Wellness Services 32-33 East Side Yoga at The Round Hse. 33 Mobile Massage 32 Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary 33 Serenity Spa 32 Terrific Tours 19-23 Beautiful B’dos Tours & Exc. 21 Bushy Park Barbados 23, Map Lickrish Food Tours 19 Mallalieu Motor Collection 22 Tranquility Cruises 20 Touring & Taxi Services 160 Maximum Tours & Taxi 160


Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St. James • 246-271-8230 Lower Broad Street Bridgetown, St. Michael • 246-430-2412 Exclusively at
Ar t of Sparkle ™
The Ar t of Sparkle ™ Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St. James • 246-271-8230 Lower Broad Street Bridgetown, St. Michael • 246-430-2412 Exclusively at

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