MILLIONAIR Autumn 2022

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Eco-luxury meets sustainability and beyond

p14 Chanel Timeless Appeal



Brad Pitt New Genderless Skincare Le Domaine

Kellie Blaise Woman in Retrograde

Vrai x Brides Collaboration

Tiffany & Co Shining a Light on Love GRAFF



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Anonlinepublicationwhichisreleasedbi-monthlyanddistributedworldwide. Crossinginternationalboundariestodelivercutting-edgebrandsfromacross theglobe.

Inspiringindividuals,eco-luxury,thelatestbeauty,couturefashion,travel,art andculture.Ensuringeveryreaderreceivestheirdiversedoseofeverything luxuryandinspirationalwithjustoneclick,theprofessional,thesocialiteand thevisionarycanaccessMilliOnAir.


AllcontentiscopyrighttoMilliOnAir™Magazineandwherestatedinsideany edition.AnyreproductionofanypartofMilliOnAir™Magazineisstrictly forbidden,unlesswithpriorpermission.MilliOnAir™Magazineispublishedby Joomag,anyviewsexpressedinanyarticlesorinterviewsarethoseofthe individualsandnotnecessarilythoseofMilliOnAir™Magazine..


Guest editor's note

“In the entire universe, you play such a huge role. The self esteem and love you have for yourself is the only gift you need to give. It isn’t a selfish act to love yourself hard. Only you can love yourself to the fullest because you understand why every aspect of your life has happened. A self love deficit isn’t what will bring you joy. The wrong mental attitude can be devastating in the world. If you have true self esteem and high self love you can share that love with the world around you. To love oneself is to love the world and a person learns that only when they show themselves the kindness they deserve.” – Anonymous

We are bringing you some inspiration and love in this issue of MilliOnair magazine with our outstanding contributors.

First, meet Kellie Blaise, who recently wrote a short movie about a woman who develops D.I.D (Dissociative Identity Disorder) as a coping mechanism after her son's death. "Woman in Retrograde" Kellie also plays the main part in the movie and is a rising star.

Our beauty editor Ruby Hammer always graces our pages with her latest exciting products and advice; she is a woman we all admire.

Juliet Herd is an excellent writer and always manages to write the most exciting stories this month; it’s about beautiful, sustainable jewellery for brides.

Clare Lazzaro talks us through some fabulous trends, and our cover girl Dominique Dunn at Established models, photographed by Peter Zownir, showcases the latest high jewellery pieces by Graff, Moussaeiff, Van Cleef & Arpel, TASAKI, Chaumet and Cartier and fashion by Alexander McQueen and Dior.

Sending LOVE to you all.

Timeless Appeal

Uniquely contemporary and instantly recognisable CHANEL presents PREMIERE ORIGINAL EDITION watch.

In the CHANEL watchmaking universe, the Première watch has been a shining star since 1987. Choosing the octagonal shape of the stopper of the N°5 perfume bottle for its case and dressing it in black lacquer, and borrowing the interlaced leather and chain strap of the iconic quilted bag for its bracelet.

Thirty-five years after its creation, this authentic lesson in style now reappears in its original version, styled in its most cherished quality: timeless appeal.

Première Original Edition Watch in 18K yellow gold, steel, lacquer, onyx and leather by CHANEL Watches, £4,850

in discussion with

In conversation with

Brad Pitt Launches a Genderless Skincare Line

Le Domaine Le Domaine

Brad Pitt is an American actor and producer. Since 2008, he has owned Château Miraval in Provence where he produces a world-class rosé together with the Perrin family.

How did you meet the Perrin family?

When I decided to relaunch our Miraval rosé back in 2012, I was introduced to them through a mutual friend. He praised their work at Beaucastel. Since we share the same values for authenticity and preserving nature and terroir,weimmediatelyhititoff.

What made you decide to create a new skincare line together?

For a long time, I had tossed around the idea of creating a skincare line. When the Perrins told me about the research they had conducted with a professor on the antioxidant property of the grapes and leaves, it clicked. We rapidly moved on with the concept of developing a unique, sustainable skincare brand, merging state-of-theart research with the best natural ingredients.

Did you give some guidelines for the skincare range?

I was involved in the creative process every step of the way, from choosing the name and the brand identity to testing the products. I’m a big fan of every single one and use The Cream daily. It is my favourite one, I really like the texture because it’s creamy, it moisturises quickly. It makes my skin much more comfortableundertheCaliforniasun.

What about the packaging design?

As you may already know, I’m a big fan of architecture and design, and I loved the idea of upcycling oak wood from the wine barrels of the Perrin wine estates. We worked with a local designer to create this unique cap for the jars and bottles. It is made in France by craftsmen, and each piece is unique. The resultisbothminimalistandsensory.

Will you embody the range?

This is not the plan. Le Domaine is not meant to be a celebrity brand. It is an anti-aging cosmetics range for every man and woman. I love the idea of a genderless line. When we created it with the Perrins, we agreed on the fact that we did not want a face to representit.

“The goal is to imitate the organic cycles of nature, its primeval beauty. There is no waste in nature. This exemplary circular system is the inspiration for Le Domaine''

Do you plan to source some local ingredients from Miraval in the future?

We already use some olive oil from Miraval in the Cream, and hopefully, in the near future, more natural ingredients will be sourced from our estates. I also have this passion for trees and have created an arboretum with many Mediterranean plants that are potentially interestingfortherange.

Tell us a little bit about your plans for Miraval.

After two years of renovation, we are reopening Miraval Studios. This is a very exciting project and we start to see great bandscomingbacktoMiraval.

More generally I want Miraval to be a place of artistic creation and creative collaboration. This is our plan for the future.

In conversation with

Woman In Retrograde

Kellie Blaise

IrishActressandwriterKellieBlaiseisaboutto premierehershortfilm"Woman In Retrograde" attheCorkInternationalFilmFestival. Kelliehasstarredinavarietyoftv/filmrolesto daterangingfromtheUniversalfilmDeathRace to,mostrecently,"TheShrinkNextDoor" starringopposite"WillFerrell"and"PaulRudd". AswellasbeingafaceforformerAmericanvice PresidentAlGore'sCurrentTVandsingingon "TheVoice",Kellienotonlystarsinthefilm "Woman In Retrograde"playingtwocharacters SaoirseReillyandtheinfamousflappergirlfrom the1920sZeldaFitzgeraldbutshealsowrote thescreenplayandfeaturedsongforthefilm. AfterreceivingagrantfromScreenIrelandand BowStreettomakeherfilm,Kelliebegan assemblingateamandshotinsomebeautiful locationsinDublin,onebeing18th-century ArdgillanCastle.

What is your short film "Woman In Retrograde about?"

It'saboutanIrishwomaninthe1980swho suffersaterribletragedyanddevelops DissociativeIdentityDisorderasacoping mechanism.Underthesupervisionofher unorthodoxPsychologistDr.Cahillsheassumes theidentityoftheinfamousflappergirlZelda Fitzgerald.

Caroline Kealy was our producer who somehow managed to pull off the impossible in many situations and came in at the last minute to save the day. It was never intended to be a female-led team but it magically just happened that way. A first for me.

How did you go about assembling the team?

Well,thefirstpointofdutywasfindingaDirectorwhounderstoodandgotmyvisionfor thepiece.IactuallyfoundmypowerhouseDirectorImogenHarrisonthroughPeaky BlindersDirectorAnthonyByrne;heputmeintouch,andwell,therestishistory. Imogenandmyselfimmediatelyclicked,andthematerialreallyresonatedwithher,she knewhowIwantedourprotagonistSaoirse/Zelda,tobeportrayed,anditwasimportant thattheaudiencegottoquestionSaoirse/Zelda'smentalstateratherthanpigeonholeit inaonesizefitsallcategory.Weworkedcloselyonmanyscriptedits,andsheflewback andforthfromtheUKtoDublintoscouttheperfectlocations,dorehearsals,meetthe teametc.,sotherewasmuchprepbeforetheshoot.Itwasaverycollaborativeprocess, andnowIcan'timaginehowitwouldhavebeenwithanyoneelsebuther.Imogengave meandtheotherActors"PaddyCCourtney"and"PaulElliott''thefreedomtoexplore andplay.ItwasundoubtedlymybestexperienceeverworkingwithaDirector.Shewas thecaptainofourship,sotospeak,andwealltookherlead.

The music plays a very important role, who composed the music?

Yes,themusicwasintegraltoportraying whatitislikeforSaoirsewhenshesteps intotheeccentricworldofZeldaandjust howmagicalandliberatingitcanbetolive insidehermind.Istillcan'tquitebelieveit butBrianByrne(GoldenGlobenominee) composedthemusicandtogetherwe workedonthefinalsong.Iamaverybigfan ofhis,hiscompositionsareetherealand hauntingattimesandItrulybelieveBrian broughthismagicto"WomanIn Retrograde"andhelpedustocreateZelda's world.

What was the most challenging piece about making the film?

Iwasactuallythreemonthspregnantand tryingtokeepitasecretfromeveryone involvedasIfeltthatperhapsgiventhe subjectmatterofthepieceIwouldbe treateddifferentlyandIdidn'twant anythingtojeopardizetheperformances. AlsowiththehelpofIrishdesignerCaoimhe Keane,shecreatedabeautifulhandstitchedgreendressspeciallymadetofit mybodyandhidethesmallbump protruding,wejustaboutgotawaywithit. Wetalkedinlengthaboutwhatthedress shouldlooklikeandwereallywantedto capturetheeleganceandglamourofthe 1920s,wewentwithanemeraldgreen dresssetagainstaredbackground.The colourpalettewasveryimportantasit reflectsthevibrancyinZelda'spersonality.

What was the inspiration for making this film?

ZeldaZeldaZelda.Ihaveaslight obsessionwiththiswoman,after readingsomuchaboutherIbelieve shehasnevertrulybeenportrayed correctlyandstillnowstandsinthe shadowsofherhusband,celebrated AmericanWriterF.ScottFitzgerald.In myopinion,shewaswildlyintelligent,a giftedpainterandwriterandtrulythe museandpossiblyevenpartially responsibleforsomeofherhusband's greatestworkslike"TheGreatGatsby" butsheneverreceivedthecredit.The tragedyofherlife,burningalivealone inaninsaneasylumjustbreaksmy heart.IguessinsomewaysIwantto resurrectherlegacythatstilllies buriedbehindherhusband'smerits.

Kellie Blaise


Majestic Escapes by Harry Winston

Amalfi Coast – Bougainvillaea Suite

Fragrant florals are reimagined through fuchsia gemstones and turquoise-tinted waters.

An extraordinary necklace and earring suite that features an enchanting melody of rubellites, Paraiba, turquoise and diamonds, illustrates the charm and inherentbeautyoftheMediterranean’scoastallandscape.

The Bougainvillea necklace has eight emerald-cut rubellites arranged to capture the beautiful pink petals of its namesake that grows throughout the region, while turquoiseandParaibagemstonescapturethemajesticwatersbelow.


Fiji – Turquoise Waters Suite

The crown jewel of the islands is captured in a suite of jewels beyond compare. The beautifully blue-hued stones within this wide-style necklace are set with movement, in order to maintain its shape, while also conforming to the contours of itswearer.

Featuring rows of cabochon turquoise interspersed with diamonds and sapphires to capture Fiji’s vibrant blue waters andgoldensandbeaches

The Rainforest Suite

The magical essence of nature was brought to life with gems aslushasitslandscape.

Necklace, earrings and ring — features green tsavorites in varying shades to capture the rich forestry of its namesake. An emerald-cut tsavorite is poised in the centre of three consecutive rows of gems that seemingly float in their setting — a dark green, followed by a lighter green, and lastly diamonds. The artful arrangement, along with the colour selection, represents the layers of leafy greenery, while the ring of diamonds symbolizes the rays of light that peak through the canopies above and glisten off the waterfalls andspringsbelow.



EngagementringshavealwaysbeenattheheartofthequintessentialBritish jewellerybrandGraff,witheachringindividuallydesignedandcraftedinkeepingwith thefamily’s“diamondfirst”vision.

Launchingitsnewbridalcampaign,GraffhasrevisiteditsclassicPromisesetting, reimaginingthedesigntomaximisetheplayoflightthroughthediamonds.Theelegant newsilhouetterevealsasofttulipshapeandadroppedtopbezel,puttingthespotlight firmlyonthestarstones:thediamonds.

Withfull-scaleweddingsmorepopularthaneverfollowingtheliftingofpandemic restrictions,itseemedfittingtofocusthenewcampaignonthereal-lifelovestory betweenGraffhighjewellerymuse,AmericansupermodelGraceElizabeth,andher GermanfootballerhusbandNicolasKrause.

Having married in a low-key ceremony during lockdown two years ago, the couple got the chance to enjoy all the precious moments they had missed, including being dressed in diamond jewels from the House’s bridal collection. Shot on a tropical Sri Lankan island, the campaign video shows the idyllic setting, the white dress, the bride walking down the aisle and the wedding album.

“It really hit us – that we are so lucky to be in love, on this beautiful beach, getting married for what feels like the first time and having it captured so beautifully,” says Grace Elizabeth of filming the campaign.

Adds CEO Francois Graff:

“With our incredible team of skilled artisans, coupled with the latest, highly technical design software, we are constantly looking for new ways to develop our bridal offering, whether it is conceiving new bridal jewels or enhancing a classic like the Promise setting. The new campaign shines a light on the incredible array of engagement rings and bridal jewels available at Graff, which are such an important part of our DNA.”

The new Promise setting is now available in stores.


Sustainability is at the core of the first bridal collaboration between fine jewellery brand VRAI and iconic American wedding resource company Brides.

The VRAI x Brides collection features recycled solid gold and diamonds sustainably created by VRAI in its zero-emission foundry.

“Our collaboration with Brides was a natural fit, combining their insight on weddings with our expertise in diamond jewellery design, to provide a collection that is incredibly beautiful, sustainable and can be passed down through generations,” says VRAI president Mona Akhavi.

“We created a collection that fits into the way consumers are shopping and gifting around their special day that also aligns with their values.”

The 14-piece collection includes four engagement rings, unisex wedding band, four pairs of earrings, two bracelets and three necklaces – all in mixed diamond shapes and featuring special hidden details.

"Our readers have taken a strong interest in lab-grown diamond engagement rings, so we wanted to work with a brand that keeps sustainability at the forefront of everything they do,”

says Gabriella Rello Duffy, editorial director of Brides. “Our goal was to create a collection with pieces for the wedding day and beyond."

Sustainability also extends to packaging. Shipping boxes are created from recycled cardboard while the moulded trays that hold each jewellery box are made from compressed sugarcane pulp, a renewable resource.

Tiffany & Co

Jean Schlumberger’s most impressive designs from The Tiffany Archives are reimagined with unique coloured gemstone combinations.

"BOTANICA" Bringing new energy and life to important floral themes from The Tiffany Archives, the fall iteration draws from flora such as wisterias, magnolias andorchids,inadditiontoJeanSchlumberger’smasterpieces.

The Wisteria theme of the fall Blue Book high jewellery collection draws inspiration from the forms and colours of Louis Comfort Tiffany’s iconic table lampspopularizedduringtheArtNouveauperiod.

The collection’s Magnolia theme offers a contemporary update to the floral motif, also expressed with inventive use of hand-carved chalcedony, as well as Tiffany & Co.“legacygemstones,”suchastsavoriteandmorganite.

The Orchid Curve theme reinterprets an important floral motif at Tiffany & Co.— the orchid— through a modernized lens. Focusing on the orchid’s unique, organic symmetry and sensual nature, the Orchid Curve motif of BOTANICA features an array of diamond-intensive designs defined by elegant undulating formsandextraordinarygemstonedrops.

Jean Schlumberger’s most impressive designs from The Tiffany Archives are reimagined with unique coloured gemstone combinations. Legendary designs such as the Bird on a Rock brooch, as well as the Vigne and Trellis suites, are set with a vibrant display of gemstones that give a new personality to Schlumberger’s masterful creations. Rarely brought to life before, Tiffany & Co. Schlumberger® Phoenixbroochisfulloffieryenergyandshowcasesaspectrumofhues.

Tiffany & Co. is committed to conducting its business responsibly, sustaining the natural environment, prioritizing diversity and inclusion, and positively impacting the communities in which it operates.




Jewellery watch in ethical 18-carat white gold powered by a selfwinding movement, this exceptional watch has been nominated in the Jewellery category of the prestigious Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève awards. Its creation involved no less than 340 hours of craftsmanship in the Chopard workshops, including setting some 2,230 gemstones – ranging from diamonds to Paraiba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites.

Happy Diamonds Joaillerie

Happy Diamonds Joaillerie is the embodiment of the joy of dancing diamonds and the jewellery-making virtuosity of Chopard's artisans who enhance the symbol of the Maison’s heart emblem.


The famous Happy Diamonds have been endlessly reinvented, and today, forming a new and magnificently joyful association with a selection of coloured natural stones.

The traditional dancing diamond – which has been performing its thrilling whirls and twirls since Facing its creation by the workshops in 1976 – green agate, blue lapis lazuli, black onyx and pink rhodochrosite deploy a palette of colour.

Van Cleef Arpels&

"Legend of diamonds is the fruit of over four years of reflection, creation and intense emotions inspired by the beauty of stones and virtuoso savoirfaire. The resulting collection writes a new page in the history of Van Cleef & Arpels."

Nicolas Bos, President & CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels

Collerette MystÇrieuse transformable ring

Atours MystÇrieux necklace


The Walled Garden sapphire and diamond drop earrings, as part of the Secret Garden collection. Vibrant multicoloured sapphires are displayed amongst a backdrop of glistening round-brilliant cut diamonds and 18 carat SMO yellow gold

Secret Garden Sapphire Diamond Yellow Gold Drop Earrings
Secret Garden Sapphire Diamond Yellow Gold Ring

De Beers RVL

De Beers

TheDeBeers’monograminspiredthecollection’saesthetic,withoutlinesofthe‘D’and ‘B’imprintedinthemetaltoformlinesthatresembleacode,andwhenviewedfromthe side,agear.LiketheDeBeersinitialshiddenwithinthedesign,youruniquecharacteris notimmediatelyevident;itmustberevealed.

Asamechanismthatincitesaction,DeBeersRVLemboldensthewearertoexpress theirextraordinaryselftotherestoftheworldthroughavarietyofcontemporary materials,distinctdesignsandplayfulstyling.



The new high jewellery odyssey from the House of Graff is an ode to the majesty of natural diamonds and gems.


“There’s a daring touch to Garrard’s new Blaze collection – the electric colours have a real energy and life of their own, and I have loved exploring it.”


Blue sapphire, tanzanite, aquamarine, blue topaz and turquoise set in white gold
Pink sapphire, rubellite and pink opal set in rose gold.
Green sapphire, green tourmaline, tsavorite and chrysoprase set in yellow gold
White diamond, white opal, white agate and white mother-of-pearl set in white gold

David Morris

Ribbon Necklace

The Ribbon necklace captures the spirit of the fashion and jewellery trends that emerged in the 1960s, injected with a colourful and contemporary twist. The collar of this spectacular necklace is designed to evoke a scrolling ribbon of precious metal embellished with white diamonds, creating a striking profile whilst appearing beautifully light. At the necklace’s centre sits a spectacular central 41-carat Australian black opal; a gemstone that is synonymous with David Morris designs.

BlackOpalringsetwithwhitediamond triangleshouldersandLapisLazulisetwith microsetwhitediamondin18ctwhitegold.


Black Opal And Lapis Lazuli Ring


First created in the 1980s, the Panthère watch takes its name from the bracelet. Its ultra-flexible structure echoes the movements of the Maison’s emblematic animal.


A stitch in time

There is a rarely used word in the luxury fashion vocabulary that has seldom been uttered out loud until recently, almost like a shameful family secret. It's... 'deadstock'. The industry's leftovers. It doesn't sound very glamorous because, well, it's not really. Whether it be fabric not used by a brand or stock not sold, and despite the waste, the industry has been reticent to disclose this excess in order to maintain the illusion of scarcity and limited availability. It's problematic promoting your product as exclusive and desirable if you admit that you have a warehouse full of it that nobody wants. And cut price sales can have the same effect - basically serving to cheapen the product and in turn, the brand. This stock has historically been deemed as past its best come the next season, so was put out to pasture, unseen and unloved, or at worst, burnt. Basically, wasted.

Depressing as this might read, it is far from all doom and gloom going forward. Building concerns about sustainability, by customers and brands alike, have caused the luxury market to sit up, take notice and get creative. Designers are a cannie and creative breed who are embracing a new era of re-creation, a new movement involving the repurposing and jigsawing of old stock, redesigning designs and redistributing excess luxury fabrics. Exquisitely crafted and using the finest of fabrics, these are beautiful, often one off pieces, that are more couture than cobbled together. Not patchworks from a thrifty era, butcreativityatitsbest,breathingnewlifeintodeadstock.

Here are the brands currently on our radar at the helm of this pioneering movement, all using innovative programmes to combat waste, without sacrificing aesthetic taste. Perhapstheuniquenessoftheseupcycledpieceswillbecomethenewstatussymbols.

Nona Source

Considering that the production of materials makes up the biggest part of fashion's environmental footprint, it is a travesty to see rolls and rolls of the highest quality fabrics go to waste. Step in LVMH, who fund Nova Source, a groundbreaking online retailer (with showrooms in London and Paris) that sells end-of-line luxury fabrics to fashion students, new designers, startups and the general public. Louis Vuitton, Celine, Dior or Fendi cushion cover anyone? Another initiative worth mentioning is the ReBurberry programme, which donates textiles, in partnership with the British Fashion Council, to 30 fashion schools and universities across theUK.

1 / Off Paris

A fashion label rooted in the upcycle movement, 1/Off transforms high end 'vintage' into contemporary manifestations. Hybrids re-imagined by a team of highly skilled couturiers translates to one off customised incarnations of brands such as Burberry and Chanel. You can rest assured that your purchase will be a uniquedesignclassic.

'Nothing is lost, everything is transformed.' is the strap line for Max Mara's Cube Collection. Cameluxe is an ultrafine insulating padding, created by upcycling excess fabric from their legendary coats, and used in their padded outerwear Cube Collection. The designs are so innovative that they are displayed at the Berlin State Museum and New York's FIT as cult objects in the 'fashionandtechnology'exhibitions.

Maxmara Cube Collection


Colville is the brainchild of Lucinda Chambers (previously fashion director at British Vogue) and Molly Molloy(previouslydesigndirectoratMarni)soyouknow you're in good hands. Masters of re-purposing and reconditioning, they create bold designs that include ready to wear, homewares, accessories and jewellery, withaUSPthatnotwopiecesarethesame.

ELV Denim stands for East London Vintage Denim, as all products are designed and produced in East London by local ateliers. Upcycled from unwanted post consumer waste denim, with a zero waste policy, ELV uses 7 litres of water to wash their denim, as opposed to the 10,000 litres used to make a new pair of jeans. That's quite some saving, plus they offer a Bespoke Service providing you with a unique garment tailored to your bodyshape.

Veterans to the movement, Acne Studios launches season 5 of garments made with repurposed textiles. Constructed entirely from excess fabrics and materials, this season focuses on knitwear, pieced together in clashing wool blend finishes and decorated with exposedseamdetailing.

ELV Denim
Acne Studios

Already a pioneer of this movement Gabriela Hearst went plastic free in 2019, used 50% non virgin materials in 2020, and has set a goal of eliminating the use of all virgin materials this year. Antique remnants of Turkish rugs were pieced together for outerwear, existing pieces of cashmere from prior collections were deconstructed and re-assembled with blanket stitch, and recycled cashmere was reprinted and repurposed, permeating both the collection and creative direction of theAW22show.

Reformation thereformation

Reformation began by selling vintage clothing out of a small Los Angeles storefront in 2009. We quickly expanded into making our own stuff, with a focus on sustainability. Today, we make effortless silhouettes that celebrate the feminine figure and pioneer sustainable practices, focusing on people and progress each step of theway.

Reformation are making 'new Ref out of old Ref'. So they are paying customers for their old Reformation purchases, breaking them down into fiber, then turning them into new products. A perfect cycle of repurposing.

The doyenne of sustainability and probably the pioneer of this seizmic change, Stella McCartney is, of course, doing her bit. She has been using recycled cashmere since 2016 offering the same soft, insulating qualities as virgin cashmere, but with an environmental impact that is7timeslower.WhichisprettyStella.

Stella McCartney (


Inez & Vinoodh direct model Rianne Van Rompaey in the campaign for the CHANEL Fall-Winter 2022/23 Ready-to-Wear collection by Virginie Viard. "We set out to bring the countryside, the Scottish landscape around the River Tweed, into city life," explains the photography duo, guided by the contrast between "Gabrielle Chanel’s trips to the River Tweed area finding inspiration for her tweeds in nature, and living her life in Paris dressing women with tremendousfreedomofmovementandease."

This duality translates into two shoots. One is set outdoors, in colour,wherenature,fogandmysteryreign.Theotheriscomposed of black and white portraits shot in the studio, with more graphic forms and silhouettes suspended in equilibrium. "The garden shots bring the countryside into the city with an emphasis on a magical feminine atmosphere while the studio portraits take her out of the realworldandfocusondelicateexpressionsoftheCHANELallure."

Rianne Van Rompaey interprets the different facets of tweed, the mix of autumnal colours and fuchsia, and dresses in a suit, an overcoat, a knitted outfit or a little leather dress with the same elegance. "Rianne is an eternal inspiration to us. She’s able to project and embody any character with grace and intelligence. We have a strong connection through our Dutch backgrounds and referencesfromgrowingupinHolland."


Fall Winter 2022-23 ready to wear

Copyright CHANEL

The Horse Whisperer

Team: Fashion director Marcella Martinelli @arltingtonartists

Photography: Olivia Owen assisted by Chris Bromley Hair and Makeup Victoria Barnes using iS Clinical @vbhairmakeup Model: Laura Hern

Shot on location at Browns Farmhouse, Robertsbridge and Lisa Pilbeam Equestrian.

Taller Marmo Mrs. Ross fringe kaftan, cream Brogini riding boots

Brunello Cucinelli cashmere top and denim white trousers
Riding boots by Brogini

Temperley London Dana knitted dress Riding boots by Brogini

Taller Marmo Mrs. Ross fringe kaftan Brogini riding boots


ParisianbrandCasablancapridesitselfonpresentinganaesthetic thatisassertivelyalpine,withpiecesthatfeelasiftheyweremade withsophisticatedaprèsinmind.Deviatingsomewhat,theNePas DerangerT-shirtcelebratesthefairerseasonswithapileoforanges atopafruitstandforadelightfullykitschfeel.

Swan-Detail Knitted Jacket
Casablanca Swan Necklace
Les Cigognes Dansante Silk Dress
Pink Scrunchie with Twilly
Leather Card Case
237 Light Monogram Casablanca & New Balance
Memphis Swimsuit
Casa Canvas Tote Bag
Casablanca Logo Ring
Memphis Blue & Gold Sunglasses

cover story

DAVIDMORRIS Pear-shapedRubyFeather stylechandelier earrings withwhite diamond micro-setsurroundset in white gold and Punto inAria pear shape and white diamondmarquisenecklace set in white goldwith white diamond micro-set surrounds.


OROY pinktaffeta skirt

GINAcouture feathershoes

Fashion and Jewellery director Marcella Martinelli @Arlingtonartists

Photography Zownir Studio

Makeup Carol Sullivan @Arlingtonartists

Hair by Sven Bayerbach at Carol Hayes using BOUCLEME

Production by JJ New Moon Studio Production shot at

DAVID MORRIS Pear-shaped Ruby Feather style chandelier earrings with white diamond micro-set surround set in white gold and Punto in Aria pear shape and white diamond marquise necklace set in white gold with white diamond micro-set surrounds. WOLFORD bodice

MOUSSAIEFF diamonds and ruby necklace and earrings.

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN denim dress and black leather boots

MOUSSAIEFF diamonds and ruby necklace and earrings.


Reflection de CARTIER diamond earrings and ring set in white gold SARAH REGENSBURGER black lace catsuit

Van Cleef and Arpels Aube et crépuscule transformable necklace: Opal, sapphires, pearls and diamonds set in white gold and yellow gold and Martin-pêcheurs clip: Spinels, onyx and diamonds set in yellow and white gold LEEM silk robe

TASAKI Atelier Waterfall earrings in yellow gold with Akoya, South Sea and Freshwater pearls

WOLFORD fatal dress

FOPE Luna flex necklaces and bracelets

Graff ruby and diamond necklace, bracelet and ring set in white gold.

LEEM cream off-the-shoulder dress

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN blue silk printed suit and black sandals with metal heel

GRAFF diamond necklace set in platinum and white gold





Quilted Monogram Map

Print Small Lola Bag

A softly structured, quilted runway bag animated with Burberry's Monogram and seasonal map print.


Marcella Martinell, co-owner and luxury editor of MilliOnAir Magazine shares her ultimate indulgences.




Dior @Dior


Lace Fan by Maria Grazia Chiuri #DiorCruise 2023

Stella McCartney


Elyse Painted Stars Platform Shoes

Winter 2022 is a celebration of the life and work of American artist Frank Stella. These iconic Elyse platform shoes are transformed with his painted star design splashed across the upper and signature wedge heel.


Ralph Lauren



Polo ID Leather-Trim
Suede Shoulder Bag

Emporio Armani


Black over-the-knee boots with elasticated synthetic nappa leather leg and calfskin toe, removable silver stirrup-like accessory




2023 Portobello Diary in Panama, Scarlet Red

Small enough to slot into your tote or briefcase, but large enough for those longer to-do lists, the Soho diary offers true versatility for everyday planning. Crafted in Smythson's signature Panama leather, its week-to-view layout and note pages make planning effortless, with a convenient pocket to keep any loose pieces of paper in one place.





Violet zipped crossbody bag

A small cross body bag with a spacious zipped compartment. Its adjustable shoulder strap makes it comfortable to carry.


Statement Crowns

Pretty Magpie

specialisesinluxury handcraftedheadbandsand hairaccessories.


MakeastatementwithastunningMagpiecrowns.Hand embellishedwithupto300glasscrystals,beadsandjewels. Auniquecrownwithlilacglasscrystals,ahintofblueandplenty ofiridescencesparkle.


PresentedinaPrettyMagpievelvet dustbagandjewellerybox.


Makeastatementwitha StunningMagpiecrowns. Handembellishedwithupto 300glasscrystals,beadsand jewels.Bandwidth-1inch PresentedinaMagpievelvet dustbagandjewellerybox.


MakeastatementwiththisPrettyMagpie crowns.Handembellishedwithupto300 glasscrystals,beadsandjewels.

Presentedina velvetdustbagandPretty Magpiejewellerybox.

health beauty&

Our BeautyTopTreats S

This 100% natural facial oil serum contains a blend of hemp, marula, broccoli, flaxseed, apricot and opuntia oils that

Regular use can see results that appear to be a miracle in termsofrenewalofcellsandtherepairandrejuvenationofthe

The combination of oils keeps the skin hydrated for


Replenish Hydrating Serum

An antioxidant rich hydrating serum that promotes an even-toned, dewy glow Replenish is a twice a day treatment to help balance, brighten, and support a happy, healthy barrier. It's intentionally light, fragrance free and easy to layer, yet packs a punch, super charging your skincare results.

Who it's for: all skin types especially sensitive, hormonal, blemish prone skin.

How it feels: Like a long, cool drink for the skin, this oil free serum glides on and is quickly absorbed, leaving skin feeling refreshed and replenished ready for the next stage of your routine

Brightening Radiance Mask




A concentrated, skin-brightening mask packed with ingredients which help tone and restore radiance for a healthier, smoother and softer complexion. Natural fruit enzymes, Vitamin C acid (BHA) work in synergy to fade discolouration and post-acne marks, decongest the pores, sweep away dead skin cells and removeexcesssebum.

Used once to twice weekly, this innovative powder-to-mousse mask willboosttheefficiencyofyourskin/self-careritual.


Youth Extending Glow Cream

This product is a breath of fresh air to the beauty industry!"

Azuaya's Youth Extending Glow Cream combines the most potent anti-ageing plants of the Amazon (Guaraná, Buriti and Muru Muru) with Citric & Mandarin essential oils.

Fights early signs of ageing from Guaraná, a powerful anti-oxidant seven times more affective that caffeine.

The addition of Buriti, which has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, makes it very affective for skin prone to break-outs, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.

Hydrates and nourishes from the get go leaving you with a long-lasting glow and super soft skin.

Uses only natural and organic ingredients. No nasties!

Suitable for all skin types and genders.

Skin Care

When we think of skincare, it is usually our faces that first come to mind. However, as the largest organ of our bodies, we should be taking care of our skin head to toe! Body care is more than shower gel and body lotion, it is really about self-care and making time for yourself. Great results come from consistent effort, building a regular routine and sticking by it.

Ruby Hammer


It is thought that dry brushing has been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egypt and traditional Indian medicine.

It invigorates the skin, stimulating circulation whilst exfoliating for glowingskin.

Before bathing or showering, use light and gentle brush strokes on dry skin. Starting at your feet, use long strokes working upwards towards your heart, avoiding any sensitiveareas.



Ever wondered why the skin on your face is glowing whilst your body looks lacklustre? We’ve become accustomed to exfoliating our faces whilst neglecting this important step on our bodies. Removing the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin will reveal newer healthy cells underneath, giving them the chance to shine.

Paying extra attention to your elbows, knees and feet (the thickest areas of skin on your body). Use warm water and your exfoliant of choice and massage in circular motionsbeforerinsingwell

At the end of your shower, exfoliate the soles of your feet and heels as required, making sure to scrub around the whole foot,includingthetoes.



Cleaning your skin has numerous benefits, from eliminating odour to removing sweat and bacteria, it can also help to prevent acne and skin infections. No matter your skin concerns, there’s a body wash designed to help – the key is getting to knowyourownskinandnoticingchanges.

I have all manner of body cleansers from both mass and luxury brands in every texture that you could imagine... oils, creams, and gels. The one commonality is thatIusethemallonariffifrictionmitt.

For dry skin, look for washes with hyaluronic acid, butter and oils. A personal favourite is Aromatherapy Associates Rose Shower Oil; it leaves a light fragrance on theskin,whichisdivine.

For acne-prone skin, ingredients like tea tree oil or salicylic acid help to unclog pores.

Combat dull, lacklustre skin as you mature with a retinol body wash to revitalise and quench thirsty skin. Olay Cleansing & Renewing Night Time Body Wash with B3 andRetinolforsoft,radiantskin.

After thoroughly cleansing, always make sure to wash away all residues left behind; leavingcleanseronyourskincancausedry patchesandleavetheskindull.

The skin should feel hydrated after washing; if it feels tight, you should opt for a gentler cleanser rather than simply reachingformoremoisturiser.



Support your skin barrier with nourishing oils and lotions to seal in moisture and prevent drying. Even when your skin feels like it is in great shape, a body massage with a scented body oil feels like an indulgenttreat.

Prepare for the colder months ahead by switching to a balm or rich cream when your skin needs extra hydration. Apply to damp skin to seal in moisture, helping to prevent dry, tight skin. Team this with drinking more fluids, and your skin will thankyoucomespring.

Long lasting hydration and glowing colour!

A blend of Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil relieves skininflammation,whileMeadowfoamSeed Oil locks moisture into lips to leave them super-soft. Cocoa Butter works to dissolve roughness, and Liquorice Leaf Extract smoothes and balances. Lips look smooth andfeelsilkyanddeliciouslysoft.

Choose from three flattering sheer shades: Ruby Red - a bright tint of Ruby’s signature shade of red FX - offering an on-trend, pearly finish that can be used as a highlighter on the rest of the face too! Nude – a classic one - shade suits all nude

Calming Cleansing Balm

Kate McIver

Kate McIver Skincare is loved for its plant-based potency and results but equally for its contribution to raising Breast Cancer awareness. Proud official Charity Partners of CoppafeelpeopleforthethirdyearrunningaspartofKateMcIver’slegacy.

Kate sadly lost her battle in March 2019 at the age of 30 years old, and her wishes were to work with Coppafeelpeople to focus on promoting the early detection of breast cancer by encouragingwomenandmenunder30tochecktheirbreastsregularly.

Recently, Julia Bradbury TV presenter who has gone through her own Breast Cancer journey has shared her love for Kate’s ‘Secret Weapon Serum’, which supports sensitive skinwithitsNaturalOrganicingredients.

"Life is too short, and no matter what you are going through mentally or physically, you have the right to look & feel the best you possibly can" - Kate McIver.

In November 2016 after Kate went through nine months of gruelling treatment she decided to fight back and use her skincare knowledge to develop a serum she referred to as her ‘Secret Weapon’ using natural ingredients that specifically target the problemandpromoteskincells'rejuvenation.


· Extremedryness

· Linesappearing

· Black/purplecirclesundertheeyes

· Scarring

Kate’s Skincare business is thriving which enables extensive support for the Cancer Charites' legacy and making a positive impact on the Cancer Community.

Kate's business and Legacy have continued to go from strength to strength, with her range of Natural products enjoyed by customers, celebrities, aesthetic practitioners and all ages and genders worldwide, all of whom love the effect her products have had on their skin and equally our contribution to Breast Cancer Awareness.

We also support Make 2nds Count, a Secondary Breast Cancer Charity as this area is so underfunded. Kate's Legacy continues to gain momentum with our support for theC-List;andLittleLiftsUK.

Credit @saneseven
Model Stephanie Jane Bell
Photographer Tyra Leeming


Another year passed without hearing your voice or enjoying your company, which I find more and more difficult to comprehend. An exhausting battle. At times suffocating. Another year of milestones coming and going that you, me, Lucia and our family and friends have missed, and what acruelyearithasbeen.

A lot of Kate's followers know how personable, open and honest she was throughout her fight, particularly in the last few months. She bared all in the hope that she would be able to raise awarenessandhelpothersthatwereenduringthe same battle and were facing the same fears. I was blown away daily by the strength and selflessness my remarkable wife possessed, often in bed in pain but still finding the time to respond to messagesandworktobuildherlegacyforLucia.

In my darkest days, I find the strength to carry on byremindingmyselfofoneparticularmomentthat Kate would have found insignificant at the time. Whilst Kate was undergoing Chemotherapy, Lucia was barely 2 years old - too young to understand what her mummy was going through. Kate made the decision that she would endure a cold cap during each session, which can reach -40 degrees Celsius, in the hope that she would maintain most ofherhairtoprotectLuciaasmuchasshecould.

This meant that her sessions would be twice as long and would eventually induce physical nausea on the road to the car park at Clatterbridge. During one of her treatments, a very strong woman twice Kate's age entered for her first treatment, very vocal and determined that she would beat the very slim odds of enduring the cold cap. Within minutes I saw the life drain from her after realising how gruelling and painful it would be. Without a thought for her own struggle, Kate was offering words of encouragement and advice across the room, something which ultimately was overpowered by the immense discomfort. Kate's strength, bravery, resilience and will to help others, even when enduring such difficult circumstances herself, inspires me every day.

When out of the hospital, Kate spent countless hours desperately researching how she could not only help herself but others too. She had a passion for taking care of people.

''I am so unbelievably proud of Kate, our daughter, what she has left and the work we're doing. Kate's vision and passion are always at the core of what we do, we see all your kind words and loyalty to Kate's brand. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support.'' Kates Parents

“I am so proud of Kate’s legacy and the work we continue there is a genuine passion for making a difference at the very heart of the business. Losing Kate remains so hard, and for every achievement, I miss her more; working in the business through so many difficult days has required blood, sweat and tears to ensure its continuation, but seeing her business making an impact it’s all worthwhile.” Kathryn Orr

Product Photo's Trish Bhatt Studios

Fire and Light


Introducing the latest home fragrance for Autumn/Winter from B Corp beauty brand




[ˈ nuːr][ˈlyˀs] Scandinavian for ‘Northern Lights’ One of nature’s seven wonders, a symphony of colour, movement and light that ripples across the Nordic nightsky,leavingmythsandlegendsin its wake. Settle down to the magic and mystery of this scent and watch the flamedanceastheNorthernLightsdo.

Scent notes: Arctic intensity and celestial colour, a fragrance accord as unfamiliarasitisotherworldly

AllSkandinaviskcandlesarehandpouredinSweden,withaSwedishrapeseedwaxblend. The candles are housed in partially-recycled and dishwasher-proof glass produced in the EU with metals-free water dyes. They each include an FSC-certified beech lid from managed European forests and are boxed in FSC-certified packaging card from managed Swedish forests with natural colour dyes in line with their commitment to leave a lighter footprint.




[ˈt̪ɑkːɑ] Finnish for ‘fireplace’, this candle evokes the feeling of the magnetic pull of the hearth, the crackle of kindling as the fire takes hold, the smoky notes of burning logs and the glow of faces mesmerised by the flames. It’s the perfect Autumn winter candle tocosyupto.

Scentnotes:Hackedpineandhaysmoke,raw woolandrollingtobacco

Harness the Power of the Elements in your Beauty Routine

Any keen eye could predict the emerging trend of m metals. Just look at this year’s runway: Dior Couture, Zuhair Murad, John Paul Gaultier Couture, Chanel, Giambattista Valli and Balenciaga beautifully displayed metallic elements. It’s no surprise, then, that this trend has trickled down into our beauty routines. This concept is nothing new; precious metals have long been integrated into beauty routines, with ancient Egypt being one of the first to make use of their many benefits.


When applied topically, copper peptides work as an antioxidant, promoting collagen and elastin production, and softening the appearance of fine lines andwrinkles


Colloidal Silver is an exceptional skincare ingredient that helps to calm the skin by reducing inflammation and fights bacteria without destroying the natural flora of your skin. It decreases the irritant effects caused by oxidative stress and stimulates skin elasticity which makes it an effective anti-age ingredient. It is widely used in treatingacne,rosaceaandeczemadueto its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities. It is soothing to any skin trauma and is still used extensively in the world ofmedicine.


Known for its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, studies showed that colloidal gold can penetrate deeper into the skin and acts as a carrier for other active ingredients. It helps improve the efficiency of skincare products. Due to its soothing and rejuvenating properties, colloidal gold is the ideal skincare ingredient for all skin types, particularly sensitive skin. Below we have included our favourite products, each of which contains at least one precious metal that has been scientifically proven tobenefittheskin.


Packed with potent skin rejuvenating properties, this serum provides instant hydration without being oily. Propolis Oleoactif helps to regenerate cells and promote a youthful-looking skin. Colloidal gold is an anti-inflammatory that supports the production of collagen, while hyaluronic acid keeps skin supple and elastic. The serum’s light, breathable texture ensures easy absorption, making it ideal for use in hotterclimates.


Dry, sensitive, eczema-prone or mature skin can be tricky to cleanse. This lotion, boosted with ions and traceelements,cleansesandsoothes the skin. Silver purifies and alleviates scarsandburns.

Gold brings beauty and radiance. Germanium is an antioxidant that stimulates blood flow and regulates the skin’s negative and positive ions. Chokefull-of-life chlorophyll oxygenates and renews skin cells. Silicon protects from free radicals. This extremely gentle cleansing lotion can be used in the morningandevening.

Ahydratingandrevivingtonicwater,createdtosootheandsupporttheskin. Complementinganyexistingskincareroutine.Argentum’spatentedfusionofSilver Hydrosol&DNAHPoffersdeephydrating,antibacterialandanti-inflammatoryactionimmediateandlong-term.

EnhancedbyCopperHydrosol,whichbuildsonthebenefitsofsilver,l’eaudejouvence encouragesskintoproducecollagenandelastin,protectingitfromantioxidants.This simple,effective,leave-ontonictargetstheappearanceofdryness,finelines,wrinkles andblemishes.Itisdesignedtoenhancetheeffectsofanyproductthatfollows.

How to Strengthen Your Immune System before Winter

We asked our chief scientist what the most important habits are to build immune resilience. She gave us her 5 big tips. Read on to find out how to best support your immune system.

1. Sleep – consistent sleep strengthens the immune system. Lack of sleep or poor sleep throws the immune system out of balance, reducing natural killer (NK) cell activity and increasing inflammatory cytokine levels. If you suffer from poor sleep, we highly recommend putting some sleep hygiene measures in place, such as reducing or eliminating blue light exposure in the evening, finishing your last meal a few hours before bedtime, taking time to relax/wind down and clear your head before bedtime andmakingyourbedroomatech-freezone.

2. Gut Health – gut health and immune health are intrinsically linked, so keeping your gut healthy is essential for optimum immune health. The lining of your digestive tract, also known as your gut barrier, is designed to absorb nutrients while keeping out pathogens; as such, it is one of the first lines of defence against disease. Keeping the gut barrier strong and healthy depends upon limiting the main offenders, which include antibiotics, pesticides and over-processed foods. Our scientist, therefore, recommends adietrichinorganicvegetablesandgrains.

3. Stress – many of us live with long-term, chroniclevelsofstress,whichplayhavocwith our innate and adaptive immune responses, rendering us far more susceptible to disease. Weallneedtofindenjoyablewaystobalance our stress with equal amounts of fun, laughter and relaxation. This means different things to different people, so we all need to find those things that personally really help us release our daily stresses. Our suggestions would include walking in nature, yoga, meditation, naps, massage, painting, dancing, meeting up with friends and family, journalingandcooking.

4. Sugar – high consumption of sugar weakens the immune system. In particular, it seems to put our natural killer cells in a trance – not what we want when there’s a virus about. So, how much is too much? Studies concur that it takes about 75g of sugar (the equivalent of 15 teaspoons) to lower our immune response for up to 5 hours. With that information, we are going to time our treatscarefully.

5. Nutrition – it can be difficult to sustain consistently therapeutic levels of nutrients through diet alone. So, a high quality supplement geared towards supporting our immune system like FIREBIRD®’s IMMUNE SHIELD, is a meaningful addition to our wellness toolkit.


5 of our favourite seasonal candles that will fill your home with the most divine fragrance.

Luxurycandlesnotonlybringcheerintothehomebuttheyalsofilltheairwith beautifulscents,perfectforawarmandcosyautumnandwintersettings.Whetheryou prefercinnamon,pine,orbeautifulberryscents,thesecandleswillhelptocreatethe perfectatmosphere.


Palazzo centauro

PalazzoCentaurodesigner scentedcandle,withapure porcelainbodyanda burningtimeofabout30 hours.

Acedarwoodchest;a crumblingpalaceonthe GrandCanal.Italian bergamot,patchouli,a whisperofsmoke.

Melancholyripplesonthe GrandCanal.Thecupolaof theSaluteBasilicafloats abovethecloud,imbued withthescentoftheopen sea.Thecandlewaxruns ontothehighaltar,andthe vaultsareobscuredby incense.Fadedvelvetand flashesofcrystal.Confined totheatticsofherpalace, theContessaopensacedarwoodtrunk.Insideisastrip ofshiningsilk.


Monsieur Halavant’s Pantry


Topnotesofresin-scented pineandzestybergamot contrastwithwarming,sultry cinnamonandclove.

Richcedarwoodandamber, headyandsensual,sitwith earthymuskforafragrance thatisbothsoothingand intoxicating.

MonsieurHalavant’sPantry bringstomindan atmosphereofgourmand delightsandeasyconviviality.


Early Bird Scented Candle

Smellslikerainfallingonwet pavements,cloudymornings andsoftsuede.

Hand-pouredandblended withpremiumingredients, thiscandleisformulatedto ensureexceptionalscent diffusion.Thewaxishoused inatintedglassvessel completewithacontrasting lidthatdoublesasacoaster, anexpressionofPaul’s fondnessforcolourandits endlesscombinations.Once burned,whynotgiveyoursa newlifeasapenorplant pot?Orperhapsuseitto holdartsupplies,toiletries, flowersoranybitsandbobs?

Fragrancenotes:Rain,Iris, Suede,Patchouli.


Winter light


Sayawintryhellotothe seniormemberofour updatedseasonalcandle collection.We’veintroduced biggerglass,anewdesign,2 wicks,FSC-certifiedbeechlid, hardboxgiftpackaging,and pouredtheminSweden.All ofwhichaddtothemore familiarSwedishrapeseed waxblend,returning fragrancefavourite,andFSCcertifiedpackagingstandard thatreflectourjourneyto leavealighterfootprint.A trueSkandinaviskgifting experiencethiswinter. [’snö:]Swedishfor‘snow’. Nature’streasuredlight throughthedeep Scandinavianwinter,a shiningfrostedblanket againstthedominating darkness.

Scentnotes:Frozenforests andfrostedberries,the sharp,freshbreathof subzeroskies.



Imaginerelaxingina steamingpoolofmineralrichwater.

Ozonic-Afreshblendofsea saltandoakmoss.SeaSalt& Mossisinspiredbythe geothermalwatersof Iceland,theincredible networkofwaterfalls, glaciers,fjords,beachesand moss-coveredlavafields.

Notes: Top-Bergamot,Lavandin Middle-Lavender,Rose, WaterLily

Base-SeaMoss,Salt,Tonka Bean

last word

Sustainable Bantu Chocolate Seed-to-Bar Chocolate rooted in fairness

Offering one of the best cocoa in the world thanks to its rich soil, and its geolocation, Cameroon's cocoa is favoured by the greatest french chefs and chocolatiers such as Pierre Marcolini.


Convinced that no country can achieve sustainable economic development without solid investment in human capital, at Bantu Chocolate we believe in empowermentovercharity.

We aim to pay our workers x10 times what they would normally get in a day so theycancareforthemselves.

In the pursuit of bettering the lives of people from our community in Cameroon, Bantu Chocolate is at an advantage of having its own integrated full supply-chain from the cocoa seed planted to the finished product - ranging from chocolate to cocoa pulp juice and cocoapowder.


It all started in 2015 when the founder’s mother started cultivating cocoa on their land, a couple of hours away from Yaounde?, Cameroon’s capital and asked to her daughter to help her sell the beans. BorninCameroon,acountrythatisstillpart of the Commonwealth today, and having immigrated to France at the age of six, this entrepreneur has maintained her beliefs that opportunities and possibilities are endless.

AscertificationssuchasFairtradearemore andmoreusedasmoralbypassestoput theconsumerateaseandultimatelyoften failtorealizetheneedsofmicro-economies, Veroniquewasquicktorealizethat emancipationfromsuchlabelswas necessary.

Inthepursuitofbetteringthelivesof peoplefromtheirvillage,BantuChocolateis attheadvantageofhavingitsown integratedfullsupplychainfromtheoriginal cocoapodtothefinishedproduct-ranging fromchocolatetococoapulpjuice.

Beyondguaranteeinghigh-qualitycraft chocolate,thecompanyoffersanAnker livingwagetotheircollaboratorsandpays whatwouldbe4xtimesthecommodity priceandmorethan3xtimesthefair-trade premiumpriceforthebeans.


Henry’s Townhouse introduces ‘Henry’s By Room’ Service from Autumn 2022

In the heart of London’s historic Marylebone, Henry’s Townhouse is the Grade II-listed former home of Jane Austen’s brother, Henry.

A collaboration between Jane and Steven Collins and the award-winning Russell Sage Studio, the building has been luxuriously restored as an exclusive place to stay. Echoing with a past that is richly woven with intriguing characters and stories, it represents an exciting new chapter in the life and historyofthehouse.

When you step into Henry’s you immediately become immersed in a captivating visual history inspired by the Austen family andtheirguests.

Henry’s Townhouse is a charming and sophisticated property that can be hired exclusively, or also via the newHenry’sByRoomservicefromAutumn2022.

From the team behind the renowned Temple Guiting Manor, Barns & Pantry in the heart of the Cotswolds comes Henry’s Townhouse - a high-end, curious and charming six-bedroom exclusive use property, just minutesfromHydeParkinMarylebone.

The Grade II listed building at No.24 Upper Berkeley Street was once owned by Jane Austen’s brother Henry. It is widely thought that Jane’s visits to Henry in London were of great value, for it was through his supportthatherworkwaspublished.

Henry’s is a design collaboration between owners Jane and Steven Collins and the award-winning Russell Sage Studio, assisted by Feix&Merlin Architects. This has culminated in an intelligent and glamorous re-imaging of the Regency period, taking inspiration from Henry and Eliza’s reported life at the house and as part of wider Londonsociety.

The building itself comprises six elegant and elaborately designed bedrooms, each with its own unique narrative to tell. Much like novels on a shelf, they invite the guest to open them up, step in and become immersedinarichvisualstory.

The townhouse boasts an array of meticulously chosen colour palettes, abundant fabrics and beautiful furnishings providing the most sumptuous luxurious feeling throughout. A huge amount of time and effort has been spent procuring unique antiques and original pieces fromaroundtheworld.

“We have been thrilled to see our project and years of hard work finally come to life as a beautiful and captivating small hotel. Henry’s Townhouse has a sense of occasion and is sophisticated, yet fun, appealing to those looking for a lovely base to stay in the heart of the West End, as well as those wanting to hire the house exclusively for family and friends for a special occasion.” says Steven Collins, Owner of Henry’s.

Just as much attention is placed in the common areas of the Townhouse, which covers the ground and lower floor, including a bespoke Pantry Kitchen with sharing table for breakfast, private dining and parties. This space cleverly converts into a fully equipped meetingroom,perfectforbusinesstravellerslookingforaprivateplacetostayandwork remotelyfrom.

Henry’s also boasts a small yet lavish carriage like cocktail ‘snug’, outside terrace for eveningaperitifs,astudy(orseventhbedroom)andJaneAusten’sReadingRoomperfect for afternoon drinks or some quiet relaxation. The collective common areas are the perfectvenueforaspecialcelebrationorotherevent.

“It was my great pleasure to focus our design experience on restoring the magnificent Henry’s Townhouse. I worked alongside owners Steven and Jane in selecting and complimenting from their personal antique collection, to create spaces which were evocative of the members of Jane Austin’s family and circle of friends. Whilst not being a museum to the history of the building, the pieces chosen create a historic ambience which combine to bring great comfort and humour to a stay at Henry’s Townhouse.”

Says Russell Sage, Principal Director of Russell Sage Studio

Henry’s Townhouse can be taken in its entirety as an exclusive home making it ideal for families,groupsoffriendsorcorporateslookingforluxury,privacy,andacentrallocation.

Rates start from £4,950 per night for exclusive use for up to 14 and include a full breakfast, well stocked mini bar with ‘Best of British’ products, evening aperitifs and tea andtreatseveryafternoon.


Each bedroom also has modern amenities to include Dyson hairdryers and L:A Bruket Swedish,organicbathroomproducts.

We Love

The Season For Selfcare

Major Cleanser

Formulated using gentle, cleansing ingredients as well as hydrating botanicals to promote skin health and hydration.This cream face cleanser for men has been exclusively formulated to attack the dirt, dust, pollution and sweat your skin contends with on a daily basis. Rich in antioxidants including natural black cumin as well as a hint of natural avocado oil to replenish lost moisture. Skin is left refreshed, clean and looking healthy.


Major Hydrator

Seriously soothing, impressively hydrating. This rich face cream is packed with youth protecting antioxidants, free from artificial fragrance and gentle enough for everyday use.Discoverthemen’smoisturiserthatstarteditall.

Hydration Hero

Developed for men using clean ingredients + made in England.

This anti-pollution mask repairs and refreshes your skin in just 10 minutes. Packed with natural antioxidants, including revitalising apple extract, it targets the free radicalscausedbypollutionleavingyourfaceclean+well caredfor.

Free from unnecessary fragrance or artificial colours and packaged in a light-weight, travel-friendly, recycled and recyclablejar.

The Beauty and the Mystery of Nature

Wioletta Winiarczyk

Born in 1977 in Lublin Poland, Wioletta Winiarczyk is an artist living in London who creates distinctive art pieces. After her graduation from the University (UMCS) in Lublin studying Law & Administration, she became interested in art and consequently moved to London in 2004.

Wioletta completed her Art course at WMC Camden College in North London where she had the privilege of practising her drawings and painting skills under the watchful eye of fine artist Aris Raissis in his Chelsea-based workshop as well as spending three years withthepainterSaraLeeRobertsinherstudioatPrimroseHill.

She also studied the practice of iconography at the studio of Stéphane René, a leading exponentoftheNeo-CopticSchool.

The English landscape, the beauty and the mystery of nature, combined with its harshness are the main inspirations for Wioletta with its process of forming endless shapesinherpaintingsandwiththesheepbeingakeytheme.

The unique mood of her works is created through the monochrome palette that consists of a few repeating colours and hues, applied in flat forms which stand out from thebackgroundandrevealtheevidentinfluenceoficonography.

Mysticism and concealment together with calm and harmony, silence and restraint are themainfeaturesofWioletta’spaintings.

Abstraction alternates with the simplicity of forms in Wioletta’s works, thus creating a worldinbalancebetweenelementsandemotions.


Instagram: @wiolaart


Travelling without Moving

A delightful escapade on Lac Leman served as the perfect prologue to my next destination

The Swiss Alps

After making my way to Montreux, I stepped on board the Golden Pass Panoramic train, which travels the 190-kilometre route between the Swiss cities of Montreux andLucerneandisinstantlyrecognisablebyitsglitteringgoldenandwhitelivery.

Thetrainisasbeautifulfromtheinsideasitisfromtheoutside.Lightandspacious carriagesoffercomfortablearmchair-styleseatingbesidevastpanoramicwindowswhich continueintothetrain'sceiling.Thesewindowsareessential,ofcourse,tothe enjoymentofthejourneyandasthetrainclimbsintothemountainsaboveMontreux andoffersabeautifulviewthroughmeticulouslycleanedpanes.

Asanalternativetothepanoramictrain,someescortedtoursofSwitzerlandenable gueststotravelintheGoldenPassClassicTrain.ThisbeautifultrainrecreatestheBelle ÉpoquestyleoftheluxuriousGoldenMountainPullmanExpress,whichwasinservice duringthe1930s.ReminiscentoftheVeniceSimplonOrientExpress,theGoldenPass ClassicTraintakesguestsbackintothegoldendaysofluxuryrailtravelinthesplendour ofornate,wood-panelledcarriageswithplushandindulgentlycomfortableseats.

TheClassicTrain'slargewindowsensurethatpassengersenjoyoutstandingviewsofthe GoldenPassLine'sremarkablelandscapes.Thetrainevenhasadedicated'winecellar' carriageinwhichyoumaysampleavarietyofexcellentregionalwines.

From the lakes to the summit aboard legendary trains, there is plenty of choice for total immersion in a dream setting.


Eco-luxury meets sustainability and beyond

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