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Local Speaker Series

Audience codes. A–assistant, D–dentist, H–hygienist, O–office staff, ST–students

How to Get A “YES!” for Funding from Your Bank David Kirby, MBA, MS Jonathan Moffatt

9:00–10:00 am Room:254 Audience: D

Covid–19 has had a dramatic effect on both the dental industry and the world. For many of us, the Covid–19 pandemic is in the rearview mirror, but now dental practices are facing something that many practices, dentists, staff, have not experienced before, severe economic uncertainty. Inflation is at an all–time high, costs of goods and services ever increasing, labor costs and availability are extremely volatile, interest rates have more than doubled over the last 12 months, and dental student loan debt has increased 4X over the last 25 years. With an uncertain economic future, is now the best time to grow your practice, buy/build your building, expand your practice, or perhaps sell your practice? Walk out of this course with better understanding.

Learning Objectives:

• Will your bank fund your growth? How you can tell in 5 minutes and get to a YES! • 3 things you should absolutely show your bank to get them to fund your growth. • How to pick the best financing partner to fund your growth.

The National Diabetes Prevention Program and Dental Health Pamela Chapman, RD, CDCES

10:30–11:30 am Room: 254 Audience: D, H, A

This presentation includes a discussion about the relationship between dental care and diabetes, a discussion about the National Diabetes Prevention Program, and ways to identify those at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. Attendees will also learn how to connect their patients to this valuable program.

Learning Objectives:

• Discuss the link between dental care and blood sugars. • Understand what the National Diabetes Prevention Program is and how to refer patients. • Identify patients at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.

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