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Joko ‘Gundul’ Sulistiono, Priyaris Munandar, Sujarwo, Lenny Ratnasari Weichert, Deny Bojong april 27 - may 27, 2013


Berawal dari tanda (sign). Karya manusia, apa pun itu, tak pernah muncul dari ruang vakum. Seni rupa dalam hal ini merupakan karya dengan terlebih dulu muncul dalam keterkaitan relasional antara minat dengan adanya rangsangan. Keterkaitan ini biasanya disebut sebagai proses penandaan dan proses ini berlangsung secara sangat internal (pergumulan estetik dalam diri kreator) Philo Art Space kali ini menggelar pameran seni rupa (karya lukis dan patung) dengan mengambil tema Urban Signs. Ruang dan waktu atau kondisi dari apa yang kita sebut “urban” itu sudah tentu merupakan proses tandatanda tertentu secara internal dari semua pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya, sadar atau tidak. Seorang perupa memiliki gambaran ideal atau konsep tentang dunia rupa dalam pikirannya (petanda, signified) dan dengan potensi indrawinya ia menangkap tanda-tanda eksternal atau biasa disebut “penanda” (signifier). Konsep dan potensi indrawi inilah yang menjadi dasar adanya pengetahuan (proses penandaan) itu sebagai sebuah karya. Tegasnya, sebuah karya tak lain dan tak bukan adalah “sistem tanda”, bukan semata-mata idea maupun material. Sebuah produk, dalam konteks di sini yaitu karya seni rupa, sebagai “sistem tanda” hanya mungkin kita pahami lewat bahasa. Selayaknya bahasa tak hanya dipahami dalam artian sempit yaitu bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi tapi juga sebagai proses tanda (signifier-signified) yang berlangsung dalam diri seseorang. Mengamati sebuah karya seni rupa sama halnya kita berusaha membaca atau menginterpretasi bahasa karya itu dan dalam usaha ini kita sendiri pun sudah melaku3


It is born out of sign. Human creations, whatever those may be, never materialized from vacuum. Arts are creations resulted from a relational connection between passion and stimulants. This connection is usually called as signifying process and this process runs at a very internal level, in the aesthetic battle of the creator. Philo Art Space is presenting paintings and sculpture in the theme of Urban Signs. The space and time or condition that we call ‘urban’ is certainly an internal process of specific signs of all the parties involved in it, whether they are aware of it or not. An artist has an ideal picture or concept of the art world in their mind (signified) and with all the sensory talent that they have, they capture the external signs (usually called signifier). It is this concept and the sensory talent that form the foundation of the knowledge (the signifying process) as a creation. Put simply, a creation is none other than a ‘system of signs’, not a mere idea or material. A product, which in this context is an art work, as a ‘system of signs’ may only be understood through language. But we shall not see language in its narrow sense as a means to communicate, but to see it as a signifying (signifier – signified) process occurring in a self. To observe a creation of art is comparable to trying to read or interpreting the language of the creation, and in this effort to understand itself we are going through the signifying process, as we put meaning to the language of the creation. Our interpretation may

kan proses tanda, tegasnya memaknai bahasa karya itu. Pemaknaan di sini bisa saja sangat tepat dengan yang dimaksud oleh sang kreator tapi bisa juga sangat berbeda. Pameran dengan tema Urban Signs ini menampilkan lima perupa, lukis dan patung. Lukis: Priyaris Munandar, Joko ‘Gundul’ Sulistiono, Sujarwo, Deny Bojong, patung: Lenny Ratnasari Weichert. Masing-masing dengan ‘bahasanya’ sendiri namun sama-sama ingin mengungkapkan ‘bacaannya’ atas satu fenomena keseharian hidup mereka yaitu fenomena urban. Karya-karya lukis Priyaris Munandar memperlihatkan kumpulan-kumpulan dari sosok-sosok manusia dengan benda-benda tegak berukuran tertentu. Kumpulan-kumpulan itu tidak berada secara acak namun dalam formasi seperti sedang menghadapi sebuah kondisi serius dan sangat menyadari akan posisinya masing-masing. Sebuah gambaran realitas yang hendak mengingatkan bahwa kita senantiasa berada di dalam situasi yang serba siapsiaga, bisa sewaktu-waktu terancam. Namun kumpulan-kumpulan itu tak seterusnya memperlihatkan jarak satu dengan yang lain secara tegas, sedia membaur manakala hal itu memang tak bisa dihindarkan. Ruang urban pada dasarnya adalah spirit relasional yang kompetitif! Pada karya-karya Joko ‘Gundul’ Sulistiono menunjukkan kesemarakan suasana seperti halnya kita menyaksikan mural-mural kota. Langkah hidup manusia kini terus terkonsentrasi ke depan, pilihan dari apa yang diperbuatnya sendiri, tepatnya dikepung oleh berbagai produk teknologi canggih, informasi, transportasi, dan lain-lain. Namun misalnya dengan mengambil tokoh-tokoh tradisional wayang, punakawan, kita digelitik pada pertanyaan, siapkah mental kita menghadapi kondisi yang sedemikian canggih ini? Pertanyaan di atas barangkali bisa terjawab oleh karya-karya Sujarwo yang memperlihatkan optimisme masa sekarang dan masa depan. Keseharian kita memang selayaknya hidup dalam labirin, apakah bertemu atau tidak jalan ke luar. Kecenderungannya manusia urban senantiasa berusaha untuk terus maju dan bahkan melangit, berambisi mendirikan

arrive at the same meaning the creator invented, but it may as well be entirely different. The exhibition under the theme Urban Signs is presenting the works of five artists, sculptors and painters. Painters are Priyaris Munandar, Joko ‘Gundul’ Sulistiono, Sujarwo, Deny Bojong, sculptor is Lenny Ratnasari Weichert. Each brings their own ‘language’ but all are united in their intention to convey their ‘readings’ of the phenomenon occurring in their daily life: the urban phenomenon. The paintings of Priyaris Munandar show groups of human beings with erect objects in certain measurement. These groups do not form a random configuration, but they are in a formation that looks as if they are faced with a serious condition and that they are acutely aware of their own position. It is a realistic representation which reminds us that we are at all times in an alert-ready situation and that we may be at any times under threat. But the groups do not constantly explicitly separated, but mingle when it is obvious it is not possible to avoid it. Urban space is basically a competitive relational spirit! The paintings of Joko ‘Gundul’ Sulistiono bring forward festivity that we often see in city murals. People are constantly moving forward, their mind focused on the way ahead, trapped in their own choices and surrounded by the products of modern technology, information, transportation, and many things. But by replacing the modern human with the archaic characters of the Punakawan, we are then perturbed by the question: are we mentally capable of dealing with such sophisticated environment? The above question may find its answer in the creations of Sujarwo which are presenting the optimism of today and the tomorrow. Our daily life is indeed a labyrinth, we trod without the assurance of finding a way out. It is in our urban disposition to strive to move forward, even upward reaching the sky, with the ambition of building our castle in heaven just as it was in the story of the ancient Babel tower. But this optimism does not free us from the fact that humans, no matter how hard they try, are still walking with their feet on the ground. Their wing constructions are too fragile to enable them to fly to the sky as they are not yet settled their problem with the land they step on. Lenny’s sculptures show figures of women still having trouble with their own existence. This is a phenomenon 4

istana di langit seperti halnya cerita tentang menara Babel. Namun optimisme ini tidak dengan semata-mata meninggalkan persoalan bahwa bagaimanapun manusia tetap saja melangkah dengan tapak kakinya. Konstruksi sayap-sayapnya belum optimal untuk melejit ke langit justru karena belum beres dengan tanah yang dipijaknya. Karyakarya Deny Bojong dan Lenny Ratnasari Weichert membidik tanda realitas tersebut. Karya-karya patung Lenny menampilkan figur perempuan yang masih nampak bermasalah dengan eksistensinya. Fenomena ini tak lepas dari persoalan sejarah khsususnya tentang relasi seksual. Sejarah diskriminasi relasi seksual atau gender masih menyisakan problem soal “nasib perempuan” yang mengalami depresi dari berbagai hal terutama dimensi ketubuhannya. Tubuh perempuan yang “melahirkan kehidupan” namun pada kenyataannya dalam sepanjang sejarah nyaris tertundukkan bahkan dilecehkan. Namun Deny Bojong pun menampilkan bahwa ruang urban telah terbelah di mana ruang yang satu menjadi marjinal dari ruang yang lain. Justru dalam ruang yang marjinal ini nampaklah tubuhtubuh pria yang tak berdaya, papah, pasrah atau menunggu nasib mau diapakan kah tubuh mereka? Korban dari apakah atau dasar apakah penyebab dari terbelahnya ruang ini? Kembali pada awal tentang karya Priyaris Munandar mungkin kita bisa mendapatkan jawaban secara optimis, kompetisi bagaimanapun tak akan pernah berakhir! Banyak tanda yang menyebabkan kompetisi itu terjadi namun ruang urban sepertinya terkonsentrasi dan terbelah oleh kepentingan kapital dilihat dari semarak dan gemerlap isi-isimya. Selamat Berpameran! Tommy F Awuy Kurator


that cannot be freed from the history of women, especially on sexual relations. The long history of sexual relations or gender discrimination has provided its shares of women’s depression in ‘women’s fate’ related to their body. It is the body of women that gives life to life, but it is also the body that has been subjected to abuse and subjugation throughout history. In contrast, Deny Bojong presents the idea that urban space is split into the marginal and the other. And in this marginal space there are male bodies that are hopeless, feeble, resigned, and complacent for the fate that would decent to their bodies. What causes this space divide? Of what victim is this? Returning to the beginning of our curatorial, looking at the optimism that Priyaris Munandar is infusing in his works, perhaps we find the answer that no matter what, competition would not end! There are many signs that propel the competition, but it seems that the urban space is concentrated and divided by the capitalist interest, as seen by the merriment and glimmer of its content. Happy exhibiting! Tommy F. Awuy Curator

joko ‘gundul’ sulistiono

CHECK YOUR TASTE / 140 x 200 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2013


GOLDEN BRIDGE / 80 x 100 cm (dyptich) / mixed media on canvas / 2013

TEMBOK HARAPAN / 140 x 200 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2013 7

KEY DIARY / 150 x 175 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2013


Lenny Ratnasari Weichert

Takdir / 10 x 53 x 24 cm / Polyester resins / 2012 9

Nasib #5 / 72x21x24 cm / gypsum / 2013

Nasib #4 / 45x15x18 cm / alumunium / 2013

Nasib #1 / 50 x 50 x 40 cm / Polyester Resins / 2012 10

Nasib #6 / 50x19x20 cm / polyester resins / 2012

Nasib #3 / 45x15x45cm / alumunium / 2013




/ 200 x 100 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2013 12

EKSPLORASI MENJADI ANGKA-ANGKA / 180 x 120 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2012 13

VERTICAL GARDEN / 145 x 145 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2013


MENANAM KESEIMBANGAN SEMESTA / 135 x 135 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2013


MEMBANGUN KEJAYAAN / 200 x 300 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2011


PROPERTILASER / 145 x 145 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2013


MENEGAKKAN BUDAYA / 165 x 145 cm / mixed media on canvas / 2010


Priyaris Munandar

MANUSIA / 200 x 200 cm / acyrilic on canvas / 2013


KABAR TANAH SURGA / 200 x 150 cm / acyrilic on canvas / 2013

MEMBURU RUANG DAN WAKTU / 200 x 150 cm / acyrilic on canvas / 2013


DALAM KEHENINGAN / 200 x 300 cm / acyrilic on canvas / 2013 21

Deny Bojong

PERJALANAN / 200 x 140 cm / Oil on canvas / 2013


TERSUDUT / 200 x 140 cm / Oil on canvas / 2013


ADA APA DENGAN KEPALAKU / 200 x 140 cm / Oil, Aerosol on canvas / 2013


2009 Pameran senang senang 7 bintang art space Yogyakarta Pameran seniku tak berhenti lama, TBY Yogyakarta Pameran jogja insign sozo Surabaya Pameran exposign jec Yogyakarta Pameran Bienalle jogja x Yogyakarta Pameran pacific place Jakarta

Joko Sulistiono Born in Grobogan, April 10, 1970. He received his art education at the Indonesian Art Instute Yogyakarta, Indonesia graduated. Awards 2000 The best 5 Phillip Morris Indonesia Award Solo exhibition(s): 2005 Pameran di “ Mata “ Galler, Bali 2003 Pameran di KOONG Gallery, Jakarta 1998 Pameran “Sesak” di AIKON, Yogyakarta Pameran “ Sampah “ di Dria Manunggal Yogyakarta Selected group exhibition(s) last five years : 2013 Urban Signs, Philo Art Space, Jakarta 2012 Pameran di taksu gallery Bali Pameran di upt ISI Yogyakarta Pameran kembar mayang museum widayat Magelang Pameran di JNM Yogyakarta Pameran abdorror d museum dan tanah liat Yogyakarta Pameran abdorror Belanda 2011 Pameran jogja news jnm Yogyakarta Pameran Spirit 90 santrian gallery Bali Pameran di SYANG Magelang Pameran bazart Jakarta Pameran tribut nur kholis TBY Yogyakarta 2010 Pameran bank bank krut bentara budaya Yogyakarta Pameran “ INVENTORY” pesantren kaliopak Yogyakarta Pameran “ Matahari” kelompok PP TBY Yogyakarta Pameran hip !,hip!,HERO di gallery apik Jakarta Pameran kel. Parkiran *POWER WAGON* jnm Yogyakarta Pameran mask and face andi gallery Jakarta Pameran artdelicious 7 bintang Yogyakarta AAF apik gallery Singapore Pameran di JAD ,andi gallery Jakarta Pameran FSS Surabaya Pameran tanah jawa tby Yogyakarta Pameran jogja art share di jnm Yogyakarta 25

Priyaris Munandar was born in Yogyakarta, February 27, 1980. He received his art education at the Indonesian Art Instute Yogyakarta, Indonesia graduated. Awards 2010 Finalist Indonesia Art Award (IAA) 1999 The Best Sketch, Indonesia Art Institute Yogyakarta 50 Best Finalist in Championship Painting of Megawati’s Face, Taman Budaya Solo, Solo Solo exhibition(s): 2006 Exhibition“Hitam Putih” at Agas Hotel, Solo 2007 Exhibition “Face to Face” at Kartika Plaza, Bali Selected group exhibition(s) last five years : 2013 Urban Signs, Philo Art Space, Jakarta Art Stage. Singapore “ Permainan ”. Dr. Rudi Corens Studio. Yogyakarta 2012 “Ruang yang Sama” Museum Haji Widayat, Magelang “Kembar Mayang” Dalam rangka Ulang Tahun Dr. Oei Hong Djien dan launching Museum OHD. Museum Haji Widayat, Magelang “50 Golden Year in The Grace Of God” Bersukur kita Tunggal Ika, Galery HadiPrana Jakarta “Borobudur Sociocultural” Rumah Seni Rupa Tuksongo dan Limanjawi Art House. Magelang “Apeman Malioboro” di Gedung Pariwisata Yogyakarta “Agitasi Garuda” Jogja Galery. Yogyakarta “Isyarat Langit” Go art Space. Surabaya “ The Body Painting Art War “ Ruang Patriot Pilar 9. Yoyakarta 2011 Ssstt…THIS IS ART WARNING in SYANG ART SPACE Magelang

BLING-BLING Public Art Project Pacific Place Jakarta Bazar Art Jakarta The Ritz Carlton Jakarta “Sekarat” Pameran 3 dimensi, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta “Tubuh-Tubuh Margin” Phillo Art Space, Kemang Jakarta “Transposisi” Bienalle Jatim, GO Art Space, Surabaya

2010 Finalis Jakarta Art Award(International Painting Competition2010), Jakarta, Indonesia 2008 Finalis Jakarta Art Award, Jakarta, Indonesia

2010 “Abstrak Indonesia” at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, “Art Liberation Front” at Biasa Gallery, Yogyakarta “Energy 3” at Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Jakarta “Expresif” at Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta “Hip! Hip! Hero!” at Galeri Apik, Jakarta “Contemporaneity” Biennale Indonesian Art Award 2010 at Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta “GREEN CARNIVAL” Public Art Project at Pacifik Place Jakarta Bazar Art Jakarta at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta Visit Us in the Asia Top Gallery Hotel Art Fair in Seoul-Korea “TANAH JAWA” at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta “JOGJA BANGKIT” at Jogja Nasional Musium Yogjakarta

2008 “Shopping Mall & Fashion”, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia 2009 “Shopassion”, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia

2009 “BIENNALE JOGJA JAMMING X” ( IAF ) “INSTALASI AIR SENI” at Rawa Kalibayem, Yogyakarta “Menjadi Indonesia” at Gedung Arsip National (National Archive Building), Jakarta “Kebersamaan” at Biasa Gallery, Yogyakarta “POST BOOM” with Kelompok Blok 9 at Syang Art Space, Magelang Group with Persatuan Paguyuban at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta “Seniku Tak Berhenti Lama” at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta “Javanese Face” at C Star Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta

Solo exhibition(s):

Selected Group exhibition(s): 2013 Urban Signs, Philo Art Space, Jakarta 2012 “Indonesia Tanpa Diskriminasi” Jakarta, Indonesia “Ideal World” Jakarta International Art award 2012 NAS, Jakarta Indonesia “UOB PAINTING OFF THE YEAR COMPETITION 2012”, Jakarta, Indonesia 2011 “My Space”,PhiloArt Space,Jakarta, Indonesia “Nusantara Diatas Kanvas” Sampoerna Strategy”, Jakarta, Indonesia “Drawing Art Surabaya Dimataku” Galeri House of Sampoerna, Surabaya, Indonesia “Cultural Bridge” Wendt Gallery, New York, Amerika Serikat 2010 “Reflextion off Megacities”Jakarta International Art award 2010, Jakarta, Indonesia “Noah’s Art”, North Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia 2009 “Pour les Enfants de la Rue >> (PER) Jakarta, Indonesia 2008 “Jakarta Art award 2008, Jakarta, Indonesia “Global Warming”, Jakarta, Indonesia “S(Y)URE”, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Sujarwo Born in Kendal, March 28, 1964. Education at Tinggi Kesenian Wilwatikta (STKW) Surabaya. From 1988 – 1991 was works as illustrator for Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia, first edition, published by PT. Cipta Adi Pustaka, Jakarta, Indonesia. Awards 2012 Indonesia Tanpa Diskriminasi Jakarta, Indonesia 2012 Finalis “UOB PAINTING OFF THE YEAR COMPETITION 2012”, Jakarta, Indonesia 2012 Finalis Jakarta Art Award(International Painting Competition2012), Jakarta, Indonesia

Deny Bojong Born in Bandung, July 7, 1974.


Selected group exhibition(s): 2013 Urban Signs, Philo Art Space, Jakarta 2012 Bazzart art di hotel sahid jaya jakarta. 2008 pameran bersama di gallery kuta gallery, Kuta Bali 2007 pameran bersama di gallery Adi Pati Surya Ubud bali 2006 pameran kelompok 7 di kuta gallerya Kuta bali 2005 pameran bersama di museum Patahillah jakarta pameran bersama di hotel Sari Pan pacifik jakarta

Lenny Ratnasari Weichert Educations: 2005 The Hartnackschule Berlin, private school of languages 1995- 1996 Juhasz Gyula College, Faculty of Fine Arts, Szeged, Hungary 1993 - 2005 Fine Arts (Sculpture), Indonesian Institute of Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta 1990 - 1995 IKIP Teacher Award and Residencies: Residencies Art Collaboration Project U(Dys)topia 7 weeks in Dresden and Berlin Germany Lived and residencies in Singapore (PR) 2007-now Lived and residencies in Berlin Germany 2005-2007 Visiting Arts/Delfina International Fellowship Artist for 2002-2003 London United Kingdom. Residence for 2001 (3 months) in Netherland Residence Artist for 1995-1996 in Juhasz Gyula College, Szeged, Hungary. Solo Exhibition(s): 2003 Open Studio, Sky Light Gallery, Delfina Studio, London, UK (solo) Artist-in-Residence, Visiting Arts/Delfina International Fellowship Artist, London, UK 1998 Up to You Kedai Kebun, Jogyakarta, Indonesia (Solo) 1996 Kotodesek Impala Haz Gallery, Szeged, Hungary (solo) Selected group exhibition(s) last five years : 2013 Urban Signs, Philo Art Space, Jakarta


2012 Java Spices International Visual Art Exhibition Jogja National Museum. Jogjakarta 10 Jakarta Female Artist Museum of Fine Art and Ceramic Jakarta. Indonesia dimata Perupa Gedung Nusantara V Jakarta, Curated by Weye haryanto Contemporer Sclupture Locafore Kota Baru ParahyanganBandung, Curated by Asikin hasan Dresdner BIENNALE-KUNSTFESTIVAL ORNÖ Dresden Germany Bulan, Bintang dan Matahari (Isyarat Langit) GO Gallery Surabaya, Indonesia, Curated by Soewarno W. Buruh Melintas batas -Artspirasi- Galeri Cipta II Jakarta Wall of Fiction Indonesian National Gallery Jakarta Indonesia, Curated by Frigidanto Agung Negari Yogyakarta Hadiningrat Museum National of Jogjakarta, Curated by Dwi Marianto Kembar Mayang, Museum Widayat Magelang. 2011 Jakarta Biennale XIV ‘Maximum City’ Curated by Bambang Asrini Woman in Art Power Purna Budaya UGM. Yogyakarta Crossing Signs 14 artists form Germany and Indonesia, experiencing the ‘liminal zone’, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta and Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta. Curated by Leonor Veiga (Portugal) and Sudjud Dartanto (Indonesian) Speak off Jogja National Museum 2010 Power Wagon JNM Jogjakarta Indonesia U(Dys)topia Art Collaboration - 7 Indonesian and 7 German Artists in Gallery HfBK Dresden and Freies Museum Berlin, Germany Curated by Martin J. (German) 2009 Mabuk Sampah Art’s Community PEREK. Biennale Jogyakarta. Vote Notes LAB.LT. Tembi Contemporary Jogjakarta Exposign ISI JOGJAKARTA - Jogja Galeri Jogjakarta, JEC Jogjakarta. September Ceria Jogja Gallery, Jogjakarta Kunduran Truk Perempuan Experimental. Kersan Art StudioJogyakarta. Curated by Rahmaniani Blueprint for Jogya Tembi Contemporary Jogyakarta Exhibionist Kersan Art Studio, Jogyakarta Indonesia

This catalogue is published in conjunction with a group exhibition

urban signs april 27 - may 27, 2013 Š Philo Art Space Jl Kemang Timur 90 C South Jakarta 12730 Indonesia t/f: (62 21) 719 84 48 m: +62 811 10 60 47 e: info@philoartspace.com w: www.philoartspace.com Curator: Tommy F Awuy Special thanks: Joko Sulistiono, Priyaris Munandar, Deny Bojong, Sujarwo, Lenny Ratnasari Weichert Photography of Artworks: Artist Translator : Andira Sampurno Design : milovtrisno@gmail.com Published by Philo Art Space 036/2013 Copy Rights Š Philo Art Space All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photography, recording or otherwise, without the written permission from Philo Art Space


An artist has an ideal picture or concept of the art world in their mind (signified) and with all the sensory talent that they have, they capture the external signs (usually called signifier). It is this concept and the sensory talent that form the foundation of the knowledge (the signifying process) as a creation. Put simply, a creation is none other than a ‘system of signs’, not a mere idea or material.


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