Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Digital Edition Issue October 15, 2020

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The Milwaukee Times Newspaper and Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 39 • No. 37 • Thurs., Oct. 15, 2020 - Wed., Oct. 21, 2020 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 75¢

Foundations for Freedom, Inc. hosts 'Strength For My Sisters Shoe Drive' On Saturday, October 10, 2020, Foundations for Freedom, Inc., hosted "Strength For My Sisters Shoe Drive" a free shoes, boots, sweaters, jackets and clothes giveaway at 32nd and Lisbon Ave. After seeing two women this summer with no shoes on, Foundations for Freedom, Inc., CEO and Founder Dana World-Patterson (right photo, center) began collecting more than 400 pairs of shoes to give away to women and girls in need. Since then the donations have grown to include boots, coats, sweaters and other clothing items.

Photo by Yvonne Kemp

Brew City Cowboys host community clean-up On Saturday, October 10, 2020, The Brew City Cowboys Resource Center, Inc., hosted a community clean-up at the corner of 36th Street and Fond du Lac Ave., by the Sherman Phoenix. The first 25 adults that showed up to volunteer received a free voucher for a turkey with all the trimmings. The clean-up was sponsored by The Milwaukee Times Newspaper and Infinity Lounge.

Photo by Yvonne Kemp

Community organizations partner with Harambee residents for neighborhood clean-up

On Saturday, October 10, 2020, Northwest Side Community Development Corporation, WestCare, and Wisconsin Safe & Sound partnered together to host an end of the summer "Harambee Inter-generational Community Clean-up" at the Clinton Rose Senior Center, 3045 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. A number of local volunteers, including the District 5 Milwaukee Police Department officers, Photo by Yvonne Kemp took part in the cleanup. This event was coordinated by Brooks Griffin, Sheila Smith, Mark Lizowski and Martinez Milton, Jr. (pictured in white tees, holding shovels, from left) who are pictured with Harambee residents and friends who took part in the clean-up. An NCON Communications Publication

In The News

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Anthem and Bublr partner to provide free annual bike passes “Access to Bublr means getting to work on time.” – Terrance

Bublr, Milwaukee’s nonprofit bikeshare operator, is proud to partner with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) to provide FREE Access Passes to qualifying individuals. The promotion, which started in May for Mental Health Awareness Month, is part of a joint campaign to highlight the connection between physical activity and better mental health. Access Passes give qualified individuals unlimited 60-minute trips for one year.

“Access to Bublr is helping me in my weight loss journey.” – Sonia “Access to Bublr is a fantastic health benefit to a senior citizen. This will encourage me to get out and exercise more. I thank you for this opportunity.” – Marsha “Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is grateful for the opportunity to promote and encourage health, wellness and access to services for the people of our community,” said Anthony Woods, Medicaid plan president at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Bublr’s Access Pass program is open to anyone who is either 1) living in Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee properties; 2) receiving FoodShare; 3) receiving

So far, the free Access Pass campaign has helped spur an increase of sign-ups by 800 percent compared to 2019. Access pass users have taken 1,158 trips, biked 4,941 miles, burned 197,632 calories, and offset 4,694 pounds of carbon this summer. People are using the Access Pass to get to work on time, exercise, and explore Milwaukee.

SSI; or 4) enrolled in Medicaid. The free Access Pass promotion will run through October. Bublr has 81 stations and more than 700 bikes across the Greater Milwaukee Area for use. Riding a bike continues to be a good way to engage in outdoor activity to improve mental health, reduce stress, and

Requirement to Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19, and the COVID-19 Public Health Plan for Suburban Milwaukee County Order #1. Bublr and Anthem Blue and Cross Blue Shield remind you to boost the immune system - wear a mask while riding, all while maintaining physical wash your hands as soon as distancing. you get to your destination, Bublr Bikes operation and and practice physical distancuse for essential trips and out- ing while riding. door exercise was permitted under the Governor’s Safer People can sign up on at Home Order #28, the City Bublr’s website, www.bublrof Milwaukee’s Order of the, or call City of Milwaukee Commis- or text at 414-931-1121 to sioner of Health Imposing a get more information. City-Wide “Stay-At-Home”

New Kwanzaa stamp now available at the U.S. Postal Service The U.S. Postal Service continues to celebrate Kwanzaa, which honors the values and beliefs around African American heritage, by dedicating a new Kwanzaa stamp on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. News of this Forever stamp is being shared with hashtag #KwanzaaStamps. “This new Kwanzaa stamp captures the essence of the African American cultural celebration. The stamp depicts the profile of a reflective woman with a kinara, or candleholder, with seven lit candles in front of her,” said USPS Regional Processing Operations Eastern Vice President Dane Coleman, the dedicating official. “The stamp, which was handsketched and digitally colored, evokes a sense of inner peace with its cool tones and vibrant design elements to give a festive feel to the celebration of Kwanzaa.” The stamp is available na-


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ways history can inform and shopstamps, by calling impact future happiness. 800-STAMP24 (800-782Art director Antonio Al- 6724), by mail through USA cala designed the stamp, and Philatelic, or at Post Office Andrea Pippins was the illus- locations nationwide. trator. The Kwanzaa stamp is beInformation on ordering ing issued as a Forever stamp first-day-of-issue postmarks in a pane of 20. Forever and covers is at stamps will always be equal shop. in value to the current FirstClass Mail 1-ounce price. The Postal Service receives no Customers may purchase tax dollars for operating expenses stamps and other phila- and relies on the sale of postage, telic products through the products and services to fund its ciples, collectively known as Postal Store at operations. the Nguzo Saba. Kwanzaa was created in 1966, drawing on a variety of African traditions, deriving its name from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza,” meaning “first fruits.” MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Kwanzaa is a festive time for The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper rejoicing in the prospect of health, prosperity and good Louvenia Johnson Luther Golden Nathan Conyers luck in the coming year. It (1981-2008) (1981-2005) (1981- 2018 ) is also a time for contemplaLynda J. Jackson Conyers, Publisher tion and recollection of past hardships, faced by individuMorgan A. Conyers, Associate Publisher als and communities, and the Jacquelyn D. Heath, Editorial Page Editor

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

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tionwide as of Tuesday. A virtual dedication ceremony will be posted on the Postal Service’s Facebook and Twitter pages. The event includes remarks from Coleman and Linda Hazel Humes, adjunct assistant professor, Africana Studies Department, John Jay College; and music by Sanga of the Valley. Kwanzaa takes place over seven days annually from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, bringing family, community and culture together for many. Each year, millions of African Americans gather with friends and family throughout Kwanzaa week to honor the Pan-African holiday’s seven founding principles — unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (ujima), cooperative economics (ujamaa), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba) and faith (imani). Each day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of these seven prin-

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Publisher/President Lynda J. Jackson Conyers Graphic Artists William Gooden Michelle Anibas

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The Milwaukee Times Weekly newspaper is published each Thursday at 1936 N. MLK Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Telephone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 Email: •

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, October 15, 2020



Wednesday, October 20, 2020

Our Community Voices

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Please make your voice heard By Congresswoman Gwen Moore

al pandemic. The best way to You have until October make sure your voice is heard 29th to request your absen Right now, as we face a piv- is to vote.   tee ballot. If you have not otal moment in our country requested your absentee a pandemic, economic reces As Election Day draws ballot, do it immediately by sion, and a national reckon- closer, COVID-19 infection visiting and ing on systemic racism - the rates are even worse than select “Vote Absentee”, or most precious instrument of they were this spring, not you can send a request to our democracy is being jeop- just in Wisconsin, but your municipal clerk. When ardized: the right to vote. Re- across the country.  It is you receive your ballot, it will member the scheme Repub- clear that Trump and his Ad- come with instructions on licans pulled during the April ministration failed to manage how to complete it. Please primary here in Wisconsin? I the pandemic; they are just follow them carefully. Your know it feels like a lifetime not up to the task. municipal clerk must receive ago, but I know you rememyour completed absentee ber - lines down the street The most important ballot by 8 P.M. on Election and around buildings, peo- thing for you and your fam- Day, Tuesday, November 3rd. ple not getting to cast their ily to do is to stay safe while You can return your ballot to ballot - and how scary it was exercising your franchise – your municipal clerk in perfor voters who risked their your vote - the most pow- son, by mail, or drop it off lives to make their voices erful tool in our democratic at your clerk’s designated box heard. Hundreds of you have society. Make sure your voice or site by 8 P.M. on Election shared your personal stories is heard and stay safe by tak- Day. with me, and I am proud of ing advantage of early voting Starting two weeks before you for doing your civic duty, – either by absentee ballot or Election Day, Tuesday, Oceven in the middle of a glob- early voting in-person.

Congresswoman Gwen Moore tober 20th, you can vote early in-person at your local municipal clerk’s office or other designated sites. In-person early voting hours do vary, so please contact your municipal clerk before going in person.

Please visit for information, and share your opinions with me on Facebook. com/GwenMooreforCongress/ and @GwenforCongress on Twitter.


We’ve never faced a more important election in our lifetimes. I beg you, please make your voice heard. Vote like our democracy and your life depends upon it.

Weekly Newspaper • Printing & Publishing Co.

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Lynda Jackson Conyers, Publisher 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 1936 N. Martin Luther King Drive Milwaukee, WI 53212 Email: “We Print, Not JUST Copy”

An NCON Communications Publication

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Christian Times


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Counseling Corner

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th

Put on a smiley face ☺ (Week 2) Source: “Smiley Face with Smiling Eyes” by

Psychology Today in an article entitled: “The 9 Superpowers of Your Smile”1 noted that numerous researchers have already compiled a long list of the benefits of a smile, but after research by the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), two more reasons were added to the list. Here is what the research at UMKC discovered: 1. Smiling can make “Each time you smile you you look younger. The throw a little feel-good party UMKC researchers tested in your brain.” The Psychology the popular theory that smil- Today article noted that the ing might cause others to notorious party animals, doperceive you as being young- pamine, endorphins and seer than you actually are. Sure rotonin start whopping it up enough, in a small study, when you smile. college students perceived 4. Smiling induces older people who had happy smiles on their faces as look- more pleasure in the brain ing younger than their age. more than chocolate. AcThe people with frowns on cording to Ron Gutman, the their faces were categorized author of Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act, as looking older. British researchers found 2. Smiling can make that one smile can generate you look thinner. A young the same level of brain stimpsychology student at ulation as up to 2,000 bars of UMKC found that sad fac- chocolate. es randomized and flashed 5. Even a forced smile on a computer screen were judged to be heftier, leaving can lead to a mood boost. one to only speculate that While it is true that a positive a mouth turned down in a experience is what makes frown might give the impres- us smile, it is also true that sion that a person is weighed merely deciding to smile can provide positive experience. down by unhappiness. 3. Smiling elevates your mood and creates a sense of well-being. As behavioral psychologist Sara Stevenson wrote in a blog:

6. Smile can predict fulfillment in marriage. In a study cited by Gutman, the Smile author, the smiles of students were measured,

and these ultimately predicted how long lasting and satisfying the person’s marriage would be. 7. Smiling makes you seem courteous, likeable and competent. Those first two qualities seem logical, but how does smiling make you seem competent? Perhaps, if you look sad or anxious, perhaps others wonder if you know what you are doing. 8. Span of a person’s smile can predict life span. A 2010 Wayne State University Research project studied pre-1950s major league player baseball cards. According to Gutman, “The researchers found that the span of a player’s smile could actually predict the span of his life. Players who didn’t smile in their pictures lived an average of only 72.9 years while players with beaming smiles lived an average of almost 80 years.

9. Smiling is contagious! A smiling person can General Disclaimer: The writer light up a room. If you like to help others and lift the spirits has used her best efforts in preparation of this information. No of everyone, just smile. representations or warranties for 1 Source: Meg Selig, The 9 Su- its contents, either expressed or imperpowers of Your Smile, Psychol- plied, are offered. Neither the pubogy Today, May 2016. lisher nor the writer shall be liable in any way for readers’ efforts to Next Week: apply, rely or utilize the informaSeries Continuation tion or recommendations presented herein as they may not be suitable for you or necessarily appropriate Mark Your Calendar: for every situation to which they GENERAL AND may refer. In some instances, this PRESIDENTIAL article contains the opinions, conELECTION clusions and/or recommendations TUESDAY, of the writer. If you would like NOVEMBER 3, 2020 to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008..

NOVEMBER 3, 2020

In-Person Absentee (Early Voting) Schedule Early Voting will be held Tuesday, October 20th - Sunday, November 1st. Exact dates and times for each location will be posted soon. Early Voting will be held Tuesday, October 20th Sunday, November 1st. Please note not all sites have the same schedule.

Mitchell Street Library 906 W. Historic Mitchell St.

There is no voter registration on Saturday, October 31st or Sunday, November 1st. Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building 841 N Broadway, Room 102 Midtown Center, 5700 W. Capitol Dr.

Villard Square Library 5190 N. 35th St.

Zablocki Library 3501 W. Oklahoma Ave. Mondays - Fridays 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays - Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bay View Library 2566 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Cannon Park Pavilion 303 N. 95th St. Clinton Rose Senior Center 3045 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. East Library 2320 N. Cramer St. Good Hope Library 7717 W. Good Hope Rd. An NCON Communications Publication

Tippecanoe Library 3912 S. Howell Ave.

Washington Park Library 2121 N. Sherman Blvd. Mondays & Tuesdays 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays - Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Student Union 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd. Mondays - Fridays 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Independence First 540 S 1st St Manitoba School 4040 W. Forest Home Ave. Milwaukee Area Technical College 700 W. State St. By appointment only. Please email to request an appointment.

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 20, 2020

What's Happening

AKA’s Represent, Your Sorority Sister with this one of-a-kind Kamala Harris, limited edition T-shirt from The Milwaukee Times.

ORDER YOURS TODAY! T-shirts are available in sizes Small-3XL. Only $30 (plus tax) Phone in your Pre-order to 414-263-5088. We can take your credit card over the phone.

Or stop by our office to purchase immediately, while supplies last.

1936 Dr. N. MLK Drive Milwaukee, WI 53212 Payment due at the time your order is placed.

EXCLUSIVE TO THE Weekly Newspaper • Printing & Publishing

Tune in to

“The Milwaukee Times Presents” Radio Show Mondays from 4:00-4:30 p.m. on WNOV 106.5 FM & 860 AM. MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH

The first half of the show will feature our sponsor and special guest Roberta Murphy, Principal and Vice President of WFA Staffing Group. Our second half we will be talking with Educator Sandra Malone, MBA. SPECIAL GUESTS

Roberta Murphy VP of WFA Staffing Group

Sandra Malone, MBA

An NCON Communications Publication

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

It’s Time For A Change!

Show your support for the Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris during this historic election. This shirt is available ONLY at the Milwaukee Times. In Sizes Small-3XL


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Show Your Support for a real leader! Call (414) 2635088 photo by @lindsey.m.mckee

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1936 North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 263-5088 • •

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1936 North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 263-5088 • •

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$100 Auto Refinance

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* Automatic payment may be required. Minimum $7,000 new money and current Brewery Credit Union loans not subject to refinancing. Interest will begin accumulating at the date of loan signing: the first payment will include all interest accrued from the loan origination date. Membership eligibility required. $100 Refinance Offer: Loan must be transferred from another financial institution or finance company. The vehicle must be used as collateral. Offer valid for a limited time and subject to change. Only one transfer per vehicle. Some restrictions may apply.

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Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, October 15, 2020


What's Happening

Wednesday, October 20, 2020

My Choice Wisconsin serves government-funded programs to frail seniors and adults with disabilities. We care for the whole person and well-being of all by offering services that promote independence, value diversity, and inspire self-advocacy.

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For more information on the Family Care program, call your local ADRC.

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1936 North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 Thanksgiving • Christmas • Kwanzaa • New Years (414) 263-5088 • •

Celebrate The Holidays!

Happy Holidays One and


Thanksgiving Wishes

From The Smiths!

1936 North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 263-5088 • •


Blessed Kwanzaa! From Tamika & Allia

From the Allans



Printing & Publishing, Co. 1936 North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 263-5088 • •

Printing & Publishing, Co. 1936 North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 263-5088 • •



SOLUTIONS in milwaukee

R A D I O M I LWA U K E E . O R G / M E A S U R E

An NCON Communications Publication

What's Happening

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Milwaukee Health Services, Inc. hosts voter registration event at Isaac Coggs Center

Photo by Yvonne Kemp

On Friday, October 9, 2020, the Milwaukee Health Services, Inc., hosted a voter registration event at their Isaac Coggs Heritage Health Center, 8200 W. Silver Spring Dr. Attendees could safely register to vote for the upcoming presidential election as well as receive a free COVID-19 safety kit containing hand sanitizer, facial tissues, masks and more. There was also health information and COVID-19 testing information available to all who attended.

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Today, too many people are incarcerated in the United States – and too many of them are black and brown. As President, Joe Biden will strengthen America’s commitment to justice and reform our criminal justice system.

Joe Biden will take bold action to reduce our prison population, create a more just society, and make our communities safer Expand and use the power of the U.S. Justice Department to address systemic misconduct in police departments and prosecutors’ offices. Establish an independent TaskForce on Prosecutorial Discretion. Invest in educational opportunity for all.

Decriminalize the use of cannabis and automatically expunge all prior cannabis use convictions. End the criminalization of poverty, including ending cash bail. End the federal government’s use of private prisons.

Eliminate mandatory minimums.

Visit to learn more PAID FOR BY BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 20, 2020

MKE Film Festival

We can’t gather in person, but we’ve adapted. No matter what films you enjoy most, you’ll discover something amazing at our first-ever virtual Milwaukee Film Festival. Screenings will be a little less crowded this year, and your seat might not have a cupholder. But we’re excited that we’ll still be able to share films, events, and community through our signature event, which has been adapted for your screen.

An NCON Communications Publication

Senior Living

Thursday, October 15, 2020



Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

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Raising awareness about dementia and Alzheimer’s In 2018, Wisconsin health officials set out to create a plan to improve dementia care throughout the state. After surveying a group that included individuals living with dementia, caregivers, and health professionals, the Department of Health Services identified several priorities including increasing public awareness and understanding of brain health and dementia. If you don’t know, dementia is a general term for the loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s aging. Disease is the most common cause of dementia among For more than 40 years, older adults and affects more Community Care has helped than 5 million Americans. its members, including vulnerable seniors, live indeEvery fall, there are days pendently within the comand months (in September munity. This includes supand November) dedicated to porting individuals living raising awareness about de- with dementia, as well as mentia and Alzheimer’s Dis- their caregivers. ease. While dementia is more common as people grow oldThanks in part to a mether, it is not a normal part of od called Dementia Capable

An NCON Communications Publication

In order to better serve members with dementia, Community Care staff look to see that members have a clinical evaluation from a primary care provider; they address a members’ ability to make decisions; review a member’s advance directives; and ensure the members are safe in their home environment.

Care, care teams help identify members who show signs of dementia in order to support them as they age. They do this with the help of Dementia Champions, staff members who assist care teams to ensure that members with dementia can live independently and safely, according to Holly Onsager, Community Care’s director of behavioral health.

Additionally, care teams look at what assistance members may need; whether caregivers need some training; or what a caregiver’s burden may be. Members living with dementia have care plans that includes supports and inter“Dementia Champions ventions that are specific to help to make sure that peo- that person. ple living with dementia, and their families, know their These are steps that anyrights,” Onsager said. “As one can take, whether they experts, they identify stress- are experiencing the early es in the home and how to stages of dementia or caring address them. They help for someone with dementia. care teams address issues like For more information and pain, sleeping problems, and resources about Alzheimer’s other medical or behavioral and other dementias, visit: health issues.” https://www.dhs.wisconsin. gov/dementia.

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, October 15, 2020



Wednesday, October 20, 2020




W E E K D AY S 2 P

An NCON Communications Publication

Our Community

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Breaking the Barrier African Americans who have broken past color lines in the world of business, community leadership and beyond

Dr. Gregory Williams – first Black male president of the Sunrise Rotary Club By Kathy Gaillard Special for the Milwaukee Times Dr. Gregory Williams came from a long line of accomplished trailblazers. His grandfather, William Womack, was one of the original Tuskegee Airmen; his father, grandfather and uncle all earned doctorate degrees— overcoming the obstacles and challenges of their time to do so. Williams, who completed his undergraduate studies at Tennessee State University, also earned a master’s degree and has completed his doctoral work. He is a trailblazer in his own right, becoming the first Black male president of the Milwaukee North Sunrise Rotary Club. “My grandfather and father were both committed to civic causes. They instilled that same sense of service in me, along with the importance and responsibility of giving back. I got involved with the Rotary after receiving a contract to provide security at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Center. Diane Beckley, the Chief Financial Officer at St. Ann Center, was involved with the Rotary (and is the current president-elect) and introduced me to it. I joined the Rotary in 2016, and after 2-1/2 years, I was elected president,” said Williams. Rotary International is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in communities, and among themselves. For more than 110 years, Rotary members have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. With more than 35,000 clubs, the organization’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Commission under the late Don Sykes in the 1990s. He has also held administrative roles with high profile agencies including Wisconsin Community Services and Employ Milwaukee. Williams has been an adjunct professor for more than 20 years, teaching courses in criminal justice, security, and community/social change. These days, in addition to serving as president of the Sunrise Rotary, Williams continues to be involved in the community while operating a security agency that employs about 50 people. Williams is also one of the founding members of the Milwaukee Chapter of 100 Black Men. He coordinated the first three black college tours collaborating with others including the YMCA Black Achievers and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He is also the co-president of Tennessee State University National Alumni-Milwaukee Chapter. “All of the civic and service projects that I’m involved with are intertwined. I am drawn to what I refer to as the ‘benevolent interest’ organizations like Rotary that support the broader community. I also got involved with Rotary because of the diversity I saw around the table. Over the years, our chapter has evolved into mostly people of color, but there is still some diversity,” he said.

bility. My parents always encouraged my siblings and me to pursue education, but also to give of ourselves, grow and be cognizant of how blessed we are. My civic involvement and background are rooted in what the Rotary stands for—sharing, caring and engaging others,” said Williams. Williams’ term as Rotary president doesn’t end until June 30, 2021, so he’s put together a comprehensive Gregory T. Williams, a former agent with the Naval agenda to embrace youth development and build a more Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and the cohesive community for ecoowner of GT Private Detective Agency, was elected nomic and social change.

president in May of the Milwaukee North Sunrise Rotary Club. The Milwaukee North Sunrise Rotary Club meets every other Thursday from 7:30 a.m. -8:45 a.m. in a board room at the Bucyrus campus of the St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care located at 2450 West North Avenue. Since March, the organization has been meeting virtually. Williams was also one of only a few minorities awarded a contract with the 2020 Democratic National Convention. “As the owner of a private detective agency, I am able to hire security guards, giving people of color job opportunities. It’s important that as a minority-run business, employees are provided decent wages, training, and other incentives. The Milwaukee DNC was the perfect forum

for us to showcase our capabilities,” he said. While working full-time running a security firm, doing investigative work, and presiding over the Rotary take up much of Williams’ time, his commitment to and involvement in those initiatives he tackles never wanes. “Thankfully, I wear my age well. I look energetic and carry myself that way. I’m humbled by the trust Rotary members put in me, and it fuels my sense of responsi-

“We’ve got our foot in the door, so it’s important that we bring our “A” game. We want to step forward and we can’t do that by ignoring or minimizing where we are. If Rotary can be a gateway for developing further minority vendors and businesses, let’s do it. I’m all about doing it and doing it right. There are some serious obstacles as it relates to minority business development, but at the same time we have a responsibility to be in compliance with mandates and take care of our employees. We can’t take shortcuts if we want to successfully compete for business. Rotary should be a vehicle for economic development and empowering community development interests,” he said.

A native of Tennessee whose family moved to Indianapolis when he was three years old, Williams has a long and prestigious career working in other cities, including Chicago. In addition to a stint with the Martinsville, VA Police Department, the U.S. Department of Treasury, and the Naval Investigation Services—now known as Naval Criminal Investigation Services (NCIS)—after moving to Milwaukee, Williams added several other positions to his resume. He worked at the Social Development An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, October 15, 2020

October 2nd Desire Keller Leon Hobbs, Jr. October 3rd Anthony Dobbs, Jr. Mary Gilmore October 4th Brenda Ingram Mother Frankie Jones October 5th Mary Gibbons October 6th Arionne Smith Kathy CarsonColeman October 7th Lezlie Binns Sheneka Smith October 8th Monet Fumbanks Anita Buie October 9th Larry Smith, Jr. Carmen Murguia October 11th Mattie Haywood October 12th LoAnne Goudy Vi Hawkins October 13th Dennis Whittiker

C.D. Smith Construction, Inc. is requesting proposals for the following projects: Palmyra WWTF 10/28/2020 at 10AM

October 14th Jalisa Davis Joyetta Bridges October 15th Kyle Dwane Fisher Dominic Fumbanks Barbara Wilmont October 16th Kelly M. Fumbanks Jharrell Frazier October 17th Dennis Lamont Johnson Tyreke Jones

Please send bids to:

“An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer”


BROADCAST FELLOWSHIP The Eric Von Broadcast Fellowship provides funding for a year-long fellowship to a recent college graduate who will receive paid experience to begin building a successful career in broadcast journalism.

October 22 Jessica Chamberlain Brenda V. Jackson th

October 24th Solea Holland October 29th Dejah Fumbanks Aaron Williams Frannie Smith October 30th Andrew Green, III October 31st Au’Zhane Chamberlain

October 16, 1995 – Million Man March held in Washington, D.C.

C.D. Smith Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 1006 Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1006 Ph: (920) 924-2900

October 19th Sariya Holland

October 23rd Michelle Graham

October 15, 1991 – Clarence Thomas confirmed as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, the second African American to serve on the court.

October 17, 1888 – Capital Savings Bank of Washington, D.C., first bank for blacks, organized.

New Holstein School 11/9/2020 at 1:00PM

October 18th Tyrone Ingram Anne M. Barner

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who has just celebrated or is about to celebrate a birthday? Stop by our office with their name on Monday to get them in that week’s edition of Happy Birthday Salutes! Visit us at 1936 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, call us at (414) 263-5088 or e-mail them to

The Classifieds

Wednesday, October 20, 2020


Mrs. Fumbanks' Birthday Salutes "Wishing You All The Best!" October 1st Joshua Fumbanks



THE IDEAL FOSTER CARE ORGANIZATION! A nonprofit organization Our foster families are in the driver’s seat

October 18, 1948 – Playwright Ntozake Shange, author of For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf, is born. October 19, 1943 – Paul Robeson opens in Othello at the Shubert Theater in New York City. The show runs for 296 consecutive performances. October 20, 1898 – The first African American-owned insurance company, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, founded.

Support for our foster families is our top priority There’s no better team to foster with than Foundations. They guide you through the decision-making process so that you can decide for yourself with the full knowledge of the expectations and challenges. ~Chelle F.

I can’t say enough wonderful things about Foundations and the staff. When our family was in need of support, Foundations stepped in and supported us! We are thrilled to be apart of the Foundations family! ~Katie S.

Contact Alissa Getzin at 414-303-7240 or to learn more about the first steps to fostering a child

October 21, 1917 – Trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie, pioneer of “bebop” jazz, born.

An NCON Communications Publication

WI Democratic Party

An NCON Communications Publication

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Froedtert & The MCW

Wednesday, October 20, 2020

Making more possible in cancer care.

More cancer advances mean more ways to continue being you. Here, everything we do – every conversation, every research breakthrough our specialists make – helps you live better. Like re-engineering healthy immune cells to destroy cancer cells. Personalizing your treatment, even if your cancer has a unique genetic signature. Offering first-in-the-world cancer radiation technology that constantly adapts as your tumor changes for unmatched precision. Taking time to address your concerns virtually or in-person, day or night – with a 24-Hour Cancer Clinic for the unexpected. Together, we do everything humanly possible, so you can, too.

What Is Possible Let’s discover what is possible together at

An NCON Communications Publication

Total Wine

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

NOW OPEN Bayshore 5850 N. Bayshore Dr 3 locations in Milwaukee

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Shop the store

Shop online and we’ll bring it to your car

Shop online and pick up

Visit to start your order

10% Off Wine when you mix or match 6 or more 750ml and 1.5L WINES.

Next to Old Navy

An NCON Communications Publication

See you there!


Old Navy W. Towncenter Dr.

W. Glen Bay Ave.

Bayshore Trader Joe’s

W. Silver Spring Dr.


N. Santa Monica Blvd.

No rth -So uth

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Total Wine

N. Bayshore Dr.

Bayshore 5850 N. Bayshore Dr. Glendale, Wisconsin 53217

W. Bender Rd.

N. Port Washington Rd.


W. Fountainview Dr.


Looking for curbside or in-store pick up? Visit to get started. DOWNLOAD OUR AWARD-WINNING APP

Hours: Mon–Sat 9am–9pm, Sun 10am-7pm

(414) 395-2350

Pricing valid 10/14/2020 - 10/21/2020. Rebate offers vary. While supplies last. Limit one offer per transaction. See store for details. Total Wine & More is not responsible for typographical or human error, or supplier price increases. Products while supplies last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Total Wine & More is a registered trademark of RSSI. © 2020 Retail Services & Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Please drink responsibly. Use a designated driver.


Excludes items with prices ending in 7. Cannot be combined with any other Total Wine & More WINE promotion or discount. Offer valid in WI only. Not valid on previous purchases. Valid in-store, on the Total Wine app or at

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