Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Digital Edition Issue December 3, 2020

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The Milwaukee Times Newspaper and Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 39 • No. 47 • Thurs., Dec. 03, 2020 - Wed., Dec. 09, 2020 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 75¢

Northcott Neighborhood House hosts '2020 Annual Housing Resource Fair'

Photos by Martinez Milton, Jr.

On Saturday, November 21, 2020, the Annual Housing Resource Fair took place in front of Northcott Neighborhood House, 2460 N. 6th Street, which was hosted by Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs and Alderman Russell Stamper II. At the fair, there were Drive-up Resource Bags and 100 turkeys given out. There were also virtual online workshops on such topics as home buying, improving your credit, and COVID-19 resources.

Supervisor Taylor and Dream Team United host outdoor Thanksgiving feast Milwaukee County Supervisor Sequanna Taylor and Dream Team United came together to host an outdoor community Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, November 26, 2020, at a vacant lot on the corner of Center and 35th streets. A free, traditional Thanksgiving meal was provided to attendees along with giveaways of winter hats, gloves, socks and groceries. “The holiday season can be difficult, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Supervisor Taylor. “This Thanksgiving feast gives us the opportunity to safely come together and make sure that everyone in the community is able to have a warm meal and needed winter supplies as the weather gets colder.”

Staff Photos

MUL and Target host 'Thanksgiving Feast and Winter Warm-up' at Auer Ave. School On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, The Milwaukee Urban League (MUL) and Target warmed up the hearts of children at Auer Avenue Elementary School, 2319 W. Auer Ave., with a "Thanksgiving Feast and Winter Warm-up." Turkey dinners were distributed as were coats, hats and gloves for all of the 173 students of the school. Distribution was done with the help of MUL President and CEO Dr. Eve M. Hall (right); MUL staff; Target Assets Protection Director Corneisha Williams (left); Target volunteers; and Auer Avenue Elementary School Principal Dr. Zanetta Walker and her staff. The MUL has been working with Auer Ave. Elementary School for the past year as part of the United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County’s Community Schools Partnership program. An NCON Communications Publication

Photo by Pat A. Robinson

In The News

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

President-elect Biden chooses all-female White House press team President-elect Joe Biden has named an all-female senior communications team for his upcoming administration. More than half of the seven positions will be filled by women of color. The choices are part of Biden’s effort to create an administration that, in his words, “actually looks like America.” Biden’s campaign communications director, Kate Bedingfield, will serve as the White House communications director. She served in a similar position for Biden when he was vice president during the administration of President Barack Obama. Jen Psaki will serve as his press secretary. She held several positions in communications during Obama’s administration, including as State Department spokesperson.

briefings. Those that did happen were often hostile. Trump sometimes spoke directly to announcers of Fox News television programs instead of reporters for the Of the seven women team White House. members four are women of color. Three of the them In a statement announcing are African American: Ash- the White House commuley Etienne, Karine Jean- nications team, Biden said: Pierre, Symone Sanders, and “Communicating directly one Latina, Pili Tobar. Jean- and truthfully to the AmerPierre and Tobar are also ican people is one of the openly gay. most important duties of a President, and this team Biden’s communication will be entrusted with the team is expected to return tremendous responsibility to more traditional ways of of connecting the American talking and meeting with people to the White House.” members of the press. Biden has also nominated President Donald Trump women to several high-level and his administration’s positions in his Cabinet. On communication team have Monday, November 30, 2020 had an unusual relationship the president-elect and his with the press. His team has transition team announced held comparatively few press

Janet Yellen

Neera Tanden

Janet Yellen as nominee for US Treasury Secretary. If the Senate confirms her, Yellen will become the first woman ever to lead the Treasury Department.

Avril Haines as Director of National Intelligence; Neera Tanden as Director of the Office of Management and Budget; and Cecelia Rouse as chair of the Council of Economic Advisors.

tests spread nationwide over the police killings of Black people, Biden wrote: “Across the board -- from our classrooms to our courtrooms to the president’s Cabinet -- we have to make sure that our leadership and our institutions actually look like America.”

Biden also said over the summer that he would choose a woman to serve as his vice president. On August 11, he chose Senator Kamala Harris, a Black and Indian woman. Harris is now Last week, Biden named As a presidential candidate, set to become the country’s Linda Thomas-Greenfield as U.S. ambassador to the Unit- Biden promised that people first female vice president. ed Nations. Thomas-Green- chosen for his administration People of color make up field, a Black woman, served would represent the diversias the U.S. Assistant Secre- ty, or mix, of the American almost half of Biden’s transition team, Forbes magazine tary of State for Africa from public. reported last month. Women 2013 to 2017 under Obama. In an opinion article pub- make up a small majority of Biden has also nominated lished last summer, as pro- the team.

History Has Been Made! Let's Show Our Support for Our Newly Elected Vice President! We still have a few Kamala Harris tees left in stock. In 2 styles: A. Pink tee, with printed Pink and Green image of Vice President Elect Harris or… B. White Tee, with printed Pink and Green image Vice President Elect Harris and metallic lettering. A.


Both are Only $30 (each)

T-SHIRTS ARE AVAILABLE IN SIZES SMALL-3XL. EXCLUSIVE TO THE 1936 N. DR. MLK, JR. DR. MILWAUKEE, WI 53212 (414) 263-5088 An NCON Communications Publication

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MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Louvenia Johnson Luther Golden Nathan Conyers (1981-2008) (1981-2005) (1981- 2018 ) Lynda J. Jackson Conyers, Publisher Morgan A. Conyers, Associate Publisher Jacquelyn D. Heath, Editorial Page Editor

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper STAFF Publisher/President Lynda J. Jackson Conyers Graphic Artists William Gooden Michelle Anibas

Founders Louvenia Johnson Nathan Conyers Luther Golden Marketing Carmen Murguía

The Milwaukee Times Weekly newspaper is published each Thursday at 1936 N. MLK Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Telephone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 Email: •

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, December 3, 2020


In The News

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Emmett Till house poised to take first step toward official landmark status The Chicago house of Emmett Till, whose brutal murder in Mississippi helped spark the civil rights movement, is expected to take the first step toward official city landmark status on December 3, 2020. The Commission on Chicago Landmarks will consider a recommendation for the house, at 6427 S. St. Lawrence Ave., beginning a multistep process that would protect it from significant changes or demolition. The expected vote will take place days after the 65th anniversary of Till’s murder on Aug. 28, 1955 and against the backdrop of nationwide unrest sparked by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. The red brick two-flat was the home of Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, before he traveled to Mississippi in the summer of 1955 to visit relatives. The 14-year-old was tortured and murdered for allegedly whistling at a white woman at a convenience store.

Emmett Till with his mother Mamie Till-Mobley the story of equity and jusTill’s mother chose an tice in America,” says the fiopen-casket funeral to show nal draft of a staff report to mourners, and the world, the the commission. horror and violence her son endured. Till and his mother lived in a three-bedroom apartment Built in 1895 in the West on the house’s second floor, Woodlawn neighborhood, according to the report. Till’s home “is an important reminder of Chicago’s The nonprofit advocacy connection to the South and group Preservation Chicago the Civil Rights movement backed an unsuccessful 2017 that continues today to seek effort to recognize the house justice for the Emmett Tills as a city landmark. of this nation. The memory of Emmett Till, and the “This is more important contributions of his mother than ever, realizing the social Mamie Till-Mobley since his injustice and social unrest death, are essential to telling that we’re seeing in our city

and across the nation,” Ward Miller, the group’s executive director, said Tuesday. “We keep hearing Emmett Till’s name tied to all of these issues that we’re seeing in these protests. It’s amazing that 65 years later, Emmett Till is still part of the conversation.” The City Council has the final say on whether a building is granted protected status.

records show that the house sold in 2019 for $107,000 to BMW Properties. Initial attempts to reach the owner Tuesday were unsuccessful.

According to city building permit and inspection records, the property has undergone a series of recent renovations. In the past, it has been cited for numerous code violations, including a mouse infestation and a lack of carbon monoxide detecCook County property tors in 2018.

Fauci asks Americans to prepare to get vaccinated as states plan for distribution As the U.S. prepares for the disease expert Dr. Anthony and get vaccinated once it is first round of vaccinations to Fauci called on the public available. tackle COVID-19, infectious to "be part of the solution" "Say, 'I'm not going to be

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“The Milwaukee Times Presents” Radio Show Mondays from 4:00-4:30 p.m. on WNOV 106.5 FM & 860 AM. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7TH

This week’s topic is “Work For Yourself @50+,” and will be brought to you by AARP of Wisconsin. Our special guest for our second half will be Feeding American of Eastern Wisconsin.


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one of the people that's going to be a steppingstone for the virus to go to somebody else. I'm going to be a dead end to the virus,'" Fauci told Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Monday, November 30, 2020. The virus has been spreading quickly, and November set records 20 times for the number of coronavirus hospitalizations, according to the COVID Tracking Project, the most recent Monday with 96,039. All the while Johns Hopkins University data reports that the U.S. has reached more than 13.5 million total cases and 268,045 deaths. And the impacts of Thanksgiving travel still won't be felt for weeks, health experts say.

tions to their loved ones. With that in mind, officials are preparing for the first wave of vaccine distributions. Vaccine candidates from Pfizer and Moderna are both awaiting emergency use authorizations. States have until Friday to request the number of doses for Pfizer's vaccine, Executive Director of the Association of Immunization Managers Claire Hannan told CNN Monday, November 30, 2020.

Holiday gatherings — like Thanksgiving and upcoming Christmas and Hanukkah — are the "perfect setup" for people who have no symptoms to "innocently and inadvertently" spread infecAn NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Counseling Corner

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th

Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary Rev. and Mrs. Hill Normally in December, I write the Year-In-Review, then take a sabbatical for the remainder of the month. However, with 2020 being such a tough year for many of us, I want to run this “feel-good” story before my usual Year-In-Review. A “feel-good” story is one that brings a smile to one’s face and makes them feel happy. The story of the Rev. and Mrs. Hill is one of those stories. Their “feel-good” love story has all of the ingredients of what a happy marriage looks like.

Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary Rev. John Hill and Mrs. Frances Hill December 30, 2020

Next week: Year-In-Review

Church, where both of them continue to have scripture guide their marriage: A scripture that guides their marriage is I Corinthians 13:4-8: love is patient; love is kind; it does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud; it is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs; love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth; it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

General Disclaimer: The writer has used her best efforts in preparation of this information. No representations or warranties for its contents, either expressed or implied, are offered. Neither the publisher nor the writer shall be liable in any way for readers’ efforts to apply, rely or utilize the information or recommendations presented herein as they may not be suitable for you or necessarily appropriate for every situation to which they may refer. In some instances, this article contains the opinions, conclusions and/or recommendations of the writer. If you would like to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008.

Their union includes Shelia, John Jr. (d.1986) and DeAngela. Ron Roberts (Shelia’s husband) and two grandchildren Brandee and Caleb. Sixty years of marriage has given them the stepping stones to continue to grow into the future! Look out now! Congratulations Rev. John and Frances Hill on your 60th Wedding Anniversary!!


Not 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, but 60 years of blissful marriage! When asked what is the secret to 60 years of marriage? John and Frances replied, "you should never stop be-

lieving or communicating with each other. We didn't have to wait for birthdays, Valentine’s day, Christmas, or holidays to say I love you or shower each other with gifts and love every day. We show simple acts of love for no particular reason. Let the Lord be the head of your marriage, always have a forgiving spirit, and never let problems overcome you and mistakes. John recalls when be determined to find solu- his wife was overwhelmed with doubts and ambivalence tions.” about attending college, he The two met in Union had to be firm and told her, High School in the small “‘yes you will go!’ even if town of Bonita, Louisiana. he had to work three jobs She was quiet, shy, had big to make it happen.” Frances legs, drawn to academics. He graduated from Grambling was outgoing, full of ener- University and went on to gy, stubborn, determined, obtain her Master’s Degree humorous and filled with from National Louis Univerbig dreams that extended sity. Although John, himself, beyond farming and picking didn’t have much appetite cotton. These polar opposite for the traditional classroom personalities were the very setting, his natural ability for magnetic force that united the trade industry was and them in holy matrimony on still is a cut above the rest. December 30, 1960. They You see, John realized his understood that these unique skills and gifts were served qualities complemented each in the entrepreneurial realm. other and made them whole. He ran a successful home Through this refining pro- improvement business, Hill’s cess, they grew and devel- Exterior and Interior, LLC, oped into the image God had for 40 years allowing him to for their marriage. Their mar- hire and train many youths riage, based on respect and over the years. John studied genuine friendship, provided and trained for over 30 years the unwavering support for as a current associate miniswhimsical ideas, setbacks and ter at New Covenant Baptist

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Lynda Jackson Conyers, Publisher 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 1936 N. Martin Luther King Drive Milwaukee, WI 53212 Email: “We Print, Not JUST Copy” An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

What's Happening

Important Announcement!!! The Milwaukee Times Newspaper, located at 1938 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, has a limited number of adult and The Milwaukee Times Printing & Publishing Company Proudly Announces:

BASKETS OF HOPE: A HOLIDAY FOOD AND COVID-19 SAFETY KIT GIVEAWAY FOR 100 FAMILIES This is a drive thru event for the safety of the community:

Saturday, December 19th, 2020 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. the African American Women’s Center 3020 W. Vliet Street • Milwaukee, WI 53208

BASKETS OF HOPE provides 100 families in need nourishing food boxes and COVID-19 Safety Kits in time for Christmas and Kwanzaa, courtesy of Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin, The Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Reid’s New Golden Gate Funeral Home, Milwaukee North Sunrise Rotary, Walmart, The African American Women’s Center, Rev. Dr. Donna Childs of Tabernacle Community Baptist Church, Dr. Sandra Millon-Underwood of UW-Milwaukee, Franciscan Peacemakers, The Black Excellence Awards Committee, and The Milwaukee Times. For more information contact: Lynda Jackson-Conyers or Carmen A. Murguia The Milwaukee Times (414) 263-5088

child masks available, free of charge, as long as supplies last. The masks are provided courtesy of the Wisconsin Well Women Community Partnership and the American Cancer Society Healthy Eating Active Living Milwaukee Project.

Make sure you wear your mask properly. Here’s how:

• Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin • Try to fit it snugly against the sides of your face • Make sure you can breathe easily

BRINGING MILWAUKEE TOGETHER. On-air. Online. And in the community. 88.9FM |

An NCON Communications Publication

Thursday, December 3, 2020

What's Happening


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

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Get the family involved... This year more than ever has shown us the importance of keeping ourselves and loved ones health protected. Now thorugh December 15th is the time to get enrolled for health insurance. It covers things like: doctor visits, medication, therapy services. and more. Get you and your family covered. You may qualify for a free or low-cost plan, find out today!

Call (414) 727-6320 for free help to get signed up. An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020


An NCON Communications Publication

Wealth Building

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Consumer Reports explains how to give to a charity for the holidays The holidays are a time for giving to loved ones, friends, and often to charity. But with so many people dealing with the impact of COVID-19, giving might be even more important this year. Before you open your wallet, you might want to follow Consumer Reports’ advice to maximize your contribution to help your community. Charities differ a lot in how much of the money they raise goes for programs instead of covering their expenses. Effective charities devote much more of their operating budget to the services they provide than to their other expenditures, like

cial reports. If the website doesn’t list its financial details online, the organization isn’t very transparent, which could be a red flag.

ican shoppers has turned to a food bank since the start of the pandemic. If you’re considering giving to a food bank, Consumer Reports says to prioritize cash over cans. They welcome most donated food, but monetary donations may have a bigger impact because food banks can buy food wholesale and in bulk.

And watch out for fees! Online giving platforms and crowdfunding websites are popular, but they often charge payment-processing fees—sometimes 3 percent or more—and that money isn’t going to charity. Instead, And don’t worry if you consider giving the old-fash- don’t have extra money to ioned way, with cash or a give this holiday season. check. Consider donating your time. salaries and marketing. You You can look for volunteer can find charities that meet Also be sure to check the Also, many families are exopportunities in your area those benchmarks on Char- charity’s own website for periencing food insecurity. A by going online to Volunity Navigator and the Better information about its misrecent Consumer Reports surteer-Match or Business Bureau’s Wise Giv- sion, a list of the board of vey found that 1 in 5 Amering Alliance. directors, and its latest finan-

Time is running out: Three key items to consider before the Dec. 7 Medicare enrollment deadline 3. New, innovative benefits – Beyond vision, hearing and dental coverage, if you aim to become healthier, look for fitness program benefits as many Medicare Advantage plans include them. If you are comfortable using technology, access to virtual doctor visits is broadly available and enables you to seek care through your

By Chuck Dow, Humana Regional President of Medicare in Wisconsin

phone or computer, without having to leave home. Some Medicare Advantage plans offer benefits to help address the COVID-19 pandemic including offering home-delivered meals for members with a COVID diagnosis.

sources are available including licensed sales agents and websites such as medicare. gov and medicare. You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800633-4227) (or TTY: 1-877486-2048) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or call As we approach the Dec. Humana at 1-800-213-5286 7 Medicare annual enroll- (TTY: 711) 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ment deadline, remember local time seven days a week. you’re not alone. Key re-

you, online or by phone. The Medicare Plan Finder is a great place to start.

In a year filled with unforeseen challenges and important decisions, people with Medicare have through Monday, Dec. 7 to select their Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan coverage for 2021. To ensure you have the right Medicare plan for you in place come January 1 of next year, it’s important to focus on these three key topics:

2. Doctors in network, prescription drugs covered? As you connect with a licensed sales agent or research information online, remember to confirm which doctors and hospitals are in a plan’s network. If you have a preferred physician or health care facility, a licensed health insurance agent can help you see if a specific doctor or hospital is in a plan’s network and taking new patients.

1. Navigating plan options during COVID-19 – Traditionally, the annual Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Plan open enrollment period offers opportunities for in-person educational events and one-on-one meetings with licensed sales agents. This year, you can safely access the resources you need to choose the best plan for

Although Original Medicare does not cover most prescription drugs, many Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage, or you can sign up for a Part D Prescription Drug Plan separately. A licensed sales agent can look up the medications you would like covered and help you estimate what the cost of each drug would be on a plan.

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8333 W. Capitol Drive, Milwaukee (414) 463-7777 | (800) 544-3877

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


Thursday, December 3, 2020


Our History

Wednesday, December 9, 2020



Sixty-five years ago this week, Rosa Parks stood up for civil rights by sitting down Sixty-five years ago on December 1, 42-year-old Rosa Parks boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, to head home after working at her job as a seamstress. At the time, public buses in the city were segregated per city law, and the first 10 seats were permanently reserved for white passengers. A diagram at the National Archives shows Parks and three other Black passengers were seated in the first row behind those 10 seats. However, when the bus became crowded in the evening rush, the driver told Parks and the other three Black riders to move back. Parks refused. The bus driver, James Blake, believed he had the right to move the segregation line on the bus and called the police. Parks was arrested by officers Day and Mixon. In her arrest report, the officers said she was charged with chapter 6 section 11

of the Montgomery City Code. That law read, in part, "it shall be unlawful for any passenger to refuse or fail to take a seat among those assigned to the race to which he belongs." Parks was briefly jailed before Civil Rights leaders E.D. Nixon bailed her out, along with two white friends, attorney Clifford Durr and his wife, Virginia. When Parks was convicted under city law, she was fined a total of $14.

lar case in the U.S. District Court -- Browder v. Gayle -ruled that racial segregation on public buses was unconstitutional on June 4, 1956. That ruling was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 13, 1956.

Parks' arrest became a rallying point for fellow civil rights leaders, as Parks was active in the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and serving as secretary to chapter presWhen her lawyer, Fred ident Nixon. For 381 days Jr., then a 26-year-old minisGray, filed an appeal, it was after her arrest, the Black ter, became its leader. tied up in the state court of community organized the Parks, King, Nixon and 86 appeals on a technicality. peaceful Montgomery Bus other boycott participants However, judges in a simi- Boycott. Martin Luther King were indicted by a grand jury on Feb. 21, 1956. King was convicted, but a judge suspended his fine pending appeal. The other cases were eventually dismissed. The Rosa Parks Papers at the Library of Congress include notes and interviews documenting her thoughts of her arrest and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

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In one note, she writes: "I had been pushed around (sic) all my life and felt at this moment that I couldn't take it anymore."

so many ways, Rosa Parks brought America home to our founders' dream." Parks died on Oct. 24, 2005, at the age of 92. Parks was not the first Black woman to face persecution for violating policies related to segregation on public buses. Months before Parks' arrest, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus. Colvin was also active in local civil rights communities, including with the NAACP Youth Council. However, according to "Rediscovering Black History" at the National Archives, some members of the civil rights community "felt that she did not hold the appropriate image to be a test case against Jim Crow policies."

In another, she writes, "let us look at Jim Crow for the criminal he is and what he had done to one life multiplied millions of times over these United States and the In February 2016, Colvin world." was honored in Congress by Sen. Jose E. Serrano as "a piParks' quiet act of defiance oneer and trailblazer for the sparked a movement locally Civil Rights Movement." in Montgomery, but it also resonated around the nation Colvin, "one of the unsung and the world. In the decades heroes" of the movement, since, she's become revered was one of the four plaintiffs as the "Mother of the Civil in the Browder v. Gayle case. Rights Movement." "Ms. Colvin's bravery that On Sept. 15, 1996, Pres- day in 1955, and in the subident Bill Clinton awarded sequent months and years as Parks the nation's highest ci- the case moved through the vilian honor, the Presidential federal court system, has not Medal of Freedom. On June gone unnoticed," Serrano 15, 1999, Clinton award- wrote. ed Parks the Congressional Gold Medal, noting "In An NCON Communications Publication

Our Community

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Mrs. Fumbanks' Birthday Salutes "Wishing You All The Best!" December 15th Charline J. Ingram

December 2nd Willie Brown Dalvery Blackwell

December 16th Tranace K. Leonard Eric D. Madison Deborah Lee Malachi Naquron Rawls

December 4th Joyce Davis Deonte Lewis Lorene Pierson George Smith Alexis Hodges

December 17th Terry Pinder Nathaniel Banks December 18th Caniyla Mone't Rawls Tranace K. Leonard

December 5th Gloria Dupar Lamitt Jenkins Giovanni Taylor

December 19th Chloe R. Williams Alvin Jackson Calvin Dodd Christine Clark Selena Boyle

December 6th Darnell I. Ingram Cashmir Chamberlain Tony Dobb

December 20th Rachel Lee Trascy D. Duncan Richard Hightower, Sr.

December 7th Debra Hinton

December 21st Anna Taylor Tiona Williams

December 8th Keith A. Ingram Jason I. Miller Anthony J. Miller Rev. Herbert McGuin, Jr. Dwight Howard Nando Scott December 9th Hattie B. Cooper Darnell I. Ingram Netha Clark Tyrone Gross December 10th Milhell A. Cooper Nathaniel Banks Zuri Wells Rev. James Hughes December 11th Mirah Chamberlin December 12th Kemi Green Rodney Lee Shaquita Lee Rodney Johnson Jasmine O'Connor December 14th Myrtle Wilburn

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

December 3, 1847 – Frederick Douglass publishes first issue of North Star.

December 1st Bernard Lyons

December 3rd Jewell D. Neal Crystal Smith Earlean Fleming


December 22nd Rochelle Cooper December 24th Ruby Jackson December 25th Esther K. McGuin Marquise Johnson Deshae Lewis Mahogany DeGroff Amuir Davis Tonya Webb Robbie Cole Christine Zollicoffer

December 4, 1909 – The New York Amsterdam News is founded by James A. Anderson. December 5, 1955 – Martin Luther King, Jr. organizes Birmingham bus boycott, marking the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. December 6, 1932 Richard B. Spikes patents automatic gearshift. 1936 – Richard Francis Jones becomes first African American certified in urology. December 7, 1941 – Dorie Miller, U.S. Navy, shoots down four Japanese planes during attach on Pearl Harbor.

December 26th Elnora Breath Imani Fumbanks December 28th Deborah A. Avery Nikole Lee Johnson December 29th Randal Lee Candace Chamberlain Lisa Dodd December 30th Kenya Lindsey-Taylor Audrey Nabray

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who has just celebrated or is about to celebrate a birthday? Stop by our office with their name on Monday to get them in that week’s edition of Happy Birthday Salutes! Visit us at 1936 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, call us at (414) 263-5088 or e-mail them to An NCON Communications Publication

December 8, 1925 – Entertainer Sammy Davis Jr. born. December 9, 1872 – P.B.S. Pinchback of Louisiana becomes first African American governor in U.S.

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Salvation Army

An NCON Communications Publication

Pick'n Save

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper






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With Card

$ 99

day’s From Toes ic Pr

Wesson Canola or Vegetable Oil Select Varieties, 48 fl oz


$ 79

5.99 -1.00


With Card & Digital Coupon

Weekly sale price without digital coupon is $2.79 each with Card. While supplies last,

*When you buy any 5 or more participating items with Card. Participating item varieties and sizes may vary by store.

With Card

Fresh Baked Cookies




Nabisco Snack Crackers

10-12 Bag or K-Cups, 10-12 ct or Maxwell House Coffee, 24.5-30.6 oz Can or Gevalia Coffee, 10-12 oz or K-Cups, 6-12 ct; Select Varieties With Card


Pepperidge Farm Goldfish

4-8 oz or Birdseye Frozen Vegetables, 9.5-14.4 oz or Juicy Juice, 64 fl oz; Select Varieties

On Gift Cards


Thursday, December 3 through Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Selection may vary by store, limited to stock on hand.

Kellogg's Cereal

10-18 oz or Thomas' English Muffins, 6 ct or Sara Lee Classic White or Honey Wheat Bread, 20 oz; Select Varieties

2.99 -1.00

99¢ Fuel Points

Select Varieties, 24ct-28oz, In the Bakery

with shoppers card.*

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

16 fl oz or Turkey Hill Ice Cream, 48 fl oz or Klondike Bars, 6 ct or Mini Bars, 12 ct; Select Varieties


3.49 -1.00


With Card





Green Mountain Coffee

3.5-9.1 oz or Ritz Crackers, 7.5-13.7 oz or Ritz Toasted Chips or Crisp Thins, 7-8.1 oz or Kroger Purified Water, 32-Pack, 16.9 fl oz; Select Varieties



With Card & Digital Coupon


Mix and match 5 or more participating items with Card.


1.99 -1.00


l Coup


Offer valid December 3 - December 5, 2020. *Discount applied at checkout with Card. Valid on participating items only. Some items may not be available in all stores.

When you buy 5 in the same transaction with Card. Limit 2 Rewards per transaction. Quantities less than 5 priced at $4.99 each.




5/$10 2.99 -1.00

Weekly sale price without digital coupon is $6.99 each with Card. While supplies last.


2.79 -1.00

With Card


$ 79


Weekly sale price without digital coupon is $4.99. While supplies last.

With Card

$ 99 /EA*





all Liquid Laundry Detergent 32-46.5 fl oz or all Mighty Pacs, 19 ct; Select Varieties

*Limited Time offer. Restrictions apply, see store for details. Redeem at BP or Amoco.

We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct all printed errors. Not all items and prices available at all locations unless otherwise noted. Prices subject to state and local taxes, if applicable. No sales to dealers. Purchase requirements exclude discounts, coupons, gift cards, lottery tickets, bus passes, alcohol, tobacco and use of Fresh Perks Card®. All prices “with card” are discounted by using your Fresh Perks Card® *Free promotion will be applied to item of least value.

An NCON Communications Publication


With Card & Digital Coupon


OFFER VALID 12/3/20–12/8/20



Pampers Wipes Select Varieties, 56-72 ct Weekly sale price without digital coupon is $1.99 each with Card. While supplies last.



With Card & Digital Coupon

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