Milton Villager December 2012

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Milton Villager Magazine Volume 1, Issue 3 - December 2012 Community based magazine that focuses on local news and events 12,000 copies distributed each issue to Milton homes by Canada Post 600 copies distributed each issue to Milton businesses If you would like to advertise in Milton Villager Magazine email or call 416-821-1219 Publisher - Rick Di Lorenzo Photographers - Ann Kornuta, Theresa Brereton, Denise Cooper Reporters - Stuart Service, Laura Steiner Guest Reporters - Anshul Sharma, Donna Danielli Cover Photo Travis Gerritts Printed in Canada. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily that of the publisher and no liability is assumed for omissions or errors

“For The Love Of The Game” wasn’t just the name of Jon Abrams’ first track on his CD, it was the theme for its launch. On Friday November 16, the Canadian Legion decorated with hockey jerseys, and bales of hay hosted the event, which, doubled as a fundraiser for the Milton District Hospital Foundation, and the Minor Hockey Foundation of Ontario.

Originally from Gananoque Ontario, Abrams considers his music more of a hobby: “I love doing it,” he said in a recent phone interview. He first picked up a guitar seven years ago, and started writing his own songs in 2009. His first live show was “The Red Carpet” gala for the United Way this past summer. The band he played with at his CD launch had only been playing together for six weeks includes back-up vocalist Diana Tesser, a fellow Milton area singer. His website describes the sound as “a fusion of heartland rock and new country.” The songs on his album, all have a great beat played by drummer Ryan Miller, and definite sounds of a bass played by Greg Lucier, giving it the rock edge. Abrams and his band played two sets, saving the catchy “For the Love of the Game” to lead off the second set. The buzz around the song has caught Abrams by surprise; he knew he was taking a chance with it given the fact the N.H.L was into a lockout. “I just figured it (the attitude) would be “that’s cute,” next.” He wrote this song for more for the kids than the adults. “It’s about families, about love of the game.” He feels there’s a culture with amateur hockey. “If your child is playing hockey, you’re living

hockey.” It’s a hard song to resist; the dance floor crowded with people in hockey jerseys moving to the beat, when he performed it at the launch.

The inspiration for it, as well as for the other songs on the CD comes from real life experiences. The song “Country Girl” was about Abrams meeting his wife Kelly, “she’s a farmer’s daughter,” he said. “Love on a Summer’s Night,” is about Gananoque on the St. Lawrence River. Abrams believes great music should please the listener, and the viewer. “You have to be able to evoke imagery, and create something for both people; draw pictures in their minds.” He has some help for the video “For Love Of The Game,” containing photos from friends, and family.

Social media has helped spread the word about Abrams’ music. “It enables you to connect to more people faster,” he commented. His music has spread through his MySpace, and the “For Love Of The Game” video is up on his YouTube channel. Abrams realizes the best way to spread his music is by performing in front of a live audience. “You’ve got to get out there, and play.” Information on where to buy Jon Abrams’ album can be found by visiting his website: www.jonabramsmusic. com. The CD Launch raised $5368 to be shared between Milton District Hospital Foundation, and the Ontario Minor Hockey Foundation. Abrams’ music videos can be found by visiting his YouTube Channel: http://www. Or by searching: “Jon Abrams music videos.” By Laura Steiner

Milton Villager

ABrAMs lAunches cD

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For The Love of Music

Heather, Tyler, Travis and Rob Gerritts pictured shortly after raising about $20,000 for Travis’s pursuit of competing in the aerial skiing event at the 2014 Sochi Winter Games in Russia.

After soliciting bids to cover the costs of his olympic training, travel and competitions, Travis Gerrits, a 21-year-old aerial skiier from Milton, sold a pair of his skis for $2,700.

Miltonians help realize hometown athlete’s olympic dream 4 | Milton Villager


hen the national aerial ski team begins its 2012/2013 season in Beijing on December 15, Milton native Travis Gerrits will have the financial security he needs to achieve his olympic dreams. About $20,000 was raised at a fundraiser for Travis at the Italian Canadian Club of Milton on November 3, a total that had mother Heather beaming. “Quite honestly it’s overwhelming,” said Heather Gerrits. “It’s blowing us as a family away,” she said. “His flight to China is very expensive, as are all the flights he takes. He has to eat, sleep and travel the world so this really really helps.” As the Gerritses posed for a photo for the Milton Villager, Heather made sure to mention that her son Tyler, who worked the cash register for his brother’s fundraiser, is a 19-year-old student paying his way to attend the University of Ottawa. “Tyler sacrificed so much for Travis,” Heather said. “He works his butt off so he can go to university and pay for himself.” Travis is grateful for the generosity of his family and his hometown. “This night’s been amazing,” Travis said. “Just the live auction alone everybody raised so much money. To see those finances come in so quickly from just this one event is amazing.”

Campbellville auctioneer Patrick Doherty in the middle of charming more money out of one of Travis Gerrits’s supporters at an auction at the Italian Canadian Club of Milton on November 3. Doherty, with his aggressive charm, orchestrated a 10minute drama escalating a bidding war on a pair of Travis’s skis. “You’re not buying skis, you’re buying a dream,” said Doherty before Travis’s skis sold for $2,700. Following the auction, Travis said, “Every little bit helps, and we’re making a lot here.” “It’s going to help so much out with my olympic qualification this year. It covers my cost of travel, it covers my cost of equipment and all that.” Aside from travel, which features more than 10 events scattered across world this season, Travis will have to set aside cash for four pairs of boots, two pairs of winter skis and two pairs of summer skis. Travis’s upcoming season is not only crucial for qualifying for the olympics, he also wants to make up for a 2011/2012 season that ended abruptly after tearing his Mcl and meniscus at the World Cup in Lake Placid, NY in January. He was out of commission for nearly five months before he could return to training.

The auction portion of the fundraiser began with a quilt made by Travis’s grandmother, which sold for $450.

“After an injury last season, I’m more motivated than ever to step on that podium at the Sochi Games. Not even to just compete there. I want to win the event.”

“If you’ve got a heart and you live in Milton, send this man to the moon,” said auctioneer Patrick Doherty.

By Stuart Service Photos by Ann Kornuta

Milton’s 154,000 square-foot velodrome to be completed in 2014 will be the first facility of its kind in Canada.

By Stuart Service

MilTon To hosT PAnAM 2015 The velodrome will be located southwest of Tremaine and Derry Rds within the Milton Education Village, and across the street from a proposed Wilfrid Laurier University campus. The three-storey, 154,000 square-foot velodrome designed by Dale Hughes of WorldRecord Tracks features a 250-metre indoor wooden track. Construction of the velodrome is set to begin early 2013. The federal government announced at a Nov. 15 press conference at Milton Town Hall its intention to shoulder the cost of more than two-thirds of the $56 velodrome price tag with $38.4 million. Among those on hand for the announcement that featured CGI building renderings were Halton MP Lisa Raitt and federal minister of sport Bal Gosal, provincial minister of tourism, culture and sport Michael Chan, and Hamilton cyclist Sue Palmer-Komar, who competed in the ’96 and ’04 Summer Games.

Pictured is the interior of a model of the proposed bike track southwest of Tremaine and Derry Rds., which shows that the massive gymnasium within the cycling ring will have an area large enough to fit six regulation basketball and volleyball courts.

“Today is a very special day for me because it’s my first official event as minister responsible for the Games,” Chan said, adding that the velodrome “will put Milton and Ontario on the map as a premiere sporting destination.” The initial estimated cost of the velodrome in 2011 was between $40 million and $45 million. Despite the change to the velodrome’s price tag, the Town of Milton’s contribution of $17.6 million for the velodrome remains the same. Further reducing the town’s financial burden is Peter Gilgan, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mattamy Homes, who’s committed $7 million toward the project as well as a $2 million proposal for the velodrome’s naming rights. Gilgan also intends to donate his time to “undertake to use my reasonable best efforts” to potentially fundraise another $3 million toward the velodrome project. Gilgan, a cycling enthusiast, said in a release he hopes “someday a Canadian cyclist will stand atop the podium at the Olympic Games thanks to the worldclass training they received here in Milton.”

Milton Villager

Milton is set to become the home of just the third indoor velodrome in the country, and only the second facility of its kind in north america to meet International Cycling Federation standards.

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Cycling Events at its New Velodrome


RETRO GAMING STORE is one of a kind 6 | Milton Villager


he last console, cartridge or disc in any retro gamer’s collection is probably on a shelf in Ivano “The Toyratt” Petrilli’s Milton store.

“Video games? I have everything,” said Petrilli, who often refers to himself in the third person as “The Toyratt.” “Why video games? That’s all everyone wants is video games.”

console generation -- XBox 360, Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3 -- they rarely move off the Toyratt’s shelves.

Toyratt, located northwest of Drew Centre and Main Street, has shelves stuffed with more than 30,000 titles from 1976 to the current generation.

Petrilli told a story about a brand new XBox 360 for $100 that was ignored. A customer walked past it to buy a 3DO, a short-lived 32-bit console made by Panasonic that was released in ’93 and discontinued in ’98.

The Toyratt amassed his inventory exclusively through trade-ins. “I don’t have an eBay account. Nothing,” Toyratt said. “Never. Never in my life. I swear on my children.”

“I had a kid, 12 years old -- I have a (Nintendo) Wii mint in a box for $80 -- he goes ‘I’ll buy the Atari.’ He goes ‘I don’t have a Wii but I don’t want a Wii. I want the Atari,’” Petrilli said.

He also swears that demand is as strong as ever for consoles and titles from the ‘80s and ‘90s.

“I can’t get $80 for that Wii, but I’ll get $65 for an Atari in a heartbeat. Doesn’t that mind boggle you?

“It’s the kids. The kids are into this old stuff,” Petrilli said.

“I had a DS Lite for $40. It took two days to sell. You know what everyone bought? Original Gameboys. That’ll tell you. Isn’t that hilarious?”

Cartridges on the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System and CD games for original Playstation “have only appreciated in value,” he said. “You can’t find that stuff no more. It’s getting harder and harder to find.” Despite the cheap price tags on titles from the current

Petrilli’s shelves are just the tip of the iceberg. “I have upstairs all Nintendo stuff, brand new parts for every system ever made sealed in bags,” he said. His inventory of “Any part you can imagine” for the NES includes the Power Pad, the Power Glove and the

These relics were acquired in his “biggest score” during a visit to Nintendo of Canada’s warehouse.

Petrilli, a Milton resident for 30 years, got hooked on the collectible business when he bought an entire 1910-1911 hockey card set for $2,000 in 1993.

“They had all these prototype carts, all these testing centers, basically it was a room full of artifacts from when they first started. And they said ‘would you be interested in this?’” he said. “And I said ‘I’ll buy it all.’”

“I took that set and two years later I got $10,000 for it,” he said. “This is the kind of business I want to be in. So I started doing it from there. And then my first store opened up in 2000 in Mississauga where I was there for 10 years.”

He also carries many NES knockoffs from China that can play any grey cartridge. “NES has so much garbage, but the holy grail is to finish the whole collection,” he said.

Now in Milton, Petrilli dispatches most of his shoppers through Twitter (@toyrattca). He links YouTube videos to display his newest collections and his customers from Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor, London, Kitchener and Oshawa driving all the way to Milton to visit his store.

The Toyratt, a former deejay, also specializes in vinyl records and players.

When asked to choose his favourite game of all time, Petrilli said: “Anything Atari I’m a bee-atch.”

“Digital music sucks. This is where it’s at,” he said, pointing to a section of more than 10,000 vinyl records.

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“I used to deejay. Those are all my record players,” he pointed to another display. “You can hear the difference. All the kids are actually getting into vinyl.”

Milton Villager

NES Zapper. The Toyratt even has R.O.B., the ultra-rare Robotic Operating Buddy, a peripheral that only works on two games and can chomps through four AA batteries in a sitting.

8 | Milton Villager

By Laura Steiner

Celebrate your Downtown C onvenience is defined as: “the quality of being or making things easy, useful or increasing comfort.” In the context of shopping, this means using the big box stores instead of heading downtown. I’m probably just as guilty of it as anyone; it’s too easy to go, park and shop at one store, then repeat the process going along the line. The Downtown Business Improvement Association (DBIA) wants to change that.

The DBIA represents 170 businesses located along Main St, Mary St, Charles, and Mill St. “We are the place to shop,” asserted D.B.I.A Executive Director Donna Danielli. It’s got a little something for everyone; Florists, kids stores, clothing stores, coffee shops, and salons and several excellent restaurants. “We’re aiming towards the people who are tired of the big box stores,” she added. Downtown Milton’s history ties the area directly into the escarpment. Many of the buildings downtown have been built using materials from the early construction industry up along the escarpment. 1877 brought railway expansion and brick yards to the area known as Milton Heights called: the Milton Pressed Brick Company (MPB). There are several buildings in the D.B.I.A. with MPB or “Milton” stamped on some bricks. Perhaps it’s worth a visit to see if you can spot some of them?

Probably the easiest way is to navigate the area is on foot; personally I think that’s the best way to explore a new location. Just park your car either along Main St, or at the parking lots along Mill St, and Mary St. and just walk along the street. It’s a friendly, positive, atmosphere; other shoppers nod to you on the street. Store owners start conversations with you. Waldies Blacksmith Shop is a highlight; it was built in 1865, and has been recently restored. It isn’t just a destination for Christmas; there are events going on year-round. Stores often have their doors open Saturdays during the Market over the summer. There’s the annual Street Festival, which brings thousands of people into the area, Classic Car Shows, and parades for the kids to mark Easter, and Halloween. Throughout August, you can ‘Eat to the Beat’ and enjoy lunchtime music at the Mill pond “It’s the heart of the community in so many ways,” Danielli said. 2013 is less than two months away. Make a New Year’s resolution to explore the shops, cafes and character of Downtown Milton. Their new tag line urges us to “Celebrate life in your downtown.” It’s time we listened, and enjoyed a truly unique part of our town. For more information including a full list of businesses in downtown Milton visit their website at:

The Deck’s Annual Dessert Soriee


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The Deck Milton promotes the healthy development of the whole person (physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually) in an effort to assist youth in building a stable foundation for life.

Michael Marshall,Fidi Wagner,Markus Stabler,Justin Micieli,Sam Kamming

Mat Gauthier, award-winning singing impressionist

Milton Villager

n Friday November 9, The Deck Youth Centre held their Annual Dessert Soiree at the Teatro Conference Centre in Milton. The evening’s entertainment included Mat Gauthier, award-winning singing impressionist. It was a great success raising much needed funds for the Milton based Youth Centre.

Brain Teaser Trivia Night in Milton


ocal creative brand and design firm BANG! creative communications hosted Brain Teaser Trivia Night on Wednesday November 14th at Boston Pizza raising a total of $2,100 in support of United Way Milton.

that night by only two points was “Brain Starts Here” followed with a tie for second by “Aim, Lock and Safe / Performa” and “Donna ‘s Dirty Dozen.”

All the teams that came out to Trivia Night had fun, tested out their trivia There were eleven teams that knowledge all while supporting a participated with four to eight great local charity. #change. Together participants on each team. A total Milton, we are making a difference. of eighty questions were given to each team by Trivia Host, David For more information on how to O‘Connell. Boston Pizza awarded donate to United Way Milton contact the lead team of each round a plate or (905) 875-2550. of Cactus Cuts. In between rounds, all the teams had the opportunity to purchase 50/50 tickets and perouse the silent auction table with items donated from local businesses and United Way Milton supporters with all proceeds going back to the local charity. All the teams did very well, but the winning team that came on top

Team “Inferiority Complex”

Team “Aim, Lock and Safe/Performa”

Kate Williamson, CEO United Way Milton, the BANG! creative team David O ‘Connell, Dorothy Howard, Greg Sanford and Athena O ‘Connell

Team “Donna ‘s Dirty Dozen”


The first charity event will take place at Troy’s Diner in Milton and will be covered LIVE by Breakfast Television on Monday, December 17 from 6am to 9am. Main Street will be closed off to make may way iger Jeet Singh Foundation Presents: Miracle for amusement rides, reindeer, entertainment and on Main Street in support of McMaster extravagant displays set up by the Tiger Foundation’s Children’s Hospital, Halton Women’s Place, event partners Halton Regional Police Services and Milton’s Fire Department. Salvation Army and Hospital for Sick Children.

T 10 | Milton Villager

The Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation is now making plans for their 4th annual “Miracle on Main Street” charity event formally known as “Troy’s Toy Drive”. The donations raised each year go towards the purchase of toys, food and life essentials for families experiencing poverty via The Salvation Army, Halton Women’s Shelter; and children suffering from sickness at the Hospital for Sick Children and McMaster Children’s Hospital. To date the Foundation has raised over $200,000 worth of donations during their last three toy drive events, and hope to further exceed that amount this year. “We are so grateful for the overwhelming support and success the past events have experienced,” says Troy Newton, Director of the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation. “The reach has far surpassed the boundaries of Milton to a point that we will be promoting two events in December, with the other at McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton.” “The objective of Miracle on Main Street is to promote the spirit of giving among all faiths,” says Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., President of Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation. “As proud Canadians, our event gives individuals of ALL faiths an opportunity to support families experiencing poverty and children suffering from sickness. Sickness and poverty do not discriminate on the basis of religion or culture, and neither should the spirit of giving!”

Carols will be sung, autographs and pictures will be taken with wrestling’s living legend Tiger Jeet Singh; Canada’s most famous hockey dad Walter Gretzky; Hockey Hall of Fame Inductee and Stanley Cup Champion Johnny Bower; Garrett Billings of the Toronto Rock; and former WWE superstar Tiger Ali Singh. Additional celebrities participating will be announced closer to the event. Online donations are being accepted through the Foundation’s official website for those not able to attend the event in person: http://tigerjeetsinghfoundation. com/donate


295 Main St. E. in Milton

Monday, December 17 from 6am to 9am COME OUT AND MEET:

t “Wrestling Legend” TIGER JEET SINGH t WALTER GRETZKY “Canada’s Most Famous Hockey Dad” t TIGER ALI SINGH “Former WWE Superstar” t Stanley Cup Champion JOHNNY BOWER t GARRETT BILLINGS of Toronto Rock t Breakfast Television’s JENNIFER VALENTYNE and a host of other celebrities. AMUSEMENT RIDES t STILT WALKERS t REINDEER t LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Photos with members of HALTON REGIONAL POLICE and MILTON FIRE DEPT. FREE HORSE AND CARRIAGE RIDES provided by Dream Catchers Stables. SILENT AUCTION of Sports Memorabilia

Admittance is FREE!

All we ask is that you bring a new unwrapped toy to help brighten a child’s holiday! FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO MAKE AN ONLINE DONATION, PLEASE VISIT In Support of:


DATE AND TIME: Monday, December 17, 2012 from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM LOCATION: Troy’s Diner, 295 Main Street, Milton


By Anshul Sharma

Matt, Ethan, Nicholas, Barb, Kim and Paul Singleton


From our home to your home, this holiday season, We light up these boxes, and give you a reason, To share with the children the stories of old, That make our hearts glad, whenever they’re told.

hristmas is a very special time of the year for many of us. Whether it’s the excitement of seeing what Saint Nick has left for us under the tree or the extravagant commercials Coca-Cola releases during the festive season, there is always something to look forward to. For the seventeenth consecutive year, the Singleton Family has opened their loving home to spread the joy of Christmas! The tradition started when Paul and Barb Singleton adopted two young daughters from China. This exhibit was a way to teach them about the Christmas traditions, and it is now cherished by many in the community. The Singleton family annual Christmas display will be inaugurated on November 18 and will wrap up on New Year’s Eve. Located just west of Milton, Ontario, this exhibit features twentyeight story boxes, each filled with lights, music, and storytelling. Some of the favourite exhibits include the Nutcracker Christmas, the Christmas train, and the Night before Christmas. The Singletons would like to spread the cheer and joy of Christmas while preserving the tradition. Christmas is a time of giving—giving without expecting anything in return. While watching the Nutcracker display

with her daughter, a young mother reminisced on her memories of the Singletons when she was growing up. This instance is an example of how the Singletons’ warm gestures have touched many hearts. The highlight of the night is the emotional experience of watching the sweet young children place donations while their parents explain the importance of giving to others and helping the less fortunate. All donations received by the family are donated directly to support the Halton Women’s Place. No good deed ever goes unnoticed, and what the Singletons do every year is an example that we should all follow. This is truly the spirit of Christmas. To decorate the acre of property,all of the family members are assigned special jobs that they must carry out to ensure the success of the display. Preparations usually start in the summer. This year the Milton Firefighters Union has donated a wooden fire engine that is also on display. The Singleton’s residence is located at 8565 Guelph Line in Milton. The display runs daily until New Year’s Eve from 5:00 in the evening until 10:00 at night.

Milton Villager

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The Singleton’s Christmas Light Display

Milton Haunted House a Screaming Success! This year we raised over $11,000 of much needed funds for Milton District Hospital. Thanks to the volunteers, sponsors and raffle donators who made this possible. P L AT I N U M S P O N S O R S

12 | Milton Villager GOLD SPONSORS


Additional photos available online at

Roses in NovemberReview I

t’s always interesting when life imitates art as it is in the Milton Players Theatre Group’s latest offering. “Roses in November” is, at its heart, the story of a family. What makes it interesting is that the family member sin the play are also family members in the real world.

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Long suffering Olivia Trenton, played by Susan Crawford, shows strength and a quiet desperation as she ponders the marriage she has lived for 52 years. Despite acknowledging that’s she’s in the November of her life, she longs for more. She tells son Matt (played very ably by her real life son Brian Cranford) that while she doesn’t expect glamour or fireworks, there should at least be roses at this stage of her life. Having had enough after yet another row with husband George (played by her real life partner Geoff Ford), Olivia packs her things and disappears from sight. She moves into a retirement home, leaving behind an initially angered, but increasingly baffled George. George is played with great skill by Geoff Ford. He deftly creates a character who can clearly exasperate everyone around him, yet touches them with flashes of the rather good man underneath. Frustrated and confused, George travels on his own journey of self discovery to find his way back to the man who once wooed and won Olivia. Fellow cast member Ben McFarlane steals every scene he is in as the irascible Clarence Johnson, one of Olivia’s neighbours in her new home of Essenwood Residential

Hotel for the Aged. He plays Clarence as a mischievous trouble maker, creating stories about the home and the people who work there. His constant referrals to his old home of Alcatraz, aka Allendale and how much better life was for him there are a constant running joke through the play. Anna Finlan rounds out the cast in the role Essenwood’s staff member Vicky Howard. “Roses in November” is directed by Neville Bryant, who also wrote the play. He creates a touching, yet entertaining vignette of two people, together for decades, suddenly reevaluating their lives. “Roses in November” comes to a rich and satisfying ending and was a pleasure to watch. Although the run for this play came to an end in November, there are still two plays left in the Milton Players Theatre Group’s season for you to enjoy. You can catch the classic thriller “The Mousetrap” by Agatha Christie on February 8,9,10,14,15 or 16th or purchase tickets for “A Nice Family Gathering” by Phil Olson on May 3,4,5, 9,10 and 11th. Information on both productions is available at All performances take place at the Milton Centre for the Arts and tickets can purchased at either the box office or at

By Donna Danielli

Christmas House Tour to tour these festive homes, thanks to the generosity of home owners, local decorators, garden centres and retailers who give their time, skills and products in support of United Way Milton. Thank-you Milton for your continued support, together we are making a difference.

Milton Villager


he Town and Country Christmas House Tour, sponsored by Springridge Farm showcased five beautiful homes plus a church in urban and rural Milton November 23rd and 24th, all professionally decorated for the holiday season. This has been an annual tradition in Milton for the past 21 years. Each year nearly 1000 people buy tickets that allow them

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Santa’s Here!


December 17th – 24th: December 1st - 16th: Monday to Friday, 12 noon to 8 pm Thursdays & Fridays, 4 - 8 pm Hallowe’en Craft & Pumpkin Carving 10:00 am 10 - 12am noon Saturday, to 5 pm Saturdays, 10 am - 5 pm Smoke & Potions Spooky Science Show 10:45 am - 11:15 am Sunday, 12 noon to 4 pm Sundays, 12 noon - 4 pm Creepy Critters Demonstration 11:30 am - 12 noon Christmas Eve, 10 am to 3 pm Pumpkins, supplies and goodie bags are limited to the first 300 children present

Parents must remain with their children. Open to children ages 4 - 12. For more details visit and click the Kids’ Club icon. For a complete list of hours and prices visit and click on Santa corner of Main and Ontario Corner of Main and Ontario

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