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CHICAGO // MADISON // MILWAUKEE Milwaukee: 262.782.9751 | Chicago 773.938.6697 | Madison: 608.257.4560 Toll Free: 888.376.3700 | Fax: 888.397.6160 | Footlights is published by Marcus Promotions, Inc. The content of any article in this publication is based solely on the opinion of its writer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Marcus Promotions, Inc., Footlights, or its staff. The center program content is at the sole discretion of the performing arts group. Any errors, omissions, or inconsistencies are their responsibility. Inquiries or comments should be directed accordingly. Milwaukee 16-17 SEASON | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE #4 PRESIDENT + PUBLISHER Steve Marcus VICE PRESIDENT Matt Thiele DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Bob Salb ART DIRECTOR Sarah Sallmann GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jillian Olsson GRAPHIC DESIGNER + WEB DEVELOPER Katelynne Rosera EDITOR + VENUE RELATIONS Amanda Schumacher COMPANY COMPTROLLER Karin Marcus ACCOUNTING MANAGER Lisa Cunningham PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Greg Widener PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Rob Lundskow SALES SUPPORT Ryan Albrechtson ADVERTISING SALES // CHICAGO Will M. McAuliffe ADVERTISING SALES // MADISON Courtney Neckar | Dan Pazdernik ADVERTISING SALES // MILWAUKEE Jacqueline Jaske | Barbara Kluth | Daryl Skardzinski
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hearty laughs – strong friendship and camaraderie is evident –before McGhee refocuses the conversation. “It turned our crappy, delightful apartment into a wonderful place to live for a moment, realizing our dreams could come true.”
The Last Five Years surprised us,” artistic director Robby McGhee admits, while we sit at a funky table at Alderaan Coffee on the east side. He is joined by All In Productions’ cofounder and managing director Alex Scheurell and current communications director and board member Tim Backes. “It was a twoperson show.” McGhee continues.
, 2015.
Ignoring Scheurell’s response, McGhee continues. “I see him shaking by the computer screen. Wait – no, maybe I’m the one that Thescreamed.”threeshare
Theatre is a mutual passion shared amongst the three – it is how they met, after all, but none of them dreamed of running their own theatre company when they were younger.
“When I was little, I never knew what I wanted to be,” McGhee confesses. “[But] I knew I wanted to make a difference.” That making a difference began when Scheurell – an online poker playing savant –awoke roommate McGhee early in the morning back in 2010.
“I had been up all night, and had ended taking second place and earning a substantial amount of money,” Scheurell shares, before McGhee interrupts. “You were screaming.” “I wasn’t screaming.”
By Amanda Schumacher
It is that passion, those dreams, and history that gave way to their unique moniker. “When you go ‘all in’ in poker, “ Scheurell explains, “you make a full commitment to whatever you are doing.” And with All In Productions, from The Last Five Years to Wild Party last fall, that all-hands-on-deck, give-it-all-you-got mentality shines brightly.
“We only choose productions we have full excitement for.” McGhee states, elaborating, “We want people 100% on board – if we are excited, we know the community will be excited too.”
“Around Christmas,” Scheurell interjects, inciting nods from the others at the table. They are recalling their frst production, The Last Five Years, which ran for two weeks at Milwaukee’s Next Act Theatre in December 2014. At that point, they were an unknown theatre company with one mission – to put on a great show. Three years later, the mission hasn’t changed. But unknown they are no longer.
milwaukee FOOTNOTES
Little Shop of Horrors Photo credit Mark Frohna.
Upping the Ante with All In Productions

milwaukee FOOTNOTES
Above all, as we sat in locally-owned Alderaan Coffee, the sense of community is strong with this company. “The Milwaukee arts-community is supportive, and we are so grateful for the help we have received,” Scheurell shares, mentioning gratitude for advocates like Milwaukee Comedy Festival’s Matt Kemple, the use of venues like In Tandem’s Tenth Street Theater and Next Act, and the overall affrmation from other theaters that they are headed in the right direction.
And someday, All In Productions hopes to further emulate such established companies – with their own permanent space, developing and producing new works, and ideally focusing on the company full-time. Currently, Backes, McGhee, and Scheurell are all working full-time day jobs, while managing the theatre company part-time. But hope of what could-be remains at the forefront.
“If this is what we can do with 10-15 hours a week, imagine what we can do with 40,” Scheurell ventures. McGhee nods in agreement, before adding his own reassuring “Weoptimism.aren’t going anywhere – we are going to be here for a long time.”
“Musical theatre gets people excited, and not everyone in Milwaukee focuses on that. We do it, and we do it well!” Backes exclaims, while McGhee adds that the affordable ticket prices defnitely encourage audiences – especially twenty-something patrons – to come back for repeat viewings. But All In Productions wants people to know they just aren’t here for the young audiences and talent in the city – they are here for “Weeveryone.want to keep expanding our talent base regarding ages…and diversify our talent pool,” Scheurell acknowledges. “Especially with local, seasoned actors.”
“We are grateful for the times we are compared to companies that have been around for decades, like Skylight Music Theatre and The Rep,” McGhee thankfully expresses, adding “We are humbled by those words, because we really respect and admire those companies.”
All In Productions returns in 2017 with a theme entitled “Let’s Talk”. Their frst show, Circle Mirror Transformation, will run April 6-15, 2017 at The Alchemist Theatre. For more information, please visit
Alex Scheurell is the DirectorManagingofAllInProductions.
Both Scheurell and Backes agreed, adding that they also listen to feedback from area artists, audiences and the community. “We look around to see if anyone has done [a particular show or musical] recently around the city,” Backes shares. And since musicals are the company’s sweet spot, spins on commercial successes like Little Shop of Horrors or obscure delights like Wild Party have been a result.
Staying local is a company element All In Productions prides itself on, especially as they recognize the young, homegrown talents of the city chasing opportunities in Chicago, New York, or Los Angeles. Which is why, despite their ongoing battle for securing money (the struggle for any arts organization), All In Productions makes a point of offering their cast and crews a stipend for their hard work – a growing trend with the city’s other smaller and newer theater companies.
Robby McGheeis the ArtisticDirector of All Productions.In Tim Backes is CommunicationstheDirectorandaboardmemberatAllInProductions.

Jordan.AlexiscreditPhoto Zentner.RosscreditPhoto
Umbrella Group
Bard & Bourbon
Fassl.JasoncreditPhoto Bauman.TerrycreditPhoto
While Voices Found takes a serious approach to The Bard, since 2015 this comical group has been offering Milwaukee fully-staged Shakespeare with one “seriously drunk actor” in each of their performances.
Voices Found Led by a youthful team focused on reimagined works by Shakespeare, the young company tackled Romeo and Juliet, Coriolanus, The Taming of the Shrew, and Richard III during their 2016-2017 season.
Theater Red They made a splash this past fall with their production Bonny Anne Bonny, a pirate epic they collaborated on with Wisconsin Lutheran College’s Theatre Department. The company, which was founded in 2013, is managed by local actors Chrisopher Elst and Marcee Doherty-Elst.
FOOTNOTESSmall Yet Mighty: 5 Other
Combining the talents of Bo Johnson, Libby Amato, and other local stage stars, since 2014 this company has been realizing and funding projects of a variety of genres, from These Shining Lives (2015) to The View From Here (2016). Next up is Macbeth in April under Bo Johnson’s direction.
Bronzeville Arts Ensemble
Winning praise for their 2016 production of The Mojo and the Sayso, Malkia Stampley and ensemble have set their sights on illuminating the black experience in America through new works, community collaborations, and workshop and conference discussions.

Hawthorne Terrace INTERGENERATIONAL APARTMENTS All Ages Welcome | Spacious studios, one bedroom and two bedroom units Owned and managed by Reilly Joseph Company 414-258-9772 | 7700 W. Portland Ave, Wauwatosa Stay Connected. Visit to sign up for the latest events, pre-show dining, auditions, special offers, and more! Tis Week’s Featured Footlights Events December 2-4: A Christmas Carol December 10-23: A Christmas Carol December 2, 3 & 13: Home for the Holidivas

The hard work and humility that Renaissance Theaterworks still embodies to this day is a good reason why the small yet mighty theatri cal company is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Twenty fve years ago, fve women sat in a kitchen envisioning their ideal theater com pany. To them, the company would produce meaty “beyond ingénue” roles for women and offer opportunities for them both on stage and off. At that time, very few plays were written or produced by women around the country, and Milwaukee was no exception. Since then, Renaissance Theaterworks has produced 66 full productions, 40 staged-read ings, and has provided work for more than 700 theater artists and technicians – which over 70% have been opportunities for women. But the journey from kitchen table to the second oldest professional theater in the country dedicated to gender parity has not been an easy one.
“Our offce was broken into three times in the course of one year,” artistic director and founder Suzan Fete shared in an email when asked about the challenges the company has faced in the past. “In the late 1990s and early 2000s, there were no restaurants, bars, galleries –the Third Ward was kind of a desolate place.” Strange to picture now, seeing as the Third Ward has thrived just as the theater company has.
Buzzing with anticipation, the crowd is diverse – men and women, old and young, black and white, gay and straight. No matter who they are, they came for a good story. One of Renaissance Theaterworks’ own takes to the stage, reminding audience members to silence their phones and that there will be an intermission. But what makes this curtain speech different from most others comes at the very end, right before the show begins. “We know there are a lot of places you could have spent your time and money, and we are so honored you’ve chosen to spend this evening with Renaissance Theaterworks.”
Today, Renaissance Theaterworks’ team includes founder and Artistic Director Suzan Fete (far right), Mallory Metoxen (back), Lisa Rasmussen and Julie Swenson (both center), Izetta Rees (back) and Kat Tow (far left). Photo courtesy of Renaissance Theaterworks.
Renaissance Theaterworks Celebrates 25 Years in 2017
Other fond memories during their formative years involve the cops being called during their rehearsal of Criminal Hearts (rehearsing in an empty storefront with stage guns had alerted the neighbors) and renting a truck from a seedy place in town in order to move a set.
The audience shuffles into a cozy studio theatre, being handed programs by artistic staff-turned-ushers for the evening (who, in return when the crowd exits, will hand each patron a delicious parting gift from a local chocolatier).
Renaissance Theaterworks was founded by (insert names) in 1993. Photo courtesy of Renaissance Theaterworks.
milwaukee FOOTNOTES

When asked for their favorite memories, producing director Julie Swenson expressed she has too many too count – including the satisfaction that comes with each show. “I have said many, many times to actors just before they go on stage ‘Have fun tonight. God knows we’re not doing this for the money. We might as well have fun.”
Amelia, 2014-2015 Season.
milwaukee FOOTNOTES
Renaissance Theaterworks kicks off their 25th year March 27, 2017 at the Broadway Theatre Center for their frst annual S.W.A.N (Support Women Artists Now) event. Details about the event, as well as a full list of Renaissance The aterworks’ accomplishments from the past 25 years, can be found at
Understudy, 2013-2014 Season.The Ballad of Emmett Till, 2015-2016 Season.
But Renaissance wasn’t deterred, and continued to grow. Priding themselves on the fact they have never gone in debt in their 25 years of operation, Fete did share that the co-founders weren’t paid for the frst 18 years of Renaissance’s existence.
To date, more than 130 plays have been Andsubmitted.asthey look ahead to the next 25 years, Renaissance Theaterworks shows no signs of slowing down. They recently won the 50/50 in 2020 Applause Award (an award presented annually to theater companies for their commitment to women playwrights) and their 25th Anniversary will see the introduction of the Young Critics Project, a new-for-fall-2017 program for young women in high school with an interest in theater criticism and professional journalism. But new programming aside, the passion and dedication to theater for women will still come frst.
All production photography submitted by Renaissance Theaterworks. Used with permission.
“We wanted to hire people that had skills that we didn’t have – marketing, business, development, etc. – to sustain the organiza tion and elevate it to a level that we didn’t have the skill sets for,” Fete shared, again reiterating the company’s mission to provide work for women – including the administrative team.
But the return on investment in the company is Theirevident.vibrant history includes performing at Taycheedah Women’s Correctional Facility, a Cultural Exchange Project with Isithatha Theatre in South Africa, producing the frst and only professional, all-Latina production in Milwaukee, and launching Br!NK, a new play development program focused on promoting the work of women playwrights in the Midwest.

Now Renting for Spring 2017 The Bay Lofts - 37 luxury apartment homes just south of the Steel Bridge in downtown Sturgeon Bay. Many homes feature water views. Exercise studio, top floor community suite, business center, bicycle storage, and vista patio. Pet friendly | Smoke www.thebaylofts.comFree(920)333-1942 Luxury door county apartment living TheLoftsBay STURGEONBAY|WI Let’s look at the math. Like $100 million for our local economy. Or the thousands and thousands of jobs they create. Or the hundreds of thousands of kids who do beter in English and science and, you guessed it, math. But there’s also 50–as in the 50 years UPAF has supported the arts in Greater Milwaukee, and the over $300 million we’ve raised to set the stage since 1967. Let’s keep it going. Donate today at FOOTLIGHTSPerforming Art Awards CASTVOTEYOUR APRIL 5_28 FOOTLIGHTS.COMON

milwaukee FOOTNOTES
Several performing artisans in the community have notably expressed their enthusiasm for the awards, which is music to Marcus’ ears.
“As we’ve grown and expanded over the past 29 years, we’ve watched the arts commu nity here in Milwaukee grow as well,” Steve Marcus, President and owner of Marcus Promotions (the publisher of Footlights), said when asked for a statement. “That is certainly something that should be recognized and applauded on an annual basis.” Nominations began in January and will con tinue until March 31, 2017. Once the nomina tions have been fnalized, the top nominations in every category—up to ten—will move on to the offcial voting round, which will take place during the month of April. Nominations can be submitted by anyone – artists and audiences alike – and a variety of artistry can be nominated. Categories include similar categories to the Tonys or Oscars (such as Outstanding Actor in a Play), but there are also categories for recognizing non-theatrical performances, such as ballet productions, orchestral concerts, choreography work, and technical design.
The Footlights Performing Arts Awards, presented by Marcus Promotions and spono sored by UPAF, will take place June 22, 2017. Nominations end March 31, with voting taking place during the month of April. To submit your nomination, cast your vote, or to order tickets, please visit
Mark you calendars! The frst-ever Footlights Performing Arts Awards for the Greater Milwaukee Area is set for June 22, 2017. The awards, which will be hosted by Marcus Promotions (publisher of Footlights) and sponsored by the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF), will recognize artists both on stage and off in the Greater Milwaukee area for their achievements during the 2016-2017 season.
Perhaps best of all, while there have been other awards that applaud the arts in town, this is the frst awards event that will have a physical, live ceremony for the community to Thisattend.year the awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at Milwaukee Repertory Theater’s Quadracci Powerhouse. Award-winning actor and producer John McGivern will be the emcee for the evening, and notable names and talent from Milwau kee’s performing arts community will join him as fellow presenters. There will be 16 awards presented in total.
First-Ever Footlights Performing Arts Awards for the Greater Milwaukee Area Set for 2017
“We’ve had the opportunity to work with so many incredible companies and observe countless outstanding performances,” Marcus reflected. “it is about time we celebrated them.”
FOOTLIGHTSPerforming Art Awards

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1An Evening with Groucho - 1Fences -

2 - An Evening with Groucho Mark Clements Chad Bauman Artistic Director Managing Director Proudly Presents Directed By Dreya Weber Accompanist Gerald Sternbach Lighting Designer Aaron Lichamer Sound Designer Erin Page Stage Manager Richelle Harrington Calin* March 24 – May 28, 2017 Stackner Cabaret Executive Producers David and Camille Kundert Sponsored in part by

3An Evening with GrouchoPRODUCTIONMUSICCAST SUPPORT Groucho ................................................................................................................................ Frank Ferrante Accompanist ................................................................................................................. Gerald Sternbach An Evening with Groucho will be performed with one 15-minute intermission. Mr. Ferrante will sign copies of his Groucho DVDs in the lobby immediately following the performance. “Like” AN EVENING WITH GROUCHO on Facebook! The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited. Scenic Coordinator .............................................................................................................. Libby Schultz Properties Coordinator .............................................................. James Guy and Kathryn Dunham Assistant Stage Manager .......................................................................................... Kyle Winkelmann Milwaukee Repertory Theater operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. The scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers in LORT Theatres are represented by United Scenic Artists, Local USA-829 of the IATSE and our stagehands and carpenters are members of Milwaukee Theatrical Stage Employees’ Union IATSE Local 18. The Rep is an equal opportunity employer. The Rep is proud to be a member of The United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF), which provides major annual fnancial support. For more information regarding Frank Ferrante’s work please log on to For booking and touring information contact: Phone: (267) 880-3750 Production Manager ............................................................................................................ Jared Clarkin Technical Director ................................................................................................................ Libby Schultz Properties Director..................................................................................................................... James Guy Charge Scenic Artist Jim Medved Costume Director Sara Seavey Lighting & Video Director ............................................................................................. Aaron Lichamer Sound Director ............................................................................................................................. Erin Paige Production Stage Manager ..................................................................................... Kimberly Carolus* PRODUCTION STAFF

4 - An Evening with Groucho Frank Ferrante, Writer/Groucho Frank is an actor, director and producer described by The New York Times as “the greatest living interpreter of Groucho Marx’s material.” Animal Crackers and A Night at the Opera co-author Morrie Ryskind called him “the only actor aside from Groucho who delivered my lines as they were intended.” Discovered by Groucho’s son Arthur when Frank was a drama student at the University of Southern California, Frank originated the of-Broadway title role in Groucho: A Life in Revue (written by Arthur) portraying the comedian from age 15 to 85. For this role, Frank earned New York’s Theatre World Award and an Outer Critics Circle nomination. He reprised the role in London’s West End and was nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award for ‘Comedy Performance of the Year.’ Frank played the Groucho role in the of- Broadway revival of The Cocoanuts and has played Captain Spalding in several productions of Animal Crackers winning a Connecticut Critics Circle Award for his portrayal at Goodspeed Opera House and a Helen Hayes nomination in Washington D.C. at Arena Stage. In Boston, he played the Huntington Theatre in the record-breaking run of Animal Crackers that landed Frank on the cover of American Theatre Magazine. Frank has now performed the Groucho role over 2500 times in more than 400 cities. His other regional roles include Max Prince in Neil Simon’s Laughter on the 23rd Floor at Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Theatre (which Frank also directed); George S. Kaufman in By George (a one-man play written by Frank); Oscar in The Odd Couple and leads in The Sunshine Boys, Lady in the Dark and Anything Goes. Frank directed “M*A*S*H” star Jamie Farr in the Kaufman & Hart comedy George Washington Slept Here and revivals of Simon’s Brighton Beach Memoirs, Biloxi Blues, Broadway Bound and Lost in Yonkers. In 1995, he directed and developed the world premiere of the Pulitzer fnalist Old Wicked Songs. In 2001, Frank directed, produced and starred in the national PBS television program “Groucho: A Life in Revue.” Frank has played over 1200 performances as the comic Latin lover ‘Caesar’ in the cirque show Teatro ZinZanni in Seattle and San Francisco and in Palazzo in Amsterdam. Recently, Frank toured An Evening With Groucho for eight weeks in Australia. On television, Frank played a speaking mime on Rob Corddry’s Emmy Award-winning comedy “Childrens Hospital” and can be heard on the animated series “Gar feld” as the voice of Lyman, Odie’s frst owner and on “SpongeBob SquarePants” as Patrick’s boss. Frank stars in the web series “Caesar’s World” now viewable on Funny or Die. He is a question on the TV program Jeopardy. “He took his portrayal of Groucho Marx to New York in 1986.” The answer: “Who is Frank Ferrante?” Gerald Sternbach, Accompanist Mr. Sternbach is one of the busiest musical directors in LA with twelve Ovation nominations (2006 win), seven Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle nominations, and two Garland Awards. He has accompanied a variety of artists including Marilyn Horne, Jennifer Hudson, Josh Groban, Sarah Brightman, Carol Burnett, Adam Lambert, Nancy Wilson, Lainie Kazan, John Lithgow, Judith Light, Paul Gemignani and Mel Brooks. Southern California credits include Mel Brooks Live at the Gefen (flmed for HBO), World premiere of Carrie Fisher’s Wishful Drinking, Stephen Sondheim’s 75th Birthday Concert at the Hollywood Bowl, Grey Gardens, (associate conductor, Ahmanson Theater), I Only Have Eyes For You (arranger/musical director, Montalban Theater), Sondheim on Sondheim, Closer than Ever (International City Theater), Love, Noel, Enter Laughing (Wallis Annenberg Center).
Broadway/National Tour credits

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Dreya conceived and choreographed Pink’s performances at the 2010 and 2014 Grammy’s and was associate choreographer for Michael Jackson’s This is It. For more than a decade, Dreya has created the aerials for all of Pink’s record breaking international tours. Her creative direction and aerial choreography has been featured in over 15 international arena tours including those for Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Madonna, Cher, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and Kylie Minogue. Aaron Lichamer, Lighting Designer Aaron is The Rep’s lighting and video director, and is excited to design for The Rep again. Based out of Chicago and Milwaukee, some of his prior credits include the 2015 and 2016 seasons at Tibbits Summer Theater, including Pippin and The Addams Family respectively, Eurydice with BoHo Theater, and Rep Lab 2016. He holds a BFA in Lighting Design from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Erin Paige, Sound Designer Erin Paige is thrilled to be back in the Stackner Cabaret, having previously designed McGuire, The Doyle & Debbie Show and I Left My Heart. Other Milwaukee credits include Mole Hill Stories, Goldilocks, and Spookley the Square Pumpkin at First Stage, King Lear at The Alchemist, and Phaedra’s Love at The World’s Stage. She has previously composed for Annex Theatre in Seattle and Looking Glass Theater NYC. She holds a B.F.A. in Sound Design from Southern Oregon University. Richelle Harrington Calin, Stage Manager Richelle has been stage managing for 25 years and with Milwaukee Rep since 2004. Milwaukee Rep credits include: Bach at Leipzig, The Clean House, Intimate Apparel, Gem of the Ocean, A Christmas Carol, The Voysey Inheritance, Life Could Be a Dream, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Night is a Child, I
Dreya Weber, Director Dreya produced and starred in The Gymnast and A Marine Story, collectively honored with 48 US and international festival awards including seven ‘Best Actress’ honors. Dreya co-directed and wrote the recently released independent feature Raven’s Touch in which she plays the title role. She conceived and directed “Caesar’s World”, now viewable on Funny or Die. Dreya writes extensively for many cirque/ theater venues including Teatro ZinZanni, Palazzo and Le Studio. Her stage credits include As You Like It at LAWSC, A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings at CTG and the award-winning West Coast premiere of Austin Pendleton’s Orson’s Shadow in which she played Vivien Leigh. On the East Coast, she appeared in the New York Shakespeare Festival’s Comedy Of Errors, Childhood (with Glenn Close), Inadmissible Evidence and Macbeth.
An Evening with Grouchoas associate conductor for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Merlin, and The Tap Dance Kid, Les Miserables (LA company) National tour Song and Dance. He’s an adjunct professor at Cal State University for over eight years and was musical director at the Jerry Herman HS Music Theater Awards held at the Pantages Theater for four years. As a songwriter/composer, Gerald has contributed songs to three Ringling Brothers’ Circuses, Heartbeats (with Amanda McBroom), A-5-6-7-8! (with Faye Greenberg), Club Mom (with Elin Hampton) and Biting Broadway! (with Jordan Beck, Richard Hochberg). His song (written with Faye Greenberg) “Mary,” a tribute to Mary Tyler Moore, was sung by Eric McCormack on the 2004 TVLand awards in the presence of the original cast of the landmark sitcom, one of the thrills of his life.
6 - An Evening with Groucho Am My Own Wife, Greater Tuna, Pride and Prejudice, Shear Madness, The Lady with All the Answers, Yankee Tavern, Route 66, Cabaret, Bombshells, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Yellowman, Othello, The Mountain top, How the World Began, Venus in Fur, End of the Rainbow, Ain’t Misbehavin’, after all the terrible things I do, The Beautiful Music All Around Us, Five Presidents, Back Home Again, Of Mice and Men, Sirens of Song, The Royale and McGuire. Groucho Marx The New York Times summed up the comedy genius as “America’s most gifted funny man.” Born Julius Henry Marx on October 2, 1890, Groucho was the third of fve sons born to poor immigrant parents Sam and Minnie Marx. Chico and Harpo preceded him. Gummo and Zeppo followed. Straight from the streets of New York’s upper Eastside, Groucho was thrust onstage at age 15 as one third of the singing Leroy Trio. Eventually, brothers Harpo, Chico, Gummo and Zeppo joined the act that began as the singing Four Nightingales and evolved into the world’s funniest vaudeville act known as the Marx Brothers. After twenty years of touring their act all over the country, the Marx Brothers fnally hit pay dirt with a musical comedy called I’ll Say She Is. Audiences and critics went wild over the brothers’ irreverent humor, the expert pantomime, the wisecracks, the physical shtick, the outrageous musical talent. Said one local Philadelphia critic about the show, “It was as if a tornado hit town. We’ve never seen anything like the Marx Brothers.” I’ll Say She Is moved to Broadway in 1924 and was an instant sensation legitimizing the Marx Brothers as world-class talents. Two more Broadway hits followed - The Cocoanuts and Animal Crackers introducing audiences to Groucho’s most renowned incarnation - Captain Spalding, the African Explorer. In 1930, Groucho and his brothers moved to Hollywood and changed the face of lm comedy forever. There they made Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, Duck Soup, A Night at the Opera, A Day at the Races, Room Service, At the Circus, Go West, The Big Store, A Night in Casablanca and Love Happy between 1931 and 1949. The Four Marx Brothers appeared on the cover of Time Magazine in1932. As a solo, Groucho launched a career on radio and television with his Emmy Award winning work as the host of the comedy quiz show “You Bet Your Life”. The show fourished for fourteen highly rated seasons from 1947 to 1961 on ABC radio then NBC television. Groucho was a major fxture in 1950’s television with his “secret word” and a duck that dropped from the sky to pay wacky contestants “an extra hundred dollars.” In the late 1960’s, a renewed interest in the anarchic hijinks of the Marx Brothers swept across the nation - particularly among college age students. Fortunately, Groucho Marx survived long enough to experience his renaissance. He made TV appearances, performed at Carnegie Hall at age 82 and received a special Academy Award in 1974 for “the brilliant and unequalled achievements of the Marx Brothers”. On August 19, 1977 Groucho Marx died at age 86. His fnal request? “Bury me next to Marilyn Monroe.” Mark Clements, Artistic Director Mark began his tenure as Milwaukee Rep’s Artistic Director with the 2010/11 Season. He is an award-winning international theater director whose work has appeared in over 100 major theaters throughout Europe and the United States. For Milwaukee Rep: The Glass Menagerie, A Christmas Carol, Man of La Mancha, American Song, Of Mice and Men, Dreamgirls, Five Presidents, The Color Purple, The History of Invulnerability, End of the Rainbow, Ragtime, Clybourne Park, Assassins, Othello, Next to Normal, Death of a Salesman, Bombshells and Cabaret. For Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia: Oliver!, Born Yesterday, Great Expectations, Les Misérables (2008 Barrymore Award –
An Evening with GrouchoBest Production of a Musical) and Of Mice and Men (2007 Barrymore Award – Best Director and Best Production of a Play).The Milliner (O f-Broadway, World Premiere), CSC, New York; My Fair Lady, Copenhagen; The Browning Version (Barclays/TMA Regional Theatre Award) at Derby Playhouse and Blunt Speaking (World Premiere), Chichester Festival Theatre U.K. and Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York. Other productions include: Speaking in Tongues (U.S. Premiere), Roundabout Theatre Company; Speaking in Tongues (European Premiere; Barclays/TMA Best Director Nomination), Hampstead Theatre, London; Creator/Director – Soul Train, West End (Olivier Award nomination), and three U.K. National Tours. U.K. National Tours of The Glass Menagerie, The Gingerbread Lady and Love & Marriage all for Bath Theatre Royal productions. Mark served as an Associate Artistic Director for Moving Theatre Company, the production company founded by Vanessa and Corin Redgrave. He has also been Associate Artistic Director for New End Theatre and New Players Theatre, both in London, Royal Theatre in Northampton, and Torch Theatre in Wales. Additionally, Mark served as Artistic Director of the award-winning Derby Playhouse in the U.K. from 1992 to 2002, where he directed over 40 productions. He currently serves on the National Advisory Board for the Lunt-Fontanne Fellowship Program at Ten Chimneys.
Chad Bauman, Managing Director Chad was appointed Milwaukee Rep’s Managing Director in 2013. Previously, he was the Associate Executive Director at Arena Stage where he was instrumental in the 2010 opening of the Mead Center for American Theater, a 200,000 square feet, three theater performing arts complex dedicated to American voices and playwrights. While at Arena Stage, he more than doubled earned revenue, reversed a decline in subscriptions by almost doubling the base, and shattered several company sales records that dated back almost 60 years. In addition, he worked on the Broadway transfers of Next to Normal (Pulitzer Prize; Tony Award), Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Tony Award), Wishful Drinking starring Carrie Fisher, Looped starring Valerie Harper, and John Grisham’s A Time to Kill in addition to other notable plays including the world premieres of Marcus Gardley’s Every Tongue Confess starring Phylicia Rashad and Red Hot Patriot starring Kathleen Turner. Prior to Arena Stage, he was Director of Marketing and Communications for Americans for the Arts as well as Virginia Stage Company in Norfolk, VA. He is a frequent speaker and consultant with past clients that include the Smithsonian Institution, Pew Charitable Trust, Carnegie Hall, EmcArts Innovation Labs, Arts & Business Council, Association of Performing Arts Presenters and ArtsMidwest. He has served as an adjunct professor at American University (Washington, DC), Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA) and CalArts (Valencia, CA). In addition to teaching, he is currently a Board member of Pathways High School, sits on the advisory boards of TRGArts and, and is a past trustee of Contemporary American Theater Festival. From 2011-2013, he was named one of the most infuential leaders under 40 in Washington, DC by Washington Life Magazine, and in 2016 he was named to Milwaukee Business Journal’s list of the Top 40 leaders under 40. Bauman is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Strategic Perspectives in Non-Proft Management program, and has earned a Master of Fine Arts in producing from the CalArts where he was an Ahmanson Scholar and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the Honors College of Missouri State University. In his free time, he is proud to be a co-coach of Wauwatosa East High School’s Destination Imagination team.
8 - An Evening with Groucho

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PRIVATE RESTAURANT 500 S. 3rd St. | | 414-277-7676 7118 West State Street | Wauwatosa, WI 414-258-5600 WWW.HECTORS.COM Bring in this ad to receive ONE MARGARITAFREE with the purchase of a Dinner Entree. Not good with any other ofers. Expires 3/ 1/1 THE FEW Milwaukee Chamber Theatre It’s 1999, and uncertainty is in the air in this com passionate drama about lonely lives searching for a renewed faith in humanity. Contains mature language. MCGUIRE Milwaukee Repertory Theater Just in time for March Madness, this touching portrait on Al McGuire, the legendary basketball coach, is uncommonly funny and profound. GROUNDED Milwaukee Repertory Theater An ace fghter fnds herself grounded when an unexpected pregnancy puts her career on hold in this gripping, ripped-from-the-headlines new play. TIME STANDS STILL In Tandem Theatre A photojournalist and her war correspondent partner are at odds regarding their dangerous occupation in this compelling drama. Best suited for ages 16 and over. Now BroadwayStudioMarchthrough19TheatreTheatre Center (414) 291-7800 Now (414)TenthMarchNow(414)StiemkeAprilNow(414)StacknerMarchthrough19Cabaret224-9490through2Studio224-9490through19StreetTheatre271-1371 CoffeePastries,AlsatianFrench/Breads,andCafeMenu 4401 North Oakland Ave | www.northshoreboulangerie.com414.963.2153 IBERO-AMERICAN 2165 S Kinnickinnic Avenue • Milwaukee, WI 414-800-7329 •

2 BANQUET ROOMS AVAILABLE! 714 N Milwaukee St. Milwaukee, WI 414-224-7253 • Lunch 11am – 2pm M-F | Happy Hour M-Th 4:30-6pm Dinner 4:30-9:30pm M-W | 4:30-10 Th-Sat. | Closed Sun. JACKWHITEFISHPANDLSBAYINN 1319 East HEnry Clay st. WHitEfisH Bay (5200 n lakE DrivE) Show this Ad for10% OFFNOT VALID FRIDAYS 724 N. MILWAUKEE ST. | MILWAUKEE, WI WWW.THIRDCOASTPROVISIONS.COM MERRIMENT 240 E Pittsburgh Avenue Milwaukee | 414 645 0240 WWW.merrimentsocial.COM WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Concordia University Theatre Featuring songs from the 1971 flm, Charlie Bucket’s delicious adventures will light up the stage. INSPIRED SPRING Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra This concert will feature the highly acclaimed Chamber Orchestra. LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS Sunset Playhouse Deviously delicious, this Broadway sci-f smash hit musical has devoured the hearts of theater-goers for over 30 years! THE GLASS MENAGERIE Milwaukee Repertory Theater Faded southern belle Amanda frets constantly over her two adult children: painfully shy Laura and her restless poet brother Tom in this Tennessee Williams classic. Now FurlanMarchwww.myso.orgCollegeWisconsinSchwanMarch(262)ToddMarchthrough5WehrAuditorium243-20354ConcertHallLutheran2-19Auditorium (262) 782-4430 March 7-April 9 Quadracci Powerhouse (414) 224-9490

Y-Not II Tavern 708 E. Lyon St - 347-9972 Monica’s On Astor 1228 N. Astor St. • 765-9402 BUY ONE & GET ONE FREE Present your theatre ticket stub or this ad to receive a FREE DRINK with the purchase of one of equal or lesser value. One coupon per visit. Expires 4/15/17. has nothing to drink! ANON(YMOUS) UWM Department of Theatre Anon, a young refugee from a war-torn country, fnds himself alone in a hopeful but dangerous United States in this modern retelling of Homer’s The Odyssey. A GERMAN REQUIEM Waukesha Choral Union As outstanding choral ensembles from around the area assemble lending their vocal artistry to a magnifcent score, this is to be an extraordinary event! 33 VARIATIONS Waukesha Civic Theatre Composer Beethoven’s deafness and a scholarly wom an’s battle with ALS are examined in this juxtaposed drama across time. PHILOMUSICA STRING QUARTET First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa Now in their eighth season, the critically acclaimed quartet continues to delight with jewels of the string March 8-12 Mainstage Theatre (414) 229-4308 March CivicMargaretMarchchoralunion.orgCarrollShattuck12HallUniversity9-26BrateBryantTheatre (262) 547-0708 March 13 First ChurchCongregationalofWauwatosa This event is free. GOLDEN MAST INN WEISSGERBER’S GOLDEN MAST INN on Okauchee Lake W349 N5293 Lacy’s Lane | Okauchee, WI 262-567-7047 | LakesideDining 262.36 7.3903 | Enjoy the View. on Nagawicka Lake 5823 W Burnham St, West Allis, WI 53219 (414) 321-5775 •


7754 Harwood Ave, Wauwatosa, WI • 414.431.1444 Artisan Plates & Craft Cocktails • Skylight Lounge Open Late M-TH 4pm-9pm • Fri 4pm-10pm • Sat 5pm-10pm HAPPY HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY www.milwaukeesailloft.com3PM-7PMHOURS:Monday4-clsTuesday-Sunday,11-cls414.223.0100649EastErieStreetMilwaukee 316 N. Milwaukee Street | www.coquettecafe.com414.291.2655 Authentic French Cuisine and just the right stuf to wash it down Mon-Thur 11am to 9pm | Fri 11am to 10pm Sat 5pm to 10pm | Sun 11am to 4pm BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (ZE’MIRE ET AZOR) Skylight Music Theatre This Baroque opera showcases the well-known fairy tale in a new light, while staying true to its message of the redemptive power of love. DAVIDSON CHAMBER RECITALS Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra Presenting various performances from the extensive Davidson Chamber Ensemble Program. ACCORDION PYROTECHNICS Four O’Clock Concert Series Stanislav “Stas” Venglevski will thrill audiences with selections from Scarlatti, Zolotaryov, Rachmaninoff, and others. AN EVENING WITH GROUCHO Milwaukee Repertory Theater As seen on PBS, Frank Ferrante brings this hilarious fast-paced show to life with the best Groucho one-liners and songs. March 15-26 Cabot CenterBroadwayTheatreTheatre (414) 291-7800 March Milwaukee19Youth Arts ChurchFirstMarchwww.myso.orgCenter19CongregationalinWauwatosa This event is free. March 24-May 28 Stackner Cabaret (414) 224-9490

808 E CENTER ST | 414 455 CENTROCAFERIVERWEST.COM3751 920.699.7777 | 710 Glover Lane • Johnson Creek, WI MON - THURS 11A FRI - SAT 11A SUN 10:30 A ELSA’S ON JEFFERSON 833 Our kitchen cooks until 1 a.m. Our bar shakes & stirs until 2 a.m. SHOW THIS AD FOR A FAMOUS BLOODY MARY AT HALF PRICE! INSPIRED BY THE BARD Festival City Symphony Nicolai’s “Overture to the Merry Wives of Windsor”, Tchaikovsky’s “The Tempest”, and Prokofeff’s suite from Romeo and Juliet will be performed. BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Wisconsin Philharmonic “Czech” out the fnal concert of the season, a tribute to great Bohemian composers Smetana, Dvorak, and Janacek! Featuring Joshua Roman on the cello. ROCKAPELLA Cedarburg Performing Arts Visiting Artist Series Featuring raw, pure and powerful vocal talent, audiences will be treated to catchy pop originals and contemporary takes on classics! ANYTHING GOES Marquette Theatre Join young Billy, lounge singer Reno, gangster Moon face, and stuffy Sir Evelyn for a “de-lovely” time aboard the SS American in this Cole Porter musical classic. March 26 Pabst Theater (414) 286-3205 April Sharon4Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts (262) 547-1858 March HelfaerApril(262)ArtsCedarburg31PerformingCenter376-61616-21Theatre (414) 288-7504

741 N Milwaukee St | Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 225-0000 | BLOOMSDAY Next Act Theatre Robert returns to Dublin to reunite with the woman who stole his heart 35 years ago in this Irish time travel love story that blends humor with heartache. THE VIOLET HOUR Renaissance Theaterworks When a bizarre contraption and two would-be authors arrive at a young publisher’s offce, mayhem is unleashed in this hilarious and heartfelt tale. SNOW WHITE AND THE MAGNIFICIENT SEVEN Waukesha Civic Theatre Snow White is the last to fnd out she is the fairest of them all in this lively adaptation of the classic tale. BARRAGE 8 Oconomowoc Arts Center This innovative string octet gives audiences a night of memorable, diversifed music from many genres and generations. April 6-30 Next Act Theatre (414) 278-0765 April CenterBroadwayStudio7-30TheatreTheatre (414) 291-7800 April Margaret6-9Brate Bryant Civic Theatre (262) 547-0708 April 8 Oconomowoc Arts (262)Center560-3172 Monday - Sunday 11:00am to 2:00am Kitchen open until 1:00am Sunday Brunch 11:00am to 3:00pm restaurant - bar - hookah lounge 728 East Brady - Milwaukee - 414.271.6000 106 W Seeboth Milwaukee, WI 53204 414 763 1637 •

musical. Best
MIRO QUARTET RETURNS Frankly Music After having performed throughout the world on some of the most prestigious concert stages, this dynamic quartet is back. CARNIVAL In Tandem Theatre A
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and over. GREAT EXPECTATIONS Milwaukee
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in this
in this
Theatre Orphan boy Pip’s life changes
every August and do so for
THE young woman looking for work at a carnival a charming magician a bitter puppeteer rare gem of a suited ages 13 Chamber when he helps an escaped convict. with curious this reinvention of the Dickens classic a fast-paced
their college swim team, catch
comedy. April 10 St. Paul’s Episcopal CabotApril(414)TenthAprilfranklymusic.orgChurch20-May14StreetTheatre271-137113-30Theatre (414) 291-7800 April 20-May 7 Furlan Auditorium (262) 782-4430 15455 W. Bluemound Rd • Brookfeld | 262.780.0011 Order online at Make a reservation at

A black family in Chicago’s 1959 Woodlawn neighbor hood attempts to “better” themselves in this classic drama by Lorraine Hansberry.
Jane overcomes a rough start in life to become an accomplished governess in this engaging adaptation of Brontë’s epic story.
As the longest running play in the world, join the hun dreds of thousands audience members in on the secret behind this classic Agatha Christie murder mystery.
THE AMISH PROJECT Outskirts Theatre Company
In this chilling retelling of the 2006 West Nickel Mines school shooting, a community comes together to not only rebuild, but also forgive.
A RAISIN IN THE SUN Concordia University Theatre
April 21-30 The (262)ConcordiaToddApril(414)CardinalTheaterDownstairsApril(414) Traditional Irish Fare & Local Favorites Open Daily 11am 125 E. JUNEAU • MILWAUKEE, WI 53202 414-278-7033 • California Italian Homemade Pasta & Pizzas Weekend Brunch • Open Daily 11am louiseswisconsin.comMILWAUKEE801N.JeffersonStreet414-273-4224 190thBROOKFIELD&Bluemound Rd 262-784-4275 WWW.WATERSTREETBREWERY.COM DOWNTOWN 1101 N. Water Street, Milwaukee • 414-272-1195 DELAFIELD 3191 Golf Road, Delafield • 262-646-7878 GRAFTON 2615 Washington Street, Grafton • 262-375-2222 OAK CREEK 140 W Town Square Way, Oak Creek • 414-301-5290 OPEN DAILY 11AM • FRIDAY FISH FRY • WEEKEND BRUNCH
JANE EYRE Milwaukee Repertory Theater
THE MOUSETRAP Cardinal Stritch University Theatre

A FLUTE FESTIVAL Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
ARCADIA UWM Peck Theatre
UWM Peck School of the Arts
The two flute choirs are highlighted in the ensembles’ fnal appearance of the season.
SPRINGDANCES 2017 UWM Peck School Dance Dance BA and BFA majors perform in works choreo graphed by faculty members Daniel Burkholder, Maria Gillespie, Dani Kuepper and guest artist Holy Johnston.
Waukesha Civic Theatre
April Helene30Zelazo Center for the
In collaboration with Carroll University, this parody of musical comedies in the 1920s is sure to delight musical fans from every generation.
The Fine Arts Quartet present its fnal concert of the season with works by Schumann and more.
GREASE Pius XI High School Department of Theatre
April 27-May 1 Kenilworth Square (414) 229-4308 May Mainstage3-7 Theatre (414) 229-4308 April 28-30 Wendy Joy Lindsey SchwanApril(414)Theater290-020430Concert Hall Wisconsin LutheranAprilwww.myso.orgCollege27-May 14 Margaret Brate Bryant Civic Theatre (262) 547-0708 May Humphrey6 Memorial (414)Chapel297-9310 April 28-May 6 Wartburg Auditorium (262) 551-6661
The 1950s high school dream is about to explode in this rollicking musical that is both an homage and a satire to the ffties.
Tom Stoppard’s celebrated masterpiece tells the tale of two stories, over a century apart, intertwining them as this play explores what makes us human.
NIGHTS TO REMEMBER Waukesha Choral Union Pieces by Lee Kesselman, Dan Forrest, Rodgers and Hammerstein, and more will close out the season.
THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD Carthage College Theatre Based on the unfnished manuscript of Charles Dickens’ last novel, this show allows the audiences to choose the ending! Performing Arts 229-4308

May Schwan15Concert Hall Wisconsin Lutheran
Watch Sweeney Todd fnd bloody revenge through an alliance with the lonely yet enterprising Mrs. Lovett in this Sondheim musical – back by popular demand! (414) 291-7800 May MarcusUihlein14HallCenter for the Performing www.myso.orgArts
The stupendous pianist Adam Neiman and Robert De Maine, Principal Cello of the Los Angeles Philharmonic join for a Slavic fnale.
Featuring the beloved hymns and folksongs of Billings, Barber, Paulus, and Ives, the music of America’s home grown composers.
SWEENEY TODD Skylight Music Theatre
The Brass Choir, Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra and Senior Symphony are showcased in the ensembles’ fnal performance of the season.
Performance features all Jazz Combos, including the elite Bronzeville Jazz Ensemble, plus Calypso and Soca steel bands.
The work of Amy Beach, the frst internationally acclaimed American woman composer, closes out the season.
May 7 First ChurchCongregationalofWauwatosa (414) 258-7375
Join us for the premiere Milwaukee performance of “one of the few indisputably great dance companies in the world” (New York Post) May Sharon12Lynne Wilson Center for the wilson-center.comArts
Cedarburg Performing Arts Center Visiting Artist Series
May Milwaukee13 Youth Arts www.myso.orgCenter
FANFARE AND FINALE Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
This progressive, party-oriented string orchestra is a mix of serious and fun.
RHYTHM AND BLUES Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
CZECH IT OUT Frankly Music
PabstMay(262)Center376-61617Theater (414) 365-8861
May Cedarburg12 Performing Arts
Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts
Four O’Clock Concert Series

BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Waukesha Civic Theatre
This performance will feature the Percussion Ensem ble, Philharmonia, and Chamber Orchestra.
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
In this classic Neil Simon comedy, uptight Paul and free-spirited Corie have always been different, but after their honeymoon they wonder if they are too different.
Act One features the one-man show “The Accidental Hero,” while Act Two will take audiences back in time with the sweet harmonies of The Radio Rosies. May Oconomowoc20 Arts (262)Center560-3172
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
June 1-18 Furlan Auditorium (262) 782-4430 June 30-July 9 Tenth Street June 1-18 Margaret Brate Bryant Civic Theatre (262) 547-0708
The all-string ensembles Prelude Orchestra, String Orchestras South/West and String Orchestras North/ Central will be featured.
The Progressions program presents its fnal perfor mance of the 2016-2017 season. This event is free. May Shattuck20 Music Center
BARE: A POP OPERA Outskirts Theatre Peter and Jason have found an unlikely romance at their Catholic boarding school, but is their desire for each other strong enough to drown out the hate?
AND THEN THERE WERE NONE Sunset Playhouse Guests are accused, one by one of murder, and one by one they begin to die, in this suspenseful Agatha Christie drama.
The Sinfonia Philharmonic and Wind Ensemble will be featured.
Oconomowoc Arts Center

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