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Hours of Operation: – Sunday Noon to 6 pm
Rep Talkbacks
1 - Of Mice and Men Contact Info Ticket Office Phone Number: 414-224-9490 Fax Number: 414-225-5490 Mailing Address: Milwaukee Repertory Theater Patty & Jay Baker Theater Complex 108 E. Wells Street; Milwaukee, WI 53202 E-mail: tickets@MilwaukeeRep.com
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Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Phone Number
On days with performances, the Ticket Office will remain open until show time. Office Phone Number: 414-224-1761 Number: 414-224-9097 Address: Milwaukee Repertory Theater Patty & Jay Baker Theater Complex 108 E. Wells Street; Milwaukee, WI 53202
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2Of Mice And Men -
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3 - Of Mice and Men NOW THAT’S A RAVE REVIEW! AS A UPAF SMART CARD HOLDER YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF 15 LIVE PERFORMANCES AT 50% OFF. Own a piece of plastic with no interest rate and realize a return that will enrich your life. It’s the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) SMART CARD, sponsored by Associated Bank, and it’s yours with a $100 or more donation to UPAF, the single-largest donor to dozens of Southeastern Wisconsin’s world-class performing arts groups. The card o ers “two for one” or 50% discounts at each of UPAF’s 15 Member Groups. And nothing says a night out like a meal or nosh before or after the performance. We’ve made the SMART CARD even smarter by now o ering discounts at Milwaukee-area restaurants. TO LEARN MORE OR TO DONATE AND TAKE YOUR OWN CURTAIN CALL, VISIT www.UPAF.org. © 2015 United Performing Arts Fund, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved.

4Of Mice And MenMark Clements Chad Bauman Artistic Director Managing Director Presents January 19-February 21, 2016 Quadracci Powerhouse Co-Produced with Arizona Theatre Company David Ira Goldstein, Artistic Director Associate Producers Carol and Rob Manegold Jonathan Gillard Daly’s performance is sponsored by Pati and Jim Ericson James Pickering’s performance is sponsored by Linda and John Mellowes & Donna and Tony Meyer Of Mice And Men is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. A member of Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, an independent national labor union. ± Rep Associate Artist *Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Directed by Mark Clements Scenic Designer Todd Edward Ivins± Lighting Designer Jesse Klug Fight Choreographer Jamie Cheatham Casting Director JC Clementz Costume Designer Rachel Laritz Original Music and Sound Designer Joe Cerqua Associate Director Leda Hoffmann Stage Manager Richelle Harrington Calin* By John Steinbeck

5 - Of Mice and Men George Jonathan Wainwright* Lennie Scott Greer* Candy ................................................................................................................................ James Pickering*± Boss .........................................................................................................................Jonathan Gillard Daly*± Curley ..................................................................................................................................... Bernard Balbot* Curley’s Wife ........................................................................................................................ Kelley Faulkner* Slim ......................................................................................................................................... James Farrugio* Candy’s Dog ...........................................................................................................Hawkeye and Doolittle Carlson ....................................................................................................................... Sean Patrick Fawcett* Whit .............................................................................................................................................. Riley O’Toole Crooks ..................................................................................................................................... Chike Johnson* Assistant Director ....................................................................................................... Nabrashaa Nelson Assistant Stage Manager ........................................................................... Jennifer Lynn Anderson* Stage Management Resident................................................................................................ Rivka Kelly Of Mice and Men will be performed with one intermission. The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited. ± Rep Associate Artist * Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Jared Davis (George, Whit); Martin Hanna (Lennie, Carlson, Candy); Di’Monte Henning (Crooks); Riley James O’Toole (Slim, Curley, Boss); Bridgid Abrams (Curley’s Wife). Understudies never substituted for listed players unless a specific announcement is made prior to the performance. To the owner of Hawkeye – Jac R Amerell and the owner of Doolittle – Barbara Davies THE PRODUCTIONCAST SPECIALUNDERSTUDIESSUPPORTTHANKS NO MORE TRIPS TO THE CLEANERS! ZERO COST AND TIME EMPLOYEE COMPANY BENEFIT! Easy to start: • Just store Wolf’s supplied bags and order forms • Orders picked up and returned Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays • Billing sent to the employee’s home • Questions handled between employee and Wolf’s staff • All competitor coupons honored • 30% off all dry cleaning orders during the first month of service • Get started by calling 414-223-4078 or visiting www.wolfscleaners.com

6Of Mice And MenProduction Manager ............................................................................................................ Jared Clarkin Technical Director .................................................................................................................... Tyler Smith Properties Director..................................................................................................................... James Guy Charge Scenic Artist Jim Medved Costume Director Sara Seavey Lighting & Video Director .................................................................................................... Sean Nicholl Sound Director ............................................................................................................................. Erin Paige Interim Production Stage Manager ....................................................................... Kimberly Carolus Milwaukee Repertory Theater operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. The scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers in LORT Theatres are represented by United Scenic Artists, Local USA-829 of the IATSE and our stagehands and carpenters are members of Milwaukee Theatrical Stage Employees’ Union IATSE Local 18. The Rep is an equal opportunity employer. The Rep is proud to be a member of The United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF), which provides major annual financial support. PRODUCTION STAFF Sp o nso r ed by the Felician Sister s 414-649-288 8 It ’s a ne w ye a r, a nd for m a ny f a m i l ie s, it m ay b e t i me to s tar t the c onv e r s at ion ab out a s si s te d l iv i ng. I f you c a n no longer g ive you r love d one t he s upp or t t he y nee d , V i l l a S t . F r a nc i s c a n help pr ov ide t r ue p e ac e of m i nd . Care for the Whole Person

7 - Of Mice and Men

8Of Mice And Men -
Nine years later, I feel thrilled to be afforded another opportunity to direct this iconic piece of American literature with a new and equally terrific group of talented/dedicated actors, and creative artists who have put this production together with much love, care and attention, for which I extend my sincere gratitude. I sincerely hope that you find this performance, at least half as fruitful and satisfying, as we have all done so in making it.
Mark ArtisticClementsDirector
As always, thank you so much for your continued support of Milwaukee Rep.
Like many of us, I first encountered John Steinbeck’s Of Mice And Men at school. I was 13 years old, and on reflection, it was probably the first adult book I had ever read that truly resonated with me on a deeper and more emotional level. Coming from a respectable, British, middle class family I was at that time absolutely way too young, sheltered and naive to fully appreciate the vast context or central mechanism of this beloved and iconic American novel. I had very few plans, they weren’t best laid, and none of them had gone too badly awry thus far. So, at that particular time, I was clearly compelled, pre-occupied and absorbed by the unusual, amusing and often moving friendship of Lennie and George; two men, through sheer necessity, against the socio-political backdrop of the Great Depression, thrown together, yet so bound to each other in a relationship of codependency, that the whole universe of the story always had the potential to implode at any moment that they might be pulled apart. As an only child, and a somewhat shy one at that, I identified with, and was intrigued by this extraordinary and unique friendship, and definitely had just enough insight in that respect to appreciate and be affected by Steinbeck’s elegiac depiction of abject loneliness, longing, and isolation amongst his Inprotagonists. 2006,Iwas grateful to be invited by my close friend, Bernard Havard, the Artistic Director, of the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, to fulfill a long desired professional aspiration to direct a production of the play. We had a sensational cast, that included my good friend and terrific actor, Scott Greer, who reprises the role of Lenny here at The Rep, along with long term collaborator, scenic designer, Todd Ivins, who also recreates his beautiful work for the Quadracci Powerhouse Stage in tonight’s performance. Revisiting this beloved text years later as an adult, I was struck by Steinbeck’s brilliant, but simple observations of human need and desired connectivity, while arguably offering up one of the most elegant and erudite accounts of characters in search of the American Dream with all its innate fragility on full display. It is sadly, but prophetically true from the poem of Robbie Burns, that inspires the title of this play, that the “Best laid schemes O’ Mice and Men’ oft go awry”, and as we mature, we can assuredly feel this in deeper and darker ways as the years roll on. We reach for our dreams and open ourselves up in ways that expose us to the cruel reality of sometimes only realizing them fleetingly, or perhaps not at all. Of Mice And Men, is ultimately a harsh and cruel tale, but also one that can somehow inspire us to value or take consolation in our own pursuit and personal vision of the American Dream, and continue to dare us to dream that compulsive dream.

2015inappearedpreviouslyasStevieMilwaukeeRep’sproductionof Good People. Chicago credits include: You Can’t Take It With You (Northlight); She Loves Me (Writers’); A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the Parks, Short Shakespeare! Macbeth (Chicago Shakespeare); We Are Proud to Present a Presentation... (Victory Gardens); Rich and Famous (Jackalope); The Original Grease, Yeast Nation, It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play (American Theater Company) and A Christmas Carol (Drury Lane). Regional credits include: American Conservatory Theater, Asolo Rep, Utah Shakespeare Festival, Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre and Hangar Theatre. TV/Film: Chicago Fire/Warrior. Bernard is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama and NTI’s Moscow Art Theatre Program. Up next: Company directed by William Brown at Writers’ Theatre. Jonathan Gillard Daly, Boss Jonathan made his first appearance at The Rep twenty years ago, playing Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol. He joined the resident acting company in 1998, where some of his favorite roles included Jimmy in The Weir, Arkady in A Month in the Country, Nicky Giblin in The Seafarer, Donald in Half Life, and Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. Recent appearances at the Rep include Herr Schulz in Cabaret, Otto Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank, Elwood P. Dowd in Harvey, and Major Metcalf in The Mousetrap. Over the last two decades he has been pleased to appear in productions at other Milwaukee area theaters, including First Stage, Renaissance Theater, Next Act Theater, and Milwaukee Chamber Theater. Regional theatre credits include appearances with the Great River Shakespeare Festival, Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Utah Shakespeare Festival, American Players Theatre, Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Great Lakes Theater Festival, and PCPA Theaterfest. Jon is also a published playwright. His plays The Daly News and To The Promised Land have enjoyed local and national productions, and he is currently working on a one-man show exploring the life and work of Carl Sandburg. He lives in Milwaukee with his wife, Gale Childs Daly; they are proud parents of Samuel, a doctoral student at Columbia University and Emily, a first-year graduate student in the professional acting program at the University of California- Irvine.
James D. Farruggio, Slim James D. Farruggio is delighted to be working at Milwaukee Rep for the first time. Previous plays include: Of Mice and Men and To Kill a Mockingbird (Steppenwolf for Young Adults); Show Boat (The Lyric Opera of Chicago); Bethany; Streamers; Stop/Kiss; The Ruby Sunrise; Suicide, Incorporated; Northwest Highway; Oh, The Humanity (and other exclamations); Almost Maine, Vigils, and Broadsword as well as Ten.2012, Ten.2013, and Ten.2014 (The Gift Theatre); The Kentucky Cycle (Infamous Commonwealth Theatre); Stage Door (Griffin Theatre). Film and Television credits: Batman Dark Knight, The Beast, Prison Break, Crisis, Chicago PD and The Playboy Club. Kelley Faulkner, Curley’s Wife Kelley is thrilled, as always, to be back at The Rep. Previously at MRT: The Mousetrap, Harvey, Noises Off, Ragtime, The Diary of
10Of Mice And MenBernard Balbot, Curley Bernard

Sean Fawcett,Patrick Carlson Sean Patrick Fawcett is very excited to be working at Milwaukee Rep for the first time! Sean most recently appeared as Brian in Avenue Q at Mercury Theatre in Chicago. Other favorite theatre credits include Emerald City/First Stage, The Hypocrites, Timeline, A Red Orchid, Sans Culottes, New Leaf, Syracuse Stage, Collaboraction, and Mason Street Warehouse. Sean was briefly seen on NBC’s Chicago Fire choking during a botched children’s magic show. Sean’s excited to explore Milwaukee and escape winter to Arizona, but will miss his wife dearly, entrusting her to take care of the Chicago theatre scene while he is away. Scott Greer, Lennie Scott is thrilled to be making his Milwaukee Rep debut and grateful to return to this amazing play with Mark Clements. A 20 year veteran of Philadelphia theatre, he has worked for the Arden, 1812, Walnut, Wilma, Peoples Light, InterAct, Theatre Exile, Lantern Theatre Company and many more. Regionally, he has worked for Actors Theatre of Louisville, Round House, Cape May Stage, Gulfshore Playhouse, and the Pearl Theatre in New York. He has won five Barrymore Awards for Excellence in Theatre including the prestigious F. Otto Haas Award for an Emerging Theatre Artist. He was named 2014’s “Best Theatre Talent” by Philadelphia Magazine. Love always to Jen and Lily. Chike Johnson, Crooks Chike most recently appeared on the APT stage where he played Othello, Winston and Pistol. He was in Milwaukee Rep’s production of Raisin in the Sun. His New York credits, Broadway; A Time To Kill and Manhattan Theatre Club’s Wit. Off Broadway; Lost In The Stars produced by New York City Center’s Encores! and Ruined co produced by the Manhattan Theatre Club and The Goodman Theatre. Chicago credits include: The Goodman’s Meet Vera Stark, Sizwe Banzi is Dead and The Crucible at Court Theatre, The Unmentionables and Huck Finn at Steppenwolf, A Christmas Carol - 16 Theatre Company. Other Regional credits include a revival of The Unmentionables at Yale Repertory Theatre; Lincoln in Topdog/ Underdog at Renaissance Theaterworks; Duke of Cornwall in King Lear at Milwaukee Repertory Theater; Cephus Miles in Home at In Tandem Theatre; Willie in Master Harold and the boys at Milwaukee Chamber Theatre; and Martin Luther King, Jr. in Smoldering Fires at First Stage Children’s Theater. Some of Mr. Johnson’s film credits include Friends with Benefits, Sleep walk with Me, The Machinist and his television credits include; Law & Order, Girls, Veep and Prison Break. Riley O’Toole, Whit Riley is originally from Sacramento, CA. This past May, he received his BFA in Acting from the
Anne Frank, Cabaret, Always...Patsy Cline, Assassins, A Christmas Carol, and The History of Invulnerability. Regional: Proof ( Theatre Fest), Oliver! and State Fair (Walnut Street Theatre), All Shook Up (Fireside Theatre). National Tour: Big. She can be seen/heard in numerous commercials, industrials, and voice overs. BFA in Acting from Montclair State University. Kelley is a native New Yorker by way of Philadelphia and now happily resides in Milwaukee. Proud mem ber of Actor’s Equity, as well as the Pro99 movement to save intimate theatre in Los Angeles.

Of Men -
Wainwright,Jonathan George Jonathan is thankful and excited to step into this classic story. Having just completed his fourth season as Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol, he’s also been seen at Milwaukee Rep as Roderigo in Othello, and Doalty in Translations. In the last year he’s worked opposite his wife Laura Gray in Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s The Good Father, played Caliban and Mercutio in Door Shakespeare’s productions of The Tempest and Romeo and Juliet, and played Bartlett in Next Act’s production of Back Of The Throat. Other favorite roles include Bobby in Coyote On A Fence, Cliff in Sideman, and Sloan in Entertaining Mister Sloane. He’s thankful to Mark and The Rep, and for his wife and Creativefamily.Team
Mice And
University of Minnesota/ Guthrie Theater BFA Actor Training Program. He has loved getting to know audiences throughout the Midwest over the past few summers, and has performed at The Guthrie Theater, Great River Shakespeare Festival, and St. Croix Festival Theatre. Riley is thrilled to be spending the year in Milwaukee, and looks forward to getting to know the Rep community.
James Pickering, Candy Jim’s appearance in Of Mice and Men marks the 42nd season in which he has acted at Milwaukee Rep. Last year he played Dr. Chumley in Harvey. Favorite roles here include Richard Harkin in The Seafarer, Niels Bohr in Copenhagen, Walter Burns in The Front Page, Mr. Voysey in The Voysey Inheritance, and Ebenezer Scrooge in 14 iterations of A Christmas Carol, during which he performed the role 450 times. Recently he was seen as Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet at Door Shakespeare where he will direct Julius Caesar next summer. In recent seasons at American Players Theatre he played Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing, Shamraev in The Seagull, and The Ghost/ Player King/Gravedigger in Hamlet. In Milwaukee he was seen as Pozdynyshev, the sole character, in The Kreutzer Sonata at Renaissance TheatreWorks, and as The Man in Love Stories at Milwaukee Chamber Theatre. He is a former trustee at Ten Chimneys, a former Milwaukee Outstanding Artist, and, as a voice-talent (his other vocation), narrator of the Emmy Award-winning The Making of Milwaukee. He lives in Bay View with his wife, actress Tami Workentin, his stepsons, Jonah and Edan Ness, and their dogs, Joxer and Frankie.
Arizona Theatre Company, Co Producer Arizona Theatre Company, the State The atre of Arizona, is the leading professional theatre in Arizona and the only resident company in the United States with a twocity operation. Now in its 47th season, over 150,000 people a year attend its perfor mances at the historic Temple of Music and Art in Tucson and the state-of-the-art Herberger Theater Center in downtown Phoenix. Each season reflects the rich variety of world drama from classics to contemporary plays, from musicals to new works – along with a wide array of out reach programs, educational opportunities, access initiatives, and new play programs. Previous co-production with Milwaukee Repertory Theatre: Blues for an Alabama Sky and Five Presidents.

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Todd Edward Ivins, Scenic Designer Todd loves to tell stories through design. He is happy to return to The Rep; is a Rep Associate Artist & has designed scenery for Dreamgirls, Five Presidents, The Color Purple, The History of Invulnerability, Ragtime, Clybourne Park, Assassins, Next to Normal, and both scenery & costumes for Cabaret & Othello. Other favorites: Mirror Mirror (Milwaukee Ballet), Illusionists 1903 (Brisbane QPAC, Australia) Les Miserables (Walnut Street Theatre), Into the Woods (5th Avenue Theatre), Bright Lights, Big City (Prince Music Theatre), Rent (Engeman Theater), The Happy Time (Signature Theatre), Of Mice and Men, Godspell, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Oliver, Rent, Man of La Mancha, Hair, & Tiny Dancer. Off-Broadway Favorites: The Milliner, Fathers & Sons, Time of Your Life, Our God’s Brother, The Jeweler’s Shop, Linnea, House of Desires, Salvage Shop, The Last Starfighter: the musical, A Majority of One, Squatters, and Deathclaw 7. Upcoming Milwaukee productions include a premiere of Dorian Gray at the Milwaukee Ballet. Todd designs scenery, projections, and costumes. His work spans dance, opera, plays, musicals, corporate events, and newsrooms, ranging from intimate events to arenas. Love to my muses: my daughter Agatha and wife Abigail Trueblood. Todd’s online portfolio can be seen at www. ivinsart.com. Rachel Laritz, Costume Designer Rachel is happy to be joining The Rep for the 26th time, including this season’s The Mousetrap. Off-Broadway credits: Pearl Theatre. Regional theater credits: Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, Steppenwolf First Look, Northlight, American Players Theatre, Kansas City Rep, Writers, Utah
Mark Clements, Director Mark began his tenure as Milwaukee Rep’s Artistic Director with the 2010/11 Season. He is an award-winning international theater director whose work has appeared in over 100 major theaters throughout Europe and the United States.
Recent productions include: Dreamgirls, Five Presidents, The Color Purple, The History of Invulnerability, End of the Rainbow, Ragtime, Clybourne Park, Assassins,Othello, Next to Normal, Death of a Salesman, Bombshells and Cabaret at The Rep; Oliver!, Born Yesterday, Great Expectations, Les Misérables (2008 Barrymore Award – Best Production of a Musical) and Of Mice and Men (2007 Barrymore Award Best Director and Best Productionof a Play), all for Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia; The Milliner (Off-Broadway, World Premiere), CSC, New York; My Fair Lady, Copenhagen; The Browning Version (Barclays/TMA Regional Theatre Award) at Derby Playhouse and Blunt Speaking (World Premiere), Chichester Festival Theatre U.K. and Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York. Other productions include: Speaking in Tongues (U.S. Premiere), Roundabout Theatre Company; Speaking in Tongues (European Premiere; Barclays/TMA Best Director Nomination), Hampstead Theatre, London; Creator/Director – Soul Train, West End and three U.K. national tours; and the U.K. national tours of The Glass Menagerie, The Gingerbread Lady and Love & Marriage, all for Bath Theatre Royal productions. Mark served as an Associate Artistic Director for Moving Theatre Company, the production company founded by Vanessa and Corin Redgrave. He has also been Associate Director for New End Theatre and New Players Theatre, both in London, Royal Theatre in Northampton and Torch Theatre in Wales. Additionally, Mark served as Artistic Director of the award-winning Derby Playhouse in the U.K. from 1992 to 2002. He serves on the National Advisory Board for the Lunt-Fontanne Fellowship Program at Ten Chimneys.

Jesse Klug, Lighting Designer Jesse Klug is originally from Portland, Oregon. He now resides in Chicago, Illinois with his wife Sara. He has been an active member of the Chicago theatre community since arriving there in 2001. A proud member of United Scenic Artist Local 829. He designed the national tour of The Screwtape Letters. Off Broadway Mr. Klug has worked at the Westside Arts Theatre, Second Stage Theatre where he designed last years critically acclaimed production of Kristoffer Diaz’ The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity (for which he received a Lortel and Hewes nomination), The Guggenheim Museum, and The New York Music Theatre Festival. Regionally credits include the Goodman Theatre, Milwaukee Repertory, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Northlight Theatre, Geffen Theatre, The Shakespeare Theatre Company, Marriott Lincolnshire Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare, Drury Lane Oakbrook where he serves a resident lighting designer, Victory Gardens, Lookingglass Theatre, Writers Theatre, Fulton Theatre, Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble, Paramount Theatre, Boars Head Theatre, American Theatre Company, Shakespeare Theatre Company, Fox Valley Repertory, Chicago Dramatist, Timeline Theatre Company, as well as Route 66 Theatre and Chicago Tap Theatre where he also serves as resident lighting designer. He has been honored to receive a Chicago After Dark and Joseph Jefferson Award as well as 9 Jeff nominations.
15 - Of Mice and Men Shakespeare Festival, Actors Theatre Louisville, Illinois Shakespeare, Court, Next Act, Peninsula Players, Remy Bumppo, Timeline, Milwaukee Chamber, Renaissance Theaterworks, Skylight Music Theatre, Children’s Theatre Madison and University of Michigan. Other professional credits: NBC’S Law & Order, Chicago Opera Theatre, and Garsington Opera. Rachel is a recipient of a 2011 Emerging Artist Award from the University of Michigan and a 2009 Jeff Award for The Voysey Inheritance. www.rachellaritz.com
Recent projects include music and sound designs for The RainMaker at American Blues Theater, Dear Elizabeth at Milwaukee Chamber, The Time of Our Life at the Artistic Home, The Miracle Worker at the Clarence Brown Theater, Silent Sky, The Other Place, Vanya and Masha and Sonya and Mike at Forward Theatre, and Amelia at Renaissance Theaterworks. He has composed music and/or designed sound for over 200 productions in Chicago, nationally, and internationally.
Joe Cerqua, Original Music and Sound Designer Joe is a freelance composer, producer, vocalist and sound designer. He is thrilled to return to the Rep after composing music and sound for Good People and Venus in Fur.
Other recent projects include original music and sound design for Private Lives, Seascape, The Seagull, American Buffalo, Two Gentlemen from Verona and The Royal Family at American Players Theatre, Our Class at Remy Bumppo, Paradise Drag and Leap Year at Shakespeare and Co., American Buffalo at Kansas City Rep, A Midsummer’s Nights Dream at IRT, Tom Jones and Sense and Sensibility at Actors Theatre of Louisville, The Repertory Theatre of St Louis and Northlight, and El Nogalar at the Goodman Theatre. Steppenwolf credits include original music and sound for Homebody/Kabul, The Fall to Earth, Wedding Band, Royal Family, Uncle Vanya, David Copperfield, and Sideman. His scores and designs forSideman, Homebody/ Kabul, How I Learned to Drive, The Laramie Project, Broken Glass, and Master Class have all enjoyed national tours. Joe is the Producing Director/Composer in residence for the Cerqua Rivera Dance Theatre, a critically acclaimed 13-piece jazz orchestra and 10-member dance company. He is the Director of Production for the Music Department at Columbia College Chicago.
Leda Hoffmann, Associate Director Leda is Milwaukee Rep’s Director of Community Engagement. Leda’s directing credits include The Amish Project at Milwaukee Rep, The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, and The Comedy of Errors at Door Shakespeare, Phaedra’s Love at World’s Stage, The Chairs and King Lear at the Alchemist Theater, Birth Witches at Riverside Theatre, and The Penelopiad at Luminous Theatre.
16Of Mice And MenFuture projects include concerts with Cerqua Rivera, original music and sound designs for The Flick and Mr. Burns at Forward Theatre, and The Ideal Husband and Richard at American Players Theatre.
Jamie is a nationally recognized Fight Director and Certified Teacher with the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD). Before moving to Wisconsin in 2003, he was based in New York City as a fight director, teacher and actor. He is happy to return to the Rep after working on Noises Off, The Color Purple, End of the Rainbow, The History of Invulnerability and after all the terrible things I do. His fight work includes such theatres as the New York Shakespeare Festival (NYC), NYC Opera, the Alley Theatre (TX), Actor’s Theatre of Louisville (KY), Illinois Shakespeare and the Milwaukee Ballet. Jamie is proud to be the new head of acting at Marquette University.
Richelle Harrington Calin, Stage Manager Richelle has been with Milwaukee Rep since 2004. Milwaukee Rep credits include: Bach at Leipzig, The Clean House, Intimate Apparel, Gem of the Ocean, A Christmas Carol, The Voysey Inheritance, Life Could Be a Dream, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Night is a Child, I Am My Own Wife, Greater Tuna, Pride and Prejudice, Shear Madness, The Lady with All the Answers, Yankee Tavern, Route 66, Cabaret, Bombshells, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Yellowman, Othello, The Mountaintop, How the World Began, Venus
Jamie Cheatham, Fight Director
Upcoming: Censored on Final Approach at Renaissance Theaterworks and Hamlet at Illinois Shakespeare Festival. Nabrashaa Nelson, Assistant Director Nabrashaa received her degree in Theatre Arts, Directing and a minor in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. At The Rep, she served as Assistant Director for Back Home Again: On the Road with John Denver and A Christmas Carol. Directing credits include Hamlet’s First Quarto, The Other Woman, Degas C’est Moi, The Vagina Monologues, and devised and studentwritten work. Professional credits include Santa Cruz Shakespeare as Directing Intern for The Liar and the Denver Center for the Performing Arts as Assistant Director for Appoggiatura. This is her premiere season position at a regional theatre. JC Clementz, Casting Director JC is the Artistic Associate: Casting Director & Director of the Emerging Professional Residency now in his fifth season with Milwaukee Repertory Theater. In addition to casting over 25 productions here, JC directed last season’s The Doyle and Debbie Show as well as Forever Plaid in the Stackner Cabaret. Next up, he will be directing Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike for Milwaukee Chamber Theatre. Prior to his time in Milwaukee, JC traveled throughout Europe as the Assistant Stage Manager for New York Harlem Productions’ international tour of Porgy and Bess, and spent four summers working at Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts in the mountains of Colorado. JC holds an MFA in Directing from Western Illinois University.
Leda is a proud graduate of Grinnell College and member of Lincoln Center Directors Lab 2012.
17 - Of Mice and Men in Fur, End of the Rainbow, Ain’t Misbehavin’, after all the terrible things I do, The Beautiful Music All Around Us and Five Presidents.
Richelle most recently enjoyed stage managing the hit production of Back Home Again: On the Road with John Denver in Milwaukee Rep’s Stackner Cabaret.
Chad Bauman, Managing Director Chad Bauman was appointed Milwaukee Rep’s Previously,DirectorManagingin2013.heworked
at Arena Stage since 2007 and was instrumental in the 2010 opening of the Mead Center for American Theater, the largest performing arts center to open in the nation’s capital since the Kennedy Center. While at Arena Stage, he more than doubled earned revenue, reversed a decline in subscriptions by almost doubling the base, and shattered several company sales records that dated back almost 60 years. Besides his marketing acumen, he has considerable experience in business and strategic planning, operations and fundraising, as well as facilities management and information systems. Prior to Arena Stage, he was Director of Marketing and Communications for Americans for the Arts as well as at Virginia Stage Company in Norfolk, VA. He is a frequent speaker and consultant to theater groups, with past clients that include the Pew Charitable Trust, Carnegie Hall, EmcArts Innovation Labs, Arts & Business Council and Americans for the Arts. He serves as an adjunct professor at American University in Washington, D.C. and at Drexel University in Philadelphia. In addition to teaching, he is currently a Board member of the Contemporary American Theater Festival and sits on the advisory board of ArtsMarketing.org.
Jennifer Lynn Anderson, Assistant Stage Manager Jen is very excited to return to The Rep for the 2015/2016 season. Previously at The Rep: Good People, The Color Purple, An Iliad, End of the Rainbow, Noises Off, From My Hometown. Other Credits: The Guthrie, Renaissance Theaterworks, Skylight Music Theatre, Tuacahn Center For the Arts and Milwaukee Chamber Theatre. Many thanks to her friends and family for all their love and support. Jen is a proud member of Actor’s Equity. Rivka Kelly, Stage Management Resident Rivka, from the San Francisco Bay Area, is excited to join the stage management team at Milwaukee Rep for the 15-16 season. Her previous work in the bay includes Sweeney Todd and Peter and the Starcatcher with Theatreworks, This Golden State with Magic Theatre, and The Magic Flute with San Francisco Opera Summer Conservatory. Other experience includes Time Stands Still with Vermont Stage Company, The Arabian Nights, The Mousetrap, and others with Royall Tyler Theatre. She graduated from the University of Vermont with a BA in theatre and business administration. She’s thankful for the opportunities and the many friends and mentors she’s finding at The Rep.
Bauman earned a Master of Fine Arts in producing and theater management from the California Institute of the Arts after earning a Bachelor of Science in speech and theater education from Missouri State University.

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19 - Of Mice and Men

20Of Mice And Men255 S. Water St. | Milwaukee, WI 53204 | 414.278.0765 | nextact.org In 1992 Los Angeles burst into chaos as reaction to the Rodney King trial swept the city. Out of the need to understand and heal, the author has captured the stirring testimony of dozens of witnesses and participants. Twenty four years later, this brilliantly diverse kaleidoscope of personal testimony resounds with current times. January 28 - February 21, 2016 by Anna Deavere Smith AplayforthewholeCommunity—tomaketheCommunitywhole.

21 - Of Mice and Men ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Mark Clements ARTISTIC Associate Artistic Director & Director of New Play Development Brent Hazelton Artistic Associate: Casting Director & Director of the Emerging Professional Residency Program ..JC Clementz Artistic Administrator...................................... Dylan K. Sladky COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Director of Community Engagement ...... Leda Hoffmann EDUCATION Education Director Jenny Toutant Education Assistant Hope Parow Education Coordinator Kelsey Ingle Resident Teaching Artist Dena Roncone Full-Time Education Resident Amanda Garrigan Teaching Artists Justin Almquist Hayley Cotton, Grace Hern, Lindsey Hoel-Neds, Marcella Kearns, Joshua Krause, Samantha Martinson, Angel Mullen, Joshua Pohja ASSOCIATE ARTISTS May Adrales (Director), Ayad Akhtar (Playwright), Jonathan Gillard Daly (Actor), Timothy Douglas (Director), Lee E. Ernst (Actor), Laura Gordon (Actor/Director), Angela Iannone (Actor), Todd Edward Ivins, (Scenic and Costume Designer), Dan Kazemi (Composer/Musician), Marc Kudisch (Actor), Reese Madigan (Actor), Jeff Nellis (Lighting Designer), Gerard Neugent (Actor), James Pickering (Actor), Aaron Posner (Director), Todd Rosenthal (Scenic Designer), Eric Simonson (Director/Playwright), Lindsay Smiling (Actor), Deborah Staples (Actor), John Tanner (Composer/Musician) PRODUCTION Production Manager ............................................ Jared Clarkin Assistant Production Manager Kaitlyn Anderson Costumes Costume Director Sara Seavey Costume Shop Assistant Amy Horst Design Assistant/Shopper Jennifer Vinent Senior Draper Alexander B. Tecoma Draper April McKinnis Tailor.............................................................................. Jef Ouwens First Hand .......................................................... Jessica H. Jaeger Junior First Hand ................................................... Leslie Vaglica Stitcher ........................................................................... Carol Ross Crafts Master ......................................................... Andrea Bouck Wig Master & Make-up Supervisor........ Lara Leigh Dalbey Wardrobe Head ........................................................ Cassie Head Costume Intern Jane Reichard Wardrobe Intern Adina Wells Stylist Kevin McElroy, Robert Laurence Studio Lighting & Sound Lighting and Video Director Sean Nicholl Sound Director Erin Paige Production Intern ............................................... Danielle Davis Assistant Lighting Design Intern ............... Aaron Lichamer Props Properties Director.................................................... James Guy Soft Props Artisan ...................................Margaret Hasek-Guy Props Carpenter/Artisan Erik Lindquist Prop Painter/Graphic Artist Katie Andrew Props Craft Artisan Kathryn Dunham Props Craft Artisan Kevin Grab Scenic Technical Director Tyler Smith Assistant Technical Director Elizabeth Winchester Technical Direction Apprentice ............. Samantha Gollach Charge Scenic Artist .............................................. Jim Medved Lead Scenic Artist ............................................. Shannon Mann Scenic Artist .................................................... Nerissa Eichinger Production Purchaser ...................................... Peter J. Koenig Assistant Stagehand ............. Miriam Gonzalez-Hernandez Stage Management Interim Production Stage Manager Kimberly Carolus Stage Managers Richelle Harrington Calin, Sarah Deming-Henes, Dan Hanson, Mark Johnson, Anne M. Jude, Rebecca Lindsey, Tony Poston, Kimberly Carolus Stage Management Apprentice Audra Kuchling Stage InternsManagement.......................................... Rivka Kelly, Miriam Michaels Resident Stagehands & Carpenters Bill Burgardt, Steve Gillingham, Rick Grilli, Dave Hicks, John Nusslock, Jason Pruzin, Robert Schultz, Jim Zinky MILWAUKEE REPERTORY THEATER STAFF
22Of Mice And MenMANAGING DIRECTOR Chad Bauman ADMINISTRATION General Manager Melissa Vartanian-Mikaelian Assistant General Manager/Company Manager Cat Tries Administrative Assistant .............................Katherine Simon Management Assistant ................................. Mikayla Durkee Receptionists......................................... Andrea Roades-Bruss, Michael Evans, Jack Guy, Grace DeWolff, Magdelyn Monahan, Abigail Thompson, Amanda Garrigan DEVELOPMENT Director of Development Marina S. Krejci Director of Annual Giving Amy Dorman Associate Director of Annual Giving Stephanie O’Connor Director of Major and Planned Giving Chuck Rozewicz Development Events Manager Shannon Theiss Development Database Manager........................................................... Nicholas Pjevach Development Intern ......... Ellie O’Neal, Megan Maikowski FINANCE Finance Director.............................................Leslie Fillingham Payroll/Benefits Specialist ..................................... Lori Weber Accounting Associate James Kaplan Accounting Assistant Mattie Voorheis MAINTENANCE Chief Building Engineer Mark A. Uhrman Engineers Todd Ross, Rob Lininger Part-Time Engineers Jack Guy, Riley Padron MARKETING Director of Marketing & Communications ...... Lisa Fulton Associate Director of Marketing, Sales ......... Jeremy Scott Audience Development & Marketing Manager ..................................................Joy Surber Group Sales Coordinator ........................ Morgan Halverson Marketing Coordinator William R. Loder Graphic Designers Eric Reda, Benton Melbourne Photographer Michael Brosilow Audience Services Audience Services Manager Rachel Richter Audience Service Representatives Jessica Betts, Corinne Butler, Hayley Cotton, David Dziatkiewicz, Michael Kielczewski, Jennifer Latimore, Johnell Major-Wesley, Christian O’Connor, Laura Richard, Lillian Schley, Colleen Schulz, Emily Strohmenger Digital Content & Media Relations Digital Content Manager Austin Bean Publicist Jake Voss House Operations Front of House Operations Manager Joshua Handirch Concierge/Gift Shop Associates Hannah Esch, Israel Gonzalez, Alex Herrmann, Stephanie Schultz, HartAaronSinterhauf,Suggs House Managers ...................... Kyla Tully, Jamie Ziolkowski STACKNER CABARET Stackner and Concessions Manager Matthew Flannery Chef Clifford Hull Cabaret Staff Michael Anderson, Adam Beadel, Michael Beyer, Kathleen Borchardt, Charles Donnell, Ashley Ellingson, Darian Emerson, Maddy Ernst, Jamie Flannery, Caitlin Hagness, Tanya Haynes, Matt Hermann, Mariel Hildebrand, Vinnie Ingrilli, Ben Jakus, Meghan Johnson, Caitlin Lux, Angela Orlando, Olivia Passow, Jim Passow, Claire Rydzik, Amanda Sayeg, Diane Schingeck, Kari Schlottke, Rayne Schwantes, Sunny Sisavangone, Noah Sugarman, Lucy Vang, Mary Vang, Charles Wallace, Sheldon Walker, Odell White. MILWAUKEE REPERTORY THEATER STAFF MISSION.MAKEISPERFORMANCEYOURLIFE.ITYOUR Find out how: stritch.edu/performingarts

23 - Of Mice and Men OFFICERS President James E. Braza Vice President, Development Stacy P. Williams Treasurer Patrick Gallagher President Elect Edward Seaberg Vice President, Trustees Gregory C. Oberland Secretary Catherine Robinson At Large Matt Bartel Robert H. Manegold Immediate Past President Judy Hansen TRUSTEES Patsy Aster Mark Benskin Wendy W. JohnStephenMarkMelanieBlumenthalBoothWarrenBulioxJaneChernofJ.DilibertiRobertH.DuffyA.GigotCeciliaGilbertJohnGreeneJohnHalechkoPeteHotzHunzinger,P.E.StephenIsaacsonJ.PatrickKeyesKristineLuedersRandallMcKennieLeslieMeisnerDwightL.MorganAbigailJ.NashDr.MarkNiedfeldtShelleyPaxton Harry Richard Quadracci Ewens Micky Sadoff Aileen StephenPatrickSmith*SmithVanderBloemenNicholasP.WahlHowardWilliams*ex-officio OFFICERS President Aileen Smith Vice President, Fundraising Cathy Jakicic Vice President, External Services Melita Biese Vice President, Internal Services Jane Foster Secretary Erin Burgess Treasurer Jim Mergener Past President Daniel C. Roskom DIRECTORS AT LARGE Terry Bell Karen Dean Mimi Nolan Dan Reszel Kris Schmidt LauraCraig TerrySchuetzlerSutterWarnecke MILWAUKEE REPERTORY THEATER BOARD OF TRUSTEES FRIENDS OF THE REP BOARD
24Of Mice And MenRichard A. Abdoo Patsy WilliamConradDavidSusanAnneCeciliaGaryLloydLisaPatrickAnnTimothyByronDavidRobertDr.SusanJamesThomasLaurieStephenRobertJoyceGeorgeJohnWilliamKarenDannyMichelleJohnPaulKristineAlanJoyceMarilynWilliamConstanceT.WendyGerryKatharineJayJamesAsterBaillonBakerBanzhafBiehlW.BlumenthalMichaelBolgerBowmanB.BoydBradleyBroanG.BrownClearyCounsellCrichtonCrockettCunninghamDeanDeLindDillonA.DionisopoulosDreyfusDyeEinhornEisemanR.EllisD.EricsonEsslingerWalterC.Farrell,Jr.FeitlerFleckFosterC.FrautschiGallagherGallagherGehrkeA.GerlachGiesemannGilbertGimbelG.GodfreyM.GoelzerGoodkindHaberman Judy DonnaRichardSandraMichaelVenoraPattiRandallBarbaraE.PatrickVincentLarryJanetAudreyRobertSusanMarianneDavidPhoebeJamesArthurDavidMarkFrankJohnJ.StevenLarryJudyBenNormanNagleGwenJanetPeteRandallRichardJohnJohnJacquelineJillAnneEdwardElizabethHansenQuadracci-HarnedT.HashekM.HazelwoodHeavenrichHerd-BarberHeveyHolbrookHolscherL.HothHotzHumeT.JacksonJacksonJacobsE.JohnsonJorgensenJostKentPatrickKeyesKordsmeierKrejciKultgenKundertJ.LaskinLaVelleLewisJ.LubarLubarLuegerH.ManegoldMannMartinMartinMartinC.McAllisterBartlettMcCownJ.McCroryMcElrathBrashMcKeithanMcKinneyMcNeelyMcSweeneyMeeusenMeyer Douglas Mickelson Greg D. Miller Mark A. Miller Wally Morics Pat AndyCharlesKarinJackRobertKentJosephReneeSeanJohnSallyRobertJohnMaryMargaretAnneBrianBrendaStevenTomJamesJoeCatherineMasonPeggyDarleneAllenDr.KristineDavidCaranPennyAnthonyElaineSandiTonenPaulaRobertMoscheaW.MulcahyNorton(Sara)O’ConnorPerlsteinN.PetersonPetulloE.PodellQuadracciF.RadtkeRappeJohnE.RidleyN.RieselbachRoseRoseG.RossRynkiewiczSchlidtSchloemerScrivnerM.SingerSkeltonJ.StarkStrattonStrattonW.JohnSullivanSyburgTaylorTolanTorinusTorinusTysonE.Uihlein,Jr.VeldeWelkeH.WernerWernerWillseyZiegler T. Michael Bolger Joyce Broan Lloyd A. Gerlach Judy JacquelineHansenHerd-Barber Larry Jost John L. RobertSusanFrankKordsmeierKrejciA.LuegerH.Manegold Vincent L. Martin Patricia Brash McKeithan Donna Meyer W. Kent Velde MILWAUKEE REPERTORY THEATER HONORARY TRUSTEES PRESIDENTS’ COUNCIL
25 - Of Mice and Men THANK YOU to our donors who help The Rep create live theater at its best! The following list represents organizations and individuals who have made a cumulative financial contribution of $250 or more between December 22, 2014 – December 21, 2015. For a complete list of all our supporters, please visit www.MilwaukeeRep.com. Corporation, Foundation and Government Donors $1 million + United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) $100,000 – $999,999 The Lynde and Harry Bradley ShubertHerzfeldFoundationFoundationFoundation $50,000 – $99,999 Greater Milwaukee Foundation Northwestern Mutual David and Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo $25,000 – $49,999 Associated Bank Bader Philanthropies BMO Private Bank TheCAMPACFriends of The Rep Milwaukee Public Schools Patty and Jay Baker Foundation Rockwell Automation $10,000 – $24,999 Briggs & Stratton Corporation Foundation, Inc. CT Charitable Fund Edward U. Demmer Foundation Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trusts Einhorn Family Foundation Fiduciary Management, Inc. Godfrey & Kahn Grace Harley-DavidsonMatthews Foundation Frieda & William Hunt Memorial Kohl’sTrust Marcus Corporation Foundation WE Energies Foundation Wisconsin Arts Board $1,000 – $9,999 Badger Meter, Inc. Brewers Community Foundation Burke WeycoVISITTheU.S.RobertQuarlesCharlesMilwaukeeMichaelManpowerGroupTheCamilleKPMGJohnsonDorothyHighEvanGonzalezGeneracTheFoleyRalphEdgertonDirectDavisCreamPropertiesCityFoundation&KuelthauSCSupplyFoundationEvinrudeFoundation&LardnerLLPGardnerFoundationSaggio&HarlanLLP&MarionHelfaerFoundationPointFundInbuschFoundationControlsLLPA.LonstorfTrustMaihaugenFoundationBest&FriedrichLLPArtsBoardD.OrtgiesenFoundation&BradyLLPW.BairdBankVanderBloemenGroupLLCMilwaukeeGroup $100 – $999 Actors’ Equity Foundation, Inc. AllianceStaff, LLC The Brookby Foundation Grafton Equestrian Center Participants in the Matching Gift Program AT&TAmazonSmileFoundation Matching Gift BucyrusCenterFoundation, Inc. GeneralGEExxonChevronMobilHealthcareElectric Foundation IBM IllinoisCorporationToolWorks Foundation Johnson Controls Foundation PfizerMicrosoftMedtronicFoundation Matching Gifts WellsWeVentureTheU.S.ThomasSPXRockwellRobertReader’sProgramDigestFoundationWBairdAutomationCorp.MatchingGiftProgramCorporationFoundationReutersBankVanderBloemenGroupLLCInvestorsLLCEnergiesFoundationFargo Restaurant In-Kind Donors Agave Southwestern Bar and Mader’sGrill German Restaurant The Rep welcomes gifts of securities and stocks, or estate and planned gifts. If you plan to make such a gift, please notify the Development Department at 414-290-5366 so we can properly credit and acknowledge your generosity. 2015/16 DONORS
($50,000 and (2) and Julia Burns
Barbara Grove
Randal and Mary Lynn
Craig and Mara Swan Ronald HowardThrashandMernie Williams Stacy and Blair Williams Assistant ($2,500-$4,999)Director RichardAnonymousand Sara Aster
Leslie and Steve Meisner
Anthony and Andrea Bryant Family Fund Norman and Lucy Cohn Family Fund
Judy CarolHansenandRob Manegold
Sandy and PeterSuzyDr.DionisopoulosGeorgeEricDurantB.EttingerFooteandRobin
Keyes Family
James E and Mary K Braza Greg and Rhonda Oberland ($10,000-$24,999)Producer Jacqueline Herd-Barber and Michael Barber Steven and Melanie Booth
Wendy and Warren Blumenthal
Mr. Stephen and Dr. Valerie PeterGigotand Elizabeth Gottsacker
Ed Seaberg and Patrick Smith
John and Tameica Greene
Gary and Connie Bakker
JoDonnaDunleavyandDonaldBaumgartnerAnnandRichard Beightol
Judy Van Till
Tim Kraetsch and Mike Wavra
Kristine and Wayne Lueders
John and Sue Harrits
Margaret Dethloff
Paul McElwee and Gayle JohnRosemannandLinda Mellowes
26Of Mice And MenIndividual Giving
Stephanie and Randall
David and Camille Kundert
Susan and Gee Esslinger
Joan and Dick Abdoo
2015/16 DONORS
The Marianne and Sheldon Lubar Fund of the Lubar Family Foundation
John J. Halechko and Marc
John and Constance Kordsmeier
Jeffrey and Jacqueline Jahnke
Ruth DeYoung Kohler
Bob RichardBartheland Diana Barthel
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
RobertElaineBrotherhoodBurkeandCarolyn Burrell
Patrick D. Gallagher
Mark and Karen Bitzan
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Camitta
John and Marci Hunzinger
Peter Emch Jim and Pati Ericson
Vivian DwightMollerandMarleen Morgan Abigail and David Nash Drs. Mark and Jennifer Niedfeldt
Vince and Jan Martin
Robert and Susan Lueger
RichardMcKennieandMaribeth Meeusen
Dr. Carla H. Hay Henry and Margery Howard
PeterLelandCollettiHansenandLinda Hotz
Richard Grunke and William Grasch
Suzanne and Michael Hupy
Sally and Nic Wahl
Donna and Tony Meyer Foundation Fund
Mark and Gerry Biehl
Sue KathyD’AlessioandJim Daly
Anonymous (2)
Dewey J. Caton and Patrick W. JaneSchmidtandStephen Chernof Thomas J and Deborah W AmyDegnanandMark Diliberti
Stephen and Roberta Isaacson
Fran and Lowell Adams
John and Carol Bannen
up) Anonymous
Heidi Maetzold Dr. Brent and Susan Martin
Keith and Jane Nosbusch Shelley GordanaPaxtonandMilan Racic Jay and Anne Schamberg
Aaron and Christy Jagdfeld
Helen and Bruce Ambuel
Timothy and Kathleen Carr Mark Clements and Kelley JamesFaulknerandRosemary Dolan Bob and Teri Duffy
Daniel and Amy Argall
Eliza Meyer Audley Roberta and Bruce Boczkiewicz
Producer ($25,000-$49,999)
James Cauley and Brenda ChrisAndrewsandJudi Collins
Patty and Larry Compton
Director ($5,000-$9,999) Partnership Matt Bartel Mark and Victoria Benskin
Judith A. Keyes Family Fund
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Judy and Gary Jorgensen
Michael and Nancy Carter
Katherine and William Biersach
Chad Bauman and Justin
Marina and Frank Krejci Billie and Dr. Michael Kubly
Sandra and Russell Dagon
David B. Carter
H. Richard Quadracci Ewens and Emilio Cabrera Buddy and Catherine Robinson
Wilson Byron and Suzanne Foster
Marsi Black
Bob and Jan Montgomery
Jim and Lisa Borris
Bruce and Kathi Campbell
Jill and Frits Broekhuizen
Ralph H. Bielenberg
The Margaret and Lauren Charous Charitable Fund
JB Heminway Wells
Tom and Marcia Flanagan
Paul and Amy Kolo Christine Krause
Betty and Peter Sommerhauser
Richard S. and Ann L. Gallagher
Susan and Raymond Kehm
Anne and Fred Stratton Hon. David Swanson and Tonit JamesCalawayand
Bob and Mary Lou Parrish
Chris and Anne Noyes
Stage GaryAnonymousandMithra Ballesteros
Jon and Julie Berlin Dr. and Mrs. John Bjork
Susan and HopwoodHowardFund
Franklyn and M. Anne Gimbel Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP
Joanne and Rob Bischmann
Lynn Vice and Dan Reshel
Phil and Anne Callen
Thomas and Jane Lacy Nancy and Arthur Laskin
Anthony and Mary Linn
Steve and Karen Guy Edward Hashek and John Jors
Steve and Nancy Check
Kelly and Jeff Fitzsimmons
Karen and Gardner Friedlander
Charles and Mary Kamps
Susan JosephRiedelA.and Sarah Rock Chuck Rozewicz and Maureen JimFitzgeraldandAndrea Schloemer
Don Fraker and Maja Jurisic
27 - Of Mice and Men 2015/16 DONORS
Brian Mani and Marie Kohler
Elaine Sweet
David Olson and Claire Fritsche
Kay and John Crichton Tom and Mary Domer Einhorn Family Foundation
Laurie Kabins and Steve Grindel
Chris and Ninveh Neuman
David and Cheryl Walker Owen and Karen Walsh Sargit Warriner
Ginny and Mike Bolger
Gregory and Nancy Smith
Elma Anderson and James RobertAasenand Peggy Arfman
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Frances A. Bachman and Joseph F.
Pam Kriger Donor Advised Fund
Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region
Daniel J. and Constance P. CharlesMcCartyand Kathleen Mellowes
Bette L. and Richard J. Frangesch Greater Milwaukee Foundation Bernadine and Stephen Graff Fund
Jim and Diane Vollmer
Chess and Gretchen Barbatelli Carla and Burt Bartlett
Richard and Julie Buss Bruce and Joan Butterfield
The George and Julie Mosher Family Foundation
Aileen M. Smith
Prati and Norm Wojtal Principal Actor ($500-$999) Anonymous (3) Matteo Dr.AllianceStaffAliotoandMrs.Thomas Alpren
Katie JenniferHeiland Robert Hillis Jewish Community Foundation
Jim and Sally Mergener
John WilliamMarleneJumpKagenandGloria
Gillian Stewart
Eric and Jayne Butlein
Allan Kauth Brian and Mary Lou Kennedy Andy and Stephanie Kerr Niven and Peter Kingwill Bronwen and
Foundation Eve Joan and James Zucker Donor Advised Fund Deb and Peter Johnson
Tom St. John and Micaela Levine
David and Maggie Stoeffel Judith and William Stone Robert Storm and Catherine RichardShawand Susan Strait Mary L. Tobin Linda and Gile Tojek John and JoAnn Touchett
David Schertz and Sharee Allain
Robert and Maile Beres
Donald Becker
Lucy HaithamRosenbergandRebecca Salawdeh
Jan and Mike Schade
Robert C. Sharpe
M. Robert Breslauer
Cheri and Tom Briscoe
Brian ThomasCaseyand Mary Belle Chatton
Paul JohnHilland Michele Hinnendael Andrew and Paula Holman Steven and Karen Huser
Drs. Nancy and Daniel Herrell
Greg JosephChrisafisandJulie Chusid Rev. David E. Cooper
Susan Burns
Philip GeraldBergoldandSydell Bergtrom
Dulcie and Scott Shoener
Brenda Skelton and Jim MarlynBendtsenandNeal Spear Joan Spector
Supporting Actor ($250- $499) (10) Adelmeyer Carole Anderson
Emily and Joseph Steiner
Matthew Chavez Elias and Stephanie Chedid
Frank and Caryl Briscoe
Frank and Elvia Savage
Renee and Joseph B. Tyson, Jr. Harry and Mary Beth Van Groll Carla and W. Gregory Von Roenn Brian Wachowiak Nina and Gerald Walker Wade Weissmann and Scott
Geoffrey and Karen Bilda
Anthony and Maritza Caceres
Valerie Jablonka A. W. JewishJanikowskyCommunity
Pat JudySchlickandTom Schmid
Barbara and William Boles
Paul MarieBosanacBosetti and Tom Ehlen
Katt Dr. Jack and Myrna Kaufman
Laura and Don Schmitt Thomas and Lori Schuster
Cynthia Brown Charles and Lynn Brummond
Leslie and Jeffrey Bell
28Of Mice And Men2015/16 DONORS
Linda L. Sell, MD
Robert and Sharon Brenner
Michael and Maureen McCabe
Jack and Betsy Schill
Eva Lange
Cheryl Wolf-Schulman and Barry
Paul and Carolyn Noelke
Marie DaleTonenNothO’ConnorandJoelyn Olen Jim and Claire Olson
Mark and Bonnie Siegel
Sam Leichtling and Lindsey GillianRichardTauberLeinbargerLester-George and Manuel D. Montesinos
Jane Reilly and Jeff Glock
Mark Sabin and Mary Moberg
Paul DavidModerackiandChristine Moore
Scott and Amy Reid
Peter TheresaLovanceandDennis Lowder Paul and Patricia Lucca Glen and Sally Lunde
Julie and David Meier
Sandra and Maurice McSweeney
Mary Newton and James Sanger
Mary Wehrle-Schnell and Richard Schnell
Paul KennMilakovichMillerand Wendy Walker GregoryMiller and Susan Milleville
Drs. Judy and Mark Mandel
Patrick and Peggy Remfrey
Bernard and Susan McCartan
WayneSabinand Christine Sage Barry and Kathy Sammons
George Schroeder and Mary NielArenbergandJanet Schueller
Suzann Reichley
Dale and Sandra Landgren
Bob and Carol Schmidt
Mark Sauter
Mark and Cindy Levy David and Mary Ann Lillich
Dr. Robert and Caryl Sewell
Ellen DouglasMacFarlaneandJaney MacNeil Norman and Sherry Malmon
Robert and Cindy Simon Allison Smith and Joe AllisonMalaczynskiM.andDale R. Smith
James Phillips
Dr. Jay Larkey and Lois SteenMalawskyandJanice Larsen Larry and Mary LeBlanc
Barbara JanetHarveyDavidHenryTJDianeBruceDeborahLilaneChadJayneAshleyDianeJeffreyJackieDavidBryonJewishJulianneDanRoyWilliamRichardRandyR.HaroldRev.RobertMarySusanJudithHughJohnDavidC.JudyJeanDr.ThomasTomKarleenCarolGuoleeGustafsonHaberichterandDeirdreHalatandWendyHalloranJamesandMaryAnnHansonandGregHebererandDavidHeckerJ.andH.PatriciaHerroHetzelE.andRuthA.HoenickandRobinHoffmanHolbrookHoldingandGaryHolmesBethHollowayLHolmesandJaniceEffingerJosephF.HornacekHornefferDennisHorvathandKathyHothIppolitoandPamelaFrautschiandJanetIsbisterH.JablonkaandJoanJablonskiJamesCommunityFoundationJoanandMichaelFriedmanDonorAdvisedFundBillandIdyGoodmanFamilyDonorAdvisedFundandGwenJohnsonandMelJohnsonandGregJohnsonLeoJungbluthandRichardKaneKemezysKlattKochandMs.LucyKochKoehnMaceKozinaandJeanneKressandJohnKretschandLisaKreuzigerandCharKrokoskyandSaraKujusKurtzandYvonneLarmeLaBrie
Jean and Rick Schmalfeld
Christine Paulos Laura and Adam Peck Don Petersen and Corinthia Van
Michael and Melissa Sheppard
JosephSiletand Amy Silvers
NormanGremmingerandDaryl Grier Randolf Gschwind
James and Mary Fran Murray
Sandy Laedtke
Jeannie ChristineMantzandAnthony Martin Kathy and Frank Mattaino Debesh and Linda Mazumdar Caryl and A. Stratton McAllister
Dr. Doug and Vicky McManus
Gene and Linda Moore John WilliamMorelliandPatricia Moren Barbara and Charles Murphy
Daniel and Karen Ross
29 - Of Mice and Men 2015/16 DONORS Frank and Renee Gonzales Donald and Barbara Grande Greater Milwaukee Foundation Greg and Jodi Wait Charitable Fund Brent and Mary Sharon Gregory
Kristin Shuler
Peter and Deborah Musante
James PhillipJacquelineRumphRussellandGinger
Steve and Heide Olson Thomas and Elaine Pagedas
James and Kathi Scholler
George and Sallie Meyer
Mark and Michele Meier
Ralph HonorableGugertyMichael and
Sue and Hank Schellinger
Nancy Schneiders
Donald Peterson Marlyene Pfeiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Mason G. Ross
Robert Schweers
Barbara Murphy
Eierman Laurence
William and Barbara Fernholz
Bonnie and Bill Stafford
Honoring Gifts
In Honor of Nate Groonwald Jean Klingenstein
George R. Affeldt
Linda Weiner Wickens
Margaret Wagner
Dan and Mrs. J.
Christine Dickow
In Memory of Diane Treptow
In Honor and Appreciation of Patty and Jay Baker
Arlene J Hansen
LaVelle Llewellyn
John and Mary Splude James and Kathleen Springer Jerrel and Judith Stanley Jeffery and Marjorie Stearns
The Streich Family Foundation
Society Members
Liz and Larry Brewer
Toby Recht
Elaine and Milan Racic Jane Reilly and Jeffrey Glock
Lyn Hintzke
In Honor of Carol Lowey for her Birthday Judith Casper
Elton and Vickie Streich Dave and Kathy Sturgill Robert and Kristina Surma Marjorie Sutton
Don and Jane Scheller
Memorial Gifts
Mary Jo and Gary Schaub
Mary M. Smith and Albert Solochek
Peterson Gwen RonaldPlunkettandBarbara Poe Gordana
In Memory of Mary Ann Gerlach
In Memory of Ann Kerrigan
In Memory of Eleanor R. Repinski
WaukeshaEdwinFrancisWanatWasielewskiandNancyWattsCommunityFoundationOlson/Caldart-Olson Family Fund Neal and Cathy Wegner
Debra and Peter Johnson and Mary Licht and CharlesPetersonand
Bowman Joyce
Ron Treptow
Brenda Skelton and James JohnBendtsenandCaroline
In Memory of Thomas M. Scheller
Robert Balderson
Nancy Summer
Natalie VictoriaSwansonTeerlinkand
Chris and Mike Carpino
In Honor of BlumenthalWendyforher Birthday
In Honor of Sam Recht
In Memory of Yvonne Dickow
Carol CatherineHaackRynkiewicz
Adam Bauman and Gerry
Greg and Jodi Wait Zillman
Steven Tietz and Catherine
Linda Freedman
In Kind Gifts
Gillian Lester-George and Manuel D. Montesinos
Liane Schuminsky
Deborah and Mark RichardHincheyand Hackl
Stone Mary Stott and John Becker
In Honor of Kira Patterson for her College Graduation
In Honor of Andy and Amanda Wesenberg
Terry and Anne Wesenberg
Marcie Livingston and Friends
30Of Mice And Men2015/16 DONORS
DavidWeidnerandSherry Weinberg Dr.
In Memory of Ruth and Ed Habeck Jeanne and Neal Seidler
Patricia Ryan and Randall Daut and Margery Senn
In Memory of Sally Trapp
Jeff Drope Dean and Kathy Thome
James and Elaine Sweet
Wendy Sopkovich
Towers Sandra PaulJerryDeannaTrinasticUradnicekandDonnaWalshWanatandKathleen Tess-
Judy LawrenceHansenand
Joyzele Howards
Constance J. G. Broan and Robert Dean D. and Roma Eiseman
George and Susan Esslinger
Sam Garst and Meghan Gaugher
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