MILWAUKEE REP Milwaukee Repertory Theater’s Patty and Jay Baker Theater Complex is located in the Associated Bank River Center downtown at the corner of Wells and Water Streets. The building was formerly the home of the Electric Railway and Light Company.
TheRepertory Ticket Office is visiblePatty on the leftJay upon entering theComplex Wells Street doors. The Quadracci Milwaukee Theater’s and Baker Theater is located in the Milwaukee Powerhouse is located Mezzanine andStreets. can be accessed via escalator or elevator. Center downtown at the corneron ofthe Wells and Water The building was formerly the home of the Electric Railway and Light Company.
The Ticket Office is visible on the left upon entering the Wells Street doors. The Quadracci Powerhouse is located on the first level.
Financial support enables The Rep to: Maintain our commitment to audiences with Advance the art of theater with productions ✯ Advance art of theater with that inspirespecial individuals createour community dialogue; thatthe inspire individuals andproductions create community needsand through Access Services that ✯ Provide a richer theater experience by hosting Rep-in-Depth, TalkBacks, PlayGuides to better dialogue. include Americanand Signcreating Language interpreted productions, captioned theater, infrared inform our audiences about our productions; listening systemsarea andwith scriptRep synopses to ensure ✯ Educate over a21,000 at 150+ schools in the greater Milwaukee Immersion Day Provide richer students theater experience by hosting that theater at Milwaukee Rep is accessible to all. experiences, studentTalkBacks matinees, workshops, tours and by making connections with their school curriculum Rep-in-Depth, and creating PlayGuides through classroom programs such as Reading to better inform our audiences about our Residencies; productions. Educate the next generation of theater ✯ Maintain our commitment to audiences with special needs through our Access Services that include professionals our EPR Program whichand script American Sign Language interpreted productions, captioned theater,with infrared listening systems gives newly degreed artists a chance to hone synopses to ensure that theater at The Rep is accessible to all; Educate over 20,000 students at 200+ schools in their skills at Milwaukee Rep as they begin to ✯ Educate nextMilwaukee generationarea of theater professionals our EPR Program which gives newly degreed thethe greater with Rep Immersion with pursue their theatrical careers. We value our artistsDay a chance to hone their skills at The Rep as they begin to pursue their theatrical careers. experiences, student matinees, workshops, supporters and partnerships and hope that you and by making connections with their that you We valuetours our supporters and partnerships and hope help to expand ways Milwaukee willwill help us us to expand thethe ways Milwaukee RepRep school curriculum through programs community. has a positive impact on theater andclassroom on our Milwaukee has a positive impact on theater and on our such as Reading Residencies.
Milwaukee community.
Donations can be made on our website at Donations can be made on ourat website at or by phone 414-290-5376. or by phone at 414-290-5376 THE REP RECEIVES SUPPORT FROM: MILWAUKEE REP RECEIVES SUPPORT FROM:
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation The Richard & Ethel Herzfeld Foundation The Richard & Ethel Herzfeld Foundation The Shubert Foundation