Its What I Do

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WILDER HUND Die unglaublichen Abenteuer des Hannes Arch Text von Klaus Dörre – Fotos von Red Bull

„WUIDA HUND“ (Wilder Hund) ist in Tirol eine durchaus mit großem Respekt „angereicherte“ Titulierung. Sie vereint das Kopfschütteln über eine unvorstellbare Handlungsweise mit der Bewunderung über außergewöhnlichen Wagemut. Und: Sie beinhaltet bereits die Bereitschaft, beim Gelingen eines (scheinbar) verrückten Unternehmens ehrlich und begeistert Beifall zu klatschen (oder von Herzen neidisch zu sein)… und den Protagonisten dann schnellstmöglich als „Einen von uns“ zu vereinnahmen. So ging es vor nicht allzu langer Zeit vielen, die es wagten, über die „Bergspitzen“ hinauszugehen. Hannes Arch ist einer der bekanntesten Vertreter dieser „Spezies“. „Respektieren, akzeptieren und auf dem Boden bleiben.” Als Lebensmotto des bekanntesten Allround-Abenteurers Österreichs klingt das für viele also zunächst einmal paradox. Denn bei Haar sträubender Top-Action zwischen Himmel und Erde ist er in seinem Element. Er besteigt die höchsten Gipfel und Gebäude, um spektakuläre Base Jumps zu inszenieren, und gilt als Pionier des Gleitschirm-Kunstfluges.


Oben und rechts: Hannes Arch mit seiner Zivko Edge 540 in Tököl, Ungarn, 2013 bei den Aufnahmen zum Stuntvideo „Battle of the Year”


38-43_AUS_RedBull_3_3a.indd 38-39

06/11/2013 11:33


Senkrechtstarter: Wilde Entschlossenheit steht Hannes Arch ins Gesicht geschrieben. Ob als Kunstflieger, Unternehmer oder Musiker – triumphale Erfolge sind ihm sicher LAND ROVER ONELIFE / 41 LAND ROVER MAGAZINE / 00

38-43_AUS_RedBull_3_3a.indd 40-41

06/11/2013 11:33


JOURNEY ACROSS THE TOP OF THE WORLD Three Range Rover Hybrids head East, via the Himalayas, en route to Mumbai, in a 16,000km, extended Silk Road challenge words by Richard Bremner – photography by Nick Dimbelby

ROADS ARE A SIMPLE CONCEPT. Whether they are mere tracks or sprawling carpets of motorway, they are laid to enable point B to be reached from point A. But roads have histories too, and over the centuries the reason for wanting to reach B can change. Several thousand years ago, a major reason for people in the West wanting to go East was to buy silk. That demand, and the curious topography of much of the land in between, triggered the development of a network of trails stretching from the Mediterranean to China that became known as the Silk Road. It was a significant spur to civilisation’s advance from 206BC until the late 14th century. In a mission to test the new Range Rover Hybrid, Land Rover decided to drive three prototypes on a journey that will retrace many of those trails, and place a few challenges under the wheels of the most capable hybrid vehicle in the world. The Silk Road is over 6,000km long, but the Range Rover vehicles will be covering more than double this distance to reach their final destination of Mumbai. The journey begins at Land Rover’s Solihull birthplace in Birmingham, crosses the Channel to skirt France and Belgium before spearing across Germany at an effortless 160km lope that the Hybrids easily maintain despite their heavy loads. This will be the last time the Hybrids see

speed like this. The advance slows in Poland, the roads battered enough to halve their pace, and a motorway fuel stop finds the pumps roped off and out of use. But the beauty of Krakow is the reward for this minor inconvenience. This royal city is rich with Gothic and Renaissance buildings, wide boulevards, a castle and a Jewish quarter. It’s a sophisticated and storied city that’s a big contrast to the terrain that the Hybrids will encounter over the next 15,000km. A contrast that comes the very next day as it happens, the drive to Ukraine’s Lviv notable for its straight-road sameness and unremarkable scenery. Life livens up a little at the Ukrainian border, however, where the initially stone-faced customs officers become increasingly intrigued by the Range Rover vehicles, one of them unable to resist asking for an explanation of the Hybrid’s inner workings, another astonished at the scale of the mission. Some 780km of it are knocked off the following day with the 15-hour drive that follows a night in Lemberg’s ambitiously named Grand Hotel. The day starts in a claustrophobic, drenching tunnel of rain that threatens lesser cars, but the Range Rovers’ ground clearance and all-wheel drive allow reassuringly secure progress. Which takes the convoy to Odessa, a city redolent of the Cold War, althought that’s easy to forget under a sun that turns this port’s Black Sea harbour a Mediterranean blue. Architecturally grand, Odessa is an uplifting contrast to the next stop Mykolaiv, whose tired, Sovietera apartment buildings make an unpromising prospect for a lunchtime forage. Further down the road, the produce of some roadside stalls curtained with rows of dried fish, inspires a picnic lunch on a beach in one of the Crimea’s many wild bays. The post-picnic destination is sea-side Yalta, site of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin’s world-shaping conference, and the following day’s advance into Russia is achieved by unexpected means, squeezing the vehicles onto an ancient car ferry to make the 20-minute voyage.



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06/11/2013 11:43

Stray Magazine Vol. 2 2013 | 3 | It’s what I do...


Wenn einer der Beteiligten bei solchen Eskapaden die Ruhe behält, dann ist das Dag Rogge. Während sich andere auf der Tour am Steuer abwechseln, fährt Rogge die ganze Zeit alleine und organisiert, checkt, und überprüft während der Fahrt, und das oft bei den krachenden Songs der „Toten Hosen“. Oder – wenn zum Beispiel eine perfekt ausgebaute Straße in China durch die Taklamakan-Wüste 150 Kilometer geradeaus geht und diese auf polizeiliche Anordnung mit höchstens 60 km/h befahren werden darf – macht er auch mal die Buchhaltung auf seinem Laptop, das dank einer genialen Holzkonstruktion im Handschuhfach seines Discovery stets zum Benutzen parat ist. Er kümmert sich darum, dass alle pünktlich aufstehen, und sei es morgens um drei (Wer zu spät kommt, muss auch schon mal mit dem Taxi nachreisen...). Und er hat immer ein offenes Ohr für die Probleme und Problemchen seiner Mitreisenden. Als Lead Instructor hat er die Standards für alle Experience Center vereinheitlicht, und sein Büro leitet er auch aus der Ferne perfekt. Seine Batterie scheint nie leer zu sein. Vielleicht liegt das daran, dass der Hobbyfarmer privat Pferde züchtet, als Pilot Hubschrauber fliegt, als Geschäftsmann Steinbrüche vermarktet. Oder er arbeitet an einem Buch, das im Dezember herauskommt. Dort beschreibt er aus ganz


GER_00-00_Silk_3_3.indd 64-65

persönlicher Sicht die Erlebnisse aller zehn Land Rover Experience Touren, die er allesamt initiierte und leitete. Kurz: Er ist nicht der Mann für Leerlauf. Da passt es ihm gut, dass sein Konvoi in Indien um sieben weitere Fahrzeuge wächst, darunter drei Range-RoverHybrid-Prototypen: Ein englischer Konvoi, in Birmingham gestartet und von Rogges rechter Hand Hans Hermann Ruthe geführt, gesellt sich in Udaipur zu Rogges Mannschaft. Wie geplant erreichen Dag Rogge und der nun 18 Autos starke Konvoi nach 50 Tagen Mumbai – ohne Ausfall von Mensch oder Auto. Der Chef der Land Rover Experience Tour kann den wichtigsten Telefonanruf seiner Karriere in die Heimat tätigen: „Wir haben’s geschafft!“ Und dabei glitzern seine Augen wieder…

Oben: Wie geplant erreicht der Konvoi – unbeschadet – nach 50 Tagen Mumbai

Seidenstraße für Alle Wer selbst auf den Spuren der faszinierenden Seidenstraße wandeln will, kann das ab 2014 mit Land Rover tun: Zwischen März und Mai bietet die Land Rover Experience Reisen insgesamt sechs Etappen der Tour an, diesmal von Mumbai nach Deutschland zu Preisen ab 2.725 Euro pro Person (im Doppelzimmer). Weitere Informationen unter oder per Mail unter


06/11/2013 11:38



TO P : SLR BOTTOM : SILVER ARROWS print / / art D I R E C T I O N / / D E S I G N / /

SLS AMG BLACK Mercedes-Benz


Not by any deliberate plan, but over the past five years I have now worked on five different automotive brands. From hi-end manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz and Land Rover, who have recently changed their proposition from ‘adventure’ to ‘prestige’,

XC90 Volvo

to the more affordable and fun brands like Smart and Suzuki. I have worked on both content and advertising, working on full integrated campaigns which include; outdoor, press, direct mail, mircosites (including mobile), emails, home page take-overs and banners (static and rich media), on campaigns such as; Escape the map, SLS AMG launch, smart BRABUS tailor-made, and smart ‘its your city’. Along with numerous other random bits and bobs for all my automotive clients.


I am lucky to specialise in automotive as I have always loved cars. I got my first car at 18, a MkIII Astra club 1.3l, followed by a Mini Cooper replica 1l, then my first car that could accelerate uphill, my Peugeot. 205 GTI 1.6, this didn’t last long so I bought my Mums MkIII Fiesta 1.1lx off her, this was a legend of a car but sadly after four years I part exchanged her for a C2 GT which I wrote off a few years later on New Years Eve That wasn’t a great year. Every cloud has a silver lining, and my silver lining is my pride


and joy, the love of my automotive life, my 1988 MkII Ford Fiesta XR2 1.6, 96bhp, Xena.

Digital Junkie. Rest

After a standard 8 hour day at the office; I’d say 40% research & development, 25% actual work 20% looking busy, 15% small talk & tea, I took my 10 mile ride way out east to see the lovely lady in my life. Once there, in the warmth, with a cup of tea in hand, and munching on a stick of kit kat, I bring out the phone, and then comes the laptop, ‘only got a couple things to do’ I say, knowing full well I was up for spending a good while online, doing, generally nothing. Then it hits me, and annoys me, I am a digital junkie. I bitch and moan about it, but I love it, no I hate it, I don’t know. It’s scary to think that in the very near future, if you don’t have a phone, or a pad, or a digital do-da then you won’t be able to open your front door, cook your dinner, or speak to your family. It’s invading but becoming fully essential, all that amazing sci-fi shit, robots taking over the world, skynet, its not that far off, but I reckon, and I hope, it will be the cats who claim world domination, but sadly probably not...

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Thing is I really do think its amazing what we can do, and how things are developing, and I don’t even mind it becoming an integral part of my day, but it can’t be essential, I still want to be able to live without it, I don’t want anti-tech holidays, that’s shit, I want us, the developed human race to get a handle on it, and remember, without batteries or electricity we are fucked.

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Anyway I figured I’d track my online presence, an online map of me. I did something similar for this once, at my old work, but this one will be way better.

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Back &

A little [uninteresting] story about dyslexia. Back in the Uni days, I discovered officially that I was dyslexic. I was informed that if you were diagnosed as dyslexic then you could get free stuff, and as I knew I couldn’t read or write very well, I figured I was in with a chance. I also failed my English GCSE, and was put in the special class at primary school, so felt this was a good indicator. A few weeks later I had to go and get my results. So there I sit, patiently waiting to hear the good news, oddly enough the good news I was waiting to hear was that I was indeed dyslexic, I wanted free stuff, and I really wasn’t fussed if I couldn’t spell. Anyway back to sitting patiently, picture a dentist waiting room just without any magazines, typical green panel carpet floor, shitty seats, bright lights, bored looking lady behind a desk, not that interesting really. So eventually a stereotypical English primary school teacher type lady walked in, called my name and off I went, it felt like going to the principal’s office, except I had volunteered for it.

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A Standard 8 hour Working Day.


My internet thread.


Step 1: google my name, thankfully no hits, not on the first page anyhow.


Step 2: google my alias, mimic00 and the world opens up. Sadly its easy to find out my real name from this, but then why would you bother unless you actually needed to find me, so for now I’m not too worried...



So I’m sitting in yet another class room type room, listening to the lady give me a detail breakdown of my results, pretending to be interested, when really in my head all I can think is get to the end, what do I get.

Stray Magazine Vol. 2 2013 | 5 | It’s what I do...

I did pick up on two major points however, first and you need to remember I was 21 years old at the time, I remember being told that I had the reading age of a 17 year old. Not too bad I thought, only four years behind, not too bad for someone who doesn’t remember the last time he read a book. Second, and this was a bit of a slap in the face, I’m told I have the spelling age of a 7 year old, hum I thought, oh hum didly hum, there are 8 year old’s smarter than me, hum again, but then being the optimist I was back then I relaxed and thought, well thank fuck for spell check. Dyslexia has a massively complex definition, but essentially, it means your reading ability does not match your I.Q and education standards. Your ability to deal with orthographic elements of language is impaired, so things such as phonetics are difficult to process. English has a particularly elaborate orthography making it especially difficult for dyslexics.






STRAY MAgAZINE VOLUME 1 toP: automotive love bottom: dysleXic // digital JunKie l I m I T E d C O P I E s AVA I l A B l E

IssUU.COm/mImIC00/ d O C s / s T R AY m A G _ V O l 1 mImIC00@GmAIl.COm

PRINT // CONCEPT // ART dIRECTION // dEsIGN // I l l U s T R AT I O N / / R E P R O / / A R T W O R K / / P R O d U C T I O N / /

Stray Magazine Vol. 2 2013 | 7 | It’s what I do...

Ad_Age_t.indd 1

07/05/2010 17:16

smart / / M E R C E D E S - B E N Z / / advertisin g a g e print / / l arge f or m at / / i m age creation / / i l l u s tration / / d e s ign / / artwork / / pro d uction / /

SMART P R I N T / / L A R G E F O R M AT / / R E T O U C H I N G / / P R O D U C T I O N / /

Stray Magazine Vol. 2 2013 | 9 | It’s what I do...



The Dragon Bar was started in 1999 as a breeding ground for artists and musicians. It has long been known as a place of peace and love and is down to earth to say the least! It was designed in a style that has been copied time and time again in the area and beyond. The “This Way Up� gallery that runs upstairs has a street art focus and has had shows from every aspect of the art world.

FOR THE LOVE 2000 toP: introduction middle: this way uP gallery bottom: dang at the dragon VIEW ONlINE

P R I N T / / C O N C E P T / / A R T d I R E C T I O N / / d E s I G N / / I l l U s T R AT I O N / /


As a label we were now starting to release artist albums. Both Ghost and Natural Self dropped their debut albums and they sold well and are still selling despite the impact of the digital music age. We kicked off Breakin Bread in May 1998 thanks to a mate of mine, Pik, who was promoting clubs for Kiss FM. He didn’t know much about Hip Hop but had seen resurgence of Hip Hop at clubs like Scratch and Funkin Pussy where for the first time, hardcore hip hop heads like me started noticing girls coming to hip hop events. We were used to hip hop nights being sweaty dark affairs in empty clubs with almost 100% of the audience being male.

We also took our artwork up another level at this time. Ghosts album artwork was put together by Will Barras and Darren Groucutt who are well known in the street art scene. Ben Swift was working with Rob Life on his mix CD artwork and Mimic had also taken over our flyer artwork duties and come up with some dope concepts and a fresh look

Pik wanted to start a night with breakdancing which was also coming to the fore at the time. The UK B-boy championships had started a few years earlier and was now big enough to be held in Brixton Academy. I linked Pik’s b-boy idea with playing more funk, soul and breaks alongside hip hop. This music was missing at other hip hop nights and I knew from running previous events that b-boys preferred rockin to funk and disco than straight hip hop. An added bonus was that girls were more likely to dance to soul music if they weren’t already hip hop chicks. I called in Rob Life and Tufkut to DJ at our first night. They were both serious record collectors that I’d known for years and had been my guiding lights into the world of soul, funk and disco that gave birth to hip hop.

I suggest we call the program arts a Drag?

Stray Magazine Vol. 2 2013 | 11 | It’s what I do...

Because It Is. Because of all the pretentIous BullshIt Its wrappeD In! Because most art arounD at the moment Is a loaD of Bollocks! Because Its trenDy! Because we are BounD yet freeD By art anD that sucks! anD oBvIously Because Drag can Be DerIveD from Dragon.

ZINES 2005 - 2011 toP: 10 year still rocKin

AVA I l A B l E AT B R E A K I N B R E A d . O R G O R V I E W O N l I N E

middle: dragzine


AVA I l A B l E f R O m m I m I C 0 0 @ G m A I l . C O m O R V I E W O N l I N E

bottom leFt to right: solace sKetchbooK // a year in blog // Paint // unFinished zine

AVA I l A B l E f R O m m I m I C 0 0 @ G m A I l . C O m O R V I E W O N l I N E

P R I N T / / C O N C E P T / / A R T d I R E C T I O N / / d E s I G N / / I l l U s T R AT I O N / /




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DIgITAL smart brabus tailormade microsite // land rover newsletter oneliFe iPad aPP // land rover email oPtimised For mobile // golF aPP smart newsletter // city & guilds iPad aPP the natural conFectionary comPany rich media mPus X2

// // // //

d I G I TA l / / C O N C E P T / / A R T d I R E C T I O N / / d E s I G N / / A N I m AT I O N / /

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