Women With Know How January 2014 Issue

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Dear Readers, Happy New Year!! I know 2014’s going to be a great year! Women With Know How has some exciting things in the works this year.

Mimi Zelman Publisher

On March 28th our third annual Women With Know How Making An Impact Conference For Women is being held at the Doubletree Hotel in South Park. We are lining up three amazing speakers which will definitely have an impact on helping you grow professionally and personally. As you begin the New Year let us know what we can do to help. Mention this letter and you will get a special discount on an advertising program to fit your business needs. Also, please support our advertisers! Without them, there would be no Women With Know How. We are pleased to announce we have a new Creative Director, Rebecca Fairchild! Rebecca has lots of experience with design and magazine production and I’m excited to see how she’ll take our look to a whole new level! Here’s to an amazing year! Mimi


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16 Publisher/President Mimi L. Zelman mimi@womenwithknowhow.com Creative Director Rebecca Fairchild www.facebook.com/AzureDoorCreative


Contributing Writers Terri Bennett Elyshia Brook For more advertising information call Mimi at 704-491-1207 or email her at: mimi@womenwithknowhow.com Copyright © 2014


32 42

10 When Divorcing, Resolve to...

34 Terri’s Top 7

Green Cleaning Secrets

On the cover LoAnn Mayer pg. 20


36 Change Your Thoughts… Sharpen Your Business... Shift Your Life!

www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


professional spotlight 4

Sue Walz

By Mimi Zelman

Co-Owner, LaVida Massage at the Promenade

How did you get started in this business? It all started when my husband, Ron came home from work one day, shortly after he turned 50 and said to me “I’ve decided what I want to be when I grow up.” I replied “What is that?” He then proceeded to tell me about his aspirations to attend massage therapy school. I asked “How soon can you start?” He responded with ‘three weeks.’ Ron then went to school one night a week and one complete weekend a month while still working Connect And Grow With Women In Our Community

full time. At that point I had three in college at one time. Ron and my two children. What stress! What is your background-what were you doing before this business? I worked eighteen years at a local doctor’s office as their insurance and billing operator. Before that I had taken four years off to raise my two children; Julie age 30 and Christopher age 26 now. Before the children, I had worked at Blue Cross and Blue Shield United of Wisconsin for eight years.

have an abundance of money and help heal them, mind and body. Our purpose was within our grasp! However, everything that could go wrong before closing did. Our

After having Christopher I decided I wanted to work part time, so I went back to x-ray technology working part time at urgent care and a brief stint at St. Francis Hospital in Milwaukee. In 1989, we decided to leave the mid-west and move to the sunny south because of the fierce winters. What is a good early story about your business? Ron and I wanted to find a way to reach out and help people through holistic healing and alternative/ complimentary therapies. It was our dream to own a massage and facial center. With this establishment we could connect with individuals who may not

financing was finally being transferred to our bank as we were driving to closing! After signing the papers we came directly over to our massage center’s location, the Promenade. About 10 minutes after we entered our establishment a fretful therapist came out of session stating that she had sprained the muscle in her upper arm, prompting the need for a replacement therapist to complete her remaining schedule. So I went in back office and found a shirt for my husband to put on and put him to work! www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


What is unusual or unique about your business, in comparison to your competitors or similar businesses? Here at LaVida we don’t lock out clients into long term contracts. You can sign up with us and all we ask is a 30 day written notice to suspend or cancel. We prefer to suspend rather than cancel; hoping that by the time your suspension is up our clients will realize how much they need a massage and decide not to leave us!

your own business is not a breeze. It is hard work trying to make ends meet and get everything and everyone paid. The last year has been quite a learning experience for me. I’m sure I haven’t made all the correct decisions but I’m still a work in progress. Though the stress can sometimes get a bit overwhelming, Ron and I feel very blessed to own an business where we can comfort and mend those in need.

Do you do any charity or non-profit work? We have partnered with the Sandbox charity. We have done a few chair massage events with them and are a drop off station for their “Baskets of Love”. Who are some of your most notable clients? Being in a service-based environment you have to realize that you just are not going to please everybody, all of the time. The society we live in always expects something for free. They tend to forget that we have several people from the corporate office of the franchise on down with their hands in their pockets, taking money (in royalties) out of them before it has time to get in there.

What would you most like the reader to know about your journey in business? I would love for your readers to come by and give us a try! We have created a peaceful and tranquil setting with positive energy and qualified therapists to help you relax and feel better. Massage is not just for relaxation. It reduces pain and is a great stress release! Massage can soothe the soul in times of depression, anxiety, insomnia and even cures tension headaches. If you have a “flex plan” and a doctor’s prescription they often times will cover the cost! Come see us at Lavida Massage at the Promenade!

What are some of your greatest challenges in your business? Constantly, I have bills to pay, items to purchase such as oils, lotion, face cradle covers and sheet cleaning. Not to mention there’s payroll to meet every two weeks and advertising bills! Running 6

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Sue Walz Co –Owner LaVida Massage at the Promenade promenade.nc.lavidamassage.com Phone: 704-708-5044

mkincaid@kincaidandassociates.com www.kincaidandassociates.com



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By Leigh Sellers

When Divorcing, Resolve to...


veryone talks about New Year’s Resolutions. Of course, a new year is a great time to make a fresh start. Who wouldn’t like to magically re-set life sometimes. Weight loss and exercise top the list each year. My personal resolutions are always more of a wish list which looks about the same every year. This should give you some idea of how successful I am at keeping my resolutions. All behavior changes and resolutions are difficult to keep. Human nature takes control some times, and we all know how hard it is to break any habit. But with full knowledge of how hard it can be, I am setting forth some resolutions that I believe all separating and divorcing couples should make during the process of divorce. Some of these resolutions apply to the legal process and some apply to the personal process. But if you are able to successfully apply these simple rules, you will feel and see a difference in how you navigate this lifechanging process.


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RESOLVE TO: 1. Always tell your attorney the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Do not assume that you can correctly assess what is or is not important for your attorney to know and do not assume that attorneys can read minds. One of my favorite lawyers in town tells the story of an early case involving a sweet, elderly woman who hired him after her husband hit her in the face. He couldn’t understand what possible defense the other attorney had for the husband. Then, during cross examination of his client, the other side asked the woman whether her husband hit her before or after she tried to shoot him. Apparently, his client didn’t think that part of the story was important. 2. Always respond to your attorneys’ correspondences and calls. If your attorney is asking you to do something, they need for you to do it. I had a client who I felt was wonderful and on top of everything. One day she confessed

that she sometimes just put my letters or emails in a drawer when she was having a good day so that it wouldn’t be ruined. 3. Ask questions. If you do not understand what is happening, then ask. Often, nothing is happening in your case. The other side might have a set amount of time to respond to something and in the interim, all is quiet. Don’t get mad that you are not being given constant updates on your case. Call and ask what is happening in your action and when you might expect something. 4. Find a good counselor or therapist to help you through the emotional aspect of the separation. You are going to hurt during this process. It doesn’t matter what side of the divorce you are on, you will experience a range of emotions you have not necessarily dealt with. And you will be asked to maintain your job, your relationships with your family and friends, and even parent your children, all while making some of the most long ranging legal decisions of your life. You will need help. Your attorney can give practical advice and legal advice. But attorneys need to focus on your legal issues. And family members as well as friends get very burned out and tired. So seek professional help. It is worth it.

5. Refrain from comparing divorce stories. A support group is helpful if it gives you a place to share your feelings and gain insight. But do not listen and compare results of legal actions. Every family is different and every case has a different outcome. The factors in the end result of a divorce are endless. You simply can’t compare. And more likely than not, the person sharing Hate Car Shopping? No Time?

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the story is going to leave out many unflattering truths that might have impacted their own personal result. So many people waste time and effort based on what a neighbor, friend or support group member

told them to do. Just remember your situation is unique. You want to be focused on what you need and can achieve. 6. Try to compromise and prioritize. Compromise is necessary to any solution. As hard as it is 12

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to compromise with someone who you thought you had given everything to for years, it will be necessary. And if you share children, it will be necessary for the rest of your life. So many people come to me and direct me to make sure that they win. Often, they are so focused on the other side that they forget to focus on reality. The reality is that no one can have everything go their way

in a divorce. It is important to know what you absolutely have to get out of the relationship and what you can live without. If you stay focused on your goals, you can give things

important to the other person away without feeling you lost something. Alternatives to court action exist and should be explored. 7. Never involve your children in your disputes. If you can only keep one resolution, this is the one to keep. As a parent, you have shielded and guarded your children through many unhappy realities. Divorce is not exception. Children do not need to know why their parents separated or what they are fighting about. One of the biggest problems I see is one parent trying to align their children with them against the other parent. Over time, I have watched many children flip from one parent to the other. Worse, I have watched children move between the homes of their parent anytime there was a disagreement simply because they could always count on the support of one parent as long as it pitted them against the other parent. In the long run, the children always lose. Usually the marriage happened without the children. The divorce should be kept between the parents too. 8. Look forward, not back. When divorce is “no fault” it does little good to dwell on the blame. You will succeed in a good resolution if you can focus on what your future needs to look like instead of what your past did look like. Take time to

create your future. Some of the most satisfied clients I have every worked with successfully built a great life for themselves by letting go of the one they built with their ex- spouse. They did not look to maintain, but to gain. While some continuity is often necessary for children, the truth is that nothing is the same. So the trappings of the old life don’t always provide the comfort that we seek. I love it when I run into a client who is doing something they always wanted to do before the marriage, but never made time to do before the divorce. It may seem trite, like a silver lining playbook, but it can be empowering. We don’t make a list of things we failed at in December. We make a list of things we want to do better in the coming year. And while divorce is an end, it can also be a beginning, if you let it. So resolve to make whatever changes you want to make this year. Sooner or later, they have to stick. Happy New Year. Leigh B. Sellers Board Certified Specialist in Family Law Krusch and Sellers, P.A. 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 808 Charlotte, NC 28210 Phone: 704-556-0707 Fax: 704-553-7824 www.kruschlaw.com

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Chase Away

Winter Chills

with Meals From Your Pantry There’s nothing quite like a hearty, home made meal to help warm up those cold winter nights. And with a well-stocked pantry – or “Cantry” – delicious meals, like Turkey Green Bean Chili and Home-Style Chicken Pot Pie, are just a few cans away.

all winter long. Plus, the more cans you store in your Cantry, the fewer last minute trips you have to make to the supermarket.

Because cans lock in foods’ freshness and nutrition, stocking up on staples like canned tomatoes, green beans, peas and canned chicken means that you have access to wholesome ingredients

For more recipe inspiration and to learn how you can get cooking with cans this winter and year round, visit : www.Facebook.com/CansGetYouCooking www.Pinterest.com/CansGetUCooking www.YouTube.com/CansGetYouCooking

So this season, when you’re searching for satisfying, heart-warming meals that you and your family can cozy up to, start by looking in your Cantry.

Turkey Green Bean Chili with Cheesy Corn Fritters

*If desired,

substitute 3 cups chopped cooked turkey for cooked ground turkey breast. Add with tomatoes in Step 2.


(Prep Time: 30 minutes; Cook Time: 25 minutes; Serves: 6 ) Chili Preparation: Chili Ingredients: Cook turkey, onion, pepper and 1pound ground turkey breast* garlic over medium heat in large 1 cup chopped onion pot for 8-10 minutes or until 1 cup chopped red bell pepper meat is brown and vegetables are 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 -14.5 oz. cans Del Monte Zesty Chili tender; drain. Style Diced Tomatoes, undrained Stir in tomatoes, water and cumin. 1 cup water Bring to a boil; reduce heat. 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin Simmer Stir in green beans. 1-14.5 oz. can Cut Green Beans, drain Serve with Cheesy Corn Fritters. (cont.)

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Cheesy Corn Fritters Ingredients: 1 - (8.5 oz.) package corn muffin mix 1 large egg, beaten 2/3 cup milk 1 - (8.75 oz.) can Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn, drained 1/3 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese with jalapeño peppers 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Cheesy Corn Fritters Preparation: Combine muffin mix, egg, milk, corn and cheese in a large bowl. Heat oil in a very large skillet over medium heat. For each fritter, pour about 3 tablespoons of batter into hot skillet. Cook 4 minutes or until golden brown, turning once.(Keep cooked fritters warm in a 200°F oven while cooking the remaining fritters.)

Home-Style Chicken Pot Pie Prep time: Under 15 minutes; Cook time: 55 minutes; Serves: 4 Ingredients: 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1/2 cup diced onion 1/2 cup diced potato 1- (8.5-ounce) can peas and carrots, drained 1/4 cup sliced celery 1- (10.75 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1 (10 oz.) can VALLEY FRESH Chunk Chicken, drained 1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves, crumbled 1/4 teaspoon ground sage 1/8 teaspoon white pepper 1 (15 oz.) box refrigerated pie crusts (2 crusts)

Preparation: Preheat oven to 400°F. In large saucepan, melt butter. Add onion, potato, peas and carrots and celery; sauté 5 minutes. In bowl, combine soup, chicken, rosemary, sage and white pepper; stir into vegetables. Unfold 1 pie crust; fit into 9-inch pie plate. Fill Briana L.pie Barbee with chicken mixture; cover with second crust. Trim crust if Center Director needed; press edge with fork. Brush top crust with egg wash (1 egg LaVida Massage at the Promenade beaten with 1 tablespoon water) to create glossy crust, if desired. bbarbee@lavidamassage.com Bake pie 10 minutes. Reduce oven704-708-5044 temperature to 350°F. Bake 25 minut es longer. Cover crust with aluminum foil to prevent browning. Bake 15 minutes more.

www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


Lo Anne Mayer

Author of, “Celestial Conversations: Healing Relationships After Death” o Anne has studied various forms of healing for thirty years. Raising her six children was catalytic for studying nutrition, charismatic healing, therapeutic touch, the mindbody connection, and various forms of meditation. She is a student of a “Course in Miracles” and Edgar Cayce as well as a reiki master. As a certified teacher of Louise Hay’s “Healing Your Life” course,



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by Mimi Zelman she taught the course for twelve years, which led to private consultations. Inspired by her training with Alma Daniel to teach “Angel Meditation”, Lo Anne produced and hosted a television show entitled “Angels at Work,” which emphasized the good works of ordinary people, as well as writing her own course entitled, “Choosing Joy: How to Create a Joy-filled Life.” The deaths of

her mother and her daughter inspired Lo Anne to try to reach beyond the veil for understanding and acceptance. As a result of her successful experience in connecting with her lost loved ones through meditation and journaling, she wrote her first book, entitled Celestial Conversations Healing Relationships After Death. Lo Anne tested her process of reaching beyond the veil with individuals over the past year. With the encouragement of her participants, she hopes to help others find the acceptance and peace she found through Celestial Conversations. Lo Anne Mayer has studied various forms of healing for thirty years. Raising her six children inspired her to learn about nutrition, charismatic healing, therapeutic touch, the mindbody connection, and various forms of meditation. She is a student of A Course in Miracles and Edgar Cayce as well as a Reiki master. For twelve years she taught Louise Hay’s Healing Your Life course. Inspired by her training with Alma Daniel to teach Angel Meditation, Lo Anne produced and hosted a television show entitled Angels at Work, which emphasized the good works of ordinary people. She also wrote and presented her own course, Choosing Joy: How to Create a Joy-filled Life. Today she is committed to helping others discover that love between two people

can be shared and relationships healed even after one of them dies. She facilitates Celestial Circles designed to inspire and facilitate written exchanges between those in grief and their departed loved ones. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Raymond Mayer. Celestial Conversations (Cape House Books, 2012) is her first book. Tell us about yourself: After years of being a Louise Hay Certified teacher, as well as teaching Angel meditation and my writing own course, Choosing Joy, I became a reiki master, and an author. I gave up teaching when my grandson was diagnosed with cancer and my mother required constant care toward the end of her life. Seven years later, my first book, Celestial Conversations: Healing Relationships After Death, catapulted me into another opportunity to teach. The subject was communicating with loved-ones after they had died. The book was the result of using transpersonal journaling to heal my own grief after the deaths of my mother and our daughter, Cyndi. Testing my journaling process of Celestial Conversations in many workshops in Texas and NJ convinced me that anyone can use transpersonal journaling to help heal their own grief. With the guidance and expertise of a wonderful editor, my book was published by Cape House Books in December 2013. www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


How did you get started? Writing has always been my love: from letter writing, to journaling to writing about any subject for community service, for fundraising and for publishing. Until my mother died, I never considered writing to gain information and insight from loved-ones who had passed on. My deep grief, resentment and unfinished business with my mother after her death forced me to consider the possibility of using transpersonal journaling to find peace. Even though I was deeply involved in my own church and worked with a grief counselor, Celestial Conversations allowed me to ask questions and receive answers from Mom. This helped me to let go of my angst about our relationship. In the process I became more aware of the love she had for me and the God who loves

us all. Transpersonal journaling also helped me to let go of my anger, shock and blame after the tragic death of our daughter. How did you first start journaling? I had been journaling for years prior to Celestial Conversations, but when my mother died it was the first time I ever tried to use my journaling to reach out to someone who had died. I knew other people had contacted loved ones who had died, so I realized it was possible, but I didn’t know if I could do it. That was the main reason for prayer and meditation prior to journaling. How did this new method of communicating with your mother help you? It gave me complete access to her wisdom and love without the personality of suspicion that I knew in her physical life. I felt her love immediately as her words flowed onto the page of my journal and it made me feel safe. I could release the anxiety and resentment I’d had about her when she was alive. The journaling gave me a vehicle to ask questions and receive answers that helped me to understand my mother’s way of being in her human state. What do you think are the main benefits to journaling, as opposed to other methods? At first I felt the wonder of having a way to “talk” to my mother. Prior to that I thought all of our conversations ended with her death. The second benefit was my own comfort with asking her direct and serious questions about our life


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together as mother and daughter. The third benefit continues in that when I reread my journal pages, I see the progressive healing of my relationship with Mom. We became friends after she died. How has your newfound ability to connect with your mother changed your concept of death? Totally! Prior to our celestial conversations, I felt death left me with no way to communicate with her. I could pray for her but not communicate in two-way conversations. Now I am certain that the mother-daughter love continues and we are able to grow spiritually together in unconditional love. What do your friends and family think about your journaling, and have you been able to help others? At first my family and friends thought I had a special gift that no one else could use. I started Celestial Conversations Workshops to see if other people could also use transpersonal journaling as a tool for soothing grief. After two years of offering workshops, I have found that celestial conversations can help others to complete unfinished business with loved ones who have died. The positive responses from participants was the main reason I wrote the book Celestial Conversations.

don’t realize that almost 250,000 children and young adults die in the United States each year. Celestial conversations gives those grieving parents a personal way to reach out to their child, in the privacy of their home and when they’re ready. Have you helped many people contact their children and what is your success rate? I have helped many people reach out to their children—even unborn children—during Celestial Conversations Workshops. The success rate depends on an individual’s fear of connecting with the other side. Most people who come to my workshops are open to reaching loved ones beyond the veil. They receive what they are able to handle the first time and, if they continue Celestial Conversations for thirty days, get much more help through the journaling. I see a lot of what caused you to originally start journaling was the fracture in your mother-daughter relationship. How has that developed since you started communicating? From the first letter to my mother, I was clear that I wanted to heal our relationship. She was equally clear that in her spiritual state she also wanted the same

Considering the vast numbers of children who die every year in the United States, do you think celestial conversations can help ? When you lose a child, as we lost our daughter, you feel alone. Most people www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


thing. She was honest in her answers and gave me permission to ask anything. The invitation sharply differed from her behavior when she was alive. Over seven years of celestial conversations with Mother, I’ve learned what she was going through in life and how she sees I can improve my own life. Her unconditional love oozes from the journal. Her spirit shines in the letters. What was your relationship with your mother like before she died? Mother and I got along beautifully in life as long I didn’t ask any questions about her personal feelings or finances. She was not able to express herself in loving ways. She felt suspicious of any attempt on my part to ask personal questions about her life. Our bond was my six children whom she loved wholeheartedly. I feel our relationships became more harmonious and loving in the afterlife. Was there an original interruption in the mother-daughter relationship between you and your mother? Mother’s privacy was always a huge wall around her. However, as she got older, she became more suspicious of me. She hired lawyers, accountants and other professionals to counsel her, and if I asked anything about her affairs, her response became a mantra: “I don’t really know, dear.” As she moved into her seventies she became sullen and frightened of dying. That only added to her suspicions of me, which I never understood. Later in our celestial conversations, she explained how and why she appeared to dislike me 24

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so much. What do you think caused the shift in the way your mother used to behave and how she acts now? She has been relieved of the prison of a broken body and a suspicious mind. She says that immediately after crossing over she could see her own life and those of her loved ones quite clearly, and wanted to come back to tell me how much she loved me and how sorry she was for the misunderstandings we had. She explained that until I was ready to “listen” to her, she couldn’t get through to me. Once I was ready to heal our relationship, she was, too. Her love in the spiritual was untainted by personality difficulties or side effects of medications. It was pure and unconditional. How have your prior career experiences prepared you for your journey in life? I have studied metaphysics and all kinds of spiritual subjects since I was a young mother. Over the years I was asked to teach classes on the mind-body and meditation. This prepared me to give the Celestial Conversation Workshops which I offer today. Over the years, I was asked to give talks and interviews about angels. Those experiences prepared me to give talks and interviews on my transpersonal process. I even produced a television program, Angels at Work, which focused upon good people in the community. All of these things helped me to prepare for this new “mission.” Now I give talks, workshops and interviews about the tools I offer for grieving hearts to help them heal.

What would you most like our readers to know about your journey in business? In life? I have been blessed with a deep faith in God. Everything I have studied or taught helped me to appreciate the unconditional love of God. Even in the darkest times with the most difficult challenges, I never lost faith. Now, having spent seven years in Compassionate Friends after the death of our daughter, I realize that grief often makes people believe that God has “taken” their loved-one. Fortunately, that was not my experience. Indeed, my grief and my Celestial Conversations have made me more convinced than ever that God holds us in the palm of His hand. It is my present understanding that God even allows ordinary people like me to reach out to broken hearts to help remind them of His love. Who would you describe as your mentor(s) and why? One of my most important mentors was/ is Archbishop Fulton John Sheen, who died in 1979. Toward the end of his life, Bishop Sheen became a mentor to me. He taught me a great deal about the Catholic faith, but most importantly, he urged me to “become a pencil in God’s hand.” Bishop Sheen’s words still ring in my ears. His focus on individuals within a crowd when he spoke reminds me that each person is important. If one person is touched by a speaker, that’s a blessing for the speaker, as well as the listener. He wrote 66 books and his beautiful “Life of Christ” still inspires people after so many years. Bishop Sheen showed me the power of the written word and how it lives on, even after the author dies!

What’s on your bucket list and why? One of the items on my bucket list is going to Rome to the canonization of Archbishop Sheen. I have promoted his Cause for 25 years. He has become “Venerable,” which officially puts him on the path to sainthood. I believe I will witness the canonization of the first American-born male saint in my lifetime. Another thing on my bucket list is to spend quality time with Cyndi’s two boys. After our daughter’s death, we have not been able to spend quality time with them. I pray that it will happen one day. The third and most important item on my bucket list is to become the person God intends me to be on earth. I want to use all my gifts and talents to become a loving, compassionate person, who inspires grieving-hearts with hope. I want to help others learn that our loved-ones are only a breath away, even if they have died. I want to give the broken-hearted hope that our deceased loved-ones are willing to share their wisdom, forgiveness and unconditional love IF we ask. Any difficult times you’d care to share with our readers? And if so, what lesson have you learned? Losing our daughter was the most difficult experience of my life. Pouring my anguish into a book that other people would read was very difficult for me. Sometimes while I was writing Celestial Conversations my body would be racked with physical pain. Remembering the death and burial of our daughter was gut-wrenching. Admitting my own www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


resentment and criticism about the relationship I had with Mom was very hard for me as well. For many years prior to her death, my healing work had helped so many people. The fact that my mother died without healing our relationship was embarrassing to share. However, as I shared how Celestial Conversations helped us heal our relationship after her death, I discovered something else: I learned that there is an epidemic of grief that engulfs our world. It became critically important for me to offer my little “screwdriver” in the toolbox for healing grief. While writing my book, I was afraid of rejection of my premise that motherdaughter love never dies, and that loved-ones can communicate with us. However, witnessing that others use Celestial Conversations to finish their own business with loved ones made me determined to speak my truth. It was at once exhilarating and humbling. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would that be? I would love more and judge less. I would live each day to the fullest. To paraphrase Gandhi, I would BE the love I say I want. What do you wish you knew 20 years ago? How I wish I knew that every moment on this earth is a gift. I wish I recognized unconditional love is what everyone needs. I wish I realized that judgment and criticism is a waste of time. I wish I 26

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had loved more because, as Cyndi says, “love is the only thing we take with us when we die.” What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I am the mother of six children, the grandmother of 13 grandchildren, and Raymond’s wife for 51 years. I never intended to focus on anything but my family in the here and now. Until my mother and Cyndi died, I had no interest whatsoever in the afterlife! Now helping others open their minds to the wisdom of deceased loved-ones is my present mission, and my opportunity to help heal broken-hearts. What inspires you? What makes you laugh? My mother and my daughter inspire me from beyond the veil. My husband, children and my grandchildren inspire me here on earth. Those healing individuals who try to help make the world a better place also inspire me to do my share to help our young ones to live in a world of love and laughter. If you could stand up and defend anything, what would it be? Peace on earth! It is past time. I was born into a military family. My father was a graduate of West Point. My parents were married the day Hitler marched into Poland. My dad trained pilots and served in Korea. We know that war hurts everyone. Peace is the answer. Love is the answer. I would defend peace as the only way to heal the planet. www.celestialconversations.com

professional spotlight 28

Briana Barbee By Mimi Zelman

Center Director - LaVida Massage at the Promenade

How did you get started in this business? In 1995, my younger brother, Jared, was diagnosed with leukemia. Two years later, he relapsed and had to have a bone marrow transplant to increase his odds of survival. After tons of tests, we found that Jared & I had similar enough DNA to chance a transplant. The odds were good. Spending so much time in the hospital had two effects on me – initial denial of the Connect And Grow With Women In Our Community

depth of Jared’s situation & fascination at the effects of modern medicine and prayer. When Jared was so sick that he couldn’t walk or barely talk, his pediatric nurses would come into his room and massage him. He’d been stuck like a pin cushion so many times, and his nurses knew that human touch can be one of the greatest healers. I never forgot that. Massage school was a calling for me. In 2001, I became licensed.

What is your background? What were you doing before this business? I love the human body and the miracles it performs every day. I wanted to get involved in the health care field, but in an area that was less invasive than traditional western medicine. I’d worked in retail since I was 14, and became a manager at 17. Bodywork is in my blood. Managing a center while maintaining my private practice is the perfect way to marry my love, and my gift. What is a good early story about your business? A few months after I graduated from massage school, a close friend asked me to start working on her to try and manager her severe pain. She was a single mother with three young kids and had recently found out she had lupus & rheumatoid arthritis. She couldn’t work, couldn’t cook dinner… some days, she couldn’t get out of the bed to take her kids to school. She would call me at all hours to ask me to come work on her, sometimes at 3am, and I would go. We broke all the ‘rules’ of bodywork back then in order to focus on her wellness. A year later, she was able to slowly transition off her meds, and went back to school. She is now a police officer & tactical arms instructor.

What is unusual or unique about your business, in comparison to your competitors or similar businesses? Our center is a family. We celebrate holidays & special occasions together, vent about the world’s problems and have coffee together. I could collect a paycheck anywhere, but I can’t recreate the chemistry we all have together. Is there a customer experience you are most proud of? Massage Therapists do not diagnose conditions or prescribe medication for disease or illness, but I’m trained to consider implications of appearance in unknown pathology when working on a client. I have a private client, that, because I see her so often, I noticed a spot on her back that looked suspicious to me and had appeared mysteriously since her last session two weeks before. I mentioned my concern, and recommended that she see her doctor. A phone call from her dermatologist the next week confirmed that she had stage II squamous cell carcinoma. Some clients do not have spouses or significant others that might otherwise spot an area of concern on the body that is hard to see, on a shoulder or back of the knee, for example. www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


Do you do any charity or non for profit work? LaVida Massage at the Promenade has adopted ‘ The Sandbox’ as our non-profit. In a place that hits very close to home, The Sandbox helps provide support & financial assistance to families of children with serious or terminal disease. When Jared was in the hospital taking chemotherapy, my parents would stay by his bedside for hours and days at a time, leaving the room only when the other parent was present, and only long enough to get a cup of coffee or pray in the chapel. A latte’ or a double cheeseburger takes money, and that’s the LAST thing on your mind when every thought is consumed with your sick child. The Sandbox provides financial help for medical bills, or just that cup of coffee at 3am. They also provide cleaning supplies, coats, Christmas gifts and anything other help needed. We need more Sandboxes. Who are some of your most notable clients? The most notable ones are the clients that find ways to afford their massage service that many would describe as a “luxury”. I hear stories every day about how “couponing & no fast food” is what paid for their additional session this month. 30

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What are some of your greatest challenges in your business? The economy plays a major role in every penny being spent these days. To me, massage isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. However, for someone that is struggling to pay their power bill without a cost of living raise increase that argument is tough to swallow. What many people don’t know is that my job at LaVida is to save you money, and get you in more often. If you suffer from migraines or insomnia and your doctor has mentioned getting a massage, you can utilize your Flex Spending dollars or Health Savings Account to pay for your sessions. We will provide all of the paperwork necessary to submit to your insurance company. IRS.gov can give you more details. What would you most like the reader to know about your journey in business? My father told me when I was a little girl to “find something that I enjoyed doing and figure out how to get paid for doing it. You’ll never work a day in your life.” My dad was right. My passion for massage, bodywork & healthcare is a perpetual classroom for me. When you believe in your craft, your cause, your team, and yourself, amazing things will happen. Briana L. Barbee Center Director LaVida Massage at the Promenade bbarbee@lavidamassage.com Phone: 704-708-5044


Big Marketing

Ideas for Small Businesses


re personal relationships why most consumers frequent small businesses? From the mom and pop coffee shop to the small bookstore just down the street, people enjoy the personal interactions and convenience small businesses offer. In a recent survey about interactions between consumers and small businesses from Web.com, more than eight out of ten consumers said it’s important that a 32

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small business is customer-focused and provides personal, face-to-face interaction with its customers. Respondents also wanted a small business to be local, convenient and reliable. Grow online: To account for consumers’ desire for personal relationships, small businesses should have a big presence on the Internet, but only 41 percent of small businesses surveyed even had a website. Those without a website said they didn’t see the need for one, or the cost of designing and maintaining a site

was a barrier. On the other hand, 83 percent of consumers who responded said having a website and use of social media is important to their consideration and choice of a small business.

“Small businesses have historically relied on face-to-face relationships to grow and differentiate themselves, but today’s consumers are demanding that these relationships extend into ‘e-Main Street’,” says David Brown, president, chairman and CEO of Web.com. “Our survey found a significant disconnect between how small businesses decision-makers think they are delivering on customers’ expectations versus the reality of consumers’ perceptions. The good news is small businesses are starting to realize the web’s untapped potential to reach consumers who are eager for online engagement.” Stay in touch: Everyone knows how important it is to stay in touch with friends. If you’re a small business owner, don’t forget to stay in touch with your customers so they won’t forget about you. Use social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter,

along with email to notify your customers about special promotions or to just remind them about the great benefits you offer. While it’s easy to blast an email to every customer or post an endless stream of cute pictures on Facebook, it’s important to not overwhelm or annoy them with too much of a good thing. Keep your messages consistent, concise and professional. If you’re not sure how to get started, the Internet offers a lot of resources about how to successfully set up your online presence and use Google, Facebook and Twitter to market and grow your business online. You can also find information online at www.Web.com Provide personal service: Set your business apart by giving every customer the personal interaction and convenience they crave. Simply asking customers about their purchases or how you can serve them better gives you a consistent stream of information you can use to refine your goods or services and increase sales. Make sure every employee understands the value in talking to customers and tracking feedback. The bottom line for every small business is that consumers are demanding online interaction and involvement with businesses, both big and small. Consistently reaching out to your customers through a website, social media and face-to-face interactions will help your business thrive. www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


going green

Terri’s Top 7

Green Cleaning Secrets


etting a deep, green clean means a healthier home and a healthier family. Terri shares her ‘Top 7 Green Cleaning Secrets’ to help you Do Your Part today! 1) White Vinegar Works Wonders White vinegar is a natural disinfectant that works just about everywhere. Mix a half-andhalf solution of white vinegar and water for a germ-busting disinfectant to clean kitchen counters, bathrooms, and even most floors. Add 1 cup of vinegar to your dishwasher to clean out its inner workings. Or cook ½ cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water in your microwave to loosen stuck on food and grease. One warning, don’t use vinegar on marble or other porous surfaces. 2) Baking Soda Solutions Baking soda works well on most things in the kitchen because it doesn’t scratch. That makes it a good choice for countertops, oven tops, stainless steel, and the sink. If you have stubborn stains, make a baking soda paste. Just use 3 parts baking soda and one part water. Let it sit for awhile, scrub the area, and then wipe clean. And baking soda is also an excellent deodorizer for carpet. Sprinkle with baking soda, let stand for at least fifteen minutes, then vacuum. 3) Tackle Bathroom Blues with Borax Borax is an effective mold killer and works well on hard water deposits. Use a paste to scrub the sides of the tub to a sparkling white, or mix a solution of 1 cup of borax with 1 gallon of warm water to eat away at mold in tile grout. Let 1 cup of borax sit in the toilet bowl overnight, and swipe it clean with a toilet brush the next morning.


By Terri Bennett

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4) Chose Air Fresheners Which Don’t Pollute Most popular air fresheners contain dangerous ingredients like formaldehyde. Many times, they will also contain VOCs which can slowly emit toxic chemicals for years. Fresh air, baking soda (sprinkled in everything from garbage cans to tennis shoes), and soy candles are healthier options. 5) Green Your Laundry Routine Green up laundry day by switching to a phosphate-free plant-based detergent. For softer clothes add ¼ cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle as a natural fabric softener. For a more efficient use of energy and water, only wash full loads and set the water temperature to cold. 6) Break the Paper Towel Habit Paper towels are made from the trees. Wean your family off of paper towels by keeping a drawer of reusable clothes. You can make your own by cutting up old t-shirts and towels, or invest in new sustainable bamboo dish clothes. Whatever you choose, the key is in quantity. Make sure you have plenty of options on hand for wiping down the counters or cleaning up an unexpected coffee spill. 7) Safely Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste Household Hazardous Waste includes common household items like old paints, used motor oil, batteries and more. These items should never be thrown in the trash where they can contaminate the land and water. Do Your Part and take your household hazardous waste to a proper recycling facility in your area. To find one near you, search for “Household Hazardous Waste” at Earth911.com

www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014



By Elyshia Brooks, MBA

Change Your Thoughts… Sharpen Your Business... Shift Your Life!


What are you thoughts saying? Are you paying attention to your thoughts and if so what are they saying about you, your business and ultimately your life? Your thoughts are powerful and what you say about yourself, your business and your life are all related back to your thoughts in regards to whether you are successful or you fail at some things. Your thoughts are truly dominating your life and when you are an entrepreneur or business owner you must understand that what you speak and how you feel about what you do plays a huge part in the life of your business and how you attract and interact with your clients. So I ask you again, what are you thinking about when it comes to your business and life as we enter into this New Year? When you first started your business or even came up with your business idea, you were so excited and thought all of


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these positive thoughts that no one can speak negative about what it is you have set out to accomplish. You had it in your mind that “This is what I am going to do and no one is going to stop me,” attitude. You have thoughts of thinking and playing BIG and you were on the top of the clouds because you knew what you were called to do. Now is the time to look at your business again and reshape, regroup, or rewind your thoughts about your business for 2014! It is the first of 2014 and what are you planning to achieve? How are you going to achieve your business goals? Do you have a plan, strategy, for branding and marketing your business? How much of your thoughts have kept you back from playing BIG in your business and in life? To change your business and for you to shift your life, you have to change some things if you are going to succeed because they all are connected.

So let’s look at some things that you can do to channel your thoughts for a successful business and life in 2014: What You Think Spills Over Into Your Business & Lifestyle Brand: It is true that what you think and your personality should be included and represented in your marketing materials and website. When your divine clients encounter you, they should know what they are going to receive based on the connection that they had with you either on your website or through your marketing materials. What you are thinking and what energy you put out there should line up with how you do business and live your life; being totally authentic. So what are your divine clients receiving from you that speaks volumes about who you are? Your Message To The World Says What?…When you have a clear and concise message that speaks directly to your divine clients exactly who you are, then you are able to do business with those that need you and can pay you what you are worth, so that you can live the lifestyle that you deserve. Moreover, that is because you have clarity about your purpose. Your message is what you share with the world that comes from deep within your soul and puts you on the path to your purpose. Your Business Model Speaks: When you designed your business model, you designed it so that you can have various streams of income hopefully, but what do you tell yourself about your business model? Are you a perfectionist and your thoughts keep you going to the point

where you keep changing your model because you see another shiny object? I have had clients and even myself continue to recreate my business model because I saw what others were doing and I felt that I had to be doing the same thing and that is simply not the case. Be who you are and do what you can be committed to doing. When you have clarity about your purpose, passion and business model, you are able to work from that point and not look at what others are doing because you are special and unique in your own way. When you are not grounded in your purpose, your thoughts will have you all over the place and your business would not have a foundation. Therefore, you see why it is so important to ‘mind your thoughts’ and to stay focused on what your business is and not where your thoughts can drift you. Your thoughts play a major role in various aspects of your business and life; therefore, you have to observe and control your thoughts so that they won’t get out of alignment of where you want to go in your business and in life. Some things that you can do to keep track of your thoughts and stay focused are: • Journal your thoughts daily whenever it is a good time for you. Be in a quiet space so that you can allow your thoughts to flow. • Keep a voice recorder around so that you can speak them until you are able go back to record them to paper. There is something about putting your thoughts to paper that keeps you focused. www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


• Put them to a vision board, reminder list, or whatever you have that you can remember to read on a daily or weekly basis. I personally keep a Business Journal to pen my goals, achievements, challenges, client’s testimonies and more. It helps keep me focused. • When you have your thoughts and goals in front of you and you go back to them and put action to them, then you are holding yourself to a level of commitment that you can bring to pass in your business and also create a lifestyle that speaks to your destiny and purpose. So again, I ask you what are you thinking? What are your thoughts creating in your business and in your life? Are your thoughts holding you back or pushing you forward into the best life that you desire and are you living on purpose? If not, then you need to do an assessment of your thoughts and change what needs to be changed so that you can get to where you want to be. Make Today Be That Day That You Change Your Thoughts For Your Business and Life! You Deserve It! But What Can You Do Now To Prepare For An Extraordinary Year In Your Marketing? I want you to think about being in a new city for a vacation and you have no clue where to go or what to do for fun and relaxation. However, you know that you must do something; otherwise, why pick that place for a vacation? You chose it because it was your heart’s desire to go and enjoy yourself. Well how would you do that without an actual roadmap or some type of strategy to figure out what


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it is that you want to do while vacationing? This is the same thing for your business going into the New Year and how you plan to market yourself and plan your business. There must be a roadmap or a strategy to get to the ideal business, work with your divine clients and to live in abundance. Your marketing and branding strategy is your guide to building business, brand awareness and profit. If you don’t hear me say anything else, please know and truly understand that you CANNOT HAVE A BUSINESS AND NOT MARKET, ADVERTISE AND BRAND YOUR BUSINESS! IT IS JUST NOT GOING TO WORK NOR BE SUCCESSFUL!!! It really bothers me how individuals, entrepreneurs, and business owners believe that marketing is not a must for their business. Marketing is the key essential aspect of the initial branding and promoting your product or service, sustaining and maintaining your brand, along with sales and revenue. It is just as simple as this, “YOU HAVE NO CHOICE NOT TO MARKET YOUR BUSINESS!” Period! Once a business owner understands that, that is when you can begin to move forward, otherwise no one knows about you, your product or your service; which then would lead to total frustration. So let me help you to get a clue going into 2014! You have to change your mindset about marketing and if you don’t know exactly what it is or all that it entails, please get with someone, if not me, who can show you what you can do to grow your business. I want everyone successful in his or her soulful business because it is your purpose in which your specific divine target market needs to receive from you.

There are few things that you can think about and can begin to implement going into the New Year. You must understand that you cannot ‘not’ do nothing…I know my English majors will get me for that…Lol! But don’t expect to be open for business and people are banging your doors down if they don’t know that you exist. Yes! I have to tell it like it is, no more beating around the bush on this matter. So to begin your 2014 off with a Big Bang, look at some of these elements to design a successful marketing roadmap: • Get totally clear about your purpose for your business and keep the end in mind of what you want your business to look like in the upcoming year. • Define your business values and core competencies that you will be committed to in every experience, engagement and intricate part of your soulful business. • Identify your key products and services that you will offer and build a marketing road map around those first before introducing other products or services. • Choose and establish a minimum of three no more than five industries that you will focus on to establish your business in and then add additional ones every 12-18 months. Don’t rush into spreading yourself to thin. • Design your pricing strategy and the value of your offers. Establish what will make you unique and what value they will receive. Own your time and expertise if you are offering a service.

• Get clarity on what your brand stands for and the marketing message that you want to get out your divine clients by including your personal authentic brand. Now as you have received some tips on what you need to think about before going into the New Year, you can then begin to visualize what action needs to be done to begin marketing your business. These thoughtful tips should provoke you to get clarity on who you want to work with and do business with because that is a huge part of your strategic marketing plan, which I will go into more detail in my next blog. If you have no road map to get you where you see yourself going, then any road will get you there, but will the journey be worth it? It would save you time, energy and money if you had a plan to work from. Don’t let the last couple of weeks pass you by without deciding how you will market, brand and advertise your business. IF you are unsure, reach out to me for a Complimentary 30-Minute Discovery Session to explore what that looks like for your business. Commit to yourself in 2014 that you will do more to brand and grow your soulful business intentionally because you are tired of business as usual. Elyshia Brooks, MBA CEO/President Elyshia Brooks International, Inc. Personal Authentic Branding Coachsultant ElyshiaBrooks.com Phone: 800-511-5410 Author “Branding The Authentic You” Twitter: @ElyshiaInc Facebook: Facebook.com/ElyshiaBrooksInc www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


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New Solution to Lift Skin Ultrasound! Sagging


The beauty about getting older is you finally start to loosen up. You tend to worry a little less, laugh a little more and melt into who you’ve become and the life you’ve created. But, unfortunately, your skin also seems to take on a lax attitude. You – and your skin – are not alone. In fact, 3 of 5 people are bothered by sagging skin, and, according to a consumer survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, nearly 75 percent have considered a cosmetic procedure to tighten up or smooth things out. What’s more, statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery show that facelifts seem to be making a comeback. And while surgery tends to be a last resort, many mistakenly believe it’s the only solution available for lifting, especially for stubborn areas such as the gobbler under the chin or the loose rings on the neck. Thankfully, science has decided to challenge that belief and serve


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up the skin its overdue non-surgical lift by way of sound. Yes, S - O - U - N - D. Sound Skin To be clear, this is sound that can’t be heard by the human ear. This is ultrasound; sound that occurs at frequencies

only dolphins and bats can detect. In fact, this is the same ultrasound used to produce baby sonograms. In sonogram imaging, the sound wave energy is low with shortened pulses. To show a sharp picture, these pulsed waves create a tight web of visual details as they bounce off the body’s internal structures. To actually treat and stimulate a natural lift in the skin, however, the sound wave juice gets bumped up and the pulses are prolonged and converged for deeper, more precise penetration. This allows the energy to narrow in on the skin’s core fabric, including the same collagen-rich fibrous layer typically treated during a facelift. The ultrasound lift The process in which ultrasound makes the lifting magic happen is nice to know, but what really matters is the validated science behind it. For the first time, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared a face-and-neck ultrasound procedure that is clinically proven to noninvasively lift skin on the neck, under the chin and above the brow. The procedure, Ultherapy, not only measurably lifts skin, it does so without any chemical or foreign substances. Instead, it relies on the body’s own healing process to gradually lift the skin over the course of three to six months. What’s unique about Ultherapy ultrasound is it relies on both the shorter and longer ultrasound pulses to first image and then treat the skin. Imaging, of course, allows practitioners to broadly

see the different layers of the skin to be treated. For the treatment itself, the concentrated sound wave energy encourages select cells in the skin’s foundation to initiate the production of new collagen and elastin. In turn, the skin lifts and tightens over time. And, because the ultrasound energy funnels-in to focus on deeper face and neck tissue – it’s diluted at more superficial layers – the skin’s surface isn’t affected and, after 60 minutes, most patients are able to walk away ready to go about their day*. It’s not surgery, it’s sound. The scalpel is still the weapon of choice for dramatic facelifts. But, for a more natural and gradual lift, plastic surgeons and other cosmetic physicians now have a new tool in their treatment arsenals: Ultherapy ultrasound. Want to find out if you’re an Ultherapy candidate? Visit HYPERLINK “http://www. lift.Ultherapy.com” www.lift.Ultherapy.com HYPERLINK “http://www.UltrasoundLift. com” to learn more and connect with a doctor nearby. *As with any medical procedure, there are possible risks and variation in outcomes associated with the Ultherapy treatment. It is important to discuss the Ultherapy treatment with a healthcare professional to fully understand the treatment and risks. 1002964A

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2 H 0: Decoded


During the cold winter months, we trade the crisp, calico-covered autumn for ice on car windshields, long lines at Starbucks and thick, heavy coats. We become enchanted by nostalgic twinkling lights and snowdrifted driveways. There’s nothing that can’t be fixed by homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows, a good book and a crackling fire. Snuggling down next to our little one or significant other tells the world that for only a a few minutes, you’re hibernating. Bears and wolves aren’t the only mammals whose biological blueprint instructs them to bed down for a long winter rest. Interestingly, human beings go on auto-pilot in the winter, too. Can the seasons really affect our moods? Absolutely, as do the moon cycles and ocean tides, otherwise known as circadian rhythm. Evidence has existed to support this research for years, though we are far from understanding exactly how it works. According to the “Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry” (Lippincott & Williams, 2008), there is evidence of seasonal peaks in suicides, which occur more frequently in summer, and birth rates, which also tend to peak in spring and summer. Chillier winter months see more illness and death, an indirect correlation to the effect of heat, cold and liquid in our bodies. More factors play a role in seasonal adjustment, and this is merely the tip of the iceberg. During winter, digestion slows, we tend to conserve water and our craving for simple


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sugar increases. This is due, in part, to storing glucose during long periods to use as fuel, while abstaining from food and nutrients. Consuming enough water to not only maintain your health but make it through three months of snow in an underground burrow, is a major undertaking. Not convinced? Let’s look at the science behind it. HOW MUCH salt water? Did you know the average human body contains 50 quarts of salt water? FIFTY QUARTS. According to some scientific theory (not proven as fact), human and animal bodies contain salt water because they are descendants of organisms that once lived in earth’s oceans. Once animals migrated onto land, they evolved from the need to physically live in water, but retained the salt water in their bodies to nourish and act as a conductor for the electrical impulsed sent out by our circulatory and nervous systems. Salt is a very inexpensive mineral, but incredibly, valuable - in ancient Rome, salt was actually used as currency by Julius Caesar. The largest organ, your skin, takes quite a beating during the winter months. Cutaneous layers thin out and wrinkles or bruises appear quicker. Skin dries out, despite that slathering of shea butter you applied after your shower. During the winter our body begins accumulaing “brown fat”, which is our built-in defense to the cold. Calluses on

hands and feet develop quicker.

Condition each day as usual.

Keeping it all in perspective. Through a delicate balance of food, liquid, herbs, vitamins and minerals, sleep and sunshine (even in the dead of winter), our bodies stay relatively in bounds in homeostasis, and within the margins of what we consider healthy.

• Stock up on fresh seasonal fruit and veggies. Most are loaded with water, minerals and vitamins. Freeze what you won’t use right away.

In order to survive, your body must replenish and maintain those fluids, as well as all necessary minerals, called electrolytes. Tea, sodas, coffee and juices are not enough - our bodies require fresh water for cell reproduction. Water not only replaces lost fluid, but helps break down food for nourishment, flushes toxins from the bloodstream, and activates chemicals in the body to help you grow. One or two daily sodas, coffees or sweet teas won’t kill you, but you do need fresh, plain water on a regular basis to replenish your cells and increase hydration. Drinking water after strenuous activity, getting a massage or any sort of medical procedure is not a bad idea. While re hydrating your body, you’re helping to flush out the bad stuff. Your winter survival tips: • Carry a bottle of water wherever you go. If it’s a 20 oz. bottle, make a conscieus deccision to refill it five times throughout the day. • Don’t invest in expensive lotions or creams. Pure shea butter, coconut oil or cocoa butter is many time sold as a solid and will melt slowly when warmmed up in your hands. Just be sure to wash your hands well and let the lotion soak in before sliding into your clothes. Shea, cocoa and coconut oil are also incredibly inexpensive, and pull double-duty as you can cook with coconut oil. • Give your hair a couple of days between washings to decrease the risk of split ends.

• Remember to keep lips hydrated. Wind burn on chapped lips is like craked sunburn that won’t go away. It’s not pretty, or comfortable. • Use saline solution in nasal passages if you have issues with congestion. • Use a cool humidifier in rooms, when possible. Clean the filters with bleach and water frequently. • When your body is fighting off infection, increase garlic in your cooking, and consider PowerAde or Gatorade as a supplement to water. • Not sure you’re getting enough water? Try replacing one beverage a day with roomtemperature H20... it takes the body less time to convert room temperature water to energy than cold or ice water. An average adult needs about two and a half quarts of water a day to maintain good health. Quick test to see if you’re hydrated well-enough; with firm pressure, press your thumb onto your forearm for five seconds. Remove, and quickly take note of the ‘feel’ if your skin. Hydrated, healthy skin will feel springy, not doughy or spongy. If the spot pressed under your thumb blanches (stays white) for more than a second or two, you need to drink up, pronto. Briana L. Barbee, LMBT Center Director LaVida Massage at the Promenade bbarbee@lavidamassage.com 704-708-5044 www.womenwithknowhow.com JANUARY 2014


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