Anonymous Family Holiday Residence

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Family Holiday Residence







The apartment is designed as a holiday residence of a wealthy Chinese family. With one grown up child studying abroad and visiting episodically and one small kid. The small room for nanny or maid is dedicated next to the backdoors. The interior project faced challenges unprecedented elsewhere. Although the main purpose of the designing personal interiors is meeting residents needs and improving spaces according to their lifestyle, this project is detached from the client. Mainly because residents of the flat unconditionally kept anonymous throughout the whole design process.

这是一个专为富有的中国家庭而设计的度假型住宅。设计过程中考虑到了家里有一个在国外学习偶尔回国居住的大女儿,还有一个在国内读书的小儿 子。后门的小房间是供保姆或佣人居住的。该室内设计根据业主提供的要求进行了优化设计。希望这次设计不仅能够满足业主的要求,更能超越业主 的要求,给业主的家人创造一个舒适的居住环境。

Without discussion and dialogue this project tries to generalize the taste of well travelled modern Chinese family with some interest in cosmopolitan culture and art. 这个项目旨在体现中国现代家庭的高品位品味生活,为文化,艺术以及奢华而生。

The recent proposal is keeping up with given program and functions. Some previous plan solutions were changed. The bedroom of the girl moved next to boys bedroom , thus creating silent end of the flat for the rest. Cinema moved next to living room and balcony, where most of the family gathering is happening. Also it is most isolated corner where sounds of cinema would not disturb resting members of the family. Master bedroom is enlarged by reducing size of the bathroom. The entrance hall is cleared of unnecessary wardrobe closets. The art piece of main importance is defining the spacious hall. Small walk in closet fitted next to the entrance door for guests outerwear. 为更好地满足各个房间的功能,设计做了如下调整:女孩的卧室移到了男孩的卧室旁 边,这样就为其余的房间创造了更加安静的环境。电影院移到了客厅和阳台旁边,这 样就把家人经常一起活动的空间设计在了一起。电影院置于相对独立的角落,以防噪 音影响业主一家休息。主卧室是通过缩小浴室的面积来扩大的。对门厅处的衣帽间进 行了优化,得到了更多可利用的空间。主入口处的艺术作品给宽敞的门厅增添了几分 趣味。同时在入口处为客人设置了衣帽间。

Piano is moved to dining area, to serve as entertainment and protect the Serenity of Buddha altar. Dinner room and kitchen is united to grant more open, sensual and luxurious space. The equipment in gym room replaced with master studio and library purposes. 钢琴移到了餐厅,用来娱乐的同时也给佛堂增添了几分静谧。餐厅和厨房有机联系在 了一起,提供了一个更开放、更注重感官体验的奢华空间。主人工作室能够满足健身 和阅览需求。


Dine zone. With a open bar and piano. Open kitchen. Dining table can be separated and closed to private corner. Washroom, back entrance and maids room. 用餐区里有酒吧和钢琴,是开放式厨房。窗帘可作为隔断,形成封闭独立的空间,也 可打开,形成开放空间,设计相对灵活。洗手间,后门和佣人房。

Silent, recreational resting zone of the apartment. Bedrooms and Budha altar. 安静的放松休息区:卧室和佛堂

Living area. Entertinament and leisure for common use of residents. 家庭生活区。日常娱乐休闲设施












Soft and pleasant to touch materials used throughout whole of the flat. Whole flat is covered in natural wood parquet of intricate pattern of herring bone. The treatment of wood is modern. To wash out the brown colours and make flat brighter wood is bleached with chemicals, brushed with metal brushes and impregnated 住宅内材料触感柔软舒适,现代化的木地板采用人字形图案。不再使用棕色,而使用化学漂白和物理粉刷产生金属质感与防水效果,使得屋内更加明亮

All bathrooms use large scale slabs of natural white veiny marble with matt finish to have soft and pleasant to touch feel. Marble on the floor must be treated with acids, to have rough, abrasive surfaces, to avoid slipping and injuries. Natural stone mosaic of geometric patterns must be proof assembled in factory to ensure precision. 所有的浴室都采用天然白色大理石和亚光饰面,具有柔软舒适的触感。为了使 地板具有粗糙、磨蚀的表面,以避免滑倒和受伤,地板上的大理石必须用酸处 理。 几何图案的天然石马赛克必须在工厂进行组装,以确保精度。

Throughout whole flat turquoise colour palette between green and blue is used. Other surfaces coloured in various gray shades in between black and white. The custom made furniture is made of cherry red wood to compliment turquoise walls. All metallic surfaces are consistently shiny golden. Gold and blue tone combination were always considered as royal and noble. 住宅主色调是青绿色。此外,采用了不同的灰色暗色调处理。定制家具是用樱桃红木制成的,以衬托青绿色的墙壁。所有的金属表面金光闪闪。金 色和蓝色的色调组合是高贵和典雅的象征。

In the center of dining area Rose of the Winds the mosaic of natural stone is placed. Wind rose is included in order to let the reader know which directions the 8 major winds blow within the plan view. North is depicted with a fleur de lis, while West is shown as a Buda palm to indicate the direction of Tibet. 在用餐区中心位置的墙面上,马赛克石材式样的风玫瑰图向 住户展示了屋内8个主要风向。 北面用一朵百合花表示,而西面则用佛掌表示西藏的方向。

At the lounge zones colorfull luxury rugs and carpets cover seating areas. Turquoise color palette between green and blue is used. Geometric patterns or ombre (gradient effect where colours gradually blend and meet). Every bedroom has personal hand woven carpet of natural materials such as wool or cotton. 在休息区的座位上,覆盖着豪华毯子。在该区域内,使用了青绿色, 同时也采用了几何图案与阴影(颜色渐变融合能够产生倾斜的视觉效果)。 每个卧室都有用羊毛或棉花等天然材料手工编织的地毯。

Floor materials: • • • • • • •

Main floor areas of the flat are covered with natural bleached and brushed wood parquet in herringbone pattern. Black polished marble stone on thresholds or where material changes. Kitchen floor area is covered with stone mosaic of geometric patterns. Bathroom floor and and wall surfaces are covered with genuine marble. Cinema floor is covered with long hair carpet of excellent sound absorbing performance. Balcony and terraces are covered with tropical wood planks. Impregnated, brushed and bleached. Water fountain is decorated with luxury stone slabs such as agate or onyx.

地板材料: • 地板主要是镶木地板,人字形,采用漂泊和刷漆技术。 • 入口处地板运用黑色抛光大理石,材料需要变化的地方也可使用。 • 厨房地板是几何图案的石材马赛克。 • 浴室地板和墙壁表面覆盖着大理石。 • 电影院地板上铺满了具有极好吸音性能的长毛地毯。 • 阳台和露台用热带木板覆盖。不吸水,采用漂泊和刷漆技术。 • 喷泉是由豪华的石板如玛瑙或缟玛瑙来装饰的。

Mosaic. Clear marble 马赛克 清晰的大理石 Mosaic. Wind rose 马赛克 风中的玫瑰

Tropical terrace wood 热带阳台木 Black polished stone on thresholds 门槛上的黑色抛光石

Black polished stone on thresholds 门槛上的黑色抛光石 Ombre Carpet cover 深浅条纹的地毯

Dark luxury wood 高级黑木

White Marble 白色大理石

Bleached wood parquet herringbone pattern 漂白色的地板人字形 图案

Tropical terrace wood 热带阳台木

Water pool covered in Blue Agate stone slab 水池用蓝色玛瑙石装饰板

Facing Mirrors creating infinity tunnel effect 用镜子来创造出空间无限大的效果

The Budha platform is constructed to create the impression of levitation. The support is hidden under the curtains. Mirrors on plinths also enchases sense of levitation. The whole altar is covered in luxurious wood of darker shades to contrast with light of Budha. To cover daylight from behind of Budha the ombre gradient curtain of red to gold is used. Golden circle behind sculpture resembles a Prabhashvara of Budha aura. Sculpture of the Budha is illuminated with hidden spotlights in the box above. The box is covered in mirror that faces another mirror in front of the sculpture on opposite end of the room. Mirrors are connected with light lines that reflects thus creating the infinity light tunnel above Budha. The praying cushion is golden and the rug is omrbe of blue saphire colour which is also Prabhashvara of Budha aura. 佛像基座给人一种悬浮感。该基座的支撑物隐藏于窗帘下面。基座上的镜 子也显示出悬浮感。 深色的奢华木地板与光亮的佛像形成鲜明对比。金红色的窗帘对光线进行 了遮挡,佛像身后的金色圆圈象征着佛祖的灵光。 佛堂上方的聚光灯照耀着佛像。聚光灯罩的表面是镜子,恰好对着佛堂另 一端佛像对面的另一面镜子。通过光的反射,镜子串联了起来,也就形成 了光线的无限循环。金色的垫子、宝蓝色的地毯,与佛祖的光芒交相辉 映。

Mirrors on the plinths

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