Portfolio of architectural work experience by Mindaugas Skrupskelis

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3 rd issue 2 0 0 4 2006


mindaugas skrupskelis



2004-2006 Architektūros linija Gintaras Virginija Paulius Simonas Judita Miroslav Mindaugas Tadas

Čaikauskas Venckūnienė Petkus Klezys Striukienė Šeinicki Skrupskelis Černiauskas

After my studies in Denmark, I was asked by professor Gintaras Čaikauskas to help to finish one project for an architectural competition. This was the beginning of my two-year experience with a well known group of Lithuanian architects. For the technical drawings and detailed building drawings “Architektūros Linija” collaborates with “Viltekta“ - a large engineering and construction company. Both companies have their offices in the same building in order to be reachable at any time. In August 2007, Prof. Čaikauskas organised an exhibition in the central library of Laukaa (Finland) for the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the joint Lithuanian-Finnish venture “Architektūros Linija”. I am very happy about the opportunity to have my first job with a great group of authors. In this chapter of my portfolio, I present the projects, in which I took designing part.



Klaipėdos NAFTA

Architectural competition for the Ltd. Co. ‘Klaipėdos nafta’ administration building in Klaipėda`s sea port. 3rd place won + Lithuanian Architects Association award for the best futuristic project of the year. Contractors found this poject too complicated to realise, though admited its futuristic orientation overcoming expectations. Futuristic shape of building is intriguing because of its asociation with oil rig construction wich reflects the company‘s speciality and stands for iconic building best. Building area: 1790 m² Volume: 6312 m³ Parking: 100pl. Contractor: Ltd. Co. ‘Klaipėdos nafta’

ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Nerijus Kupė 3. Mindaugas Skrupskelis

Entertainment & shopping centre ‘Mega’ in Kaunas ARCHITECTS: 1. Miroslav Šejnicki 2. Mindaugas Skrupskelis 3. Chapman Taylor LLP

(Architects Masterplanners Designers)

Object was designed according to the concept of the international company „Chapman Taylor”. The building consists of three blocks: ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’. ‘A’ block is a two-storey building, with curved roofs. Area of the building is rented for hypermarket & other businesses. Second storey is used for technical equipment only. A huge gallery - “shopping mall” connects all the blocks. Block ‘B’ is also a two-storey building. The area is rented for small shops, restaurants, bowling, fitness & 5 cinema halls. Facades of the block are most expressive, because of 22 meter high cube erected for the cinema halls and such elements as arched gallery with skylights, entrance roofs & colourful-glass facades, which characterise volume of the building. ‘C’ block is a rectangular building with a clear erection for technical equipment on the roof. From the East side, a ‘winter garden’ of steel framework construction is connected to the building. Contractor: ‘Baltic Shopping Centers’ Ltd. Plot area: 183 000 m² Building area: 59 800 m² Occupation percetage: 32.68% No of buildings: 3 blocks (different fire protection sections) Engineering: ‘Viltekta’ Ltd.

Dwelling house in Filaretai; Vilnius ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras ÄŒaikauskas 2. Simonas Klezys 3. Mindaugas Skrupskelis UAB


With openly-minded contractors architects are not the only ones to go for experiments. Eccentric dwelling house design for a single family in Vilnius city. A fine plot situated in one of the greenest parts of the Lithuanian Capital city. Plastic curves shape an astonishing bionic building, which can be seen from every angle as an exciting piece of architecture for viewers. Big ideas come with contractors.

Country house extension in Vilnius ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras ÄŒaikauskas 2. Mindaugas Skrupskelis

Country house architecture has already got clear traditions in Lithuania. Simple shapes built from very natural materials, with wooden framework, are the meaning of a cozy summer for Lithuanians. Enlarged needs of the current family lead to the consecutive extention of the living space. The result of the extention - an additional bedroom with a wooden terrace/balcony.

Dwelling house in Nemenčinė ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Mindaugas Skrupskelis

The plot is situated in the district of Vilnius, which used to be the area of summer villas. Because of the shortage of the living area and expansion of Vilnius city, this suburb becomes a new Vilnius district of dwelling houses, where living standards are higher. The old building was one of the ussr`s standard reiterated projects of summer villas, which was not suitable for all-year-round living; it required reconstruction, which would have been very expensive. The old buildings were demolished and the new dwelling house was designed. Attention was paid to the pine tree forest, in which neighbouring plots were sprinkled, and historically habitual height of villas. Because of the one-store policy, the plan of building area became very wide, which caused a problem of roof covering. To design the right scale of volumes, we chose to divide the roof into several spine roofs with an accentuated contour of zigzag, which was our company`s logo as well. Plot area: 1100 m² Living area: 173 m² Contractor: B.Pauža

Moscow cultural centre in Vilnius ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Nerijus Kupė 3. Mindaugas Skrupskelis

The invitation for the Moscow cultural centre contest was a real shock for Lithuanian architects. Keeping in mind the complicated relationship Lithuania had always had with Russia, architects faced a dilema of participation as declaration of civil principles. Maturity of political mind was shown by accepting this challenge, though open discussions among architects gave a lot witty, ironical designs, which surprisingly were the most successful.

The type of the project is very interesting. Unexpected functions brought to the building programme, which included restaurants, small shops, travel agencies, business and investment consultations, concert hall, conference halls, gym & even VIP appartments. Unfortunatelly, the given plot regulations gave strict limits for volume. With all the above-mentioned functions, the building looks heavy as the Russia itself.

Quarter of apartment buildings in Raitininkų str., Vilnius ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Virginija Venckūninė 3. Paulius Petkus 4. Judita Striukienė 5. Linas Lapinskas 6. Mindaugas Skrupskelis

The plot of the quarter is situated in the centre of the Lithuanian capital, on the bank of the river Neris. 10 apartment buildings were designed. Buildings are different in height, shape and architectonics, thought the quarter is characterised by smooth expression and common style. The RaitininkĹł quarter is claimed to be a luxurious space for living. During the building period, the flats were being adapted for special needs of future residents as they collaborated with us. Great attention to comfortable living conditions was paid (insulation, air ventilation, safety, needs of disabled people, children playgrounds, functional connections, finishing and decoration). On 80% of the plot, the underground parking was built. The quarter was complemented with a park for outdoor games and recreational needs. After the proposal, the team shared blocks and designed buildings separately according to the agreed common rules.

Plot area: 21 446 m² Number of buildings: 10 blocks Number of residents: 430

Contractor: Ltd. Co.YIT Kausta Engineering: Viltekta Inc.

Complex of apartment buildings in Viršuliškės, Vilnius ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Virginija Venckūninė 3. Miroslav Šejnicki 4. Linas Lapinskas 5. Mindaugas Skrupskelis

Towers of Viršuliškės - complete realisation in 2003. The perspective of the part of Vilnius, where the project was conducted, gives promises of a new prestigious suburb. Investors ordered a study and proposal for the quarter. Besides apartment buildings, the study involved a school, children day-care center, community center, administration buildings and various types of commerce. The territory was already beeing developed by building streets, ringroads, and a viaduct. The two 26 storey identical apartment buildings were designed as the gate to the entire future high-building quarter.

Mažosios Lietuvos Museum, Klaipėda


ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Miroslav Šejnicki 3. Tadas Černiauskas 4. Linas Lapinskas 5. Mindaugas Skrupskelis UAB


The competition for Mažosios Lietuvos Museum extension was a challenge to find some spare space in the old town of Klaipėda - Lithuania’s port city. Big part of Klaipėda old town was destroyed during wars. The aim of the competition was to extend the museum without damaging the heritage and authentical urban tissue. By exploring the previous possesions, we could find the best solution to expand it, even without digging the cultural layers, which is left for future explorations. A storage of exhibits was designed in a former warehouse place, also some administration goes there. A glass gallery hanged parallely to the existing old warehouse. The connections were broadened by adding another gallery, which enclosed the contour of the plot but also left an open passage for pedestrians going the the park, which is the neighbourhood. The project also involved a feasibility study for development of the entire quarter according to the requirements of the heritage norms.

Apartment buildings in Fizikų str., Vilnius ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Paulius Petkus 3. Mindaugas Skrupskelis

The plot is situated in the suburb of Vilnius called Visoriai, Fizikų street. Two 4 storey high brick buildings (“A” & “B”) with an underground car parking already are under construction. On the ground floor, the block “A” has got independent garages and some storage rooms. Between these volumes, a green area with a children playground was designed. Both buildings are segmented into several staircases. There are 104 flats in total. 1 room flats: 4 (~33m2) 2 room`s flats: 88 (~52m2) 3 room`s flats: 12 (~69m2)

Apartment buildings in Kairiūkščio str. ARCHITECTS: 1. Gintaras Čaikauskas 2. Paulius Petkus 3. Mindaugas Skrupskelis UAB


Two 9 storey high buildings were designed in the plot, which is located in the same territory as the previous project (Fizikų str.). Both volumes were divided with cuts in the middle, one from the top, another from the bottom. There are 70 types of different flats. In total, 145 flats were designed. Under the whole territory, a car parking was placed. Between these volumes, a green area with a children playground was designed. It was planned to fence the yard. Planned realisation of the project is in 2008.

WORKSHOP Vilnius City Master Plan 2015 The Master Plan of the City of Vilnius 2015 is a strategic urban development document. It identifies priorities for the city’s expansion and ensures sustainable development. Based on the proposals put forward by the authors of this document, the city of Vilnius will be developed as an integral social, economic and urban area. After the main principles of the Master Plan 2015 have been implemented, Vilnius will become a more compact city, while the city’s development will be managed in a more sustainable manner.

Bendrasis planas iki 2015 m. –

miesto bendruomenės dalyvavimas



ARCHITECTS: Gintaras Čaikauskas; Virginija Venckūnienė; Paulius Petkus; Simonas Klezys; Judita Striukienė; Miroslav Šejnicki; Mindaugas Skrupskelis; Tadas Černiauskas Ypatumai. 1. Vilnius yra vienu harmoningiausių Europos miestų, kuriame architektūra yra natūraliai susiliejusi su gamta. Nors išlikę tik iki 42 proc. žalumos, dar galime išsaugoti šį žalio miesto įvaizdį. 2. Vilnius visuomet siekė būti ne tik Lietuvos sostine, bet ir lygiuotis į kitus pasaulio miestus politine, visuomenine, kultūrine prasme, pateisinti geografinio Europos centro idėją. Problemos. 1. Globalizacija ir centralizacija lėmė miesto aplinkos kritinės masės perkrovą. Reikėtų ekonomiškai plėtoti ne tik sostinę, bet ir kitus Lietuvos regionus. 2. Nebrandžiai agresyvus pelno siekis prieštarauja gamtos ir ekonominės raidos dėsniams. 3. Viduramžių ir sovietmečio infrastruktūra neatitinka šių laikų gyvenimo poreikių. 4. Netvarkingas oro uostas. Nors dabar jį naikinti būtų neūkiška, ateityje – intensyvėjant oro uosto darbui – gali tekti jį iškelti kitur. Oro uosto teritoriją būtų galima palikti nedideliems lėktuvams, gal Formulės-1 varžybų trasai. Taip pat šį plotą galima paversti jaukiu mišrios paskirties miesto kvartalu. 5. Architektūros prasme nereprezentatyvios gatvės keliaujant nuo oro uosto ar stoties iki miesto centro. 6. Apgriautas Senamiestis dar nesuformuotas kaip bendra architektūros kompozicija. Įvertinus pastatus ir surinkus apie juos autentišką informaciją, reikėtų restauruoti ar naujai atkurti statinius, kvartalus, bažnyčias, įrengti parkus. Rekomenduojama sugrupuoti ir saugoti tik pačius vertingiausius medinius namus. 7. Nesutvarkyta miesto reklamos, dizaino,


plastikos, mažosios architektūros sistema. 8. Nesukurta miesto tualetų sistema, kuri neleistų pasikartoti atvejams šalia Prezidentūros. Aukštybiniai pastatai. Pasaulio patirtis rodo, kad aukštybiniai pastatai nėra panacėja. Jie vis dažniau griaunami kaip atgyvenę, be to, siekiama atkurti humaniškas miesto struktūras. Siūlome aukštybinius pastatus grupuoti šalia esančių (dešiniajame Neries krante ir Viršuliškėse), formuoti erdvines kompozicijas, o aukštingumą nustatyti analizuojant panoramas. Konversijos. Pasaulyje paplitusios pramonės rajonų ir konkrečių gamyklų konversijos ne visuomet tinka Vilniuje, nes sovietinis statinių palikimas dažniausiai yra itin prestos būklės, užima pačias geriausias upės pakrantes (šalia Savanorių prospekto, Markučių ir pan.). Tokias atvejais nerekomenduojame jo saugoti ir siulome jį keisti jaukiais, apželdintais mišrios paskirties miesto kvartalais. Įvažiavimai – išvažiavimai. Erdviniame modelyje siūloma miesto pradžios idėja – Vilnius atsiskleidžia palaipsniui, išlaikydamas intrigą ir paslaptį (žr. įvažiavimus nuo Nemenčinės, Molėtų). Važiuojant į miestą, pasitinka miškai, vėliau palaipsniui ryškėja nedideli priemiesčių pastatai, tada horizonte pamatome patį miestą, tačiau didesnius pastatus dengia žaluma. Labiausiai šio požiūrio neatitinka miesto prieigos atvykstant nuo Ukmergės ir Minsko, taip pat reikia tobulinti padrikus įvažiavimus nuo Kauno ir Druskininkų. http://www.vilnius.lt/bplanas/download.php?file_id=194


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Seeking to alter the character of job & try the field of interior design, I moved to another company - “Jungtinės Pajėgos“ (JPP) - a leading group in design of public objects. JPP is famous for many originally developed and designed commercial interiors in such objects as restaurants, discos, hotels, sport clubs, etc. JPP does also project public and industrial buildings, reconstruction works, public and commercial interiors and provide author supervision of construction and consulting services.



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2006-2008 Jungtinių Pajėgų Projektai Audr

My very first and independent interior project. Bureau is programmed to accommodate 10-15 members of editorial. Due to company’s policy of flexible working hours and frequent out of office work specifics interior had to be transformable. The b/w coloristic is chosen according to press; which uses black letters on white paper. The building is suited in front of the river facing nice views of woods on the other bank. The graphics of plant shadows was cut out of slightly mirrored film. It reflects flora and creates dialogue with surroundings.

editorial office for newspaper

The interior project for newspapers editorial was meant to be designed in open plan space. The only two volumes here accommodates all the infrastructure, archives, storage, bathroom and reception. The importance and dominance of boxes is emphasized by entitling the lead colors to each of them. It is a conflict of different opinions that journalists meet everyday. Drama of two colliding bodies creates spark of a lot of small particles of same character around. The objective bodies as columns and wall at entrance hall identified by press themed graphics.



Hotel + Villa park


V. Kudirkos str., Druskininkai, LT A former Surutis sanatorium territory in the center of the resort town Druskininkai.


An urban concept of the quarter was created during the workshop in collaboration with most famous Lithuanian architects. Park celebrates identity of Druskininkai as a native town of world famous composer - M.K.Čiurlionis. Each villa was given a note name and is meant to occupy irrational, organically shaped plan. General matters, such as forms, materials and silhouettes was agreed during the workshop. The design process was sus pended during the detailed planning phase though is still considered as priority of city vision.


A.Ambrasas, D.Juškevičius, G. Klimavičius, T. Kriaučiūnas, S.Kuncevičius, G. Natkevičius, R.Palekas, S.Pamerneckis + JPP


32.620 m²

Villa Palanga A villa - guest house in seaside resort city Palanga for a wealthy contractor. The plot is suited in urban reservation. Here comes common dilemma - heritage commission commands to make a design according to traditional architecture guidelines despite the contractors wish to design ultramodern ecohouse. As a tribute to heritage we used archetypical house shape with flat front façade. Layout was kept simple with only dominant wall supporting staircase. To bring daylight into building while keeping the whole volume sterile and laconic we’ve wrapped it with glass section. The backyard façade turns to the nature with balconies and terraces popping out as drawers from a commode. Now that pulls you out for active leisure on a huge terrace with fireplace, pool, sauna and garden.

My very first and independent interior project. Bureau is programmed to accommodate 10-15 members of editorial. Due to company’s policy of flexible working hours and frequent out of office work specifics interior had to be transformable. The b/w coloristic is chosen according to press; which uses black letters on white paper. The building is suited in front of the river facing nice views of woods on the other bank. The graphics of plant shadows was cut out of slightly mirrored film. It reflects flora and creates dialogue with surroundings.

The project programme came with common problematic. The two buildings on the plot were built in different times and different styles, one of them replicates historical style of neighboring building, another declares soviet functionalism. It was clear we have to clean up this mess. Some buildings on the Gediminas Avenue are authentic buildings – and therefore have landmark status. However possession of our plot had no footage of clear stylistic influences. There remained the issue of the different no – value façades.

While client put on the green lights to refurbish both the façades in a contemporary style, it soon became clear that the heritage commission that watches over Vilnius would never grant a building permit for such a project. It was therefore an impossible task to create a recognizable identity of whole quarter out of disparate buildings, unless . . . the neighboring style was selected. A dilemma. How could we avoid the predictable criticism such a pastiche would attract? The answer proved simple: by showing that we didn’t care about the style, that we are only copying it – like a décor, like wallpaper – and pasting it, but not building in it. Here we came with a solution somewhat like Edouard François project - Hotel Fouquet’s Barrière in Paris (pictures bellow). The façade of the neighboring building would be digitally scanned, then entirely cast in transparent concrete and pasted onto the frontier of our building. Here, the link between the façade decor and the windows would be severed. The day light penetrates building through its skin. It is a synthesis of classical decorative architecture and the modern demand for light and space. LED screen hidden under this layer would allow to exhibit computer generated animated graphics in the evening. It is not superficial allusions to the past, in fact it is a triple critique: of the shameless copying of heritage, of the excessively strict relationship between interior and exterior and of an artificial conflict between modern and classical, which does a disservice to our two most significant architectural legacies.

SPINDULYS Conversion Of The Former Printing House Spindulys To: A Hotel & Conference Center B Apartment House

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SPINDULYS A Conversion Of The Former Printing House Spindulys To Hotel & Conference Center

Conversion Of The Former Printing House Spindulys To Apartment house (under construction)


This issue of my portfolio set is dedicated to my very basic background as an artist. It all started at the Panevėžys Fine Art School.

This is portfolio of my barchelor studies of architecture at VGTU and Vitus Bering Denmark Universities. You will also find my diploma work included which was graded as “outstanding”.

71% of our planet’s su water and climate ch increase rapidly, whic in next 50-100 years planet. It should be but Nautus. We are ex live in the landless e of capitulation and r the attacking waterf face for everyday livin

The school employs members of the Lithuanian Artists Union. School organizes exhibitions of students’ works, and takes part in various projects every year.

The Department of Architecture @VGTU is the largest institution of higher education in the field of architecture in Lithuania.

Starting from the 3rd year, students may choose one of the elective subjects out of painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, textile, design and graphics. I did focus on sculpture here.

As the Department of Architecture provided such an opportunity, I took the chance and challenge to study in English. After four years of studies, my diploma work was graded “outstanding”.

The idea we are testin water, where people for life, living self-sust socially and environm




urface is covered with hange is causing it to ch impact we can face s. We live in aquatic called not the Earth xploring possibility to environment. Instead retreating away from front, use water surng needs.

This is strategic and detailed design portfolio of Vitamin in collaboration with Vytautas Jackevičius. is a supportive document of Master thesis ‘Nautopia‘.

ng is a culture set on have different values tainable, consciously, mentally active.

Our project demonstrates detailed analysis of North Sea region. Dover Channel proved to be one of the best locations for new type of offshore city as ‘filter’ on the channel. Different speculative scenarios are seen in the animations and models. Our goal is to find out if Nautopia could be a futuristic answer to the environmental and social problems of today’s “land urbanism”.



You are about to explore the portfolio of Mindaugas Skrupskelis studies at Bartlett School of Architecture UCL. It is a very first part of my MArch Urban Design studies. Covering research on London’s infrastructure, fractals, fieldtrip to the Netherlands, heterotopias and essay about the Berlin wall. Please also find the strategic and detailed design portfolio of Vitamin in collaboration with Vytautas Jackevičius.


3rd issue


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