DAR-IX Chronicles (July-September 2021)

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Volume 19 No. 3

July - September 2021

3rd Quarter

DAR’s Project ConVERGE turns over P3.6-M project to GARBEMCO


Project ConVERGE Project Manager Gumercindo Tumbali together with PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju and GARBEMCO Manager Lilia Manuel leads the ribbon cutting ceremony for the ConVERGE project for the cooperative.

AR ZAMBOANGA Sibugay head of office PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju and Project ConVerge-Project Manager Gomercindo Tumbali led the turnover of a Multi-purpose Building/Warehouse and one unit six-wheeler truck to Goodyear Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative (GARBEMCO) in Goodyear, Kabasalan, the lead Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organization (ARBO) of Zamboanga Sibugay for Project ConVerge on September 1, 2021. The Multi-purpose Build- conjoined rubber produce of ing project costs P961,680. ARB members and even other The warehouse will serve as neighboring ARBOs; a process housing for the processed and that will Continue on page 3 semi-processed rubber from

DAR empowers livelihood of Zambo del Norte farmers

PARPO II Arturo N. Soria of Zamboanga del Norte leads the ceremonial turn over of DAR projects to the agrarian reform beneficiaries of the province.

THE DEPARTMENT of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in the province of Zamboanga del Norte recently turned over a total of

P493,000 worth of support ser- province. vices projects to boost the ecoThe support services projnomic lives of agrarian reform ects include the P413,000 vegbeneficiaries (ARBs) in the etable processing center and

P80,000 community-managed potable water supply, sanitation and hygiene Continue on page 2

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


July - September 2021

DAR CORE Competencies Orientation for Sibugay THE DAR in Sibugay province conducted recently an awareness program on Core Competencies to employees The cascading activity was aimed at elevating the awareness of its employees on the agency’s core competencies and was held on September 23 in the municipality of Ipil. The office showcased a blended online and face-toface learning approach in conducting the cascading on the core competencies of DAR to cater the needs of some of its employees who are working from home and cannot travel due to the restrictions brought by the pandemic. Agrarian Reform provincial chief Mohammad Dassan Adju said that the event was

held in compliance with a directive from the DAR Central Office particularly with Memorandum No. 178, series of 2021 issued by Secretary John Castriciones. “There is a need for us to discuss the core competencies to all our employees holding the lowest up to the highest position in our office as competencies are behaviors or norms of conduct that the personnel should observe as they perform their respective duties and responsibilities,” he emphasized. DAR IX’s Senior Agrarian Program Officer Alice Ibanez and Supervising Administrative Officer Ma. Socorro Reambonanza and DARPO-Sibugay's Administrative Officer John Lloyd P. Cababat served

John Lloyd Cababat, the Human Resources head of Zamboanga Sibugay, awards the Certificate of Participation to one of the participants.

as the resource persons in the conduct of the activity which was held in two batches. Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer I Lorna Salera, in her message, said the event was an avenue to remind the employees on the importance of competencies in the delivery of the agency’s services and

urged all the participants to apply and manifest the competencies by heart to achieve quality service for the clients. The Support to Operations Division through Chief Administrative Officer Reynaldo Mantos and the Personnel Section spearheaded the activity.

DAR empowers livelihood of Zambo del Norte farmers center and processing plant (CP-WASH) project which that are in accordance to and were provided to Tamil Agrar- accredited by Food and Drug ian Reform Beneficiaries Co- Authority-License to Operate operative(TAMARBECO) lo- (FDA-LTO). cated in Tamil, Jose Dalman. “With this, they could proDAR-Zamboanga del duce safe, quality and marNorte Provincial Agrarian ket-ready processed food Reform Program Officer II products where they would be (PARPO) Arturo Soria said the able to display and sell their vegetable processing center products in leading supermarwould establish a processing kets and stores nationwide,” Continued from page 1

Soria said. He added that the success of this project would generate more investment, employment and income for the ARBs. The CPWASH project, on the other hand, would be the vegetable processing center’s source and storage of clean water. “There are three significant things that give impact to these

projects, first, the opportunity to increase the income of our ARBs; second the sustainability, if it was well-managed to be functional for a long time; and lastly, the support from the government, especially DAR," Soria said. Meanwhile, TAMARBECO Chairman Joe Ven Requina thanked the DAR for helping the farmers improve their economic lives.

July - September 2021

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


DAR’s Project ConVERGE turns over P3.6-M project to GARBEMCO Continued from page 1

help dictate and increase prices of rubber produce. The Warehouse project’s goal is

to encourage their ARB members to merge their rubber produce within the ARBO and have a quality check of rubber

produce upon warehousing. The project aims to generate maximum profit for all rubber farmers with the use of a bid-

ding process from big traders after rubber consolidation to increase rubber prices. The truck, which is worth P2.65 million, is intended for the ConVerge lead ARBO, to aid them in the consolidation of the rubber produce of participating ARBOs under the project. GARBEMCO General Manager, Lilia Manuel with Wilfredo Miel, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, extended their heartfelt gratitude to DAR and Project ConVerge for the continued support they have been receiving over the years. Indeed, DAR has been alongside GARBEMCO as it evolved and improved over the years since its establishment in 1992. From Pre-launching activity at Brgy. Limbayan, one of the three barangays that comprises the proposed Papunta Bayan Coastal ARC. being a plain rubber plantation, GARBEMCO now has be realized, these potentials will development interventions. a rice field, a fish pond area, always be hindered by the diffiThe agrarian reform commu- intercropped fruit trees and a culty if not near impossibility of nity (ARC) approach is a strategy trade in Abaca handicrafts inestablished market for their pro- which will focus on priority agrar- corporated in the 1,016 hectduce and increased income for ian reform areas to maximize re- are land. the people in Limbayan. If these source allocation, complementaIn their speech, Project will not push through, Limbayan tion with local government units Manager Tumbali called on will remain sleeping as it is today, and partner line agencies and mo- every GARBEMCO member development will only remain a bilization of financial and materi- to utilize the project awarded dream and their potentials are al resources of the government. to them as this will truly aid muted. It was beginning to dark and them in the success of their The proposed PAPUNTA heavily raining when the team ventures; PARPO II Adju also BAYAN COASTAL ARC, where moved out of Limbayan. After urged GARBEMCO members barangay Limbayan is located, two hours of struggle from being to help each other maintain is a part of the 650.5 hectares of stucked on a deep mud puddle and support DAR projects as CARP-covered area which were and no one to call rescue to since these have and will sustain awarded to 459 agrarian re- the area has technically no signal, their livelihood for more genform beneficiaries (ARBs). Once one of the tires got flat too. Even- erations to come.The project launched, this ARC will host de- tually, the team safely moved out, turn-over ceremony was also velopment integration and the bringing with them the bag of attended by DAR Sibugay perresident ARBs and their ARBOs plans as the identified felt-needs sonnel assisting in the implewill be the primary focal points of of the folks of Limbayan. mentation of the program.

Papunta Bayan Coastal ARC NESTLED AT the edge of the municipality of Pitogo that borders barangay Baya-baya of Tabina, accessible only by sea or by land on a barely passable road is the quiet coastal community of Limbayan, the third and last barangay of the newly proposed agrarian reform community - the PAPUNTA BAYAN COASTAL ARC. The DAR Zamboanga del Sur EPAHP Team headed by PARPO II Atty. Judith Patriarca-Mantos, set off before daybreak as Limbayan is the remotest of the three barangays where they have to conduct the pre-launching activities . The travel was rough, the journey was tough as the team experienced first hand. The dilemma and hindrances of the people in Limbayan are pushing them to cry for these projects as priority - passable road and potable water system for the 252 households. Full of potentials in aqua culture and fishery resources, over 500 hectares of coconut and banana plantation and unadulterated hope for development - these are the treasures that Limbayan hold. As long as the development plan that will be formulated by the EPAHP Team will come into shape and form and development plans by the province and municipality will

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


July - September 2021

Ceremonial Signing of MOU between National Nutrition Council and DAR A CEREMONIAL signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Nutrition Council IX (NNC IX) and the Department of Agrarian Reform IX , and a Marketing Agreement (MA) between NNC IX and the ARBOs of Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga del Sur was conducted last July 30, 2021. The National Nutrition Council conceptualized the Tutok Kainan Program in response to the pressing nutrition concerns in the Philippines. The program aims to contribute to the prevention of stunting among children 0-23 months by improving the quality and quantity of food and nutrient intakes. At the same time, it operationalizes Republic Act Number 11148 otherwise known as the “Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act,” by zeroing in on one of the needed services indicated in the law. The program seeks to provide to its beneficiaries ready-to-eat food commodities and/or hot meals. To ensure sustainability of the program especially when it comes to providing hot meals and to support local farmers, fisherfolks and cooperatives, the National Nutrition Council tapped the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs), as a direct seller of farm products in coordination with the Department of Agrarian Reform.

In Region IX, two ARBOs namely: Manlabay Maralag Timonan Libertad Basak Farmer’s Association ( Mantiliba Fiamco) for Zamboanga del Sur and Guinles Farmer’s Multi-Purpose Cooperative for Zamboanga del Norte were tapped by the NNC IX for the Tutok Kainan Program to provide the needed raw ingredients. The said ARBOs are EPAHP assisted. The essential goal of Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAPHP) framework is to help mitigate hunger, ensure food and nutrition security, and reduce poverty in urban and rural communities. The EPAHP is intended to contribute to the national government’s efforts in addressing hunger and poverty through the synergy and convergence of the essential services of DAR, DA, DSWD, OP-OCS, DILG, DepED, DOH, DOST, DTI, TESDA, NAPC, NIA, POPCOM and LANDBANK and directly benefit the poorer sector of the country. During the virtual signing of the Marketing Agreement (MA) between the ARBOs and NNC IX, Mantiliba Fiamco of Zamboanga del Sur was represented by their Manager Romulo D. Duran. Meanwhile GUIFAMUCO of Zamboanga del Norte was represented by Chairman Russel Bagarinao. Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal Jr. of DAR IX and Nimfa D, Ekong, Regional Nutrition

Atty. Ramon E. Madronal Jr., DAR IX Regional Director and Nimfa D. Ekong, Regional Nutrition Program Coordinator of National Nutrition Council, sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the project. Program Coordinator of National Nutrition Council IX signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). In his message RD Madroñal stressed his obligation and strong commitment to

Validation for the Proposed Tulay ng Pangulo

One of the identified areas for the Tulay ng Pangulo project. DAR ZAMBOANGA del Sur completed last August 27 the validation of the proposed Tulay ng Pangulo Para Sa Kaunlarang Pang-Agraryo (TPKP) in barangays Dampalan, La Suerte and Lison Valley, Pagadian City.

The province headed by PARPO II Atty.Judith Patriarca-Mantos proposed ten municipalities for the TPKP projects for both Districts 1 and 2 which the team will be validating in the coming days. These projects intend to improve the access of the communities to rural development services to and from the areas with massive production of palay. Tulay ng Pangulo Para Sa Kaunlarang Pang-Agraryo (TPKP) aims to promote rural development in agrarian reform communities, enhance productivity and income through reduced marketing cost, and alleviate poverty among agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) in the agrarian reform communities. The validation of the proposed projects was conducted by Engr. Gina Gentiles of the Support Services Division together with Pagadian City Engineer, Gerry Nebria.

help and give full support to the effort of the national government to eradicate hunger and poverty. He also said that he is committed to ensure that the ARBOs received the needed support services from DAR. This marketing agreement is not just beneficial to the Tutok Kainan Program beneficiaries of NNC IX but also to the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations of the region. For her part, Nimfa D. Ekong emphasized that Tutok Kainan Program is National Nutrition Council’s response in partnership with DAR to operationalize Republic Act number 11148 that focuses on the much needed nutrition intervention. The partnership inked is under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary Karlo Alexei Nograles, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Zero Hunger aiming to obliterate malnutrition at the grassroots level. The MOU/MA ceremonial signing was attended by the Asst. Secretary of Health and Executive Directorof NCC ASec. Azucena Dayanghirang, DAR Secretary Atty. John Castriciones, USec for SSO Emily Padilla, DAR Region IX Regional Director Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal Jr., PARPO II Judith Mantos of Zamboanga del Sur and Arturo N. Soria of Zamboanga del Norte.

July - September 2021

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


Savings and Credit Management System Turn-Over for Zambo Norte ARBOs

DAR Zamboanga del Sur conducts validation for the potential project areas for the solar-powered irrigation in the province.

Solar-Powered Irrigation Project for Zamboanga del Sur ANTICIPATING THE intervention through solar-powered irrigation under DAR-SPIS project, the DAR Zamboanga del Sur headed by PARPO II Atty. Judith Patriarca-Mantos, started the validation of the potential project areas in Tabina and Josefina, this province. The construction of the Solar-Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) which lead agency is the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in collaboration with the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) aims to increase the yield of the farmers in the province. “We are looking into the lucrative potentials of this project for the ARB Members/farmers who were trained to FBS /Farm Business School conducted by DAR - a 25 week course on organic vegetable growing. While the DAR can later facilitate the Marketing Contract of these organic vegetable producers with other establishments to secure markets, we can also ensure that they have a stable supply of water for the continuous production of their gardens and farms”, the PARPO II of the province said. CARPO for PBDD Engr. Josephine Sisican disclosed that the irrigation system will address the water

problem of the 33 organic vegetable growers of Lumbia ARB Association and Mabuhay Farmers Association who are presently completing their FBS course with FBS Provincial Coordinator Rhesa Abapo. The conduct of project validation was also attended by MARPOs John Velasco and Maguid Esrael, SPIS Coordinator Engr. Ruth Telos Clusters 1 and 6 Coordinators Engr. Emerita Fuerzas and Myfanwy Decena, Representatives from the M/B Local Government Units of Tabina and Josefina and the SPIS Project team.

THE SAVINGS and Credit Management System, a by-product of the Production Capitalization Fund (PCF) of Project ConVERGE, was turned over last August 20 in Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte. The activity was spearheaded by PARPO II Arturo N. Soria. The recipients of the system were the conduit Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBO) of the PCF, the Cabong Tampilisan Multipurpose Cooperative (CATAMCO) and the Godod Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative (GOFAMUCO). Another recipient of the SaCred is the financing partner of the program, the Siari Valley Agrarian Reform Beneficiries Multipurpose Cooperative

(SVARBEMCO). The ARBOs which were represented by their Chairmen and system users received the SaCred with a complete computer sets. Also present during the activity were the team members of the Zenitram Technology Services (service provider) headed by Juvylito S. Martinez, MARPO Leonardo W. Lacharon, MARPO Loida A. Gimena, AED Coordinator Peter Paul R. Cajocon and GID Coordinator Christy P. Gonzales. The Savings and Credit System is another milestone for the ARBOs as it was purposely procured to enhance the implementation of the Production Capitalization Fund (PCF).

System turn-over for the Zamboanga del Norte ARBOs represented by their Chairmen.

ConVERGE hosts IFAD-Philippines 13th ACPoR in first ever blended setup

Some of the participants to the 13th Annual Country Program Review.

THE PROJECT Convergence on Value Chain Enhancement for Rural Growth and Empowerment (ConVERGE) was this year’s host for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 13th Annual Country Programme Review (ACPoR), an annual event for all IFAD-funded projects and partners in the Philippines. The main stage was in Butuan City, and having a “blended” set up, it catered to some 200 more participants from across the country who attended live via Zoom.

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


July - September 2021

The Country Programme Review amid Pandemic


ITH THE pandemic still a concurrent issue across the world, events mostly had to be cancelled or postponed to ensure everyone’s safety and protection. Not being able to conduct activities in full capacity has hindered the development work scene — as doing evaluations and going to the field is part of the heart of the programs. But adjusting to the new normal has been the way to go since the past year, as numerous meetings via Zoom, Google Meet, or Teams have surfaced. The pandemic may still be here, but the work in the development scene supporting agriculture never stops. Finding ways to communicate is one of the solutions to adjust to the new norm, and a major IFAD event like the ACPoR has experienced its first ever blended approach to reach out and interact with its projects, beneficiaries, and implementing partners in the agricultural sector. The 13th ACPoR assessed the programme performances in 2020, identified operational challenges and solutions, showcased best practices and lessons learned, and recommended further interventions that will sustain the gains and further gear up the agricultural value chain to be more competitive, inclusive, and resilient. Almost 200 beneficiaries, implementers, partners, and IFAD staff have participated in exhaustive and interactive discussions surrounding the year’s

theme of Supporting delivery

systems of competitive, inclusive, and resilient agricultural value chains in the time of the pandemic. IFAD Country Director Alessandro Marini emphasized the importance of knowledge sharing. “Project implementation is ever-changing, and it is only through knowledge sharing that we are able to learn and adapt quickly to the dynamism of the field. The ACPoR further strengthens each project performance and thereby is a key activity if we want our work to be fruitful,” he said. DAR Undersecretary for Mindanao Affairs and Rural Development Atty. Ranibai Dilangalen mentioned the strength in doing cooperative work between agencies and projects. “One cannot succeed alone in agricultural work — collaboration is important in this line as we support our beneficiaries and improve their lives through these various undertakings,” she said. Also present were Country Programme Officer Jing Pacturan, Consultant Yolando Arban, National Project Director Faisar Mambuay, and Project Manager Gomer Tumbali along with ConVERGE’s staff from Regions 9, 10 and CARAGA. Other IFAD-Philippines projects include: BFAR-FishCoral, DACHARMP2, DTI Rapid Growth, NIA and DENR-INREMP, SEARCA, among others. Insights gathered Pacturan presented the result of the PHL-RB COSOP review and hosted both days’ interactive talk show that centered

around insights and lessons in agricultural development in the time of the pandemic, and policies and programs that support and strengthen competitive, inclusive, and resilient agricultural value chains. Representatives from IFAD-funded projects have raised that even with the setbacks from COVID, there still are silver linings. Some have noted that the lockdowns challenged staff to think creatively in their decision-making. Local managers were also empowered to hold off independently. Lastly, while connectivity is an issue, offices have also aided to help others adjust to the digitalization. Workshops have also been conducted on both days to gather essential insights from all stakeholders that centered around the theme. Actions for improving IFAD performance have also been tackled to further improve the progress of the funded projects of IFAD in the days to come. Going above and beyond - in online events The success of the event was commended by all as the ACPoR included lively exchanges, thorough discussions, and overall was a break from the monotony of one-way Zoom rooms. Even amid pandemic, no one was left behind on the fun as both participants onsite and online enjoyed the cultural presentations and interactive games. The smoothflow of the sessions was also one of the highlights of the entire production. The moderator Yolando Arban commended Project ConVERGE’s innovation by saying

that “ConVERGE is the trailblazer for the next Annual Country Programme Reviews to come.” To close, NPD Mambuay left a heartfelt message of hope to the participants: “The pandemic has taught us to think outside the box, and we hope that this encourages everyone to do the same in their respective projects as well.” About Project ConVERGE The Project Convergence on Value Chain Enhancement for Rural Growth and Empowerment (ConVERGE) is a six-year project implemented by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), funded by the Philippine government and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Its goal is to improve and sustain the gains of the agrarian reform program by supporting the services of the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) in the different clusters of the Region through various interventions such as farm input provisions, training, and establishing partnerships with new markets. Region 9’s enterprise commodities are rice and rubber. About IFAD The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in developing countries. It works in remote rural areas of the world to help countries achieve the millennium development goals. Through low-interest loans and grants, IFAD develops and finances projects that enable rural poor people to overcome poverty themselves.

Agrarian Reform Chronicles

July - September 2021


Training on Care of Poultry and Poultry Farm Management “GOAL SETTING is the secret to a compelling future.” This has been the motivation and the driving force of the Don Mariano Matinabangon Solar Lighting Association in Dao-an, San Miguel and Culasian Water and Sanitation Association in Culasian, San Pablo, Zamboanga del Sur as both Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs) embarked on equipping themselves through a training on Care of Poultry and Poultry Farm Management under DAR-EPAHP or Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty on July 1-2, 2021.

The two ARBOs, both started as proponents of DAR PAMANA-ARA Phase 1 and SPOTS Project. Under DAR-EPAHP, these ARBOs will be the recipient of 48 heads Free Range Chicken Ready to Lay. Care of Poultry and Poultry Farm Management teaches the project proponents the farm safety environment, proper enclosures and proper ventilation, proper feeding, and water facility, proper health, and hygienic conditions of the chicken. Proper maintenance and regular screening for disease will help reduce the outbreak of infections and

DAR Zamboanga del Sur conducts training on Poultry and Poultry Farm Management to ARBOs.

diseases. This intervention complements the DAR mandate anchored on the R.A 7192 on Women in Development and Nation-Building Act. RA 9710 Magna Carta of Women. The training was attended by the equal participation of 20 men and 20 women ARB members.

Project ConVERGE-supported ARBOs gear up for financial support through Financiers’ Forum

An agrarian reform beneficiary doing his day to day task in his rubber area.

VARIOUS AGRARIAN Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs) supported by Project ConVERGE in Regions 9, 10, and CARAGA will be presenting their financial portfolios in the upcoming Financiers’ Forum to search for institutions who could provide them loans to support their expanding enterprise. Overall, an estimated amount

of P2.3 million is needed by five ARBOs in Region 9 alone to fully operationalize their enterprises in the current value chain. In Region 9, ARBOs are requesting solely for working capital to support their rubber trading. At the moment, rubber farmers of Zamboanga are able to consolidate up to 730 metric tons (MT) of rubber cup lumps, but have yet to secure the

funds needed to stabilize the trading operations with the said volume. If granted, the aid will strengthen the rubber trading for the five ARBOs located in Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga Sibugay who were consolidating the produce for their respective neighbouring organizations. As the trading is intensified, ARBO managers foresee higher volumes of trade, sales and income, which encourages more participation from their farmer-members as incentives and benefits increase. This major event poses as a great opportunity to link the cooperatives with the financiers that could be of match to their respective enterprise. “With the project on its final phase of implementation, we want to provide our beneficiaries with aid that safeguards sustainability of their enterprise even after the project closes. This event is just one of the many stepping stones for our ARBOs to prepare and present themselves to the market,” said DAR Regional Director Atty. Ramon Madroñal, Jr. The Financiers’ Forum is this

year’s first project-wide conference to promote the ARBOs’ enterprise portfolios to various financial institutions. The pursuance of this forum is backed with the need of financial aid from said ARBOs, who still require certain amounts of working capital to aid them in their enterprise production, marketing, and sustainability. With Project ConVERGE in its last year, the Forum is one of the strategies developed to scale up the marketing of their enterprise and to establish possible partnerships with institutions. A total of eight cooperatives in Region 9’s three clusters attended the activity: three ARBOs under the Salipyasin ARC Cluster in Zamboanga Sibugay and two under the Resettlement ARC Cluster in Zamboanga del Norte. Meanwhile, financial institutions such as Landbank of the Philippines (LBP), Rural Bank of Rizal (RBR), and other conduit financial institutions also attended. The face-to-face and online forum were held on July 15.

Volume 19 No. 3

July - September 2021

Projects Turn-Over for Zambo Sur Coops


AR Z ZAMBOANGA AMBOANGA del Sur headed by PARPO II Atty.Judith Patriarca - Mantos, in a successive project turn-over last September 30, 2021 handed over to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries United Manguiles Farmers Cooperative (ARBUMAFCO) of Mahayag, the Tri-wheeler Motorcycle (cargo) with complete accessories, amounting to P271,333 in support to their vegetable production ventures under the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP). On the same day, DAR, ARBUMAFCO and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) of Molave and Dumingag entered into a marketing agreement solidifying the commitment of the BJMP to prioritize and directly purchase the agricultural produce of ARBUMAFCO, thereby securing their vegetable market. DAR-EPAHP also turned over to Uswag- Alang-alang Farmers Irrigators' Association (UAFIA) of Tambulig, one unit single pass rice mill amounting to P320,000. Both ARBUMAFCO and UAFIA were provided with projects which will help them achieve the purpose of their hardwork. Silently, they have invested their strengths and commitment to respond to their day to day responsibilities but their efforts are catapulting them to the direction of success.

DAR ZAMBOANGA Sibugay chief PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju led the Turn Over of Rehabilitated Processing Center For Banana Chips under VLFED Project to the Candiis Farmers Association last August 24 at Baranggay Candiis, Malangas, Zamboanga Sibugay.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-Chief


Contributing Editors

Atty. Judith P. Mantos, PARPO II of Zamboanga del Sur, turn-over the Tri-Wheeler Motorcyle for ARBUMAFCO. In attendance to these activities were PARPO II Atty.Judith Patriarca-Mantos, Chief of Support Services Josephine Sisican and other DAR personnel, PARCCOM Chairman Mr.Adelberto Baniqued, BJMP officials of Dumingag and Molave, Mahayag Mayor Manuel Saladaga and Tambulig Mayor Charlotte Panal represented by Municipal Administrator Gilbert Colegado, barangay officials of Mahayag and Tambulig. ARBUMAFCO and UAFIA officers and Engr. Peter Elvis Galleto of NIA.

Processing Center for Banana Chips under VLFED

Mohammad Dassan Adju, PARPO II of Zamboanga Sibugay, leads the turn-over of the rehabilitated Banana Chips processing center.

3rd Quarter

The project aims to establish a village-level processing center for the production and processing of Banana chips by the Candiis Farmers Association. The project is valued at P300,000 in material cost. The municipal and barangaylocal government unit of Candiis, Malangas gave their counterpart in terms of labor cost. This project seeks to establish a registered FDA-LTO standard processing center for safe, quality and market ready food production. This way, with increased production, it would also support the farmers’ income by providing additional employment for their families. This endeavor also seeks to bring their product to a wider market such as supermarkets and stores thus promoting and increasing a sustainable way of living. PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju, along with CARPO Anthony Teves and OIC-MARPO Joevelia Nayre, is confident that this project will help the Candiis Farmers' Association to be globally competitive with their quality Banana Chips product. The ceremony was also attended by VLFED Point


Editorial Consultants ATTY. RAMON E. MADROÑAL JR. Regional Director ATTY. RAMON E. MADROÑAL, JR. ARD for ADMIN. & Legal Services ENGR. AGNES Y. MAATA, CESO IV ARD for LTS/TASS

For inquiries, please write or call the DAR Regional Office IX, Veterans Avenue Extension, Zamboanga Telephone No. (062) 955-2155 Email add: dar_reg9@yahoo.com

person Carol B. Maruhomadil, Representatives of Malangas Municipal Mayor Hon. Marcelo M. Baquial, Jr., Candiis Barangay Captain Hon. Alberto C. Mayor, President of Candiis Farmers Association Conrado P. Palingca and other officers, and DAR Development Facilitator of Malangas, Verlito Caragan.

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