Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine issue 8

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Mind, Body & Spirit

The official Mind, Body and Spirit Exhibition Magazine


Issue 8 Nov 2009


Έκθεση MIND, BODY & SPIRIT στο Χενοδοχíο Ηíλτον Παρκ Λεφκοσíα 14–15 Νοεμβρíου 2009 Σάββατο από 11:00-20:00 Κυριακή από 11:00-19:00

Mind, Body and Spirit Exhibition 14th & 15th November 2009 at the Hilton Park Hotel, Nicosia Saturday: 11am - 8pm Sunday: 11am - 7pm

Entrance: €7 - includes ALL lectures & workshops Sponsored by:

Clear Out The Clutter

welcome Dear Friends.... What a pleasure it is to see how the tiny seed that was planted back in 2002 has blossomed like a tree with branches that are reaching around the world! The Nicosia MB&S Expo 2009 presentations feature new speakers from all around the world. From Greece, we are happy to welcome well known Haritini Christakou who will speak on Saturday evening about Angelic Guidance (in Greek) and Marek Kukulka who will give a presentation entitled “Time Therapy - Play of Emotion” on Saturday morning. From the U.S.A., Stephen Victor will offer 2 mini-workshops. One on the “Fields of Grace ®”, based on the family constellation work of Bert Hellinger on Saturday and the other Collaborative Leadership - Aligning with Universal Commerce on Sunday, a topic very relevant to today’s changing economic scene. Valerie Niestrath will present “The 7 Principles of the Andean Mystic”, including the practice of ‘ayni’ or sacred reciprocity. Susan K. Cole, with her presentation, “Your Symbols and Your Life via the Tarot”, combines her background in Tarot, Organization Development and education to create a new age needs assessment for those interested in change and innovation. From Toronto, Canada, Jari Koivu and Open Sky Café will offer Healing Touch, Spiritual Readings, Dream Interpretation and Angelic Languages. Teams of three people serving one visitor at a time communicate what they receive in the spirit. The Idalion Room is hosted this year by Jack and Anne Stewart from the U.K. who will offer free healing sessions and workshops with Theta Healing™. By replacing the old beliefs with new, empowering and transformational thoughts and patterns, the mind and the body are taken to new levels of health and well-being. Marion Degel, from Germany is a registered Space Clearing and Clutter Clearing Practitioner and can show you ways to clean the clutter from your brain as well as your living space. Sample a yoga, Tai Chi or Kung Fu class, sit in guided meditation, explore the many stalls offering products that can enhance your well-being, such as salt pipes that offer relief from asthma, allergies and other breathing difficulties and counteract the effects of pollution. (Table 42). You can find glasses that take the strain off your eyes while working on the computer (Table 51) and plants that grow in the air (Table 4). There are books, CD’s, crystals, incense, jewellery and even fairies to bless your home.

Anette Martinsen Editor and publisher

Francesca Pinoni Web-mistress

Have a look through these pages and plan to spend the weekend with us, exploring the possibilities and tools that can help you to a happier and more fulfilling life. Use your time to make friends – with yourself and with the many people who are also on the journey to health and happiness. A special thanks goes to Anette’s son Tomas for designing this magazine. And thanks to Anna-Davina Tapaccos for translating the English text into Greek. Thanks to Barbara Conlin and Hatzy Joyce for proof-reading the magazine.

To advertise in the Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine contact Anette Martinsen on anette@anettemartinsen.com

Tomas Martinsen-Hickman Designer

Anette Martinsen & Francesca Pinoni Coordinators MB&S Exhibitions info@cyprusspirit.com www.cyprusspirit.com Tel: 99-619049

The opinions of the participants in the MB&S Expo are not necessarily those of the organisers. As with all things, pay attention and observe if what you hear rings true for you. Use your intuition to find what is useful for you right now.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 3

contents 6

Uncovering Your Sacred Path Louise Langley


Bowen Therapy Kara Psaroudaki


List of talks, workshops and classes


Seeking Business Counsel Stephen Victor


Lecture schedule


Chocolate Orange Truffles Anette Martinsen


Head, Eyes and Balance Barbara Jones


Angelic Reiki Susan Rudd


Books by published authors at the Mind, Body, and Spirit Exhibition


List of Exhibitors by table numbers


Theta Healing Anette Martinsen

Mind, Body & SE pirit


20th & 21th March 2010

Kanika Pantheon Hotel, Limassol 99-619049 info@cyprusspirit.com

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Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 5

uncovering your sacred path Louise Langley


s I stood at the famous Trevi fountain, bathing in the balmy heat of the glorious early Roman summer evening, I tossed my coin in to join so many others committing their wishes to water. I wondered "How could it be that in three short years so many extraordinary wishes have come true for me?"... and then I smiled as I looked back to the moment, almost exactly three years before, when time stood still as my sacred path exploded into reality. Gazing at the crowd of people surrounding me now, a deep sense of great peace took hold as I wondered how many of these people were embarking upon their own sacred path right now. How, three years ago, could I ever have imagined that such a thing as a sacred path truly existed? How could I have guessed that I would be here in Rome now, uncovering and decoding amazing facts and signs for yet another book I was writing? How could I have suspected that the events that occurred to utterly change my life on that night would take me on such a trail around the globe, from Australia to Antarctica, speaking, writing, sharing and decoding great mysteries on a colossal scale. This trail had uncovered so much, a great quest for love of the highest kind, miracles unfolding at speed as if, I merely had to know something for it to become real instantly! And, no sooner had I put pen to paper, it would become real around me. Ancient knowledge appearing in so many ways that would begin to thread a most unusual story together ... my story ... our story ... your story ... your sacred path ... For I really did begin to understand that this sacred path, a story of magic, exists for us all.

“What is my sacred path?� I hear you wonder ... Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 6

Indeed, what is your sacred path? Could it be possible that it is something so extraordinary, so exquisite that, once you found it, touched it, your life would quite literally transform before your eyes? Could it be that the trail to discover this path, a truth withheld from you across the ages, were merely a trail that you had left for you to find in 'the perfect moment'?

the truth of my sacred path could be so extraordinarily beautiful. I had no idea that I could possibly be worthy of this sacred path, the beginning of which I was witnessing. And yet, with all my soul I yearned for this to be the truth, as much as I knew with all my soul that I had just touched the truth.

Where did I go from here? I knew then that the pursuit of the truth of this path in totality was the only path I could take. I had no idea where to begin as I returned to England, withdrawing from everyone and everything as so many things outside the realms of logic began to happen to me, things that propelled me into a mysterious and magical quest of truth and love. I began to understand something so profound and yet so simple! I found my navigational steer. I found the simple way of uncovering my path.

What if 'the perfect moment' has arrived? Now ... In the summer of 2006, the perfect moment was upon me. I had no idea that I was about to touch the sacred truth. As I stood on a Dublin street, in the early hours of a long night, suspended in the midst of the mist that clung to every beautiful moment that unfolded about me, this sacred path began to be revealed. I was staggered, wretched and yet touched in that moment by something so exquisite that the moments before that point in my life quite literally disappeared. I had no idea that

As I followed this navigational steer, the most extraordinary journey began to unfold about me. This journey has taught me that the only way to experience life is to always implicitly, and without hesitation, trust and follow your intuition, your heart, your inner guidance. In so doing, a trail of synchronicities and synergies unfolding about you and incredible knowledge from within sets out an amazing trail for you to follow. This trail quite literally becomes the journey YOU laid out for you to complete. You have just arrived at one point in your journey, consciously or not, where you determined to discover your sacred truth, to uncover your sacred path. You have the right to understand now that life is an amazing game. You have the right to know that inspiration is your dearest friend and

Don’t miss Louise Langley, Uncover Your Sacred Life PathWorkshop 16:00 Saturday 14th November in the Amathusia Room at the Mind, Body and Spirit exhibition

guide and that the only truth is the truth within you. What liberation to know that you are quite literally the creator of your own journey and that the journey is always perfect. As my journey began to unfold about me, I learnt that in pursuit of the sacred truth and your sacred path, to trust all that comes to you is so critical. Those moments when your heart is telling you something, defiantly urging you to listen, and yet your head is telling you that you are crazy, those are the moments to dismiss your head. In listening to the heart, the sacred truth can begin to be revealed to you. As information flooded my consciousness, I diligently recorded it, stunned at the evidence that came after to substantiate what I had written! Codes and scribbling I could so easily have dismissed were fast becoming an intriguing trail! I began to research how, across time and space, there are those who have touched the sacred truth, who have dismissed their heads and followed their hearts. So passionate have they been in their knowing of the sacred truth, that they would stop at nothing to defend it. I began to understand why... Those such as Galileo who, in 1616, was ordered not to ‘hold or defend’ the idea that the Earth moves and the Sun stands still. He persisted in the pursuit of the truth, his sacred quest, and was later convicted, ordered to be imprisoned and the publication of any of his present or future works forbidden.

IMAGINE: Jailed for standing up for something you knew to be true and that would become scientific fact years later! Where would science be today if Galileo had conformed to popular opinion or belief? Why was it that Galileo so passionately defended this truth? What

compelled him to speak his truth in the face of deep persecution, of conviction, of imprisonment? Why was it that the Greek philosopher Socrates defiantly refused to abandon his sacred truth, the immortality of the soul? His passionate defence of his sacred truth was to seal his death, a truth his friends pleaded with him to abandon to save his life. Why was he prepared to so passionately defend his sacred truth in the face of his death? Why was it then that, at this moment in my journey, I too was so prepared to declare the extraordinary sacred truth I was discovering? Can you imagine discovering knowledge so sacred from deep within you that you would stop at nothing to defend its truth? Imagine that all you needed to do in order to access this knowledge, was to trust your intuition ... as simple as that. It was as I began to trust implicitly the amazing information that was being imparted to me, that I became aware of secret codes ... The journey began to snowball! The works of great scientists, artists, philosophers, avatars, musicians and authors were all starting to link before my startled eyes. Messages were encoded everywhere, and more amazingly, there they were around me in everything I did and saw daily... just as they are around you now, waiting for you to remember! It was at that time I realised my journey had really begun some six months earlier than I had originally thought, on a day in December when I ventured to the uppermost turret of Edinburgh castle and, after an experience I could not explain, walked back down the stairs of the turret to a shop in the basement. Trance like, I took a ring out of the display cabinet and placed it on my finger.... I had no idea in those moments what the unusual script on that ring said, the magic it held according to ancient

texts and practices and the journey it would help to put into action. All I knew was that from the moment I placed it on my finger, I knew I could not take it off. It was my intuition that placed that ring on my finger and my intuition that kept it there! Even though my life seemed to break around me for the six months that followed, I never took that ring off. I invite you now to come with me on a journey of discovery over the next few months, a journey which will provide you with a glimpse of your sacred truth, the truth you always intended for you to find ... in the perfect moment. This journey will offer you a simple guide to uncover your own path, beginning with how to get in touch with your own intuitive guide and start to manifest miracles... ............................... This feature is written by Louise A Langley, author of The Sacred Quest and The Ahqulieah Chronicles, The Flight of the Eagle. Since the publication of her first world renowned book ‘The Sacred Quest’, Louise Ahqulieah Langley has become an international speaker, travelling the world giving workshop retreats, appearing on television and in film, teaching others her inspirational message to live solely by their intuition and to write from the heart. For more information about Louise please visit www.louiselangley.com. Table 43

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 7

Pranic Healing The Most Advanced Method of Energy Healing in the World ARE YOU FED UP WITH BEING SICK & TIRED? Learn how to heal yourself and your family physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Twin Hearts Meditation Saturday 12:00 Cypria C

Pranic Healing is a simple, easy to learn yet powerful no-touch healing system. Over 500 people in Cyprus have already benefitted from this really effective healing method. It will improve your health, happiness and sense of well-being. It will also help you develop more balance, harmony, inner peace and joy in your life.

Miracles Through Pranic Healing Sunday 3:00 Salaminia

Pranic Healing is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and your family. NEXT COURSE: 28th & 29th November (with GREEK translation)

Experience a mini-healing at our table No. 47

Meditation & Healing Meetings regularly in Nicosia, Limassol, Paphos. For information contact: Helen Weeks 99.851.102 www.pranichealingusa.com


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bowen therapy

A Preventative Breast Cancer Treatment

Europe’s 2nd most most common cancer is breast cancer, having 5 main causes, wich unfortunately, any woman in a hot climate being eligible on 4 of these factors. For Cypriot ladies between 40-60, Breast Cancer malignancy figures have doubled since 1998 (Ministry of Health, Nicosia figures), therefore it’s essential to take immediate preventative action through learning and using a holistic and remedial Bowen procedure, as taught by Kara JacksonPsaroudaki in her Workshop this weekend. This therapy’s truly a blessing to any woman, with just a few minutes literally safeguarding your health for life! The main issue with Breast Cancer is “the issues in the tissue”, with toxins being gathered by your lymphatic system and then stored in fat cells nearby. As the largest percentage of lymph nodes are in women’s armpit and groin region, women store a high percentage of these cancerous toxins in their breast’s fatty tissues, ergo, women are highly susceptible to Breast Cancer. Bowen’s ‘Breast Procedure’ is a wonderful therapy if you suffer from: P.M.S. & ‘tender’ breasts, Mastitis and Fibrocystic breasts. If you are pregnant, this procedure will greatly reduce any swollen, painful breasts. If breastfeeding is proving challenging, Bowen will restimulate your correct flow, whilst also helping your child’s Colic. And lastly, and more importantly, this easy to learn procedure is a wonderful, weekly preventative breast care therapy. Men can benefit too! If your husband does a lot of painting, swimming, surfing, or any other extensive upper body work, this procedure is great at lessening his over-worked pectoral muscles, easing out tension and pain in just a few minutes. Plus everybody benefits from Bowen – it being an advanced chiropractic, osteopathic, physiotherapy. Trigger point therapy and massage, painlessly alleviates muscular and skeletal pain and through restoring structural integrity to your body, aids internal organ functioning. How Bowen creates such powerful change is through creating homeostasis at a cellular level. This is achieved through reawakening your cellular memory to its optimum operational level through Bowen’s unique cross-fibre moves. These specialised moves instigate your body’s own healing processes. Plus Bowen is a very gentle, yet highly powerful therapy, being fully endorsed by the newly established E.U. Occu-

pational Standards Commission for Complementary Therapies. Kara’s Workshop highlights the 5 major causes of Breast Cancer and provides you with practical solutions to prevent yourself ever getting it. A must for any woman! So if you care about the well-being of yourself or your mother, daughter, niece, grand-daughter or any female friend, do encourage them to attend this workshop, as it is literally a life-saver! Kara has worked internationally with royalty and celebrities alike, curing ‘incurable’ diseases and health problems whilst enjoying numerous glowing interviews and press articles. Soon

Kara Psaroudaki

Μπόουεν (Bowen) είναι μια θαυμάσια χαλαρωτική θεραπεία και είναι πολύ αποτελεσματική για προβλήματα με το στήθος, μαστίτιδα, κ.α. Επίσης για την εγκυμοσύνη είναι πολύ ωφέλιμη στο να αφαιρέσει πόνους και πρηξίματα στο στήθος, όπως επίσης αποτελεσματικό για προβλήματα θηλασμού. Μπόουεν επίσης χρησιμοποιείται για αποτοξίνωση (detox). Ο γιατρός Γιτάκερ απέδειξε ότι μετά από αυτήν την θεραπεία ένα μεγάλο νούμερο από βακτήρια και τοξίνες αφαιρούνται από το σώμα σας κατά την διάρκεια της θεραπείας και για τις επόμενες 5 μέρες μετά. Μπόουεν είναι η πιο πρόσφατη θεραπεία, πιο εξελιγμένη από την χειροπρακτική, οστεοπαθητική και φυσιοθεραπεία. Μπόουεν είναι πολύ αποτελεσματική θεραπεία για πόνους στους μυς, μέση, λαιμό, γόνατα, κόκαλα, κλπ. και είναι διεθνώς υποστηριγμένο από την επιτροπή Ευρωπαϊκών προτύπων.

integrating herself into the local community, Kara has done demonstrations at local events and charities, whilst working with the UNHCR and URVT, donating a percentage of her profits to charitable causes. Table 1 Kara – Mind & Body Centre, Nicosia, 99029952 ------------------------------------------------την Ευρώπη ο πιο συχνά αναπτυσσόμενος καρκίνος είναι ο καρκίνος του μαστού (πιο πολύ και από του πνεύμονα). Δυστυχώς το θερμό κλίμα ευθύνεται για τις 4 από τις 5 πιο κύριες αιτίες του καρκίνου. Για τις Κύπριες, ειδικά οι ηλικίες των 40 με 60, ο αριθμός γυναικών με καρκίνο του μαστού διπλασιάστηκε τα τελευταία 10 χρόνια, σύμφωνα με έρευνα του Υπουργείου υγείας. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι είναι απολύτως απαραίτητο να πάρουμε προληπτικά και αποτελεσματικά μέτρα, όπως η χειροπρακτική/πιεσοθεραπεία του Μπόουεν (Bowen) που θα μπορέσετε να διδαχθείτε από την Κάρα Τζάκσον-Ψαρουδάκη στην διδασκαλία της αυτό το σαβ/κο. Αυτή η επαναστατική πιεσοθεραπεία είναι σωτήρια για κάθε γυναίκα και μπορείτε να μάθετε πως γίνεται σε λίγα μόνο λεπτά.

Η διδασκαλία της Κάρας αυτό το σαβ/κο θα επικεντρωθεί στους 5 κυρίους λόγους που προκαλούν καρκίνο του μαστού και θα σας διδάξει πώς να προστατευτείτε για πάντα. Απολύτως απαραίτητο για κάθε γυναίκα! Οπότε αν ενδιαφέρεστε για την ευεξία της μητέρας σας, κόρης, ανιψιάς, φίλης, ενθαρρύνεται τους να έρθουν αυτό το σαβ/κο σε αυτήν την παρουσίαση – πραγματικά μπορεί να σώσει ζωές. Η Κάρα Τζάκσον-Ψαρουδάκη είναι διεθνούς φήμης θεραπεύτρια, με διεθνή εμπειρία έχοντας δουλέψει με διασημότητες και την βασιλική οικογένεια, και έχοντας θεραπεύσει αγιάτρευτες παθήσεις και προβλήματα. Η Κάρα χρησιμοποιεί τις πιο προηγμένες θεραπείες εναλλακτικής ιατρικής τώρα και στην Κύπρο. Πρόσφατα, η Κάρα εγκαθίδρυσε στην Λευκωσία την Κλινική της ΚΑRA - Mind & Body Centre όπου πάει ξεχωριστός κόσμος που σέβεται το εαυτό του και αναγνωρίζει την σημασία της ευεξίας σε σώμα και νου. Επίσης η Κάρα δουλεύει και σε φιλανθρωπικούς οργανισμούς όπου επίσης συνεισφέρει ένα μέρος των κερδών της σε δωρεές. Don’t miss Kara Psaroudaki - A quick, natural way to prevent breast cancer and naturaly avoid its 5 main causes in Salamina Room, Saturday 14th November at 16:00 at the MBS Expo, Hilton Park.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 9

Socially Responsible Investments through 3D Global Financial Services Limited

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THE LIGHT HOUSE Health and Wellbeing Sanctuary

Tomas Martinsen-Hickman Official designer of The Mind Body and Spirit Magazine

Opening: November 2nd, 2009

NEW to Larnaca District Offering you choices of:

Yoga, pilates, massage, other holistic therapies, non invasive electrical acupuncture, workshops, drumming, seminars, meditation and much more. Space available on hourly basis for treatments, workshops & seminars You are invited to our GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION

Saturday 5th DECEMBER, 3pm Meet us ! Andri, Tina, Mia, Hatzy and HeleniQ.

Call Andri: 99752393

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Have your adverts, leaflets, books and magazines designed by Tomas 99-619049

presentations Presentasions will start on time. Please be seated

Saturday Presentations 11:00 Saturday Amathusia

11:00 Saturday Salaminia

before .

Yoga - Introduction to Backbends With Asha This class, suitable for all levels, will explore backbends. Back bending postures encourage a sense of openness. In backbends, like in head stands, you are moving in to the unknown because you can not see where you are going. They gently open out the chest, abdomen, pelvic region and the whole front of the body and are also strengthening and energising as they release tension and blocked energy. Bring a mat or towel to lie on and wear comfortable clothes. www.krishnayoga.co.uk, 97-743279 asha@krishnayoga. co.uk

11:00 Saturday Cypria C

5 minutes

Οι παρουσιάσεις θα αρχίσουν ΕΓΚΑΙΡΩΣ παρακαλώ να είστε εκεί πριν από την έναρξη

5 λεπτά

Γιόγκα - Backbends Με Asha Αυτή η κατηγορία, κατάλληλη για όλα τα επίπεδα, θα διερευνήσει backbends. Επιστροφή κάμψη στάσεις ενθαρρύνει το αίσθημα της διαφάνειας. Σε backbends, όπως και σε περίπτερα κεφάλι, που κινούνται προς την άγνωστη επειδή δεν μπορείτε να δείτε που θα έχετε την ευκαιρία. Οι ανοικτές απαλά από το στήθος, κοιλιά, πυελική περιοχή και ολόκληρο το μπροστινό μέρος του σώματος και είναι επίσης η ενίσχυση και ενεργοποίησης, καθώς και την απελευθέρωση της έντασης ενέργειας μπλοκαριστεί. Φέρτε ένα χαλί ή πετσέτα για να βρίσκονται και να φορούν άνετα ρούχα.

Marek Kukulka Time Therapy - Play of Emotions

Μαρεκ Κουκουλκα - Ώρα Θεραπεία Παιχνίδι Των Συναισθημάτων

Emotions are a form of energy, which either flow through the body or stay blocked in it. The “flow” of energy manifests in this way as different states and processes of emotions. Aggression is the symptom of fear, fear is the symptom of sadness, sadness is the bridge to love - the state of free flowing energy. If we can become conscious of this connection, one’s own emotional structures and energy field can actually change. And if we succeed to use this instrument in our daily lives, it is possible to solve a lot of our problems and conflicts permanently.

Τα συναισθήματα είναι μια μορφή ενέργειας, η οποία είναι παλλόμενη περισσότερο ή λιγότερο, είτε διαρρέουν τον οργανισμό ή την διαμονή τους σε αυτό μπλοκάρει. Η “ροή” της ενέργειας εκδηλώνεται με αυτόν τον τρόπο ως διαφορετικά κράτη και τις διαδικασίες των συναισθημάτων. Η επιθετικότητα είναι το σύμπτωμα του φόβου, ο φόβος είναι το σύμπτωμα του θλίψη, η θλίψη είναι η γέφυρα προς την αγάπη - την κατάσταση της ελεύθερης ροής ενέργειας. Αν έχουμε συνειδητοποιήσει αυτό το σύνδεσμο, συναισθηματικές δομές και την ενεργειακή μας μπορεί πραγματικά να αλλάξει. Και αν μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε αυτό το εργαλείο στην καθημερινή μας ζωή, είναι δυνατό να επιλυθούν πολλά προβλήματα και οι συγκρούσεις σε μόνιμη βάση.

George Kelaiditis EMF Balancing Technique® in Greek

Γιώργος Κελαϊδίτης Εξισορρόπηση Ηλεκτρομαγνητικού Πεδίου®

The Electromagnetic Field Balancing Technique is an energy work technique that has been designed to calibrate the human energy anatomy with the Universal Calibration Lattice (UCL). This technique is a very simple procedure that anybody can learn and use. The EMF Balancing Technique offers the opportunity to clear negative energies from the past that do not allow the advancement of the human being. It also provides for the balancing of the chakras connecting them with the universal energy. Also it provides balance, deep peace, clear vision and perfect health in everyday life. It gets rid of the stress in our personal and business lives and much much more. This technique is being practiced and taught by George Kelaiditis M.E. E.E., who has been a practitioner and a teacher of this technique since 2000. gkelaid@hotmail.com Tel. 00306 9743 45223

Η Εξισορρόπηση του Μαγνητικού Πεδίου είναι μία ενεργειακή τεχνική που έχει σχεδιαστεί για να ρυθμίζει και να συντονίζει την ανθρώπινη ενεργειακή ανατομία σε αρμονία με το Συμπαντικό Δικτύωμα Εξισορρόπησης. Αυτή η Τεχνική Εξισορρόπησης είναι μια απλή διαδικασία που μπορεί να την μάθει οποιοσδήποτε. Με την Τεχνική Εξισορρόπησης Μαγνητικού Πεδίου δίνεται η δυνατότητα μεταξύ άλλων εξάλειψη αρνητικών ενεργειών από το παρελθόν που εμποδίζουν την εξέλιξη τού κάθε ανθρώπου. Ευθυγράμμιση των τσάκρα με τον πυρήνα της συμπαντικής ενέργειας. Ισορροπία, βαθειά γαλήνη, διαύγεια και καλή υγεία στην καθημερινή ζωή. Απαλλαγή από το στρες της προσωπικής και της επαγγελματικής ζωής και άλλα πολλά. Την τεχνική την εφαρμόζει και την διδάσκει ο Γιώργος Κελαϊδίτης, που είναι σύμβουλος και δάσκαλος της Τεχνικής από το 2000.

Health & Well-being Festival Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th March 2010, 10.00-18.00 Aliathon Holiday Village, Paphos health.wellbeing@cytanet.com.cy

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 11

Saturday Lectures & Workshops Maggie Erotokritou A Taste of Yoga

Μάγκη Ερωτοκρίτου Μια γεύση γιόγκα

Classical Hatha Yoga as taught in the Ayurvedic Indian tradition that is over 5000 years old. Asanas (postures), the importance of spinal work, breathing, training the mind to focus and concentrate, awareness, relaxation, stress release. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel to lie on. Maggie is a Yoga and Meditation teacher, Intuitive Healer using Theta, Pranic and Bodytalk. She is the author of Seeds of Transformation, A 52 Step Journey towards Enlightenment and other books. Tel 99-435687 visionquest@spidernet.com. cy, www.livingwithvision.com. Table 77

Η κλασσική γιόγκα ‘Χάθα’ όπως διδάσκεται στην ινδική παράδοση ‘Αγιουρβέντικ’ που είναι άνω των 5000 ετών. Οι στάσεις Ασανας, η σημασία της εκγύμνασης της σπονδυλικής στήλης, η αναπνοή, η εκπαίδευση του μυαλού για καλύτερη εστίαση και συγκέντρωση, συνειδητοποίηση, χαλάρωση, απελευθέρωση του στρες. Παρακαλούμε όπως φορέσετε άνετα ρούχα και φέρετε ένα χαλάκι ή μια πετσέτα για να ξαπλώσετε επάνω. Η Μάγκη είναι δάσκαλος γιόγκα και περισυλλογής, διαισθητική θεραπεύτρια, χρησιμοποιώντας το Θήτα, Πράνικ και Μπόντιταλκ. Είναι συγγραφέας του βιβλίου Σπόροι του Μετασχηματισμού, Ένα ταξίδι 52 Βημάτων προς το Διαφωτισμό και άλλων βιβλίων.

Helen Weeks Meditation on Twin Hearts

Χέλεν Ουίκς Περισυλλογή σε δίδυμες καρδιές

Meditation on Twin Hearts is one of the most powerful tools for spiritual development. When practiced regularly your major chakras and auras will increase in size, making your energy body more dynamic and stronger. Having a powerful and dynamic energy body not only enhances one’s healing powers but also increases one’s effectiveness and productivity at work. Furthermore, you will become more intuitive and intelligent when faced with a problem. 99-851102 helenpranichealing@yahoo.com. Table 47

Η περισυλλογή σε δίδυμες καρδιές είναι ένα από τα ισχυρότερα εργαλεία για την πνευματική ανάπτυξη. Όταν ασκούνται τακτικά τα σημαντικά σας τσάκρας και οι αύρες σας θα αυξηθούν, καθιστώντας την ενέργεια του σώματος σας δυναμικότερη και ισχυρότερη. Η κατοχή ισχυρότερης και δυναμικότερης ενέργειας του σώματος όχι μόνο ενισχύει τις θεραπευτικές μας δυνάμεις αλλά αυξάνει επίσης την αποτελεσματικότητα και παραγωγικότητα μας στην εργασία. Επιπλέον, θα γίνετε πιο διαισθητικοί και ευφυής όταν βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπος με ένα πρόβλημα.

Tina Winning and Julia Kay

Τίνα Ουίννινγκ και Τζούλια Κέι

Tools For Healthy Living - Relief From Addictions, Phobias, Allergies And Passive Yoga For Stress Management, Flexibility And Much More. How hypnotherapy and psychotherapy can help you if have an addiction to smoking, chocolate, alcohol or gambling or suffer from fear of flying, heights, small spaces etc. Julia Kay, a Harley Street qualified hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, can assist you in overcoming these challenges. Discover how Salt Pipes can help people who suffer from asthma, allergies, sinus problems, coughs, breathing difficulties or hay fever. Presentation and Q&A with Tina Winning. Ever wondered what Thai massage is and how you can benefit from it? Attend this presentation and demonstration 24-623239, 99-992896, tinaconidis@hotmail. com. Table 42

Εργαλεία για Υγιή Διαβίωση - ανακούφιση από εθισμούς, φοβίες, αλλεργίες και παθητική γιόγκα για τη διαχείριση του στρες, ευελιξία και πολλά περισσότερα…. Εργαστήριο. Πώς η υπνοθεραπεία και η ψυχοθεραπεία μπορούν να σας βοηθήσουν εάν είσαστε εθισμένοι στο κάπνισμα, τη σοκολάτα, το αλκοόλ ή τον τζόγο ή αν φοβάστε της πτήσεις, τα ύψη, τους μικρούς χώρους κ.λπ. Η Τζούλια Κέι, μια προσοντούχα υπνοθεραπεύτρια και ψυχοθεραπεύτρια της οδού Χάρλεï, μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να υπερνικήσετε αυτές τις προκλήσεις. Ανακαλύψτε πώς πίπες με άλας μπορούν να βοηθήσουν τους ανθρώπους που υποφέρουν από άσθμα, αλλεργίες, προβλήματα ιγμορείων, βήχα, αναπνευστικά προβλήματα ή αλλεργικό κατάρρους. Παρουσίαση και Ερωτήσεις & Απαντήσεις με τη Τίνα Ουίννινγκ. Αναρωτηθήκατε ποτέ τι είναι το ταϊλανδικό μασάζ και πώς μπορείτε να επωφεληθείτε από αυτό; Παρευρεθείτε σε αυτήν την παρουσίαση και επίδειξη

Antonia Nicholson Art Yoga / Kala Yoga

Αντωνία Νίκολσον Γιόγκα Τέχνης/Γιόγκα Καλα

Art Yoga / Kala Yoga – A simple yet profound technique for the clearing of negative programmes and blocks from our subconscious, chakras, and, the cellular memory of our bodies; such as fears, obsessive thoughts and painful experiences from our past – to liberate our lives and help us regain our integrity, and, our selves. “The only way out, is within”. Antonia Nicholson is a Cosmo energetics; Radiesthisis (Biolocation) Consultant; Art Yoga / Kala Yoga. 99476531. Table 31

Γιόγκα Τέχνης/Γιόγκα Καλα- μια απλή όμως πλήρης τεχνική για το καθάρισμα των αρνητικών προγραμμάτων και των φραγμών από το υποσυνείδητο μας, τα τσάκρας μας, και την κυψελοειδής μνήμη του οργανισμού μας όπως οι φόβοι, οι βασανιστικές σκέψεις και η επίπονη εμπειρία από το παρελθόν μας - για να ελευθερώσουμε τη ζωή μας και να μας βοηθήσουν να επανακτήσουμε την ακεραιότητά μας και τον εαυτό μας. «Η μόνη διέξοδος, έρχεται από μέσα μας». Η Αντωνία Νίκολσον είναι ένα Σύμβουλος κοσμικής ενέργειας, ραδι-αίσθησης (βιο-διαπίστωης) Γιόγκα Τέχνης/ Γιόγκα Καλα. 99-476531. Θέση 31

12:00 Saturday Amathusia

12:00 Saturday Cypria C

12:00 Saturday Salaminia

Tools For Healthy Living - workshop

12:00 Saturday Alasia

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 12

Saturday Lectures & Workshops 13:00 Saturday Amathusia

13:00 Saturday Cypria C

13:00 Saturday Alasia

14:00 Saturday Salaminia

15:00 Saturday Amathusia

Stephen Victor - Fields of Grace ® Mini Workshop - Reconciling Oneself With Love

Στίβεν Βίκτωρ - Πεδία Χάρης ®

Μίνι εργαστήριο - Εργαστήριο Συμφιλίωσης με την αγάπη

Our time together will revolve round an uncommon approach for effecting desired change in your self-expression and experience. Most difficulties arise not from within one’s immediate family but the circumstances of earlier generations. We will work not with our understandings, but instead we will look to the rarely seen, yet tangible fields of universal Wisdom in which we live and subsist. Our process: engaging a tool of divination. Our task: determine how best to proceed in our lives. Is it not time to live the expression and experience you have longed for? chaliceearth@gmail.com . Table 52

Ο χρόνος μας μαζί θα περιστραφεί γύρω από μια ασυνήθιστη προσέγγιση για την πραγματοποίηση της επιθυμητής αλλαγής στην αυτό-έκφραση και την εμπειρία σας. Οι περισσότερες δυσκολίες προκύπτουν όχι μέσα από την άμεση οικογένειά μας αλλά τις περιστάσεις των προηγούμενων γενεών. Δεν θα εργαστούμε με αυτά που καταλαβαίνουμε, αλλά με τα πεδία της καθολικής φρόνησης στην οποία ζούμε και υπάρχουμε που σπάνια βλέπουμε και όμως είναι χειροπιαστά. Διαδικασία: δέσμευση ενός εργαλείου χρησμού. Στόχος: να καθορίσω πόσο μπορείτε να προχωρήσετε καλύτερα στις ζωή σας. Δεν ήρθε η ώρα να βιώσετε την έκφραση και την εμπειρία που θέλατε; chaliceearth@gmail.com Πίνακας 52

Jack Makani, Makani Academy, Cyprus “NLP - Boost Your Personal Creativity Workshop

NLP (Νεύρο-Γλωσσικός Προγραμματισμός) Ομιλία του Τζακ Μακάνι, Ακαδημία Μακάνι, Κύπρος

NLP is a well-known psychological system that has spread around the world, because it gives people simple, practical tools for personal development. It enables people to let go of limiting beliefs of themselves, and instead start believing that everything is possible. And combined with a spiritual approach it can work magic. How can some people attract what they want in an almost magical way, and some people never get even close to it? Makani Academy - www.makani.com tel. 96-589709 helene@makani.com Table 21

NLP: παγκόσμια γνωστό ψυχολογικό σύστημα, δίνει απλά, πρακτικά εργαλεία για προσωπική ανάπτυξη. Βοηθάει στην απελευθέρωση από περιοριστικές πεποιθήσεις και στο πιστεύω πώς όλα είναι δυνατά. Σε συνδυασμό με πνευματική προσέγγιση το αποτέλεσμα μπορεί να είναι μαγικό

Susan Rudd Prepare for 2012 with the Angels

Σούζαν Ρουντ Εργαστήριο για Αγγελικό Ρέικι

As we approach 2012 we have amazing and wonderful opportunities to develop our spiritual awareness and to re connect to our divine essence. By doing so we can help to bring in a more harmonious, peaceful and spiritual era for the whole of the planet. This workshop will provide information and exercises that will help you to purify your life and prepare for the higher vibrational energies of 2012. www.spiritandsole.com, 97-648218, piritandsole@hotmail.com Table 44

Η Σούζαν Ρουντ, αγγελικός ανώτατος εκπαιδευτής Ρέικι και θεράπων θα εξηγήσει τι είναι το αγγελικό Ρέικι, πώς αυτό το μετασχηματιστικό εργαλείο θεραπείας μπορεί να σας ωφελήσει και πώς να προσαρμοστείτε στη χρήση των αγγελικών τεχνικών Ρέικι.

Helen Fields Homeostasis or Balance of Mind, Body and Spirit

Χέλεν Φίελτνς Ομοιοστασία ή ισορροπία του μυαλού, του σώματος και του πνεύματος

Even the most skeptical person generally accepts that our bodies need to be balanced, but what does this mean? Balance or homeostasis is the optimum state of being for the mind, body and spirit. Life of course does not always run smoothly. Our bodies are very good at adapting to stressors, but over time the wear and tear on the body, mind and spirit may cause symptoms to occur. The benefits of taking care of yourself are improved everyday health, more energy and stronger resistance to ill health. helengfields@hotmail.com, mobile +90-5338382261, www.susanjeffers.com Table 33

Ακόμη και το πιο δύσπιστο άτομο γενικά αποδέχεται ότι οι οργανισμοί μας πρέπει να ισορροπηθούν, αλλά τι σημαίνει αυτό; Η ισορροπία ή ομοιοστασία είναι η βέλτιστη κατάσταση της ύπαρξης για το μυαλό, το σώμα και το πνεύμα. Η ζωή φυσικά δεν είναι πάντα γαλήνια. Οι οργανισμοί μας είναι πολύ καλοί στο να προσαρμοστούν σε παράγοντες άγχους, αλλά με την πάροδο του χρόνου η φθορά λόγω χρήσης στο σώμα, το μυαλό και το πνεύμα μπορεί να προκαλέσει την εμφάνιση συμπτωμάτων. Τα οφέλη του να προσέχετε τον εαυτό σας είναι βελτιωμένη καθημερινή υγεία, περισσότερη ενέργεια και ισχυρότερη αντίσταση στις αρρώστιες.

Barbara Jones for Sync Creation Cyprus Group “Manifesting and Psycho Kinesis (PK)

Μπάρμπαρα Τζόουνς «Επίδειξη και Ψύχο-Κίνηση (PK)

“Psycho Kinesis (PK), the ability to affect matter with your mind and energy is accessible to us all, enhancing and raising our manifestation potential. During this presentation, through raising our heart energy and eliminating personal blocks that prevent being in a connected, loving space, we learn the amazing truth of our personal capabilities. PK energy and healing energy are the same. It is an energy that flows best when you open your heart to love and joy and are playful, grateful and trusting. Experience PK for yourself and learn more about Dr Joe Gallenberger’s SyncCreation Course coming to Cyprus in November 2010.

«Ψυχο Κίνηση (PK), η δυνατότητα να επηρεαστεί η ουσία με το μυαλό και την ενέργειά σας είναι προσιτή σε όλους μας, ενισχύοντας και αυξάνοντας τη δυνατότητα εκδήλωσής μας. Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της παρουσίασης, μέσω της αύξησης της ενέργειας της καρδίας μας και της εξάλειψης προσωπικών φραγμών που αποτρέπουν την ύπαρξη σε ένα συνδεμένο χώρο αγάπης, μαθαίνουμε την καταπληκτική αλήθεια των προσωπικών ικανοτήτων μας. Η ενέργεια PK και η θεραπευτική ενέργεια είναι οι ίδιες. Είναι μια ενέργεια που ρέει καλύτερα όταν ανοίγετε την καρδιά σας στην αγάπη και τη χαρά και είστε εύθυμοι, ευγνώμων και έχετε εμπιστοσύνη.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 13

Saturday Lectures & Workshops 15:00 Saturday Cypria C

15:00 Saturday Salaminia

15:00 Saturday Alasia

16:00 Saturday Amathusia

Anette Martinsen Have you got a food Intolerance?

Αννέτέ Μαρτινσεν Μάθετε πώς να ζείτε με αλλεργίες σε διάφορα φαγητά.

Find out if you have one and what to do if you have one. Demonstration on how to test yourself for food intolerances. The book by Anette Martinsen ‘A Recipe for Health’ will be on sale. Watch her shows on www.youtube.com/user/AnetteMartinsen. A cooking show for health, for people suffering with food intolerances, allergies and strict diets. All recipes are dairy, egg, sugar, wheat and meat free. And they don’t taste like cardboard! My book “A Recipe for Health” is on Amazon www.amazon.co.uk, Tel: 99-619049, anette@anettemartinsen.com. Table 62

Ανακαλύψτε εάν είστε αλλεργικοί και τι να κάνετε εάν είστε. Επίδειξη στο πώς να αυτό-εξεταστείτε για αλλεργίες τροφίμων. Το βιβλίο της Αννέτ Μαρτινσεν ‘Μια Συνταγή για την Υγεία’ θα είναι προς πώληση. Παρακολουθήστε τις επιδείξεις της στο www.youtube.com/user/AnetteMartinsen Μια μαγειρική επίδειξη για την υγεία, για τους ανθρώπους που υποφέρουν με τα αλλεργίες τροφίμων, αλλεργίες και αυστηρές δίαιτες. Όλες οι συνταγές είναι χωρίς γαλακτοκομικά προϊόντα, αυγά, ζάχαρη, σίτος και κρέας. Και έχουν καλή γεύσηι! Βρίσκεται το βιβλίο «‘Μια Συνταγή για την Υγεία‘ στο Amazon www.amazon.co.uk

Joan Bunyan An Epic Journey through God’s World.

Τζόαν Μπουνιάν Ο Κόσμος του Θεού

“All of us here, today, have received a Wonderful Invitation to join God’s Angels on an Epic Scenic Divine Tour of the Universe. We shall be visiting other planets, spheres, satellites, galaxies, etc. Together we shall meet many Advanced Spiritual Beings, various Angelic Beings and members of the Hierarchy. 25-336284 , 99-039453 , joanbunyan@primehome.com Table 32

“Όλοι μας εδώ, σήμερα, έχουμε λάβει μια Θαυμάσια Πρόσκληση να γίνουμε Άγγελοι του Θεού σε ένα Επικό Φυσικό Θείο γύρο του κόσμου. Θα επισκεφτούμε άλλους πλανήτες, δορυφόρους, γαλαξίες, κ.λπ. Μαζί θα συναντήσουμε πολλά προηγμένα πνευματικά όντα, διάφορα αγγελικά όντα και μέλη της ιεραρχίας.

Sue Worwood Aromatherapy for Home Use Workshop

Σούζαν Ουόβουντ Εργαστήριο αρωμαθεραπείας για χρήση στο σπίτι

Susan Worwood M.I.F.A has been practising Clinical Aromatherapy for over 23 years. Susan has been involved in aromatherapy research projects, is a founder member of the Aromatherapy Trades Council and a member of The International Federation of Aromatherapists. Susan is the official representative for the Internation Federation of Aromaterapists, Cyprus Branch. For information and membership details please contact Susan. She has taught in the UK, Canada and USA and one of her greatest passions is to teach people how to use essential oils at home. 99-956557, 97-699068 info@fragrantplanet.com Table 17

Η Σούζαν Ουόβουντ M.I.F.A ασκεί κλινική αρωμαθεραπεία για πάνω από 23 χρόνια. Η Σούζαν έχει συμμετάσχει στα ερευνητικά προγράμματα αρωμαθεραπείας, είναι ιδρυτικό μέλος του Εμπορικού Συμβουλίου Αρωμαθεραπείας και μέλος της διεθνούς ομοσπονδίας αρωμαθεραπευτών. Έχει διδάξει στο ΗΒ, στον Καναδά και τις ΗΠΑ και ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα πάθη της είναι να διδάσκει ανθρώπους να χρησιμοποιήσουν αιθέρια έλαια στο σπίτι.

Louise Langley Uncover Your Sacred Life Path Workshop “What if life were a game ...? What if that game was a story that you had created for you to uncover in the perfect moment? What if all the people you meet and events that unfold were merely characters and events in that unfolding story? What if there was a simple way to decode your own story? Would you love to know how?” Join Louise Langley on this 90 minute workshop to find out how ... www.louiselangley.com - Table 43

16:00 Saturday Cypria C

Λουίζ Λάγκλεï

Εργαστήριο Αποκαλύψτε την ιερή πορεία της ζωής σας «Τι θα γινόταν εάν η ζωή ήταν ένα παιχνίδι…; Τι θα γινόταν εάν εκείνο το παιχνίδι ήταν μια ιστορία που είχατε δημιουργήσει για να την αποκαλύψετε στην κατάλληλη στιγμή; Τι θα γινόταν εάν όλοι οι άνθρωποι που συναντούσατε και τα γεγονότα που εκτυλίσσονται ήταν απλά χαρακτήρες και γεγονότα σε εκείνη την ιστορία; Τι θα γινόταν εάν υπήρχε ένας απλός τρόπος να αποκωδικοποιηθεί η ιστορία σας; Θα θέλατε να ξέρετε πώς; Μπορείτε να ανακαλύψετε πώς σε αυτό το μικρό εργαστήριο 90 λεπτών με τη Λουίζ Λάγκλεï …

Denise Offermann Loizou The Therapy and POWER of the HERE & NOW

Ντενίζ Οφερμαν Λοίζου Η θεραπεία και η ΔΥΝΑΜΗ του ΕΔΩ ΚΑΙ ΤΩΡΑ

Explanation and practical exercises to be consciously in the HERE & NOW. Only the here and now is what really matters, BUT we fall constantly in the past, totally forget the present moment and fill the only time that we exist with doubts, fears and worries about the future. This is a seminar especially for fearful and doubtful people, who cannot relax easily. Denise Offermann-Loizou is a Certified Life coach and Psychology 22-485021, 96-710022 splishys@cytanet.com.cy Table 16

Εξήγηση και πρακτικές ασκήσεις για να είστε συνειδητά στο ΠΑΡΟΝ. Μόνο το παρόν έχει πραγματική σημασία, ΑΛΛΑ πέφτουμε συνεχώς στο παρελθόν, ξεχνούμε εντελώς την παρούσα στιγμή και γεμίζουμε το μόνο χρόνο που έχουμε με αμφιβολίες, φόβους και ανησυχίες για το μέλλον. Αυτό είναι ένα σεμινάριο ειδικά για ανθρώπους γεμάτους τρόμο και αμφιβολίες, οι οποίοι δεν μπορούν να χαλαρώσουν εύκολα.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 14

Saturday Lectures & Workshops 16:00 Saturday Salaminia

17:00 Saturday Cypria C

17:00 Saturday Alasia

17:00 Saturday Alasia

18:00 Saturday Amathusia

Kara - Mind & Body Centre A Natural Way To Prevent Breast Cancer

Κέντρο σώματος & μυαλού Κάρα φυσικό τρόπο να προληφθεί ο καρκίνος του μαστού

Take action to prevent yourself ever getting Breast Cancer! In just a few moments learn a few simple moves that will empower you, preventing Breast Cancer and relieving: Mastitis, Fibrocystis, Premenstrual ‘tenderness’ and Lactation problems. Plus learn how living in a hot climate you qualify on 4 out of 5 causes of Breast Cancer and learn how you can naturally and easily decrease these odds. Literally a lifesaving workshop, a must for any woman! 99-029952 karapsaroudaki@yahoo.com Table 1

Λάβετε μέτρα για αποφυγή για πάντα του καρκίνου του μαστού! Σε μόνο μερικά λεπτά μάθετε μερικές απλές κινήσεις που θα σας ενδυναμώσουν, προλαμβάνοντας τον καρκίνο του μαστού και ανακουφίζοντας τα ακόλουθα: Μαστίτιδα, ινοκύστη, προεμμηνορροϊκή ευαισθησία και προβλήματα γαλακτοπαραγωγής. Επιπλέον μάθετε πώς, ζώντας σε ζεστό κλίμα, έχετε 4 από τις 5 αιτίες του καρκίνου του μαστού και μάθετε πώς μπορείτε φυσικά και εύκολα να μειώσετε αυτές τις πιθανότητες. Κυριολεκτικά ένα εργαστήριο που σώζει ζωές. Απαραίτητο για οποιαδήποτε γυναίκα!

Susan K. Cole Your Symbols and Your Life via the Tarot Workshop

Σούζαν K. Κόουλ - Εργαστήριο τα σύμβολά και η ζωή σας μέσω των χαρτιών χαρτομαντείας

Gain knowledge about yourself and your relationships, both personal and work. Understand your potential to develop within the themes of creativity, healing and relationships. You will learn to compute your own TAROT symbol, which holds valuable information about your life journey! Susan combines her background in Tarot, Organization Development, education and dance therapy to create a new age needs assessment for those interested in change and innovation. Her work facilitates development for individuals, teams and organizations that are interested in moving from surviving to thriving. susankcole@gmail.com and 99-830971 between Nov.10th & Dec. 4th. Table 56

Κερδίστε γνώση για τον εαυτό σας και τις προσωπικές και επαγγελματικές σας σχέσεις. Καταλάβετε τη δυνατότητά σας να αναπτυχθείτε μέσο της δημιουργικότητας, της θεραπείας και των σχέσεων. Θα μάθετε να υπολογίζετε το δικό σας σύμβολο χαρτιών χαρτομαντείας , το οποίο περιέχει πολύτιμες πληροφορίες για το ταξίδι της ζωής σας! Η Σούζαν συνδυάζει τη γνώση της στα χαρτιά χαρτομαντείας , την οργάνωση ανάπτυξης, τη θεραπεία εκπαίδευσης και χορού για να δημιουργήσει μια σύγχρονη αξιολόγηση αναγκών για εκείνους που ενδιαφέρονται στην αλλαγή και την καινοτομία. Η εργασία της διευκολύνει την ανάπτυξη για άτομα, ομάδες και οργανώσεις που ενδιαφέρονται όχι μόνο να επιβιώνουν αλλά και να αναπτύσσονται.

Giorgos Psychis Anastasia of Siberia and the Ringing Cedars Books

Γιώργος Ψυχής - Τα βιβλία Η Αναστασία Της Σιβηρίας Και Οι Κεδροι Που Κουδουνιζουν

Read and enjoy the best books in the world of the “Anastasia Siberian Cedar And Ringing”. Anastasia lives in the forests of Siberia, without warm clothes, cultivated or manufactured food or shelter and survives on fruits, nuts, berries and mushrooms with the wild animals that live in peaceful harmony. It is considered to originate from the ancient Vedic culture, whose amazing powers and knowledge is far above the current reality experiencing sophisticated psychological and mental powers, including the monitoring and remote reading of thought. 22-428858, 99-326246, gpsychis@gmail.com In Greek. Table 76

Διαβάστε και απολαύσετε τα καλύτερα βιβλία του κόσμου, της σειράς “Η Αναστασία της Σιβηρίας και οι Κέδροι που Κουδουνίζουν”. Η Αναστασία ζει στην άγρια ερημιά του δάσους της Σιβηρίας, τον περισσότερο καιρό χωρίς ζεστά ρούχα, καλλιεργημένες τροφές ή κατασκευασμένο καταφύγιο και επιβιώνει με φρούτα, ξηρούς καρπούς, μούρα και μανιτάρια, που της τα κουβαλούν άγρια ζώα με τα οποία ζει σε ειρηνική αρμονία. Θεωρείται ότι κατάγεται από τον αρχαίο Βεδικό πολιτισμό, του οποίου οι εκπληκτικές δυνάμεις και γνώσεις είναι κατά πολύ ανώτερες της σημερινής πραγματικότητας.

Sylvia Braun - The Bowen Technique - The Gateway To Pain Relief And Deep Levels Of Healing

Σύλβια Μπράουν - Η τεχνική Μπόουεν - η πύλη στην ανακούφιση πόνου και τα βαθιά επίπεδα θεραπείας

“The Bowen Technique is a subtle and highly effective complimentary therapy that can assist recovery from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. This talk will focus on how the therapy stimulates the body’s own innate healing mechanisms, the types of conditions which respond favourably and the far reaching benefits as physical and energy blockages within the system dissolve. Sylvia Braun is an accredited Ireland & U.K. trained Bowen therapist, Ki Massage therapist and Reflexologist based at Therapolis, Limassol 25-328585 or 99-139722.

«Η τεχνική Μπόουεν είναι μια λεπτή και ιδιαίτερα αποτελεσματική θεραπεία που μπορεί να βοηθήσει την αποκατάσταση από ένα ευρύ φάσμα οξέων και χρόνιων καταστάσεων. Αυτή η συζήτηση θα εστιάσει στον τρόπο με τον οποίο η θεραπεία υποκινεί τους έμφυτους θεραπευτικούς μηχανισμούς του σώματος, οι τύποι καταστάσεων που αποκρίνονται ευνοϊκά και τα μακροχρόνια οφέλη που εμφανίζονται όταν οι φυσικές και ενεργειακές παρεμποδίσεις μέσα στο σύστημα εξαφανιστούν.

Evie Lanitis “Meditation and Emotional Freedom

Ήβη Λανίτης «Περισυλλογή και συναισθηματική ελευθερία

To some, meditation is ‘just relaxation’. The Clairvision approach is radically different. There is a fundamental difference between the two – meditation has a dynamic component of awakening. Meditation is about discovering the mysteries of who you are beyond the ordinary mind. But how does one silence the ordinary mind and gain emotional freedom? A member of the Clairvision School since 2002, Evie continues to work closely with Dr Samuel Sagan, the school’s founder. Associate Instructor of the WUHT School of Qi Gung and Tai Chi. Commercial Director of Lanitis Bros Ltd until her retirement in 2006. evie_lanitis@hotmail.com, Table 39

Μερικοί πιστεύουν πως η περισυλλογή είναι μόνο ‘χαλάρωση`. Η προσέγγιση Κλερβίσιον είναι ριζικά διαφορετική. Υπάρχει μια θεμελιώδης διαφορά μεταξύ των δύο - η περισυλλογή έχει ένα δυναμικό συστατικό αφύπνισης. Στην περισυλλογή αποκαλύπτετε το μυστήριο του ποιοι είστε πέρα από το κοινό μυαλό. Αλλά πώς μπορούμε να κατασιγάσουμε το κοινό μυαλό για να κερδίσουμε συναισθηματική ελευθερία; Η Εύη είναι μέλος της σχολής Κλερβίσιον από το 2002 και συνεχίζει να δουλεύει σε στενή συνεργασία με τον Δρ Σάμιουελ Σαγκαν, τον ιδρυτή της σχολής. Είναι εταίρος εκπαιδευτικός της σχολής WUHT για Κι Γκουνγκ και Τάι Τσι.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 15

Aura Photos Eileen Augusti

High-Tech camera can take an actual photo of you and your aura. Aura Photos Eileen will explain the meaning of the colours of your Aura, and give you a channeled reading guided by her spirit guide Francis. Psychic Consultant Her Psychic abilities have taken her to many countries in the world, working in different fields including television, such as Granada TV, Sigma, Turt Sat & WPBT Miami. Teacher of Metaphysics Samballa Reiki Healing powers of colloidal silver For more Information and bookings Tel:99-637093 wwweileenaugusti.com Eileen.Augusti@gmail.com

Saturday Lectures & Workshops 18:00 Saturday Salaminia

18:00 Saturday Alasia

19:00 Saturday Amathusia

19:00 Saturday Alasia

19:00 Saturday Salaminia

Ludmilla Breeva Contemporary Cosmoenergetics™ In Russian

Κέντρο σώματος & μυαλού Κάρα φυσικό τρόπο να προληφθεί ο καρκίνος του μαστού

In the beginning of the 1990’s, a new phenomenon called, COSMOENERGETICS™, appeared in the world. It is a simple energetic technique for self knowledge, self healing and healing for the world. In essence it is a method that offers more opportunities to the people who are seeking themselves and answers in this world. Cosmoenergetics™ fuses knowledge and techniques from a variety of schools e.g. Religious, Mystic and Therapeutic. Advantageously it can be used in conjunction with other techniques and is easy to learn and apply. It brings swift results. 99-611506, 22-375204, bacht. artist@hotmail.com

Στις αρχές του 90 στον κόσμο εμφανίστηκε ένα καινούργιο φαινόμενο που ονομάζεται ΚΟΣΜΟΕΝΕΡΓΗΤΙΚΗ™. Είναι μια απλή και εύκολη ενεργητική τεχνική για την αυτογνωσία, αυτοθεραπεία και θεραπεία για το κόσμο. Είναι μια μέθοδος που βοηθά να ανοίξει πιο πολλές ευκαιρίες στον ανθρώπο που ψάχνει των εαυτό του και ζητά απαντήσεις σε αυτόν τον κόσμο. Η Κόσμοενεργητική ενώνει διάφορες τεχνικές και γνώσεις από διάφορες σχολές όπως Θρησκευτικές, Μυστικιστικές και Θεραπευτικές, ένα πλεονέκτημα αυτής της τεχνικής είναι ότι εφαρμόζεται σε συνδυασμό και με άλλες τεχνικές, επίσης είναι εύκολη στη μάθηση και στην εφαρμογή με γρήγορα αποτελέσματα.

Cyprus Green Party - Melina Menelaou Greek & English

Μέλος των Περιβαλλοντιστών Κύπρου – Μελίνα Μενελάου. Ελληνικά & Αγγλικά

Genetically Modified Foods- Who is calling the shots? Consumers or the mega agri-multinational companies behind? The debate over GMOs has been going on for almost two decades now. Polls show that the public, especially in Europe, are weary of eating genetically modified foods. It has been shown that GMOs can have adverse effects on health and the environment. Still multinationals claim that they can feed the world. Is this the way to save the planet from hunger or simply a smart campaign to dump agricultural surpluses and export expensive technology to the third world? 99 832603, 22 518787, greenparty@cytanet.com.cy, Table 10

Γενετικά τροποποιημένα τρόφιμα Ποιος αποφασίζει; Οι καταναλωτές ή οι μεγάλες αγρο-πολυεθνικές επιχειρήσεις; Η συζήτηση για τα γενετικά τροποποιημένα τρόφιμα συνεχίζεται εδώ και σχεδόν δύο δεκαετίες. Οι ψηφοφορίες δείχνουν ότι το κοινό, ειδικά στην Ευρώπη, δεν θέλουν πια να τρώνε γενετικά τροποποιημένα τρόφιμα. Έχει αποδειχθεί ότι τα γενετικά τροποποιημένα τρόφιμα μπορούν να έχουν δυσμενή επιπτώσεις στην υγεία και το περιβάλλον. Παρόλα αυτά οι πολυεθνικές υποστηρίζουν ότι μπορούν να ταΐσουν τον κόσμο. Αυτός είναι ο τρόπος να σωθεί ο πλανήτης από την πείνα ή απλά μια έξυπνη εκστρατεία να ξεφορτωθούν γεωργικά πλεονάσματα και να εξάγουν ακριβή τεχνολογία στις τριτοκοσμικές χώρες;

“Constantine Tellalis (Swami Prabhu Prakash) The Creation And Aims Of OSHO

«Κωνσταντίν Τελλάλης (Σουάμι Πραπχου Πρακας) Η δημιουργία και οι στόχοι του ΟΣΙΟ

“My work consists in helping you to be free from all magic, theology, philosophy, sectarianism, churches, so that you can be religious. But now the religion has to be religionless and the God has to be godless. That is the ultimate revolution. Man has been waiting for it for so long. And we are living in one of the most fortunate times, because that impossible is possible now. Man has attained to such maturity that he can take that jump. He is no more a child; man has come of age. “ Osho 99 441531, 22-499422, ossia2@otenettel.com Table 58

«Η δουλειά μου είναι να σας βοηθήσω να απαλλαχτείτε από όλα τα μάγια, τη θεολογία, τη φιλοσοφία, τον σεκταρισμό, τις εκκλησίες, έτσι ώστε να μπορέσετε να είστε θρήσκοι. Αλλά τώρα η θρησκεία πρέπει να είναι άθρησκη και ο Θεός πρέπει να είναι άθεος. Αυτή είναι η τελευταία επανάσταση. Οι άνθρωποι το περίμεναν για τόσο πολύ καιρό. Και ζούμε σε ένας από τις πιο τυχερές περιόδους, επειδή εκείνο το αδύνατο τώρα είναι δυνατό. Οι άνθρωποι έχουν επιτύχει τέτοια ωριμότητα που μπορούμε να κάνουμε εκείνο το άλμα. Δεν είναι πλέον παιδιά, οι άνθρωποι έχουν ενηλικιωθεί

Dada Krsnasevananda and Didi Jyoti - The Essence of Spiritual Progress & Spiritual Meditation

Ντιτι Τζιοτι και Ντατα Κρσνασεβαναντα - Γιόγκα Αναντα Μαργκα, Διάλεξη & Εργαστήριο

A Practical Approach to Self-Realization talk & workshop with Mantra-Singing with Ananda Marga School of Tantra Yoga. The Ultimate purpose of life is to realize our true self. No practice is more useful in fulfilling this mission than meditation. In this workshop you will learn two powerful meditation techniques, which you can practice at home. Regular practice of these techniques will bring you peace of mind, deeper self-awareness and increasing vitality and joy. Please contact us at Ananda Marga Yoga Centre,Nicosia 22-313885, 96-786072, 99-665337 and 99-487927 or anandamarga.cy@ yahoo.com and www.cyprusyoga.net Table 80

Η ουσία της πνευματικής προόδου & πνευματικής περισυλλογής - μια πρακτική προσέγγιση στην αυτόπραγματοποίηση Ακολουθεί: Πνευματική περισυλλογή - μια πρακτική προσέγγιση στην αυτό-πραγματοποίηση. Ο απόλυτος σκοπός της ζωής είναι να πραγματοποιήσουμε τον αληθινό μας εαυτό. Καμία πρακτική δεν είναι πιο χρήσιμη στην πραγματοποίηση αυτής της αποστολής από την περισυλλογή. Σε αυτό το εργαστήριο θα μάθετε δύο ισχυρές τεχνικές περισυλλογής, τις οποίες μπορείτε να ασκήσετε στο σπίτι. Η τακτική πρακτική αυτών των τεχνικών θα σας φέρει γαλήνη, βαθύτερη αυτοεπίγνωση και αυξημένη ζωτικότητα και χαρά.

Charalambos Soleas Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: What You Should Know

Χαράλαμπος Σολέας - Ύπνωση και υπνοθεραπεία: Αυτά που πρέπει να ξέρετε

Hypnosis can help in many situations such as overcoming bad habits (i.e., smoking, overeating, etc.), manage stress, anxiety and anger, to get rid of phobias, to enhance your sexual life and generally help you achieve your goals and overcome your personal, family and business problems. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind which everybody can achieve. Information 70005750 www.soleas.eu In Greek

Η ύπνωση είναι μια ενδιαφέρουσα θεραπεία που στην ουσία στηρίζεται σε τεχνικές χαλάρωσης. Είναι αποτελεσματική στο να βοηθά τους ανθρώπους να αντεπεξέρχονται και να χειρίζονται με επιτυχία διάφορα προβλήματα της ψυχικής και σωματικής τους υγείας όπως απαλλαγή από κακές συνήθειες (κάπνισμα, πολυφαγία) να διαχειριστείτε το στρες το άγχος και τον θυμό , να απαλλαγείτε από φοβίες και γενικά να σας βοηθήσει να πετύχετε τους στόχους σας.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 17

19:00 Saturday Alasia

Constandia Christofi Healing Your Life With Feng Shui

Κωνστάντια Χριστοφή Θεραπεύσετε της ζωής σας με Φενγκ Σιουι

How to use Feng Shui as a modern day living skill and that by practising. Feng Shui, one is able to clear their minds as well as their living space allowing that which no longer serves them to be released. This will lead to clear focus and direction, allowing one to identify their life purpose and walk on their path to fulfilment and happiness. 99-716389 email: silverdragon168@hotmail.com Table 33

Πώς να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Φενγκ Σιουι ως σύγχρονη ικανότητα διαβίωσης και ασκώντας το Φενγκ Σιουι μπορείτε να ξεκαθαρίσετε τις σκέψεις σας καθώς επίσης και το χώρο που ζείτε, επιτρέποντας ότι δεν χρησιμεύει πια να απελευθερωθεί. Αυτό θα οδηγήσει σε σαφείς εστίαση και κατεύθυνση, που θα σας επιτρέψει να προσδιορίσετε το σκοπό της ζωής σας και να κατευθυνθείτε προς την εκπλήρωση και την ευτυχία. 99716389 ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο: silverdragon168@hotmail.com Θέση 33

Haritini Christakou Angelic Guidance

Χαριτίνη Χριστάκου Αγγελική Καθοδήγηση

Haritini Christakou has published four books and has done thousands of one to one sessions with people from all walks of life. In her presentation she will be giving practical examples on how a person can receive information and assistance for anything that comes up in everyday life. You will be touched by the actual stories and the experiences of people and you will be surprised to discover the love and the intervention capabilities that the angels can bring to our lives. Kryon Publications LTD., 6 Nikitara Str., 106 78, Athens, Greece, tel. +30-210-3827601, Fax +30-210-3824872 www.kryon.gr

Έχει εκδώσει τέσσερα βιβλία και έχει κάνει χιλιάδες ατομικές συνεδρίες με άτομα από κάθε κοινωνική τάξη και μόρφωση. Στην ομιλία της θα αναφερθεί σε πρακτικά παραδείγματα για το πώς ο καθένας μπορεί να λάβει πληροφορίες και βοήθεια για οτιδήποτε μπορεί να προκύψει στην καθημερινή ζωή. Θα συγκινηθείτε από τις αληθινές ιστορίες και τα βιώματα άλλων ανθρώπων και θα εκπλαγείτε ανακαλύπτοντας την αγάπη και τις δυνατότητες παρέμβασης που έχουν οι άγγελοι στη ζωή μας.

19:00 Saturday Dionysios

Sunday Lectures & Workshops 11:00 Sunday Amathusia

11:00 Sunday Cypria C

11:00 Sunday Salaminia

Valerie Niestrath The 7 Principles of the Andean Mystic

Βάλερη Νιεστραθ Οι 7 αρχές του μυστικισμού των Άνδεων

Our conversation will include the 7 principles of the Andean Mystic while engaging in energetic behavioral practices to awaken & develop your personal power - Inca style. You will learn tools that you can take home right away; including the 3 practices used by Andean mystics for enlightenment, how to harmonize your energetic bubble for enhanced relationship with others; how to be a conduit of living energies between the 3 worlds in Andean cosmology; learn the practice of ‘ayni’ or sacred reciprocity. If time, you will learn the Inca prophecies and their meaning for 2012. chaliceearth@gmail.com Table 52

Η συνομιλία μας θα περιλάβει τις 7 αρχές του μυστικισμού των Άνδεων και ταυτόχρονα συμμετέχοντας σε ενεργητικές συμπεριφοριστικές πρακτικές για αφύπνιση & ανάπτυξη της προσωπική σας δύναμής – σε στυλ Ίνκας. Θα μάθετε εργαλεία τα οποία μπορείτε να πάρετε αμέσως σπίτι σας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των 3 πρακτικών που χρησιμοποιούνται από τους μυστικιστές των Άνδεων για το Διαφωτισμό, πώς να εναρμονίσετε την ενεργητική φυσαλίδα σας για καλύτερες σχέσεις με άλλους, πώς να είστε ένας αγωγός των ενεργειών διαβίωσης μεταξύ των 3 κόσμων στην κοσμολογία των Άνδεων. Μάθετε την πρακτική του ‘αïνι’ ή της ιερής αμοιβαιότητας. Με τον καιρό θα μάθετε τις προφητείες των Ίνκας και την σημασία τους για το 2012.

Master Vasilious The Essence of Tai Chi Workshop

Διδάσκαλος Βασιλείου Εργαστήριο για την ουσία του Τάι Τσι

In this unique workshop your will learn about the history and benefits of Qi Gong and the purpose of the beautiful Tai Chi forms for health, relaxation, meditation and healing. Discover the true essence of Tai Chi and understand the entire system from beginner’s level to Masters level. A demonstration of Tai Chi will be given by Master Vasilious and some of his students with some participation being included. 99-956557, 97-699068, vaf4@mac.com y, Table 17

Σε αυτό το μοναδικό εργαστήριο θα μάθετε για την ιστορία και τα οφέλη του Κι Γκονγκ και του σκοπού των όμορφων μορφών Τάι Τσι για την υγεία, τη χαλάρωση, την περισυλλογή και τη θεραπεία. Ανακαλύψτε την αληθινή ουσία του Τάι Τσι και καταλάβετε ολόκληρο το σύστημα από το επίπεδο του αρχαρίου στο επίπεδο του δασκάλου. Θα γίνει επίδειξη Τάι από το Διδάσκαλο Βασιλείου και από μερικούς σπουδαστές του και θα περιλαμβάνεται κάποια συμμετοχή.

Caroline Evans - “The Fruit There of Shall Be For Food And The Leaf Thereof For Medicine’

Κάρολιν Έβανς- «Το φρούτο του θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για τροφή και το φύλλο του θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για την ιατρική»

Today we discuss the medicinal properties of the healing herbs in Cyprus, in particular the ancient olea europaea species. From antiquity to the microscope, the olive leaf has played an important healing role in the past and promises to be one of the most important natural medicines of the future. Research shows its use as a potent anti-viral and immune boosting herb against many modern day difficult illnesses 99-993412, heavenonearthherbals@hotmail.com Table 18

Σήμερα συζητάμε τις ιατρικές ιδιότητες των θεραπευτικών βοτάνων στην Κύπρο, και ιδιαίτερα τα αρχαία είδη europaea olea. Από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι το μικροσκόπιο, το φύλλο ελιάς έχει διαδραματίσει έναν σημαντικό θεραπευτικό ρόλο στο παρελθόν και υπόσχεται να είναι ένα από τα σημαντικότερα φυσικά φάρμακα του μέλλοντος. Η έρευνα παρουσιάζει τη χρήση του ως ισχυρό βότανο ενάντιο στους ιούς το οποίο ενισχύει το ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα για πολλές δύσκολες σύγχρονες ασθένειες.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 18

Sunday Lectures & Workshops 11:00 Sunday Alasia

Angela Egwim Holistic Pulsing - Rhythm of Life. Workshop Holistic Pulsing is a gentle body-oriented relaxation technique. The memory of every cell is activated through rocking and vibrating movements creating a wave-like motion close to the rhythm of a foetal heartbeat. The cells remember their original harmony. A wide range of benefits can be experienced, starting with simple relaxation, re-establishing of unblocked energy flow, effortless dissolving of mental troubles, problems with family or partners may be solved by itself simply through a new approach an trust in yourself, just to name few. You must feel it to know what it does. For more information call 99494372 or Email cy.holistic@gmail.com , Web: theholisticage.com

11:00 Sunday Dionysios

12:00 Sunday Salaminia

12:00 Sunday Dionysios

13:00 Sunday Amathusia

Elina Pavlides Yoga-Life Centre

Άντζελα Εγγουιμ Εργαστήριο Ολιστικός παλμός - ρυθμός της ζωής Ο ολιστικός παλμός είναι μια ευγενής τεχνική χαλάρωσης προσανατολισμένη στο σώμα. Η μνήμη κάθε κυττάρου ενεργοποιείται μέσω των μετακινήσεων λικνίσματος και της δόνησης που δημιουργούν μια κυματοειδή κίνηση παρόμοια με το ρυθμό κτύπου της καρδιάς ενός εμβρύου. Τα κύτταρα θυμούνται την αρχική αρμονία τους. Μπορεί να βιωθεί ένα ευρύ φάσμα οφελών, αρχίζοντας από απλή χαλάρωση, επανεγκαθίδρυση απελευθερωμένης ενεργειακής ροής, αβίαστη διάλυση διανοητικών προβλημάτων. Επίσης τα προβλήματα με την οικογένεια ή τους συνεργάτες μπορούν να λυθούν από μόνα τους απλά μέσω μιας νέας προσέγγισης και εμπιστοσύνης στον εαυτό σας. Αυτά είναι μερικά από τα οφέλη. Πρέπει να το βιώσετε για να ξέρετε τι κάνει.

Ελίνα Παυλίδη Κέντρο γιόγκα-ζωής

Yoga is union of body, mind and spirit. Practiced with careful alignment, yoga postures can help alleviate past neck and shoulder problems and prevent future ones. You will learn ways to relax, lengthen and decompress your neck, as well as to explore variations and learn ways to strengthen the muscles and joints around the head, neck and shoulders. Learn many different variations for the weight-bearing postures This workshop is open to students of all levels. Come to energise and at the same time relax. (Bring your mat or towel) 22 377630, 99 413707, info@life-centre.org. Table 38

Η γιόγκα είναι η ένωση του σώματος, του μυαλού και του πνεύματος. Οι στάσεις γιόγκα, αν ασκηθούν με προσεκτική ευθυγράμμιση, μπορούν να βοηθήσουν στην ανακούφιση προηγούμενων προβλημάτων λαιμού και ώμων και να αποτρέψουν μελλοντικά προβλήματα. Θα μάθετε πως να χαλαρώνετε, πως να μακρύνετε και να αποσυμπιέσετε το λαιμό σας, καθώς επίσης και να ερευνήσετε παραλλαγές και να μάθετε πως να ενισχύσετε τους μύες και τις ενώσεις γύρω από το κεφάλι, το λαιμό και τους ώμους. Μάθετε πολλές διαφορετικές παραλλαγές για τις βάρος-φέρουσες στάσεις. Αυτό το εργαστήριο είναι διαθέσιμο για μαθητές όλων των επιπέδων. Ελάτε να ενεργοποιηθείτε και να χαλαρώσετε ταυτόχρονος. (Φέρτε το χαλάκι ή την πετσέτα σας)

Thasos Panayi The Way To The 5th Dimension

Θάσο Παναγή Ο Δρόμος Προς Την 5η Διάσταση

The planet is changing, and ourselves as the expansion of the planet follow the change. Through a series of seminars the lightworkers will learn to ascend to the pyramids of light of the 5th dimension of the highest self and above, of the masters and archangels with safety. He/she will learn to handle these great energies for the highest good of himself and the whole of humanity. Gabriel’s vehicle of light will be given in the presentation. 99577314, thasos11@cytanet.com.cy. Table 38

Ο πλανήτης μας αλλάζει και εμείς, ως επέκταση του, ακολουθούμε την αλλαγή. Μέσα από σειρά σεμιναρίων ο εργάτης του φωτός μαθαίνει να ανεβαίνει με ασφάλεια στις πυραμίδες φωτός στην 5η διάσταση του ανώτερου εαυτού του, των διδασκάλων και αρχαγγέλων. Μαθαίνει να χειρίζεται αυτές τις υψηλές ενέργειες για το ανώτερο καλό του ιδίου και όλων των ανθρώπων πάνω στη πλανήτη. Στη διάλεξη θα καθοδηγηθεί η δημιουργία του σκάφους φωτός του Γαβριήλ.

Rachel Petrou Dynamic Yoga Flow Workshop

Ραχήλ Πέτρου Δυναμικό εργαστήριο ροής γιόγκα

Dynamic Yoga Flow has a set of simple, but highly effective, techniques to release us rapidly and safely back into the heart of our elemental nature. It is an integral method for learning, accessing and experiencing the full power and meaning of yoga... Dynamic Yoga Flow is cultivated by Rachel Petrou. Rachel has drawn influence from many traditions but her main inspiration comes from Godfrey Devereux’s, www. windfireyoga.com. Dynamic yoga method. Godfrey Devereux will be leading a 200 hour teacher training course here in Cyprus. For more info contact Rachel Petrou, 96477780 rachelspetrou@cytanet.com.cy

Η δυναμική ροή γιόγκα έχει ένα σύνολο απλών, αλλά ιδιαίτερα αποτελεσματικών, τεχνικών για να μας απελευθερώσει γρήγορα και ακίνδυνα πίσω στην καρδιά της στοιχειώδους φύσης μας. Είναι μια ακέραια μέθοδος για μάθηση, προσέγγιση και βίωση της πλήρης δύναμης και της σημασίας του γιόγκα… Η δυναμική ροή γιόγκα καλλιεργείται από την Ραχήλ Πέτρου. Η Ραχήλ έχει επηρεαστεί από πολλές παραδόσεις αλλά η κύρια έμπνευσή της προέρχεται από τη Δυναμική μέθοδο γιόγκα του Γκόντφρη Ντεβερου, www. windfireyoga.com.. Ο Γκόντφρη Ντεβερου θα καθοδηγήσει μια σειρά μαθημάτων κατάρτισης εκπαιδευτικών 200 ωρών εδώ στην Κύπρο.

Stephen Victor - Collaborative Leadership Mini Workshop - Aligning with Universal Commerce

Στίβεν Βίκτωρ - Μίνι Εργαστήριο Συνεργατικής Ηγεσίας - Εργαστήριο ευθυγράμμισης με το καθολικό εμπόριο

Together we will focus on an Energetic and Spiritual Model of structuring and leading business. One look at the news informs that past approaches to economics, commerce and business are coming undone as do all systems built on false footings. Universal Wisdom - nature’s intelligence - offers an authentic, albeit every changing footing as well as another mean of ‘best practices’ which is wholly uncommon, yet, unprecedented in its structure and process, wise counsel, method and result. Is it not time to feel the passion of engaging a mission en route your vision? chaliceearth@gmail.com Table 52

Μαζί θα εστιάσουμε σε ένα ενεργητικό και πνευματικό πρότυπο επιχείρησης δόμησης και ηγεσίας. Μια ματιά στις ειδήσεις μας ενημερώνει ότι οι προηγούμενες προσεγγίσεις στα οικονομικά, το εμπόριο και την επιχείρηση μένουν απραγματοποίητες όπως όλα τα συστήματα που στηρίζονται σε ψεύτικα θεμέλια. Η Καθολική φρόνηση - νοημοσύνη της φύσης - προσφέρει ένα αυθεντικό θεμέλιο το οποίο αλλάζει συνεχώς καθώς επίσης και άλλα μέσα «καλύτερων πρακτικών» κάτι το εντελώς ασυνήθιστο, όμως, πρωτοφανής στη δομή και τη διαδικασία του, τη σοφή συμβουλή, τις μεθόδους και τα αποτελέσματα.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 19

If your ambition is to study Holistic Medicine in order to help people with anything from headaches to chronic diseases, then you have come to the right place. All courses are distance-learning designed for people in full-time employment and busy lives. Accredited professional programmes: Bachelor of Science in Holistic Medicine – BSc (HM) Doctor of Science in Holistic Medicine – DSc (HM) Stand-alone professional Diploma courses in anatomy & physiology, pathology & disease, nutrition, iridology, herbal medicine, homeopathy, energy medicine, Bach Flower remedies, holistic psychology and more. Web: www.collegenaturalmedicine.com Email: info@collegenaturalmedicine.com Tel: (+357) 24-82 33 22 For more information please contact 25-354920, 25-710664 Fax 25-823049 E-mail: mediserve@cy.net or visit us at table no. 18

PA KUA eco furniture & Feng Shui Shop adopts this philosophy by offering different solutions for furnishing a home thus creating a more natural, comfortable and harmonic way of living. For more than five years, eco-living, wellbeing and quality are the basis of our philosophy. For these reasons we only use the best quality materials, wood from European reforestation government programmes with low impact on the environment, use of natural paints and non-toxic varnishes, handmade pieces and, in some cases, recycled products. Ultimately we seek the best match between design and easy use of our products, keeping it simple and natural. Our purpose is to create a peaceful, relaxing environment bringing balance and harmony to everyday living.

Sunday Lectures & Workshops 13:00 Sunday Cypria C

Barbara Jones - See more Clearly with Awareness Through Movement Vision Enhancement Class An Awareness Through Movement® Class for your eyes! Learn some easy to use exercises to enhance your vision and increase acuity. Vision lessons are an essential part of Awareness Through Movement Classes as Feldenkrais Practitioners® work with the whole self, connecting the skeletal, neurological and sensory systems to work harmoniously to support your wellbeing. Vision Enhancement ATM’s are useful for those who wish to preserve and even improve their eyesight. barbarajonestherapies@yahoo.com +357 99-335984, www.barbarajonestherapies.com, www.effectivelearning-cy. com Table 51

13:00 Sunday Salaminia

13:00 Sunday Alasia

14:00 Sunday Cypria C

14:00 Sunday Salaminia

Adonis Ellinas

Μπάρμπαρα Τζόουνς - Δείτε πιο καθαρά μέσο μιας τάξης αυξήσεως όρασης με συνειδητοποίηση μέσω κίνησης Μια τάξη συνειδητοποίησης μέσω κίνησης για τα μάτια σας! Μάθετε μερικές εύχρηστες ασκήσεις για να ενισχύετε την όρασης σας και να αυξήσετε την ικανότητα αντίληψης σας. Τα μαθήματα οράματος είναι ένα ουσιαστικό μέρος της τάξης συνειδητοποίησης μέσω κίνησης μιας και οι θεραπευτές Φέλντενκραïς δουλεύουν με ολόκληρο το εαυτό μας, συνδέοντας τα σκελετικά, νευρολογικά και αισθητήρια συστήματα για να εργάζονται αρμονικά και να στηρίξουν την ευημερία σας. Η αύξηση όρασης με συνειδητοποίηση μέσω κίνησης είναι χρήσιμη για εκείνους που επιθυμούν να συντηρήσουν ακόμη και να βελτιώσουν την όρασή τους.

Άδωνις Έλληνας

PSYCH-K (Psychology-Kinesiology)

PSYCH-K (Psychology-Kinesiology)

Through a technique derived from Kinesiology called muscle testing, we find out the limiting beliefs that keep someone away from the things they desire, and then by identifying the solution, we reprogram the sub-conscious mind using a whole brain posture by integrating both, left and right hemisphere of the brain. Once the changes are made, they are permanent, and there is no need whatsoever to do them regularly. Adonis Ellinas holds Marketing and Interior Design degrees, and has been trained in PSYCH-K, EFT, and Pranic Healing 25-331471, 99-579169, adonisel@yahoo.com. Table 66

Με το PSYCH-K, μέσω μιας τεχνικής από την Κινησιολογία που λέγεται μυϊκό τεστ, βρίσκουμε τις περιοριστικές πεποιθήσεις, που κρατούν κάποιο άτομα μακριά από τα πράγματα που επιθυμούν, και μετά, αναγνωρίζοντας την λύση, επαναπρογραμματίζουμε τον υποσυνείδητο νου, χρησιμοποιώντας στάση ολικού μυαλού, συσχετίζοντας παράλληλα το αριστερό και δεξιό ημισφαίριο. Όταν γίνουν οι αλλαγές, είναι μόνιμες και δεν υπάρχει κανένας λόγος κάποιος να τις ξανακάνει τακτικά. 25-331471, 99-579169, adonisel@yahoo.com

Alexander - Bacht Safarov Contemporary Cosmoenergetics™ In Greek

Αλεξάντερ – Μπαχτ Σαφαροβ Σύγχρονη Κόσμοενεργητική™

In the beginning of the 1990’s, a new phenomenon called, COSMOENERGETICS™, appeared in the world. It is a simple energetic technique for self knowledge, self healing and healing for the world. In essence it is a method that offers more opportunities to the people who are seeking themselves and answers in this world. Cosmoenergetics™ fuses knowledge and techniques from a variety of schools e.g. Religious, Mystic and Therapeutic. Advantageously it can be used in conjunction with other techniques and is easy to learn and apply. It brings swift results. Harmony is one of the greatest gifts Cosmoenergetics™ gives the world.

Στις αρχές του 90 στον κόσμο εμφανίστηκε ένα καινούργιο φαινόμενο που ονομάζεται ΚΟΣΜΟΕΝΕΡΓΗΤΙΚΗ™. Είναι μια απλή και εύκολη ενεργητική τεχνική για την αυτογνωσία, αυτοθεραπεία και θεραπεία για το κόσμο. Είναι μια μέθοδος που βοηθά να ανοίξει πιο πολλές ευκαιρίες στον ανθρώπο που ψάχνει των εαυτό του και ζητά απαντήσεις σε αυτόν τον κόσμο. Η Κόσμοενεργητική ενώνει διάφορες τεχνικές και γνώσεις από διάφορες σχολές όπως Θρησκευτικές, Μυστικιστικές και Θεραπευτικές, ένα πλεονέκτημα αυτής της τεχνικής είναι ότι εφαρμόζεται σε συνδυασμό και με άλλες τεχνικές, επίσης είναι εύκολη στη μάθηση και στην εφαρμογή με γρήγορα αποτελέσματα.

Dr. Igor Cetojevic “What is Energetic Medicine and Why is it Effective?

Δρ. Ίγκορ Σετοτζεβικ - «Τι είναι ενεργητική ιατρική και γιατί είναι αποτελεσματική;

A visual introduction to the successful symbiotic link between holistic healing techniques and modern medicine. Traditional and Western medicine can live together. No more ‘We and They’, Medicine is ONE. Dr Igor will introduce you to Energetic Medicine, modern technology and its possibilities. 25-342904 www.drigor.org, spitaki@spidernet.com.cy Table 20

Μια οπτική εισαγωγή στην επιτυχή συμβιωτική σύνδεση μεταξύ των ολιστικών τεχνικών θεραπείας και της σύγχρονης ιατρικής. Η παραδοσιακή και δυτική ιατρική μπορεί να ζήσει από κοινού. Δεν θα λέμε πλέον ‘Εμείς και Αυτοί’, η ιατρική έχει ενωθεί. Ο Δρ Ίγκορ θα σας εισαγάγει στην ενεργητική ιατρική, τη σύγχρονη τεχνολογία και τις δυνατότητές της. 25342904 www.drigor.org, spitaki@spidernet.com.cy Θέση 20

Georgia Charalambous-Botsari I Rejoice and Enjoy my Life

Γεωργία Χαραλάμπους-Πότσαρι Χαίρομαι και απολαμβάνω τη ζωή μου

The Science of Spirituality - This Yoga teaches how to obtain true and lasting Happiness, Love, Joy, Peace and Fulfilment in modern life through a simple method of meditation to the inner light and sound. Evy Caradja, Greece + 210 748314, In Cyprus, Giorgia Charalambous, 99- 644893, in Nicosia. evycasos@otenet.gr Table 3

Η επιστήμη της πνευματικότητας - αυτή η γιόγκα διδάσκει το πώς να λαμβάνετε την αληθινή και μόνιμη ευτυχία, την αγάπη, τη χαρά, την ειρήνη και την εκπλήρωση στη σύγχρονη ζωή μέσω μιας απλής μεθόδου περισυλλογής στο εσωτερικό φως και τον ήχο. Εύη Καρατζα, Ελλάδα + 210 748314, στην Κύπρο, Γεωργία Χαραλάμπους, 99 - 644893, στη Λευκωσία. evycasos@otenet.gr Θέση 3

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 21

Sunday Lectures & Workshops 14:00 Sunday Alasia

Daria Aquilina - Cosmoenergetics™ Healing, Bowen

Technique® Therapy, & Touch Energy Healing

From the first treatment: pain relief, deep relaxation and a healthy balance is restored, also the Chakras are cleared, balanced and re energised. All possible with three of the most gentle, yet powerful and therapeutic of healing techniques available today. With recovery from many conditions possible, from traumatic injury to chronic daily pain. Cosmoenergetics™ is a simple energetic technique which heals on every level. Bowen Technique® is a gentle form of body work, working on every system of the body. Touch Energy Healing: a combination of Touch and manipulation with the use of Energy. 99 183432, Table 31

14:00 Sunday Dionysios

15:00 Sunday Amathusia

15:00 Sunday Cypria C

Από την πρώτη θεραπεία: ανακούφιση πόνου, βαθιά χαλάρωση και αποκατάσταση υγιής ισορροπίας. Επίσης καθαρίζεται, ισορροπείται και επαν-ενεργοποιείται το Τσάκρας. Όλα αυτά είναι πιθανά με τρεις από τις ευγενέστερες, όμως ισχυρότερες και πιο θεραπευτικές τεχνικές διαθέσιμες σήμερα. Με την πιθανότητα αποκατάστασης από πολλές καταστάσεις, από τραυματική κάκωση μέχρι χρόνιο καθημερινό πόνο. Η Κοσμοενεργητικη™ είναι μια απλή ενεργητική τεχνική που θεραπεύει σε κάθε επίπεδο. Η τεχνική Μπόουεν® είναι μια ευγενής μορφή εργασίας του σώματος, που λειτουργεί σε κάθε σύστημα του σώματος. Θέση 31

Marion Degel Space Clearing and Clutter Clearing

Μάριον Ντεγγελ Εκκαθάριση χώρου και εκκαθάριση ακαταστασίας

Space Clearing is a fascinating energetic process which deeply cleanses our inner and outer environment. Clutter Clearing allows us to let go of anything unnecessary which complicates our life and creates stagnation. Marion Degel is a registered Space Clearing and Clutter Clearing Practitioner, trained by Karen Kingston, bestselling author and world-renowned authority in this field. Marion offers consultations throughout Europe. Tel: +49 5483 8037, Mob: +49 172 9458501, info@ spaceclearing-consulting.com, www.spaceclearing-consulting.com, Table 40

Η εκκαθάριση χώρου είναι μια συναρπαστική ενεργητική διαδικασία που καθαρίζει βαθειά το εσωτερικό και εξωτερικό μας περιβάλλον. Η εκκαθάριση ακαταστασίας μας επιτρέπει να απελευθερωθούμε από οτιδήποτε περιπλέκει τη ζωή μας και δημιουργεί στασιμότητα. Η Μάριον Ντεγγελ είναι εγγραμμένος επαγγελματίας εκκαθάρισης χώρου και εκκαθάρισης ακαταστασίας, που εκπαιδεύτηκε από την Κάρεν Κίνγκστον, συγγραφέας εμπορικής επιτυχίας και παγκόσμια ειδικός σε αυτόν τον τομέα. Η Μάριον προσφέρει συμβουλές σε όλη την Ευρώπη.

Jack Makani, Makani Academy, Cyprus The Enneagram - Find Your True Self Workshop

Τζακ Μακάνι, Ακαδημία Μακάνι, Κύπρος Εννέαγκραμ – Ανακαλύψτε τον πραγματικό σας εαυτό

The Enneagram is a personality typology that maps out nine fundamental types of human nature, and their relationships. It is a development of modern psychology that has roots in spiritual wisdom. By studying the Enneagram you will learn about your deepest, unconscious motivations, and be able to identify your inner resources as well as the roots of your unhealthy behaviour. The idea of the system is to learn to not identify with the type, but to go behind the type and the patterns, into the essence of your being. www.makani.com - tel. 96-58970 Table 21

Η Εννέαγκραμ είναι μέθοδος τυπολογίας προσωπικότητας η οποία σχεδιάζει εννέα βασικούς τύπους της ανθρώπινης φύσης και τις σχέσεις τους. Είναι μία εξέλιξη της σύγχρονής ψυχολογίας η οποία έχει τις ρίζες στην πνευματική γνώση. Μελετώντας την Εννέαγκραμ θα μάθατε για τα βαθύτερα, υποσυνείδητα σας κίνητρα, και θα μπορέσετε να αναγνωρίσετε τις εσωτερικές σας δυνατότητες καθώς και τους λόγους που κρύβονται πίσω από την ανθυγιεινή σας συμπεριφορά. Η φιλοσοφία του συστήματος αποσκοπεί στο να μάθετε να μην να ταυτίζεστε με τον τύπο, αλλά να προχωρήσετε πέραν αυτού και του πρότυπου, στην ουσία της ύπαρξης σας.

Jari Koivu Waking the Spirit Within You

Τζάρι Κοïβου Ξύπνημα του πνεύματος μέσα σας

Discover the extent to which your personal spirit may be slumbering and what to do about it. Understand the relationship between your spirit, the Holy Spirit and the supernatural realm.” Jari Koivu was born in the Nordic country of Finland where at the age of 22 he experienced a visitation of an angel, in 1985. That encounter opened an access to the invisible world that only God can provide. Soon after the “new birth” Jari devoted his life to spiritual work, He has published a book in Finnish called “The Faces of Calling” (1997) www.opensky.weebly.com, jtkoivu@gmail.com Stage Area, Lefkothea Room, table 94 & 95.

15:00 Sunday Salaminia

Κοσμοενεργητικη ™, την τεχνική θεραπείας Μπόουεν®, & την ενεργειακή θεραπεία αφής

Ανακαλύψτε το βαθμό στον οποίο το προσωπικό πνεύμα σας μπορεί να κοιμάται και τι να κάνετε για αυτό. Κατανοήστε τη σχέση μεταξύ του πνεύματός σας, του ιερού πνεύματος και της υπερφυσικής σφαίρας επιρροής. Ο Τζάρι Κοïβου γεννήθηκε στη σκανδιναβική χώρα της Φινλανδίας όπου στην ηλικία των 22 το 1985 τον επισκέφθηκε ένας Άγγελος. Εκείνη η συνάντηση άνοιξε μια πρόσβαση στον αόρατο κόσμο που μόνο ο Θεός μπορεί να παρέχει. Έχει δημοσιεύσει βιβλίο στα φιλανδικά αποκαλούμενο «Τα Πρόσωπα του Καλέσματος» (1997) www.opensky.weebly.com, jtkoivu@ gmail.com Σκηνικός χώρος, δωμάτιο Λευκοθέα

Helen Weeks Miracles Through Pranic Healing

Χέλεν Ουίκς Θαύματα μέσω της θεραπείας Πράνικ

Everyone is capable of using energy healing to heal themselves, their families and their friends, even if they live abroad! Pranic Healing is a very simple but extremely effective method of healing which can be learnt in a 2-day workshop. In this presentation, you will experience energy with your hands and there will be a demonstration on how quickly you can heal a simple pain. You will also discover, as a group, how you can actually project this energy to send love, peace and inner calm. 99-851102, helenpranichealing@yahoo.com Table 47

Ο καθένας μας είναι σε θέση να χρησιμοποιήσει την ενεργειακή θεραπεία για να αυτό-θεραπευθεί και να θεραπεύσει την οικογένεια του και τους φίλους του, ακόμα κι αν ζουν στο εξωτερικό! Η θεραπεία Πράνικ είναι μια πολύ απλή αλλά εξαιρετικά αποτελεσματική μέθοδος θεραπείας που μπορεί να διδαχθεί σε ένα διήμερο εργαστήριο. Σε αυτήν την παρουσίαση, θα δοκιμάσετε την ενέργεια με τα χέρια σας και θα υπάρξει μια επίδειξη στο πόσο γρήγορα μπορείτε να θεραπεύσετε έναν απλό πόνο.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 22

Sunday Lectures & Workshops 15:00 Sunday Alasia

MA•GAIA - Frame Drumming: A Timeless Tool For Creative Transformation The frame drum is the world’s oldest known drum. For thousands of years it was at the core of all rituals in the ancient Mediterranean world. In Cyprus, Aphrodite’s temples were renowned for their frame drummers, as evidenced by the multitude of female drumming figurines unearthed. In this presentation, MA•GAIA will be shedding light on this profound and inspiring history of women frame drummers. Creating a tapestry of sound, image and word, we will highlight the power and beauty of this lost tradition and its validity as a tool for creative transformation in contemporary society. Annika Nicolaou drumdoctor@cytanet.com.cy, 9-9349980, Ianthi Sparsis ianthi@magaiamotherdrum.com, 99-437467, Stalo Hadjipieri ilioastrika@cytanet.com.cy, 99599362 Table 65

15:00 Sunday Dionysios

16:00 Sunday Alasia

16:00 Sunday Cypria C

16:00 Sunday Salaminia

ΜΑ•ΓΑΙΑ - Αρχέγονο Τύμπανο: Η Διαχρονική Τέχνη Της Δημιουργικής Μεταμόρφωσης Tο αρχαίο τύμπανο, για χιλιάδες χρόνια, βρισκόταν στον πυρήνα κάθε τελετουργίας και ιεροτελεστίας στο μεσογειακό χώρο. Στην Kύπρο, οι ναοί της Aφροδίτης ήταν ξακουστοί για τις γυναίκες τυμπανίστριές τους, όπως μαρτυρούν και τα χιλιάδες ειδώλια που έχουν ανευρεθεί. Σ’ αυτή την παρουσίαση, η ΜΑ•ΓΑΙΑ θα ρίξει φως στην άγνωστη αυτή πτυχή της ιστορίας των γυναικών τυμπανιστριών. Μέσα από ήχο, λόγο και εικόνα, θα αναδείξει τη δύναμη και την ομορφιά της χαμένης αυτής παράδοσης και την εγκυρότητά της στο σήμερα.

Maggie Erotokritou Metamorphosis – A Theta Healing Meditation.

Μάγκη Ερωτοκρίτου Μεταμόρφωση - Μια θεραπευτική περισυλλογή.

A Theta Healing Meditation using sound, colour, breathing and vibrations from the Theta Seventh Plane of existence to initiate inner purification and transformation. As an Intuitive Healer Maggie works with inner guidance as to what is needed in the moment, sharing the energy and wisdom that is required. She will be teaching a Theta Healing basic course in December and Advanced training in January and also gives individual sessions and readings. Maggie is the author of Seeds of Transformation, A 52 Step Journey towards Enlightenment and other books. Tel 99435687 visionquest@spidernet.com.cy, www.livingwithvision.com.cy, Table 77

Μια θεραπευτική περισυλλογή που χρησιμοποιεί τον ήχο, το χρώμα, την αναπνοή και τις δονήσεις από το Έβδομο Επίπεδο Θήτα της ύπαρξης για να αρχίσει τον εσωτερικό καθαρισμό και το μετασχηματισμό. Ως διαισθητική θεραπεύτρια η Μάγκη λειτουργεί με εσωτερική καθοδήγηση ως προς αυτό που απαιτείται σε εκείνη τη στιγμή, μοιράζοντας την ενέργεια και τη φρόνηση που απαιτείται. Θα διδάσκει μια βασική σειρά μαθημάτων θεραπείας Θήτα το Δεκέμβριο και μια προηγμένη κατάρτιση τον Ιανουάριο και δίνει επίσης μεμονωμένες συναντήσεις και τις αναγνώσεις.

Denise Offermann Loizou “Past lifes and its KARMAS workshop

Ντενίζ Οφερμαν Λοίζου «Προηγούμενες ζωές και το κάρμα του

“Past lifes and its KARMAS - How Past lifes help you to create the HERE and NOW. Denise Offermann-Loizou is a Certified Life coach and Psychology counsellor MA, USA. She is also a certified Master Hypnotherapist in Pain Management, Sports psychology and success. EFT practitioner + Teacher of the NOW-MOMENT by Eckhart Tolle. 22-485021, 96-710022, splishys@cytanet.com.cy Table 16

Εργαστήριο πώς οι προηγούμενες ζωές σας βοηθούν να δημιουργήσετε το ΕΔΩ και ΤΩΡΑ. Η Ντενίζ Οφερμαν Λοίζου είναι επικυρωμένη προπονήτρια ζωής και σύμβουλος ψυχολογίας ΜΑ, ΗΠΑ. Είναι επίσης μία επικυρωμένη διδάσκαλος υπνοθεραπεύτρια για τη διαχείριση πόνου, αθλητική ψυχολογία και επιτυχία. Επαγγελματίας EFT + Δάσκαλος της ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑΣ ΣΤΙΓΜΗΣ από τον Έκχαρτ Τολλε. 22-485021, 96-710022, splishys@cytanet.com.cy Θέση 16

Orestes Terzides Is there a better I? Workshop In Greek

Ορέστης Τερζίδης Υπάρχει ένα καλύτερο εγώ

How can we find again what we seem to have lost long ago: our true identity? We have been looking for it in all kinds of ways. We are looking for this magic door that leads to our innermost being, to our true reality. The seminar will give an outline of the Rosicrucian path to awaken the inner man. Orestes Terzides holds a PhD in physics and has been a pupil of the School of the Rosycross for more than 20 years. He has contributed to the work of the School by numerous articles, talks and workshops in different countries. +30 -210-644 4303, 99 - 545979, info@rodostavros.gr. Table 24

Πως μπορούμε να βρούμε πάλι αυτό που έχουμε χάσει εδώ και καιρό: την πραγματική μας ταυτότητα; Την αναζητήσαμε με πολλούς τρόπους. Ψάχνουμε αυτήν την μαγική πόρτα που μας οδηγεί στο εσώτατο είναι μας, στην αληθινή μας πραγματικότητα. To σεμινάριο θα δώσει μια εισαγωγή στην Ροδοσταυρική οδό της αφύπνισης του εσωτερικού ανθρώπου. Ο Ορέστης Τερζίδης έχει κάνει διατριβή στην φυσική και είναι μαθητής της Σχολής του Ροδόσταυρου για πάνω από 20 χρόνια. Συνέβαλε στην εργασία της Σχολής με άρθρα, διαλέξεις και σεμινάρια σε διάφορες χώρες

Sean “The Passion Man” Foley Find Your True Passion with 5 Big Rocks!

Σων Φόλεï «Ο άνθρωπος του πάθους» Βρείτε το πάθος σας με 5 μεγάλους βράχους!

“If you would like to live with more joy, success and happiness in your life then you must see The Passion Man in action! Using 5 Big Purple Rocks, The Passion Man will show you how to live a passionate, fulfilling life. Getting clear on what you want, why you want it and how you are going to get it into your life everyday! www.your-passion-coach.com, 97-798301, thepassionman@gmail.com. Table 23

«Εάν θα επιθυμούσατε να ζήσετε με περισσότερη χαρά, επιτυχία και ευτυχία στη ζωή σας έπειτα πρέπει να δείτε τον Άνθρωπο του Πάθους σε δράση! Χρησιμοποιώντας 5 μεγάλους πορφυρούς βράχους, ο Άνθρωπος του Πάθους θα σας παρουσιάσει πώς να ζήσετε μια εκπληρωμένη ζωή με πάθος. Θα ξεκαθαρίσετε τι θέλετε, γιατί το θέλετε και πώς θα το κατακτήσετε στην καθημερινή σας ζωή σας!

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 23

Sunday Lectures & Workshops 16:00 Sunday Dionysios

Selina Adonai - The Art Of Manifesting Your Miraculous Life Workshop Learn how to manifest The Life of Your Dreams. In this workshop you will learn & practice a variety of exciting manifesting methods and tools that will give you the power to easily create the life you desire. Learn how to become a powerful, unlimited creator. Selina Adonai is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner ®, certified Energy Therapist, Kryon School Teacher, Light Body Meditation Teacher and a Prosperity Coach. 96-661211, twinflames@me.com. Table 4

17:00 Sunday Amathusia

17:00 Sunday Salaminia

18:00 Sunday Cypria C

18:00 Sunday Alasia

Σελίνα Αντοναï - Εργαστήριο Η τέχνη της φανέρωσης της θαυμαστής ζωής σας Μάθετε πώς να φανερώσετε τη ζωή των ονείρων σας. Σε αυτό το εργαστήριο θα μάθετε & θα εφαρμόσετε ποικίλες συναρπαστικές μεθόδους και εργαλεία φανέρωσης που θα σας δώσουν τη δύναμη να δημιουργήσετε εύκολα τη ζωή που επιθυμείτε. Μάθετε πώς να γίνετε ισχυρός, απεριόριστος δημιουργός. Η Σελίνα Αντοναï είναι επικυρωμένη επαγγελματίας της θεραπείας των αγγέλων, επικυρωμένη ενεργειακή θεραπεύτρια, δάσκαλος σχολής Κραïον, δάσκαλος περισυλλογής φωτός σώματος και προπονήτρια ευημερίας.

Anette Martinsen Theta Healing – Change your life Workshop

Αννέτέ Μαρτινσεν Θεραπεία Θήτα - Εργαστήριο Όπου συμβαίνουν θαύματα

Change your life with Theta healing, experience group healing from the seventh plane and a one to one demonstration on how to clear and remove an issue or belief using Theta. Theta Healing - healing from the seventh plane on all 4 levels, the core level, the genetic level, the history level & the soul level. Theta Readings - get clear concise information from the seventh plane direct from the source on your life, relationships and career. Heal issues, physical ailments, disease, trauma and beliefs. www.anettemartinsen.com and www. youtube.com/AnetteMartinsen Tel: 99-619049, Table 62

Θεραπεύστε ζητήματα, φυσικές αδιαθεσίες, ασθένειες, τραύματα και πεποιθήσεις. Θεραπεύοντας από το 7ο επίπεδο - Θεραπεύοντας και στα 4 επίπεδα, το επίπεδο του πυρήνα, το γενετικό επίπεδο, το επίπεδο της ιστορίας & το επίπεδο της ψυχής.

Neophytos Efstathiou - Life Coach Workshop In Greek

Πως Δημιουργούμε Την «Πραγματικότητα» Μας Και Πως Αυτό Επηρεάζει Το Τη Ζωή Μας

How We Create Our “REALITY” And How That Affects Our Life. What is “Life” after all? Is it the same “thing” for all of us ? Do we “understand” the different “facts” of our everyday life in the same “way”? As we will see , the REALITY each one of us lives is UNIQUE and when we consciously realize this and learn how our brain works we will be ABLE TO MAKE DRASTIC CHANGES in our Lives ..in our REALITY …. Neophytos Efstathiou Life Coach – 99-696765, info@liveinharmonyorg. In Greek. Table 35/36

Τι είναι τελικά η «Ζωή» ? Είναι το ίδιο πράγμα για όλους μας ? Αντιλαμβανόμαστε τα γεγονότα και τις καταστάσεις της καθημερινότητας με τον ίδιο τρόπο? Όπως θα δούμε η «ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ» που ζει ο καθένας μας είναι ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΗ .. «εισπράττουμε» τα ίδια «ερεθίσματα» αλλά τα «ζούμε» ο καθένας μας με τον δικό του ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΟ τρόπο ... Όταν πραγματικά ΣΥΝΗΔΕΙΤΟΠΟΙΗΣΟΥΜΕ αυτό το πράγμα και μάθουμε τους ΤΡΟΠΟΥΣ ΠΟΥ «ΔΟΥΛΕΥΕΙ» ΤΟ Μυαλό μας . τότε ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΑΛΛΑΞΟΥΜΕ τη Ζωή μας ...

Master Paraskevas David Si-Fu Workshop Greek & English - Classic Ving Tsun Kung Fu

Εργαστήριο Σι-Φου Ελληνικά & αγγλικά. Ο διδάσκαλος Παρασκευάς Δαβίδ. Κλασικό Βινγκ Τσουν Κουνγκ Φου

Kung Fu is a martial art offering confidence, discipline, focus, overall fitness and spiritual well-being. Real Kung Fu training is a way of life. It’s not a sport or show of fitness. Anyone can learn, you don’t have to be young and energetic. Join this introductory workshop and experience the benefits of Kung Fu for yourself. davidpasco@hotmail.com

Το Κουνγκ Φου είναι μια πολεμική τέχνη που προσφέρει εμπιστοσύνη, πειθαρχία, εστίαση, γενική υγεία και πνευματική ευημερία. Η πραγματική κατάρτιση Κουνγκ Φου είναι ένας τρόπος της ζωής. Δεν είναι αθλητισμός ή παρουσίαση ικανοτήτων. Ο καθένας μας μπορεί να το μάθει, δεν είναι απαραίτητο να είστε νέοι και ενεργητικοί. Συμμετέχετε σε αυτό το εισαγωγικό εργαστήριο και δοκιμάστε τα οφέλη του Κουνγκ Φου από μόνοι σας.

Arianna Economou Movement/Dance As A Creative Language

Αριάννα Οικονόμου Κίνηση / Χορός ως δημιουργική Γλώσσα

(based on contemporary movement research methods) AN inner / outer dialogue to create a deeper connection to the experience of the body and experience a personal creative language, widening the field through which we perceive and experience ourselves and the world around us. For people needing creative space to restore a sense of personal direction and value.Information, Tel: 97- 772264

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 24

Μια εσωτερική / εξωτερική διάλογος να οδηγήσει σε μια βαθύτερη σύνδεση με την εμπειρία του σώματος και μια προσωπική εμπειρία δημιουργική γλώσσα, τη διεύρυνση του πεδίου μέσω του οποίου θα αντιλαμβάνονται και βιώνουν τον εαυτό μας και τον κόσμο γύρω μας. Για τα άτομα που έχουν ανάγκη δημιουργικό χώρο για την αποκατάσταση του αισθήματος της προσωπικής πορείας και αξία.

Sunday Lectures & Workshops 18:00 Sunday Dionysios

Nadia Kyriakidou “NIA -Neuromuscular Intergrative Action Workshop “NIA is a path to condition, heal and express your self through movement and sensation. A dynamic blend of dance arts, martial arts and healing arts, Nia revolutionized the face of fitness in 1983, and has since changed millions of lives and bodies across the globe. Balancing technical precision with free-form expression, NIA brings the body, mind, emotions and spirit to optimum health through music, movement and self-expression, guided by the sensation of Pleasure.Nia is designed for any body. Presented by Nadia Kyriakidou white belt instructor. the_studio@cytanet.com.cy, www.theptstudio.com, 24-819896

19:00 Sunday Salaminia

Νάντια Κυριακίδου «Εργαστήριο NIA – σταδιακή νευρομυϊκή δράση Η NIA είναι μια πορεία προς τη ρύθμιση, τη θεραπεία και την έκφραση του εαυτού σας μέσω της μετακίνησης και της αίσθησης. Ένα δυναμικό μίγμα των τεχνών χορού, των πολεμικών τεχνών και των τεχνών θεραπείας, η Nia ξεσήκωσε την όψη των ικανοτήτων το 1983, και έχει αλλάξει από τότε εκατομμύρια ζωές και οργανισμούς σε όλη την υδρόγειο. Ισορροπώντας την τεχνική ακρίβεια με την ελεύθερης-μορφής έκφραση, η Nia φέρνει το σώμα, το μυαλό, τα συναισθήματα και το πνεύμα στη βέλτιστη υγεία μέσω της μουσικής, της μετακίνησης και της αυτόέκφρασης, που καθοδηγούνται από την αίσθηση της ευχαρίστησης.

Charalambos Soleas Past Life Recreation Workshop In Greek

Εργαστήρι Αναδρομής σε Προηγούμενες Ζωές (ελληνικά)

In this workshop, you can find the key to lasting happiness in truth, forgiveness and love; eliminate limiting ideas and false beliefs; set yourself free of conflict; release the unlimited power within yourself. Regain mastery at being your true self; experience healthy, loving relationships; find success in your career; achieve all these and more through gaining awareness and effecting positive change in your life; allow Past Life Regression spiritual healing into your life and your relationships. Charalambos Soleas is a clinical hypnotherapist, neurolinguist programmer, counselor and Reiki master teacher. He offers programs to stop smoking, for weight loss, stress suffering, anxiety etc For more information visit www.soleas.eu or Table 5

Όλες οι θρησκείες και όλα τα φιλοσοφικά δόγματα πιστεύουν στην αθανασία της ψυχής. Γιατί όχι και εσείς? * Θέλετε να μάθετε αν έχετε ξαναζήσει? * Μήπως έχετε γνωρίσει κάποιον και είσαστε σίγουρη ότι τον ξέρατε και πριν αλλά δεν μπορείτε να θυμηθείτε? * Μήπως νιώθετε για τον άνθρωπο σας ότι είναι η αδελφή ψυχή και θέλετε να μάθετε αν αυτό είναι αλήθεια? * Θέλετε να μάθετε αν η ψυχή του αγαπημένου σας που έχει αποβιώσει, έχει ξανά ενσαρκωθεί? * Διερωτάστε αν ήσασταν ποτέ άντρας ή γυναίκα σε μια άλλη ζωή? * Έχετε προβλήματα - Συναισθηματικά - Ψυχολογικά Ψυχοσωματικά και δεν γνωρίζετε την προέλευση τους και την αιτία? Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας τηλ. Θέση 5

Idalion Room Hosted by Jack and Anne Stewart Schedule for Saturday and Sunday The practitioner enables the client to let go of beliefs that keep attracting the same unwanted or life-threatening things into their lives. By replacing the old beliefs with new, empowering and transformational thoughts and patterns, the mind and the body are taken to new levels of health and well-being. www.healingthespirit.eu, jack@healingthespirit.eu Tel: 00 44 01925 450876 or 00 44 07792 386657


Introduction to Theta Healing™


Free Healing sessions with Theta Healing™

13:30 - 15:30

Theta workshop - with Jack and Anne Stewart


Introduction to ThetaHealing™

18.30 -19.30

Free Healing sessions with Theta Healing™

Musical Evening in the Amathusia Room Saturday evening from 8:30 there will be an evening of Music hosted by Constantinos & The Osho Music Group. It will be a great chance to connect with each other and unwind after a busy day. Featuring the Osho Music Group, Diane Hall, HeleniQ & Tomas Martinsen-Hickman Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 25

seeking business counsel from wisdom herself

In a similar way that adults have outgrown the clothes worn in childhood, so too the models of economics, commerce and business no longer fit our current consciousness. For consciousness too has grown. Past consciousness allowed for discontinuities for which its current development has no tolerance. There is increasingly less and less charity in the energetic fields of our lives for the incongruities and absences of integrity of our past. Aligning with Life’s living systems is our new imperative.

by Stephen Victor

Their day has past. We are to move on.

lying tension and threads of our ancestral warp.

Many in government and business however seek qualified tailors and seamstresses for the purpose of making alterations - attempting to refit the models of our past. They have yet to see there is insufficient fabric for rendering what is now needed. We must instead draw from another bolt of cloth and look to different patterns and palette.

This commerce consists of energetic fields of consciousness itself. These fields are the only actual ‘substance’ and instrumentality of our lives and world. First peoples lived their lives in constant conversation with these life-affirming fields which constituted Wisdom Herself. We too are to consort with Her again.

There is a fabric in life that is little noticed, yet evidences of it are seen

For newly two generations Western Europe has been the birthplace and first home to an approach for accessing these fields of Wisdom. Fields from which we may inquire how to proceed with business operations, mission and vision. As much as we want to believe in the benefit and value derived from the industries who brought us mass production and the concept ‘one size fits all,’ it is simply not the case. It did not work then nor does it now. Diverse expression is the core constituent of our physical world and each human life. Ignoring this is making a vow with failure.

“The future is not what it used to be.” Arthur C. Clarke Business organizations predicated on misperceptions of human subsistence needs, longing and desire, and the falsity of fear-borne logic are crumbling round the globe. The models on which business and organizations fostered their vision, mission and operations have been a valid part of our evolution, and need be honorably discharged and retired. Their service complete. Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 26

in the skeins of wisdom present in nature, poetry and authentic spiritual teachings. Here, one finds the designs of natural living systems. I am not referring to other species, nor animal, mineral, vegetable or fungi forms of life. I instead am looking into the natural commerce of energy exchange that occurs wholly unnoticed, right before our eyes, as life shuttles its weft through the under-

German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, in his midwifery wisdom, simply did not believe that his client’s issues were psychological in origin. As a result he brought us a means of working with the rarely seen energies of families, businesses and organizations. Turns out

13:00 Saturday in the Amathusia Room Stephen Victor - Fields of Grace ® Mini Workshop - Reconciling Oneself With Love

that the fields of energy carrying waves of signals we use for mobile phones, radios and televisions, in their subtle forms, are communicating information to and from people in families and collectives, e.g. businesses and organizations. It is in these systems Hellinger worked. Communiques are sent and received outside of one’s awareness. They guide and direct the circumstances within each system. A business’s success or failure is determined by the field until its members become consciously aware and behave in a manner consistent with Life’s commerce. Hellinger brought approaches for accessing these fields, revealing root causes of problems and a means or reconciling problem situations. In like manner that no one understands electricity, we use and benefit from it. So too with constellation processes. We use them and get value, yet understand nothing of how they function. These fields are a natural commerce of energy exchange which is only hidden to those of us persisting in looking at life through the lens of the conceptual ideologies of others. All ‘hidden dynamics’ of business systems can be accessed by opening one’s own perceptual faculties - the ones we have been taught to ignore. Constellation



13:00 Sunday in the Amathusia Room Stephen Victor - Collaborative Leadership Mini Workshop - Aligning with Universal Commerce

most often, the use of others representing company members. It is best that the representatives know little or nothing of company circumstances. The process begins as a trained facilitator elicits the problem from a founder, owner, principle shareholder, corporate officer, exec, manager or supervisor, with sufficient standing to make such queries. Representatives are selected. With direction from the facilitator the representatives (and the facilitator) begin perceiving information and having sensations directly from the system’s field. They are informed of details they would otherwise not know. The field of unseen energy informs them. The field informs the circumstances of root cause and its ensuing consequences. Constellations provide diagnostics and are also tool of remedy. The fields informs what actions are required to reconcile things. Some actions are to be done in the constellation process itself. Other actions are to be taken later during the performance of one’s work functions. You might well question such a process. Do so. Yet, until you perceive this process personally, you have no valid basis from which to assess it. Our upbringing and training has taught that anything intel-

lectually indefensible (as this process is) is to be considered invalid at best. Constellation processes need no defense. Their value and veracity stand on their own as many owners, officers, executives and manages attest. If there are obstructions to the flow of your work, business or organizational goals. If your vision needs enlivening. If you are confounded, puzzled or passionately pressing forward toward the fulfillment of your vision, come round and experience this robust and uncommon approach of aligning one’s leadership, organizational goals and operations with the natural commerce of our universal and natural Wisdom. Table 52 © 2009 Stephen Victor, Inc. Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 27

schedule Saturday Room 10:30


Cypria C

Lazaro opening Medataion



Yoga with Asha Khagram

Marek Kukulka Time Therapy - play of emotions


Maggie Erotokritou A Taste of Yoga Hatha yoga

Helen Weeks Meditation on Twin Hearts

Stephen Victor Fields of Grace ® Mini Workshop Reconciling Oneself With Love

Jack Makani, Makani Academy, Cyprus NLP - Boost Your Personal Creativity Workshop

1:00 2:00


Barbara Jones for Sync Creation Cyprus Group - Manifesting and Psycho Kinesis (PK)

4:00 Louise Langley Uncover Your Sacred Life Path Workshop




Evie Lanitis Meditation and Emotional Freedom

(Swami Prabhu Prakash) The Creation And Aims Of OSHO Sanbodhan Meditation Center Cyprus


George Kelaiditis EMF Balancing Technique® in Greek

Irini Sound Therapy

Introduction to ThetaHealing™

Tina Winning and Julia Kay Tools For Healthy Living

Antonia Nicholson Art Yoga / Kala Yoga

Free Healing sessions with Theta Healing with Jack and Anne Stewart.

Helen Fields Homeostasis or Balance of Mind, Body and Spirit

Prepare for 2012 with the Angels

Joan Bunyan An Epic Journey through God’s World.

Denise Offermann Loizou The Therapy and POWER of the HERE & NOW

Kara Psaroudaki A Quick, Natural Way To Prevent Breast Cancer & Naturally Avoid Its 5 Main Causes

Dada Krsnasevananda and Didi Jyoti The Essence of Spiritual Progress & Spiritual Meditation A Practical Approach to Self-Realization Talk & Workshop with Mantra-Music


Opening Procession - MA•GAIA Woman Frame Drummers

Anette Martinsen Have You Got A Food Intolerance And How To Live With It

Susan K. Cole Your Symbols and Your Life via the Tarot Workshop


Susan Rudd

13:30 - 14:30 Theta Healing Workshop

Sue Worwood Aromatherapy for Home Use Workshop

George Psychis Anastasia of Siberia and the Ringing Cedars Books in Greek

Sylvia Braun The Bowen Technique - The Gateway To Pain Relief And Deep Levels Of Healing

Ludmilla Breeva - Contemporary Cosmoenergetics™ In Russian

Cyprus Green Party Melina Menelaou Greek & English

Introduction to ThetaHealing™

18:30 - 19:30 Charalambos Soleas Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: What You Should Know in Greek

Constandia Christofi Healing Your Life With Feng Shui

Free Healing sessions with Theta Healing with Jack and Anne Stewart

Dionysus Room


Haritini Christakou Angelic Guidance Presentation and Practical Advice from the Angels for everyday needs and problems that come up


Musical Evening in the Amathusia Room. Hosted by Constantinos & The Osho Music Group.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 28

Presentasions will start on time. Please be seated




Valerie Niestrath The 7 Principles of the Andean Mystic

Cypria C

Master Vasilious The Essence of Tai Chi Workshop

Salaminia Caroline Evans “The Fruit There of Shall Be For Food And The Leaf Thereof For Medicine”


Angela Egwim Holistic Pulsing - Rhythm of Life Workshop


Elina Pavlides Yoga-Life Centre

Introduction to ThetaHealing™ with Jack and Anne Stewart



Barbara Jones See More Clearly with Awareness Through Movement Vision Enhancement Class

Adonis Ellinas - PSYCH-K (PsychologyKinesiology) Reprogramming your Subconscious Mind Greek & English

Alexander Bacht Safarov Contemporary Cosmoenergetics™ In Greek


Dr. Igor Cetojevic What is Energetic Medicine and Why is it Effective?

Georgia CharalambousBotsari I Rejoice and Enjoy my Life in Greek

Daria Aquilina Pain Free, Relaxed & ReEnergised with Cosmoenergetics™ Healing, Bowen Technique® Therapy, & Touch Energy Healing

Marion Degel Space Clearing and Clutter Clearing


Jari Koivu Waking the Spirit Within You

Helen Weeks Miracles Through Pranic Healing

MA•GAIA Frame Drumming: A Timeless Tool For Creative Transformation

Maggie Erotokritou Metamorphosis – A Theta Healing Meditation.

Denise Offermann Loizou Past lifes and its KARMAS - How Past Lives help you to create the HERE and NOW Workshop

Selina Adonai The Art Of Manifesting Your Miraculous Life Workshop

Arianna Economou Movement/ Dance As A Creative Language

Nadia Kyriakidou NIA Neuromuscular Intergrative Action Workshop

Stephen Victor Collaborative Leadership Aligning with Universal Commerce Workshop





Jack Makani, Makani Academy, Cyprus - The Enneagram Find Your True Self Workshop

Anette Martinsen Change you life with Theta Healing Workshop Charalambos Soleas - Past Life Recreation Workshop In Greek

Orestes Terzides Is there a better I? Workshop In Greek

Master Paraskevas David Si-Fu Workshop Greek & English Classic Ving Tsun Kung Fu

Sean “The Passion Man” Foley Find Your True Passion with 5 Big Rocks!

Neophytos Efstathiou Life Coach Workshop In Greek

5 λεπτά


Thasos Panayi The Way To The 5th Dimension in Greek

ons with wart

before .


ons with wart.

5 minutes

Οι παρουσιάσεις θα αρχίσουν ΕΓΚΑΙΡΩΣ παρακαλώ να είστε εκεί πριν από την έναρξη

Free Healing sessions with Theta Healing Rachel Petrou Dynamic Yoga Flow Workshop

13:30 - 15:30 Theta Healing Workshop

Jack and Anne Stewart Introduction to ThetaHealing™

18:30 - 19:30 Free Healing sessions with Theta Healing with Jack and Anne Stewart

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 29

ThetaHealing™ “The most all-encompassing & complete healing ever” Join International Theta Teachers Anne & Jack Stewart for their third Cyprus programme. Combined Theta DNA Levels 1 & 2 & Advanced Courses in Nicosia from 20-22nd and 27-29th November. Visit us at the Mind Body Spirit Exhibition, 14 & 15th November. Visit www.thetahealing.gr, and/or call Katia Michaelidou 99-657778 or Maria Pantelidou 99-511124 for more & to enrol.

Welcome to Makani Academy in Larnaca! NLP - The Enneagram - Holistic Trainings We offer trainings where you will both learn new skills and experience intensive personal development - all in the inspiring company of people from many other countries, primarily Scandinavia. All trainings take place in English at the Lordos Beach Hotel, just outside Larnaca. The trainings takes place from 1.30-8 p.m. every day. The mornings are for exercises in smaller groups, or for personal coaching with an assistant. We recommend that you stay at the hotel, as this way of taking a training creates a very special environment for learning, in which you can concentrate on yourself and your growth. We offer special prices for people living in Cyprus - please contact us for further information. Table 21

We offer 3 kind of trainings, all focusing on personal development as well as new skills in communication, coaching, therapy and / or healing:

The Enneagram is a personal-

ity model, describing 9 personality types and the deepest, unconscious motivation of each type. Learning the Enneagram gives you a fantastic tool for understanding yourself and others, and a recipe for how to work on personal development. It is also a great tool for communication and coaching.

The Enneagram trainings- 2 x 5 days with home study The Enneagram is an exciting personality model, which gives a profound understanding of your own and other people's way of thinking and unconscious motivation. The model is a strong tool in coaching and personal development, and very

useful for daily management and communication. July 2010 - Please contact us for dates and special price for people living in Cyprus.

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Psychology is a practical psychology, focusing on how the mind works, and how we can change our way of thinking, thus influencing our emotions and the outcome of our communication with others. It is goal oriented, and contains many practical tools for everyday use as well as for basic coaching. NLP Practitioner - 7 or 10 days

with home study. This is the basic training for those who want to learn more about communication and self management, and about how we experience a model of the world, not reality. Many practical tools with special focus on how to create the life you want. The training consists of a home study packet (book, DVD, CD) and 7 or 10 intensive days of training. March, July and November- Please contact us for dates and special price for people living in Cyprus.

flow and general health of those using it. You must have former NLP training, therapist training or similar training to participate. November 2009 - Please contact us for special price for people living in Cyprus.

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Makani Academy was founded by Jack and Helene Makani, born in Denmark and living in Cyprus. Therapy and teaching has been our life since 1990, and we have taught NLP and the Enneagram in Denmark, Norway, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Cyprus and many other countries. In Minsk we founded Makani Coaching Center in 2008 together with Tamara Yankevich. Three times a year we offer trainings in Cyprus, where the environment contribute to creating a fantastic energy for learning and personal development. There will possibly be students from many of the countries mentioned above.

NLP Master with Timeline - 10 days with home study

Is the next level after NLP Practitioner. At this very interesting Master training you will learn to guide others with the transformative technique called Time Line Change. We also work with value elicitation, changing limiting beliefs and much more. The training consists of a home study package (book, DVD, CD) and 10 intensive days of training. March, July and November - Please contact us for dates and special price for people living in Cyprus. Our NLP trainings are acknowledged by American Board of NLP (ABNLP) and International HR Coaching Network (ICN).

Holistic Trainings

For those who wish to learn about healing energy and developing a better intuition, we offer this intensive seminar, in which we focus on mind, body and spirit. We work with enhancing the energy flow through dynamic meditations, contact to nature and cleansing of the unconscious mind. The participants will receive 9 healing symbols which enhance the energy

Watch free DVDs

Visit our website and watch free DVDs with demonstrations of NLP techniques.

Don’t miss: Jack Makani

NLP - Boost Your Personal Creativity Workshop In the Cypria C Room. 1:00 - 3:00

www.makani.com tel. 96 58 97 09 info@makani.com

chocolate orange truffles A Recipe for Health

Don’t miss: AnetteMartinsen Have you got a food intolerance and how to live with it Saturday 14th November 15:00 Cypria C Room at the MBS Exhibition

by Anette Martinsen

Dairy free, sugar free, egg free & gluten free These are my favourites but I also like using lemon instead or you can make them plain.


200g ground cashews or almonds 5 tablespoons cocoa powder 100g ground fructose 2 tablespoons maple syrup the skin of 1 orange 2 tablespoons orange juice



Grind the fructose in a coffee grinder so it resembles icing sugar. In a bowl add the fructose, cocoa powder and the cashews. Slice the skin off the orange and chop it in to small pieces or grate it.. Squeeze 2 tablespoons of the juice of the orange and pour it in the mixture. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture and roll into a ball. Cover with dessicated coconut or cocoa power. Roll the rest of the mixture into balls.

‘A Recipe For Health’ cooking programme is predominately for people who want healthy, nutritous, tasty food but my programmes are also geared towards people with intolerances, allergies, illness and disease.

Tristan, Jade and my husband Peter. They helped me make the recipes better each time. I made flapjacks for months until I found the perfect combination -- not too dry, a little crispy on the outside but a little bit gooey on the inside.

These recipes have taken me many years to perfect. They have all been made many times at my home for my children Tomas,

I love cooking and experimenting with recipes and healthy ingredients. Have been doing it for years now and had so many reci-

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 32

pes that I decided to write a book and make my own cooking programmes. All recipes are vegan, healthy, sugar, egg, wheat and meat free and they don’t taste like cardboard! Watch my programmes on youtube.com/AnetteMartinsen

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 33

Barbara Jones Therapies www.barbarajonestherapies.com

TOUCH Feldenkrais Bowen Technique Rhythmic Energised Soft Touch Therapy (R.E.S.T)




Crystal Singing Bowls

Computer Protection Glasses

Awareness Through Movement Classes

VoiceBio Crystal Clear Voice Training Hemi-Sync Music

Colour Therapy Glasses Colour Healing

Heart Space Techniques Bach Flower Remedies R.E.S.T.

Dyslexia Assessment and Multi-Sensory Learning programmes for Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD www.effectivelearning-cy.com Barbara Jones – Tel:+357 25 222032 Mob: +357 99335984 barbarajonestherapes@yahoo.com and info@effectivelearning-cy.com

Layle Stephen-Anderson PBSD, MAR

Earth Energies Healer, Dowsing Tutor, Geomancer, Advanced CranioSacral Therapist, Reflexologist Are you aware that underground water, various earth energy lines, electromagetic fields and much more can affect the balance of your house, business and also the health and well-being of your family or colleagues? How? We are all affected by positive and negative vibrations, but especially the ‘hidden’ ones – underground – can have unfavourable affects. What can you do? Call in a qualified Geomancer to test your house or premises. Email: layle@islandhealers.com Tel: 00903928212339 CY: 0035797717713 UK: 00447884132929

Professional Member of British Society of Dowsers Come to Table 49 for futher information

head, eyes and balance An Awareness Through Movement® Lesson


wareness Through Movement classes are a down-to-earth approach to dealing with the problems of life. In an ATM class, participants explore solutions to various movement challenges. This transforms “problem-solving” into fun, as it was when we were children. ATM helps us learn to handle stress in two ways simultaneously: physically and mentally. On the physical side, it releases us from our habits of hunching the shoulders, holding or restricting the breath, locking the chest and rib cage, tensing the belly, and otherwise preparing to fight or flee. ATM provides ways to notice those signs of stress and de-stress ourselves throughout the day. ATM presents an opportunity to identify and respect our limits, and to focus on the process, instead of chasing one goal after another with nothing but stress in between. Try this simple lesson at home. If you have balance problems have a chair close by for stability.

Barbara Jones GCFP

more for balance than standing. In this position, sense the ground under your left foot and your breathing. What happens if you shift slightly to the front of your left foot, the back, the inner edge, and the outer edge of this foot? Allow your weight to be equal throughout your left foot, and slowly turn your head to the right and the left. Notice the difference in your balance if you use your eyes in a jumpy fashion, or if you let yourself see the view as it shifts continuously. 4. Bring your right foot back to the position in #1 and rest, standing with your eyes closed. Balance on both your feet and enjoy the quality of your breathing. 5. Bring your right foot back and bend your toes as you did earlier. Raise and lower your head 3 to 5 times in a manner such that your eyes dart up when you lift your head up and dart down when you lower your head down. Rest briefly with your right foot behind and then raise and lower your head a number of times such that your eyes move continuously up as your head moves up and your eyes move continuously down as your head moves down. Notice the difference in your balance when you use your eyes in these two different ways. 6. Again, bring your right foot back to position one (feet flat, shoulder width apart) and rest, standing with your eyes closed. Notice your balance on both your feet and your breathing. 7. Repeat steps 3-6, this time with your left foot back. 8. Take a walk and see how you feel on your feet as you move around. Notice your view of the world as you walk through it. Barbara Jones – Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner (GCFP). Barbara will be on Table 51 Email: barbarajonestherapies@yahoo.com Tel:+357 99335984 www.barbarajonestherapies.com www.efectivelearning-cy.com

This transforms “problemsolving” into fun, as it was when we were children.

1. Find a place to stand with a pleasant view preferably outside or on your balcony Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and sense how your feet connect with the ground. Follow your breathing and notice the view in front of you. 2. Easily, three to five times, turn your head right and left as you normally would. Stop and rest for a few breaths. Then, once more turn your head right and left a number of times; keep noticing the view shifting in front of you as you turn. Can you scan this view in a continuous fashion, as you turn to the right and left, keeping your eyes on the horizon? Go slowly, follow your breathing, pay attention to seeing what is in front of you as your vision slowly shifts. Notice any change in the usage of your eyes as you turn? Return to the center and rest with your eyes closed. Notice your balance as you rest standing. 3. Open your eyes. Take your right foot back a little and bend it so that you are using the toes of the right foot

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 35

angelic reiki A Transformational energetic Healing Tool


was intrigued when I first heard about Angelic Reiki a few years ago. As a therapist using “traditional” Usui Reiki, and teacher with the Diana Cooper School of Angels & Ascension, I had many questions. Was “Angelic Reiki” different to the way that I worked, asking the angels to assist in the healing when I used Usui Reiki? I did some research and found the website (www.angelicreikimagic.com) of the originators of Angelic Reiki – Kevin and Christine Core. This convinced me to be attuned to Angelic Reiki.

by Susan Rudd

many other uses in common with all Reiki systems.

The attunement workshop, held over 2 and ½ days is one of the most wonderfull experiences that I have had. Angelic Reiki incorporates so many things that are dear to my heart: working with Angels, Ascended Masters and Atlantean healing techniques. There is also information on how to attune crystals and other “tools” to the angelic vibration for use within the healing session. The attunements are carried out in the same way that they were originally given to the founders. In this way we are tapping Angelic Reiki was channeled by Kevin Core from Archangel Me- into and enhancing the collective energy that is created at each tatron. It is said to be one of the highest forms of healing avail- attunement workshop. Everyone who receives an attunement to able to Humanity at the moment. Archangel Metatron has been Angelic Reiki confirms that it does feel powerful, even Masters granted permission from Source/Creator/God to return ancient from other Reiki traditions say that it is the most powerful attunehealing methods which were last used during Golden Atlantis. ment that they have ever received. The difference between the These are woven within the techniques taught in Angelic Reiki. Angelic system and others is that all the attunements are done by the Angelic kingdom. Each healing session is unique and under the guidance of the ----------------------------------------------------------------------------healing angels. They know As an Angelic Reiki Master, exactly what is needed for the Susan loves to run the attuneThe healing can be effective on all healing of the client. During ment workshops and re create levels, physical, mental, emotional, the session the client may exthe wonder and joy filled exand spiritual. perience a deep and profound perience of the attunements for connection with their soul. The her students. She is based in healing can be effective on all levels, physical, mental, emotion- Cyprus and happy to travel anywhere, by request, to run Angelic al, and spiritual. The energetic vibrations that are received during Reiki attunements for groups of 4 or more. Please contact her on the healing can dislodge any unwanted or out dated thoughtforms 97 648218 or spiritandsole@hotmail.com for more information that no longer serve a useful purpose. These vibrations can also on treatments or arranging an attunement workshop. Workshops affect the cells and tissues of the physical body, correcting any on Angels and Golden Atlantis are also available. disruption to the energy in the cell. In my view, one of the most valuable techniques at this time, is the ability to heal past life Don’t miss... issues. Many souls are now remembering their past lives and Susan Rudd looking for help to heal these (often traumatic) memories. This Prepare for 2012 with the Angels gentle, powerful healing can also be of great assistance to the Workshop new souls, namely the star children, crystal, rainbow and indigo 13:00 - 15:00 Saturday 14th November 2009 children, arriving on this planet who are having difficulty in ad- at the Mind, Body and Spirit Exhibition justing to the lower, more dense, earthly vibrations. It also has in the Alasia Room

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 36

Everyone who receives an attunement to Angelic Reiki confirms that it does feel powerful, even Masters from other Reiki traditions say that it is the most powerful attunement that they have ever received.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 37


by published authors at the Mind, Body, and Spirit Exhibition ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ Μάγκη Ερωτοκρίτου

Seeds of Transformation Maggie Erotokritou

Η ακτινοβολία και η ομορφιά The Seeds of Transformation are πηγάζουν από μέσα μας. Το practical tools of self growth that «ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ» συμβουλεύει will enable you to transform your για το πώς να δημιουργήσετε consciousness and thereby change ισορροπία και αρμονία στη the way you live your life. They will ζωή σας, τροφοδοτώντας put you in touch with the essence of τον εαυτό σας με ιδέες που who you truly are and empower you εξυμνούν τη ζωή και προωθούν to attract that which you desire. την αναζωογόνηση και την αναγέννηση.

The Ahqulieah Chronicles Louise Langley

Your Health Dr. Igor Cetojevic & Francesca Pinoni

This deceptively simple book This is the tale of a courageous will explain how you can young woman who seeks to begin to take responsibility for understand what happens when the your own health. With simple wisdom of the head surrenders to the explanations, diagrams and truth of the heart. miracles that have humour, it takes you step by occurred for those who have step into a whole new followed their own heart. worldview!

The Sacred Quest Louise Langley What happens when you dare to follow your heart? A meeting with a mysterious stranger propels a young woman onto a magical journey; a trail of incredible synchronicity and evidence which she comes to realise has been laid out by the universe for her to follow.

Find Your Purpose, Know Your Path Diane Hall Find your Purpose, Know Your Path - A thorough guide to finding your burning passions and living a life that’s purposeful and filled with meaning. A fun and indepth book filled with exercises and insights which, combined with humorous anecdotes about the author’s own experiences, create a profound journey towards self-(re)-discovery.

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 38

A Recipe For Health Anette Martinsen A vegan cookbook for health, for people suffering with food intolerances & allergies. All recipes are gluten, egg, dairy and sugar free. See recipe on page 32

To the Rhythm of the Moon Chess Capino This is inspirational fiction for that sensitive age, the cusp between childhood and womanhood; the age when there are so many questions and no one we ask, if we have the courage to ask at all, seems to have satisfying answers.

A Recipe For Health Anette Martinsen

A Vegan cookbook for health, For people suffering with food intolerances, allergies and strict diets. All recipes are dairy, egg, sugar, wheat and meat free. And they don’t taste like cardboard

exhibitors Table 1 Kara - Mind & Body Centre Freedom from limiting thoughts/negative emotions/addictions, NLP, hypnosis, bowen, chiropractic, reiki, cranial massage, past life regression, breast cancer preventative workshops. 99-029952, karapsaroudaki@yahoo.com Table 2 Pure Beauty Cyprus A unique range of skin and health care products containing Collagen and Coral seaweed. Also Collagen capsules, Prof. Peter & Linda Whiteside, 99-756751, purebeautycyprus@cytanet.com.cy Table 3 The Science of Spirituality This Yoga teaches how to obtain true and lasting Happiness, Love, Joy, Peace and Fulfilment in modern life. Evy Caradja, Greece + 210 748314, In Cyprus, Giorgia Charalambous, 99- 644893, in Nicosia. evycasos@otenet.gr Table 4 Experience the magic of Air Plants Nature has gifted us with millions of miracles. One of its most extraordinary creations are the Tilllandias, plants that live in air. Margarita Paraskevaidou - 99-669039, mparaskevaidou@hotmail.com Table 4a Margarita Paraskevaidou Costas Paraskevaides. Books regarding the metaphysical. Gift items and cards designed to fill your life with love and light. 99-669039, costaspa@hotmail.com, mparaskevaidou@hotmail.com Table 5 Personal Development Centre Hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP, Reiki, Reflexology, Counselling. Seminars for Self Development, Power of the Mind, for more information Charalambos Soleas , www.soleas.eu, Tel: 70-005750, 99-609886, hypnosis@soleas.eu Table 6 Nature’s Resort Natural & Organic Skin Care Jason Pure Natural & Organic Skin Care Styx and Lorex natural products such as essential oils, masks, creams and body envelopments. Ms. Natalia Branishte & Mr, Spatacos, 22-780429, 99-511886 damingo@cytanet.com.cy Table 7 Garnet - Sonia Beautiful, handmade jewellery from around the world Table 8 Indian Treasures Ethnic clothes designed for women, beadworks scarves bedding wall hangings healing crystals etc. Established 1995 in Larnaca - Stassinoue St.1, 24-665307, 99-616614, email: helenangelide21@hotmail.com Table 9 Friends of the Earth (FoE) Is a non-profit, non-governmental, environmental organization, based in Limassol. campaigning on a number of local, regional and international environmental issues, www.foecyprus.weebly.com, 25-347042 foearth@spidernet.com.cy Table 10 Cyprus Green Party Environmental management in pollution, energy conservation, water management, GMOs, bioethics and biotechnology, bio/organic www.cyprusgreens.org, 22- 518787, greenparty@cytanet.com.cy, 25-342661, oikologoi@cytanet.com.cy Table 11 Shambhala Yoga & Tantra School courses of Yoga / Tantra / Shakti Group / Vira Group / Meditation / Tantric Therapeutic Massage and many others. Marilena Shiamma, 99-490416, yogashambhala@yahoo.com, www.yoga-shambhala.com Table 11a Angel Therapy Practitioner Selina Adonai Certified by Doreen Virtue PhD offers: Powerful Soul Coaching Sessions that will Heal, Transform and Enlighten your life. Receive guidance, inspiration and divine healing. 96-661211, twinflames@me.com Table 12 Clear Out The Clutter Help those in need and help yourself feel lighter. Bring your unwanted clothes (in clean, wearable condition) and also non-perishable food and household goods to give to local charities. Kindly co-ordinated by Sophia Michaelidou, 99-457554, sophyja@hotmail.com Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 39

Table 13 Elemental, Faeries and Angels Selling the most diverse range of Faeries, angels, unicorns, crystals, oils, incense-Mist Lamps and CDs in Paphos. www.elementalfaeriesangelsgifts.com. 99- 014562, joy.adams@mail.com Table 14 & 15 The Soap Shack Web-based shop selling huge range of soaps, aromatherapy products, essential oils, massage oils, bath products, herbal cushions, crystals and much more, www.soapshack.eu, Sue Tomlin, 25- 572010, sue@soapshack.eu Table 16 Denise Offermann-Loizou Member of USA ‘National Guild of Hypnotist, Certf. Lifecoach, Certf. Athletic Mind Coach and Seminarspeaker, one to one sessions about Sport performance, difficult life issues 22-485021, 96-710022, splishys@cytanet.com.cy Table 17 Susan Worwood M.I.F.A Owner of Fragrant Planet and a Clinical Aromatherapist is qualified in the medicinal use of essential oils / aromatic Reflexology, Sports massage and Pregnancy, www.fragrantplanet, com 99-956557, info@fragrantplanet.com Table 17a Kypros Tai Chi Association Master Vasilious teaches the original Yang style Tai Chi which includes the 8 gate form, short form, long form, tai chi dance, pushing hands, tai chi sword and heart work. www.kyprostaichi.com, 97-699068, vaf4@mac.com Table 18 Heaven on Earth Herbals™ Organic & Natural Nutrition Products, dried herbs, remedial herbal tea blends, Aromatherapy oil and cream blends ‘www.HeavenOnEarthHerbals.com, Caroline Evans, 99-993412, caroline@heavenonearthherbals.com Table 19 Universelles Leben’ Community that links up with the Original Christian stream. The word of God is available to people in many books as well as tapes & CDs. info@universelles-leben.org, 22-499313, 99-439503 www.universelles-leben.org Table 20 Dr. Igor Cetojevic, MD Acupuncturist and magnetotherapist, specialising in the use of the QXCI/SCIO energy biofeedback - bioresonance therapy. 25-342904 www.drigor.org, spitaki@spidernet.com.cy Table 21 Makani Academy NLP and Enneagram. Personal development and certified Coach trainings. For those interested in longer, professional trainings. Jack and Helene Makani, www.makani.com, tel. 96-589709 or 96-280095. info@makani.com. Table 22 Balsan Hydrotherapy Cyprus Hydrotherapy home treatments to alleviate: tension/stress, rheumatic pain, joint pain, muscular pain, back pain, arthritis, fatigue, aches/stiffness in a natural healing. Philip Burley, 99-219684, process.philburley@gmail.com Table 23 Sean “The Passion Man” Foley If you would like to live with more joy, success and happiness in your life then you must see The Passion Man, www.your-passion-coach.com, 97-798301, thepassionman@gmail.com Table 24 Lectorium Rosicrucianum, Hellas Amalia Panagopoulou and Orestes Terzides - The School of the Golden Rosycross helps seekers form a living connection with this shining filament, which is woven of love, +30 -210-644 4303, 99 - 545979, lr.cyprus@gmail.com Table 25 & 26 Lo Shu Feng Shui Chinese traditional figurines, buddha, moon frog, mandarin ducks, horses, fountains, gemstone fountains, siate fountains, essential oils, fairies & fairy coins & much more, 99-669590, Marios, mtheodosiou@spidernet.net Table 27 & 28 Books Express. BOOKS ONLY- environment and choose from thousands of titles of Greek books., CD’S, DVD’S and other products. 25-356001, 7777-Book (2665), booksexpress@cytanet.com.cy Table 29 Delfini Trading “Eyeslices”- an innovative eye treatment pad that combines natural essences with bio-innovation to bring an all in one solution www.eyeslicescyprus.com. Ingrid Price - 26-322861, 99-046214, info@delfinicyprus.com Table 30 Alexander-Bacht Safarov Cosmoenergetics, Radiesthisis (Biolocation): Radiesthisis is a system whereby one tunes into the vibrational waves of the energetic world. 22 375 204, 99 611 506, Email: bacht.artist@hotmail.com Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 41


PILATES Pilates Coach mat work level 1 Dates: 6th and 13th , February Tutor Master Trainer Nadia Kyriakidou 99529993 www.thepilatescoach.com

Pilates Coach Start dates -

Reformer one November 14th 2009 Reformer two April 10th Mat work level two May 8th

"Inspiration, Motivation, Innovation" RETREATS AND WORKSHOPS Yoga and Nia retreat


30th October -1st November 2009 Enjoy an uplifting, relaxing weekend of Yoga and Nia. The weekend includes – 5 Yoga and Nia classes 1 Nia party 2 meditation sessions 2 workshops food and accommodation optional reiki and massage

Teacher training with world renowned Yoga teacher Godfrey Deveruex, best selling author of Dynamic Yoga 200 hour certification Dates 20th -23rd November 2009 FOUNDATION MODULE 11-14th March 2010 INTERMEDIATE MODULE 4th - 7th June 2010 ADVANCED MODULE 24th - 27nd November 2010 TEACHING SKILLS MODULE 28th - 1st December 2010 TEACHING PRACTICE MODULE

contact Rachel 96477780, rachelspetrou@cytanet.com.cy

For more info about Godfrey and his method check out his website www.windfireyoga.com contact Rachel 96477780, rachelspetrou@cytanet.com.cy

DAILY SCHEDULE AT THE STUDIO 10 YOGA CLASSES PER WEEK Private Tuition at the P.T Studio weekly. Progressive Yoga 10 week course yoga for pregnancy class. Tutor Rachel Petrou BWY diploma holder. Gyrokinesis – we are the only centre in Cyprus to offer this method ! Private sessions of Yoga, Pilates and Gyrotonic available

14 Praxitelous street Tel 24819896 email: the_studio@cytanet.com.cy | web www.theptstudio.com studiopersonaltraining.blogspot.com For retreats and yoga training contact Rachel 96477780 rachelspetrou@cytanet.com.cy

Table 30a Ludmilla Breeva Cosmoenergetics; Runes; Fireflower Technique; Pakal Votan Technique (Energetic Healing). (Russian speaking.) Table 31 Daria Aquilina, BTAA, ITEC Cosmoenergetics Healing; Bowen Technique Therapy; Touch Energy Healing; Shiatsu; Ayurvedic Rejuvenating Facelift; Shirodhara; Aromatherapy. 99-183432. Table 31a Antonia Nicholson Cosmoenergetics; Radiesthisis (Biolocation) Consultant; Art Yoga – Kala Yoga. For further information please contact Antonia on 99 476 531. Table 32 Joan Bunyan Clairvoyant/Psychic/Crossing Over - Angels for guidance. Classes and workshops on psychometry flower reading and dreams. (over 40 years experience) 99-039453, 25-336284, joanbunyan@primehome.com Table 33 Raw Food Cyprus – Raw journey’s Organic/wildcrafted superfoods(raw chocolate, goji berries, maca etc), educational material, cosmetics and dehydrators/juicers. Erini Loucaides 99-321948, www.rawjourneys.com, info@rawjourneys.com. Sunday only Table 33a Helen Fields Reflexologist and Licensed Susan Jeffers PhD Trainer, offers tailored one to one sessions and small group workshops in Nicosia. helengfields@hotmail.com, mobile +90-5338382261, www.susanjeffers.com Table 33b Constandia Christofi - Silverdragon Feng Shui Constandia offers Traditional Feng Shui consultations for the Home, Business and the Office. Also, Shamanic Healing. 99-716389, Silverdragon168@hotmail.com Table 34 Psychognosia Privately-funded, not-for-profit centre for dis-semination of reliable information on psychic phenomena, www.reincarnationcards.com, 26-621272, psygnos@spidernet.com.cy, www.psychognosia.org Table 35 & 36 Armoniki Zoi Kyprou Is a non profitable, Educational and Cultural Association / Organisation offering seminars based on author and philosopher Robert Elias Najemy work. www.liveinharmony.org, 99-696765, info@liveinharmony.org Table 37 Yianna Demetriou Jewels with semi- precious stones which raise the Vibrations and create a feeling of well being. yianna1958@ hotmail.com Table 38 Thasos Panayi With 15 years of spiritual work and training in Cyprus and overseas from personal Masters leads meditation group for spiritual development and healing. 99 577314, thasos111@hotmail.com Table 38a The Life Centre Yoga, Power Yoga, Pilates, Pregnancy, Baby and Mummy, Kids, Meditation, Private sessions. Detoxifying Massage, Thai Massage, Reiki, Nutrition, www.life-centre.org, Elina Pavlides, 22-377630, info@life-centre.org Table 39 Clairvision School of Meditation Evie Lanitis, a member of the Clairvision School, continues to work closely with Samuel Sagan, the school’s founder. For further information contact evie_lanitis@hotmail.com, 99-609919, www.clairvision.org Table 39a Elsbeth Fischer Astrology readings based on planetary forces, practicing psychologist, entity clearer and an IST practitioner of the Clairvision School, Elsbeth uses ISIS regression and astrology +49 446 1909 254, el_fisch@t-online.de Table 40 Marion Degel Germany’s top Space Clearing Consulting practitioner. Marion offers consultations throughout Europe. www. spaceclearing-consulting.com Tel: +49 5483 8037, Mob: +49 172 9458501, info@spaceclearing-consulting.com Table 41 Aphrodite Aromatics Pure Essential lavender oil distilled from local biological plantation certified by Lacon. Professional and home use. Rosemary, Bay Leaf, Oreganum, Pine and Eucalyptus, 99-616324, Fax 26 272627, poppypsaltis@hotmail.com Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 43

ANGEL THERAPY Practitioner 速 Certified by Doreen Virtue PhD offers:

Powerful SOUL COACHING Sessions that will Heal, Transform and Enlighten your life. Receive guidance, inspiration and divine healing energies from your Angels and Guides to transform any area of your life. Let the Divine Field lovingly touch your Being and activate the Power within You to manifest and live a miraculous life of your dreams. Contact: Selina 96 66 12 11 or twinflames@me.com

Viola Edward, Relationship Coach

Discover, release and heal patterns that are limiting your potential Including: Confidence * Anxiety * Fears Addictions * Dysfunction * Others Covering topics such as: Loving Partners * Work * Health * Studies Money * Sexuality * Business Associates * Others Consultations in Nicosia, Limassol, Kyrenia Private Sessions and Workshops Get Inspired Nicosia & Limassol +357 99675094 Kyrenia +90 533 8673685 / +90 392 82244952 violacoach@gmail.com www.violaedward.com

Table 41a Health and Wellbeing Coach Barbara Karafokas, BSc, MSc Holistic Nutritionist. Nutritional Analysis and Counseling effective for Raw food and optimum nutrition, Tel: 99 682327 – Website: www.easyconsciousliving.com E-mail: Barbara@easyconsciousliving.com Table 42 Tina Winning - Thai Massage & Salt Pipes Thai Massage for stress, tension relief, mobility, flexibility, circulation www.thaimassagecyprus.com, Salt Pipes For Asthma, allergies, breathing difficulties, sinus problems. www.saltpipescy.com, call Tina 99992896 Table 42a Julia Kay - Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Harley Street trained Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist - food addictions, smoking, stress & anxiety, asthma, blushing, phobias of flying, water, heights, spiders and more. www.larnacahypnotherapy.com or call 96-727837 Table 43 Louise Ahquileah Langley World renowned Author, International speaker and workshop creator. Personal intuitive and clairsentient sessions If you would like to book a session before the event, info@louiselangley.com, www.louiselangley.com Table 44 Suzie Rudd Master Teacher of the Diana Cooper School (Angels, Ascension & Golden Atlantis) workshops on Angels & Atlantis. Angelic Reiki Master & therapist, www.spiritandsole.com, 97-648218, spiritandsole@hotmail.com Table 45 SyncCreation Manifestation Workshop Cyprus Learn To Be A Powerful & Precise Creator Of Your Life, Expand Your Manifestation Skills, Enhance Your Intuition, www.synccreationcy.com Barbara Reich & Paul Wilkes, 99-762335 , info@synccreationcy.com Table 46 Aquarius Health Organs Detoxification Retreat Centre. Preventive and Complementary Therapy. Detoxification Programmes and products. Siri Shabd Singh, RPP, MD (A.M.), 25-816232, www.aquariushealth.webhealer.net Table 47 Pranic Healing Simple but effective energy healing which heals not only the mind but the body. It accelerates the body’s natural healing powers 10 times faster! Helen 99-851102, helenpranichealing@yahoo.com 99-435687. 99-892537. Table 48 Raymond Castrogiovanni Spiritual advisor. Angels, Astrology, Abundance (cosmic ordering) Aura, Dreams, Palmistry, Past-Lives and Tarot. raymondcastrogiovanni@yahoo.co.uk, www.psychicraymond.co.uk and http://www.astrologyweekly.com/video/ Table 49 Hatzy Joyce Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Bach Flower Remedies, Manual Lymph Drainage, Ear Coning. Qualified in UK and Austria. Larnaca, www.hatzyjoyce.com, 99-667039, hatzyian@cytanet.com.cy Table 50 Bach Flower Therapy Rescue Remedy Drops, Rescue Remedy Spray, Rescue Remedy Pastilles and Rescue Remedy Cream available at SPECIAL MB&S Prices. barbarajonestherapies@yahoo.com, 99-335984, www.barbarajonestherapies.com, Table 51 Barbara Jones Multi Sensory Therapies, Learning Support Programmes, Trainings, Feldenkrais, Bowen, Bach Flowers, Voice Trainer, Crystal Singing Bowls barbarajonestherapies@yahoo.com, 99-335984, www.barbarajonestherapies.com Table 52 Stephen Victor Visionary, mystic, writer, poet, business consultant and pioneer in the fields of human possibility and consciousness. Fields of Grace constellation workshops, 99-497318, chaliceearth@gmail.com, www.stephenvictor.com Table 53 AURA Photography -T.K. MEDIserve Line Ltd Bioenergetics check-up, Biotherapy, Reflexology & Chiropody, aura Photo Reading, gives a modern, pioneering and scientific method and painless. Andriana Nicolaide Karantoni, 99-409110, 99-662900, mediserv@cy.net Table 54 Yiannis Psillos Homoeopath, Homotoxicologist, Head of Homeopathy Faculty, Natural Health Science, Schussler Salts, Iridology, Reflexology, Thai Massage, Vitamins & Supplements. 99-116883, 25-312494, yp.homoeopath@cytanet.com.cy Table 54a Kate Psillou Clinical Aromatherapist, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Massage therapist. Mosaic artist. Tel 99-903892, 25-312494, katepsi@gmail.com Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 45

Lefkothea Room - UPSTAIRS Table 55 Angelina Paraliki Numerology, Tarot Readings, Transformation Symbol Illustrations into her tarot readings covering all aspects of past, present and future relating to your life purposes. 22 336116, 99 680809, paraliki@cytanet.com.cy Table 56 Susan K Cole Your Symbols and Your Life!- The Power of Your Personal Symbols via Tarot! Background in Tarot, Organization Development, education and dance therapy, susankcole@gmail.com, whilst in Cyprus, 99-830971 Table 57 Susanna Buxton Is a true Romany. Born with the gift, she has been working & reading from the age of 11. She is now in her 50’s and has travelled the world. 0044 16 23 869 002, buxts@aol.com Table 58 Constatinos Tellalis - Osho Sanbodhan Meditation Centre “We are living in one of the most fortunate times, because that impossible is possible now. Man has attained to such maturity that he can take that jump. He is no more a child; man has come of age.” Osho, 99 441531, 22499422, ossia2@otenettel.com, www.oshocyprus.com Table 59 Georgia Michael Selling handmade blends from pure Essential oils for benefits both psychological and physical!!!! 99- 549328 , georgia-74@hotmail.com Table 60 Jurlique Products rich in natural antioxidants & organically grown Aromatherapy treatments for Face & Body, Pedicure & Manicure, Dia Kauriefs, 25-814844, 99-468480, jurliquecy@cytanet.com.cy, www.jurlique.com.cy Table 62 Anette Martinsen Theta Healing and readings from the 7th plane of existence, get clear concise information direct from the source on your life, relationships and career. Heal and clear beliefs, trauma and issues on all 4 levels. Anette 99-619049 Table 64 Maxine Aston Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Diet, Nutrition, Massage and Sports Massage 99-877694, maxine.aston@btinternet. com Table 65 MA•GAIA Women frame drummers reclaiming and celebrating the creative power of the frame drumming circle. Annika Nicolaou, drumdoctor@cytanet.com.cy, 99-9349980, Ianthi Sparsis, ianthi@magaiamotherdrum.com, 99-437467 Table 66 Adonis Ellinas Psych-K (Psychology-Kinesiology) is a method, to change the software of our subconscious mind, and bring what we desire. www.groups.to/healthsuccessperformhappiness, 25-331471, 99-579169, adonisel@yahoo.com Table 69 Jewellery Heaven Unusual colour led fashion and costume jewellery suitable for all occasions,1000’s of designs within our range. Look good and feel great! Simon Harding, www.jewellery-heaven.com, 97-698055, simon@jewellery-heaven.com Table 76 Giorgos Psychis & Marek Kukulka Anastasia’s Siberian Cedar Products, ‘Anastasia of Siberia and the Ringing Cedars’ Book series, Su Jok hand massage. Tel. 99-326246, Marek Kukulka, Energy Therapies, Tel. 00306 9743 45223 Table 77 Maggie Erotokritou Intutive Healer, Theta Healing, Pranic Crystal healing, BodyTalk, Rebirthing, Ayurveda, Nutrienergetics, Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Author, 99435687, visionquest@spidernet.com.cy, www.livingwithvision.com Table 78 Sound Therapy Center - Nicosia http://aitinstitute.org/ Contact Erini Kamenou, 22-512515, 99-472241, soundtherapy@cytanet.com.cy Table 80 Ananda Marga Yoga and Health Centre Yoga, breathing, Meditation, Asanas and Mudras, Yoga for women, Yoga Topics, Yoga for children, Lectures on Yoga, Week-end Seminars, Vegetarian Dinners. 22-313885, 99-487927, 99-487927, www.cyprusyoga.net

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Table 80a HeleniQ Argyrou - Inspired Awakenings and Druminspire Offers interesting personal growth experiences using the drum as a tool, African, Arabian, Free style & trance rhythms help balance the brain & centre the spirit. www.druminspire.com, 99-238660, info@druminspire.com Table 86 Laughter Yoga - Elina Papa Laughter exercises combined with yogic breathing have proven health benefits. Join the FREE Laughter Yoga Club now in Nicosia & learn to laugh through life’s challenges. 99- 312722, www.laughteryogacyprus.com Table 89 Ibsen Tea & Coffee Ltd Loose tea, coffee, herbal and green teas by the gram as well as light lunches, delicious cakes and Norwegian waffles. Exciting coffee menu - take away coffee in thermo-cups also available. 25-340714, 99-784465 Table 91 Eileen Augusti - Aura Photographer Psychic Consultant and Spiritual Clairvoyant, she is an expert on the explanation of the aura that are very exciting with clear and precise meanings. www.eileenaugusti.com 99-637093, eileen.augusti@gmail.com Table 92 Healing Fairies Angelic Reiki, Quantum Touch, Massage, Baby Yoga & Massage, Aromatherapy, Rejuvance, Face & Body Treatments. Natural Cosmetics, Mandalas. Stavroula or Thalia 25-331899, 99-408653, healing_fairies@yahoo.com. Table 93 & 94 MBC Medical Beauty Centre Laser centre using the newest technology for wrinkles, blemishes, hair removal also Reflexology. Mini treatments will be available. Dr. Eberhardt’s Products, www.mbc.com.cy, tel 22-762255 (clinic), 96-382333 Table 94 & 95 Open Sky Café Offers Healing Touch, Spiritual Readings, Dream Interpretation, Sacred Oil, Spiritual & Angelic Languages. Our desire is to encourage and speak words of destiny, www.opensky.weebly.com, Jari Koivu, jtkoivu@gmail.com

Information correct at time of going to print. Please check www.CyprusSpirit.com for an updated list

personal effectiveness coaching

anita michaelidis works with you to understand and identify the lifestyle and career changes you want to make and supports you through a process to implement them 22 423783 anita_p_m@hotmail.com

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theta healing

Healing from the 7th plane

ThetaHealing™ is a technique that teaches you how to use your Theta brain wave and you can actually watch the Creator create instantaneous physical and emotional healing. I witnessed it firsthand, but I must admit I was a little sceptical to begin with. Upon learning the technique of ThetaHealing, you will see that everyone has intuitive abilities that can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional healing. Using this process, you will help yourself, as well as your friends and family. ThetaHealing is designed as a therapeutic self-help tool to develop the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using ThetaHealing. It is best known for the Belief and Feeling Work on all four levels:

that toxic emotion can contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. Belief and Feeling Work empower people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings and thoughts with positive, beneficial ones. ThetaHealing can be most easily described as an attainable miracle for your life. ThetaHealing heals on the 7th plane, whereas many other

The Core Level, The Genetic Level, The History Level, And The Soul Level These are beliefs that what are taught in this life time and accept from childhood – these programmes or patterns are us and have become a part of us and they can feel deep rooted. With growing scientific evidence

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 48

Painting by Vianna Stibal therapies work on the 4th or 5th plane and so impressed with th therapy that I stopped practising the other therapies that I used to do. In 1995 Vianna Stibal a Naturo-

by Anette Martinsen

path, Massage Therapist, and Intuitive Reader discovered that the way she did Readings could do an instant healing. Vianna, a mother of three young children was diagnosed with cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in Readings could heal. Her leg was instantaneously healed. She added this knowledge to her sessions with clients and in the classes she was teaching. Curious to understand why the technique was working, Vianna solicited the help of a physicist and with an electrocephalograph discovered that the simple technique tapped Theta waves. Over many years of practicing the technique, Vianna believes the technique utilizes a Theta wave to achieve an instant healing. Through thousands of clients she discovered not only an amazing way to connect with the creative energy that moves in all things, but that this energy could change instantly Beliefs and Feelings that are linked to sickness. I remembered that I had an email in my inbox about the Theta Healing Basic and Advanced level taking place in Limassol starting on

the 10th July this year. I decided after having a session with Jack Stewart, one of the teachers, that I would do the training. In the session I wanted to clear and heal a quite deep seated issue – one I think everyone has at the moment – Lack of abundance! And only after one session with him felt an instant shift. I no longer felt that it was an issue for me. I even tried to search for the issue in my brain...it was GONE! It is a very simple process to go through to achieve what you want. Learning this technique has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life – absolutely life changing. And to top it all I lost 3kg as a result of clearing all my issues, a nice bonus to have I thought.

How it works

It works by going up to the source healing the incident, feeling, issue, trauma or belief – and it works usually in an instant. It is that simple. It makes you wonder why we don’t all already know how to do this - we have forgotten perhaps or rely on others to do it for us.

Theta Readings

With Theta you can get clear concise information from the seventh plane direct from the source on your life, relationships and career.

Things people said about ThetaHealing

‘It is life changing’ ‘I feel I don’t need alcohol anymore’ ‘I can see more clearly’ ‘My eyesight is much better’ ‘I saved my marriage’ ‘My pain has gone’

‘I got my life back’ ‘I don’t have a weight issue anymore’ ‘My lack of abundance has cleared’ For me it was the most important thing I have ever done and I am eternally grateful to Anne and Jack Stewart for teaching me this method and for giving me the tools to change my beliefs and my life. Thank you. Theta Teachers Anne & Jack Stewart will be teaching Theta DNA Levels 1 & 2 & Advanced Courses in Nicosia from 20-22nd and 2729th November call Katia Michaelidou 99657778 to enroll.

Maggie Erotokritou will be teaching Theta DNA Level 1 in Nicosia Dec 11th (evening), weekend December 12-13 and a follow up evening. Advanced training will be in Jan 2009. Call 99435687 for more information. For Theta Healing or a Theta Reading please call Anette Martinsen on 99-619049. Table 62 Don’t miss... Anette Martinsen Theta Healing – Change your life Workshop at the MBS Exhibition 17:00 Sunday 15th November in the Amathusia Room

Readings and Healing from the 7th plane on all 4 levels: The core level, The genetic level, The history level & the soul level Theta Healing - Where miracles happen Heal issues, physical ailments, disease, trauma and beliefs in an instant

Anette Martinsen 99-619049

Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine | Page 49

Διεθνής Σχολή του Χρυσού Ροδόσταυρου

Έχουμε ένα καλύτερο Εγώ; Do we have a better I? Sunday 16:00 Room: Cypria C At the Mind Body and Spirit Ehibition www.lectoriumrosicrucianum.org

Theta Healing Basic Training Course A three day intensive life changing experience (weekend and 2 evenings) with Maggie Erotokritou Learn to create, clear and heal from the Theta level. Experience deep healing through releasing past traumas, fear and limiting beliefs from the Core, Genetic, History and Soul levels. Clear past relationship wounds and attract your Soulmate. Attain your goals through changing limiting beliefs. Reprogramme positive feelings that can change your life. Attract abundance and prosperity. Activate the 12 strand DNA for radiant health. Awaken your intuitive abilities, learn to do readings and scan for illness and much more… Training in Nicosia Dec 11th (evening) Weekend Dec 12-13 and a follow up evening. Advanced training will be in Jan 2010. Personal sessions available tel 99435687 or contact visionquest@spidernet.com.cy


Official representative Nature's Resort Natural & Organic skin care products. 4, Louki Akrita street, Shop No.2, Nicosia Tel: +357 22 78 04 29 Mob: +357 99-511886

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