* Coat of Arms by Richard Rossi
(Desert Crossing) an adaptation of the York Crucifixion by (Stephen Richter)
SCENE ONE. A dirt road. An armored personnel carrier approaches through the near darkness of a predawn desert morning. The vehicle comes to a halt. The corpsman kills the engine then climbs down from the cab. He looks around with nervousness. Three men exit the back of the vehicle. They wear black special ops gear and beanie watch caps. They push a bare-chested man ahead of them. The man’s hands are bound behind his back. He wears only a ragged head bandage and a loincloth. 1ST MARINE Quickly quickly quickly, Devil Dogs. Orders came in from the old man himself. We are to terminate this militant with extreme prejudice, In a display of shock and awe. (they lead the prisoner around the front of the vehicle) 2ND MARINE (unpacking duffle bag) Look, hard charger, I ain’t got a problem with shock and awe. I’m just saying, this is a lot of work for four people. CORPSMAN Four? Woah, wait a minute3RD MARINE How about some noise discipline there, killer. We all know what we gotta to do. (he nods to the corpsman with a hard glance) CORPSMAN We? 3RD MARINE Sound like I’m speaking French to you?
2. 1ST MARINE Sun’s coming up, people, let’s go. 2ND MARINE (slaps corpsman on the back) Come on, Doc, time to earn your paycheck. CORPSMAN But1ST MARINE Hurry up! CORPSMAN I’m just the corpsman. 1ST MARINE Move! (The corpsman reluctantly follows Marine #2 into the bushes behind the truck, beyond the audience’s field of view. Marine #1 presses a button on his stopwatch then takes out a rangefinder. He scans the perimeter for possible threats. Marine #3 forces the prisoner down onto his knees. The prisoner’s face betrays no sign of fear. He stares straight ahead, surveying the landscape as if for the last time. He makes direct eye contact with members of the audience. O.S. the corpsman and Marine #2 grunt and strain under the weight of something heavy. They round the vehicle carrying two wooden beams between them.) CORPSMAN Ow! Wait wait, now what exactly are we doing again? 2ND MARINE He has to pay for what he’s done.
3. 3RD MARINE We’re gonna to crucify his ass. (the corpsman loses his grip on his end of one of the beams. It drops, wrenching Marine #2’s back.) 2ND MARINE Arh! What the hell’s wrong with you, Marine?! 1ST MARINE Jesus Christ! Get it together, Devil Dogs. The sun’s coming up. Help him! (Marine #3 grabs hold of the beam and helps them lay everything in place on the ground.) CORPSMAN I can’t do this, staff sergeant, I’m a catholic... 1ST MARINE There ain’t no conscientious objectors out here, doc. Get a nail. CORPSMAN But I’m a reservist...
(gets nail)
2ND MARINE What’s that got to do with following orders there, hard charger? Let’s go. CORPSMAN and a vegan. 3RD MARINE Stop bitching and hold the goddamned pin in place. CORPSMAN Okay, look, I’m gay, alright? I can’t be here. 1ST MARINE So am I, Marine, glad to hear it. That law’s been repealed. Move your ass. 2ND MARINE We're all gay, hard charger.
4. 3RD MARINE I’m not. 1ST MARINE You were in Okinawa. (they all laugh) 3RD MARINE That’s true. CORPSMAN (whispers) I can’t crucify someone! 3RD MARINE Yes you can. (The cross is ready. The prisoner looks back at the men, then at the wooden cross on the ground. No one speaks. A solemn look of recognition passes between the men as they look from one to another. Expressions harden. The prisoner stands. He walks toward Marine #1. Marine #1 draws his KBar (combat knife). The prisoner continues to walk towards him. He stops, just inches away from Marine #1. They stand face to face, in silence, staring into each other’s eyes. The moment is long and pregnant with tension. The corpsman looks on with horror, his chest heaves from his breathing. The prisoner turns around. Marine #1 cuts the rope binding the prisoner’s hands together. The prisoner rubs his wrists then walks over to the cross. He looks out at the audience.) PRISONER Almighty God, my father, let these matters be made in mind: Thou bade my obedience to thy will, and if thy will be for me to die in this place, at the hands of these men... Insha'Allah. I am not afraid.
5. (He lays down on the cross and spreads his arms.) 2ND MARINE Holy shit... 1ST MARINE Now that’s a “lay-down,” gentlemen. This rag-head’s got some brass balls. I tell you that much. 3RD MARINE Oooh-fucking-rah... 1ST MARINE (placing a hammer in the corpsman’s hands) Alright, let’s get to it. Hard work for hard men. 2ND MARINE I'll take the left hand. 3RD MARINE I'll do the feet and guide the post into the hole. (Marines 2 and 3 position themselves. They look at Marine #1.) 1ST MARINE I'll hold his head steady then help hoist it up. Reservist, you got the right hand, let's go. CORPSMAN I can’t do this. 1ST MARINE (to corpsman) Get your goddamned ass over there! Sun's rising. (the corpsman reluctantly walks over to the prisoner's open right palm. ) 3RD MARINE Give me the fucking hammer if you're just gonna stand there. (the corpsman extends a trembling hand.
6. Marine #3 snatches it away then positions a spike...) 3RD MARINE It's not rocket science, Devil Dog, you take a nail and (he hammers) bam! straight through bone (hammers) and sinew. Now was that so hard? (the prisoner groans in pain) 2ND MARINE You're off by almost a foot, Devil Dog. That's not gonna hold. 3RD MARINE How do you know? 1ST MARINE Let's go let's go, hard chargers. 2ND MARINE I'm just saying... 3RD MARINE How many people have you crucified there, killer? 2ND MARINE I just know when something's not level... (He takes the hammer from Marine #3 and straightens out the prisoner's feet then positions a nail over them. ) 2ND MARINE ...and straight! (he hammers) see? (blood sprays) God damnit! Here you go, Devil Dog, your turn. Let's go. (He motions to the corpsman then tosses the hammer to him. The corpsman doesn't respond. The hammer lands on the ground at his feet. The prisoner groans in agony. He looks at the corpsman. Their eyes meet. Everyone is looking at the corpsman. The corpsman looks down at the hammer.) 1ST MARINE What is your major malfunction, Devil Dog?!
7. 3RD MARINE Pick it up! 2ND MARINE Do your fucking duty! 1ST MARINE Get over here! (Marine #1 marches over, picks up the hammer, twists the corpsman into a wrist lock and walks him back to the prisoner's right hand. Bent over, the corpsman and the prisoner are looking directly into each other's eyes. Marine #1 releases the corpsman. He gives him the hammer then walks back to hold the prisoner's head steady.) 1ST MARINE Now it's a matter of principal, marine, do your fucking duty. Do it now! (The corpsman picks up a nail. The prisoner's right hand is clenched into a fist from the pain. He slowly opens the palm of his hand as the corpsman positions the spike, trembling...) CORPSMAN I do solemnly swear... to support and defend the Constitution of the United States... (He raises the hammer higher and higher...) CORPSMAN Against all enemies, (hammers) foreign, oh god... and domestic! 3RD MARINE Oooorah, killer! CORPSMAN (hammering wildly, continuing long after the nail is driven flush) I will obey the orders of the President of the United States! the orders of the officers appointed over me! according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice!! So help me God!!!! Fuck you!!!! There!
8. (he throws the hammer to the ground and walks back to the truck, hyperventilating. Marines 1,2, and 3 look at one another, puzzled.) 3RD MARINE What the hell's his problem? 1ST MARINE Not a disciplined bone in his body. Come on, Devil Dogs, let's finish this. (They quickly bind the prisoner to the cross with ropes to ensure his limbs are held fast. With grunts of effort, they raise the cross upright. When they are finished, they pack their gear then look up at their handiwork.) PRISONER (hyperventilating, addresses audience) There is one god. He sent his one true prophet to save mankind by teaching them to obey his laws. If this... If this be the way to teach them.... teach them... (His head falls forward. His lips continue to move but no sound escapes.) 3RD MARINE That'll teach em. 1ST MARINE Shock and awe, Devil Dogs. 2ND MARINE For God, country... ALL THREE MARINES And CORPS! Arrrr! 1ST MARINE (makes hand signal to move out) Let's go! (The men double time back to the truck and climb inside the back door.
9. The engine fires up. The driver takes one last look then drives away.) END SCENE