Marquéz - a Narco Macbeth

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Marqués a Narco Macbeth by Stephen Richter y Mónica Andrade

MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth

For Kate Edmunds and Jim Bierman,. Thank you for all of your guidance and insight that helped bring MarquĂŠs to the page and to the stage.


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth Marqués - a Narco Macbeth was first presented at the eXspace (Experimental Theater) at the University of California Santa Cruz on February 26th, 2016. Directed by Erik Pearson. Scenic Design by Austin Kottkamp. Costume Design by Elysia Ellis. Lighting Design by Will Poulin. Sound Design by Joseph Krempetz. Projection Design by Mónica Andrade. Stage Manager: Amanda Marshall. Technical Director: Jack Rusk. Assistant Stage Manager: Violeta Diaz. Cast Vivian Zhou ……………....Gregorio Leah Tolmosoff....................Bruja 2 Jasjit Samra…………..........Lilia Travis Rynders …………....Manuel Ibarra Jack Rusk..................……...News Anchor Pablo Rubio-Vargas .............Don Julio Lorena Rubio........................Bruja 3 Christopher Rodriguez …....Comandante Mendez Stephen Richter…………....Chiquilín Stefan Richter………….......Felipe Joseph Neves……………....Joaquín Emiliano Montoya………....Donalbino Ryan Melton……………….Carlos Kev Martinez………………Marqués Paula Ledesma …………….Epifanio Eric Johnson-Dorian.............Luís Pamela Ignacio ....................Satán Cipi Espaldon.......................Bruja 1 Daniel Eslick ……………...David Ibarra Gianna DiGregorio...............Doña Marqués Natalia Delgado....................Lupita Patrick Denney......................News Anchor Sean Cutler............................Chucho Rey Cordova………………..Paco Ben Chau Chiu .....................Ramón Karly Butler-Shirk ………....Major Burns Mónica Andrade……………News Anchor Special thanks to the faculty and staff of the University of California Santa Cruz Theater Arts Department. Photographs by Steve DiBartolomeo - Westside Studio Images. (


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth SCENE 1 Hospital de Especialidades, Cabo San Lucas, México: A nurse sits behind a reception desk, texting on her cellphone. Enter a well dressed couple. The woman is in labor. Her husband helps her across the lobby. MARQUÉS Ayúdenme por favor! (No response.) MARQUÉS Somebody help us, please! DOÑA MARQUÉS Ay! Eduardo, algo está mal... Ay! (The nurse finally looks up. A doctor and an orderly enter with a gurney. They help Señora Marqués onto it. She screams in pain.) NURSE (Chewing gum, clipboard in hand) Name please? YOUNG DOCTOR How far apart are her contractions? (to orderly) Get me an IV. MARQUÉS Marqués, Eduardo Marqués! NURSE Her name, señor, not yours. DOÑA MARQUÉS Something's wrong, doctor! MARQUÉS Amaranta! Help her! Please! YOUNG DOCTOR No se preocupe, señora Marqués. Everything is going to be fine.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth


NURSE (The doctor and the orderlies wheel señora Marqués into the operating room. Señor Marqués looks after them.)


NURSE (Silence)

NURSE Your occupation señor? MARQUÉS I'm an architect. (A cellphone rings. Marqués lights a cigarette with trembling hands.) Address?

NURSE (Marqués looks at the screen of his cellphone. HEAR a bloodcurdling SCREAM from the operating room. The scream turns to wailing then tearful sobs.)


MARQUÉS (A skull-faced nurse walks by carrying a baby.) LIGHTS FADE.

SCENE 2 (Projection of a map of México. Zoom in on the Baja peninsula until we come to rest on the town of Todos Santos. The stage is now set as the desert highway in front of the Hotel California. Enter a multitude of MEN dressed in cowboy chic: dark sunglasses, jeans, boots, bluetooth earpieces, black blazers, Rolex watches, and cowboy hats. They are armed to the teeth. One of the henchmen speaks


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth into his bluetooth earpiece, signaling that the coast is now clear. A distinguished gentleman wearing a black suit and shades emerges from the Hotel California. HEAR a bloodcurdling SCREAM.) DAVID IBARRA (GENTLEMAN) What bloody man is that? (Two men carry a third between them. The wounded man has been shot in the stomach. He cries out in pain.) MANUEL IBARRA Es el Chiquilín, the one who helped me escape! Qué onda güey? Tell the patrón what happened. CHIQUILíN (WOUNDED MAN) (out of breath) Señor... ese hijo de su puta madre, the merciless Guaymas took us all by surprise on the highway to La Paz! EVERYONE No mames! Qué chinge su madre ese güey! Quiet!


CHIQUILíN After your son escaped, they started killing everyone, patrón, until the architect, el valiente Marqués, y es bien bien cabrón el güey, he jumped into the truck with the mercancía and started the engine! DAVID IBARRA Valiente compadre! CHIQUILíN Y el Paco, just before he jumped into the trailer with Marqués, took his machete, y le dio unos machetazos al Guaymas until he split him open from his güevos to his throat, señor... then left his filthy head in the middle of the carretera! DAVID IBARRA Worthy cousin. And the rest of our men?


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth CHIQUILíN (gasping) They... They're all dead señor... but my wounds cry for help. DAVID IBARRA You did well, campeón. No te preocupes. (David pats Chiquilín on the head then nods to one of his men. The man draws his pistol, steps up to Chiquilín and blows his brains out. They all stare down at Chiquilín's body, twitching on the ground. Enter two men, running. David's soldiers point rifles and pistols at them.) MANUEL IBARRA Esperen! Wait! It's Ramón y... cómo se llama ese güey? Luis, hijo.


Si, Luis.

(sniffling) (David looks at Manuel with suspicion then turns his attention to the two men.)



RAMÓN We were in La Paz, señor. LUIS The Sonoran shipment arrived, just like you said it would, patrón. RAMÓN And el Señor de los Cabos, son of his whore motherLUIS Filthy whore mother-


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth RAMÓN Son of his filthy whore mother, el cabrón de los Cabos, he allowed them to pass, señor! ANYONE Pasando de verga! DAVID IBARRA Quiet! What happened? RAMÓN We followed the traitors along the Malecón, señor, then we opened fireLUIS Point against point. Rebellious arm against arm, pistola a pistolaDAVID IBARRA What do you mean, cabrón? RAMÓN The victory fell on us! (Everyone cheers.) DAVID IBARRA God be praised, and the merchandise? RAMÓN We took it, señor. Two trailers. DAVID IBARRA Cuántos kilos? FifteenFourteen-


RAMÓN Fourteen thousLUIS Fifteen thousand-


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth

RAMÓN Un montón señor, and now Sonora wants to make arrangements. (Everyone laughs. Manuel sniffles.) DAVID IBARRA Ay ay ay... Well, no more will el señor de Los Cabos deceive our bosom interest. Kill him slowly, Ramón. Put the video on the net and after his death with his former territory and percentage greet my compadre, Marqués. RAMÓN Sí patrón. I'll see it done. (Exit Ramon and Luis.) DAVID IBARRA What Los Cabos has lost Marqués has won. (Enter a skull-faced woman. She walks toward the body of Chiquilín.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 3 (The stage is now a mountain passage in the Sierra Laguna. The landscape is peppered with monolithic stones and cacti. Projected vultures circle overhead, beneath a burning hot sun. Enter the barechested and shoeless Marqués and Paco. Their designer shirts are tied around their heads into makeshift turbans. Their bodies are covered in dirt and blood-caked scratches. They limp through the high desert carrying their shoes. They stop for a moment to catch their breath.) Oye, Lalo. Qué pasó?


PACO Gracias amigo.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS For getting us lost? PACO For saving my life, cabrón. No, Paco...

MARQUÉS (Marqués struggles to stand.)

PACO Qué onda contigo? MARQUÉS I can't even look at you, Paco. I will have nightmares for the rest of my life because of what you did back there. PACO I was saving your life too, cabrón. MARQUÉS You have a son, Paco. PACO What does that mean? MARQUÉS It means if I could, I would trade places with you in a heartbeat, cabrón. And if I did, I would not do things that might put my children in danger, Paco. Por dios! What is happening to you? PACO That's easy to say while you're getting your toenails painted on the beach, cabrón. MARQUÉS They don't paint my toenails, Paco. PACO I've seen them do it to you! MARQUÉS Fue un pedicure, cabrón. y sabes qué? (Paco is laughing.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS What began as a wonderful day has now turned to shit. All because I had to be a decent person and pull over to see if you were in trouble. (Paco continues to laugh.) MARQUÉS (squinting up at the sky) So foul and fair a day I have not seen. ECHOING VOICES IN THE DISTANCE Lo hermoso es feo, y lo feo es hermoso. ¡Revoloteemos por entre la niebla y el aire impuro! MARQUÉS What was that? PACO No sé güey. It came from over there. MARQUÉS Come on. Maybe there's some water. PACO Ojalá que sí, or else we're going to die out here. (They exit.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 4 (A spotlight illuminates a man strapped to a chair with his arms bound behind his back. A piece of duct tape covers his mouth. Three men in ski masks stand behind him. One holds a machete, the other a chain-saw, the third holds a baseball bat. Ramón enters carrying a camcorder and a tripod. The man in the chair is breathing heavily. Ramón sets up the camera, white balances, then puts on a pair of headphones to check the audio levels, snapping his fingers in front of the camera's microphone.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth

Okay. Listo.

RAMÓN (The chain-saw roars to life, filling the air with the sound of horrible potential.) LIGHTS OUT. (HEAR a bloodcurdling SCREAM as the sickening sound of the chain-saw continues then slowly fades.) LIGHTS UP ON: SCENE 5 (A basurero municipal, the municipal dump outside the village of Candelaria. Trash and vultures are everywhere. Hear the sound of trucks driving away. Two beautiful skull-faced women with wild hair peek their heads up from behind a mound of trash. They look around to make sure that whoever just drove away is indeed gone. They survey the various arms, legs, and boots protruding from the unmarked mass grave... A third skull-faced maiden arrives on the scene.)

BRUJA 3 Where have you been, sister? Killing swine.


(examining a gold ring in the sunlight) And you sister? BRUJA 3 En Todos Santos. BRUJA 1 What took you so long? BRUJA 3 I went looking for Pepé but his fat cow of a wife said he was fishing. "I've come for your husband," said I. She looked at me like I was crazy then called me a babosa...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth



BRUJA 3 Pero sabes qué? On my way back, I ran into her son, so I took him instead. (They laugh.) BRUJA 2 No me digas... You're terrible. BRUJA 3 That's what she gets. Such a handsome boy... todo un biscocho. BRUJA 1 Look what I found! (They all gather round.) BRUJA 2 Show me, show me! BRUJA 1 Here I have a narco's thumb... BRUJA 3 How do you know? BRUJA 2 Who else would wear a diamond thumb ring? (Bruja 2 senses something. She looks over her shoulder.) What is it? Marqués. It's time Yes...



Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (The fatal güeras form a circle. They join hands.) TODAS ¡Hermanas fatídicas, enlacemos las manos! ¡Mensajeras de la tierra y del mar, giremos, giremos!... Tres vueltas por ti, y tres por mí, y otras tres para que sean nueve. ¡Silencio!... (They crouch down, observing. Enter Marqués and Paco. Paco notices them. He draws a small pistol and points it at the sisters.) MARQUÉS Where were you hiding that? PACO Don't ask. (to sisters) Show me your hands! Enséñenme las manos! (The sisters neither move nor speak. Paco slowly inches towards them. They do not regard him at all. Their eyes are fixed on Marqués.) PACO How far is it to Todos Santos?... (Beat) Me entienden? (Each of the sisters raises a finger to her lips.) MARQUÉS Señorítas, Disculpen la molestia, we do not mean to be rude, we're just lost. Do you know the way to Todos Santos? BRUJA 1 (stands) Salve Marqués... Hail to thee, señor de Las Animas. BRUJA 3 (stands) Salve Marqués... Hail to thee, señor de Los Cabos. BRUJA 2 (stands) Salve Marqués... that shall be king and head of the largest cartel en México.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Bruja 3 walks up to Marqués) BRUJA 3 (whispers in Marqués' ear) Or die tonight, at the hand of don David... (She caresses the back Marqués' hair. He goes pale. Paco points his pistol at her.) PACO Get away from him! [to Marqués] Qué honda contigo? You're as white as a ghost. (aproaching sisters) No sé anden con pendejadas, eh? So, you are women. Además, guapetonas... But I don't care how pretty you are, if you can tell the future, tell me mine then. I'm not afraid like my friend here. (The sisters fix their gaze on Paco now.) ¡Salve! ¡Salve! ¡Salve!


BRUJA 1 Lesser than Marqués and greater. BRUJA 2 Not so happy, but much happier. BRUJA 3 Serás tronco de chingones; pero no serás el mero mero chingón... Never shall you be king. Salve, pues, Marqués y Paco... BRUJA 1 Paco y Marqués, all hail. (The sisters turn and walk away.) MARQUÉS ¡Deténganse... wait! You can't just say something like that and walk away. Tell me more.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (They stop. They turn around and begin to circle Marqués like tiger sharks.) MARQUÉS Listen to me. I am an architect and a resort developer, so yes, I suppose you could call me "el señor de Las Animas." That is where I live but I am no narcotraficante, me explico? Mucho menos el señor de Los Cabos. El señor de Los Cabos is a prosperous gentleman that I will speak nothing bad about. And to be head of the largest cartel en México? Por favor... I wouldn't dream of such a thing! (They spin, dancing circles around Marqués, laughing and taunting him.) MARQUÉS What's wrong with you?! Who told you these lies?! Stand still! You're making me dizzy. Malditas güeras mugrosas... Why have you stopped us in this filthy place only to spread rumors and lies?! Speak! Díganme la verdad! Paco! Do something cabrón! (The sisters reach into their pouches and throw fistfulls of white powder in Paco and Marqués' faces then run offstage.) MARQUÉS (coughing) Paco, my eyes! PACO It burns, cabrón! (Paco fires his pistol.) MARQUÉS (blinking and wiping eyes) Put that away! They're gone. Into the air?


MARQUÉS No seas pendéjo...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth PACO (examines powder in finger) What is this stuff, coca? (Marqués smells the air.) MARQUÉS No... It's Maja, body powder. PACO How do you know? MARQUÉS I am from Mazatlán cabrón. (Paco nods.) MARQUÉS Vámonos. Todos Santos is this way. (Marqués and Paco look at each other. They laugh. Paco wipes his eyes. Marqués' expression becomes serious.) MARQUÉS So, your children will be narcos, Paco... PACO And you will be el mero mero chingón. MARQUÉS Y el señor de Los Cabos, were it not so. PACO Pinches güeras chismosas... (Enter Ramón and Luis running) RAMÓN Señor Marqués, el Patrón sends you his thanks. Everyone knows what you did today, of your great bravery and how you risked your life to save the mercancia. LUIS Señor Ibarra has sent us to bring you to him.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth RAMÓN And to show his thanks, he has decided to name you, Señor de Los Cabos. Felicidades señor! PACO What? Can the devil speak true? MARQUÉS El Señor de Los Cabos lives. Why do you dress me in borrowed robes? LUIS Ya no lo es más, señor, and that life he had he deserved to lose, as a traitor and a thief. RAMÓN Desgraciado sinvergüenza! LUIS Whether working for the merciless Guaymas or for himself I know not, but he has confessed his crimes and they have overthrown him, señor! MARQUÉS [Aside] Las Animas and Señor de los Cabos... And the worst I fear is yet to come. [To Ramon and Luis] I thank you for your pains. [Aside to Paco] Do you not hope your children will be kings? When those who gave me Los Cabos promised no less of them? PACO [Aside to Marqués] If so, those same promises would make you king, cabrón, besides el Señor de Los Cabos. ¿Cómo la vez? MARQUÉS (whispers) Chingada madre... PACO Tranquilo Lalo. Sometimes the devil tells us a little truth only to set us up and betray us later, to tempt us to dig our own graves, cabrón. [To Ramon and Luis] Primos, una palabra por favor. MARQUÉS [Aside] Güeras malditas... Two truths they told us as a prelude to this game of thrones - I thank you gentlemen - [Aside] These prophecies cannot be all bad but I know they are not good. I am now el Señor de Los Cabos, yet that may destroy


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth everything I hold dear, or perhaps, give me everything I never knew I wanted. If this is good, then why can I barely breathe? Present fears are less than horrible imaginings, qué no? I must decline and tell David I cannot accept this. I'm an architect, not a criminal. But if I offend him I am dead. Everyone I care about will be dead... PACO Miralo... He's so happy he's crying! RAMÓN No llore, señor. We know it is a great honor. Pero vamos a ver al patrón eh? Si, vámonos.

LUIS (Marqués laughs nervously, wiping his eyes.)

MARQUÉS Si muchachos, vámonos pues. I'm just... so happy and so honored. [Aside to Paco] Think about what happened here today and we'll talk again when we're alone, sale? Vale.

PACO (He pats Marqués an the back.)

Come friends.

MARQUÉS (They all exit.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 6 (The stage is now set in front of the Hotel California in Todos Santos. Enter señor David Ibarra, his eldest son Manuel, and a multitude of henchmen.)

DAVID IBARRA Has the execution been carried out on Los Cabos? Where is Ramón? MANUEL IBARRA Si, pa, they're not back from Candelaria. But it's already online, mira...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Manuel takes out his iPhone. He pulls up the video and hands the phone to his father. Projection of an elderly gentleman with duct tape over his mouth: His eyes burn with defiance as he looks straight into the lens.) RAMÓN (O.S.) Any last words, don Julio? (Don Julio grunts in the affirmative and motions with his eyes for them to remove the duct tape from his mouth so he can speak. A hand reaches into the frame and pulls the tape free.) DON JULIO David, I know you are watching and I am glad I will finally have an opportunity to say this to you before I go. If you are wondering if it was me who sold you out to Guaymas... Of course it was me! and I'd do it again, a thousand times again y tu sabes perfectamente bien porque lo hice, cabrón! We both know why I did it. DAVID IBARRA That's enough. How do I turn this thing off? (Manuel smiles. David starts tapping the screen. The volume increases.) DON JULIO You slept with my wife, cabrón... DAVID IBARRA Ya! Manuel! Turn it off. DON JULIO And with my daughter, desgraciado. (Manuel takes the device from David.) My mother!

DON JULIO (David snatches the phone back. Manuel suppresses his laughter.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DON JULIO hasta mi abuelíta! Hijo de tu(David manages to mute the device as Don Julio continues to mouth an endless stream of silent profanities. David lifts up a manhole cover and throws Manuel's phone into the sewer. He draws a .50 caliber chrome Desert Eagle from inside his well tailored coat and racks the slide. His henchmen avoid eye contact with him. He fires the weapon. Hear the sound of broken glass and exploded iPhone components. David's eyes burn with displeasure at Manuel. Manuel looks at the ground.) DAVID IBARRA He was a man in whom I built an absolute trust... (People nod.) DAVID IBARRA Now, what might I do to someone I do not trust? (Enter Marqués, Paco, Ramón, and Luis. David smiles. He holsters the mammoth firearm and walks down the steps towards Marqués. They embrace.) DAVID IBARRA Worthiest Compadre! The sin of my ingratitude even now weighs heavy on me. You are so far beyond... [He looks at Manuel and the rest of his men] well... tu sabes compadre. I can only say that I owe you more than all... than all could ever pay. [To all] Es un genio. De verdad. This man is a genius! MARQUÉS The service and loyalty I owe to you, my friend, pays itself. And that loyalty is to your interests, la familia, tus hijos, la banda, and toward keeping them all safe with honor and respect. (David throws an arm around Marqués' shoulder.) DAVID IBARRA Welcome to the Hotel California, compadre... MARQUÉS It's a lovely place. (David roars with laughter.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DAVID IBARRA (sings) Such a lovely place... MANUEL IBARRA Such a lovely face... (David frowns at Manuel then returns his attention to Marqués.) DAVID IBARRA I have begun to plant you, compadre and will work to make you full of growing. Y Paco! You are no less deserving of my gratitude, sobrino. Come, let me enfold you to my heart. (They embrace.) PACO There if I grow, tio, the harvest is yours. (David growls with approval and content. He continues to squeeze his nephew in his arms.) DAVID IBARRA What's that smell? I like it. PACO Gracias tio. I don't want to ruin your suit though. DAVID IBARRA I thought you said the harvest was my own? (David laughs. He messes up Paco's hair then releases him. David walks up the steps then turns to address the crowd.) DAVID IBARRA My son, friends, mis soldados, y los demás cabrónes que tengan los güevos de estar aquí con nosotros... (People laugh. Smiling eyes look from one to another. Others wear hard faces and give each other looks that could chill the blood.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DAVID IBARRA I am so proud to be standing with all of you here today, at this very moment in time. Hoy mismo. Tomorrow is not promised, amigos. Mucho menos para nosotros. Not for us. The time we have is now, este momento, and it signifies so much more than money, power, and all the rest. And so, with our great victory today, I am happy to announce my decision to establish our estate on our eldest, Manuel, who we name hereafter as my successor. (Paco and Marqués look at each other.) DAVID IBARRA [To Marqués.] But signs of nobleness, like stars, will shine on all those who deserve it and I have always strived, as you all know, to ensure that everyone gets everything they deserve. So, from here let us ride to Las Animas and bind ourselves further to our compadre! (Everyone cheers) MARQUÉS (nervous) Será un gran placer, compadre. I should ride ahead to make preparations and to be the bearer of your joyful approach to my wife. Con permiso. DAVID IBARRA I look forward to seeing her, my worthy Los Cabos! Take one of my Suburbans! (A massive henchman drops a pair keys into Marqués' hand.) MARQUÉS Gracias Compadre. [Aside] Stars hide your fires. Illuminate not what I have done. Oh, mi amor, help us be rid of this burden I have won. (Exit Marqués) DAVID IBARRA Si es cierto Paco, es un genio el compadre. He is a peerless kinsman. Let's after him. (Exit all.) LIGHTS FADE.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth SCENE 7 (Villa Paradiso - Las Animas, Puerto Los Cabos, México. The stage is set as the magnificent white villa of señor y señora Marqués: pillars, archways, infinity pool, and the endless expanse of the Sea of Cortez, stretches to the horizon. A giant, yellow full moon is rising, creating a band of light on the water. Enter señora Marqués - elegant in a black dress. She is lost in thought. She watches the moon rising over the Sea of Cortez. She is visibly worried. Enter her maid, Lupíta, with a messenger, wearing leather motorcycle riding attire. He carries an envelope.) LUPíTA Disculpe señora, this young man has a personal delivery for you. (Doña Marqués does not respond.) Señora?

LUPíTA (Doña Marqués turns around to face them.)

DOÑA MARQUÉS Joaquin? What are you doing here? JOAQUIN (MESSENGER) Doña Amaranta, Señor Marqués asked me to place this letter into your hands, personally. DOÑA MARQUÉS What's happened? Why did he send... (Doña Marqués opens the envelope then unfolds the letter. She looks up to find the messenger gone.) ...You? Señora?


DOÑA MARQUÉS Thank you, Lupíta. That will be all.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Exit Lupíta. Doña Marqués reads the letter aloud.) DOÑA MARQUÉS "Mi amor, I would have called but I am afraid to use my phone? There must be no trace of this communication. [Looks around herself then reads quickly, silently mumbling] Savagely murdered... [Gasps] Prophetic knowledge... Hail, king and head of the largest cartel in México or murdered by the hand of don David this very night." (She tears the letter into small pieces and then places them into the fire pit. Enter Lupita.) LUPíTA Disculpe señora. DOÑA MARQUÉS (startled) Oh for god sakes, Lupita. Qué quieres? LUPíTA Don David and his guests are coming here tonight, señora. DOÑA MARQUÉS Esta noche? Imposible, señor Marqués is with him. If it were true, Lupita, he would have called himself to make preparations. LUPíTA Señora, he has. He is at the front gate, as we speak. DOÑA MARQUÉS Attend to him quickly. He brings very important news. Si señora...

LUPíTA (Doña Marqués hurries to the other side of the room. In the corner there is a small shrine set into the wall with a statue of the virgin of Guadalupe, a framed photograph of a dignified yet defiant looking gentleman with a moustache, two small Mexican flags on each side of the photo, a pair of newborn baby slippers, rose petals, and various gold centenario coins. Doña Marqués lights a candle at the shrine. She turns the statue of the virgin away from her so it faces the wall. She kneels.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth

DOÑA MARQUÉS Papá... ayúdame, por favor... Give me the strength to be like you tonight, to do a great wrong for the sake of a much greater right. Make thick my blood. Stop up the access and passage to remorse that I may be more and do more than any man would dare to do, to protect my family and to be the hand of justice! Come, thick night, that my knife will not be seen and find its mark before heaven may cry "Hold! Basta!..." (Enter Marqués, sweating and breathing heavily. They run into each other's embrace.) MARQUÉS My dearest love... Mi amor...



(breaking down)

DOÑA MARQUÉS Shhhh... I know... I know, mi amor. No es tu culpa. MARQUÉS It is my fault. David comes here tonight. DOÑA MARQUÉS Y Donalbino, is she with him? MARQUÉS Donalbino, David's wife, Manuel, everyone. (She nods, staring off in thought.) DOÑA MARQUÉS And when does he leave? MARQUÉS Tomorrow, so he says. DOÑA MARQUÉS No mi amor...If David Ibarra enters my house tonight, he shall never see tomorrow.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS What are you saying? DOÑA MARQUÉS You have brought us to a bridge that is burning. We have been warned, Eduardo. Now, we must cross this bridge or be burned to death ourselves. (Marqués looks at his wife as if she is a stranger.) DOÑA MARQUÉS Your face, mi amor... Who do you trust, your so called "compadre" or your wife? MARQUÉS He just named me, "el Señor de los Cabos." DOÑA MARQUÉS What happened to the last señor de Los Cabos?! Where is he now? My father was "el Señor de los Cabos too! MARQUÉS That's enough. DOÑA MARQUÉS He murdered him, Eduardo! MARQUÉS How can anyone be sure? David has been so good to us Amaranta. (Doña Marqués stares at Marqués.) DOÑA MARQUÉS Don't you see what is happening? Do you have any idea what that man has done to my life?! MARQUÉS I know this has been hard on you sinceDOÑA MARQUÉS Since when?! Since our son was born blue because you where so late getting me to the hospital, Eduardo? Or since my father's funeral? MARQUÉS I did not kill our son! (Marqués and Doña stare at each other for a long pregnant moment.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DOÑA MARQUÉS You are an intelligent man, mi amor, but you are naive and weak. I married you to get away from them. And now you bring him into my house. Let go of me. (She walks away from him.) DOÑA MARQUÉS You're an architect, Eduardo. You know nothing about this world no matter how close you gaze at it. And now that you have chosen to enter it, then either you do it or I will, but David Ibarra must die tonight. (They stare at each other.) DOÑA MARQUÉS (Beat) If they are coming then they must be provided for. We dare not offend. Alright.


DOÑA MARQUÉS All that matters is you and me, de acuerdo? MARQUÉS We will speak further. DOÑA MARQUÉS Only look up clear. To alter favor ever is to fear. MARQUÉS What do you mean? DOÑA MARQUÉS That face of yours will betray us. Let's have a drink. Leave the rest to me. (They exit. Servants enter pushing a large table. They place it beside the swimming pool then begin to set the silverware and china. The moon is now huge, sitting high in the sky. It illuminates the Sea of Cortez with a band of yellow light. Hear laughter coming from the hallway. Enter David, followed by his 22 year old wife Lilia, dressed in cowgirl attire. David's eleven year old daughter, Donalbino, wears a private school uniform. Paco follows behind them, accompanied by his 10 year old son, Felipe. Ramon and Luis enter and are amazed by the view. Manuel enters and begins texting on his phone. Lilia


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth answers a text on her phone as well. Comandante Mendez of the policia judicial enters. He wears all black: jeans, boots, a leather jacket, and a t-shirt. Henchmen and servants continue to enter. The moonlit courtyard fills with people and activity.) DAVID IBARRA Look at this view! Mira esta casóna! He designed it himself [To Lilia] I told you the compadre is a genius. Even the air up here is cooler. MANUEL IBARRA (mockingly under his breath) Es un genio el compadre... PACO You can even see La Bocana from here, tio, if it were daytime. No matter where you go in this house, you are always looking at water. (Lilia and Manuel glance across the room at each other, mischievously, then return to their texting. Señora Marqués enters wearing a stunning white dress. David gasps.) DAVID IBARRA Here is our honored hostess! Señora Marqués, thank you for inviting us into your beautiful home. DOÑA MARQUÉS Thank you for honoring us with such an unexpected visit. Everything were are doing for you, even if it were doubled and then doubled again, is nothing compared to what you have done for our family. We gladly welcome you as our guests. Bienvenidos! Welcome! (She air kisses David on the cheek. David hands her a small Tiffany blue box. Donalbino runs over to Señora Marqués and hugs her tightly.) Madrina!


DOÑA MARQUÉS Doni, mi amor! Look how much you have grown. I can't believe it! My favorite goddson is with us tonight...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DONALBINO I'm your only goddson. DOÑA MARQUÉS You're still my favorite. LILIA IBARRA I love your dress señora! Qúe padre! DOÑA MARQUÉS Gracias. I love your outfit too. It's so festive. DAVID IBARRA You see, Lilia? This is how a lady is supposed to dress! And where is the compadre? We were right behind him on the carretera but his great love, as sharp as his spur, helped him beat us here. DOÑA MARQUÉS He went to the cellar to bring out some of our best tequilas, to commemorate this wonderful occasion. DAVID IBARRA Aren't you going to open your present? DOÑA MARQUÉS Oh, si claro. Muchímas gracias. (She opens the ring box. Bright light shines on her face from inside the box. You can almost hear the "bling" as everyone gasps, especially David's wife, Lilia. Enter Marqués, carrying an armful of dusty and ornate bottles.) MARQUÉS Compadre, my honored guests... bienvenidos a Villa Paradiso! (Everyone cheers.) DOÑA MARQUÉS Everyone please be seated. The table is ready. (Marqués and Doña rush over to the bar. With lightning speed, Doña empties bottles of prescription medications into an envelope that Marqués closes and crushes with the side of a meat tenderizer. They quickly lime then salt 12 brandy snifters with the powder and place them on serving


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth trays for Lupíta.) MARQUÉS (rolls up sleeves and gestures as he returns) Tonight, we will attempt to amaze your eyes and surprise the senses... Compadre, if you please, the head of the table is for you. DAVID IBARRA Surprise the senses? Oh... compadre... This is going to be good. I can tell! Isn't he a genius, Manuel? MANUEL IBARRA Si, pa, es un genio. (Everyone takes their seats. The servants and soldiers, who's rank excludes them from a place at the table, stand in the background watching their patrons laugh and socialize. Tequila is poured liberally all around.) DAVID IBARRA Everyone has a tequila except for our hosts. [With a stern look to Lupíta] Nada para la doña y tu patrón? That is extremely disrespectful... LUPíTA Disculpe señor! (Lupíta quickly brings them glasses. She takes Donalbino out of the room.) DAVID IBARRA What is this drink, anyway? It's called a...


DOÑA MARQUÉS A Cabo libre. It has salt, lime, Don Julio, and Grand Marnier. MANUEL IBARRA How come mine has blue salt? MARQUÉS It's from Oaxaca.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Doña looks at Marqués) MARQUÉS [Aside to Doña] There wasn't enough to go around. I had to use your Valium. DAVID IBARRA Mmmmm... Oaxaca! My first wife was from Huatulco, you know, Manuel's mother. Blue salt?


DAVID IBARRA Ya! Ya! No seas chillón! Here, I'll take the blue one. Very clever compadre... genius perhaps. But did you really think I wouldn't notice? (Marqués and Doña look at one another) I...


DAVID IBARRA Un Cabo Libre... I love it! And I think it is very fitting, that we are all drinking Don Julio to celebrate this changing of the guard and the compadre's new responsibilities as el Señor de Los Cabos! (Applause. David stands.) DAVID IBARRA A toast! First, to Don Julio, who if he were here, none of us would fit in the room due to the size of his huevos, and to Don Eduardo Marqués, el nuevo Señor de Los Cabos salúd! Salúd!


MARQUÉS [To all] Now, the trick is to lick the entire rim clean then drink the whole thing... (Everyone looks at Marqués like he is crazy.) DAVID IBARRA I love it! Come on, todos! (Everyone obeys. David makes eye contact with Doña Marqués as he licks the rim of his glass. She looks away.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth Blue stains are left on David's lips and tongue. He smiles. Lo Bonito y Lo Feo by Grupo Niche begins to play. Marqués takes his wife's hand and leads her upstage to dance. Manuel and David's wife Lilia follow them. Lupita takes little Felipe's hand and joins in as well.) DAVID IBARRA Asi es compadre! DOÑA MARQUÉS (dancing) This shouldn't take long, especially if we keep them dancing. MARQUÉS We still have judgement here. This even handed justice might bring our poisoned cup back to our own lips. DOÑA MARQUÉS What are you talking about? MARQUÉS He's here in double trust: first as I am his compadre and his business associate, then as his host, who should shut the door against his murderer not bear the knife myself! DOÑA MARQUÉS Did you not see the diamond he gave me?! He is going to devour us, Eduardo! (Doña looks over Marqués' shoulder at David. He wags a blue tongue at her like a serpent. Marqués does not see. Nearly everyone is dancing now.) MARQUÉS What if we are just being paranoid? Mi amor, he has been so fair with us, said such nice things about me... DOÑA MARQUÉS Just because he calls you a genius, now you're okay with the fact that he "savagely murders" people?! That was the term you used in your letter. Have you really become that vain, Eduardo? MARQUÉS We will proceed no further in this business.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DOÑA MARQUÉS Why? Because you are not man enough for it?! MARQUÉS I dare do all that might become a man! Who dares do more is none! DOÑA MARQUÉS What happened to the man who sent me that letter?... I need him... now. You no longer believe what the three sisters told you? DAVID IBARRA (smiling) Compadre! Mind if I cut in? Cómo no.

MARQUÉS (Doña's eyes shoot daggers at Marqués over David's shoulder. Marqués walks toward the bar to make himself a cocktail. Paco and his son Felipe are standing at the bar catching their breath. Paco locks at his watch. He struggles to read the dial.)

PACO What time is it hijo? It's got to be midnight by now. FELIPE I think it's later, pa. I'm tired. Who's there?!


So yo.

(walking behind bar)

PACO Ahhhh, Lalo. Man! Those Cabo Libres are estrong! I'm holding onto the bar so I don't fall down, cabrón. What are you doing? MARQUÉS Having a tequila.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth PACO Pour me one too. (They laugh. Marqués pours two shot glasses of Don Julio.) MARQUÉS How old are you now, Felipe? Ten.


MARQUÉS You look so much like your mother. (Marqués looks back at David and Doña dancing. David is laughing and seems to be having the time of his life.) PACO He really does. I miss her. (silence) PACO Sabes que?... I can't stop thinking of those güeras. To you, they have shown some truth. MARQUÉS I haven't thought about them. PACO Como que no, Lalo? No me chorres... Of course you have. (Comandante Mendez walks over, slightly off balance. Marqués pours one more shot glass of Don Julio.) MARQUÉS Comandante... you are just in time to join us. COMANDANTE MENDEZ I like you, señor Marqués. You are a true man of the people. I see how you treat those who work for you and here you are... serving us drinks in your own home. Salud señor.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS No hay de que. We are all friends here. Salud. COMANDANTE MENDEZ Well... at least some of us are. Mira... (He gestures back towards the dining table. Everyone else is dancing except for Manuel and David's wife, Lilia. They are sitting next to each other at the table now, laughing and whispering to one another. Manuel places a hand on Lilia's thigh.) COMANDANTE MENDEZ Desgraciado... With his own mother. PACO Manuel's twenty five. She's younger than him. She's his stepmother. COMANDANTE MENDEZ That's even worse, es inmoral. MARQUÉS Well, gentlemen, here's to morality then. To morality.

EVERYONE (They laugh and drink their tequilas, even little Felipe, swaying back and forth.)

COMANDANTE MENDEZ Thank you, señor, for your hospitality. I will dismiss the guards and post sentries around the property and at the gate before I go. Lupíta! Take Felipe upstairs. I must now get home to my children. Con permiso y buenas noches. MARQUÉS, PACO, FELIPE Buenas noches. (Comandante Mendez stumbles his way out. Lupíta and Paco's son, Felipe follow him. Marqués watches them go. Paco laughs. David continues to dance with Doña Marqués. Shakira's Hay Amores begins to play over the sound system. They are slow dancing now. Marqués stares at them. His eyes burn with displeasure. He pours one more tequila then places a lime on the bartop. Marqués


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth looks at the block of knives on the bar.) MARQUÉS Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. (He reaches for the knife then hesitates. He looks back up at David and Doña Marqués.) MARQUÉS I have thee not, yet I see thee still... (He decides to drink his shot of tequila instead. Across the room, Manuel falls face down, onto the table in front of him, out cold. One by one, people begin to drop unconscious around the room.) MARQUÉS Or are you just a dagger of the mind, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain of jealousy and fear? (Doña looks at Marqués over David's shoulder as they continue to dance. David whispers something into her ear that seems to disgust her.) MARQUÉS My eyes deceive my other senses or else they see the truth... It is the bloody business that informs them. (David's hand slowly slides lower and lower down Doña Marqués' back as they dance.) MARQUÉS While I threat, he lives... and I die... (Doña Marqués nods to him over David's shoulder. Her eyes implore him to do it.) MARQUÉS I go and it is done. The belle, she calls me... (David's hand comes to rest on Doña's ass. Marqués draws the largest knife from the block and walks out from behind the bar.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS Hear it not David, for it is a knell that summons you to heaven... or to Hell! (He plunges the knife into David's back. Doña Marqués screams and jumps away. David growls with anger and surprise, still numb from the drugs, but obviously not numb enough. Marqués backs away from him. David tries, but cannot reach the knife protruding from his back.Marqués runs for the bar but David tackles him before he can reach it. They struggle on the floor.) DAVID IBARRA Wake up cabrónes! The compadre and his wife are trying to kill me! Me! (Doña Marqués runs to the bar, grabs another knife, and cranks up the music to cover their deed. El Rey, by Vicente Fernandez, blasts over the sound system.) VICENTE FERNANDEZ (V.O.) Yo sé bien que estoy afuera pero el día que yo me muera sé que tendrás que llorar... (Marqués kicks David in the face. David seizes Marqués by the throat, choking him. Doña Marqués plunges her knife into David's back. David roars then mule-kicks Doña Marqués in the stomach, sending her flailing backwards. She hits the floor gasping for air. David releases the nearly unconscious Marqués, struggles to his feet, then draws a pistol from an ankle holster. Doña Marqués scuttles backwards on the floor. David sways like a sheet in a shit storm, trying to aim the pistol. He fires. Doña Marqués screams. A glass shatters on the table. He fires again. A round hits Lilia in the chest, knocking her out of her seat at the table. David is standing over Doña Marqués now. He points the revolver down at her and cocks the hammer back with his thumb. Marqués tackles David to the floor and stabs him and stabs him without ceasing.) MARQUÉS Die! Die! Die! Hijo de tu puta madre, Die!!!!!!!!!!! DOÑA MARQUÉS Ya! Eduardo ya basta! Ya, mi amor... Ya.... Ya... (She pulls him off of David's body.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth VICENTE FERNANDEZ (V.O.) No tengo trono ni reina ni nadie que me comprenda pero sigo siendo el rey! (Marqués buries his head in Doña's chest. He growls with savage despair. They are both covered in blood.) DOÑA MARQUÉS Ya, mi amor... ya... Eduardo! (She shakes Marqués and slaps him across the face to snap him out of his shock and amazement.) DOÑA MARQUÉS He shot Lilia. She's dead. They can both take the blame for killing each other. Now give me your shirt. Eduardo! Stop staring at him! Just take your shirt off and go upstairs to our bedroom. Do it now! MARQUÉS Someone is going to wake up. Someone will see what... (She takes his face in her hands and forces him to look at her.) DOÑA MARQUÉS Stop it! Eduardo, please, what's done is done. There is no turning back. We have to survive: you, me, and now Donalbino. I need you to be strong for me. Be strong! There are no guards inside the house. Everyone is outside and no one will wake up for hours. Tomorrow, when we wake, this never will have happened. MARQUÉS And we will never sleep again... DOÑA MARQUÉS Just go! I'll take care of the room. . Never again...

MARQUÉS (Marqués looks down at his hands. He looks back at Doña Marqués then walks offstage. Doña Marqués runs to the bar, turns the music back on, and presses the shuffle button. Louie Armstrong's What a Wonderful World begins to play. She wipes down the handle of each knife as she pulls them from David's back. She places a knife in


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth each of Lilia's hands and smears blood onto her face with a rag, then drags Lilia's body closer to David's. She places another knife in Manuel's hand. She squeezes his fingers around the handle then lets it drop to the floor. She kicks it away with her foot. Doña Marqués looks around the room one last time then exits. Enter Bruja 2. She walks toward the body of don David ) LOUIS ARMSTRONG (V.O. SINGS) Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world.... Oh Yeah... LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 8 (A spotlight illuminates a pair of double doors with a mail slot. Comandante Mendez enters with two plainclothes brutes wearing dark sunglasses. Mendez looks at his watch then knocks on the door. There is no answer. He knocks again. Still no answer. He knocks harder. VOICE BEHIND DOOR Aguanta aguanta, hijo... Who's there? COMANDANTE MENDEZ Comandante Mendez. VOICE BEHIND DOOR What do you want comandante? Who are you?


VOICE BEHIND DOOR Me llaman Satán, el portero y llavero de la casa. I'm in charge of the keys and the security of the house, mi coronel. COMANDANTE MENDEZ Open the door. SATÁN (sticks an open palm through the mail slot) It´s dark in here, mi general, I need a little light to find my keys...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth


COMANDANTE MENDEZ (Satán's hand opens and closes, sticking out of the mail slot.)

SATÁN La luz, hijo, the light... The door needs a little grease to open... Me comprendes Mendez? COMANDANTE MENDEZ Cut his hand off, Chucho. (Chucho grabs the hand then reaches for a belt knife.) SATÁN Espérate! Aguanta hijo... I found the key! Just wait! It's right here. (Hear the sound of locks turning. Chucho releases Satán's hand. It disappears. The door opens. They enter. It is still dark inside except for the spotlight illuminating them. Satán wears a tank top and khakis.) COMANDANTE MENDEZ Was it so late you went to bed that you do lie so late? (Hear dance music faintly playing in the background.) SATÁN What do you mean went to bed? Sigue la pachanga, capitán. The party is still going on. COMANDANTE MENDEZ Is your master stirring? CHUCHO Ahí viene. Here he comes. (Enter Marqués wearing his pajamas and a robe. He rubs his forehead.) COMANDANTE MENDEZ Buenos días señor Marqués.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS Good morning comandante. Wow, are they still going at it in there? COMANDANTE MENDEZ I'm not sure señor. Don David told me to come and wake him early this morning. We have urgent business today. MARQUÉS Well, I'm sure he won't mind if we interrupt them then. (Marqués tries the door handle.) MARQUÉS That's odd... It's locked. (Music continues to play on the other side of the door. Marqués knocks. There is no answer.) MARQUÉS Satán, open the door, please. Si señor.

SATÁN (Satán unlocks the door and opens it. [Lights come on, revealing the bloody body of señor Ibarra and his dead wife Lilia, lying side by side in the middle of the dance floor. Paco, Ramón, Luis and Manuel slowly rise to their feet, attempting to shake off the grogginess and fog.] Everyone gasps. The music is still blasting. Comandante Mendez draws his pistol.)

CHUCHO Murder and treason! COMANDANTE MENDEZ [to Satan] Turn the music off! Stay where you are! All of you! MANUEL IBARRA Papá!!!! No!!! No puede ser! (Manuel rushes towards his father's body. Comandante Mendez and his men point pistols at him.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth COMANDANTE MENDEZ Freeze, cabrón! Get back! Pa!!!

MANUEL IBARRA (Manuel obeys. Enter Doña Marqués.)

DOÑA MARQUÉS What is this business? LUIS Our precious señor Ibarra is murdered! DOÑA MARQUÉS What, in our house? PACO Too cruel anywhere señora. Lalo tell me it isn't so! MARQUÉS Had I but died an hour before this, I'd have lived in a blessed time, but from this instant there is nothing serious in this life! Renown and grace are now dead, along with our most precious compadre. Who did it?!


(examining señor Ibarra) His wife, so it seems, just before he shot her. Didn't you cabrónes see what happened?! (Manuel and Marqués make eye contact across the room.) No... No...


COMANDANTE MENDEZ That's impossible?! What the hell is going on?! CHUCHO It was like a bullfight! Look at how many wounds the patrón has in his back...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Carlos picks up Lilia's cell phone. His eyes go wide.) CARLOS It looks like those wounds were not made by a knife. They were made by horns! Mira... (He hands Comandante Mendez Lilia's cell phone. Mendez scrolls through Lilia's text messages. Manuel slowly backs away then disappears offstage.) COMANDANTE MENDEZ (reading outloud) "Manuel, when the old man is down, let's do it... I know you will enjoy this... He deserves it anyway..." Maldíta desgraciada! Manuel!!! (Everyone looks around. Manuel is gone.) COMANDANTE MENDEZ Find him! Don't let him escape! RAMÓN What are we going to do?! LUIS Without the patrón we are finished! DOÑA MARQUÉS Ay dios mio...! PACO Look to the lady! (Doña Marqués lifts a hand to her forehead and looks as though she is going to faint. Chucho runs and catches her.) RAMÓN Once the son of Guaymas hears about this he will invade Loreto! LUIS Forget Loreto, what about la frontera?! If Tijuana falls into the hands of the fearless Algodones, we are finished. RAMÓN You're finished. I'm going back to San Quintín to fortify my hacienda!


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Chaos ensues as the soldiers place a sheet over señor Ibarra. They remove the bodies and begin to clean up the room. Everyone is shouting.) MARQUÉS Calma! Señores we must remain calm. RAMÓN Listen to the compadre! (Everyone looks to Marqués.) LUIS Why not let the compadre take over, señor Ibarra would have wanted it! CHUCHO Yes! The compadre is a genius! He saved la mercancia, he could save Baja California! LUIS Así es. With the compadre in charge, Tijuana will stand by him. RAMÓN [Hesitant] Then so will San Quintín... CHUCHO So will Guerrero Negro! CARLOS Y Loreto tambien! So all!


LUIS Salve Marqués! EVERYONE Salve Marqués! Salve Marqués! Salve Marqués! El mero mero chingón! Que viva! MARQUÉS I never asked for nor do I want this responsibility, my friends... But if it means avoiding the destruction of our way of life and everything we hold dear, then with a heavy heart, I must accept.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Marqués looks at Paco. Paco nods.) Que viva...


MARQUÉS It is time to put our pants on, gentlemen, bien puestos, and get down to business. I'll get dressed then meet you all in the main hall. Bien dicho!

EVERYONE (Exit all.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 9 (Outside the gates of Villa Paradiso, Satán leans against the guard shack, rolling a joint. Ramón nervously waits for someone. He watches the road with anticipation. The sun melts, blood red against the horizon behind them, turning their bodies into black silhouettes.)

SATÁN I have seen hours dreadful and things strange, hijo... but this terrible night? No mames güey... It trifles former knowing, si o no? RAMÓN Look at the sky. It's troubled with the acts of man and now threatens his bloody stage. By the clock it's still day yet dark night strangles the sun. Is it night's predominance, or the day's shame, that darkness entombs the face of the earth when living light should kiss it? SATÁN It is unnatural, even like the deed that is done. RAMÓN Ah! Comandante! How goes the world now, sir? (Comandante Mendez and his men head for the gate. Ramón pulls him aside to speak in confidence.) COMANDANTE MENDEZ Ya vez? See you not?


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth RAMÓN Are you sure who did this bloody deed? COMANDANTE MENDEZ La Lilia, his wife. RAMÓN ¡Maldito día!... COMANDANTE MENDEZ And now that Manuel has fled, well... it puts suspicion of the deed on him too. RAMÓN Against nature still... And now that the compadre has acceptedCOMANDANTE MENDEZ Accepted? Ya esta confirmado, cabrón. They have already gone to Cabo del Sol to be invested. Now they will move into their new home with their new daughter, el niño Donalbino, como ves? RAMÓN Where is David's body?! COMANDANTE MENDEZ Carried to Todos Santos. RAMÓN Will you go to Cabo del Sol? COMANDANTE MENDEZ No, primo, I go home to La Paz... (He looks Ramón in the eye as if to communicate something more.) RAMÓN Well, I suppose I go to Cabo del Sol then. COMANDANTE MENDEZ Well, may you see things well done there. Adieu, lest our old robes sit easier than our new. Hasta luego.



Marqués - a Narco Macbeth COMANDANTE MENDEZ Vaya con Dios. (Exit Comandante Mendez with his men. Ramón exits in the opposite direction. Satán follows him.) LIGHTS FADE.



MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth

Open Locks, whoever knocks...


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth

Fly, Felipe! Go!


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth

The Three Apparitions


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth SCENE 10 (Projection of a television set. It flickers as it shows various news clips and images from Mexico's drug war.) NEWS ANCHOR #1 Esta noche... Fighting continues, as a new wave of terror has engulfed the states of Baja California and Sonora. "El Marqés," the new and unidentified leader of the infamous Baja cartel, has been waging all out war on the neighboring cartel's territories, taking total control over all three coastlines: the Baja Pacific, the Sea of Cortez, and the Sonoran desert coast. NEWS ANCHOR #2 In a brutal display of force yesterday, fifteen severed heads were rolled into a discotheque in the resort town of playa Algodones, in San Carlos, Sonora. This marks the eighth such incident since the Baja cartel has expanded into mainland México. NEWS ANCHOR #3 It has rumored that the Baja cartel has now penetrated local mining, telecommunications, and commercial fishing businesses across northwestern México. The cartel has been exporting raw materials and commodities to the Chinese as well other international business interests around the globe. Government officials blame the new businesslike tactics of the cartel on its new and still unidentified leader, known only as, "El Marqués" - the Marquis of California. LIGHTS UP ON: SCENE 11 (The Marquis Los Cabos - Resort and Spa, on the corridor turistico: A great archway offers a spectacular view of the open blue sky and the Sea of Cortez. A rectangular blue infinity pool juts out of the archway, over the restaurant and swimming pools below. A massive bronze Angel flanks each side of the pool. One Angel is soaring, the other is falling. White couches, divans, marble tables, and two ebony wood-carved throne-like chairs grace the open atrium of the seaside palace. Enter Paco. He runs a hand over the dark wood of the hand-carved throne.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth PACO Now you have it, amigo: king, Cabo, Baja California, all... as the güeras promised. And I fear you played most foully for it. Yet it was said this would not stand in your posterity, but that myself would be the root and father of many kings. If there come truth from them - as upon you, Marqués, their speeches shine - may these güeras fatídicas not be my oracles as well, and set me up in hope? Pero cállate cabrón. The walls have ears... (Enter Marqués, Doña Marqués, Donalbino, Luís, Ramón, various people from the upper echelon of Cabo society, attendants, soldiers, and bodyguards. The majority wear white linen, raw silk, and Tommy Bahama.) MARQUÉS Here is our chief guest. DOÑA MARQUÉS [Kisses the crown of Donalbina's head then addresses Paco] If he had been forgotten, a great void would be left in our feast tonight. MARQUÉS Tonight we hold a solemn supper, my friend, and I must graciously request your presence. PACO [Polietly laughs] Well, with so much graciousness being given, I must graciously obey your request then. Con permiso... (Paco's son, Felipe enters the lobby carrying a suitcase. He looks nervous. Donalbino goes to greet him.) DONALBINO Hola Felipe, where are you going? FELIPE (whispers) What are you doing here? MARQUÉS Going somewhere? PACO Just to La Paz, for the afternoon. I thought I might check out your favorite spa, finally getone of those "pedicures" you used to talk about.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS Don't lie to me Paco. Are you going to get your toenails painted? [To all.] He used to accuse me of that you know. [To Paco] I guess you have finally learned how to pamper yourself a bit. DOÑA MARQUÉS Well, there is nothing wrong with pampering oneself, que no? (People nod in agreement.) PACO [Smiling] No señora. MARQUÉS Well then, fail not our feast. We could have really used your advice in today's council, Paco. Perhaps tomorrow you will attend. [To all] We hear our bloody cousin, Manuel, has gone to the United States, not confessing his cruel parricide, filling their ears with strange rumors, but of that we'll speak tomorrow. Is Felipe going with you? PACO Si, I'm taking him snorkeling at Pichilingue. We better leave though if I'm going to make it back in time for dinner. DONALBINO Can I go with you, Tio? PACO Sure, mija, come on. FELIPE Yeah, come with us. MARQUÉS No, Doni, I think you better stay. But-



(scolding) (Marqués and Paco watch each other.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth

See you later. Hasta pronto.

MARQUÉS PACO (Exit Paco and Felipe. Marqués watches them go.)

MARQUÉS Let everyone be master of their time until seven at night. Enjoy our amenities and all things complementary of the house. We will keep ourself till supper-time alone. Que se diviertan mucho. (Marqués' bodyguards escort everyone out of the atrium. Doña Marqués looks him, puzzled.) DONALBINO Vamos a la playa madrina? DOÑA MARQUÉS Si mi amor... I'll take you to the beach. Padrino? Have fun.

DONALBINO MARQUÉS SCENE 12 (Doña leaves with Donalbino, looking back over her shoulder at Marqués. Her expression is full of concern. Marqués smiles as he waves goodbye to them. Once they are gone, his expression fades. Marqués walks across the atrium to a door. He swipes a key card then enters. The stage is now a dark control room with a massive grid of video screens, overhead. There is a captain's chair and a control table. He hits a key on the keyboard. Erik Satie's Gnossienne No.1 plays. The piano echoes through the dark room with heartbreaking sadness. Marqués looks up at the screens. On one screen, Paco stands in the atrium of the Marquis Los Cabos, caressing the ebony throne. Marqués increases the volume on the mixer.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth PACO (V.O.) Now you have it, amigo: king, Cabo, Baja California, all... as the güeras promised. And I fear you played most foully for it. Yet it was said this would not stand in your posterity, but that myself... (The incriminating recording plays on as the other screens show Marqués' business partners and "friends" making deals and doing business behind his back. Suitcases and handshakes are exchanged. Money is counted. Marqués places an ear to a set of headphones. He looks at his watch then takes notes on a clipboard. Marqués hits another key. The screen now shows only a surveillance video of Paco, dressed in the same attire he was just wearing when they last spoke. Felipe is with him holding his suitcase. Two of Comandante Mendez's men arrive. Paco gives them the suitcase. They open it and begin to count out stacks of money. Marqués collapses into his captain's chair exhausted and heartbroken. He spins the chair to face the audience as the video continues to play behind him.) MARQUÉS To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus. Our fears in Paco stick deep. Much he dares... and he has the wisdom that guides him to act in safety. There is none but he whose being I do fear; and under him my genius is rebuked, as it is said Marc Anthony's was by Caesar. He scolded the sisters when they first put the name of king upon me, and bade them speak to him; then prophet-like, they hailed him father to a line of kings. Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown and put a barren scepter in my grip. No son of mine succeeding. If so, for Paco's children have I defiled my mind. For them the precious compadre have I murdered; put rancors in the vessel of my peace only for them! To make them kings, the sons of Paco kings...

Satán... Si patrón?

(Satán slowly walks up behind Marqués.) MARQUÉS SATÁN

MARQUÉS Have our guests arrived? SATÁN They are waiting at the gate.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Marqués stares off into space.) Señor?


MARQUÉS [Startled] Huh? What? SATÁN How many days now? MARQUÉS I've lost count, cabrón... Y la Doña?


MARQUÉS No, no, she is the opposite. She has her pills to help her sleep. That is one luxury I cannot afford. Not yet. (Satán gives Marqués a brown glass vial.) MARQUÉS Gracias Satán. Give me a minute then bring them to me. (Exit Satán. Marqués opens the vial and snorts a couple spoonfuls of "hielo" - concentrated crystal meth. He stamps a foot on the ground, wipes the tears from his eyes, then pockets the vial. Satán returns with two dangerous looking men: Gregorio and Epifanio. Marqués is grinning at them, grinding his teeth. They notice. He stops. Marqués regains his composure then fixes his cold and calculative gaze upon them.) MARQUÉS Was it not yesterday when we spoke together? Si señor.


MARQUÉS Well now, have you considered my speeches? And know that it was he that has held you under all this time, keeping food out of your families' mouths, and all the while placing the blame on me... You see, my friends, greed, it knows no limits. And if


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth there is one thing I despise in this world, it is someone who only wants more and more yet refuses to share with his fellow man. It makes me physically sick. EPIFANIO I feel sick too, señor. Es un desgraciado el Paco! MARQUÉS Yes, yes he is, and do you find that you can just let this go? (Gregorio and Epifanio look at each other then back to Marqués.) MARQUÉS I will reveal the secret details of a plan, the execution of which, will destroy your enemy and make me your ally. For I am in constant danger of this man... EPIFANIO I am one, señor, whom the vile blows and buffets of this world have made me so numb that I am reckless what I do, to spite the world. GREGORIO And I another, so tired of disasters and bad luck, that I would set my life on any chance to mend it or be rid of it. MARQUÉS Both of you know that Paco is your enemy. Si patrón.


MARQUÉS And so he is mine. Every minute that he is alive I am in desperate danger. I would do this myself but I must not, for certain friends that are both his and mine, whose respect and affection I must not lose, would be compromised. Me explico? That is why I make such strong appeals for your assistance. GREGORIO We shall do whatever you command, patrón. EPIFANIO Though our lives-


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS Your spirits shine through. Within this hour at most, I will advise you where to plant yourselves. For it must be done tonight and far from the resort. You must understand that I cannot be linked to this in any way. Felipe, his son that keeps him company, whose absence is no less important to me than his father's, must also embrace the fate of that dark hour. Go and make your decision. I shall require your services very soon. Sale? Si señor.


MARQUÉS I will call upon you straight. I have a suite for you prepared here in the hotel. Enjoy the amenities. Everything is on the house tonight with my complements. Gracias señor.

EPIFANIO & GREGORIO (Exit Epifanio and Gregorio. Marqués pushes the space bar again. The video of Paco handing a suitcase to Comandante Mendez' men plays overhead.)

MARQUÉS It is concluded. Paco, thy soul's flight, if it find heaven must find it out tonight. (Exit Marqués.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 13 (In the atrium, Doña Marqués sits on her ebony chair, nervously looking through a Better Homes and Garden magazine. Enter Lupita.) DOÑA MARQUÉS Has Paco left the resort? LUPíTA Si señora but he returns tonight. DOÑA MARQUÉS Tell señor Marqués that I need a few words with him.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth LUPíTA Si señora, but he may be in his secret room. If he is what should I do? DOÑA MARQUÉS What do you mean, "secret room?" LUPíTA He keeps a secret room that no one has the key to. God only knows what he does in there. DOÑA MARQUÉS What do you mean? LUPíTA Well... with all due respect señora, he is a very powerful man and many women would do anything... well... almost anything toDOÑA MARQUÉS What are you saying?! LUPíTA Nada, señora. I will go find him. Con permiso. (Exit Lupíta.) DOÑA MARQUÉS We have done so much... yet we have achieved absolutely nothing. There is no happiness here. Only miserable fantasies. (She tosses the magazine aside. Enter Marqués. Doña Marqués rushes over and embraces him.)

DOÑA MARQUÉS Ay, mi amor... Why do you keep alone? Things without remedy should be without regard. What's done is done. Stay here with me... Don't shut me out, Eduardo. (They kiss.) MARQUÉS We have scotched the snake, not killed it. (Doña looks at Marqués. A moment of recognition passes between them.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS [He pulls away and begins to pace.] It will heal itself while our ability to do harm is vulnerable to its regained power... Just as well the whole universe collapse and heaven and earth be destroyed if we must eat our meals in fear! or to sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams that shake us nightly. Better to be with the dead! The compadre is in his grave. He sleeps well. Treason has done its worst. Assassination attempts, rebellion at home, attack from abroad, nothing can touch him further. DOÑA MARQUÉS Come on! Mi amor, smooth away your worried looks and be bright and happy among our guests tonight, please... I do not ask for much, Eduardo... Just do this for me, this one thing, por favor! MARQUÉS I shall, my love, and I pray you will do the same. Be attentive to Paco tonight. Honour him in your speech. We are so unsafe at the moment and we must preserve our honor by flattering others while masking our true feelings. Me explico? DOÑA MARQUÉS You must leave this. MARQUÉS And then what?! O... full of scorpions is my mind, mi amor. [Beat] You don't see what I have seen... You realize that Paco and his Felipe still live. DOÑA MARQUÉS But they will not live forever... MARQUÉS Well, there's some comfort there; but they still are assailable. So, be joyful... (He steps up behind Doña Marqués and wraps his arms around her waist.) MARQUÉS Tonight, a deed of dreadful note will be done. DOÑA MARQUÉS What's to be done? MARQUÉS Be innocent of the knowledge, mi amor. Asi es mejor. At least you will be able to sleep tonight.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DOÑA MARQUÉS I don't sleep, not in peace, Eduardo please, just leave this... leave this. No more blood. Por favor! (Marqués holds her tighter. He kisses the side of her neck. They both look out at the spectacular view as a blood red sun sets on the horizon. ) MARQUÉS [His embrace becomes tighter and tighter as he speaks.] Come sealing night, hide our deeds from the light of pitiful day. And with a bloody and invisible hand, tear to pieces that which makes me pale. Light fades and the vultures fly to the Sierra Laguna, where I left my innocence, barefoot and naked, wandering in the desert... DOÑA MARQUÉS Eduardo, you're hurting me! (He releases her then gently takes her by the hand.) MARQUÉS I'm sorry... I know I sound crazy. I know this is wrong, mi amor. But sometimes, one must do a great wrong for the sake of a much greater right. You told me that once. (Doña Marqués stares right through her husband.) Come with me. Everything will be fine. I promise. (They exit.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 14 (The stage is now set in front of the La Paz Ferry Terminal. People rush back and forth. Hear a boat whistle sound. Enter Paco and Felipe walking briskly. Felipe sets his suitcase on the ground. Paco pulls an envelope from his jacket pocket. Another whistle sounds. Epifanio and Gregorio approach through the crowd. Paco notices them. He walks straight towards the men. Epifanio heads for Felipe. Paco tackles him.) PACO Fly, Felipe! Go! (Felipe stares in shock. Gregorio places a pistol to Paco's


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth temple and fires. Felipe screams. He runs to his boat, offstage. The crowd scatters. The murderers flee. Enter Bruja 1. She walks toward the body of Paco) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 15 (The Marquis Resort, Los Cabos. Chamber music plays. Well dressed security guards wearing earpieces check invitations. Another guard passes a metal detecting wand over the guests, before allowing them entrance to the atrium where a private dinner party is taking place. Enter Luis, Ramón, Carlos, Chucho, along with their dates. Satán actually looks elegant in his black suit. He speaks into a headset once the final guest has been admitted. Enter los Marqués, arm in arm. They look elegant and happy in black cocktail attire.) MARQUÉS Good evening friends, a hearty welcome to you all, welcome to our humble abode. EVERYONE Gracias señor! MARQUÉS I cannot take credit for this lovely evening. [Sniffles and pinches his nose] This was all the doing of our beautiful hostess who will now welcome you herself. DOÑA MARQUÉS Pronounce it for me, sir, to all our friends; For my heart speaks they are welcome. (Applause. Gregorio appears at the entrance. The security guard lets him pass.) MARQUÉS See, they greet you with their hearts' thanks. It seems both sides of the table are even, I shall join you in just a moment for a toast. May you enjoy yourselves fully tonight! [Walks over to Gregorio and runs a finger over his cheek.] There's blood on your face. GREGORIO It's Paco's then. (Marqués nods. He sniffles, pinching his nose again.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth

So, it is done?


GREGORIO Si señor. Un balazo a la cabeza. (Marqués sighs. He closes his eyes.) And Felipe?


GREGORIO He escaped, señor. (Marqués claps both hands over his own mouth to suppress a growling sound. His eyes go wide and wild. Señora Marqués notices them from her seat at the table. Marqués regains his composure.) MARQUÉS Just go. We'll speak later. DOÑA MARQUÉS My royal lord... We are waiting for you to give the toast. (Servers place Cabo Libres in front of each guest. Those who were at the last party stare at the salted glasses in front of them. Some ask their server for water, juice, soda or just a beer instead.) MARQUÉS [laughs] My royal lord... I love it! Ah, yes, the toast... (A server gives Marqués a cocktail. Enter the GHOST OF PACO. It sits in Marqués' place at the table. Marqués raises his glass.) MARQUÉS To trust, loyalty, and to friendship... Health and prosperity to you all, my loyal and trusted friends. Salúd! Salúd!



Marqués - a Narco Macbeth LUIS Compadre, come join us... sit. MARQUÉS I only pray that our valiant Paco's tardiness can be attributed to bad manners, rather than some ill fated misfortune that may have prevented him from gracing our table tonight. RAMÓN Well, he shouldn't have said he was going to be present if he couldn't make it, compadre. Si o no? LUIS Here, compadre, take a seat. Where?


LUIS Here, next to me... Que honda compadre? What's wrong? MARQUÉS Which of you have done this?! What is it?


MARQUÉS You cannot say that I did it... [to ghost] Don't you shake your gory locks at me! RAMÓN Señores, the patrón is not well.

DOÑA MARQUÉS Señores tomen asiento por favor. Please, señor Marqués is often like this, since he was a child. Remain seated, please. It is nothing. The fit is momentary. If you pay too much attention to it you will offend him and extend his passion. Please, eat... No se peocupen... [To Marqués] Are you a man? MARQUÉS Por supuesto que si... and a bold one too, that may look on that which might appall the devil!


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DOÑA MARQUÉS Por Dios! This is the very painting of your fear. This is the air drawn dagger that led you to David. O, these flaws and starts - Imposters to true fear - why do you make such faces? When all's done you look on nothing but an empty chair. MARQUÉS Look! Right there! How can you say such things?! Oh, what do I care? [to ghost] If you can nod, then speak too. If graves must send those that we burry back, then our monuments will be the mouths of vultures! Chinga tu puta madre!!!! [Exit ghost] DOÑA MARQUÉS What? What is it that took your manhood from you this time? MARQUÉS If I stand here, I saw him! DOÑA MARQUÉS Oh, for shame! MARQUÉS Blood has been spilled. In the past, murdered men died when their brains were knocked out, and that was the end of them. But now, they rise again, even with a bullet through their skulls, and push us from our stools! This is more strange than such a murder is! DOÑA MARQUÉS Mi amor, your worthy friends lack you... MARQUÉS Oh... I do forget. Please, do not muse at me, my worthy friends. You see, I have this strange infirmity, which is nothing to those who know me. Come, love and health to all... [to server] Tequila por favor... Fill full. (Enter ghost of Paco.) MARQUÉS I drink to the general joy of the whole table, and to our dear friend Paco, whom we miss... If only he were here... [nervous laugh] To all and to him we drink and to everyone. EVERYONE To Paco y todos!


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS Lárgate!!! Out of my sight! Let the earth hide you! Your bones are marrowless, your blood is cold. There is no intelligence in those eyes that you glare at me with! DOÑA MARQUÉS Think of this, my friends, as a thing of custom, nothing more... Only that it spoils the pleasure of the time... MARQUÉS What man dare? I dare, approach you like the rugged Russian bear, the armed rhinoceros, or the Hycran tiger! Take any shape but that and my firm nerves shall never tremble. Or be alive again, and dare me to the desert with your pistola! If I tremble, then call me the baby of a girl! Fuera de aquí, sombra horrible! Unreal mockery, out!!! (The spirit leaves.) MARQUÉS Well... and now that it is gone, I am a man again. (He looks at Ramón.) MARQUÉS Oh, for god's sake, sit still, cabrón... DOÑA MARQUÉS Well, you have displaced the mirth and soiled our dinner with a most admired disorder, mi amor... MARQUÉS Is that supposed to be funny? You make me strange! When now I think you can behold such sights and keep the natural ruby of your cheeks when mine are blanched with fear...! RAMÓN What sights, patrón? DOÑA MARQUÉS Please! Don't speak... He grows worse and worse. Questions only enrage him. And now, good night. Stand not on the order of your going but go at once! LUIS Good night and better health to you, señor.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DOÑA MARQUÉS A kind good night to all! (Exit all except for los Marqués.) MARQUÉS It will have blood; they say blood will have blood. Stones have been known to move and trees to speak to bring forth the most secret man of blood. What time is it? DOÑA MARQUÉS Almost morning... MARQUÉS And how do you explain Mendez' absence tonight? DOÑA MARQUÉS Did you send to him, sir? MARQUÉS Oh, I sent for him... There is not a one of them that in their houses I do not keep a live feed, recording their every word and movement... Tomorrow I will go to the güeras. DOÑA MARQUÉS Mi amor, you have to stop this. MARQUÉS Now I am bent to know by the worst means. DOÑA MARQUÉS Please, just get some sleep. MARQUÉS The worst! Everything else must take second place to our well beingDOÑA MARQUÉS Eduardo, I can't take this anymore! MARQUÉS I am in blood! [Seizes Doña Marqués] Stop it!



Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS Blood, damn you! Blood, steeped so far, that returning would more tedious than to cross over... DOÑA MARQUÉS What's happened to you? (Eduardo laughs. He walks away from her. His laughter becomes hysterical.) MARQUÉS What happened to me?! I did this for you! DOÑA MARQUÉS I never wanted this! MARQUÉS How much is enough, Amaranta?! What do you want from me?! DOÑA MARQUÉS I wanted a family... MARQUÉS We are a family! We have everything we everDOÑA MARQUÉS What do we have, Eduardo?! (Enter Donalbino in her pajamas.) Madrina?


(regaining composure) Si, mi amor. What's the matter? DONALBINO When can I go home? I miss my papá. (Marqués and Doña look at each other for a long silent moment. Doña shakes her head. She turns and exits. Marqués takes Donaldina's hand.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS I know, mi corazón... (He kisses the crown of Donalbina's head. Eduardo looks off in the direction Doña left. Pain and sadness wash over his face.) Padrino?


MARQUÉS Come on... Let's get some rest. (They exit.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 16 (A spotlight illuminates Ramón, strapped into a chair with his arms duct-taped to the arm rests. Three men in ski masks stand behind him. One holds a machete, the other a chain-saw, the third holds a baseball bat. Enter Luís, carrying a hammer.) RAMÓN Please don't do this! LUIS Why not? How many times have you done this very same thing? Wait!


LUIS Do you really believe Manuel killed his own father, pendéjo?! RAMÓN No se cabrón. (Luis pimp'slaps Ramon.) LUIS Then what happened to Paco?! I don't know!



Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (Luis swings his hammer and smashes Ramón's hand. Ramon screams.) LUIS Well, how about Comandante Mendez? You were the last one to speak to him, Ramon. You know where is he hiding... (Ramon glares at Luis with defiance then begins to break down. His body shakes from his sobbing.) LUIS Nothing personal, compadre, we justRAMÓN What do you mean, "Nothing personal?!" It doesn't get more personal than this, culero! (Luis racks the slide of a pistol and places the barrel to Ramón's balls.) RAMÓN The son of David lives in San Diego, California! That's where Mendez has gone! [crying] Hijo de tu puta madre!!! (Luis holsters his pistol.) LUIS Are you with us, then? (Ramon nods.) RAMÓN (weak) Death to Marqués. LUIS Sorry, I didn't hear you. RAMÓN Death to Marqués! LUIS Good. Untie him.


MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth (Exit Luis.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 17 (Playa del Divorcio, next to Playa del Amor, where the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortes meet at Land's End on each side of the great arch of "El Arco." The moon is full. An abandoned coco / michelada stand sits on the sand. A sign above it reads, "Cerveza Hecate - bien Mexicana." Clouds begin to obscure the moon. Thunder rumbles. Enter Bruja 1 from one side of the stage. She examines the sky and smiles. BRUJA 1 Madre Tierra, Heaven and earth... (Music plays. Enter Bruja 3 from the opposite side of the stage.) BRUJA 3 Vida y muerte, life and death... (Enter Bruja 2.) BRUJA 2 ArmonĂ­a. Great balance. Beautiful goddess... LAS BRUJAS Come one, come all, we answer to your call... (The Brujas walk towards each other with serpentine-like steps.) LAS BRUJAS (chanting) To-nan-tzin To-nan-tzin To-nan-tzin... To-nan-tzin To-nan-tzin To-nan-tzin... (Lightning flashes. Thunder rumbles. A beautiful woman with bare feet and long hair rises from beneath the sand. She wears a white flowing linen dress.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth



BRUJA 3 How now Tonantzin? You look angry. BRUJA 2 What did we do, mother? TONANTZIN You trade and traffic with Marqués, in riddles and affairs of death. BRUJA 3 All men must die. TONANTZIN Toying with Marqués takes sustenance from the living. You make troubleAnd chaos! Turmoil! Revolución!


TONANTZIN Enough! As I am death I am life also, insatiable and abundant. Enough violence. I want peace. BRUJA 2 Life is violent, mother. BRUJA 3 Death is peace. BRUJA 1 What else can be done?


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth TONANTZIN My wayward son. Go to the heath. Thither he will come to learn his fate, by the strength of your illusions. Draw Marqués into confusion. Remove this thorn. Restore the state. LAS BRUJAS Come away, come away. We go to him straight. (Exit all.) SCENE 18 (Club Heath - Downtown Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. A seedy part of town. A rickety neon sign above a warehouse door reads: CLUB HEAT - the H at the end of the word "heath" has long since shorted and burnt out. Marqués approaches the iron sliding door of the club. A makeshift sign, hangs beneath the peep hatch. He reads it out loud.) MARQUÉS Open locks, whoever knocks... What kind of place is this? (Dance music can be faintly heard, pumping on the other side of the door. Marqués knocks three times. The peep hatch slides open.) Yes..?


MARQUÉS I'm looking for the three fatal güeras. VOICE BEHIND DOOR Men or women?


MARQUÉS (The peep hatch slams shut.)

MARQUÉS Shit... But this is where they...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth (He knocks again. The hatch slides open.) VOICE BEHIND DOOR What do you want? MARQUÉS I meant... men. VOICE BEHIND DOOR Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? (There is a sound of locks turning. The iron door slides open. A muscular man in a tuxedo gestures for Marqués to enter. Marqués complies. The door shuts behind him. I can't get no sleep (Insomnia) by Faithless plays. Inside, a luxurious nightclub with a stage opens up before him. Rich men and women sit at tables drinking, while male chippendale-like dancers strut and dance on stage.) DJ Thank you ladies and gentlemen. And now give it up for "Anaconda" and the boys from Brazil! (People cheer. Marqués spots the three güeras at a table near the front of the stage. They stuff 500 peso bills into a dancer's thong. Everyone in the club is well dressed. The sisters notice Marqués immediately. All three of them smile. They signal for a waiter to bring an extra chair for him.) MARQUÉS How now, you secret black and midnight güeras... What is it that you do? BRUJA 1 What kind of line is that? BRUJA 2 (laughing) You really need some sleep, Marqués. You look terrible. BRUJA 3 Que pasó guapo? Having a rough night?


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS What are you doing here? (Bruja 1 slips another 500 peso note into a dancer's tanga then pats him on the butt. She winks at Marqués.) BRUJA 1 A deed without a name. (She gestures for Marqués to take a seat. He obeys. Bruja 2 takes a bottle of Bacardi Añejo from an ice bucket and fills everyone's glass. Her green eyes flash with mischief beneath the club lights.) MARQUÉS I conjure you, in the name of your devilish art... Answer me to what I ask. Speak... Demand...


BRUJA 3 We'll answer, mi rey... BRUJA 1 But, would you rather hear it from our mouths or our master's? MARQUÉS Call 'em. Let me see 'em. (Bruja 3 signals to the waiter. He brings a dusty bottle to the table and sets it in front of Bruja 1. She pours a shot glass full of dark amber liquid.) BRUJA 1 Pour in peyote, mescal, y hongos, fermented nine months in the Jalisco sun... ALL Come high or low, thyself and office deftly show... (She passes the shot glass to Marqués. He frowns at the dark liquid then at the dancer shaking his ass a few inches


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth from his face. Marqués drinks the liquid in one swallow. He coughs, chokes, doubles over, then looks back up with wide and dilated eyes... Kiko Navarro's "Soñando Contigo" plays over the sound system.) DJ Ladies and gentlemen... Cabo Heath presents "El Casco!" Give it up! (A muscular man wearing only a red g-string and a Trojan helmet cartwheels down the stage then goes into Chinese splits in front of Marqués and the güeras. The güeras whistle and cheer. Marqués stares on in a mescalineinduced stupor.) MARQUÉS Tell me, you unknown... powerBRUJA 1 Cállate, hijo... He knows what you want, believe me. Just listen to him. Ademas, es un bonbon... FIRST APPARITION [Looking back at Marqués over his shoulder.] Marqués! Marqués! Marqués! Beware of Mendez: beware of el señor de La Paz. Dismiss me. Chaz Chaz! (Bruja 1 tucks 500 pesos into his g-string. He starts to dance away from them.) MARQUÉS Whoever you are, thanks for your warning! You guessed at my fear, but one more thingBRUJA 1 He'll not be commanded! Here's another, more potent than the first. (Bass thunders. A young, skinny dancer steps onto the stage. He barely looks eighteen. He wears a bloody gauze head bandage, a red cross arm band, and a white g-string. He begins to breakdance.) DJ Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Skinny D - our wounded ambulance driver from Tampico! (Skinny D moonwalks towards Marqués and the sisters.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth He pops and locks right in front of Marqués.) SKINNY D Marqués! Marqués! Marqués! MARQUÉS I heard you, cabrón! SKINNY D Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for no man of woman born shall harm Marqués. (He top rocks away from them.) MARQUÉS Then live, Mendez! What need I fear of you? Well... I better kill you anyway, just to be sure! Si o no, mi reina?! BRUJA 2 Ooooh, you are getting so bold. MARQUÉS I am getting bold! I feel so much better! Hey where's he going? I didn't give him his propina! Ha ha ha! What's the name of this place again? The Heath. I love it!


DJ Y ahora, un aplauso por algo muy especial... Give it up for: "Sweet Bodements!" (A tanned man, wearing only a crown on his head, steps onto the stage. He strikes a bodybuilding pose. The crowd goes wild. He begins an impressive interpretation of Pina Bausch inspired modern dance moves.) MARQUÉS Who is this that gyrates like the issue of a king and wears upon his brow the round and top of sovereignty? ALL Listen, but speak not!


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth SWEET BODEMENTS Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care who chafes, frets, or where conspirers are: Marqués shall never be vanquished hasta que el Pacifico llege a Punta Ballena, when el Pacifico comes to the sea! To the left, to the left... To the right to theMARQUÉS Until the Pacific Ocean comes to Punta Ballena? That can never be. Punta Ballena is on the Sea of Cortez. Who can impress an ocean to travel over a mountain range? Thank you, Sweet Bodements! Good! But my heart throbs to know one more thing. Shall Paco's children ever reign over my kingdom? EVERYONE Seek to know no more. MARQUÉS I will be satisfied! Deny me this and an eternal curse fall on all of you! Let me know. Hey, where is he going? What noise is this? (Bass thunders.) Show! Show! Show!


ALL Show his eyes, and grieve his heart; come like shadows, so depart! DJ Ladies and gentlemen... Give it up for The Cabo Kings! (A line of eight exotic dancing kings. The last king has amirror in his hand.) MARQUÉS You too are like the spirit of Paco, down! Oh, my eyeballs! You're searing them! And all that hair, just like Paco! The second is like the first, a third is like the former. Filthy güeras! Why do you show me this? A fourth? Start eyes. What, will the conga line stretch on to the crack of doom? Another yet? A seventh? I'll see no more. And yet an eighth appears, who bears a glass which shows me many more. (The final dancer has his back to the crowd. His ass vibrates to the drum roll as he lifts his arms towards the


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth ceiling. He turns to face the room. The crowd goes wild. It is Paco. He smiles, his head still bloody, his hips gyrate to the beat.) MARQUÉS Horrible sight! Now I see it's true. For the blood-boltered Paco smiles upon me and points at them for his. [The conga line dances off stage with Paco bringing up the rear.] What! Is this so? BRUJA 1 Si señor, it is all true. But why are you so amazed? Come sisters, cheer we up his sprites and show the best of our delights. I'll charm the air to give a sound, while you perform your antic round; that this great king may kindly say, our duties did his welcome pay! (The music reaches its climax. Strobe lights flash. Lasers play over the crowd. The Sisters laugh and dance, hair flying, all hands are in the air. The whole club is dancing. Marqués begins to scream uncontrollably. Bouncers rush at him from all sides. He struggles against them as they drag him out of the club and throw him face down into the street. He continues to scream, kick, and thrash on the ground, swatting at himself as if he is being stung by a swarm of insects. He finally stops. Marqués stands up, blinking. The effects of the drugs begin to taper off.) MARQUÉS Maldítas... Where are they? Gone? (Enter Satán.) SATÁN Que honda, Jefe? MARQUÉS Did you see the three güeras? SATÁN No señor. MARQUÉS Didn't they pass by you? SATÁN Como que güeras, Jefe? What are you talking about?


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS Infected be the air whereon they ride; and damned be all those that trust them... I heard a Suburban drive past. Who was it? SATÁN News that Comandante Mendez has fled to the United States, to San Diego. MARQUÉS Fled to San Diego! Si señor.


MARQUÉS Very well then... (Marqués stares off in thought. He takes a deep breath.) MARQUÉS Casa Mendez I will surprise. Seize upon La Paz before sunrise. Grab his wife, his babes, and bring them to me, to my house in Punta Ballena. Go... LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 19 (Coronado Island, San Diego California. The stage is now set in front of the Hotel Del Coronado. Comandante Mendez walks up the beach dressed in jeans, a polo, Rolex, and a sportcoat. Big band music plays. Wealthy hotel guests drink cocktails at tables shaded by red and white umbrellas. A squad of U.S. Marines runs past, singing cadence.)

MARINES Little birdy with a yellow bill landed on my windowsill... Coaxed him with a piece of bread then I squashed his little head... Running through the jungle with my M-16... I'm a mean motherfucker I'm a U.S. Marine... (Mendez is looking for someone but cannot seem to find them. Mendez spots Manuel sitting at a table, staring out at the ocean.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth

Hola, Manuel.


MANUEL IBARRA Comandante Mendez? No me digas! Como estas amigo? COMANDANTE MENDEZ I have seen better days. So has our country. Each morning new widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows strike the face of heaven as if the very sky would weep for México, and yet it still does not rain. MANUEL IBARRA I regret any unhappiness that has happened since I left. But this Marqués, whose name blisters our tongues, was once thought honest. You showed him respect and loyalty. It seems strange that he has not touched you yet. What do you want from me comandante? To win his favour by doing me harm? COMANDANTE MENDEZ I am not treacherous. MANUEL IBARRA But Marqués is. A good man might commit bad deeds when powerful men compel him to. Si o no comandante? That's how my father got things done. COMANDANTE MENDEZ I have lost my hope. MANUEL IBARRA No me chinges, cabrón... I mean, you may think you're an honest man, but what are you doing here? And what about your wife and children? COMANDANTE MENDEZ (stands) Bleed, bleed, poor country... [Looks out over the water.] México lindo y querido... when will you ever see your wholesome days again? (Enter a woman in her marine corps charlies uniform. She is accompanied by a male Marine. They approach Manuel's table.) MAJOR BURNS (FEMALE MARINE) [To Comandante Mendez] Excuse me... señor? Yes?



MarquĂŠs - a Narco Macbeth MAJOR BURNS A vodka martini, neat. (Mendez flags down a waiter.) COMANDANTE MENDEZ Un vodka martini sin hielo para esta vieja y una Heineken para mi por favor. Keep the change. Gracias seĂąor.


COMANDANTE MENDEZ Comandante Mendez. MAJOR BURNS Well... Comandante Mendez, It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Major Lana Burns, United States Marine Corps. Howdy there Manuel. Have you considered our proposal yet? MANUEL IBARRA Look, major, I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but I am not the right person for this job. MAJOR BURNS Well, how so, son? You're your daddy's boy ain't you? MANUEL IBARRA How do I put this? I do not have any of his character, okay? Bravery, loyalty, dedication, patience, passion, determination... I don't have any of that. MAJOR BURNS Well, hell, son we don't need no Benito Juarez. We just need someone to play ball. This ain't about right and wrong. It's about restoring order, the natural order of things. COMANDANTE MENDEZ What do you mean by natural order? MAJOR BURNS The way things were before this Marques stepped in and screwed everything up. He must be stopped gentlemen. People start getting the wrong ideas, next thing you know we got bodies hangin' over the 405. You understand where this sort of thing leads to...


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MANUEL IBARRA What does that have to do with me? MAJOR BURNS It is your responsibility to lead your people, son, and we're gonna help you do it. STAFF SERGEANT And supply you with the means to do so. MANUEL IBARRA But there is no bottom to my voluptuousness, major, none. There is absolutely no end to my... to my sexual desires, me explico? Neither you, your sisters, your daughters, your old women, and your young maids together could not satisfy my lust. My desire would overpower anyone who stood in my way. It would be better for Marqués to rule than someone like me. Trust me. COMANDANTE MENDEZ No mames güey. STAFF SERGEANT Well, that's a mouthful. MAJOR BURNS Ain't no need to be shy about it, son. Hell, look at the Kennedys. They did alright. Now, don't be afraid to take what is rightfully yours. You like the ladies, hell, México has foisons to fill up your little heart's content, of your own kind, just like you. So do we have us a deal? MANUEL IBARRA Do I have a choice? MAJOR BURNS Hell, everybody has a choice... It's either gonna be bad or worse. It's up to you. MANUEL IBARRA I guess we're going back to Cabo. MAJOR BURNS Oh, and another thing. Comandante Mendez, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there's something I have to tell you. What news?



Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MAJOR BURNS At approximately 0600 hours, your house in La Paz was surprised. Your wife and children were savagely murdered, If I told you the manner that they were killed, it would cause you so much pain that... well, I'm sorry. COMANDANTE MENDEZ My children too? MAJOR BURNS Wife, children, everyone that was there. STAFF SERGEANT Take what comfort you can in the fact that we can at least ease some of your grief by taking revenge on that son of a bitch. COMANDANTE MENDEZ He doesn't have children. All my pretty little children? Maldíto desgraciado! All?! Oh... as wicked as I am, they were all slaughtered because of me! MAJOR BURNS Now hold on to that feeling, see, and let it be the whetstone of your sword, understand me? Let that grief convert to anger. I tell you right now, this here Marqués is ripe for shaking, boys. Just say the word and I got a bird. COMANDANTE MENDEZ Bring me face to face with Marqués. Put him within my sights, major! I am coming with you. Hijo de su puta madre! MAJOR BURNS That there's a manly tune if I ever heard one. I've got us a C130 with your name all over it, my friend. Now let's get her done. LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 20 (Casa Marqués, Punta Ballena - Los Cabos. A fortified beach house in the gated community overlooking the Sea of Cortez. Enter Señor Gallegos, a doctor. Lupíta is with him.) DOCTOR Are you certain, Lupíta? She was doing just fine when I left her yesterday.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth LUPíTA Si doctor, mire... The whole bottle is almost empty. (Lupíta passes Doctor Gallegos a prescription bottle. He opens it and taps a blue pill into his hand. His eyes go wide.) Oh my god!

DOCTOR (Enter señora Marqués with a kitchen knife in her hand. Doctor Gallegos and Lupíta back away from her. She is in a daze, her eyes are wide open. She looks down at her hand.)

DOÑA MARQUÉS Out damned spot! Out, I say! Salt the glasses, make sure no one sees... Hell is so bright... full of blinding light... How can anyone ever sleep?! Ya, ya, mi amor ya! Your face will betray us all... Who would have ever thought the old man would have so much blood in him? DOCTOR Did you hear that? DOÑA MARQUÉS El señor de La Paz had a wife. Where is she now? Her children cry for her... What? Will these hands ever be clean? No more of that, mi amor no more of that. You'll ruin everything! DOCTOR Ay, Dios mio, señora, you have known what you should have not. LUPíTA She has done something she should have not, I'm sure of that. DOCTOR Heaven knows what she has known... DOÑA MARQUÉS Here's the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes in Ultrafemme will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, Oh!!!!!!!! DOCTOR Que lamento... well, well, well.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth LUPíTA I hope to god it is, doctor. DOÑA MARQUÉS Take off your shirt, wash your hands, look not so pale. I tell you a gain, Paco's buried; he cannot come out of his grave. Será posible?


DOÑA MARQUÉS To bed, to bed, there's a knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come, give me your hand. What's done cannot be undone. ¡Al lecho! ¡Al lecho! ¡Al lecho! (She exits.) DOCTOR Foul whisperings are abroad. Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles; infected minds will sometimes discharge their secrets to their deaf pillows. She needs the help of the divine more than a physician's. God, god forgive us all. [To Lupíta] Look after her. Remove any dangerous objects from her reach and keep a watchful eye on her. Well then, goodnight. My mind she has bewildered and amazed my sight. I think, but I dare not speak. Goodnight. LUPíTA Buenas noches, doctor. (Exit the doctor. Lupita looks after him. She produces a bottle of pills from the pocket of her skirt. She looks at them and smiles. She throws the bottle of pills into the trash and exits. Enter Doña Marqués, singing a lullaby.) DOÑA MARQUÉS (singing) Arrorro mi niño, arrorro mi sol Arrorro pedazo de mi corazón... (She approaches the shrine in the wall and takes the baby booties from it. She hugs them to her chest as if embracing a baby. She walks towards the trash can.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth DOÑA MARQUÉS (singing) Este niño mio se quiere dormir y el pícaro sueño no quiere venir. (She looks down into the trash can, pauses, then picks up the bottle of pills. She stares at the bottle for a moment.) DOÑA MARQUÉS (singing) Este niño lindo se quiere dormir cierra los ojitos y los vuleve a abrir. (Doña hugs the booties to her chest once more then walks offstage, the bottle of pills in her hand.) DOÑA MARQUÉS Arrorro mi niño, arrorro mi sol. Arrorro pedazo de mi corazón. (Bruja 2 follows her) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 21 (The Sierra Laguna mountains above Punta Ballena. Enter Chucho, Carlos, Luís, Ramón, soldiers. Everyone is armed to the teeth. Ramón's hand is bandaged.) LUIS The American power is near, led by the American Colonel and comandante Mendez. Revenge burns in them, for their cause would inspire a dead man to rise and fight the bloody battle.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth CHUCHO Near Punta Ballena shall we meet them. That way are they coming. RAMÓN And what about Manuel's little sister, Donalbino? LUIS He is not with them. He still lives in the tyrant's grasp, there, in Punta Ballena... RAMÓN Some say Marqués is mad. Other's call it valiant fury. But how can he impose his will on a lost cause? LUIS He now feels his secret murders sticking on his hands; Minute by minute men desert him, reflecting and considering his own treachery when he betrayed Don David! CHUCHO Well, we march on to give obedience where it is truly owed.. To shed Mexican blood in order to cure México of its disease! RAMÓN [Raising a bandaged hand.] Or, as much as it needs... to dew the sovereign flower and drown the weeds. We march to Punta Ballena! LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 22 (Casa Marqués, Punta Ballena - Los Cabos. The control room. Enter Marqués, Doctor, and attendants.) MARQUÉS Bring me no more reports! [sniffles] Let them fly, all of them! I cannot be weakened by the disease of fear! What is the boy, Manuel?! The güeras who know everything that is going to happen to human beings have pronounced me thus: "Fear not Marqués till el Pacifico arrive at Punta Ballena!" Then fly, false friends and mingle with the Imperialist American dogs! The mind I sway and the heart I bear, shall never sag with doubt or shake with fear! (Enter Joaquin. Video footage of Marqués's enemies' movements, play out on the projected the grid of screens above and behind him. Marqués sits in his captain's chair. He spins around to face him.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS The devil damn you black, you cream faced loon! Where did you get that goose look? JOAQUIN There are a thousandMARQUÉS Geese, villain? Federales, sir.


MARQUÉS Go, prick your face and over-red you fear, you lily livered boy! What federales, niño? Death of your soul! Those linen cheeks of yours are councillors to fear. What federales, güey-face? JOAQUIN The American force too, sir..! So please you. MARQUÉS Take your face from my sight... (Exit Joaquin.) MARQUÉS Satán! - I am sick at heart, when I behold - Satán, I say! - this attack will cheer me ever, or remove me from the throne now. I've lived long enough. My way of life has fallen into the sear, the yellow leaf; and that which should accompany old age, as honour, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have; but, in their stead, curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honour, breath, which the poor-hearted speaker would like to hold back. Satán! (Enter Satán.) Si Patrón?


MARQUÉS What's the latest news? SATÁN All is confirmed, señor, which was reported.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS I'll fight till my bones from my flesh be hacked! Give me my kevlar! How is your patient, doctor? DOCTOR Not so sick, señor, as she is troubled with visions that keep her from her rest. MARQUÉS Cure her of that... Can you not minister to a mind diseased, pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, raise out the troubles of the brain, and with some sweet oblivious antidote, cleanse that perilous stuff that weighs upon the heart? DOCTOR For that, señor, the patient must minister to himself. MARQUÉS Throw science to the dogs - I'll have none of it! Come, put my kevlar on. Give me my gun. Doctor, the Mexicans fly from me... Satán, hurry up and get on with it, please. Name your price, doctor, restore your patient to a sound and pristine health and I will give you anything you want. Anything! [to Satán] Pull it off I say - What rhubarb, senna, or purgative drug, would flush these gringos from here? Have you heard about them? DOCTOR Si, señor. Your preparations make us hear something... MARQUÉS I will not be afraid of death and bane, till El Pacifico comes to Punta Ballena! (Exit all, except the doctor.) DOCTOR When I from Punta Ballena clear, profit again should not draw me here. (Exit.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 23 (Enter Manuel, Mendez, Staff Sergeant, Chucho, Carlos, Luis, Ramón and soldiers, marching.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth LUIS Cousins, I hope the day is near when people may sleep safely in their bedrooms again. STAFF SERGEANT What is this place? RAMÓN Sierra Laguna. That is our transportation, down there by the highway. We're using trucks from the Pacifico Brewery to take us to our destination... STAFF SERGEANT Beer trucks? Our intelligence says that Marqués keeps himself locked away in the Punta Ballena private community. COMANDANTE MENDEZ Let us delay giving our opinions until we see how things turn out. (Major Burns enters wearing cammies and very well applied camo face-paint.) MAJOR BURNS The time approaches that will make us know, what we say we have and what we owe. Thoughts unsure that hopes relate, but certain issues, gentlemen, strokes must arbitrate. Towards which, amigos, advance the war!! COMANDANTE MENDEZ Yes, no somos machos pero somos...?! Muchos!!!

ALL (They run out of the theater, to the Pacifico trucks parked on the highway.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 24 (Casa Marqués, Punta Ballena - Los Cabos. The control room. The grid of screens shows various camera angles of the property. The only activity or movement shown are Marqués' sentries, standing watch at their posts.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS The cry is still, "they come." Our hacienda's strength will laugh at a siege to scorn. Here let them lie till the vultures and the desert eat them alive. We could lock ourselves in here for a month if need be then tunnel our way out. Were they not reinforced with those that should be ours, we might have met them mano a mano and beat them back home. (Hear a shrill cry from within the hacienda.) MARQUÉS What is that noise? SATÁN The cry of women, patrón. (Exit.) MARQUÉS I have almost forgotten the taste of fears... I suppose that is a good thing. There was a time my senses would have cooled to hear a night-shriek, and made my hairs stand on end... (Satán takes out a smartphone and scans through video cameras on the massive grid of screens. He pauses then maximizes the screen, revealing the lifeless body of Doña Marqués, dead on her bedroom floor.) MARQUÉS What was that cry? SATÁN Your wife, señor, she's dead. MARQUÉS No, no, she's... Look, she's fine, see? She's just so tired, Satán... (He stumbles toward the wall of screens in a state of shock. Realization and anguish wash over his face. Doña's dead body is projected on every wall, even on some of the audience members, who are now misty-eyed, bearing witness to this symphony of sadness. Marqué caresses her ten foot tall cheek.) MARQUÉS She should have died after, not before... [beat] What do I do now, and tomorrow, and


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth tomorrow, and tomorrow? Creep on in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time? No se señor.


MARQUÉS Then all our yesterdays have only lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle [Runs hand over her eyes, closing them.] Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. (He walks away from the wall of screensand collapses into his captain's chair at the control desk then looks back up at the grid. A delivery truck pulls up to the front gate on one of the screens. The driver climbs out of the cab. He sees it is one of the güeras.) MARQUÉS It is a tale told by an idiot!... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing... (Enter Joaquin.) JOAQUIN [pointing] Señor! A Pacifico Beer truck just ran through the front gate! It's heading for the casa! MARQUÉS Pacifico trucks? [laughing] Maldítas... "Fear not, till el Pacifico comes to Punta Ballena?" And now Pacifico beer has arrived at Punta Ballena! (He pulls David Ibarra's 50 caliber chrome Desert Eagle from his desk drawer and loads it) MARQUÉS Arm... arm... and out! [Racks the slide of the massive firearm and looks up at screens] If this is really what it appears, then there's no staying or leaving here, compadre. SATÁN I never liked the beach anyway, señor. (Satán and Marqués look at one another and smile. They vest up and put on their jackets, concealing their bullet proof armor underneath.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MARQUÉS And I begin to grow weary of all this sun! SATÁN Looks like we have a storm coming. [Locks and loads] (Hear the sound of thunder overhead.) MARQUÉS Ring the alarm bell, please. (Satán presses a button on the console. An alarm echoes throughout the complex. On screen, men wearing black Policia Federal tactical gear pour out of the beer truck with their weapons at the ready. Wind blows the bushes and trees. Marqués and Satán watch the display with a calm finality.) MARQUÉS Blow wind, come wrack; at least we'll die with kevlar on our back. (They exit.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 25 (Hear the exchange of gunfire and rounds impacting. Major Burns, Staff Sergeant, Comandante Mendez, Manuel and other agents in tactical gear crouch behind an embankment.) MAJOR BURNS Alright, Staff Sergeant, fire team rushes till we breach the entrance of the house! Mendez, you look pretty hot for action, you want to spearhead it with em' be my guest. STAFF SERGEANT Teams two and six, give me suppression fire along the second floor balconies until team one is inside the building! Make it rain boys! MAJOR BURNS Manuel? Where the hell's Manuel?! Boy, get over here! You're staying with me, don't worry. We need your ass alive.


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth STAFF SERGEANT Ready... MOVE! (Weapons fire. The men charge offstage.) SCENE 26 (Another part of the house. Enter Marqués.) MARQUÉS They have tied me to a stake. I cannot fly but I will fight the course. (Enter Staff Sergeant.) STAFF SERGEANT Freeze! What's your name?! MARQUÉS You will be afraid to hear it... STAFF SERGEANT Bullshit. What's your name there, you? MARQUÉS My name's... Marqués. [raises pistol] Drop it!

STAFF SERGEANT (Staff Sergeant fires. The round knocks Marqués onto his back. Staff Sergeant inches forward, he looks down at Marqués. Marqués shoots him. Staff Sergeant drops. Marqués steps over the staff sergeant's body and enters the control room. He gazes up at the fighting on the screens. He looks over at the security camera video of his wife's body, dead on their bedroom floor. Marqués pushes a button on the console. A YouTube video of Pavarotti's E lucevan le stelle opens. He makes it fullscreen, replacing all of the images of the battle. He pushes play. He doesn't notice Mendez enter the room behind him.)

SATÁN Patrón! Look out! (Satán fires, wounding Mendez in the shoulder. Mendez


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth returns fire. He unloads, killing Satán. He drops the empty pistol to the floor. Marqués looks at his wife's body once more then back at Mendez. Marqués sets his massive firearm down on the desktop. He takes off his jacket and bullet proof vest as he walks to the center of the room. Marqués and Mendez stare at each other for a long pregnant moment... They rush into each other's embrace, grappling and fighting, as the music plays on. Mendez finally gets Marqués into a strangle hold. He squeezes with all of his might, growling with pain and anger. Enter the Brujas. They watch the struggle with anticipation. Marqués goes limp. Enter Major Burns, her pistol at the ready. Marqués is unconscious now. Mendez releases him. He rolls Marqués onto his stomach, takes out a pair of handcuffs, then cuffs his hands behind his back. Major Burns points her pistol at him. MAJOR BURNS What the hell are you doing, Mendez? COMANDANTE MENDEZ I'm bringing him to justice. [to Marqués] On your knees, cabrón, get up! MAJOR BURNS Step away, Mendez... COMANDANTE MENDEZ What are you going to do, shoot(Major Burns unloads her entire magazine into Mendez. She begins to reload. Marqués is conscious now, helpless on his stomach. He looks up at Major Burns.) MARQUÉS (coughing) I thought the United States was supposed to help the Mexican people. MAJOR BURNS We are helping the Mexican people. (She racks the slide of her pistol.)


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth MAJOR BURNS This country don't need another revolution, it needs order. (She walks toward Marqués. The brujas watch her.) MARQUÉS Who's order? Yours? (Burns looks at the brujas and smiles. She looks back at Marqués.) MAJOR BURNS Naturally. This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine. [Points pistol] MARQUÉS Güeras malditas... No!

LAS BRUJAS (The brujas run towards Marqués. HEAR a gunshot.) LIGHTS FADE. SCENE 27 (Inside the battle-torn entrance-hall, Everyone is present. Enter Major Burns carrying a green waterproof bag. She tosses it to Luis. )

MAJOR BURNS Let's go let's go, people! We need to debrief and turn-to. MANUEL IBARRA Well major, if you're ever in the neighborhood... Mi casa es su casa... (Major Burns looks at Manuel in thought for a moment.) MAJOR BURNS [Sighs] I think you're gonna do just fine, Manuel. We'll be in touch. [Looks around, surveying the situation] Alright let's go, people! We got five minutes to be out of here. Come on Lupita. (Lupita enters, carrying Felipe's suitcase. Hear helicopter


Marqués - a Narco Macbeth rotors. Luis looks inside the bag, surprised. He pulls Marqués' severed head from the bag then holds it high.) LUIS Hail, don Manuel! El señor de La Baja! EVERYONE Hail, don Manuel! MAJOR BURNS Alright, alright, let's get us quick family photo for the boys back home. (A soldier brings Donalbino in. He stands with a traumatized look on his face next to Manuel. Chucho, Ramon, Carlos, and Luis squeeze in. Everyone is holding their weapons. Marqués' head is at their feet. Major Burns attaches her iPhone to a selfie stick then squeezes in with the group.) MAJOR BURNS Come on, closer...One... two... (The camera clicks. Projection of the picture overhead. Shakira's - La despedida plays.) LIGHTS FADE.



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