USB Bracelet Product Development

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Smart Link

Fashionably Linked, So You Never Forget

Table of Contents 1 Value Proposition 2 Inspiration 3 Product Description 4 Line Extensions 5 Business Philosophy 6 SWOT Analysis 7 Competition/Competitive Advantage 8 Target Market 9 Sales Venue 10 Distribution 11 Promotion 12 Packaging 13 Specification Sheet 14 Cost Sheet 15 Final Prototype

Value Proposition

“Smart Link™ is dedicated to providing a solution for the everyday working woman to stay fashionably linked to their USB”


Product Description

What better way to keep your work handy than on your wrist? Smart Link™ focuses on fashionable USB bracelets. USB’s replace the normal latch to a bracelet making it harder to forget your hard work. Not only do we want you to be able to carry your USB on your wrist, we want you to do so in a trendy way. The bracelets are made out of sterling silver so they can fit any outfit or occasion. Smart Link™ also focuses on other USB accessories, making sure we fit your every need.


Line Extensions Smart Link™ also offers...... USB Rings

USB Necklaces

USB Lanyards 4

Business Philosophy

USB’s are essential to anyones life who works with technology, especially college students. USB’s are small and it is very common to forget them. That is why it is important to Smart Link™ to offer products, such as a USB bracelet, so that it is unlikely that you will forget your important work. Here at Smart Link we are committed to providing fashionable ways to keep track of your USB and make sure it is always with you!



SWOT Analysis Strengths


-New to market -Limited competition -New product -Affordable cost -Large target market -Clear positioning, strong brand

-New to market -No reputation in the market place -Simplistic design leads to easy duplication



-New target market

-Potential for new products/line extensions -Expansion to larger retail stores


-Bigger company later offering same products at lower costs -Technological advances -Limited lifetime

Competition/Competitive Advantage Competition

Amazon and Flash-bay produce similar products to Smart Link™. They offer USB bands made out of rubber like materials.

Competitive Advantage Unlike other competitors, Smart Link™ offers a very unique product. We provide the consumer with a USB bracelet that not only serves its purpose at storing your work, but also comes with style. Our unique design makes every Smart Link™ bracelet you wear functional yet practical. 7

Target Market Demographics

-Females/ Ages 15-25 -College Students -Annual Income $8,000 -Additional Allowance $3,000 -


-Fashionable -Hard Working -Organized

‌..Occasionally Forgetful Our target market caters to your everyday fashionable college student. Not only is she focused on her school work but style is also very important to her. She works part time at a retail store making around $8,000 a year and occasionally receives money from her parents. She follows trends closely and is always looking for the next big thing. She enjoys traveling, thrift shopping, going to concerts, volunteering, and staying active.

Trade Show “The worlds largest Retail Expo of products for students of all ages” Trade Show Cost

CAMEX Campus Market Expo Atlanta, GA Feb. 20-24 2015

Annual Member Fee


Application Fee


Booth Cost


Booth Contents



Hotel Table/Chairs TV Monitor Broadcast Additional Signs Transportation by Van

$429 $60 $100 $80 $160

-10 x 10 booth space -8’ back drape -3’ side drape -booth vacuuming before show -identification sign -five exhibit badges -special listing on CAMEX website





Distribution College Bookstores

Promotion Social Media

-special promotions -monthly contests -product displays -consumer reviews


-College Bookstore Websites



Smart Link

Mindi Dowst CEO Tele: 594-529-4926 382 Broughton St Savannah, GA 31401

A 12


Box Size A Height Width Box Size B Height Width

9 in 4 in 9 in 1 in

Specification Sheet ™

Smart Link


S/S 15


Bracelet Connected by USB


3.0 mm Sterling Silver

Manufacturer Sunny Commerce LLC USB Supplier

ShenZhen Cyber Co.


Bracelet Length

6.5 in


USB Case

0.6 in


USB Width

0.5 in


USB Length

1 in


USB Case

0.4 in


Bracelet Ring Connector

0.15 in

Cost Sheet Product Information Smart Link™

Name Description Style Number

3.0 mm Sterling Silver USB Bracelet 26625




ShenZhen Cyber Developing Co. Shen Zhen, China

Sterling Silver Chains +Packaging ($1.00)

Sunny Commerce LLC. Houston, TX


Total Cost $1.93 $13.36

Labor USB Shipping

ShenZhen Cyber Co. -----> Sunny Commerce LLC ShenZhen, China Houston, TX




USB Bracelet Shipping

Sunny Commerce LLC.----> Smart Link™ Houston, TX Savannah, GA

Total Cost @ FPP

Sunny Commerce LLC. Houston, TX

Total Cost Of Goods MU % Whole Sale Price

$0.09 2,000 Units

$15.29 $15.65 65% $25.82

Final Prototype


Mindi Dowst Professor Patti Taylor FASM 310 Product Development Fall 2014

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