Portfolio 2011_EN

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Teo Valli

portfolio 2011

CV / Teo Valli / Architect








s Dates


Tel E-mail Website Nationality Date of birth


TEO VALLI Avinguda Mistral 33 08015 - Barcelona SPAIN +34 638957205 valliteo@gmail.com www.teovalli.com Italian 05 / 07 / 1981






Feb 2011 - Jun 2011 www.arqforum.com ARQforum Calle Allada Vermell, 1 08003 Barcelona Architecture office Architect Executive plans, revision of technical drawings.

Oct 2009 - Gen 2011 www.nabit.it Nabito Arquitectura Calle Ramon Turrò, 11 3er 08005 Barcelona Architecture and urban planning office Architect Project design, 3d design, rendering, survey, executive plans, photomontage, graphic design, editor, model making. March - July 2009 MAB_Marotta Basile Arquitectura Plaça Real 08001 Barcelona


Architecture and urban planning office Architect Project design, 3d design, rendering, photomontage, graphic design. May - July 2008 Studio Planidea Via Campagna 22 CH6952 Canobbio Urban planning office Architect Analysis and design of urban plans construction demands.v

CV / Teo Valli / Architect










February 2008 Paolo Belli, Ufficio Cultura Comune di Chiasso Via Dante Alighieri 3b CH6830 Chiasso Ufficio Cultura Comune di Chiasso. ChiassoJazzFestival 08 set up. Project design, executive plans, model making, set up. October - December 2007 Luca Gazzaniga Architetti P.za Franscini , 1 CH6900 Lugano Architecture Office Architect Project design, 3d models, construction demand, survey, render, photomontage. February 2007 Paolo Belli, Ufficio Cultura Comune di Chiasso Via Dante Alighieri 3b CH6830 Chiasso Ufficio Cultura Comune di Chiasso. ChiassoJazzFestival 07 set up. Project design, executive plans, model making, set up. October 2001- June 2002 Field Consultants P.za Franscini , 1 CH6900 Melbourne Architecture Office Junior architect Project design, model making, executive plans.

CV / Teo Valli / Architect

EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Date • Name and kind of institution

September 2000 - July 2007. Accademia di Architettura dell’USI, Mendrsio.

• Atelier attended

a.a. 2000/2001 a.a. 2002/2003 a.a. 2003/2004 a.a. 2004/2005 a.a. 2005/2006

Atelier Mario Botta Atelier Alfredo Pini Ateiler Aurelio Galfetti Ateiler Manuel Aires Mateus AteilerValerio Olgiati Ateiler Heinz Tesar Ateiler Henk Hartzema Ateiler Manuel Aires Mateus

• Diploma • Title awarded

2007 “Abitare sul fiume a Olten” Atelier Valentin Bearth. Master in Arts and Architecture

• Date • Name and kind of institution • Principali materie • Title awarded • Level in national classification

September 1995 - July 2000 Liceo Scientifico G. Terragni, Via Segantini 14, Olgiate Comasco. Math, Science, Latin, Literature, History, Philosophy, English. Diploma di Maturità Scientifica Istruzione secondaria di 2° grado



OTHER LANGUAGES • Reading skills • Writing skills • Speech skills



SOCIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES As a member of the Associazione Studenti Mendrisio Architettura and redactor of “L’Universo” , first indipendent students’ journal of Tessin (CH), I have experienced different team work modalities and to relate with people belonging to different disciplinary and working fields (students from Science Communication, Economy, Philosophy). I’ve been involved for two years in a project call “Impronte in ombra”, promoted by diffent municipalities including my hometown, which aim was to prevent toxic dependencies and to create a center for young people socialization.

CV / Teo Valli / Architect

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES In 2003 with Alessandro Martinelli and Matteo Soldati I’ve founded the Associazione Studenti Mendrisio Architettura (ASMA) togheter with I have joined (april 2004) the first directional and redactional team of “L’Universo”, first indipendent students’ journal of Tessin (CH), which is nowaday a monthly attachment of the Corriere del Ticino, the main Tessin newspaper.. The Associazione Studenti Mendrisio Architettura since 2003 has benn promoting the work of the students of the Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio (TI - CH) creating a network of contacts and collaborations in the extra-academyc world as in the univestity.Since 2003 the association has been organizing cultural trips, meetings and debates on contemporary architecture and its related fields. Since September 2004 AsMA has led the research project MeEtArch about the changing conditions of the architectural practice in Europe. As a result of this research AsMa has published the book “Simply Architects_10+1 domande sulla professione dell’architetto”. Now that we are architects the assosiacion has became Association Making Architecture. We have organized workshops on the city of Como and Bergamo experimenting new ways of leading a metaprojectual analysis.

THECNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Proficiency in Autocad, Archicad, Rhino, 3dsMax, Scketchup, Photoshop, Illustrator, In design and Office. Modelmaking: cardboard, wood, concrete, polystyrene.

AWARDS OTIA PRIZE 2006/2007 3rd position for the book “Simply Architects:10+1 domande sulla professione dell’architetto.” www.otia.ch

Portfolio / AsMA


14 april Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro... Conversation-happening about temporality in art and architecture with Carlo Bertelli

july-november 2003 BorderSite Website about the research border device(s) mendrisio in collaboration with Stefano Boeri, the course of Cultura del Territorio 3 AAM and the course of Matematica 5 AAM

june 2004 4Dstudents.net design of a multimedia forum for the students of the Accademia di Architettura in collaboration with Roberto Borioli, the class of web design of the SUPSI – DAA of Lugano (TI - CH)

september 2004 – september 2006 MeEtArch... Research project about the architecture practice situation in Europe

31 october - 1 november [Venezia] MetaVenezia Journey to Metamorph, the Biennale di Architettura of Venezia 2004 with Kurt W. Forster

2005 9 march [Mendrisio] Work in progress... Set up on the opening of AsMA office ex-bookshop Palazzo Turconi, Mendrisio (TI – CH)

21-24 march Che lavoro fa Hans Ulrich Obrist? Happening about the meanings of the interview device with contributions audio-video of Hans Ulrich Obrist, Carsten Holler, Stefano Boeri, Yona Friedmann, Enzo Mari and an old TV screen.

14-20 june [Como] Multifunctional Sesto Exhibition about the results of the workshop on the restructuring of the Falck area in Sesto San Giovanni (MI) in collaboration with the italian-german cultural center

Villa Vigoni (Como – I)

november 2005 june 2006 Processing MeEtArch... Communication process to inform about MeEtArch work in progress... and its operational divagations - conversation-happening Xchi Xchè Domus? (7 novembre 2005) with Stefano Boeri, Matteo Poli, Matteo Vegetti - conference-happening MeEtMetrogramma! (14 novembre 2005) with Andrea Boschetti, Alberto Francini - conference-happening MeEtElastico! (19 dicemb re 2005) with Stefano Pujatti - conversation-happening A night with Parkett (16 gennaio 2006) with Bice Curiger, Matteo Vegetti - one day seminar just for a day MeEtArch… (20 marzo 2006) with Josep Acebillo (Cosa bolle in pentola @ i-CUP?), Marco Casamonti (MeEtArchea) Bruno Pedretti, Filippo Forzato (format-c VS. il Giornale dell’architettura)

2006 november 2005 - june 2006 Cosa Bolle in Pentola @ Mendrisio? communication project about the non academic activity and the professional research of the professors of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio - midday-conference Cosa bolle in Pentola @ Henk Hartzema? (16 dicember r 2005) - midday-conference Cosa bolle in Pentola @ Philippe Rahm? (27 gennaio 2005) - midday-conference Cosa bolle in Pentola @ Nikos Ktenas? (2 giugno 2006) - midday-conference Cosa bolle in Pentola @ Gabriele Lelli? (9 giugno 2006)

Portfolio / AsMA

20 may [Palazzo Canaveè, Mendrisio] Express youself Set up creation of a display rack, for the free artistic expression of the students of the Accademia of Architettura and happening managemant, @ Palazzo Canaveé, Mendrisio (CH)

26 may [Argiletum - Roma] Risorse di Rete Materiali per una nuova Geografia di parole during “Torino capitale mondiale del libro con Roma”, the CNBA (Coordinamento Nazionale Bibilioteche di Architettura), toghether with the Biblioteca delle Arti and the Facoltà di Architettua dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, organize a study-day about the young student’s architecture-publishing situation. AsMA is invited to the event to talk about the project MeEtArch...

2007 february Symply Architects, 10+1 domande sulla professione dell’architetto Pubblication of "Simply Architects”, edited by MAP. report the results of the biannual research MeEt Arch interbreeding the book and interview format to create a media ad hoc

12 february - 1 may [Como] Symply Architects in show On the occasion of the presentation of “Simply Architects”, the gallery La Tessitura Mantero (Como - ITA) hosts an exhibition on the research MeEt Arch and the publication of the related book.

a.a 2005/2006 Partner in Party! Event management

2 march [Como] Urban Physiologies Como Workshop

creation of an economic and managment support for the students’ community of the Accademia for the organization of enetertainment events.

during the finissage of the exhibition “Simply Architects in show” the gallery La Tessitura Mantero (Como - ITA) hosts a workshop organized by AsMA, in collaboration with Ufficio Fisiologie Urbane, involving students of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, the Politecnico di Milano, the Instituto Universitario Suoperiore di Pavia, to rethink the urban space of the city of Como.

august www.as-ma.net Website creation of an internet platform for the Associazione Mendrisio Architettura, to support and display the projects and the network of relations made during these years.

21 november L’architettura possibile Conference-forum related to the presentation of the first number on paper of the architecture review TALE&A invited Mario Botta, Oliviero Godi_Exposure Architects (BG), Francesco Messina_+XM architetti (RC) and the entrepreneur Sergio Pozzi (CO).

Risorse di Rete @ Genova Conference - forum during the fourth meeting of the young architecture publishing associations, in collaboration with the Facoltà di Architettura di Genova, the association PdA organize a study day on the development of the project Risorse di Rete, AsMA is invited to present its work...

28 march - 4 may [RAAS Gallery - Milano] AsMA si vende a MIlano Exhibition during the presentation of “Simply Architects”, the RAAS gallery (Milano - ITA), of the spanish publisher ACTAR , hosts an exhibition on the research MeEtArch and on the work of AsMA. During this exhibition AsMA is invited to present the italian-spanish bookazine MOM.

Portfolio / AsMA

3-4 may [RAAS Gallery - Milano] Eden Anatomies Workshop During the finissage of the exhibition “Asma si vende a Milano” the RAAS gallery ACTAR (Milano - ITA) hosts a workshop organized by AsMA, to rethink the Villa Camozza’s Park, historical building of Bergamo centre of the Istitutut of research Mario Negri. In collaboration with Risorse di Rete ,with the studens of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Politecnico di Milano, Istituto Universitario di Pavia, Facoltà di Architettura di Roma3, Università degli studi di Genova and the Politecnico di Bari.

19 may Physiological Architecture Conferece - forum the Laboratorio Interdisciplinare di Ricerca della Confcommercio di Bergamo, coordinated by the architect Fulvio valsecchi, invite AsMA to present 4 projectual process during a seminar related to sustainability in architecture.

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_settled_special mention / Nabito Arquitectura + Actar Arquitectura


Mixed-use building Auditorium and concert hall | Lecce, Italy 2010 The Project of The Città della Musica is a lecture of the city of Lecce. The competition proposes to build exactly inside the cave where the stone to fabric the city itself was extracted. We gently and softly put the building like stones inside the cave. The opened and enclosed spaces play together and contaminate each other’s. The Entire complex links with the cities and with the surrounding by two different parks. One is the park of the cave, memory of the city and the other is the urban park , a Door to the city , to celebrate contemporary life. The complex of the Auditoriums and restaurants and public spaces are a symphony between different parts of the composition: the city, the landscape, the caves and the buildings it selves.

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_2nd place / MAB_ Marotta Basile Arquitectura/ Extencion CitĂŠ Universitaire Geneve

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_settled / Nabito Arquitectura


Taipei Pop Muisc Center | Taipei, Taiwan2009 “By consuming pop music, people want to express who they are, to which group theybelong, what their identity is. People’s identity, however and contrary to what many believe, is not strictly individual. Instead, people’s identity is highly social and draws on the socio-cultural values (what I here propose to call VALUES) in society - VALUES that become ‘objectified’ or institutionalized and may thus be communicated to others. If such insti- tutionalized socio-cultural values are not conceptualized, and if one is not able to understand how institutions work in signaling people’s identity, one is not able to explain a phenomenon such as the advent of pop music.”

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_WINNER PROJECT / Nabito Arquitectura


The Staircraper_Total Housing Competition Storefront Gallery+ Architizer, NY, USA. What is the Stairscraper? It is a device to generate social and economical sustainability. We tried to join horizontal and vertical, designing an horizontal skyscraper, mixing the pragmatism of vertical buildings with the romantic idea of horizontal landscape cities. We could define the project as the result of a sensual pragmatism. Generally we associate verticality with the organization and efficiency of a society and with economical sustainability and we associate horizontality with a model of city socially active in which there is strong interaction between functions and users and relations are encouraged. We tried blurring this two models into one criteria, mixing spaces into a hybrid building that is not only residential. We believe the idea of active sustainability, a whole interaction between the environment, the landscape, the society and the culture using in our project strong sensibility and respect.

Portfolio / Architecture / Project_BUILT / Nabito Arquitectura

GIolitti International

Concept store | Istanbul, Turkey 2010 Giolitti, is the most important hand made ice-cream producers in Rome and in Italy in gen- eral. Nabito Arquitectura is proud to design the first Giolitti concept store outside Italy. The hand made Gelato represents happiness, it represents relaxed times. When you see the expression of someone eating an ice-cream (whatever the age, child or old man) you will notice a relaxed smiling face, thinking deeply about pleasant memories. Giolitti gives us the possibility to choose among a variety of tastes and to mix different combinations. The Giolitti expresses individuality but at the same time give us the opportunity of share emotions and stay together.

Portfolio / Architecture / Project_on going / Nabito Arquitectura

GIolitti International

Concept store | Dubai, U.A.E. 2010 Giolitti, is the most important hand made ice-cream producers in Rome and in Italy in gen- eral. Nabito Arquitectura is proud to design the first Giolitti concept store outside Italy. The hand made Gelato represents happiness, it represents relaxed times. When you see the expression of someone eating an ice-cream (whatever the age, child or old man) you will notice a relaxed smiling face, thinking deeply about pleasant memories. Giolitti gives us the possibility to choose among a variety of tastes and to mix different combinations. The Giolitti expresses individuality but at the same time give us the opportunity of share emotions and stay together.

Portfolio / Architecture / Project_on going / Nabito Arquitectura

Domus Acquae

Mixed-use building, wellnes center & leisure facilities | Rome, Italy 2010 Domus aquae, a thermal complex club, to built in Rome, Italy. Adjacent to the historic colosseum. The building will use an existing structure and incorporate a restaurant, swimming area and thermal baths. for their design NABITO studied maps, plans and drawings of the old roman thermal and the functions of domus.

Portfolio / Architecture / Project_on going / Nabito Arquitectura

Tra sogno e realtà

Renovation of a residential unit | Rome, Italy 2010 Between dream and reality, we use this metaphor to have certain liberty. In a dream we can push the limits, In a dream we could be want we would be. In this project we try to materialize a Dream. We present emotional jumps and temporal collapses. Each room is like a theatre set and we amuse ourselves with exercises of style. Between a unique path the observer will pass through different experiences like in a novel with a precise script. This passage through a room to another is marks and signed by frames, the windows outside are opened to an incredible view, the ancient Rome in the side of the “Foro di Augusto” .

Portfolio / Architecture / Project_on going / Nabito Arquitectura

Cestra Tower

Mixed-use building | Frosinone, Italy 2010 The Main client need is to develop a mixed use building with commercial space on the basement in order to maintain two different fronts opening to two different sides of the city. A Building opened to the public green areas, as the main master plan order, and related to the urban traffic areas, to maintain permeability. So a Zig zag is the essential deformation to achieve the goal. We perefer keep a higher tower to liberate space on the ground, trying to orient correctly the building by sun position. The colours of the faรงade follow the warm of the daylight during the year.

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_settled / MAB_ Marotta Basile Arquitectura/GIsa

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_settled / MAB_ Marotta Basile Arquitectura/ LleganĂŠs

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_Settled / Studio Arch. Valli Angelo/ Cittadella dell’Edilizia

Portfolio / Architecture / Competition_settled / Nabito Arquitectura

White Rabbit

Garden pavillion | Montreal, Canada 2010 As the population of the world continues to displace into dense urban areas, their longing for green spaces increases. By “exploding� the garden into layers that are stacked vertically, WHITE RABBIT is able to contain all the elements of an ideal garden while occupying a very small footprint.

Portfolio / Architecture / Set Up

Colour is Jazz : :

Chiasso Jazzfestival | 2007 We were asked by the director of the Ufficio Cultura of the municipality of Chiasso (CH) to set up a dynamic space for the jazzfestival with a minimum budget. We managed it dividing with coulored tents the spaces hosting the festival (a renovate industrial building and a pavillion) and creating different configurations depending on the use of these spaces (resturant/prive, restaurant & lounge / dj set, lounge / stalls... Since the theme was coulor & contaminations in jazz we also played a lot with changing coulored lights. www.jazzfestivalchiasso.ch

PROJECT TEAM: Teo Valli | AsMA Michele Andreatta, Lorenzo Pezzani, Nicola Rigoli | AAM

[1] Pavillion [2] Tents system [3] Lounge / Stage / Dj set [4] Bar & Restourant

Portfolio / Architecture / Set Up


Free freedom : :

Teo Valli, Matteo SOldati | AsMA Stefano Larotond, Manuel Bellagamba, Maria Fantoni, Gabriele Guastella | AAM

[1] Lounge illuminetion [2] Bar vs lounge [3] Outside view of the pavillion [4] Jazzsilhouettes [5] Entrance concept.



Chiasso Jazzfestival | 2008 Theme of this edition of the Jazzfestival was free jazz and the ideal of freedom related to the ‘68 recurrency. In architecture freedom exists only related to an idea of rule. The project plays with the repetitional rule of the structural elements of the space that hosts the festival using coulored lights sometimes to brake sometimse to emphasize this rule. The project consist in three main spaces: the piazza facing the pavillion and the path leading to the entrance, the pavillion, where are located the restourant, the bar and the dj set, a renovated industrial building hosting the lounge, the audience and the stage.




Portfolio / Media / Book


[1] Set up at Spazio Tessitura [2,3,4] Extracts from the book

Simply Architects: 10+1 domande sulla professione dell’architetto

A research on the architectural practice in Europe | 2007 Simply Architects is the result of the project MeEtArch, led by the Associazione Mendriso Architettura, about the nowaday condition of the young architecture offices in Europe. The book trought a format of 10+1 questions delineate the profile of 20 young architecture officies working in some european cities. The aim is to understand how the practice of architecture is changing and how this young studios of architecture are menaging this changes. Contributions of: Hans Hulrich Hobrist, Yona Friedman, Stefano Boeri, Enzo Mari, Massimiliano Gioni, Carsten Holler e Mario Botta.





Portfolio / Media / Book / Nabito Arquitectura

Damdi Monograph (Š Nabito Arquitectura - Damdi Publishing )

Nabito Arquitectura monograph | Seoul, Korea 2010 Redaction for the Korean editor Damdi Publishing of the whole monography of Nabito Arquitectura, with projects ranging from 2006 to present days. The book contains an essyas and the office presentation and the over 60 projects the office has produced in these few years.

DD Monograph Interwined Systems NAbito Arquitectura | Spain.Italy 67 projects 270 pp Contributions by Manuel N. Gausa & Angel

DOMUS AQUAE ROMA Nabito DOMUS AQUAE: Mixed-use building TERMAL AND COMPLEX CLUB, Leisure facilities, Rome, Italy, 2010 | Assigned Typology: Private | Client: BBT srl | Assigned Task: Project design, site supervision, and security at design and execution | Budget: 3.500.000,00 | Project phase: Construction | Collaboratores: Agita Putnina, Davide Fois, Joana Rodriguez Noyola, Teo Valli.

‘Domus aquae’, a thermal complex club, to built in Rome,Italy. Adjacent to the historic colosseum. The building will use an existing structure and incorporate a restaurant, swimming area and thermal baths. For their design NABITO studied maps, plans and drawings of the old roman thermal and the functions of domus.



Portfolio / Design

PROJECT: Teo Valli | AsMA

[1] Book cover [5] Work on print frame [3] Simply Bag from cover [4] Flyer on Simply Bag [5, 6] Exibition at Raas Gallery

Simply Bag





A bag from printing plates | 2007 Meaning its work as an ever changing process AsMA obtains form the printing plates of the book “Simply Architects� a product which becomes the same time a container & sponsor of the book and a unique design object: Simply Bag. The bags become then the basic element for the set up for the presentation of the book at the Raas Gallery in Milano.


[5] [6]

Portfolio / Media / Website

PROJECT: Teo Valli | AsMA

[1] Homepage [2] Projects pop-up [3] AsMA profile




AsMA website | 2005 The website came from the urge to create a file storage and on the other side to create a portfolio of the research and projects that AsMA has been developing during these years. The structure of the website and the graphic layout is extremely simple, each project is presented trhough a pop up window.


Portfolio / Architecture / Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio

PROJECT: Teo Valli

[1] Section [2] Plan

Atelier Valerio Olgiati


Fashion showroom | 2005 The theme of this atelier was “Courtyard” . We were asked to choose the building size between S,M,L,XL and a location for the building. The building function should have been one that required the courtyard as a basic element. The idea was to create a shworoom pavillion by simply moving the structural wall that divides the courtyard by the outside and make it crossable only trough the dressingrooms thus creating a continuous interaction between these two relams. Once you have chosen your dress, you wear it in the dressing room and you go “out” to try it on and look how it fits at the huge mirros of the room looking outside.

Only clients of the showroom will be able to see the whole new collection and trend, while people passing outside will only be able to see the new collection dressed by the clients of the showroom.


Portfolio / Architecture / Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio

PROJECT: Teo Valli

[1, 2, 3, 4] Site analisys [5] Club house project

Atelier Henk Artzema





Caslano Golf Club | 2005 The pourpose of this project was to revaluate the area of Caslano’s Golf Club and mainly its club house. Having analized the imposed limits and the potentialities of the site the choice was to close the secondary link street between the two municipalities bordering on the Golf Club area, gaining a new relation with the lake. The club house has been moved and designed given this new situation. Toghether with a better position and a panorama on the lake the club house is now connected with more pathways (by car and by ship) and becomes a link between the two municipalities through the patway on the lake.


Portfolio / Architecture / Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio

PROJECT: Teo Valli

[1] site plan [2] site section [3] section - building functions [4] plan - building functions

Atelier Manuel & Francisco Aires Matheus




[4] [3]





Porta Nola: a new entrance for Pompei | 2005 During this Atelirer we were asked to study a new entance for the archeological site of Pompei, near Neaples. Nowaday the south entrance of Pompei is separated by the peripheri of of Nola by a rail ring which runs all arond the walls of ancient Pompei some 30 m of distance. The aim of the project is to link the periphery and ancient Pompey escavating under the railway ring and storing all the funcions related to the new entrance of Pompei within the railway bridge.


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Barcelona, 20 de Enero de 2011 A quien corresponda: Con estas lĂ­neas queremos hacer constar que el arquitecto Teo Valli ha estado trabajando en nuestro despacho Nabito Arquitectura s.c.p, desde el 1 de Enero de 2010 al 1 de Enero de 2011. Su dedicaciĂłn y grado de autoexigencia han brillado siempre a una gran altura, inusual en este tipo de experiencias. Su trabajo en Nabito Arquitectura ha experimentado una evoluciĂłn rĂĄpida, progresiva y creciente lo que le ha permitido desarrollar labores de gran responsabilidad como colaborador principal. En una ĂŠpoca en que la investigaciĂłn estĂĄ substituyendo el oficio, la mezcla de curiosidad y precisiĂłn que Teo Valli ha sabido desarrollar han permitido llevar a buen fin programas y propuestas poco frecuentes y de gran complejidad. Su visiĂłn crĂ­tica, rigor, ambiciĂłn y capacidad de autoexigencia le han hecho merecedora a lo largo de este tiempo de nuestra mayor consideraciĂłn y respeto. Creemos que la experiencia de una prĂĄctica profesional entendida como un intercambio no sĂłlo metodolĂłgico sino humano y cultural, ha sido en el caso de Teo Valli de un altĂ­simo nivel. Desde estas consideraciones queremos certificar nuestra simpatĂ­a y respeto intelectual por su nivel propositivo y crĂ­tico. Atentamente Roberto Ferlito NABITO ARQUITECTURA

Alessandra Faticanti NABITO ARQUITECTURA

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