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Spill Control - Environmental Protection, Health and Safety in Mining Sound Spill Control, Compliant Operations
Accidental releases of oils and chemicals make up a large number of pollution incidents that occur each year on mining sites. Fortunately, many spillages can be prevented. However, everyone on site must know how to control a spill to minimise its impact. Thus, bearing this in mind, Spill Doctor advises mining companies on the best practice in spill control.
An increase in the spillage of hazardous oils and chemicals on sites is inevitable as mining companies are pulling out all the stops in endeavouring to increase productivity. However, the biggest concern is whether or not they are well-equipped to manage the safety risks that this poses to both their employees and the environment.
The reality is that sound spill control cannot be overlooked.
The obligation of legislation
In all countries, various pieces of legislation obligate mining companies and other industries to ensure that they adopt and rigorously implement measures to mitigate the impact of their activities on their employees and the environment. And South Africa is no exception.
In particular, South Africa’s Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993, requires employers to bring about and maintain, as far as reasonably practicable, a work environment that is safe and without risk to the health of the workers. Specific to mining companies, the Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) applies.
Raising awareness
Given the potential increase in spillage of flammable liquids, Spill Doctor has intensified its drive to raise awareness amongst mining companies about the best practice in spill control (the management of flammable liquids). In this way, the company aims to enable mining companies to achieve compliance with legislation.
Extensive experience and relevant products
As environmental, health and safety specialists, Spill Doctor is eager to address the unique needs of clientele in the mining sector. This is based on extensive experience accumulated from years of effectively addressing complex spill management challenges for clientele drawn from diverse industries.
Spill Doctor’s team are thoroughly versed in the management of stubborn flammable chemicals. This is above and beyond the company’s wide range of relevant products.

What is most noteworthy for clientele about Spill Doctor’s range of internationally compliant products is that it is handy, Kelvin Murphy, Head of the Team at Spill Doctor, states. “Our flammable cabinets, safety cans, plunger cans, oily waste cans, drums and dispensing equipment offer FM-approved products along with an exclusive 10-year limited warranty. The products support clients in the mining sector to reduce the risk of fire, employee injury and environmental damage caused by incorrect storage of flammable liquids. Generally, our products include “everything the client needs” to store, distribute and remove flammable liquids in a safe and legally-compliant manner. We have worked extensively to obtain exclusive