MDESS — Brochure 2018

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Millennium Drilling and Equipment Services Senegal (MDESS) Director Francis Billy Williams discusses opportunities for sustainable transformation in the mining industry


s awareness surrounding ethics and sustainability increases scrutiny across every industry, Senegalese mining contractor MDESS

(Millennium Drilling and Equipment Services Senegal) is working to own that conversation. MDESS wants to put as much back into the earth as it takes out with a range 04

of initiatives designed to preserve the wellbeing of its workers and their working environments. Managing Director of MDESS Francis Billy Williams has made environmental practices and the safety of his workers – a top priority at his company. “The environmental side to what we do is of serious concern,” he explains from his Senegal office.

REHABILITATION One area of sustainable work Williams is tapping into pertains to the rehabilitation of existing water wells in the region. A massive 75% of Africa’s water comes from groundwater drilling, after a significant increase in water well/boreholes over the past 30 years. It is an area that MDESS is most active in. “There are a lot of companies here and everybody is just drilling, drilling, drilling, and that represents a lot of OCTOBER 2018



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drilled wells in need of rehabilitation,”

ful rehabilitation of a well will decrease

says Williams. “There is a village in

the drawdown, lower energy costs and

Ghana where there have been 10 wells

increase the pump life resulting in the

drilled and it was totally unnecessary.

raising of efficiencies and quality of

Why do we drill new ones, when there

water. “We have always been in close

are already 10 wells in the village? Why

proximity with environmental groups,

do you add more? Why don’t you build

making sure we don’t spill oil and that

roads and schools with that money

we keep our sites clean and safe and

instead? All the existing water wells

that we have all our papers in place.”

can be used if they’re rehabilitated. You


MDESS is a contractor of personnel,

wouldn’t buy a new car just because

equipment, transportation and logistical

your engine is smoking. You have to get

support to a number of global business-

the thing running again. These are

es such as Grand Côte Operations.

things I’m seeing around a lot of the

MDESS enjoys good relationships with

countries, where we’re just drilling the

its numerous partners, including

holes and leaving the holes behind;

Grande Côte. GCO’s mineral sands

holes that can rehabilitated. I have

operation is the largest single dredge

a program for rehabilitation that I’m

mineral sands operation in the world

going to put into action very soon.”

and is managed by an experienced

Water well maintenance programmes,

team, positioned on a coastal, mobile

in line with NGO support, have a number

dune system approximately 50km

of aims including the improvement and

north-east of Dakar in Senegal, home

maintenance of well performance as

to Africa’s largest international shipping

well as lengthening the overall lifespan

port. GCO will primarily produce

of the well and its assets. Such work

high-quality zircon and ilmenite as well

can also reduce operational costs as

as small amounts of rutile and leucox-

well as eliminating the risk associated

ene. The operations comprise a dredge,

with well transfer. The quality of both

a wet concentrator plant (WCP),

the water and the well improve as

a mineral separation plant (MSP), rail,

a result of these initiatives. A success-

port facilities and a power station.



“ We have always been in close proximity with environmental groups, making sure we don’t spill oil and that we keep our sites clean and safe and that we have all our papers in place” — Francis Billy Williams, Director, MDESS


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“We are working for GCO, where we are doing some continent bore drilling. We have 15 wells drilled, and we are almost finished. We have 10 more to come after,” says Williams. “I have a very good working relationship with GCO, Bauer and another company in Senegal called Midas, which I own. I have my own drilling company that I brought to Senegal, working in the same mine as them. We’re all heading towards the same goal. It’s all friendly; the guys there

“ We’re all heading towards the same goal. It’s all friendly; the guys there were trained by me” — Francis Billy Williams, Director, MDESS

were trained by me.” To foster such valuable partnerships, MDESS has made a pledge not to compro-

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09 mise on quality or safety. “We ensure

and more recently with Bauer. “You

our workers wear the appropriate

have to go through a lot of safety

PCE for the work we’re doing,

formations, because their priority was

especially when it comes to welding;

safety,” Williams explains. “95% of the

in case our welders aren’t wearing

whole program was safety. Newmont

the demanded kit,” Williams explains.

had a highly precise code when it came

“So, I think we have always been on

to safety because of the nature of the

the right track there with regards to

drilling that was being done by them.

safety concerns.”

They wanted everybody to come back

Safety is a paramount issue for

safe and sound. Newmont had very high

Williams, who has 37 years of experi-

expectations and everybody was being

ence under his belt. Williams’ record of

trained extensively on safety issues.

achieving the highest safety standards

We worked for about four years without

stretches back to his days working at

any incidents, which resulted in end-of-

the Newmont Gold Mines in Ghana,

month safety bonuses too.” a fri c a .busi ne ssc hief. com


DRILLING SCHOOLS MDESS stakes its reputation on providing the best and safest equipment to mining operations and any piece of kit is only as safe as the person operating it. Williams has placed a strong emphasis on staff training at MDESS to reduce any potential risks as much as humanly possible. Williams is also looking at launching a drilling school in a bid to try and raise standards in the field. “When it comes to equipment, I believe in working with the best. I worked for Bauer who had some of the best equipment in well mining. The safety standards were at a high 10

standard. The equipment was constantly tested, changed and overhauled and special training was implemented on how to use these tools correctly and safely. Most of the drilling we see in the villages is very poor,” he explains. “The workers are without PCE, and I’m sorry to say that Indian companies are drilling without even slippers on their feet. No helmet. This is not accepted in our field. “There should be a type of organisation that lets them know how to protect their workers. I am working with a friend of mine in Germany to see if we can set up a drilling school in Senegal, to teach the guys exactly what to do when it comes to drilling. It’s that important. What kind of legacy do you want to leave?” OCTOBER 2018


“ All the existing water wells can be used if they’re rehabilitated. You wouldn’t buy a new car just because your engine is smoking. You have to get the thing running again” — Francis Billy Williams, Director, MDESS


a fri c a .busi ne ssc hief. com

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