Exxaro Resources brochure – 2018

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legacy Creating a mining

in South Africa

legacy Creating a mining




in South Africa

y w w w. e x x a r o . c o m

Over the last decade, Exxaro Resources has empowered its people and fostered a collaborative culture to become a vital influence on South Africa’s mining industry


n November 2006, two leading coal companies in South Africa came together to create Exxaro Resources.

Over the course of the last 12 years, the company has become one of the largest and foremost black-empowered coal and heavy mineral companies in the country. The company’s key strategic vision is centred around going above and beyond simply existing as a leading mining organisation; it strives to make a positive impact on the world and power better lives in Africa. Exxaro’s portfolio has significantly grown to

Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) plays a pivotal role. Through

expand beyond coal. While coal is the compa-

key investments, the company

ny’s biggest produce, with seven managed

empowers its employees to make

mines producing power station, steam and

decisions and drive outcomes

cooking coal, it also produces ferrous metals

through trust-based leadership.

(iron), iron ore, titanium dioxide, wind energy and zinc. Its goal to make a positive impact on the world

Through this, Exxaro provides real tangible benefits and rewards to its employees, fostering a culture

is clearly being realised through the supply of

of “true ownership” that it feels

these resources to “fuel our future.”

enables an entrepreneurial mindset.

In order to deliver on this vision, Exxaro

The company’s mission state-

invests heavily in empowering people, both

ment is “powering possibility” and

internally and externally across Africa.

so it looks to develop employees to

This is where the company’s commitment to

become leaders in the industry and

cultivating change. Exxaro implemented a workplace model at its Corporate Centre called Activity Based Working

faster, more adaptable and driven to deliver the greatest possible results to meet the company’s targets. An empowered workforce is one key

(ABW). This is a model built on trust

component in successfully delivering on its

and places power in the hands of

vision, but as a mining and resources company

the employees in order to foster

Exxaro understands that community and

greater collaboration and a more

partnerships can be and often are the key.

innovative approach to working for the company. This is a two-way discourse and

The company says so itself, recognising that in order to grow and succeed it needs an ecosystem of employees, communities and

so each employee is held account-

partners from all across the

able to perform at the very highest

country to be working towards this shared

standards of their abilities.

unified goal.

Employees are encouraged to be

By collaboratively fostering empowered w w w. e x x a r o . c o m

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‘ Coal is after all the country’s second largest earner, providing 6.1% of South Africa’s total merchandise exports’

This code of conduct does challenge suppliers to think about their business, with sustainability and a solid foundation of sustainability best practice being “pertinent” to the company’s strategic objectives. Exxaro believes that suppliers can also provide learnings and greater collaboration moving forward to better deliver on its vision. Despite its broad portfolio of resourc-

communities who can access, and

es, Exxaro is first and foremost a coal

participate in, more socio-economic

mining company. Coal is after all the

possibilities and by investing in initiatives

country’s second largest earner,

that will deliver sustainable societies

providing 6.1% of South Africa’s total

through proactive engagement, deep

merchandise exports. South Africa in

understanding of societal needs, Exxaro

itself contains 11% of the world’s entire

truly delivers on its promise of economic

coal resources with 31bn tonnes of

development and prosperity.

recoverable coal.

When it comes to striking, fostering and

As the leading coal mining company,

developing key strategic partners,

Exxaro’s core projects are strategically

Exxaro applies the same approach. It

located in proximity of the country’s

achieves this through the Exxaro Supplier

highest coal concentrations; Mpumalan-

Code of Conduct, a document that

ga and Limpopo.

communicates certain standards that the

Its seven sites across the country are

company believes are mandatory for

defined by two core principles; to foster

selecting suppliers.

the fuel of the future and to continuously

Suppliers are obliged to conform to this code and Exxaro ensures that its suppliers continue to adhere to it through

increase South Africa’s competitiveness on the global coal stage. Within these seven sites are what

a culture of continuous improvement via

Exxaro defines as “mega projects.”

rigorous audits.

These projects are geared towards w w w. e x x a r o . c o m

ensuring a more productive tomorrow and are defined by several objectives: to grow the coal business, to expand and increase production volumes in a more sustainable way, plus many more. Such examples of mega projects that Exxaro is currently working on include a R3.3bn 2.2Mtpa Belfast Mine thermal coal resource for Mpumalanga, as well as a R2.9bn greenfield mine that will extract and produce 3.9 Mtpa to serve a 600MW thermal power station. Ground was officially broken on the Belfast Mine in July this year and has been dubbed the “first of its kind digital mine� due to a digital twin that has been created simultaneously. This digital replica is a complete replica of the mine and will allow management and contractors to connect and manage the workload remotely and identify problems in real-time, reducing downtime and increasing the safety of the operation. As an industry first, it’s but another example as to how Exxaro continues to strive for greater

w w w. e x x a r o . c o m

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‘ The mine will create close to 6,000 direct and indirect jobs during construction and the life of the mine’ collaboration, developing a more capable

as an organisation. In an address at the

industry and empowering the workforce

official ground-breaking ceremony,

with new skills and capabilities through

Refilwe Mtshwer, Mpumlanga Premier,

this innovative technology.

recognised Exxaro for its influential role

The mine will create close to 6,000 direct and indirect jobs during construc-

in defining the future of South Africa. “Exxaro Resources, as a proudly

tion and the life of the mine, with almost

South African company, has been

20,000 people benefiting. Overall it is

exemplary and at the forefront of

expected to contribute R39bn to local

reshaping how the mining sector

GDP over the life of the mine.

contributes to nation-building for

Ultimately however, the mine represents everything that Exxaro stands for

the past 12 years. Today is a testament to that.” w w w. e x x a r o . c o m


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