2023 Community Report

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Museop Kim as Bee Yang in The Song Poet, Minnesota Opera’s 50th world premiere. The Song Poet, 2023 © Cory Weaver




Monét X Change: Opera that Serves! A noteworthy performer brings new audiences to the Ordway.


The Song Poet: From Page to Stage Sold-out performances signal audience interest and artistic value.


Don Giovanni: Women Take Charge! MN Opera’s approach to repertoire offers timely perspective to a well-known work.

The past year has been one of celebration, firsts, and forward momentum for Minnesota Opera. We rang in 2023 with the Ordway brimming with music and laughter, thanks to a joyous


staging of The Daughter of the Regiment. We brought to life The Song Poet­— MN Opera’s 50th world premiere, and the

Cruzar la Cara de la Luna: A Vibrant Investment in Our Vision The world’s first mariachi opera opens the season, while opening hearts and minds.

first Hmong opera—in the intimacy of the newly renovated Luminary Arts Center. And we ended our Ordway season with a bold and beautiful new production of Don Giovanni led by an all-women creative team. While the 2023-2024 season was MN Opera’s 60th, it was


Making room for new partners and new works, right next door.

the first for the Luminary Art Center, owned and operated by Minnesota Opera in service to our broader arts community. As we moved into our 61st season, 2023 continued with renewed focus on the future of the company and its artmaking. Led by our north star—our vision to sing every story—the company refined its strategic direction, staged a

Inaugural Season at the Luminary Arts Center


Creating a Path Forward


Introducing our Principal Conductor

new production of the world’s first mariachi opera, Cruzar la

Strengthening and honing our guiding ideals.

Cara de la Luna, and named our principal conductor.

support of our subscribers and donors. We are so grateful for you! We invite you to learn more about the impact that your continued support makes possible.

A familiar face returns to lead the MN Opera Orchestra.

Don Giovanni 2023 © Dan Norman

None of this would be possible without the presence and

Monét X Change: OPERA THAT SERVES! The Daughter of the Regiment was Donizetti’s first comic opera and for many attendees at MN Opera’s winter production, it was their first time attending an opera—comedy or otherwise. What may have brought this new audience to Donizetti’s improbable tale of family and love could have been the infamous tenor aria with its nine high Cs, or the appeal of a comedy


in February in Minnesota. Or perhaps it was the inclusion of a pop icon from Rupaul’s Drag Race, Monet X Change, as the Duchess of Krakenthorp. This role has been played by

many other notable people including the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or Bea Arthur of Golden Girls fame. While not typically a singing role, the MN Opera saw an opportunity to engage a new, younger audience with the inclusion of Monét X Change. What’s more, X Change is, in fact, a talented opera singer trained at the Westminster Choir College


of Rider University and was able to expand upon the role with her own performance of “La calunnia” from The Barber of Seville. Regarding her MN Opera debut, X Change expressed, “It honestly means the world to me. I spent many hours throughout my undergrad in a cold room with a piano, my bass aria books, and practice log awaiting a moment like this… and it’s finally here.” This additional musical offering, combined with her colorful personality and experience as an accomplished performer resonated with audiences who reported that the show was approachable, relevant to the moment, and took risks. MN Opera will continue to explore this kind of artistic and

Monét X Change Portrait © Liam James

we’re asking lots of questions: In the historic and the new repertoire, what are we bringing to this story? What points of view have not been thoroughly explored? How can the medium of opera bring new light to a story that takes on new meaning with each generation? And how do we contribute to that dialogue in valuable and enduring ways?

Daughter of the Regiment, 2023 © Dan Norman

creative tuning moving forward. As we look ahead,

The Song Poet: FROM PAGE TO S T A G E Halfway through its 60th anniversary

Care and collaboration, including a

season, Minnesota Opera celebrated a

partnership with Theater Mu, were key

major milestone. In collaboration with two

to the success of this production, which

celebrated Minnesota artists – author Kao

is believed to be the first Hmong story

Kalia Yang and composer Jocelyn Hagen

ever adapted for the operatic stage.

– the company presented its 50th world

The Song Poet, 2023 © Cory Weaver


premiere, The Song Poet, in ten sold-out

The Song Poet put on display the

performances at the Luminary Arts Center

possibilities and potential that exists

last March. Based on the memoir by Kao

when we center representation in our

Kalia Yang, The Song Poet follows the

artistic efforts. MN Opera’s commitment

story of Yang’s father, Bee Yang, as war

to expand the circle of storytelling will

drives him and his family from the

continue to guide our work. The MN

mountains of Laos into a Thai refugee

Opera’s focus on advancing opera for

camp and later the Twin Cities. Bee

future generations requires curiosity

uses traditional Hmong song poetry to

and bold decision-making to push the

memorialize those he left behind while

artform forward. This production was

reflecting on his new experiences in the

a clear example of the value of that

U.S. which made for an extraordinary

approach. As Yang noted, “This cannot

foundation upon which an opera could

be a one-off experiment. It is the

be built—in fact, Hagen used recordings

beginning of a movement to bring in

of him singing to guide her own

true diversity to these forms that have

compositional process.

been, for so long, exclusive.”

While attendance was a hot ticket, the

In partnership with advisors from the

development of the project was a slower

Hmong community, MN Opera’s Impact

burn. Originally, MN Opera intended

Department organized in-person and

to adapt the novel as a youth opera.

virtual classroom visits led by staff and

However, it became apparent that the

artists. Middle and high school students

story’s resonance needed a bigger stage.

learned about the cultural significance

“The longer we spent with the story, the

of the opera, the representation and

more lift we wanted to try to give it,”

inclusion of Hmong and Asian culture in

said Ryan Taylor, the MN Opera’s

the arts, and the art form of song poetry,

executive director.

kwv txhiaj.

Words can’t explain my gratitude for your help in making this happen! My students have a newfound acceptance of their heritage and who they are because of this experience. Teachers couldn’t stop talking about how great the show was and its genuine portrayal of the refugee experience. This was arts integration in education at its finest. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you did.”

—Dr. Phong Nguyen, choir teacher, Oshkosh group organizer

An enduring outcome of MN Opera’s own learning about Hmong culture was the creation and sharing of a Hmong Culture Guide, which you are invited to explore at the QR code below.

07 The Song Poet also received a free encore screening at Rice Park during the Ordway Inside Out event in August 2023, which drew an estimated 300.

Don Giovanni: WOMEN T A K E CHARGE

Director Keturah Stickann was not interested

shifting the power dynamics toward justice

in modernizing the classic, Don Giovanni,

in the end. And Stickann accomplished all

but rather, “turning it over to look at it from

this without changing a word of the libretto.

another angle.” Stickann, along with her all-female creative team, worked to mine

Along with the all-female artistic team,

the depths of this classic in order to bring

the company enlisted intimacy and fight

a sense of agency to the female characters;

director, Doug Scholz-Carlson, to ensure cast and creative team felt empowered to navigate the challenges both on stage and off in safe and productive ways. Such a process only happens when there is intention behind every discussion, especially as it relates to the ways in which the inherited repertoire can be retold. The new dramaturgical approach taken in the case of the company’s 2023 production spoke to


the audience, too. Viewers reported that this production offered a relevant perspective


on Mozart’s classic. One patron reported that they “appreciated that the story was told—acted, sung, staged—to emphasize the unacceptability of Don G’s behavior,” and another noted that “It spoke to me in these troubled times as we have, hopefully, started to believe women.”

Don Giovanni, 2023 © Dan Norman

Cruzar la Cara de la Luna, the world’s first mariachi opera, offered MN Opera patrons an opportunity to experience the kind of magic that is created when investments are made in the development of new work. After significant, critical success

capacity to capture existing audiences

the artistic team felt strongly that

and new ones, too, with Spanish-

this production would resonate with

language outlets picking up the story,

the Minnesota community. Additional

contributing to new partnerships and

investments were made in the

opportunities to engage.

commissioning of a full orchestration by David Hanlon, who has been with

“It’s heartening to acknowledge that

the production since he conducted

our collective efforts resulted in such

its premiere at the Houston Grand

a meaningful experience for so many,”

Opera in 2010. Tony-nominated Arnulfo

said Ryan Taylor, President and General

Maldonado designed new sets and

Director, following the final curtain.

costumes that will travel to Austin Opera

“When we see the way new works like

in a coproduction partnership that is

Cruzar la Cara de la Luna are received

mutually beneficial and part of the kinds

by our audiences, it’s clear that those

of fiscal arrangements companies must

investments are vital to furthering

make as we seek a prudent path forward.

the art form and building the opera audience of the future.”

Reviews emphasized the resonance of the opera for all viewers—a story of family, sacrifice, and reconciliation. This deeply moving story, amplified by its


Cruzar la Cara de la Luna, 2023 © Dan Norman


across the United States and Europe,

can break your heart.” Coverage of the

It’s one of the most exciting and deeply involving productions that Minnesota Opera has presented so far this century.”

production demonstrated the show’s

—Rob Hubbard, Star Tribune

compelling and energetic new score, hit the mark for audiences and reviewers alike with comments like “deeply moving,” “beautiful pacing,” and “in tears before, during, and after.” The Star Tribune’s review echoed the sentiment: “Cruzar la Cara de la Luna might set the operatic record for how quickly it


INAUGURAL SEASON at the Luminary Arts Center

In 2018, MN Opera expanded its

Accessibility was central to ensuring the

Minneapolis campus with the purchase

space would align with the MN Opera’s

of the former Lab Theater, and during

vision and mission. To date, the Luminary

the pandemic, extensively renovated the

remains a leader in performing arts

storied space. The Luminary Arts Center’s

centers for its accessibility providing

inaugural season demonstrated that MN

essential accommodations for patrons and

Opera is able to continue to support a

performers alike. The Luminary remains

legacy of innovation and collaboration in

the only theater in Minnesota with an

our performing arts community.

adult changing table, a vital amenity for ensuring inclusivity. President Ryan Taylor


In the 2022–2023, the Luminary hosted

also emphasized the utility of owning

11 companies and over 10,000 patrons,

and operating the space adjacent to the

including those of the MN Opera with a

MN Opera Center. “Not only does it offer

rousing inaugural performance of Handel’s

us an opportunity to grow our footprint

Rinaldo and its 50th world premiere, The

in a highly desirable and growing

Song Poet. The 2023–2024 season is on

neighborhood in Minneapolis, it opens the

track to exceed last year’s attendance

door for our own artistic expansion and

as it continues to host new and exciting

innovation.” Renters have also benefited

partners. MN Opera will present a double

from the investment with 80 percent of

bill performance this spring featuring

renters rebooking the Luminary for the

Trouble in Tahiti and Service Provider.

2024–2025 season. Kurt Gough of Shelter


Architecture, the MN Opera’s partner in

Season one

67% occupancy

Season two

87% occupancy

The space enables companies to bring

the project, commented on the reciprocity

their visions to life, leveraging state of the

that occurs when large and small

art sound and lighting systems and the

organizations work together to create

224-person capacity offers both intimacy

an ecosystem: “I’ve heard the analogy

and scalability depending on the rental

that a healthy arts community is like a

partner’s needs.

rainforest—its upper canopy provides shelter and space for the lower layers so



patrons visited

that it can thrive and, in turn, offer energy and nutrients back to the upper canopy.” MN Opera can offer space and support for smaller organizations so that they might contribute to and support the next generation of performers and technicians here in Minnesota.


artists and crew

Season two will host


artists and crew

Renters from 2023–2024 Season


have already rebooked

We look forward to seeing just how we can support our arts ecosystem in the years to come.

Luminary Grand Opening © Tim Rummelhoff

Season one hosted


INTRODUCING our principal conductor

In September 2023, the MN Opera Board of

In December 2023, MN Opera announced

beginning with Cinderella in 2011 and

Directors ratified its new strategic direction.

the appointment of Christopher

covering a wide variety of repertoire

This document outlines the necessary efforts

Franklin as Principal Conductor. In

including La traviata, Hamlet, ThaÏs, Così

that will be undertaken to rise to the current

this role, Franklin is responsible for

fan tutte, the world premiere of Doubt,

and future realities within the performing arts

guiding the MN Opera Orchestra in its

and The Anonymous Lover.

space. While the core of our mission, vision,

artistic growth, and for shepherding

and values remains the same, the strategic

the company’s musical standard of

“Our goal with this position is to

planning task force of board and staff sought

excellence in its performance of inherited

reinforce our commitment to a more

to strengthen and hone these guiding ideals.

repertoire and in contributing to the

dynamic, sustainable, and inclusive

development of new work. He will

approach to opera that benefits patrons,

These adjustments will help provide clarity

also contribute to season planning as

artists, and the community well into

and direction to the company’s work internally,

a member of the company’s artistic

the future” said President and General

particularly as it relates to the outcomes we

planning team.

Director Ryan Taylor. “It was critical for

must strive for in our presentation of opera and

us to identify a principal conductor who

our activity in the community. Given uncertain

Franklin rose to the top of a list of

approaches the work of both reimagining

economic challenges and ever-changing buying

notable candidates through an extensive,

existing operas as well as developing

behaviors, the company must ensure that the

multi-season search that began prior to

new ones with equal care and curiosity,

entertainment, education, and enrichment we

the pandemic and incorporated feedback

and we are thrilled to have found those

provide in service of preserving and expanding

from both management and the

qualities in Christopher.”

upon the art form remains fiscally responsible.

musicians of the MN Opera Orchestra. He has a 12-year history with MN Opera,

A native of Pittsburgh, Franklin launched

Our strategic direction will help us work

his conducting career in Italy after

together around central goals that stabilize and

completing a BA in violin and German

grow our financial ability to produce vibrant

literature at Macalester College in Saint

seasons of live opera at the Ordway, retain

Paul as well as subsequent degrees at

and regain our audience, and continue our

the University of Illinois and the Peabody

investments in the future of opera.

Conservatory. He has enjoyed sustained

The Song Poet, 2023 © Cory Weaver

international success throughout Mission



Minnesota Opera advances

Minnesota Opera will

Curiosity, Equity,

the art of opera for today

sing every story.

Collaboration, Integrity

and for future generations by expanding the circle of musical storytelling.

Europe and beyond and is currently preparing for performances of Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie in Liège, Belgium before coming to the Twin Cities to begin rehearsals for The Elixir of Love in January 2024.

Christopher Franklin Performance Photo © Cory Weaver



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“A b e a ut i f u l, in n ovative p iece of op era th at is a gre at repre se nt atio n of M in n e s ota t he ate r at its be st.”





The Song Poet, 2023 © Cory Weaver


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