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Mike Lindquist NMLS#: 213449 Cell: 701-578-0478
1408 20th Ave. SW, Ste 3, Minot, ND 58701 Fast & Free Preapproval VA and FHA Financing
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Stories Realtors in the News ....................... 4 Upgrade your Home, downgrade energy use ....................................... 5 Private mortgage insurance: Top 3 benefits for homeowners ........................ 7 Practical tips to improve your home’s function and ambiance ................... 8 Signs your gutters are in need of repair ... 11
Mortgage chart ................................ 13 Lofty hexagon forms Baltimore’s core.................14
Ads e-Lending ................................. 1
HOME VENTURE August 2020
Home of the Month.................. 3 Dakotah Bank .......................... 4 Liechy Homes .......................... 6 Heartland Pella ........................ ... 10 Bremer Bank ............................ ... 10 Board of Realtors .................... ... 11 Watne Realtors ........................ ... 12,16 First Western Bank .................. ... 13 Financial Directory .................. ... 15
Home of the Month 1127 Valley View Drive Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2,840 sq ft ranch home overlooking Minot. All bedrooms, laundry, bathrooms DUH RQ PDLQ à RRU %DVHPHQW includes many built-ins. Master bedroom has new tiled walk-in shower, walk-in closet. Dining room and living room have great view with large covered patio. Kitchen has new microwave, dishwasher, and glass stovetop. This home has an extra lot making the backyard spacious enough for the fenced, raised garden beds, landscaping, producing apple trees and grape vines. 7KHUH DUH ZRRG ÀUHSODFHV PDLQ à RRU ODXQGU\ FHQWUDO DLU in-ground sprinkler system. Also, covered hot tub, a garage with breezeway and garden shed attached to garage. Included is whole house water ÀOWHU V\VWHP &RPH VHH WKLV peaceful paradise today! MLS#201292
Call or text Beth Ringen or Trude Skalicky for a showing today! 701-429-0326 or 701-240-3487 www.MinotHomes.com
August 2020 HOME VENTURE 3
WHEN YOUR PLANS ARE READY, SO ARE WE! Take the first step, apply online for a home loan and see if you pre-qualify.
Lauri Hopwood, NMLS #608984 lauri.hopwood@dacotahbank.com
dacotahbank.com Minot | (701) 852-1200
Did you know?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, homes with clock timer controlled irrigation systems use about 50 percent more water outdoors than homes without irrigation systems. Water waste can be even more significant if irrigation systems are not programmed correctly or if they have a leak. In addition, if sprinkler heads are situated incorrectly, water might be directed to areas of the lawn or garden that don’t need water, or even onto driveways and sidewalks. To reduce water waste, and save on their monthly water utility bills, homeowners can employ WaterSense labeled irrigation controllers. Such controllers adjust irrigation schedules automatically based on local weather and landscape conditions. These systems employ intuitive programming controls to schedule irrigation based on the water requirements of the plants. The controllers can make it easier for homeowners to keep their lawns and gardens green even during dry periods, such as drought, while still adhering to local water utility restrictions.
in the news
Judy Hoskin Watne, REALTORS® Top Producer of the Month of June 2020. As a REALTOR® in Minot for over 20 years, Judy says the best part is the many wonderful people she has met and friends she has gained. Helping people achieve one of the most important goals of buying or selling a home is very rewarding. The knowledge she has gained with each transaction is just waiting for the next person that chooses her to help with that important move. Judy can be reached by calling (701) 721-3837 or (701) 852-1156 or email at judyh@minothomes.com
Carrie Montoya Watne, REALTORS® Top Sales Professional of the Month of June 2020.
Carrie was born and raised in a small town in Nebraska and always cherished her upbringing in rural America. She and her husband are both retired from the Air Force and had the opportunity to live in many areas of the US and overseas, but they chose to remain in ND due to the warmth of the people, not the weather. She has been a full time sales professional in Minot for over 17 years and enjoyed every minute of it. Helping people realize their dreams of home ownership, commercial/investment goals and building lasting relationships are all rewarding endeavors. She would like to say Thank You to all her past, current and future clients for your confidence and friendship. You can contact Carrie at (701) 240-0709 or email at carriecornhusker@aol.com.
HOME VENTURE August 2020
Upgrade Your Home, Downgrade Energy Usage
he best home upgrades not only make spaces PRUH OLYDEOH DQG HQHUJ\ H൶FLHQW EXW DUH DOVR FRVW H൵HFWLYH 0DNLQJ HQHUJ\ H൶FLHQW improvements is a savvy way to save money on utility bills, curb energy usage and add to the KRXVH¶V YDOXH Consider a variety of home improvement projects, ERWK ELJ DQG VPDOO WKDW FDQ UHGXFH WKH ¿QDQFLDO EXUGHQ of maintaining your home throughout the year and LPSURYH HQHUJ\ H൶FLHQF\
Add Insulation $ FRVW H൵HFWLYH ZD\ WR VDYH RQ KHDWLQJ DQG FRROLQJ bills is adding a layer of insulation in the attic where KHDW ORVV LV W\SLFDOO\ JUHDWHVW GXH WR KRW DLU ULVLQJ :KLOH many newer homes are adequately insulated, those that DUH VHYHUDO GHFDGHV ROG RU ROGHU PD\ EHQH¿W IURP DQ upgrade in not only the attic but other common problem areas where air can escape such as basements, crawl VSDFHV ¿UHSODFHV DQG GXFWZRUN Seal Doors and Windows :LQGRZV DQG GRRUV DUH FRPPRQ FXOSULWV IRU HQHUJ\ ORVV :KLOH D FRPSOHWH UHSODFHPHQW RI GRRUV DQG ZLQGRZV FDQ be pricey, adding exterior caulk and weather stripping to ¿OO LQ JDSV ZKHUH DLU FDQ HVFDSH DURXQG WKHVH RSHQLQJV FDQ PDNH D QRWLFHDEOH GL൵HUHQFH IRU D IUDFWLRQ RI WKH FRVW DQG PDNH LW FKHDSHU WR KHDW DQG FRRO \RXU KRPH Install Skylights 6N\OLJKWV DUH D FRVW H൵HFWLYH RSWLRQ IRU WUDQVIRUPLQJ any room in the home with natural light while also GHOLYHULQJ HQHUJ\ VDYLQJ EHQH¿WV )RU H[DPSOH 6XQ Tunnel Skylights from Velux can be installed in as little as 90 minutes and funnel natural light from the roof through the attic and into the room below with an DHVWKHWLF WKDW UHVHPEOHV UHFHVVHG OLJKWLQJ &XVWRPL]DEOH ZLWK VL[ GL൵XVHU ¿OP VW\OHV WR FRPSOHPHQW LQWHULRU GHVLJQ WKH VN\OLJKWV FDQ PDNH D KRPH PRUH HQHUJ\ H൶FLHQW E\ UHGXFLQJ UHOLDQFH RQ DUWL¿FLDO OLJKWLQJ $Q RSWLRQDO daylight controller makes it easy for homeowners to adjust natural light entering a room, and a solar nightlight provides D PRRQ OLNH JXLGLQJ OLJKW DW QLJKW ,QVWDOOHG ZLWK WKH VRODU nightlight, the skylights qualify for a 26% federal tax credit RQ VRODU SURSHUW\ $GG 5HÀHFWLYH :LQGRZ )LOP :KHQ WKH VXQ VKLQHV WKURXJK ZLQGRZV LW FDQ KHDW XS WKH KRPH¶V LQWHULRU TXLFNO\ DQG WULJJHU WKH DLU FRQGLWLRQHU WR WXUQ RQ :LQGRZ FRYHULQJV VXFK DV EODFNRXW FXUWDLQV FDQ KHOS EXW DGGLQJ ORZ H UHÀHFWLYH ZLQGRZ ¿OP WR \RXU windowpanes, particularly southern-facing ones, can provide an additional VKLHOG IURP WKH VXQ¶V KRW UD\V DQG UHGXFH HQHUJ\ FRVWV ,QVWDOO D 3URJUDPPDEOH 7KHUPRVWDW $ SURJUDPPDEOH WKHUPRVWDW LV DQ H൶FLHQW ZD\ WR FRQWURO WKH FOLPDWH inside your home, and those with smart technology take programming to D ZKROH QHZ OHYHO 7RGD\¶V VPDUW WKHUPRVWDWV QRW RQO\ OHW KRPHRZQHUV control temperatures from their smart devices while on-the-go but can also learn daily habits and adjust the temperature accordingly with no RWKHU PDQXDO DGMXVWPHQWV QHFHVVDU\ ,Q DGGLWLRQ VRPH XWLOLW\ FRPSDQLHV R൵HU LQFHQWLYHV OLNH PRQH\ EDFN DW WKH HQG RI WKH \HDU IRU LQVWDOOLQJ D VPDUW WKHUPRVWDW EHFDXVH WKH HQHUJ\ VDYLQJV DUH VR VXEVWDQWLDO
5HSODFH $SSOLDQFHV Because appliances like refrigerators and ovens, among others, are major HQHUJ\ XVHUV LQYHVWLQJ LQ PRUH H൶FLHQW PRGHOV SURYLGHV ERWK FRVW DQG HQHUJ\ VDYLQJV $GGLWLRQDOO\ KRPHV PRUH WKDQ \HDUV ROG FRXOG EHQH¿W IURP XSGDWHV WR WKH DLU FRQGLWLRQHU RU KHDWHU DV V\VWHPV \HDUV ROG RU ROGHU PD\ EH FDQGLGDWHV IRU UHSODFHPHQW DV WKH\¶UH LQH൶FLHQW E\ WRGD\¶V VWDQGDUGV $GG &HLOLQJ )DQV In comparison to running your air conditioner consistently, the cost of UXQQLQJ D FHLOLQJ IDQ RU VHYHUDO LV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ OHVV 3DUWLFXODUO\ RQ GD\V that may not require cooling the entire house completely, fans can provide D JHQWOH EUHH]H DQG FLUFXODWH DLU LQ WKH VSDFHV \RX XVH PRVW RIWHQ 6LPSO\ adjust the switch to the counterclockwise position to ensure it’s pushing air GRZQZDUG GXULQJ ZDUPHU PRQWKV For more information and home improvement ideas, visit ZK\VN\OLJKWV FRP OLYHOLJKWHU
August 2020 HOME VENTURE 5
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HOME VENTURE August 2020
Alex Skarsgard
PRIVATE MORTGAGE INSURANCE: TOP 3 BENEFITS FOR HOMEOWNERS One of the most common misconceptions about purchasing a home is the need for a substantial downpayment. While purchasing a home is not without its upfront costs, including a downpayment, closing costs and moving expenses, the downpayment doesn’t need to be as large as you may think thanks to Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).
What is PMI?
PMI is a type of mortgage insurance required on conventional loans when the borrower’s down payment is less than 20% of the overall value of their future home. This insurance is put in place to protect the lender if a borrower were to stop making payments on their loan and can be paid on a yearly basis or wrapped into your monthly mortgage payment. The good news is: PMI doesn’t last forever! Once you’ve paid down at least 20% of your home’s original appraised value, you can request your mortgage servicer to remove the PMI. If you lose track of how much you’ve paid towards principal and forget to reach out to your servicer, no worries. They are required to remove the insurance once your home equity reaches 78% loan to value based on the value at the time you originated your loan.
Top Three Benefits of PMI
Now that you understand PMI, let’s talk benefits. There are three main reasons that PMI is beneficial for homeowners, and especially first-time homebuyers. 1. Get into a Home Sooner Saving up 20% for a downpayment on a home isn’t realistic for most homebuyers. With today’s mortgage programs and PMI, borrowers can get into a home with as little as 3% down, significantly slashing the amount and time needed to save up. What’s that look like in numbers? For a $250,000 home without PMI, you’d need to put down at least $50,000. With PMI, your downpayment could be as little as $7,500. Even if you’re a superstar saver, it could take years to save $50,000. With an attainable 3% savings goal, you can create a realistic savings plan to get into a home of your very own now, rather than years into the future. 2. Keep Some Savings for the Unexpected Saving for a home is a huge accomplishment, no matter the number! But dumping all of your hard-earned savings into a downpayment to avoid the cost of PMI isn’t the right answer either. Your car could need serious repairs, you could injure yourself and incur higher medical bills, or you could crack the screen on your iPhone – all expenses you’ll be wishing you still had savings to cover. Plus, as a homeowner, you’ll want to have some extra cash on hand for repairs, new features and appliances within your home since you won’t have a landlord on speed dial to fix the busted refrigerator at no cost. Keeping a portion of your hardearned cash in a savings vehicle, like a money market, CD or other interest-earning account, ensures you’re prepared for the unexpected and allows you to continue growing your savings, rather than locking it up in your home. 3. Start Building Equity For Yourself It’s no secret that when you pay rent, your landlord is the one building equity, not you. By leveraging PMI with a lower downpayment, you’ll be able to make the jump from renter to homeowner sooner and start building up equity in your own home. Home equity is the difference between what your home is worth and the amount you owe on your mortgage. As you make monthly payments, your loan balance decreases and your home equity builds.
Lisa Thuner, is an Executive Mortgage Officer with The HOME Team at Town & Country Credit Union. To contact Lisa or get more information on home loans, visit www.townandcountry.org. Town & Country Credit Union is an Equal Housing Lender. NMLS# 704437.
Make Your Home Budget Go Further
If you have already have a good-sized downpayment saved up (in addition to your emergency funds and home repair funds), you can leverage PMI to purchase a more expensive home. For example, $10,000 would be a 20% downpayment without PMI on a $50,000 home, but a 10% downpayment on a $100,000 home with PMI. That $50,000 difference could be the difference between an extra bedroom, bathroom or the garage you always wanted in your new home. Make sure to run the numbers so you know you can still afford the monthly payments, but this could be a good way to get into that home you always dreamed of sooner.
Getting Started
Whether you are well on your way to your savings goal or haven’t even made a dent, there’s never a bad time to talk to a local mortgage lender if you’re interested in owning your own home. In a judgement free zone, they’ll analyze your financial situation and help you create a plan to make owning a home of your very own the next thing you check off your bucket list.
#1 Mortgage Lender IN WARD COUNTY
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August 2020 HOME VENTURE 7
Ultimate Upgrades Practical tips to improve your home’s function and ambiance
omeowners tackling interior upgrades often focus their attention on two of the most-used rooms the in the house: the kitchen and bathroom. Tailoring these rooms to your personal preferences may enhance your enjoyment of the space, but most experts recommend thinking long term for the biggest return on your investment. If a kitchen or bathroom renovation is in your future, take a holistic approach that considers how the space will be used now and in the future.
HOME VENTURE August 2020
Kitchen Considerations
As the hub of activity for many households, the kitchen is a space that commands efficient, functional design. Aside from the practical issue of losing access to the space while it’s under construction, there’s another important challenge for homeowners to consider when tackling a kitchen remodel: for maximum return on your investment, avoid making choices that are too trendy or personal.
Design trends come and go, so while a contemporary update is almost always a good idea, many design experts recommend sticking with classic looks and styles that have broad appeal, especially for big ticket (and big price tag) elements like cabinetry. Save your flair for aspects like the backsplash tile or wall color, which can be relatively easily changed by a new owner or even yourself when you want a refresh down the road. Another area to give special attention is the overall ambiance of the room, which is largely influenced by the light from natural and electric sources. For a room that needs brightening, skylights are a smart option because they free up wall space for more storage and cabinets while adding abundant natural light. However, natural light from above isn’t the only advantage of adding skylights. Some models, such as a Velux solar-powered, fresh-air skylight, can be opened with a remote control to bring fresh air inside, which helps keep the kitchen fresh and rids indoor air of pollutants from daily activities like cooking and cleaning. Skylights can be ordered with light-filtering or room-darkening blinds, which give homeowners maximum control over the exact amount of light they want. Plus, solarpowered blinds come in over 75 colors and patterns for customizable design options that allow you to truly make the space your own. Be sure to ask whether the line you’re considering qualifies for a federal tax credit. Solar-powered skylights and blinds are eligible for a 26% federal tax credit on product and installation if purchased and installed by the end of 2020. The credit decreases to 22% in 2021.
A Better Bathroom
In the bathroom, modern upgrades are also a smart investment. However, many experts actually recommend thinking not just about what’s in vogue right now but considering needs far into the future. Universal design is especially relevant in the bathroom, where simple adjustments can provide added accessibility as you age, and these updates can flow seamlessly into the design. This means considering a vanity with a raised counter height and a taller toilet base, which can add stylish enjoyment no matter your age. Other features like a zero-entry shower deliver high-demand design and safety simultaneously. Outside of accessibility-oriented updates, upgrading your fixtures, fresh paint and contemporary tile can go a long way toward transforming a bathroom. If you find your space is still in need of a boost, a skylight may be the answer. Natural light can be that last touch to bring your space from just OK to perfect, and skylights in the bathroom allow homeowners to maximize their natural light without losing any privacy. In a space like the bathroom, where ventilation is a top concern, a choice like Velux No Leak Solar-Powered “Fresh Air” Skylights provide natural light as well as fresh air ventilation to make the environment healthier. They help rid indoor air of bacteria, volatile organic compounds and carbon dioxide. Explore more design ideas to enhance your kitchen and bathroom spaces at whyskylights.com.
Smart Climate Control Fresh air ventilation is one way homeowners can promote better indoor air quality, especially in rooms like kitchens and bathrooms which are especially vulnerable to poor air circulation. A smartphone-controlled skylight automation system such as Velux Active with Netatmo can help improve indoor climate from the convenience of your mobile device. It allows homeowners to automate when they open and close their skylights and blinds. The system monitors an online weather station and uses indoor sensors to measure temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels in the home. Based on a homeowner’s settings, the system will automatically open the skylights or extend the blinds as needed to improve air quality and temperature inside the home.
August 2020 HOME VENTURE 9
Financing that goes beyond traditional Buying a home is a uniquely personal experience. For you, it may be the first place that’s all your own. Maybe it means getting your dream house or making a smart investment. Once we understand the big picture, our experienced mortgage bankers will take the time to guide you through the options. Let’s see what we can do together. Learn more at bremer.com.
10 HOME VENTURE August 2020
Signs your gutters are in need of repair (Metro) — Fall is a great time to tackle projects around the house. The weather each fall allows homeowners to make improvements to their homes’ exteriors without worrying about extreme heat or cold, while interior projects like painting are made easier because homeowners can open the windows to allow for proper ventilation. Fall also marks a great time to prepare for upcoming projects that can make winter work that much easier. For example, fall is a great time to take stock of your gutters so you can address any issues before leaves begin to fall or the first snowstorm touches down. Compromised gutters can contribute to water issues in basements and adversely affect a home’s foundation if not addressed immediately, so it behooves homeowners to learn the signs that gutters are in need of repair or replacement. Gutters hanging off the home: Gutters were once installed predominantly with spikes. However, many industry professionals now install gutters with hanger brackets. Why the change? Spikes loosen over time, leading to the gutters hanging off the home. That can contribute to serious issues if left untreated. Gutters hanging off the home need not necessarily be replaced, but rather secured to the home, ideally with hanger brackets instead of spikes. Brackets hook into the front of the gutter and are then screwed into the fascia of a home. A professional who specializes in gutter repair can perform this task relatively quickly, and it’s an inexpensive yet highly effective solution. Gutter separation: Gutters that are no longer fastened together can leak and contribute to issues that affect the home’s foundation, siding and appearance. Clogs and the accumulation of debris can cause gutters to separate because they are not designed to hold too much weight. Replacement of separated gutters may or may not be necessary depending on how big the problem is and the condition of the existing gutters. If replacement is not necessary, separated gutters may be remedied by securing the joints, another relatively simple and inexpensive fix. Peeling exterior paint: Paint that appears to be peeling off of your home may indicate that water is seeping over the edge of the gutter closest to your home. When that happens, water is coming down the side of the house, causing the paint to peel. In such instances, replacing the gutters is often necessary. Basement flooding: Not all signs of deteriorating gutters are outside a home. Many a homeowner has been flummoxed by flooding in their basements, and such flooding can be caused by aging, ineffective gutters. That’s because deteriorating gutters sometimes allow water to leak near the foundation of a home, contributing to basement flooding. Fall is an ideal time to inspect gutters and have any issues fixed before leaves begin to fall or harsh winter weather arrives.
Minot Board Of REALTORS Alliance Real Estate 1401 11th Ave SW • Minot, ND 701-839-2217
Century 21 Action REALTORS 500 20th Ave SW • Minot, ND 701-839-0021
Brokers 12 1201 South Broadway • Minot, ND 701-852-3757
Coldwell Banker 1st Minot Realty 219 South Main • Minot, ND 701-852-0136
Elite Real Estate 1829 S. Broadway St #1 • Minot, ND 701-838-4040
EXP Realty 3369 45th St. S • Fargo, ND 701-289-7315
IMM Inc. 700 N. Broadway • Minot, ND 701-852-3648
Keller Williams Inspire 12 S. Main St • Minot, ND 701-838-6800
NextHome Legendary Properties 400 4th St. SW • Minot, ND 701-852-8151
Preferred Partners
[O (]L :> :[L • Minot, ND 701-852-HOME (4663)
Remax 2915 10th St. SW • STE A-Minot 701-838-8300
Signal Inc., Realtors 1541 South Broadway • Minot, ND 701-852-3505
Signature Properties 1701 South Broadway • Minot, ND 701-839-1999
Watne Realtors 408 North Broadway • Minot, ND 701-852-1156
701 Realtors 24 1st St NE • Minot, ND 701-852-7653
August 2020 HOME VENTURE 11
800-568-5311 · 701-852-1156 · 408 N B roadway · M inot, N D 58703
RAY, ND - Corner Lot on Main St. - 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, Maintenance Free Porch. #201417
STANLEY ND 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Townhouse, Over 1,700 Sq Ft, Great Floor Plan, 2 Car Garage, Patio, Fenced Backyard #200927
BENEDICT ND - Great Starter Home, Beautiful Open Floor Plan, 10 Acres, Great Location, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Unique #200463
WELL KEPT CONDO 2 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Single Garage, Steel Siding, Newer Water Heater 2016, Coretec Waterproof Laminate Flooring Throughout #201108
TIOGA ND- City amenities with country charm - on 4.7 Acres - 2 Bedroom, Large Closed-In Screen Porch, Attached 2 car garage. 40 x 40 Quonset #201363
TO BE MOVED! - 2016 29x72 Modular Home (Not Manufactured), Never Lived In, 9 Ft. Ceilings, 3 Bedroom #200742
SOUTH OF TIOGA ND 3 Bedroom Modular Home, One Owner, Wood-Burning Stove, 1,200 Sq Ft Insulated, Heated Shop, Room to Build #192336
Trude Skalicky 701-240-3487 Jeremy Skalicky 701-340-7954
MOHALL ND – 3 Bedrooms, 1.75 Baths, Spacious Home, Large Deck/Stone Patio, 2 Car Garage, Great Location #201127
Janet Schelling 701-240-7537
Leigh Ann Perdue 701-640-0150
A MUST SEE! 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Conveniently Located, Open Concept, Attached, Lenora Heated, 2 Car Garage Stevenson #200928 701-263-7757
Blake Krabseth 701-720-1786
Danielle Delzer 701-500-3732
Carrie Montoya 701-240-0709
Ali Ryan 701-720-9004
Leigh Ann Perdue 701-640-0150
Lana Berman 909-581-5428
GOODRICH ND - Small Town Community, 2 Bedrooms, Oversized Single Garage, Wrap Around Cedar Deck #200124
BOTTINEAU ND - Grand Tudor Home, Wood-Burning Fireplace, Original Woodwork, Beautiful Windows, Hardwood Janet Floors, 3 Bedrooms, Single Schelling 701-240-7537 Garage #200684
BLAISDELL ND - Live in 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Unit, Blake Rent the Other 3 Units, 2.38 Krabseth 701-720-1786 Acres, Laundry Hookups in Ali All Units, Converted School Ryan 701-720-9004 #192485
Lana Berman 909-581-5428 Ali Ryan 701-720-9004
Ali Ryan................................ 701-720-9004 Beth Ringen......................... 701-429-0326 Blake Krabseth ................... 701-720-1786 Carrie Montoya ................... 701-240-0709 Danielle Delzer .................... 701-500-3732 Geri Erven-Beede ............... 701-509-1773
Gracia Eman........................ 701-263-1295 Janea Martell ...................... 320-333-5264 Janet Schelling ................... 701-240-7537 Jeremy Skalicky.................. 701-340-7954 Jim Bowman ....................... 808-462-2173 Judy Hoskin ........................ 701-721-3837
12 HOME VENTURE August 2020
Kevin Connole..................... 701-833-7003 Susanne Hoskin .................. 701-833-0160 Lana Berman ....................... 909-581-5428 Thad Tarasen....................... 701-240-6737 Leigh Ann Perdue ............... 701-641-0150 Trude Skalicky..................... 701-240-3487 Lenora Stevenson .............. 701-263-7757 Matt Watne .......................... 701-720-5700 Equal Housing Opportunity Ric Montoya ........................ 701-240-0749
Helping dreams come true. For most of us, our home is the biggest purchase we’ll ever make. I love helping my customers with their mortgage so they can get into their home and on with their dreams.
Juliene Mowan AVP Mortgage Lending NMLS #: 665251
August 2020 HOME VENTURE 13
Lofty hexagon forms Baltimore’s core Baltimore
By Associated Designs
© 2020 Associated
Designs, Inc. access door On the exterior of this Prairie room, next to sliding PLAN home, four10-554 sculpted posts highlight to a patio that sweeps along the exfront Living Areafacade. 2303Slender sq.ft. and grace- terior of that side. A similar patio Prepare to be stunned as you the Mech./ wraps across the opposite side yet firmly seated enter the Baltimore’s vaulted hex- ful, Garage/Mud Rm 497 sq.ft.on the tapered that Mud Garage is accessed matching slidveneer bases, their open invitagonal core, where all six ceiling stone Room through Dimensions 80' x 71' 12'6'' x 25' in xthe dining area. sections sweep up to a lofty central ing look extends a gracious wel- ers 12'6'' 11'6'' 2000 SERIES Standing in the kitchen, you can apex. Richly windowed and com- come to family and friends. www.AssociatedDesigns.com Two coat closets flank the entry keep your eye on that patio, and pletely open on the entry side, this expansive space is only slightly passageway that leads into the ex- tend to goings-on in the great less open further backSuite in the kitch- pansive great room that encom- room and dining area. The long, Owners’ en. Sleeping areas and other less passes the living and dining areas. raised eating bar that rims the 19' x 23'3'' public rooms fill the two wings A gas fireplace and a home enter- kitchen’s peninsular counter is perfect for tainment center nestle into the rear that extend off to the rear. Bedroom homework wall of the living 12' x 14'8'' © 2020 Kitchen superviAssociated © 2020 Associated Designs, Inc. Inc. Designs, sion. And, PLAN 10-554 10-554 PLAN of course, Mech./ Living Area Area 2303 2303 sq.ft. sq.ft. it’s also Living Mud Mech./ Garage Room just right Garage/MudRm Rm497 497 sq.ft. sq.ft. Living Garage/Mud Mud 12'6''Garage x 25' 12'6'' x 11'6'' for inforRoom Dimensions 80'xx 71' 71' Dimensions 80' Dining 12'6'' x 25' mal meals 12'6'' x 11'6'' 2000 SERIES SERIES Vaulted Patio 2000 or chatting Great Room www.AssociatedDesigns.com www.AssociatedDesigns.com with family 39' x 29'4'' Patio Owners’ Suite or friends 19' x 23'3'' w h i l e Owners’ Suite Entry working in the kitchen. A 19' x 23'3'' Bedroom central work island adds 12' x 14'8'' Kitchen to the counter and storage Covered Bedroom space, and a roomy stepPorch 12' x 14'8'' Kitchen in pantry is off to the side. The Baltimore’s owners’ suite Living is designed to provide a secluded adult retreat. A small gas fireplace Dining Vaulted graces its sitting area, and sliding Patio Living Great Room doors provide access to a deck that Dining Patio 39' x 29'4'' could be private. Vaulted Patio Associated Designs is the origiGreat Room Entry nal source for the Baltimore 1039' x 29'4'' Patio 554. For more information or to view other designs, visit www. Covered Entry Porch AssociatedDesigns.com or call 800-634-0123.
14 HOME VENTURE August 2020
Covered Porch
FINANCIAL DIRECTORY Banks • Credit Unions • Savings & Loan Associates • Mortgage Lenders
Locations in Minot, ND 900 South Broadway
852-3711 2200 15th St. SW 20 1st St. SW, Minot 701-852-3361 bremer.com
857-7220 2105 16th St. NW Member FDIC
1017 South Bdwy & 924 31st Ave. SW, Minot
857-8400 or 857-4444
August 2020 HOME VENTURE 15
CROSBY, ND - 3 Bedrooms, 1.75 Baths, Spacious Kitchen, Stone Fireplace, Beamed Ceilings, French Doors Leading to Deck, Single Car AnnLeigh Perdue Garage #182522 701-641-0150
COUNTRY LIVING CLOSE TO TOWN! - Manufactured Home in Max, ND, 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, 2 Car Detached Danielle Garage, Fenced Back Yard, Delzer Large Corner Lot #200831 701-500-3732
PEACEFUL PARADISE! - 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2,480 Sq Ft, Double Attached Garage, Large Beautiful Back Yard #201292
800-568-5311 · 701-852-1156 · 408 N B roadway · M inot, N D 58703
TURTLE LAKE ND 3 Bedroom, 1.75 Bath Home, Gas Fireplace, Attached 3 Car Garage, Detached Single Garage #200714
MOHALL, ND - Small Town Community, 2 Bedrooms, Hardwood Floors, Walk-in Whirlpool Tub, Good Size Deck, Nice Location #201128
POWERS LAKE ND – Small, Very Nice Condition, Sun Porch, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Many Updates in Past 10 Years, Single Garage, Sheltered Backyard #200800
LANSFORD ND - Move-In Ready!, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Additional Detached 24x28 Garage, New Pella Windows, New Furnace, New Central Air Unit #200343
STANLEY ND - 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Great Location, 1,600 Sq Ft, Very Spacious #201230
Ali Ryan 701-720-9004
Lana Berman 909-581-5428
LIGNITE ND - 5 Bedroom, 3 Bath Home on 3.21 Acres, Deck/ Patio, 60x80 Heated Shop, Attached 2-Car Garage #200691
Janet Schelling 701-240-7537
Janet Schelling 701-240-7537
STANLEY ND - Great Investment! 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Townhouse, Double Attached Garage, Great Property, Great Location #200926
GREAT LOCATION! 2 Bedroom Townhouse, All One Level, Double Attached Garage with Shop Area #200845
COUNTRY LIVING! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home, Wood Burning Stove, Large Deck, 3 Car Attached Garage, Fenced Yard #200525
Lana Berman 909-581-5428 Ali Ryan 701-720-9004
Ali Ryan................................ 701-720-9004 Beth Ringen......................... 701-429-0326 Blake Krabseth ................... 701-720-1786 Carrie Montoya ................... 701-240-0709 Danielle Delzer .................... 701-500-3732 Geri Erven-Beede ............... 701-509-1773
Gracia Eman........................ 701-263-1295 Janea Martell ...................... 320-333-5264 Janet Schelling ................... 701-240-7537 Jeremy Skalicky.................. 701-340-7954 Jim Bowman ....................... 808-462-2173 Judy Hoskin ........................ 701-721-3837
16 HOME VENTURE August 2020
Trude Skalicky 701-240-3487
Leigh Ann Perdue 701-641-0150
Carrie Montoya 701-240-0709
Beth Ringen 701-429-0326
Blake Krabseth 701-720-1786
Blake Krabseth 701-720-1786
Carrie Montoya 701-240-0709
Kevin Connole..................... 701-833-7003 Susanne Hoskin .................. 701-833-0160 Lana Berman ....................... 909-581-5428 Thad Tarasen....................... 701-240-6737 Leigh Ann Perdue ............... 701-641-0150 Trude Skalicky..................... 701-240-3487 Lenora Stevenson .............. 701-263-7757 Matt Watne .......................... 701-720-5700 Equal Housing Opportunity Ric Montoya ........................ 701-240-0749