Home Market November Edition

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Watne Realtors Announces their

Alliance Real Estate Announces their



Lisa Jameson


I am from Spokane, WA, my husband moved here for work and I followed soon after to start the ND chapter of our lives, spending 2 years in our motor home. I quickly decided life was not a trial but an adventure; and that is what kept me going. In Spokane I owned a successful referral business helping families relocate their aging parent. In addition, I published a magazine, was the director of a state wide senior organization, and also started a marketing group for many Spokane businesses. The past 2 years I have managed an RV Park. I recently obtained my ND Real Estate license and joined the Watne Realtors sales staff. I am excited to venture into real estate where I will again help people as they transition from one home to another. I am excited to hear from you! I can be reached by calling 701-500-0499 or 852-1156 and by email at lisa@minothomes.com

408 North Broadway • Minot, ND 58701

701-852-1156 • www.minothomes.com

1829 South Broadway, Minot • 701-839-2217

Coldwell Banker 1st Minot Realty Announces their

Brokers 12, Inc. Announces their

Meet Your REALTORÂŽ 219 S. Main St. Minot, ND


Brad Livesay

Mehgan Krueger

701 720-7769 I have lived in Minot for over 40 years and have watched

it grow while enjoying all that Minot and the surrounding area has to offer. I have been a realtor for over 11 years. Residential properties are the main part of my business. , HQMR\ KHOSLQJ SHRSOH Âż QG WKHLU KRPH RU VHOO WKHLU FXUUHQW home so they can move on to the next chapter of their lives. I have been on the Minot Board of Realtors for 9 years and am the current President. I have received many awards from Coldwell Banker for production and service and I also have been elected Realtor of the Year by the Minot Board of Realtors. I would like the opportunity to help you with your real estate needs.

Action Realtors 500 20th Ave SW Minot, ND 58701

I am your local market expert who is dedicated to working for you! Whether you are looking to buy or sell a home, I will make the process as easy as possible while keeping you informed during this exciting time in your life. My mission is to make the buying and selling process as easy and as enjoyable as I can, while guiding you through the decision making process. Call me today to take the next step into your future! Call her today at 701-425-9350 or 701-852-3757. or properties and more information on Mehgan check out HYPERLINK “http://www. brokers12.com/� www.brokers12.com

1201 South Broadway, Minot • 701-852-3757 1-800-568-6671 • Rugby 701-776-6315

Century 21 Action Realtors Announces their

Next Home Announces their



Andrew Gudmunson Hello All, My name is Andrew Gudmunson and I am going on my 6th \HDU DV D IXOO WLPH %URNHU 2ZQHU DW &HQWXU\ $FWLRQ ,Q P\ Âż UVW Âż YH years I received awards for production, but more importantly quality VHUYLFH ,Q WKRVH Âż YH SOXV \HDUV , KDYH DVVLVWHG KXQGUHGV RI &OLHQWV LQ WKH EX\LQJ DQG VHOOLQJ RI UHDO HVWDWH , DP FRQÂż GHQW WKDW LI \RX ZHUH to talk to anyone of them, they would say their experience with me was a positive one. Read some of their testimonials here (http://www. UHDOVDWLVÂż HG FRP $QGUHZ *XGPXQVRQ ,ÂśYH EHHQ IRUWXQDWH WR WUDYHO all over the world. There are several places that I enjoy visiting, but for reasons too long to list Minot is the only place I will ever call home! I ZRXOG ORYH WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR KHOS \RX Âż QG \RXU KRPH KHUH LQ 0LQRW RU chat about any real estate needs you might have. I can be reached at 701-240-1965 or Andrew.gudmunson@century21.com. Cheers!!!

Home Market Signal Realtors Announces their


Mike Pellenwessel Mike, a full time Realtor, has been in the real estate business since 1541 South Broadway 1993. During that time he has earned the reputation of putting his Minot, ND 58701 FOLHQWV Âż UVW ORRNLQJ RXW IRU WKHLU LQWHUHVWV 0LNH LV D SDVW SUHVLGHQW RI WKH 0LQRW %RDUG RI 5HDOWRUV D SDVW GLUHFWRU RI WKH 1RUWK 'DNRWD Association of Realtors. He is a native of Minot and graduate of Bishop Ryan High School and Minot State University. Mike is married WR /RUL DQG WKH\ KDYH VRQV D GDXJKWHU &DOO 0LNH WRGD\ DW RU H PDLO KLP DW PLNHSHOOHQZHVVHO#UHDOWRU FRP IRU DOO your real estate needs.

(701) 852-3505 • (701-833-8430) Email: mikepellenwessel@realtor.com


Ashley Dhuyvetter

I am a Minot native and graduate of Minot High School. I attended North Dakota State University receiving a double major in Marketing and Management. Upon graduation, I’ve served the Minot community working over 5 years at the North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities doing what I do best – helping people! After purchasing my ¿ UVW KRPH LQ , UHDOL]HG , ZDV YHU\ SDVVLRQDWH DERXW UHDO HVWDWH I enjoyed the entire process and decided I would love to assist others to meet their real estate needs as a REALTORŽ. I’m excited for a new career helping people to have a painless and positive experience when buying and/or selling a home. Call/text me at 701-240-2717 or e-mail me at AshleyD.Alliance@gmail. com and let me help you meet your real estate needs.



Janet Green 400 4th St SW, Minot, ND 58701

I grew up in rural North Dakota and it holds a special place in my heart. Through real estate, I am privileged to work with homeowners and home buyers to create a sense of place in our local communities. I am a teacher at heart and have earned an advanced degree that I will use to help me learn about your real estate dreams and help you make them come true. It will be my honor to serve you as your agent. <RX FDQ FRQWDFW PH DW FHOO RIÂż FH RU MJUHHQ #JPDLO FRP




Action Realtors minotsells.com 500 20th Ave. SW Minot, ND 58701


Sheila Kubas: Kubas: 701-721-1900 sheilakubas6874@gmail.com


3 bedr bedrooms ooms and 1 bath. bath. N Numerous umerous updates tthroughout updates hroughout the the home such such Zl iZbgm% Ühhk Ühhkbg` bg` Zg] ZiiebZg\ ZiiebZg\^l' ^l' Ma^ Ma^ [Z\d rZk] bl ebd^ Zg hZlbl pbma Z [Z\d rZk] bl ebd^ Zg hZlbl pbma Z eZk`^ * lmZee `ZkZ`^' Mabl ahf^ bl Z eZk`^ * lmZee `ZkZ`^' Mabl ahf^ bl Z must see!! #161434

Location Location Location!! Nice KZg\a lmre^ ahf^ pbma , [^]khhf% K Zg\a lmre^ ahf^ pbma , [^]khhf% * [Zm [Zma a ahf^ __^Zmnkbg` ^Zmnkbg` aZk aZk]phh] ]phh] Ühhkl' Mabl ahf^ aZl Z [^Znmb_ne eZk`^ [Z\d rZk]' eZk`^ [Z\d rZk]' #161884

Mhpgahnl^ Zm ln\a Z Z__hk]Z[e^ ikb\^ Bm Mhpgahnl^ Zm ln\a Z Z__hk]Z[e^ ikb\^ Bm lnkikbl^ pbee [^ Z o^kr o^k r ie^ZlZgm lnk ikbl^ Hk bml Z hiihkmngbmr hiihk mngbmr _hk _hk bgo^lmf^gm bgo^lmf^gm ikhi^kmr ikhi^k mr bg ;nkebg`mhg% ;nkebg`mhg% G= >q\^ee^gm >q\^ee^gm L\ahhel L\ahhel Zg] fbgl _khf _khf Fbghm Fbghm Par Par phne] phne] rhn rhn k^gm k^gm pa^g rhn \hne] hpg #162008 pa^g rhn \hne] hpg #162008




, [^]k [^]khhfl% hhfl% * [Zmakhhf [Zmakhhf Zg] ^g\ehl^] lng khhf' khhf' Ni]Zm^] Ni]Zm^] \Z[bg^ml% \Z[bg^ml% Ühhkbg` Ühhkbg` Zg] \hngm^k mhil' L^fb Ûgbla^] [Zl^f^gm Zg] \hngm^kmhil' L^fb Ûgbla^] [Zl^f^gm pbma ihm^gmbZe _hk Zghma^k [Zmakhhf' -ma pbma ihm^gmbZe _hk Zghma^k [Zmakhhf' -ma ghg ^`k^ll ^`k^ll [^]khhf [^]khhf Zelh eh\Zm^] eh\Zm^] hg ehp^k e^o^e' G^p^k pbg]hpl' ehp^k e^o^e' G^p^k pbg]hpl' #161827

@hk`^hnl fh]^k fh]^kg g kk^fh]^e^] ^fh]^e^] ahf^' G^p g^p ahf^' G^p khh_ khh_ bg +)*.' +)*.' :ee g^ p pbg]h pbg]hpl pl Zg] \hfie^m^er \hfie^m^er ni]Zm^] ni]Zm^] ahf^ ahf^ pbma fh]^kg ehhd mo khhf hk pbma fh]^kg ehhd mo khhf hk h_Û\^ Zk h_Û\^ Zk^Z' ^Z' #162039

Lni^k \hhe hi^g eZrhnm' eZrhnm' Eho^ Eho^ the the deck deck and the the huge yard!! yard!! Lg khhf' E` [^]khhfl' [^]khhfl' hi^g ebobg` khhf' Phg]^k_ne Phg]^k_ne e` eZng]kr eZng]k r khhf khhf Zk^Z :mmZ\a^] ]hn[e^ `ZkZ`^' `ZkZ`^' + Zk^Z :mmZ\a^] Lg bathrooms! bathrooms! #161344

Mabl ahf^ aZl [^^g ni]Zm^] ni]Zm^] pbma pbma `k^Zm `k ^Zm \hehkl Zg] lmr lmre^ e^ Eh Eho^ o^ mma^ a^ dbm\a^g dbm\ a^g Zg] pabm pabm^ ^ \Z[bg^ \Z[bg^ml ml pbm pbma a aZk aZk]phh] Ühhkl% mbe^] [Zmakhhf Ehml ]phh] Ühhkl% mbe^] [Zmakhhf Ehml h_ gZmnkZe eb`aml pbma mhgl h_ pbg]hpl h_ gZmnkZe eb`aml pbma mhgl h_ pbg]hpl Love Lo ve the the sun por porch!!! ch!!! #161946





Mabl Z]hkZ[e^ Z]hkZ[e^ *2.) *2.) + lmhkr lmhk r Ahf^ aZl [^^g bfi^\\Z[er bfi^\\Z[er fZbgmZbg^] fZbgmZbg^] makhn`ahnm makhn`ahnm pbma pbma Z ehm ehm h_ \hhe updates.The updates.The master master bedroom, bedroom, 1st Zg] +g] [^]khhf Zg] _nee [Zmakhhf Zg] +g] [^]khhf Zg] _nee [Zmakhhf Zk^ eh\Zm^] eh\Zm^] bg ma^ ma^ nii^k nii^k e^o^e' e^o^e'

Upstairs - 3 bedr Upstairs bedrooms ooms and a _nee [Zma' [Zma' Ma^ iZk iZkmbZe mbZe [Zl^f^gm aZl Z AN@> fhma^k bg eZp lnbm^ aZl Z AN@> fhma^k bg eZp lnbm^ pbma pZed bg \ehl^m Zg] `hk`^hnl pbma pZed bg \ehl^m Zg] `hk`^hnl [Zmakhhf%gb\^ [Zmakhhf%gb\^ mbe^ lahp^k lahp^k Zg] eZng]kr _Z\bebmb^l eZng]k r _Z\bebmb^l #160339

Mabl hi^g Ühhk ieZg __^Zmnk^l ^Zmnk^l , [^]khhfl% [^]k hhfl% + [Zm [Zmakhhfl akhhfl Zg] Z mk bie^ `Zk Z`^' Ma^ dbm\a^g dbm\a^g [hZlml mkbie^ `ZkZ`^' nice birch birch staggered staggered cabinetry, cabinetr y, [k^Zd_Zlm [Zk% Zg] Z pZed&bg iZgmkr' [k^Zd_Zlm [Zk% Zg] Z pZed&bg iZgmk r' Ma^ ebobg` khhf bl AN@> Ma^ ebobg` khhf bl AN@> #160233

<hg]h pbma Z ]^\d Zg] rZk] mh <hg]h pbma Z ]^\d Zg] rZk] mh eho^ eho^ Rhn Rhn ]hg m ]hg m g^^] mh mh _^^e _^^e trapped trapped in this this beauty beauty has it has hg^ h_ ma^ ma^ fhlm [^Znmb_ne [^Znmb_ne lmhg^ lmhg^ iZmbh Zg] ]^\dbg` ]^\dbg` Lnk^ Lnk^ fZd^ fZd^ rZ _^^e ebd^ li^g]bg` mbf^ hnm bg rZ _^^e ebd^ li^g]bg` mbf^ hnm bg the the great great outdoors! #161810

- ;^]k ;^]khhf hhf Ahf^ bg mma^ a^ ;^e& :bk Zk^Z' Zk^Z' Mabl ahf^ [hZlml ;^e&:bk [^]khhfl Ienl + [^Znmb_ne _nee - [^]khhfl [Zm a' Ma^ E` dbm\a^g dbm\a^g p( lmZbge^ll lmZbge^ll [Zma' lm^^e ZiiebZg\^l% [^Znmb_ne `kZgbm^ `kZgbm^ lm^^e counter top. #160888 countertop.

Enjoy the Enjoy the sunshine streaming streaming int intoo this this f^mb\nehnler fZbgmZbg^] . [^]khhf% , [Zma% f^ mb\nehnler fZbgmZbg^] . [^]khhf% , [Zma% ,+))$ ,+))$ lj' _m' ahf^ hg Z [^Znmb_ne eZg]l\Zi^] lj' _m' ahf^ hg Z [^Znmb_ne eZg]l\Zi^] e` **.q**. \hkg^k ehm Bglb]^ rhn pbee ^gchr Zg e` **.q**. \hkg^k ehm Bglb]^ rhn pbee ^gchr Zg bg bgobmbg` `k^Zm khhf Zg] e` ]bgbg` Zg] dbm\a^g obmbg` `k^Zm khhf Zg] e` ]bgbg` Zg] dbm\a^g pbm pbma aZk]phh] Ühhkl' a aZk]phh] Ühhkl' #161552

Fhlm [^Znmb_ne aZk aZk] ] phh] phh] Ühhkl mmakn akn hnm fhlm h_ ma^ ma^ fZbg' Ni Ni ma^ ma^ hi^g pbg]bg` lm lmZbkl Zbkl aZl ldr eb`aml Z[ho^ Z[h o^ mabl mabl \\hsr hsr ]^gZg] [^Znmb_ne eZg]l\Zibg` eZg]l\Zibg` An`^ mk mkbie^ bie^ `Zk `ZkZ`^' Z`^'

Ebd^ g^ Ebd^ g^p p +) +)** ** L\ L\anems anems ahf^ ahf^ EX EXCELLENT CELLENT conditio condition. n. This 3 [^]k [^]khhf + [Zma ahf^ _^Zmnk^l gb\^ hhf + [Zma ahf^ _^Zmnk^l gb\^ lbs^ [^]khhfl Zg] + _Zfber khhfl' lbs^ [^]khhfl Zg] + _Zfber khhfl' Eho^ ma^ oZnem^] \^bebg`l. Eho^ ma^ oZnem^] \^bebg`l. #160749


#160722 160722


Mabl [^Znmb_ne E` KZg\a - ;k% + [Zma% Mabl [^Znmb_ne E` KZg\a - ;k% + [Zma% ]hn[e^ ZmmZ\a^] `ZkZ`^ Ahf^ bg Z ]hn[e^ ZmmZ\a^] `ZkZ`^ Ahf^ bg Z ^q\^ee^gm ^q\^ee^gm eh\Zmbhg hg Z Z\k^ Z\k^ ehm ehm Zee mk^^]' ;^Znmb_ne g^per e` k^fh]^e^] mk^^]' ;^Znmb_ne g^per e` k^fh]^e^] Ab\dhkr Ab\dhk r dbm\a^g dbm\a^g pbma pbma e` bleZg] Zg] mhgl h_ \Z[bg^ml' mhgl h_ \Z[bg^ml' #161381



Dawn Da wn Rasmussen: Rasmussen: 701-833-1770










1829 S. Broadway Suite 2 Minot - 701.839.2219 Bismarck - 701.222.2217 AllianceRE.net •Alliance@AllianceRE.net Joy Nelson 701-202-8795



1930 9th St NW Established neighborhood, 3 bed, 1 bath, unfinished basement MLS# 161767

102 9th St SE 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom w/ claw foot tub, 2 stall detached garage MLS# 161586

Jody Bullinger 701-720-0533

Becky Bertsch 701-833-3536

Evan Halden 701-833-3837

Ashley Dhuyvetter 701-240-2717

Contact us for our Home Buyer or Home Seller Classes!



1008 2nd St NE 38 Harmony Blvd, Surrey 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, attached Newer subdivision, 5 bedroom, heated 2 stall garage, garden oasis 3.5 bathrooms, 3 stall heated garage MLS# 161744 MLS# 161751

www.minotsells.com 500 20th Ave. SW Minot, ND 58701

701-839-0021 Ashlee Martin











896 Blue Bell Drive 701 Buttercup Lane 805 Foxtail Drive 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1,780 S.F., Garage, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Stainless Steel Appliances, 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 26x28 Garage, Large Appliances, Big Yard With Trees & New Laminate Flooring, Large Front Deck, Lawn Family Room, Master Retreat, Maple Landscaping With Large Back Deck Shed, Nice Landscaping, Excellent Condition Package, Fireplace, Large Deck & Shed


$119,000 4001 Buttercup Lane 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, New Carpet, Heated 2 Car Garage


Ask About FREE Lot Rent!

800 Buttercup Lane 4028 Blue Bell Drive 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, Large Lot. New, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Home is in Brand New Condition. Bonus Room, Unique Floor Plan, Appliances Rarely Used Garden Tub & Deluxe Cabinets



3725 10th St SW, Minot, ND Lots available in Prairie Bluffs. Ask about free lot rent


Ask About FREE Lot Rent!


3887 Aster Loop New 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Large Great Room & Open Floor Plan

4329 Crocus Point 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Living Room & Family Room, 1,750 s.f., 26x28 Garage on Large Lot Overlooking Coulee







Homes in Stanley ND starting @ $120,000.00

800 31st Ave SE, Lot #504 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1998 Highland 16x80, New Carpet & Paint. Great Location



1325 27th St SE, Lot #135 5305 Zaharia Drive New 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath + Bonus Room, New 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1,800 S.F., Garden Tub, Large Walk-In Closet Garage, Beautiful Location, 30 Year & Washer & Dryer Mortgage Available. Appraised at $265,000

COLDWELL BANKER 1st Minot Realty • 219 South Main


Comfy & convenient duplex. Extra large fenced in yard with private wood fence, garden spot,& patio area. Upper level has 3 bedrooms, updated flooring, 1 bath and nice view. Call Dawn VerBruggen. #162089


Just a hop, skip and jump away from numerous shopping and dining opportunities lies this gem of home. The main floor is completely finished with 1,068 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Call Nathan Stremick. #162072


Check this townhouse out!! Walking in the door you will notice the spacious kitchen with hickory cabinets and the huge island. The family room has plenty of space for entertaining. Call Nathan Stremick. #162036


Look at this perfect one-level 1,350 SQ/FT townhome! This 3 bedroom 1.3/4 bath has an open living room/ kitchen concept. In the living room you will enjoy a patio door leading out to the backyard. Call Nathan Stremick. #162034


Country home, close to Minot and Burlington, sitting on 2 partially wooded acres. This 2013 built home, features 3 bedrooms, 2.25 bathrooms, and a 30’ x 32’ outbuilding. Call Clyde Thorne. #161982


This two bedroom, two bathroom home has plenty of character. The main level boasts one full bath, a bonus office area, living room, and newly updated kitchen. Call Amber Alexander. #161959


Parshall Don’t miss out on this cozy lake property with one large bedroom a bath and all the comforts of home. This home is suitable for year round living with its well insulated walls, new windows. Call Cindy Strandberg. #161910


Burlington New construction home built upon 2 acres, view over the valley. Three bedrooms with a master suite of bathroom and walk in closet. Double garage, full, unfinished basement. Call Clyde Thorne. #161970

Amber Alexander ......... 500-0810 Alish Charley ................ 509-5362 Megan Atchison ........... 441-9085 Tamie Dunn .................. 720-1723 Todd Fettig ................... 721-2100 Lori Henderson ............ 721-0158 Danette Krumwiede .... 720-2335



This house has it all! Starting outside you will notice the curb appeal, newer steal siding, and the oversized 14 x 24 ft. single stall garage. This house sits on a huge 50 x150 ft. lot that is fenced. Call Nathan Stremick. #162055 $125,000


This 2 stall garage house with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath on the main floor is at a great price for a starter home! Brand new wood deck built on the side door, good sized yard . Call Megan Atchison. #162001

Absolutely gorgeous 6 bedroom, 3 bath home in a great neighborhood near schools and shopping. Warm colors, plush carpets and beautiful woodwork throughout. Call Lori Henderson. #161992



Fabulous house/fabulous area! Spacious multi level home right across the street from Edison School. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 double garages for awesome inside vehicle protection. Call Aisha Vadell. #161955 $245,000

Berthold Priced to Sell! This property features a 3500 + sq. ft. home on 14.5 acres with an extra-large shop and a mobile home. The main floor of the home has a large open living space. Call Tamie Dunn. #162107 $260,000

Burlington This New-Build Single Family home in Burlington’s newest residential development, Harvest Heights is the 1,235 sq. ft. ‘Jenny Manor Plan’ which has 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms. Call Amber Alexander. #161904

Brenda Larson ...... 480-261-3721 Brad Livesay ................ 720-7769 Rhonda Massine .......... 240-9750 Orville Nesdahl............. 852-6488 Lorell Seibold .............. 721-4996 Virginia Slavick............. 721-7493 Cindy Strandberg ........ 833-1956 Nathan Stremick .......... 500-3890

Beautiful brick home located in SW Minot, great residential location near schools and shopping. The main floor has refinished original hardwood and newer appliances, recessed lighting has been added throughout the house upstairs and down. Call Clyde Thorne #162043

Burlington Surrey An 8 acre homestead just east of Surrey. This 1376 sf home has 2 bedrooms on the main floor and potential to have 2 more in the basement. Good size main floor, pantry just off the kitchen. Call Clyde Thorne. #162021

Marian Szymanski ....... 852-4609 Jerry Thomas ............... 833-7578 Clyde Thorne................ 240-8594 Aisha Vadell .................. 240-3780 Dawn VerBruggen........ 720-2034 Bruce Walker................ 833-9000 Matthew Waind ............ 721-1166






Properties for Sale!

852-3505 darleneschnaible@yahoo.com

BRAND NEW MOBILE HOME! 28 x 48 brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath affordable home. Close to Minot AFB & Minot. Located @ Parkway Estates in Ruthville. Get 3 months lot rent free!! Now $54,900 MLS #151148


Darlene Schnaible Cell: 701-721-7374 Office: 701-852-3505 darleneschnaible@yahoo.com


This 3 bedroom, 2 bath affordable home is close to Minot AFB & Minot. It is located at Parkway Estates in Ruthville & sits on a nice size lot. Plus, get 3 months lot rent free

Situated on a lot at the very end of the street, this mobile home gives you lots of privacy with a huge backyard. Two bedrooms, two baths, plus storage in 2 large sheds in the back, also a back entry. Now $14,500! MLS #160893

Now $54,900! MLS #151150


This 1900 sq ft home sits on 1.39 acres and has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a triple oversized garage with 10 ft doors. Lots of patio space to entertain, with an attached deck on the house. Lots of updates to the inside. 2 fireplaces, plus 2 living/dining areas! Must See! Now $209,900 MLS #161071

HOME WITH UPDATES! Located in Burlington, this 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath home includes many updates with flooring, trim, new lighting fixtures throughout the house, plus new wood fence surrounding the entire back yard! Come take a look! $169,900 MLS #161229



This house was built in 1981 & has lots of square footage (2,944) on a large lot (100 x 140). It has a large kitchen with 4 bedrooms (2 on main level & 2 non- egress in lower level) House needs some work & is priced to sell! $149,000 MLS #160369


Great SW location that is close to shopping & restaurants. There is 2 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, kitchen with great cabinets & counter space, plus a built in hutch. This unit has indoor parking area with storage. Take a look! $149,900 MLS #161732

UPDATED DUPLEX! Near MSU, yet not on a busy street. This duplex has 5 bedrooms, 4 baths & each unit has 1664 sq ft, with newer furnaces & water heaters. Each unit has a storage shed and 1 unit has patio with a nice backyard. Good investment. Live in one & rent out the other! $219,000 MLS #161850



DelRae Zimmerman

Micky Venable

Brokers 12, Inc. Broker of the Month September 2016

Broker of the Month Brokers 12, Inc. September 2016

DelRae can be reached by calling 701-833-1375 or by email at delrae@teamrockstars.com.

Mickey can be reached at by calling 701-240-5257 or by email at micky@brokers12.com

Tracy Dachs

Melissa Parmer

Sales Person of the Month Century 21 Action Realtors September 2016

Realtor of the Month Century 21 Action Realtors September 2016

Tracy can be reached by calling 701-721-3372 or by email at tracydachs@gmail.com.

Melissa can be reached by calling 701-578-4065 or by email at melissaparmer@me.com.

Carrie Montoya

Judy Hoskin

Top Producer of the Month Watne Realtors September 2016

Sales Professional of the Month Watne Realtors September 2016

Carrie can be reached by calling 701-240-0709 or 701-852-1156 or by email at carriecornhusker@aol.com.

Judy can be reached by calling 701-721-3837 or 701-852-1156 or by email at judyh@minothomes.com

Lori Henderson

Amber Alexander

Agent of the Month Coldwell Banker 1st Minot Realty September 2016

Agent of the Month Coldwell Banker 1st Minot Realty September 2016

Lori can be reached by calling 704-852-0136 or 701-721-1058 or by email at lorihenderson@srt.com.

Amber can be reached by calling 704-852-0136 or 701-500-0810 or by email at lorihenderson@srt.com.

Vonnie Schoenborn

Michelle Hoff

Residential Salesperson & Salesperson of the Month Signal Realtors September 2016 Vonnie can be reached by calling 701-720-0318 or 701-852-3505 or by email at von@minot.com.

Agent of the Month NextHome Legendary Properties September 2016


Michelle can be reached by calling 704-720-1797 or by email at mhoff97@gmail.com.


1541 S. Broadway, Minot, ND 58701 (701) 852-3505 Office (701) 852-5526 Fax 1-800-735-4065

GREAT INVESMENT OPPORTUNITY! This 12 plex has (7) one bedroom apartments , (5) two bedroom apartments ienl Z / lmZee `ZkZ`^' Bm l eh\Zmbhg bl \ehl^ mh shopping & other amenities on south hill have given this building a solid rental history $629,900 MLS #161618

AMERICAN HERITAGE HOUSE! Take a look at this adorable 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with a double garage.The master bedroom has access to a walk-out deck on top of the garage, the basement is Super Clean and has many possibilities $238,000 MLS #161978


Mabl Û q^k nii^k aZl + [^]khhfl% * baths, with a 4 stall attached garage, on a huge lot! This house would great for a do-it-yourselfer looking for rural living. $39,900 MLS #161889

EXTREMELY NICE TOWNHOUSE! Mabl bl Z , [^]khhf% + [Zma townhouse with 1,792 sq ft. A gorgeous kitchen with walk-in pantry, solid 6 panel interior doors, plus a large double garage. $219,900 MLS #161868

Tons of square footage comes with this 6 bedroom, 2 bath home. It sits on a large lot with plenty of room to build a garage. The home has a wrap around deck with sliding glass doors off the dining room. Take a look $182,000 MLS #161815


These 2 buildings are side by side with a total of 6,600 sq ft. There is 1200 amp service, 600 to each building, 3 phase power, electrical redone with all new LED lighting. Fenced back lot & easy access to new 55th St NE Bypass. $849,000 MLS #162022


Sits on a half acre, just minutes from Fbghm% bg Kh[bgphh] >lmZm^l' Hi^g Ü hhk plan with 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, stainless steel Electrolux appliances & a large iZgmkr% , lmZee Û gbla^]% a^Zm^] `ZkZ`^% plus fenced in yard! $435,000 MLS #161625


Near MSU, yet not on a busy street. This duplex has 5 bedrooms, 4 baths & each unit has 1664 sq ft, with newer furnaces & water heaters. Each unit has a storage shed and 1 unit has patio with a nice backyard. Good investment. Live in 1 & rent out the other! $219,000 MLS #161850

NICE CONDO/GREAT LOCATION! This 2,544 sq ft condo has 4 bedrooms, 3 baths & is located by the new Minot Country Club. It has open concept with ma^ dbm\a^g(]bgbg`(ebobg`' ?neer Û gbla^] lower level doubles your living space. Also attached 2 stall garage! $240,000 MLS #161838

Lacey Stevick 720-4101

Ed Schnaible 720-0076

Brad Beeter 833-1758

Andrea Savelkoul 833-2255

Brian Berg 833-4876

Bernie Pellenwessel 721-5221

RANCH HOME WITH CHARM! This home has 4 bedrooms, 1.75 baths with an updated kitchen, a large master bedroom with a huge closet plus a large, Û gbla^] [Zl^f^gm' Hnmlb]^ bl Zg above ground pool, a great play set for your kids plus a detached double car garage. $189,900 MLS #161876


Located on the SE side of Dakota Square FZee% mabl *,%))) lj _m k^mZbe(h_Û \^ \^gm^k is ready for tenants. Units ranging in size from 1450 sq ft up to 7,450 sq ft.Would be `k^Zm _hk ikh_^llbhgZe h_Û \^ liZ\^% k^mZbe% hk medical. Different sizes for all leases! MLS #161201 #161204

Jo Bahl 340-3557

Morgan Bosch 340-6683

Tom Schrader 720-0438

Mataya Lafontaine 721-6703

Mike Pellenwessel 833-8430

Jason Schnaible 721-0658

Duane Peterson 240-3660

Linda Zimbelman 721-9308

Jeff Stremick 721-2584

Richard Galster 721-4510

Kristen Boen 340-5592

Bryan Knight 720-0965

Kerri Zablotney 833-4449

Alecia Berg 721-5996

Wayne Tuttle 240-6667

Lucy Tuttle 240-6707

Vonnie Schoenborn 720-0318

Donna Foster 833-7953

Marla Rae Uscensky 720-0215

Darlene Schnaible 721-7374


This 6,000 sq ft building was _hkf^ker Z ob]^h lmhk^' Hg Ghkma Broadway across the street from MSU $925,000 MLS #161897


Large 2.5 acres lot in new development with R3 zoning. Great for apartment or townhouse/condo development. Property will support a minimum of 12 units with garages. Located in Burlington, and has water, sewer & gas on the lot! $69,900 MLS #161901


Build your DREAM Home on these available lots with amazing views! Located in the sought after new development around the new Minot Country Club. MLS #161674 $144,900 & MLS #161675 $134,900

www.minothomesearch.com NOVEMBER 2016 HOME


Ask a Designer:



Mudrooms have been a staple of large houses, especially in climates with plenty of rain and snow. But increasingly, a mudroom has become a design essential even for apartment dwellers and those with small homes. "Just like the kitchen has become so central to how everybody uses their home and lives their lives, a mudroom has become an expectation," says designer Vern Yip, an HGTV host and author of the new book "Vern Yip's Design Wise" (Running Press). Interior designer Bennett Leifer agrees, and often helps clients in New York City apartments create a proper mudroom. "People try and find space where they can do that, whether they have a large family or whether it's just for themselves," Leifer says. Some tips for designing a functional, durable and even stylish mudroom, even in the smallest of homes:


AP Photos

ABOVE: One portion of an open foyer can function as a mudroom with help from a cabinet that combines closed storage, hanging space, shelving and seating. RIGHT: Benches like this one helps keep a mudroom organized and offers space for putting on or taking off shoes.


"Think about how your family uses the space," says Yip, and be honest about how much clutter you're likely to create. People often want to see themselves as neater than they are, which leads them to create a mudroom entrance that is soon chaotic. Will everyone take their shoes off there each day, for instance, or only when they're wet or muddy? "We run an Asian household," Yip says. "Take off your shoes when you come in the door." So his mudroom includes ample shoe storage, plus a spot to sit while putting shoes on. Lots of sports equipment means more large storage. And those who'll want to charge the whole family's digital devices for easy grabbing when everyone leaves the house in the morning should put in counter space or shelves with plenty of power strips or electrical outlets nearby. In your design, Yip advises, include See DESIGN — Page 13

Design Continued from Page 12

about 10 percent to 15 percent more storage than you expect to need.

YOUR BEST DROP ZONE The mudroom is your daily "drop zone," says designer Sarah Fishburne, director of trend and design for The Home Depot. So choose the mix of closed storage, hooks, shelves and countertops that serves your needs. Custom, built-in storage is popular in mudrooms, but there are also many units available in a range of styles and prices. Leifer points out that built-ins can work well in small or awkward spaces. He's seen Manhattan apartment dwellers build around a garbage chute or wall soffit in the service entrance to turn that space into a mudroom. Built-ins also offer stability: Unlike freestanding furniture, they can't be knocked over by kids rushing by with backpacks. Open lockers and cubbies are popular, mimicking the style of an athletic locker room, but Yip reminds clients that closed storage and hooks tucked away behind doors will help keep your mudroom from looking cluttered. However you design your storage, delineate one vertical space for each family member.

LIGHTING Mudrooms should be lit like kitchens, with plenty of overhead and task light, Fishburne says. This may be the first place a skinned knee gets attention, or the last place searched at night for a missing textbook. And because you might come home on dark fall and winter nights, the mudroom's a great place to put at least one light on a timer. Include lightbulbs such as LEDs that illuminate with no delay to create "a bright place to walk into that you feel safe," says Fishburne. Lighting also can beautify this otherwise very practical space: Yip points out that a ceiling fixture can be "really stylish, really delicate and really fragile," but remain protected from damage because it's hung out of reach.

INFUSING YOUR STYLE Other items that can "visually soften the space" and express your style include artwork (safely framed) and window treatSee DESIGN — Page 14

Let us put your home in Mindt condition! • All Types of Siding • Shingling • Windows • Garages • Cabinetry • Additions • New Homes • Concrete #11 54th Ave SE | Minot, ND | 701.839.1624 NOVEMBER 2016


Design Continued from Page 13

ments that don't extend to the floor, Yip says. Leifer adds flooring to that list: Mudrooms need durable, water-friendly flooring, but are great places to try bold colors or favorite patterns. He suggests FLOR carpet squares, which come in a range of designs and are easily washable or replaceable, or woven vinyl floor covering from the Swedish company Bolon. And don't forget the ceiling: Consider dreamy cloud wallpaper or other whimsical styles, Leifer says, or go sophisticated with a high-end wall covering from Cole and Sons. The cost may be surprisingly reasonable if your mudroom isn't large.

OTHER PARTICULARS Will this be a family communication center? If so, include cork boards or magnetic boards, and perhaps a countertop or small desk where you can fill out school forms. Pets? Many pet owners include a pet bed or dog crate in the mudroom, and a spot for hanging leashes. Yip suggests one more useful addition: a sink and vanity.




$153,000 $179,900


IN RUGBY – Tastefully decorated 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home. Formal dining, galley kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace in living room. Lower level family room w/ fireplace and a 2nd kitchen. Heated sun Judy room, patio, double garage. Seller/ Hoskin Licensed agent.#161842 721-3837



NICELY REMODELED – Features custom cabinets and millwork. Kitchen has breakfast nook and island. Main level has 3 bedrooms, full bath, formal dining, living room and laundry. Upper level master suite with doors Gary to deck, nursery, family room. Full unfinished Kramlich basement. Double garage. #162024 721-0526


RANCH STYLE –Beautiful updates in this 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home. Vaulted ceiling, gas fireplace and bay window in living room. Kitchen has breakfast bar, walk-in pantry and quartz counters. Carrie Lower level family room. Double garage. Montoya #162026 240-0709

CONVENIENT LOCATION – Split level home close to school, park and shopping. 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths. Kitchen has custom oak cabinets, island and pantry. Lower level family room. Attached triple garage.#161943

PRICE REDUCED! – 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, 2 story home. Designer kitchen with walk-in pantry and large island. Formal dining. Living suite above the triple garage. Charm and detailed design throughout. #160679

MOVE IN READY – 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home in NW area. Kitchen has pantry and breakfast bar. Hardwood floors. Updated main level bath. Remodeled lower level has family room with fireplace, non-egress Ric bedroom and laundry. Fenced yard, deck Montoya and attached garage.#161801 240-0749


START HERE – Nicely updated 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. 2 bedrooms, remodeled full bath and kitchen, dining area, living room and new carpet on main. Finished lower Thad level with an egress bedrooms, office, 3/4 Tarasen bath, family room and laundry. Vinyl 240-6737 siding and new roof. #162023

COZY –One level living in this 2 bedroom 2 bath home. Loft space that could be a 3rd bedroom. Living room has a fireplace, dining area opens to patio and private, fenced backyard. Detached double garage. #161941

COMFORTABLE CONDO –2 bedrooms and full bath on main level. Open kitchen, dining and living room with door to deck. Lower level family room with electric fireplace and full bath. Double garage. #161688

IN TIOGA – 2 story townhome with open floor plan. Main level kitchen, patio off dining area, living room and 1/2 bath. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and laundry on upper level. Double garage.#161614

Ali Ryan........................720-9004 Ashleigh Collins ..........240-2608 Blake Krabseth ...........720-1786 Carrie Montoya ...........240-0709 Colleen Johnson .........721-4536 Gary Kramlich .............721-0526

Ali Ryan 720-9004

IN MOHALL – Well maintained 2 bedroom home with hardwood floors on main level. Dining room with sliding door to deck. Lower level laundry with washer/dryer included and a nonegress room that could be a bedroom, exercise room or office. Nice yard with mature trees, bushes and a storage shed. #162102

Geri Beede...................509-1773 Janet Schelling ...........240-7537 Jenny Janz .................472-2851 Judy Hoskin ................721-3837 Lisa Jameson ..............500-0499 Matt Watne ..................720-5700


Tim Knutson 833-8951


Suzanne Hoskin 833-0160




Ashleigh Collins 240-2608


Blake Krabseth 720-1786

Janet Schelling 240-7537

SPACIOUS CONDO – 4 bedroom, 3 bath condo with vaulted ceiling in the living area. Large lower level has a family room, 2 bedrooms and 3/4 bath. Double garage. Owner/Licensed Salesperson. #160498

Mel Bartsch .................240-0479 Melissa Leier ...............720-9640 Mike Vannatta .............720-7112 Milt Korslien ................833-1891 Nancy Marcille ............240-4894 Ric Montoya ................240-0749

Shanel Effertz 833-9718

Richard Lavik ..............208-0956 Shanel Effertz..............833-9718 Susanne Hoskin ..........833-0160 Thad Tarasen ..............240-6737 Tim Knutson ................833-8951 Equal Housing Opportunity

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