Inside Ag PAGE 2
MAY 27, 2015
Farmers make seeding progress By JILL SCHRAMM
Staff Writer Area producers have made good progress in seeding small grains, according to area Extension Service agents. The amount of crop in the ground varied from 100 percent of the wheat in some areas to less than half of the soybeans in most areas as of mid-May. “There are a lot of producers that are 75 to 90 percent complete,” said Burke County Extension Agent Dan Folske. “There’s a few that have done a lot of field work but they don’t have much planted. Those are mostly a little bit smaller, who wanted to wait until some of the frost danger was past.” The frost that came around May 17 had some producers worried. “The wheat and barley will be OK as long as they haven’t made it to the jointing stage, which I don’t think a lot if it has,” said Pierce County Extension Agent Yolanda Schmidt, Rugby. Grains with growing points that remain below the soil can bounce back even if the above-soil plant is nipped by frost. Crops with growing points above ground could be a concern, though. Bottineau County Agent Jared Nelson, Bottineau, said there may be canola and soybeans needing to be replanted if they had emerged before the frost came. Producers really need to allow some time before deciding whether to replant, agents say. Ward County Extention Agent Paige Brummond, Minot, said farmers should give it at least a week to see if plants rebound. “We project that most crops will be all right,” she added. Ward County didn’t experience the hard freeze that some of the rest of the state received so little damage is expected, she said. The region also received rain that generally fell in the 1 inch to 2.5-inch range. Depending on moisture conditions, the rain was either welcomed or cursed. “We are still pretty wet up here, especially north of Highway 5, and we certainly didn’t need any more moisture north of the highway,” said Renville County Agent LoAyne Voigt, Mohall. Folske said some producers in Burke County also were sitting in wet spots last fall and didn’t need rain. “At least not this much. Most guys would have welcomed the three-quarter inch but
Eloise Ogden/MDN
A farmer seeds a field in the Minot area April 18. Most producers had made good progress with field work as of mid-May.
not the two and half inches,” he said. The western part of Bottineau County and the gooseneck area of Ward County, which received more than 3 inches in places, also were among areas blessed with showers beyond what was appreciated. Schmidt said the rain was welcome in Pierce County, more so than the cold. The minimum germination for soybeans is 50 degrees and up to 60 degrees is preferable. The temperature Sunday in the Rugby area was 47 degrees for bare soil, which potentially could affect future yield, she said. Snow cover may have insulated and kept soil temperatures higher in some cases. Also, only 25 to 50 percent of soybeans have been planted in Pierce County, Schmidt said. She estimated nearly all the wheat and barley were in by mid-May, and canola seeding was at about 75 percent. In Renville County, producers are 50 to 60 complete, with the southern half of the coun-
ty further along than the northern end, Voigt said. Nelson estimated wheat and barley at least 80 percent complete, corn 50 percent, canola 30 percent and soybeans 30 to 40 percent in Bottineau County. He noted the planting progress compares favorably to last year, when producers were just getting started in mid-May due to weather conditions. Last year nearly 30 to 35 percent of land couldn’t be planted. A couple of years earlier, it was as much as 50 percent unplanted. Some areas in McHenry County this year have been too wet to plant yet, said Extension Agent Raquel Dugan-Dibble, Towner. Recent rainfall only hurt farmers’ efforts. “We needed a little bit of rain, but not two inches,” she said. Still, she estimated 90 to 95 percent of small grains are in, along with 40 percent of soybeans and 75 percent of corn and canola.
Most of the small grains and peas and lentils are seeded in McLean County. There isn’t much winter wheat this year, which McLean County Extension Agent Irene Graves in Washburn said may be a good thing. “This last freeze would not have gone well,” she said. Brummond said most of the early crops, particularly peas and canola, as well as the small grains are in the ground in Ward County, while the soybeans and sunflowers have been slower going as farmers wait for the soil to warm up. Given the early start to the planting season this year, Brummond said farmers avoided the sense of rush and stress about getting the crop in. Even producers just now getting out there to plant their soybeans or sunflowers have no reason to hurry. “We have plenty of time,” Brummond said. “Honestly, we have plenty of time to get the small grains in, too.”
Inside Ag MAY 27, 2015
NCREC agronomist notes bad weeds of 2015 By TENDAR TSERING
Staff Writer In an interview earlier this spring, North Central Research Extension Center Research Agronomist Eric Eriksmoen revealed some of the prevalent bad weeds that could hit the farmers in the state this year. “Most of the weeds such as kochia and common lambsquarter are typically common, they come every year. But some of the new weeds for 2015 could be Downy Brome, Japanese Brome,” said Eric Eriksmoen. “And Palmer Amaranth is an extremely difficult weed to control and it is a weed that has not been found in North Dakota yet. But it has already been found in South Dakota and Minnesota,” Eriksmoen said. “ It will probably come to North Dakota at some point in time and we have no good method of controlling that weed with herbicide.” When asked what is the best way to control such weeds, Eriksmoen said rotating crops every two years is a good way to control unwanted insects and weeds. “Rotating crops and rotating herbicides is a good
thing and good practice. That’s a natural management practice that not only helps to control weeds but insects, diseases and other pests that come and destroy your crop,” Eriksmoen said. “Otherwise, weeds get resistant,” he added. In an earlier interview, Thomas Stefaniak, an assistant pulse crop breeder at the research center said non-certified seed is sometimes a source of virus and disease for crops in the field across the state. “Pulse is not brand new to the region, but production has gone up in recent years. The more crop, the more disease. It is just like people, the more people, the more disease,” Stefaniak said. He said some seeds are already infected with virus and farmers unknowingly use them for cultivation. And according to the crop breeder, that is where the virus in the field starts spreading from one crop to another. While urging all the farmers to use certified seeds, Stefaniak said it’s all about using farming skills. “Successful farming is all about resource allocaTendar Tsering/MDN tion and doing as much as you can with the money Agronomist Eric Eriksmoen shows one of the bad weeds and time and the space that you have,” Stefaniak that has already hit his research field at the research center. said.
Inside Ag PAGE 4
MAY 27, 2015
Research Center modifies equipment to fit its needs By TENDAR TSERING
Staff Writer Saying agriculture research work is as expensive as regular farming, researchers and agronomists at North Dakota State University’s North Central Research Extension Center modify the equipment such as planters and combines at the center to fit their needs. “The state government does supply funding for the research center and they do supply a small amount of funding for equipment, but it’s small. It’s not very big. It’s not enough but it helps,” said Eric Eriksmoen, research agronomist at the research center. “Small-scale equipments are as expensive as the big ones, they cost around $200,000 to $300,000,” Eriksmoen said. “So, research is very expensive, just like regular farming.” A lot of the implements such as planters, and the combines at the center are modified and fabricated in order to meet the needs of the center. And the center wishes to buy new ones with better capabilities but money is a big obstacle. So, buying used equipment or modifying the planters and combines or renting them from somewhere are some of the methods that the center has been using the last several years. “A lot of our implements are modified or we have built, and fabricated them here,” said Shana Pederson, Area Extension Specialist. “We hope to update our equipments, especially row crops planters, so we can more effectively distribute the seeds,” Pederson said. “We want to have our planters more precise like the producers have. For example, producers can have a seed every four inches. We don’t have that.” “We are hoping to have that maybe in the future. We have a couple of combines but some of them are fairly old. One of them is as old as 20 years,” she added. Three years ago, the center bought a used combine for $100,000 and modified it to make it work in a way that the center wanted to, and a new small scale planter is being modified to make it capable of using different rows for seeding. As of now, most of them have only two row seeding capacity.
¨ This is a photo of a small, older style planter at the North Dakota State Universityʼs North Central Research Extension Center.
¬ This is a relatively new and larger planter that belongs to the North Dakota State Universityʼs North Central Research Extension Center.
Photos by Tendar Tsering/MDN
Inside Ag PAGE 6
MAY 27, 2015
The best memories are made on the farm! Calving also important part of operation By JOSEPH T. PELT
Editor The Pierce County Tribune BARTON — The Gronvold Farm and Ranch began its treasured history in North Dakota in the year 1894. Bruce Gronvold runs the farm and ranch operation that was founded by his grandfather, Torger T Gronvold, also known as “Tom.” Gronvold Farm and Ranch is nestled right on the north edge of Barton. Torger Gronvold had 13 children. Victor, who is Bruce’s dad, was the son who eventually took over the farm and ranch. Victor was married to Theresa and together they had five children. Bruce Gronvold was the baby of the family and eventually in 1995 moved to Barton to take over the family farm and ranch. Bruce Gronvold played football for the North Dakota State University Bison from 1981 to 1983. NDSU is where Bruce met his wife, Lori, who along with their seven children, Brandilyn, Cody, Morgan, Maverick, Victor, Whitney and Logan, each play an important part in the operations of the farm and ranch, making it truly a family affair. Asked how they felt about farming and Bruce and Lori said they “feel farming is more than the land and crops. It’s our family’s heritage and future. We feel the farm is the best place to raise children! Like Grandpa Victor would say: Hard work never hurt anybody.”
Calving: Important part of operation See CALVING — Page 9
Since calving is an important
Logan Gronvold is ready to plant spuds with a one-row potato planter, originally Grandpa Victorʼs, in this photo by Lori Gronvold. The spuds are cut up and thrown in that bin and while someone pulls him, he will use the stick to poke the potatoes along down the chute into the ground. Submitted photo
Inside Ag MAY 27, 2015
Victor Gronvold, left, a junior in high school, and 10-year-old Logan Gronvold, in fourth grade, cut twine off the bales in this photo by Lori Gronvold. The prongs on that Vermeer will then lift those bales up and dump them into the grinder, grinding up the bales so that the ground up hay will can be piled up for feed. This saves on hay vs. feeding the cattle straight bales.
Submitted photo
lenges. One of the most challenging parts is to watch out for the mother. Some are easygoing and others are not. Respect is the Continued from Page 6 biggest thing between our animals and us. part of their operation they shared what And if there are any questions, we just call on our oldest daughter, Brandilyn, who is a their favorite part of calving is. “We love that we handle every newborn veterinarian in West Des Moines, Iowa!” Asked how weather affects their operacalf for vaccination and ear tagging.” They continued, “But it has its chal- tions and they commented:
“Obviously, the weather plays a big part out here in our wide, open spaces. This year was a beautiful spring where the calving was less worrisome than other springs. It was nice we didn’t have a lot of snow to deal with, however, it worried us a bit because, like all ranchers, we need all the moisture we can get for the land and the pastures. But with lots of hope, prayers and hard work,
The good Lord above and Mother Nature always, always find a way to take care of us.” The Gronvold family with love, hard work, education, inspiration and faith have built a life for themselves and their children by doing what they love – farming and ranching. Is there any better way to live than that?
Inside Ag PAGE 12
MAY 27, 2015
May rain was needed By KIM FUNDINGSLAND Staff Writer kfundingsland
The Minot region needed the moisture contained in rain and snowfall May 16-17. While some localized areas may have received too much rain at one time, the overall impact to the region was positive.
According to statistics kept at the North Central Research and Extension Center and the official National Weather Service recording station at the Minot Airport, the rainy weekend in May reversed what was becoming near drought conditions in some areas near Minot. The Research and Extension Center reported 1.96 inches of moisture during the May 16-17 weekend while the Minot Airport measured 1.67 inches.
Prior to that deluge the official rainfall total for the year was running much below normal. Following the rainy and snowy weekend the precipitation for the year was within .17 inches of normal. The Climate Prediction Center’s longrange outlook favors “normal” precipitation for the Minot region through July while much of the United States is rated as having a good chance of experiencing greater than
normal rainfall. It is likely that May rainfall will be a boost to growing crops, especially when considering the possibility that the May-July temperature projections provided by the CPC say North Dakota can expect normal temperatures during the period. The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts slightly above normal temperatures in June and July and average precipitation.
MAY 27, 2015
Bird flu outbreaks mean no poultry at State Fair By ANDREA JOHNSON
Staff Writer There will be no Orpington Bantam or Silkie chickens with strange and magnificent plumage at the North Dakota State Fair. Dean Aakre, 4-H Youth Specialist in Fargo, said that poultry has been banned from the State Fair this year due to a couple of outbreaks of bird flu in the state. But all of the other animals raised by 4H and FFA members will be on display to be enjoyed by fairgoers. That includes different breeds of rabbits, sheep, cattle and swine. The 4-H and FFA put on a combined horse show during the fair. Aakre said there will also be 8,000-plus static 4-H exhibits on display throughout the State Fair in the State Fair Center, including clothing, foods, woodworking, technology, outdoor skills, drawing and
painting, photography and crafts projects. Over the years, the State Fair has also added new events in addition to its traditional displays and judging. A few years ago, the 4-H started a film festival, which will continue at this year’s State Fair. Another event that has been highly successful is a communication arts contest. Young 4-H members can compete in different categories such as public speaking, interpretive readings, dramatic presentations or broadcasting. “That went over very well,” said Aakre. In coming years, Aakre said 4-H hopes to add even more events at the fair. He had hoped to include a robotics challenge this year, but that event won’t be held due to the retirement of a 4-H official. Aakre said he’d still like to see a robotics challenge happen at the fair some other year. Aakre said 4-H is beneficial for members, ages 8 to 18, who have the opportu-
nity to explore their interests and demonstrate some of the skills that they’ve learned. Kids also benefit from developing new relationships and working with other members of the club. Aakre said the State Fair is enjoyable for 4-H members. “We’re looking forward to it,” he said. “North Dakota FFA is excited to be a part of the 50th Anniversary of the Fair,” said FFA Adviser Aaron Anderson. “We have been with the fair since the beginning and look forward to showcasing over 24,000 exhibits at the fair this coming year. “We will have all the traditional exhibits at the fair again with livestock, crops, educational, horticulture and mechanics exhibits. Everyone always looks forward to seeing the restored tractors our members work many hours on as well as the jungle of horticulture plants that line the halls. We look forward to using the newly renovated FFA Hall and
will add for the first time this year a Landscape Design and Construction Competition for our FFA Chapters. This event will give a chapter a 10-foot-by-10foot space to showcase their design of an outdoor space. The theme this year is “Throwback to the 1960s” and will help showcase the 50th Anniversary. “In addition to the over 24,000 exhibits we will kickoff the fair with our State Tractor Driving Competition. This event brings in students from around the state to test their skills at operating a tractor threw and obstacle course, troubleshooting a tractor and testing their knowledge of safety and operation of farm equipment. Minot is a great place to do this because of the cooperation of Gooseneck Implement and Acme Tool Crib. We anticipate approximately 70 schools and thousands of students from every corner of the state to participate in the FFA Division at the ND State Fair.”
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MAY 27, 2015
6 keys to starting a garden When it comes to starting a garden here are six keys that will help you on your journey in gardening. 1. Find a location in your yard that is as sunny as possible. Try to remember what it will look like at the peak of summer, if you JOEY & have trees or growing HOLLY on your land not an BAIRD option check with your township to see if they have a community garden. Once you have marked off the area in your yard keep in mind there is no right size garden, it is all based on what your needs are – how much you feel you can manage and how much you want to grow. Before you dig any soil you need to call the diggers hotline within 72 hours before you dig. They will check and mark for any underground wires and cables. If you decide that you do not want to dig up your yard and would rather build a raised bed, you still want to call so you know where a safe place to build your garden beds is located. 2. The 90/10 rule, which means spend 90 percent of your time on soil preparation and 10 percent of your time on planting. Soil is the key to a successful garden. Poor soil equals poor plants. Rich dark soil is key. If you do not have this you can bring in good compost to build your soil or fill your raised bed. Test your soil for pH levels. PH is how acid or alkaline the soil is on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral and what most of your vegetables want to grow in. You can get a cheap soil tester from your garden center;
this will give you a general idea of what kind of soil you have. For a more detailed understanding of your soil you can send a soil test to your local university for a small fee. This test will tell you what you need to add or not to add. 3. Planting what you eat is a good rule. You will not feel you are investing your time wisely if you do not enjoy eating what you grow. If you think you want to grow hot peppers, for example, go to the store and get some hot peppers to make sure you really do like hot peppers. 4. If you do not have much space to grow, whether in the ground or raised bed, look at crops that like to climb. You can make a trellis for little to nothing. Vegetables like cucumbers, pole beans, small pumpkins, some winter squash and more can all grow vertical. 5. Look for deals on garden tools. Such as at your local garden center, thrift stores, also yard sales are a good place to find them. We all know someone who used to garden who may still have tools. We have even found good garden tools on junk day along the road. You do get what you paid for but to get started cheap, this is the way to go. 6. Understand what type of seeds you are growing. Whether that be heirloom seeds that have been passed down for generations, certified organic that have be grown without chemical, or hybrid – two plants that have been cross pollinated to get the best traits at harvest. Joey and Holly Baird have the website
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Inside Ag PAGE 16
MAY 27, 2015
Farming is more than a job, it is a way of life As spring planting season is upon us and the hustle and bustle begins, I want to take some time to reflect back on the traditions AMBER of our farming HEWETT community. We all have traditions that we follow. There are a lot of traditions that are passed from one generation to the next that we never really think about. A lot of my family’s tradition have been handed down through agriculture. Family values are very important when you are working in agriculture. With 87 percent of the farms in the country being family owned and operated, it is easy to see the importance of family values. My parents taught me the importance of family. They taught me that even though we don’t always see eye to eye or agree with everything, we have and always will be a family. I know that without a shadow of doubt, I can count on my family. This holds true for working in agriculture as well. There has been a lot of conversations that larger operations (even if they are owned and operated by a family) no longer hold these values. That sentiment resounds because if the operation has employees it isn’t a family farm anymore. In my mind, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The employees become an extension and part of the family. Remember: All families come in different shapes and sizes. Hard work and dedication are the second tradition that my parents passed along to me. Everyone that has ever worked on a farm knows that to succeed you have to be willing and dedicated to hard work. I have spent more than one night awake and waiting for a calf or lamb or piglet to be born, to turn around at sunrise and start the next day’s chores. Farming is hard work, especially for those that do not have employees to help them. Animals need to be cared for seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Having employees allows farmers to have some family time away from the farm. The thing
to remember is that just because a farm has employees doesn’t mean that the owners are absent from the farm. Respect is the third tradition that my parents instilled in my youth. I was taught from a very young age, to respect and take care of the land and animals that provide the food that we all enjoy. No matter where you get your food from, it came from a farmer. My family and I own a beef and sheep operation that provides beef and lamb to other families. Every year in the spring, we spent countless hours lambing and calving. We keep a watchful eye on all the lambs and calves to make sure that they are healthy and growing. We show respect all the way through their life. All farmers rely on the land to provide food for either they own animals to eat or for sell to families around the country and world. Without respect and taking care of the natural resources, farmers would not be able to provide the safe and wholesome foods that we all enjoy. The last tradition that my parents taught me was to have fun and enjoy life. I am blessed that I can honestly say I love what I do. It never feels like work when I am out with the cows or lambs; even though it is hard work, it my passion. My family and I are one of the small minority (approximately 1 percent of the population) that provide the food, clothing and shelter for others. It is an honest work and one that I truly enjoy. My hope is that I am passing these traditions on to my own kids in whatever career path they choose. As these traditions are not only related to agriculture but to all. It is amazing when you stop and take the time to talk to others, you will always find common ground. Amber Hewett is a mother, farmer, blogger and advocate of all agriculture. You can follow Amber at and agricultureawayoflife.
MAY 27, 2015
Field of opportunity: Graduate shortage for high-skill ag jobs BISMARCK – New research shows a growing demand for highly skilled workers in agriculture, but not enough young people are choosing that field of study. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there are nearly 60,000 high skill job openings in the nation’s food, agriculture, renewable natural resources and environment sectors annually, but only 35,000 new graduates with a related bachelor’s degree or higher. Agriculture these days is much more complex, said David Buchanan, dean of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources at North Dakota State University, Fargo. “For example, our crop and wheat science major has seen a considerable increase over the last
several years, but we are still struggling to meet the demand for the crop consultants and agronomists coming out of that program,” he said. Buchanan says voluntary surveys find that well over 80 percent of NDSU graduates in agriculture, food systems and natural resources land jobs in their field of study within six months. And he notes that these are careers with good pay, even just starting out. “It’s not all-encompassing of all of our graduates, but for almost all of our majors, the average salaries straight out of a bachelor of science program are somewhere in the $40,000 to $50,000 range, with certainly some individual examples up in the 50s or in the 60s,” he said.
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Inside Ag MAY 27, 2015
Soil-applied pre-emergence herbicides for soybean We are seeing an increased interest and acreage of soybean in the Northwest/North Central region of North Dakota. Most producers will be selecting a Round-Up Ready soyYOLANDA bean variety SCHMIDT and using multiple applications of RU during Pierce County the growing Extension Agent season. More RU (MOA 9) resistant weeds are identified every year. In order to keep RU technology for various burn-down capabilities, we need to educate ourselves on the importance of PRE emergence chemicals that are a different MOA than RU and have a lasting soil residual. In this area we grow a variety of crops, therefore, it is glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth situa- soybean. Currently, it is only registered for important to look at the crop rotation tion, where few to no alternative weed con- corn. restrictions associated with a particular trol options exist. Verdict (saflufenacil & chemical. Below you will find soil-applied chemicals that are for use PRE, prior to soydimethenamid) (MOA 14 & 15) Fierce (pyroxasulfone + bean. Verdict is available from BASF and flumioxazin) (MOA 14 & 15) controls broadleaf weeds and winter Zidua (pyroxasulfone) Fierce, is a PPI/PRE herbicide available annuals. It is rated as excellent control of (MOA 15) from Valent. It is essentially a mixture of green and yellow foxtail, wild buckwheat, Zidua and Valor. Application rates will Available from BASF, Zidua is a selechorseweed, wild mustard, redroot pigvary depending on soil type and OM. tive rate-dependent PRE used to control weed, Russian thistle and biennial wormFierce may be applied at 3-3.75 oz/A in the annual grasses, sedges, and broadleaf wood. Application rate is from 5 to 7.5 fl spring or fall to provide residual weed conweeds. Dry weather following application oz. A higher rate of application requires a trol. Weeds most likely controlled by residwill reduce effectiveness. Zidua may pro14 day plant back interval. Plant back vide 4 to 8 weeks of residual weed control, ual activity include downy brome, green interval is dependent on soil texture and and yellow foxtail, wild buckwheat, combut may require multiple rain events for OM. Cost of Verdict can range from $18 to mon mallow, wild mustard, redroot pigactivation. The rate of application is $29/A. There is no crop rotation restricdependent on the application timing. Zidua weed, Russian thistle and biennial wormtions associated with Verdict for ND. wood. Fierce may also be tank-mixed to may be used PP, PRE, PPI or EPOST or in
Weeds and soybean plants are shown in this submitted photo.
Metribuzin (MOA 5) Metribuzin may injure some soybean varieties. Price of metribuzin ranges from $4.50 to $9/A. Depending on soil pH metribuzin can be applied at 0.33lb DF for soils > pH 7.5 and 0.33 to 0.5lb DF for a soil pH of <7.5. Metribuzin works best on small-seeded broadleaf weeds including marshelder, redroot pigweed, prickly lettuce, Russian thistle and biennial wormwood. Rotation restrictions include a 12month restriction to canola, dry bean, flax, oat, potato, safflower and sunflower.
Valor (flumioxazin) (MOA 14)
Valor is another PRE herbicide that is most effective against small-seeded broadleaf weeds. The ai/A ranges from 2 to 3 oz WDG/A. Valor is available from the fall. Application rates will vary depend- control already merged weeds. Growers Sharpen (saflufenacil) Valent for a price of $9.75 to 19.50/A. ing on type of application, timing of appli- should not apply Fierce in soybean fields (MOA 14) previously sprayed with flufenacet, metoWeeds most sensitive to Valor include cation and soil type. These rates are 1.0 to Sharpen is available from BASF. Price lambsquarters, common mallow, nightlachlor or dimethenamid or soybean injury 3.5 oz/A. Zidua is most effective against will occur. A maximum yearly application of Sharpen depends on application rate shade and redroot pigweed. Depending on barnyardgrass, green and yellow foxtail, of 3.75 oz/A will cost approximately $25/A. and can range from $6 to $17/A. Sharpen tillage and rate, the rotation restrictions of redroot pigweed, and waterhemp. Depending on rate, an application of Zidua At recommended soybean application rates, rotation restrictions depend on the appli- Valor can vary. The longest rotation restrictions are for soils receiving the maxwill cost approximately $21/A. Most crops crops available for planting the next grow- cation rate. Based on the higher 3 fl oz/A rate, most ND crops can be planted the imum rate with no tillage. These crops in this area can be grown following a high- ing season are corn, soybean, wheat and potato. All other crops commonly grown in following cropping year. Based on fall include canola, corn, oat and sugarbeet. er application rate of Zidua. Exceptions, applied Sharpen, a six month restriction PRE chemicals will require precipitadepending on rate of application, would be ND will require an interval of 18 months. is in place for alfalfa, canola, dry bean, tion for activation. 11-18 months for small grains (other than Anthem (pyroxasulfone + flax, potato, safflower and sunflower. Additional information can be located wheat), 15 months for sugarbeet and 18 fluthiacet) (MOA 14 & 15) Sharpen at the 2-3 fl oz/A rate is most in the N.D. Weed Control Guide. Please months for safflower and canola. effective against broadleaf weeds includread and follow all chemical labels. Supplies of Zidua (for corn or soybean) Anthem is a product available from ing kochia, lambsquarters, wild mustard, Sources: 2015 N.D. Weed Control Guide in N.D. may be limited. This decision is a FMC. This product is essentially Zidua + redroot pigweed, Russian thistle and bien- and Shana Pederson, area extension speresult of product being routed to soybean Cadet. Additional information will be procialist/Cropping Systems. geographies encountering a severe vided if this product is registered for use in nial wormwood.