Милота Сидорова - справедливый город путь к равноправию в городской среде

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Fair Shared Cities: Gender mainstreaming towards more equitable cities! Ing. Milota Sidorovรก, PhD.! MSQ, 10/11.6.2016!

facilitator, networker, researcher, walker and feminist born and bred on equitable urban planning

Who am I?!

Where do I (mostly) work?!

2011-2015! Co-founder, lead coordinator!

More women than men graduate in architecture, but don’t remain in profession!

Well, why gender matters?

Architecture is gender neutral! !


human scale: (wo)man! Neufert!

Proper lady doesn’t stop, doesn’t smile and doesn’t look around while walking on the streets…!

Liberation through shopping malls! !


Architecture (as we were being taught) is not gender neutral at all…! ! Urban planning is influencing lives of everyone, but certain groups are benefiting significantly less…! !

What is gender mainstreaming?! • 

public policy concept of assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programs, in all areas and levels.!

Vienna! •  1,7 mil. inhabitants, 23 municipal districts! ! •  Green city with relatively few green open ! •  spaces in the centre! •  Extensive and efficient public transport system! •  60 % inhabitants live in subsidised social housing! •  Demography prognosis: population boom ! •  Gender mainstreaming > EU norm mis 90’s - > applied in many policies including urban planning!

Do men and women move around the city similarly?!

walk bike motorbike car (driver) car (passenger) public transport



1999 Source: Wiener Linien, omniphon 2011!

How does that relate to unpaid work?!

household working hours Childcare working hours Paid working hours



Source: Women’s Department of the City of Vienna, 2005, p. 88,!

Mobility chain examples! !

Combination of paid&unpaid work, care! Taking duties! !

Daily movement of a working individual!

Source: Manuรกl for Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development!

Demography! More than 40% inhabitants of Vienna are kids, teenagers or seniors!

Source: Mesto Viedeň, výročná správa 2011!

1.  In daily life women do most of care related works.!

2. In daily life women use public transport and walk more compared to men. !

! 3. In competition about public space they need strong representation – in profession also among decisionmakers‌!

! 3. In competition about public space they need strong representation – in profession also among decisionmakers‌!

1991 Exhibition: ,, Who owns the Public Space – Everyday lives of women in the city.! ! 1992 Women Department, The City of Vienna! ! 1998 Coordination office for planning with special regards to needs of women!

Main areas and topics of Gender mainstreaming in Vienna! 1. Gender-sensitive housing ! 2. Gender-sensitive parks and mobility! 3. Gender-sensitive and safe public spaces! 4. Public buildings! 5. Urban development! ! -----! •  Analysis and research! •  60 pilot projects! •  Manuals, planning recommendations, participation in competitions!

1. Gender-sensitive housing ! •  Frauen-Werk-Stadt I, II, III! •  prototypes with regard on specific needs of women in housing! •  designed by women experts only! !

Source Manuรกl for Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development

2. Gender-sensitive parks!

•  1997: „Foul Play with Opportunities? Girls into Public Space!“ socio-scientific survey -> specific interests of girls have to be considered ! •  2000: Policy as a part of strategic plan! •  6 model parks created in participatory process with girls!

3. Gender-sensitive / safe public spaces!

even cemeteries?!

4. Gender sensitive mobility!

Source: Wiener Linien, 2015!

Supply: time / space! ! Station design! ! Info stands, stalls! ! Dynamic information about the journey! ! Elevators, escalators! ! Cars with low entry! ! Enough of storage space! ! Air-condition! ! Cleaness! ! Paths for blind and disabled!

5. Gender mainstreaming – Mariahilfer district (2002-2006) !

Mariahilf: 28.000 inhabitants, 1,5 km2, 27 km road network! ! Focus on needs of pedestrians and residents! ! Study „Fair Shared City“! Source: Manuál for Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development!

Gender mainstreaming principles in design!

Source: Manuรกl for Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development!

Source Manuรกl for Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development!

Mariahilfer user typology!

Zdroj: Stadtfair teilen

How do specific users move around the district?!



•  Gender layer into the manual! •  Expanding into other groups!

•  target groups! •  masculinum and feminimum! •  Female visibility as decisionmakers! •  gender mixed expert groups!

•  target groups! •  masculinum and feminimum! •  gender mixed expert groups!

1.  Know your users. Do not assume you already know them. Invest into sociological research.!

2. Gender, age, social, economical, ethnical classes will create groups of a very different needs!

3 . Know their needs. Work with target groups. Representatives of communities. If there are none, ask informal ones or ngo to pin point them.!

! 4. Have more women experts in public administration and decisionmakers. They will bring more opinions and good angles.!

•  research, sources, interviews,! •  women expert database !

What do you think?! •  www.wpsprague.com! •  milota@wpsprague.com!

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