The Suitcase Under the Bed - Program

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by Teresa Deevy Directed by Jonathan Bank




MINT THEATER COMPANY’S TERESA DEEVY PROJECT WIFE TO JAMES WHELAN (2010) “The Mint Theater is certainly making an elegant case that the Abbey Theater in Dublin missed an opportunity almost 70 years ago when it declined to produce Wife to James Whelan, a drama by Teresa Deevy (1894-1963), whose six previous plays had been staged to some acclaim there.” The New York Times

Janie Brookshire & Shawn Fagan Photo by Carol Rosegg

TEMPORAL POWERS (2011) “Unfailingly perceptive, poetic, and moving.” The New Yorker “Deevy wrote that a play should have the qualities of ‘suspense, surprise and inevitability.’ All of these are on display in Temporal Powers, in which she makes what, in lesser hands, could have been a mere “situation” or contrivance into a rich and heartbreaking moral tale. Thanks are due to Jonathan Bank and (Mint) for bringing such a distinctive voice from the past so satisfyingly into the present.” America Magazine

Aidan Redmond & Rosie Benton Photo by Richard Termine


“This glowing, evocative production is the third play in the Mint Theater’s survey of the work of the nearly forgotten Irish playwright Teresa Deevy. It’s a weird and wonderful play from 1936….Deevy’s dialogue is practically minimalist, but in very few words an entire culture is revealed, and the mysteries of the human heart explored.” The New Yorker “The more we see of Teresa Deevy, the more she impresses.” Lighting & Sound America

Wrenn Schmidt & Patrick Fitzgerald Photo by Richard Termine

MINT THEATER COMPANY Jonathan Bank, Producing Artistic Director presents


Teresa Deevy with


Co s tu m e s AN D R E A VA R G A

Cast ing ST EPH ANIE KL APP E R , C S A Pr oduct io n M ana g e r AD AM G ABEL Illu st r at ion S TE FA NO IM B ERT

Gra p h i c s HE Y JU D E D ESI G N , I N C .

Sound & Original Music J A N E S H AW

L i g h ts ZACH BLANE P ro p s JO S H U A Y O C O M

Dialects & Dramaturgy AMY STOLLER

P ro d u c ti o n S ta g e Ma n a g e r PA ME L A E D I N G T O N A d v e rti s i n g & Ma rk e ti n g THE PEKOE GROUP

Stage Manager JEFF MEYERS Press Rep D AV I D G E R S T E N & A S S O C I AT E S

directed by

JONATHAN BANK THEATRE ROW, THE BECKETT THEATRE THE SUITCASE UNDER THE BED is supported in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

characters Strange Birth The hall of Mrs. Taylor’s house. A summer morning. Sara Meade........................................................................................... ELLEN ADAIR Mrs. Stims...................................................................................... GINA COSTIGAN Mrs. Taylor...................................................................................... CYNTHIA MACE Bill............................................................................................... AIDAN REDMOND Mr. Bassett................................................................................................A.J. SHIVELY Entr’acte: The Spiritual Canticle by St. John of the Cross.......SARAH NICOLE DEAVER

In the Cellar of My Friend The breakfast room of Grantsthorn, residence of Thomas Keane. A July morning.

Patricia Keane.................................................................................. CYNTHIA MACE Thomas Keane, Barrister at Law..............................................................COLIN RYAN Martin, the gardener..................................................................... AIDAN REDMOND Belle Dobbyn...................................................................SARAH NICOLE DEAVER Barney......................................................................................................A.J. SHIVELY Intermission

Holiday House The hall of Seafield House. August. Derek Mackey.........................................................................................COLIN RYAN Hetty, Derek’s sister...........................................................SARAH NICOLE DEAVER Neil, his brother............................................................................ AIDAN REDMOND Doris, Neil’s wife................................................................................... ELLEN ADAIR Charlie Moore..........................................................................................A.J. SHIVELY The Mater........................................................................................ CYNTHIA MACE Jil, Derek’s wife................................................................................ GINA COSTIGAN Entr’acte: A Drover by Padraic Colum...............................................AIDAN REDMOND

The King of Spain’s Daughter A grassy road. Dinner hour on an April day. Peter Kinsella, a labourer.............................................................. AIDAN REDMOND Jim Harris, a labourer................................................................................A.J. SHIVELY Mrs. Marks, a neighbor..................................................................... CYNTHIA MACE Annie Kinsella, Peter’s daughter........................................SARAH NICOLE DEAVER Roddy Mann, a loafer...............................................................................COLIN RYAN

director’s note Teresa Deevy is undoubtedly the most brilliant playwright whose work I will ever have the privilege of re-introducing to the world. She is also the perfect “poster child” for Mint Theater’s mission—the neglect of her exceptional work proves the necessity of ours. For both of these reasons, we have made an unprecedented commitment to this author: four full productions, two books, digital video recordings, numerous readings and international guest speakers. The Teresa Deevy Project began in 2009 when I got curious about Ireland’s women playwrights—were there any (beyond Lady Gregory)? I went through a production history of the Abbey, Ireland’s National Theatre, and made a list of names from the first 50 years, all unfamiliar. Deevy, who had six plays produced at the Abbey between 1930 and 1936, was the only one for whom I could find any information. She was a woman with a remarkable personal story—a deaf playwright—who was first embraced by the Abbey, and then summarily rejected when, at the height of her powers, the company’s leadership changed. She was also the only one on my list who had ever been published. I can hardly describe the thrill I felt in encountering her voice: so distinct, so insightful, and so utterly surprising. A play should have three things, Deevy believed: “suspense, surprise, inevitableness.” This combination helps to make her work remarkable. On the surface, these ingredients seem contradictory. But Deevy keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen and then surprises you with an outcome that is absolutely truthful but one you never expected. I began a search for more of her work, which led me to the two-century old family home in Waterford, Ireland. There, in two suitcases stuffed under a bed was a treasure trove of typescripts. Together with Teresa’s grandniece Jacqui Deevy, I scanned every page

and promised to do what I could to resurrect this forgotten genius through her work. In 2010 we produced Wife to James Whelan, in 2011, Temporal Powers. Mint’s last Deevy production was Katie Roche in 2013. I had been planning to bring out Volume Two of Teresa Deevy Reclaimed at the time of that production. The book, a collection of all of her short plays, many written for the radio, was close to being finished, but a voice in my head told me to stop—to wait for the right moment to resume our project. Then, at the end of November 2016, new management at the Abbey Theatre announced their intention to mount a new production of Katie Roche in August of 2017. I knew the time had come for an evening I had long been planning, an evening of her short plays: The Suitcase Under the Bed. Two of the plays that I’ve picked for our evening have never been produced or published (Holiday House and In the Cellar of My Friend). Strange Birth was published, but never staged; King of Spain’s Daughter was published (several times) and produced (by the Abbey, in 1935). There are other plays that I might have chosen, plays I love. But putting together an evening of one act plays is a tricky balancing act. How many actors will play how many parts? Will the casting serve all of the plays? Can the design serve all of the plays adequately? How long will scene changes take, how much crew will be needed? What order will be best? And, of course, do the plays tie together, do they relate to each other? Do they work together to tell a story, to make a satisfying evening? And—most important, will the evening serve our author? Deevy once wrote: “A perfect producer seeks to reveal the author.” By this definition (and no other!) I claim perfection. - Jonathan Bank

about the playwright T e r e s a


Teresa Deevy

was born on January 21, 1894 at Landscape, her family’s home in Waterford. She was the youngest of 13 children. Her father ran a successful draper’s shop in Waterford city but died when Teresa was only two. She was educated at the Ursuline Convent in Waterford and in 1913, enrolled at University College, Dublin. She wanted to become a teacher, but after a few months, was struck by a mysterious illness. Doctors eventually diagnosed her with Meniere’s disease, an incurable condition caused by fluid imbalance in the inner ear. By 1914, at the age of 20, Deevy had completely lost her hearing. Struggling to hear lectures, she left school and went to London to study lip-reading. While in London, Deevy often went to the theater—reading the plays first, when possible, then following them on the stage in order to practice her lip-reading. One night, while returning home from the theatre, she felt very strongly the urge to put “the sort of life we live in Ireland” into a play. About this same time, Deevy read a copy of Shaw’s Heartbreak House. Shaw had called it “a fantasy in the Russian manner on English themes,” and as she described in a 1952 autobiographical note: “I said proudly to myself my play will be ‘a fantasy in the Russian manner on Irish themes.’— But there was a long way to go…” It was an unusual ambition. Deevy had no theatrical connections. As a woman and as a person who was deaf, she didn’t fit the then-typical image of a playwright. However, she returned to Ireland undaunted and began writing. In 1925, at age 31, Deevy finally felt ready to send her plays to the Abbey, Ireland’s national theater. They were rejected, but one reader had been particularly impressed. This was Lennox Robinson, the Abbey’s managing director and a playwright himself. (Mint audiences may remember his Is Life Worth Living? from 2009). He encouraged her to keep writing.

Teresa Deevy (1894 - 1963) In 1930, at Robinson’s urging, the Abbey accepted Deevy’s Reapers, a sweeping family epic set in a rural “big house.” (The play is now lost.) It was followed in 1931 by a oneact comedy, A Disciple. In 1932, Deevy won first prize in the Abbey’s new play contest with Temporal Powers (seen at the Mint in 2011). After seeing Temporal Powers, author Frank O’Connor sent her this note: “When I saw Reapers, I knew something was happening. When I saw your new play, I realized it had happened with a vengeance.” The years from 1930 to 1936 were among the most productive in Deevy’s life. She moved to Dublin with her sister, Nell, who served as a companion and interpreter. In 1935, the Abbey produced her one-act The King of Spain’s Daughter, followed by her most enduring full-length play, Katie Roche, in 1936 (Mint, 2013). Telling the story of an illegitimate servant girl who longs to achieve greatness, Katie Roche was produced in Dublin and London and was included in the Abbey’s 1937 American tour. It was also published in Victor Gollancz’s influential anthology “Famous Plays.” In the same year that Katie Roche premiered, the Abbey performed Deevy’s historical play, The Wild Goose. As Christopher Morash notes in Teresa Deevy Reclaimed, Volume Two: “It made for an astonishing burst of creativity: six new plays in as many years.” Indeed, by 1936, Teresa Deevy was considered one of Ireland’s most promising playwrights.

Teresa Deevy In 1938, Deevy’s one-act play Holiday House was accepted by the Abbey and a contract was signed. Ultimately, the contract lapsed. Not long after, a letter appeared in the Irish Times complaining about play selection at the Abbey and including Deevy in a list of authors who recently had work turned down. Deevy, never one to enjoy status as a victim, promptly fired off a correction to the Times: “I would like to point out that this play (Holiday House) was accepted by the Abbey more than twelve months ago, and a contract for production was sent to me.” Her letter, which was published in the Times, mentions “evasive replies” from the management in response to her inquiries about scheduling, and finally notification “that the directors did not intend to keep their contract.” No doubt, Deevy’s attempt to publicly shame the Abbey management did little to endear her to them going forward, and her next play, Wife to James Whelan (Mint, 2010) was bluntly rejected. She wrote to her friend Florence Hackett, describing the rejection: “[Ernest] Blythe’s letter when returning it showed clearly that he had no use for my work—never asked to see any more…However I must just make an opening elsewhere, and it may be a good thing to be finished with the Abbey. Yet I love the Abbey and the actors are fine.” Deevy turned her attention to the burgeoning field of radio. In the years following 1938, she wrote over a dozen plays for the B.B.C. and Radio Éireann, as well as adapted her stage plays for broadcast. Deevy eventually managed to find other venues for her stage work: Wife to James Whelan was produced at Dublin’s tiny Studio Theatre in 1956. Light Falling was the curtainraiser for Jack McGowran’s production of Shadow of A Gunman at London’s Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith in 1957. Deevy’s beloved sister Nell died in February 1954. In October of the same year, she was elected to the Irish Academy of Letters, Ireland’s highest literary honor, though

about the playwright

without Nell the triumph was bittersweet. “I must lay out my life in a way conducive to work,” Deevy wrote to a friend after the death of Nell. “That’s what I’m here for.” Throughout the rest of the decade, she maintained a strong connection to the close-knit world of her family home in Waterford, where she was a familiar figure, riding around the city on her bicycle, and attending daily mass. Poet Sean Dunn recalled her eccentric reputation: In the Fifties, she was a thin woman on a bicycle, her gray hair tucked under one of an assortment of strange hats. She rode through the streets of Waterford and those who knew her tensed as she passed in case a car might hit her. She heard nothing and just cycled on with the nonchalance of a girl cycling along a country lane. Her clothes never seemed to match. She was seen wearing sandals or runners even in the middle of winter. Some people thought she’d once written plays. Others knew it, but it was a long time ago.

In her final years, Deevy’s vertigo—a recurrent symptom of Meniere’s—worsened. Hardly able to stand on her own, and losing her eyesight, she was moved to Maypark Nursing Home. She died there on January 19, 1963. James Cheasty, a poet and one of her protégés, wrote in her obituary for the Irish Independent: As a person Teresa Deevy was, first of all, heroic. She did not allow herself to be oppressed by a severe physical handicap which would have daunted countless others of lesser courage. The fact that she achieved success as a writer in spite of this handicap was, to say the least, remarkable. But she was a remarkable woman in many ways. Her kindness and simplicity of manner were well known to all those who had the pleasure of knowing her. Truly it can be said of her that she had the humility of the great.

biographies T h e

Suitcase Under



ELLEN ADAIR (Doris/Sara) With the Mint: What the Public Wants and the Spring Benefit performance of Deevy’s Light Falling. Other OffBroadway: Cymbeline (Fiasco Theater/Barrow St./TFANA), Playboy of the Western World (Pearl), Romeo and Hamlet (GayfestNYC) and special events for Sleep No More (Punchdrunk). Regional: Huntington Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre DC, St. Louis Repertory, Baltimore Centerstage, Pioneer Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre NJ, Folger Theatre, Commonwealth Shakespeare, Portland Stage, Kitchen Theatre, Pennsylvania Shakespeare, American Shakespeare Center, Lyric Stage, SpeakEasy, New Repertory, Publick Theatre. TV/Film: Recurring roles on “Billions,” “The Slap,” “Veep,” “The Family,” and “As the World Turns,” along with “The Blacklist,” “Nurse Jackie,” “Brotherhood,” the pilot “Codes of Conduct,” “God in America,” and PBS films about Louisa May Alcott, Louis Brandeis, and John Audubon. She is the co-Artistic Director of Happy Few Theatre Company. @ellen_adair

GINA COSTIGAN (Jil/Mrs. Stims) Training: AOS (Dist) Film and Television Performance (NYCDA), BA (Hons) Drama (Queen’s University, Belfast). Off-Broadway: Crackskull Row (Irish Rep.) Regional: The Seedbed (New Jersey Rep.) Theatre Ireland, UK & US: Voice Carry (IAC) Toys in the Attic (White Plains Performing Arts Center), An Trial (National Tour - Ireland), Les Impossibles (Edinburgh Fringe), Bon go Barr (Northern Ireland Tour), I scream, you scream, the cat screams (Project Arts Centre), Buile an Phice (Andrew’s Lane Theatre) The Risen People (The Gaiety Theatre) Film and TV: Becoming Jane, Veronica Guerin ( Jerry Bruckheimer Films), Gender Bender,

Halal Daddy, “Fair City”, and “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon). Gina is a resident artist at the cell. Big thanks and love to Mint, the Deevys, Luke, Maria, John, Nora and all out there for their support.

SARAH NICOLE DEAVER (Hettie/Belle/ Anne) is delighted to be making her Off-Broadway debut with the Mint! Theater: Most recently, Polly Stenham’s That Face (Baltimore Center Stage), dir. by Johanna Gruenhut. Previous credits include the world premiere of T. D. Mitchell’s Queens for a Year at Hartford Stage, dir. by Lucie Tiberghien; An Evening of Clifford Odets, written and dir. by Moritz Von Stuelpnagel; and the title character in Henry V as a part of the Shakespeare’s Globe flagship program in London. TV: “SVU: Law & Order”; “The Last OG”. A BFA graduate from Rutgers U and a proud Interlochen Arts Academy alumna, she enjoys skyping her wonderful parents in her off time and writing songs in Fort Tryon park. Isaiah 25:1

CYNTHIA MACE (Mater/Mrs. Marks/Mrs. Taylor/Aunt Patty) OffBroadway: Nightingale (MTC; cover for Lynn Redgrave), Regional: Sideways (La Jolla Playhouse) dir. by Des McAnuff, Romeo & Juliet (Yale Rep), The Autumn Garden (Williamstown), The Goat, Or Who Is Sylvia? (Mark Taper Forum; Garland Award: Best Actress), Angels in America: Millennium Approaches & Perestroika (Mark Taper Forum; world premiere originating the role of Harper). Opposite Ms. Redgrave: The Mandrake Root/The Importance of Being Earnest . TV: “The OA” and “Mindhunter” (Netflix), “Blue Bloods”, “Kevin Can Wait”, “Younger” and more.

The Suitcase Under AIDAN REDMOND (Neil/Martin/Peter/Bill) is delighted to be returning to work on The Deevy Project. Previously with the Mint: Tom Carey in Teresa Deevy’s Wife To James Whelan and Michael Donavan in Temporal Powers, both dir. by Jonathan Bank. Recent roles include Jerry in Harold Pinter’s Betrayal dir. by Chris O’Connor (Mile Square Theatre, NJ) and Mr Gilmer in To Kill A Mockingbird dir. by Sabra Jones (Greensboro Arts Alliance, VT). Broadway: Dr. McSharry in Michael Grandage’s Tony-nominated revival of Martin McDonagh’s The Cripple of Inishmaan. OffBroadway: Larry/Langos/Laius in Sam Shepard’s Oedipus Variations - A Particle of Dread, dir. by Nancy Meckler (Signature), Mike Glavin in Sive, dir. by Ciarán O’ Reilly (Irish Rep). Also, Henry in Tom Stoppard’s The Real Thing dir. by Cailín Heffernan (Boomerang). Film/TV: ‘79 Parts, Daylight, I Sell The Dead, “Daredevil”. Originally from Ireland, Aidan is a graduate of The Samuel Beckett Centre, Trinity College, Dublin and The Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, NY. COLIN RYAN (Derek/ Roddy/Tom) Broadway: Waiting for Godot (u/s Pozzo, Lucky); No Man’s Land (u/s Briggs, Foster). New York: Twelfth Night (Toby); This Lime Tree Bower (Frank); Othello (Iago); Protest (Vanek); Pardon My English (Bauer); Brecht on Brecht. Regional: Venus in Fur (Thomas); Much Ado About Nothing (Benedick); A Streetcar Named Desire (Stanley); Henry V (Henry); Pride & Prejudice (Bingley/Wickham); Sherlock Holmes (Holmes); King John (Bastard); Romeo & Juliet (Mercutio); Beauty & the Beast (Gaston); The Malcontent (Malevole); The Winter’s Tale (Autolycus); Complete Works…(Abridged); A Laughing Matter (Garrick); She Stoops to Conquer (Lumpkin) TV/ Film: “Blue Bloods”, “Shades of Blue”, “The




Tap”, Rockaway Moon, The Last Laugh, “The Sonnet Project”. MFA: Academy for Classical Acting. Colin lives in Hoboken with his wife Elizabeth, their son John Henry, and a large brown bear. A. J.


(Charlie/Barney/Jim/Mr. Bassett) Broadway: Bright Star (Drama Desk Nom.); La Cage Aux Folles. Nat’l Tour: The Sound of Music. Off-Broadway/Offoff Broadway: February House (The Public); Brigadoon (Irish Rep); Unlock’d (Prospect); ...Guide To A Successful Marriage (Cherry Lane); Things To Ruin (Second Stage); Little Airplanes Of The Heart (EST); ReWrite (Urban Stages); NYMF; Fringe NYC. Regional: Kennedy Center; Old Globe; McCarter; CenterStage; TUTS; Long Wharf; George Street Playhouse; TheatreWorks- Silicon Valley; Sharon Playhouse; Gulfshore Playhouse. TV/Film: “Homeland”; “The Blacklist”; “Younger”; “The Daily Show”; Nobody Walks In LA; From Nowhere; Syrup; HairBrained. Training: University of Michigan; RADA. ANDREA VARGA (Costumes) Andrea is a freelance costume designer and Associate Professor of Theatre Design at SUNY New Paltz. She is a proud graduate of the MFA program at FSU. Andrea is very happy to be back at the Mint where she previously designed Teresa Deevy’s Temporal Powers, as well as Martha Gellhorn’s Love Goes to Press, and was a Drama Desk costume design nominee in 2015 for George Kelly’s The Fatal Weakness. Andrea and her scenic designer husband, Nathan Heverin have a wonderful 5 year old son, Finnian. Special thanks to Draper/Dressmaker Eleanor Wolfe who makes all of the beautiful things go from page to stage.

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VICKI R. DAVIS (Sets) Previously for the Mint: The Lucky One, Women Without Men, The Fatal Weakness, Katie Roche, Rutherford and Son, Temporal Powers, Wife to James Whelan, The Fifth Column, The Skin Game, The Lonely Way, Echoes of the War, Far and Wide, The Voysey Inheritance, Miss Lulu Bett, Welcome to our City, August Snow & Night Dance, and The House of Mirth. Off Broadway credits include projects for Adobe, AMAS, Blue Heron, HB Studio, Lincoln Center Director’s Lab, The Ontological, LaMaMa, Folksbiene, Henry Street Settlement, Kings County Shakespeare, Bronx Opera, Bel Canto Opera, Wings, WPA, Playhouse 91. Regional theater and opera companies include Laguna Playhouse, Arena Stage, The Alliance, Milwaukee Rep., Dallas Theater Center, Spooky Action, Starlight Kansas City, Madison Rep., The Barter, Capital Rep., Passages, Georgia Shakespeare, Utah Shakespearean Festival, Utah Opera, Kansas City Opera, Omaha Opera, Theatre of the Stars, Boston Lyric Opera, Lake George Opera Festival, Chester Theater, and Music Theater North. The recipient of a TCG/NEA Design Fellowship, she is a member of United Scenic Artists Local 829.

Theater, Will Rogers Center. Norwegian Cruise Lines (Fleet-wide Lighting Designer). Named “Designer to Watch” by Live Design Magazine 2011.

JANE SHAW (Sound & Original Music) has designed over twenty-five productions for the Mint including Yours Unfaithfully, A Day by the Sea, Women Without Men, The New Morality, London Wall, Mary Broome, and The Fifth Column. New York credits include: Measure for Measure, The Killer, Theatre for a New Audience, Men on Boats, Playwrights Horizons and Clubbed Thumb; Ironbound, Women’s Project and Rattlestick; Taste of Honey and Public Enemy, Pearl Theater. Regional credits: All the Way, Cleveland Play House; Rear Window, Hartford Stage; Capital Rep, Two River Theater, Denver Center. Next: Shakespeare in Love, Cleveland Play House; General from America, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival; Actually, Williamstown Theater Festival. Recognition: Bessie Award, Drama Desk, Connecticut Critics Circle, Henry Award, Premios ACE 2012, Meet the Composer grant, Theatre Communication Group’s Career Development Program, and nominations for two Lortels, Henry Hewes and Elliot Norton awards. She was born in ZACH BLANE (Lights) Mint debut! Se- Kansas and lives in Brooklyn. lected Off-Broadway: Too Much, Too Much, JOSHUA YOCOM (Props) collaborates Too Many; Suicide Incorporated (Roundwith the Mint yet again. This is his 16th proabout Theatre Company); Would You duction with the Mint, most recently propStill Love Me If (New World Stages, dir. ping The Lucky One, Yours Unfaithfully, A Day Kathleen Turner); Charles Busch’s Cleopaby the Sea, Women Without Men, The New Motra (TFANC); Wringer (City Center); The rality, Fashions for Men, The Fatal Weakness, Siblings Play (Cherry Lane); The Crusade of Donogoo, London Wall, and Philip Goes Forth. Connor Stephens ( Jerry Orbach); The EterJoshua has worked as a properties master nal Space (Theatre Row); Soul Doctor (Acand freelance artisan with a number of NYC tors Temple); The Good Girl (59E59); The companies, including Roundabout, Keen, Dork Knight (Abingdon); Sommerfugl; HoliEpic Theatre Ensemble, Red Bull, The Pearl, day House (4th Street, NYTW). National Second Stage, Primary Stages, Theatre for a Tour: Crane: On Earth, In Sky (Heather HenNew Audience, Gotham Chamber Opera, son). Regional: Barrington Stage Company, NYC Ballet, Lincoln Center, Queens TheTwo River Theater, Olney Theatre Center, atre, Summerworks, Across the Aisle ProBucks County Playhouse, Dorset Theatre ductions, Snug Harbor, the Atlantic Theater Festival, Cape Playhouse, Fiddlehead TheCo., The New School, and the York Theatre atre Company, Shubert Theatre, Adirondack Company. Joshua also props and styles bedTheatre Company, City Theatre, Engeman

The Suitcase Under




ding and rooms for print through collabora- Memorable adventures over the years include: tion with the Mayo photography studios. Murder Ballad, Collected Stories with Ms. Uta AMY STOLLER (Dialects & Dramaturgy) Hagen (Off-Broadway and The Stratford has been helping Mint casts suit words to ac- Festival), The Weir, Family Secrets, Three Mo’ tions since 1996. Highlights include Teresa Tenors, Fifty Words, Coastal Disturbances, The Deevy’s Katie Roche, Temporal Powers, and Last Smoker in America and, The Green Heart. Wife to James Whelan; more recently, Women Without Men, A Day by the Sea, and The Lucky One. Other recent work in New York includes Horton Foote’s The Traveling Lady, directed by Austin Pendleton (Cherry Lane) and Anna Deavere Smith’s award-winning Notes from the Field, directed by Leonard Foglia (Second Stage). Previous projects with Ms. Smith include Let Me Down Easy (Second Stage; PBS “Great Performances”) and “Master Class” (HBO). On Broadway Amy coached Jessie Mueller (Tony Award) as Carole King in Beautiful. Her film and television work includes coaching Carmen Ejogo as Coretta Scott King in Selma; “Mozart in the Jungle” (Amazon); “Nurse Jackie” (SHO); “Power” (Starz); the Mint’s production of London Wall (“Theater Close-Up,” WNET13); “Dora the Explorer” (Nickelodeon). ADAM GABEL (Production Manager), is thankful to the Mint and The Lighting Syndicate for bringing him back to the stage after a long hiatus into Broadcast Lighting Design and Project Management. Recent Design and Management Credits include: CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront”; HLN’s “The Joy Behar Show”; the Internationally Acclaimed Noche Flamenca and NBC’s Coverage of The 2010 and 2012 Olympic Games for which he won an Emmy Award. Adam would like to express his gratitude to his wife Christine and 2 beautiful young daughters, Madeline and Juliet for their support, although it probably makes more sense to just tell them that in person.

PAMELA EDINGTON (Production Stage Manager) is very happy to be joining Jonathan Bank and the Mint again, having stage managed this past season’s productions of A Day By the Sea and Yours Unfaithfully.

JEFF MEYERS (Stage Manager) was in a play once. He played the “Captain” in the Grand Junction, Colorado, high school production of Carousel. He then turned to stage management. He is very pleased to be continuing his collaboration with Mr. Bank and Mint Theater having previously worked on The Lucky One, Yours Unfaithfully, A Day by the Sea, Fashions For Men and Earnest Hemingway’s The Fifth Column. New York highlights also include Beyond Therapy and Happy Birthday (TACT), Painting Churches and Marry Me A Little (Keen Company), Amazons And Their Men (Clubbed Thumb), Orange Flower Water and Adam Rapp’s Stone Cold Dead Serious (Edge Theater Company), Hamlet (CSC), Critical Darling (The New Group) and Greg Kotis’ Eat The Taste (Barrow St. Theatre). Regional highlights include, The Theater at Monmouth’s 2005 through 2015 summer seasons and The Underpants (Two River Theater Company). His union of choice is AEA, and he dedicates this and every performance to his Mom and Dad.

STEPHANIE KLAPPER, CSA (Casting)’s work is frequently seen on Broadway, OffBroadway, regionally, internationally, on television, film and the internet. Resident Casting Director for Primary Stages and continues her long collaborations with numerous companies such as Ensemble for the Romantic Century, Mint Theater Company, New York Classical Theatre, The Peccadillo, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Company, Masterworks, and Resonance Ensemble as well as others in NYC and in the regions. Currently has a number of very exciting projects running and upcoming in NYC, regionally and on film. Recent projects include: The Lucky One; Daniel’s Husband; Yours Unfaithfully; Fade; Harbored; Wilderness; A Class Act; Edwin, the Story

biographies T h e

Suitcase Under



of Edwin Booth; That Golden Girls Show!;The Production Staff Dreyfus Affair; The Good Swimmer; Another Production Manager . . . . . . . . Adam Gabel Dance of Death (short film). Member: Casting Society of America and League of Profes- Master Carpenter/Set Construction . . Carlo Adinolfi sional Theatre Women. Casting Assistants: Technical Director . . . . . . . . . . Justin Brown Ari Rudess and Lacey Davies. Production Supervisor . . . . . . . The Lighting DAVID GERSTEN & ASSOC. (PubliSyndicate cist) has served as press representatives and Lighting Asst . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Megliola marketing consultants on Broadway and off for over twenty-five years. In addition to the Board Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colin JB Mint, current clients include several not-for Wardrobe Supervisor . . . . . Bethany Mullins profit theater companies including INTAR, Wig Supervisor . . . . . Stephanie Echevarria Keen Company, NAATCO, Project Shaw/ Draper/Dressmaker . . . . . . . . Eleanor Wolfe Gingold Group, Red Bull Theater, and TACT, among others. David serves on the Board of Wig Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Arave Governors of ATPAM, the Association of Costume Asst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaitlyn Day Theatrical Press Agents & Managers and is a Deck Crew . . Valerie Caniglia, Tina Truong member of the Off-Broadway League and a Asst Director . . . . . Samuel-James DeMattio founder of the Off-Broadway Alliance. Production Asst . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Weber JONATHAN BANK (Director/Producing Fight Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colin Ryan Artistic Director) has been the artistic director of Mint since 1995. Most recently at the Casting Asst . . . . Ari Rudess, Lacey Davies Mint, he directed Yours Unfaithfully by Miles House Manager . . . Christopher Armond & Malleson. Other Mint credits include: The Megan Robinson New Morality by Harold Chapin, Katie Roche, Temporal Powers and Wife to James Whelan by Teresa Deevy; Mary Broome by Allan Monkhouse; Maurine Dallas Watkins’ So Help Me God! at the Lucille Lortel, which received four Drama Desk nominations, including Outstanding Revival and Outstanding Director. He is the editor of five volumes in the Reclaimed series (Teresa Deevy, Volumes One and Two, Harley Granville Barker, and St. John Hankin) as well as Worthy But Neglected: Plays of the Mint Theater Company which includes his adaptations of Thomas Wolfe’s Welcome to Our City and Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth. He earned his M.F.A. from Case Western Reserve University in his hometown of Cleveland, OH. A tax-deductible contribution of $250 or more makes you a member of our First Priority Club, ensuring you get the best seats at the lowest price. For more information, visit the InvestMINT page at, or call 212.315.0231.


First Priority Club Members get more and pay less.

The Suitcase Under MINT THEATER COMPANY finds and produces worthwhile plays from the past that have been lost or forgotten. It is our mission to create new life for these plays through research, dramaturgy, production, publication, readings and a variety of enrichment programs.

Under the leadership of Jonathan Bank as Producing Artistic Director, Mint has secured a place in the crowded theatrical landscape of New York City. We have received Special Obie and Drama Desk Awards recognizing the importance of our mission and our success in fulfilling it. Terry Teachout of The Wall Street Journal writes that the Mint has a “a near-perfect track record of exhuming forgotten plays of the previous century that deserve a happier fate.”

Our process of excavation, reclamation and preservation makes an important contribution to the art form and its enthusiasts. Scholars have the chance to come into contact with historically significant work that they’ve studied on the page but never experienced on the stage. Local theatergoers have the opportunity to see plays that would otherwise be unavailable to them, while theatergoers elsewhere may also have that opportunity in productions inspired by our success. Important plays with valuable lessons to teach—plays that have been discarded or ignored—are now read, studied, performed, discussed, written about and enjoyed as a result of our work.

Sharing with our audience the context in which a play was originally created and how it was first received is an essential part of what we do. Our “EnrichMINT Events” enhance the experience of our audience and help to foster an ongoing dialogue around a play. These post-performance discussions feature world class scholars discussing complex topics in an accessible way and are always free and open to the general public. Our “Further Readings”




program—an ongoing series of concertstyle play readings—offers our audience an opportunity to delve deeper into the work of some of our favorite playwrights.

We not only produce lost plays, but we are also their advocates. We publish our work and distribute our books, free of charge to libraries, theaters and universities. Our catalog of books now includes an anthology of seven plays entitled Worthy but Neglected: Plays of the Mint Theater plus five volumes in our Reclaimed series, each featuring the work of a single author: Teresa Deevy, Harley Granville Barker, St. John Hankin and Arthur Schnitzler.

Mint Theater Company

Producing Artistic Director . . . . Jonathan Bank Associate Director . . . . . . . . . . . Jesse Marchese Associate Producer . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Rost Associate Producer . . Rebecca Nell Robertson Development Consultant . . . Ellen Mittenthal Dramaturgical Advisor . . . . . . . . . Maya Cantu Videographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike LoBello Exploring the Arts Intern . . . Michael Darden Advertising & Website Design . . . . The Pekoe Group/ Amanda Pekoe, Jason K. Murray, Kathryn Zaccarelli, Christopher Lueck, Briana Lynch, Jenny Dorso, Noah Fried, Brittany Mashel Press Rep . . . . . . . . . . . David Gersten & Assoc David J. Gersten, Daniel DeMello Financial Services . . . . . . . Nellis Mgt. Services Andrea Nellis & Lucy Mallett Auditor . . . . . . . . . . Lutz & Carr, CPA’s, LLP

Gretchen Adkins Jonathan Bank Bob Donnalley

Board of Trustees John P. Harrington Brian Heidtke Jann E. Leeming

Eleanor Reissa Kathryn Swintek John Yarmick

Ciro Gamboni (1940-2017) The following generous Individuals, Foundations, & Corporations support the Mint Theater, and we honor their contributions: Crème de la Crème: $25,000 and above Gail & Ciro Gamboni Howard Gilman Foundation Edith Meiser Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Royal Little Family Fdn. The Shubert Foundation, Inc. Crème de Mint: $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Barbara Bell Cumming Foundation Cory & Bob Donnalley Charitable Foundation Jean and Louis Dreyfus Foundation The Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation John & Janet Harrington The Heidtke Foundation Lucille Lortel Foundation New York State Council on the Arts The Ted Snowdon Fdn. The Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Michael Tuch Foundation John Yarmick SilverMint: $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Gretchen Adkins Axe-Houghton Foundation Robert Brenner Virginia Brody Johanna & Leslie Garfield Marta Heflin Foundation David L. Klein, Jr. Fdn. Blanche & Irving Laurie Foundation Gemzel Hernandez Martinez M.D.

Lorna H. Power Jerome Robbins Foundation Wallace Schroeder The South Wind Foundation The Dorothy Strelsin Fdn. The Geraldine Stutz Trust, Inc. Kathryn Swintek ChocolateMint: $2,500 - $4,999 42nd St. Development Corp. Grover Connell William Downey Nicholas & Edmée Firth Charles & Judith Freyer Agnes & Emilio Gautier Paul & Karen Isaac Christopher Joy & Cathy Velenchik Sandra & David Joys Rebecca Kaplan The Dorothy Loudon Foundation Dorinda Oliver The Petros K. & Marina T. Sabatacakis Foundation David Stenn Sukenik Family Foundation Dennis & Katharine Swanson Mary Ellen & Karl von der Heyden SpearMint: $1,500 - $2,499 David & Kim Adler Jon Clark & Ryan Franco Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Franklin The Friars Foundation Ruth Friendly The Gordon Foundation Robin Jones Sandra & Jonathan Landers Frederick Meyer Eleanor Reissa Susan & Zachary Shimer Alec Stais & Elissa Burke Michael Thomas

Helen S. Tucker, Gramercy Park Fdn. Hilda Wenig & Lisa Renz Jivan Wolf PepperMint: $750 - $1,499 Actors’ Equity Foundation Judith Aisen & Kenneth Vittor Joseph Bell & Peter Longo John H. & Penelope P. Biggs Lois Burke George & Susan Crow W. Leslie Duffy Jennifer & Greg Ezring Barbara Farrar & Tom Evans Jane & Charles Goldman Marta Gross & Richard Barnes David Herskovits Barbara Hill Hickrill Foundation International Friends of the London Library Sally & Wynn Kramarsky Mildred Kuner Charlene & Gary MacDougal Martin & Maude Meisel John David Metcalf James J. Periconi Mark Rossier Drs. Carole M. Shaffer-Koros & Robert M. Koros John Q. & Karen E. Smith Sarah Billinghurst Solomon Dr. Norman Solomon Stagedoor Manor Stella Strazdas & Hank Forrest Charitable Fund M. Elisabeth Swerz Francis Williams Steven Williford

supporters DoubleMint ($250 - $749)

Anonymous (14) Stephen Abel & Frank Wolf Barbara & Alan Abrams Richard Abrons Thomas & Mary Adams Louis Alexander Dean Alfange Linda & Lloyd Alterman Laura Altschuler Carmen Anthony Louise L. Arias Jordan Baker & Kevin Kilner Randy & Ruth Bank Judith Barlow Barbara Berliner & Sol Rymer Muriel Bermar Al Berr Nidia Besso Clint Best Peter & Helena Bienstock Judith Bihaly Gene & Joann Bissell Iris & Alan Blanc Steven Blier & James S. Russell Allison Blinken Julian & Zelda Block Rose-Marie Boller & Webb Turner Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Borer Alice Boyle Nathan Brandt Steven Brauser Bebe & Douglas Broadwater Dorothy Burke Ann Butera Catherine Cahill & William Bernhard Peter Cameron Alice B. Cannon-Perkins & Fred Perkins Fairfid M. Caudle Aurelie Cavallaro Elinor Ceresney Carolyn Chave & Robert Hand Stephen & Elena Chopek C.L. Christensen Toni Coffee Ira Cohen Pamela Coker & John Walls Julie Cushing Connelly Jo Ann Corkran Peggy Correa Penelope & Peter Costigan Audrey & Fergus Coughlan Marina Couloucoundis Lorraine Coyle Tandy Cronyn Leslie Crossley Michael Crowley John & Ellen Curtis

Cynthia Darlow & Richard Ferrone Sue & Stuart Davidson Ann DeInnocentiis Anthony & Ruth Demarco Denny Denniston & Christine Thomas Katherine & Bernard Dick Ruth & Robert Diefenbach Thomas A. Dieterich Nancy M. Donahue Caroline Donhauser Elizabeth Dooley Suzanne Dowling Joan Drelich James Duffy Emily Dunlap Don & Sheila Dunphy Kim & William Eckstrom Herzl Eisenstadt Marjorie Ellenbogen Monte Engler & Joan Mannion Fred & Sara Epstein Judith Eschweiler Elen & Frank Estes H. Read Evans Ronald & Diana Ezring Kathleen Feely Howard Feldman James Feldman Douglas Filomena William Finkelstein Angela T. Fiore James Fleckenstein Eva & Norman Fleischer Barbara Fleischman Charles Forma Carol & Burke Fossee Jeffrey & Diana Frank Roger & Patricia Friedman Dr. Barbara Gaims-Spiegel & Robert M. Spiegel Eugene Gantzhorn Michael Garber Mary J. Geissman Marion & Whitney Gerard Susan & David Gerstein Suellen & David Globus Betty & Joshua Goldberg Ryan Goodland & Evan Leslie Margaret Goodman Charles Gordanier & Susan Kornacki Sarah Gordon Minette Gorelik Stanley Gotlin & Barry Waldorf Anna Grabarits Arnold H. Grossman Georgia & Antonio Grumbach Carol & Steven Gutman Lanie Hadden

Dr. Ronald & Maria Hagadus Joseph Hardy John Hargraves & Nancy Newcomb Cynthia Harris Alvan & Joan Harrison Charles Hayman Carol Hekimian Reily Hendrickson Michael Herko Gabor Herman Sigrid Hess Linda & George Hiltzik Claire Hinchcliffe Louise Hirschfeld & Lewis B. Cullman Alan Hirsh Eleanor Hodges Heather & Bruce Horner Cheryl Hurley Harriet & Elihu Inselbuch Linda Irenegreene Jocelyn Jacknis James W. Jackson Wendy & David Johnston Joseph Family Char. Trust Gerhard Joseph Virginia Josephian Peter Haring Judd Fund Bill & Margaret Kable Dawn Kafcos Elizabeth Kaming Greg & Karin Kayne Joan Kedziora Frances & Carter Keithley James P. Kelly Laurie Kennedy & Keith Mano Kaori Kitao Frederick Koch James J. Kolb Marlene & Gerald Kolbert Anna Kramarsky & Jeanne Bergman Jean Kroeber Carmel Kuperman Julie Laitin David & Mary Lambert Sybil Landau William & Robert Lang Karl Laub Gordon Leavitt Ira Leeds Laura & Rodney Leinberger Dr. Albert Leizman & Ann Harte Mary Linda Levine Cathie Levine & Josh Isay Gloria & Mitchell Levitas Carol & Stanley Levy Eva Lichtenberg & Arnold Tobin Claire Lieberwitz & Arthur Grayzel, MD Joseph Lombardi

supporters Daniel Lowenstein Mary & Boyd Lowry Paul Lubetkin & Joyce Gordon Dayna Lucas Joan M. Lufrano Jon Lukomnik & Lynn Davidson Bette Lyons Mary Rose Main Vivian Majeski Martin Maleska & Julia McGee Raoul Mancini Barbara Manning Florence Mannion Jean & Robert Markley Jacqueline Maskey Eileen Mason Jill Matichak Lorraine Matys Peggy Mautner Doris & David May Cheryl & Harris May George W. Mayer Pamela Mazur, PhD Barbara & Dan McCarthy John McCaskey Patricia A. McCormack Carolyn McGuire Robert McLaughlin & Sally Parry Ilse Melamid Joan & John Mendenhall Radley Metzger Lusia & Bernard Milch Susan & Joel Mindel Ann Miner Ellen Mittenthal Elaine & Richard Montag Doreen & Larry Morales Joseph Morello George Morfogen Frank Morra Elaine & Ronald Morris John & Michelle Morris Carole & Theodore Mucha Mike & Jane Muchmore Georgia & Mark Munsell Daniel Murnick & Janet George Karol Murov Virg & Bob Nahas Alexa Shae Niziak June O’Donnell Stephanie & Robert Olmsted Modest & Linda Oprysko Colleen Orsatti Frances Pandolfi Jeanine Parisier Plottel Jonathan & Deborah Parker Steven Phillips & Isabel Swift

Sheila & Irwin Polishook Isaac Pollak Georgette & David Preston Robert & Carlo Prinsky Robert A. Pugsley Judith Quillard Judith & Sheldon Raab Susan & Peter Ralston Teresa Ranellone Linda Ray Joe Regan Jacqueline Reich Cordelia & David Reimers Tom Repasch Peter Robbins & Paige Sargisson Phyllis & Earl Roberts Richard V. Robilotti Renee & Seymour Rogoff Brian Rohman & Peggy Herzog Robert & Rhoda Roper Donna & Ben Rosen Saul Rosenthal Charles & Meryl Rubin Marcia & Michael Rubin William Rumancik & Paul Cowan Lynn & Thomas Russo Mary & Winthrop Rutherfurd Kathy Salem Rosemarie Salvatore Peter and Mary Jane Sander J.B. Sandler Judy & Sirgay Sanger Catherine Scaillier Judy & Dick Schachter Archer & Maxine Scherl Daphne & Peter Schwab Marilyn & Joseph Schwartz Robert Secor Jim & Ann Settel Ronald Shaw George & Marjorie Shea Camille & Richard Sheely Robert Shivers Helen Shufro Herbert Shultz Shelley & Joel Siegel Joyce Silver Marion Simon Adrianne & David Singer Frank Skillern Janet & Mike Slosberg Anthony Smith & Patricia Bettin Smith Barbara Madsen Smith Bernice Smith Hope Sobie Barbara Solomon Sandra & Graham Spanier Charles Sperling

Shondell & Ed Spiegel MĂŠlie & John Spofford Voytek Sporek Emmy & Richard Springer Martha S. Sproule Marcella Ann Stapor Sherry & Bob Steinberg Gary Stern Peter & Wendy Stetson Susan Stockton & William Garvin Mihail & Doina Stoiana Amy Stoller Edna & Robert Straus Elaine Strauss Pamela Stubing Joseph Sturkey Dr. Larry E. Sullivan Richard & Jean Swank Jean Swintek Kelsey Swintek Carol Tambor & Kent Lawson Douglas G. Tarr Brinton Taylor & Francis C. Parson Jr. Elaine Taylor-Gordon Madeline Taylor Deborah & Craig Thompson Caroline Thomson & Steve Allen Joan & Jack Thorne Lee Toole & Kimiko Otsuka Stan & Madelene Towne Linda & Ken Treitel Susan & Charles Tribbitt Evelyn Truitt Martha Van Hise Anthony & Elaine Viola Joan & Bob Volin Robert & Janet Wagner John Michael Walsh Robert G. Walsh Rob Webb & Pat DeRousie-Webb Kevin & D.G. Weber-Duffy Donna Welensky Patricia & Richard White Anita & Byron Wien Robert & Lillian Williams Constance Wingate Daniel Marshall Wood Donald & Barbara Zucker Mary Zulack & Peter Belmont Burton & Sue Zwick

This list represents donations made from July 7, 2016 - July 7, 2017. Every effort is made to ensure its accuracy.

Erika Feldman...................General Manager Shawn Murphy............Assoc. Gen. Manager Keith Adams....................Technical Director Jamianne Devlin, Keaton Grant, Andre Sguerra, Luis Payero....Asst. Tech Dir. Azizi Bell.......................Box Office Manager Drew Overcash...........Asst. Box Office Mgr. & Mktg. & Social Media Mgr. Amanda Finch............Asst. Box Office Mgr. Whitney Andrews, Michael Dewar, Kelsey Kennedy, Bailey Reeves....... Box Office Staff Jack Donoghue....................House Manager Sean Tecson.................Asst. House Manager Scott Pegg............................Studio Manager

THEATRE ROW This theater is operated by Theatre Row Studios, a program of the 42nd Street Development Corporation (42SDC). 42SDC is a non-profit (501(c)(3)) that champions and funds arts ventures that catalyze creative neighborhood development. Since its founding in 1976, 42SDC has been at the forefront of the redevelopment and revitalization.

This presentation is not a Theatre Row Studios or 42nd Street Development Corporation production, nor does its presentation in this Theatre imply approval or sanction by either Theatre Row Studios or 42nd Street Development Corporation.

Douglas Filomena and Jay Sterkel of The Syndicate, Erika Feldman and Shawn of Theatre Row, Jon Knust, Nicola Stephen Ferguson (Asst. Secretary & Curator, An Post of Ireland).


Board of Directors Kevin Harrington, Chair Michael Bailkin Daniel Biederman, Treasurer Carmen Bowser, Secretary Please turn off all cell phones and pagers Miriam Harris before the performance begins. Thank You! Marian Heiskell Jeffrey A. Horwitz The use of cameras and other recording William J. Maloney devices in this Theatre is prohibited by law. John Peterson Melissa Pianko In the event of Fire, please proceed quietly to Wendy Rowden, President the nearest exit. Exits are located where you Zachary Smith entered the Theatre Complex and at the back of the Stage, which you can reach by walking Executive Team through any opening in the scenery or drapes Wendy Rowden, President on stage. Bruce Levine, Chief Financial Officer There is no smoking anywhere in this Theatre or in the Theatre Complex, including, lobby stairways and restrooms. Special Thanks


Lighting Murphy Redman, Museum

Program Lighting equipment provided in part by the ETC Corporate Giving Equipment Grant and the Technical Upgrade Project of the Alliance of Resident Theaters/New York through the generous support of the New York City Council and the City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs. Mint Theater Company wishes to thank the TDF Costume Collection and SUNY New Paltz for their assistance in this production.

Mint Production History The Lucky One, 2017 By A.A. Milne

Yours Unfaithfully, 2017 By Miles Malleson

A Day by the Sea, 2016 By N.C. Hunter

Women Without Men, 2016 By Hazel Ellis

The New Morality, 2015 By Harold Chapin

Fashions for Men, 2015 By Ferenc Molnár

The Fatal Weakness, 2014 By George Kelly

Donogoo, 2014 By Jules Romains

London Wall, 2014 By John Van Druten

Philip Goes Forth, 2013 By George Kelly

What the Public Wants, 2011

Echoes of the War, 2004

Wife to James Whelan, 2010

Two Plays by A.A. Milne

By Arnold Bennett By Teresa Deevy

Doctor Knock, 2010 By Jules Romains

So Help Me God!, 2009 By Maurine Dallas Watkins

By J.M. Barrie

Milne at the Mint, 2004 Far and Wide, 2003 By Arthur Schnitzler

The Daughter-In-Law, 2003 By D.H. Lawrence

By Lennox Robinson

The Charity That Began at Home, 2002

The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd, 2009

No Time for Comedy, 2002

The Glass Cage, 2008

Rutherford & Son, 2001

The Fifth Column, 2008

Diana of Dobson’s, 2001

The Power of Darkness, 2007

The Flattering Word & A Farewell to the Theater, 2000

Is Life Worth Living?, 2009

By D.H. Lawrence By J.B. Priestley

By Ernest Hemingway By Leo Tolstoy

By St. John Hankin By S.N. Behrman

By Githa Sowerby

By Cicely Hamilton

A Picture of Autumn, 2013

The Return of the Prodigal, 2007

Katie Roche, 2013

The Madras House, 2007

Mary Broome, 2012

John Ferguson, 2006

Love Goes to Press, 2012

Susan and God, 2006

The Voysey Inheritance, 1999

Soldier’s Wife, 2006

Alison’s House, 1999

Temporal Powers, 2011

Walking Down Broadway, 2005

By Edith Wharton & Clyde Fitch

A Little Journey, 2011

The Skin Game, 2005

By N.C. Hunter

By Teresa Deevy

By Allan Monkhouse

By Martha Gellhorn & Virginia Cowles

Rutherford & Son, 2012 By Githa Sowerby By Teresa Deevy

By Rachel Crothers

By St. John Hankin

By Harley Granville-Barker By St. John Ervine

By Rachel Crothers By Rose Franken

By Dawn Powell

By John Galsworthy

The Lonely Way, 2005 By Arthur Schnitzler

By George Kelly & Harley Granville-Barker

Welcome to Our City, 2000 By Thomas Wolfe

Miss Lulu Bett, 2000 By Zona Gale

By Harley Granville-Barker By Susan Glaspell

The House of Mirth, 1998 Mr. Pim Passes By, 1997 By A.A. Milne

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1997 By George Aiken

Quality Street, 1995 By J.M. Barrie

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