MinuteMom Summer 3rd Quarter | 2013• Volume 3 Issue 3
whats in your school this fall?
Enrich & Refine how Busy moms can save tHe country
Best Bugs for gardens Agenda 21
YYFrom T he Board Welcome Moms and Moms at Heart, In this issue of MinuteMom Magazine our talented writers will help us explore the AAM Actions, Enrich and Refine. These actions help us more fully live the 9 Principles and 12 values we embrace as members of As A Mom. Whether we are moms or moms at heart, our lives are geared toward making our homes, our communities and our nation better. Times are difficult for all of us, but often just a heartfelt smile or a sincere complement can change another person’s day. Every day on the AsAMom.org website our members share their knowledge on Education, Common Core, and the ins and outs of Agenda 21. We make huge strides in keeping conversations and information current with amazing contributions from our members. In this issue of the MinuteMom Magazine we share how busy mom’s can save the nation by focusing on three things to make the most difference. With the troubles that surround us we are reminded this month how turning to God for answers is paramount. We also explore our gardens and the tiny creatures we can enlist to help ensure success. If you haven’t been active for a while, I encourage you to drop by and share your ideas and your stories with us. Together, our lives can continue to be enriched and refined. Kay Bacharach
photo L.. Parker
Treasurer As a Mom… A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots® Inc.
MinuteMom Magazine
MinuteMom Magazine Summer 3rdQuarter | 2013• Volume 3 Issue 3
8 Features 8 the Education Code The education code is the phantom wrapper around the Common Core that circumvents specificities of curriculum By Merrill Hope
14 Pick 3-how Busy moms can save the Country! By DR. SHAWN M. GREENER
18 The Winged and the Wiggly Attracting beneficial insects and other invertebrates to your garden. By TRICIA EDGAR
24 The US Constitution: A Primer 34
By Catherine G. White
30 America, A Call To Action By KrisAnne Hall
34 the United Nation’s Agenda 21 And other treaties that are supposedly for our best interest By Joshua Durgin
44 Looking Up By Kathy Shea
As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
Summer 2013
Departments 2 From The Board Welcome
6 AAM Actions Enrich & Refine
22 Restoring Humor 46 Mom’s Minutes Immigration Reform Public Schools Implementing Common Core IRS Scandal & Benghazi
48 AAM Country Regional News
50 As A Family
MinuteMom Magazine is looking for people to share their talents by producing articles, essays, opinion pieces and original poetry. Artists share your original artwork. Send us photos showing your adventures As a Mom... Are you a Graphic Artist using Quark or InDesign? Volunteer to be part of our Team. For more information contact editor@minutemom.org.
MinuteMom Magazine
Publisher: As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots.® Inc. www.AsAMom.org Editor Kami Watkins Associate Editor Cee Hinkle Art Director Lori Parker Graphic Artist Dana Herndon Contributing Writers: Laurie Cockerell Joshua Durgin TRICIA EDGAR DR. SHAWN M. Greener KrisAnne Hall Merrill Hope Gaye Levy Kathy Shea Kami Watkins Catherine G. White MinuteMom Magazine is published 4 times a year by As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots, Inc. MinuteMom Magazine is available free, on-line. Copyright © 2013 by As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots, Inc. All rights reserved. MinuteMom Magazine is not responsible for errors, omissions or contest fulfillment from third parties. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising or editorial material. Advertisers, and/or their agents, assume the responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on the advertisement. Editorial contributors assume responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on published work. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official organization policy. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots® is a registered trademark. Cover: One room school (1825) Coventry, Connecticut © Dehew | Stock Free Images Please send all article submissions to: editor@minutemom.org Advertising inquiries contact: sponsor@asamom.org Note that submissions are welcome but are not guaranteed inclusion in the magazine.
YYAAM Actions
Enrich& Refine
A friend of mine and her husband purchased a new home as a rental property. They began gutting and cleaning it for the new tenants. Upon cleaning the kitchen my friend noticed a pipe that ascended to the ceiling from the stove. It was tattered and needed cleaning. As she began to remove the pipe and look inside it, she noticed something crammed within the pipe. As she began pulling the items out she realized it was money. She pulled out enough to fill a large trash bag and then some. Most of it had been burned and damaged, now useless as currency. She felt an obligation to contact the previous owner, which somewhat surprised her husband. After all, they had purchased the home and everything in it, but with 6
MinuteMom Magazine
much relenting he agreed to do so. She called the previous owner and he came to her home. When she began to explain what she found, he was shocked. He held his hands to his face and began to cry. He had been tucking the money away for a future use, but he forgot about it. At one time he had a hefty sum of cash hidden away, now all he had was a few tattered bills. This story is like the parable of the talents. What we don’t use, what we squander will be counted for nothing. We have daily opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways by using our talents, and time to enrich the lives of others. Stashing our talents away for some future use will benefit no one. We need to use them now! We can see the success that
happens when members contribute their talents to AAM and other worthy causes. These sources enrich and swell our resolve to press forward. We can each be a part of that. We can be a part of good communities turned great, because we make ourselves available. We can make our good families, great families by making quality time for our loved ones. We live in difficult times, of this we can agree. It’s no surprise that some people believe we have lost the battle. Many mothers are discouraged. We each know that small battles are won and lost every day. In reality these battles are not final unless we give up and stop doing our part. The greatest battles we will ever fight will be the ones that challenge our faith. This www.AsAMom.org
is especially true when we turn on the news or read the latest headlines about some political or moral upheaval in our country and we lose hope over and over again. What matters is that we still believe there is something to be won. Freedom! This is the time for us to endure, not to feel defeated or abate the cause. This is the time to dig in our heels and tennis shoes and stand strong among women of strength. Can’t you just see it? Women locked arm in arm with honest resolve to stay the course. This is why we are here. This is no ordinary cause or country that we are fighting for, it is freedom in America, the same freedom that was fought and died for during the Revolutionary War, and The Civil War. This is no defining moment, this is a refining moment for each American. When I think of the purpose of refining, I’m reminded of a precious gemstone, the diamond. Diamonds are refined deep within the earth by combining heat and pressure, something that moms know plenty about. Is it any wonder why, under extreme stress, that something of such strength and purity is created…pushing to the surface a glorious gem? This is the perfect example of why the best of each of us can shine forth when we’ve weathered the pressure. God has a purpose for each of us at this very moment and place in time in our Nation’s history. We are part of something just as significant as when the colonies were fighting for their freedom. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
Take opportunities to enrich & refine your life: YY If your faith is waning and you feel your focus wandering to the tumultuous, take some time to enrich your heart by writing down 10 positive things you’ve accomplished today. YY If you feel you just can’t give one more ounce of time or energy to anything, get on your knees and thank God he has enriched your life in endless ways. YY Dig out those talents that you’ve been hiding and share with someone in your life. YY Contribute to making something better: Take a batch of cookies to someone struggling. Write a note of thanks to your pastor, friend or a member of the military. YY Use your talents to keep freedom alive in the hearts of others. YY Remember when you are facing struggles or trials, it’s your ‘refining’ moment. YY Shine!
Thomas Paine wrote: These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated. As mother’s we have it in us to endure these trying times, to bless the lives of others and to stand strong. Sometimes all we need is to lock arms with women that believe in the same things we do. There is strength in numbers. When you find your faith waning, and the stressors of life feel like a heavy burden, remember above all you have the power to come through it a stronger American woman. Your contributions matter! You were meant to enrich your life and the lives of others with what you have to offer in your own unique way. Leave the refining to God, because above all, he knows how to make you shine! —Kami Watkins Summer 2013
MinuteMom Magazine
Common Core, two words that rattle many parents’ nerves from sea to shining sea; however, there are two other words that should shake us to our very core: Education Code. The education code is the phantom wrapper around the Common Core that circumvents specificities of curriculum. It is the framework of education policy, conduct, laws, and regulations for all institutions of public education K-12. Every state has its own education code or as it’s known “E.C.” Written in vague legalese, the education code is about to play a far bigger role in defining acceptable words and behaviors, posing an insidious threat to every child and family in ways we have never imagined. Last February, the education code was put center stage in a California suburb. An event entitled “Threat Assessment: Prevention
of Target Violence in Schools” was presented by local law enforcement and sponsored by the Ventura County Department of Education. Invited public school administrators were informed that the state’s education code was the blueprint for a new, federal education code rolling out with Common Core. Most recently, a May 29, 2013 press release #13-61 “Assembly Approves Overhaul of Public School Testing,” issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Communications Division proudly announced that “California serves as one of the governing states in the (Smarter Balanced) consortium.” Given this important tidbit, maybe we all better become a lot more acquainted with the California Ed. Code. Quickly. This event, like so many held in schools www.AsAMom.org
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by Merrill Hope
across the country earlier in the school year, was in response to the tragic December 2012 Newtown elementary school shootings. The Ventura Office of Education Director of Health & Prevention and their Teacher Support & Expanded Learning Services overviewed the finer points of “the crisis response procedures required by California E.C. section 35294.2” under the Safe School Plan to bullying, expulsion, and threats, nicely buried elsewhere in codes 32228322289, 48200-48927, 49350-49355, 4890048927, 48950, and 48980-48985. To understand the endless pages of double-speak, you better know someone who can tell you where are the important parts, or sit with an education attorney. Otherwise, you’d never know that section 35294.2 is the tip of the iceberg. But lucky for us, the sheriff commander and captain transformed this unintelligible jargon into a series of concrete checklists, questionnaires, assessments, and concrete action plans for administrators. They also named specific behaviors and words that would be deemed “problematic” for students. Legalese no more. Nope, the hardcopy “Safe School Threat Assessment” clearly states who and what is a problem child or worse, a high risk threat. There’s no more “in context,” “out of context,” “subject to interpretation” or “based on intent.” What this means is that we may well be living with the kind of documentation, if in the wrong hands, that should make everyone of us shudder. When you bump up the sheriff’s “Safe School Threat Assessment,” document against the nebulously worded codes, a bigger picture emerges. For example, in 2012, California Assembly Bill No. 401, chapter 388 amended Section 32228 of the state’s education code relating to school safety reads innocuously enough as “teach pupils techniques for As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
resolving conflicts without violence” (section 1[1]). This can mean anything, because our sheriffs defined problematic types of kid name-calling, mainly words that indicate intent or veiled threats even if only idiomatic. Have you ever heard a kid say “You better watch it” or “I’m gonna get you,” or worse, “my mom’s gonna kill me for flunking the test?” Certainly, we can appreciate the sensitivity to certain words but have we forgotten that “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me?” Unfortunately, these days, the sticks and stones are suspect and the names must be reported because in the Threat Assessment plan, all words/actions are perceived as threats because if not, it would be deemed “tacit permission” from school administrators to the students to continue unacceptable words and/ or behaviors (p. 4). The Threat Assessment plan also clearly identifies these behaviors from the education code – teasing, humiliation, jealousy, bullying, victim of bully or ridicule, low or inflated selfesteem; real or perceived loss, real or perceived demeaning and oppressive treatment; real or perceived loss of personal relationship. Now, they are all potential “warning signs” of impending violence. Likewise, exposure to violent gaming and media is on the list as a factor but add “risk taking,” a traditional characteristic for success, now defined as “impulsivity,” it becomes a red flag. Other problematic behaviors in the report are: “being seen as a geek or nerd by others, low commitment to school, divorce, frequent moves, or early academic failure.” A student disciplined by an authority figure also constitutes a threat. So what about the student who voices a contrary opinion? Or sticks up for him/her self in a dispute? Will that now all fall under the Summer 2013
category of “defiance,” which is a “perceived,” and not necessarily a real threat. It’s the implications of these potential risk factors that take us on a dangerous path labeling who is deemed good, who is bad, who is mentally disturbed, and who is a problem child via the chosen “interpreters” of this doctrine. And that can only be a principal, mental health professional or school counselor. Not even the kid’s teacher(s). So what happens when one or more of these folks are not honest brokers? Equally worrisome is that so much of the threatening words and behaviors point to boys who tend to mess with each other, pushing, shoving, joking sarcastically and even calling each other names from stupid to moron. Or worse. They fist fight and even beat each other up but bottom line most never grow up to become Adam Lanzas or Timothy McVeighs. However, now the very words and actions that define boy behaviors in the formative years may well indict them. Behavior and words not the only warning signs for school officials to pounce on. “Drawings and other creative outlets with persistent or intense violent themes (p. 13); violent attire (camouflage fatigues, violent message t-shirts; inappropriate possession of violent literature and information pertaining to known or suspected hate groups; rebellion against school authority; perceived injustices; violent music
what does the Secret Service have to do with public school?
10 MinuteMom Magazine
and other media are all up for grabs. Page 4’s boxed “FAILURE TO ACT” then states: “The Secret Service says when a child indicates that he is thinking about committing a violent act, and an adult does not take decisive action to stop him, the child sees this as getting ‘PERMISSION TO PROCEED.’” Excuse me but what does the Secret Service have to do with public school? Does it all come down to one big dystopian reality? A student stands up for him/her self after a false accusation by a K-16 authority figure and finds him/her self labeled as defiant. A kid says or does an impulsive act and now it’s an act of violence with a diagnosis of ADHD on the side. Will speaking up with a different POV now be assessed as a threat? And what really is a threat? Apparently, a lot more than we knew. Who and what a threat is will be determined solely by school administrators according to our sheriffs and the document. Good luck if the principal doesn’t like your kid. Or you. And worse, kids lie. Now, one kid doesn’t like another and can now “anonymously” report an incident for which no further investigation is required. American English is chock-full of rich colloquialisms, expressions and idioms that we use daily. Regionally. Generationally. Automatically. They spill out of our mouths as much a part of the culture as is our American fabric and our Judeo-Christian heritage and now, if a students says, does, draws, wears or reads something perceived as a “safety threat,” (s)/he will be given a first warning by the requisite administrator. The parents will be also addressed and asked outright “Do you have a firearm in the home?” Now, why would they ask a such a question? Take a guess. Suddenly, two-parent homes exercising their right to the Second Amendment legally and responsibly, of course, are apparently the pathway to delinquency? www.AsAMom.org
By the way, there is no second warning. Real or perceived, if your son or daughter is anonymously reported being the culprit or being in the same room as the culprit(s), (s)/he is considered part of the problem. In a second “incident,” the appropriate public school administrator will write up your child and contact law enforcement for further “investigation” of the family. Welcome to the police state. Literally. Sources: i. Los Angeles Unified School District’s 2011 Quick Reference Guide for Threat Assessment & Management threat assessment and management (School Mental Health, Student Health & Human Services). ii. California Education code, http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/. html/edc_table_of_contents.html, iii. Threat Assessment, Prevention of Targeted Violence in Schools, February 2013, Office of Education, Ventura County iv. California Threat Prevention and Intervention Strategies1, Diana Browning Wright, DCS 2002 v. Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Threat Assessment Plan, February 2013, Pentis, Fryhoff vi. Threat Assessment Guidelines, Attachment VII.a., p. 1-15; VII.b.; VII.c., p. 1-14; VII.d., p. 1-15; VII.e. vii. Crisis Resource List, 2011-2012, School Mental Health - LAUSD, Crisis Counseling & Intervention Services viii. Sonoma County School Crisis Response & Recovery Resource Guide, November, 2012, Revised. ix. Sonoma County School Crisis Response & Recovery Go-To Guide, April 17, 2012, Revised; Cynthia C. Moore, LCSW, Melinda K. Susan, MA, NCSP x. Transient or Substantative Threats? (PPT adapted from PENT website) xi. Post Test-Threat Scenarios and Answers to Post TestThreat Scenarios developed by Dewey Cornell, University of Virginia with input from Diana Browning-Wright, CDE-DCS
Merrill Hope has written for a variety of outlets and sites including City on a Hill TV, Save America Foundation, and Lady Patriots. She is affiliated with Women on the Wall, Voices Empower and a founding member of CURE (Citizens United For Responsible Education). She’s married, the mother of a teenager. She’s also on Twitter at Merrill Hope @ outoftheboxmom. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
Be a
Mollytician moll•y•ti•cian |mäl i´ti sh en|
noun 1. a mom* who is involved in politics, 2. a mom holder of or a candidate for an elected office.
antonym – politician: a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.
November Elections are comming! November Elections are comming! Do you know the issues on your ballot? Encourage others to vote!
* Mom: a member of Asamom.org may be a mom or mom-at heart.
Common Core: Top Ten
10. 7.
Your child is unique. Our community is unique. Common Core is one size fits all.
Created by special interest groups with math and language arts experts refusing to sign off.
State boards of education approved Common Core – No legislative vote.
Higher testing costs and other additional expenses for many districts.
Data collected on your child can include medical, psychological, and religious information.
Reduced ability to differentiate for gifted and struggling learners.
Student performance on standardized tests is linked to teacher evaluations.
Classic literature reduced and replaced with “informational texts” in language arts.
Schools, homeschools, teachers and parents have less control over education.
And the number 1 thing you need to know about Common Core....
YOU as a parent, teacher, concerned citizen do have the power to
This and other flyers can be reprinted free at AsAMom.org
Top Ten Things You Need to Know about Common Core:
This is not a conservative or liberal issue. It’s not Republican or Democrat. This is about our children. It is about local schools, homeschools, teachers and parents retaining control of our children’s education.
What is Common Core? It is a set of K-12 standards developed primarily by a nonprofit called Achieve, Inc., along with the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Common Core was developed without State Legislative authority. It violates 3 federal laws. It currently encompasses math and language arts. States are currently determining whether to also adopt Next Generation Science Standards which has some serious flaws both in the hidden agenda it contains and what was omitted. This has a serious effect on our children! Please educate yourself so your child can have the education he/she deserves. States are in various stages of implementation. See www.truthinamericaneduation.com for information about your state.
What YOU can do: 1. Educate Yourself 2. Notify your state legislators of your position 3. Spread the word to others: this flyer can be reprinted at: AsAMom.org
2013| AsAMom.org | As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots.® Inc.
You’ve heard it said, “If you want something done, ask a busy person!” I would take it one step further to say, “If you want something terribly important done–say, for instance, saving the country–you would ask a mom.” Moms embody elegance, beauty, exceptional organizational skills, resolved drive, unquestioned determination, powerful and unwavering strength, flexibility, intellect, and of course, boo-boo healing power. Because Moms are consistently able to do great things, day in and day out, they are often tasked to leap even more each and every day. A mother, in my opinion, should be revered for not only what she does, but also how she does all of those things. As an authority on 14 MinuteMom Magazine
excellence and the author of the controversial book, Excellence Killed the Church, How Mediocrity is Destroying America! I must say, “If you want something done with excellence, have a mom do it!” However, therein lies a real problem. Great moms are usually already overworked. Is it fair to charge the nation’s mothers with the job of saving America? How do you fit in the added monumental mission of saving the greatest nation on earth from the liberal ideology that is destroying our great land while raising your children, and often, your husbands? In my life coaching and counseling practice I encounter exhausted moms at their ropes end lamenting that they cannot do this www.AsAMom.org
or that nation-saving activity, in addition to their overly occupied days and nights of being mere mortal moms. Moms are frequently embarrassed for the lists in their head of all of the things they cannot check off in their crazy busy days and nights. You see, moms are also great Patriots. Moms love their country. Moms embody the added intensity of seeing around the corner to what will become of this country for their children. These Patriot moms want to do something substantial about every issue we as a nation face. I founded a counseling and elite life coaching business, not a magic store. Only God can make more time in the day. I cannot. Only God can freeze in place all of the other trappings of a disintegrating society. I cannot. What I can do is help busy moms prioritize their life’s work without killing themselves in the process. I call my philosophy, “Pick three and be free!” This philosophy comes from necessity in my own life. As an author and minister, counselor, national speaker, businessman, husband, and father I also have great fear for our country. The fact is, like you, I only have so much time in the day. There are so many critical issues to which our attention diverts as our day progresses. One could just focus only upon the scandals coming from the White House and be busy for fiftyseven hours a day. Only the president seems to have 57 hours in a day, or is that 57 states? Either way, we have to choose which issues deserve our attention, yet how can we choose from so many critical issues calling for our attention and effort? As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
I coach my clients to examine their hearts to identify what moves their hearts the most. What matters most to you? Invariably when I ask busy moms, “What matters most to you?” they rattle off in one breath 227 items on their list. Even Super Mom cannot handle 227 things in addition to being a wife and mom. So what do we do? We pick three, three out of the list of so many. You’ve heard the old saying, “Inch by inch life is a cinch.” At some point all of us can whittle down their greatest passions to just three issues. Pick three for freedom! For me, I pick the issues I am most passionate about and about which I enjoy delivering speeches or articles. I am passionate about securing the Second Amendment, the amendment that protects all of the other amendments. The faith foundation of our country is woven like a beautiful golden thread through our founding documents. Faith is another very critical issue that commands my atten-
Calling All Writers! MinuteMom Magazine is looking for article submissions. If you think you have what it takes to articulate your thoughts well on important topics relevant to our Country, Constitution or our Children’s future, then why not write for the MinuteMom Magazine?
tion and efforts. Finally, but certainly not last, my concerns focus on the security and sovereignty of our nation and protection from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and the proper treatment of our veterans. Your chosen issues may vary, such as Common Core, abortion, parental rights, homeschooling rights, NSA, Benghazi, and many more. The philosophy behind the “Pick three and be free” strategy is the result beyond my own personal life. I realized this strategy from a professional perspective; as a busy author, speaker, and counselor, on a daily basis I am asked to get involved in so many issues that, while very 16 MinuteMom Magazine
important to the nation, cannot divert my attention from my three issues. Let’s say hypothetically I did that, once or ten times, until I learned, as much as I may want to get involved, I just can not do them all. I learned the hard way if I want to live in excellence, I must pick three to be free. You can pick fewer than three, but not more. If you want to be effective to the cause and to your family, do not pick more than three or you will never be free. What about you as a mom? Do you have many people, many issues, and many deeply disturbing national concerns that hit home with you? The nation desperately needs you as a mom. Your first order of business is to raise great citizens. Without dispute, moms are the very best at raising wonderful children. Great moms raise great children. However, if you choose three issues close to your heart and work hard on just those three issues, you just might help restore this country to greatness. You just might pick three to keep us free! What three issues will YOU choose? www.AsAMom.org
We have published great articles from Mom’s and Mom’s at heart, just like you. We welcome authors, bloggers and writers with a passion to submit articles, original short stories, poetry, opinion pieces, as well as prepublished material. Please e-mail editor@minutemom.org for submission guidelines.
18 MinuteMom Magazine
of the animals in this world are like slugs, millipedes and worms – with an external skeleton, or without a skeleton at all. These creatures don’t usually get very large, but they’re very abundant, and their work in the garden is what really keeps your garden growing. Your Garden’s Work Crew You’re probably familiar with a number of beneficial insects or invertebrates. They come in some broad categories. There are the soil-builders, such as worms and millipedes. These small creatures take dead material and turn it into rich, composted organic material that’s more accessible to plants. Other animals such as bees, butterflies, and even some beetles act as pollinators, moving from flower to flower in www.AsAMom.org
When you think of a garden, what do you see? Do you see trees, beautiful foliage, growing vegetables, and flowers lining the walkway? When you dig in the soil, it’s rich with worms and other soilbuilding creatures. When you walk near the flowerbeds, you see butterflies and bees moving through the garden, pollinating. Animal life is essential to the functioning of your garden ecosystem, and some of the most important creatures are the smallest ones – the invertebrates. Invertebrate means an animal that doesn’t have an internal skeleton. While cats, dogs, and fish might come to mind when you think of animals, most
search of food and pollinating the flowers as they go. Tiny hoverflies disguise themselves as bees and visit flowers as well. Finally, there are the garden predators: ladybugs and baby hoverflies munch on aphids, while parasitic wasps help control pests such as caterpillars. This garden work crew doesn’t need much, and with a little tweaking of your gardening style you can keep them happy and see the results in your thriving garden plants. Welcome the Bugs
them with a lot of food to eat, and in return, they return these nutrients to the soil, where plants can access them. Keep your garden soil moist with a couple of inches of leaf or straw mulch will help moisture-loving animals such as worms stay happy in the summer’s heat. To encourage invertebrates to stay in your garden, give them good hiding and nesting locations. One of the reasons that bees are having a hard time is that local bees such as mason and bumblebees no longer have abundant nesting sites. While you can buy mason bee blocks and bee larvae to encourage these pollinators, simply becoming a messier gardener will give bees ample nesting locations. Forget to trim your hollow-stemmed plants for the winter, and you’ll create wonderful nesting spaces for bees. Keep a woodpile or build a rock wall, and you’ll create habitat for soildwelling animals such as beetles.
The bees don’t know that they’re being helpful, and the aphids on your broccoli don’t know that you don’t want them there. They’re all doing their jobs in the garden, munching and growing and reproducing. Some of these animals eat the others, helping to keep all of the bug populations in check. When you introduce pesticides, you change the balance of the bug population in the garden. When you spray the bugs you don’t want, this also impacts the bugs that you do want. The ladybugs suffer along with the aphids. Even if you don’t spray them directly, when their food supply dies, they can no longer survive. Then you need to continue to spray to keep the aphids under control. You might want ladybugs in your garden to control the aphids, but you also need pest animals such as aphids to keep the ladybug population happy. Growing organically does mean acceptCreate a Tasty ing that pests may munch some of your vegMenu etables, but in return you’ll get the benefits You likely of pollination, soil-building, and pest control know that monthat the beneficial invertebrates will bring. arch butterflies Keep a Messy Basement and milkweed Want to help out soil builders? Make sure are connected. that your garden’s basement is messy! Soil If you’d like to dwellers love soil that contains lots of compost attract a particular and other organic materials. This provides butterfly species, it’s As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
Summer 2013 19
means that you might be a bit messy in your gardening, leaving rocks and stumps for the worms and leaving plants uncut over the fall and winter season so that bees can nest there. It means that you save the fall leaves to use on your garden during the winter, spring, and summer, creating homes for worms and other soil builders. Diversity also means that you have many flowers to attract different pollinators at different times of the year. By encouraging a diversity of pollinators, predators, and yes – even pests – you’ll grow an ecosystem in your garden, one that helps your garden grow.
good to know what food the babies like to eat. You can find a wonderful and comprehensive list of host plants at the NC State University web site. Make your backyard restaurant menu attractive to pollinators, and in return they’ll come and visit all of your plants. Bees love lavender, comfrey, borage and anise hyssop. Plant these species, and you’ll be blessed with an abundance of pollinators. Don’t forget the dandelions as well: bees love the early spring nectar of these flowers, and it’s a great excuse not to weed the lawn. Be Diverse The key to a successful garden ecosystem is diversity. Diversity 20 MinuteMom Magazine
Tricia Edgar grew up playing in the garden, and she continues to play with the plants and animals in the gardens around her Pacific Northwest home. She’s a long time outdoor educator and has studied local plants, insects, and permaculture garden design. www.AsAMom.org
Resources NCSU Department of Horticulture. Attracting Butterflies. Accessed July 1, 2013. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/ factsheets/butterflies/butterfly_index.html
Thank you to all service men and women and their families that have given the ultimate sacrifice. We are forever grateful for your service and pray for continued peace in your lives. As A Mom...
New Series Teaching Traditional American Values to today’s Youth
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For more information, please visit: www.americanvaluespublishing.com
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The US Constitution: A Primer Amendments 1 – 10: The Bill of Rights Part Two: Amendments 3, 4, & 5
In the U.S. Constitution Amendments Three, Four, & Five form a natural set. These amendments form a clear, joint statement of the importance the Framers set on the protection and sanctity of private property. Lord Camden said, in Entick v. Carrington1, “The great end for which men entered in society was to secure their property.” This principle imbues the entire Constitution and finds specific expression in these three Amendments. Again, the federal government is not a “national” government; it is a creation of the states and the people; the Constitution is the contract, and the areas given to federal jurisdiction are few and defined. Furthermore, the federal government itself is not a party to 24 MinuteMom Magazine
the contract, and has no “legal standing” to change the rules regarding its own areas of jurisdiction. The Bill of Rights, in its entirety, is a set of further restrictions upon the lawful actions the federal government may take and the areas in which it may lawfully operate. Let’s start with an overview of how they work together, then examine each amendment and see how they apply individually. (The Fifth Amendment serves double duty and its other purposes will be discussed next time.) For the full text of these Amendments, please refer to a pocket Constitution or any of the online resources. Brief summaries appear here. www.AsAMom.org
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by Catherine G. White
YY Third Amendment: No quartering of soldiers without consent. YY Fourth Amendment: Inviolability of the rights of the people against unreasonable searches and seizures. YY Fifth Amendment: Grand jury indictment required (military have special rules). No double jeopardy once acquitted. One cannot be compelled to testify against self. One cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Together these three amendments demonstrate the depth of the States’ concern that the just created federal government be constrained, that is, forbidden to act against the interests of the people in a number of ways. If, as Lord Camden stated, people enter into societies to protect their property, the very first obligation is to defend against encroachment upon peoples’ rights to their property by that selfsame government.
James Madison, drafter of the Bill of Rights As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law We see, in these three amendments, specific restraints against the federal government. There are restraints against allowing the army to seize, confiscate, or use the homes and possessions of citizens. There are restrictions against “fishing expeditions” for evidence of crime, and for summarily removing a person’s property unless someone is willing to swear before a judge there is reasonable suspicion of a crime. There is the outright statement that no one may be deprived of life, liberty, or any property without “due process” of law. “Due process” is a term that goes back to the Magna Carta, and specifically means judgment of one’s peers pursuant to a fair trial where one can appear and defend oneself, plus question witnesses testifying against their case, and know exactly the alleged crime, and what laws the purported act violated. Shown by these amendments, private property is to take precedence over the government’s wants, which often are presented as “needs” or “requirements.” In creating this federal government, we are promised liberty, not security. Benjamin Franklin said, “They who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” For those who make that bargain, that is exactly what is received--in the end neither liberty nor
Summer 2013 25
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized safety -- but precarious and fearful bondage to the government. To reiterate from the first of this series of articles, all our rights derive from property-- your person, the expressions of your thought, the efforts of your work, and the accumulated chattels of a lifetime. Therefore, protection of your property is the only legitimate purpose of government. What the government claims it “needs,” is not so. The seeds of the Third Amendment were sown in the experience of pre-Revolutionary War America. The Framers’ experiences give us a greater understanding of their deep distrust of standing armies and their preference for relying on militias of local men, armed 26 MinuteMom Magazine
equal to the standing army. It was historic British practice to send the militia (not the Regulars/Redcoats) to various locations within Britain, and some men were quartered with families rather than in inns or tents. The regular army had barracks and posts, therefore were not quartered upon the populace. Upon passage of the Townshend Acts and later the Quartering Acts, regular army soldiers were housed by force with the citizenry. As the Revolutionary War progressed, soldiers were housed and fed by unwilling families. Those families were then evicted or sometimes moved to one room or the barn. Some had wives and daughters assaulted and/or forcibly taken, robbed of clothes and other possessions, the families’ stored food confiscated, their livestock killed. Once the soldiers departed, many families had little left from a lifetime of hard work. The British quartering may have been used as a tool to harass or to ruin colonial families considered “troublemakers” (whom we consider founding “patriots”). Recent decades, the Internal Revenue Service harassed Tea Party groups and other conservative groups who had applied for taxexempt status for their organizations. The need for the principles of the 3rd Amendment lives on. The 4th Amendment addresses our personal protection against government seizure of our property (self, home, chattels, and the products of our work), against intrusion into our privacy, and prohibits searches and seizures based on hearsay, rumor -- or nothing. This amendment was a direct consequence of the abuse of “writs of assistance” by British officers in Colonial America. Originally these court documents requesting specific tasks of law officers were widely misused as non-expiring, general-purpose search warrants. With these papers officers of the Crown www.AsAMom.org
could barge in any time, at any place, searching for anything that looked “suspicious” to them (possibly smuggled, appealingly tasty, or simply nicer than their own), and remove without receipt, without specific warrant, without charges ever being filed, and without the owner retrieving the item or receiving compensation for its loss. In the U.S. a specifically named person must go before a judge and convince that judge to issue a warrant to search for a specific item or category of item, in a specific place, based on potentially provable suspicion of a crime. That person must be sure enough of their position to take a chance on having legal action taken against themselves (1st Amendment, “redress of grievances” clause) should their assertions be proven wrong, or if the searched-person’s rights are violated during or after the search (seized property not returned, property not listed on warrant is seized, other property damaged, the person is injured, etc.). Note that the 4th Amendment serves as yet another protection of the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The federal government has no Constitutional authority to authorize any gun confiscation laws against the citizenry. It remains patently clear that the Patriot Act, the TSA, the use of drones over the US airspace, the proposed victim creation (incorrectly termed “gun control”) statutes, the NDAA, the confiscation of property for “drug offenses” (including houses of landlords who unknowingly rent apartments to dealers), and other acts by recent executive administrations are completely unconstitutional and therefore illegal. They are usurpations of powers and specifically prohibited, therefore null and void. States should consider nullifying these acts within their borders. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Summer 2013 27
pursuit of happiness” to the more specific phrase, “life, liberty, and property.” “Due process of law” is, as noted above, an ancient legal term with “precise technical import.” It requires a public trial (no back-room, closeddoor proceedings), where charges are clearly stated, witnesses are questioned and crossquestioned, and a final verdict is rendered by a jury of one’s peers. Trial by jury is yet another level of protection from government tyranny. Government seemingly refuses to impart the extent of protection. Despite judicial orders to the 28 MinuteMom Magazine
contrary, juries are empowered to determine both fact and law. The jury can find that the law in question (a) does not apply to the case, (b) is not Constitutional and therefore null and void, or (c) is unjust and unenforceable. The jury in any of the cases above must find the person on trial “not guilty.” These powers are based in old English common law and date back many centuries. There are far more jury duties today. For more information, see the Fully Informed Jury Association2. The last clause of the 5th Amendment addresses “eminent domain,” a concept incorrectly termed in Black’s Law Dictionary as a “right of the state.” We know that states have no rights; rather, they are granted privileges, in order that they may carry out their duties. Claiming that a government has a “right” would negate the premises our country is founded upon, and the entirety of our Constitution! By the Declaration of Independence in 1776 we rejected that premise, which hearkens to the time when all lands were part of a king’s domain. American government has no right to eminent domain, yet there is a long tradition of the exercise of eminent domain (we give limited privilege to the government in this area). In this phrase is an implied acceptance that, in rare instances, the general welfare of the public might conflict sufficiently with the rights of a property owner that the government might have a strong position to take possession of property. The clause forbids a simple “taking,” however, and seeks to assure www.AsAMom.org
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The 5th Amendment deals in part with the rights of someone accused of a crime; that part will be addressed later. In this article, we will examine the last phrases: “nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” Here the Constitution reverts away from the Declaration’s phrasing, “life, liberty, and the
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any affected property owner that they will be appropriately compensated for their loss. “For public use” should be considered similarly to the proper meaning of the “general welfare” clause -- that which benefits all people-- not any one person or government district. Instead the clause, “for public use” has been stretched past the breaking point to imply we can get more tax money out of it, if the land is used for other purposes or by other people. This abuse was upheld, in error, by the U.S. Supreme Court in at least one case (Kelo v. City of New London) with a predictable result: tax-generating, privately-held land was taken, and after the machinations of government had improved the “public good,” what remained was an abandoned lot. The term “public use” (such as expansion of dock-yards for general commerce, or building a post road to serve a new town) has morphed into “public good,” a more abstract term, one in keeping with collectivist aims to negate the rights of individuals in favor of the power of the state. This is a dangerous change, which needs to be reversed. This overview ends our examination of the amendments specifically protecting property; next, we will consider a set of amendments specifically protecting people. References: 1. 19 Howell’s State Trials 1029, 1035, 95 Eng. Reg. 807, 817-18 (1765) 2. Fully Informed Jury Association, http://fija.org/ 3. Text of US Constitution, with annotations, at law.justia.com 4. Michael Badnarik, “Good To Be King,” The Writers Collective, 2004 available only at www.constitutionpreservation.org 5. Publiushuldah.wordpress.com 6. Conservapedia.com 7. Wikipedia.com 8. 1828 Webster’s Dictionary at http://1828.mshaffer.com 9. US Constitution and Declaration of Independence 10. W. Cleon Skousen, “The 5,000 Year Leap,” National Center for Constitutional Studies, 1981 11. www.constitutiondecoded.com Catherine White grew up in Massachusetts where she also graduated from M.I.T. She has two terrific daughters and a wonderful husband. She became involved early on in the 912 Project. Catherine has given several presentations on the Constitution in the past year. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
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America A Call To Action
Benjamin Franklin reminded his people as they engaged in the debates over the foundation of this nation: “In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine Protection- all of us who were engaged in the struggle, must have observed frequent instances of Superintending Providence in our favor. Have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?� 30 MinuteMom Magazine
Graphics Llibrary of Congress | Wake up America! / James Montgomery Flagg
by KrisAnne Hall KrisAnneHall.com
Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend- we do not find ourselves in an economic crisis, we are not in a political crisis, and may I just lift the veil of illusion, we are not in a national security crisis. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend we find ourselves in a MORAL crisis. This moral crisis has led to a loss of honor in this nationa loss of honor in our government. What is honor? Honor is integrity plus character working together in the mechanisms of morality. Integrity is not doing the wrong thing. Character is doing what is right just because it is right, even if it is not politically advantageous or popular. Lack of Honor in this nation has the immoral leading the Justice Department, the immoral leading the IRS, the immoral leading our Congress and the immoral leading the White House. And now this immorality has infected the Supreme Court. Where the highest court of the land is no longer bound to the highest law of the land and can declare, without any conviction whatsoever, that I have no rights unless I declare them. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend, we have forgotten that our rights do not come from government, our rights do not come from the Supreme Court- Our rights come from God and I don’t have to declare them, our framers already did! But losers point fingers and winners fix problems. It’s time to stop pointing fingers and start working to recover our Constitution, recover our Liberty, and recover our faith. But we will ONLY succeed if we remember that powerful Friend. We must remember we are not a reflection of our government; our government is a reflection of its people and those with honor, those with character, those with integrity are not reflecting very brightly. If a sparrow cannot fall to the earth As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
without God knowing, is it possible for a nation to prosper without His aid? We must fix this problem; our future depends upon it, our children are depending upon us! Sam Adams said: “If we tamely suffer a lawless attack on liberty, we encourage it. Doing nothing is NOT doing nothing. He is explaining to us, that sitting around complaining is not doing nothing it is actually being a cheerleader for tyranny! He says, if we tamely suffer a lawless attack on tyranny, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom. It is a serious consideration, as ages and millions yet unborn will be the miserable sharers of our experience. The liberty we lose today is not ours. We are living in the luxury of liberty bought with the sacrifices of generations that have come before us. The liberty that we squander today is the liberty of ages and millions yet unborn. I always find it ironic, that our framers said over and over again that they were pledging Life, Fortune, and Sacred Honor for ages and millions yet unborn, they gave everything they had to give because they knew the unborn had a right to liberty. But how do we treat the unborn today? We don’t even give them the right to life! If we want to put honor back in government, we MUST put God back in our homes and back in our education. Patriots, it is time to start reflecting God! So we have a government that reflects morality. If America is to perish from the earth it will not be because of bullets and bombs- it will be because we have forgotten that powerful Friend. And it won’t be because of me, it will be in spite of me. I am going to fight, I will labor, I will toil until my last breath to ensure that we have a Constitution that will ensure that ages an millions yet unborn will enjoy the liberty that men and women have died for so that WE could enjoy Liberty. Summer 2013 31
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Not a Living Breathing Document - Reclaiming our Constitution
Daniel Webster addressed his people, on July 4, 1806 and asked, “Is our Constitution worth preserving?” I ask you that question today? Is our Constitution worth preserving? He said, 32 MinuteMom Magazine
“then, guard it as you would the very seat of your life. Guard it not only against the open blows of violence, but also against those seeds of change. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years may never happen again. Such a government once destroyed would leave a void to be filled, perhaps for centuries, with riot, tumult, despotism, and revolution.” Is our Constitution worth preserving? You see we have all the motivation we need right here in this room. Will all those under the age of 25 please stand? I travel all over this country. I am sometimes away from my family for 3 weeks or more at a time. The only motivation I need , I want to show you, because it is the only motivation I need, is in the eyes of these young people. We have a responsibility, www.AsAMom.org
our Constitution demands it. We don’t have a blood. Winston Churchill said, “still if you will not fight for the right Constitution to create a government, we have when you can easily win without blooda Constitution, as it proclaims, “to secure the shed, if you will not fight when the vicBlessings of Liberty to ourselves and our postory is sure and not too costly, you may terity.” Our Liberty has been secured for us have to fight with all the odds against now it’s time for us to pick up that mantle and you and only a precarious chance of sursecure it for them. So as you walk through vival. Yet, there may even be a worse your life from this day forward and lock eyes case. You may have to fight, when there with these young people, no matter where is no hope of victory, for it is better to you go, the only question that can come to perish than to live as slaves.” your mind is this, “what have I done to secure So America, we have a mantle to pick up, their liberty today?” It is a daily question, it is a daily challenge, a daily responsibility. we have a charge to take. It is time for you to And if you cannot answer in the affirmative, get on your knees and beg the God who is the author of mercy for the mercy he has to give to us, for the grace he has to give to us, for the strength that it is going to take to stand against this framework of the antichrist that is flourishing in front of our faces. Get on your knees and pray to that powerful Friend. And when you are done praying, STAND. Stand for God. Stand for good. Stand for all that is right and true. Stand for the Constitution. Stand for Liberty. Stand against the fiery darts of tyranny. And having done all, Patriots, remember that powerful Friend and STAND!
what have I done to secure their liberty today?
then you have answered already with Daniel Reprinted by permission. Webster’s call, “a government once destroyed Given at the Day of Prayer and Unity Rally will have a void to be filled.” And if you have at the Texas State Capitol, Austin, Texas June done nothing to secure their liberty today, 22, 2013 http://youtu.be/Qfy25stQtLc what you are doing is condemning them to “perhaps with centuries of riot, tumult, despotisms and revolution.” Which one of genKrisAnne Hall travels the country teaching groups erations do you want to condemn to the pits the truth about the history of our great founding docof slavery? uments and the government that our founders really wanted us to It is our turn to pick up that mantle, so have. She is a Constitutional atthat these young people will not have to buy torney and former state prosecuback a gift that we were supposed to purchase tor. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, for them. They will not have the luxury of a mother, a pastor’s wife and a doing it from the ballot box or through petipatriot. Author of several books. tion, they will be forced to do it with their As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
Summer 2013 33
In 1987 Gro Harlem Brundtland, the Vice President of the World Socialist Party, introduced the term “sustainable development” in a report for the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (DeWeese, 2011). By 1992 the UN adopted as their official policy a document called “UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21.” Today it is just called Agenda 21. US president George H. W. Bush signed this document along with representatives from 178 other nations at the 1992 Rio Conference known as the Earth Summit. In 1995 President Bill Clinton created the “President’s Council on Sustainable Development,” by executive order in compliance with Agenda 34 MinuteMom Magazine
21 (DeWeese, 2011). Let this be clear: we are not looking at Agenda 21 coming; it is already here, it is a part of US law today, and it is rapidly expanding. So what is Agenda 21? It is a series of initiatives geared towards creating “sustainable development,” of the earth. It is a policy to equalize the population of the earth and bring us into balance with nature. This may all sound good, except it really just means a redistribution of wealth to make everyone equal (which has been the socialist goal from the beginning), and also to lower our consumption of the earth’s resources. So first they are going to make us all equal economically, and then they will start taking away everything they do not want us to have. www.AsAMom.org
By Joshua Durgin
When he was the Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit in 1992, Maurice Strong explained this: “current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable,” (DeWeese, 2011). So Strong thinks that the middle class (the average American) should not eat so much meat, should not use gasoline, that air conditioning and other appliances cannot be allowed, and we cannot live where we choose, but instead must be moved into the city. As was stated in 1993 in Earthpress: “effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced,” (DeWeese, 2011). By reorientation they mean people will all live in cities without air conditioners, so we had better learn to enjoy being uncomfortable and managed in a sustainable manner. All of this violates our rights of course, but according to Harvey Ruvin, a Vice Chairman of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI): “individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective,” (DeWeese, 2011). J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to the aforementioned President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development, explained that since supporting Agenda 21 would “likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society,” (people who don’t want their rights taken away) that “we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth,” (DeWeese, 2011). Many of you may be wondering about those smart meters that have been installed on your home; those are a part of this. There is a reason the government wants an energy meter on your home telling them exactly how much As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
electricity you use at any moment; why check the meter every month when they can have it wirelessly update them every second of every day? They know exactly when you turn on that unsustainable air conditioner. Power hungry politicians are convincing liberal-progressive people to believe in things like the UN Biodiversity Assessment Report, which states “ski runs, grazing of livestock,
These people believe that your family home, cows eating, farming, and reservoirs like the Hoover Dam are all unsustainable. plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paved and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment,” are unsustainable (DeWeese, 2011). These people believe that your family home, cows eating, farming, and reservoirs like the Hoover Dam are all unsustainable. UN plans like Agenda 21, if revealed to the American people, would never pass through an election or referendum. To pass plans like Agenda 21, the UN puts them into treaties. This is done because of the “Supremacy Clause,” which can be found in Article VI,
Summer 2013 35
36 MinuteMom Magazine
international judicial body could overpower our Supreme Court and try our own national leaders if they violate UN interests. This treaty is so bad even Bill Clinton refused to
Land.” This is what the UN and our liberalprogressive enemies are using to further their cause: if they can pass a treaty through the US Senate, then it is legally binding as the supreme law of the United States. Make no mistake, if the UN can get away with it, they will do away with our national sovereignty by treaty. The UN has already started doing this in Europe with the European Union. The EU wants something, so it has the people vote in a referendum; in the past countries like England have voted down certain referendums. This didn’t stop the EU though; they rewrote the rule changes they wanted as treaties, which do not need a referendum vote from the people, and the EU passed the laws anyway. The people of Europe are watching as their rights are taken away by obscure passages in their laws which give treaties power over them; if we are not careful, the same will happen here. Beyond Agenda 21, other treaties are already on their way that will strip America of her sovereignty and lower her status in the world. The UN wants us to sign a treaty which will put our judicial system under the International Criminal Court, which is based out of The Hague, Netherlands; this
sign off on it when he was in office. The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) seeks to redefine maritime law, constricting American naval power with “‘no-go’ zones in regions where centuries of state practice clearly permit unrestricted maritime activities,” according to John Bolton (Morris & McGann, 2012, p. 52) , and by ceding royalties from American companies to the International Seabed Authority.
How far will the UN go? In September, 1961, President John F. Kennedy spoke before the UN General Assembly, where he unveiled State Department Document 7277, entitled “Freedom www.AsAMom.org
Clause 2, of the United States Constitution; it states that “all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the
From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World,” (Grigg, 2001, p. 40). This document (along with the 1962 follow up called a “Blueprint for the Peace Race”) outlines a three step plan to disarm all nations, associations, AND individuals who are not given authority as a UN “peace force.” For over fifty years our own State Department has had a document that declares their intention to support a world where countries “would retain only those forces, non-nuclear armaments, and establishments required for the purpose of maintaining internal order; they would also support and provide agreed manpower for a UN Peace Force.” (Grigg, 2001, p. 40) In this document the word “States” is used with a capital S. America is no longer an autonomous country in this document; we are a State under the UN. Today’s fight over guns is not just to disarm the people of the United States, but to disarm the United States military and to put us directly under an international police force dictated by the UN. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) treaty gives the UN control over what parents can or cannot do in regard to their children; this treaty is ambiguous in that its requirements can be modified later, but any nation that has signed it cannot leave and must accept the modified regulations without recourse. This treaty was stopped in the US Senate in December, 2012, by only five votes: FIVE VOTES! But it will be coming back. The CRC treaty is separate from Common Core, which is not a treaty, but an educational standard endorsed by the UN and the current administration; it is already in the US, and teachers are not allowed to share the curriculum with parents. There is also a UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, CRPD. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
When I think of disabled persons, I often think of older men and women in wheelchairs; I think about those who have lived their life, and have little left to look forward to, and all I can do is hope they have the comfort of family around them. That is not what this convention talks about though, and it is not what the treaty is for. It is for babies who, if the UN has its way, will have absolutely no future. I do not actually know how far the UN will take it, but they believe in a principle where the government has the obligation under Article 7.2 (of the CRPD) to determine the “best interest of the child.” I am not going to tell you where this could go; I am just going to remind you where it starts. It begins with Gerhard Herbert Kretschmar. He was five months old, born blind and missing some limbs. According to the Chancellor of Germany, it was in the best interest of the child not to live. It was immediately after Gerhard’s murder that Adolf Hitler created a panel of doctors to decide who should live, and who should die. It was all for their best interest. DeWeese, T. (2011). NewsWithViews.com. Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson. Retrieved from: http://newswithviews.com/DeWeese/tom194.htm Grigg, W. N. (2001). Global Gun Grab: The United Nations Campaign to Disarm Americans. Appleton, WI: The John Birch Society. Morris, D., & McGann, E. (2012). SCREWED! How Foreign Countries Are Ripping America Off and Plundering Our Economy – and How Our Leaders Help Them Do It. New York, NY: HarperCollins books.
Joshua Durgin is a 22 year-old lobsterman in Maine. He became involved in state politics in 2010 and is currently chairman of the Cornish Republican Committee. His main interests are reading history, particularly about the American Founding Fathers. Summer 2013 37
by Gaye Levy The Survival Woman backdoorsurvival.com
38 MinuteMom Magazine
Back To The Basics: Water For Survival When I first started Backdoor Survival, my focus was on gathering the basics: food, water, shelter and fire. Of course, along the way I have learned that there is so much more that is essential to long term survival. Things that come to mind are clean air, clothing, first aid, self-defense, signaling and contact with others. But today I want to keep things simple and, for the benefit of my new readers, go back to the basics and review the essentials of water for survival. www.AsAMom.org
Photos from mourgeFile
A frequent theme in the preparedness community is the importance of water; where to find it, how to store it, how to purify it and how to filter it. Whether you are a prepping newbie or an experienced survivalist, water should be high on your list of prepping priorities. Every year or so, I like to share an article on water, not only for the benefit of the many prepping newbies that visit Backdoor Survival, but also as a refresher course for those of us that are more experienced. Today’s article is an update to information that I have previously shared but that does not make it any less important.
Water – The Most Important Survival Basic Clean water is something that we all take for granted. We turn on the faucet and there it is. It is plentiful, it is clean and it is drinkable. Yes, it may have some undesirable chemical additions (fluorides come to mind) but that is a subject for another day. So if a disaster occurred and the supply lines to fresh water were comprised, we would be in a pickle. There is a possibility that safe water would not be available for days and possibly not for weeks. For this reason, the American Red Cross, FEMA, and just about every other authority out there recommends that the public store at least one gallon of water per person, per day for a minimum of three days. But if you think that a three day water supply is adequate, think again. A more reasonable recommendation is that you up the recommended amount of stored water to a two week supply. For two people that would be: 2 people x 1 gallon x 14 days = 28 gallons. This amount should cover your minimal needs for drinking, food preparation and nominal - and I mean nominal - hygiene.
As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
Water Storage Storing water for an emergency can be as simple as filling thoroughly washed plastic or glass containers with tap water and sealing them tightly. This is something that anyone can do without incurring a cost so long as few simple rules are followed. So let’s do it. Let us store some water following these steps: 1. Clean them up. Thoroughly clean your plastic bottle and jugs with dishwashing soap and water then rinse completely so there is no residual soap. 2. Sanitize with bleach. Sanitize your bottles by adding a solution of 1 teaspoon of un-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to a quart of water. Swish the sanitizing solution in the containers so that it touches all interior surfaces. Don’t forget to sanitize the lids and caps as well. After sanitizing the containers and caps, thoroughly rinse out the bleach solution with clean water. 3. Fill ‘em up. Fill them to the top with regular tap water. Add two drops of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to the water, then tightly close the containers using the original caps. It is probably a good idea to use some latex or nitrile gloves at this point so that you maintain the sanitation and do not contaminate the caps by touching the inside of them with your fingers. 4. Date the outside with a permanent marker such as a Sharpie. 5. Store in a cool, dark place. 6. Important: rotate in six months to a year. Dump the water, re-sanitize the jugs, and start all over. Or, if you have the space, mark the jugs as “non-potable” and save the water for non-drinking emergency purposes. Summer 2013 39
Personally, I think it would be a good idea to put up a few jugs at the first of each month. Do this for six months and you will build up a nice, rotating stock. Plastic soda bottles or juice jugs work well for this purpose. Water stored this way is good for six months to a year as long as it is kept in a cool, dark place. Regardless of where it is kept, the containers should be rotated at the end of the designated period. Note: Milk jugs should not be used since the milk and protein sugars are difficult to remove and will compromise the stored water because this will provide an environment for bacteria growth. In addition, milk jugs are flimsy and will not hold up, even for a short period of time. Ditto cardboard cartons. The cardboard will eventually leak and make a big mess. Glass is okay but be aware that glass is heavy and subject to breakage. If you have the space and the budget, you can purchase food-grade plastic drums designed for water storage. These typically hold 55 gallons of water and with the addition of proper purification chemicals, will keep the water safe for up to five years. I personally have a 55 gallon water storage system. It was easy to set up and it came outfitted as a complete kit with all of the various tools and siphons I will need if/when that emergency situation occurs. Another alternative, of course, is bottled water. The same rule applies: store in a cool, dark area and periodically rotate.
refrigerator or freezer. Before tapping in to these sources, however, you will first need to shut off the main valve coming in to your home so that you do not contaminate the “good” water with the “bad”. Here are some specific instructions for using the water in your hot water tank: YY Turn off the electricity or gas. YY Open the drain at the bottom of the tank. YY Start the water flowing by turning off the water intake valve at the tank and turning on a hot-water faucet. YY And don’t forget: be sure to refill the tank before turning the gas or electricity back on.
Hidden Sources Of Water In addition to tap water, there are other hidden sources of water that you can use when a disaster occurs. These sources include the water in your hot water heater, pipes, and even the ice cubes from the icemaker in your 40 MinuteMom Magazine
Outdoor Sources For Water Barring the use of stored water or the hidden water sources in your home, there is always the outdoors. Water may be available from rainwater, streams, ponds, lakes and natural streams. But absolutely stay away from flood water since it is likely to contain sewage and other nasties that you do not even want to think about. When using outdoor sources of water, you are going to have to undertake purification measures to make it safe. There are many ways to purify water, some better than others and some easier than others. Water Purification For ad hoc water purification, nothing beats plain old Clorox as long as it is fresh (no more than a year old) and unscented. According to the Clorox website: When boiling off water for 1 minute is not possible in an emergency situation, you can disinfect your drinking water with Clorox® RegularBleach as follows: 1. Remove suspended particles by filtering or letting particles settle to the bottom. 2. Pour off clear water into a clean container. 3. Add 8 drops of Clorox® Regular-Bleach (not scented or Clorox® Plus® bleaches) to one gallon of water (2 drops to 1 quart). For cloudy water, use 16 drops per gallon of water (4 drops to 1 quart). Boiling water is considered the safest method of purifying water. What you do is bring water to a rolling boil for three to five minutes. The water may not taste that great but it will be safe to drink. Factoid: To improve the taste of boiled or stored water, you can put some oxygen back in to the water by pouring it back and forth between two containers. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
As an alternative to bleach or boiling water, the EPA has guidelines for using calcium hypochlorite, commonly sold as “pool shock” to disinfect water: Add and dissolve one heaping teaspoon of high-test granular calcium hypochlorite (approximately ¼ ounce) for each two gallons of water, or 5 milliliters (approximately 7 grams) per 7.5 liters of water. The mixture will produce a stock chlorine solution of approximately 500 milligrams per liter, since the calcium hypochlorite has available chlorine equal to 70 percent of its weight. To disinfect water, add the chlorine solution in the ratio of one part of chlorine solution to each 100 parts of water to be treated.
Factoid: To improve the taste of boiled or stored water, you can put some oxygen back in to the water by pouring it back and forth between two containers. This is roughly equal to adding 1 pint (16 ounces) of stock chlorine to each 12.5 gallons of water or (approximately ½ liter to 50 liters of water) to be disinfected. To remove any objectionable chlorine odor, aerate the disinfected water by pouring it back and forth from one clean container to another. Summer 2013 41
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A good reference for this and other puri- to day drinking as well as long term survival fication methods can be found in the down- needs, you simply cannot beat a quality filtraloadable and printable article Emergency tion system. Disinfection of Drinking Water. Portable Water Filters What About Water Filters? I have had good luck with the LifeStraw The use of water filters to make raw water Personal Water Filter. This lightweight and drinkable is another solution to the water for affordable filter is like an oversized straw. You survival dilemma. The nice thing about a fil- can use it with a cup or dip it directly into tration system is that it will not only supple- a pond or stream. There are other portable ment your stored water, but will provide you water filtering systems as well and these are with great tasting, chemical free drinking handy to keep in your emergency backpack, water for day to day. I personally have a Royal your car or your travel kit. The Final Word Berkey and to tell the truth, wonder what Thanks to a tip from one of my readers, took me so long to discover this alternative to purchased water in bottles and a countertop I learned that you can find pre-used, food grade plastic drums on Craigslist for about Brita. This is not to say that I don’t have bottled $25 each. If you decide to check in to this, be water because I do. After all, if I have to leave sure to confirm that the original contents was my home it would be tough to drag along a food then clean them well first with vinegar 55 gallon water barrel or a Berkey. But for day and baking soda to remove odors and then 42 MinuteMom Magazine
with bleach for sanitation. Here in my area, there is a fellow that sells such barrels and will even add a hose bib at the bottom for a nominal cost. I am not 100% sure I would drink from such a barrel but the water inside should be great for bathing, laundry and housekeeping chores. Another reader has suggested the use of colloidal silver to get rid of bacteria in water. I have not researched this personally, however. Whatever your water storage method of choice, I highly recommend that you store at least two weeks of water for every member of your household. Just remember that depending on climate conditions, you can only survive for an average of three to five days without the intake of water. Why take a chance? Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation! ˜
If you have not done so already, please be sure to like Backdoor Survival on Facebook to be updated every time there is an awesome new article, news byte, or free survival, prepping or homesteading book on Amazon. In addition, when you sign up to receive email updates you will receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.
Gaye Levy, [Survival Woman] grew up in the Seattle area. After spending many years as an executive in the software industry, she started an accounting practice offering contract CFO work. She has now abandoned city life for a serenely beautiful rural area on an island in Washington State. She lives and teaches the principles of a sustainable and self-reliant lifestyle through her website at BackdoorSurvival.com.
Looking Up
44 MinuteMom Magazine
Photos from mourgeFile
by Kathy Shea Her Father gave her many gifts and loved her very much. When she was young they spent lots of time together. She was intelligent and he taught her discipline. She displayed drive and perseverance beyond her years. Approaching adulthood, she was too busy to spend any time with him and she certainly didn’t need him anymore. There were friends to text, places to go and people to see. In school she learned the importance of being accepted and that to be successful, education is key. She enrolled in college, studied hard and graduated with honors. With great pride she said to herself, “I am ready to reap the rewards of my hard work!” She landed a great job and worked hard. She made lots of money quickly and with it lots of friends. If she wanted it, she bought it. She was living the good life, but not truly satisfied, she wanted even more. Then suddenly, everything changed. The company she worked for announced it was having financial trouble and they had to let her go. Her mind reeled in disbelief, “How can this happen to me? I had it all figured out. I worked hard!” She collected her thoughts and proclaimed, “I will go out and get a better job!” But week after week, interview after interview, she found herself unemployed. She didn’t have the experience for the few high paying positions available and she couldn’t bring herself to apply for the lower paying jobs. Then the creditors started calling and the Mercedes was repossessed. She cried out to her Father for money, but he didn’t seem to care. She couldn’t understand why he wasn’t helping her? As his daughter, wasn’t he supposed to love her unconditionally? How could he allow her to go through this? As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
She lost the car, the house and everything else that mattered to her, including her “friends.” Broken and bitter, she reached out to her Father for comfort. He had seemed so far from her lately, but now her Father was right there with her. “How could you allow me to go through this?” she exclaimed. “Why didn’t you help me? How could you let me lose everything?” she sobbed. Her Father took her in his arms and softly replied, “You didn’t lose everything and you certainly didn’t lose anything important.” Anger began to well up in her. She began squirming to free herself and screamed; “How could you say that…don’t you know how hard I worked? You just don’t understand or care how I feel!” Looking up into his face, her eyes locked with his. All she could see and feel was love and she relaxed for the first time in a long time. As he was holding her, she remembered the joy and comfort she had felt whenever they would talk and just “be together”. Suddenly she understood what he had said. She realized she had been focusing all of her efforts and gifts on the wrong things. Teary eyed she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?” “You wouldn’t listen to me”, he replied. “Why didn’t you help me?” “It may be hard for you to understand right now but I did help you. If you let me be a part of your life, I will always help you. No matter what, I will always love you.” There was a long period of silence as she rested in his arms. Exhausted she let out a sigh. There was a lot to think about and refocusing her priorities was first on the list. A soft smile came upon her lips as she pondered, “With the gifts from my father, and his guidance, I will work hard to achieve good and great things - that matter!” Summer 2013 45
YYMom’s Minutes Immigration Reform “The Issues of Immigration Reform--A Call To Action” by Valentine Cotton http://www.asamom.org/forum/topics/the-issues-of-immigration-reform-a-call-to-action
Intro: Although we are still focused on saving our Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms both federally and in some states, Obama and his Progressive friends have Pivoted to Immigration Reform. The “Gang of Eight” have been discussing a package to “Give Amnesty” to the 11-20 million already here and to come up with a “Visa” program to allow more workers in because, they say, we need those workers.
Public Schools Implementing Common Core “Public Education Implementing The Common Core” by Jaime Assist. Dir. of Education http://www.asamom.org/forum/topics/public-education-implementing
Intro: The other night I attended a meeting for the community council. It’s like a school advisory board of parents and staff mostly parents mandated to oversee money spent from the trustlands. We have been talking lately about the common core. At first I thought it was only a district thing and then maybe a state thing but we were told this week that it is something 44 states are contracting to be a part of.
IRS Scandal & Benghazi “Is The IRS/Teaparty Story An Attempt By the Administration to Distract Us From Benghazi?” by Valentine Cotton
46 MinuteMom Magazine
Photo Dreamstime
Intro: We all know the Drill with this administration: always watch what the “other hand” is doing. Don’t take your eyes off Benghazi. But keep in mind that one of the Impeachment Charges against Nixon was using the IRS against Political Enemies. www.AsAMom.org
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YYAAM Country Regional News West: AZ, CA, NV, WA, OR, HI We’ve seen some activity in the West this summer, starting in California, the Supreme Court of the United States punted on the Proposition 8 case. This tells the people of California that when they pass a law, the state can decide it does not like the law and not defend it--if ever argued. Some would argue that in a Representative Republic this is Constitutional, but when that representative government has set up a Propositional ballot system, shouldn’t it follow the rules? In Arizona constituents are collecting signatures to recall Senators Flake and McCain for their involvement in the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Amnesty Bill. The Senate bill was passed in late June and was dead on arrival in the House, however, many conservatives who supported these Senators feel betrayed by their Pro-Amnesty leanings. Conservatives are also upset with the state’s Governor Jan Brewer. in June Gov. Brewer held up all state legislation until she was able to pass a Medicaid expansion bill, making Arizona the 24th state to draw funds from the Affordable Healthcare Act , i.e., Obama-care. Conservatives see this as a slap in the face, and fiscally irresponsible, as when the funds run out the state’s slim budget will have to pick up the tab. Gov. Brewer claimed there was 48 MinuteMom Magazine
an automatic switch in the bill preventing this scenario, but conservatives were skeptical, claiming that legislatures rarely reduce taxes or benefits once they are passed. Central: OK, KS, CO, UT, NE, MO, IA Colorado has seen the Legislature pass highly restrictive gun laws, and now it seems they may pay for it. The citizens have successfully recalled John Morse, the Senate President and staunch supporter of anti-gun laws, as well as Senator Angela Giron. Both Senators are challenging the recall at the time of publication. Many central states were hit hard by this year’s tornados. As A Mom members have worked hard this year to help the victims with our Blankets, Books, and Buddies program. The tragedy that struck Moore, Oklahoma is still on our minds and in our hearts. Gulf Coast: TX, NM, LA, MS, AL, AK, FL In Texas Democrats took to Twitter in a #StandWithWendy hash-tag rally while Senator Wendy Davis filibustered an abortion term limit bill for eleven hours in June. Due to timing rules, the bill was killed in that session. Texas Governor Rick Perry, however, called a special session to finish up the state’s legislative work; many are optimistic that a similar bill
limiting abortions from under 20 weeks’ gestation will pass. Florida citizens have also started a signature petition to recall Senator Marco Rubio. Signers were not happy with his involvement with the Gang of Eight and their Immigration Reform Bill. In Mississippi one state judge stopped an open carry law from taking effect. This year Mississippi passed House Bill 2 allowing citizens to carry hand-guns without a special permit. Also in Hinds County Circuit, Judge Winston Kidd deemed the law too vague and ordered an injunction. A hearing is scheduled for July 8th in which both cases can be argued. Great Lakes: MN, WI, MI, IL, IN, OH, PA, NY New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, called on New York Governor Michael Cuomo to ban the sale of sparklers. Bloomberg was concerned these fireworks set off during the 4th of July celebrations would also be used by terrorists. Governor John Kasich of Ohio has rankled the TEA minded when he proposed an expansion of Medicaid, in essence, bowing to the Affordable Healthcare Act. State insurance actuaries calculate Ohio premiums to rise 88%. Just this July, the Governor signed a budget that kept pro-life amendments in place. www.AsAMom.org
Senator to fill the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s (D) seat. A special election will be held October 2013. New Jersey will also hold state elections this November. Democrat Barbara Buono will challenge Governor Chris Christie in that election North East: ME, CT, VT, NH, MA, RI
stop the federal Common Core Standards implementation from usurping local and state educaThis summer two Georgia TEA tional efforts. leaders disagreed on a potential Public Service Commission Central Atlantic Coast: proposal to require doubling the NC, VA, DE, NJ, WV, MD use of solar energy by Georgia Virginia held Primaries in June Power. Debbie Dooley, Tea Party to narrow the State Executive elecPatriots National Coordinator, tors for this fall. The state’s current favors an increase of solar use via Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli the startup company Georgia Solar (R), former DNC Chairman Terry Utility. Virginia Galloway, GA McAuliffe (D), and Libertarian State Coordinator for Americans candidate Robert Sarvis will face for Prosperity, notes that in other off in November. Three state execustates renewable energy mandates tive positions will be up for election have led to 40% higher electric in 2013 in the Commonwealth of rates. Also, consumers would be Virginia. Along with the races for forced to use one company rather governor, lieutenant governor, and than locally owned solar busiattorney general, all 100 seats in nesses. Georgians are encouraged the House of Delegates will be put to opine to the PSC. to the vote. The general election Georgians are encouraged to will be held on November 5, 2013. opine to Governor Nathan Deal on Voters must register by October Common Core. Next January State 15th to participate in the election. Sen. William Ligon says there are New Jersey also gears up for an two bills, SB167 and SB203, which election. Governor Chris Christie need the governor’s signatures to has appointed a temporary U.S. South East Central: SC, GA, AR, TN, KY
As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®
Massachusetts held a Special Election to replace the Senate seat left open by John Kerry’s promotion to Secretary of State. Republican Gabriel Gomez lost to long-time U.S. Representative Edward Markey. . North Central: ID, MT, WY, ND, SD Political wonks in Montana are wondering who will be the Republican nominee to succeed retiring Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT). Former Governor Marc Racicot and Rep. Steve Daines are possible candidates. If Democratic Gov. Brian Scweitzer runs and wins the Democrat spot, it may become a tough race. In Wyoming the conservative daughter of a former Vice President, Liz Cheney, wants to run for the Senate seat held by Sen. Michael Enzi since 1996. Enzi, 69, is considered a quiet legislator with a reliably conservative record, but it was his legislation that sailed through the Senate to permit states to collect taxes on Internet purchases. Summer 2013 49
YYAs A Family Copyrighted Material
“Raise your hoof or paw or knee To vote to set our turkey free” The numbers cast on either side Were even. The results were tied. Arrow Down, Scroll Down, or PageDown to Continue
Written by Laurie Cockerell Illustrated by Travis Dougherty One crisp fall day upon the farm, The roosters crowed with great alarm. “Wake up! for you must see Our turkey Tom must be set free! “While we sit snug here in the hay, Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day. Listen up and stop this chatter Tom is destined for the platter! “We must rescue him tonight To save him from this awful plight. And so, our friends, at ten o’clock We’ ll find a way to pick the lock. “Turkey Tom run away And live to strut another day. Let’s stick together with a vote, Or soon we might be in Tom’s boat.” The sheep and cows cried, “Yes - of course!” As did the duck and geese and horse. The donkeys brayed, “Oh, we think not... We fear the punishment if caught.’’ 50 MinuteMom Magazine
“What now?” Ms. Turkey wept with sorrow. “Tom will be lunch for tomorrow!” The pigs stepped in. “No need to fuss... We’ ll help you, if you help us. “We’ll vote to set your husband free, But first we must impose a fee. Every day the chicken brood Must serve the pigs a pail of food. “The sheep will bring some extra mud. And here’s a chore for those with cud... Share your hay and paint our sty, And we’ll agree to break the tie.” Another vote was cast, and so Next morning with the rooster’s crow The pen was found unoccupied. Tom escaped. The farmer cried. No turkey breast upon their fork. Old Tom can thank the deal with pork. But whether man or goose or goat Is it right to sell your vote?
Copyright Founders Fables Used by permission www.AsAMom.org
Copyrighted Material
The Save the Constitution - Read It! Campaign is not a group or a program. It is an Attitude.
The purpose of Save it! Read it! is to encourage patriots everywhere to do two things: 1. Commit to reading The Constitution and review it often. 2. Encourage others to read the Constitution.
We have received challenges to read and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from various sources. All of us must commit to reading the Constitution of the United States of America and review it often. Only by understanding the principles upon which our government was founded can we recognize Constitutional abuses and be able to step up and stop that abuse. The Save the Constitution - Read It! Campaign started as an extension of the Patriot Pin Program developed by As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots to encourage patriots everywhere to save the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Classroom packs of 25 bookmarks are available from www.AsAMom.org Pins, Pendants and bumper stickers are at www.asamomestore.com
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