MinuteMom Magazine - September 2012

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MinuteMom September 2012• Volume 2 Issue 1

happy Birthday Constitution! Season OF change The judiciary

YYPresident’s Letter


Dear Moms and Moms-at-Heart, Happy September! Is your house quieter? Are there changes in your life? I recently had a chance to go to a bakery alone! Sweets and silence, my version of Mom paradise. I thought I would share one of their birthday cakes with you (on the cover) as the Constitution is 225 years old this month! Be sure and have a party at your house! This September marks three years since that “crazy idea” to start a web site popped up. This photo is of me that first crazy week... before I had gray hair. Since then their have been other “crazy ideas” including MinuteMom Magazine. This is the first issue of volume 2. A huge thank you to all those who have volunteered to put out a simply amazing publication month after month. Just to name a few Regina S. our first editor, Diana L. who took over and Kami W. who has tirelessly coordinated the Magazine and been the point person for this endeavour. We have had many wonderful writers, some turning out articles monthly, as well as other volunteer editors, who have been a part of this great effort. To turn out a magazine of this size and quality for any length of time is a huge accomplishment for any company, to turn it out as an all volunteer effort is absolutely AMAZING! Please thank those who you see on-line who have participated in creating and maintaining MinuteMom Magazine. They are some of my heros. As I mentioned this is a huge accomplishment, even for a firm where there are twenty paid employees. For all part time volunteers it is simply over and above what anyone had envisioned. However, after only a few months we realized that a monthly publication would not be sustainable long-term. This September issue marks the last of the monthly publications. There will be one more issue in 2012 as we move to a quarterly publication. MinuteMom will continue to bring you quality information you need to know now four times a year. We will still need writers, editors, artists and sponsors to help produce this wonderful periodical, as it will continue as an all volunteer effort. We look forward to another amazing year of As A Mom... and Let’s hear it for Mom Power!

photo L.. Parker

Lori Parker Co-Founder and President As a Mom… A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots® Inc.


MinuteMom Magazine


MinuteMom Magazine September 2012• Volume 2 Issue 1


Features 6 Happy Birthday Constitution By Lori Parker, Founder As A mom...

10 The Agenda 21 of Education

When our children return to school this year, many parents will find that there is something else new and it’s called the Common Core Federal Curriculum.


By Sherry Marquelle & Melissa Smith

16 Season of Change

Fall nudges us to get moving on something, somewhere to make a difference. By Kami Watkins


18 The US Constitution: A PrimerArticle III: judiciary

In the Preamble, the second listed purpose of the Constitution was “to establish justice,” and Article III defines the system that will accomplish this goal. By Catherine G. White

22 This Is Why I Teach

One mom patriots reason for what she does. By KrisAnne Hall


24 8 Threats to our Economy

No one predicted any of these threats- are you prepared? By Ed Corcoran

30 I’LL TAKE THE HEAT Be prepared for the cold. By Auntie Anne

As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

September 2012


Publisher: As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots.® Inc. www.AsAMom.org Editor Diana Learn Coordinator Kami Watkins

Departments 2 President’s Letter Welcome


Values The George Washington Challenge

28 Restoring Humor 34 As a Family Charity in Chicago

MinuteMom Magazine is looking for people to share their talents by producing articles, essays, opinion pieces and original poetry. Artists share your original artwork. Send us photos showing your adventures As a Mom... Are you a Graphic Artist using Quark or InDesign? Volunteer to be part of our Team.

Contributing Writers: Auntie Anne Ed Corcoran KrisAnne Hall Lori Parker Sherry Marquelle Marlene Peterson Melissa Smith Kami Watkins Catherine G. White MinuteMom Magazine is published 12 times a year by As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots, Inc. MinuteMom Magazine is available free, on-line. Copyright © 2012 by As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots, Inc. All rights reserved. MinuteMom Magazine is not responsible for errors, omissions or contest fulfillment from third parties. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising or editorial material. Advertisers, and/or their agents, assume the responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on the advertisement. Editorial contributors assume responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on published work. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official organization policy. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots® is a registered trademark. Cover photo: Curtsy of Grand Cakery, Granbury, Texas. Illustrated candles added electronically. Please send all article submissions to: editor@minutemom.org Advertising inquiries contact: sponsor@asamom.org Note that submissions are welcome but are not guaranteed inclusion in the magazine.

For more information contact editor@minutemom.org.


MinuteMom Magazine


Happy Birthday to the Constitution of the United States of America! Wow… Two Hundred and Twenty-five years! Some will be quick to point out that this is not very old by world history standards. Not as old as the Tower of London, the Cathedrals of Paris, or the tumbling walls of the Coliseums. However, when it comes to its age- in terms of the guide to how a modern government should be run- it is the grandfather of all the governments in all the free world. When it was drafted it was the concept of a Democratic Republic which was new and strange to the world. Now many nations, including those nations who were considered great at the time the United States was born, follow at least in part the concepts laid down by our founding fathers in their current government. Other forms of government have come into fashion since, many of which have faded away. As citizens, do we truly understand the gift this 6

MinuteMom Magazine

document is to our freedoms? I think not. I think in some way Americans have taken for granted the value of the Constitution for decades. In January 1838 a twenty-eight year old Abraham Lincoln addressed the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois. Primarily addressing slavery he also addressed the Constitution’s place in everyday lives. A place it should have, but apparently did not. “I know the American People are much attached to their Government;—I know they would suffer much for its sake;—I know they would endure evils long and patiently, before they would ever think of exchanging it for another. Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property, are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections from the Government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, it must come. www.AsAMom.org

Illustration By Lori Parker

By Lori PARKER As a Mom... president & Cofounder

As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots速

September 2012



MinuteMom Magazine


Courtesy Library of Congress

Here then, is one point at which danger may be expected. The question recurs, “ how shall we fortify against it?” The answer is simple. Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;—let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own, and his children’s liberty. Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap—let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs;—let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.” 1

I remember vividly the moment I realized that most Americans took the Constitution for granted. In 1986, as a college freshman I attended a special forum celebrating the start of the bicentennial year of the Constitution. As I listened to the presentations, I found myself wanting to study the Constitution and better understand it. I was so inspired by the speaker, Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture under President Eisenhower, that as soon as the forum was over, I went to the university bookstore and purchased the speaker’s book as well as my very first pocket Constitution. I immediately fulfilled the speaker’s challenge to every university student to read the Constitution. A few weeks later, I was presented with the opportunity to write papers for my college classes. Being the smart freshman I was, I decided to write the same paper for my American history class as I was writing for my English class; I wrote on the importance of the Constitution. I received both papers back the same week receiving an “A” on American history paper but only a “B” on the English paper. I was perplexed because there wasn’t a mark on the paper. I went to speak with my English teacher about it and asked him why I had received a “B”. The answer surprised me. He told me that part of the purpose of this paper was to write to our peer group and that since I had written on the Constitution he felt that the majority of my peers would not understand the paper as they had not read the Constitution. As we talked, I pointed out that we had had the special forum on the Constitution where all students had been challenged to read the document and therefore they should have taken up the challenge, which would have made my paper peer-appropriate. However, my teacher, a graduate student in the law school, continued to argue that regardless of what challenge they were given, nobody had actually read the Constitution since that forum and the “B” would stay a “B.” In an attempt to disprove him, I asked my classmates if they had read the Constitution, I was sadly disappointed with their answers, and the “B” still stands. No amount of persuasion on my part changed the fact that most students simply have not and would not read the Constitution. Since this time some have made an effort to at least help every citizen to be more familiar with the Constitution. On December 8, 2004, Public

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Public Law 108-447 SEC. 111. (a) The head of each Federal agency or department shall— (1) provide each new employee of the agency or department with educational and training materials concerning the United States Constitution as part of the orientation materials provided to the new employee; and (2) provide educational and training materials concerning the United States Constitution to each employee of the agency or department on September 17 of each year. (b) Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution.

Original Documentation can be found at the following url on page 4: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/creports/pdf/108792/108-792_p537-638_divj.pdf

Law 108-447 was signed into law, requiring schools receiving federal funds to inform and instruct all students on the importance of the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. Do you know if your school follows this law? Call them and ask. September 17th will be the 225th birthday of the Constitution. Celebrate by reading it with your family and commit to reviewing it often. One idea is to read it on the 17th of each month to review. Let us all do our part to follow this admonition of Abraham Lincoln from his Lyceum Address and make sure it is taught in our schools, communities and homes. End note: 1. The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions: Address Before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois January 27, 1838 Lori Parker is the President and Cofounder of As a Mon... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots. A mother of four, she has a passion for saving this country for her children. She believes that every one can make something happen for the better if they just begin. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

Mollytician moll•y•ti•cian |mäl i´ti sh en| noun

1. a mom* who is involved in politics, 2. a mom holder of or a candidate for an elected office. antonym – politician: a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.

Happy Birthday Constitution! Read it and Review it Often! This month choose to learn some thing more and broaden your understanding of this most precious document. Have a birthday party for it with your friends and family!

* Mom: a member of Asamom.org may be a mom or mom-at heart.

September 2012


The Agenda 21

of Education

Does it sound like a good idea to turn our children’s education over to the same bureaucrats that run the Post Office? Is it a better idea to turn our educational system over to Federal arm twisting done to clueless State officials who were forced to sign onto a system without the details. I guess it’s true, the state has to agree to the standards before they get to see the standards, right? When our children return to school this year, along with new supplies, backpacks, and teachers, many parents will find that there is something else new and it’s called the Common Core Federal Curriculum. Just like a pair of shiny new shoes, this national set of education standards will be unveiled to many for the very first time and sold as the latest greatest thing. The best we could hope for is that those shiny new shoes don’t 10 MinuteMom Magazine

hurt our feet too much! While the nation was preoccupied with our national debt, health care and many other high-profile issues, our current administration in collusion with the Department of Education has quietly and successfully taken control of America’s schools. With very little public awareness and in some cases no public debate, Common Core will replace state education standards and testing. America’s educational system has always been locally controlled with input from parents, school boards, and state officials. But, that is now being replaced with a one-size fits all, top-down model, complete with federally funded tests. The tragedy will come as parents realize that the standards are not being raised, but lowered dramatically. Schools will also now be in the business of www.AsAMom.org

© Miflippo | © Photoroller | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos

by Sherry Marquelle & Melissa Smith

collecting massive amounts of individually identifiable student data, which will go into a statewide longitudinal data base. Even more concerning, students will be individually tracked through their school years into the work force with everything from test scores, disciplinary actions, family data, and medical history. Because of a revision in policy regarding privacy coming from the Department of Education, this individual data can be shared with any other government entity without parental notification or consent. Finally, parents will find that despite the rhetoric about school choice and vouchers, for the majority of students there will be only one choice - the Common Core. Whatever brick-and-mortar school your student may attend, Common Core mandates both curriculum and in many cases methodology. Even Homeschoolers will feel the pinch! “School Choice” and “Common Core” ironically go hand in hand. All schools-- private, charter, and eventually even home school will be forced to teach the Common Core Curriculum if they expect their children to be able to pass Common Core tests. And yes, homeschoolers will be mandated to take and pass the test as well. Some parents may not be aware of the slick P.R. campaign being used to sell parents on the Common Core. Instead, they may stumble onto it and find out the hard way, when they realize that the math their children are bringing home has turned “fuzzy.” They’ll likely begin to ask why the failed “new math” of the 60’s has made a comeback. What they will find, if they do much digging, is that thanks to the Common Core State Standards, which have been adopted by 46 states, traditional math, textbooks, and math facts are out. Group work, high tech computerdriven learning is in. Parents who are able will have to remediate math skills by teaching traditional math at home or take their children to the nearest private tutoring service for instruction. You see the fact that the Common Core Math Standards encourage the use of “fuzzy” math, is simply one of their many deficiencies. Another, is that Geometry is required to be taught by an experimental method, never used successfully anywhere in the world. In fact, this geometry methodology was abandoned in the former Soviet Union for its failure when used with math prodigy students. Leading experts are sounding the alarm, As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

proclaiming that under the Common Core, eighth grade students will be two years behind their international competitors in the area of mathematics. The quality of the final Common Core Math Standards is so poor that Stanford Professor James Milgram, the only content expert on the Validation Committee for the Common Core Math Standards, was unable to sign off on them. After pulling their hair out over the “new math,” parents may turn their attention to the Common Core English Language Arts Standards, in hopes that at least there, the curriculum will be better. What they will find is dumbed-down content and expectations. Under the Common Core students will be able to graduate from high-school reading at a seventh grade level! English classes will have abandoned classic and creative literature in favor of studying “ informational texts.” The emphasis of the Common Core English/Language Arts standards is on training students towards minimum competencies, preparing them as docile workers, not on educating them as citizen leaders, critical thinkers and human beings. Why should educators bother teaching children to think big thoughts by exposing them to great works of literature? When the expectation is that our children will be widget-makers and data crunchers, humanities education is viewed as a waste of time and a poor government investment. After all, the logic implies that

September 2012 11

Just like with the Math Standards, parents will discover that the only content expert on the Validation Committee for the Common Core English Language Arts Standards, Dr. Sandra Stotsky, was also unwilling to sign off on the final product, calling the standards an “empty skill set”. Some old enough to remember the early and mid 90’s, may recognize that the agenda for a federal takeover of America’s schools is not new. Indeed, during the Clinton Administration National U.S. History Standards were released by the U.S. Department of Education. Lynne Cheney, who was the Chairman of the National Endowment 12 MinuteMom Magazine

of the Arts and Humanities at the time, exposed them as being so politically correct, that the U.S. Senate voted 99-1 on a resolution condemning their content. Republicans at the national level were united in their opposition and were successful at stalling the movement, for the time being. Advocates of this socialist model learned from their mistakes in the 90’s. For starters, they began with the subjects of Math and English Language Arts Standards, rather than with the potentially controversial subject of History, but can it be far behind? Secondly, by running the creation of the standards through private D.C. trade associations (the National Governors Association and the Chief Council of State School Officers), they could falsely claim to the American public that a federal take-over wasn’t afoot. However, no sooner was President Obama elected that he began talking about tying federal funds to the Common Core. Obama’s advocates had found their heavy stick, and it worked miracles. In a very short time, 46 states had agreed to adopt the Common Core and with it the data gathering, dumbing-down of state standards, and a blank check for all future educational mandates. The transfer of power began with the 2009 stimulus bill, which increased the Department of Education’s discretionary spending by 25,500 percent! With over $4.35 billion in federal funds to dangle in front of cash-strapped states, Obama effectively made Race to the Top funds contingent upon states adopting the Common Core Math and ELA Standards. In order to be competitive, states had to agree to sign onto the initiative before the standards were ever released. Once they were published, states had eight weeks in the middle of the summer to officially ratify them. Concerned citizens may ask how legislators in so many states could have let such a thing happen. The answer is that most of them knew absolutely nothing about it and never cast a vote. Shockingly, this radical shift in power and abdication of authority was made by State Boards of Education, which in many states aren’t even elected. Advocates of the Common Core knew that allowing a public debate on this issue might doom their ship. They had to circumvent the difficulties inherent in the democratic process - and they did. However, this is America. The truth is making its way out, and people in states all over the www.AsAMom.org


schools should be in the business of producing “human capital” and training students to fill the needs of big business. Therefore, time is better spent making sure they know how to read technical manuals, so they are prepared as “adequate entry-level workers for existing factory jobs.” In case you wondered, much of the funding for the development of Common Core came from the Gates Foundation. Yes, that would be Bill Gates, founder of computer giant Microsoft. Sounds like a dream come true for techno-nerd education.

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country are fighting back. Governors Palin (AK) and Perry (TX) had the good sense not to sign on to Common Core in the first place. Meanwhile, Governor McDonnell promptly withdrew Virginia once he realized what was at stake, and South Carolina’s Governor Haley is looking desperately for a way out. These are all encouraging signs that the fight to retain local control of our schools is not a lost cause. However, the most exciting thing happening is occurring at Tea Parties throughout Indiana, Utah, and a dozen other states, where they are making the defeat of the Common Core a number one priority. This is truly an American Revolution with dissent emanating from the ground up. In Utah, efforts have been so successful that the State Board of Education reversed itself and pulled out of the federal testing component. Likewise, Patriots in Indiana are quickly making Common Core a dirty word with elected officials. To connect with other concerned citizens and to learn about grassroots opposition that may already be occurring in your state visit the Truth in American Education website at www.truthinamericaneducation.com. There you will find the most up to date information on this As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

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issue. The words uttered by President Reagan are true: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” Ronald Reagan If Patriots don’t stand up and fight the Common Core today, they might just wake up to a very different America tomorrow.

Sources: 1. Written Testimony for a Hearing on Senate Bill 373: R. James Milgram, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, January 23, 2012 2. Controlling Education From the Top Why Common Core Is Bad for America:A Pioneer Institute and American Principles Project White Paper by Emmett McGroarty and Jane Robbins 3. Testimony for a Hearing on Indiana Senate Bill No. 373: Sandra Stotsky, Professor of Education Reform, 21st Century Chair in Teacher Quality, University of Arkansas, January 23, 2012 4. Comments On The Common Core Standards For Mathematics: June 2010 K-12 Final, Submitted by the U. S. Coalition for World Class Math http://usworldclassmath.webs.com/

September 2012 13



The George Washington Challenge

Charity could be characterized by some as a contribution or gift-something given to some organization for a tax write off. Those that receive charity may also associate it with pity or a handout. But, true charity is neither of these things. True charity isn’t really what we give, but the condition of our heart when we give it. Charity could be characterized as an act of altruism, the heart being the only motivating factor. If we are truly charitable we are filled with love and compassion. Those that live lives filled with charity are blessed with an attitude of love and understanding. They notice the little things that often make a world of difference to those in need. When we exercise true charity we give freely, expecting nothing in return. However, we cannot give charity without receiving something, albeit intangible, in return. That may be a shock to some, but in all reality we do receive something of great significance whenever we act out of love and compassion. We are blessed with an increased understanding of those we serve. We are blessed and filled with light, a confirmation of the Spirit of Truth. We are endowed by our Creator with greater and more significant opportunities and insight to serve our fellow men when God sees us do His bidding, His blessing and fulfill His purposes. I’m reminded of a story that I once 14 MinuteMom Magazine


heard about a statue in a small town that had been desecrated by World War II. In this town was a statue of Christ that had been badly damaged. Repairs had been made to most of the statue, but when it came to replacing the hands that had been damaged beyond repair, the thought was to leave the statue without hands to represent the precious example that we are Christ’s hands. It is through us that we carry out His purposes and bless the lives of others. Many complain when they see bad things happen in this world. They often question God’s existence, and ask where He was during the pain and suffering. But, if we could grasp the concept that we are the angels among men- the hands that lift up-we would understand the impact that genuine love and compassion can have in the lives of others. We wouldn’t wait around for others to make that difference, we would do it ourselves. Giving with the intent of really looking into the hearts and lives of others- their conditions or circumstances- we can’t help but reach out to lift a burden or lighten a load. It’s easy to get caught up in what isn’t being done around us. There are the sad examples of selfishness everywhere we look. But, like kindness, it is up to us to be proactive about spreading love and exercising compassion. We need to see it as an opportunity to

lift the hearts and souls of our friends and neighbors, being the change that this world needs. Times are tough. Burdens need to be lighter for many of our friends and neighbors. If you receive some inspiration to do something good…act on it! Don’t wait, do it now! If you had the thought to make two loaves of bread instead of one, do it, and take the other to someone who needs to know that someone out there cares. If you feel inspired to reach out to someone take advantage of that prompting and see where it takes you. You may develop a new lasting friendship you never knew was possible. The bottom line is that nobody likes to be invisible. Everyone matters. We need to show through our words and actions that we still carry love and compassion in our hearts daily. Our friends and neighbors need to know it, and our God needs to know it. We need to show Him that we are still on His side, that we are not oblivious and callous and self absorbed individuals. We have the power to do great things in this world, let’s do them and carry the gift of charity in our hearts always, blessing as many people as possible along the way. —Kami Watkins * -George Washington Challenge http://www.beinggeorgewashington.com © 2012, Mercury Inc


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Season of Chan I love this time of year. The season of change is approaching- the end of a long summer is over- and the much anticipated Fall is on its way. Nature signals to us with the orange and red leaves that the time for planting has passed and it will soon be time to reap what we have sown. It’s a season of opportunities for our children and our families. New beginnings and friendships are made and new tasks at hand remind us that change is good and always something to learn from. Likewise, the 2012 election season is nearing its end. It will soon be time to reap what we have so dutifully sown. As it nears its peak, the thought that it’s approaching faster than we’d like, nudges us to get moving on something, somewhere to make a difference. Change is inevitable, but while it is inevitable, it is not the major constant in our lives…truth is! And while each year blesses us with a variety of seasons, each season is a time to re-evaluate our roles, our efforts and move forward. Over the past few years here at AsAMom, we have 16 MinuteMom Magazine

seen the high’s and low’s of many changes here in America. We have witnessed oppression against us as Mother’s and women. We have witnessed the ever changing tide of morality shrink from a standard to a subject. We are up against great odds as women and mothers, men and fathers. We are embarking on a new journey come this November. Regardless of the outcome, we as parents must stand strong for our families. Not one person should be content to sit idly back and watch the unfolding of what is to come. Each should be anxiously engaged to use truth as a means to change things for the better. No longer should we remain silent in our viewpoints. We should stand with boldness and declare our beliefs as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers. We need to have a bright outlook for our futures. We’ve been blessed to listen to politicians past and present. We’ve seen and heard both sides of political arguments. We have weighed choices and must continue to contemplate the importance of being www.AsAMom.org

Copyright 2005 W. Ken Johnson Used by Permission

by Kami Watkins MinuteMom Magazine Coordinator

nge prayerful when seeking guidance in who to elect this season. We, as citizens have a huge job. Our job and the scope of it far outweighs any one-sided view of our future. Our job will entail persevering through obstacles, no matter the outcome, as we see the results of our labors come this Fall. This is the season for the best of our efforts to shine through. If ever you wanted to do something, do it now! If ever you wanted to make a difference, make it now! If ever you wanted to matter, matter now! Don’t wait till the last leaf has fallen before you take a stand or take action. The season of change is approaching. You are the key to our bright future and your time is now! Kami Watkins is a stay-at-home mother of six children. She has been a community and school volunteer for the past 15 years and resides with her husband and family in Southern California. “Writing is my love!” Kami’s motto for life is: Be of Good Cheer! As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

September 2012 17

The US Constitution: A Primer Article III: Judiciary

In the Preamble, the second listed purpose of the Constitution was “to establish justice,” and Article III defines the system that will accomplish this goal. It is also the shortest of the articles of the Constitution that deal with the three main branches – and has some very interesting phrasing embedded in its three short sections. Section 1 defines the basic structure of the judiciary and the requirements for judges. It establishes one Supreme Court, and permits Congress to establish inferior Courts as they see the need. Judges of all courts will be compensated with a pay level that is not to be diminished while they hold their office – and those offices are held “during good behavior.” The Founders, in two sentences, have given us enough discussion topics to fill at least as many pages! Let’s start with one of the Founders’ nods to their own recent history – the compensation “not to be diminished” while the judge holds office. One of the Crown’s tactics to pressure Colonial judges to rule as the King wished was to punish those who did not, by cutting their pay. When any ruling counter to the Crown’s interest could cut off one’s ability to support one’s family, is it any wonder that many Colonial judges ruled in the Crown’s interest instead of by the rules of the law? This portion of Article III was put in place to insure that judges would not be coerced into making bad decisions simply to keep their families fed. 18 MinuteMom Magazine

The number of inferior courts is left open. Currently, there are 94 federal district courts; these each are under the direction of one of 13 circuit courts of appeal (11 numbered circuit courts, one circuit court for Washington DC, and one called the “Federal circuit” whose jurisdiction is over the entire country, but limited by type of case), and the one supreme court. A map of the district courts can be found here: http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_courts_ of_appeals . Congress has the authority to change the geographic jurisdictions, number of judges, and the number of courts, as needed. Judges hold their offices “during good behavior,” which means that they may keep their positions until they retire, die while in office, or are removed, by impeachment, for bad behavior. The Founders wanted the Supreme Court’s justices, and other federal judges, to be protected from the all-too-common taint and corruption that follows running for and being elected to office. There is, of course, no way to legislate a requirement to choose people with integrity and ethics to hold these offices; it is implied by the “good behavior” phrasing. The Constitutional remedy for a judge whose decisions demonstrate a lack of “good behavior” – evidence of corruption, lack of integrity or ethics, bias, or lack of understanding of the law or the Constitution they swore to uphold – is impeachment. This remedy has been used far too infrequently in our 200-plus year history. Judges now assume their positions are www.AsAMom.org

WikiMedia statue at Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, TN, United States

by Catherine G. White

inviolable, and legislate from the bench, inventing “rights” and assuming “jurisdiction” that does not exist. Shame on us for not demanding of our representatives that they remove such judges from office! There is also no requirement for the minimum or maximum number of justices appointed to the Supreme Court. Congress has increased and decreased the number of justices on the Supreme Court several times since the original call for six justices codified in the Judiciary Act of 1789. It settled at nine in 1869 and has remained there since. However, FDR threatened to appoint additional justices to the supreme court (up to a maximum of 15) when the then-sitting court did not want to support his New Deal programs. While FDR’s plan did not make it through Congress, the threat itself worked. Some of the justices capitulated, and then older justices began to retire. By the end of 1941 FDR had appointed seven new justices and his New Deal proposals were not struck down, as most should have been. Shame on the Supreme Court for not standing up to FDR and his socialist schemes, and shame on Congress for not removing those justices! A very poor precedent was set, whereby a sitting President had proven he could exert pressure on the Supreme Court to rule in his favor. Please note that there is, in fact, NO requirement for Supreme Court justices to be federal or state judges previously, or even to be lawyers. The Founders intended (and indeed, so wrote) that the Constitution be understandable in its original intent by the citizenry. When deciding on issues according to the tenets and principles in the Constitution, there should be no disqualification for appointment to the Supreme Court based on lack of law degree or admission to any bar. Thoughtful persons of integrity and high principles, who will study (a) the Constitution, (b) the Declaration of Independence, (c) the Federalist papers (including a couple of available translations into “modern” day English), (d) Madison’s contemporaneous Journal of the Federal Convention, and have available for reference (e) an old publication of an American Dictionary (because word meanings do change with time), are well able to determine the Constitution’s objective, original meaning, and make decisions based on those meanings. We might well be better served by nine such persons than we are by many of the current crop – who went to law school and studied not the Constitution, but Supreme 20 MinuteMom Magazine

Court case law. Starting in the early 1900’s (recall the myriad of incursions at this time by the early Progressives, bent on destroying the Constitution), law schools left off teaching the Constitution as a set of fixed principles as expounded and explained in the Federalist Papers. Instead, they began teaching what they call “constitutional law,” which is Supreme Court case opinions. They have also spread, as if absolute truth, the falsehood that Supreme Court judges have unbridled authority to say what the Constitution means. These law school practices continue to this day. Section 2 states the types of cases over which the courts shall have jurisdiction – and which court is assigned jurisdiction over what type of case. Obviously a court cannot hear a case if it does not have jurisdiction. You cannot sue your neighbor for putting their fence over the property line in a court in another state – that state does not have jurisdiction. “The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution...” but what does that “law and equity” phrase mean? They refer to “common law” and “equity law,” respectively. Common law, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, “comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to the government and security of persons and property, which derive their authority solely from usage and customs of immemorial antiquity.” It also derives from “common sense” and has two strictures – don’t trespass on the property of others (criminal courts), and always keep your promises (civil courts). The Constitution is based on common law. Equity law, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, is “justice administered according to fairness as contrasted with the strictly formulated rules of common law.” Many of the English common laws called for rather harsh penalties; equity law was supposed to be based on what was more fair for the situation presented. Section 2 also grants the federal courts jurisdiction over all cases affecting ambassadors, admiralty and maritime law (but NOT military – those are the courts martial), suits against the country, and suits between two or more states. Furthermore, it specifies that in all cases “affecting ambassadors... and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction.” Why, then, did the federal suit against Arizona (for the “crime” of enforcing federal law which the federal government was not, itself, enforcing) come to be heard in a federal district court? www.AsAMom.org

The answer is simple; the district court, Congress, the attorneys for Arizona, and the supreme court ALL ignored the Constitution in this instance. A fabulous and detailed analysis of this event can be found here: http://publiushuldah.wordpress. com/2010/08/16/the-trial-of-the-lawsuit-againstthe-state-of-arizona-must-supreme-court-judgesobey-the-constitution-3/ and we will not delve into the matter further in this brief exposition except to state that we must restore the Rule of Law in accordance with our Constitution. The last paragraphs of Article III, Section 2 are expounded upon in detail by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist #81. The second sentence of paragraph two addressed the technical issues of trials and appeals. In the cases where the Supreme Court has appellate (hears appeals) jurisdiction, they may look at both the rulings of law as well as the facts presented of the case. Congress may make rules and exceptions in these technical areas: methods of appeal for common versus civil law; cases heard and decided by judge or by jury, etc. In the final paragraph, technical details, which Congress may not change by statute, are set. Trials must be by jury except in cases of impeachment (which case is addressed in Article I, Section 3). Trials must be held in the state where the crime was committed (to ensure that those charged will be tried by their peers, not taken long distances from home and for long times, etc.). Crimes “not committed within any state” refer mainly to maritime crimes. Those trials are held as Congress “may by law have directed.” Section 3 of Article III addresses and defines the issue of treason against the United States. Treason is specifically defined in this section, taking an expansion of this crime’s definition out of the hands of Congress. This step was to protect the new country from someday following excesses in English history where partisan divisions were deemed by Parliament to be treason, with commensurate punishment. Treason is defined by the Constitution as citizens levying war against the United States, “adhering” to enemies of the United States (1828 dictionary definition of “to adhere:” ...to hold to, be attached, or remain fixed, either by personal union or conformity of faith, principle, or opinion; as, men adhere to a party, a leader...), or giving those enemies “aid and comfort.” This section also describes the requirements to prove treason – again, limiting Congress’ power to make a treason conviction too easy to obtain in As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

the same way that Parliament and the King had done. They used the Biblical requirement from ancient Jewish law, necessitating the testimony of two witnesses to the same act (not separate acts) – or confession in open court (not in private) – as the minimum requirements to convict for treason. The final sentence of Article III, Section 3, has one of the most colorfully phrased sentences in the Constitution. “The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.” Well! Once we get past the first part where Congress gets to decide the punishment of treason, what does all the rest mean? Again, we hearken back to a rejection of English law and practice. Attainder is a “staining” or “rendering impure” and under English law, if one is convicted of treason (or some felonies), the judgment “corrupts” or “taints” one’s bloodline and renders one unable to inherit lands, goods, or money. Lands held are forfeited to the Crown, and one is permanently disqualified to be a witness in any court of law. When a sentence of death is levied, the “corruption of blood” attaints one’s family, leaving them in permanent penury. Conviction of treason in our country, however, affects only the traitor and not his or her family. While Congress is permitted to make laws that would confiscate the property of a traitor, that forfeiture can only be for the life of the convicted traitor, reverting to the family once the traitor’s life has ended. Nor can the family’s rights to inherit be touched. In our next installment, we will turn our attention to Article IV of the Constitution. See you then! Refs: “Good To Be King,” Michael Badnarik – Chapter Two on Rights and Privileges available online FREE at http://www.constitutionpreservation.org/ - first choice under the “Purchase Book” menu. “The 5,000 Year Leap,” W. Cleon Skousen Publius Huldah’s blog at http://publiushuldah.wordpress.com, specifically the articles on Article III and the judiciary. Justia Law Annotated US Constitution at law.justia.com http://www.1828-dictionary.com/ Catherine White grew up in Massachusetts where she also graduated from M.I.T. She is has two terrific daughters and a wonderful husband. She became involved early on in the 912 Project. Catherine has given several presentations on the Constitution in the past year. The most recent talk was at Brandeis University this past March, and it should be available on YouTube in the near future. September 2012 21

This Is Why I Teach, This Is Why I Fight! By KrisAnne Hall krisannehall.com I have been traveling the country for the last two years, teaching people the true history of the founding of our nation. I do this because I believe two things: one, that God has placed a call on my life and two, those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. Recently, I was able to spend two days with a room full of high school-aged, homeschooled students. It was amazing. The first day, we went through a practical exercise to teach both the difference between a democracy and a republic and the value of liberty as paramount to security. The second day I taught them the Roots of Liberty Seminar that I normally give to adults. I was particularly nervous about the second day. How would I relate this history and these complex principles to people who have had few real life experiences with the economy, adult society, and political concerns or responsibility? I would be the one who would get a lesson that day. I have been teaching for over two years the understanding the liberty is an inherent possession of man. I truly know that Liberty is a gift from God. But I more fully realized this as I spent two days with these young people. Because Liberty is inherent, teaching young people the value of Liberty was not as difficult as I had anticipated. I saw the evidence of that awakening in their spirits as I shed light in their minds on this great gift from God. The first day they were able toexperience that Liberty means something and to determine that they would no longer be so flippant with its care. They really learned and understood what most of the people in government will never know and understand; Liberty can never be traded for security, not ever. Many 22 MinuteMom Magazine

went home after the first night and were enthusiastically telling their fathers all about the day’s lessons. They were excited about what they had learned. They were excited that learning about history and government was so much fun. They were excited to know that they were going back to hear more the next day. I was as amazed as the parents were. But the second day, through the lamp of history and the oracle of truth, they were able to understand why Liberty is worth so much. These young people were captivated by their history. For 5 hours, a room full of 30 or more high school students listened intently to the history and the foundation of their nation. They learned about the battles against tyranny by those who were beginning, like them, to understand that Liberty is their possession; it was provided to them by God, bought by their forefathers with a price. They also understood, by the end of the day, that it is their responsibility to maintain this possession and not allow tyrants to bully them into giving it away. They really got it. They really understood what 99% of our politicians don’t. They now know that our nation was built with a purpose; the purpose to secure the blessings of Liberty for our posterity, for ages and millions yet unborn. By the end of the day, my soul was so uplifted by their enthusiasm and patriotism; I could have stormed the doors of tyranny all by myself with a dull butter knife. But then it hit me. I paused long enough to look into their eager eyes, and it threw me to my knees. I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness for what we have done to them, what we have given away on their behalf. www.AsAMom.org

Attorney, Speaker, and Mom

KrisAnne Hall

has some great tools for parents! Teach your children about American Exceptionalism, History of the Constitution and some of the Forgotten Heroes of America’s founding. KrisAnne presents information that you’ll find in no other book or curriculum. Take a look at her books:

Bedtime StorieS For Budding Patriots Essential Stories For Junior Patriots Not a Living Breathing Document - Reclaiming our Constitution

www.KrisAnneHall.com I stopped my teaching and told them that I had to apologize. I suddenly realized the mess that we left behind for them. I was weeping in front of a room full of teenagers now, and I could not stop myself. I looked into their eyes and realized, through our ignorance and our negligence we have condemned them to purchase back a gift that was given to us; a gift that we were supposed to secure for them, not require them to secure for themselves. I got angry for a minute, but that anger made me even more resolved. I told them, “Don’t you dare use our negligence as an excuse. You go out and fight for what is rightfully yours. If the government tells you that you cannot speak, does that make you mute? If the government tells you that you cannot assemble, does that imprison you? If the government tells you that you cannot freely worship God, does that silence your soul?” To each question, with wide eyes, they responded “no.” I told them, “Then do not be silenced, do not be imprisoned, and let your soul cry out. Because I promise you, from this day forward, I will do everything I am both humanly and supernaturally able to do to take back ground for you. I will do everything I can to make sure that you have the Liberty that was purchased for As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

you, that belongs to you, that you are entitled to have as a glorious gift from God. I promise!” I took an oath when I joined the military to support and defend the Constitution. I took an oath when I was sworn in as an attorney in the state of Florida to support and defend the Constitution. I took the same oath when I was sworn in as an Assistant State Attorney for Florida. I know that these oaths NEVER expire. That day, with those future leaders of America, I took another oath, one that will never expire, one that I will fight to keep to my very dying breath. This is why I do what I do. This is why my family and I travel all over the country. This is why I teach. For Liberty. For America. For our children. Reprinted by permission from http://krisannehall.com

KrisAnne Hall travels the country teaching groups the truth about the history of our great founding documents and the government that our founders really wanted us to have. She is a Constitutional attorney and former state prosecutor. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. Author of several books. September 2012 23


8 Threats to our Economy, Health and Freedom that No One Could Have Predicted

by Ed Corcoran Survivalandbeyond.net

As preppers and survivalists, we endeavor to expect the unexpected. Not an easy task in times such as these. Just when we think we’ve got a handle on everything and all of our bases covered, something completely unexpected throws a curveball our way. Very few anticipated that America would experience the worst drought in more than 50 years, worsening an already growing food crisis and causing massive wildfires that would devour nearly 7 million acres of land. None could possibly foresee the outbreak of the West Nile Virus in Texas this year or predict that the Mississippi River would be in danger of drying up – especially after experiencing historic flooding last year. This makes the future of our already crumbling economy notoriously hard to predict. Whenever I – or anyone else for that matter – calls attention to the fact that a single “black swan” event can

24 MinuteMom Magazine

come along and change everything almost overnight, we get called a “doomer” or “fear monger” for our trouble. The fact is; the concept of “stability” and “security” is an illusion. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said: “The only constant in this universe is change.” Or as Isaac Asimov expanded: “The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change. That is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.” Our society in particular and world as a whole has become increasingly unstable. While dire predictions persist for events that may or may not happen before the end of 2012, such as; economic meltdown, a violent solar maximum that could take out the power grid, an unusually www.AsAMom.org

bad hurricane season, escalating conflicts in the Middle East, major earthquakes on the west coast, a major volcanic eruption, or a human eruption of anger and frustration in America around the upcoming election. We can only guess if those things will come to fruition, and the truth is; while we’re worrying about those things, we will more than likely see other events occur that very few of us can even anticipate at this point. It is almost as if a “perfect storm” is developing. On top of all of the aforementioned concerns, our government is turning tyrannical and our politicians seem to be more psychopathic than ever. Despite an enormous national debt, record high unemployment and a decaying domestic social structure, our “peace prize” president seems intent on engaging in even more military expansion (e.g. illicit imperialist wars) in the Middle East and locking up American citizens who voice their opposition without charge or due process! As strange as 2012 has been so far, I fear that things are about to get a whole lot stranger. The following are 8 economic threats that we were not even talking about at the beginning of the summer, from TheEconomicCollapseBlog. com: #1 West Nile Virus What is up with all of the strange disease outbreaks that we have seen so far this year? Flesh eating disease and the bird flu have both been making global headlines this summer, but in the U.S. right now it is the West Nile Virus that is getting the most attention. So far more than 1,100 cases of the West Nile Virus have been diagnosed in the United States and more than 41 people have died from it. More than half of the cases so far have been in Texas, but we have also seen people come down with West Nile Virus in Mississippi, Louisiana, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. If you live in any of those areas, you might want to do your best to avoid mosquitos for the rest of the summer. #2 Historic Drought This summer, the United States has experienced the worst drought that it has seen in more than 50 years. This weather has been absolutely crippling for farmers and ranchers all over the nation. As I wrote about the other day, about half of all corn being grown in the U.S. is currently either in As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

“poor” or “very poor” condition. As the drought has dragged on, many farmers and ranchers have become increasingly desperate. In fact, one farmer has even been feeding his cows candy in an attempt to deal with rising feed prices. Needless to say, this drought has been causing commodity prices to soar. On Tuesday, the price of corn closed at a record $8.38 a bushel, and the price of soybeans closed at $17.30 a bushel. #3 The Mississippi River Is Drying Up Thanks to this drought, rivers and lakes all over the United States are drying up. In fact, there have been reports that millions of fish have been dying because water levels have gotten so low in many areas. Even the mighty Mississippi River has dropped to dangerously low levels. At this point, the Mississippi is lower than most people living along the river can ever remember. If it drops much lower, it could potentially have an absolutely devastating impact on the U.S. economy. A recent NBC News report described what is at stake…. About $180 billion worth of goods move up and down the river on barges, 500 million tons of the basic ingredients for much of the U.S. economy, according to the American Waterways Operators, a trade group. It carries 60 percent of the nation’s grain, 22 percent of the oil and gas and 20 percent of the coal, according to American Waterways Operators. It would take 60 trailer trucks to carry the cargo in just one barge, 144 18-wheeler tankers to carry the oil and gas in one petroleum barge. If all traffic along the Mississippi was forced to stop, it is estimated that it would cost the U.S. economy about 300 million dollars a day. And already there have been stoppages along one 11 mile stretch of the river…. Nearly 100 boats and barges were waiting for passage Monday along an 11-mile stretch of the Mississippi River that has been closed because of low water levels, the U.S. Coast Guard said. New Orleans-based Coast Guard spokesman Ryan Tippets said the stretch of river near Greenville, Miss., has been closed intermittently since Aug. 11, when a vessel ran aground. So what happens if the Mississippi gets even lower?

September 2012 25

#4 Wildfires The extreme heat has also been responsible for the horrific outbreak of wildfires that we have seen in the western United States this year. So far in 2012, nearly 7 million acres have been burned up. That is an area about as big as the states of Maryland and Delaware combined.

The central banks of the world have been very busy hoarding gold as well. According to the World Gold Council, global central banks were net buyers of 157.5 metric tons of gold during the second quarter of 2012. Over the past 20 years there has never been a time when global central banks have accumulated that much gold during a single quarter. So just what in the world is going on? #6 Recession In The UK Everyone knew that Greece was in deep trouble. And everyone knew that Italy and Spain were in deep trouble. But it was a surprise to see the UK economy plunge deep into recession. During the second quarter of 2012 alone, the UK economy shrunk by 0.7 percent. At this point the British economy has contracted for three quarters in a row. Hopefully things will not get even worse over there.

#5 The Global Elite Hoarding Gold In the past, the global elite and the mainstream media would mock those who are hoarding gold in anticipation of a major financial collapse. But now it is the global elite who are hoarding gold. In a previous article, I discussed how men such as George Soros and John Paulson are investing mind-boggling amounts of money in gold right now. The amount of money that these two individuals are investing in gold is difficult to comprehend…. There was also news last week in an SEC filing that both George Soros and John Paulson had increased their investment in SPDR Gold Trust, the world’s largest publicly traded physical gold exchange traded fund (ETF). Mr Soros upped his stake in the ETF to 884,400 shares from 319,550 and Mr Paulson bought 4.53m shares, bringing his stake to 21.3m. At the current price of about $156 a share, these are new investments of about $88m of Mr Soros’ cash and more than $700m from Mr Paulson’s funds. These are significant positions. Combined, Soros and Paulson dumped more than three quarters of a billion dollars into gold during the second quarter of 2012 alone. So what are they anticipating? 26 MinuteMom Magazine

#7 Major Economic Slowdown In The United States Considering the fact that the U.S. economy never even came close to recovering from the last recession, it is a bit disheartening to see that it looks like we are headed for another major downturn. According to Michael Panzer of Financial Armageddon, measurements of economic activity compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia indicate that the U.S. economy is rapidly heading into another recession. If you doubt this, just check out this chart. And for a lot more reasons why the U.S. economy is entering another recession, check out this article. #8 Hauled Off To A Mental Institution For What You Believe Do you ever worry that what you post on Facebook could get you involuntarily committed to a mental institution? Well, that is exactly what happened to one military vet recently. A former Marine named Brandon Raub was hauled off to a mental institution because of what he posted on his Facebook page. This is how the Economic Policy Journal www.AsAMom.org

summarized what happened to Raub…. The muscle used to grab Brandon Raub was local Chesterfield County, VA police. Also present during the grab were agents of the FBI and of the Secret Service. Both the FBI and the Secret Service claim that they were only observing and not participating in the grab. The Chesterfield County police initially stated that they were only carrying out a request from the federal agencies. The police also claim Raub is not under arrest, even though he was led away in handcuffs and is not permitted to leave the psychiatric ward of a hospital—even though it appears that Raub is not in any way in need of psychological care. I note this happened in the United States of America, with local police, FBI agents and Secret Service taking part. The claim that Raub is “not under arrest” is completely and totally ridiculous. The authorities came to his door, slapped handcuffs on him and are holding him in a mental institution against his will. And now he has been transferred to a facility that is 3 hours away from his family, his supporters and his legal team. What in the world is America turning into? The Rutherford Institute is defending Raub, and the following is an excerpt from a statement about this case on their website…. “This is not how justice in America is supposed to work—with Americans being arrested for doing nothing more than exercising their First Amendment rights, forced to undergo psychological evaluations, detained against their will and isolated from their family, friends and attorneys. This is a scary new chapter in our history,” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “Brandon Raub is no different from the majority of Americans who use their private Facebook pages to post a variety of content, ranging from song lyrics and political hyperbole to trash talking their neighbors, friends and government leaders.” This is the kind of thing that we have seen under brutal totalitarian regimes in the past. Dissidents are grabbed by authorities and taken to mental institutions where they are conveniently “disappeared”. This kind of thing is not supposed to happen in America. But it is happening. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

And you know what? Before the authorities start attacking people for exercising free speech on Facebook perhaps they should clean up their own house. It turns out that thousands of DHS employees have been convicted of crimes in recent years. The following is from a recent CNS News article…. There have been 2,527 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employees and coconspirators convicted of corruption and other criminal misconduct since 2004, according to a federal auditor. Our world is becoming a very crazy place. One thing that most people did see coming this summer was the continuing economic decline in Greece. At this point Greece is experiencing a fullblown economic depression and it gets worse by the day. If you can believe it, 1,250 companies have shut down in the second largest city in Greece in 2012 alone. Ouch. And many in the financial world believe the the situation in Greece is going to go beyond the breaking point fairly soon. In fact, analysts at Citibank believe that there is a 90 percent chance that Greece will leave the euro over the next 12 to 18 months. 90 percent? They sound pretty sure of themselves. Not that the rest of Europe is in such great shape either. According to Bloomberg, it looks like Europe will soon be losing about half a million auto industry jobs…. Efforts by PSA Peugeot Citroen (UG) and Fiat SpA (F) to end losses in Europe could cost more than 500,000 people their jobs as automakers and parts suppliers grapple with the effects of the European sovereign debt crisis. We live in very unusual times. Things are falling apart all around us and we seem to be rapidly approaching another major economic crisis. Central banks, governments and Wall Street insiders all seem to be preparing for the worst. Are you? Used by permission from: Survivalandbeyond.net September 2012 27

YYRestoring Humor

Reprinted by permission Antonio Branco

http://conservativedailynews.com/category/political-cartoons/ 28 MinuteMom Magazine


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A wise woman once had the dream to change the lives of women for the better. Join me in sharing in the commitment of caring and community. That is Mary Kay Ash’s legacy. Let’s all make a difference - one woman at a time.

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by Auntie Anne

I live in Northern Indiana where the winters can be pretty wicked. When I was a kid, one day we woke up to snow so deep that you couldn’t see the tops of cars! The sun was shining and there were big, beautiful, fluffy, white clouds in a gorgeous blue sky – but it took most of the day for Dad to shovel enough snow so we could walk out to the street and look up! Remarkably, we still had city water, gas and electricity. I have no recollection of how long we were housebound, but I know we had a hand-stoked coal furnace and a big hot water boiler – and there was a gas range in the kitchen for cooking. I honestly don’t remember what we did to stay warm when the utilities went out back then, but I’m betting the kitchen stove at least played a part. Shortly after my eighth birthday we moved to the country. We had a well for water, a septic system for waste, and propane for cooking and heat; but without electricity, we could not pump water from the well and the furnace’s thermostat wouldn’t work, so there was no heat. We could flush the toilet, only if we poured water into the tank after each flush. Every spring the electric

30 MinuteMom Magazine

went off for at least a couple days due to wind storms and every winter we lost electricity due to snow or ice storms at least once. When you’re a kid, it’s always exciting to hear there was a snow storm while you were sleeping – no school! We got to sleep in; watch Howdy Doody, the Cisco Kid and Bozo the Clown on television; build snow forts, run and jump into snow drifts; eat noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches; play board and card games...oh, the memories! Of course, those were the minor storms that didn’t knock out our electricity. Things sure do look different when you’re an adult. A lengthy electrical outage was anything but fun for Mom and Dad. Our only salvation was having a gas range in the kitchen. Located next to the back door, the old green stove managed to warm up the house even in the coldest weather. It took pretty good care of us….. We always had a hot meal to warm us from the inside – soup, oatmeal, hot chocolate, grilled cheese & chili, spaghetti – pretty much anything you would normally cook or fix for meals – not to mention an opportunity to help bake cookies www.AsAMom.org

Photo Provided by Author


or a cake. We even had an old camp toaster and could make toast using one of the burners! But, I remember a lot of oven meals – baked chicken, meat loaf, beef roast with potatoes, and all kinds of casseroles. Mom always baked bread when the electricity was out too because it helped heat the house – one regular loaf per day would give us each a hot slice with melted butter as soon as it came out of the oven, plus leave us enough for meals and cooking. Water for drinking and cooking was collected by bringing in pots of snow, melting it, pouring it through cheesecloth and then boiling it rapidly for at least three minutes. It was then allowed to cool to room temperature before it was poured into pitchers and set out on the unheated, enclosed front porch where it became good and cold. We would have already taped plastic over some of the windows to keep out the cold air; but when we couldn’t use the furnace we also hung old quilts and blankets over some of the windows and doorways to keep the cold from seeping in. They also served as insulation to keep in what heat we got from the kitchen stove. We wore winter clothing around the house – long underwear, slacks, sweatshirts – even knit hats and gloves if we were cold. We were actually allowed to shop for special winter clothing during seasonal sales because of this. I got my first pair of fingerless gloves that way! But to be honest, I don’t remember having to do that very often. Mom would bake bread and cook while we sat around the kitchen table and played board or card games. If Dad couldn’t get out to go to work, he’d listen to the news and weather on the portable radio and read any newspapers he had laying around. Later in the day we’d eat by lamp light – I can remember being able to feel the little bit of heat the three oil lamps sitting in the middle of the table were giving off. Mom would warm up more water, move the oil lamps into the kitchen, and we’d all pitch in to do the dishes. After that it was time to get ready for bed. Dad filled buckets, canning pots and wash basins with snow and Mom would melt it on the stove so that we could wash up before bed – getting us good and warm before we put on our flannel pajamas and robes. Sometimes we’d even get a hot “bath.” The bathroom was just around the corner from the kitchen, so it was always fairly warm from the kitchen range running all day. As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

A lighted lamp was placed on the toilet seat and Dad would carry a big pot of warm water into the bathroom and set it in the tub. Mom would put a small wooden stool in the tub and we could sit on the stool and use a little saucepan to dip the water out of the pot and pour it over our heads and bodies – no excuses for not washing behind the ears! We needed to be frugal with the water, but it was a bit like playing a game – kinda fun – and the warm water felt really good. Our bedrooms were upstairs and were not heated to begin with. When the furnace worked, they were usually pretty warm because heat naturally rises; and, we had big feather beds and comforters and quilts to keep us warm. But when the electric went off and the furnace no longer worked, it got pretty cold, pretty fast. However, we each had our own hot water bottle to take to bed at night! Mom would tuck us in with a hot water bottle at our feet and pile on extra blankets and quilts to keep us warm. We’d bury our heads under the covers and were toasty in no time! Mom and Dad would spend a little time alone at the kitchen table talking softly, then get ready for bed themselves. The stove would be turned off, any cracked windows would be closed and our kitchen stove got a good night’s rest. In the morning we’d jump out of our warm beds, slide into our slippers and pull our robes on as we flew down the stairs where Mom already had the stove going and was fixing us a hot breakfast. And while we sat at the kitchen table wrapped in blankets eating our oatmeal and drinking our hot cocoa, Mom would be dressed and making bacon and eggs for Dad – who was out taking care of the animals and gathering more snow to be melted for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing and flushing. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right. Kitchen ranges are not meant to work that hard every day. Plus, since it created open flames, there was a chance that excess carbon dioxide could build up in the house. But my parents took precautions. September 2012 31

YY The repair guy from Sears came out every fall to check out the gas range and make sure it was in working order with no leaks. YY We lived in an old farm house – no way was it air tight. Even if we had covered up all the windows with plastic and hung blankets over all the doors, there was still enough air creeping into the house to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Energy efficient, it was not, LOL! YY I don’t remember our electrical outages ever lasting more than a week at any one time – mostly just a day or two. It was definitely a short-term solution, although it happened fairly regularly each year. YY Mom and Dad always made sure the big propane tank was full during the winter months. “Better get the truck out here to fill it up before the snow starts to fly,” Mom would say. And Dad would make the phone call. One major issue modern living brings (unless you are already living off the grid) is that we are pretty much at the mercy of local government and utility companies – and our own wits – should an emergency situation occur. Getting by a few days or even a couple weeks can be difficult, but is doable. Long term outages could be a different story. Regardless, the first thing you should do is make an emergency plan. Decide what kinds of situations might require the need for a secondary heating system – both short and long term. What kind of climate do you have? How cold can it get? How long can the cold last? If your furnace is electric, you are obviously not going to have any heat if the power goes out. But most other heating systems also require electricity…oil burners use electric fuel injectors and have electronic ignitions…forced-air systems depend on fans… hot water systems use circulating pumps…and almost all thermostats need electricity. Second, take stock of what you already have – a fireplace, a wood stove, a gas range…and what kind(s) of fuel do you have on hand?…is the fuel available nearby if you run out? – propane, oil, kerosene, coal, firewood, lumber scraps, alcohol… If you already have heating devices with a matching, compatible fuel, can you utilize them to provide enough heat to keep at least one room of your house warm? Do you have enough fuel for at least several days? Weeks? Months? Do you 32 MinuteMom Magazine

have a secondary heat source for back up? Once you decide what you have and how you can use it, you will be able to decide what you need and how you get it. Third, how can you conserve body warmth and whatever heat you will have? – winter clothing that can be layered and worn inside the house, sleeping bags, spare blankets and comforters, heavy drapes and insulating curtains… Would it help for you to install insulation in the attic or replace existing doors and/or windows with more energy efficient ones – now – before any emergency occurs? If necessary, can you close off one or two rooms, heat only those rooms and pretty much just stay in that one area? Are there rooms in your house where you could close doors and not heat them? Do you have water pipes that could freeze – can you do anything about it? Remember, the smaller the space you need to heat, the easier it will be. Can you cover windows and outside doors to keep out the cold? Curling up in bed, under some warm covers is almost always a good way to get warm and stay warm for awhile. BTW, never leave a stove or open flame heating device burning if there’s a chance you could fall asleep; and, do NOT attempt to use camping stoves, charcoal grills, propane grills and similar setups inside your house under any circumstances – to do so could end up being deadly, even if you think you’re ventilating well. What some people think of first in an emergency, is a generator; and, while it may seem like an ideal choice, keep in mind that there are some factors to be considered. First, it must be kept outside and dry at all times. Generators give off a great deal of toxic exhaust, therefore they should be installed outside the living structure and away from all the home’s windows, doors and vents. Please note, they are dangerous to operate during wet weather – and could easily “disappear,” so try putting it in a well-vented shed that can be kept locked. Be very careful to observe all safety concerns – and don’t forget to check for compliance with city, town or county ordinances. Generators also require you store a great deal of gasoline or diesel for re-fueling. These fuels are considered fairly volatile and must be stored properly. Since you’re going to need large amounts, you might want to install a large tank either above or below the ground – again, check with local authorities. Generators should not be www.AsAMom.org

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refilled while still hot because of the possibility of fire, so give them time to cool down when they run out of fuel. And they’re noisy. Very importantly, you should not plug it directly into your regular house lines because you could accidently electrocute utility workers or your neighbors who are on the same transformer line. Instead, you will need to run heavy-duty power cords from the generator into the house – perhaps burying them for safety – and/or have a professional wire it into a switching system for you. Depending on the configuration you come up with, you may still not be able to use your regular electric, oil, gas or propane furnace for heat. Generators cost from a few hundred to thousands of dollars depending upon the model and style you decide on. They are also expensive to operate, especially considering the price of gasoline or diesel these days. Finally, pay special attention to how much wattage you are trying to use and how much your generator can accommodate. If you try to pull too much, it could overload, burn itself up, start a fire, explode or otherwise malfunction. A regular wood-burning fireplace can be very calming and romantic, but most of your heat is going up the chimney and you are not being As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots®

energy efficient with your wood. Still, if it’s all you have, it’s going to at least keep you from freezing. And – if you have the right equipment – you can also use it for cooking. But don’t forget that you’ll need ongoing access to firewood. Under no circumstances should you ever try to burn coal or charcoal in your wood-burning fireplace as they produce dangerous fumes – even newspapers and magazines give off toxic fumes. You’ll also need the chimney cleaned now and then to prevent residue from catching on fire. And don’t forget to use a screen! Fires have been known to “pop” and toss burning bits of wood out of the fireplace. If these land on rugs or furniture, you could have major fire damage before you realize it. Finally, as with all open flames, you should not leave such a fire unattended. There are a variety of alternative heating methods to consider. Everything from wood-burning stoves to passive solar systems to alcohol stoves, radiant kerosene heaters and modified rocket stoves. Next month, we’ll explore some of these options. Until then, grab your hot water bottle and snuggle up with a good book! Blessings ~ Auntie Anne September 2012 33

YYAs a Family

It is the evening of October 9, 1871. Chicago, the great city, is settling down into the quiet of the night. A little ways out from the heart of town, a poor woman takes a lamp and goes out to the barn to milk the cow. An uneasy movement of the cow, and the lamp is overturned into the straw. A flame shoots up and the poor woman scarcely has time to reach the door when the whole building is on fire. She, with her children, rush into the street. Then the roar of the windswept flame and the appalling cry of fire! The fire-bells ring out their alarm. But, swift as the firemen speed to the scene, the flame is swifter still. Borne on the wings of the wind, it leaps from street to street. It is no longer a wind but a tempest, and a tempest of flame. The devouring fire broadens and dives towards the heart of the city. Men, women and children rush frantically to get out of the path of destruction. Down go miles of stately houses and blocks of businesses. The whole world is in flames! Men look on helplessly and hopelessly through the long hours of the night. The first rays of the morning reveal a scene of widespread and total desolation. The heart of the city has been consumed. Twenty thousand of its inhabitants are homeless. One consoling thought is left. The fire is at last curbed, hemmed in on the east by the lake, on the north by the river which stretches between it and the homes in which seventy-five thousand people are peacefully asleep, all unaware of the devastation that has been raging so near them. The river is their protection. The comforting thought is but momentary. Burning brands and glowing embers are borne on the wings of a fierce tornado straight toward those peaceful homes. 34 MinuteMom Magazine

The scene that follows has no parallel in the history of the world. As the flames bear down, for many, there is no choice but to plunge into the lake, and there during long hours stand many hundreds of people, women, some with babes in their arms, many sick and aged, till the fire dies down and rescue comes. Nearly one hundred thousand souls are fleeing before the merciless flames. During that fearful Monday this great throng continue their flight without food, without water, scorched by the hot blast, their clothes and often their hair on fire; the stronger bearing the weaker in their arms and on their shoulders, they rush on, every moment pursued by the flames. Many sink to the ground to rise no more. But even as the fire roars, the sound of axe and hammer is heard on every side, erecting barracks and temporary cabins; men and women are gathering stores of food and clothing; and loaded wagons are making their way around the burning city to reach those who have made their way to the open prairie. The telegraph has also been set to telling other cities the story of the great calamity. Before and during the night trains of cars came from the whole country for many miles around, loaded with food, clothing, blankets, and even delicacies for the sick. And so on to Tuesday morning the half-famished homeless multitude once more welcome their morning meal, and before night the whole vast

multitude on the streets have obtained some kind of shelter. And now the return click is heard at the telegraph offices. Cities too distant to send food send words of cheer and money. As the day wears on, the wires can scarcely carry all the messages of sympathy that come pouring in. London, Paris, Berlin, all the great cities of Europe send substantial offerings and before the sun sets, messages of organized aid come from distant Calcutta and Melbourne. The thrill of human sympathy had encircled the earth. Neither did the supplies fail until the people of the grateful city cried, “Enough!� In the old Arabian story, the palace of Aladdin is built in a single night by the aid of magic. But now the wonder wrought by the genie is surpassed. From the ashes of that terrible night a new city grows up, marvelous in its freshness, its strength, and its beauty. No need of magic here, or rather the only magic needed is that of self-reliance and the sympathy of the world so bountifully expressed. ˜ Adapted from Chicago found in Stories of Heroic Deeds by James Johonnot. Find more stories like this at gardenofliberty.org. (Note: The reporter who claimed the fire was started by a cow knocking over a lamp later admitted to fabricating the story. No one knows exactly how the fire was actually started. 125 bodies were recovered and it was estimated 200 to 300 people lost their lives.) www.AsAMom.org

WikiMedia The Great Chicago Fire, an artists rendering, Chicago in Flames

Charity in Chicago

Where is Molly nOW?

Recently Molly was sighted in The City of Lights.. Wonder what they thought of her in Paris France! Another Mom sends in this highway sign we know where all the Mollys are! See more photos at www.asamom.org

Where is YOUR Molly? Directions:

1. Print Molly on cardstock or heavy paper. 2. Color and decorate to your liking. 3. Cut out and mail Molly, along with a Constitution and personal letter or story, to your friends. You can find a copy of the Constitution to print here: http://www.rollingchrome.com/AAM/docs/ USConstitution.pdf

4. Ask the recipient to take Molly to a local landmark, town hall or other place that a Constitution is needed and document the visit with a photo. Make sure Molly and her “sponsors�

are in the photo too! 5. Ask your family/friends to email the photo to you. 6. Post your favorite Molly photos at AsAMom.org. 7. Request that your friends send Molly and her message on to someone else, or help them create their own. If you have a scanner you can always email your Molly or use the handy pre colored Molly! Complete instructions and Downloadable PDFs can be found at www.asamom.org

The Save the Constitution - Read It! Campaign is not a group or a program. It is an Attitude. The purpose of Save it! Read it! is to encourage patriots everywhere to do two things: 1. Commit to reading The Constitution and review it often. 2. Encourage others to read the Constitution. We have received challenges to read and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from various sources. All of us must commit to reading the Constitution of the United States of America and review it often. Only by understanding the principles upon which our government was founded can we recognize Constitutional abuses and be able to step up and stop that abuse. The Save the Constitution - Read It! Campaign started as an extension of the Patriot Pin Program developed by As a Mom... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots to encourage patriots everywhere to save the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Classroom packs of 25 bookmarks are available from www.AsAMom.org Pins, Pendants and bumper stickers are at www.asamomestore.com

www.SaveItReadIt.org Š2010 As A Mom...A Sisterhood of Mommy PatriotsŽ www.asamom.org

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