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AICP Annual celebration of Isra’ & Mi^raj-un-Nabiyy, (PBUh), in B.C
In the month of Rajab, Muslims observe the miracle of Isra & Mi^raj. It is one of the greatestmiracles Allah ta^ala bestowed upon our Master Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and blessed his nation with. As part of the Islamic community, the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects proudly commemorated this great miracle with a celebration at the Surrey Arts Centre on Sunday, February 19 th under the banner of “The Mioracle”.
The eventwas well attended, consisting of a large crowd from the Greater Vancouver Muslim community. Our joyous celebration commenced with a moving recitation from the Holy Qur’an followed by a captivating and heartwarming performance by the one of a kind AICP Chanting Group. Their wonderful performance consisted of Islamic Chants, thanking Allah ta^ala, and praising the Prophet (PBUH), the kind Al, the Companions, and the pious awliya’.
With such a glorious occasion and in the presence of such a diverse crowd it was necessary to emphasize the purpose of this miracle. Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman, the Imam of Masjid Ahulus- Sunnah wal Jama^ah in New Westminster, delivered a speech explaining the miracle of our Prophet (PBUH). In his speech, he specified that Allah granted His Messenger this great miracle, showing him the wonders of the upper world, to honor him sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. This is stated clearly in The Glorious Qur’an in Surat al-Isra, Verse 1 that means “To show him of Our wonders”. The belief of the Muslims worldwide is that Allah, the Creator of all places, exists without any place. Therefore, the Ascension of the Prophet to the heavens (upper world) never meant nor suggested that Allah is in the up- per world. This is because Allah Subhanahu, is Ghaniyy (not in need) of anything He created, including places. He does not need nor reside in the upper world or any other place (subhanahu wa ta^ala).
The Imam continued his speech by advising the Ummah to repent to Allah in reference to the intense earthquakes of Syria and Turkey. He ended his speech by making supplication for the martyrs of Syria and Turkey, urging the audience to do the same. Together, Shaykh and the audience recited surat alIkhlas eleven times and al-Fatihah one time, giving the reward to the martyrs who died in that earthquake.
On this great occasion, AICP asks Allah to grant Muslims peace and tranquility, unity and adherence to the rules of the Religion. We ask Allah to bestow upon us the bounty of entering Paradise without torture and being with Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, in Al- Firdaws AlA^la (ameen).
The story of Isra’ and Mi^raj Prophets were sent by Allah, the Exalted, as a mercy to the slaves and supported them with great miracles to signify the truthfulness of their message. Our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam was blessed with the most miracles from all the other Prophets. Isra’ and Mi^raj is among the many miracles of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.
After the Prophet, may Allah raise his rank, performed ^Isha’ Prayer Angel Jibril came to him with al-Buraq and they set forth on their Night Journey to Jerusalem.
During the Journey, the Prophet passed by and prayed two rak^as in:Al-Madinah, known as Yathrib at that time, - Madyan, the country of Prophet Shu^ayb Peace Be upon Him,- Tur Saina’, -
Bayt Lahm where Prophet ^Isa (Jesus) was born. - Then al-Buraq continued until they reached Bayt al-Maqdis (the Holy House).
Allah the Exalted gathered all the prophets to meet with Prophet Muhammad, from Adam to ^Isa (Jesus), peace and blessings be upon them all. Angel Jibril led Prophet Muhammad forward to lead them all in prayer. This is a clear indication that Prophet Muhammad is highest in status than all the rest of the Prophets and Messengers. Among the wonders he saw in Isra’ were:
*He saw the world in the shape of an old woman
*He saw Iblis (the Devil) on the side of the road, but he did not dare to speak to the Prophet or to stand in his way.
*He saw the backbiters scratching their faces and chests with brass fingernails.
After the Prophet (SAW) took his Night Journey from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid alAqsa, he ascended to the upper heavens on stairs called al-Mirqat that is not usually visible to humans. The Messenger of Allah saw Prophet Adam in the first heaven, in the second heaven he saw Prophets ^Isa (Jesus) and Yahya, he then ascended to the third heaven and saw Prophet Yusuf. He ascended to the fourth heaven and saw Prophet Idris. He continued on his ascension and saw Prophet Harun in the fifth heaven, and then to the sixth heaven where he saw Prophet Musa. Then the Prophet ascended to the seventh heaven and saw Prophet Ibrahim leaning his back against al-Baytul-Ma^mur, the Holy House. To the inhabitants of the skies (the angels), al-Baytul-Ma^mur is like the Ka^bah to the inhabitants of the earth.
Each of these prophets welcomed and greeted Prophet Muhammad warmly and made supplication (du^a’) for him.
Among the other wonders the Messenger of
Allah saw in Mi^raj: Sidratul-muntaha and al-wildanulmukhalladun.
The Prophet saw the ^Arsh which is the ceiling of Paradise and the largest creation in size that God has created. {Literally Al^Arsh – means ‘Throne’. The ‘^Arsh’ here does not mean resembling a chair that a king sits on. But in fact, it resembles the shape of a bed (a flat surface with four pillars). It’s a majestically hugely vast body that is the ceiling of Paradise}. Allah did not create anything bigger in size than it, it is vastly larger than Paradise.
The true creed of Islam outline explicitly that Allah ta^ala the Creator of everything does not need anything and does not need the ^Arsh nor does God sit on it. God is NOT a body of any type and is clear of resembling any attribute among the creations. Therefore, since Allah existed without a place before creating the Throne, God still exists as He was without a place because He doesn’t need anyone or anything.
The seven heavens and the earth in comparison to the Kursiyy are like a ring thrown in a desert, and the Kursiyy in comparison to the ^Arsh is like a ring thrown in a desert. The Kursiyy in comparison to the ^Arsh are like a seed of mustard compared to the ocean. Allah created the ^Arsh as a sign and indication of His Power and did not create the ^Arsh to sit on as wrongly translated. God created the largest creation and elevated it to exist in the highest place in this universe, praise be to God! If God willed, the entire universe would be destroyed if it falls down. Imam ^Aliyy may Allah raise his rank said: “Allah created the ^Arsh as an indication for His Power, and He did not take it as a place for Himself.”
Reported by Br, Imad Nouri, AICP