4 minute read
22 years of ‘The Miracle.’
tions serving all Muslims as a community. It was a regular feature to hold grand community events celebrating Eid- parties, national holidays and many activities of getting together under one roof. In an extremely friendly diverse Canadian society, there were many mediums of mass communications like, newspapers, radio and television owned by other communities living in Vancouver mainland area. It resulted in a perception of a nonexistent Muslim community to mainstream public of British Columbia. In absence of a Muslim media, any concern of Muslim issue was not conveyed in a desired manner to the main stream public of Canada. The Miracle became an independent strong voice to publish issues of Muslim concern within the community as well as outside. There was a strong reaction by and determination to keep Miracle above the crowd ,the Team of Miracle also deserve credit and appreciation , our best wishes and prayers are always with Miracle and Team .
Kind Regards, Asad Syed Realtor/Strata Manager Stratatech Consulting Ltd.
Miracle provide a platform to reflection of themselves in print media
Working with the Miracle has been such a privilege and is an opportunity I appreciate so much. Starting off as a regu- the right wing Muslim community when religious dogmas and taboos were challenged in The Miracle.
It became a common practice by the members belonging to extreme right wing of stealing and throwing in garbage many bundles of the newspaper placed inside the mosques. People having a balanced approach respecting Canadian laws of freedom of speech confronted the extreme ideas. This brought some commotion as well as a platform to discuss different ideas was provided by the Miracle. We published every letter and article without any prejudice.
Importance of newspaper in present era is reduced many times. Reading a paperback newspaper is the last source of information or interest for a majority of people. Thanks to my friend and a dedicated Naseer Pirzada
Misbah, Arslan, Shahrukh, Sabeeh, and others. Keep up the good work not only for the Miracle but for the Community. I thank everyone who took the time and sent their messages at Miracle’s 22nd Anniversary, including BC Premier David Eby, BC Caucus, MP Sukh Dhaliwal, MLA, and Minister Hon. Harry Bains, MLA, Garry Begg. May Allah (SWT) accept your prayers for our success and may He help us in serving the community... Ameen
Jazaakumu Allahu Khairan. (Ameen) Mohammad Naseer Pirzada (Editor-in-Chief) Miracle lar reader and evolving into the primary columnist for the youth section as well as a member of the board, I’m incredibly grateful to have been writing with this team for 4 years. Writing has always been a passion of mine and this position has aided me in improving so many of that the newspaper is in business till today and celebrating its 22nd anniversary today. I wish you all the best Pir Saheb. May Allah Paak accept your great effort of continuing to serve the Muslim community of B.C. Long Live ‘The Miracle’. my skills. Not to mention the safe space that The Miracle has provided to Muslims and Pakistanis across British Columbia, giving them the chance to see a reflection of themselves in print media and hear and read about the news that they want to see. I hope that I can continue writing with The Miracle as well as work with the team to help develop the newspaper further. InshAllah, I hope for many more years of success to come.
By: Khadija Nadeem, Youth Columnist and Editorial Board Member, 16 Yrs.. The
Miracle not only alive but flourishing
By: Nafisa Siddiqui
Congratulations team Miracle specially Mohammad Pirzada saheeb who’s unbelievable effort keep the miracle not only alive but flourishing in an amazing speed Congratulations
I am so pleased to be able to send my heartfelt congratulations to The Miracle newspaper on your 22nd anniversary.
The impact of the publication throughout British Columbia’s Muslim community cannot be underestimated. There is real power to providing coverage, discussion and analysis in both English and Urdu, rendering The Miracle as an immense pillar behind the sense of togetherness amongst community members.
I would like to recognize and acknowledge the tireless work of the papers dedicated staff contributors and Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Naseer Pirzada who have not only weathered the difficulty that all media have encountered in recent times, but thrived beyond all expectations. You should be proud of this momentous accomplishment and look towards an even brighter future in the decades to come.
Thank you for your long record of community service.
A Message From Premier David Eby
As Premier of the Province of British Columbia, I am delighted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to The Miracle on its 22nd anniversary
For over two decades, The Miracle has been a beacon of exceptional English and Urdu journalism, covering issues and events that impact the Muslim community in the Lower Mainland and worldwide Dedicated to providing insightful news coverage, The miracle has helped to foster connection and understanding between diverse cultural groups. In a province as rich in diversity as ours, it is through such efforts that we can continue to create a more inclusive and welcoming community for everyone.
This milestone is a testament to the team’s unwavering commitment to providing a voice to underrepresented communities, and I extend my sincere appreciation to everyone involved in making The Miracle an essential part of our province's cultural fabric.
As we celebrate The Miracle's 22nd anniversary, I encourage everyone to enjoy this special edition and reflect on the important role it has played in shaping our community. I wish everyone reading all the best in the years to come!
Room 350, Confederation Building
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Unit 202 - 12992 76 Ave
Surrey, British Columbia V3W 2V6 Tel.: 604-598-2200
My sincere congratulations to The Miracle Newspaper, on their 22nd Anniversary of serving our communities.
Being the first bilingual newspaper to serve our Muslim community, The Miracle has made great strides to keep our communities informed, through its thoughtful and concise journalism.
Diversity and multiculturalism are our strengths, and it is now more than ever important to have media which caters specifically to the issues of interest of our ethnic communities. The Miracle continues to be a great contributor to this cause.
I wish many more years of success to The Miracle, as it continues to do its good work for our communities and our Province.
On February 24th 2023, we celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of The Miracle. My sincerest greetings are given to those who have contributed to the prosperity of The Miracle, and to the readership.
As the MLA for Surrey-Newton, I can proudly say that The Miracle has provided my constituents with access to news in both English and Urdu. The Miracle has successfully served the Muslim community for the past twenty-two years and I look forward to see their impact in the coming years as well. This success of The Miracle highlights the diversity and multiculturalism within our community, which too, is of great importance within our Government.
On behalf of the constituents of Surrey-Newton and myself, congratulations on your outstanding achievement!
Harry Bains, MLA Surrey-Newton