Volume 17 Issue 453 - Safar 21, 1439 AH / November 10, 2017 $1
10 6th 12
Bi-Weekly & Bilingual
After Panama another Leaks blast
Pg 16
3 I knew verdict would be
Annual Jalsah Graduation Ceremony
16 This Is How Climate
against me. Nawaz.S 4 Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, 6 Groups launch legal challenge of Quebec’s
BC NDP Convention delegates vote US Out of Afghanistan. MAWO
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Keeping out of ME quagmire ?
HIS is one of my worst night- was the visit to Pakistan by the then holy mosques, but nothing further. availed of for oil imports, also mares, and it is getting peril- crown prince of the kingdom, the The next point on the timeline from the kingdom. ously close. Now that the father of the young prince today, was the announcement that former It is a pattern for Pakistan now that young prince of Saudi Arabia has in early 2014. Our government’s army chief, Raheel Sharif, will be every government leaves the treasdecided to settle all family busi- dealings with the kingdom are al- heading the alliance and will be ury dry, and every incoming govness, to borrow a phrase, and his ways shrouded in mystery, but the based in Saudi Arabia. Some poli- ernment reaches out to its friends government has formally accused joint communiqué issued at the end tics revolved around that issue, but abroad for a bailout. The PPP Iran of an “act of war” against his of that meeting carried murmurs of the appointment was finally ap- government famously asked for a kingdom on account of the missile something deeper. Where the last proved. $100bn Marshall Plan-style bailfired from Yemen intercepted above communiqué issued after the visit Then the king died in 2015 and the out from the Americans in 2008, Riyadh, the tensions that were bub- by a royal carried largely bland crown prince was elevated to the and the Nawaz Sharif government bling beneath the surface are now language about Saudi support for throne. His successor to the crown asked for a bailout of up to $4bn boiling up. Kashmir, the mutual support by prince was Mohammad bin Nayef, from the Saudis. The former got an Start with the fact that Pakistan both countries for Palestine, and who was suddenly relieved of his IMF loan of $7bn instead, while has a history of getting sucked “solidarity in the service of their charge in June of this year and re- the latter got a ‘gift’ of $1.5bn. into other people’s wars, usually respective peoples and the entire placed with the son of the king, the Now we are once again moving in return for a pittance of help with Muslim ummah”, the communiqué present young prince Mohammad towards a repeat of that cycle, exour chronic balance of payments of 2014 mentioned “promotion of bin Salman. cept Trump is sitting in D.C. and deficit. At the moment though, the causes of the Muslim ummah” And then comes the night of the the kingdom has issues of its own. Pakistan has managed to walk the with two whole paragraphs on long knives, Nov 4, when Lebanese Both are eyeing Pakistan’s army, fine line and stay out of the con- Syria. prime minister Saad Hariri landed and have some demands of it. The flicts growing in the Middle East, The forces pushing and pulling in the kingdom and announces Chinese have no history of bailing and the latest visit of the current Pakistan into regional conflict are his resignation, a large section of anyone out, with the closest examarmy chief to Tehran appears to be powerful, and should be carefully the royal family is rounded up on ple being the Sri Lankans, who had cementing the country’s neutrality considered. charges of corruption and placed to surrender territory in return for in the whole affair. But the forces Pakistan was already feeling the under arrest, and Riyadh comes a debt-equity swap on Hambantota pushing and pulling Pakistan into tug in the fray opening up in the under attack from long-range mis- Port. the regional conflicts there are Middle East in 2014, it appears. siles fired from Yemen, that it later The chips are not falling nicely. powerful, and should be carefully The next point on the timeline was alleges were supplied by Iran and It is more vital than ever that the considered. the creation of the military alli- constituted an “act of war”. hard-fought stability that Pakistan Ever since Pakistan accepted that ance, led by the kingdom. Pakistan Things are heating up to boiling has acquired in the past few years ‘gift’ of $1.5 billion from “a friend- learned from the news conference point now. The royal family is not be bargained away in return ly country that does not want to be announcing the creation of the al- in a tumult, war drums between for a bailout since we are moving named”, but was later identified liance that it was a member. That Saudi Arabia and Iran are sound- towards a depletion of the foreign as Saudi Arabia, there has been a raised another important question: ing, and Lebanon appears to be exchange reserves one more time. lurking danger that we are being have we secretly agreed to deploy moving towards becoming the Staying out of the regional concourted to join the multi-front con- ground troops in Yemen? The an- next Syria. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s flicts that are breaking out to our flicts that are sweeping across the swer was no, going by strenuous former army chief still sits as the west ought to be foreign policy Middle East. The obvious question government denials in the wake of commander of the alliance, while priority number one for us. The that was raised when we learned that news conference, not yet, but media reports say Pakistan has push-and-pull factors dragging us of this ‘gift’ was: what is the quid the pressure was on. signed three separate short-term into that quagmire are powerful, pro quo? What are we expected to Then came the hectic diplomacy, loan agreements worth $700 mil- but it is difficult to overstate the give in return? There were grounds with Nawaz Sharif and then army lion from the Islamic Development importance of transcending them to be incredulous when we were chief Raheel Sharif taking turns Bank, in which Saudi Arabia holds this time round. told that nothing was expected in to visit the kingdom, with no at- the largest shareholding of 23.5 By:Khurram Husain return. That is not how things work tendant announcement on the sub- per cent shares (the second largest The writer is a member of staff Dawn in this world, and surely the bill stance of the conversations held shareholder is Libya, with 9.43pc). will become due at some point. there. A commitment was issued Of that, according to the same reThe second point on the timeline that Pakistan will defend the two ports, almost half has already been Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r.
The Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Called Eid Milad un Nabi is on Dec 1,2017 By: Imam Syed Soharwardy Islamicsupremecouncil.com (Calgary) Around the world Muslims will be celebrating one of the most important days of Islamic calendar - the birthday of Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) called Eid Milad un Nabi (Error! Filename not specified.). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in year 571 A.D. in the city of Makkah on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, the 3rd month of the Islamic Calendar. This year 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal will be on December 1, 2017. However, the month-long celebrations of Eid Milad un Nabi starts with the advent of the new moon of Rabi-ul-Awwal on November 19, 2017. Eid Milad un Nabi is a National Holiday in almost all Muslim countries and several nonMuslim countries including India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Fiji and Guyana. The Islamic Supreme Council of Canada and its affiliate mosques and organizations across Canada request Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and all the provincial and territorial Premiers to recognize Eid Milad un Nabi of-
ficially in the Canadian Parliament and the Provincial / Territorial Legislatures. This recognition is important for the Canadian Muslims. It is an important day of joy and celebration across the Muslim world. Buildings and houses are decorated, poor and needy are fed and large gatherings are organized to praise Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Among the entire Creation of Allah (God) Muslims love and respect Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the most. That is why Eid Milad un Nabi is the most joyful but highly religious and spiritual event of the Islamic calendar. Canadian Muslims will also be celebrating Eid Milad un Nabi (peace be upon him). Islamic Supreme Council of Canada – a national Canadian Islamic organization with chapters in major cities across the country will be holding several international conferences over the next two months in various cities from Montreal to Vancouver. Several other Islamic organizations will also be holding programs to create awareness about the life and the message of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In current times when extremism and terrorism is destroying world peace, the message of Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad (peace be upon him) is critical. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the holy Qur’an as mercy for the entire humanity and all creations of Allah (God). Eid Milad un Nabi provides an opportunity to learn about the true message of Islam which is based upon the sanctity of life, sacrifices, charity, forgiveness and brotherhood / sister-
hood among all human beings. Starting November 19, several international Muslim scholars will be addressing the Canadian conferences across the country. World renowned Naat Khawn (religious singers) and Qurra (holy Qur’an reciters) will also be participating in these Canadian conferences.
Governor General Julie Payette Should Apologize By: Imam Syed Soharwardy Islamicsupremecouncil, Calgary View this email in your browser The recent speech by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada at a science conference in Ottawa is not only offensive but also insulting to Canadians of many faiths. Governor General of Canada should know that most Canadians do believe in the divine intervention and do believe in the creation of human race. If Governor General does not believe in faith she should not be insulting Canadians and making fun of their beliefs. Governor General said, “We are still debating and still questioning whether life was a divine intervention or whether it was coming out of a natural process let alone, oh my goodness, a random process.” We understand Governor General Julie Payette has the right to have her beliefs and is free to express her beliefs but being Governor General of Canada, she should also respect the beliefs of millions of Canadians of many faiths.
“We also believe in science. My faith is very scientific, but I also believe in the Creator who created the Heavens and the Earth for scientists to explore and discover,” said Imam Syed Soharwardy, the founder of Islamic Supreme Council of Canada (ISCC). Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not have to defend Governor General’s mistake. It’s not about the defense of science. Governor General’s statements were very disturbing. Governor General Julie Payette should know in our National Anthem we invoke divine intervention every time when we stand up for the Canadian Flag, “God Keep our land glorious and free…..” this is the intervention every Canadian believes in and love to invoke. We hope Governor General Julie Payette recognizes she represents the Queen of Canada who is also the Supreme Governor of Church of England. People of faith respect everyone whether they believe in divine intervention and creationism or not. We do not insult anyone or make fun of their beliefs. Similarly, those who do not believe in creation or existence of God should respect who believe. Since Her Excellency the Right Honourable Governor General is new to her position we expect she should recognize her grave mistake and apologize to Canadians. We recognize Her Excellency’s contribution to Canada as a scientist and former astronaut. We are very proud and thankful to her. However, it will be very wise if our Governor General apologizes for making fun of religious beliefs.
Bringing THE
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Court indicts Nawaz in 3 separate corruption references, rejects plea for clubbing NAB cases
After the indictment, the court revived summonses for the prosecution witnesses — Sidra Mansoor of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and Jahangir Ahmed of Federal Board of Revenue — for their presence in the next hearing.The Sharif family members left the court after the hearing was adjourned until November 15. The court had reserved its ruling on Sharif’s application on Tuesday after hearing arguments from both the defence counsel and the NAB prosecution. Nawaz Sharif along with his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law retired Captain Mohammad Safdar appeared before the accountability court in Islamabad on Wednesday as The accountability court hearing corruption cases against hearing resumed into the references filed under the directives Nawaz Sharif and his family members has rejected an ap- of the Supreme Court in the Panama Papers case verdict. plication filed by the ousted prime minister for clubbing together the three references filed by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB). After the announcement of the Speaking to reporters as he left the court, Nawaz Sharif said judgement, Sharif was called to the rostrum and the judge he already knew the Supreme Court judgement on the review read out the charges against him. The former prime minis- petitions filed against the Panama Papers case verdict would ter was indicted separately in each of the three references never come in his favour.“These judges are full of grudge... — he pleaded “not guilty” to all the charges.While at the their grudge and anger has come out in words,” he said, comrostrum, Sharif expressed his concern that since the Su- menting on the strong words used in the detailed order. preme Court had given a six-month deadline for the refer- “This grudge, anger and words will become a dark chapter ences to be wrapped up, deciding four references in this pe- of history.”Sharif said the judiciary had penned several dark riod would mean each case gets just 1.5 months. However, chapters in Pakistan’s history during dictatorial rules and the the judge observed that the cases could conclude within the judgement on the review petition would be “written in dark timeframe if heard simultaneously. letters” as well. Source: Dawn News
‘I knew verdict would be against me’
24 killed as bus falls intoutyravine near Chakwal Commissioner Omar Jahangir also rushed to the spot
CHAKWAL: At least 24 passengers died and 67 were injured when their bus fell into a ravine near Dhoke Pathan village on Pindigheb-Talagang Road on Wednesday night. The accident occurred at about at 9pm. Rescue 1122 ambulances parked at Talagang hospitals were the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy, followed by an operation team from Chakwal that reached there about 40 minutes later. District Police Officer Muhammad Haroon Joiya and Dep-
and supervised the rescue operation.“The bus was on its way to Raiwind from Kohat and the passengers were going to Raiwind to attend the annual religious congregation,” Muhammad Afzal, the Station House Officer of Saddar Police Station, told Dawn. Confirming that 24 people had been killed, he said that all the passengers belonged to Kohat area.According to Rescue 1122 spokesperson Khurram Manzoor, 13 of the injured were rushed to Rawalpindi because of their serious condition.Scores of other injured were shifted to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Talagang, City Hospital Talagang and District Headquarters Hospital Chakwal, he added. SHO Afzal said that originally the bus was to go to Raiwind via Islamabad-Lahore Motorway but it opted for another route. “The motorway is closed after 10pm due to smog and overloaded buses are fined on the motorway. That’s why the driver opted to go through GT Road,” he added.“The driver was unfamiliar with this area and he was running the bus at high speed. The bus fell into the ravine while it was passing through a slope,” he said.
Musharraf quick to welcome newly formed MQM-PSP alliance
alliance] then this will give birth to a new national-level political force,” Musharraf said while presenting his formula for changing the existing political scenario in the country. He urged all the communities living in Karachi and rural Sindh to unite under this platform, so that they are able to defeat PPP and form the government in the province.
Alliance or merger?
The announcement of an alliance between the political parties that, until recently, were highly critical of each other attracted mixed reactions on Twitter from politicians. MQM stalwart Ali Haider Abidi announced his decision to quit the party and vacate his NA-251 seat while the press conference was ongoing. Former president Pervez Musharraf, in a video message on On the other hand, Faisal Sabzwari provided clarification Wednesday, welcomed the formation of a political alliance that MQM and PSP had only formed an “alliance” and not between Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and the Pak announced a merger. Sarzameen Party (PSP), however, Musharraf did so even before it was formally announced. The video message was shared on social media from the official account of Musharraf’s political party — All Pakistan Muslim league (APML). Musharraf started the video message by expressing his delight on the merger of political forces representing the Mohajir community. He, however, was quick to clarify that he had no sympathy for MQM and didn’t see any future of that party, but it was necessary for the Mohajir community to unite under one political umbrella.The former president went on to say that he did not support community-based politics and preferred to do politics for the betterment of the country. “If the factions of APML unite in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, and join hands with them [the newly formed
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
N ationa l
Israeli kindergarten raid terrifies Palestinian kids
Teachers and parents have decried a raid on a school by Israeli forces that resulted in the arrests of the school’s deputy principal and three teachers. Israeli police entered the Zahwa al-Quds kindergarten and primary school in the occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Beit Hanina on Monday and made the arrests because staff refused to follow Israel’s education standard, according to school staff. “Israel is attempting to force our school to adopt the Israeli education curriculum,” Ziad al-Shamali, head of the school’s parent committee, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday. “We are refusing this. So they decided to raid our school and scare our children.” Local teacher Ola Nini told Al Jazeera several unarmed and plainclothed Israeli police officers and officials from Israel’s Jerusalem municipality entered the school during the first class of the morning. Zahwa al-Quds is a private school with about 90 students between the ages of three and nine. Officers searched all the classrooms and demanded the identity cards of each teacher, Nini said, adding they then wrote down their names and made photocopies of their IDs. Shamali said the officers also confiscated phones and deleted footage of the incident on the school’s surveillance cameras. The students were so frightened that at least one child urinated on herself, Nini added. “The officers began to question the students about the books they were reading and took pictures of the books,” Nini explained. The officers then made their way to the principal’s office, broke in, and confiscated teacher salaries and school papers in the drawers of the principal’s desk, she said. During the raid, the school’s deputy principal and three teachers were taken into
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Israeli custody. They were released later on Monday. Rachel Greenspan, spokeswoman for the local government, said the Jerusalem municipality was not involved in the incident and denied there was a raid on the school. “There was a dispute between the teachers and the principal regarding salaries,” she told Al Jazeera. An Israeli police spokesperson did not respond to Al Jazeera’s request for comment. Monday was not the first time Zahwa al-Quds school was targeted by Israeli security forces. According to Nini, two armed Israeli police officers also stormed and searched the school in September. The school received an Israeli permit when it was established about a year ago, according to Shamali. However in July, Israel allegedly revoked the license after staff refused to start teaching the Israeli curriculum, forcing the school to obtain a Palestinian permit from the al-Waqf Islamic Trust. Shamali said Israel’s targeting of Zahwa al-Quds was part of its plan to coerce Palestinian schools in East Jerusalem into teaching the Israeli curriculum. “They don’t want anything Palestinian left. They want all of our schools to be for Israelis,” he said. “So they will keep making it difficult for our children to learn.” Tahseen Elayyan, head of the monitoring and documentation department at the Palestinian human rights NGO al-Haq, agreed saying there have been “constant attempts” by Israel to impose its education system on Palestinian schools. Israel’s goal is “to suppress the Palestinian narrative, especially since the curriculum does not mention the atrocities committed against Palestinians in 1948 and other historical facts that are linked to Palestinian history on this land”, Elayyan said. Shamali said Palestinian students have unwittingly become victims of Israel’s “violent policies” towards Palestinian schools in East Jerusalem. “These raids make the children scared to go to school,” he said, noting families are becoming afraid to send their children to schools that teach the Palestinian curriculum. “If children are seeing police raid their schools and arrest their teachers, they will think that school is a bad and unsafe place,” said Shamali. “They would never behave like this in front of Israeli children.” Source: Al-Jazeera
Trump Says Gun Control Would’ve Made ‘No Difference’ in Texas Church Shooting
President Donald Trump dismissed questions Tuesday about if he’d pursue the same kind of “extreme vetting” for wouldbe gun owners. When asked by NBC News about gun control in the aftermath of the deadly shooting at a Texas church over the weekend, Trump said it wasn’t the right place or time to ask the question before explaining that such measures would have made “no difference” on Sunday. “You’re bringing up a situation that probably shouldn’t be discussed too much right now,” he said during a joint press conference with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Trump, who advocated for stricter vetting policies in the hours after a terror attack on New York City last week, said “we could let a little time go by” before talking about gun control, “but it’s okay if you feel that that’s an appropriate question, even though we’re in the heart of South Korea.” The president went on to applaud “that very brave person who happened to have a gun or a rifle in his truck” and shot the killer. “If he didn’t have a gun,” Trump alleged, “instead of having 26 dead, you would’ve had hundreds more dead. So that’s the way I feel about it. Not gonna help.” Pressed once more on if he would consider gun control measures broadly, he pivoted to the continued gun deaths in tough-on-guns Chicago as an example that legislating the problem would
not fix it. “Chicago is a disaster,” he said, “a total disaster.” It’s the second time since arriving in Asia that the president has been pressed on gun measures. Asked about it in Tokyo on Monday, Trump deemed the shooting at a Texas church not “a guns situation” but instead “a mental health problem at the highest level.” Twenty-six people were killed Sunday when Devin Kelley opened fire at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. A Glock and a Ruger handgun were discovered inside a Ford Expedition where Kelley’s body was found after a chase following the shooting, authorities said, and a Ruger AR-556 rifle was recovered at the church. The shooter shouldn’t have been able to purchase a gun legally, but an Air Force officer failed to enter Kelley’s domestic violence court-martial into a national database, the Air Force said Monday. Air Force brass ordered a full review of how the court-martial was handled in 2012, the Air Force said. Source: NBC News
Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal
Saudi Arabia announced the arrest on Saturday night of the prominent billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, plus at least 10 other princes, four ministers and tens of former ministers. The announcement of the arrests was made over Al Arabiya, the Saudi-owned satellite network whose broadcasts are officially approved. Prince Alwaleed’s arrest is sure to send shock waves both through the kingdom and the world’s major financial centers.He controls the investment firm Kingdom Holding and is one of the world’s richest men, owning or having owned major stakes in 21st Century Fox, Citigroup, Apple, Twitter and many other well-known companies. The prince also controls satellite television networks watched across the Arab world. The sweeping campaign of arrests appears to be the latest move to consolidate the power of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the favorite son and top adviser of King Salman.At 32, the crown prince is already the dominant voice in Saudi military, foreign, economic and social policies, stirring murmurs of discontent in the royal family that he has amassed too much personal power, and at a remarkably young age. The king had decreed the creation of a powerful new anti-corruption committee, headed by the crown prince, only hours before the committee ordered the arrests. Al Arabiya said that the anticorruption committee has the right to investigate, arrest, ban from travel, or freeze the assets of anyone it
deems corrupt. The Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh, the de facto royal hotel, was evacuated on Saturday, stirring rumors that it would be used to house detained royals. The airport for private planes was closed, arousing speculation that the crown prince was seeking to block rich businessmen from fleeing before more arrests. Prince Alwaleed was giving interviews to the Western news media as recently as late last month about subjects like so-called crypto currencies and Saudi Arabia’s plans for a public offering of shares in its state oil company, Aramco. He has also recently sparred publicly with President Donald J. Trump. The prince was part of a group of investors who bought control of the Plaza Hotel in New York from Mr. Trump, and he also bought an expensive yacht from him as well. But in a twitter message in 2015 the prince called Mr. Trump “a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America.”
SLAMABAD: The Afghan government on Wednesday ordered a probe into the killing of a Pakistani diplomatic staffer in Jalalabad and vowed security for Afghanistan-based diplomatic corps.“The government has issued directives to the security officials to investigate the incident, track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice,” a statement issued by the Afghan presidency said. The presidency further condemned the killing of a Pakistani consulate emplo yee in Jalalabad. “It is an act of terror running counter to all diplomatic principles,” the statement said. Nayyar Iqbal Rana, who worked in the visa section of the consulate, was shot dead on Monday evening while he was shopping in a market near his residence. Earlier in June, two staffers of the Pakistan consulate in Jalalabad were abducted as they travelled by road back to their country. They were later recovered by Afghan security forces. The Foreign Office (FO) had condemned the murder and summoned the Afghan charge d’ affaires to receive protest over the incident. The FO had demanded foolproof security for Pakistani diplomats and missions in Afghanistan. Reassuring Kabul’s diplomatic corps of security arrangements, the presidency said: “The Afghan government obliges itself to ensure security of all diplomatic represencting its security and defe nce tations, dire
officials to take all necessary measures for ensuring security of all diplomatic corps and representations based in Afghanistan”. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani also called Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to offer condolences on Mr Rana’s murder. Mr Abbasi told Mr Ghani that Pakistan expected urgent steps for apprehending the culprits of this heinous crime and bringing them to justice at the earliest. “The prime minister underlined the need for thorough investigation by the Afghan government to expose the forces behind this abhorrent act,” the Prime Minister Office said and demanded better security arrangements for Pakistani nationals in Afghanistan, including diplomats and diplomatic premises. He further underscored the need for “sustained engagement” between the two neighbours for promoting harmony and cooperation. Source: Dawn news.com
Afghan govt orders probe into Pakistani official’s murder
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
N a t i o n a l
In t
Groups launch legal challenge Paradise Papers: CRA to investiof Quebec’s face veil ban gate new evidence of tax evasion
Canadian human rights and civil liberty groups have launched a constitutional challenge of a recent law that bans face coverings in the province of Quebec, a measure they argue violates the rights of Muslim women who wear a full face covering. The National Council of Canadian Muslims and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association filed a lawsuit in Quebec Superior Court against parts of the law, known as Bill 62, on Tuesday. The lawsuit is asking the court to order a stay to block the law’s implementation across the province. Warda Naili, a Muslim woman in Quebec who wears a niqab, a full face covering which usually leaves the area around the eyes uncovered, is named in the legal challenge. “It’s a big thing. It’s stressful, it’s scary, but at the same time, it’s essential that it gets done because this law must be suspended,” Naili, whose legal name is Marie-Michelle Lacoste, told Al Jazeera over the phone from Montreal. She said she agreed to put her name forward because Bill 62 is “unconstitutional” and “unacceptable”. “A lot of women would like to do it, but they’re scared,” Naili said. “Someone had to do it.” Quebec’s Minister of Justice, Stephanie Vallee, defended the law on Tuesday, saying it was “justified in the free and democratic society that is Quebec”. “The debate will take place in front of the courts,” Vallee told reporters. Bill 62, which was passed last month in the Quebec legislature, forces public employees to uncover their faces when administering services. Members of the public are also obliged to uncover their faces to receive services, including in municipalities across the province and on public transportation. Quebec has justified the law as part of a long-standing effort to enshrine “religious neutrality” into law in the French-speaking province. Last month, Vallee said the law was about being able to identify people. “These are common-sense rules that will apply,” she said. But critics and civil rights groups say it unfairly targets Muslim women who wear the niqab. “This bill is not neutral whatsoever and it has nothing to do with state religious neutrality,” said Razia Hamidi, the Montreal representative of
the National Council of Canadian Muslims. Hamidi told Al Jazeera that Bill 62 is “discriminatory” and violates the rights of Muslim women under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. “They hold these religious beliefs and have the constitutional right to do so,” Hamidi added. Public protests against Bill 62 have taken place across Montreal in recent weeks, including demonstrators who have taken public transit, or lined up along a popular bus route, while covering their faces. As it stands, Muslim women will have to unveil their faces when boarding public buses or metros and during the delivery of public services, including during a doctor’s visit or in a classroom. A few dozen Muslim women are believed to wear a full face veil in the province. “This bill doesn’t further state neutrality; it undermines it, by targeting some of the most vulnerable,” said Cara Zwible, the acting general counsel at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, during a press conference on Tuesday morning. “We believe that people in Canada have basic rights to religious freedom, equality and the liberty to move around society and go about our daily lives without unreasonable and unnecessary intrusions from the state,” Zwible said. Naili said she hoped the legal challenge would suspend Bill 62’s implementation across the province. “This law is an injustice,” she said. “It sends the message to intolerant people that they have a right to be intolerant.” Source: Al-Jazeera
US urges UN action after Saudi blames Iran over missile
The United States has called on the United Nations to act against Iran after Saudi Arabia, a Washington ally, accused Tehran of “direct military aggression” through the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Amid an escalating war of words, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Tuesday pointed the figure to Iran for supplying a ballistic missile that was fired on Saturday from Houthi-held territory towards Riyadh’s international airport. Saudi-led forces, which have been fighting the Houthis since March 2015, intercepted and destroyed the weapon before it reached its target. Iran, which supports the Shia Houthi rebels but denies arming them, has dismissed the Saudi allegation as “contrary to reality”. Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, on Tuesday accused Iran of supplying a missile to the Houthis that was fired into Saudi Arabia in July, and also referred to Riyadh’s allegation that the weapon that was shot down over Riyadh on Saturday “may also be of Iranian origin”. “By providing these types of weapons to the Houthi militias in Yemen, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is violating
two UN resolutions simultaneously,” Haley said. “We encourage the United Nations and international partners to take necessary action to hold the Iranian regime accountable for these violations.” Tensions between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran have surged in recent days, in a crisis that extends far beyond Yemen: the two countries have supported opposing sides in regional conflicts and disputes, and Riyadh has made clear it wants to curb Tehran’s influence not just in the Arabian Peninsula but across the region. Federica Mogherini, Europe’s top diplomat, on Tuesday called for calm, warning that the mounting tension was “extremely dangerous”. “Allow me to bring a little bit of wisdom as the European voice in a world that seems to go completely crazy here: It’s dangerous,” she told reporters in Washington. “We need to calm down the situation. We need to bring down the temperature a bit rather than increasing the level of confrontation.” Mogherini’s comments came as the Houthis warning that airports in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, a Riyadh ally, could be their next firing
The Canada Revenue Agency says it won’t hesitate to investigate new evidence of offshore tax evasion in the wake of a second massive leak of tax haven financial records. The leak of some 13.4 million records, dubbed the Paradise Papers, lifts another veil on the often murky ways in which the wealthy – including more than 3,000 Canadian individuals and entities – stash their money in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Among the names that pop up in the records with some connection to offshore accounts are former Canadian prime ministers Brian Mulroney, Paul Martin and Jean Chretien, the Queen, U.S. commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, and the past and current chief fundraisers for the federal Liberal party. Neither the CRA nor any court has determined the Canadians did anything wrong. Offshore accounts are used by wealthy individuals and corporations around the world as a perfectly legal way to reduce their tax burden, although the anonymity provided to account holders has also led to associations with tax evasion, money laundering and organized crime. The Paradise Papers were obtained by German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, including CBC/Radio Canada and the Toronto Star which published details on Sunday. The media outlets did not disclose how they acquired the documents, which consist primarily of client records of offshore law firm Appleby, as well as some records from offshore corporate services firms Estera and Asiaciti Trust. In an apparent attempt to pre-empt the news reports, the CRA issued a statement last Friday, detailing the agency’s efforts to crack down on tax evasion and tax avoidance, which intensified following the first huge leak of tax-haven records, known as the Panama Papers, in April 2016. The agency said it’s invested $1 billion to tackle the problem and currently has more than 990 audits and more than 42 criminal investigations underway related to offshore tax havens. As a result of audits over the last two years, the CRA said it identified some $25 billion in unpaid taxes, interest and penalties. And last year, it levied more than $44 million in penalties on tax advisers who facilitated noncompliance with Canadian tax laws. The agency said it’s also working closely with 36 other countries in the Joint International Taskforce on Shared Intelligence and Collaboration on more effective ways to detect and deal with tax evasion and avoidance. Evidently anticipating Sunday’s release of the Paradise Papers, the CRA promised to do more should new details of questionable practices emerge. “In the event that further details come to light, CRA will not hesitate to investigate and take further action as warranted,” the agency said. “The government of Canada will continue to work with the provinces and territories, as well as other tax
targets. A Saudi-led military coalition went to war with the Houthi rebels in March 2015 after they seized the capital, Sanaa. In the wake of the missile incident, the Saudi-led alliance has intensified its Yemen embargo, announcing the “immediate” closure of all air, land and sea ports of the Arabian Peninsula country. The decision could further limit access for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Yemen, which imports up to 90 per cent of its daily needs. On Tuesday, the UN called on the coalition to immediately lift the blockade, describing the current situation in the country as “catastrophic”. “Humanitarian operations are being blocked as a result of the closure ordered by the Saudiled coalition,” Jens Laerke, spokesperson
administrations and all other partners, to ensure a tax system that works for Canadians. In addition, the CRA will continue to build on its capacity to detect and crack down on tax cheats and ensure that those who choose to break the law face the consequences and are held accountable for their actions.” A spokesman for National Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier, said on Sunday that “the CRA is reviewing links to Canadian entities and will take appropriate action in regards to the Paradise Papers.” Tax avoidance measures involving offshore trusts are legal, provided that the trust is genuinely managed offshore and that Canadian taxes are paid on any Canadian contributions. According to the Toronto Star and CBC/Radio Canada, the records suggest that Stephen Bronfman and his family’s Montreal-based investment company, Claridge Inc., were linked to an offshore trust in the Cayman Islands that may have used questionable means to avoid paying millions in taxes. Bronfman is a close friend of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who tapped him in 2013 to fill the role of revenue chair – effectively, the chief fundraiser – for the federal Liberal party. The offshore trust also involved former chief Liberal fundraiser and senator Leo Kolber and his son, Jonathan Kolber. William Brock, a lawyer for Bronfman and Jonathan Kolber, denied any impropriety, telling the CBC that his clients “have always acted properly and ethically, including fully complying with all applicable laws.” Any suggestion of “false documentation, fraud, ‘disguised’ conduct, tax evasion or similar conduct is false,” Brock added. The Prime Minister’s Office referred questions about Bronfman to the Liberal party. Party spokesman Braeden Caley said Bronfman’s role is strictly a volunteer position devoted to fundraising, “not policy decisions.” The revenue chair is a “non-voting position” on the party’s national board, Caley added. Conservative leader Andrew Scheer issued a statement on Sunday accusing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of failing to crack down on “tax avoidance schemes used by his wealthy friends.” “Justin Trudeau’s wellconnected Liberal friends get away with paying less, and you pay more. There is nothing fair about that,” the statement said. Source: McLean’s for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told reporters in Geneva. Laerke said the UN has received reports that fuel prices surged by 60 percent overnight and cooking gas up to 100 percent in some parts of Yemen as a result of the blockade. “Long lines of cars are queuing at gas stations,” he added. Laerke said humanitarian flights to and from Yemen were put on hold, adding that the Saudi-led coalition had asked UN staffto tell all ships arriving at the sea ports of Hodeidah and Saleef “to leave”. According to the UN, some seven million people in Yemen are on the brink of famine and were only being kept alive thanks to humanitarian operations. Source: Al-Jazeera
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
By : Javairia Nawaz slam is the widest spreading Religion today. It was Prophet Muhammad’s unique communication and leadership style that led to the spread of Islam, not only within Arabia but also outside to the north, south, east, west and southwest of Arabia. He was a dynamic, wise and just leader.
Early Days of Islam:
Abu Qatadah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, passed by a funeral and he said, “One is relieved and one is relieved from.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, what is one relieved and one relieved from?” The Prophet said, “The believing servant is relieved from the hardships and harms of the world to the mercy of Allah. The wicked are those from whom are relieved the servants, lands, trees, and creatures.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6147, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 950
Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a Leader
made agreements with the jews and Christians living in Madina, that they will defend the state together. The key objective underpinning the Islamic military policy was first to grant people a chance to be familiar with the Divine Message. The manner was to call them quietly and realistically. But many barriers were placed between mankind and the Divine Message. The adoption of the military policy by the Muslims wanted to demolish this obstruction and leave a man free to choose for himself. It was a strategy, not only realized by the leadership, but even by the smallest member of the Muslim community. The Jews of Medina were so impressed by his impartiality and intelligence of justice that they used to bring their cases to him, and he resolute them according to Jewish law. –
When he had his first revelation, he was shaken with fear. In this condition true to his humility, he preached initially only to his close family and friends. He was fully conscious that his message would actually turn his culture upturned. In the early days of his sacred mission, to spare his supporters harassment, he approved for them to migrate to Abyssinia for their security protection. That was topmost in his mind, a true leader. This migration was a big step. The Battle of Badr and Uhad: king of Abyssinia warm welcomed them Battle of Badr and Uhad were first and and they lived there in peace. second battles respectively fought by MusAfter migration to Madinah: lims under the leadership of Holy Prophet The holy Prophet migrated to Madina, when (PBUH).In the second year of Hijrah, durthe people of Madina recognized Him asked ing the month of Ramadan, the Muslims Him to come and live with them. The first learnt that a caravan of the Quraish was en and leading outcome of the migration was route to Mecca, led by Abu-Sufyan. The the establishment of the new Islamic state Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) lost no headed by the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) time in sending off a small army of 300 with its surfacing, Muslims adopted a mili- Muslims with little equipment. They had tary policy and the opportunity offered it. He only 70 camels making every two, three or
four people to take turns to ride on each. News of the Prophet’s journey leaked out and Abu-Sufyan was heading for the caravan to another route. In addition, he also asked for help and the Quraish responded by sending an army three times greater than the total number of the Muslims. The matter, for the Muslims, turned to be a head to head quarrel with the Quraish. They had either to tackle the Quraish or retreat back. There were three times more non Muslims then Muslims, but it was due to strategies of the Holy Prophet they won the battle with very less harm. He asked to take the upper positions. The Muslims first occupied the water wells. These were some factors why they won the battle. After the win when nearly 70 non believers were brought as captives, the Holy Prophet ordered to treat them with care. They were given terms to be freed. One was to pay the ransom and the other was to teach 10 kids. When the results of a battle of uhad took place then the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) began to ask his companions about their advices like a good leader. And in the end they all agreed to fight the battle outside Madina. This was a good example of democracy. With one thousand fighters, the Prophet marched to Uhud outside Madinah to meet the attacking force The Prophet of Allah
(PBUH) set the Muslims in battle-ranks, positioning fifty archers of the Ansar over the hill pass in order to discourage the enemy from ambushing the Muslims from behind. He put one of them as their leader and advised them not to leave their position at any cost. Seeing the consequences they left that places, denying their leaders were telling. Due to this they suffered a loss.
of getting reward from God. By performing acts that bring us closer to God, we reach a stage where we can be in the company of the Prophet, pbuh, in Paradise and view God’s face which is the ultimate bliss. And that is the goal we yearn for. Of the Prophet, the best of all mankind, God described in the Holy Qur’an: “You have an exalted standard of character.” (Chapter: Pen, Verse: 4). It is also stated in the Holy Qur’an that he is the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets: “Muhammad is not the father of any one of your men, but he is the Apostle of God, and the Seal of the Prophets. And God has full knowledge of all things.” (Chapter: Confederates, Verse: 40). The recital of the prayers to send blessings on the Prophet, pbuh, is an act of boundless reward. Most Merciful God has been gracious enough to lead us out of darkness into light. O God, send your blessings and salutations to our master, Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who will follow him until the Day of Judgment. Though there is disagreement on the date on which the Prophet, pbuh, was born, there is no dispute over the fact that he was born on Monday. Therefore, Monday has a special significance.
We Muslims must thank Merciful God for guiding us to the true religion and including us in the community of Muhammad, pbuh. It is our duty to translate our thanks to God in virtuous deeds, and express our joy over God’s special mercy in sending the Prophet, pbuh, to us. Almighty God said in the Holy Qur’an “We sent you not but as a mercy for all creatures.” (Chapter: The Prophets, Verse: 107). Though we should always practice virtuous deeds to enable us to achieve closeness to God, it is most important to do so on special occasions. Does mankind know a more appropriate day than the day of his birth? On this day we should practice more of his Sunnah such as fasting, caring for our kin, feeding the poor, making our spouses and children happy, organizing gatherings to discuss his life and exemplary qualities, seeking forgiveness from those we have wronged and, above all, increase glorification of God. O Allah, send blessings and salutations upon our master, Muhammad, and his family and reward us in both this life and the life after death. O God, send blessings and salutations upon our lord, Muhammad, and illuminate our hearts and ennoble our minds both in this life and in the life after death.
Principles of Islamic leadership:
Leadership in Islamic Definition, lead to achieving the objective and complete to be ahead of others to seek the pleasure of Allah and success in hereafter. Definition of a Leader attains set objectives a Leader is one who: Organizes bodily resources, gives guidance and influences actions with behaviors. In Islam, a leader must have the Taqwah with excellent conduct and character. This is to be done through a constant struggle by developing Close relation with Allah (SWT) Love of the Prophet (PBUH), Sahabah and Ulamah .And concern and fear of the accountability in the Akhirah. He should have knowledge and practice of Islam, administrative knowledge, and wisdom of management. He should be honest, trustworthy and wisdom. Decision making ability after appropriate consultation is very important for a leader.
The Month of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) birth
By Nourah Abdul Aziz Al-Khereiji INCE the first day of the month of Rabiul Awwal — the third month of the Hijrah calendar — in which the anniversary of the birth of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, falls, I have felt a joy filling my heart, lighting up vision and enveloping the universe. We exchange greetings to celebrate the month chosen by Most Merciful God for the birth of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, the light of mankind, master of the pious, guide to the right path and the springtime of our hearts. All our noble sentiments are attached to this honored month which is first among all months. Every year we welcome the month like lovers who have been waiting the whole year for a reunion. The month brings us to the anniversary of the birth of the Holy Prophet, pbuh, the model for mankind and the seal of the messengers. We always say that though the study of his life and works are required at all times, they are particularly significant on his birth anniversary. While all countries celebrate their national days every year, the month and day on which the leader of mankind and best of God’s creations was born is entitled to be commemorated in a fitting manner. It should be done by mutually reminding ourselves of his deeds and being
familiar with his qualities so that our love for him becomes deep-seated in our hearts. We should renew our allegiance to him, discuss his teachings and make sure that we follow in his footsteps. In the words of the Holy Qur’an, All that We relate to you of the stories of the apostles — with it We make firm your heart, in them there comes to you the truth, as well as an exhortation and a message of remembrance to those who believe.” (Chapter: Hud, Verse: 120). By following the Holy Prophet, pbuh, we will achieve God’s love and mercy. God says in His Book: “(Muhammad) says: If you love God follow me, God will love you and forgive your sins, because God is Oft-forgiving and Most Merciful.” (Chapter: Al Imran, Verse: 31). Following the footsteps of the Holy Prophet, pbuh, and implicit obedience to him carries us to a point of perfection in which our love for him exceeds our love of self or our love of anyone else. He said: “None of you believe until you love me more than your wealth, your sons, yourself or any other people or things.” Then only will we be able to love for the sake of God, hate for the sake of God and sacrifice to win the love of God. Every virtuous deed we do is with the hope
Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH)
Last edition Al Names were
Waali Al Mamun
name of Allah(swt)
Mohammad(saw) name.
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Nov 10-24, 2017 Safar 21-Rabi ul Awaaal 4,1439H Date Fajar
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
l o c a l
6th Annual Jalsah Graduation Ceremony Presented by Darul Qur’an Institute of Islamic Studies
By: Shaykh Mohammed Anees On October 28, Darul Qur’an Institute of Islamic Studies held its 6th Annual Jalsah and Graduation Ceremony at Royal King Palace Hall in Surrey. This year Alhamdulillah with the help of Allah and the support of the community, 1 student graduated as Hafidh ul Qur’an. He is Hafidh Khalid Kamran son of Mr. & Mrs. Mohammed Kamran. It was an evening full of beautiful and inspiring recitations of the Qur’an, Nasheeds, Salatalan-Nabi, Islamic plays and speeches all performed by the students of the Madrasah. Shaykh Mohammed Anees Abdul Wahab acknowledged the sacrifices made by students and their parents in the pursuit of Islamic education. He then explained that not only are the students of the Madrasah taught Islamic studies such as learning to read the Qur’an correctly with Tajweed, memorizing verses of the Qur’an, praying and living our lives according to the peaceful practices of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, but they are also taught to be law abiding, peaceful, productive and contributing members of Canadian society. Keeping this in mind, we are
pleased to inform the community that Hafidh Khalid, upon completion of his Qur’an memorization, he has already started his university education and is on his way to becoming a civil engineer. The main event of the night was the Khatmul-Qur’an, the graduation ceremony of completion of the Qur’an. Hafidh Khalid Kamran, son of Mr and Mrs Mohammed Kamran began and continued his Islamic Studies with Shaykh Oves and Shaykh Anees and after years of sacrifices and hard work this student completed his Tahfeedh-ul-Qur’an. The amazing and remarkable aspect is that he completed his Tahfeedh-ul-Qur’an while going to high school just like other boys of his age. Many Scholars of Islam attended and graced the event with their presence. Alhamdulillah this year we were honoured with the presence of 2 guest speakers: Shaykh Imam Dr. Zijad Delic of Ottawa who spoke about the importance of educating our Muslim youth and investing in their future. The next guest speaker, Shaykh Dr Muhammad Yaqub, is an eminent professor from Madeenah University of Saudi Arabia who spoke about the amazing
achievement of memorizing the Qur’an, the importance of understanding it and practicing its peaceful teachings. Guests from the lower mainland and guests from Toronto, New York, Los Angeles and other cities attended the event. Dignitaries that attended the event included Member of Parliament Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal and Member of Parliament Ken Hardie and leaders of local Muslim organizations. Both Members of Parliament recognized the positive impact of the Institute in the community. Shaykh Mohammed Anees Abdul Wahab informed the audience that the
Institute suffers financial difficulties and is in need of assistance to carry on the many programs and services the Institute is offering. He then explained that the Institute is committed to financial transparency and the community is welcome to see the financial records of the Institute. At the conclusion of the event the founders of the Institute, Shaykh Mohammed Oves Abdul Wahab and Shaykh Mohammed Anees Abdul Wahab thanked the guests and volunteers and a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed by all in attendance followed by Isha Salah.
Surrey tops list of best place to invest in real estate in BC
Surrey - A new report released today ranks Surrey as the best place for real estate investment in British Columbia. The report entitled Top 10 Towns and Cities – British Columbia, is produced by the Real Estate Investment Network (REIN) an independent research and analysis firm that has been producing reports on housing markets across Canada for 25 years. “I am pleased that Surrey takes the top spot, but I am also not surprised when you factor in Surrey’s planned growth and close proximity to criti-
cal trade and transportation routes,” said Mayor Linda Hepner. “As a City Council, we have worked hard to create a business friendly climate that will attract a diverse economy, while balancing the demand for a broad spectrum of viable housing options for our residents.” The study looks at 36 economic and market factors, and identifies B.C. real estate markets that are best positioned to outperform over the next five years. B.C. cities ranked in order of potential for housing market strength
over the coming five-year period: 1.Surrey 2.Abbotsford 3.New Westminster 4.Victoria 5.Kamloops 6.Kelowna 7.Chilliwack 8.The Tri-Cities of Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody 9.Burnaby 10.Vancouver By: Oliver Lum Media inquiries:
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Paradise Papers: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s election fundraiser may have broken laws Long-standing offshore ties of the Liberal Par- transformed Trudeau’s Liberal Party from onates with admirers around the world, a trove ty moneyman and his famous family provide jarring contrast to Canadian prime minister Trudeau’s campaign for tax fairness. (Written by: Ryan Chittum and Harvey Cashore) AS A candidate and as Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has made economic and tax fairness a centrepiece of his political message. “We can afford to do more for the people who need it by doing less for the people who don’t,” he said while running for office. Trudeau had begun his campaign for a new kind of Canadian politics by turning to a close friend to help raise funds for it: Stephen R Bronfman. A financier and scion of one Canada’s most famous families, Bronfman quickly
moribund political pauper to financial juggernaut, nearly doubling donations in two years. As a thank-you gesture, he sent thousands of donor pairs of mittens in Liberal Party-red. “Justin is very, very salable,” Bronfman, 53, once observed to reporters. “He’s got a great name, and people want to find out who he is.” As the Liberal Party’s chief fundraiser, Bronfman took on a mantle long worn by his godfather, Leo Kolber, the jokingly self-proclaimed “consigliere” of the Bronfman family and longtime pillar of the Liberal Party establishment. Kolber ran many of the Bronfmans’ businesses for decades, becoming wealthy himself in the process. But while Trudeau’s tax-the-rich message res-
of secret documents suggest that Bronfman’s private-investment company, Claridge, for a quarter of a century quietly helped move millions of dollars offshore to Kolber family entities that may have avoided taxes in Canada, the United States and Israel, via a family trust, shell companies and accounting moves questioned by experts. Some of those moves may have run afoul of the rules, according to tax experts, and came as lawyers representing Bronfman, Kolber and other clients with offshore interests were credited with leading a lobbying campaign that successfully staved off a crackdown on offshore trusts long sought by Canadian tax officials.
BC NDP Convention delegates vote to build a sustainable economy. After 16 years of the BC Liberals putting the wealthy few ahead of working British Columbians, BC NDP Convention delegates passed resolutions that affirmed their support for the BC NDP government’s efforts to build a sustainable economy that benefits everyone. Two resolutions debated and passed focused on supporting BC’s forestry industry, which has been hard hit in recent months by fires across the interior. One resolution encourages support for family-owned mills and local forestry operators throughout BC by ensuring they have an adequate supply of wood
fibre. The other pledges support for Premier John Horgan and the BC NDP government’s advocacy on behalf of BC forestry workers and BC mills in ongoing softwood lumber negotiations. After years of BC Liberal mismanagement of the forestry industry, including unnecessary delays to a softwood deal with the United States and the loss of tens of thousands of forestry jobs in rural BC, delegates were adamant for the need to ensure rural communities have the support to create vibrant, local economic development. BC NDP delegates also recognized the need
to expand rapid transit in the Lower Mainland and Central Okanagan to make up for years of inaction by the BC Liberals. BC NDP party delegates demonstrated their support for the government’s focus on making transit a priority and recognized the importance of a robust transit system in making life more affordable for British Columbians in Metro Vancouver. The BC NDP Convention ran Friday through Sunday. More than 800 New Democrats gathered at the Victoria Conference Centre to debate policy resolutions, participate in trainings and workshops and hear speakers.
Statement by the Honourable Andrew Scheer on the Paradise Papers
Ottawa, Ontario - Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, the Honourable Andrew Scheer, today made the following statement regarding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s top fundraiser being mentioned in the Paradise Papers: “While Justin Trudeau spent the
summer calling local business operators tax cheats, it was in fact his top lieutenants within the Liberal Party of Canada who were avoiding paying taxes here in Canada.” “It is no secret that the Prime Minister needs money to pay for his out-of-control deficits. But
instead of cracking down on the tax-avoidance schemes used by his wealthy friends, Trudeau is forcing you to pay the bill. “Justin Trudeau’s well-connected Liberal friends get away with paying less, and you pay more. There is nothing fair about that.”
B.C. NDP premier tells celebratory convention delegates tough decisions ahead
VICTORIA — British Columbia Premier John Horgan opened his New Democratic Party’s convention on Saturday with an exuberant cheer to celebrate the party’s rise to power after 16 years of Liberal governments, but he quickly turned to serious issues ahead. “It feels like the election was a lifetime ago,” said Horgan about last May’s election result that resulted in the NDP reaching an agreement with the Green party to form a minority government. He said the New Democrats face one of the most difficult decisions in B.C.’s history over the future of the $8.3 billion Site C hydroelectric dam, which has been under construction for more than two years. The New Democrats announced they will make a yes or no decision on Site C, and the
fate of the more than 2,000 people currently working on the project, by the end of the year.An independent government-commissioned report this week found the project in B.C.’s northeast will likely not meet its 2024 completion date and is over budget and could cost more than $10 billion. “We have a serious decision ahead of us,” said Horgan. “It’s not just me, not just our colleagues in the government but all of us in B.C. It’s a decisive decision about where we go from here, but this is the good news friends, the decision to proceed or not to proceed is going to be made in the interest of British Columbians.” One of the Horgan’s government’s first moves after taking power last July was to ask the B.C. Utilities Commission, the province’s independent utilities regulator, to examine the project’s economic viability. Site C, which would be the third dam on B.C.’s Peace River near Fort St. John, was a signature job-creation and power generation plan of former Liberal premier Christy Clark. The commission report stated the dam is not
likely to be completed by a 2024 deadline and could end up costing 20 to 50 per cent more than budgeted, increasing completion costs to above $10 billion. Horgan told reporters following his convention speech, he will conduct an intense economic review of the project in the coming weeks. He said he is concerned about recent reports of tension cracks in areas at the construction site. “I’m going to be working with the ministry of finance, B.C. Hydro, the ministry of energy to look at the economics of the project going forward, and new revelations about geotechnical challenges makes it increasingly difficult to look at the project as one that is going to be in the best interest of B.C.,” he said.But Horgan said his comments should not be viewed as a signal he already has made up his mind about killing Site C. “We’ve got a lot of analysis to do on the numbers and how we proceed from here will be known in the fullness of time,” he said. Horgan also told convention delegates the NDP faces a looming battle over the $7.4 billion Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline project, which the party says threatens the province’s coast. The Alberta-to-B.C. pipeline has already re-
ceived approvals from the federal Liberals and the former B.C. Liberal government, but the NDP promised during the election campaign to fight the project. “We are going to be guided by the values of the people in this room,” Horgan told delegates. “We’re going to be guided by the values of British Columbians who believe that a seven-fold increase in tanker traffic in the Salish Sea is not in the interest of our environment. It’s not in the interest of our economy and we’re going to make decisions based on the best interests of you and all British Columbians across the province.” Horgan reinforced the NDP’s plans to fight the pipeline project in comments to reporters after his convention speech. “We’ve been working as diligently as we can looking at what tools we have to make sure we’re putting up the opposition British Columbians have professed to us,” he said. Horgan generated large cheers throughout his speech, but the loudest came when he told delegates he will set his sights high and not accept second best. Horgan hugged federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who also address the convention. Horgan’s leadership received a 97.5 per cent approval at a convention vote.
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Saudi deputy governor and 7 others killed in helicopter crash JEDDAH: The deputy governor of Asir province and seven others were killed in a helicopter crash in the southwestern mountains of Saudi Arabia on Sunday, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported. The accident happened Sunday night when the helicopter carrying Prince
Mansour bin Muqrin and other regional officials were returning from a regular inspection tour, said the report, quoting a Ministry of Interior spokesman. The officials spent most of the day inspecting a number coastal projects west of Abha city, it said.
“While returning in the evening of the same day, contact with the plane was lost in the vicinity of the Reda reserve,” the report said. The ministry has not given any cause for the crash, saying only that the wreckage has been found and responders were searching for survivors
Iran ‘arming Houthis to attack Saudi Arabia, UAE’
RIYADH: Iran is supplying Houthi militia with arms to attack Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Col. Turki Al-Maliki, spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, said on Sunday. Al-Maliki also said the coalition would pay a financial reward for information about 40 Houthis wanted for terrorist crimes. Coalition forces have enough evidence to prove the full complicity of the Tehran regime in the Yemen conflict, Al-Maliki said. At a presentation in Riyadh, he displayed missiles, weapons and military equipment supplied by Iran and seized by coalition forces. He said ballistic missiles used by the Houthis were not from the Yemeni Army arsenal, and came from Iran. Iran also supplied the Houthis with drones, he said. Dismantled missiles and other arms were smuggled through Al-Hodeidah port
in Yemen and assembled inside the country. The Houthis also threatened maritime navigation by using booby-trapped boats, he said. Al-Maliki said the coalition had stepped up operations after Saturday night’s ballistic missile attack on Riyadh, but would not confirm air strikes on military targets in the capital, Sanaa, and elsewhere in Yemen after they attack. Saudi defense forces intercepted and shot down the Houthi missile over King Khaled International Airport. Some debris landed in an uninhabited area but there were no casualties and the airport continued operating as normal. Al-Maliki said the Houthis had launched the missile indiscriminately to target civilians in populated areas, which was a provocative act. Coalition forces would do whatever was possible to deter the threat from militants in
Yemen, he said. The Houthis have launched 78 missiles at Saudi Arabia, including one in July aimed at Makkah, since the coalition began fighting to restore the legitimate government in Yemen in March 2015. The Houthis were the first outlawed terrorist group to have ballistic capabilities, which was a challenge to deal with, Al-Maliki said. “Terrorists and militant groups cannot possess such powers, especially ballistic and surface-to-surface missiles.” In addition, he said, the Houthis had planted about 50,000 land mines along the Saudi border, which were found and neutralized by coalition experts. He also called on the international community, especially the UN, to assess violations of UN Security Council Resolution 2216. The resolution, approved in April 2015, calls for an end to violence and demands that
the Houthis withdraw from all areas seized during the conflict, relinquish arms seized from military and security institutions, and cease all actions falling exclusively within the authority of the legitimate government of Yemen. Source: ARAB NEWS
Cabinet reshuffle, crackdown on corruption in Saudi Arabia
JEDDAH: King Salman announced two key changes in the Saudi Cabinet and ordered the formation of a super committee to combat corruption. The committee is to be headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In its first decision, the committee ordered the arrests of a number of princes and big businessmen for their involvement in corruption in different cases. The two key changes in the Cabinet were that of National Guard Minister Miteb bin Abdullah, who was replaced by Prince Khaled bin Ayyaf, and Economy Minister Adel Fakieh, who was replaced by Mohammed Al-Tuwaijri.
Commander of the Navy, Abdullah AlSultan, was relieved of his position and has been replaced by Adm. Fahad Al-Ghofaili. Besides the crown prince, the committee comprises heads of the Anti-Corruption Commission (Nazaha), Public Security, General Prosecutor and the Investigation Authority. The job of the new anti-corruption committee will be to “identify offenses, crimes, persons and entities involved in cases of public corruption,” the royal decree said. The committee is empowered to investigate, issue arrest warrants and travel bans, order financial disclosure and the freezing of accounts and portfolios, track funds and
assets and prevent their remittance or transfer by persons and entities. “The committee has the right to take any precautionary measures it sees fit, until they are referred to the investigating authorities or judicial bodies,” said the decree. “It may take whatever measures deemed necessary to deal with those involved in public corruption cases and take what it considers to be the right of persons, entities, funds, fixed and movable assets, at home and abroad, return funds to the state treasury and register property and assets in the name of state property.”
By ANNE BARNARD BEIRUT, Lebanon — Prime Minister Saad Hariri of Lebanon said on Saturday that he had quit his post, blaming Iran for interference in Arab affairs and throwing his country, already awash with tensions and regional rivalries, into deeper uncertainty. Mr. Hariri, speaking in a televised address from the Saudi capital, Riyadh, issued a blistering condemnation of Iran and its growing power and influence in the region. He also assailed Iran’s Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, the
Shiite militia and political party that is part of the national unity cabinet he led. “Wherever Iran settles, it sows discord, devastation and destruction, proven by its interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries,” Mr. Hariri said, adding that Iran’s “hands” in the region “will be cut off.” The surprise announcement — which shocked even his own staff — was an ominous sign of the escalating regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran, analysts said, indicating the growing dominance of
Iran and Hezbollah as well as the Saudis’ increasingly assertive response. Lebanese and regional analysts, whether supporters or opponents of Hezbollah, said it appeared that Mr. Hariri had been pressured to resign by his patrons, the Saudis, as they and the United States ratchet up efforts to counter Iranian influence. The resignation came after weeks of sharp American and Saudi condemnations of Iran, including from President Trump, and new American sanctions against Hezbollah.
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia introduced a new Anti-Money Laundering Law on Saturday. Under the new law, the penalty for money laundering will be between three and 15 years imprisonment or a fine of up to SR7 million ($1.87 million). Those penalties can be combined if the accused was part of an organized gang or used violence during the crime; if the accused works in the public sector and exploited their job and/or power to commit the crime; or if the crime included human trafficking, the exploitation of a minor or a woman, or the use of a correctional, charitable or educational facility. The penalties will also be combined for repeat offenders.
Saudi nationals imprisoned for money laundering will be banned from traveling once released for the same length of time as their prison term, while non-Saudis will be deported after completing their sentence and will not be allowed to enter the Kingdom again. A money laundering crime, according to the new law, includes conducting any transaction involving property or proceeds with the knowledge that they are the result of criminal activity or originate from an illegitimate source in order to disguise, protect or help that source or any other person involved in the original crime through which the property or proceeds were obtained. Money laundering also includes earning,
keeping, or using any property or proceeds with the knowledge that they are the result of criminal activity or come from an illegal or illegitimate source, in addition to concealing or camouflaging the nature, source, movement, ownership, location, method of disposition, or associated rights of this property or proceeds with the knowledge that they are the result of criminal activity. The new law emphasizes that attempting to commit any of the previously mentioned acts, participating in any of the acts by agreement, providing assistance, incitement, counseling, guidance, advice, conspiring, collusion or concealment are all considered money-laundering crimes.
Saad Hariri Quits as Lebanon Prime Minister, Blaming Iran
15-year sentence and SR7 million fine for money laundering under new law in Saudi Arabia
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Why Paradise Papers matter: they lift the veil for regulators to peek in
A trove of 13.4 million corporate records, primarily from Bermuda firm Appleby, as well as from Singapore-based Asiaciti Trust and corporate registries maintained by governments in 19 secrecy jurisdictions, often referred to as “tax paradises”. Written by Jay Mazoomdaar A trove of 13.4 million corporate records, primarily from Bermuda firm Appleby, as well as from Singapore-based Asiaciti Trust and corporate registries maintained by governments in 19 secrecy jurisdictions, often referred to as “tax paradises”. The leaks — which constitute the most detailed revelations ever of such records — were obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). As a partner of ICIJ, The Indian Express investigated all documents that had an India connection. How are Paradise Papers different from Offshore Leaks (2013), Swiss Leaks (2015) and Panama Papers (2016)? Like the three major global financial leaks in the past (all investigated by The Indian Express) Paradise Papers also reveal tracks of veiled offshore financial activities. Like Mossack Fonseca (of Panama Papers, 2016), Appleby helps set up companies and bank accounts overseas, provides nominee office-bearers, and facilitates bank loans or transfer of shares, in multiple secrecy jurisdictions. But unlike in the previous leaks, the latest
revelations are more about mega corporates than individual players and how they took advantage of and, in many cases, misused offshore jurisdictions. What do the Paradise Papers show? They reveal offshore footprints of some of India’s major corporate players as well as of a few high-value individuals — the astounding scale of incorporating shell overseas companies to various ends. Internal communications show how a majority of these companies with offshore residency were wholly controlled from India. Appleby itself red-flagged round tripping on occasion by questioning if offshore funds meant for investing in India were sourced from India. There are instances of assets of Indian companies being used to guarantee loans raised by offshore companies without disclosing it to Indian regulators. Changing ownership of offshore companies to actually change the ownership of shares held by them in Indian companies without paying taxes in India turns out to be another common malpractice. Is it illegal to set up offshore companies? Not necessarily. India has double-taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) with several countries with lower tax rates than its own, and companies — overseas corporate bodies (OCBs) — incorporated in such countries can use their tax residency certificates (TRC) to enjoy the tax benefits available legally. So what is the excitement about?
The revelations help regulators overcome the obstacle of secrecy. After the Panama Papers, for example, regulators everywhere were able to investigate several instances of financial malpractices hidden in the records of Mossack Fonseca. The sheer size of the Paradise Papers trove, and the corporatecentric leads they provide, mark a big step forward. Normally, a company is entitled to arrange its financial affairs in whichever way it wishes to reduce its tax liability. Merely the fact that the motive for a particular transaction is to avoid tax does not invalidate the transaction unless the law of the land specifically says so. There is a corporate army engaged in imaginative bookkeeping to discover and exploit legal loopholes and evade tax under the corporate veil. The burden of justification is always on regulators who are not encouraged to fish for motive or evidence of suspected wrongdoing. According to the Westminster principle, if a document or transaction is genuine, courts or the regulator cannot go behind it to look for any supposed underlying substance. Only if a fraud is established can a court or regulator pierce the corporate structure, since fraud unravels everything — even a law, if it is a stumbling block — because no legislature intends to guard fraud. In such cases, the principle of lifting the corporate veil or the doctrine of (economic) substance over (legal) form can be applied.
The Paradise Papers are a treasure trove of such leads and evidence. For example, in its bouquet of services, Appleby provides proxy directors for companies set up in tax havens. These directors, either persons or shell companies, obviously have no real authority to decide the fate of the millions of dollars they move on the directions of their clients — holding companies or beneficiaries, or their representatives. Most often, these directors are no more than puppets. Many offshore companies, the Papers reveal, are “sham” entities engaged in tax evasion/avoidance, manipulation of the market, money laundering, round tripping (taking untaxed money out of the country through inflated invoices and then bringing it back as investment), parking black money, bribing, etc. Such insight into corporate ingenuity allows regulators to step in, besides strengthening the case for better laws and global tax reforms.
Paradise Papers: The biggest names caught up in the leak so far
By:Will Martin LONDON The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists published the latest of its investigations into the financial affairs of the rich and famous, detailing how some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people legally hide their cash offshore. The latest installment — which follows on from 2015’s Panama Papers — has been dubbed the “Paradise Papers” and consists more than 13 million documents, obtained mostly from law firm Appleby, a leading adviser on offshore affairs. No wrongdoing is being alleged by the ICIJ: “There are legitimate uses for offshore companies and trusts. We do not intend to suggest or imply that any people, companies or other entities included in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database have broken the law or otherwise acted improperly.” Business Insider scanned the first set of papers released by the ICIJ — it will release more as the week goes on — for newsworthy or prominent individuals in the world of celebrity and politics. Here are some of the most interesting people named so far. The Queen The most striking name in the latest leak is that of Her Majesty The Queen. The Duchy of Lancaster, which provides the Queen with an income and deals with the investments for her £500 million private estate, is shown to have invested as much as
£10 million offshore in funds based in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. “Our investment strategy is based on advice and recommendation from our investment consultants and appropriate asset allocation,” Chris Adcock, the CFO of the Duchy said in a statement given to the BBC. “The Duchy has only invested in highly regarded private equity funds following a strong recommendation from our investment consultants.” The Queen is not personally involved in any of the investments. Madonna
company was registered in 1997 and shut- facts about the Paradise Papers before the tered in 2013, the papers show. people. Senior News reporter and ICIJ Amitabh Bachchan member Umar Cheema was also part of the team which unearthed the Paradise Papers. The leak, which includes 13.4 million documents, comprises a major part of documents leaked from company ‘Appleby’. The documents were obtained from two companies in Singapore and Bermuda by a German newspaper and shared with the ICIJ. Former PM Shaukat Aziz Bachchan, one of the most recognisable names in India’s enormous Bollywood film industry, is named in the Paradise Papers as having been a “shareholder of a digital media company incorporated in Bermuda in 2002,” according to newspaper the Indian Express. “Till the introduction of the Liberalised Remittance Scheme in 2004, all investments abroad made by resident Indians required Aziz was an employee of Citibank before prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India. becoming Pakistan’s finance minister and It’s not clear if the shareholding was dis- then prime minister in General (retd) Pervez closed to RBI,” the paper writes. Musharraf’s government. Names of several Pakistanis, former prime He was one of the shareholders and direcminister Shaukat Aziz among them, have tors of Bahamas-registered Cititrust Limsurfaced in the new database of documents, ited from 1997 to 1999, along with other Paradise Papers, released by the International executives of the bank. Consortium of Journalists Sunday night. In 1999, Aziz was appointed finance minisThe Paradise Papers reveal data of over ter and created the Antarctic Trust. The Ant25,000 companies spanning 180 countries, arctic Trust’s beneficiaries include Aziz’s from 1950 to 2016. wife, their children and granddaughte Around 381 investigative journalists from Source: businessinsider.com/ & Geo News 67 countries worked extensively to bring
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
E nvir
Growing Canada’s Economic Future
The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Historic multi-year immigration plan sets out highest levels in recent history Toronto, ON—For years, we’ve seen how immigration strengthens Canada by spurring innovation and economic growth, supporting diverse and inclusive communities. the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced the Government of Canada’s historic multi-year immigration levels plan that will responsibly grow the number of permanent residents Canada welcomes annually. Beginning with 310,000 new permanent residents in 2018, and growing to 330,000 in 2019 and 340,000 in 2020, this plan sets out the most ambitious immigration levels in recent history. This measured, gradual increase will trend towards one percent of the population by 2020, spurring innovation and representing a major investment in Canada’s prosperity, now and into the future. Supporting both Canadian businesses and labour market needs, the multi-year immigration plan will foster economic growth in the face of slowing labour force growth and an ageing population. With approximately 60 percent of the increase, over the three year period, in the economic category, this plan helps distribute the benefits of immigration across Canada, responding to a unanimous call by provinces and territories earlier this fall. Increased levels will create the space needed to reduce backlogs and decrease processing times for families sponsoring spouses, children, parents, grandparents, and caregivers. The 2018-2020 multi-year immigration levels plan also fulfills our commitment to offer protection to those in need.
Canada’s well-managed immigration system is unique in the world. It places great emphasis on providing assistance to recently arrived newcomers to weather their migration transition period, learn English or French, find meaningful employment, and establish themselves in their communities. Ensuring that newcomers integrate and contribute to our economy and our communities remains our priority, which is why this historic growth is being managed through a gradual annual increase over three years. This will allow settlement and integration partners time to plan and work with all levels of government to ensure that our worldclass results for newcomers continue. This past summer, Minister Hussen traveled across the country and heard from a variety of stakeholders, including businesses, labour, provinces and territories, families and advocates. They all sent a resounding message that increased immigration is a necessity for economic growth, community sustainability, and keeping Canada globally competitive. Quote “This historic multi-year immigration levels plan will benefit all Canadians because immigrants will contribute their talents to support our economic growth and innovation, helping to keep our country at the forefront of the global economy.” By: Hursh Jaswal Minister’s Office Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Do you live in one of the world’s most air polluted cities?
BY: W JIANG & Z WEIGUO More than 90% of people worldwide have to breathe polluted air. Fossil fuels are the primary cause. The people most likely to suffer are those who live in crowded places where the shift to cleaner forms of transportation and energy has not happened or is happening too slowly. This is particularly evident in some areas of Asia, where smog hangs over cities and seeps into the countryside, and even into people’s homes. Air pollution contains fine particulate matter that can enter the body and get into the lungs, causing respiratory and cardiovascular issues such as asthma attacks and irregular heartbeat, increased oxidative stress and inflammation, and chronic disease like diabetes and cancer. In fact, air pollution is responsible for more 7 million premature deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization: the single largest environmental health risk. The only viable long-term solutions are accelerating the transition to a low fossil carbon economy and reversing climate change. But what can people do in the meantime to protect their health? Eat salmon to ward off air pollution According to recent studies, your nutritional intake might come to the rescue. Researchers have found that good nutrition can fend off air-related illness and may even reverse the negative effects of fine particulate matter. If you’re one of the billions of people waiting for a breath of fresh air, that means you may want to up your vitamin intake. Professor Jinzhuo Zhao, from Fudan University School of Public Health, China, who studies the impact of a particulate matter called PM 2.5 and explores nutritional solutions, says: “The findings of a number of human studies are encouraging and a good
basis for further work to determine optimal combinations of nutrients to prevent or reduce the impact of particulate matter on different aspects of health.” Some of the top nutrients thought to make a difference are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-3, as well as vitamins C and E. Oily fish like salmon is a great source of omega-3, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Vitamins C and E, which are found in many fruits and vegetables, nuts and vegetable oil, are powerful antioxidants that help the body fight free radicals and restore its regular inflammatory response. For people who don’t get enough vitamins through food (and many of us don’t), supplements are a good source of health-boosting nutrients. Of course, vitamins and omega-3 are only part of a solution. This does not reduce the responsibility of polluters, nor of lawmakers and authorities who must legislate and enforce policies that stop pollution. It means that governments, scientists and the private sector should work together and continue research in this area because improving nutrition is easy and inexpensive, and it may be one way to help the billions of people who are waiting with bated breath, sometimes quite literally, for air pollution to stop. SOURCE: WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Islamic Perspective in Stress Management
hile stress may be necessary for human survival, the excess of it certainly affects our health and productivity. It is claimed that in the United States nearly 20 million people suffer from stress in terms of attributing their illness or symptoms to it. Stress related compensation cost nearly $200 million per year. Loss of productivity and stress related illness directly or indirectly amounts to $50 billion per year. Many corporations and individuals are spending nearly $15 billion per year on stress management of their employees. *1 There is enough medical evidence to link stress to the causation of peptic ulcer disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease and depression. In addition, many common problems like tension headache, insomnia, impotency (in man), frigidity (in women), are stress related to causation of diabetes, suppression of immune system and development of cancer. In our day to day life, stress affects peace at home, job performance at work, grades in school and even our eating and mating behavior. Warning Signs Of Stress The earliest signs of stress are irritability, mood swings, difficulty in sleep, lack of concentration, abdominal distress, extreme sensitivity to criticism, weight gain of weight loss, fear of failure, poor appetite, or hunger, and increase dependence on tranquilizers or alcohol for sleep. Conditions Which Cause Stress Psychiatrists have identified some 50 stressors. In fact any change, good or bad, is stressful. A change in job, or job description, in school, residence, financial status, loss or gain of a family member or close friend, injury or illness, national calamity or news of riots or violence all can be extremely stress-
ful. Muslims living in a non-Muslim society may acquire some additional stress. These may include such factors as preserving their identity, practicing Islam (i.e. in food matters or timing of prayer), defending Islam on a hostile media and settling conflicts between family members: the spouse, parent /child, and practicing / non practicing factions. Who Are Prone to Stress Although stress spares no one including children, certain professions get more then their share. They include the sales person, the stock broker, the secretary, the inner city school teacher, the air traffic controller, the medical intern, the police officer and those handling complaint departments. It is interesting to note that qualities like being ambitious, compulsive, high achieving, productivity oriented are looked upon as signs of efficiency by the employer, are also type A personality traits, so dangerous to our health. So the art is to have these qualities, with a cool type B personality in order to live happily and have a longer time. Coping With Stress Although we are all exposed to stress, why can some of us cope with it better then others ? Is it the way we deal with the stressor, or the way we are built? There is some evidence to suggest that some of us may be genetically predisposed to depression, or have deficiency in the level of neurotransmitters, the mood regulating hormones, or just do
not produce enough adrenalin on demand. A person’s religious belief has an important bearing on his personality and his outlook in life. By putting the trust in God, a believer minimizes the stress on him by reducing his responsibility and power to control his failures. Proven ways to handle stress as being practiced now range from meditation, sleep, exercise, socialization, biofeedback, psychotherapy and tranquilizers. In this article we are going to discuss how to deal with stress in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. Stress Factors Psychologically the stress results from the following factors. Fear of the unknown, and our inability to recognize, foresee and control it. Loss of things, and people in our life dear to us, and our inability to recover these losses or accept them. Our inability to see through the future. In fact we might be more stressed if we do see the future. Conflicts between the mind, and the reality and our failure to accept the reality (i.e. the phase of denial). It is the lack of the inner peace due to our internal conflicts which leads to the external disturbances in our behavior and affects our health. Quranic Reflection on Stress Factors Let us examine how the Quran deals with such situations. Our losses are a part of trial for us:“Be sure We will test you with some-
thing of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives, but give glad tidings to those who are steadfast, who say when afflicted with calamity: To God we belong and to Him is our return. They are those on whom (descend) blessings from God and mercy and they are the ones that receive guidance.” (Quran 2:155) Whatever we are given is a gift from God. We are not their owners. Everything belongs to God and returns to Him. So if we don’t own these things why mourn their loss or wax proud on receiving them. Only God knows what our ultimate destiny is. We cannot peek into our future. We do, however, have a limited free will; we are free to choose between good or bad, to believe in God or not to believe in Him, but we have no control over future not related to our ability to act in the present - whether my wife will have a son or daughter, whether his / her eyes will be brown or black, or whether I will have an accident tomorrow or not. Worrying over such things is of no use. Rejection of faith in the Quran is described as a disease, its cause being arrogance and reluctance to accept truth. “In their heart there is a disease and God has increased their disease and grievous is their penalty because they lie to themselves”. (Quran 2:10) Thus when a man lies to himself, he creates an inner conflict - between his heart and the mind. In order to contain that conflict, the mind sends signals to glands for secretion of hormones like adrenalin which leads to rapid heart rate, perspiration, tremor, the basis of a lie detector tests. This conflict could be due to “small” crimes like theft or adultery, or big crimes like rejection of God. SOURCE: ISLAMICITY
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Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
U.S. Out of Afghanistan!
By: Janine Solanki Vancouver protests 16 years of war and occupation of Afghanistan during International Days of Action October 7th, 2001 marked the beginning of the U.S.-led so-called “war on terror”, what is more accurately a war OF terror. With the thin excuse of responding to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, Afghanistan was invaded and subsequently occupied. 16 years later not only is Afghanistan still under U.S. occupation, but the new era of war and occupation which has expanded, country after country, over the last 16 years. Now in addition to the destruction that war has inflicted upon Afghanistan, we also have Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria bearing the wounds of war, along with military operations and drone attacks on other countries in Africa and the Middle East. A single result shows just how devastating the entire new era of war and occupation has been. The world now is facing the largest refugee crisis in human history, and these refugees are coming from the countries under U.S.-led wars because war and occupation has made their homelands uninhabitable. For Afghanistan, the situation has become increasingly worse. By September, 2017 was shaping up to be the deadliest year on record for Afghan civilians since the 2001 invasion, according to The Guardian newspaper. A record number of civilians, 1,662 – were killed in the first six months of 2017, a 2% increase from the same period last year. An additional 3,581 civilians were wounded. These numbers were released in a report by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. This increase came with a 23% rise in the number of women killed, and child deaths were up 9% compared with the same period last year. The war in Afghanistan is not winding down
after 16 years – on June 13, 2017, U.S. President Trump announced the U.S. would be sending nearly 4000 additional troops to Afghanistan, to be joined by 3000 additional forces promised by NATO. This will bring the total troop number to nearly 20,000 in Afghanistan. To protest the continuing war and occupation in Afghanistan, leading antiwar organizers in the U.S. called for International Days of Action October 2nd to 8th. In Vancouver, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) answered this call and organized for a rally and petition campaign on October 7th, in Downtown Vancouver. The rally opened with a welcoming song and drumming from Eagle Eyes, an Indigenous activist and hereditary chief from Sechelt. MAWO Chair Alison Bodine led the crowd in chants of “US Hands Off Afghanistan!” and emceed the program, as well as announced a new MAWO petition against the U.S. war and occupation in Afghanistan, highlighting the recent U.S. troop increase in Afghanistan. MAWO executive committee Janine Solanki spoke on the role Canada has played, from 2001 onwards, in the war and occupation of Afghanistan, and how Canada continues as an colonial player in this new era of war and occupation. David Whittlesey, MAWO organizer and longtime antiwar activist since the Vietnam war, also spoke and encouraged people to keep up organizing and protesting against war. Following the program, activists approached passers-by who stopped to add their signature to the petition against the U.S. in Afghanistan. Local news radio station News1130 also came to cover the rally and reflected the protest online and over the radio. While this month’s rally was especially important to mark the anniversary of the war on Afghanistan, MAWO has organized an
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antiwar rally and petition campaign every month since MAWO formed. October 2017 also marked MAWO’s 14 year anniversary, and since MAWO started organizing on October 29th, 2003 MAWO has been constantly expanding and finding more communities and organizations to unite with against war with both locally and internationally. MAWO continues to stand by the cornerstones of organizing, educating and mobilizing with creativity, consistency and, as demonstrated in organizing on this international day of action, also with coordination. Now more than ever is a critical time to be organizing against the expanding new era of war and occupation, and MAWO encourages more antiwar groups and peace-loving people to come together against war and occupation.
MAWO is committed to continue voicing the demand “U.S. Out of Afghanistan Now!”through protest and through educational events and literature. Alongside the demands of no to war and occupation, the demand for the self-determination of all oppressed nations is defending a basic right and one that antiwar groups and peaceloving people can unite around to be part of building a strong and effective antiwar movement. For more information on upcoming MAWO events and actions visit www.mawovancouver.org, find MAWO on Facebook or follow on Twitter @mawovan. To see the full list of endorsers of the International Days of Action and for information about events in other cities across the United States visit: www.notowar.net
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• The traditional and unceded territories of the Tsleil-Waututh (səl̓ilwətaɁɬ), Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm), and Squamish (Skwxwú7mesh) Nations • @MAWOvan Mobilization Against War & Occupation - MAWO
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
A Good Happy Life !
By: Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker he essence of a good happy life is to be active. When we are actively doing something good, positive, it has tremendous benefits. Our mind is active, we get new ideas, our eergy is at a high level, we discover talent in ourselves and biggest advantage is depression runs miles away from us and away from people around us. Being active in life is a solution to many depressing moods. An idle mind is the devils workshop We are human beings, so we should try utmost to bring the good in us. The whole idea behind any religious or social rituals is to wake us up from our monotomous and boring state to the state of hope, alertness and fun with knowledge and good thoughts and deeds. Family Atmosphere When the whole family does any activity together, the atmosphere at home is like spring season. Each and every member participates and plans are made to visit friends and relatives. All family members pinch in to clean the house, bring items and help one another. We become social, meet other people, old relations are made stronger and new relations are formed. This responsibility first falls on the shoulders of elders, parents when chil-
dren are participating in family functions, happenings from very early age, they develope more positive personality. The home environment In the end, everything starts at how the home environment is. The children are not given choice of selectivity in the house and parents could care less. It is a very serious responsibility of the parents. It is their duty to create a home suitable to raise individuals who are going to be part of the society after them. How many youngsters who get married have heard of marriage vows and what a caste, community or creed is? ANd how many parents or elders have sat with these newly to be wed individuals and explained them about the new role they will take on in their life, its importance and affect it’ll have on their social behaviour? There is a strong need for pre-marriage counselling and post-marriage counselling. Emotional Seasons It is very important to be emotionally mature too. When a new family starts, al the members need to be understanding, more tolerant and big hearted to accomodate new memeber in the family. And at the same time the new member needs to adapt to certain environments. This will help reduce the problems in family life and create a healthy atmosphere and a happy home. For any inquiries please email at :asmashums@gmail.com
Shabnam Khan – Family Counsellor
friend is defined as a person you know well and regard with affection, trust and respect. As you get older, some of your friendships will start to change, and some may grow deeper. You might also begin to know many more people, although not all of them will be your close friends. Chances are, you will also start to spend more time with your friends and maybe talk on the phone more. Changes in relationships are natural but not always easy. Making and keeping friends can be particularly tough if you are shy or unsure of yourself. The best way to make new friends is to be involved in activities and in the community. Another way to make friends is to be friendly and helpful to other people. Talk to them, get to know them, and find out if you have something in common with them. Peer pressure can play a major role in friendships. If someone is vulnerable to peer pressure, the relationship is not balanced. Remember that you have the right and duty to stand up for what you believe is right. Express yourself with your friends. You have the freedom to say “no” if you disagree. If you are scared of losing a friendship by standing up for what you believe is right, then you are in an unstable friendship. True friends listen to and respect each other’s opinions. Standing up for yourself may cause tension in a friendship, but it is OK as long as you have the skills to handle the situation. Remember to communicate your
ideas while respecting your friend’s opinion. By mutually supporting each other, whether or not you agree, your friendship will be more stable. Tips for keeping healthy friendship: Be Supportive, Be Encouraging, Be Cooperative, Compromise, Be Considerate, Talk Openly about Disagreements, Apologize when you hurt them – few things to get you started.Having Friends are important as it connects you with people and hence you can share so many common things together instead of living in isolation!!
For any inquiries please email at shabnam@skcounselling.ca
Speak in such a such a way that way that others others love to love to listen to speak to you. you. Listen in
“Seven Seas Apart” Muslim Food Bank Success Stories
An Afghan Man Leaves His Kids Behind to Find Refuge for Them.
hulam Muhammad was a physician in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar. He had four kids who were nothing like each other yet Ghulam could never decide whom he loved the most. Though Ghulam created a comfortable life for his wife and kids, he couldn’t stop worrying about their safety outside the home. It was the constant gun fires, bombs and rockets that kept him up at night. Ghulam didn’t remember a time when Afghanistan was peaceful. In 2012, at the height of war, Afghanistan had reached all world records. The world’s poorest country, the country with the lowest literacy rate, the country with the world’s biggest refugee population. To Ghulam, these were more than just statistics. They were the bitter truths of his life. Ghulam and his wife, Zainab, decided that they will not accept the fate that Afghans were destined with. They packed their bags in the hopes of finding refuge somewhere far away. Ghulam didn’t have enough money to pay for his three older kids, Raihan, Kaihan and Aisha’s voyage so he had to leave them behind. He requested his cousin to care for them until he had a home ready for them someplace safe. Zainab cradled her oneyear-old daughter as they left for a journey very few people dare to take on. It was a journey through continents. First the Muhammads travelled to Europe.
From there they immigrated to the U.S. where they lived for three years. When Ghulam’s family arrived in Canada in November, 2015, they first settled in New Westminster. Tariq Aziz, a caseworker at the Muslim Food Bank & Community Services, was handed Ghulam’s case two months into their arrival. To Tariq it was clear that Ghulam and Zainab’s biggest struggle was separation from their kids. Their eyes thirsted to see each one of the kids they’d left behind. “Ghulam only ever talked about his kids that were back home,” Tariq recalls. Tariq is just one among many volunteers that work for the ASPIRE community services program designed to help individuals and families stand on their own feet. ASPIRE stands for Actualizing Self-Reliance by Providing Inspiration, Resources and Education. Each client in the ASPIRE Community Services program is paired with an ASPIRE caseworker who assists them in overcoming obstacles and achieving successes through one-to-one support. Tariq, like most vol-
unteers in this program, is motivated by the desire to serve the underserved. Though new immigrants generally require interpretation due to language barrier, Tariq didn’t have to interpret for Ghulam because he speaks English fluently. “Ghulam is self-sufficient and is a quicklearner,” Tariq says. Tariq soon learned that the Muhammads were struggling to put food on table as Ghulam had not yet found a job. Through the help of the ASPIRE program coordinator who oversees all cases, Tariq was able to provide Ghulam’s family a Walmart gift card to pay for food and other essentials. What’s more, Tariq helped Ghulam navigate the waters of Canadian life by guiding him through various online resources such as the WorkBC and the BC Housing websites. Ghulam’s application for subsidized housing was soon accepted allowing his family to move into a more affordable home. Tariq also taught Ghulam how to access public transit. Ghulam and his wife began integrating into Canadian lifestyle one step at a time. Zainab attended English classes and Ghulam has
started networking for jobs. There was still one more mountain to climb though which was sponsoring their kids. Ghulam and Zainab appealed to the Canadian Immigration board to help reunite them with their kids on the basis of humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Eight months after their initial appeal, Raihan, Kaihan and Aisha were accepted into Canada. Three long years later, the Muhammads were together again. At last, Ghulam didn’t have to rely on faded memory to remember his kids’ faces any longer. At last, he didn’t have stare at his three kids’ wrinkled photos from old family albums any longer. He was finally reunited with them. These are real stories where our volunteers have an impact on members of our community helping them progress in their lives. InshaAllah next week we will bring you another story. Please join us to have a purpose in your life to make a difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters by coming to our events and registering as a volunteer or donating to your organization, the Muslim Food Bank and Community Services Society (usually referred to as Muslim Food Bank) at www.muslimfoodbank.com/donate. Our email is contact@muslimfoodbank.com and telephone number is 1-866-824-2525.
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
Best Example of Prophet(PBUH) for Youth Today
By: Idris Tawfiq
uhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets, and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” (Al-Ahzab 33:40) Young people today see a lot of pomp and ceremony when it comes to politicians and leaders. It seems today as though the more authority you have, the more the red carpet is laid out for you, the more special attire and finery you are expected to wear, and the more freedom you have to express your opinions - whether they are held up by evidence or not, and no matter how much they may offend others. But let’s take a look at the final Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and see the stark difference between what is now and what was before. “Which one is Muhammad?” So humble was the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) that strangers looking for him in the mosque in Madinah had to ask this. Sitting in the row of believers for the daily prayers, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), with his simple and modest bearing, could not be distinguished from anyone else. He was so calm, so dignified, and so peaceful that no one could single him out as the leader. Children and youth could approach him to receive a warm greeting or to ask this great, yet humble, man a question or some advice. In quiet prayer he looked like any other simple man. There was no sign here of the great warrior, the skillful negotiator in times of war and peace, the statesman. There was no sign either that this was the man, from among all men, who was chosen to receive the Creator’s final message to mankind. In the mosque his focus was on Allah alone. He was like every Muslim who enters the mosque to pray. And yet, unlike any other Muslim, he had been chosen as the Seal of the Prophets, the most honorable and the noblest of men. He was the one whom Allah selected to guide all mankind. Orphaned by the age of six and born in a relatively unimportant region of the world to a simple family, Muhammad could neither read nor write. When commanded by the Angel Jibreel to recite the first glorious verses of the Qur’an, Muhammad could only respond that he was unable to read or recite them. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had neither power nor wealth. He possessed none of the things that the world considers important. Yet Allah chose him from all men in the world to be what the Qur’an calls “a mercy to mankind.” This is the role that young Muslims should take on in this world that is so full of turmoil and hate. The youth are the standard-
bearers of the message of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and it is a message of mercy. In his person, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was a mercy to all the people on earth. One so kind, so pious, so devout in prayer and obedience to the will of Allah had been chosen as the guide for mankind. We should ask ourselves, how closely are we living our lives according to the message of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). If we are living in his way, no problem will be too great to overcome, our future will appear clear before us, and the challenges of young adulthood will seem small. If young Muslims join in the ranks of the followers of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), they will be joining the ranks of the merciful, pious, and just people through all the ages, from the beginning of time. Indeed, Allah opens the way for those who sincerely obey Him and His Messenger. Good people should surround themselves with good friends. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was surrounded by people who sought the pleasure of Allah. Ask yourself: Who do you mix with and why? Your friends reflect who you are. At the end of his life, when Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was laid to rest in the earth, his funeral was attended by his heartbroken friends and Companions. They had been with him for so long, many since the time of the first revelation of the Qur’an some 23 years before, and now they were to be left alone, without a guide for the first time in so many years. Imagine yourself living at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); imagine walking in his blessed footsteps. If you follow his Sunnah, you are walking in
his footsteps today. His body was not laid to rest in some grand tomb as one might expect for so important and so influential a man. Rather it was placed in the earth beneath the spot where he used to sleep on a simple mat. It fell upon Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him), his friend from before the time of the first revelation, to deliver the funeral sermon. Abu Bakr had to try to make sense out of this tragedy for the crowds assembled before him. At this key moment in the development of Islam, they eagerly awaited what Abu Bakr, the closest friend of the Prophet, would have to say. His words to them were filled with wisdom. “O men,” he said, “if anyone worships Muhammad, let him know that Muhammad is dead. But if anyone worships Allah, then know that Allah is alive and will never die.” Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) told the Muslim faithful that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was the greatest man to have lived but he was not the Lord of all creation. He was a man like all men. And this is what makes Islam so extraordinary. There are now at least one and a half billion Muslims in the world, and we are attentive to what our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said or did. Each one of us proclaims at least five times a day that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah. It is the core of our faith. In the same breath in which we declare belief in the One true Lord of mankind and all that exists, we declare belief in His Messenger. The love and reverence which we have for Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is both real and deep. We see him as the gentlest, the kindest, and the sweetest of men, and yet he remains for us precisely that: a man. Neither a god nor a
saint. We do not ascribe to our Prophet magical powers. It would be a blasphemy for us to do so. We see him as a simple man, chosen from among men, with the same cares and worries we might have. But in Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) we see that it is possible for us to dedicate all our lives to Allah and to live under His guidance, yet live in the midst of life. Not divine, but human like us, Prophet Muhammad showed us by his life and example that Islam is the perfect way of life and that it is possible to achieve happiness by following this way. If you find your life is taking you in another direction, stop and think. Don’t make decisions in your youth that will take you on a different path that heads away from that of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In Islam there are no priests or popes. That, perhaps, is the secret of Islam. There is no special knowledge reserved for a professional religious class. There are no gobetweens between the Creator and the created. Islam is ours for the taking. How many of us reach out and take what Islam has to offer? How many of us are shining examples of mercy and justice that Islam can develop in us? Each of us can fall prostrate before our Maker and say what we need to say without the help of anyone else. Just you and your creator! We can see this clearly inside any mosque. Muslim men and women, each in their own place, gather in the mosque for the five daily prayers. They pray together as a community, in congregation, receiving blessings for doing so, yet it is obvious to anyone who looks on that each Muslim is concerned with speaking to his or her Lord individually. It is perhaps this, more than anything else, which makes the place of Prophet Muhammad so strong in the heart of every Muslim. Muhammad was a man and he found it possible, with Allah’s help, to live out every requirement of Islam. So you and I, then, can try to do the same and, with Allah’s help, we can live out our faith like our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). About the writer: Idris Tawfiq has a degree in English language and Literature from the University of Manchester and a degree in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome. For many years he was Head of Religious Studies in different schools in England and Wales and has much experience of teaching, both in the UK and Egypt. Before embracing Islam, Idris was a Roman Catholic priest.
Prophetic Wisdom - Generation Gap BY: SADULLAH KHAN SOURCE: ISLAMICITY hat person is not of us ... the elder who has no compassion for the young and the young who has no respect for the elder.” - Prophet Muhammad The Generation Gap is a continual source of pain and confusion for every successive generation and is often seen as the difficulties and struggles represented in the attitudes and experiences of people of differing ages who share the same time span. The Generation Gap occurs when older and younger people do not understand each other. This is brought about because there arises a lack of communication be-
tween one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, who may have different perspectives, tastes, outlook, ... Prophetic Example of Bridging the Generational Gap: Our beloved Prophet announced prophethood at the age of forty and therefore, it is well-known that a sizable majority of his companions were much younger than him. Throughout the Prophet’s life, he maintained a most perfect balance between appreciating and respecting the wisdom and the experience of the elder companions such as Khadijah and Abu Bakr as-Siddiq at the same time appreciating and respect-
ing the dynamism and the sharp insights of the younger companions such as Ali ibn Talib, ‘Aishah and Abdullah ibn Abbas. The beloved Prophet led by example when he kissed his grandchildren at a time in Arabia when such intimacy was not common. We learn from Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) that, Allah’s Apostle kissed Al-Hasan bin Ali while Al-Aqra’ bin Habis At-Tamim was sitting beside him. Al-Aqra said, “I have ten children and I have never kissed anyone of them.” Allah’s Apostle cast a look at him and said, “Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully.”
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
pa k i s tan / k a s h m i r
Iqbal Day: Pakistan to celebrate 140th birthday of national poet on 9 Nov
The nation celebrated the 140th birth anniversary of national poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal on November 9 with traditional zeal and fervor across the country. In line with media reports, special prayers will be held in the mosques for the peace, national integrity, prosperity and development of the country. Iqbal Manzil’s caretaker said that the main birthday cake cutting ceremony would be held at the Iqbal Manzil where people from all walks of life will participate and the students of different schools and colleges and their teachers will visit the Iqbal Manzil where Kalaam-eIqbal and speech contests will be held.
qbal was born on 9 November 1877 in Sialkot within the Punjab Province of British India (now in Pakistan). His grandparents were Kashmiri Pandits, Brahmins of the Sapru clan from Kashmir who converted to Islam.In the 19th century, when the Sikh Empire was conquering Kashmir, his grandfather’s family migrated to Punjab. Iqbal often mentioned and commemorated his Kashmiri lineage in his writings. Iqbal’s father, Sheikh Noor Muhammad (died 1930), was a tailor, not formally educated but a religious man.[18][19] Iqbal’s mother Imam Bibi was evidently a Sialkoti Punjabi. Iqbal’s mother Imam Bibi, a local Punjabi Muslim, was described as a polite and humble woman who helped the poor and her neighbours with their problems. She died on 9 November 1914 in Sialkot.[16][20] Iqbal loved his mother, and on her death he expressed his feelings of pathos in a poetic form elegy. Who would wait for me anxiously in my native
place?Who would display restlessness if my letter fails to arrive? I will visit thy grave with this complaint: Who will now think of me in midnight prayers? All thy life thy love served me with devotion—When I became fit to serve thee, thou hast departed. After suffering for months from his illness, Iqbal died in Lahore on 21 April 1938.[8][12] His tomb is located in Hazuri Bagh, the enclosed garden between the entrance of the Badshahi Mosque and the Lahore Fort, and official guards are provided by the Government of Pakistan. Iqbal, Jinnah and concept of Pakistan Ideologically separated from Congress Muslim leaders, Iqbal had also been disillusioned with the politicians of the Muslim League owing to the factional conflict that plagued the League in the 1920s. Discontent with factional leaders like Muhammad Shafi and Fazl-ur-Rahman, Iqbal came to believe that only Jinnah was a political leader capable of preserving unity and fulfilling the League’s objectives of Muslim political empowerment. Building a strong, personal correspondence with Jinnah, Iqbal was an influential force in convincing Jinnah to end
his self-imposed exile in London, return to India and take charge of the League. Iqbal firmly believed that Jinnah was the only leader capable of drawing Indian Muslims to the League and maintaining party unity before the British and the Congress: I know you are a busy man but I do hope you won’t mind my writing to you often, as you are the only Muslim in India today to whom the community has right to look up for safe guidance through the storm which is coming to North-West India and, perhaps, to the whole of India.[36] While Iqbal espoused the idea of Muslimmajority provinces in 1930, Jinnah would continue to hold talks with the Congress through the decade and only officially embraced the goal of Pakistan in 1940. Some historians postulate that Jinnah always remained hopeful for an agreement with the Congress and never fully desired the partition of India.[37] Iqbal’s close correspondence with Jinnah is speculated by some historians as having been responsible for Jinnah’s embrace of the idea of Pakistan. Iqbal elucidated to Jinnah his vision of a separate Muslim state in a letter sent on 21 June 1937:
Jinnah’s onlyinadaughter Dina Wadia passes away Wadia, his wife Rattanbai Petit. Her mother was a mem- Dina is survived by her son Nusli Wadia.Her pater-
daughter of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, passed away on Thursday at the age of 98. Dina Wadia was the daughter and only child of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and
ber of two of the elite class families of Bombay, the Petit–Tata family. Born: August 15, 1919, London, United Kingdom Died: November 2, 2017 Nationality: British Spouse: Neville Wadia (m. 1931–1996) Children: Nusli Wadia Grandchildren: Ness, Jehangir Wadia Dina was the only child of Jinnah and his wife Rattanbai Petit. She was born on 15th August, 1919.
nal grandparents were from Gujarat, who moved to Karachi for business in the mid 1870s, where her father, Jinnah, was born. She last visited Pakistan in 2004 during a landmark cricket series between Pakistan and India on the invitation of former president General (retd.) Pervez Musharraf. She considered cricket diplomacy to be an enthralling dimension. Wadia had never visited Pakistan since her father’s funeral in September 1948. Source:Wikipedia
A case for promulgating ethics education in Pakistani schools
By:Anika Khan Enter a school in Pakistan and often, you see wall displays communicating messages about good character and values. But when you look at the curriculum of most schools you discover a void: ethics as a subject is missing from classrooms. In 2007, an ethics syllabus was introduced in the National Curriculum for non-Muslim students as an alternative to Islamiyat. Ten years later, very few public or private schools actually offer ethics so hardly any Muslim and few non-Muslim students have access to ethics education. In fact, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa online school curriculum no longer includes an ethics syllabus, while the Punjab Textbook Board’s curriculum includes ethics as an alternative to Islamiyat for non-Muslim students, an approach that in itself is debatable. The slow process of incorporating ethics into schools makes it clear that ethics comes low
on our list of educational priorities. A recent article in Dawn referred to the kind of ethical problems that can arise because of the lack of exposure to ethics education in medical colleges. This becomes an even more pressing issue in the context of school education where young students are faced with ethical dilemmas not only in the physical world, but with unprecedented problems related to cyberbullying, appropriate boundaries of interaction on social media and the violation of privacy. While government curriculums do make (half-hearted) attempts to incorporate ethical values into some subjects, the style is often didactic and the content is limited. A secondary problem is the way in which ethical content is actually taught to students. In most Pakistani schools, Islamiyat classes are supposed to deliver lessons that build character and teach ethical values. In actuality, the teaching of religion is fraught with
the same kind of pedagogical problems that affect our teaching of other subjects which is based on rote learning and discourages enquiry and critical reflection. A pilot study conducted by me in a local school showed that teachers of Islamiyat, with perfectly good intentions, focused more on teaching factual information and religious rituals and paid far less attention to the ethical values that characterise Islam, such as courage, wisdom, temperance, compassion and, above all, justice. While this was a limited study, it is likely that the teaching of religion across the country similarly lacks a focus on ethical content. Some educators have argued that religion
By:AMRIT DHILLON , NEW DELHI Contributed to The Globe and Mail You might think that, given the poverty, filth and illiteracy in the country, Indians spend all their time debating how to end those issues. You’d be wrong. They prefer to waste their energy on fiddle faddle. After observing recent television and newspaper debates, you begin to think that maybe the country remains a byword for poverty because it just can’t focus its energies on the really pressing problems that deprive Indians of dignity and comfort. Two debates have dominated public life of late. The first one is over the Taj Mahal, a symbol of India. A government booklet listing the famous monuments in the state where
the Taj Mahal is located omitted to mention it. A cry went up from opponents of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which promotes a Hindu ethos, that the Taj Mahal had been left off the list because it was built by Muslim emperor Shah Jahan. The government of Uttar Pradesh state later issued a clarification saying the Taj Mahal had been left out because the booklet outlined only new projects, not existing tourist attractions. But it was too late. Heated quarrels had begun. Opponents of the BJP said the Hindu party simply couldn’t stomach a Muslim mausoleum being the symbol of India when India is a Hindu-majority country. In this inane exchange, some Hindus repeated a hoary and preposterous claim that the Taj Mahal was not a Muslim monument at all and that it was originally a Hindu temple. This claim is popular among some groups of Hindus afflicted by an inferiority complex. Given the praise they lavish on their ancient civilization – claiming that ancient Hindus invented the airplane, cosmetic surgery, and stem-cell technology, no less – it is galling that the symbol of India throughout the world was built by a Muslim. It left you shaking your head in disbelief. Some BJP politicians have a problem with
the Taj Mahal, which has put India on the map, because it’s not a Hindu monument and therefore they have to belittle it. Worse was to come. The second debate flared up on Oct. 9 when the Supreme Court imposed a ban on the sale of firecrackers on Diwali. This was to help keep unbelievable pollution levels in the Indian capital down, but some Hindus erupted again. “Why target only Hindu festivals? Why does no one ban the Muslim sacrifice of a goat during Eid?” In prime-time television debates, seemingly educated Hindus turned a simple health problem (how to keep a lid on pollution) into a sectarian fight. They played the victim, as though they, the majority, are always being picked on. The ban was turned into an attack by the Supreme Court on Hinduism. Astonishing exchanges occurred, with Hindus saying defiantly that they would, come what may, defy the ban and burst crackers on Diwali. One politician said, “soon they’ll be banning Hindu cremations too because the smoke pollutes the air.” If a debate on the right to breathe can be turned into a Hindu-Muslim fight, then anything is possible. Meanwhile, in Kerala, a few Hindu women
does not have to be part of the discussion on ethics in Pakistan, but I find this viewpoint myopic. Religion is important to most Pakistanis as the medium through which they make sense of life. My experiences in teaching ethics to students and working with teachers in Pakistan has shown that religion often enters discussions spontaneously because it is the lens through which children and teachers will often view a problem to understand the right or wrong of it......... Source: Dawm News
India is wasting energy on pointless sectarian fights
who have converted to Islam and married Muslim men are being portrayed by Hindu groups as the victims of a “love jihad” waged by Muslim men who have brainwashed them into forsaking their original faith. It’s a “Muslim conspiracy” to lure Hindu women away. Everything these days is a Muslim conspiracy. Other countries also sometimes expend energies on debates that might seem less-thanessential to outsiders. The recent differences in America over removing Confederate statues because they symbolize white supremacy and U.S. President Donald Trump’s defence of them as “beautiful,” is one example. But America doesn’t have hundreds of millions of people who don’t have a toilet or a home, or electricity. It doesn’t have the highest number of malnourished children in the world. It doesn’t have slums where the poor are forced to live in rat holes that dehumanize them. India’s problems are vast, urgent and life-and-death. If the energies of those who run the country or those who influence public debate are going to be channelled into trivia (hate-filled trivia at that), its name will remain a synonym for poverty. Amrit Dhillon is a New Delhi-based writer.
Safar 21. 1439 November 10, 2017
s po r t s
Phoenix Suns trade disgruntled guard Eric Bledsoe to Milwaukee Bucks Eric Bledsoe’s disgruntled days are over. The talented guard is getting a fresh start with the Milwaukee Bucks, who have another proven scorer to take some pressure off all-star Giannis Antetokounmpo. Bledsoe, who wanted out of Phoenix, was traded to the Bucks on Tuesday in exchange for big man Greg Monroe and two 2018 draft picks. The 27-year-old Bledsoe had not been with the Suns since Oct. 22, when he posted “I Don’t wanna be here” on Twitter, the same day the Suns fired coach Earl Watson. He had been averaging 15.7 points per game, second behind Devin Booker, and was the team’s oncourt leader. He was sent home by the Suns after the tweet, reducing the team’s leverage because everyone in the league knew Phoenix was trying to trade him. Bledsoe had asked to be traded before the season, Suns general manager Ryan McDonough has said. The NBA fined the eight-year veteran $10,000 for the tweet. Adding Bledsoe will take some of the focus off Antetokounmpo, the Bucks’ primary ballhandler. Milwaukee had lost four of its last five games before visiting the Cleveland Cavaliers, but adding Bledsoe’s scoring ability alongside Antetokounmpo and Khris Middleton on a team that
also includes rising guard Malcolm Brogdon could help. “We’re excited. Eric’s excited,” Bucks coach Jason Kidd said in Cleveland. Bledsoe will take his physical on Wednesday and is expected to join the Bucks in San Antonio in time for Thursday’s game against the Spurs. Middleton can’t wait to see what Bledsoe brings. “He’ll be another great player for us, a guy who can create for others and create for himself on offence,” Middleton said. “I’m excited to play with him. We can do a lot of things. We’ll have more ballhandlers on the court at the same time. He’s going to be a great for us.” Already a dangerous up-and-coming team, the Bucks could go to another level with Bledsoe. “He adds a veteran point guard, a guy who plays with pace and can get into the paint, can make the right play,” Cavs coach Tyronn Lue said. “He’s been on the cusp of being an all-star the last three years. He brings a different dimension to their team. He can shoot the basketball, get in the paint, run pick-androll and he’s a good defender also. “It’s a good pickup for them.” Bledsoe averaged more than 20 points and six assists per game in each of the last two seasons with the Suns, including career highs in points (21.1) and
Pakistan are now on 124 points while New Zealand have slipped from their pre-series 125 points to 120 points. Pakistan have regained the top position in the MRF Tyres ICC T20I Team Rankings after having briefly attained the rank during the series between India and New Zealand. New Zealand had slipped behind Pakistan after India won the open-
ing match of the three-match series against New Zealand and Pakistan once again find themselves at the top after India completed a 2-1 series win in Thiruvananthapuram on Tuesday. Pakistan are now on 124 points while New Zealand have slipped from their pre-series 125 points to 120 points. India retain fifth position with an aggregate of 119 on the points table.
assists (6.3) last season. Bledsoe spent the past five seasons in Phoenix after his first three years with the Clippers. The 27-yearold Monroe, who joined the Bucks as a free agent in 2015 after five years in Detroit, has been sidelined recently because of a left calf strain. Over three seasons with the Bucks, he averaged 13.3 points, 7.6 rebounds and 2.2 assists over 165 games. Without him, Milwaukee will likely consolidate the centre position and look ahead to early next year, when the front line should get a boost with the return of injured forward Jabari Parker. The six-foot-11 Monroe has an expiring contract, which means even more room for a Suns team with loads of cap space. They also could have as many as three first-round
picks next season. “Moose did everything we asked him to help us win, from being a starter to being asked to go to the bench and help us have a stronger bench,” Kidd said. “I wish him the best because he did everything we asked.” Milwaukee’s first-round pick will belong to the Suns in 2018 if it’s in the range of 11-16 overall; in 2019 if it’s in the range of 4-16; in 2020 if in the range of 8-30; and in 2021 it will be unprotected. The Suns get Milwaukee’s second-round pick next year if in the range of 48-60 overall. Phoenix, rebuilding with an extremely young roster featuring Booker and T.J. Warren, has not made the playoffs in six years. Source: Toronto Star
Pakistan on top of T20I points table
Fleetwood Islamic Centre , Milaad Group Of BC Minhaj ul Quran Presents Jashan-e-Milad un Nabi (SAW)
Guest English Speaker: IMAM FODE DRAME Zawiyah Foundation Guest Urdu Speaker: & IMAM IMRAN RAZA Fiji Islamic Centre
, BC Chapter
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s po r t s
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Milad un Nabi (SAW)
Mehfil Zikar, Hamad o Naat
On Saturday, November 25, 2017, at 5:00 pm All are Welcome!, Dinner will be Served Full Provision for Sisters, Please be on Time, Thanks
Main Speaker:
Pir Afzal Ahmed Naqshbandi
Friday Prayer at 12:40pm
At Unit 102-8268 Scott Road, Surrey
Ph: 604-592-9416& Cell:604-760-0096
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