Miracle 626-June 28, 2024

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— More than 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, Saudi authorities announced Sunday. Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83% of the 1,301 fatalities were unauthorized pilgrims who walked long distances in soaring temperatures to perform the Hajj rituals in and around the holy city of

Speaking with the state-owned Al Ekhbariya TV, the minister said 95 pilgrims were being treated in hospitals, some of whom were airlifted for treatment in the capital, Riyadh. He said the identification process was delayed because there were no identification documents with many of the dead pilgrims.

He said the dead were buried in Mecca, without giving a breakdown.

The fatalities included more than 660 News Cont. @ page 5

PTI spurns premier’s latest call for dialogue US Congress calls for impartial probe into Israel war on Gaza: 32 killed as Israel targets

US Congress calls for impartial probe into Pakistan’s elections following irregularity claims

• The February 8 polls were marred by a nationwide mobile Internet shutdown, delayed results, leading to rigging allegations

• US lawmakers voted 368-7 over resolution condemning attempts to suppress people’s participation in the democratic process

ISLAMABAD: The United States House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of an impartial inves-

tigation into the claims of election manipulation in Pakistan following the February 8 national polls, emphasizing the need for people’s participation in the democratic process in the South Asian country. Pakistan’s last general polls were marred by a nationwide mobile Internet shutdown on election day, arrests and violence in its build-up and unusually delayed results, leading to accusations that the vote was rigged.

Cont. @ page 5


Hzt Anas (RA) reported: The Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I am delighted by optimism, the good word, the kind word.” Source: Sahīh Muslim 2224

What’s behind deaths at this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia?

Hundreds of people are thought to have died during the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia - most of them due to extreme heat as temperatures soared past 51 degrees Celsius.

AFP news agency quoted an Arab diplomat as saying 658 Egyptians had died. Indonesia said that more than 200 of its nationals had died. India said 98 people were known to have died.

Pakistan, Malaysia, Jordan, Iran, Senegal, Tunisia, Sudan and Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region have also confirmed deaths. The US believes a number of Americans died, the Wall Street Journal reported. Friends and relatives have been searching for those missing in hospitals and posting messages online.

Hajj is the annual pilgrimage made by Muslims to the holy city of Mecca. All Muslims who are financially and physically able must complete the pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime. About 1.8 million people have taken part this year, Saudi Arabia says.

More than half of those who died were unregistered pilgrims and joined the Hajj through irregular channels, leaving them unable to access cooling facilities such as air conditioned tents and buses, AFP reports.

On Friday Jordan said it had detained several travel agents who facilitated the unofficial travel of Muslim pilgrims to Mecca. Egypt is conducting a similar investigation. Saudi Arabia has increased safety measures at the Hajj in recent years, but it still faces criticism for not doing enough, particularly for unregistered pilgrims. It has not yet commented on the deaths. Here are some of the factors contributing to the deaths.

Extreme Heat

Unprecedented heatwaves in Saudi Arabia are believed to be a major factor behind the high death toll. Despite warnings from the Saudi Health Ministry to avoid heat exposure and stay hydrated, many pilgrims fell victim to heat stress and heatstroke.

“It’s only by God’s mercy that I survived, because it was incredibly hot,” says Aisha Idris, a Nigerian pilgrim, speaking to BBC World Service’s Newsday. “I had to use an umbrella and constantly douse myself with Zamzam water (holy water),” she said.

Another pilgrim, Naim, reportedly died from heatstroke, leaving her family searching for answers. “Communication with my mother was suddenly cut off. We spent days searching, only to learn she had passed away during Hajj,” her son told BBC News Arabic, adding they would honour her wish to be buried in Mecca.

Pilgrims face risks due to the unfamiliar heat, strenuous physical activity, vast open spaces. Many are also elderly or unwell. However, heat-related deaths during the Hajj are not new and have been recorded since the 1400s. Scientists warn that global warming is due to make conditions worsen.

“The Hajj has operated in a hot climate for over a millennium, but the climate crisis is exacerbating these conditions,” said CarlFriedrich Schleussner of Climate Analytics to the Reuters news agency. His research suggests that with a 1.5C rise in global temperatures above pre-industrial levels, the risk of heatstroke during Hajj could increase up to five times.

Overcrowding and sanitation issues

According to several accounts, mismanagement by Saudi authorities exacerbated the extreme conditions, leading to a crisis in many areas designated for pilgrims.

They say accommodation and facilities were poorly managed, with overcrowded tents lacking adequate cooling and sanitation facilities.

Amina (not her real name), a 38-yearold from Islamabad, says: “There were no air conditioners in our tents in the heat of Mecca. The coolers that were installed did not have water most of the time.

“There was so much suffocation in these tents that we were dripping with sweat and it was a dreadful experience,” she adds. Fauziah, a pilgrim from Jakarta, agrees, saying, “Many fainted due to overcrowding and overheating in the tents.

She would welcome improvements but believes, “this is the best organization of the Hajj so far”. However, the Saudi Health Minister has highlighted the resources allocated to ensure pilgrim well-being.

A government statement said they included 189 hospitals, health centres and mobile clinics with a combined capacity of more than 6,500 beds, and over 40,000 medical, technical, administrative staff and volunteers.

To be Coninued at Page 15

After St. Paul’s, is there anything trudeau can say or do to save his leadership?


‘decision mode’ now — or maybe they’re tuning him out

At some point before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet decided to finally abandon his promise of electoral reform, he had an idea.

He would tour the country to promote and explain the ranked ballot, his preferred option for reform. He said he believed that with enough time and effort, he could convince people of the logic and wisdom of what he was proposing.

He was ultimately convinced that there were other issues more in need of his attention and time. But years later, it’s possible to see that same impulse — that same belief in his ability to make the case in the flurry of

podcasts and interviews Trudeau has done in recent weeks. With his party staring at defeat in the next election, the prime minister has put himself out there — perhaps in the hope that, with enough time and effort, he can once again persuade enough voters that his party is still the right choice. But in the wake of the Liberals’ shock loss in a previously safe riding in Toronto, it’s fair to ask if there’s anything Trudeau could possibly say at this point that would get a hearing — or if too many Canadians have simply decided they’re done listening to him.Trudeau’s stated theory about his current situation rests on a belief that voters will feel differently by the time the next election

Inflation Surges Again After Liberal Spending Splurge

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, life is unaffordable for Canadians. Trudeau’s inflationary spending and taxes have driven up the cost of everything, with food costing Canadians $700 more this year than it did in 2023. This was clear again today after Statistics Canada revealed that inflation rose to 2.9 percent. This happened after the Liberals celebrated multiple times that inflation was under control. Last year, Trudeau’s Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland, even declared victory, saying that the Liberal plan to tack-

The Trudeau government’s latest national security legislation promises to cement Justin Trudeau’s legacy as the most anti-free speech Prime Minister in the post-WWII era. The government’s newest assault on free expression, Bill C-70, is titled “An Act re-

le inflation “is working.”

But Trudeau’s economic plan is not working. Prices at the grocery store are on the rise, as is the cost of rent, which is up 8.9 percent. Just ahead of the summer holidays, the cost of taking a family vacation is also up thanks to Trudeau’s 23% carbon tax hike and increasing costs for airfares.

Yet Trudeau refuses to listen to Conservatives and axe the tax for summer to provide some relief for families.

This inflation spike is the direct consequence of Trudeau’s reckless inflationary

spending. In April, Conservatives warned that Liberal spending was keeping interest rates up higher for longer, pushing millions of mortgage holders to the edge. Despite this, Trudeau added $61 billion in new inflationary spending in his most recent budget anyway. This means the average family is now having to pay nearly $4,000 in new inflationary spending. In fact, Statistics Canada also revealed that spending grew almost 3 times faster than revenue in the first quarter of 2024. Justin Trudeau is not worth the cost.

Bill C-70 trudeau’s latest Assault

specting countering foreign interference”. If adopted, Bill C-70 would amend numerous Canadian laws relating to national security. These laws include the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, the Criminal Code of Canada and the little-known Security of Information Act (“SIA“).

Bill C-70 constitutes a serious threat to democratic discourse. It is particularly dangerous for those who are critical of Canadian foreign policy.

The ‘foreign interference’ scam

In recent years, Canada’s ‘mainstream’ politicians and pundits have whipped up hysteria with unsubstantiated allegations that the West’s official enemies are manipulating Canadians with ‘disinformation’.

As I’ve argued before (see here and here), the brouhaha around alleged foreign inter-

ference is mostly a scam.

This manufactured national security crisis is designed to distract us from the disastrous consequences of Canada’s foreign policies and persuade Canadians to tolerate more and more censorship.

How would Bill C-70 amend the SIA?

Currently, the SIA imposes the most severe penalty that Canada’s constitution permits (life imprisonment) on those who use threats, accusations or violence to benefit foreign entities.

Section 20 of the SIA provides: Foreign-influenced or Terrorist-influenced Threats or Violence

20 (1) Every person commits an offence who, at the direction of, for the benefit of or in association with a foreign entity or a terrorist group, induces or attempts to induce,

arrives, or that they’ll change their minds when it comes time to make a real choice. ”Canadians are not in a decision mode right now,” he told CBC’s Power & Politics during an interview last week. “What you tell a pollster — if they ever manage to reach you is very different from the choice Canadians end up making in an election campaign.” A global wave of democratic discontent It’s also worth noting that the phenomenon of unhappy voters does not seem to be a uniquely Canadian one. Public frustration was a topic of conversation among the heads of government who gathered in Europe for two summits earlier this month, Trudeau said... Source:cbc.ca/news

by threat, accusation, menace or violence, any person to do anything or to cause anything to be done (a) that is for the purpose of increasing the capacity of a foreign entity or a terrorist group to harm Canadian interests; or (b) that is reasonably likely to harm Canadian interests. There are certain points:...


*Ambiguous criminal laws deter free speech

*Other flaws in Bill C-70

*Opposition to Bill C-70 intensifies It’s not too late to stop this Draconian and repressive bill from becoming law. I urge all those who care about free speech to contact their Members of Parliament and demand that this anti-democratic legislation be withdrawn . for futher details visit at Source: cbc.ca/news

Renters may face higher risk of death in extreme heat, StatCan study shows

Deaths in Canada’s 12 most populous cities go up during extreme heat waves and people aged 65 and older are at higher risk than those who are younger, says a Statistics Canada report released Wednesday. The cities examined were: Brampton, Ont.; Calgary; Edmonton; Hamilton; Mississauga, Ont.; Montreal; Ottawa; Quebec; Surrey, B.C.; Toronto; Vancouver and Winnipeg. Cities with larger proportions of renters had higher risks of death during extreme heat waves.That’s in line with previous research that suggests people who rent are less likely to have air conditioning than people who own their homes, StatCan research analyst Matthew Quick said in an interview. That el-

evated risk could also signal an equity issue, said Dr. Anna Gunz, an associate professor of medicine at Western University in London, Ont.“Are rental properties also places where there might be a little bit of a green desert and people aren’t living close to trees and parks and other pieces of green space that we also know can ambiently cool the area?” said Gunz, who specializes in climate change and heat. The study looked at daily mortality data for two decades between 2000 and 2020 and also found that the risk of heat-related deaths was higher in cities where extreme heat was less common, including Vancouver and Surrey. Although the data can’t show cause, one possible explanation could be that those cities have fewer adaptation measures, such as air conditioning, than other cities, Quick said.

“(Or) maybe people are more aware of the impacts of extreme heat and adjust their daily routines accordingly,” he said of people in places that see more extreme heat.

The study looked at respiratory, cardiovascular and “non-accidental” deaths during heat waves. “Non-accidental” is a non-specific category that includes deaths that weren’t caused by accidents such as car crashes or poisonings, Quick said...

Source: globalnews.ca/news

Trudeau’s right when he says voters aren’t in

Celebrates 157th Canada Day for good reason

Aday marked on everyone’s calendar, Canada Day is a staple part of many Canadians’ experience, it holds meaning for everyone whether you’re an immigrant or a refugee or have been here for all your life yet it’s easy to forget that before any of us were here, the Indigenous were. This Canada Day, and all Canada Days, it’s important to shed some light on the experience of the Indigenous and the privilege that all of us have to be living on their unceded territory.

It’s important to recognize that the history of our land began long before the first Canada Day, Canada is a part of Turtle Island and is acknowledged as a diverse place. An important part of Canada Day is continuing to educate and be a part of the change that will work towards meeting our Truth and Reconciliation goals.

Regardless, it is every citizen’s duty to understand the history, significance, and meaning behind Canada Day so that they know what exactly it is they’re “celebrating”. Our country’s origins are rooted deeply in colonialism, assimilation, ethnic genocide and overall injustice so when July 1st comes around every year, “celebrating” it with the appropriate intentions, knowledge, and understanding is extremely important. In 1982, July 1st was dubbed Canada Day and officially became the

national day to commemorate the state’s independence from Great Britain. Nowadays, citizens celebrate the occasion with fireworks, parties, and a sense of, often misplaced, pride. Yet, there is a significance to the celebration. This Canada Day, the goal is to celebrate Canadian development from what our nation once represented and to acknowledge that change is in progress, and we are all expected to hold responsibility for what comes next.

A citizen’s responsibilities and duties are endless and with Canada Day approaching, our patriotism should motivate us to do better for our communities, our societies, and our country. Some are obligations, like obeying laws or paying taxes but those we are not obligated to do, society holds us accountable for.

As a Canadian, I am aware of my right to vote or be informed for example. This means that for the benefit of myself and my peers, I should observe those rights.

Now studies show that Canadian ‘nationalism’ or patriotism differs significantly .Our sense of pride is what should motivate us to fulfill those duties and responsibilities, such as voting or promoting diversity, or especially advocating for Truth and Reconciliation, because our patriotism isn’t meaningful unless it is directed in a relevant and worthwhile manner.

Celebrating Canada Day is controversial and protested event for a reason, and as Canadians,

we have to be self-aware of our personal responsibility regarding our patriotism.

According to the latest census, Canada’s population has touched plus forty million. Have you considered whether public facilities have increased with population growth or not?

On the other hand, rising inflation across the world has had a big impact here as well. And the price of everything is skyrocketing. The middle class seems to be worried about their limited income.

Problems in BC and especially Surrey. Tax payer’s money has been wasted for two years on property tax, RCMP, and SPS cycle issues.

Many projects in the city have been closed after being studied. on the other hand, LGBTQ has become a new issue. There are protests against this new school policy in every city but no good news has been heard yet. This is the worst example of deviation from nature which is being tried to be enforced by force.Not only in North America but also in Europe, there are protests against it. The destruction of nature in the name of freedom is a prelude to destruction and great destruction. We all have to stand against it and stop it. Here are some points to enhance the importance of Canada Day.

1. Show appreciation: For the opportunities and freedoms Canada offers.

2. Embrace Canadian culture: And become a part of the community.

3. Feel a sense of belonging: And connection to their new home.

4. Honor their journey: And the sacrifices made to build a new life in Canada.

5. Celebrate diversity: And the contributions immigrants make to Canada’s fabric.

6. Show gratitude: For the welcoming nature of Canadians and the country’s inclusive spirit.

7. Pass on traditions: To their children and grandchildren, sharing their cultural heritage.

8. Build bridges: Between their old and new homes, connecting their past and present.

9. Demonstrate patriotism: And loyalty to their adopted country.

10. Enjoy the festivities: And have fun with fellow Canadians!

By celebrating Canada Day, immigrants can express their pride in their new home and their role in shaping Canada’s future.

More than 1,300 people died during Hajj, many of them after walking in the scorching heat

Continued from Pg 1

Egyptians. All but 31 of them were unauthorized pilgrims, according to two officials in Cairo. Egypt has revoked the licenses of 16 travel agencies that helped unauthorized pilgrims travel to Saudi Arabia, authorities said.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief journalists, said most of the dead were reported at the Emergency Complex in Mecca’s Al-Muaisem neighborhood.

Egypt sent more than 50,000 authorized pilgrims to Saudi Arabia

this year. Saudi authorities cracked down on unauthorized pilgrims, expelling tens of thousands of people. But many, mostly Egyptians, managed to reach holy sites in and around Mecca, some on foot. Unlike authorized pilgrims, they had no hotels to return to to escape the scorching heat. In a statement Saturday, Egypt’s government said the 16 travel agencies failed to provide adequate services for pilgrims. It said these agencies illegally facilitated the travel of pilgrims to Saudi Arabia using visas that don’t allow holders to travel to Mecca. The government also said officials from the companies have been referred to

the public prosecutor for investigation. According to the state-owned Al-Ahram daily, some travel agencies and Hajj trip operators sold Saudi tourist visas to Egyptian Hajj hopefuls, violating Saudi regulations which require exclusive visas for pilgrims. Those agencies left pilgrims in limbo in Mecca and the holy sites in scorching heat, the newspaper said. The fatalities also included 165 pilgrims from Indonesia, 98 from India and dozens more from Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Malaysia, according to an Associated Press tally. Two U.S. citizens were also reported dead. The AP could not indepen-

dently confirm the causes of death, but some countries like Jordan and Tunisia blamed the soaring heat. AP journalists saw pilgrims fainting from the scorching heat, especially on the second and third days of the Hajj. Some vomited and collapsed.

Historically, deaths are not uncommon at the Hajj, which has seen at times over 2 million people travel to Saudi Arabia for a five-day pilgrimage. The pilgrimage’s history has also seen deadly stampedes and epidemics. But this year’s tally was unusually high, suggesting exceptional circumstances. Source:apnews.com/

US Congress calls for impartial probe into Pakistan’s elections following irregularity claims

News Continued from Pg 1

The issue was most forcefully raised by former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI), whose leaders had to participate in the electoral contest as independent candidates after being deprived of their symbol, the cricket bat, following a legal battle over an intra-party election deemed flawed by the election authority. Much of the PTI leadership, including Khan, found itself behind

bars on a range of legal charges as the country went to the polls, though the candidates supported by it emerged as the single largest bloc in the National Assembly.

The US house voted 368-7 over a resolution calling for “full and independent investigation of claims of interference or irregularities in Pakistan’s February 2024 election.”It condemned “attempts to suppress the people of Pakistan’s participation in their democracy, including through harassment, intimidation,

violence, arbitrary detention, restrictions on access to the Internet and telecommunications, or any violation of their human, civil, or political rights.”The House Resolution 901 said it was to express support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan.It urged the government to uphold democratic and electoral institutions, human rights, and the rule of law, asking it to respect the fundamental guarantees of due process, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and

speech of the people of Pakistan. It also condemned “any effort to subvert the political, electoral, or judicial processes of Pakistan.”

Commenting on the development, Michael Kugelman, Director of South Asia Institute at The Wilson Center in Washington, said the margin of vote was significant.

“85 percent of House members voted on it, and 98 percent voted in favor of the resolution,” he noted in a social media post. “This is quite significant.” Source: arabnews.com/

Gen. Wayne Eyre says he has no idea who’s replacing him as top military commander

The government has named a date for the change of command, but not Eyre’s replacement. The Canadian military is expecting to get a new top commander on July 18, 2024. Who it will be appears to be anybody’s guess at this point — and even the current chief of the defence staff says he has no idea who is replacing him. In an interview with CBC News on Wednesday, Gen. Wayne Eyre said

the date for the change of command ceremony has been set but the federal government has not yet revealed who will take over.

“We do know that the change of command will be the 18th of July,” said Eyre, who — according to several defence department sources — had advocated for a gap of at least two months between his successor’s appointment and his departure. “We know [now] any handover period is going to be greatly abbreviated, which increases risk to the institution,” Eyre said. Eyre signaled in January that he was planning to retire this summer after 40 years in uniform. At the time, the Prime Minister’s Office congratulated him in a media statement and thanked him for his service.


Pentagon chief calls for urgent diplomacy to avoid israel-Hezbollah war

United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said that a diplomatic solution is needed to avoid a costly war between Israel and the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah.

During a meeting with Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant on Tuesday, Austin blamed soaring tensions on “provocations” by Hezbollah but noted that a full-blown war would be destructive for all involved and could spark a regional conflagration.

“Diplomacy is by far the best way to prevent more escalation. So we’re urgently seeking a diplomatic agreement that restores lasting calm to Israel’s northern border and enables civilians to return safely to their homes on both sides of the Israel-Lebanon border,” Austin told reporters. Hezbollah and Israeli forces have exchanged fire on a near-daily basis since the beginning of the war in Gaza, but escalating attacks over the last several

weeks have caused growing unease. Gallant has often suggested that Israel could pursue a large-scale war against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. On Tuesday, Gallant said that he was “working closely” with Austin to find a diplomatic resolution, but that they also discussed military “readiness on every possible scenario”. While Israel has blamed Hezbollah for the displacement of thousands of Israelis from their homes near the Lebanese border... Source:aljazeera.com/

US surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis

Surgeon general says widespread gun violence has led to ‘unimaginable pain’ for victims across the country. US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has declared gun violence a public health crisis in the United States. In an advisory issued on Tuesday, Murthy called for more stringent laws to limit the widespread availability of firearms, which many blame for the country’s unparalleled levels of gun violence.

“Firearm violence is an urgent public health crisis that has led to loss of life, unimaginable pain, and profound grief for far too many Americans,” Murthy said in a statement. While high-profile mass shootings attract a large share of attention, everyday gun violence is a persistent threat that has led to a dismal upward trend of gun injuries and deaths. Murthy noted on Tuesday that young people and communities of colour are especially impacted. It is unclear what changes, if any, the declaration could bring, with efforts to enact gun control at a standstill at the federal level, where many conservative politicians resolutely oppose any efforts to place greater limitations on firearms access.

Many Republican-led states have moved to further roll back existing restrictions.


Canada’s ford vehicles recalled over transmission issue; 95,000 impacted

One of the country’s most popular vehicles is being recalled in Canada due to a transmission issue that may impact tens of thousands of drivers.Certain Ford F-150 pickup trucks are being recalled in Canada and the U.S. because transmission can unexpectedly downshift into first gear when vehicles are being driven regardless of speed. Ford’s F-Series pickup trucks are the top-selling vehicles in Canada, and have been for more than a decade, according to DesRosiers Automotive Consultants. The recall south of the border impacts more than 550,000 F150s from the 2014 model year.

Transport Canada has yet to issue a formal recall, but Ford Canada told CTVNews.ca in an email Tuesday that it will likely im-

pact approximately 95,000 similar vehicles in Canada.A Ford spokesperson said the company expects the repair to be available in the fall, and that the number of vehicles actually impacted by the transmission issue is “expected to be less than one per cent of the recall population.”“Before customers experience a downshift to first gear, the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) may illuminate,” she wrote...Source: ctvnews.ca/

Pti spurns premier’s latest call for dialogue

• Omar Ayub links talks with release of Imran, other party leaders

• PM Shehbaz claims PML-N leaders were politically victimised during PTI govt

• Fazl opposes military op, warns militant takeover of some KP areas ‘imminent’

• NA passes 121 demands for grants for various ministries, divisions

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s fresh offer to the opposition PTI for a dialogue on Wednesday met with a strong rebuke, as the latter made it conditional with the release of the party’s founding chairman Imran Khan and other party leaders and activists.“If any hardships are being faced by your [PTI’s] founder in jail, then [let’s] talk about them,” said PM Shehbaz in the National Assembly, addressing the PTI members who kept on highlighting their alleged political victimisation and decried the alleged mistreatment of Mr Khan at Adiala Jail during their speeches on cut

motions related to the federal budget. The other highlight of the proceedings was the speech of JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who forcefully opposed the planned anti-terrorism operation, Azm-i-Istehkam. At the same time, however, he warned that certain areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa could fall under the control of the “Islamic emirate”, a reference to the Taliban’s government in Afghanistan, within the next two to four months..Source: Dawnnews

israel war on Gaza: 32 killed as israel targets displaced Palestinians

• Gaza’s Health Ministry says at least 32 people have been killed and 139 in the last day, as the Civil Defence says Israel has targeted five displacement camps.

• Israeli military attacks on a home in central Khan Younis and a tent sheltering displaced people in alMawasi have killed and injured at least six people.

• Hamas chief Haniyeh’s sister among 10 reported killed in attack on Shati camp. Two other attacks on schools kill at least 14 people.

• A high risk of famine remains in Gaza as more than 495,000

• Palestinians experiencing “catastrophic” food shortages.

• At least 37,658 people killed and 86,237 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll in Israel from the Hamas-led attacks stands at 1,139, with dozens of people still held captive in Gaza.

Source: aljazeera.com/

US sanctions ‘sprawling shadow banking network’ that helps iran’s military

Those sanctioned are involved in the sale of Iranian oil and petrochemicals, money that pays for weapons, proxy groups.

The United States Department of the Treasury has announced economic sanctions on 50 people and firms across Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and the Marshall Islands that it claims have been acting as a “sprawling shadow banking network” for Iran’s military. On Tuesday, the Treasury’s

Office of Foreign Assets Control said the entities and individuals are involved in the sale of Iranian oil and petrochemicals, which have helped Iran’s military and government gain illicit access to the international financial system. The income pays for weapons and funding to proxy groups, including Yemen’s Houthis, as well as drone transfers to Russia, the Treasury said.

Iran is accused of supplying Russia with drones that are used to bomb Ukrainian civilians as the Kremlin continues its invasion of Ukraine. Included in the sanctions are Seyyed Mohammad Mosanna’i Najibi, an Iranian-Turkish money-changer, 27 cover companies controlled by Najibi based in Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and the Marshall Islands, and a Tehran-based currency exchange business, among others. ...Source:aljazeera.com/

fiJi: fijian military cadets for Japan’s academy training

Japan is considering engaging military cadets from Fiji and Pacific Island countries (PICs) for further training in the Land of the Rising Sun. Director of Indo-Pacific Regional Policy Division with Japan’s Ministry of Defense Ashizuka Osamu said this issue has been discussed with the Ministers for Defense of Japan and Fiji. “We have asked Fiji earlier this month if they are interested in sending military cadets to join our National Defense Academy and there has been interest,” he said. “The two Ministers for Defense of both countries have met and discussed this issue and is ongoing so we are looking to kick-start this program by 2025. “This is important because the future leader-

ship matters and it becomes an asset for your countries and such cadets in the future will play a role of bridging that relationship with Japan.”Mr Osamu said other Pacific Island countries were just as important to Japan and various assistance have been rendered to help with security issues.


Everything you need to know about Canada Day

Now, why should you care??

Because Canadians know how to celebrate, and it is in your best interest to find out where to be when the party kicks off. It also doesn’t hurt to pick up some extra knowledge about the Great White North in case you get a jeopardy question on it or something…

How do we celebrate it?

Canada Day is a day to celebrate everything that makes us Canadian; we celebrate our values, diversity, freedom, and the natural beauty of our country. We also have some fun embracing the stereotypes. We eat Canadian food, dress in true Canadian fashion, and enjoy some classic Canadian festivities.

Canadian Food

These foods are some Canadian classics that we travel out of our way to get, make at home, or find in a food truck at one of the celebrations; there’s something about them that really makes you feel at home!

Tim Horton’s

Many Canadian’s pride and joy. I’ve only been living in London for a month and I’ve already figured out that my nearest Timmy’s is in Manchester. Tim’s offers Canada Day themed menu items that are exciting to try out, but you’ll definitely find a lot of people indulging in a classic Canadian Maple donut and a good ol’ double double.


It’s worth mentioning that it isn’t poutine unless is has ACTUAL cheese curds; sorry, but otherwise you’re just having fries with cheese and gravy. The variations of poutine are virtually endless so you can decide how adventurous you’d like to be at your local poutinerie (we all have one, right?).

Local delicacies

You’ll find people enjoying things like Alberta Beef, Canadian Lobster, and Montreal Smoked Meat out of respect for their local food cultures.

Maple Syrup

Put it in your coffee, on your pancakes, or in your morning smoothie and you’re good to go. The Québécois will traditionally pour maple syrup over snow so it cools and becomes a taffy-like consistency, and then wrap it around a stick; this is called “Tire sur la neige”. It has spread throughout Canada as a traditional treat, it’s REALLY good.

Canadian Clothes

I don’t think Canadians realise that it isn’t normal to wear toques in the summer or to have a different flannel for every day of the week, but you’ll probably see both of those things together on Canada Day.

Red and White

You’ll see a lot Canadian Maple Leafs, red, and white when you’re oot and aboot on July 1st (Canadian accent intentional). Chances are people will head to the Hudon’s Bay

Company and browse their selection of Canadian themed attire to make sure they’re looking the part.

Everyone knows we love our hockey, so you’ll without a doubt see some people repping their team’s sweater. What you may not know is that we also have a soft spot for the Canadian Football League (CFL), and July is high football season! Many people will opt to sport their Calgary Stampeders jersey (or other team I guess…) to celebrate an integral part of the Canadian identity while simultaneously supporting their team.


They’re stereotypically Canadian, and we love it. The reality is that flannels are fashionable, and functional; it only makes sense to bring one along.

Traditional Uniforms

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Force (RCMP) will often be seen wearing their traditional dress uniforms, including the Red Serge (jacket) and RCMP Mountie Hat. They’re a true Canadian icon!


AKA beanies, stocking caps, hats, etc… We know it’s July but depending on where you are it can get quite cold at night, better to be safe than sorry.

The Canadian Tuxedo

Ryan Gosling approved (you’re welcome world), the Canadian Tuxedo is a classic outfit consisting of a denim jacket, with denim jeans; and yes, it looks as good as it sounds.


Friends and families have countless different ways to celebrate Canada Day; they bring people together, help us relax a bit, and are an excuse to embrace everything that makes us Canadian. There are even international celebrations for people who are abroad and

missing out on the Canadian celebrations; you’re welcome to come even if you aren’t Canadian, and now you’ll know why you’re celebrating too.

City Events

Aside from the usual parties at bars and clubs, there are entire full-day events planned by the cities. The events put on by cities across Canada are family friendly, easily accessible, and free. These events also take the time to acknowledge important parts of Canadian history, including the Indigenous Canadian people and Canada’s French heritage. You’re guaranteed to find food stalls/trucks, live music, and fireworks at these events; as well as activities for kids like face painting and petting zoos. Here are some of the largest celebrations across Canada:

Getting into the outdoors

Canadians love to get outdoors on Canada Day and appreciate the amazing spaces that we are so lucky to call home. If you know any Canadians, chances are you’ll find yourself at a backyard barbecue at the very least. All national parks and historic sites are free to enter on Canada Day too, so it’s even easier to get out and enjoy the scenery!

Vancouver, British Colombia

The second largest Canada Day celebration is at Canada Place and the surrounding streets in Vancouver. There are performances by various Canadian artists throughout the day and night, displays from the Canadian Forces and the National Film Board of Canada; and of course, fireworks! They also host a Citizenship Ceremony where sixty new Canadians are welcomed to the country. While all this is going on there are food trucks ready to serve up some fantastic food. Source:hostelworld.com/

The Government of Canada Services & Benifits


Find a job, training, hiring programs, work permits, Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Immigration and citizenship

Visit, work, study, immigrate, refugees, permanent residents, apply, check status

Travel and tourism

In Canada or abroad, advice, advisories, passports, visit Canada, events, attractions

Business and industry

Starting a business, permits, copyright, business support, selling to government


EI, family and sickness leave, child benefit, pensions, housing, student aid, disabilities, after a death


Food, nutrition, diseases, vaccines, drugs, product safety and recalls


Income tax, payroll, GST/HST, contribution limits, tax credits, charities

Environment and natural resourc-


Weather, climate, agriculture, wildlife, pollution, conservation, fisheries

National security and defence

Military, transportation and cyber security, securing the border, counter-terrorism

Culture, history and sport

Arts, media, heritage, official languages, national identity and funding

Policing, justice and emergencies

Safety, justice system, prepare for emergencies, services for victims of crime

Transport and infrastructure

Aviation, marine, road and rail, car seat and vehicle recalls

Canada and the world

Foreign policy, trade agreements, development work, global issues

Money and finances

Personal finance, credit reports, fraud protection, paying for education, housing Science and innovation

Scientific research on health, environment and space, grants and funding

Focus on Indigenous peoples

Programs and services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis

Veterans and military

Services for current and former military, RCMP and their families


Programs and services for teenagers and young adults Source:canada.ca/en.

The Canadian government has several programs to help refugees resettle in Canada.

Refugee claimants, Convention refugees and persons in need of protection have certain rights around employment and education. There are also several programs to help you get settled in Canada, such as health care, financial assistance, and settlement assistance.

About the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

The Canada Student Financial Assistance Program (CSFA Program) provides Canada Student Grants and Loans to help students pay for their post-secondary education. The Program works in partnership with provinces and territories to deliver student aid. Funding is available to full- and parttime students that:

• are from low- and middle-income families

• have dependants

• have disabilities

Apprentices can also get help through Canada apprentice loans and apprenticeship grants.

What money you could get from the CRA?

You or your spouse or common-law partner must be a resident of Canada for income tax purposes.

To start getting payments, you must: Get a social insurance number (SIN) from Service Canada

Apply for the benefit and credit you are eligible for. You do not need to do your first tax return before you can get these benefits and credits the first year you arrive in Canada: GST/HST credit and Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR): The goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit helps you offset the tax you pay on things you buy.

Canada child benefit (CCB)

If you have at least one child under 18 years old and are eligible, apply for a tax-free monthly payment to help with the cost of raising your family.

Provincial and territorial benefits and credits

Many of the provinces and territories have several benefits and credits that you may be eligible for.

Other benefits and credits

Once you have filed your first tax return, you may be eligible to receive more tax credits and benefits.

Canadians Seniors benefits

$1,200 Extra for Low-Income Seniors by CRA is part of the Government’s program

that offers monthly assistance to eligible seniors with low incomes. These extra 1.2K CAD benefits are made as tax-free benefits and delivered to those who are eligible for the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Securit

Old age security (OAS) is a federally funded monthly pension, which is paid to eligible seniors who have reached the age of 65, are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, and have lived in Canada for at least 10 years after the age of 18. And Social security benefits for seniors.

Benefits and grants available for single parents in Canada: There are several cash grants available for single-parent homes.

Family Supplement to Employment Insurance (EI)

If you lose your job through no fault of your own, EI can provide supplemental income until you find your next role.

If you qualify for EI and your net income is below a certain amount for the year, you can also be eligible for additional EI amounts through the Family Supplement. The Family Supplement can increase the amount of your EI payments by as much as 80%.



people who are Muslims and reside in, or are citizens of, Canada.

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.



Majid Jowhari - Liberal MP for Richmond Hill (2015–present)

Ali Ehsassi - Liberal MP for Willowdale (2015–present)

Omar Alghabra - Liberal MP for Mississauga—Erindale (2006–2008) and Mississauga Centre (2015–present).

Salma Ataullahjan - Conservative Senator for Ontario (2010–present).

Sadia Groguhé - NDP MP for Saint-Lambert (2011-2015).

Sana Hassainia - NDP MP for Verchères— Les Patriotes (2011-2015).

Mobina Jaffer - Liberal Senator for British Columbia (2001–present).

Rahim Jaffer - Conservative MP for Edmonton–Strathcona (1997–2008); first Muslim MP elected in Canada.

Wajid Khan - Conservative MP for Mississauga—Streetsville (2004–2008).

Maryam Monsef - Liberal MP for Peterborough—Kawartha (2015–2021); first Muslim Cabinet Minister.

Yasmin Ratansi - Liberal MP for Don Valley East (2004–2011, 2015–2021).

Djaouida Sellah - NDP MP for Saint-Bruno—Saint-Hubert (2011-2015).

Arif Virani - Liberal MP for Parkdale—High Park (2015–present).

Taleeb Noormohamed - Liberal MP for Vancouver Granville (2021–present)

Ziad Aboultaif - Conservative MP for Ed-

monton Manning (2015–present)

Ahmed Hussen - Liberal MP for York South-Weston (2015–present)

Iqra Khalid - Liberal MP for Mississauga-Erin Mills (2015–present)

Shafqat Ali - Liberal MP for Brampton Centre (2021–present)

Yasir Naqvi - Liberal MP for Ottawa Centre (2021–present)

Salma Zahid - Liberal MP for Scarborough Centre (2015–present)

Sameer Zuberi - Liberal MP for Pierrefonds-Dollard (2019–present) Provincial

Moe Amery - Alberta Conservative MLA for Calgary-East (1993-2015).

Peter Baker - Northwest Territories Independent MLA for Mackenzie North (19641967).

Muhammad Fiaz - Saskatchewan SP MLA for Regina Pasqua (2015–present).

Fatima Houda-Pepin - Quebec Liberal MNA for La Pinière (1994-2014).

Amir Khadir - Quebec Québec solidaire MNA for Mercier (2008–2018).

Stephen Khan - Alberta Conservative MLA for St. Albert (2008-2015).

Yasir Naqvi - Ontario Liberal MPP for Ottawa Centre (2007–2018).

John Nuraney - British Columbia Liberal MLA for Burnaby-Willingdon (2001-2009).

Shafiq Qaadri - Ontario Liberal MPP for Etobicoke North (2003–present).

Doly Begum - Ontario NDP MPP for Scarborough Southwest (2018–present).

Sohail Quadri - Alberta Conservative MLA for Edmonton-Mill Woods (2012-2015).

Khalil Ramal - Ontario Liberal MPP for London-Fanashawe (2003-2011).

Irfan Sabir - Alberta NDP MLA for CalgaryMcCall (2015–present).

Larry Shaben - Alberta Conservative MLA for Lesser Slave Lake (1975–1989).

Shiraz Shariff - Alberta Conservative MLA for Calgary McCall (1995-2008).

Muhammad Yaseen - Alberta United Conservative MLA for Calgary North (2019–present)

Salma Lakhani - Lieutenant Governor of Alberta (2020–present)

Adil Shamji - Ontario Liberal MPP for Don

Valley East (2022-present)


Naheed Nenshi - Mayor of Calgary (2010–2021)

Academic figures

Faisal Kutty - lawyer and law professor Journalism

Mohamed Fahmy - journalist, arrested in Egypt

Irshad Manji - feminist, author, journalist, activist

Omar Sachedina - anchorman and journalist, CTV

Haroon Siddiqui - newspaper journalist, columnist, and a former editor of the Toronto Star

Farah Nasser - anchor and journalist, Global News

Ginella Massa - News Anchor, CBC News

Raheel Raza - journalist, author, public speaker, media consultant, anti-racism activist, and interfaith discussion leader

Hodan Nalayeh - media executive, marketing consultant, social activist and entrepreneur

Tarek Fatah - journalist and author and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress

Religious leaders

Jamal Badawi

Zijad Delic - imam and community leader

Amir Hussain - editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion

Ahmad Kutty - religious scholar

Ingrid Mattson

Reza Hosseini Nassab

Sulekha Ali - singer-songwriter

Belly - Palestinian-Canadian rapper

Ali Hassan - comedian

Tariq Hussain - singer-songwriter, broadcaster

Ladan Hussein - musician also known as Cold Specks

K’naan - singer-songwriter

Nabil Rajo - actor

Narcy - Yaseen Al Salman, Hiphop singer and journalist with ancestors from Iraq.

Zarqa Nawaz - created Little Mosque on the Prairie

Dawud Wharnsby - singer-songwriter, poet

Imane Anys - streamer, YouTuber

Nemahsis - TikToker, musician


Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali - memoirist

Samra Habib - artist, memoirist

Hasan Namir - novelist, poet

Arsham Parsi - activist, autobiographer

Ahmad Danny Ramadan - novelist

Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri - professor of international constitutional law at the University of the Punjab and the founding chairman of Minhaj-ul-Quran International Leaders

Ahmed Hussen - lawyer and National President of the Canadian Somali Congress

Faisal Kutty - community leader, activist and law professor

Hamid Slimi - imam and community leader


Kamal Al-Solaylee - journalist, memoirist’ Sports

Nazem Kadri - ice hockey player, 2009 draft pick of the Toronto Maple Leafs, first Muslim to win the Stanley Cup.

Sami Zayn - WWE Wrestler

Asmir Begović - Professional football player, raised in Edmonton, and played for the Canada men’s national under-20 soccer team. Adnan Virk - ESPN Sports Anchor, born in Toronto.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/

James and Agnes first Muslim Family in Canada

James and Agnes Love, a significant historical couple, hold a unique place in Canadian history as the earliest documented Muslims in the country. 1 Born in Hamilton, Scotland, in 1824, James Love and his wife Agnes, born in 1835, made their way to Canada in 1851, becoming pioneers in the Muslim community. Residing in southern Ontario, the Loves’ impact extends beyond their time, marking a profound historical connection between Islam and Canada. James Love’s notable background lies in his conversion to Islam, marking him as the earliest recorded Muslim in Canada. 1

The significance of James and Agnes Love is underscored by their role as trailblazers in Canada’s Muslim history. Their unique position as the first documented Muslims in the country adds a layer of historical richness, especially considering their arrival more than a decade before Canada’s official establishment in 1867.

The History of Al Rashid Mosque (Canada’s First Mosque)

The Al Rashid Mosque is a mosaic of determination, resilience, cooperation, and collaboration of Muslims and non-Muslims in Edmonton. It’s a building not only made of mortar and bricks, but a symbol of peace for all people of all faiths to assemble and to pray. Today, it stands as a majestic reminder of what can be done when a group of likeminded individuals set a goal and work hard to achieve it in the name of Allah. The first Muslims arrived in Canada in 1871 in hopes of living in a country that promised them peace and prosperity. They were transported by boats to Canada’s East coast; the Census of Canada registered 645 Muslim residents by 1931.

In the early 1930s, a group of Muslim women requested the Edmonton Mayor, John Fry, provide them with a plot of land on which a mosque could be built to accommodate the growing Muslim community in the city. They reminded the Mayor that the other major

faiths had their places of worship and therefore, the Muslims deserved their own site for communal prayers.

Mayor Fry supported the Muslim community in the purchase of land located next to Royal Alexandra Hospital at a cost of $5000.00. Mike Drewoth, a Ukrainian-Canadian, was hired as the contractor for what would become the first Mosque in Canada. Al Rashid Mosque was officially opened on December 12, 1938. The ceremony was attended by prominent members of the community including Abdullah Yusuf Ali, whose English interpretation of the Holy Qur’an is renowned. The Mosque served as a religious and community center for the Muslim community and as a result, many Muslim families were attracted to Edmonton. The Mosque provided the new Edmonton residents with the reassurance that they could maintain their cultural practices and religious beliefs while interacting with Canadians of all cul-

tures and faiths.

Over the years the community flourished, and by the early 1980s, more than 16,000 Muslims resided in Edmonton. The Al Rashid Mosque could no longer accommodate the growing number of Muslims and therefore, a larger purpose-built Mosque was required to meet the needs of its growing membership. In August 1982 the new Al Rashid mosque opened its doors to serve over 20,000 Muslims in Edmonton. The original Al Rashid Mosque (the land had been sold to the City) remained empty for ten years until the expansion of the Royal Alexandra Hospital jeopardized the future of this historical landmark. The Canadian Council of Muslim Women lobbied to have the building saved from the wrecking ball and in 1992 the former Al Rashid Mosque was preserved as a historical building. It was moved to Fort Edmonton Park to be visited by all faiths and cultures. It opened doors at

Source: ecampusontario.pressbooks

its new home to the public on May 28, 1992. Tours of the first Mosque of Canada can now be arranged with the Fort Edmonton Park Administration.

Today the Edmonton Muslim community numbers over 90,000 and comprises of 62 cultures. Its members have contributed to shaping Edmonton’s dynamic character for over a century and are poised to contribute to the growth and prosperity of Edmonton, Alberta, and Canada in the future as proud Muslim Canadians and in good faith with all other Canadians.

Source: https://alrashidmosque.ca/

Canada Day is a day to reflect on what it means to be Canadian, to share what makes us proud and to celebrate in our own way. This pride is reflected in as many ways as there are Canadians. Canada Day highlights the richness of our land, our diversity, our culture, our contributions, but above all, our people. Since 1868, July 1 is an opportunity for Canadians from all communities to come together. The creation of Canada Day

July 1, 1867: The British North America Act (today known as the Constitution Act, 1867) creates Canada.

June 20, 1868: Governor General Lord Monck signs a proclamation that requests all Her Majesty’s subjects across Canada to celebrate July 1.

1879: A federal law makes July 1 a statutory holiday as the “anniversary of Confederation,” which is later called “Dominion Day.”

October 27, 1982: July 1, “Dominion Day” officially becomes Canada Day.

Canadian citizens have rights and responsibilities. These come to us from our history, are secured by Canadian law, and reflect our shared traditions, identity, and values.

Canadian law has several sources, including laws passed by Parliament and the provincial legislatures, English common law, the civil code of France and the unwritten constitution that we have inherited from Great Britain.

Together, these secure for Canadians an 800- year old tradition of ordered liberty, which dates back to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215 in England (also known as the Great Charter of Freedoms), including:

• Freedom of conscience and religion;

• Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and of the press;

• Freedom of peaceful assembly; and

• Freedom of association.

Habeas corpus, the right to challenge unlawful detention by the state, comes from English common law.

The Constitution of Canada was amended in 1982 to entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which begins with the words, “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.” This phrase underlines the importance of religious traditions to Canadian society and the dignity and worth of the human person.

The Charter attempts to summarize funda-

the History of Canada Day

The celebrations start

July 1, 1917: The 50th anniversary of Confederation. The Parliament buildings, under construction, are dedicated to the Fathers of Confederation and to the courage of Canadians who fought in Europe during the First World War.

July 1, 1927: The 60th anniversary of Confederation. The Peace Tower Carillon is inaugurated. The Governor General at the time, Viscount Willingdon, lays the cornerstone of the Confederation Building on Wellington Street.

From 1958 to 1968: The government organizes celebrations for Canada’s national holiday every year. The Secretary of State of Canada is responsible for coordinating these activities. A typical format includes a flag ceremony in the afternoon on the lawns of Parliament Hill and a sunset ceremony in the evenings, followed by a concert of military music and fireworks.

July 1, 1967: The 100th anniversary of Confederation. Parliament Hill is the backdrop for a high-profile ceremony, which includes the participation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

From 1968 to 1979 (with the exception of 1976): A large multicultural celebration is presented on Parliament Hill. This concert is broadcast on television across the country. The main celebrations (called “Festival Canada”) are held in Canada’s Capital Region throughout July. These celebrations include many cultural, artistic and sport activities, and involve the participation of various municipalities and volunteer asso-


From 1980 to 1983: A new format is developed. In addition to the festivities on Parliament Hill, the national committee (the group tasked by the federal government to plan the festivities for Canada’s national holiday) starts to encourage and financially support local celebrations across Canada. Start-up funding is provided to support popular activities and performances organized by volunteer groups in hundreds of communities. Interested organizations can make a request under the Celebrate Canada program.

1981: Fireworks light up the sky in 15 major Canadian cities, a tradition that continues today.

1984: The National Capital Commission (NCC) is given the mandate to organize Canada Day festivities in the capital.

2010: Festivities on Parliament Hill receive the royal treatment when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh join the festivities to celebrate Canada’s 143rd anniversary.

2011: Their Royal Highnesses Prince William and Catherine, The Duke and The Duchess of Cambridge, participate in Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill on the occasion of Canada’s 144th anniversary.

2014: Canadian Heritage organizes the 147th Canada Day celebrations. As we approach Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017, the government has given the Department the mandate to organize Canada Day festivities in the capital.

2017: A wide range of activities are held

Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

mental freedoms while also setting out additional rights. The most important of these include:

• Mobility Rights — Canadians can live and work anywhere they choose in Canada, enter and leave the country freely, and apply for a passport.

• Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights — The rights guaranteed in the Charter will not adversely affect any treaty or other rights or freedoms of Aboriginal peoples.

• Official Language Rights and Minority Language Educational Rights — French and English have equal status in Parliament and throughout the government.

• Multiculturalism — A fundamental characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity. Canadians celebrate the gift of one another’s presence and work hard to respect pluralism and live in harmony.

The Equality of Women and Men

In Canada, men and women are equal under the law. Canada’s openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, “honour killings,” female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence. Those guilty of these crimes are severely punished under Canada’s criminal laws.

Citizenship Responsibilities

In Canada, rights come with responsibilities. These include:

• Obeying the law — One of Canada’s founding principles is the rule of law. Individuals and governments are regulated by laws and not by arbitrary actions. No person or group is above the law.

• Taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family — Getting a job, taking care of one’s family and working hard in keeping with one’s abilities are important Canadian values. Work contributes to personal dignity and selfrespect, and to Canada’s prosperity.

• Serving on a jury — When called to do so, you are legally required to serve. Serving on a jury is a privilege that makes the justice system work as it depends on impartial juries made up of citizens.

• Voting in elections — The right to vote comes with a responsibility to vote in federal, provincial or territorial and local elections.

• Helping others in the community — Millions of volunteers freely donate their time to help others without pay— helping people in need, assisting at your child’s school, volunteering at a food bank or other charity, or encour-

across the country to mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation. Attending Canada Day for the first time, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall join in the festivities on Parliament Hill to mark this milestone anniversary with Canadians. 2020-2021: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the celebrations are presented in virtual format to comply with public health guidelines.

2022: Canada Day celebrations are back in person in Canada’s Capital Region. Although Parliament Hill has been the official site of our national holiday for more than 50 years, the main stages are moved to new locations given the renovations to Parliament. The festivities are held mainly at LeBreton Flats Park and in the heart of Ottawa-Gatineau.

2024: After many decades, Canada Day gets a new logo. Inspired by the National Flag of Canada and its history, the maple leaf appears at its most iconic in a magnificent display of warm colours. Within the logo, the veins create images, notably those of fresh buds emerging with renewed life. The paths they travel and the points where they connect shape our vision for a greater future.

Source: canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage

aging newcomers to integrate. Volunteering is an excellent way to gain useful skills and develop friends and contacts.

• Protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment — Every citizen has a role to play in avoiding waste and pollution while protecting Canada’s natural, cultural and architectural heritage for future generations.

Defending Canada

There is no compulsory military service in Canada. However, serving in the regular Canadian Forces (navy, army and air force) is a noble way to contribute to Canada and an excellent career choice You may also serve in the Coast Guard or emergency services in your community such as a police force or fire department. By helping to protect your community, you follow in the footsteps of Canadians before you who made sacrifices in the service of our country. Source:canada.ca/en/immig

immigration : BC PNP Draw targets tech, Childcare, Construction and Healthcare

BC PNP Draw Targets Tech, Childcare, Construction and Healthcare

The latest British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) draw on June 18 strategically targeted key sectors such as technology, childcare, construction, healthcare, and veterinary care within the Skilled Worker and International Graduate streams. The draw aimed to address specific labour shortages and support economic growth.

In the tech sector, 35 invitations were issued with a high minimum score of 122, reflecting the demand for top-tier

professionals. Childcare saw 10 invitations at a minimum score of 93, emphasizing the need for qualified workers in this essential service area. Similarly, the construction sector received 11 invitations, also with a score of 93, highlighting the need for skilled labour for infrastructure projects.

Healthcare, with a minimum score of 102, received 14 invitations, underlining the importance of bolstering the workforce in this critical sector. The veterinary care sector had fewer than five invitations with a lower score of 80, indicating a more specialized demand.

Latest B.C. Immigration Draws

Date: 18-06-24

Category: Skilled Worker, International Graduate Minimum Score: Invitations Issued- Description 122 35 Tech

93 10 Childcare 93 11 Construction

102 14 Healthcare 80 <5 Veterinary care


Canada Day traditions to celebrate & Need to Know

In North America, when you think of fireworks, barbecues and parades during July your mind may go straight to Independence Day. However, the 4th of July isn’t North America’s only major summer holiday! Head a little further north to Canada around the 1st of July and get ready for some massive celebrations and a variety of Canada Day activities! What is Canada Day, you ask? Expat Explore is here to guide you through some Canada Day traditions, plus some Canada Day ideas if you wish to celebrate along!

Canada Day things to do, eat and explore to celebrate:

What is Canada Day and why is it celebrated?

Canada Day is the national day of Canada! It celebrates the anniversary of the Constitution Act of 1867. This act consolidated the territories of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada (which was the area now known as Ontario and Quebec) into one nation; Canada! It is a celebration of unity that many Canadians describe fondly as “Canada’s birthday”. Like any birthday festivity, it’s a celebration of everything that makes Canada unique. Canada Day takes place annually on the 1st of July. It’s a public holiday in Canada and therefore many workplaces will be closed. Should the 1st fall over a weekend, the following Monday will be taken off.

Where is Canada Day celebrated?

Well, obviously, in Canada! The best place to celebrate is in Canada’s capital city Ottawa. The celebrations in 2024 promise to be of epic proportions as it coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force. 2024 marks the 157th anniversary of Canada Day. Visitors can look forward to a full line-up, including live acts from top Canadian performers, fireworks and plenty of family-friendly activities. Also, don’t miss out on the Royal Canadian Air Force Pipes and Drums performance on Parliament Hill. While Canada may be known for its icy winter temperatures, Ottawa can actually get pretty balmy in summer. July is the perfect time to visit and make the most of its beautiful, sunny days.

Every other Canadian city also holds events and celebrations. Wherever you are in Canada over this period, you’ll certainly see many concerts, parades and homes decorated in red and white in honour of the day. However, the Great White North isn’t the only place that celebrates Canada Day. Many expat Canadian communities hold celebrations in other countries.

How do we celebrate it?

Canada Day is a day to celebrate everything that makes us Canadian; we celebrate our values, diversity, freedom, and the natural beauty of our country. We also have some fun embracing the stereotypes. We eat Canadian food, dress in true Canadian fashion, and enjoy some classic Canadian festivities. Why was July 1st chosen for Canada Day?

Canada Day | Definition, History,

The national anthem Lacrosse


& Facts

Recent News. Canada Day, the national holiday of Canada. The possibility of a confederation between the colonies of British North America was discussed throughout the mid-1800s. On July 1, 1867, a dominion was formed through the British North America Act as approved by the British Parliament.

What was Canada called before Canada?

New France

By the mid-1500s, European books and maps began referring to this region as Canada. Canada soon after became the name of a colony in New France that stretched along the St. Lawrence River. The terms “Canada” and “New France” were often used interchangeably during the colonial period. Which country is older, Canada or the USA?

The Country of the United States of America. was established through an act of War on July 4th, 1776. Canada did not become an independent country until July 1, 1867, almost 100 years late.

What is the indigenous name for Canada?

Origin of the name “Canada” Kanata

Aboriginal roots

The name “Canada” likely comes from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.” In 1535, two Aboriginal youths told French explorer Jacques Cartier about the route to kanata; they were actually referring to the village of Stadacona, the site of the present-day City of Québec. What is the nickname of Canada? the Great White North

The general breakdown is that Canada is “Great” because it’s the second largest country in the world. It’s “White” because of the amount of Arctic frozen tundra and snow within the country. Finally, it’s “North” of the United States. Hence, the Great White North was born.

What is Canada’s main source of income?

Major Sectors of Canada’s Economy

In Canada, the service sector makes up twothirds of the economy. Real estate, manufacturing, and natural resources are all also major sectors of the economy.

What is Canada’s national animal? The beaver

It became an official symbol of Canada on March 24, 1975, when the National Symbol of Canada Act received royal assent. This law aimed to showcase the beaver ( castor canadensis ) as one of the symbols of Canadian sovereignty.

Official symbols of Canada

Over the past century, the following symbols have become an integral part of our national identity through common use and collective pride, with most having been formally adopted by the Government of Canada as official symbols of our country.

The Coat of Arms

The national flag

The beaver

The maple tree

The national horse

The Maple Leaf Tartan

The national colours

What is slang to call a Canadian? Canuck Canuck. Both inside and outside of Canada, the word Canuck has been used to mean “a Canadian.” Canuck was sometimes used as a meanspirited word in the past, but many Canadians today use it as a neutral or friendly term. Hockey fans would know this word from the name of an NHL hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. Is it okay to say Aboriginal in Canada?

sweet syrup sap, has been associated with Canada since the 19th century.

What is Canada’s motto?

Canada’s official motto is A Mari usque ad Mare, which translates as “From Sea to Sea.”

What do Canadians call a bathroom?

“Washroom” is basically the Canadian version of “restroom.”

Aboriginal. “Aboriginal” is a general term that collectively refers to First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in Canada, and is found in the Canadian constitution. This distinction legalized in 1982 when the Constitution Act came into being.

What are the top 3 religions in Canada?

Canada: Religious affiliation in 2021 Is Canada more Catholic or Protestant?

What do Canadians call cigarettes?


In Canada, a dart is the slang word for a cigarette. “I’m gonna go rip a dart,” or “Do you wanna smoke a dart?” are phrases you might hear.

What is Canada’s favorite sport?

Top 10 Most Popular Sports of CanadaAlliance Visas ... Ice hockey

Ice hockey is considered to be the most popular sport in Canada, as the sport has been named as the official national sport in Canada. The Canadian Ice hockey league, “National Hockey League (NHL)” is established both in Canada and the United States. Where do most millionaires live in Canada?


Roman Catholics have remained the largest religious group in Canada since 1961 and Protestant membership is declining. Religion has played a large role in Canadian public life and politics, and secularization in Canada was a long process. How did Canada get so rich?

Why Is Canada Wealthy?

Canada is a wealthy nation because it has a strong and diversified economy. A large part of its economy depends on the mining of natural resources, such as gold, zinc, copper, and nickel, which are used extensively around the world.

What is Canada known for food?

Canada’s traditional food Poutine. It goes without saying that poutine is one of the most famous Canadian foods. ... Bannock. We can’t talk about Canadian traditional food without mentioning the bannock. ...

Nova Scotia Lobster Roll. Montreal Bagel. Peameal Bacon. ... Montreal Smoked Beef. ... Halifax Donair. ... French Canadian Tourtiere. What Is the National Flower of Canada?

Canada, a land of natural wonders, doesn’t officially have a national flower. However, the Maple Leaf is an iconic symbol that represents the nation and its people. The Maple Tree, famous for its distinctive leaves and

Canada’s highest-ranked city is Toronto, in 13th place with 106,300 millionaires, 195 centi-millionaires, and 18 billionaires after 25% growth in the past decade. In the bottom half of the top 50 is Vancouver with 41,400 millionaires, 80 centi-millionaires, and 10 billionaires.

What is the main occupation in Canada?

Total number of employed persons in Canada in 2022, by occupation (in 1,000s) How to celebrate canada day when you’re not in canada?

Start off with a delicious breakfast of pancakes and maple syrup. Everyone enjoyed it. Make sure each had a Canada Day shirt. Sunshine made a beautiful Canada Day necklace from red and white pony beads as well as red maple leaf buttons.

Make Your favorite traditional Canadian dishes for Canada Day, like Poutine etc... Talk about Your family history in Canada.


Within a parliamentary caucus, some members are appointed as House officers to organize the work of their party in the House and its committees. The party leader acts as the official representative of the party and provides leadership in Parliament. A party also has a House Leader who is responsible, in conjunction with the other

House Leaders, for coordinating the day-to-day business of the House. The whip of a party is a member charged with keeping other members of the same party informed concerning House business and ensuring their attendance in the House or in committee. Members also elect a caucus chair from among their parliamentary caucus to preside over their meetings.


Honourable Justin Trudeau Leader of the Liberal Party

April 15, 2013 to present

The Hon. Pierre Poilievre

Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

September 10, 2022 to present Yves-François Blanchet Leader of the Bloc Québécois

Party Leaders And House Officers

October 21, 2019 to present

Jagmeet Singh Leader of the New Democratic Party, February 27, 2019 to present Elizabeth May Green Party Leader, Since 2022, Source: ourcommons.ca/

Statistics of Canada

Facts about Canada

Official Name: Canada

Form of Government: Federal parliamentary state Capital: Ottawa

Official Language: English, French Money: Canadian dollar Area: 9,970,610 square kilometres

Major Mountain Ranges: Rockies, Coast, Laurentian

Major Rivers: St. Lawrence,

Source:natgeokids.com/uk/discover/ Mackenzie Quarterly population estimate: 41,012,563 0.6% increase (quarterly change)

Consumer Price Index- Canada (April 2024) 2.7% increase (12-month change)

Unemployment rate- Canada (May 2024) -6.2% 0.1 pts increase (monthly change)

Real GDP by expenditure- Canada (First quarter 2024) 0.4% increase (quarterly change)

Current account balance- Canada (First quarter 2024) -$5.4 billion

Goods trade balance- Canada (April 2024) -$1.0 billion

Average weekly earnings- Canada (March 2024) $1,235.68 4.2% increase (12-month change)

Continued from Page 11


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New Listings in 2024

Brand New 3 Level Detached home with 2 Basements(2+1) in Surrey’s Sullivan Ridge New Sub Division. Main Floor Features Spacious Living/Dining rooms, Designer kitchen with Top Stainless Steel Appliances, Spice Kitchen, Family room, Full bathroom & Den which can be converted in a Bedroom. Upper Floor Features Master Bedroom with a Walk In Closet + 3 Large bedrooms and 3 washrooms & Laundry. Full house is Centrally Airconditioned and Radiant Heat. Basement you have 2 suites (2+1) that will generate great rental income Appro.$3500 a month, it comes with Stainless Steel Appliances, and both Basements have their own laundry. Also there is a Theatre Room in the Basement for Entertainment. House comes with 2-5-10 years New Home Warranty.

Luxury Brand-New House over 8000 sq ft lot, 7-bed, 7-bath 4200 Sq Ft + built home. Discover the pinnacle of sophisticated living in Cloverdale. Turn your dream home in Reality. High Ceiling, Grand Entry The Open-concept main floor is perfect for entertaining, featuring a great room, chef’s kitchen, and a convenient spice kitchen. Radiant in-floor heating adds comfort throughout, Central Air Condition, Security Camera’s, Upstairs 4 beds and 4 baths offer spacious living + Huge Private Deck (480 Sq Ft). The Main Floor Boasts a 2-bedroom legal suite and a 1-bedroom suite. Home has stainless steel appliances throughout and 3 laundries.

Basement has a 2 Bedrooms Suite + 1 Bedroom Suite for Mortgage helper + a Common Laundry for the Basements. Radiant Heat along with Central Air condition. Close to all schools, and major routes. Backed by 2-5-10 New HOME WARRANTY.

This lovely 1 bedroom features granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, laminate floors, and much more!. Open layout with lots of natural light, large balcony perfect for your summer BBQ’s. Convenient location! Walking distance to Gates Park, Nature trails, Coquitlam River, Restaurants, Shopping, Schools and Transit and the West Coast Express. Everything you need is right at your door step!! Open House June 15/16 2-4pm

2024 Newly Built 7100 Sq Ft Corner Lot, Two level Home 8 Bedrooms + Den + 7 Bathrooms, has 2 Basements (2+2), Main Floor Features has 2 Basement Suites (2+2) for Mortgage Helper & Den with Full Bathroom which can be used as a Bedroom or an Office, Upper Floor has an Open Concept Kitchen along with Spice Kitchen, 4 Spacious Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms, An abundance of natural light helps to create an open and spacious feel. A stone throw way from Berkshire Park Elementary School and Kids First Montessori. Short walk to Johnston Heights Secondary School. Easy access to public transit, Guildford Mall, Port Mann bridge, Surrey Central, Skytrain & major routes. Great house appeal on a street full of flowering cherry trees in a nice family-oriented neighborhood!

Location! Location! Gorgeous over 7000 sq ft Lot, Over 5000 sq Ft livable house! 3 Mortgage Helpers (3+3+3)generating at present rent of $6250 a month, with Separate Laundry. Investors can generate over $11000 in rent for the full house. 13 Bedrooms + 6 Bathrooms, Double Garage, additional 8 Parking space on Driveway. Back lane access. Please note Basement Bedrooms do not have Closet. Walk to Transit. School and Guildford Mall nearby, along with Golf Course. Close to Highway 1.

Media Roundtable with Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Hon. Chrystia Freeland

On June 20, South Asian Media were invited by The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Honourable Chrystia Freeland, along with Members of Parliament for Surrey-Centre, Randeep Sarai and MP Parm Bains StevestonRichmond East at Grand Taj Banquet Hall, Surrey. Hon. Chrystia Freeland highlighted the Budget in her introductory speech.

One of the most significant measures announced in the 2024 budget was the proposed increase to the capital gains inclusion rate, from one-half (50 percent) to twothirds (66.67 percent) for trusts and corporations, and from one-half to two-thirds on the portion of capital gains realized in the year

that exceeds.

In the Q & A session, many Issues facing Canadian were raised by the Media, which were related to the following:

1. Economic Developments and Investing Growth

2. Affordable Homes and Housing Crisis Solutions

3. Inflation and Lowering Everyday Costs

4. Canadian-Indian Relations and National Security

5. Health Care System Improvements and Many others Freeland and both MP shared the government’s position on these issues and welcomed the dialog.

third BC Halal food fest attracts huge crowds at Holland Park in Surrey

On June 22 and 23, Third British Columbia’s Halal food festival wasorganized by the Digital Egg with the help of multiple sponsors and volunteers. With over 50 vendors serving delicious food and drinks along with many funactivities for kids, the event was very successful. It was a

Free Entry eventand open to all communities to visit at Holland Park, Surrey. Vendorsrepresented a diverse range of communities including Pakistani, Indonesian,Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Indian, and Central Asian communities along withmainstream halal favorites like pizza, burgers, and tacos.

Everyone serveddelicious and fresh food at their stalls and people were excited to try it asobserved with the long queues in front of a few stalls for both days. Foodlovers were willing to wait over half an hour with their friends and familiesto try different treats. The event was an overwhelming response by thousands ofpeople on both days. The Miracle Media congratulates the entire Digital Egg team under theleadership of Yosuf Hakimi and Arslan Kaleem for this great successful and verywell-organized BC Halal food fest.

CUA hosts an Evening with Dr. Azra Raza, a doctor with the heart of a poet


What’s behind deaths at this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia?


Pilgrims were often made to walk long distances in the intense heat, with some blaming roadblocks and poor management.

Muhammad Acha, a Hajj organizer for a private group said during the summer, a typical pilgrim may have to walk at least 15 kilometers per day. This exposes them to heatstroke, fatigue, and a lack of available water, “This is my 18th Hajj, and in my experience, the Saudi controllers are not facilitators. They control, but they don’t help,” he said. “In earlier years, the U-turns to access the tents were open, but now all those routes have been closed. As a result, an ordinary pilgrim, even if staying in a Category A tent in Zone I, has to walk 2.5 kilometers in the summer heat to reach their tent,” he explains. “If there is an emergency on this route, no one will reach you for 30 minutes. There are no arrangements to save lives, nor



Oare there water points along these paths,” Acha adds.

Undocumented pilgrims

To perform Hajj, a pilgrim must apply for a special Hajj visa.

But some individuals try to go on the fiveday pilgrimage without the proper documentation, despite Saudi officials attempts to crack down. Pilgrims without proper documentation often avoid authorities, even when they need help.

This issue of “unofficial Hajj” is believed to contribute to the excess deaths and authorities have blamed them for some of the overcrowding in tents. “We suspect those using non-Hajj visas have infiltrated the Hajj areas”, says Mustolih Siradj, chairman of Indonesia’s National Hajj and Umrah Commission (Komnas Haji). Saad Al-Qurashi, an adviser to the National Committee for Hajj and Umrah, tells the BBC: “Anyone who does not have a Hajj visa will not be tolerated and must return to [their] country.”

He notes that irregular pilgrims are identified using Nusuk cards, which are given to official pilgrims and contain a barcode for entry to holy sites. lderly, infirm or sick pilgrims

Elderly, infirm or sick pilgrims

One reason there are may be many deaths every year at the Hajj is that many pilgrims go towards the end of their life, after saving for a lifetime.Many Muslims also go in the hopes tha they die, it is during the Hajj - as it is considered to be a blessing to die and be buried in the holy city.

What happens if someone dies performing Hajj?

When a pilgrim dies while performing Hajj, the death is reported to the Hajj Mission. They use wristbands or neck IDs to confirm the identity.

Afterwards, they get a doctor’s certificate, and Saudi Arabia issues a death certificate. Funeral prayers happen at important mosques like Masjid al-Haram in Mecca or

the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, depending. The body is washed, wrapped, and moved in freezers provided by the Saudi government, who cover all costs.

Burials are simple, without markers, sometimes with many bodies in one place. The cemetery book lists who’s buried where, so families can visit graves if they want.

The Saudi government, with help from different groups and the Red Crescent, says it ensures “dignified and respectful burial processes”.


an Evening with Dr. Azra Raza, a doctor with the heart of a poet

n June 23, The Canada Urdu Association (CUA) hosted an evening with Dr. Azra Raza who visited in Vancouver from the US. This event was arranged at Surrey Sports and Leisure Complex. Ms. Huma Shoib hosted the first session where she highlighted the CUA activities and encouraged everyone to get CUA membership. In the first session, she invited Ms. Nazish, Mr. Naseer Pirzada, and Ms. Simran, who all recited Ghalib’s poetry in melodious voices.

Mr. Shoaib Inam then introduced Dr. Azra Raza who is a Professor of Medicine and

Director of the Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) Center at Columbia University. Raza is a well-known oncology researcher and author of “The First Cell: And the Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to the Last”. She also follows her passion of writing and reading poetry.

Mr. Inam also spoke of Mirza Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib who was famous for his unique style of poetry, modesty, and philosophical ideas making him the classic of Urdu poetry.

“Reading the poems with their meanings and expertise has a sense of beauty as well as another kind of subtlety, and reading this beautiful and subtle feeling deeply is the work of Dr. Azra Raza”, said Mr. Imam.

Ms. Farzana Alam director of CUA then led an interview with Dr. Azra, she asking about her childhood, her family, her professional medical career, and her interest in poetry especially Ghalib’s. **Dr. Azra Raza: Bridging Science and Literature** Dr. Azra Raza expressed gratitude to hosts and the audience while sharing her family’s literary background. Her parents, who migrated from India to Pakistan on August 14, 1947, instilled in her a love for Urdu literature, a passion she now passes on to her daughter. She has a notable career in medical research in the US, and she also discussed her dual interest in science and literature. She captivated the audience by recit-

ing poetry from renowned poets such as Mir Taqi Mir, Mir Ali Anees, and Mirza Dabeer, demonstrating a particular mastery of Mirza Ghalib’s work.

Her flawless recital of Ghalib’s ghazals and her ability to quote him effortlessly show cased her deep connection to his poetry. In collaboration with co-author Sara Suleri Goodyear, Dr. Raza has reinterpreted 21 of Ghalib’s ghazals, further solidifying her status as a poet at heart.

Her unique delivery and the emotive quality of her voice left a lasting impression on audiences making it an unforgettable evening for them.

Goal Setting 101: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Dreams

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Applying this framework to your goals helps make them clear, attainable, and trackable. Let’s break down each component:

2.1 Specific: Define your goal with clarity. Instead of saying “I want to get fit,” specify “I want to lose 10 pounds and improve my cardiovascular endurance.”

2.2 Measurable: Establish criteria to measure your progress and success. For example, track your weight loss progress weekly or monitor the distance you can run without stopping.

2.3 Achievable: Set goals that are within reach but still challenging enough to inspire growth. Consider your resources, abilities, and time availability when determining achievability.

2.4 Relevant: Ensure that your goals align with your values and aspirations. Ask yourself if achieving the goal will contribute to your overall happiness and personal growth.

2.5 Time-bound: Assign a deadline or target date for achieving your goal. This creates a sense of urgency and provides a timeline for planning and execution.

Break Goals Down into Actionable Steps:

Once you have defined your SMART goals, break them down into smaller, actionable steps. This approach prevents overwhelm and allows for continuous progress. Identify the specific actions required to move closer to your goal and create a timeline for each step. Celebrate milestones along the way to stay motivated and inspired. Create a Supportive Environment:

Surround yourself with a supportive environment that fosters goal attainment. Seek the company of like-minded individuals who encourage and inspire you. Share your goals with trusted friends or family members who can provide encouragement and accountability. Consider joining groups or communities with similar goals or interests to gain additional support and insights. Develop Effective Goal Monitoring Systems:

Regularly monitor your progress to stay on track and make necessary adjustments. Establish a monitoring system that works for you, whether it’s a journal, a digital app, or a vision board. Review your goals frequently, evaluate your progress, and make any needed changes to ensure continued alignment with your aspirations.

Maintain Focus and Motivation: Goal success requires focus and sustained motivation. Keep your goals visible and remind yourself of the reasons behind them. Visualize the outcomes you desire and how achieving your goals will positively impact your life. Find ways to stay

motivated, such as reading books, listening to podcasts, or attending workshops related to your goals.

Embrace Challenges and Learn from Setbacks:

Throughout your goal-setting journey, anticipate challenges and setbacks. It’s normal to face obstacles along the way. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Use setbacks as valuable lessons and adjust your strategies as needed. Resilience and determination are key to overcoming hurdles and staying on your path to success.

Celebrate Achievements and Set New Goals:

When you achieve a goal, take time to celebrate and acknowledge your accomplishment. Rewarding yourself reinforces positive behavior and motivates further progress. After celebrating, set new goals to continue your personal and professional development. Continuous goal setting ensures a dynamic and fulfilling journey of growth.

Seek Accountability and Support: Accountability and support are crucial in goal setting. Share your goals with a trusted friend, family member, or mentor who can hold you accountable. Regular checkins and progress updates with them can help you stay focused and motivated. Additionally, seek support from like-minded individuals or join goal-oriented communities where you can exchange ideas, seek advice, and gain inspiration. Adapt and Adjust: Goal setting is not a rigid process. It requires flexibility and the willingness to adapt and adjust along

the way. As you progress towards your goals, evaluate and reassess your strategies. Be open to making changes if needed, and don’t be afraid to pivot or set new goals that better align with your evolving aspirations.

Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your well-being is essential in goal setting. Nurture yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally to maintain the energy and resilience needed to pursue your dreams. Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, proper nutrition, restful sleep, and stress management. When you prioritize your well-being, you create a strong foundation for goal achievement.

Reflect and Learn:

Regularly reflect on your goalsetting journey. Take time to assess what worked well, what could be improved, and what lessons you’ve learned along the way. Reflection allows for personal growth and insight that can inform your future goal-setting endeavors.

Embrace a Growth Mindset:

Adopting a growth mindset is crucial in goal setting. Embrace challenges, setbacks, and failures as opportunities for learning and growth. Rather than seeing them as roadblocks, view them as stepping stones to success. Cultivate a positive and resilient mindset that believes in your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams.

Celebrate Progress, Not Just the End Result:

While reaching your ultimate goals is important, don’t forget to celebrate the progress you make along the way. Acknowledge and appreci-

ate the small wins, milestones, and personal growth that occur during the goal-setting process. Celebrating progress not only boosts your motivation but also provides a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction throughout your journey

Stay Committed and Consistent: Goal setting requires commitment and consistency. Stay dedicated to your goals even when faced with challenges or distractions. Maintain a consistent effort, taking small steps each day towards your desired outcomes. Remember that consistent action builds momentum and leads to long-term success.


Goal setting is a transformative process that empowers you to turn your dreams into reality. By following this step-by-step guide, you now have the tools and strategies to set and achieve your goals effectively. Remember to reflect on your values, set SMART goals, break them down into actionable steps, create a supportive environment, and monitor your progress. Embrace challenges, stay motivated, and celebrate both the journey and the destination. With goal setting as your compass, you can create a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Email: asmashums@gmail.com

Pictures at Page 14

fighting terrorism

YET another counterterrorism (CT) campaign is being launched which promises to eradicate all forms of extremism and violent militancy in the country in a “decisive manner”.

Described as an attempt to “reinvigorate and re-energise the ongoing implementation of the Revised National Action Plan”, the socalled Operation Azm-i-Istehkam — the prime minister prefers the term ‘vision’ — is the latest in a long list of kinetic actions that Pakistan’s security forces have undertaken over the last two decades.

Despite these operations, the menace of terrorism has returned with greater ferocity, presenting an even bigger challenge than before to national security. This raises questions about the state’s strategy in dealing with the existentialist threat. Notwithstanding the government’s claim of having developed national consensus, greater clarity is required. It was in 2001 that the militaryled government of Gen Pervez Musharraf launched the so-called Operation Enduring Freedom in the former tribal regions in the wake of the American invasion of Afghanistan. A series of CT campaigns followed:

Al-Mizan (2002), Zalzala (2008) Sher Dil, Rah-i-Haq, and Rah-i-Raast (2007-2009), Rah-i-Nijaat (2009), Zarb-i-Azb (2014) and Raddul Fasaad (2017).

Given the questionable success of the previous campaigns, the deep scepticism over more kinetic action is not surprising. The trust deficit has been widening, as the state is seen to be making dubious compromises with militant outfits it claims to be fighting. An example of this was the secret deal with the TTP in 2022, which allowed thousands of armed militants to return home and regroup. Despite various military operations, the menace of terrorism has returned with greater ferocity.

The returning militants, better organised

There’s a prevalent belief in advanced technology in the current era. Many advocates leveraging cutting-edge technology to develop eco-friendly solutions that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions e.g. electric cars, buses, m/cs, carbon absorption, solar power. Yet, some question whether these “green” technologies can alleviate the environmental impact, considering how technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution exacerbated greenhouse gas emissions in the first instance. It was technology that exacerbated emission because the target was productivity not environment.

The escalating levels of greenhouse gases are triggering climate change, manifesting in unprecedented natural disasters like floods and droughts worldwide. An article ti-

and equipped with sophisticated weaponry, are now involved in attacks that are taking a huge toll, especially on the security forces. As per the annual security report of the Centre for Research and Security Studies, the country “witnessed 1,524 violencerelated fatalities and 1,463 injuries from 789 terror attacks and [CT] operations in 2023 — marking a record six-year high”.

Matters turned worse in the first half of 2024 with an exponential rise in militant activities, particularly in KP and Balochistan. The resurgence of militancy underscores serious flaws in our CT strategy. The latest wave of terrorism has exposed the absence of a coherent policy needed to tackle this existential danger. It is not surprising that there has been an exponential rise in terrorism in Pakistan since the Taliban returned to rule Afghanistan in 2022. There are reports of tacit Afghan Taliban support for the TTP. The fact that the Kabul administration is not taking action against TTP sanctuaries on its soil has meant greater security challenges for Pakistan. Even more alarming is the increase in targeted attacks against Chinese nationals working on various development projects in the country. The latest attack took place a few months ago, when a suicide bomber



tled “Climate Risk Country Profile

Pakistan,” prepared by Bernice Van Bronkhorst and Pretty Bhandari, highlights some of the critical numbers as listed below.

Pakistan faces rates of warming considerably above the global average with a potential rise of 1.3°C–4.9°C by the 2090s over the 1986–2005 baseline. Rises in the annual maximum and minimum temperature are projected to be stronger than the rise in average temperature, likely amplifying the pressure on human health, livelihoods, and ecosystems.

An increase in the number of people affected by flooding is projected, with a likely increase of around 5 million people exposed to extreme river floods by 2035–2044, and a potential increase of around 1 million annually exposed to coastal flooding by 2070–2100.

One can argue that five million floods affected by 2035-44 and a potential increase of one million annuity coastal flooding such long term scenarios are presented to overawe the people at present and push them to favor and adopt alter-

rammed his explosives-laden vehicle into a convoy in a remote district in KP where a key dam is being constructed. As a result, five Chinese workers were killed. This was the third major attack this year on Chinese interests in the country. The growing number of targeted killings of Chinese nationals also has serious geopolitical implications. Thousands of Chinese workers are engaged in multibillion-dollar infrastructure projects in the country under the CPEC initiative.

The increasing occurrence of targeted killings of Chinese nationals has also raised questions regarding grave security lapses. It is apparent that the launching of a new CT operation has been largely driven by the threat of Chinese companies pulling out their investment from Pakistan. Meanwhile, the brazenness of the attacks against the security forces has exposed the latter’s vulnerability. Increasing political and economic instability in the country, particularly in KP, which has borne the brunt of the terrorist resurgence, appears to have given further impetus to the militants. There is a complete breakdown of law enforcement in the province as the confrontation between the centre and the provincial government worsens. While the latest bout of terrorism


native technologies. It is important to mention that Pakistan stands nowhere in the list of countries mainly responsible for escalating levels of greenhouse gases. Instead, it is a victim, as the above quoted data depicts.

Implementing Green Revolution technology in regions like India and Pakistan yielded unintended and adverse outcomes. Although initially aimed at addressing malnutrition, the Green Revolution Technology inadvertently widened social disparities and led to ecological and societal breakdowns. Methods such as bioengineered seeds and chemical fertilizers depleted soil fertility, jeopardizing food sovereignty and security. Similarly, the introduction of barrage-commanded irrigation technology in colonial-era Sindh offers a cautionary tale. This technology disrupted traditional irrigation practices rooted in the Indus River’s natural dynamics, leading to unforeseen consequences like waterlogging and salinity. Colonial initiatives failed to recognize the ecological balance maintained by

has led to an intense militaristic response by the state, there are questions regarding the limits of the use of only kinetic force to quell the threat. No doubt, the state must employ force where necessary. But this is not very effective unless accompanied by non-kinetic measures. The threat posed by violent extremism cannot be countered without broad political support.

Our failure to implement the National Action Plan, however flawed, shows a lack of resolve in defeating a grave security challenge. Despite the government’s claim of removing the shortcomings in the implementation of NAP, there are no signs that the administration is carrying out long-delayed reforms critical for containing extremism in the country.

Most intriguing is the absence from the scene of the federal interior minister, who should be responsible for NAP’s implementation. He appears to be more interested in running cricket affairs in the country than focusing on the worsening security challenges. The government must put its own house in order before launching a new CT operation. One cannot agree more with the prime minister that the issue of terrorism is a complicated one, which involves crime, drugs, smuggling, extremism and religiously motivated militancy. But there seems to be no coherent policy in place to deal with the challenge, and thus successfully counter the extremist narrative.

What is most dangerous is the growing concern that the operation will target a particular ethnic group. That has also been one of the reasons for all the major political parties in KP, including the ruling PTI and those supporting the coalition government at the centre, questioning the operation. It also contradicts the prime minister’s claim of a consensus among all stakeholders. It seems that the current rulers have not learnt any lessons from past policy failures.

Degradation – Pakistan

indigenous practices, resulting in environmental degradation. The discourse on climate change and technology often overlooks the potential adverse effects of technological interventions. As Rob Uri (Climate Change and Technology, dated September 27, 2019) highlighted, the emergence of climate change and mass extinction weren’t anticipated consequences of industrialization. Climate change and extinctions are unintended consequences of the unchecked growth model. Moreover, while fossil fuels are commonly blamed for global warming, Jason Hickel argues that the underlying issue lies in the relentless pursuit of economic growth. This growth-driven model incentivizes the continuous inno-

vation of technologies, exacerbating environmental degradation in the pursuit of profit.

Ultimately, the pursuit of unchecked growth perpetuates a cycle of environmental exploitation, posing a threat to the delicate balance of our planet’s ecology. It’s imperative to reconsider our reliance on growth-centric models and prioritize sustainable, equitable solutions that safeguard the environment and society.

The reported environmental and sociological impacts of the Green Revolution technology in India and Pakistan warrant that Pakistan’s government must thoroughly analyze past Green Revolution Technology before starting a new one.


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