Bringing Harmony To All The Communities ...
ingle-family homes in Metro Vancouver and Squamish will face hikes of up to 50 per cent on their 2017 B.C. Assessments to be mailed out in the new year at the same time as homeowners learn house prices are dropping. And a Vancouver appraiser who sits on a review panel that hears homeowners’ complaints about what the government thinks their houses are worth expects to hear from more than usual this year. Almost five per cent of homeowners across B.C. can expect higher taxes because their properties have risen higher than the average in their municipality, according to assessor Jason Grant. Courtesy notification letters will be sent to homeowners whose assessed values are at least 15 per cent higher than average in their municipality and they can expect taxes to go up by the same amount. Assessments for all homes will be mailed in the first week of January and be posted online Jan. 3,
Bi-Weekly & Bilingual
Volume 16 Issue 429- Rabi ul Awwal 9, 1438 AH / December 9, 2016
Some Metro Vancouver single-family home assessments will increase by 50% in 2017: B.C. Assessment
Evergreen extension officially open to the public on Dec 2 see Details at Page 12 PIA plane crashes near Abbottabad, all 47 people killed including Former famous Pakistani singer & Naat Khawn Junaid Jamshed . see Details at Page 3,22,32
Continued on Pg 4
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
Disappointment at the Heart of Asia Conference
ay be, “ friend l y N awaz but angry M od i atmosp here” is p art of mod ern strategic engineering to avoid the level playing field. The insulting attitude: D esp ite the PM Nawaz Sharif’s efforts to maintain p l easant atmosp here in the region, the stubborn I nd ia and its “ p up p et A fghanistan, ” continue to add fuel to the fire. Afghan P resid ent A shraf G hani l ashed out at P ak istan by snubbing a $ 5 0 0 mil l ion p l ed ge from I sl amabad ; he humil iated P ak istan by say ing the amount could be used to fight terrorism. A nd , I nd ia insul ted P ak istan by using A fghanistan, a country whose more than 3 mil l ion citiz ens are resid ing in P ak istan without any p assp ort, visa and other l egal ities, y et P ak istan has hel p ed A fghanistan in every difficult time. This attitude of Afghanistan d esp ite al l the sup p ort is unaccep tabl e. I n fact, P ak istan armed forces have successful l y l aunched Z arb e az b op eration and el iminated terror network on p ak soil . Isolated / Detained: S artaj A z iz ( A d viser F oreign A ffairs) faced intimid ation d uring the moot; he was hotel - d etained with no p ermission to be seen by any one. O n his p art, A z iz cal l ed for col l aboration among member nations to achieve an ‘ A fghan- l ed and A fghan- owned p eace’ . H e al so sl ammed the remark s mad e by the l ead ership of I nd ia and A fghanistan, cal l ing for an end of bl amegame. The ad viser al so reiterated P ak istan’ s d esire for a “ structured tal k ” with I nd ia, p rovid ed N ew D el hi wants the same. The I nd ian government d id not al l ow him to hol d a sched ul ed p ress conference on the sid el ines of H eart of A sia C onference simp l y on the p retex t of his security . This
was a cl ear ban on P ak istan’ s ad visor to issue any statement. I s it d emocracy ? Upset with CPEC: C onvincingl y enough, the fragil e rel ationship is d ue to j eal ousy over the C P E C ( C hina P ak istan E conomic C orrid or) p roj ect. F rustrated M od i is in d enial mod e; he is angry as P ak istan is on its way to becoming economical l y stronger, hence his negative p rop agand a is l ik el y to continue. H istorical l y , I nd ia is ad d icted to p l ay games for isol ating P ak istan international l y on the fal se charges of Terrorism. The fact is P ak istan has made maximum sacrifice and is al so a victim of foreign sp onsored . Indo Afghan nexus: There is evid ence of I nd ia A fghan j oint venture aimed at d estabil ising P ak istan. M od i l aunched a camp aign to isol ate P ak istan gl obal l y after the U ri attack , al so took a d ig at I sl amabad , say ing ‘ inaction on terror issue woul d strengthen terrorist activities’ . The I nd ian p rime minister al so announced p l ans to connect his country with A fghanistan via an air l ink . Russia praised Pakistan: A maz ingl y , R ussia wel comed S artaj ’ s statement. R ussia’ s sp ecial envoy to A fghanistan, Z amir K abul ov, cond emned earl ier statements by M od i and G hani, in which the two had criticised I sl amabad ’ s ap p roach toward s d eal ing with terrorism. A l so, P ak istan cl aims to have sol id p roofs of I nd ian active ind ul gence to p romote mil itancy in B al uchistan. I nd ia is bl amed for send ing mil itants through A fghanistan. P ak istan mil itary has al read y cl eaned up most of the troubl ed sp ots by k il l ing terrorists, and the O p eration Z arb e A z b is stil l on.
Abnormal Diplomacy: G hani and I nd ian P rime M inister N arend ra M od i had something el se in mind ; both bl untl y attack ed P ak istan. M r M od i seemed to go out of his way to sl ight P ak istan, with M r A z iz mostl y k ep t at arm’ s l ength and rel egated to a sep arate tabl e at a d inner hosted by the I nd ian p rime minister. M eanwhil e, President Ghani, a central figure at a conference hel d essential l y to find ways to assist Afghanistan, seemed more interested in venting his frustrations on P ak istan and p ul l ing other rival s of this country cl oser in an ad hoc al l iance against it. I t mad e for riveting head l ines, but in truth may have onl y set back further the cause of stabil ity and p eace in the region. The good faith in which M r A z iz went to A mritsar was not recip rocated . I nd ia is send ing its agents into P ak istan to create insecurity and there is p roof of it. The conference shoul d have tak en sou motto notice of it. The K ashmir issue not been highl ighted either. Positive development: I n the recent meeting in C amp od ia, there were 4 2 countries incl ud ing B angl ad esh and A fghanistan they d id not op p ose P ak istan’ s p oint of view on K ashmir. P robl em is P ak istan G ovt is bel ow average d ip l omatical l y as it d oesn’ t tak e strong stance on issues on foreign affairs with India and A fghanistan ap p rop riatel y . Genuine leadership shoul d be free of P anama gate ty p e scand al s: There is ramp ant corrup tion in P ak istan from top to bottom causing ad ministrative p aral y sis and sub stand ard governance. The embattl ed p rime minister means bad news national l y or international l y . Tarnished rep utation may ad d to P ak istan bashing. A s p er the ap ex court, onus of p roof
is on d efend ant S harif who is facing music al read y on p anama issue. Conclusion: •President Ghani and PM Modi have teamed up together to give rough time to P ak istan contrary to the wishes of A fghans in general . It’s confirmed that Pakistan’s vulnerabil ity on western bord er ex ists in ad d ition to the eastern sid e. • Air link between India and Afghanistan is going to be d evel op ed for trad e, however there is room for susp icion. There might be a d isguised sup p l y l ine for transfer of mil itary hard ware for B al uchistan and tribal agencies in P ak istan. S ince it woul d be a cause of concern, I nd ian and A fghan overflights would be monitored by Pak istan to ensure there is no remote sensing. •With regard to mistreating the advisor, it seems P M S harif fail ed to p rovid e necessary p rotection when it comes to sel f esteem, d ignity and integrity of its high l evel officials and diplomats while on Ind ian l and . •Furthermore, everyone knows Ind ia continues to be stubborn and is busy sil encing the voice of freed om l overs K ashmiri p eop l e. •India is unlawfully deny ing the right of sel f d etermination( p l ebiscite) , thereby d efy ing the U N resol utions on K ashmir. •Pakistan confirms that RAW is behind al l terrorism in P ak istan. Strongly recommended: A fully functional Foreign Ministry headed by an independent Foreign Minister is the answer here. A renewed pro Pakistan foreign policy has to be in place to deal with all affairs abroad effectively and efficiently, but that’s possible only when a corruption free environment is allowed to prevail in the country.
Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r.
Renewed support to combat hate By:Ralph Goodale Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness I n recent week s C anad ians witnessed a series of ugl y racist and hateful acts in O ttawa, Toronto, R egina and el sewhere. These incid ents were a j arring remind er that the incl usive and generous C anad a we al l want is now, and ever wil l be, a p recious and d el icate work - in- p rogress that we d are not tak e for granted . The G overnment of C anad a is d etermined to d o more to bol ster C anad ians’ instinct to cond emn intol erance and to stand with those who have been victimiz ed , or who worry they may be nex t. That’ s why we’ re renewing the S ecurity I nfrastructure P rogram ( S I P ) to mak e it more resp onsive to the need s of communities. This p rogram p rovid es fund s for security enhancements to p l aces of worship , recogniz ed school s and community centres l ink ed to a community at risk of hatemotivated crimes. SIP helps eligible not-for-profit organiz ations p revent these crimes or catch those resp onsibl e. I t fund s up to hal f the
cost of security p roj ects— l ik e l ighting, fencing, cameras and al arms— up to a max imum of $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . W e have broad ened it to incl ud e al l those at risk , not just those who have suffered an attack . I ts ap p l ication p rocess has been streaml ined and broad ened to fund more imp rovements, such as interior security sy stems. P rime M inister J ustin Trud eau has l ong champ ioned the p oint that C anad a is strong and successful not in sp ite of our differences, but precisely because of them. There is no social l icence for hate, not in C anad a. S I P is an imp ortant initiative to hel p p rotect al l C anad ians’ right to be free to p ractice their faith and cul ture without fear. Together we are tak ing action to forge the fair and d ecent country we asp ire to be.
“We Are Newton”
By Sikandar Hayat, The “ W e A re N ewton” neighbourhood anthol ogy l aunch p arty took p l ace on S und ay , N ovember 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 . The p urp ose of the event was to bring p eop l e from d iverse back ground s and worl d views together to affirm our collective commitment to buil d ing unity and und erstand ing in our community . The W e A re N ewton neighborhood anthol ogy woul d not have been p ossibl e without the contributions of the many resid ents and former resid ents of N ewton who shared their memories and
p ositive stories of our ever changing, vibrant community . The book aims to show what it real l y means to l ive, work and p l ay in N ewton, S urrey . D iana J oy , a writer based in N ewton, reflected on why the We Are Newton p roj ect is imp ortant to her. “ W hen y ou see the tel evision news the onl y stories y ou hear about N ewton are the shootings and murd ers, ” said J oy . “ There are other stories, l ots of them. S tories of famil ies and neighbours and k ind ness and surp rises.” D avid D al l ey , the p roj ect coord inator and a community ad vocate, came up with the idea that the first book to go into the L ittl e F ree L ibrary for the F riend s of the G rove shoul d be a book about N ewton. “ W e initial l y thought we might have enough for a l ittl e chap book that we woul d stap l e together and give out, but it is an actual book . W e are hap p y with the resul ts. The goal is to be generous with ( cop ies of the book ) , to give them away to any one who wants one, so p eop l e wil l al way s be abl e to access it there.” I n an interview with Z ee TV , S ik and ar H ay at, a d irector from our A maz ing Tutors C hil d ren’ s F ound ation and the P resid ent of the B .C . L iberal S urrey Newton Riding Association, reflects on why the found ation l ent a hand : “ W hil e N ewton has recentl y been in the news for shootings, robberies and theft, p roj ects l ik e the W e are N ewton A nthol ogy show what N ewton is real l y
all about. There are poems, fiction and non-fiction stories written by local resid ents. These stories up l ift the moral e of the l ocal community , show a p ositive sid e of N ewton, and give us more reasons to be p roud of being a great p art of S urrey , B .C . The l aunch of this book gave us another venue to be together and cel ebrate our unity . N ewton is not p erfect, however, it is getting better and we are p roud to l ive here.” E l l en N iemer, the p roj ect ed itor, reflected on the role of the neighborhood contributors: “ To outsid ers, N ewton may l ook l ik e an ord inary stone: a p l ace with p robl ems, a p l ace with a bad rep utation, a p l ace that p eop l e fear, but we k now that N ewton is a beautiful p l ace. S haring our stories hel p s us to get to k now each other p ersonal l y , to buil d connections and a sense of community . E sp ecial l y in these uncertain times when we hear far too many negative messages of intol erance. The time is right to reach out and get to k now each other. Timing is every thing, and I bel ieve the W e A re N ewton A nthol ogy coul d not have been rel eased at a better time.” The A maz ing Tutors C hil d ren’ s F ound ation ap p reciates the W e A re N ewton p roj ect team: W e A re N ewton A nthol ogy is a great way to col l ect p ositive stories about N ewton that can be shared with the entire community . ...........
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
PIA plane crashes near Abbottabad, all 47 people killed
flight PK-661 took off at 3:30 pm from Chitral and went missing near A bbottabad before the p il ots l ost control over the aircraft and contact with control tower around 4 : 2 2 p m . A thick cl oud of smok e was al so seen bil l owing from the area where the aircraft came d own. F ormer famous P ak istani singer J unaid J amshed , his wife N ahy a, and D ep uty C ommissioner O sama A hmed W araich were al so among the p assengers on the il l fated p l ane. A ccord ing to famil y members, J amshed was in C hitral on a p reaching tour. 3 1 men, nine women and two infants were on board the flight, including at least three foreigners, according to local med ia rep orts. C ivil and mil itary rescue teams were d isp atched to the scene of the crash. F ive members of the crew were identified as pilot Saleh Janjua, co-pilot Ahmed J anj ua, trainee p il ot A l y A k ram, and air hostesses S ad af F arooq and A sma A d il . P rime M inister N awaz S harif and P resid ent M amnoon H ussain P TI chairman I mran K han ex p ressed sorrow over the l oss of p recious l ives in tragic P I A p l ane crash. Source: The News
P ak istan I nternational A irl ines p l ane crashed W ed nesday on a domestic flight from Chitral to Islamabad, killing al l 4 7 p eop l e on board , aviation authorities said . N one of the p eop l e on board aircraft survived the accid ent, the airl ine´ s chairman said . “ There are no survivors, no one has survived , ” M uhammad A z am S aigol tol d a p ress conference late on Wednesday, about five hours after flight P K 6 6 1 from C hitral to the cap ital , I sl amabad , crashed near the town of H avel ian, in K hy ber- P ak htunk hwa p rovince. S aigol said the A TR - 4 2 aircraft had und ergone regul ar maintenance and had in O ctober p assed an “ A check” certification, conducted after every 500 hours of flight operations.”I think that there was no technical error or human error ...obviousl y there wil l be a p rop er investigation, ” he said . M il itary said 3 6 bod ies were retrieved from the d ebris of the p l ane and being S hifted to A y ub M ed ical Teaching H osp ital , where a sp ecial cel l has been set up. An aviation official said it was too early to say any thing about the cause of the crash, but it p robabl y occurred d ue to engine fail ure. The I sl amabad bound
CJ says evidences insufficient; SC hints at commission to probe Panama case The S up reme C ourt on W edne sda y hinted at the formation of commission to pr obe the matter as both the side s have insufficient evidences in their defence. A five-member larger bench of the ap ex court, heade d by C hief J ustice A nwar Z aheer J amal i and compr ising J ustice A sif S aeed K han K hosa, J ustice A meer H ani M usl im, J ustice S heikh A z mat S aeed and J ustice I j az ul A hsen, resumed hearing in the pe titions filed by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Jamaat-eI sl ami ( J I ) and others seeki ng a pr obe in the P anama P ape rs as well as disqualification of Prime Minister Mian Nawaz S harif. Y esterda y , the bench has aske d three que stions from the pr ime minister l awye r. These que stions were: H ow di d the pr ime minister’ s chil dr en form the compa nies; from where the money came and how it was transferred; were the pr ime minister’ s spe eches true or not; and stated the issue of de pe nde ncy al so needs an expl anation. A fter the arguments were concl ude d , the chief j ustice observed that the pa rties have insufficient evidence to prove their case. “Naeem B ukha ri has submitted doc uments dow nl oade d from the internet. S uch doc uments are not adm issibl e evide nce,” he
remarke d. J ustice A z mat S aeed said as pe r the arguments pr esented and the evide nces shared by the P M ’ s counsel it is evide nt that the l awye r has not answered the que stions we aske d. The bench, then aske d the l awye rs to consul t their cl ients and appr ise the court about the formation of a commission. The P TI counsel reque sted the court for a da y to compl ete consul tations. O n this the court adj ourned the hearing til l 09t h D ecember. D uring the pr oceedi ngs, P M ’ s counsel S al man A sl am B utt said after the 19 martial l aw, al l the records of the S harif F amil y compa nies were seiz ed by the mil itary authorities and D ubai banks do not maintain records beyond five years. To this, Justice Khose remarked, you are taki ng a da ngerous l ine of arguments in de fence of your cl ient. The P M L - N l eade rs after the break tol d medi a that it has been establ ished toda y M arya m N awaz is not de pe nde nt on P M N awaz S harif and t he pr ime minister is not the accused in this case. S tate M inister C A D , Tariq F az al C haudhr y said we wil l pr esent the money trail before the august court. Source: The News
Evidence being collected regarding Indian spy Kulbushan Jadhav, says Sartaj Aziz
Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Wednesday informed the Senate that evidence was being collected regarding the role of Indian spy Kulbushan Jadhav in Pakistan. Aziz was briefing the Senate about Pak-India relations and skirmishes along the Line of Control (LoC).“So far, we have just statements about the involvement of the Indian spy in terror activities in Pakistan,” said Aziz. The adviser added that further evidence needs to be gathered. Aziz also told the Senate that the United Nations has been provided a dossier regarding the involvement of Indian intelligence agency RAW in Pakistan. He added that the Senate will be informed soon about progress. Law enforcement agencies had announced the arrest of Jadhav during an intelligence-based raid in Balochistan’s Chaman last month. The Indian Foreign Ministry had con-
firmed that the arrested man was a former Indian Navy officer, but the Pakistani government claimed to have recovered travel documents and multiple fake identities of Jadhav, establishing him as an Indian spy who entered into Balochistan through Iran — holding a valid Iranian visa. In a video shown to media during a joint press conference by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) head Lt Gen Asim Bajwa and Federal Information Minister Pervez Rashid on March 31 Kulbushan Jadhav confessed to involvement in terror activities in Balochistan and Karachi. After Jadhav’s arrest, Pakistan summoned Indian High Commissioner Gautam Bambawale to lodge a strong protest over ‘India’s spying activities’ in Pakistan, besides apprising the international community about the arrest. Source: The Dawn
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
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Mosul residents ‘won’t leave’ despite dire conditions
N earl y 2 , 0 0 0 members of the I raq i security forces were k il l ed in N ovember across the country , al ong with hund red s of civil ians, the U nited N ations said on Thursd ay . A ccord ing to the U N mission in I raq ’ s monthl y tal l y , 1 , 9 5 9 I raq i forces were k il l ed l ast month and at l east 4 5 0 others wound ed . The tol l incl ud es members of the army , p ol ice engaged in combat, K urd ish P eshmerga fighters, interior ministry forces, and p ro- government p aramil itaries, it said . H al gord H ek mat, a sp ok esman for the autonomous K urd ish region’ s P eshmerga ministry in I raq , said on Thursd ay a total of 1 , 6 0 0 P eshmerga sol d iers had been k il l ed since the start of the offensive to retake the ISILhel d I raq i city of M osul on O ctober 1 7 . A l most 10,000 Peshmerga fighters were also wound ed , he said . The U N statement said at l east 9 2 6 civil ians were al so k il l ed , bringing to 2 , 8 8 5 the number of I raq is who have d ied in acts of “ terrorism” , viol ence, and armed conflict last month. “The casualty figures are staggering, with civil ians accounting for
a significant number of the victims,” said J an K ubis, the top U N envoy in I raq . The U S mil itary said in a statement on Thursd ay that at l east 5 4 civil ians were k il l ed by U S l ed coal ition air strik es against I S I L targets in I raq and S y ria between M arch 3 1 and O ctober 2 2 . This brings the total number of civil ians k il l ed by the coal ition to 1 7 3 since strik es started in 2 0 1 4 . The rise in casual ties comes as the major offensive to retake M osul from the I sl amic S tate of I raq and the L evant - I raq ’ s l argest mil itary op eration in y ears - entered its seventh week . K ubis said the growing d eath tol l was l argel y a resul t of I S I L ’ s ferocious d efence of M osul , the city where it p rocl aimed its now crumbl ing “ cal ip hate” in 2 0 1 4 . “ D aesh has been emp l oy ing the most vicious tactics, using civilian homes as firing positions, as well as abd ucting and forcibl y moving civil ians, effectivel y using them as human shiel d s, ” he said , using an A rabic acrony m for I S I L . Source: Al-Jazeera
Grant said. Homeowners have until the end of January to have the assessed value reviewed and their complaint will be heard before March 15. “I would expect a lot of complaints this year,” said Jason Upton, an appraiser with Aedis Appraisals, who chairs one of several review panels that hears homeowners’ and businesses’ complaints about their yearly assessments. He said the real estate market peaked in mid-June, just before B.C. Assessments carries out the annual assessment, held July 1 of every year, “and it’s been declining since.” “This is the first year when the assessed value will actually be higher than the house is worth,” said Upton. Assessed values of singlefamily homes in Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey, the Tri-Cities, Squamish and on the North Shore will rise 30 to 50 per cent, said Grant. Condo and townhouse stratas in Metro will face increases of between 15 and 30 per cent, while commercial and industrial properties will go up 10 to 30 per cent, he said. The assessed values reflect market activity between July 1, 2015, and July 1, 2016, said Grant. “It’s based on what properties are transacting for in your particular market” in the year ended July 1, 2016, he said. Other factors that can affect an assessment are significant renovations, how attractive the neighbourhood is to investors and homebuyers, and zoning changes, for instance to increase density. Not all properties that are assessed at a higher value will see their taxes rise, said Grant. “It all depends on how your property performs compared to others in your taxing jurisdiction,” he said, adding some taxes can decrease. If a property goes up 50 per cent and the average for that municipality is 30 per cent, “then that homeowner will see a tax increase,” he said. About 4.5 per cent
of all properties provincewide will receive the letters, said Grant. The highest percentage is in Squamish, where 10 per cent of the 9,000 properties will be assessed at higher than the average increase. Squamish realtor Pat Place said she’s not surprised because the Squamish market was booming for the first eight months of the year. She estimated prices have risen 50 per cent between July 2015 and July 2016. She said that 10 per cent of Squamish residents are facing higher property taxes, “That comes with the territory.” Other cities with a larger percentage of higher-than-average assessed values include Richmond, at 6.5 per cent of all homes, and Surrey, at six per cent. In Vancouver, 3.5 per cent of property owners will receive an early notification letter, Grant said. Upton said his review panel of two or three appointees hear four to eight complaints a day for three or four days a week between Feb. 1 and March 15. About half of the assessments are changed after panel members review evidence from homeowners or businesses who argue they’ve been assessed incorrectly. “Sometimes they have a good point,” said Upton. “One time the kitchen was gutted and I had to ask why the assessor didn’t go there (to see the property). They don’t go out as much anymore. They sit in their office and use Google.” But he also said there are repeat complaints every year from the same homeowners and “they don’t often win.”News of the increases comes days after the B.C. Real Estate Association released its forecast for an 8.7-per-cent drop in 2017 real estate prices for Metro. “Anything that’s happening in 2017 will be reflected in the 2018 assessment notices,” said Grant. Source: Vancouver Sun
Some Metro Vancouver Cont from Page 1
Gaza doctors launch an appeal to save children’s lives
S erag Tafesh and H assan el - Q aied are at risk of dying if the power goes off. Both are twomonth- ol d babies in an intensive care unit at A l D ura, a chil d ren’ s hospi tal in G az a, and their l ife- saving medi cal equi pm ent stops working when the electricity goes off. The two babies were born with congenital mal formations that have l eft them comatose. Y ousef R ez iq, a doc tor at the hospi tal , tol d A l J az eera that the intensive care unit, or ICU, is the ward most affected by the severe fuel shortages in G az a, that has been besieged by I srael since 207. “ W hen the power goes off, the cardiac monitors and the artificial respiration machines by which the two babies can struggl e to survive stop worki ng. This means that they might di e in less than five minutes,” Reziq said. “If the crisis dr ags on and the necessary amount of fuel has not been obtained in time, we wil l have to transfer the chil dr en to other hospi tal s.” W ith G az a’ s bl ackout s l asting 16 hours a da y , hospi tal s have had to resort to using el ectrical generators. B ut fuel to op erate the generators is increasingl y scarce and expe nsive, pos ing an intractabl e chal l enge. The hospi tal ’ s medi cal pe rsonnel are al so uncomfortabl e with the rel iabil ity and sustainabil ity of these generators, complaining of frequent power fluctuations that take a heavy tol l on the sensitive medi cal equi pm ent. “ C ontinued attention around the cl ock is requi red to make sure that the equi pm ent is functioning p rope rl y and our pa tients receive the intensive neede d care,” H aki em H amoda , a nurse, tol d A l J az eera. H owever, these generators de pl ete the l ittl e fuel available, and the hospital staff fear they might run out of fuel in three da ys . G az a’ s heal th ministry issued warnings earl y l ast week that A l D urra woul d be out of commission if the hospital did not receive sufficient fuel , and other l ocal hospi tal s are l ike l y to be confronted with the same risks as wel l . A ccordi ng to A shraf el - Q idr a, the spoke sman for G az a’ s heal th ministry , hospi tal s in G az a need 420, l itres of fuel each month to ope rate the generators for the eight hours a da y in which there is no el ectricity , so that hospi tal s can treat pa tients dur ing the pow er cuts. The G az a S trip has been subj ected to a chronic el ectricity crisis since its sol e pow er pl ant was pa rtl y de stroye d by I srael dur ing its 206 and 2014 assaul ts on G az a. The pl ant has not ope rated at ful l capa city since then. M eanwhil e, the j oint I srael i- E gypt ian bl ocka de has made G az a’ s el ectricity crisis worse, by maki ng it nearl y impos sibl e to impor t ade qua te amounts of fuel into the territory . D r M aj ed H amada , the head of A l D ura, tol d A l J az eera that the heal th ministry instructed his hospi tal to pr epa re urgent pl ans to de al with emergency cases if it runs out of fuel . “ O ur pl an rel ies on impl ementing severe cuts at our heal th services that are pr esented to our chil dr en, though we receive more cases dur ing winter months. W e have to consume as l ittl e fuel as pos sibl e so that we can somehow reduc e the crisis’ impa ct on the hospi tal ,” H amada said. H amada noted that al l the hospi tal ’ s medical departments face major difficulties in respondi ng to the needs of its visitors. The infant incubators, which are used to care for babies born pr ematurel y , have been forced to ope rate at the minimum l evel , and chil dr en
who suffer from coughing and respiratory pr obl ems have to wait for their turn to use the nebul iser. The doc tor has sent out ap pe al s to international organisations to save the chil dr en’ s l ives and pr eserve their right to dignified, proper medical care. The ministry has contacted the J edda h- based I sl amic B ank for D evel opm ent, adde d H amada , to suppl y the heal th sector with fuel . H e cal l ed on other international heal th organisations to respond to their repe ated app eal s and intervene to end the crisis. A s if the ongoing crisis were not enough, the hospi tal is al so overcrowde d, creating a high risk that contagious il l nesses coul d spr ead. M ahdi H ij az i, a three- ye ar- ol d pa tient, has been in hospi tal for six da ys for convul sions. H is grand mother N isreen is worried that he might get an infection from other chil dr en in his room. “ The rooms’ numbers and siz es are not pr opor tional to the high number of pa tients inside them,” N isreen tol d A l J az eera as she pacified her crying grandson. Meanwhil e, the pow er cuts continue to impe ril the de l ivery of basic heal th services. C hil dr en with ki dne y fail ure are not abl e to unde rgo di al ys is treatment as freque ntl y , which may da mage their heal th. S even- ye ar- ol d S aher F aied normal l y receives di al ys is treatment three times a week, said his father, A hmed. B ut because of the el ectricity crisis, he onl y receives one session at A l D ura, and must commute twice a week to A l S hifa C ompound, where he receives two more weekl y sessions. Y ahia M ousa, the head of H amas’ l egisl ative bl oc in the G az a S trip, tol d A l J az eera that the crisis is the faul t of the I srael i occupa tion and its foreign suppor ters, add ing that its goal is to unde rmine the P al estinian armed resistance and to make G az ans bel ieve that this resistance wil l not sol ve their pr obl ems. “ W e ke ep channel s ope n with regional and international groups to l essen the da maging conseque nces of the crippl ing practices adopted against Gaza in the fields of heal th, el ectricity , empl oym ent, and edu cation,” said M ousa. “ W e appr eciate al l the exerted efforts to break the siege and diminish its strain on the P al estinians’ l ives, but more can be done to l ift it once and for ever.” M eanwhil e, H assan el - Q aied ’ s mother, M ona, says she is ext remel y worried about the di minishing pos sibil ities of survival at these critical condi tions.The two- month- ol d baby was sent to a hospi tal in I srael for two weeks but accordi ng to her, doc tors said his heal th status was chronic and nothing can be done to impr ove it. “ M y heart is heavy with pa in seeing my l ittl e baby in this condi tion and t here is nothing I can do t o save him.” Source: Al-Jazeera
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
& I N T .
Canadian students are excelling: Indian forces accused of blocking care for Kashmiris Don’t get complacent
C anad ians can be p roud of our showing in the 2 0 1 5 P rogramme for I nternational S tud ent A ssessment rep ort, rel eased Tuesd ay . W e are one of onl y a hand ful of countries that p l aces in the top tier in the O rganiz ation for E conomic C o- op eration and D evel op ment in each of the three subj ects tested : science, read ing and math. C anad ian stud ents not onl y ex ceed ed the international average in science p erformance – they were among the best in the worl d in this subj ect. This is a p ositive resul t, given the d iversity of our ed ucation sy stems and of our stud ent p op ul ation. C anad a was al so near the very top in read ing, and remained in the top 1 0 in math. The O E C D even singl ed C anad a out for our abil ity to combine high achievement with a commitment to eq uity in ed ucation. There is no gend er gap in science p erformance in C anad a, nor is there a gap between immigrant stud ents and those born in C anad a. P arents shoul d wel come these findings. Not only do Canadian students perform wel l in science, but they are al so more l ik el y than the O E C D average to ex p ect to have S TE M careers ( in science, technol ogy , engineering and math) – 3 4 p er cent of C anad ian stud ents have this ex p ectation, comp ared with an international average of 2 5 p er cent. This is good news for C anad a and a testament to the many organiz ations across the country that hel p school s connect the d ots between cl assroom science l earning and the worl d of work. But significant gender differences remain in terms of the specific types of STEM careers that boy s and girl s ex p ect to have, with girl s much more l ik el y to ex p ect careers in heal th sciences ( 2 9 p er cent versus 1 0 p er cent) and boy s much more l ik el y to ex p ect careers in engineering ( 1 8 p er cent versus 7 p er cent) and information and communications technology (3.7 per cent in the ICT field versus 0 .3 p er cent) . W hil e the P I S A resul ts d o warrant cel ebration, we can’ t become comp l acent. C hal l enges continue, not the l east of which is figuring out how to continue evolving l earning op p ortunities for C anad ian y outh so they can p articip ate as citiz ens and in the l abour mark et in a rap id l y changing worl d .
A nd even though C anad a stand s out for its record in eq uity , some stud ents stil l struggl e to get the necessary attention. F or ex amp l e, P I S A mak es no reference to ind igenous students. In addition, girls continue to significantl y outp erform boy s in read ing ( though the gap narrows with d igital read ing) and , in some ( but not al l ) p rovinces, boy s outp erform girl s in math. M inority l anguage cl assrooms ( i.e. F rench l earners outsid e Q uebec and E ngl ish l earners in Q uebec) al so continue to l ag behind . A nd when we l ook at top - p erforming C anad ian science stud ents, onl y hal f ex p ect to work in a science- rel ated career. This might signal future chal l enges recruiting top tal ent to work in the science and technol ogy sector in C anad a. The fact that boy s in C anad a are more l ik el y than girl s to want to work in I C T should not overshadow the finding that, taken together, very few y oung p eop l e see themsel ves work ing this sector. I t is critical that we ensure our five million youth in kindergarten to G rad e 1 2 und erstand the d iverse p ostsecond ary ed ucation and career p athway s that require or benefit from STEM – including p athway s through col l ege, university and the skilled trades. A collective effort is required to ensure al l C anad ian y outh are p rep ared for an increasingl y comp l ex and technol ogy - rich world. As part of this effort, Let’s Talk Science and our p artners are p roud to be l ead ing C anad a 2 0 6 7 , an ambitious initiative d esigned to stimul ate national conversations about our col l ective rol es in sup p orting y outh. Together we can d evel op a renewed vision for S TE M ed ucation and a l earning framework that can sup p ort al l stak ehol d ers who are interested in insp iring futures. Source: Globe and Mail
I ndi an security forces have been accused of bl ocki ng medi cal treatment for wounde d pr otesters in the di sput ed region of K ashmir by hol di ng up ambul ances and harassing hospi tal ised pa tients. P hys icians for H uman R ights said not onl y di d pol ice and pa ramil itary forces use exc essive force dur ing months of unrest, they al so hinde red pe opl e from seeki ng medi cal attention, increasing the l ike l ihood of pe rmanent inj uries and de aths. “ S uch d el ays in care are viol ations of the l ong- standi ng pr otections afforded to medical workers and facilities in times of conflict and civil unrest,” said W idne y B rown from the N ew Y ork- head qua rtered advoc acy group . “ W hat’ s more, the doc tors we interviewed said pol ice were pr esent in their hospi tal s, intimida ting pa tients, and monitoring those being adm itted.” The repor t al so said security forces harassed medi cal worke rs attempt ing to treat pr otesters and pr evented doc tors from reaching the hospi tal s where they work. P ol ice in K ashmir said they woul d respond to the al l egations once they had studi ed the P H R repor t. A t l east 80 civil ians were ki l l ed and about 12,0 wounde d in al most five months of confrontation between demonstrators and security forces, spa rke d by the killing of a leading separatist fighter in a j oint army and pol ice ope ration on J ul y 8. K ashmir is at the centre of a de cade s- ol d rival ry between I ndi a and P aki stan, which rul es a northwestern section of the di vide d region. A n insurgency grippe d the H imal aya n region in the l ate 1 980s and 190s that I ndi an security forces l argel y crushed. The l atest unrest, spa rke d by the ki l l ing of
B urhan W ani, a popul ar sepa ratist l eade r, is the worst in the M usl im- maj ority region for six ye ars, and critics accuse I ndi an security forces of heavy- hande dne ss in q uel l ing the pr otests. M any of those ki l l ed in the cl ashes died from shotgun pellets or rifle rounds fired by police and paramilitary troops. H undr eds of bys tande rs were bl inde d by the pe l l et rounds , the repor t said. W hil e I ndi an authorities say the use of such weap ons was meant to reduc e the pot ential for inj uries or fatal ities, P H R found that their use actual l y caused serious wounds and de ath. P ol ice in K ashmir say pe l l et guns are non- l ethal weapons , but they have been fired from short distances in “unavoidable circumstances” when pr otesters target security forces. P H R ’ s repor t - based on hospi tal records and interviews with doc tors, witnesses and victims - found pol ice used 12- gauge shotguns l oade d with metal pe l l ets that di rectl y caused an estimated 5,20 inj uries and at l east a doz en de aths. “ I nj uries inflicted by ‘less than lethal’ weapons l ike pe l l ets, rubber bul l ets, and shotguns requi re earl y medi cal intervention to avoid pe rmanent or de bil itating inj ury , incl udi ng l oss of l ife,” said the repor t. “ I n K ashmir, de l ays in accessing medi cal care for hundr eds of inj ured pr otesters increased the risk of pe rmanent da mage, incl udi ng for those with eye inj uries.” I n A ugust, the I ndi an government said it woul d review the use of pe l l ets, whil e a spoke spe rson for the J ammu and K ashmir government tol d A l J az eera the weapons woul d be pha sed out . Source: Al-Jazeera
S urrey J amea M asj id ha d a fundr aising di nner on D ecember 3r d , after M aghrib S al ah. S heikh Y ahya M ooml a and Q ari A bdul W ahab S ahib warmed the hearts with their el oque nt tal ks on the rol e of a M asj id in raising pi ous chil dr en who are a recurring charity for their parents, and signified the impor tance of suppor ting the M asj id financially. People opened up their hearts and w al l ets and dona ted ge nerousl y . I t was a rare exhi bition of generosity and ki ndne ss.D espi te the col d weather and l ow attenda nce, about $18000 were raised for
the ope ration of the M asj id. A de l ectabl e di nner was served at the end of the event. Surrey Jamea Masjid runs a weekly Madrasa and Weekend Islamic School along with other programs such as Youth Halaqah on Saturday’s after Duhr, and Al-Bayan, The Future Leaders, Gavel Club, a Toastmasters Public Speaking Program for Youth, on Sunday’s at 1:30 pm. For latest program updates and announcements, please check out our Facebook page
B.C. to bear the brunt of food price Surrey Jameh Masjid Fundraising Dinner inflation in 2017, report suggestsy
The tripl e threat of U .S . pr eside nt- el ect D onal d Trump , a struggl ing C anadi an dol l ar and a new O P E C pr oduc tion de al wil l make food more expe nsive in 2017, espe cial l y for B .C .’ s l ower income shopp ers. The average C anadi an famil y is expe cted to pa y about $420 more for food next ye ar and B ritish C ol umbians wil l see an even greater increase, accordi ng to C anada ’ s F ood P rice R epo rt 2017 . “ The economy is doi ng wel l and pe opl e have money to spe nd, so we are expecting the food inflation rate in B .C . to be higher than average,” said co- author S yl vain C harl ebois. L ower- income shoppe rs who rel y on grocery stores for their food basics wil l feel the increase most ke enl y , pa rticul arl y for fresh vegetabl es and rel ativel y inexp ensive meats such as pork. Affluent British Columbians are C anada ’ s most enthusiastic consumers of sp ecial ty , l ocal and organic foods , which command pr emium pr ices but are rel ativel y wel l - insul ated from marke t- dr iven vol atil ity . B .C . impor ts about 6 7 pe r cent of its fresh fruits and vegetabl es from the U nited S tates and that make s us vul nerabl e to the vagaries of gl obal marke ts. The pr ospe ct of a Trump pr eside ncy has the U .S . economy heating up, pl acing renewed pr essure on an al ready l ow C anadi an dol l ar and erodi ng C anadi ans’ abil ity to buy impor ted food s, said C harl ebois. P rices
are pr edi cted to increase for vegetabl es ( four to six per cent), fruits and nuts (three to five pe r cent) and meat exc l udi ng poul try ( four to six pe r cent) , accordi ng to the repor t publ ished annual l y by D al housie U niversity . “ W hen it comes to fruits, nut and vegetabl es, it al l comes dow n to a weak dol l ar,” C harl ebois said. “ W e expe ct to see pr ices start rising in the second qua rter of 2017.” S oaring commodi ty pr ices suggest that the pr edi cted increase in the pr ice of meat wil l be l ed by por k. “ H og futures are way up right now, so that is going to affect meat pr ices, general l y ,” he said. W hil e beef futures suggest short- term pr ice stabil ity , red meat pr ices have al ready risen more than any food category since 20, accordi ng to S tatistics Canada figures. Prices for supply-managed commodi ties such as da iry and eggs — which are pr odu ced al most entirel y in C anada for the dom estic marke t — wil l rise by l ess than two pe r cent. R ecent pr oduc tion cuts negotiated by the O rganiz ation of P etrol eum E xpor ting C ountries and other oil - pr oduc ing nations are l ike l y to pus h the pr ice of oil up conside rabl y , which affects the price of food at every point on the val ue chain, said C harl ebois. The cost of pr oduc ing fertil iz er, running fuel - hungry farm equi pm ent, food pr ocessing and transpor tation al l rise with the pr ice of fossil fuel s, said C harl ebois. C anadi an shoppe rs expe rienced mil d food deflation late in 2016, according to Statistics C anada . B ut after the pr ice of C al iforniagrown vegetabl es shot up l ast spr ing, they were de stined to fal l cl oser to normal by ye ar’ s end and that’ s j ust what happe ned. “ W hen the $8 cauliflower crisis hit, grocers were stuck with a l ot of pr oduc e no one woul d buy ,” said C harl ebois. “Not long after, you saw $1 cauliflower as they t ried t o unl oad i t.” Source: Vancouver Sun
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
at FIJI ISLAMIC CENTRE UNIT 17 & 18, 12988 84th AVENUE, SURREY, BC, V3K 0W6 On Saturday, 17th DECEMBER, 2016 at 5:00PM SHARP!!!
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Chief Guest,(Toronto) (Urdu Speaker)
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An evening of Naat-E-Rasool (s.a.w), Qaseeda’s, & Bayan in English & Urdu. THIS IS A FREE FAMILY EVENT
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
FAITH “ … The p eop l e of I srael d ivid e into d ivid ed into 7 2 sects, my U mmah will divide into 73 sects, all of them will be in the hellfire, and one of them wil l be in p arad ise.” W e ask ed “ W hich one is saved ? ” The P rop het ( saw) said , “ The one that is with me and my C omp anions.” 3
[ A bd ul l ah ibn A mru, Tirmid hi, H ad ith N o. 2 5 6 5 ]
The Month of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) birth By Nourah Abdul Aziz Al-Khereiji
IN C E the first ad y of the month of R abiul A wwal — the third month of the H ij rah cal end ar — in which the anniversary of the birth of the H ol y P rop het, pe ace be upon him, fal l s, I have fel t a j oy fil l ing my heart, l ighting up vision and envel opi ng the universe. W e exc hange greetings to cel ebrate the month chosen by M ost M erciful G od for the birth of P rophe t M uhammad, pbuh, the l ight of manki nd, master of the pi ous, guide to the right pa th and the spr ingtime of our hearts. A l l our nobl e sentiments are attached to this honored month which is first among al l months. E very ye ar we wel come the month l ike l overs who have been waiting the whol e ye ar for a reunion. The month brings us to the anniversary of the birth of the H ol y P rophe t, pbuh, the mode l for manki nd and the seal of the messengers. W e al ways say that though the study of his l ife and works are requi red at al l times, they are pa rticul arl y significant on his birth anniversary . W hil e al l countries cel ebrate their national da ys every ye ar, the month and da y on which the l ead er of manki nd and best of G od’ s creations was born is entitl ed to be commemorated in a fitting manner. I t shoul d be done by mutual l y remindi ng oursel ves of his de eds and being famil iar with his q ual ities so that our l ove for him becomes de ep- seated in our hearts. W e shoul d renew our al l egiance to him, di scuss his teachings and make sure that we fol l ow
First Friday at Madinah
he 12th Rabi’ul Awwal of the first Hij ri was a F rida y . The P rophe t ( pbuh) rode from Q uba to the houses of B ani Salim and offered the Friday Prayer there with one hundr ed M usl ims. That was the first Friday Prayer offered in Islam.119 The P rophe t ( pbuh) de l ivered a sermon on that occasion, in which he said: “ P raise and eulogy befits Allah alone. I praise Him, seek hel p, forgiveness, and guida nce from H im, and repos e trust in H im. I do not di sobey H im and hate those who di sobey H im. I bear testimony that none is worthy of worship exc ept A l l ah, the O ne W ho has no p artner, and that M uhammad is H is sl ave and pr ophe t. I t is A l l ah W ho sent M uhammad with guida nce, l ight, and advi ce ( nasihat) at a time when the worl d had not received a P rophe t for l ong, and the L ast H our and the time of de ath is near. Those who obey Allah and His Prophet will find the straight pa th, but the ones who choose to di sobey go astray , go dow n in status, and fal l into
Last edition Names were
in his footsteps . I n the words of the H ol y Q ur’ an, “ A l l that W e rel ate to you of the stories of the apos tl es — with it W e make firm your heart, in them there comes to you the truth, as wel l as an exhor tation and a message of remembrance to those who bel ieve.” ( C hapt er: H ud, V erse: 120) . B y fol l owing the H ol y P rophe t, pbuh, we wil l achieve G od’ s l ove and mercy . G od says in H is B ook: “ ( M uhammad) says : I f you l ove G od fol l ow me, G od wil l l ove you and forgive your sins, because G od is O ftforgiving and M ost M erciful .” ( C hapt er: A l I mran, V erse: 31) . F ol l owing the footstep s of the H ol y P rophe t, pbuh, and impl icit obedi ence to him carries us to a poi nt of pe rfection in which our l ove for him exc eeds our l ove of sel f or our l ove of anyone el se. H e said: “ N one of you bel ieve until you l ove me more than your weal th, your sons, your sel f or any other pe opl e or things.” Then onl y wil l we be abl e to l ove for the sake of G od, hate for the sak e of G od and sacrifice to win the l ove of G od. E very virtuous de ed we do is with the hope of getting reward from G od. B y pe rforming acts that bring us cl oser to G od, we reach a stage where we can be in the compa ny of the P rophe t, pb uh, in P aradi se and view G od’ s face which is the ul timate bl iss. A nd that is the goal we ye arn for. O f the P roph et, the best of al l manki nd, G od d escribed in the H ol y Q ur’ an: “ Y ou have an exa l ted stand ard of character.” ( C hap ter: P en, V erse: 4) . I t is al so stated in the H ol y Q ur’ an that he is the M essenger of G od and the S eal of the P rophe ts: “ M uhammad is not the father of any one of you r men, but severe misguida nce. “ O M usl ims I advi se you to adopt Taqw a ( pi ety , fear of A l l ah) . The best advi ce that a M usl im coul d give to another M usl im is to become mindf ul of the H ereafter and adopt Taqw a. O pe opl e! S tay away from things that A l l ah has forbidde n for you. N o ad vice is better than this and no Z ikr ( remembrance of A l l ah) is better than this. R emember, Taqw a is most hel pf ul for the pe rson who pe rforms de eds for the H ereafter with the fear of A l l ah. W hen a pe rson sets right his rel ation with G od in al l internal as wel l as ext ernal matters and doe s so with sincere conseque ntl y , know l edge had de creased and m isguida nce had i ncreased. H e has been sent when intention, his de eds wil l be a source of his remembrance ( Z ikr ) in the worl d and a treasure after de ath ( when man wil l real iz e the val ue of good de eds ) . B ut if a pe rson doe s not do so, then ( as mentioned in the verse quot ed) , he wil l wish that his de eds were better ke pt away from him. A l l ah ask s you to fear H im and H e, in fact, is most ki nd to H is sl aves. The pe rson who
Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH)
Al Wajid name of Allah(swt)
Al ShakurMohammad(saw) name.
he is the A pos tl e of G od, and the S eal of the P rophe ts. A nd G od has ful l know l edge of al l things.” ( C hapt er: C onfede rates, V erse: 4 0 ) . “ Y ou are the first one on whom A l mighty G od and angel s began send ing H is bl essings and ord ered the M usl ims to d o so. G od and H is angel s send bl essings on the P rop het. O y e that bel ieve send y our bl essings on him and sal ute him with al l resp ect.” ( C hap ter: C onfed erates, V erse: 5 6 ) . The recital of the pr aye rs to send bl essings on the P rophe t, p buh, is an act of boundl ess reward. M ost M erciful G od has been gracious enough to l ead us out of da rkne ss into l ight. This has been referred to in the H ol y Q ur’ an: “ H e it is W ho sends bl essings on you, as do H is angel s, that H e may bring you from the de pt hs of da rkne ss into L ight, and H e is ful l of mercy to the bel ievers.” ( C hapt er: C onfede rates, V erse: 43) . O G od, send your bl essings and sal utations to our master, M uhammad, his famil y , his compa nions and al l those who wil l fol l ow him until the D ay of J udgm ent. Though there is di sagreement on the da te on which the P rophe t, pb uh, was born, take s A l l ah’ s commands to be true and ful fills his obligations, Allah gives him His assurance ( of accept ance by remindi ng him) that H is word doe s not und ergo a change, nor doe s H e exe rcise any tyr anny over H is hel pl ess bonds men. “ O M usl ims! R emain mindf ul of Taqw a of A l l ah in your p resent and future, internal and external affairs, because the transgression of the pe opl e of Taqw a is ignored and their reward i s increased. V eril y , the pe opl e of Taqw a are the ones who wil l attain very high status. I t is Taqw a that shuns A l l ah’ s di spl easure, puni shment, and wrath. I t is Taqw a al one that make s the countenance bright, pl eases A l l ah, and raises a pe rson in rank. O M usl ims! E nj oy your sel ves but do not be negl igent of A l l ah’ s rights on you. A l l ah has taught you H is B ook and shown you H is way for this very reason that H e di stinguishes the truthful from the l iars. O pe opl e! G od has treated you nicel y , so you shoul d treat others nicel y t oo.
there is no di sput e over the fact that he was born on M ond ay . Therefore, M onda y has a spe cial significance. W e M usl ims must thank M erciful G od for guid ing us to the true rel igion and incl ud ing us in the community of M uhammad, pbuh. I t is our dut y to transl ate our thanks to G od in virtuous d eed s, and expr ess our j oy over G od’ s spe cial mercy in sendi ng the P rophe t, pbuh, to us. A l mighty G od said in the H ol y Q ur’ an “ W e sent you not but as a mercy for al l creatures.” ( C hapt er: The P rop hets, V erse: 1 0 7 ) . Though we shoul d al ways pr actice virtuous de eds to enabl e us to achieve cl oseness to G od, it is most impor tant to do so on spe cial occasions. D oes manki nd know a more appr opr iate da y than the da y of his birth? O n this da y we shoul d pr actice more of his S unnah such as fasting, caring for our ki n, feedi ng the poor , maki ng our spous es and chil dr en happy , organiz ing gatherings to di scuss his l ife and exe mpl ary qua l ities, seeki ng forgiveness from those we have wronged and, above al l , increase gl orification of G od. O A l l ah, send bl essings and sal utations up on our master, M uhammad , and his famil y and reward us in both this l ife and the l ife after d eath. O G od , send bl essings and sal utations up on our l ord , M uhammad , and il l uminate our hearts and ennobl e our mind s both in this l ife and in the l ife after d eath. C onside r the enemies of A l l ah as your enemies. S trive with courage and care in the pa th of A l l ah. H e has raised you in respe ct and cal l ed you M usl ims so that the one who is de stroye d is de stroye d in face of cl ear evide nce, whil e the one who receives l ife doe s so in face of cl ear evide nce. The strength for pe rforming virtuous de eds is granted by A l l ah al one. O pe opl e! D o the Z ikr ( remembrance) of A l l ah and pe rform de eds for the H ereafter, because the pe rson who sets right his affairs with Allah sets right his affairs with the people. Yes, Allah gives command to H is bonds men, but none can give any command to H im. A l l ah is the M aster of H is bonds men, but the bonds men have no pow er over H im. A l l ah is greatest, and we get strength to do good from that very Magnificent Lord. Source: THE LAST PROPHET (A Short Biography) Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi Translated by Dr. Shah Ebadur Rahman
Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver Islm. Date
Dec 9-23 2016 Rabi ul Awaal 9-23, 1438 H Day Date Fajar
Fajar Sunr DhuhrAsarAsar Isha Sunrise DhuhrZawal Asar (shafi) (hanfi) Maghrib Magrib Isha
9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3
For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
Over 80K raised for IQRA High School Project Adjacent land O n N ov 2 6 , I q ra I sl amic S chool re- p resented an ad j acent p rop erty at 9 6 A A ve x 1 6 8 S t, F l eetwood , S urrey p l an of H igh S chool p roj ect to the community members in a fund raising d inner at B ombay B anq uet H al l in S urrey . I q ra is an el ementary & j unior high S chool ( accred ited by the M inistry of E d ucation; B C ) and serves al most 4 3 4 stud ents. The event was cond ucted with op ening remark s by M C Tal ha K han & K had ij a R aj a. The p rogram began with beautiful recitation by W al id Z ubair and A iny M ohamed d id the E ngl ish transl ation. The chil d ren p resentation p rogram was cond ucted by stud ents M aria C heema & F aseeh I rfan. P erformance by students from many grades reflected a very high stand ard of A rabic and I sl amic p rogram at the school . The seq uences of p resentation were as fal l ows: • C anad aian A nthem l ed by G r, 3 - G r, 7 stud ents • “ The R ise of a N ew G eneration” fol l owed •
by ” B e Y oursel f “ p resented by G r, 7 “Make a Difference” p resented by K G , 1 &
2 and G r, 1 D iv 2
• • • • • • •
“ The A l p habet L etter in A S ign L anguage” p resented by G r, 1 D iv 1 A song “ W e are the W orl d ” p resented by G r, 5 D iv 3 & G r, 2 D iv 1 A p oem” A na M usl im” ( I am a M usl im) by O mar A hmed G r, 5 D iv 3 “ G eniouy s H ours vid eo” shared by G r, 3 “ Q iy am” ( O ur V al ues) is p resented by G r, 6 “ A ‘ mal una A fa’ al ona” ( O ur D eed is our L ife) by G r, 4 “ W e are the F uture” p resented by G r, 5 D iv 1 - 2 , F r, 5 D iv 2 & K G D iv.3
and he ap p riciated the I Q R A school activities since 1 9 9 8 . S urrey - C entral M P R and eep S arai, M L A H arry B ains and , M L A B rue R al ston were al so invited at the stage.A l l they ad mired the Iqra school efforts to become a N umber 1 S chool in B C . D r. A l i M ihirig( P resid ent) up d ated every one about the H igh school p roj ect and announced the p urchase of ad d itional one A cre l and ad j acent to the current 9 6 A ve x 1 6 8 th S t S urrey , and now the I q ra school strength of stud ents are 4 3 4 and we are p roud that I q ra is stil l # 1 R ank ing in a row since past 3 years. He said finace has always been our chal l enge and thank ed A l l ah ( S W T) and al l community members. The k ey note sp eak er was D r. M unir E l K assem from L ond on ( O ntario) a schol ar and international sp eak er. D r. d el ivered a beautiful sp eech in the l ight of Q uran and S unnah and encouraged al l the attend ees to op en their hearts and d onate generousl y for this nobl e ed ucational
P resenting the S p el l ing B ee winners. M s. R and a E l - K hatib the acting P rincip al of the school , wel comed al l the attend ees and read the I q ra S chool over al l p rogress and said from 1 9 9 8 til l the d ay I q ra has been acheieving one mil e stone from another. S he al so remembered l ate B r A bu B ak r A l i who had a vision that there wil l be another M usl im school where teachers wil l be abl e to p erform at their ful l cap acity .“ Tod ay his vision has been achieved .” B r. B il al C heema ( P resid ent of F l eetwood P ort K el l s( L iberal C hap ter) as a p roud p arent was very hap p y to send his son in this school
cause. H e tal k ed about how we become sl aves to the material s things in l ive and forget to seek happiness (pleasure difference also signified) which we wrongl y associates with the the material p ossessions. H e used his sp ecial sk il l s and hel p ed to raise more than $ 3 0 K at the sp ot, however the management col l ected p rior this event and til l the end al most 8 8 K , toward s p ay p artial p ay ment of ad j acent l and of H igh school p roj ect. The Miracle would like to congratulate the IQRA Islamic School management for its great success in Muslim Community.
Evergreen extension officially open to the public on Dec 2 hal f of the H onourabl e A marj eet S ohi, F ede ral M inister of I nfrastructure and C ommunities, and repr esentatives of the pr oj ect’ s p artners. C onstruction of the E vergreen ext ension, its stations and publ ic pl az as created an estimated 8,0 di rect and indi rect j obs dur ing construction. The pr oj ect is now compl ete and trains are ready to start taki ng pa ssengers at noon toda y . The ope ning cel ebration at C oqui tl am C entral S tation was l aunched with an inaugural ride by the repr esentatives of The E vergreen ext ension, which wil l the pr oj ect’ s pa rtners al ong the E verbring efficient rapid transit service be- green ext ension. tween C oq uitl am, P ort M oody , B urnaby Round-the-clock efforts by people inand Vancouver, was officially opened vol ved in the many aspe cts of the pr otoda y by B .C . P remier C hristy C l ark, j ect al l owed for the E vergreen ext ension and D an R uimy , M ember of P arl iament to ope n unde r budg et. The $1.431 bil for P itt M eadow s- M apl e R idge , on be- l ion pr oj ect has been de l ivered between
Continued from Pg 1
mil l ion and $85 mil l ion unde r the budge t set in 208. The ext ension wil l carry 70, pe opl e pe r da y by 2021, reducing traffic congestion in the rapi dl y growing cities of C oqui tl am, P ort M oody a nd B urnaby . The G overnment of C anada , the G overnment of B ritish C ol umbia and TransL ink funde d the pr oj ect. N ow that construction is compl ete, TransL ink wil l be respons ibl e for ope rating the ext ension. The 1 1 - ki l ometer E vergreen ext ension runs fully separated from traffic. With seven stations that incl ude bus connections, pa rki ng ( M oody C entre, C oqui tl am C entral and L afarge L ake - D ougl as stations) and bicyc l e facil ities, this is
a significant new link to Metro Vancouver’ s S kyT rain sys tem. E vergreen wil l pr ovide freque nt and convenient S kyT rain service, connecting C oqui tl am C ity C entre through P ort M oody to L ougheed Town C entre in about 15 minutes. W ith the E vergreen ext ension now ope n to the publ ic, M etro V ancouver’ s S kyT rain sys tem is the l ongest ful l y automated and dr iverl ess rapi d transit sys tem in the worl d.
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
BC NDP nominates more star candidates in Surrey and across BC MP Dhaliwal Celebrates one Year in Government
O n D ec 4, I n Taj P ark C onvention C entre S urrey , S ukh D hal iwal M P for S urrey- N ewton C el ebrated O ne ye ar in G overnment. I t was a huge successful F undr aising E vent, al most B anque t hal l was pa cke d, the ticke t cost $150/ chair tagged.M P D hal iwal thanke d al l his di stinguished guests, L iberal suppor ters and al l C anadi ans. H e al so highl ighted the L iberal G overnment P M J ustin Trude au pol icies towards the The B C N D P nominated nine star cand id ates in Other candidates nominated in the past five days include: betterments of C anadi an and its citiz ens, in form five days this past week, including former MP •Veteran MLAs Raj Chouhan (Burnaby-Edmonds) of I mmigration, R efugees, K omagata M aru J inny S ims in S urrey - P anorama, former R C M P and Scott Fraser (Mid Island-Pacific Rim), apol ogies and ot her matters. I nsp ector G arry B egg in S urrey - G uil d ford and •Port Moody Councillor Rick Glumac (Port MoodyC ity C ouncil l or Tarik S ay eed in P enticton. C oq uitl am) , “ I am very p roud to stand with these stel l ar can- •Parent activist Morgane Oger (Vancouver-False d id ates and tak e on C hristy C l ark and her record C reek ) , and in the el ection nex t y ear, ” said B C N D P l ead er •School Trustee Lisa Beare (Maple Ridge-Pitt J ohn H organ. “ W e have been buil d ing a p ower- M ead ows) , who top p ed the p ol l s in the l ast muful team that reflects the people of BC and who nicip al el ection. wil l work to mak e l ife better for p eop l e.” Two other star cand id ates were nominated in B egg, a retired R C M P D istrict C ommand er for S urrey earl ier this fal l : J agrup B rar in S urrey S urrey , was accl aimed as the B C N D P cand i- F l eetwood and R avi K ahl on in D el ta N orth. d ate in S urrey - G uil d ford W ed nesd ay night. H e H organ said the B C N D P is gaining momentum as p l ed ged to be a strong voice for community safe- his p arty recruits an increasing number of star canty and gang p revention on the B C N D P team. didates. He said affordability will be a key issue in S ims was accl aimed M ond ay evening in S urrey - the coming p rovincial el ection. P anorama. A n outsp ok en ad vocate for p ubl ic ed u- “ C osts are going up and up and our heal th care cation, she said one on her top p riorities wil l be to and school s are being cut and cut. C hristy C l ark R and eep S arai, M ember of C anad ian P arl iarep l ace p ortabl es with real cl assrooms in S urrey . is l ook ing after p eop l e at the top and every one ment met with H igh C ommissioner, Tariq S ay eed won a contested nomination in P enticton el se is p ay ing the p rice, ” H organ said . A z im K han The H igh C ommissioner briefed on Saturday. He said he will fight to generate On Nov 28, Mr. Jagrup Brar raised more the M P on the l atest situation in the region more good - p ay ing j obs in his community and than $60,000 funds for the Jin Sims election with sp ecial reference to P ak istan- I nd ia rel amake life more affordable for families. campaign at the same evening in Hyland elementry School Surreywith an half an hour. tions. He said that Pakistan has made significant efforts to restore dialogue process with I nd ia for restoring p eace. H e further stated that there is a great p otential for the C anad ian comp anies to invest in P ak istan. H e said that the C anad ian comp anies wil l be facil itated in setting up their businesses in the country . The H igh C ommissioner al so informed M r. S arai that minorities in P ak istan are safe, secure missioner for his briefing and agreed that and p rosp ering. H e ad d ed that the G overn- both P ak istan and I nd ia shoul d work together ment has ensured that the S ik h P il grims from for ensuring p eace in the region and resol uacross the worl d coul d visit their sacred p l ac- tion of d isp utes through d ial ogue. es incl ud ing N ank ana S ahib and P anj a S ahib The H igh C ommissioner p resented P arshad d istributed on the birthd ay of G uru N anak at N anwithout any restriction. “Canada was built by citizen immigrants, people who M r. R and eep S arai thank ed the H igh C om- k ana S ahib to the M ember of the P arl iament.
High Commmissioner Pakistan Meets MP Randeep Saraii in Ottawa
come here permanently with their families to become Canadians.”
PAK HC. With Canadian Defence Minister Harjit Singh
- Hon. John McCallum, MP
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H igh C ommissioner Tariq A z im K han cal l ed on M r. H arj it S ingh S aj j an, M inister of N ational D efence, C anad a, here tod ay . The H igh C ommissioner p resented H ol y P arshad , d istributed on the birthd ay of G uru N anak at N ank ana S ahib, to the D efence M inister. The M inister thank ed him for the gesture of good wil l . The H igh C ommissioner briefed the M inister on the state of minorities in P ak istan incl ud ing the S ik h community , which enj oy s ful l freed om. H e ad d ed that S ik h p il grims from across the worl d are facil itated to visit their sacred p l aces in P ak istan every y ear.H e renewed an outstand ing invitation from D efence M inister of P ak istan, K hawaj a A sif to the C anad ian D efence M inister to visit P ak istan. H e said that the visit wil l p rovid e an op p ortunity to both the countries for enhancing bil ateral d efence rel ations. The H igh C ommissioner further briefed the M inister on the rol e P aki stan is pl ayi ng in U N P eace K eepi ng M issions. H e informed that the country
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has remained one of the l argest troop contributing countries consistentl y for many de cade s. A t pr esent, more than 750 pe rsonnel of al l ranks are de pl oye d i n U N M issions, he adde d. The C anad ian D efence M inister ex p ressed his gratitud e and accep ted the invitation to visit P ak istan at mutual l y convenient d ates. H e ap p reciated the measures P ak istan has tak en to facil itate S ik h p il grims.
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
seek ing real answers to Personal Testimonial for one finally get them. I especiall y want the M usl ims l iving here locally to benefit and Humoral Medicine (Part 2) be heal thy and stay heal thy By: Nada Adam
hose who read my articles in the past know that I was on Thyroid medication for nearly 18 years…The amazing thing about this treatment, *For the first time in nearly 20 years, within 6 week s of starting the H erbal treatment, my Thy roid became normal and no l onger need ed to tak e Thy roid d rugs or bovine thy roid sup p l ementation. * M y bl ood p ressure stabil iz ed , * C hest p ain and heart p al p itations d isap p eared , * A nx iety and p anic attack s el iminated , * D iscontinued using p rogesterone hormone p rescrip tion cream to red uce the stress hormone in my bod y and * S top p ed d rink ing sl eep ing teas at night… * I f that wasn’ t enough A l hamd ul il l ah, I stop p ed need ing 9 hours of sl eep , sl eep ing l ess 6 - 7 hours was enough and fel t more energiz ed on l ess. M y H umoral D octor, ask ed me to get up d ated bl ood tests and so my GP confirmed my blood test results were al l normal A l hamd ul il l ah. The cy sts, I ’ m certain have reduced significantly in size though no ultrasound has been done to confirm this yet. I n ad d ition, in 1 y ear of treatment, I ’ ve saved at l east $ 1 9 0 0 from not need ing to tak e the above mentioned supplementations while significantly improving the q ual ity of my l ife too. S ome p eop l e comp l ain that herbal med icine is ex p ensive… my resp onse, “ real l y , try il l ness and being treated here in N orth A merica… the p rice y ou p ay wil l be y our l ife” – the ul timate p rice! Think about how much y ou’ re p ay ing for the d rugs and / or sup p l ements y ou currentl y tak e… what if y ou coul d save al l that money every month and every y ear… woul d that be worth it for y ou? P raise be to A l l ah, p ersonal l y , I feel so free, no l onger having to worry about taking any pill at different times of the day…I have saved at l east $ 1 5 0 + p er month on sup p l ements I used to tak e d ail y i.e. bovine thy roid , l iver d etox ( hormone bal ancer) , B vitamins, V itamin C , V itamin D , I mmune sup p ort, R eishi M ushroom etc.… ( remember I used to have a natural p harmacy at home) … M oving forward , my articl es wil l incl ud e information about this great med icine so together, we can hel p any -
in- sha’ A l l ah. P l ease al l ow me the op p ortunity to share a l ittl e bit about the d octor that hel p ed change my l ife. D r. K hal ed H ij az i, a worl d ex p ert in Trad itional H umoral M ed icine, is highl y sought after gl obal l y for his astute ex p ertise and success in treating a wid e variety of serious il l nesses. W ith over 1 6 y ears’ ex p erience, he op erates a ful l med ical p ractice at The H erbal M ed ical C entre in B eirut, L ebanon since 2 0 0 1 . H e is a p ubl ished author of a book in Arabic called, “Shifaa fil Ghithaa” which means “ H eal ing from N utrition.” H e is in the p rocess of comp l eting his P hD in P hy to- therap y ( Thesis: M igraines) and is L icensed in H umoral M ed icine from P ak istan. D r. H ij az i is a trustworthy , d evout, G od - fearing P hy sician util iz ing his ex p ert k nowl ed ge and G od given intel l igence and sk il l to p rovid e his p atients with the id eal and most suitabl e treatment tail ored for each p erson’ s temp erament fol l owing the Trad itional I sl amic M ed ical M ethod s with the aim of achieving a comp l ete natural cure. H is p atients p refer to avoid the P harmaceutical med ical mod el and seek none invasive, hol istic, natural remed ies for al l d iseases incl ud ing l ife threatening il l nesses.
His area of expertise includes:
H ematol ogy sp ecial ist I nsomnia/ S l eep D isord ers P sy chol ogical D isord ers E x tensive infectious d isease k nowl ed ge R heumatol ogy C ard iovascul ar D isease] C ancer E p il ep sy P reventive care ex p ert U rgent care sp ecial ist U rol ogy V ertigo N ervous S y stem D iseases R ep rod uctive end ocrinol ogy and infertil ity R esp iratory S y stem D isease L iver D isease O bsessive C omp ul sive D isord ers G astroenterol ogy K nowl ed geabl e in ex tensive infectious d iseases M aternal and F etal med icine sp ecial ist
1- The Origin of Humoral Medicine W e, the p eop l e of A hl us- S unnah and J ama^ ah say that it is A l l aah, W ho creates the cap acity to obey H im and A l l ah creates il l ness and cures. The S cience of humoral med icine has a l ong history , d ating back thousand s of y ears to the start of H umanity . The origin of this science originated through revel ation from A l l ah to our M aster P rop het A d am p eace be up on him, who taught this great k nowl ed ge and its p rincip l es to his chil d ren, this incl ud ed und erstand ing ‘ the F our N atures’ : hotness, col d ness, wetness and d ry ness which ex ist in humans, food s, herbal med icines, geograp hy and seasons and others… M any generations l ater, P rop het I d ris ( 3 rd P rop het and M essenger after A d am) received rel ation and ad d ed to this science, and then many centuries l ater, P rop het S ul ay man received revel ation and ad d ed more to this M ed icinal S cience. P eop l e afterward s, took this reveal ed k nowl ed ge and used it ex tensivel y in treating their sick p atients resul ting in many further d iscoveries and contribution to this science from which the source of this science was revel ation from A l l ah to H is P rop hets. L ik ewise, the origin of the science of the p ul se came from revel ation to P rop het A d am and other P rop hets. F rom which the cond ition of the interior chief organs l ik e the heart, the l iver, the brain and others can be k nown, as wel l as numerous internal il l nesses. L ater p eop l e mad e ad d itional d iscoveries enhancing and ex p and ing on this k nowl ed ge. P rop het A d am was the first to teach his children some of the fundaments of the p ul se science. W hen he l eft P arad ise A l l ah had mad e him know ةعنصall things, He taught him everything necessary to l ive, incl ud ing the med ical science. 2- Humoral Medicine is the Correct Reference for all Medical Science H umoral M ed icine is the G enuine M ed icine that is the reference for al l med ical science, because its origin stems from revel ation onto our great p rop hets since the beginning of humanity . Therefore, every thing that contrad icts the fund aments of this med icine ( from revel ation) is not true med icine but onl y ex p eriments but in real ity has no rel ation with med icine. F rom the beginning of the ages, human beings used humoral med icine every where around the worl d . I t was the medicine that gained many profits as a Science, M ed ication and as P rop hy l actic treatment, p reserving their heal th until our p resent time. The only medicine, that was certified, recognized, pred ominantl y accep ted and util iz ed since the beginning of
humanity until the end of the 1 9 th century ( l ate 1 8 0 0 ’ s) was H umoral M ed icine, ( namel y H erbal M ed icine) which ancientl y was al so k nown und er a variety of other names incl ud ing: •Egyptian medicine •Unani medicine •Roman medicine •Chinese medicine •Indian medicine •Persian medicine •Ancient European med icine •^Arabic medicine or M usl im med icine R egard l ess of what names were used in accord ance to countries and ep och, it had an ex cl usive origin, which is the med icine based on the fund aments of the four natures: hotness, col d ness, wetness and d ry ness for the d iagnosis, treatment and heal ing. Among the reasons of hindrance in the field of the renaissance of med icine general l y , was to q uit the imp l ementation of humoral med icine that carried on ancientl y since the start of humanity , d eviate from its scientific methodology substantiated by revel ation and ex p erience, and turn to another – namel y newl y invented method ol ogies. Tod ay , we witness that most p eop l e are try ing vainl y to return to nature, by util iz ing natural treatments through herbs, but without ad hering to the guid ing p rincip l es and fund ament of H umoral med icine. *As such, it’s imperative to know – there is no successful and correct return to herbal medicine without following the bases/principles of Humoral Medicine and the four natures. W e are l uck y to have his eminence D r. K hal ed here in S urrey , B C for the nex t few months. D uring his visit here, he wel comes p ubl ic inq uiries. I f y ou have any p ersonal heal th q uestions for y oursel f or for y our l oved ones, p l ease email me at: resul tscoaching@ and I may incl ud e the D octor’ s rep l y to y our q uestion in subseq uent articl es but with an al ias name that y ou p rovid e in y our email .
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
Inter-Faith Seminar on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Christians have apologised for Defaming Prophet Muhammad
n D ec. 0 3 , B aabul I l m E d ucation S ociety organiz ed a ‘ I nter- faith seminar on P rop het M uhammad ’ at the conference centre of the K wantl en P ol y technic U niversity , S urrey camp us. The seminar was very wel l attend ed . S ome eighty p l us p eop l e from al l wal k s of l ife and d ifferent rel igious back ground attend ed the p rogram. H owever, p articip ation from the M usl im community was very nominal d esp ite the rep eated invitation and req uests by the organisers. S imil arl y , no notabl e S unni schol ar was p resent at the event. The maj ority of the aud ience was either C hristians or A hmad is and onl y hand ful of M usl ims were p resent. I t is a p ity that the M usl im community d id not give any imp ortance to such an imp ortant event. The event in which most of the non- M usl im sp eak ers were sup p osed to give their views on the H ol y P rop het. A ccord ing to the B aabul I l m S ociety the obj ective of this event was to d emonstrate that M usl ims or I sl am has nothing against any other rel igion. M usl ims bel ieve in interfaith harmony and p eaceful coex istence. The overal l goal was to try and contribute toward s d isp el l ing the negative p rop agand a, esp ecial l y in the C anad ian med ia, against I sl am and M usl ims. This was third of the series of seminars organiz ed by B aabul I l m E d ucation S ociety . The p revious two being on J esus, and P rop het A braham ( A S ) , resp ectivel y . O n behal f of B aabul I l m E d ucation S ociety D r. Z areen N aq vi wel comed the aud ience to this uniq ue, ausp icious, and one of its k ind occasion. S he highl ighted the goal s and obj ectives of the S ociety and the p urp ose of organiz ing this conference. D r. Z areen mentioned that the obj ective of the S ociety is to hel p and encourage y outh to go for good q ual ity higher ed ucation. I n this regard the S ociety , over the p ast four y ears has given away more than C $ 3 5 0 0 0 worth of schol arship s and award s to the most d eserving and outstand ing stud ents of senior high school . I n ad d ition the S ociety al so organiz es l ectures, seminars and conferences on a variety of top ics mainl y rel ated to ed ucation, l iterature, and on great events and p ersonal ities in the history . The id ea is to enhance k nowl ed ge and awareness among the community . D r. Z areen said that the S ociety strive to p romote a p l atform for interfaith d ial ogue and d iscussion. O ur aim is to p romote resp ect and und erstand ing between p eop l e of d ifferent cul tures so that we d evel op strong communities in this beautiful p art of C anad a, D r. Z areen ad d ed . S he al so emp hasiz ed on the need of a formal centre for d ial ogue between various communities l iving in the l ower mainl and . D r. Z raeen said that if we fel t that buil d ing wel l - integrated and congenial communities was imp ortant a few months ago, it has become an even more p ressing and stark real ity tod ay . I n recent week s, we have al l heard the bigotry , hatred and d isresp ect against p eop l e of col our and rel i-
gious minorities d uring the U S el ection camp aign. W ith the P resid ency of D onal d Trump , the ex p ectation is that these trend s are l ik el y to continue j ust south of our bord er. S he p osed two q uestions: ( i) how shoul d we und erstand our resp onsibil ities in these times of growing d ivisions, intol erance, and ex tremism? ( ii) what actions can we tak e to k eep C anad a and our communities non- tox ic and harmonious? D r. Z areen said that we hop e that inter- faith and mul ti- cul tural events l ik e tod ay ’ s can ad d ress a few issues and hel p p romote d ial ogue and better und erstand ing among our communities. B ut we and many simil ar organiz ations can onl y come together once or twice a y ear. The environment around us req uires a more concerted and continued effort from each and every one of us. I t cannot be l eft for p ol iticians and the government to d eal with. Therefore it is suggested that we create a p ermanent forum for ex p and ing inter- faith and inter- community d ial ogue and for d oing j oint events together. S he p rop osed to create a C entre for I nter- faith and I nter- community D ial ogue and H armony or a C entre for C ommunal H armony . W hat better p l ace to d o so than at K wantl en P ol y technic U niversity ? A ny higher ed ucation institution p l ay s a critical rol e in creating harmonious, p eaceful and resp ectful communities. I t al so p l ay s a big rol e in engend ering entrep reneurship and d evel op ing l ead ers of tomorrow. K P U l ocated in the heart of two very vibrant mul ticul tural communities in R ichmond and S urrey is best suited for p l ay ing these imp ortant rol es. E ver more than before, we want institutions l ik e K P U to d evel op l ead ers who bel ieve in C anad ian id eal s and who hel p foster mul ti- faith and mul ti- cul tural val ues. B aabul I l m S ociety , in its humbl e way wil l be hap p y to assist K P U in any way p ossibl e, she ad d ed . D ean S chool of B usiness, W ay ne Tebb wel comed the aud ience on behal f of K wantl en P ol yt echnic U niversity . H e mentioned that K wantl en U niversity give very high imp ortance and p riority to interfaith harmony and strive to p romote it. S chool of B usiness at K P U has al way s been at the forefront to sp onsor such events. H e said that the root cause of recent viol ent events is not rel igious confl icts or d isagreements but it is an economic issue. W henever and wherever economic ineq ual ities rise these ty p es of rifts wil l surface. W e may want to l abel them d ifferentl y and create more controversies and fan hatred but the fact remains that economic ineq ual ities are at work behind such viol ence and confl icts. H is argument was very wel l received by the aud ience. M s. L ay a B ehbahani sp ok e about insp iring and towering p ersonal ity of B ibi K had ij a, wife of P rop het M uhammad ( P B U H ) . M s. L ay a gave a brief introd uction of the d ark sid e of the then A rb society where p eop l e use to bury their d aughters al ive. B ut l ad y K had ij a bel ong to a
famil y which was q uite l iberal and d ifferent from most of the A rab tribes. H er father was a very l oving p erson and she got al l the op p ortunities to ex cel and p rosp er. A s a resul t of that she became a very successful businesswoman. M s L ay a d escribed the circumstances in which l ad y K had ij a met with P rop het M uhammad and how a marriage p rop osal was sent to him. S he al so ex p l ained the sacrifices that l ad y K had ij a mad e to sup p ort her husband and for the wel l being and up bringing of I sl am against al l the od d s. P astor Tim gave an enl ightening and a reveal ing p resentation. H e said that we need to recogniz e our d ifferences and y et we have to find and work on common ground s to buil d a better society that p rovid es cond ucive environment for the p eaceful coex istence of al l the communities. F ather Tim, on behal f of al l the C hristians, al so ap ol ogiz ed from the M usl im community on misund erstand ing and d efaming I sl am. H e said he woul d l ik e to ap ol ogiz e on behal f of al l the C hristians that have il l sp ok en about P rop het M uhammad and tried to tarnish the image of great p rop het. P astor Tim further said that we C hristians can l earn at l east four things from P rop het M uhammad . F irst, his submission to G od . S econd , the beautiful way in which M uhammad has ex p l ained G od ’ s sovernity and gl ory . Third , is P rop het M uhammad ’ s d evotion to G od as ex emp l ified in his p ray ers, fasting, and al l other ex emp l ary teaching and guid ance that he d el ivered to the M usl ims to j ust focus on G od . F inal l y , P rop het M uhammad ’ s ex tremel y high moral and sincere val ues that if fol l ow true sense can create a very good society . H e ad mitted that the C hristian community in N orth A merica has become sel fcentred , sel f- serving. I n the end he thank the B aabul I l m E d ucation S ociety for al way s organiz ing an ex cel l ent event in which p eop l e from various rel igious back ground s come together and try to und erstand each other’ s p oint of view and in d oing so l ot of misund erstand ing and misgivings are tak en care off. D r. A k ber M ithani in his k ey note ad d ress d iscussed the sp iritual significance of P rop het M uhammad . H e said it woul d be very d ifficul t to und erstand this imp ortant asp ect of this man esp ecial l y for someone who has come from a non- M usl im back ground . The simp l e reason of this l ack of und erstand ing is that P rop het M uhammad ’ s sp iritual ity is veil ed behind his human nature d ue to his d uty to act l ik e a man
and a l ead er of the humanity . H e al so had to act as an organiz er of a new social ord er and guid e the humanity by setting ex amp l es and l ead from the front. B ecause of that his sp iritual ity is foreign to many ey es. The outsid ers were onl y abl e to ap p reciate his p ol itical wisd om, p ower of oratory , and statesmanship but few have und erstood how he coul d be the rel igious and sp iritual l ead er and guid e of man at the same time. D r. M ithani further said that it is d ifficul t to und erstand esp ecial l y in the mod ern worl d in which the rel igion is sep arated from other d omains of l ife. M ost mod ern man can hard l y imagen how a sp iritual being coul d al so be invol ved in most intensive p ol itical and social activity . H e said that P rop het M uhammad was sent to p erfect human being so that human being can manifest the attributes and names of G od . H is message transformed the intel l ect of the human being. M uhammad introd uced a l iving I sl am because p eop l e k new that if they el iminate the character of M uhammad than they can el iminate the L a I l aha I l l al ah. A I sl am in which d ay to d ay l ife was integrated into sp iritual centre. E very act that y ou p erform has a d ivine p urp ose in it. D r. M ithani said that op p onents of I sl am gave d ifferent bad names to P rop het but nobod y cal l ed him a l iar or immoral p erson. H e said P rop het M uhammad was not j ust the messenger but a message himsel f. The l iving and tal k ing message of G od . H e was th greatest manifestation of G od . A fter the p resentations a very l ivel y Q and A session ensued . A ud ience from d ifferent back ground s ack nowl ed ged that this event was very useful and timel y . They said that this ty p e of events is very hel p ful in und erstand ing each other’ s p oints of views and bel iefs. A ud ience were of the view that in such events at l east we can agree to d isagree in a more civil iz ed manner and in a more p eaceful and ed ucative environment. They ex p ressed their gratitud e for B aabul I l m E d ucation S ociety ’ s wel come and hosp ital ity on S aturd ay afternoon. They al so ad mired the graciousness in which M ahmood J affer cond ucted and M C ’ ed this event, p articul arl y the l ivel y q uestion and answer session. A t the end of the p rogram F ather Tim’ s services were recogniz ed and he was p resented with an award of ap p reciation for his community services. M ember p arl iament M r. S uk h D hal iwal al so sp ok e on this occasion.
By:Idris Tawfiq “ M uhammad is not the father of any man among y ou, but he is the M essenger of A l l ah, and the S eal of the P rop hets, and A l l ah has ful l k nowl ed ge of al l things.” ( A l - A hz ab 3 3 : 4 0 ) oung p eop l e tod ay see a l ot of p omp and ceremony when it comes to p ol iticians and l ead ers. I t seems tod ay as though the more authority y ou have, the more the red carp et is l aid out for y ou, the more sp ecial attire and finery y ou are ex p ected to wear, and the more freed om y ou have to ex p ress y our op inions - whether they are hel d up by evid ence or not, and no matter how much they may offend others. B ut l et’ s tak e a l ook at the final P rop het ( p eace and bl essings be up on him) and see the stark d ifference between what is now and what was before. “ W hich one is M uhammad ? ” S o humbl e was
the M essenger of A l l ah ( p eace and bl essings be up on him) that strangers l ook ing for him in the mosq ue in M ad inah had to ask this. S itting in the row of bel ievers for the d ail y p ray ers, M uhammad ( p eace and bl essings be up on him) , with his simp l e and mod est bearing, coul d not be d istinguished from any one el se. H e was so cal m, so d ignified , and so p eaceful that no one coul d singl e him out as the l ead er. C hil d ren and y outh coul d ap p roach him to receive a warm greeting or to ask this great, y et humbl e, man a q uestion or some ad vice. I n q uiet p ray er he l ook ed l ik e any other simp l e man. There was no sign here of the great warrior, the sk il l ful negotiator in times of war and p eace, the statesman. There was no sign either that this was the man, from among al l men, who was chosen to receive the C reator’ s final message to mank ind .
I n the mosq ue his focus was on A l l ah al one. H e was l ik e every M usl im who enters the mosq ue to p ray . A nd y et, unl ik e any other M usl im, he had been chosen as the S eal of the P rop hets, the most honorabl e and the nobl est of men. H e was the one whom A l l ah sel ected to guid e al l mank ind . O rp haned by the age of six and born in a rel ativel y unimp ortant region of the worl d to a simp l e famil y , M uhammad coul d neither read nor write. W hen command ed by the A ngel J ibreel to recite the first gl orious verses of the Q ur’ an, M uhammad coul d onl y resp ond that he was unabl e to read or recite them. P rop het M uhammad ( p eace and bl essings be up on him) had neither p ower nor weal th. H e p ossessed none of the things that the worl d consid ers imp ortant. Y et A l l ah chose him from al l men in the worl d to be what the Q ur’ an cal l s
“ a mercy to mank ind .” This is the rol e that y oung M usl ims shoul d tak e on in this worl d that is so ful l of turmoil and hate. The y outh are the stand ard - bearers of the message of M uhammad ( p eace and bl essings be up on him) and it is a message of mercy . I n his p erson, the P rop het ( p eace and bl essings be up on him) was a mercy to al l the p eop l e on earth. O ne so k ind , so p ious, so d evout in p ray er and obed ience to the wil l of A l l ah had been chosen as the guid e for mank ind ..............
Best Example for Youth Today
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
1917 to 2017 !
By: Asma Shums Mortgage Broker Oh God whole century is so much changed still not changed. W hat l ife sty l e social cond itions were there that is changed so much that it seems its entirel y another l ife another era. Y et so many things, val ues are same, Y es we may say things are same but p ack aging, outer cover changed .
F irst l ad ies were not al l owed many things now they p resid e over so many things. The broad er outl ook , thoughts are the fruit of result of struggle, and sacrifices of lots of ind ivid ual s. These ind ivid ual s, man or woman when they tought for right behaviour, their thoughts, for right and wrong, they suffered, they sacrificed and the thinking pattern changed .
The so- cal l ed generation gas is stil l there, will be always there. There are more difficult gap s then the generation gap . The different outlook towards life in this 21st century is the result of different inventions in technol ogy too. P reviousl y there was cash transactions or on the cred ibil ity of a p erson. Tod ay it is p ay T.M ., & money but the cred it of card s, cred ibil ity of a p erson is not accounted for but his bal ance in his or her cred it card is. Little Extra Mile The race of l ife, d ay to d ay l ife is so fast that
even if one wants to l ive in a certain way or d o certain things one cant. B ut we can al way s try to do whatever is possible. A little effort, gesture can win the heart bring the smil e on famil y member, e.g.M om d o y ou need something. I f chil d ren are out. B efore coming home, if they j ust ask if mom wants something from outsid e? ? . W e have l ots of time to waste on p osting on F acebook or I nstagram but we d o not have time to sit with famil y member and watch with them their favourite p rogramme. The chil d ren al way s comp l ain O h, my mom cal l s up so many times for usel ess reasons. J ust try to sp end time , q ual ity time with y our p arents or grand p arents they wil l not cal l y ou l ater. Are We There??? W hen we are with our famil y member are we actual l y there with thwm or p hy sical l y we are sitting but mental l y we are busy in our own l ife. H ow many girl s are actual l y sitting in k itchen , tak ing interest in hel p ing mother and tal k ing with them. I n many houses thay d o not even have d inner or any meal together. I t seems that O K we are there for each other in times of need, difficulty but otherwise we are on our own, as if we are al l p ay ing guest rel ated to each other k eep safe d istance Why??? What reasons??? Lets start thinking Lets do family make over What are your New Year Resolutions???
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When we die our money remains in the bank, Yet when we are alive we don’t have enough to spend but in reality when we are gone there is still a lot of money not spent.
Life Transition & Acceptance!
By: Shabnam Khan - Family Counsellor S ometimes y ou’ re an observer of other p eop l e’ s l ives and y ou may think y ou’ l l never ex p erience what they ’ re l iving through, whether it is a p ositive or negative situation. Y ou may think , “ That wil l never hap p en to me.” P art of real beauty of l ife is that it’ s unpr edi ctabl e. N othing is pe rmanent, everyt hing changes, and of course, a l ot of things can happe n that wil l transform who you are and have an impa ct on yo ur l ife. W e need to cul tivate the abil ity to trul y accep t whatever comes and embrace it. W e need to de vel op the habit of l ooki ng at whatever happe ns through a pos itive minds et, instead of a negative and de featist one. O f course, l ife wil l bring many chal l enges and it’ s not easy to embrace them when we’re suffering and wishing those things woul d have never happe ned. B ut if we start cul tivating accept ance in our l ives right now, we’ l l l ike l y to cope with future crisis in a different way and view them from a different pe rspe ctive. W e wil l accept instead or resisting. The real ity is we might want things to be different in the future, but in the present moment we need to accept things as they are. That’s way you can make your life flow smoothl y instead of roughl y . A s you go al ong, you wil l di scover that you wil l be happi er and more pe aceful when you accept what had happe ned, instead of constantl y fighting to change things. There are two ways out of a pr obl em, accept what’ s happe ning, see the pos itive, and choose a peaceful state of mind or fight against it. B e miserabl e and struggl e against the universe. L earning to accep t things as they pr esent themsel ves is a hel pf ul tool in different aspects of life. W hether it’ s any l oss, a missed oppor tunity , or a sudde n change in your pl ans, being abl e to accept things as they come ( when they are out of our control ) wil l hel p you maintain inner pe ace and ha pi ness. A ccept ance is the ke y to convert momentary
hap p iness to endur ing hap p iness. I t hel ps you move from feel ing hap py to actual l y being happy . P racticing accep tance pr epa res you to l ive in this changing worl d, where you never know what’ s going to happe n next . A ccept ance is l ike pr otecting your sel f with your own shiel d. I t’ s hel pf ul to l earn how to ide ntify when it’ s time to pe rsist and when it’ s time to accept . O ne thing that make s accept ance much easier is to l ist al l the pos sibl e expl anations for why you’ re expe riencing something. F indi ng the pur pos e behind every chal l enge wil l hel p you embrace it, instead of fighting it. C hoose not to j udge what happe ns to you. I nstead, bel ieve that everyt hing happe ns for a reason and that better things wil l al ways fol l ow. That’ s the beginning of true accept ance. The impor tant thing is not to und erstand why something happe ned. O ur unde rstandi ng can wait, but our obedi ence cannot. W hen something unpredictable happens, instead of complaining and over-thinking it, we need to choose to live with it. It’s hard to practice acceptance when you deeply wish things aren’t the way they are. But the truth is, sometimes we can’t change our reality, even though we try. Instead of staring at the closed door in front of us or getting tired and bruised while we try to break it down, let’s turn around and see how many other windows we could open. Acceptance is a choice - a hard one most definitely but in the end, it’s a choice that only we can make at any given situation of our life. For more information: O P E N
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21 LIFESTYLE G e ne r al B aj w a t ak e s c h ar g e as P ak ist an’s 1 6 t h ar my c h ie f Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
utgoing mil itary chief G en R aheel S harif on TN ov 29t h hande d over the command of the army to C hief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa. H e p assed the baton of command to G en B aj wa at a ceremony hel d in the A rmy H ock ey S tad ium, The command stick of the P ak istan A rmy is mad e of trad itional M al acca C ane. In his final speech as army chief, Gen Raheel S harif stressed the need for institutions to work together for the nation’ s pr ogress, and c autioned I ndi a against adopt ing an aggressive stance in the region. “ I t is impor tant that al l institutions work together against ext ernal threats and internal threats. F or this, we wil l need to fol l ow the N ational A ction P l an in l etter and spi rit,” G en R aheel said.“ I thank the fede ral government and pol itical l eade rship f or coope rating with us... I had the entire country’ s coope ration, for which I thank the army and t he nation,” he said. H owever, he said, “ O ur chal l enges are not ye t over. W e have made gains over the pa st ye ar. I t is necessary that we never forget the sacrifices of those who lost their lives... O ur j ourney towards pe ace is stil l unde rway . O ur de stination is not far.” “ The army wil l remain al ert to threats, whether ext ernal or internal ,” G en R aheel said. The outgoing army chief touched upon the subj ect of I ndi an ‘ atrocities’ in I ndi a- hel d
of Army Staff and Gen Zubair Mahmood H aya t as the chairman of the J oint C hiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC). Gen Bajwa was pr omoted t o the rank of four- star general . G en B aj wa was pr eviousl y pos ted a s the I nspe ctor G eneral for Training and E val uation at the G eneral H eadqu arters, the same pos t hel d by G en R aheel S harif before he took ove r as army c hief. G en B aj wa was conside red as a da rk horse in the race for the army’ s command and has now supe rsede d L t G en S ye d W aj id H ussain ( chairman of H eavy I ndus tries Taxi l a) , L t Gen Najibullah Khan (DG Joint Staff Headqua rters) , L t G en I shfaq N ade em A hmed ( C orps C ommande r M ul tan) and L t G en J aved I qba l R amda y ( C orps C ommande r B ahawal pur ) . The succession may not immedi atel y bring about a maj or change in pol icies, but it coul d stil l have impor tant impl ications for ties with I ndi a and A fghanistan, and dom estical l y for the civil - mil itary equa tion and the ongoing fight against terrorism. The army chief is credi ted with having spe nt a conside rabl e p art of his mil itary service in the R awal pi ndi - based 10 C orps , which is respons ibl e for guardi ng the L ine of C ontrol ( L oC ) . H owever, his time at the 10 C orps was a pe riod of rel ative qui et fol l owing the 2003 ceasefire accord. This expe rience coul d pr ove inval uabl e as he take s command amids t serious escal ation on the L oC , which saw some of the intense ski rmishes since 203. O n a pe rsonal l evel , G en B aj wa is said to be witty , accessibl e, wel l - connected with the troops and not fond of the l imel ight. He is the fourth officer from the infantry’s G en Q amar J aved B aj wa, a career infan- B al och R egiment to become the army chief. try officer belonging to the Baloch Regi- B efore him, G en Y ahya K han, G en A sl am ment, was chosen as P aki stan’ s next C hief B eg and G en K aya ni rose to that pos ition.
K ashmir ( I H K ) . “ I n recent months, I ndi a’ s increasing terrorism and aggressive stance in I H K have enda ngered t he region.” “ I ndi a shoul d know that mistaki ng our pol icy of pa tience for weakne ss woul d be da ngerous,” he warned. “ This is real ity , that in S outh A sia, l asting pe ace and pr ogress is impos sibl e without sol ution of the K ashmir issue. F or that, international community’ s spe cial attention is necessary , ” he said , ad d ing that for regional p eace, al l issues shoul d be resol ved p ol itical l y . The C hina- P aki stan E conomic C orridor is a maj or factor in ensuring regional pe ace, he said.“The departure of the first cargo from G wada r por t has shown this j ourney cannot be hal ted now,” he warned. “ The time is here now that the enemies of C P E C stop worki ng against it and be come a pa rt of it.” The outgoing army chief pa id tribute to those who had l ost their l ives for the nation and made sacrifices in the war against terrorism.“ W e were abl e to change the face of history by fighting a war against terrorism,” G en R aheel said. “ I have strong bel ief that the P ak istan A rmy wil l al way s d el iver on the nation’ s ex p ectations.” The outgoing army chief reviewed the guard of honour upon hi s arrival at the venue.
Who is Gen Javed Bajwa?
From the pen of the Founding Editor of ‘The Miracle.
A S u mmar y o f E v id e nc e
Sqn. Ldr. Nusrat Hussain (R) nh.guid ingstar@ gmail .com al way s found it interesting to confront my superior officers whenever I found them using their command il l egal l y or unfairly. Officer Commanding (OC) Cherat, k nown for ord ering S ummary of E vid ence l iberal l y , d evel op ed unl ik eness toward s me for my obvious care free attitud e. A fter some fail ed attemp ts of imp roving rel ations, I al so took to an indifferent attitude. A commissioned officer could only receive a p unishment if a S ummary of E vid ence proved him guilty. A senior officer records an investigation and it is sent to the L egal D irectorate of the A ir H ead q uarters for recommendation. Depending on the findings, the L egal branch either d ismisses or recommends a summary trial by an officer of higher rank . A rep rimand or severe rep rimand award ed by summary d isp osal remains unchallengeable by the accused officer. However, a serious p unishment amounting to l oss of seniority or more al l ows the aggrieved officer to seek a retrial by a court-martial. O nce, I went out to I sl amabad from C herat on a week end and fel l sick with fever. There were three different Military Hospitals around R awal p ind i and I sl amabad at that time: The A ir F orce H osp ital , The C ombined M il itary H osp ital ( C .M .H ) , and The M il itary H osp ital ( M .H .) were avail abl e to p rovid e med ical facil ities to the p ersonnel of al l the three forces. O n rep orting sick at the A ir F orce hosp ital C hak l al a, the d octor ad vised me E x cused D uty ( E .D .) for three d ay s. A ccord ing to the A ir F orce l aws, E .D . req uires comp l ete rest and forbid s a p erson from going out of his room. I n my case, the l aw p rohibited me from travel ing to C herat. I informed C herat about the E .D . The O C ord ered me to rep ort to the sq uad ron and rest
in my room at C herat. H is command was unl awful , I k new it, and the O C k new it as wel l . I refused to return and stay ed back at my home in I sl amabad . A fter three d ay s I recovered , but acted naughty and went again to see a different doctor to the C ombined M il itary H osp ital this time. This d octor had no k nowl ed ge of my earl ier sick rep ort from the A ir F orce hosp ital . H e too gave me E .D . for three d ay s. I again tol d C herat about the E .D . for another three d ay s. The O C again ord ered me to return to C herat and rest in my room. A gain, I stay ed home. B oth of us were wel l aware of our actions — he, for issuing an il l egal ord er, and I , of my l awful right. H e was entitl ed to ask , but I had the right to refuse. I wanted to p rol ong the game further. A fter six d ay s of E .D .’ s, I went to a third d octor at the M il itary H osp ital ( M .H ) in R awal p ind i and managed another three d ay s E .D . from him. I again informed C herat about E .D . for three further d ay s. This time, the O C d id not ask me to return to C herat. B esid es giving an E .D . l etter to me, the mil itary hosp ital s al so sent a signal d irect to my squadron, officially telling them about the off-duty status of their officer. W hen I tol d my unit in C herat about the E .D ., they al so received two signal s originating from the A ir F orce H osp ital and the C .M .H . The M .H . d id not send a signal for some unknown reason. However, the official record of my E .D . was avail abl e at the hosp ital . The official signal of my last three days on E .D . from the M .H . d id not reach them in C herat. Therefore, they check ed my status of l ast three d ay s from the A ir F orce and the C ombined M il itary H osp ital s. They coul d not trace the l ast three d ay s of E .D . at either hosp ital . I t obviousl y wasn’ t there, as I had tak en the third set of E .D ’ s from the M .H . They d id not bother to check with the M .H .
Excerpt from the book The O C bel ieved that I had l ied about my l ast three d ay s of E .D . I d id not cl arify about my l ast visit to the M .H . I rather p l ay ed the game, l etting them strengthen in their bel ief. O n rep orting at d uty , F l ight L ieutenant G ohar J aved , who was S A TC O at the time, ask ed me to p rovid e the E .D . l etters issued by the hosp ital s. I tol d him that they were in my room and I woul d hand them over the nex t d ay . W hen ask ed the nex t d ay , I tol d them of forgetting that the p ap ers were in my home at I sl amabad . I even ask ed for l eave of one d ay to get them back from I sl amabad . They ignored my req uest without ask ing any further q uestions. The O C thought that he had a monk ey with his hand s in the cook ie j ar. H e immed iatel y ord ered to record a S ummary of E vid ence against me. B ase R outine O rd ers ( B R O s) p ubl ished F l ight L ieutenant G ohar J aved as the summary recording officer. A signal about the summary was al so sent to the A ir F orce B ase P eshawar and the L egal D irectorate. I was und er the constant l egal ad vice of F l y ing Officer Danish, a lawyer and my favorite j unior at L ower Top a from our cad etship d ay s. H e then served the L egal D irectorate of the A ir F orce. H e assured me ‘ N o harm’ und er the p revail ing evid ence. O n the d ate of record ing the summary , I was p rod uced in front of F l ight L ieutenant G ohar Javed, the summary recording officer. F or me, it was a scene of a comed y movie. M y good friend s worried about my career. I was charged with ‘Absent without Official L eave’ ( A W O L ) for three d ay s and tel l ing l ies about the E .D . rep ort. I f p roven guil ty , those charges coul d remove me from service. Flying Officer Bangash, the Base Adjutant, confirmed checking my medical record at the A ir F orce H osp ital , C hak l al a and the C.M.H. Rawalpindi. He also confirmed that the record of the l ast three d ay s of E .D . was
Ex-Indian army chief praises Pakistan’s incoming chief Gen Bajwa F ormer I ndi an A rmy chief G eneral B ikr am S ingh has said P aki stan’ s incoming C hief of Army Staff Lt Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is a “ pr ofessional ” .“ I n the U N ope rations, G en B aj wa’ s pe rformance was total l y p rofessional and outstandi ng,” G en S ingh was quot ed as sayi ng by Times of I ndi a as he de scribed the time when G en B aj wa had served unde r him on a U nited N ations assignment in C ongo. He added, “A military officer’s conduct in the international environment is different from the way he conduc ts himsel f back home. There, he is governed by his country’ s national interests,” he was quot ed. G eneral B ikr am S ingh was the 25t h C hief of Army Staff of the Indian Army and held the pos t until J ul y 31, 2014. H e was al so the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee of the I ndi an armed f orces. Another Indian army official, who was not identified in the story, was quoted saying, “ G en B aj wa is wel l - versed with the compl exi ties, nature of ope rations and terrain al ong the L oC . H e has al so handl ed K ashmir ext ensivel y dur ing his career.” A d ay earl ier, L t G en Q amar J aved B aj wa, a career infantry officer belonging to the B al och R egiment, was chosen as P ak istan’ s next Chief of Army Staff. He will be promoted to the rank of a four- star general and wil l tak e up his new p ost from Tuesd ay , the d ay the current army chief R aheel S harif retires.
‘The Last Salute’
F rom C herat D ay s
not avail abl e at the A ir F orce H osp ital or the C .M .H . I ask ed him, “ D id y ou check my E .D . from the M il itary H osp ital , the M .H . in R awal p ind i? ” H e resp ond ed - , “ N o— I d id not check from the M il itary H osp ital , the M .H . in R awal p ind i.” I thank ed him by say ing, “ N o further q uestions p l ease.” I had the p rivil ege of not giving a statement, but if stated , it coul d then be used against me d uring the trial . I humbly took out the official papers of E.D. from my p ock et and record ed my statement, “ I had rep eated l y informed the higher authorities that I was on E .D . for al l the d ay s charged for absence. I now p rod uce the ex cused d uty p ap ers of al l the nine d ay s issued by the d octors of the P A F , C .M .H . and the M .H . hosp ital s.” F l ight L ieutenant G ohar, the summary recording officer, looked at me in surprise with op en mouth. H e then careful l y l ook ed at the p ap ers for his satisfaction and attached them to the record of the summary . L egal branch at the A ir H ead q uarters d ismissed the summary with soft warning to the O C . The ex ercise of record ing the summary had gone against them. F or me it p roved a l earning ex p erience of record ing a S ummary of E vid ence without any risk or p rej ud ice to my service.
Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
Pakistani Films “MOOR” & MAH -E- MIR Presented in VISAFF Film Festival Vancouver
P ak istani C anad ian W omen’ s S ociety was the p roud sp onsor of the six th A nnual V ancouver S outh A sian F il m F estival N ov 2 5 - N ov 2 7 . The festival was hel d at the S imon F raser W ood ward s A rt C entre V ancouver. The main intent of the festival was to p romote diverse stories of South Asians through films from I nd ia, P ak istan, and other a S outh A sian countries.
A Pakistani film “MOOR” was officially shown on N ovember 2 6 for V I S A F F 2 0 1 6 , which is sp onsored by C onsul ate G eneral of P ak istan V ancouver aand P ak istani C anad ian W omen’ s S ociety . O n N ov 2 7 another P ak istani F eature F il m M A H E M I R shown at the same venue. A recep tion ceremony hel d on N ov 2 7 th before the Mah e Mir flim shown, in which
Junaid Jamshed’s life took several dramatic turns
W ho K aun Thi. ital S igns gained national and international accl aim, becoming the first Pakistani band to achieve commercial success. I n 204, J unaid’ s l ife took a dr amatic turn after the meeting with renowned rel igious schol ar M aul ana Tariq J amil as he announced to qui t his il l ustrious music career opt ing to focus on rel igion, and began p reaching on TV . H is appe arance changed dr astical l y , as he di tched l eather j acke ts and stonewashed j eans for a more tradi tional ensembl e and a beard. I n 207, J amshed received the Tamgha- e- I mtiaz ( M eda l of E xc el l ence) by the then pr eside nt. A t the time of his de ath, the singer had al most 2.8 mil l ion F acebook fans. This ye ar, he al so pl aced in a l ist of World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims. His name ap pe ared among 49 others on a pa ssenger manifest for P aki stan I nternational Airlines’ (PIA) flight PK661, which crashed near the northern town of H avel ian. H is presence on board was confirmed by Sohail Ahmed, a PIA official in Chitral.-Online
Junaid Jamshed’s life took several dramatic turns
ormer P op singer turned rel igious schol ar J unaid J amshed and his wife di ed in P I A P K - 61 pl ane crash. A ccordi ng to medi a repor ts, born on S ept ember 3, 1 964, the pop singer turned rel igious l eade r and became a househol d name in the 1980s as the front man of the cel ebrated V ital S igns. The band de l ivered several charttoppi ng numbers, incl udi ng the timel ess cl assic D il D il P ak istan, dubbe d the unofficial national anthem of Pakistan. Other songs incl ude d Tum M il G aye , A itebaar and
M L A : H on. P eter F assbend er M inister of C ommunity , S p ort and C ul tural D evel op ment was the chief guest. M s. A y sha was the M C and she wel come al l the aud ience. S he invited C onsul G eneral of P ak istanM ohammed Tariq and M L A P eter F assbend er to comments on VISAFF efforts. B oth d el ivered their views about the p ermutation of the art and entertainments through
their film media in this region and expand the mul ticul tural ism. A t the end D r. B abra R ana from P ak istani C anad ian W omen’ s S ociety thank ed H on. guests and sp ecial thank s for M s. S and hu efforts to promote two Pakistani feature films in V I S A F F S outh A sian F il m F estival 2 0 1 6 . P ak istani community ad mired both P ak istani films on both days in this festival.
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Rabi ul Awwal 9. 1438 December 9, 2016
Mickey Arthur backs Pakistan’s bowlers to trouble Australia A amer, al ong with fast bowl er M ohammad P aki stan are coming off a 0-2 lose against N ew Z eal and before turning up against A ustral ia A s P aki stan gears up to face A ustral ia, that too in their de n, head coach M icke y A rthur bel ieves his team has the capa bil ity and the pa ce artil l ery to troubl e the A ussies’ freshbatting l ine- up. P aki stan is currentl y in A ustral ia to p l ay a three- Test series beginning from D ecember 1 5 at the G abba in B risbane. A fter making drastic changes for the third and the final Test against S outh A frica a fortnight ago, the A ustral ian sel ectors are l ik el y to go for a much need ed stabil ity when they woul d name their sq uad for the B risbane Test starting nex t week . O n the other hand , P ak istan, which have p rod uced bowl ing l egend s l ik e W asim A k ram and W aq ar Y ounis, d oesn’ t have simil ar k ind of names. B ut A rthur bel ieves his sid e has the bowl ing attack which can create serious p ressure on the A ussie batsman and can cause a l ot of troubl e “ O ur attack is good enough to get 2 0 wick ets, we j ust have to get enough runs and that’ s something we’ re work ing ex tremel y hard at” , stated A rthur. “ There’ s a l ot of obstacl es to get over for us. This is l ik e A ustral ia p l ay ing in I nd ia, cond itions are total l y op p osite for us. I f we can master the cond itions, which we’ re work ing very hard at, and have bel ief to p l ay wel l in these cond itions we’ re as good a chance as any . W e have wond erful l y sk il l ed p l ay ers but they ’ re out of their comfort z one now, j ust l ik e A ustral ia are when they go to I nd ia, ” he insisted . P inpoi nting tainted fast bowl er M ohammad A amer, the head coach said, “ H e’ s not the pa ce of M itchel l S tarc but his control is very , very good and when he gets the bal l to swing he’ s as good as any going around. H e’ s qui ck enough as wel l , he ’ l l be a handf ul ,” he adde d. The l eft- arm pa cer has served his time- both in the eyes of the game, which gave him a fiveye ar ban, and that of the l aw after being rel eased t hree months into a six- month j ail term.
A sif and former ski pe r S al man B utt were found guilty of various offences of corrupt behaviour rel ating to the L ord’ s Test between E ngl and and P aki stan in A ugust 201 by the inde pe nde nt A nti- C orrupt ion Tribunal in F ebruary 201 1. P ak istan, who are coming from a 0 - 2 l ost against N ew Z eal and in two- Test series, have trad itional l y struggl ed D own U nd er, having managed to cl inch onl y four wins from 2 9 Tests. The G abba Test wil l be fol l owed by the second and third Test at the M el bourne C ricke t G round ( D ecember 26- 30) and S ydne y C ricke t G round ( J anuary 3- 7, 2017) respe ctivel y . Yasir Shah ruled out of warm-up match against Cricket Australia XI due to injury. Yasir Shah is now battling to be fit for the first Test of the three-match series against Australia beginning December 15 at the Gabba Cairns: Pakistan legspinner Yasir Shah has been ruled out of the warm-up game against Cricket Australia XI due to a back injury. Yasir hurt his back during a training session at the Cazaly’s Stadium in Cairns and is now battling to be fit for the first Test of the three-match series against Australia beginning December 15 at the Gabba. According to the ESPNcricinfo, Yasir is being treated by a doctor in Cairns, and has been advised a few days’ rest. Yasir, who made his debut in October 2014, has quickly developed into Pakistan’s first-choice spinner and has so far missed just one Test, which was against England in Abu Dhabi in October last year due to back spasms. In July, he became the first leg-spinner since Shane Warne to be ranked the No. 1 Test bowler, and also the first Pakistan bowler since Mushtaq Ahmed in December 1996 to achieve the feat. Pakistan will play a three-day tour game against CA XI from December 8. Source: Cricinfo
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On Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 6:00 pm Main Speaker: Peer-e-Tariqat
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