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Volume 17 Issue 451 - Muharrum 22, 1439 AH / October 13, 2017 $1
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challenges Trudeau with luscious mane:
3 Don’t look at CPEC from Indian persepect. 4 Hamas, Fatah open reconciliation talks in Cairo 6 Trade troubles face Trudeau on trip Washi..
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
Wanted: violent Muslim women
T was only a couple of months the directive points to the women there: that women were to have a from public space and treated like ago that the Tehreek-e-Taliban who were companions of the Holy ‘supporting’ role whose focus was the animals. Other women are recruitPakistan (TTP) came out with Prophet (PBUH) and who (accord- implementation of decisions by men. ed to carry out these degradations, its women’s magazine. Titled ing to IS) fought alongside men, So it was until this summer, when to beat and search and imprison Sunnat-i-Khaula, the magazine at- and also to female warriors in the IS began to lose. As the reports of others. tempted to appeal to Muslim wom- golden age of Islam. the group’s losses mounted and In those moments, faith to these en, offering first-person stories of With so many men leaving, the fighters were lost, more were re- groups means segregation, seclua female doctor who gave it all up militant Islamic State group is quite quired. The desperation was evi- sion and derision, a relegation of dent in the group’s propaganda; women to the status of lesser beto travel to ‘Khorasan’, an interview predictably turning to women. with the wife of a commander (he Unlike the TTP, whose open at- an article in Rumiya, another of ings. When they are losing, so too did the dishes and helped around the tempts to recruit women surfaced its propaganda publications, asked does the religious demand, and house), and even a supposedly in- only very recently, IS has been tar- women to “rise with courage and suddenly, women are duty-bound spirational portrait of a child soldier. geting women as recruits for some sacrifice in this war”. to be in the battlefield fighting The objective was simple: brand time. Even in the initial days of Perhaps pre-empting that this alongside men and carrying out extremism as heroic, joining up as the group’s takeover of Raqqa in could be considered a capitulation attacks. All the reasons previously a duty of faith possible for all sorts Syria, its efforts were directed at to the fact that no male fighters offered to keep them hidden and at of women; they could go them- women who were recruited into the were available, the author went on home and subject to the whims and selves, or send their husband and Al Khansaa Brigade, which went to add that this call to women was directives of guardians disappear even their baby sons. around disciplining and abducting “not because of the small number in an instant. Last week, the militant Islamic women who did not conform with of men” and that women should Muslim women are smarter than join owing to “their love for jihad”. Muslim men. The sly manipulaState (IS) group, which has long the group’s stern directives. been in the game of recruiting Women without a full-face veil, The argument that turning to tion of faith that lies at the core women and has a whole brigade women without guardians, and women does not come from the of all terror groups and that is so comprised of them, renewed its even women talking loudly were surrender of men would be harder useful in recruiting men is unlikely call for action. Unlike prior at- all subject to the wrath of this wan- to make now. Last week’s call to to be quite so effective in drawing tempts at recruitment that have dering all-female morality police. women to fulfil their obligation in women. Unlike Muslim men, appeared in Dabiq, the group’s On social media, the group’s fe- for ‘jihad’ and undertake terrorist Muslim women know and rememEnglish-language magazine, this male recruits, particularly those attacks came in the wake of enor- ber that the violence now being latest one was issued in its Arabic from the West, took on the task of mous losses suffered by the group. demanded of them by IS is a mere newspaper under the title ‘Wajib wheedling others to join, talking According to the New York Times, redirection of the violence that is about how lovely life was in daula more than 1,000 IS fighters surren- inflicted upon them. un-Nisa’. Unlike previous attempts at swell- [the IS-controlled ‘state’] and dered en masse to Kurdish militias. Men who justify beating women, ing the numbers of women in IS- what a grand time was to be had Their commander had told them to mistreating women and abusing controlled territory, which hinted in living in such a pure place. Even make their own decisions and they women as a religious right, are at fighting as an option for women, then, the group manufactured a ge- had chosen to surrender, they said, now arguing for the same women this latest call demands it, calling nealogy for the female warrior. Al because it meant they would have to take up arms so that they may it an obligation and a duty. Specifi- Khansaa, originally a female poet- some chance at survival. With so return to power and to the task of cally, it says, “Today, in the con- ess, and Nusaybah, a female war- many men leaving, the IS is pre- subjugating women. Whether it is text of the war against the IS, it rior, were selected from history for dictably turning to women. IS or the TTP or some other milihas become necessary for female this purpose. The whole story proves only one tant group, Muslim women are not Muslims to fulfil their duties on Propaganda for terrorism was thus thing: terrorist groups, whether fooled, not duped by the propaall fronts in supporting the mujahi- couched in religious duty, a return they are the TTP or IS, manipulate ganda that insists that murder is a deen in this battle”, and that wom- to Islamic authenticity, both of history and text and faith, all to religious duty. en should “prepare themselves to which had been honed to perfec- serve their own desire for power. By: Rafia Zakaria defend their religion by sacrificing tion in the group’s recruitment of When the groups take over territo- The writer is an attorney teaching themselves [for] Allah”. To bolster men. The small difference was in ry, women are deemed worthless, constitutional law and political the legitimacy of its command, the details, mentioned here and sentenced to isolation, banished philosophy. Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r. identified as lone wolf’s crime. By: Gulshan Aalani cheating GOD Almighty is a heiEdmonton tragedy was a terror at- Most terrifying devastating anoth- nous crime. tack in which a police officer was er shooting in Las Vegas killing 59 Such are unaware of the Holy stabbed and few people were in- people and about 527 injured. The Scriptures, the Prophets and Mesjured. It was declared terrorism but gunman Stephen Paddock either a sengers nor know the Angels who Los Vegas mass shooting in which fake Christian like fake Muslim or are the helpers and protectors. than 58 people died and more an ignorant hate-monger terrorist By such Pagan practices one losses ISCC and MAT express more than 500 injured is just a horrible fired on a crowded country music the Divine protection, and the evil condolence with the crime. Why Los Vegas shooting is festival from his vantage point in a spirit is encouraged, enticing an hotel nearby. enmity against GOD and between victims of Los Vegas not declared terrorism? A year ago, a non-Muslim white He must be possessed by the devil, people, misguiding them to do the Massacre supremacist killed six Muslim as all the terrorists are possessed opposite of what Almighty GOD By:Imam Syed Soharwardy worshippers in Quebec Mosque by the evil spirit-Demons whether has commanded. Terrorism in Los Vegas and law enforcement did not call it it be Daesh (ISIS) or any others The Divine command of killing ciISCC and MAT express condoterrorism but when a mentally sick committing such heinous crimes vilians at random is illegal-sin and lence with the victims of Los Veperson who identified himself with or practicing anti-GOD man-made so the killer can never be described gas Massacre Islam killed a Canadian soldier in religions. as a Christian or a Muslim, but a (Calgary) The Islamic Supreme Quebec, it was called terrorism. Such terrorism can only be de- fake Christian and a fake Muslim Council of Canada (ISCC) and ISCC and MAT request law en- scribed as devil’s work, which obvi- that also would eliminate the most Muslims Against Terrorism (MAT) forcement agencies, governments ously makes people scream: “Where abusive words ‘Islamist’ or ‘Islamare saddened by the loss of more and the media to report and inves- is GOD? I would say the question ic terrorist’. than 58 lives and more than 500 tigate such tragedies with honesty should be: Where are gods? Why blame the religion Islam for injured people due to the massacre and fairness. Due to bias report- As so many religions have their the devil’s work who whispers to in Los Vegas yesterday. We are all ing, statements and investigations own gods they worship, despite the weak ones to go and kill? The sad and express our sympathies the entire Muslim community suf- GOD’S command against it, even Devil Iblis/Lucifer is anti-Allahwith the victims and their families. fers and get backlash from hate the Bible forbids it. Their prayer Creator, hates HIM and HIS DiThe Los Vegas shooting was nothmongers. places have Icons and other ob- vine religions, due to the fact that ing but terrorism carried out by a Once again ISCC and MAT stand jects for their Pagan ceremonies to Evil Iblis was punished for disohome-grown terrorist whose colwith the victims of hate regard- please the false gods they love. bedience to GOD’s command and our of skin, religion, ethnicity and less of their race, religion, ethnic- Even though they might claim to was expelled out of the Paradise to place of worship cannot be identiity, colour of skin or language. “I believe in One GOD but their plac- the Earth and so the Devil out of fied due to his non-Muslim nature. am asking all Muslims living in es of worship speaks a thousands jealousy and anger is trying to take It is sad to see the deliberate and America and Canada to donate words: they have their own gods revenge by misguiding GOD’S obvious hypocrisy of the law-enblood urgently for the injured peo- whom they bow, prostrate, pray followers, by whispering in the forcement agencies, governments ple. This is our duty as Muslims and glorify, but get nothing in re- ears of innocent people to disobey and the media. If a tragic incident to save lives”, Imam Syed Sohar- turn, not even safety. the real Almighty GOD, discard is carried out by a person who calls wardy said in a statement today. Some from surface pretend to believe the Quran and other Scriptures and himself Muslim and uses religion May God save all people from all in Allah and Islam but in fact are an- inspires to hate human beings, and as a scapegoat for his/her crimes is forms of evil. Amen. ti-Islam, anti-Allah, anti-Quran us- kill in the name of GOD. always identified as terrorist but if ing the fake ID of Muslim like Daesh May Almighty GOD Allah-Creator similar tragedy or a worse tragedy carrying fake Islamic flag. protect us by reciting: “I seek refuge is carried out by a non-Muslim is Cheating people is one thing but in Allah from the accursed Satan..
Where is GOD?’
Bringing THE
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
Bajwa urges govt to expand tax base in order to break ‘begging bowl’
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa said Pakistan needs to expand its tax base, bring in financial discipline and ensure continuity of economic policies to be able to break the begging bowl, military’s media wing reported.“The economy is showing mixed indicators. Growth has picked up but the debts are sky high. Infra-
structure and energy have improved considerably but the current account balance is not in our favour,” the army chief reportedly said while addressing a seminar on the interplay of economy and security on Wednesday. “Our tax to GDP ratio is abysmally low and this needs to change if we are to break the begging bowl,” read the text of Bajwa’s speech shared by Inter-Services Public Relations.He also shared that economy remains a major concern during National Security Council meetings, also revealing that he reads the business and economy page of the newspaper right after the main page because of its importance. ”Pakistan is capable of creating sufficient fiscal space to address underlying structural problems through tax reforms, documenting economy, diversifying the export base, and encouraging savings to finance a level of investment that could sustain growth rate higher than the rise of population,” but the benefits should also reach all parts of Pakistan including interior Sindh, Fata, Balochistan and Southern Punjab, he said. Source: dawn.com
WASHINGTON: Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal urged the United States on Wednesday not to look at CPEC from the Indian perspective as it was an economic plan for bringing peace and stability to South Asia and adjacent regions and not a security strategy. At a separate meeting on Tuesday evening, Pakistan’s ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhary said that recent meetings between US and Pakistani officials have paved the way for the process to normalise relations between the two countries. Mr Iqbal urged the United States to deal with Pakistan on its own merit, instead of tagging it to other states and issues in the region.“CPEC is not a conspiracy against anyone. It
is not a security plan. It’s a plan for economic prosperity, which is bringing investment in the energy, infrastructure and other key sectors,” said Mr Iqbal when reminded of US objections to the plan to build a corridor. Defence Secretary James Mattis last week said the CPEC passes through disputed territory and the United States could not ignore this fact. This was seen in Islamabad as a direct endorsement of India’s position on the project, which passes through Pakistan’s northern areas. India insists that since the northern part of Pakistan was once associated with the former Kashmir state, it’s a disputed territory. Pakistan rejects the Indian claim. However, Mr Iqbal, who was the keynote speaker at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, said US concerns about CPEC were unfounded. “It will benefit all and will provide a platform for bringing together South and Central Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries by physically joining them through an economic corridor,” he said. “So, I think, the US should not look at CPEC from the Indian perspective, but as a source for peace, stability and prosperity in the region. CPEC can bring the much-needed stability to a region that has suffered from war for the last several decades.” Source: dawn.com
Don’t look at CPEC from Indian perspective, Pakistan asks US
(R) justice Javed Iqbal takes charge as new NAB chief Retired justice Javed Iqbal on Wednesday assumed command as the new chief of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB). Iqbal, who is replacing Qamar Zaman Chaudhry as the bureau’s chief, met with senior officials including NAB’s director general operations and members of the prosecution wing during his first day in office.Giving the officials their first task, the new NAB chief asked for the details of all outstanding cases, references and records. In a brief conversation with the media, Iqbal said that he would complete his previous assignment as the head of the missing persons commission by submitting the report his team has compiled, before giving up his post as the commission’s head, DawnNews said. ”I have worked hard on the report and it will be submitted soon,” he said. Source: dawn.com
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Pakistanis invested $8 billion in Dubai real estate in last 4 years, NA committee told
Pakistanis invested a whopping $8 billion in Dubai’s property market in the last four years, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Finance was informed by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). FBR, however, has so far failed to determine names of the people who invested their money in the United Arab Emirates. While briefing the finance committee, FBR Chairman Tariq Pasha said that they had written several letters to UAE authorities to seek details of Pakistani investors, but did not receive a response. Under the agreement with the UAE, information can only be obtained if a company is registered in someone’s name, FBR officials told the body, adding that it was not possible to acquire the general data of all
Pakistani investors. The committee was not satisfied with the FBR’s response, and forwarded the matter to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). On the other hand, State Bank officials clarified before the committee that no one had sought proper permission from them for investment in Dubai real estate. The committee formed a three-member subcommittee headed by Dr Shezra Mansab Ali Khan Kharal to reach the depth of the issue. The sub-committee’s main task will be to probe the matter by seeking reports from the FIA about how the money went abroad and who are the Pakistani citizens who invested the money in Dubai. In August this year, Pakistan emerged as the third largest real estate investor in
Dubai, data from the Dubai Land Deparment (DLD) showed. The data spanned 18 months — from January 2016 to June 2017. According to the details, Pakistani nationals made 5,398 real estate transactions pumping about AED 7 billion in Dubai’s real estate sector. Separately, the standing committee also reviewed problems faced by the real estate sector.Deputy governor of the State Bank while briefing the committee revealed that a letter of credit (LC) is in the process for
imports and exports between Pakistan and Iran. He said although the cabinet has already given approval in this regard, the delay is being caused on the Iranian’s government’s side. Source: dawn.com
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
N ationa l
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Amid harrowing tales of escape, Hamas, Fatah open reconciliation death toll climbs to 17 as Northern talks in Cairo California fires continue to rage
The death toll from the Northern California fires continued to rise Tuesday, reaching a confirmed total of 17 as multiple fires scorched upward of 100,000 acres. Sonoma County alone has received about 200 reports of missing people since Sunday night, and sheriff’s officials have located 45 of those people, said county spokeswoman Maggie Fleming. The majority of the fatalities are from Sonoma County, where huge swaths of the city of Santa Rosa were leveled by the Tubbs fire. Eleven people have died in Sonoma County as of 7 p.m. Tuesday, officials said. Two people have died in Napa County, three in Mendocino County and one in Yuba County, Cal Fire officials said. As firefighters continued to battle one of the worst firestorms in California history, federal officials vowed to help. Vice President Mike Pence said in a visit to California’s emergency management headquarters that President Trump has approved a “major disaster declaration” for California. When he spoke, 13 people had been confirmed dead. “Let me first say our hearts and the hearts of every American go out to the families of the 13 who’ve lost their lives. It’s heartbreaking to think that many of the fallen represent our most vulnerable; in some cases senior citizens who simply were not able to escape the flames that overcame their homes,” he said. “They are in our prayers.”
As of 7 a.m. Tuesday, the two biggest blazes — the Tubbs fire and the Atlas Peak fire in Napa County — had burned 27,000 and 25,000 acres, respectively, said Cal Fire spokesman Daniel Berlant. Both fires were uncontained, he said. Firefighters are hoping that winds will lessen enough Tuesday to allow crews to get a handle on the fires. Some of the smaller fires had some containment as of Monday night, he said: The 2,500-acre Sulphur fire in Lake County was 10% contained, and the 2,000-acre 37 fire in Sonoma County was 15% contained. About 20,000 people evacuated their homes Sunday night and Monday, and there were additional evacuations in the Tubbs fire area and in Yuba County overnight, Berlant said. Red flag warnings in effect throughout much of Northern California had expired as of Tuesday morning, Berlant said. Winds of up to 50 mph Sunday night helped spread the flames. “Overnight, the wind that had fanned these fires had really decreased, and that gave us an opportunity to really take a stand against these fires,” Berlant said early Tuesday. “We are again today hoping to see very little wind compared to Sunday.” But the cool and quiet of night did not stymie the progress of the Atlas fire, which stretched across the hills east of Napa and sparked a chain of more fires to the west. Source: www.latimes.com
Representatives from the Palestinian political parties of Hamas and Fatah are meeting on Tuesday for reconciliation talks in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. The talks come a week after Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah visited the Gaza Strip to kick-start the process of transferring administrative responsibility for the besieged territory from Hamas to the national consensus government. The meetings in Cairo are centred around implementing the 2011 Cairo Agreement between the two political parties, in hopes of ending a 10-year political schism. Leading the delegations are the deputy head of Hamas’s political office, Saleh al-Arouri, and a member of the Fatah Central Committee, Azzam al-Ahmad. A member of Hamas in the occupied West Bank, Hassan Yousef, said that Israel blocked a delegation from travelling to Cairo through Jordan to participate in the talks. Khalil al-Haya, a member of the Hamas delegation, said the mission would discuss forming a national unity government with the participation of all Palestinian political parties and preparing for legislative, presidential and national council elections. Haya said the negotiations would focus on ending Palestinian division “to confront intransigence and the Israeli project”. The 2011 agreement stipulated that legislative, presidential and national council elections should be conducted within one year of its signing. The deal would see both Hamas and Fatah form a Palestinian government to appoint the prime minister and ministerial positions. Fatah spokesman Osama al-Qawasmeh told the official PA radio that the Egyptianbrokered talks would stretch for three days and would focus on enabling the national consensus government to exercise its political, security and economic functions in Gaza. Other issues on the agenda include Gaza’s electricity crisis, the salaries of PA employees in the coastal enclave, security and the administration of border crossings. Over the last few months, Hamas has been under heavy pressure from PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ measures against Gaza, aimed at pressuring Hamas to relinquish control of the territory. Punitive measures included cutting the salaries of PA employees living in Gaza and requesting Israel to reduce the electricity supply to the The audit covers areas including health, ed- territory. If the reconciliation efforts are ucation, employment, and crime. The De- successful, they could temporarily ease partment for Work and Pensions is expected to set up some 20 “hotspot” areas to help the population, according to the last official ethnic minority individuals find employ- census in 2011. The government’s report on ment. The Ministry of Justice, meanwhile, Tuesday follows research released on Octosays it will attempt to ensure prisoners of ber 8 suggesting that higher levels of educaall ethnicities are treated appropriately. Re- tion among certain ethnic minority groups hman Chishti, Conservative Party MP for has not led to more employment or higher Gillingham and Rainham, called the review salaries. The UK’s Resolution Foundation, a “step in the right direction”, but admit- a non-partisan think-tank, said the number ted “it could have been done a lot earlier Britons of Chinese, Indian and Black African in the seven years since we have been in heritage - aged between 16 and 64 years old government”. “[Now] I want the govern- - with a degree has more than doubled since ment to look at finding bottom up solutions, 1999, but employment rates and income to engage with diverse communities across have not reflected that change. Kathleen the country and work with them to get the Henehan, a policy analyst for the think-tank, best answer in addressing the challenges said Tuesday’s findings have again shown they face,” he told Al Jazeera from Lon- the extent of economic inequality affecting don. Chisthi is one of 52 ethnic minority BME groups in the UK. “BME families MPs who account for just eight percent of are disproportionately represented in poorer the UK’s parliament. In the UK as a whole, households, despite experiencing relatively BME Britons make up about 13 percent of strong income growth over recent decades,”
Race review reveals gaping inequality in the UK
Black and ethnic minority (BME) individuals are almost twice as likely to be unemployed as white British adults, a government-backed review of racial issues in the UK has revealed. The audit, published Tuesday by the government’s “Ethnicity Facts and Figures” website, also shows that police are three times more likely to stop and search non-white Britons. Black and Arab Britons are more than 40 percent less likely to own their own home, compared with white Britons, the report said. British Prime Minister Theresa May had ordered the review. “If these disparities cannot be explained then they must be changed,” May said following the report, calling on government and the UK’s institutions. “People who have lived with discrimination don’t need a government audit to make them aware of the scale of the challenge,” she added. “But this audit means that for society as a whole - for government, for our public services - there is nowhere to hide.”
Gaza’s dire humanitarian situation. Despite the latest Egyptian initiative to end the divide between the West Bank-based PA, led by Fatah, and the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, several potential obstacles could cause a national unity government to falter. Hamas’ preferred method of armed resistance in facing Israel is among the main obstacles, analysts say. Last week, Abbas called on Hamas to surrender its weapons. Speaking to Egyptian television, Abbas called for “one state, one regime, one law and one weapon”. Hamas, on several occasions, has stressed that the issue of armed resistance is not up for discussion. “The resistance’s weapons are legal,” spokesperson Hazem Qassem told the local Maan News Agency. “They are here to protect Palestinians and free their lands [from Israeli occupation].” Hamas has been Gaza’s de facto ruler since 2007, when the party defeated Abbas’ long-dominant Fatah party in parliamentary elections. Hamas then pushed Fatah out of Gaza in a bloody conflict. Hamas and Fatah have ruled the Gaza Strip and the West Bank respectively ever since. Hamas’ control over security and its nature as an armed resistance movement have constituted an obstacle for the PA, which cooperates with Israel on security-related matters as per the Oslo Accords. Ibrahim Abrash, a political analyst and Gaza’s former culture minister, said some issues, such as Hamas’ recognition of Israel and the 1967 borders, “will take time to iron out ... but the dire situation in Gaza cannot withhold waiting any longer”. Abrash told Al Jazeera that, while he believes Fatah is serious about carrying out presidential elections, the fear is that Israel will get involved. Abbas’ term expired in 2009, and presidential elections have not been held since. “The last time Hamas joined elections in 2006, Israel carried out a campaign of arrests against Hamas parliamentarians. There needs to be some Arab and international guarantees that things would go smoothly,” said Abrash. On the issue of armed resistance, Abrash said Israel would make it “very difficult” for the unity government to carry out its duties. “This would mean that the political system would be faulty, with some factions carrying weapons and others not. I think these issues will not be opened now, but in the end, this issue will explode if the root of it is not solved.” Source: Al-Jazeera she told Al Jazeera. “Despite astounding progress in terms of getting degrees, BME graduates still face a jobs gap and pay penalty when they enter the workforce.” Following the release of Tuesday’s report, social media users shared their views. Actress Kelechi Okafor wrote on Twitter: “The extent of racism in Britain is only ‘Shocking’ to those who haven’t been paying attention.” Seema Chandwani, supporter of the opposition Labour Party, wrote: “#RaceAudit is a collection of *existing* data from public bodies. The evidence has existed for a long time & required action a long time ago.” Twitter user Funmi Adebayo said: “The #raceaudit sadly only looks into the public sector. I imagine the racial disparities are much worse within the private sector.” Source: Al-Jazeera
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
N ationa l
I nt
Trade troubles face Trudeau on trip Global childhood obesity rates now to Washington and Mexico City There are now 1010 times higher than in 1975 times as many obese chil-
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to talk trade, security and gender equality during his four-day trip to the United States and Mexico that begins Tuesday. But there is little doubt one of those subjects will get more attention than the others. Trudeau is facing multiple traderelated challenges with both countries. Talks on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have slowed and soured, with the mood expected to get worse, and Canada is frustrated by the U.S. decision to slap 300 per cent duties on Bombardier’s CSeries planes. The softwood lumber dispute has also not yet been settled. Trudeau arrived in the Washington area late Tuesday afternoon. He will also take questions during a keynote address at Fortune Magazine’s Most Powerful Women Summit in the evening. Trudeau will shift gears early Wednesday when he visits the congressional ways and means committee on Capitol Hill — an opportunity to share his message about the importance of Canada/U.S. trade with influential lawmakers. On the eve of talks, U.S. President Donald Trump continued to threaten the viability of the deal, this time to Forbes. “I happen to think that NAFTA will have to be terminated if we’re going to make it good. Otherwise, I believe you can’t negotiate a good deal... . [The Trans-Pacific Partnership] would have been a large-scale version of NAFTA. It would have been a disaster,” he said in an article published Monday. “I consider that a great accomplishment, stopping that. And there are many people that agree with me. I like bilateral deals.” Despite the president’s renewed threats, Congress has some power to intervene. “Congress is potentially our shield against an administration which is the most protectionist that we’ve seen,” said Colin Robertson, a former Canadian diplomat. Robertson thinks it is smart for Trudeau to ramp up his so-called charm offensive with U.S. politicians outside of the White House. “This is something he will have to continue to cultivate,” Robertson added. But the most anticipated moment of the trip will be Trudeau’s face-to-face meeting with Trump. The pair have developed a positive rapport, according to a spokesman in the Prime Minister’s Office, and are looking to further develop that relationship. But their meeting takes place at the same time the fourth round of NAFTA talks begin, also in Washington. The PMO confirmed Tuesday those talks have already been extended
so ministers from Canada, the United States and Mexico could all attend a meeting next Tuesday. There is little positivity left at the negotiating table, especially as the U.S. is expected to make its most contentious demands during this round of discussions. “I think they [the talks] are going poorly, they’re having difficulty even nailing down the low-hanging fruit,” said Jerry Dias, president of Canada’s largest private-sector union, Unifor. U.S. proposals on the rules for automobile content, dispute resolution and the dairy industry are expected to be unveiled this week. The U.S. has already been accused of making demands that neither Canada nor Mexico would ever agree to. The PMO spokesman said Trudeau plans to discuss NAFTA, but noted that the real work is being done by negotiators behind the scenes. Trudeau also plans to bring up Canada’s frustration with the U.S. Department of Commerce over the Bombardier duties. Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has been outspoken on this issue, calling the duties “baseless and absurdly high.” Trudeau also plans to discuss security with Trump, integrated operations and NATO, according to the spokesman. Freeland and her parliamentary secretary on Canada-U.S. relations, Andrew Leslie, will accompany Trudeau to Washington. Trudeau will round out his North American tour with a stop in Mexico City. President Enrique Pena Nieto has a full day of meetings planned with Trudeau and, again, trade will likely be the key point of discussion; so much so that International Trade Minister FrancoisPhilippe Champagne will join Trudeau and Freeland for this leg of the trip. Canada and Mexico hold wildly different positions on several aspects of NAFTA, most notably labour standards. But the prime minister’s spokesman says other issues will come up, including gender equality. Trudeau is also expected to take some time to visit some of the regions hard hit by two earthquakes that struck this past summer. Source: CBC News
other regional leaders have signed a declaration of independence from Spain, following the disputed referendum. However, they say the move will not be implemented for several weeks to allow talks with the government in Madrid. The document calls for Catalonia to be recognised as an “independent and sovereign state”. The move was immediately dismissed by the Spanish central government in Madrid. A 1 October referendum in the north-eastern province which Catalan leaders say resulted in a Yes vote for independence - was declared invalid by Spain’s Constitutional Court. Earlier on Tuesday, Mr Puigdemont told the Catalan parliament in Barcelona that the region had won the right to be independent as a result of the vote. The referendum resulted in almost 90% of voters backing independence, Catalan officials say. But anti-independence voters largely boycotted the ballot - which had a reported turnout of 43% - and there were several reports of irregularities. National police were involved in violent scenes as they manhandled voters while implementing the legal ruling banning the referendum. The declaration reads: “We call on all states and international organisations to recognise the Catalan republic as an independent and
regional parliament that the “people’s will” was to break away from Madrid, but he also said he wanted to “de-escalate” the tension around the issue. “We are all part of the same community and we need to go forward together. The only way forward is democracy and peace,” he told deputies. But he also said Catalonia was being denied the right to self-determination, and paying too much in taxes to the central government in Madrid. Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria responded to Tuesday’s developments by saying: “Neither Mr Puigdemont nor anybody else can claim... to impose mediation. “Any dialogue between democrats has to take place within the law.” She added: “After having come so far, and taken Catalonia to the greatest level of tension in its history, President Puigdemont has now subjected his autonomous region to its greatest level of uncertainty. “The speech the president... gave today is that of a person who does not know where he is, where he’s going, nor who he wants to go there with.” Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has called an extraordinary cabinet meeting for Wednesday morning to address the latest moves in the crisis. Source: BBC News
Catalonia independence declaration signed and suspended Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and sovereign state. Mr Puigdemont told the
dren and teens around the world than there were 40 years ago, and if current trends continue, there will soon be even more kids dangerously overweight than underweight, according to a new World Health Organization study. The study, published ahead of World Obesity Day, found that the rates of childhood obesity soared from less than 1 per cent in 1975, to nearly 6 per cent in girls and nearly 8 per cent in boys in 2016. Put another way, there were only 11 million obese kids and teens around the world in 1975. By 2016, that number had risen to 124 million, with several million more children considered overweight but below the threshold for obesity. Kids and teens in many countries in East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean have rapidly moved from being mostly underweight 40 years ago to being mostly overweight. Current rates of childhood obesity are highest among many Polynesian islands, the U.S., and many countries in the Middle East, including Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. In 2016, the childhood obesity rate was highest in Polynesia and Micronesia, where a staggering 25.4 per cent of girls and 22.4 per cent of in boys are not just overweight but obese. Among high-income countries, the United States had the highest obesity rates, where girls ranked 15th and boys ranked 12th worldwide. Canada was ranked 44th for obesity among boys and 67th for girls. Overall, 9.9 per cent of Canadian girls are obese, as are 14.7 per cent of boys. The full results appear in The Lancet journal. There are still more underweight than overweight kids in the world. But if the current trends continue, that will reverse by 2022. The study’s lead author, Prof. Majid Ezzati of Imperial College London’s School of Public Health, says obesity rates continue to soar in low- and middle-income countries, in part because of the growing availability of high-calorie, lownutrient processed foods. And while obesity rates have mostly plateaued in higher income countries, they remain “unacceptably” high. “We are looking at a generation of children who are gaining weight in their… childhood and will live with the effects over their lifetime of obesity,” he told CTV News. Ezzati said the “worrying trend” of rising obesity rates reflects the impact of food marketing and policies around the world, noting that unhealthy foods are aggressively marketed to children throughout the world. “At the same time, healthier options, fresh foods, are priced out of reach of the poorest people round the
world,” he said. He said what’s needed are regulations and taxes to protect children from unhealthy foods, as well as ways to make healthy, nutritious food more available at home and school. Dr. Katherine Morrison, a pediatric endocrinologist and associate professor at the department of pediatrics at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., said obese children and teens are “much more likely” to develop heart disease and other health problems like diabetes in middle age. “The health consequences certainly are apparent in adulthood,” she told CTV News. “We do see it on a day-to-day basis and it makes me worry to see where these kids are heading,” she said. “Our job is to find the tools to help them lead healthier lives.” Dr. Nathalie FarpourLambert, the president-elect of the European Association for the Study of Obesity, said in a statement that obesity in childhood has a tendency to continue into adulthood, so that most who are obese as children will be obese into adulthood. That’s why the group wants to see health-care professionals trained to prevent and treat childhood obesity. The WHO has published an Ending Childhood Obesity (ECHO) Implementation Plan, which it says gives countries clear guidance on effective actions to curb childhood obesity. It says that no single intervention can halt the advance of the obesity epidemic, but their plan outlines ways to encourage countries to reduce consumption of cheap, processed, calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods. It also offers advice on reducing the time children spend on sedentary activities and promoting more physical activity through recreation and sports. “Overweight and obesity cannot be solved through individual action alone,” say the authors of the ECHO Plan. “Comprehensive responses are needed to create healthy environments that can support individuals in making healthy choices grounded on knowledge and skills related to health and nutrition.” Source: CTV News
Gunbattle leaves 4 dead in India-held Kashmir
Two Indian air force commandos and two suspected militants were killed during a gunbattle on Wednesday in India-held Kashmir, the Indian army claimed, during an upsurge in violence in the disputed region. The fighting started when soldiers searching for militants cordoned off a neighbourhood in the northern town of Hajin.“It was a difficult operation. Two militants were killed in the encounter. Unfortunately two air force commandos also died,” an Indian police officer told AFP. The deaths came two days after a leader of the banned militant group Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) — accused of
organising a string of suicide attacks across India-held Kashmir — was killed in a shootout with government forces. Separatist groups have for years been fighting Indian soldiers deployed in the region, demanding that Kashmir be given independence or merged with Pakistan. The fighting has left tens of thousands dead, most of them civilians and earlier this year, India launched “Operation Allout” to hunt down the separatists. Indian police say at least 160 militants and 59 security officials have been killed so far this year.Source: dawn.com
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
FAITH On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah ( )ﷺsaid: When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath. It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari, an-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah).
The Call of Islam: Peace and Moderation, Not Intolerance and Extremism
slam is salaam (peace) and tasleem (submission to the Divine). In Islam Peace is the standard, it is the principle, and each person of faith has the moral obligation to maintain peace, without compromising on justice and truth. Islam invites to the subul assalaam (pathway of peace); peace of mind, peace of conscience, peace in the family and society, peace with one’s Creator and His creation. One of the attributes of the Divine is As-Salaam (The Source of Peace) and Muslim greeting universally, upon meeting and departing, is as-salamu ‘alaykum or “peace be unto you”. The final and ultimate reward for human endeavor is Paradise, referred to in the Qur’an as Dar-us-Salaam (Abode of Peace) The Believers were intended to be an ummah (community) that serves as a standard/model for others; what the Qur’an describes .”...And we have made you (ummatan wasata) a median community / a people of moderation/ a balanced medium in order that you may be a testimony or model for humanity.” [Qur’an 2:143] It is the absence of the balance provided by wasatiyyah (moderation) that extremism creeps in. Wasatiyyah is an antidote to ... ghuluww (excessiveness), tanattu’ (harshness), tashaddud (severity), tatarruf (extremism) ... in all its forms. Intolerance Whence? How is it then that some Muslims are so intolerant of other faiths, involved in atrocious and heinous acts of violence and senseless killing? Are they oblivious to the historic example of how the Prophet engaged those of different Faiths? It seems that some among Muslims seem to have lost sound understanding of the teachings of our Faith and are substituting the sublime message of Islam by a discourse of anger and the rhetoric of rage. There is no command or teaching in Islam that can
be referenced as the direct reason behind an extreme act, and killing. Those who are planning and orchestrating any senseless killings are the worst representatives of their religions and enemies of their communities. Those who are perpetrators acts of wanton violence in the name of Islam are doing a most grievous disservice to Islam. Others take pride in being Muslims however un-Muslim their stance may be. Then there are those who cheer acts of violence because they too have degenerated into a hateful people.
is blatantly anti-Islamic. In Islam the means must reflect its noble ends. Any means that does not embody the core truths and ethics of Islam is not from Islam and thus denounced as aberration. Islam is not a secret society of conspirators who no one knows what they are planning. Islam declares openly its aims and objectives and these are recognized by good people everywhere as pure and congruent with their own wisdom and traditions. Islam never allows a Muslim to kill the innocent and the helpless
ical are a bane to religion. Reactionary extremists do not want any pluralism; they view the world in black and white, good and evil terms. They are good and anyone who opposes them is evil. From among the Muslims these are people who ‘excommunicate’ any Muslim who fail to share their interpretations of the Qur’an and their understanding of the faith. They use takfir (denouncing a Muslim as an unbeliever) and character assassination as a tool for marginalizing any criticism directed at them. Radical extremists differ only in that they will use violence to further their cause and that the end justifies the means. They see any act as acceptable if it will further their ‘cause.’ This
Realize, that just because you are religious does not mean that you are right. Desiring to implement Islamic values is always noble, but having a meaningful and effective strategy is indeed most significant. Forcing other is never an acceptable resort and certainly not the first resort; especially since our deen/way of life commands us not to usecompulsion as a tool. Just because something needs to be done does not mean that anything that is done is okay; and just because something is done in religious fervor does not in any way prove that it is Islamically correct. According to the Qur’an [5:32]; Muslims have inherited the command from that prescribed to the Children of Israel
Zealots are a plague upon religion Labeling something Islamic does Extremists, whether reactionary or rad- not make it justifiable
Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH) Last edition Names were
name of Allah(swt)
Al Qawi Mohammad(saw) name.
Islm. Date
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 *1 2 3 4 5 6
“whoever takes a single life without justification is as if he has killed the entire humanity.” Furthermore we are reminded, If Allah had not repelled some people through others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques; all in which Allah’s name is much celebrated, would have been destroyed. Allah will certainly help those who help His cause and surely, Allah is AllPowerful, All-Mighty’ [Qur’an, 22:40] If we do not abide by these principles established in the Qur’an, then we are undermining the very spirit of our Deen. We must heed the Qur’anic warning against extremism in religion. ... do not be extreme in your religion [Qur’an 4:171] The Prophet further warned, My intercession will not be availed two categories of my community; an oppressive/unjust ruler and a rebellious extremist [Tibrani] I warn you regarding extremism, because communities before you were destroyed due to extremism [Nisa’i]
Injustice of the self-righteous
Some deviant people/groups are committing acts in the name of Islam which are contrary to the fundamental of our faith, while not enough seem courageous enough to openly stand up to these bullies who are denigrating the name and image of Islam. Remember the words of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):”A Muslim (one who proclaims faith) is that person from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe; A Mu’min (one who manifests faith) is that person in whom humanity find safety and security regarding their lives, property and honor.” [Baihaqi] The Prophet (pbuh) further advised ...Allah is kind and loves kindness in every matter, and kindness has been granted capacity which violence could never attain. [Sahih Muslim] May Allah protect the innocent from the injustices of the self-righteous. SOURCE: ISLAMICITY
Oct 13-27, 2017 Muharrum 22-Safar 6,1439H Date Fajar
Dhuhr Asar (Shafi) Asar (Hanfi) Magrib
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
l oca l
Emergency Fundraiser For Myanmar organised by Local Muslims Organisations On October 6, BC Islamic organizations and Masajid in collaboration with Islamic Relief of Canda did the emergency fundraising dinner for Myanmar in Taj Banquet Hall Surrey. Many community leaders, Ministers , MPs
and MLAs attended this event and addressed. Allhumdulillah over $ 116 in less than an hour has been raised. Canadians are kind, generous and compassionate. Proud of our community’s leadership in responding to this devastating crisis. May Allah
survive and safety for Myanmar people.(Ameen)
Remembrance of the great martyrs of Karbala @ Masjid Anwaar e Madina On Oct 7, Masjid Anwaar e Madina organized a very spiritual program in the remembrance of the great martyrs of Karbala and the great and high status of the grandson of the holy prophet ,sallallahu alaihe wa Sallam , saiyyiduna Imaam Hussein radi allahu ta’ala anhu. The program started off with the recitation of Quran by Zeeshan Imroz , followed by a few naats and manqabats in group. Then after Maghrib M/C Saiyad Afroz described the Shuadha e Karbalah event of this evening purpose. He invited Imam and Khateeb of Masjid Anwaar e Madina, maulana Saiyad Imroz Dean Saify, who holds permission and spiritual authority in naqshbandi , qadri , chisti , and soharwardi, delivered a very informative , spiritual and factual speech in Urdu regarding the events of Karbala and the reasons behind it. Imaam Hussein fought to save and honour Islam against the tyranny of Yazeed and his stands. Maulana Imroz mostly focused at the theme of Shahadat (sacrifice)of Imaam Hussain. He started his speech from Hzt Ibrahim(A.S) imamat and ended with Ahl e Bayt. We being a Muslim respect Amir e Muhawiha(R.A) and he was not responsible for his son Yazeed’s sins. This was the battle of Truth and Falsehood (Haq o Batil for two different theories. It was not for
the kingship. Some scholars nowadays are propagating in favour of Yazeed which is wrong. Like Ibrahim(A.S) and Nimrood, there could be no compromise on Truth or Falsehood. Truth Alhumdulillah won and Imam Hussain (R.A) names lives on around the world. He is also leader of youth in Jannah as per prophet Mohammad (saw) said, and nobody remembers Yazeed and Ibn Ziad in good words. He also mentioned the importance of having love and respect of the Ahle Bayt from the Quran and Hadiths . It is mandatory upon all Muslims to have love and respect for the family of the holy prophet, namely the prophet, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Fatima, Imaam Hassan and Imaam Hussein (R.A). After Isha Br. Afroz invited the chief guest speaker Allama Mohammad Ayyub Chishti, qadri (Imam and Khateeb Masjid Auliya Allah in Surrey). He narrated few Quran verses (Sura Maida) and Hadiths. He explained the priority of prophets on each other and then our beloved prophet Mohammad (SAW) status among those. Who would be nearest to the Prophet(saw) would definitely have more respect than others i.e. Prophet’s wives, daughters, sons, relatives and all companions. He spoke of Imam Hussain’s greatest sacrifice of life for the sake of Deen that we have today. Maulana Ayub also said that it is no doubt that
Panjtan Pak (Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Ali (R.A.), Fatima (R.A.), Hassan and Hussain (R.A), are Ahle Bayt but Prophet’s close family members and relatives are also the Ahle Bayt and it is proved through Hadiths. The program finished with Salaat o Salaam and Duaa made by Allama Mohammad Ayyub ,everyone left after having a delicious dinner.
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
po l itics
Join me, and together we will win in 2019. Jagmeet Singh I don’t have the words to capture this journey, or how it feels right now to be writing to you as Leader of Canada’s NDP, but let me say that it is a profound honour. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve. Campaigns are never about individual candidates, but about teams and what we achieve together. So I want to begin my time as Leader by saying thank you to my incredible team, as well as all of the campaign teams and the thousands of volunteers and supporters who believed in our New Democratic message across the country.
Thank you to all the members that joined our party for the first time and the long-time members that took part in this race. Thank you to the NDP MPs, MLAs, MPPs, as well as all the City Councillors, labour activists, and organizers across the country, who were involved in this race. Thank you to the party and party staff for making this leadership race possible. And it should go without saying that we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Thomas Mulcair for his service and his sacrifice. This leadership race has renewed excitement in
our party, and raised powerful ideas.From Tommy to David, Ed, Audrey, Alexa, Jack and Tom and now today, to all of us - we are the Party that is building a better Canada. And it is in us that you can see the future of our country - how great our country will be with a New Democratic Government.As Leader, I am so excited to work with you and all New Democrats over the next two years. Together, we will continue growing our party and reaching out to Canadians from coast to coast to coast.And together, we will win in 2019 and form the government Canada deserves.
New Liberal Tax on Employee Discounts Will Target the Working Class
By: Daniel Dickin Ottawa, Ontario— Conservative Shadow Finance Minister, Pierre Poilievre, today condemned Justin Trudeau’s new tax on employee discounts, a plan uncovered by Globe and Mail reporter, Campbell Clark, who published an email he received from a CRA official confirming the new rule. Under the new rules, local business owners will now need to track each time a waitress gets a discount on food or a shoe salesmen
gets 10% off on footwear, so the government can tax these workers on “the fair market value of the merchandise purchased, less the amount paid by the employee,” according to the Canada Revenue Agency’s “folio”. “When the Liberals said they would go after ‘wealthy tax cheats’ this is what they meant: hard-working waitresses having a pizza at midnight after an eight hour shift or a fitness trainer who gets a gym membership with his job,” said Poilievre. “Now local business owners will need to track all of these discounts so the government can charge higher taxes to low-income wage earners.” While the Retail Council warned the Fi-
nance Committee about the change in September, most MPs believed it had to be a mistaken interpretation, until today. “This latest Liberal tax increase will target those who can least afford to pay more. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s ‘family fortune’, as he likes to call it, will be untouched once again.” “If the government wants to tax the difference between the ‘fair market value of the merchandise purchased’ and the price paid, then perhaps that rule should apply to the Prime Minister. Justin Trudeau and his family enjoyed thousands of dollars of vacation benefits paid by wealthy friends and he
should pay tax on that price discount.” “The Liberals cannot simply blame this decision on the CRA. The Prime Minister has set the tone. By attacking our local businesses and family farmers, and calling them tax cheats, he has unleashed the tax collectors to hound all hardworking Canadians for more money.” “There is an alternative, Prime Minister: get government spending under control, so you will no longer need to pick the pockets of working people,” concluded Poilievre, who pledged to continue the fight against this and other tax increases on the floor of the House of Commons.
By B.C. Premier John Horgan It’s time for British Columbians to share in the benefits of our strong economy. Today’s families work harder than ever, yet many are falling further behind. Wages have stagnated, part-time and unstable work has replaced good jobs, and people haven’t shared in the province’s economic prosperity.People need good paying jobs and the chance to get ahead. We’re building a better B.C. with good jobs and a strong, sustainable, and innovative economy that puts people first.Instead of focusing on one sector to create jobs, we’re working to strengthen traditional industries like forestry and mining, while supporting small business, tourism, agriculture, manufacturing,
ing venture capital investment in B.C. startups, and encouraging the growth of B.C. tech companies. We’re supporting small business, starting with lowering the small business tax rate from 2.5 per cent to 2 per cent. We’re creating an Innovation Commission which will be both advocate and ambassador for B.C.’s tech sector. And an Emerging Economy Task Force will encourage innovative and sustainable industries and drive economic growth. To make sure the benefits of technology and innovation are felt around the province, we’ll work in partnership with rural and northern communities to make strategic investments that support innovation
And we’ll keep fighting for a fair deal on softwood lumber that is good for B.C. forest workers, our softwood industry, and the communities that depend on it. Creating good jobs for people doesn’t end there. We must invest in people and communities if we want those economic benefits to keep growing. By investing in education, skills training and apprenticeships, we can build the current and future workforce businesses depend on. New schools, hospitals, roads and homes for people will give communities the services they need to attract new jobs and investment.Taking action on climate change - the greatest challenge of our generation - will create thousands
of jobs through energy retrofits and public infrastructure. And building strong communities will improve our quality of life and make B.C. an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.Together, we will build a better B.C. where everyone benefits from our economy, resources and environment, and no one is left behind.
Good jobs, sustainable Economy at the heart of a Better B.C. technology and innovation. We’re support- and job growth.
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
l oca l
Hon. Prime Minister Of Fiji Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama Dinner With Fiji Muslims In Canada
October 4th, The Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama attended Fiji Day Celebrations in Surrey organized by Canadian Society of Fiji Muslims and the Muslim Business Council of British Columbia. A traditional Kava Ceremony was held to greet the PM accompanied by his wife Mary. The Prime Minister personally thanked the Fijian community for assisting in Fiji’s socioeconomic development and after his speech delivered awards on behalf of the organizers to long time community activists. Prime Minister’s said in his speech. “First let me begin by saying thank you for the traditional ceremony of welcome you’ve accorded myself, my wife Mary, and my delegation. I can’t fully express how much it means to me personally to share in our traditions with all of you this evening, so far away from our shores. Every year, Fiji Day is our chance to reflect on the ties that connect us as members of the same extended Fijian family. Let us all remember that those ties are not defined by our ethnicity, our religion, our gender or our status in society, but rather they are defined by the love we share for our great country and our commitment to one another.
The darkest parts of Fijian history are those times that we failed to recognise these common bonds—something that many in this room are all too familiar with. There are few greater tragedies than that of a citizen to feel like an unwelcome stranger in their own home. My delegation is also here today to make the integration process as easy as possible, whether you wish to return to Fiji to visit on holiday or want to make your voice heard in the upcoming elections. Officials from the Elections Office are also here to assist with voter registration for those who are eligible. Thank you to the Government and people of Canada, of British Columbia and our Fijian family here in Vancouver for making this celebration such a success. As we celebrate 47 years of Independence, let’s all remember that our mission is never over and we must keep Fiji moving forward. We must stay unified, one nation and one people, dedicated to realising a brighter future. A very happy Fiji Day celebration to all of you.”Vinaka vakalevu. Thank you. Note: Edited Speech...... Courtesy: ALAMEENPOST.COM
Dr.Farhat Hashmi and Dr.Idrees Zubair Visit British Columbia
Renowned scholars from Pakistan, Dr. Farhat Hashmi (founder of Al-Huda Institute), and her husband Dr. Idrees Zubair visited the Lower Mainland as part of their Ilm Tour. It was an honour to have them here and all three lectures of Dr. Hashmi and two lectures by Dr. Zubair were attended by a large number of men and women of all ages. Dr. Farhat Hashmi’s first lecture was in Surrey at Al-Iman Islamic Centre on October 3rd. The topic of this lecture was “Allah Is the Greatest” in which she focused on the sovereignty of Allah. On October 4th, she gave the first lecture at a Community Hall in Richmond. The theme of this lecture was “The Bequest of Ume Hakeemah to Her Son”. The emphasis was on how not to advise your children, which was very in-
formative, especially for mothers. Her last lecture took place in Guildford Islamic Centre in the evening of October 4th. Here she spoke on the topic of “Passion for Good Deeds” in which she highlighted how we can do good deeds even by doing small things in everyday life. Dr. Idrees Zubair delivered his first talk at Guildford Islamic Centre on October 2nd gave the second lecture at at Al-Iman Islamic Centre Surrey the next day. He touched on different topics including Dhikr of Allah(SWT). All programs were wonderfully organized and were supported by all the dedicated volunteers who kept the program running smoothly as well as provided lunch. dinner and snacks afterwards.
Al-Huda International
l-Huda International Welfare Foundation was founded in 1994 in Pakistan. It is striving to enlighten people with the knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) while serving the people through diverse social welfare programs. Alhamdulillah, not only in Pakistan but in many countries of the world, branches of Al-Huda are actively working to attain this objective. Following departments operate under this foundation. AlHuda International School (AIS), an aspiration of Dr. Farhat Hashmi, and a dream shared by thousands of Muslims within Pakistan and abroad; is a one of a kind school that provides excellent academic education based on Islamic guidelines. Founded in September 2010 in Islamabad, with a small team of dynamic, sincere and passionate individuals, AIS has grown into a well-recognized educational system within a short
span of time. Born in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan in 1957, Dr Hashmi is the daughter of a well known Islamic scholar, and thus had her initial Islamic learning at home. Her father (Late) Abdur Rehman Hashmi was a prominent religious scholar and ranked 53rd in the noble generation of the companion, Ibn Abbas (r.a). Her father was responsible for instilling in her the desire to spread the word of Allah. Her innate genius and sincerity was coupled with a supportive and likeminded husband, Dr. Muhammad Idrees Zubair, also a scholar with special interest in “Hadith”.As a student, Dr Hashmi excelled throughout her academic career, winning numerous medals, prizes and scholarships. After completing her Bachelor’s degree from Sargodha Degree College, she did her Masters in Arabic from Punjab University, Lahore. Dr Hashmi started her career as a lec-
turer in Sargodha Degree College. Soon after, she joined as a faculty member of the International Islamic University Islamabad. She was awarded with a merit scholarship to proceed for her Ph.D. in “Hadith Sciences” from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, which awarded her the title of “Doctor”.On her return, she again resumed teaching at the International Islamic University. While teaching at the University, she simultaneously continued conducting Quranic study circles for women. After realizing that there is a strong need for promoting the deeper understanding of Quran, she decided to establish a center of Islamic learning. This is how her brainchild, “Al-Huda International”, came into being in 1994 in Islamabad. Dr. Idrees Zubair is currently the Director of Al Huda International Welfare Foundation. In 1983, he began his career as a lecturer at the International
Islamic University, Islamabad in the Department of Usool-ud-Deen. In 1985, Dr. Zubair went to the University of Glasgow, Scotland to pursue a Ph.D in Hadith Sciences with his wife Dr. Farhat Hashmi. He has previously held the position of Associate Professor in the Islamic Research Institute and also served as the Chairman of the Hadith Department at Allama Iqbal Open University. Dr. Zubair has lectured in different parts of the world and has taught diverse courses in Islamic Sciences. Dr. Zubair and his wife established Al Huda in 1994 with the aim of educating Muslims about the meanings of the Qur’an. Over the last two decades, Al Huda has expanded across many countries around the world with students numbering in the thousands.
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
Iraqi VP warns of ‘civil war’ over Kurdish-held Kirkuk
By: SUADAD AL-SALHY BAGHDAD: Iraqi Vice President Ayad Allawi on Monday warned there could be a “civil war” over the Kurdish-administered city of Kirkuk if talks over Kurdish independence are left unresolved. Allawi, in an interview with The Associated Press, urged Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, as well as Iraq’s central government and its Iranian-backed militias, to show restraint and resolve their disputes over the oil-rich city. Ruling out a military solution to the crisis, Ihssan Al-Shimari, an adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi, told Arab News: “Talking about a civil war between Kurds and Arabs is an attempt to pressure both sides — Baghdad and Kurdistan — but the reality on the ground doesn’t indicate any of these expectations.” Al-Shimari said: “The prime minister has flatly refused to fight Kurdish citizens and still relies on constitutional measures, which offer a wide range of options to the federal government to deal with the crisis.” He added: “Kirkuk is a disputed area, and according to the constitution its administration has to go back to the Iraqi federal gov-
ernment.” Kirkuk was included in Iraqi Kurdistan’s independence referendum last month, even though it falls outside the autonomous Kurdish region in the country’s northeast. The ethnically mixed city has been administered by Kurdish forces since 2014, when the Iraqi military fled a Daesh advance. The referendum was held despite strong objections from Baghdad, Ankara and Tehran. Barzani has not yet declared independence. “Iraqis should be left alone to discuss their own problems without interference,” said Allawi. “Kirkuk has become a flashpoint.” The head of the Asaib Al-Haq militia, Qais Khazali, on Sunday warned that the Kurds were planning to claim much of northern Iraq, including Kirkuk, for an independent state, after they voted for independence in a controversial but non-binding referendum two weeks ago. He said it would be tantamount to a “foreign occupation,” reported the Afaq TV channel, which is close to the state-sanctioned militia. Allawi, a former prime minister, said any move by the country’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMUs), which include Asaib Al-Haq,
to enter Kirkuk would “damage all possibilities for unifying Iraq” and open the door to “violent conflict.” He said if the government controls the PMUs, as it claims, it “should restrain them, rather than go into a kind of civil war.” Allawi also urged the Kurdish side “not to take aggressive measures to control these lands.” Mohammed Naji, a lawmaker and a senior leader of Badr — one of the most prominent Iraqi Shiite militias — told Arab News: “It’s early to pick up the last option (confrontation). The federal government will use all available measures to contain the crisis, and using (military) power to impose federal authority (in Kirkuk) and preserve the unity of Iraqi lands and people will be the last option.” Naji said: “From the beginning, we’ve said the referendum is unconstitutional. It violates the first item of the Iraqi constitution, and any action that aims to divide Iraq is unacceptable to all Iraqis.” He added: “Resolving the problem of Kirkuk and the other disputed areas would be according to the constitution, and we can go back to talks (with the Kurds) under the umbrella of the constitution.”
By:Frank Kane It is not often you hear the International Monetary Fund (IMF) urging “spend, spend,” while the client country replies “well, actually we’d rather hold on to the money for a while, if it’s all the same to you.” But something like that seems to have happened during the IMF’s recent country visit to Saudi Arabia. The IMF has a well-deserved reputation as an austerity merchant and usually seeks to impose a rigid regime of fiscal control. “Cut spending, increase taxes,” is the ritual formula.Saudi Arabia is not in the same league as countries that have to go begging to the IMF. It has no need to borrow money from the fund, because it is sitting on some $470 billion of reserves from the years when oil was $100-plus per barrel. There is no risk of Saudi Arabia going bust any time soon. But it is in a fiscal fix. Because of the halving of oil prices, there has been a budget deficit for the past two years, a rare enough occurrence in Saudi economic history to warrant serious action.The government’s response has indeed been radical. Scrapping public sector perks, cutting subsidies on fuel and utilities, and imposing taxes, excise duties and levies were drastic measures in a country with a low tax regime, high government employment and big subsidies on essentials. The accompanying strategy to reduce oil dependency and public sector economic domination were truly transformational. The Vision 2030 strategy and the National Transformation Program (NTP) 2020 envisaged balancing the budget by 2019 and minimizing oil’s contribution to the economy a year later, as part of a massive privatization
program. There has been some dilution of these plans — witness the reinstatement of some public sector benefits and the emergence of NTP 2.0 recently — but evidently the measures are still sufficiently drastic for the IMF to warn that economic growth, forecast as negligible this year and only 1.1 percent in 2018, was at further risk if the country continued to press its foot firmly on the brake. “Most directors noted that Saudi Arabia has the fiscal space to allow a more gradual consolidation than envisaged in the fiscal balance program,” was the IMF-speak take on it. The message was, “you don’t have to be quite so tough, so soon.” The IMF said: “The authorities were not convinced, believing that a relatively fast pace of price increases would minimize implementation risks.” In other words, Saudi policymakers thought about it, but were actually quite happy to keep the brake pedal on the floor for the time being. The Kingdom has the flexibility to ease off if the austerity gets too severe, or if global and regional conditions make it necessary. Frank Kane So, while that is a reversal of the usual IMFclient role, it is actually quite a healthy scenario for Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom has the flexibility to ease off if the austerity gets too severe, or if global and regional conditions make it necessary. Maybe it has more leeway than it currently realizes. The shrewd analysts at Emirates NBD Asset Management in Dubai reckon that it can cover the deficit next year with a mixture of reduced subsidies and increased levies, even allowing for expensive items
like the Citizens’ Account measures to help the Kingdom’s less wealthy. They also think that Saudi Arabia’s creditworthiness is such that any shortfall in the public account can be quite easily made up in the international debt markets. The Kingdom tapped the bond markets for $39 billion in the past year, but its debt-to-GDP (gross domestic product) ratio is still only 12 percent, much healthier than other A-rated sovereigns. The IMF does make a cogent point, however, when it explains that the multiplier effect of capital spending is bigger than current spending, meaning that Saudi policymakers would be better advised to direct investment to big infrastructure projects rather than day-to-day expenditure like public sector pay or subsidies. Again, the IMF is advising the Kingdom to spend big. The other potential game-changing event on the Saudi financial horizon is the further opening up of financial markets with inclusion in the two global indices — the MSCI and the FTSE Russell — that have so far eluded them. Both could come next year, and would mean an immediate jump in the quantity of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country, as global investors scramble to get up to weight in Saudi assets. Other Arabian Gulf countries enjoyed a doubling of FDI once they were included in the big
By: SHEHAB SUMON DHAKA: The EU has proposed cutting back contacts with Myanmar’s top generals as a first step to increasing sanctions over atrocities committed by the army against Rohingya Muslims. According to the draft, the EU “will suspend invitations to the commander in chief of the Myanmar armed forces and other senior military officers.” Rashed Ahmed Chowdhury, former Bangladeshi special envoy to the UN, welcomed the proposal, calling Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi a “puppet” of the country’s military. “Currently, Myanmar is getting arms from many Western countries, including Israel. Once the supply line is cut, it will create immense pressure on Myanmar. Only then will Bangladesh be able to repatriate refugees,” Chowdhury told Arab News, suggesting more comprehensive measures. “The world should consider economic sanctions on Myanmar. The UN Security Council
should pass a unanimous resolution to stop this ethnic cleansing, which is completely unacceptable. If the situation persists, many countries will throw the minority population out of their land.” Bangladeshi diplomat Q. A. M. A. Rahim told Arab News: “From the onset, the EU has taken a rational approach against these atrocities. This time as well, it didn’t wait for any call from anyone. The EU has made its stand very clear, and is taking decisions independently.” The former foreign secretary of Bangladesh and former secretary-general of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) said he believes the EU will take further measures if Myanmar continues its atrocities against the Rohingya. Bangladesh should intensify efforts to convince countries that support Myanmar “that this ethnic cleansing must be stopped,” he added. “Without consistent and comprehensive
pressure from the international community, there won’t be a sustainable solution to the refugee crisis.” Former Ambassador Sohrab Hossain told Arab News that the EU’s initiative is “very good,” and that “Myanmar is under immense
He continued: “We’ve asked both parties (Baghdad and Irbil) to abide by the constitution, but if the Kurdish brothers insist on their stubbornness, this means they want to go with the hardest option, which is confrontation.” Al-Abadi demanded that the Kurdistan Regional Government annul the referendum result, and called for joint administration of Kirkuk. Baghdad has closed Iraqi Kurdistan’s airspace to international flights. Turkey and Iran have threatened punitive measures against the Kurdish region, fearing the encouragement of separatist sentiment among their own Kurdish populations. Source:arabnews.com
IMF tells Saudi Arabia: ‘You’re well on track, no need to go so fast’
global indices. You might ask, if the financial scene is so potentially rosy, why bother at all with the program of state asset sales, which including potential $100 billion initial public offering (IPO) proceeds from Saudi Aramco, could eventually bring in $300 billion to the Kingdom’s coffers? The answer is that the Vision 2030 policy is designed to transform the economy and society of the Kingdom, by making its economy and workforce more productive and efficient, rather than just providing a short-term financial fix. It is transformational, rather than remedial. The IMF is saying to the Kingdom, “Don’t worry, you’re on track and you can afford to be less aggressive in economic and fiscal policy.” That is a good position to be in. • Frank Kane is an award-winning business journalist based in Dubai. Source:arabnews.com
EU proposes shunning Myanmar generals over Rohingya crisis
diplomatic pressure.” Such pressure should be maintained to “compel” Myanmar to take back Rohingya who have fled, he said, lauding Bangladeshi diplomacy in this regard.
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
Sears Canada wants court’s permis- Samsung Galaxy S9 release date sion to liquidate all remaining stores REVEALED in leaked report Retailer hopes to starts SAMSUNG is hard at work on its next flagship smartphone – the Galaxy S9 – ready for launch in early 2018. But a new report has purportedly revealed all the details of the new handset.
liquidation sales no earlier than Oct. 19, closing about 130 outlets
Sears Canada said Tuesday it plans to seek court approval to begin liquidation of all of its remaining stores and assets, a move that would see about 130 outlets close and put about 12,000 employees out of work. “Sears Canada, with the recommendation of its advisers and approval of the monitor, FTI Consulting Inc., is seeking an order to commence a liquidation that would result in a wind-down of its business following court approval,” Sears Canada said in a release. “The company deeply regrets this pending outcome and the resulting loss of jobs and store closures,” the retailer said. Possible liquidation looms as Sears Canada faces deadline Why former execs doubt troubled retailer can survive Sears Canada said that if it gets court approval to begin the process, it expects that liquidation sales at its stores would start no earlier than Oct. 19 and continue for 10 to 14 weeks.“We have said this before, but it is worth repeating — the actions being taken are a reflection on the state of the retail market today, not your efforts or your contributions to the company, which have been greatly appreciated,” Sears executive vicepresident Becky Penrice said in a letter to employees.“You and our former colleagues have stuck by us and continued to give it your all. I sincerely regret that we have reached this point,” Penrice said in the letter. Sears Canada has been in court-approvedcreditor protection since June 22. After it was granted protection, Sears received permission from the court to seek out a buyer or investors. Hope for a potential buyer resided in a bid led by Canada’s executive chairman, Bran-
don Stranzl, who pledged to keep Sears in operation and save thousands of jobs. However, the company said Tuesday that “following exhaustive efforts, no viable transaction for the company to continue as a going concern was received.” ‘End of an era’ Bruce Winder, co-founder and partner at Retail Advisors Network, said it appears that “the odds are quite low that someone is going to swoop in and save Sears, unfortunately.” Winder added: “It is the end of an era, because Sears was once one of the most important and largest retailers in Canada and in North America.” Workers say hardship cash amounts to nothing after EI cut The company announced in June that it would be closing almost 60 stores. Last week, it received court approval to close 11 other stores. At that court hearing, a lawyer for FTI Consulting warned that Sears Canada was running out of time and money. At the same hearing, a lawyer for the lenders that provided the retailer with financing while it is in creditor protection said that if a buyer couldn’t be found, then it would be key to liquidate before the Christmas season is over in order to maximize the value the process could generate.
By AARON BROWN The Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ are scheduled to launch in February 2018, according to a new report about the upcoming flagship smartphone. The South Korean technology company is expected to target Mobile World Congress (MWC) to launch the Galaxy S9. Samsung pushed-back the launch of the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus last year, missing its habitual MWC launch date, because of delays caused by the battery problems that struck the Galaxy Note 7.For the last three years prior to the Galaxy S8, Samsung used the hugely-popular MWC tradeshow to announce the latest iteration of its flagship Galaxy S series. Mobile World Congress will run from February 26th to March 1st 2018.According to a new report by SamMobile, Samsung will unveil two different models of its upcoming Galaxy S smartphone. The model numbers for the new Samsung handsets are as follows – SM-G960 for the Galaxy S9 and SM-G965 for the Galaxy S9+.Both smartphones are tipped to have a dual-curved display, like the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ before them. Samsung is also expected to include the dual camera set-up it debuted with the Galaxy Note 8 on its new Galaxy S handsets. The Galaxy Note 8 uses a secondary, telephoto lens to create 2x optical zoom on your photographs. Both rear cameras sport optical image stabilisation (OIS) to help produce clear photos
– even in low-light. Samsung also uses the dual-cameras to artificially render a DSLR-style bokeh effect behind the subject of the photograph. Dubbed Live Focus, the feature lets you take bokeh shots to help the subject stand out. And unlike the iPhone, Samsung lets you adjust the level of background blur after the photo has been taken Alongside the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+, Samsung is widely-tipped to launch an all-new smartphone, Galaxy X. This new flagship will reportedly boast a foldable OLED display. The futuristic new smartphone will purportedly fold-out to the size of a tablet, creating a whole new category of mobile device similar to the two-in-one hybrids that have taken over the laptop-tablet segment of the industry. Samsung Galaxy X is expected to be in extremely limited supply. Some rumours suggest the South Korean company will only release the smartphone in its native market, before rolling-out worldwide later in 2018.
Extra traffic, crashes leading to regular delays on toll-free Port Mann Bridge The Port Mann Bridge has seen its fair share of delayssince tolls were lifted on September 1st, and it’s not just the extra traffic volume. The crossing is handling an extra 30-thousand trips per day, leading to more significant accidents and frustrations for drivers. Commuters like Charity Long — who drives between Maple Ridge and Vancouver — have seen the difference. “My commute into work is an extra 25 minutes a day and my commute home has been at least an extra half hour,” she tells NEWS 1130, blaming more traffic and more accidents since the tolls were eliminated on the Port Mann and Golden Ears bridges. Long almost wishes the province would start charging drivers for crossing them again. “Absolutely, it’s terrible,” she laughs. “It’s selfish but I want those tolls back on.” Jen Coles in the NEWS 1130 Traffic Centre reports on the Port Mann Bridge during the busy weekday commute and says the delays have noticeably increased along Highway One over the past six weeks. “There are definitely more collisions, more problems and more volume. Every day we are seeing an issue in that stretch between the Port Mann and the Iron Workers Memorial Crossing,” she says. “Now that we are into the fall we can see it is an increase in volume and, in turn, an increase in problems. People are not paying attention, they’re driving too fast and not leaving enough time and room, causing problems.” Coles says callers to *1130 have been frustrated. “We went from a
bridge that was not seeing a lot of volume, with a quick commute through the Burnaby Lake stretch. When there was a problem it didn’t cause much of a back up — we hadn’t seen a back up into Surrey since the tolls were put in,” she explains. “When you remove the tolls you get more volume and more collisions and now people are late for work and they’re trying to race, which is only adding to the problems on the highway.” Those additional problems are not surprising to transportation expert Gordon Price at Simon Fraser University. “This is physics. Whether it’s atoms or automobiles, if you increase the number of units going the same speed in the same space, I think a physicist can probably work out exactly what you’re likely to see in the way of more collisions,” he says. Price suggests the return to longer
delays on the Port Mann Bridge likely won’t change if the region moves ahead with some form of road-pricing as a replacement for individual bridge tolls. “It really isn’t reasonable or fair to think that tolling should only be on bridges, and certainly not for only parts of the region,” he adds. “But how you do it fairly across a whole region in a way that all transit users and drivers feel is fair — that’s the political challenge.” Price expects Metro Vancouver and the province to move forward with some form of mobility pricing — paying for distance travelled — as a replacement for bridge tolls. “One way or the other, new technologies are going to allow us to properly price the use of the road or any form of transportation in a way that better reflects what the real value is,” Price says. “Making the right choices is
what the mobility pricing commission is looking at and ultimately what our political leaders are going to have to decide on.” Meantime, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Claire Trevena says increased traffic across the Port Mann was expected after tolls were removed. “We removed tolls because we wanted to make sure that people were being treated equitably, so that people living anywhere in the Lower Mainland weren’t having to pay an unfair charge to cross a bridge just because of where they lived,” she explains. “In that respect we’re seeing a huge success, people have been clearly, clearly showing how much they have wanted to use these bridges which indeed has caused congestion.” Trevena expects the congestion to balance out over the next while. She adds a commission put together by the Mayors’ Council is looking at road pricing options, and are expected to submit recommendations next year. “When they do report that it’s something we will look at but the issue of tolls was to deal with an equity issue –the fact that certain people living in certain parts of the Lower Mainland were being penalized simply because of where they lived.” When asked about a possible increase in the number of collisions, Trevena says the province is always concerned about that issue, as well as how it may affect ICBC rates. She adds provincial campaigns are trying to target distracted and dangerous drivers. Source: News 1130
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
October is Islamic History Month
slamic History Month Canada is an educational and cultural project originated, developed and sponsored by the Canadian Islamic Congress. The objective of IHMC is to motivate and inspire Canadian Muslims to annually share their history, heritage and culture with fellow Canadians during one month, to be called the Islamic History Month Canada (IHMC). This goal is to be achieved through community and public events such as; exhibitions, lectures, celebrity tours, book fairs, and other complementary activities. This will be a month in which Canadian Muslims celebrate and share our diverse civilization,
including our contributions to the arts, sciences, medicine, architecture, humanities, music, spirituality, and every area of human knowledge. It will become a permanent part of Canada’s multicultural calendar with similar events across the country and will build bridges of understanding and appreciation between Muslims and all other C a n a d i a n s . Moreover, IHMC will enhance Canada’s ties, both economically and culturally, with other Muslim countries. The IHMC Advisory Board includes senators, public figures, academics, inter-faith activists and Muslim community leaders.
We enjoyed on Oct 9th Public holiday, but at least we should not know what is Thanksgiving Day? hanksgiving Day in Canada has been a holiday on the second Monday of October since 1957. It is a chance for people to give thanks for a good harvest and other fortunes in the past year. What Do People Do? Many people have a day off work on the second Monday of October. They often use the three-day Thanksgiving weekend to visit family or friends who live far away, or to receive them in their own homes. Many people also prepare a special meal to eat at some point during the long weekend. Traditionally, this included roast turkey and seasonal produce, such as pumpkin, corn ears and pecan nuts. Now, the meal may consist
of other foods, particularly if the family is of non-European descent. The Thanksgiving weekend is also a popular time to take a short autumn vacation. This may be the last chance in a while for some people to use cottages or holiday homes before winter sets in. Other popular activities include outdoor breaks to admire the spectacular colors of the Canadian autumn, hiking, and fishing. Fans of the teams in the Canadian Football League may spend part of the weekend watching the Thanksgiving Day Classic matches. Public Life Thanksgiving Day is a national public holiday in Canada. Many people have the day off work and all schools and post offices are closed. Many stores and other businesses
and organizations are also closed. Public transport services may run to a reduced timetable or may not run at all. Background The native peoples of the Americas held ceremonies and festivals to celebrate the completion and bounty of the harvest long before European explorers and settlers arrived in what is now Canada. Early European thanksgivings were held to give thanks for some special fortune. An early example is the ceremony the explorer Martin Frobisher held in 1578 after he had survived the long journey in his quest to find a northern passage from Europe to Asia. Many thanksgivings were held following noteworthy events during the 18th century. Refugees fleeing the civil war in the United States brought the custom of an annual thanksgiving festival to Canada. From 1879, Thanksgiving Day was held every year but the date varied and there was a special theme each year. The theme was the “Blessings of an abundant harvest” for many years. However, Queen
By:Jack Moore Saudi preacher has been banned from all religious activities after saying that women should not be allowed to drive because they have a quarter the brain of men. The cleric, Sheikh Saad al-Hijri, was banned for a statement that was “diminishing human value,” Saudi state television reported on Friday, citing a spokesman for the governor of Asir province. In a video, Hijri is seen asking what the local traffic department would do it if it came across a man with only half a brain. “Would it give him a license or not? It would not. So how can it give it to a woman when she has only half?” he asked in the video seen by Reuters. “If she goes to the market she loses another half. What is left? A quarter...We demand the
traffic department check because she is not suitable to drive and she has only a quarter.” Saudi Arabia conforms to a strict, ultraconservative form of Sunni Islam and imposes a draconian system of guardianship on women, whereby they must receive a man’s permission before doing certain basic activities like leaving the house. Views toward women driving in Saudi Arabia, the only country in the world that prohibits them from doing so, may be changing. In May, Saudi prince and former education minister, Prince Faisal Bin Abdullah, said in an interview that he had “no doubt” that women would one day drive in the oil-rich country.“Let me tell you about our leadership’s view on women,” he said. “Never mind driving a car, which is coming no doubt...I want her to drive society.” He continued: “Maybe some people are
afraid of change, but it is inevitable.” In September 2016, thousands of Saudis signed an online petition that called on Riyadh to end the male guardianship system by which a father or husband gives his consent for a woman to do things such as opening a bank account. Saudi Arabia has long faced Western criticism over the lack of opportunity and equality in society for women, and repressive policies toward them. But Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is pushing a modernization project, Vision 2030, which aims to give women more opportunities and wean the country off its oil dependence and diversify its economy. The Gulf kingdom’s ruling monarchy is now taking steps to at least address the number of women in the workforce, permitting them to train as air traffic controllers for the first
Victoria’s golden and diamond jubilees and King Edward VII’s coronation formed the theme in later years. From the end of the First World War until 1930, both Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Day were celebrated on the Monday closest to November 11, the anniversary of the official end of hostilities in World War I. In 1931, Armistice Day was renamed Remembrance Day and Thanksgiving Day was moved to a Monday in October. Since 1957, Thanksgiving Day has always been held on the second Monday in October. Symbols Thanksgiving Day in Canada is linked to the European tradition of harvest festivals. A common image seen at this time of year is a cornucopia, or horn, filled with seasonal fruit and vegetables. The cornucopia, which means “Horn of Plenty” in Latin, was a symbol of bounty and plenty in ancient Greece. Turkeys, pumpkins, ears of corn and large displays of food are also used to symbolize Thanksgiving Day. www.timeanddate.com
time, Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the country’s state news agency, reported last week. The presence of women in the wider Saudi workforce is already increasing. New figures from the Ministry of Labor and Social Development show that the number of women in private-sector roles has increased 130 percent between 2012 and 2016. http://www.msn.com/
Saudi Cleric Banned For Women ‘Quarter-Brain’ Jibe
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
Citizenship Week is here! Tell us what being a Canadian means to you.
Ottawa, ON – Citizenship Week is being celebrated across Canada from October 9 to 15, 2017. As we continue to mark Canada 150 by celebrating our citizenship, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada invites you to be part of making Citizenship Week even bigger this year by reflecting on what it means to be a Canadian. This year’s Citizenship Week is particularly special as we are also celebrating recent changes to the Citizenship Act that make acquiring citizenship more flexible and accessible, help strengthen diversity and promote greater attachment to Canada. There are many ways you can celebrate Citizenship Week this year. Share stories of your citizenship journey and photos or video of your citizenship ceremony with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #CitizenshipWeek. Your photos, videos and stories will help others join in the conversation. Keep an eye out on social media for video testimonials from well-known Canadians sharing what being Canadian means to them. Everyone is also invited to attend one of the many citizenship ceremonies where you can reaffirm your citizenship in celebration of Canada 150 and Citizenship Week. Details of ceremonies in your area can be found at Canada.ca/celebrate-citizenship.
“During Citizenship Week, I encourage everyone to engage and inspire each other, and celebrate our shared values, our achievements and our pride as Canadians. This is a great time to reflect on what it means to be a Cana-
dian and to be part of the Canadian family.” -The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Quick facts •2017 marks the 70th anniversary of Canadian citizenship. •On October 11, 2017, changes to the Citizenship Act resulting from Bill C-6 become law. These changes include: reducing the time permanent residents must be physically present in Canada before applying; amending the age range for applicants who must meet the language and knowledge requirements; and counting the days applicants spend in Canada as temporary residents or protected persons as half days toward their physical presence requirements, up to 365 days. •In the past 10 years, Canada has welcomed over 1,750,000 proud new Canadians. •So far in 2017, 70,000 people have become Canadian citizens. This year during Citizenship Week, more than 4,000 people will become Canadian citizens at 49 ceremonies across Canada Minister’s Office Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Government of Canada implements new legislative changes to the Citizenship Act Ottawa, ON – As part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to provide greater flexibility in meeting requirements for those who wish to obtain Canadian citizenship, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced today a significant milestone in implementing changes to the Citizenship Act through the adoption of Bill C-6. Further to changes introduced upon Royal Assent which repealed certain provisions of the former government’s Bill C-24, important changes to physical presence and the age required to meet language and knowledge requirements for permanent residents who are applying for citizenship will come into effect on October 11, 2017. The new requirements will give more flexibility to both younger and older eligible immigrants to obtain citizenship. They will also help individuals who have already begun building lives in Canada achieve citizenship faster. Citizenship applicants who meet the new requirements must wait until October 11, 2017, before applying for citizenship. This is the date when the changes come into effect, and when the new citizenship application forms and guides will be available. More changes to the Citizenship Act are expected to take effect later this year and in early 2018. For a complete list of past, current and future changes to the Citizenship Act and their effective dates, please read the Bill C-6 Backgrounder.
“One of the strongest pillars for successful integration into Canadian life is achieving Canadian citizenship and becoming part of the Canadian family. The Government encourages all immigrants to take the path towards citizenship and take advantage of everything that being a Canadian has to offer.” The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Quick facts
•Bill C-6, an Act to amend the Citizenship Act and make consequential amendments to another Act, received Royal Assent on June 19, 2017. •The latest set of amendments to the Act taking effect October 11, 2017, will also include aligning the number of years applicants need to file Canadian income taxes (if required to do so under the Income Tax Act) to three out of five years, to match the changes to the physical presence requirements. •Some changes to the Citizenship Act took effect immediately upon Royal Assent on June 19, 2017. They include: repealing of the ability to revoke citizenship from dual citizens convicted of crimes against the national interest; no longer requiring applicants to intend to continue to reside in Canada once granted citizenship; and making it easier for minors to apply for citizenship without a Canadian or permanent resident parent. •More changes expected to take place later in 2017 and 2018 include strengthening the citizenship revocation process so that the Federal Court is the decision-maker on most cases, and giving clear authority under the Citizenship Act for citizenship officers to seize fraudulent or suspected fraudulent documents.
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
hea l th
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
ctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Canada. Each year in Canada, October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among Canadian females, affecting thousands of women and their families each year. In 2008, an estimated 22,400 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 5,300 will die of it. One in nine women is expected to develop breast cancer with the risk increasing significantly after the age of 50. One in 28 will die from the disease. Although, since the mid-1990s, the incidence of cancer and death has declined, it continues to be a life-threatening issue for thousands of Canadian women. The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) continues to encourage its 340,000 members to take an active part in the fight to end this disease. An estimated 170 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 50 will die of it. Breast cancer death rates have declined by 25% since 1986. Incidence and death rates for breast cancer have declined since 1969 in women aged 20-39. Survival has been improving gradually. Today survival ranges between 87% and 89% for women aged 40 and older. For women under 40, survival is 81%, excluding Quebec. What you can do Many women are alive and well today because their breast cancer was detected and treated early. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends that women: • Have a mammogram every 2 years if you are between the ages of 50 and 69. If you are between the ages of 40 and 49, discuss your risk of breast cancer and the benefits and risks of mammography with your doctor; • Have a clinical breast examination by a trained health professional at least every two years if you are between 40-69; • If you are 70 or older, talk to your doctor about a screening program for you; • Talk to your doctors about any changes. There is no single cause of breast cancer but there are certain factors that may appear to elevate the risk. These include: • Age – Risk of diagnosis increases as a person ages • Personal history – If a person has previously battled the disease • Family history – Especially if a mother, sister or daughter has encountered breast cancer • Family history of ovarian cancer • Taking hormone replacement therapy for more than five years• Dense breast tissue • Other possible risk factors – Poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and obesity Sometimes, women develop breast cancer without any of these risk factors. A lot of women affected by breast cancer don’t have a family history of the disease. Even more surprising, some women have risk factors and never encounter the disease. Unfortunately, because of this uncertainty, early detection means a lot. Health professionals recommend that you see them if you find any changes with your breasts such as: • Size and shape • If you find a lump on your breast or a lump in your armpit area • Skin changes on your breast (such as peeling) • Physical changes you find in the appearance of the nipple Here are 9 ways to change your life: 1. Eat Fruit You can’t go wrong with this – almost all dietary advice comes down to the single instruction to eat more fruit and veg. Diet is thought to be a key factor in one in four cancer deaths – and animal fat in the diet is the suspect ingredient in breast cancer. The Japanese, who eat a diet of fish, rice and vegetables that is extremely low in animal fat, also have low rates of breast cancer. A high-fat diet increases the levels of the female hormone oestrogen in the blood, which encourages the growth of cancer cells. In populations with a high-fat diet, women tend to start their periods earlier and reach menopause later so they are exposed to high levels of oestrogen for longer, increasing their risk of breast cancer. Studies into what effect eating fruit and vegetables has on breast cancer have produced mixed results. One study found that, when combined with taking exercise, the
results were dramatic. Published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology last June, it showed that women who ate their five portions a day and walked briskly for at least 30 minutes halved their risk of breast cancer. 2. Walk It is enjoyable, simple and requires no equipment. Walking is good for all aspects of physical and mental health – and cancer is no exception. Brisk walking (or other exercise) for 30 minutes a day, five times a week, is all that’s needed. Currently only one in four women manages this. If all women did, Cancer Research UK estimates it would prevent 1,400 cases a year. Three large studies in Italy and the US showed that inactivity caused 11 per cent of cases of breast cancer. Exercise works best before the menopause, but it is effective afterwards, too. It is thought to alter oestrogen metabolism, resulting in a weaker version being made. 3. Avoid HRT Hormone replacement therapy is seen as the principal avoidable risk for breast cancer. At the height of its popularity, in 2002, an estimated two million women were taking HRT in the UK, and millions more worldwide. Tens of thousands of women will have developed breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer (of the lining of the womb) as a result. Overall, women currently taking HRT are 63 per cent more likely to develop these three cancers than those who are not. Earlier hopes that these risks would be counterbalanced by a reduction in heart disease have not been borne out. Gynecologists recommend that women who wish to use it to ease the symptoms of the menopause do so for as short a time as possible. 4. Get screened Women diagnosed with breast cancer at the earliest possible stage have a nine in 10 chance of a successful recovery. This is the rationale for screening – to detect a tumour by mammography when it is still too small to feel. Women aged 50 to 70 are invited for screening every three years – shortly to be extended to ages 47 to 73. It is estimated that the scheme saves 1,400 lives a years in England – one life for every 500 women screened. However, there is a downside in the shape of false alarms. Screening picks up abnormalities in the breast that look like cancer but turn out not to be. Several thousand women each year suffer the anxiety and discomfort of being recalled for further tests and undergoing biopsies of the breast to check for cancer – before being given the all-clear. Screening is now more accurate, since two views of the breast are taken, reducing the chances of cancers being missed. 4. Give birth Having children, especially before the age of 30, helps protect against breast cancer. It is down to those hormones, again. Over the last century, economic progress has led to delayed childbirth and smaller families as women with their own careers have sought to balance the demands of work and home. But researchers estimate that delaying childbearing increases the risk of breast cancer by 3 per cent for each year of delay. 5. Breast-feed Breast-feeding protects against breast cancer, as well as being best for the baby. But smaller families and the rise in the number of working mothers has meant the time spent breastfeeding has reduced. Breast-feeding for six months reduces the risk, experts say. Yet many women never get that far. In England, 77 per cent of mothers start breast-feeding but more than a third switch to bottle-feeding in the first six weeks. 6. Lose weight Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer – but only after the menopause. A large European study called Epic found postmenopausal women who were obese had a 31 per cent high-
er risk of breast cancer than women with a healthy weight. Reducing obesity could save 1,800 cases of breast cancer a year. Obesity increases the risk of other cancers including those of the bowel, womb, kidney and oesophagus. Overall it is estimated that 7. per cent of cancers in women and 3 per cent in men are due to being obese or overweight. In the UK, 12,000 people might avoid getting cancer each year if they maintained a healthy body weight. 7. Get a stressful job (really) A 2005 Danish study published in the British Medical Journal found high levels of daily stress reduced the risk of the disease by 40 per cent. The researchers suggest that stress may be beneficial by reducing levels of oestrogen. They draw a distinction between daily stress of the sort experienced by women in high-pressure jobs and stressful life events such as bereavement, which have previously been linked with an increase in cancer. Stress can have other damaging effects, too – on the heart, for example, and by increasing the risk of compensatory behaviour. 8. Live somewhere clean It has long been claimed that exposure to pollutants used in the manufacture of products from plastics to cosmetics has an “endocrine disrupting” effect. A report from the World Wide Fund for Nature last year claimed their role in breast cancer had been neglected. It pointed out that less than half of new breast cancer cases can be explained by genetic and lifestyle factors and chemicals in the environment could be the missing link. Other studies have contradicted this suggestion and experts point out that compared with the natural levels of oestrogen in a woman’s blood, the level of the chemicals is too small to have significant impact. Still, moving to an unpolluted region is unlikely to do harm and could encourage tother beneficial changes, such as eating healthily, exercising more, and drinking less. Don’t be nervous or anxious about finding changes in your breasts. Often these changes may not be related to cancer – but it’s worth-
while to tell your doctor as soon as possible New results from breast cancer clinical trial show non-breast cancer related causes account for most deaths. New findings from a landmark breast cancer clinical trial involving the drug letrozole show that, in this group of patients, women were more likely to die from non-breast cancer-related causes than from breast cancer-related causes. The research team found that non-breast cancer related causes accounted for 60% of deaths. The top causes of death included: cardiovascular disease including stroke (15%), other malignancies (15%), infection (6%), multiple causes (5%), and non-cardiovascular organ failure (4%). The results were particularly striking for older women. Among women aged 70 years or older, non-breast cancerrelated causes accounted for 72% of deaths. The new results are published in the February 12 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The original study results were first published in The New England Journal of Medicine in October 2003 and involved 5,170 post-menopausal breast cancer survivors with a median age of 62 years (range 32 to 94 years). It determined that women who took letrozole for up to five years following 5 years of tamoxifen therapy experienced a significantly reduced risk of cancer recurrence. The clinical trial was coordinated by the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials group and was funded in part by the Canadian Cancer Society. Routine use of mammography and improved treatment for breast cancer will mean that more women will survive breast cancer at older ages, at which time they might have a higher risk of death from causes other than breast cancer, says Dr Judith-Anne Chapman, lead author of the study. “The study findings show that we are successfully treating women with breast cancer. However, the study also underscores the need to pay more attention especially to older women and the potential for death from other causes,” Dr Chapman says.
Deep Fried F I S H
Elegant Cooking By : Beenish B. B., Islamabad, Pakistan
1 Kg Fish Fillets 1/2 Cup Plain white flour 1 Cup Cornflour 3 Egg Whites (raw) 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 1/2 Teaspoon Mustard Powder 1/2 Teaspoon French Mustard paste 11/2 Teaspoon salt 2 Teaspoon white pepper powder 11/2 Cup Oil For Deep Frying Prepration: Beat the egg whites in a shallow bowl. Add apple cider vinegar mustard powder,mustard paste,salt and pepper. Marinate the fish fillets in it for 1 hour. In another bowl combine the plain white flour ,corn flour and baking powder. Roll the marinated fish fillets in flour mixture. Refrigerate them for 15 minutes before frying. Heat the oil in large frying pan. Lay the fillets into the skillet and deep fry till golden in color. Put them on paper towels. Serve hot with tartar sauce.
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
The 10 most critical problems in the world, according to millennials By:Tanza Loudenback n one survey, WEF asked respondents to name the three most serious issues affecting the world today. For the second year in a row, millennials are most concerned by climate change, followed by large-scale wars and religious conflicts. When asked who should be trusted to fix the issues plaguing the world, millennials said the responsibility belongs to international organizations and themselves. Below are the top-10 most concerning world issues, according to millennials. 10. Lack of economic opportunity and unemployment (14.2%)
in Europe and 11% in both Latin America/ the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa. 8. Lack of political freedom and political instability (15.5%)
Millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa (24.6%) and the Middle East/North Africa (23.4%) are most concerned with safety and well being around the world, while millennials in Latin America/the Caribbean are least concerned (12.8%). 5. Government accountability and transparency, and corruption (21.7%)
the Middle East/North Africa (45.1%), South Asia (44.1%), Eurasia (41.8%), and Europe (38.8%). 2. Large scale conflict and wars (38.5%) About 19% of millennials in East Asia/the Pacific are bothered by the lack of political freedom and stability in the world, followed by 18.9% of millennials in Eurasia. 7. Lack of education (16.5%)
About 32% of millennials in sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with world government issues, the highest of the sub-regions, followed by Latin America/the Caribbean (27%) and the Middle East/North Africa According to the WEF survey, millennials in (23.2%). Eurasia (54.3%) and the Middle East/North About 22% of millennials in Sub-Saharan 4. Poverty (31.1%) Africa (50.3%) are most concerned with Africa are concerned with unemployment global conflict. and the lack of economic opportunity in the North American millennials (21.8%) are 1. Climate change and destruction of natworld compared to just 8.3% of Eurasians. most concerned with lack of education ural resources (45.2%) 9. Food and water security (15.1%) around the world, followed by an equal percentage (19.7%) of millennials in Europe and Eurasia. Meanwhile, just 7% of millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with a lack of education. 6. Safety, security, and well being (18.1%) Latin American and Caribbean millennials are most concerned with poverty (40.4%), followed by millennials in North America (33.9%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (33.6%). Millennials in Latin America/Caribbean 3. Religious conflicts (33.8%) (51.8%) and South Asia (49.3%) are most Many of the world’s millennials are largely concerned with global warming and climate concerned with religious conflicts, mostly in change.
North American millennials (27.3%) are most concerned by the global lack of food and water, followed by 21.5% of millennials
When is Diwali 2017, how do Hindus celebrate it and what are the festival of light’s origins?
By: Becky Pemberton ll you need to know about the Hindu festival which features fireworks, feasts and gifts THE festival of light is nearly here, with the five-day celebration observed by millions around the globe. Diwali will see homes be decorated with candles and lights and people sharing gifts but when is it taking place this year? When is Diwali 2017? The date of the festival is calculated according to the position of the moon and the Hin-
du lunar calendar and is usually in October or November. This means the date of Diwali changes each year and in 2017 the main date will be held on Thursday, October 19. The night before of Diwali is known as Narak Chaturdasi, and represents the day in which the Hindu demon Narakaasura died. Celebrations continue for five days and on the last day, Bhaiyadooj or Feast to brothers takes place. The day commemorates the bond between siblings with meals being hosted by sisters in honour of their brothers. Diwali is observed by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains around the world and is often celebrated by street parties and fireworks. Why is Diwali celebrated by Hindus? The five-day festival, which coincides with Hindu New Year, is seen to be one of the most significant in the Indian culture.
Many people celebrate the legend of Hindu God Rama and his wife Sita’s returning to their kingdom in northern India after being exiled following the defeat of demon king Ravanna. The word itself means “series of lights” and during the festival houses and shops are decorated with candles and lights. This is meant to represent light over darkness and the Hindu belief that good will always triumph over evil. For many Indians, Diwali honours Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and people will start the new business year at Diwali and some will say prayers to the goddess for a prosperous year ahead. What is the festival of light all about? Diwali is marked by huge firework displays, which are supposed to reflect the celebrations of Lord Rama’s return. Traditional earthen diyas or candles are lit,
and houses are decorated with colourful rangoli artworks – patterns created on the floor using coloured rice or powder. During the festival, families and friends share sweets and gifts and there is also a strong belief in giving to those in need. It is also traditional for homes to be cleaned and new clothes to be worn. Indian sweets which come in a range of colours and flavours are also eaten during the celebrations, as well as various rich savoury and sweet dishes. www.thesun.co.uk
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
THANKSGIVING!! Loss & Grief!
B y : Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker a p p y Thanksgiving to all of us! Hope all of you have really happy thanksgiving weekend celebrated in your respective ways.This is such a beautiful concept. I enjoyed it so much so that I would love to extend it throughout the year. Thank you!!!!!!!!! That’s what everybody likes to hear, isn’t it? Even God loves to hear it. It’s free, easy to give, rewarding. Then WHY don’t we? We say thank you most of the time in courtesy, as one of the magic words we are taught as a good behavior. These words should come from our heart. This is possible when we actually feel it understand its true meaning in deeper sense. ARE we the original creator? We earn lots of money, design or create something great, we are engineers, architects, artists, chefs….list is endless. Have we ever thought about who gives original resources? We can make high rise buildings, bridges, infrastructure….but who produces basic material iron? A chef can cook amazing tasty dishes but can he produce basic wheat or vegetables seeds? We should be thankful to the creator of this amazing universe first. Secondly, we should be thankful to our parents for putting our needs first and then the dreams of their own life. Our teachers, friends, neighbors, relatives, any person doing our work well, and going out of way to help us…..the list is endless. It
is very important to acknowledge that universe runs better with everybody helping each other by the balance of giving and taking. This awareness makes us feel grateful thus makes us kind, polite and teaches us tolerance and humbleness. When we value the people, things and circumstances, we are better human beings. We respect others and ourselves more. When we understand the importance and value of time and people, we learn to prioritize, we learn to progress with rightfulness. This feeling of thankfulness clears the dust of ego, selfishness, self-centeredness in ourselves. This helps relationships better. When parents feel thankful for being blessed with children, they will pay more attention to their children with awareness, not just be a parent. When children feel thankful for their parents, love, care and sacrifices they will be working more hard to be worthy of it. Thankful citizen. When we feel thankful for rights and favors, we enjoy as citizens. We will be more aware of our duties towards a country, the place we are living. We will strive to make it a better place, better environment for our future generations and exactly that is the reason to vote. Please vote and choose your representatives. For any inquiries please email at :asmashums@gmail.com
Marriage: A Safe Haven
Shabnam Khan – Family Counsellor
rief is a somewhat complicated and misunderstood emotion. Yet, grief is something that, unfortunately, we must all experience at some time or other. We will all inevitably experience loss. Whether it is a loss through death, divorce or some other loss, the stages of grieving are somewhat the same. There are five stages of grief. If we get stuck in one stage or the other, the process of grieving is not complete, and cannot be complete. Thus there will be no healing. A person most likely goes through five stages to be well again, to heal. Not everyone goes through the stages at the same time. It is different for each person. You cannot force a person through the stages, they have to go at their own pace, and you may go one step forward then take two steps backward, but this is all part of the process, and individual to each person. The following five stages must be completed for healing to occur: 1-Denial-”this can’t be happening to me”, looking for the former spouse in familiar places, or if it is death, setting the table for the person or acting as if they are still in living there. No crying. Not accepting or even acknowledging the loss. 2-Anger-”why me?” feelings of wanting to fight back or get even with spouse of divorce, for death, anger at the deceased, blaming them for leaving. 3-Bargaining-bargaining often takes place before the loss. Attempting to make deals with the spouse who is leaving, or attempting to make deals with God to stop or change the loss. Begging, wishing and praying for them to come back. 4-Depression-overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, selfpity, mourning loss of person as well as the hopes, dreams and plans for the future. Feeling lack of control, feeling numb. Perhaps feeling suicidal.
5-Acceptance-there is a difference between resignation and acceptance. You have to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. Realization that it takes two to make or break a marriage. Realization that the person is gone (in death) that it is not their fault; they didn’t leave you on purpose. (even in cases of suicide, often the deceased person, was not in their right frame of mind) Finding the good that can come out of the pain of loss, finding comfort and healing. Our goals turn toward personal growth. Stay with fond memories of person. Get help. You will survive. You will heal, even if you cannot believe that now, just know that it is true. To feel pain after loss is normal. It proves that we are alive, human. But we can’t stop living. We have to become stronger, while not shutting off our feelings for the hope of one day being healed and finding love and/or happiness again. Helping others through something we have experienced is a wonderful way to facilitate our healing and bring good out of something tragic. For any inquiries please email at shabnam@skcounselling.ca
By: Maitree Baral ‘5 years ago, I was shot in an attempt to stop me from speaking out for girls’ education. Today, I attend my first lectures at Oxford,’ tweets Malala. Ever since Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai, has joined her first lectures at Oxford University on Monday (9 October 2017) twitter has not stopped for a while, even, to congratulate the 20 year old. Malala (meaning grief-stricken), shot to international fame when she was nearly killed by Taliban in 2012; an anonymous diary written by her under the pseudonym Gul Makai caught attention and she was only 11 years old. In October 2012, 15 years old then, she was shot in head by Taliban gunman. After the nearly fatal attack her crusade for girls’ education got a global recognition. In 2013 she was named in TIME magazine’s most influential people and in 2014 she became the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winne, On 17 August 2017 more than a month after she joined Twitter, Malala took to the social media platform to reveal that she has been
accepted into the Oxford University and will be studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics. ‘So excited to go to Oxford!! Well done to all A-level students - the hardest year. Best wishes for life ahead!,’ she tweeted. Post treatment in UK, she relocated to Birmingham where she attended Edgbaston High School and completed her schooling in July 2017. Earlier this year, she has been named as the youngest UN Messenger of Peace. www.ndtv.com
Malala Attends Oxford University; 20 Year Old Nobel Laureate’s Journey So Far
By: Naima Shaikh
fter witnessing countless unsuccessful or tumultuous marriages amongst family and friends I decided to write an article about marriage. What is marriage? On the Facebook site: Lessons learned in life Inc. It states the following quote: “A relationship should be a safe haven not a battle zone.” That is my definition of marriage a safe haven. A good example of this definition comes from Prophet Muhammed’s marriage with hazret Khadijah when the prophet first received wahi the first person he confided what he had witnessed was to his wife Khadijah who comforted him and reassured him that he wasn’t going crazy and that he had in fact been chosen by God to carry out his work. In western media one of the main frictions in marriage is cited as money. In Islam it says in the Qur’an 4:34 “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means…” But what happens when the husband does not have money or has very little money. Again we turn to the Prophet’s life for example. On one occasion the Prophet’s wives demanded money and goods to which the Prophet responded by saying if they want money and goods he is willing to divorce them and will personally find rich men and marry them off to them. The wives responded by retracting their demand for money and goods and chose to stay married to him.There is also the example of Khadijah who was a very wealthy lady and the Prophet’s wife she spent her money
generously on the Prophet and the cause of Islam. There is also example of Hazret Aisha and other wives of the Prophet who went without food for days but remained steadfast partners for the Prophet. There is also the example of Hazret Asiya (Prophet Ayoub’s wife) she shared a rich prosperous life with Prophet Ayoub but when difficult times struck in the form of poverty and sickness she worked in people’s houses and supported Prophet Ayoub in every way, mean and manner she could. But in the face of adversary not all women respond like Hazret Khadijah and Hazret Asiya. Prophet Ayoub had several wives when difficult times came namely poverty and sickness they all left him except Hazret Asiya who was a very pious lady. Life has its ups and downs when looking for a spouse husband or wife in my opinion one should keep this in mind and look for a spouse on the basis of their religiosity not for someone who is only going to be there for the good times and is nowhere to be found when difficulties arise. Or turns into a hideous monster when poverty or sickness strike.Living in this day and age where social ills are rampant I strongly urge everyone whether single or married to read Prophet Muhammed’s biography and biographies of other Prophets such as Ayoub and Yusuf and Yaqub to gain insight and inspiration from their lives and how to deal with various difficulties in life especially marital life. Please Note: The article though meant for both men and women focuses more on the role of women in marriage and monetary http://www.islamicity.org/ issues
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
The Power of Loving Support
ow a Caseworker Helped Lift a Newly-Arrived Refugee Family’s Spirit Farhad Ahura was 28 when his life turned upside down. A judge in his hometown of Isfahan found him guilty of gathering people in his home and preaching Bahaaism. His punishment was going to be death by hanging. Bahiism is a religion that was founded in Iran by Bahaiullah in 1863. Bahaiullah claimed to be the manifestation of God on earth. The Iranian government has deemed proselytizing this faith a punishable crime. Farhad knew this but hoped that the government won’t get a wind of his doings. On a cold winter’s day, Farhad managed to get released from prison on bail. That night, Farhad, his wife Aarizu and their six-yearold son walked miles to find a safe haven. The first month of their escape was the toughest. Little did Farhad know that his flight was going to last six long years which would take them first to Turkey, then to Canada. In Turkey, Farhad volunteered and helped interpret for Iranians like himself. Farhad and his family moved to Canada thanks to Canada’s refugee asylum program. Soon after their arrival, they visited the Muslim Food Bank to receive help with figuring out the first steps in their new home country. In the initial meeting, caseworker
Parvin Rouhani allowed Farhad and Aarizu to pour their hearts out. Farhad detailed the struggles he and his family had to endure over the past several years. It was clear to Parvin that this family suffered from a great deal of trauma and the best way she could help them was by providing emotional support. “It was really hard for them to find themselves,” Parvin recalled. “Speaking about their pastbrought tears to their eyes.” The first year in Canada was bittersweet for Farhad. On the one hand, he was celebrating his wife’s pregnancy. On the other hand, he was told by skin specialists in Vancouver that the skin deformities that were dismissed by Turkish doctors were in fact cancer. Though Farhad had sleepless nights worrying about his health prospects, he requested
Muslim Food Bank Success Stories Parvin not to tell Aarizu about his condition because he didn’t want to worry her. To help with her pregnancy, Parvin connected Aarizu with Sheway, a support organization for pregnant women which provided Aarizu with prenatal vitamins as well as a gift card. Parvin helped interpret for Aarizu and drove her back to her home. Parvin also answered many of Farhad and Aarizu’s questions ranging from weather-appropriate clothing to checking bus timing to even how to cross the street. SometimesParvin answered questions they hadn’t even asked. Parvin went the extra mile to bring out a positive flare within this family. She often spoke to Farhad and Aarizu about ways to distress themselves by using nature as a means of therapy. “I didn’t just help them with integration and life skills, I also helped them adopt a positive outlook on life,” Parvin said. “I said to them that just having an open mind will ensure that you receive what the universe has in store for you.” One of the most memorable experiences for Parvin was when she was in the car with Farhad, his wife and their 12-year-old son. Emotions were high as Farhad recounted the battles they fought to get to this point in their lives. Parvin wanted to break the ice so she asked Farhad to sing.
Farhad used to sing in Persian and Turkish before life took a toll on him. At first, Farhad was hesitant but after Aarizu insisted, he started his serenade. “I’d never experienced anything like that before,” Parvin recalls. “Believe it or not, all of us, including Farhad, broke down hearing him sing.” Though Farhad is still fighting his cancer, he is now hopeful that life will give him and his family another chance. These are real stories where our volunteers have an impact on members of our community helping them progress in their lives. InshaAllah next week we will bring you another story. Please join us to have a purpose in your life to make a difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters by coming to our events and registering as a volunteer or donating to your organization, the Muslim Food Bank and Community Services Society (usually referred to as Muslim Food Bank) at www.muslimfoodbank.com/donate. Our email is contact@muslimfoodbank.com and telephone number is 1-866-824-2525.
Stories for Muslim Kids Take me By Sheikh Dr Yasir Qadhi from the USA. n Ghana, a reporter for a Turkish newspaper was taking some video footage with a drone when it mistakenly landed in front of a poor man’s house. The man was delighted. He picked the drone* up and as he was returning it to the journalist, he asked,”Do you have one large enough to take me for Hajj*?” The reporter laughed. He took a photo of the man and posted the following image and the man’s question onto his Twitter page. SubhanAllah*! The tweet* went viral* and many people got
to know about the man’s wish. All the readers saw was the sincere man’s photo and the story. The story touched many hearts indeed. In one short question, the man was able to express a thought and desire that must have been growing inside of him for many decades. Lo and behold, Allah* soon answered the needy man’s du’aa*! Allah enabled Turkey’s Foreign Ministry, some charities and sponsors to come forward. They donated money to the man whose name we now know. He is called Al-Hassan Abdullah. And, guess what? Al-Hassan Abdullah will perform the Hajj this year. Alhamdulillah*! Moral: Just imagine the dream that Al-Hassan Ab-
dullah had. Can you picture how often and how sincerely he would have requested Allah to make this journey possible. He must have made many, many du’aa to Allah, asking Allah to make him go to Hajj. It must have seemed impossible for Al-Hassan Abdullah, but he did not give up making du’aa. He had no money, no passport, no means to get out of his village. And yet, out of nowhere, a small aerial* messenger came and landed in front of his house, a harbinger* of bigger news. This story reminds us of a quote from the Quran,“…And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon
Allah – then He is sufficient for him...” (Quran; 65:2 and 65:3) Whoever puts his trust in Allah, Allah will provide for him from where he never suspected. Du’aa is the weapon of the believer. The believer uses it to fight each and every battle, even those that seemed unwinnable. For when Allah wishes victory for you, no one can possibly defeat you. Allah will create armies for you. Allah will bring the world’s people and money to your doorstep to answer your call. OPEN
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Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
The Last Salute travels to Lahore
By: Maheen Nusrat nother simple yet elegant introduction of the last Salute was organized at the PAF Mess Lahore. By Sqn. Ldr. Shahid Hamid-course mate of Mr. Hussain. The event was managed beautifully by Mr. Hamid. Mavra Sajid, daughter of Sqn. Ldr. Sajid moderated the ceremony. Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Sajid Habib was the chief guest for the evening. Everyone was delight-
ed with surprise appearance of Wing Commander Yalmaz Salim Arshi, an instructor pilot from their cadetship days. Mr. Habib refused to be the chief guest and Sir Arshi chaired the program. AVM Sajid Habib remained the guest of honor to share the head table. The event adhered to the basic PAF traditions of respect for senior officers. It started with recitation of the Holy Quran and introduction of the book by Sqn. Ldr. Nusrat Hussain. He briefly talked about his romance with the PAF and flirting actions with his romance. Group Captain Majeed Shafqat, Naqvi, Minhas, Tariq Sheikh recounted the good old days while speaking on the occasion. Zubair, Tariq Deen and other course mates of Hussain also spoke on the occasion. Ishtiaq Rasool, Umair Gilani, Tariq Khan, Mansoor Khan, and other prominent persons of the PAF attended the ceremony. The ceremony was also attended by the family of Sqn. Ldr. Sajid and Ayesha Gilani. Sir Arshi termed the PAF as his first love. In the end
AVM Sajid Habib delivered a philosophical thought about the PAF. The ceremony ended with a brunch of Nihari, Chana, Halwa Puri and Purchase and signing of The last Salute by the author. Hussain offered special thanks to Shahid Hamid, Mavra Sajid, Tariq and Nadeem Rasheed who came from Sialkot. The Last Salute reaches the top man of Pakistan Air Force
Sqn.Ldr. Nusrat Hussain (Retd.) author of The Last Salute presented the book to Air Chief Marshal, Sohail Aman at Air House in Islamabad. The meeting was scheduled for 25 minutes, but stretched over time. Mr. Hussain briefed the Chief about his journey of writing the book. Air Chief Marshal also presented Hussain with the PAF Compass, an Air Force Manual authored by him.
Shaheer Niazi — teenager who put Pakistan on science map
AHORE: “No one has ever achieved much from staying within the confines of a system...you need to create your own path.” At the risk of sounding a tad affected, these sagely words from a seventeenyear-old student of A-Levels are an attempt to explain how he had managed to achieve a goal most of his cohorts would find unthinkable at their young age, and the message he wants to give students aspiring to build a career in science. Age, for Muhammad Shaheer Niazi, is a mere number that should never have to hold anyone back. The bespectacled curly-haired student from the Lahore College of Arts and Sciences (LACAS), Johar Town, A-Level Campus, got published a research paper in the journal, Royal Society Open Science, based on research he had conducted for the International Young Physicists’ Tournament in Russia last year. Speaking to Dawn, Shaheer recalls that while preparing for the tournament at the laboratories at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Dr Sabieh Anwar, who leads the PhysLab initiative, handed him a thermographic camera. Like most 17-year-olds, he began by taking his own pictures, but also caught on camera temperature differences on the surface of a layer of oil in an electric field between a pointed
electrode and a flat one (a honeycomb pattern appears on the layer of oil when high voltage is passed through). He used shadowgraphy to image the ion stream. This had not been done before. The team representing Pakistan at the Inment ternational Young Physicists’ Tourna was given the electric honeycomb phenomenon to present on and Shaheer’s twin sister, Khadija Niazi, was the team captain. He decided to write a paper on his findings but little did he realise what an arduous process it would be to make it publishable. The process of peer review, for example, took time. Professor Troy Shinbrot at the Rutgers University says, “I read Mr Niazi’s paper and thought it was really lovely work, but he needed help writing the manuscript in a publishable form. This was I think just a matter that the work was good, but the presentation needed polishing to strengthen his case. In the end, I referred him to a colleague, Dr Tapan Sabuwala, and the Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology, who generously agreed to spend the time working with Mr Niazi doing the necessary polishing. I’m very glad to see the work published.” Similarly, Dr Sabieh was all praise for Shaheer’s work. His website www.physlab. org carries the stories of all the team members who prepared for the tournament over
three months and worked on solutions to “mind-baffling physical phenomena” including: electric honeycombs, hot water geysers, rollers on rollers, magnetic trains, ultra-hydrophobic water, acoustic metamaterials and mechanical machines to generate random numbers. Smiling broadly, Shaheer says it was his mother’s dream for he and his sister to get papers published in journals. He received an acceptance letter for his paper shortly before his birthday last month. His sister Khadija Niazi got her paper published in the journal, NRC Research Press — a division of Canadian Science Publishing — last year. Her paper — Solving core issues of early physics education in Pakistan — addresses the problem of paucity of women interested in careers in pure physics and sciences, while discussing novel ways to reach a wider audience. “I see both of my children developing careers in research,” says Ayesha Ahmad, their mother. The twins are candid about how their mother was central to cultivating their interest in science and in pushing them to broaden their interests. Neither of the two wants to limit themselves to a single field. Shaheer, for example, is planning on conducting research into plant perceptions, which he admits is a controversial subject, but fits neatly with his interests in gardening
and horticulture. Khadjia, on the other hand, believes that strict career lines and specialisations only inhibit one’s intellectual curiosity. She is interested in bringing together seemingly immiscible disciplines (in her case, it is physics and journalism) to create something novel and get an increasing number of students in Pakistan interested in subjects that aren’t usually taught at schools. The twins are all praise for the help LACAS gave them to pursue their research interests — from providing a portion of funding for the tournament, to allowing Shaheer to wreak havoc in the labs. “Mother used to tell us to think big and think ahead,” Khadija says. “She made us brilliant.”
ordeal. “My sister was touched on her lower body and the next thing she realised she was bleeding,” he says. Serial attackers Pakistan has had its fair share of violent serial attacks. The infamous Hathora group and Chhalawa gang terrorised Karachiites in the ’80s and ’90s, known for smashing the skulls of their victims. In the late ’90s, there were reports of men with ustra/blade slashing the arms of women wearing short-sleeved shirts outside a major Karachi shopping mall. Back in 2007, it was the killing of Punjab minister Zille Huma that shocked the country. Her killer was not happy with her clothing. In 2012, a rickshaw driver in Karachi used to pick up women passengers, disembody them and throw away their body parts. While in 2016, news reports surfaced that a man was stabbing women in Rawalpindi. Similar to the Karachi attacks, a series of similar knife attacks were reported between 2013 and 2016 in Punjab’s Sahiwal district. “Almost 40 women were attacked in Chichawatni by a man on a motorbike using a sharp paper cutter,” says DIG East Sultan Khowaja. Waseem, the alleged attacker from Punjab, was released on bail last year. He has been declared an absconder and is wanted for the attacks.“His goal is to create fear and unrest,” the DIG adds. “The injuries and areas of attacks are all similar. He attacks them on the lower part of the body — near the waist, hip and thighs. He
controls the speed of his bike with the right hand and uses the left hand for attacks,” he elaborates. Information obtained from police and hospitals shows almost all women suffered injuries on their right side and were attacked from behind. “He is attacking women — young and old alike. He hasn’t shown any preference for women dressed in particular attire.” Fear and trauma The general feeling of unease and anger amongst the citizens is increasing. Working women acknowledged feeling overwhelmed and scared, many opting for rickshaws and cab services and not walking to bus stops. Female students of Karachi University and Habib University are avoiding walking alone. MPA Sharmila Farooqui says that these attacks have traumatised women. “So far the attacks are limited to one district and this is a good sign. Get the Rangers onboard. Search every motorcyclist in the area, have 24/7 patrolling and most importantly form mohalla committees to keep an eye on anyone suspicious,” she stresses. Dr Sameeha Aleem, a consultant psychiatrist, says “Collective fear is being instilled. “Many families have restricted the movements of women and girls to avoid any attacks but this is not a solution,” she explains. She elaborates that some of her female patients have expressed anxiety since the attacks have been reported and are showing worsening symptoms, including panic attacks.
Dr Aleem speculates the knifeman might be receiving commanding hallucinations to attack women if he has a psychotic disorder. “He could also be an individual who has witnessed violence and abuse at the hands of women and is now revengeful,” she conjectures. Challenge for police While the attacker plays hide-and-seek with the authorities, citizens hope for his quick arrest. “The real issue here is that these are all surprise attacks,” says security adviser Norbert Almeida. “He catches his victims by surprise — coming from behind, slashing them and then speeding away.” However, he too says that it’s safe to believe it is one person at the moment. “But in a city of 20 million, you can’t stop every single person on a bike and check for a weapon. That is the challenge the police faces,” he says. Source: dawn.com/news
Karachi’s serial ‘knifeman’ unleashes collective fear
By:Sumaira Jajja ARACHI: “I was walking with my children to a relative’s house when I felt a hand on the back of my thigh. I was shocked and froze — with anger and embarrassment — as the motorcyclist sped away. Cursing the eve-teaser, I hurriedly entered the house and it was when I felt pain in my thigh area. My clothes were wet with blood,” recollects Mrs Arif. A housewife and mother of three kids, she is one of the victims of the Karachi knife attacker who has so far injured more than 10 women in two weeks and has managed to elude the police. “It was a thin man wearing a red and black helmet and off-white shalwar kameez on a motorbike,” she recalls. “I was wearing a big, thick shawl that night and it saved me from severe injuries,” she adds. Despite the passage of several days since the attack, she admits she is still shaken. “I feel unsafe stepping out alone. The worst part of this attack has been the media frenzy. TV reporters showed up, asking how I felt. My nine-year old daughter is so traumatised,” she says.Mrs Arif ’s account is corroborated by another victim. A student of class VII, 14-year-old ‘T’ was walking to a shop with her mother and brother when the attack happened. “I felt someone’s hand slapped my hip. I cringed and hurried but then I was overcome with pain in my upper leg, as blood gushed out,” says T. et another victim’s brother narrated a similar
Muharrum 22. 1439 October 13, 2017
Dilruwan’s five-for seals memorable series sweep
Like waves breaking upon a cliff, Sri Lanka’s bowlers kept coming at Pakistan, until eventually, the hosts fractured and tumbled into the sea. So tantalisingly had the match been poised overnight, perhaps the ending was even a little anticlimactic. Sri Lanka’s margin of victory was 68 runs - a comfortable win by most standards. Though Sarfraz Ahmed and Asad Shafiq had begun confidently, the visitors needed only 5.5 overs to break that partnership, and about 90 minutes in all to wipe out the lower half of the Pakistan innings. The series had been swept, completely unexpectedly, 2-0. Dilruwan Perera was Sri Lanka’s primary bowling figure on day five, as he had been throughout the innings, claiming two further wickets to complete a fourth career five-wicket haul. He also took that vital wicket of Sarfraz to break the mighty resistance Pakistan’s sixthwicket partnership had mounted. Rangana Herath, who had had an uncharacteristically quiet fourth-innings until then, took two wickets of his own, and Suranga Lakmal had Shafiq caught at slip. After the battering Sri Lanka had received at home, at India’s hands, this series victory must surely rank among the most surprising results of their Test history. On the Sri Lankan balcony, support staff were ecstatic, while on the field Dinesh Chandimal led elated celebra-
tions. The joy was justified: not counting the win in a one-off Test against Zimbabwe, this was Sri Lanka’s first Test series victory in almost a year. Pakistan, meanwhile, have had a disappointing start to life post Misbah-ul-Haq and Younis Khan. Sarfraz and Shafiq needed to see out seven overs before the second new ball became available, but Sarfraz’s wicket exposed the tail prematurely. That Shafiq progressed to an outstanding 11th Test hundred was almost forgotten in the final wash-up. He finished on 112 off 176 balls. The partnership with Sarfraz was worth 173. For the first time, Pakistan have lost a Test series since moving base to the UAE. The previous four sessions of this match were practically dripping with drama, and day five also began with a little excitement. Shafiq glanced the second ball of the day to the fine leg fence to move into the 90s, before Sarfraz cracked a four behind point next over. Then, Sri Lanka had three near misses. Kaushal Silva swooped on the ball from point, but could not effect the direct hit that might have seen a diving Shafiq run-out for 95. A few balls later, Sarfraz had dragged his back foot out of the crease while attempting a sweep, but wicketkeeper Niroshan Dickwella could not quite get the bails off in time. Finally, after Shafiq had completed a century off the 151st delivery
he faced, Dimuth Karunaratne dropped him at slip off the bowling of Dilruwan. Hands began to go to Sri Lankan heads. Sarfraz and Shafiq had progressed so faultlessly on day four, that it seemed unlikely many more chances would come. Then, suddenly: the breakthrough. Dilruwan got a ball to drift in towards the batsman, and Sarfraz - aiming a hard, flat sweep - managed only to get a thick top-edge to the ball. The man at long leg, Nuwan Pradeep, almost got tangled up in his own legs, but did well enough to take the catch cleanly. With only seven deliveries to be bowled before the second new ball was due, Sri Lanka had struck. The remaining batsmen fell without notable resistance. Mohammad Amir was out to a Dilruwan slider off the ninth ball. Yasir Shah was stumped off Herath, attempting a giant heave. Lakmal shaped a ball away from Shafiq - who had not quite looked himself after getting to tri-
ple figures - and Kusal Mendis took another excellent tumbling catch at slip. The final batting act of the series belonged to Wahab Riaz. Attempting to wallop Herath out of the ground, he wound up only sending a catch high in the air, to Chandimal at cover. On Sri Lanka’s balcony, cricket manager Asanka Gurusinha broke into an uncharacteristically wide grin, and wrapped interim coach Nic Pothas up in a bear hug. For Sarfraz, it was a return to earth, after his captaincy had begun so successfully with the victory at the Champions Trophy. For Chandimal, a victory in the first full series he has captained - the Zimbabwe match was a one-off, and he had not played the first match against India - has helped put some belief in his team, a quality that had previously been lacking. A series that was enlivened by a litany of twists has thrown up a startling result. Source: Cricinfo
US fails to reach 2018 World Cup; Argentina breathes sigh of relief
For the first time since 1986, the US Men’s National Team will be watching the World Cup from home. Falling 2-1 to Trinidad and Tobago, the US failed to qualify for Russia 2018. An early own-goal from Omar Gonzalez set the tone for the defeat, before Alvin Jones doubled the Trinidad and Tobago lead on 37 minutes. Despite a fightback, which included a goal straight after the half-time break from 19-yearold Christian Pulisic, American hearts were to be broken, with the defeat plunging the Americans into fifth place in the CONCACAF table.
“We didn’t qualify for the World Cup,” USMNT head coach Bruce Arena said following the game. “That was my job. To get the team qualified for the World Cup ... This game in my view was perfectly positioned for the US team and we failed on the day,” Arena continued. “We have no excuses. We failed today. We should have walked off this field with at least a point.” The final round of qualifiers in CONCACAF also saw Panama put Costa Rica to the sword, and Honduras eke out a 3-2 win against tabletopping Mexico.Source: CNN
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