The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Fasting on the Day of Arafah erases the sins of the previous year and the coming year.” (Sahih Muslim) “For every hair of the Qurbani, you will receive a reward from Allah (Most Exalted).” (Tirmidhi)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Fasting on the Day of Arafah erases the sins of the previous year and the coming year.” (Sahih Muslim) “For every hair of the Qurbani, you will receive a reward from Allah (Most Exalted).” (Tirmidhi)
Eid Al-Adha falls on the 10th day of the 12th month (Dhul Hijjah) of the Islamic calendar. This is the day when the pilgrims gather in Makkah by the millions come, after having completed many of the essential rites of Hajj, out of ihram and out of the restrictions that go with ihram (e.g. the restriction against putting on perfume, cutting nails or cutting beard or other hair). Ihram (which consists of two unstitched pieces of white cloth for men and any modest dress for women) symbolizes kafan, the white sheet in which the dead are wrapped in preparation of burial. The restrictions associated with ihram further reinforce this symbolism. When a pilgrim wears ihram on or before the 8th of Dhul Hijjah he or she symbolically passes to the OTHER SIDE (of the grave) and when on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah he or she comes out of ihram it is like a return to THIS SIDE. At this point the rest of the Ummah which had stayed behind on THIS SIDE joins the pilgrims through the festivities of `Eid AlAdha. Thus id al-adha is linked with Hajj, the “fifth pillar” of Islam just as id al-fitr is linked with fasting, the “fourth pillar”. But unlike id al-fitr which marks the end of fasting, `Eid Al-Adha does not mark the end of Hajj, which continues until the 12th or 13th of Dhul Hijjah, two or three days after the start of `Eid Al-Adha. `Eid Al-Adha is a kind of joining in Hajj by those who could not make it to Makkah. This “joining in” is done in two ways. First, through ‘id prayers. Just as the pilgrims have gathered in Makkah for remembering Allah in various ways, so also the rest of the Muslims gather in large numbers in their own cities and remember Allah through special prayers. Second, through sacrificing an animal. Just as many pilgrims (i.e. those that perform Hajj
at-Tamattu`, one of three types of Hajj) sacrifice an animal on 10th, 11th or 12th of Dhul Hijjah, so also the Muslims the world over perform sacrifices on one or the other of the same three days. All other rites of Hajj are bound with specific places, e.g. Tawaf with the Ka`bah and Sa`y with the hills of Safa and Marwah. But getting together and remembering Allah through prayers and Takbirs (calling ‘God is greater than anything else) and making sacrificial offerings is not so bound to any place. So the Muslims all over the world “join in” Hajj through these two types of actions. If id Al-Adha is linked with Hajj in this close way, then its primary significance must lie in the meaning of Hajj, especially the two Hajj rites that pilgrims perform during the three days of `Eid Al-Adha: sacrifice of an animal (Nahr) and stoning of the devils (rami al-jamarat). Nahr, as we all know, commemorates the exemplary manifestation of obedience and love shown to God by the prophet Ibrahim when he bowed to God’s command and prepared himself to sacrifice the dearest thing he had in his life, his son Isma`il. Such surrender to the will of God and love for Him is expected not just of prophets but of all believers, since all believers are expected to be “Muslims”, meaning those who surrender their wills to God and all believers are expected to “love God most of all” (2:165). Nahr is meant to remind us this stage of Islam and iman (inner conviction), if not to make us strive to reach it. Nahr also commemorates the mercy and love that God showed to Ibrahim when He stopped him before he actually sacrificed his most beloved son. This mercy and love of God for prophet Ibrahim is a manifestation of the mercy and love that He has for man generally and Nahr celebrates it. The second Hajj rite during the days of `Eid Al-Adha is stoning of three pillars that symbolize three devils or three manifestations of the Devil: batil (falsehood), kufr (rejection of God and His signs) and Zulm (oppression). This stoning clearly is meant to remind us of the need of jihad in its various forms against all kinds of forces of evil, jihad that occupied the lives of all the prophets and must occupy the lives of all true believers. This stoning is done again and again on three different days. This is meant to make the point the battle between good and evil is not a one
Qurbani means sacrifice.
Every year during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah, Muslims around the world slaughter an animal – a goat, sheep, cow or camel – to reflect the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail, for the sake of God.
At least one third of the meat from the animal must go to poor or vulnerable people. Traditionally, a Muslim would keep one third of the meat for their family and give the final third to their neighbours.
The significance of Qurbani
The practice of Qurbani can be traced back to the Prophet Ibrahim, who dreamed that God ordered him to sacrifice his only son, Ismail. In his devotion to God, Ibrahim agreed to follow his dream and perform the sacrifice. But God intervened and sent a ram to be sacrificed in Ismail’s place. Ismail was spared because Ibrahim proved he would sacrifice his son as an act of piety, despite the loss it would have caused
him. The continued practice of sacrifice acts as a reminder of Ibrahim’s obedience to God.
Eid-al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, is celebrated during the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, known as Dhul Hijjah –which translates as ‘Lord of the Pilgrimage’. It is during this month that pilgrims travel to Mecca in order to visit the Kaaba. Hajj is performed on the eighth, ninth and tenth days of the lunar month. Eid ul-Adha begins on the tenth and ends on the 13th.
Source: islamic-relief.org/
Question: 5579
Asalaam alaikum! I have been talking with other sisters about the dilemma about cooking with wine and using products that may contain alcohol as a preservative or naturally fermented by-products of small amounts of alcohol. We all undersand why Allah gave us the direction not to indulge in drinking and agree with it. Yes, when vanilla extract is used in cookies, or white wine is used in a stovetop preparation (over 400F), the alcohol as an intoxicating product doesn’t remain. Even alcohol left out in an open container evaporates. Pour some on a counter top nest to water and watch how long it takes to evaportate. The alcohol product will evaporate first. (We are all bioloy majors). The dilemma about using soy sauce that contains 1-2% of a natural fermentation by product to us seems ludicrous - as it is far more harmful to consume the synthetic soy sauce with all the preservatives. Soy sauce is a dip - a garnish - certainly not an intoxicating drink! Cooking with the product would most easily and quickly remove any alcohol content. -Salaam, Lori.
Supervised by Shaykh
Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Dear sister, thank you for your question and may Allah enlighten our hearts with the light of Islam. Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former
president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), states: Wine is haram according to the Quran and Sunnah. Allah Almighty says, ‘O you who believe, wine and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an abomination from the deeds of Satan. Leave it aside in order that you may receive felicity.’ (Al-Maidah: 90) Hence, it is not allowed for Muslims to use wine in any form or shape. Once cooked, it is true that the wine may not retain its alcoholic elements, but according to the Qur’an a Muslim must shun it and must not come near wine and drinking. Cooking food with wine or consuming such food may lessen the prohibition of wine in the minds of Muslims. For example, if the wine becomes vinegar, it becomes pure, but Muslims are not allowed to purchase wine, in order to make vinegar. In a similar fashion, one can say that it is not allowed for Muslims to mix or cook food with wine and if there is any food offered that was mixed or cooked with wine then Muslims should not consume it. If you are still in need of more information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Do keep in touch. May Allah guide us all to the straight path! Wassalam and Allah Almighty knows best.
(Source: islamicity.org/qa
time affair but a perpetual one and the believers need to engage in it throughout their lives with constancy. It is interesting to note that although stoning of the devils is done on three different days, many of us spent our `Eid Al-Adha without talking or thinking about it even once. Is this a manifestation of the fact that over the centuries we have somehow managed to remove from our consciousness the dynamic part of Islam? `Eid Al-Adha, like `Eid Al-Fitr is also a time for enjoyment and entertainment. This is not in contradiction to the extremely serious lessons taught to us by Nahr and throwing the pebbles. For, it is quite possible for a person to maintain a very serious outlook on life and engage in very serious struggle and at the same time indulge in a little light-hearted entertainment on the side.
Source: islamonline.net
aday marked on everyone’s calendar, Canada Day is a staple part of many Canadians’ experience, it holds meaning for everyone whether you’re an immigrant or a refugee or have been here for all your life yet it’s easy to forget that before any of us were here, the Indigenous were. This Canada Day, and all Canada Days, it’s important to shed some light on the experience of the Indigenous and the privilege that all of us have to be living on their unceded territory.
It’s important to recognize that the history of our land began long before the first Canada Day, Canada is a part of Turtle Island and is acknowledged as a diverse place. An important part of Canada Day is continuing to educate and be a part of the change that will work towards meeting our Truth and Reconciliation goals. Celebrating Canada Day can be problematic and for good reason, what are we celebrating in truth?
Regardless, it is every citizen’s duty to understand the history, significance, and meaning behind Canada Day so that they know what exactly it is they’re “celebrating”. Our country’s origins are rooted deeply in colonialism, assimilation, ethnic genocide and overall injustice so when July 1st comes around
every year, “celebrating” it with the appropriate intentions, knowledge, and understanding is extremely important.
In 1982, July 1st was dubbed Canada Day and officially became the national day to commemorate the state’s independence from Great Britain. Nowadays, citizens celebrate the occasion with fireworks, parties, and a sense of, often misplaced, pride. Yet, there is a significance to the celebration. Our horrific and maybe unforgivable past is not to say that Canada’s current diversity, acceptance, and direction in change isn’t something to celebrate. This Canada Day, the goal is to celebrate Canadian development from what our nation once represented and to acknowledge that change is in progress, and we are all expected to hold responsibility for what comes next.
A citizen’s responsibilities and duties are endless and with Canada Day approaching, our patriotism should motivate us to do better for our communities, our societies, and our country. Some are obligations, like obeying laws or paying taxes but those we are not obligated to do, society holds us accountable for. As a Canadian, I am aware of my right to vote or be informed for example. This means that for the benefit of myself and my peers, I should observe those rights. Now studies show that Cana-
dian ‘nationalism’ or patriotism differs significantly from that of the Americans or any other country in the world. First of all, Canadians have adopted a dual view on nationalism, surveys show it isn’t necessarily associated with the white supremacy or blatant racism that many Americans would think it is. In Canada, people accept it because it is equated with certain communities and they see it as a way to be helping vulnerable populations find their place in Canada. Our sense of pride is what should motivate us to fulfill those duties and responsibilities, such as voting or promoting diversity, or especially advocating for Truth and Reconciliation, because our patriotism isn’t meaningful unless it is directed in a relevant and worthwhile manner. Our misplaced pride should not have to be tolerated by those who suffered at the hands of our government and society at the time of residential schools and many other tragic instances that the Indigenous experienced because of our country. Celebrating Canada Day is controversial and protested event for a reason, and as Canadians, we have to be self-aware of our personal responsibility regarding our patriotism.
According to the latest census, Canada’s population has touched forty million. Have you considered whether
accept this reality for our children. We will not give up. The fight is nowhere near over. But we need your help.
public facilities have increased with population growth or not?
On the other hand, rising inflation across the world has had a big impact here as well. And the price of everything is skyrocketing. The middle class seems to be worried about their limited income.
The current Trudeau government looks weak, while Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre is looking to strengthen his party.
Problems in BC and especially Surrey. Tax payers money has been wasted for two years in property tax, RCMP and SPS cycles isssues.
Many projects in the city have been closed after studied. on the other hand LGBTQ has become a new issue.
There are protests against this new school policy in every city but no good news has been heard yet. This is the worst example of deviation from nature which is being tried to be enforced by force.
Not only in North America, but also in Europe, there are protests against it. The destruction of nature in the name of freedom is a prelude to destruction and great destruction. We all have to stand against it and stop it. . Email the MP and MN of your area about this Laysa Lil Insana illa ma’ sa’aa
That man can have nothing but what he strives for.
Asalamu alaikum / Peace be upon you,
After coming after Muslim women who wear a hijab, the Quebec government is now after our children.
There is nothing more important in our work than the protection of our
An acronym used to describe lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning persons or the community. Avoid using the term “gay community,” as it does not accurately account for the community’s diversity.
NBTA trying to get clarity from department, child advocate says minister’s words don’t count, legally.
Teachers and school staff are facing a conundrum: the minister of education says it’s now forbidden to respect a child under 16’s chosen name and pronoun, even informally or verbally, without parental consent. But the changes he introduced to the policy on gender identity are not as explicit. So should employees follow the written policy or the
children from Islamophobia. We are at a historic juncture in that battle. The Quebec government has taken the extraordinary step of making it illegal for our kids to pray in public schools.
Salaat has been banned. We cannot
minister? Child and youth advocate Kelly Lamrock said when in doubt, the policy prevails. “Law doesn’t really work like that. If you’re serious, you put it in the policy,” said Lamrock, a lawyer and former education minister. “Saying it in an interview, he might as well be hollering into the speaker at a Starbucks drivethru. It doesn’t really have any legal impact.” Lamrock said his office will be preparing a document based on established law to guide teachers. That document can also be used as a defence if any teacher faces repercussions for respecting a child’s expression of gender identity.
“There are legal issues as to what you owe children for privacy, or respect for them, in daily interactions.”
Gender identity and expression are also protected under the federal and provincial Human Rights Acts. The province introduced contro-
This is a huge battle that we will see to the very end. It isn’t just a battle for the Muslim community. It is a fight for religious freedoms, enshrined in the constitution. It is also a battle to protect our children from being bullied by a govern-
ment, simply for being who they are.We will not let the Quebec government police the spiritual lives of our children. We will not let the Quebec government break their collective spirit. Rest assured: We will fight for our community. We will fight for our children. Stand with us.
Wasalam, By: Stephen Brown CEO of NCCMMiracle Media Group Inc.©
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I mportant note:
versial changes to Policy 713, which sets out minimum standards for providing a safe learning environment for LGBTQ students, last week.
Lamrock released a report this week calling for the reversal of all changes as some of them are “inadvertently discriminatory.”
The New Brunswick Teachers’ Association, the New Brunswick Women’s Council, the union representing school psychologists and a human rights expert have all said they don’t see a ban in the way the changes are worded in Policy 713. The policy previously made it
mandatory for teachers to respect all students’ chosen name and pronoun verbally, even if the parents hadn’t been consulted.
That section no longer applies to children under 16, and it has not been replaced by any other rules about what teachers should do when a student 15 years or younger requests to be verbally referred to by a different name or pronoun. The policy has always required a parent’s consent for official name changes for students under 16 — on report cards, class lists and school systems.
This section has not changed... Source: vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca
Letters to the editor and Articles do not reflect the opinion of the Miracle media group. We do not publish anonymous letters or the letters of the people who do not disclose their identity to ‘The Miracle.’ A writer can use a pen name or request ‘The Miracle’ to withhold his / her identity. Please include your daytime telephone number for the confirmation of your letter. We regret the inconvenience.
The Miracle requests to all readers to respect any published Islamic material including Allah’s name and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and quranic verses. Please recycle those pages and avoid throw them in the garbage.
The Royal Canadian Air Force has released the names of the two pilots killed in the military helicopter crash near Garrison Petawawa this week. The CH-147F Chinook crashed into the Ottawa River in Petawawa, Ont. during a night training exercise just after 12 a.m. on Tuesday. The bodies of the two pilots reported missing after the crash were recovered from the water Tuesday evening. On Friday, the RCAF identified the victims as Capt. David Domagala of Woodstock, Ont. and Capt. Marc Larouche of Amos, Que. Domagala, 32, served in the Canadian Army Reserve before applying to become a pilot. After graduating from the Royal Military College, he completed pilot training and was posted to the 450 Helicopter Squadron in 2019. Larouche, 53, earned a private pilot’s license before joining the Royal Canadian Air Force as a pilot. The RCAF says Larouche served with several squadrons, flying the CH-135 Twin Huey, CH-146 Griffon and CH-147F Chinook
helicopters.The two other crew members onboard the Chinook were treated for minor injuries and released from hospital. The Royal Canadian Air Force’s Directorate of Flight Safety continues to investigate the cause of the crash. On Friday, the 450 Tactical Squadron, based at CFB Petawawa, resumed flying activities with the CH-147 Chinook.“RCAF will reconsider the flying status of the fleet if circumstances arise that warrant a change,” RCAF said in a statement... Source: ottawa.ctvnews.ca
OTTAWA - Forecasters are expecting the Bank of Canada to move ahead with another interest rate hike in July, even as they expect the annual inflation rate to slow significantly. Statistics Canada is set to release its consumer price index report for May on Wednesday, providing the most up-to-date inflation reading ahead of the Bank of Canada’s interest rate decision on July 12.
“I think this release is probably going to be a fairly optimistic one for inflation, in the sense that we are expecting the inflation rate to go down below four per cent,” said James Orlando, TD’s director of economics. On the food inflation front, Orlando is also hopeful that price increases may be slowing more meaningfully. “We haven’t had the same deceleration of food prices as the U.S. has had on a monthly basis recently. And so that’s something that you’re kind of hoping that’s gonna start coming through in Canada as well,” he said. In April, grocery prices were 9.7 per cent higher than a year ago. Inflation ticked slightly higher to 4.4 per cent in April, marking the first increase since last summer. The report sparked concern at the Bank of Canada that progress on inflation was slowing, despite its aggressive interest rate hikes since March 2022...Source: ctvnews.ca
An activist who has been tortured for defying a dictator has been flagged as a national security risk by Canada’s immigration officials, after she participated in international efforts to hold Syria accountable for human
rights violations. Noura Aljizawi, a prominent Syrian human rights defender, was previously arrested for criticizing the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad. After leading anti-government protests during the Arab Spring, she was arrested and tortured with electric cables. After the unrest in Syria devolved into civil war, Aljizawi was chosen to represent opposition parties in failed negotiations to end the conflict. In an interview with CTV National News, Aljizawi, now living in Canada, says she’s being psychologically traumatized in this country. Source: ctvnews.ca
OTTAWA - A massive overhaul of Centre Block on Parliament Hill is expected to be completed by 2031 and open to the public
by 2032. Rob Wright, an assistant deputy minister at Public Services and Procurement Canada, says structural strengthening and heritage restoration is currently underway. A new three-level welcome centre is being built underneath the building and around the core of the Peace Tower. Wright says crews are digging 23 metres deep to clear space for the 32,000-square-metre centre. The new public entrance will be designed with two accessible pathways leading from the eternal flame and courtyard in front of Centre Block to the welcome centre’s main floor, its security checkpoints and elevators.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif decried on Thursday the response of international institutions to Pakistan’s appeals for funds following catastrophic floods in 2022, saying that it was offered loans whereas billions were being spent on the defence of “a country or countries”. The premier made these remarks at the two-day New Global Financing Pact Summit in Paris where he stressed the need for a fair and equitable formula for the distribution of financial resources in the world.He is among several global leaders gathered in Paris for the summit to tease out a new consensus on international economic reforms to help debtburdened developing countries face a growing onslaught of challenges, particularly climate change.
PM Shehbaz began his speech by recalling the devastation caused by floods in Pakistan last year, “as a result of climate change”.
The PM said 33 million people were affected by those floods and millions of acres of standing crops was washed away while around
1,700 people had died. Moreover, he added that half a million animals drowned in the floods and two million house were either completely demolished or partially damaged. To help those affected by the floods, he said, “we had to cough out hundreds of millions of dollars from our own pocket with our scarce resources … Of course, we are very grateful to our friendly countries across the globe for their valuable and timely contribution, but largely, the cash amount had to be generated from our own resources. Source: dawnnews.com
Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) Mansoor Usman Awan told the Supreme Court (SC) on Friday that 102 people were in the army’s custody as the top court resumed hearing pleas challenging the trials of civilians in military courts. A seven-member bench comprising Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umar Ata Bandial, Justice Ijazul Ahsan, Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, Justice Munib Akhtar, Justice Yayha Afridi, Justice Sayyed Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi and Justice Ayesha Malik heard the set of petitions. A day earlier, the CJP had ignored a request to issue an interim or a stay order to stop the trial of civilians in the military courts, saying it was not possible without hearing the argu-
ments of AGP Awan first. While issuing notice to the respondents, the court had asked the AGP to furnish the total number of detained suspects in civil and military custody on account of offences allegedly committed by them on May 9... Source: dawnnews.com
OTTAWA - Member of Parliament Sukh
Dhaliwal says the shooting death of a religious leader in the parking lot of a British Columbia temple has prompted a meeting with Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino and members of the Sikh Liberal caucus. Dhaliwal, who represents the Metro Vancouver riding of Surrey-Newton where the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar took place, posted a statement on Twitter, saying Sikh members of the Liberal caucus met with the minister “regarding the tragic incident at Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara.”
Dhaliwal says the caucus members were assured the federal government is working closely with law enforcement to solve the crime and protect the Sikh community and Canadians. Surrey homicide investigators say 45-year-old Nijjar was gunned down in his vehicle as he was leaving the temple park-
ing lot on Sunday night and police are looking for two male suspects. Mendicino said on Twitter he is “disturbed” by the violence at the Surrey temple, saying all Canadians should be able to practice their faith safely and free from violence.He says an RCMP investigation is ongoing and police will be there to support the community.Neither Mendicino nor Dhaliwal were immediately available for further comment...Source:ctvnews.ca
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III welcomed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to the Pentagon today praising the Somali leader for real progress at a very dangerous time.
Austin said the two men are meeting at a key moment in Mohamud’s presidency as the African Union begins a drawdown in the country
and Somali forces are stepping up. “This period will be especially important given the ongoing hostilities — including instability in Sudan — and the persistent threat of Al-Shabab,” Austin said. “I’ve been encouraged to hear of the continued success of the current phase of Somali-led operation against Al-Shabab in central Somalia. Our cooperation on these operations is crucial, and we stand ready as your partner as you defend yourselves against these dangerous and violent forces.” The United States also stands ready to aid Somalia against other dangers, including providing effective responses to climate shocks such as the current drought. The drought has caused hunger and devastation in Somalia and throughout the Horn of Africa.
Source: somalitimes.co.uk
A dip in inflation may not be enough to stop the BoC from raising rates next month
When Ibrahim was going to sacrifice his son, Shaytan came to him in the form of a man to try and distract him and encourage him to disobey Allah , so Ibrahim pelted stones at him. In part 1 we looked at different sacrifices that we could make to become closer to Allah , but what about when Shaytan comes to us to distract us? How can we pelt the Shaytan out of our lives? Here are 7 productive habits that we can use as our stones against Shaytan.
Keep your salah on time
This is the first stone you need to throw at Shaytan, as he knows that if you leave your salah, you will be drowning in sins, and your heart will become hard. Salah is a believer’s way of keeping away from sin as Allah says “ Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.” [Qur’an: Chapter 29, Verse 45].But this happens when we are praying with sincerity and humility, otherwise it becomes just a physical ritual. One of the biggest deceptions that shaytan causes us to believe is that you can’t pray when you are committing sin. Salah is not dependent on your sins, and Allah has never said a person should not pray because they did something wrong. Our beloved prophet narrated “By Allah, Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than what one of you would do on finding the lost camel in the waterless desert. When he draws near Me by the span of his hand. I draw near him by the length of a cubit and when he draws near Me by the length of a cubit. I draw near him by the length of a fathom and when he draws near Me walking I draw close to him hurriedly.” [Muslim] Take this step to establish your constant connection with Allah . Work on establishing your salah and take the first step to pelting the Shaytan. Stay among righteous company
It is hard striving to practice especially on your own, especially today where we have this notion of trying to fit in, and we have a
lot of pressure growing up not to stand out. And so the second way to pelt the Shaytan is by choosing righteous company. Choose the company that encourages you to get closer to Allah, that reminds you to pray when you forget, that helps you to learn more about your Creator instead of idle gossip. Choose the kind of company that encourages you to keep away from what displeases Allah . Choose the kind of company that invites angels to stay with you.“No people sit in a gathering remembering Allah, But the angels surround them, mercy covers them, tranquillity descends upon them and Allah remembers them before those who are with Him.” [Ibn Majah]
Repent to Allah frequently
With this third action, let us stone Shaytan to dust, and build an emotional connection with Allah , by making sincere tawbah.
“…Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant…” [Qur’an: Chapter 2, Verse 222]
As long as you are alive, you can make tawbah, do not let Shaytan deceive you into thinking that any sin is too big for Allah to forgive. For every moment that you are in a state of tawbah repenting for your sins, Allah loves you. Think about how beautiful that is, that Allah loves the servant who turns to Him in repentance.Humble yourself before Allah and tell Him your worries and your fears. Thank Him for giving you this opportunity to draw closer to Him, and let your soul be filled with ease and contentment.
Change what you feed your mind
changing. That is because they are still feeding their mind and soul idle useless material. If you are still mentally consuming material that distracts you from Allah – whether this is in the form of inappropriate TV series, music, books or anything like that-, then you leave a door open for Shaytan to come and distract. Feed your mind with knowledge and learn about your Creator and the beloved prophets because Allah says “…Only those fear Allah , from among His servants, who have knowledge. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Forgiving.”
[Qur’an: Chapter 35, Verse 28]. Start making an attempt to at least reduce -if not cut out- the material that takes you away from the remembrance of your Creator. Incorporate sunnah into your life
We’re on the 5th stone now, so let us try to incorporate more sunnah into our life by starting off with 2 simple things, siyam (fasting) and nawafil (voluntary prayers). Let us train ourselves to fast at least 3 days a month and incorporate at least 2 raka’as of sunnah prayers into our day. Why do I say this? Fasting is one of the best methods to get closer to Allah as you become conscious of every action that you make during the day to ensure that your fast is accepted. By incorporating sunnah prayers into your day, you go above and beyond doing what is obligatory and you make an attempt to show your love for Allah by doing something you do not have to do except for the sake of His closeness. If you want to start with an even smaller act, then start off by moistening your tongue with remembrance and glorification of Allah and let the reward of these light words weigh heavy on your scales.
relatives (for being kind and good to them), but the one who truly maintains the bonds of kinship is the one who persists in doing so even though the latter has severed the ties of kinship with him.” [Bukhari] .Connect with the one who has cut you off. Let go of any ill feelings in your heart and restore any ties of kinship in your family that have been severed. Do this for the sake of Allah and I promise you will be rewarded more than you can ever imagine. Let go of the hurt and pain that your family has caused you and forgive. Let your heart be soft with the remembrance of Allah so that you are able to make these sacrifices. Our family ties are an immense opportunity to gain reward and become closer to Allah .
The one who is knowledgeable, Shaytan’s hold over them is weak.
Sometimes when people make an attempt to get closer to Allah , they find that they struggle, and they don’t feel like they are
How sad would it be that after throwing 5 stones at the Shaytan, you find the 6th stone too heavy? In part 1, we discussed sacrificing our ego and pride to restore ties and kinship and again we will reiterate this because it is a very easy way for Shaytan to cause fitnah (disagreements) in families. The Prophet said “The person who perfectly maintains the ties of kinship is not the one who does it because he gets recompensed by his
This is the last stone that we will throw at the Shaytan and possibly one of the most important stones. None of us know when we will die, and so we must make use of every minute that we have. When you re member death, all of the time, it allows all of the above stones to be thrown easily as it allows you to fight your nafs and do what you know will please Allah . When Shaytan comes to you and tries to encourage you to do what displeases Allah think to yourself that if you were to die at that moment, how would you justify your actions to Allah ? Would you truly have an acceptable justification for missing your salah, or cutting off family ties, or not spending in the way of Allah ? If you pelt Shaytan in these 7 ways, then the 4 sacrifices that we discussed in part 1 will become so much easier. These 7 ways of pelting the Shaytan will only bring you closer to Allah and increase your love for Him. And of course when you love Allah , pleasing Him becomes the best way of life to have. Source: productivemuslim.com
“Any measures to protect people’s lives ... whether they are on a ship being piloted by human smugglers or whether they’re on a submersible device such as this one, all of them must, must be cared for,” Haq said prior to the announcement of the Titan’s remnants being discovered.
Questions about resources used in search for adventurers and rescue of migrants.
Two dramatic and tragic stories unfolded at sea within days of one another, but the intrigue and focus on the search-andrescue mission for the Titan — a privately owned and operated submersible that ferried wealthy adventurers to the wreck of the Titanic — eclipsed that of what could be the worst migrant boat disaster on record in the Mediterranean Sea.
People on social media have shared posts questioning why there was a rapid, multinational and multi-day search for the Titan, which disappeared on June 18, while the distressed migrant vessel languished at sea for hours before capsizing on June 14. As many as 750 adults and children, from
poor or war-torn countries, may have been on the migrant vessel before it sank, but only 104 survived. At least 82 bodies have been recovered so far. There were five people on board the Titan, which the U.S. Coast Guard said on Thursday sustained a “catastrophic implosion.” There have been suggestions on social media that the lives of people who can afford an exorbitant adventure to the bottom of the ocean, at a cost of $250,000 US, are worth more than hundreds of migrants from places like Pakistan and Syria risking their lives at sea.
United Nations spokesperson Farhan Haq addressed such claims at a press conference on Thursday, saying “all lives are precious” and all efforts to save people must be made in both situations.
Like many other smuggling vessels ferrying migrants across the Mediterranean Sea, largely from the coast of Libya to European shores, the fishing boat was packed with far more people than it was meant to carry. CBC’s Megan Williams met family members of missing migrants who travelled to Kalamata, Greece, immediately after the boat sank, in hopes of finding their loved ones among survivors.
Williams spoke with one man who travelled from Barcelona after learning his brother was on the boat. He said he showed a photo of his brother to survivors, who told him that the brother had helped save the lives of other migrants but lost his own. The man told Williams he heard from survivors claiming the Greek Coast Guard threw bottles of water to the people on board the vessel but did nothing else to help. Greece’s president refuted accusations that not enough was done to help the migrants on the foundering vessel.
Greek authorities said the vessel, which
they had been monitoring for about 15 hours, flipped and capsized about 25 minutes after its engine stalled in the early hours of June 14. They have said occupants of the vessel repeatedly refused offers of assistance, though international agencies, including Amnesty International, have called for greater clarity from Greece over the tragedy and whether enough was done to prevent it.Source: cbc.ca/news
Azmeh Dawood, the older sister of Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, said her nephew was reluctant to go on the Titan expedition. n the days before the Titan vessel went into the ocean off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, the 19-year-old university student accompanying his father on the expedition expressed hesitation about going, his aunt said in an interview Thursday. Azmeh Dawood — the older sister of Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood — told NBC News that her nephew, Suleman, informed a relative that he “wasn’t very up for it” and felt “terrified” about the trip to explore the wreckage of the Titanic.But the 19-year-old ended up going aboard OceanGate’s 22-foot submersible because the trip fell over Father’s Day weekend and he was eager to please his dad, who was passionate about the lore of the Titanic, according to Azmeh.
Source: nbcnews.com
refusal to break with Russia and what rights groups see as growing authoritarianism by the Hindu nationalist leader.
US President Joe Biden on Thursday hailed a “defining partnership” with India as he rolled out the red carpet for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, sealing major defence and technology deals as Washington bets big on New Delhi as a counterweight to China. Modi is being feted with the pomp of a state visit, only the third of Biden’s presidency, in a calculated show of full-throated US support — despite quiet unease over India’s
With around 7,000 Indian-Americans gathered on the White House’s South Lawn to cheer him on, Modi, sporting a flowing white kurta with a sky-blue jacket, walked a red carpet to a military salute as Biden welcomed him. “I have long believed that the relationship between the US and India will be one of the most defining relationships of the 21st century,” Biden said. “The challenges and opportunities facing the world in this century require that India and the United States work and lead together,” he said.Modi, India’s most powerful prime minister in decades, said that the two countries “are committed to working together for the global good and for global peace, stability, and prosperity.”..
Source: dawn.com/news
Tech giants have opposed paying for news content on their platforms. The passage of the federal government’s controversial Online News Act has highlighted division over the law as tech giant Meta said it will block news on its social media platforms in response to the legislation. Bill C-18 received royal assent after a final vote in the Senate on Thursday. The law will compel certain tech companies to pay for news content that they share on their platforms. Meta announced in a news release following the act’s passage that it will block news for Canadian users in order to comply with the law, and will do so before C-18 comes into effect in six months, though it hasn’t given a date.In an interview with CBC News Network’s Rosemary Barton Live, Canadian Heritage
Minister Pablo Rodriguez defended C-18 as necessary to support Canadian journalists and news organizations, and regulate big tech companies. “We’re just saying to the tech giants, well, you have to consider that this has value and pay for that value — not more, not less [than] what’s fair,” Rodriguez told host Rosemary Barton.
Source: cbc.ca
White House comments come after US ambassador to Israel said Washington will not ‘stand by and watch settler violence’. White House National Security spokesman John Kirby has said the United States is “actively engaging” with Israel following an Israeli settler attack on a Palestinian
village in the occupied West Bank that is home to many Palestinian Americans. During a news conference on Friday, Kirby said several US government officials had met with victims of the attack in Turmus Ayya, a village near Ramallah. On Wednesday, residents said about 400 Israeli settlers had stormed the village and set cars, homes and vast tracts of farmland on fire before Israeli forces then descended upon the community. At least one Palestinian, 27-year-old Omar Qattin, a father of two who worked as an electrician for the local municipality, was killed in the violence and several others were injured. “We’ve certainly seen reports now of US citizens … having become victims of some of the violence, and we’re actively engaging with the government of Israel about that,” Kirby told reporters on Friday, without providing further detail...Source:aljazeera.com
United Nations aid has reached rebel-held areas from regime-controlled northwest Syria for first time since earthquake.
Authorities in Russia have launched a criminal probe against the owner of the Wagner Group military contractor over his alleged threats to remove Russia’s defence minister.
The announcement on Friday follows a statement from Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin accusing Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu of ordering a rocket attack on Wagner’s field camps in Ukraine, where its soldiers are
fighting on behalf of Russia. In audio posted to the social media platform Telegram, Prigozhin railed against the rocket blasts and the toll it has taken on Wagner forces. “Huge numbers of our fighters, of our combat comrades, have been killed,” he said. “The evil that the military leadership of the country bears must be stopped. They neglect the lives of soldiers. They forget the word justice.” Prigozhin estimated that 2,000 of his fighter had been killed in the blasts, though he failed to provide evidence for that death toll. His message included a call-to-action that the Russian government has since interpreted as appeal to mutiny. “There are 25,000 of us, and we’re going to figure out why this chaos is happening in the country,” Prigozhin said, indicating that he had more forces in reserve and support from military members.
“Everyone is welcome to join. We must end this disgrace.”Source: aljazeera.com
in Suva.The one-day conference, with the theme ‘Navigating the Future through Business Excellence’ held at the Holiday Inn in Suva, was attended by top industry leaders, award-winning organisations, and renowned practitioners across Fiji.
Ten trucks carrying UN aid have entered Syria’s last rebel-held enclave from governmentheld territory, the first such shipment to cross battle lines since February’s deadly 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria, UN officials say. The convoy with humanitarian supplies crossed from a government-controlled area in the province of Aleppo, and entered Idlib, according to the UN office for humanitarian affairs or OCHA. The last aid shipment to cross the front lines in the conflict was in early January. After the February earthquake that struck Turkey and northern Syria, causing widespread destruction with more than 50,000 people killed, convoys have been prevented from entering the province of Idlib from government-held areas by the armed group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which dominates the area.
Around three million people, most of whom have been displaced by Syria’s war, live in the Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham-controlled parts of the Idlib region. In the wake of the earthquake, aid deliveries to affected areas became a political battleground, with opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and many aid organisations pushing for the United Nations to send more aid shipments to northern Syria by way of Turkey. Meanwhile, the Syrian government and its ally, Russia, pushed for the aid to be sent via Damascus. S: aljazeera.com
Hiked interest rates and lira’s new record low marked an eventful week for Turkey’s economy. Nearly a month after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s re-election, his government is forging a new course in economic policy. Erdogan’s appointments of Mehmet Simsek to the post of leading the finance and treasury ministry, and of Hafize Gaye Erkan, a former Wall Street banker, as central bank chief, signalled his readiness to reverse course from his unorthodox policies. The new cabinet’s moves are to tackle the crippling economic crisis, which has seen inflation rates soar and the lira plung-
ing to record lows as the country battles a cost-of-living crisis and depleted foreign reserves.Here are some of the new policies and the current state of Turkey’s economy: Source: aljazeera.com
The 2023 Business Excellence Conference provides a platform for leaders, practitioners, and experts to come together, exchange ideas, and learn from one another.
This was the message imparted by the Chief Guest at the conference, the Solicitor-General, Ropate Green Lomavatu, during the Fiji National University’s (FNU), National Training and Productivity Centre’s (NTPC), 2023 Business Excellence Conference at the Holiday Inn
Speakers at the conference included Future Farms Ltd Chief Executive Officer, Stanley Raniga; Post Fiji Limited Chief Executive Officer, Dr Anirudha Bansod; Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission Chief Executive Officer, Joel Abraham; FLiCK Hygiene Director Administration, David Chand; LICI General Manager (Fiji Operations) Pradeep Shenoy and the Sugar Cane Growers Fund Chief Executive Officer, Raj Sharma. Source: fijitimes.com
The Bangladesh Bank has invited applications from entrepreneurs interested in establishing digital banks and delivering financial products efficiently through branchless operations. It has opened a portal for applications in this regard and said it would accept applications until August 1 this year.
For all latest news, follow The Daily Star’s Google News channel. Applicants will have to
pay Tk 500,000 as a non-refundable application processing fee through the web portal, said the central bank in a notice.In its notice seeking application, the central bank said digital innovation is continuously modifying the landscape of the financial system all over the world. It said BB promotes an enabling regulatory environment allowing innovation to make a robust, efficient and secured financial system. “Accordingly, BB recognises the role of digital platforms and usage of artificial intelligence in driving greater efficiency in the delivery of financial products and services and in widening the outreach of the financial system,” said the central bank.
The BB’s move comes within a week after it approved guidelines regarding the establishment of digital banks which will provide financial services alongside the existing 61 conventional banks...Source: thedailystar.net
Celebrate Canada Day with pride and joy - join the festivities, have fun, and show your Canadian spirit!
Celebrate Canada Day on July 1 with pride and enthusiasm! This special day marks the anniversary of when three provinces in Canada - Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada - officially joined together to form the country we know today as Canada. Since then, it has become an annual event filled with parades, fireworks, barbecues, concerts and more – a perfect way to celebrate our nation’s history and unity. So get ready to show your Canadian spirit on this special day!
Until 1982, Canada celebrated Dominion Day as their national holiday. The day was then renamed ‘Canada Day.’ The history of Canada isn’t splattered with a ton of wars and bloodshed, unlike many other countries. Throughout the mid1800s, the possibility of unification between the British North American colonies was discussed. On July 1, 1867, the British Parliament brought the British North America Act into effect, leading to the creation of independent Canada. The territories within the dominion consisted of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Through this act, Canada was divided into Quebec and Ontario, allowing provisions for neighboring colonies to join in the future. This is how present-day Canada came into formation. The British North America Act served as the constitution for Canada until 1982.
Dominion Day was established in 1879 but wasn’t celebrated by many Canadians, as they still identified themselves as British citizens. This changed on the 50th anniversary of the confederation in 1917, when Dominion Day started becoming more popular. A bill was forwarded in 1946 to rename Dominion Day, but the passing of the bill was stalled due to disagreement in the House of Commons over what the new name should be. In 1967, on the 100th anniversary of the nation’s creation, there was an increasing interest in Ca-
nadian patriotism, and celebrations really took off. Even before it became official, citizens would refer to the holiday as Canada Day, and the name was finally adopted in 1982. Source: nationaltoday.com/ Commemoration
Canada Day is often informally referred to as “Canada’s birthday”, particularly in the popular press. However, the term “birthday” can be seen as an oversimplification, as Canada Day is the anniversary of only one important national milestone on the way to the country’s full sovereignty, namely the joining on July 1, 1867, of the colonies of Canada (divided into Ontario and Quebec), Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick into a wider British federation of four provinces.[9] Canada became a “kingdom in its own right” within the British Empire, commonly known as the Dominion of Canada.
Although a British dominion, Canada gained an increased level of political control and governance over its own affairs, the British parliament and cabinet maintaining political control over certain areas, such as foreign affairs, national defence, and constitutional changes. Canada gradually gained increasing sovereignty over the years—notably with the passage of the Statute of Westminster in 1931—until finally becoming completely sovereign with the passing of the Constitution Act, 1982, which served to fully patriate the Canadian constitution.
Under the federal Holidays Act,Canada Day is observed on July 1, unless that date falls on a Sunday, in which case July 2 is the statutory holiday. Celebratory events will generally still take place on July 1, even though it is not the legal holiday. If it falls on a weekend, businesses normally closed that day will usually dedicate the following Monday as a day off.
1. Attend a street festival
Many cities and towns across Canada host Canada Day street festivals that feature live music, food vendors, activities, and fireworks. Find one near you and enjoy the festivities!
2. Organize a picnic
before sporting events involving Canadian teams.
Royal anthem
Gather your friends and family and organize a picnic in a park or your backyard. You can play lawn games, share Canadian snacks, and even have a mini Canada Day parade with Canadian flags!
3. Start a new tradition
Think of something special to do each year to commemorate Canada Day. Some ideas are baking a Canadian themed dessert, going on a road trip to visit another province, or making crafts with Canadian symbols.
4. Visit a museum
Check out your local museums and find out if they are hosting any Canada Day celebrations. Many museums offer free admission on the day of the holiday and will have special activities for the whole family.
5. Fly the flag
Show your pride for Canada Day by flying the Canadian flag in front of your house or balcony. This is an easy way to show your patriotism and it will make sure everyone knows it’s time to celebrate!
Why Canada Day is Important?
A.It is a celebration of unity and diversity Canada Day is an important holiday for many Canadians as it celebrates the cultural diversity of our nation. Every year on July 1st, Canadians come together to reflect on and celebrate their multicultural history. It serves to remind us all that we are stronger united than divided.
B. It symbolizes national pride Canada Day is an opportunity for Canadians to take pride in the accomplishments of our country and its citizens. As one nation, we have achieved much since Canada’s creation in 1867, from building democratic institutions over the years to providing health care to every citizen.
C. It connects us with nature, As well as being a chance to celebrate the unique spirit of Canada, many communities use Canada Day as an opportunity to get outside and reconnect with nature.
From town parades and festivals to campfires and beach picnics, this is a day to appreciate the breathtaking beauty around us!
Source: holidaycalendar.io
Given the federal nature of the anniversary, celebrating Canada Day can be a cause of friction in the province of Quebec, where the holiday is overshadowed by the province’s Saint-JeanBaptiste Day (Fête nationale), on June 24. For example, the federal government funds Canada Day events at the Old Port of Montreal—an area run by a federal Crown corporation—while the Fête nationale parade is a grassroots effort that has been met with pressure to cease, even from federal officials.
Protesters at an Idle No More rally in Toronto, Ontario, on Canada Day, 2022
Canada Day has attracted a negative stigma among some indigenous peoples in Canada and their allies, who feel that it is a celebration of the colonization of indigenous land. Criticism of Canada Day celebrations were particularly prominent during Canada’s sesquicentennial in 2017, with allegations that the commemorations downplayed the role of indigenous peoples in the country’s history and the hardships they face in the present day.
The same grievances were aired four years later, after possible unmarked graves of indigenous children were found in late-June 2021, at the site of an Indian residential school in British Columbia. If not already cancelled or modified due to restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada Day festivities were cancelled in various communities in British Columbia, New Brunswick, and Northern Saskatchewan, while indigenous protest group Idle No More announced its intent to organize peaceful rallies in multiple major cities. Some politicians supported the cancellations, while others expressed concern that activists were attacking “the very idea of Canada itself” and hampering progress toward reconciliation.Source:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Day
penny before circulation of that coin was stopped in 2013. Canada’s official tartan, known as the “Maple leaf tartan”, consists of four colours reflecting those of the maple leaf as it changes through the seasons— green in the spring, gold in the early autumn, red at the first frost, and brown after falling.
“OCanada” is the national anthem of Canada. Calixa Lavallée wrote the music in 1880 as a setting of a French Canadian patriotic poem composed by poet and judge Sir AdolpheBasile Routhier. “O Canada” served as one of two de facto national anthems after 1939, officially becoming Canada’s singular national anthem in 1980, when the Act of Parliament making it so received Royal Assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year’s Dominion Day celebrations.[The national anthem is routinely played
“God Save the King” is the royal anthem of Canada. There are various claims of authorship and several previous songs of similar style, but the first published version of what is almost the present tune appeared in 1744 in Thesaurus Musicus. The song has been used in Canada since the era when it was a collection of British colonies and “God Save the King” (or “God Save the Queen” during the reign of a female monarch) was played in honour of the British monarch.
It has remained in use through Canada’s progression to independence, becoming eventually one of the country’s two de facto national anthems.[5] After “O Canada” was in 1980 proclaimed the national anthem, “God Save the Queen” has been designated as the royal anthem, played in the presence of the Canadian monarch, other members of the Royal Family, and as part of the salute accorded to the Governor General of Canada and provincial lieutenant governors. It can also be played on other occasions.
Overthe course of centuries, a multitude of national symbols and material items have arisen as uniquely Canadian or possessing uniquely Canadian characteristics. These symbols and items represent the culture of Canada—protectionism of that culture, identity, values, nationalism, and the heritage of its inhabitants.Themes and symbols of nature, pioneers, trappers, and traders played an important part in the early development of Canadian symbolism. Modern symbols emphasize the country’s geography, cold climate, lifestyles, and the Canadianization of traditional European and indigenous symbols.
A 2013 Statistics Canada survey found that more than 90% of those polled believed that the national flag and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms were the top symbols of Canadian identity. Next highest were the national anthem (“O Canada”), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and ice hockey. A similar poll by Ipsos-Reid in 2008 indicated that the maple leaf was the primary item that defines Canada, followed by ice hockey, the national flag, the beaver, the Canadarm, Canada Day, and Canadian Forces peacekeeping. can also be played on other occasions.
Predominant symbols
Canada’s most well known symbol is the Maple leaf, which was first used by French colonists in the 1700s. Since the 1850s, under British rule, the maple leaf has been used on military uniforms and, subsequently, engraved on the headstones of individuals who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces.
The Maple leaf is prominently depicted on the country’s current and previous flags and on the country’s coat of arms. The maple leaf has also been seen on the
Other prominent symbols include the national motto, A Mari Usque Ad Mare (From Sea to Sea),the sports of hockey and lacrosse, the beaver, Canada goose, Canadian horse, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Rockies, the Canadian parliamentary complex, the Canadarm, and, more recently, the Canadianization of totem poles and Inuksuks, With material items such as Canadian beer, maple syrup, tuques, canoes, nanaimo bars, butter tarts, and the Quebec dish of poutine being defined as uniquely Canadian. A six-pointed, hexagonal snowflake used as the insignia for the Order of Canada has come to symbolize Canada’s northern heritage and diversity.The country’s institutions of healthcare, military peacekeeping, the national park system, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are seen as uniquely Canadian by its citizens. The Crown, displaying traditional cross pattées and fleurs-de-lis, symbolizes the Canadian monarchy and appears on the coat of arms, the governor general’s flag, the coats of arms of many provinces and territories; the badges of several federal departments, the Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Military College of Canada, many regiments, police forces, on buildings, as well as some highway signs and licence plates. Also, the image of Queen Elizabeth II (Canada’s erstwhile monarch) is on Canadian stamps, $20 bank notes, and all coins. A poll taken in 2022 determined that 55 per cent of respondents agreed the country’s monarchy helps define Canadian identity and six in 10 felt it helps to differentiate Canada from the United States. Source:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthems
SURREY – Environment and Climate
Change Canada has issued special weather statements for several parts of the province. The special weather statements include the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley, beginning Friday, June 24, and lasting into next week. This is not a heat warning or an extreme heat emergency, but we will experience the first high temperatures of the summer. The warmer weather will also cause rapid snow melt, leading to high rivers and streams throughout the province so please keep water safety in mind this weekend. The first high temperatures of the season can lead to some people overheating because they are not yet acclimatized to warmer weather. There are some basic steps you can take to ensure you and your family remain safe and healthy during
warmer temperatures.
• Identify a cooler space in your home and prepare it so you can stay there at night, if possible. You may need to change daily living arrangements.
• Find an air-conditioned spot close by where you can cool off on very hot days. Consider staying with friends or family or find places in your community to spend time such as movie theatres, libraries, community centres, or shopping malls......
It is important to monitor yourself and family members, and to consider developing a check-in system for neighbours and friends who are at higher-risk during warmer weather
The most susceptible individuals include:
• Older adults, especially those over 60
• people who live alone
• people with pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or respiratory disease
• people with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, or anxiety
• people with substance use disorders
• people with limited mobility
• people who are marginally housed
• people who work in hot environments
• people who are pregnant infants and young children
Your health:
Spray your body down with water, wear a damp shirt, take a cool shower or bath, or sit with part of your body in water to cool down if you are feeling too hot. Drink plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated, even if you are not feeling thirsty Take it easy, especially during the hottest hours of the day.
Stay in the shade or use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. Signs of overheating include feeling unwell, headache, and dizziness. Take immediate action to cool down if you are overheating. It is important to remember that overheating can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Signs of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, severe headache, muscle cramps, extreme thirst, and dark urine. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should seek a cooler environment, drink plenty of water, rest, and use water to cool your body.
Heat stroke is a medical emergency
In the event of a medical emergency, British Columbians are advised to call 9-1-1. However, it is also important to use 9-1-1
responsibly to avoid overwhelming the system. Ahead of the busy summer months, BC Emergency Health Services in partnership with ECOMM, is reminding British Columbians to only dial 9-1-1 for serious or life-threatening injuries
When to call 9-1-1:
In general: when there is chest pain, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, severe burns, choking, convulsions that are not stopping, a drowning, a severe allergic reaction, a head injury, signs of a stroke, a major trauma. More specifically related to hot weather: severe headache, confusion, unsteadiness, loss of thirst, nausea/vomiting, and dark urine or no urine are signs of dangerous heat-related illness.
If you have a less urgent health issue: You can call 8-1-1 and get connected with a nurse at HealthLinkBC. Or, if you can do it safely, you could go to an urgent care centre or clinic. That way, our highly trained emergency medical dispatch staff and paramedics will be available for people who need their services the most.
There are also online tools at healthlinkbc. ca including a “Check Your Symptoms” tool.While this bulletin is about the beginning of hot summer weather, additional information on preparing for extreme heat events can also be found in BC’s Extreme Heat Preparedness Guid
Source:Fraser Health Media
Highway 5, near the Town of Carberry – a community two hours west of Winnipeg.
‘Access those natural supports’: How parents can talk to their kids about traumatic stories
Fifteen people are dead and 10 others have been taken to hospital after a bus collided with a semi truck on the Trans-Canada Highway near Carberry, Man.
Manitoba RCMP said around 11:43 a.m.
Thursday, officers received a report that a bus carrying approximately 25 people collided with a semi truck at Highway 1 and
Manitoba RCMP Commanding Officer Rob Hill said as of Thursday evening, the crash has left 15 people dead, with 10 other people being taken to hospital with injuries. Hill said the people on the bus are from Dauphin and the surrounding area – most of them were seniors. Families anxiously await news on loved ones in deadly Manitoba Trans-Canada Highway crash. A list of mass casualty bus and van crashes on Canadian highways
“This is a day in Manitoba and across Canada that will be remembered as one of tragedy and incredible sadness,” Hill said.
A spokesperson for Sand Hills Casino in Carberry has confirmed the bus was en route to the casino.
‘It Was Horrible’: Residents Describe Scene Of Crash, Burning Vehicle
Tracy Leitch was driving along the TransCanada Highway around noon Thursday when she came upon the scene of the crash. “Before we got up to the scene, we (had) seen a lot of smoke,” she said.
At the scene she said she saw a semi-truck with its front end crumpled and smoking,
The accident occurred in international waters in the Ionian Sea and prompted an extensive rescue operation complicated by strong winds.
At least 78 people have died and many more are feared missing after a fishing boat carrying refugees and migrants capsized and sank off the southern coast of Greece – one of the worst such disasters this year.
The Greek coastguard said in a statement on Wednesday the vessel sank in international waters, 47 nautical miles (87km) southwest of Pylos, off the Peloponnese coast. The spot is close to one of the deepest areas of the Mediterranean.
Rescuers saved 104 passengers – including Egyptians, Syrians, Pakistanis, Afghans and Palestinians – and recovered 79 bodies.
Coastguard spokesman Alexiou told state ERT TV it appeared that the 25- to 30-metre (80- to 100-foot) vessel capsized after people abruptly moved to one side.
“The outer deck was full of people, and we presume the interior [of the vessel] would also have been full,” he said. “It looks as if there was a shift among the people who were crammed on board, and it capsized.”
Greek authorities cannot confirm reports the boat had an estimated 700-750 people on board, the spokesman for Greece’s caretaker government, Ilias Siakantaris, told ERT.“We do not know what was in the hold … but we know that several smugglers lock people up to maintain control,” said Siakantaris.
Source: aljazeera.com
Greece boat tragedy: Hundreds of Pakistanis believed to be among dead
Over 700 refugees were reportedly on the boat which included over 300 from Pakistan, said reports.
Greek authorities said 104 survivors had been brought ashore so far.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani embassy in Greece issued a statement saying that its representatives have met the 12 Pakistani survivors in Kalamata from the June 15 disaster. Following that meet, DNA reports and identification reports have been obtained from the family members.
In the 1970s, Greece and Pakistan signed a bilateral agreement allowing Pakistanis to gain temporary employment in Greek shipyards. Shortly after, another agreement facilitated the migration of Pakistanis to work in Greece’s textile industries.
Most of the Pakistanis in the country were single, young men who had entered the country illegally with the help of human smugglers through the land route of Iran and Turkey to Greece
The four districts in Punjab, which had the largest share of migrants included Gujrat, Gujranwala, Sialkot and Mandi Bahauddin.
The UN’s international organisation for migration said nearly 3,800 people died on migration routes within and from the Middle
East and north Africa region last year, the highest number since 2017.
Pakistan authorities arrest 10 human traffickers. As pwer an Al Jazeera report, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also ordered an immediate crackdown on agents engaged in people smuggling, saying they would be “severely punished”.
and the bus which she said was badly damaged. “There was nothing left of the vehicle,” she said, saying she has never seen a crash like this before. “I was almost in tears and almost had a panic attack. Like I just felt really sick to my stomach.” Nirmesh Vadera, who was working in the area around the time of the crash, said he saw a semi-truck and what he said appeared to be a passenger vehicle that was burning.
“I can’t describe it, because I’ve never saw this much flame and all the accident,” he said. “People were trying to save themselves and… medical staff, fire staff – they were helping them to get out. It is hard to describe, but it was horrible.”...
Source: winnipeg.ctvnews.ca
Source: wionews.com/
Young men, mostly from east Punjab and northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, use the route through Iran, Libya, Turkey, and Greece to enter Europe for livelihood as Pakistan is battling an unprecedented economic and political crisis, the Al Jazeera report added.
Most migrants to Greece cross from Turkey, either reaching the nearby eastern Greek islands in small boats or by crossing the Evros river — known as the Meric in Turkey — which runs along the land border.
Italy has recorded the vast majority of “irregular” arrivals in Europe so far this year, 55,160. That is more than double the 21,884 who arrived in the same period in 2022, and 16,737 in 2021. People from Ivory Coast, Egypt, Guinea, Pakistan and Bangladesh account for the most arrivals this year, according to Interior Ministry data. U.N. refugee officials note that overall numbers of migrants seeking to come to Europe
this way have been on the decline, to an average of around 120,000 annually.
How Has Migration Divided Eu Nations?
Mediterranean countries have for years complained that they bear the brunt of receiving and processing migrants and have long demanded other countries step up and take them in.
Poland, Hungary and other Eastern European nations have repeatedly refused an EU plan to share the burdens of caring for migrants. But after years of bickering, EU leaders last week said there was a breakthrough in negotiations for a new migration and asylum pact. Human rights groups say the EU has been outsourcing migrant rescues to the Libyan coast guard, which returns them to horrific camps where many are subjected to beatings, rape and other abuse. The EU and member states have also struck agreements with other North African nations to improve their border control and stop migrant boats from reaching Europe.
Source: apnews.com
“Many community members were present following evening prayers at the gurdwara. This was a shocking and very public act of violence against a well-known community member and gurdwara president.” So far, police have not arrested anyone or released any suspect descriptions. The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) further declined to reveal whether threats have been made against Nijjar in the past.“It is a part of our active investigation,” said Sgt. Tim Pierotti of IHIT. “We understand there’s a lot of speculation as to the motive of this homicide but we are dedicated to learning the facts and letting the evidence lead
our investigation.”
According to a post from the BCSikhs Instagram page, Nijjar was killed while exiting the Gurdwara’s parking lot by two gunmen. RCMP did not confirm Monday whether there are one or more suspects. Video obtained by Global News appears to show the glass of a grey pickup truck smashed out.“I just live close by, and I was kind of curious, so I went inside, and I heard people talking about the body still being there,” witness Jas Minhas said in an interview.“I heard them offering prayers, which you typically do if somebody passed away.” Hundreds of mourners gathered
overnight outside the gurdwara to pray, offer community support, and at times, protest. Others knelt by the gurdwara on Monday afternoon, praying before yellow flags. Source: globalnews.ca/news
“Like everyone in our community, we are deeply shocked by the horrific killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar. We mourn with his family and loved ones.“This was an abhor-
rent act of violence, made even more disturbing by its presence at a place of worship where people go to find peace. We must all stand against it as a community. “Law en-
Surrey, BC – At its June 19, 2023 Closed Council meeting, Surrey Council approved that it be made public that at the June 15, 2023 Closed Council meeting where Council considered a report from staff regarding “Confirming the Police of Jurisdiction in Surrey,” six Council members voted in support of continuing with the Surrey RCMP as Surrey’s Police of Jurisdiction, with three Council members opposed., Media enquiries: Amy JugpalMayor’s remarks from today’s Press Conference
In a bombshell revelation, Surrey Connect Councillor Rob Stutt has been exposed in a shocking conflict of interest, as confirmed by the ethics commissioner. This stunning revelation unfolded during a pivotal 5-4 vote on November 14, 2022, where Stutt shamelessly voted in favor of retaining the RCMP, despite his compromised position. Mayor Brenda Locke’s deliberate disregard for ethical standards has come under scrutiny, as she knowingly permitted Councillor Rob Stutt’s deceitful actions to manipulate the council and the trusting residents of Surrey. This is a clear indication of Mayor Locke’s
“Surrey Police Service (SPS) is extremely disappointed by the Surrey City Council decision to transition back to the RCMP, despite the fact that three years’ worth of financial and human investments have gone into building a
forcement authorities are actively investigating. They have our full support as they work to bring those responsible to justice.”
Signed, Ravi Kahlon, Harry Bains, Rach-
receive signed NDAs from those individuals. Upon receipt of the signed NDAs, the Corporate Report will be immediately sent to the individuals. The Police Act is clear, Surrey Council decides on its municipal police force. Surrey has. There is no public safety crisis in Surrey, and the path the City has chosen is the safest and most effective option for both Surrey and the Province. If the Minister’s concern is the Surrey Police Service walking off the job, which is a dereliction of their duty as peace officers, then he should order them not to do so as it would most certainly compromise public safety in Surrey. To date our requests for such assurances have fallen on deaf ears.
Mayor Brenda Locke, MediaEnquiries , Amy Jugpal
lack of transparency and her willingness to prioritize personal agendas over the best interests of the community.
Councillor Doug Elford, a staunch advocate for transparency and accountability, expressed his outrage at the unfolding scandal. He stated, “This egregious act by Councillor Stutt and the willful negligence of Mayor Locke are an affront to the principles that govern our council. The hardworking taxpayers of Surrey deserve better, and we will not rest until SPS becomes the police of jurisdiction.
local, independent police service for Surrey.
“It is concerning that Council has made this decision, despite the Province of BC’s clear and evidence-based recommendation that the City of Surrey continue its transition to SPS in order to ensure public safety for Surrey and across BC. “While the City has rendered its decision, it is important to note that the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General has not yet approved a transition back to the RCMP. As per the BC Police Act, the Minister is responsible for ensuring an adequate and effective level of policing is maintained throughout BC – he would need to be satisfied that can occur with a transition back to the RCMP. The Minister must also be satis-
Councillor Mandeep Nagra, known for his unwavering commitment to public trust, voiced his concerns regarding the exorbitant financial burden of tens of millions of dollars placed on the shoulders of Surrey taxpayers. He passionately asserted, “The blatant ethical violation and subsequent financial repercussions inflicted upon our constituents cannot be ignored. It is imperative that we rectify this illegal vote and work tirelessly to restore faith in our governance. Now that the 5-4 vote has failed the transition to SPS will continue.” The November 14, 2022 vote, tainted by Councillor Stutt’s compro-
fied that the City’s plan to transition back to the RCMP meets the binding, non-negotiable conditions laid out in the Director of Police Services’ report.
“I remain unwavering in my belief that SPS is the right decision for Surrey for today and for its bright future. A large modern city needs a modern police agency that can provide officers dedicated to the community and leading-edge practices.“After years of uncertainty regarding the future of policing in Surrey, SPS is imploring the Province to provide a clear and swift response to Council’s decision in the coming days. Our 400 employees are understandably extremely concerned for their livelihoods. They left their previous jobs
SURREY- With today’s announcement of 575 new student spaces at Tamanawis Secondary and 450 at Guildford Park Secondary, the BC NDP has invested more in building and expanding Surrey schools than the BC Liberals did in their entire 16 years in office. “For 16 years, Kevin Falcon and his party chose not to invest in the schools that kids in Surrey needed as the community grew,” said Education Minister Rachna Singh. “Since 2017, the BC NDP has tripled the rate of investment in Surrey schools so our kids can get the best education possible.”
Since September 2017, the BC NDP government has invested over $640 million in Surrey school
na Singh,Bruce Ralston, Jinny Sims, Garry Begg, Mike Starchuk, Jagrup Brar, Aman Singh, Media contact: Emily Della Mattia
mised position, has now been deemed illegal and invalid. With the removal of Stutt’s vote, the motion has rightfully failed with a revised 4-4 vote. This outcome paves the way for the council to finally continue moving forward with SPS, ensuring a future that upholds integrity, transparency, and genuine representation. This shocking scandal serves as a wake-up call to the residents of Surrey, urging them to demand accountability and an unwavering commitment to ethical governance. Media inquiries, Councillor Doug Elford
– and in some cases uprooted their families –in good faith, knowing this project had been approved by government to move forward over three years ago. They deserve a resolution once and for all, as do Surrey residents and business owners. It is past time for a clear and safe path forward for Surrey policing.
“As we wait for the Minister’s final determination on the future of policing in Surrey, our SPS officers and staff continue to serve the residents of Surrey now as they did in their first deployment over 18 months ago.”
By: Ian MacDonald | Media Liaison Surrey Police Service
expansions, land purchases, and new schools. Between 2001 and 2017, the BC Liberals invested just $540 million. That’s an average of $34 million annually from Kevin Falcon’s BC Liberals compared to $106 million from David Eby’s BC NDP. There are over 11,000 new student spaces built or underway, with more to come. “In fast-growing communities like Surrey, David Eby is taking action to build the schools we need,” said Singh. “But we can’t stop now. We need to keep investing to give our kids the safe, supportive classrooms they need.”
Over 19 million foreigners visit Canada every year making tourism an over $80 billion-a-year Canadian industry bigger than lumber, fishing, and farming combined. So why not join in?
Why come to Canada?
cifically traveling to enjoy winter activities (see above), there are generally only a few months of the year (usually around June to September) in which Canada’s weather will be mild enough to enjoy. Canadian winters, and even parts of spring and fall, are often cold, dark, snowy, and wet, which can make tourist activities difficult or unpleasant.
will be billed full cost for any medical service performed while in Canada, which is why it always pays to get travelers’ medical insurance. Canada has some of the world’s cleanest tap water and strict laws to ensure the cleanliness and safety of any meat, dairy, or poultry products sold at restaurants or grocery stores.
Canadian tanks sent to the country.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s first special representative on combatting Islamophobia for a four-year term. Her appointment was not only criticized by the Quebec government and the Parti Québécois, but they also called for her to resign due to remarks she said about Quebecers in 2019.
Canada is a large, diverse country with a lot going for it, but most tourists are drawn to a few of the same things:
Nature — Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, full of picturesque forests, mountains, and lakes that make it a fantastic place for camping, hiking, or just wandering around and admiring.
Winter Sports — Canada’s snowy climate and mountainous geography has produced no shortage of must-visit parks and resorts for anyone interested in skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or any other activity best enjoyed in the cold.
Cities — Canada is home to several large, modern cities that anyone with a taste for urban life will be able to appreciate.
Cost — The Canadian dollar is generally quite weak in comparison to other currencies, which make it a very affordable option for people without too much money in their travel budgets.
The rest of this chapter deals with general information about traveling to Canada. For more information on things to see and do in Canada’s four most popular tourist destinations, please see the specific chapters on British Columbia tourism, Alberta tourism, Ontario tourism, and Quebec tourism. What language do they speak in Canada?
Foreigners are sometimes confused by Canada’s language situation. Officially, Canada has two official languages, French and English. However, this is mostly just a matter of government policy. The vast majority of Canadians only speak English, and lack even basic skills in French. French-speaking tourists should not expect to speak French in cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or Calgary. The capital city of Ottawa is more functionally bilingual than most Canadian cities, and all museums and government-related attractions will feature signs and brochures in both French and English. Staff at popular attractions will likely be fluently bilingual as well, as will many employees of popular stores and restaurants. It helps to ask, however. The famous city of Montreal, in the province of Quebec, is the most bilingual city in Canada and most residents, particularly those who live and work in the downtown core, can speak fluent French and English. It is not considered controversial in Montreal to speak either French or English to a stranger and assume the other person will understand. In other parts of Quebec, however, rates of English fluency are much lower and it may be considered offensive to speak English to a stranger without first asking for permission.
To avoid unhappy surprises, would-be tourists to Canada should be aware of the following potential disappointments before they go: Bad weather — Unless you are spe-
Long travel distances — Canada is an enormous country and its main cities are all spread quite far apart from each other. Tourists, particularly European tourists unfamiliar with the vastness of North America, are sometimes disappointed to learn that they will probably only be able to see a rather small part of Canada on their trip. Visiting multiple major Canadian cities on a single vacation — for example, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal — would be extreme-
Staying Safe in Canada
Canada is generally a safe country, but it has some dangerous places. Every large Canadian city will have a couple of “bad neighborhoods” where criminals tend to congregate and locals generally avoid — particularly after dark — for fear of being harassed, robbed, or assaulted. Unfortunately, these neighborhoods can often be located close to tourist areas, and may seek to take advantage of the obviously confused or foreign. At the same time, most serious, violent crime in Canada tends to occur between people who know each other. Visitors who act confident and use caution and common sense should have little to fear.
Leaving belongings unattended in any public place is generally considered a high-risk activity, and though some businesses may store forgotten items in a “lost and found” collection of lost property, the police — and indeed, most Canadians — will generally be
February 2 – In response to a detected Chinese balloon flying over Canadian and American airspace, Cong Peiwu, the Chinese ambassador to Canada, was summoned by officials, while the Canadian Armed Forces said in a statement that the incident posed no danger to Canadians.The balloon was shot down two days later off the coast of the U.S. state of South Carolina by a missile.
February 18–March 5 – The 2023 Canada Winter Games are held in Prince Edward Island.
ly time-consuming and likely cost thousands of dollars in domestic travel alone.
How to Visit Canada?
Customs and Visas
Canada does not treat all international visitors the same; citizens of certain countries will have an easier time entering Canada than others. All foreign visitors to Canada, however, must bring a valid passport from their home country.
Residents of the United States have the easiest entry to Canada, and don’t require anything other than a passport to get in.
Residents of Great Britain, western Europe, and a few other countries have to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) before they can enter. This is a very easy process that only takes a couple of minutes and should be done online before you leave. Once completed, an ETA lasts for five years or until you get a new passport.
Residents of countries not covered by the ETA program can only visit Canada after obtaining a short-term visitor’s visa. Applications can be done online, through the mail, or at an overseas Canadian consulate. They take a couple weeks to process and usually cost around $200. For more information, see the Government of Canada’s visitor eligibility questionnaire.
It is illegal for anyone, from any country, to enter Canada to work or live without first obtaining a long-term visa, which are much more complicated to apply for, and take many months to be approved.
This should hopefully go without saying, but foreigners have to obey Canadian laws while in Canada. Those who do otherwise can be charged, arrested, sentenced, and imprisoned just like Canadians. At the same time, the legal protections granted to Canadians by the Canadian Constitution also apply to foreigners visiting the country.
Though Canada offers generous public healthcare insurance, you have to be some form of long-term, legal Canadian resident before the government will pay for your hospital visits or operations. Non-residents
unsympathetic to victims of theft caused by inattentive behavior. People generally lock up their homes, cars, and bicycles before leaving them unsupervised. In rare cases, tourists and locals may be targeted by scam artists looking to cheat them out of money.
In big cities, most scams are quite brazen, and usually take the form of a stranger asking for money on some sympathetic pretext, such as a phony personal emergency or phony charity. In some cases, a thief may attempt to quietly sell stolen goods to a stranger. Beggars can be common in some large Canadian cities as well. Many Canadians regard them with indifference, believing them to be scam artists.
The police can be called anytime in Canada by dialing 9-1-1 on the telephone. Canadian police are obligated to treat crimes committed against foreigners exactly the same as crimes against Canadians.
Source: https://thecanadaguide.com/places/ canadian-tourism/ & https://thecanadaguide.com/government/
January 1 – Canada enacts a law prohibiting foreigners, except for immigrants and permanent residents, from acquiring residential areas in the country for two years in response to a real-estate bubble.
January 18 – Defence Minister Anita Anand announces that the country is donating 200 Senator APCs to Ukraine to aid them during the war.
January 21 – The government agreed to pay C$2.8 billion to settle a class-action lawsuit regarding compensation for the effects of residential schools to First Nations.
January 26:
Anand announces that Canada is sending four Leopard 2A4 tanks to Ukraine, the first
February 28 – Canada bans social media platform TikTok from all government-issued devices, citing “an unacceptable level of risk to privacy and security” from the Chinese-owned app.
March 16 – A fire kills seven people in Old Montreal. The fire prompts a crackdown on illegal short-term housing rentals in Quebec.
March 26 – Janine Gibson wins the 2023 Green Party of Manitoba leadership election.
April 3 – The 2023 Prince Edward Island general election is held. The Progressive Conservative Party under Dennis King won a majority government.
April 5–16 – The 2023 IIHF Women’s World Championship is held in Brampton, ON April 5 – 2023 Canada ice storm: Two people are killed and over a million people are without power after an ice storm strikes Ontario and Quebec.
April 17 – Over $20 million worth of gold and other high-value items are stolen at the Toronto Pearson International Airport.
April 19–May 3 – 2023 Canadian federal worker strike.
April 29 – The Toronto Maple Leafs win a playoff series for the first time since 2004.
May 6 – Coronation of Charles III as King of Canada and the other Commonwealth realms.
May 29 – The 2023 Alberta general election is held, with Danielle Smith and the United Conservative Party retaining a reduced majority government.
June 11 – Nick Taylor becomes the first Canadian citizen to win the Canadian Open since 1954.
June 15 – At least 15 people are killed and 10 are injured in a vehicle collision on the Trans-Canada Highway near Carberry, Manitoba....Source: en.wikipedia.org
Capital Ottawa
45°24′N 75°40′W
Largest city: Toronto
Official languages
English & French Demonym(s) Canadian Government Federal
constitutional monarchy
• Monarch Elizabeth II
• Governor General
Mary Simon
• Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau
Legislature: Parliament
• Upper house:Senate
• Lower house House of Commons
Independence from the United Kingdom
• Confederation
July 1, 1867
• Statute of Westminster
December 11, 1931
• Patriation
April 17, 1982
•Total Area :9,984,670 km2 (3,855,100 sq mi) (2nd)
• Water (%) 11.76 (as of 2015)[3]
• Total land area 9,093,507 km2 (3,511,023 sq mi)
• Q1 2023 estimate 39,566,248(37th)
• 2021 census 36,991,981
• Density: 4.2/km2 (10.9/ sq mi) (185th)
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total $2.385 trillion (15th)
• Per capita $60,177[5] (28th)
GDP (nominal)2023 estimate
• Total Increase $2.090 trillion (9th)
• Per capita $52,722[5] (18th)
Currency Canadian dollar ($) (CAD)
Time zone:UTC−3.5 to −8
• Summer (DST)
UTC−2.5 to −7
Date format: yyyy-mm-dd (AD)
Driving side: right
Calling code: +1
Internet TLD: .ca
Source: https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Canada
Federal government
Governor General –
Mary Simon
Prime Minister –Justin Trudeau
Parliament – 44th
Obviously, attempting to write anything definitive about 21st century Canadian history is ridiculously premature. We’re only just entering the century’s second decade, and a lot will no doubt happen in the remaining eight. But it may still be useful to review a few current events.
Already underway in the late 1990s, the information revolution of the early 21st century brought enormous change to the lives of Canadians, with personal computers, mobile phones, and the internet going from hightech novelties to necessities of life in just a few short years. Just as the dawn of the 20th century introduced new types of work through the growth of factories and machines, so too is the 21st creating new jobs in previously unknown fields like computer programming, website management, and online commerce. Today, close to 90 per cent of Canadian homes are connected to the internet, and Canadians increasingly communicate with one another through digital technologies like texting and instant messaging, as well as social media websites like Facebook and Twitter. In addition to chatting, many now shop, make friends, and even find romantic partners online. While some celebrate the efficiency and convenience that digital life offers, others worry Canadians are spending far too much time online and in front of screens these days, and growing in creasingly detached from the real world.
On September 11, 2001, fundamentalist Islamic terrorists from the Middle East destroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York City, killing 2,983 people, including 26 Canadians. In response, Canada quickly
joined what was dubbed the War on Terror, led by the United States, to take offensive action against the Islamist terror group Al-Qaeda — who had perpetrated the attack — and the fundamentalist Taliban government of Afghanistan that had sheltered and supported them. Though the Taliban government was quickly toppled, Canadian troops would stay in Afghanistan for nearly 10 years — the longest war in Canadian history — fighting stubborn pockets of Taliban and Al-Qaeda loyalists, helping train soldiers and police officers serving the country’s new, democratic government, and protecting Afghan civilians from terror attacks. Canada’s combat mission in Afghanistan officially ended in 2010, and most Canadian troops left the country in 2014. The final remaining Canadian presence in Afghanistan ended in 2021, when the capital was reconquered by the Taliban — a depressing turn of events that led many to question if the long war had been worth it. In 2003, the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush (b. 1946) widened the War on Terror and invaded Iraq, but Canada’s government refused to participate. By 2014, however, a new terrorist group known as ISIS or the Islamic State — had seized control of portions of Iraq and Syria, prompting many western nations to pursue renewed military action. In 2014, Prime Minister Stephen Harper (b. 1959) ordered Canadian airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria, but in 2016, following an election, these were cancelled by new prime minister Justin Trudeau (b. 1971), who insisted the Canadian military should instead focus on training and helping anti-ISIS forces on the ground... Global News vaccine tracker
Source: https://thecanadaguide.com/history/
Where is Canada? Canada is a large country in the northern hemisphere. The country belongs to the North American continent. Canada borders the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Arctic Ocean in the North.
Canada shares a land border with the United States of America in the south and in the northwest. There it borders Alaska which is the largest state of the USA.
Did you know that Canada and the USA
Being a Muslim Canadian, it is our responsibility of being faithful and loyal to Canada but also represents our distinct religious identity in a positive manner.
I am very proud that I am a Muslim and Pakistani Canadian and it is my duty to remind everyone , that we should promote not only Canadian values but also uphold our religious morals. I request all Muslim Canadians that be proud of their unique identity and live here with peace and dignity as ambassadors. long live Canada!
& Happy Hajj and Eid ul Adha. Jazakum Allah khair Mohammad Naseer Pirzada (Editor in-Chief)a non-Christian religion: 18.9 % reported being Muslim, followed by Hindu (9.0 %) and Sikh (5.8 %).
In 2021, more than 19.3 million people reported a Christian religion, or just over half of the Canadian population (53.3 %).
However, this percentage is down from 67.3 % in 2011 and 77.1 % in 2001.
share the longest international border in the world? The Canada - USA border is 8,891 km/ 5,525 miles long. The longest part of the border is shared with the US-state of Alaska and this stretch is more than 2,475 km/ 1,538 miles long.
Canada is known for its many lakes. There are about three million lakes in Canada, according to the WorldFactBook Canada houses more lakes than all countries in the world
Islam is one of the most global religions in the world. You’ll find its adherents all over the globe, and that’s including in Canada. Here’s a fun fact, Islam makes up 3.2% of the total population of Canada! These statistics show us that, although Muslims are still a minority in the country, they are a large minority. Canada has always done a good job in being a free country, where one can practice his/her faith without constraint and difficulty. Indeed, it is quite easy to find Mosques in the big cities, and Halal food is widely available, whether it be in stores or restaurants. Unlike some other American or European countries, Canada is very open-minded and has a close relationship with its citizens, of all races, ethnicities, and beliefs. Islam is, thus, thriving in Canada and Muslims have no problem integrating with Canadian culture all the while preserving their religion. Most Muslim Canadians feel a strong sense of belonging to Canada after their sense of belonging to Islam, and the two coexist in the most beautiful of ways. Read on to find out more about Islam in Canada and some additional statistics! SOURCE: halaltrip.com
Emerald Lake in Canada’s Yoho National Park
Canada is known for its many lakes. There are about three million lakes in Canada, according to the WorldFactBook Canada houses more lakes than all countries in the world combined!
• Canada is the second largest country in the world, after Russia.
The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.
• Canada is among the ten most sparsely populated countries in the world. More than half of the population live in the Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec. About 90% of the people in Canada live within 160: Source:kids-world-travel-guide.com
Statistics Canada’s portrait of religious diversity shows the Muslim, Hindu and Sikh population has more than doubled. by Fabian Dawson, October 27, 2022 These are just a few examples of the nation’s growing ethnocultural and religious diversity, which Statistics Canada states is largely driven by immigration, according to its latest census report.
Drawing on data from more than 450 ethnic and cultural origins, 200 places of birth, 100 religions and 450 languages, Statistics Canada researchers said that immigration is one of the key drivers of religions, especially non-Christian faiths, in the country.
According to its analysis, immigrants represented the majority of Buddhists (68.9 %), Muslims (63.1 %), Hindus (62.9 %) and Sikhs (53.8 %) in the country. By comparison, immigrants represented nearly one-quarter (23.0 %) of the Canadian population in 2021.
In addition, a large proportion of immigrants admitted from 2011 to 2021 reported
Catholics are the largest Christian denomination in Canada, with 10.9 million people (29.9 %) in 2021. The United Church (3.3 %) and the Anglican Church (3.1 %), two other Christian denominations, each had more than 1 million people in Canada.
Orthodox Christians (1.7 %), Baptists (1.2 %), and Pentecostals and other Charismatics (1.1 %) were the other Christian denominations most often reported.
Here are some of the other key findings from Statistic’s Canada portrait of the country’s religious diversity; Approximately 12.6 million people, or more than one-third of Canada’s population, reported having no religious affiliation. The proportion of this population has more than doubled in 20 years, going from 16.5 % in 2001 to 34.6 % in 2021.
While small, the proportion of Canada’s population who reported being Muslim, Hindu or Sikh has more than doubled in 20 years. After Christianity, Islam was the second most commonly reported religion in Canada in 2021, with nearly 1.8 million, or 1 in 20, people. In 20 years, the share of the Muslim population in Canada has more than doubled—up from 2.0 per cent in 2001 to 4.9 per cent in 2021.
In 2021, close to 830,000 people, or 2.3 % of the total population, reported affiliation with Hinduism. Like Muslims, the proportion of the population with Hinduism as its religion has more than doubled in the last 20 years, and is up from 1.0 % in 2001.
The share of the population who reported Sikhism as its religion also more than doubled since 2001, from 0.9 % to 2.1 % in 2021. About 770,000 people reported Sikhism as their religion in the 2021 Census. Approximately 335,000 people reported being Jewish in 2021. This number has changed little over the last 20 years; in 2001, 330,000 reported a Jewish affiliation.
Although Canada’s total population grew, the proportion of the population with Jewish religious affiliation decreased slightly from 1.1 % in 2001 to 0.9 % in 2021. In 2021, close to 360,000 people, or 1.0% of Canada’s population, reported Buddhism as their religion, the same percentage as in the 2001 Census.
Source: newcanadianmedia.ca/islam
City John.Aldag@parl.gc.ca
Dhaliwal Surrey—Newton Sukh.Dhaliwal@parl.gc.ca
Centre Hedy.Fry@parl.gc.ca
South Harjit.Sajjan@parl.gc.ca
Noormohamed Vancouver Granville Taleeb.Noormohamed@parl.gc.ca
Delta Carla.Qualtrough@parl.gc.ca
Sarai Surrey Centre Randeep.Sarai@parl.gc.ca
West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country Patrick.Weiler@parl.gc.ca
Have you received a call from 613993-9620 or another phone number listed on our website? These are public phone numbers for CSIS, and they have been spoofed. Calls from these phone numbers asking for social insurance numbers or financial information are a scam. We encourage Canadians to report such instances to the Canadian Antifraud Centre by phone at 1-888-495-8501 or here: http:// www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/ index-eng.htm
Our vision: A safe, secure and prosperous Canada, through trusted intelligence and advice. CSIS is at the forefront of Canada’s national security system. Our role is to investigate activities suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada and to report on these to the Government of Canada. We may also take measures to reduce threats
to the security of Canada in accordance with well-defined legal requirements and Ministerial Direction.
Keeping Canadians safe through counterterrorism, security screening and protecting critical infrastructure. Source: .canada.ca/
The importance of preserving Canada’s multicultural heritage. The rights of indigenous peoples. English and French remain the only official languages.
Social equality within society and under the law regardless of race, colour, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, creed or religion. Multiculturalism in Canada was officially adopted by the government during the 1970s and 1980s. The Canadian federal government has been described as the instigator of multiculturalism as an ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration.
Source: .https://en.wikipedia.org/
Human Concern International (HCI) made a resounding impact at the Vancouver Gala with more than 500 attendees from the greater Vancouver area. The gala, supported by prominent sponsors including Brian Jessel BMW, BCMA, and local organizations in BC, captivated attendees with its theme inspired by the popular TV series “Ertuğrul.” The highlight of the evening was an on-stage interview by Engin Altan Düzyatan, the actor who portrayed the main character in the series.HCI raised over $100,000 to support
groundbreaking water projects in countries facing critical water challenges.
These projects span across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. A portion will go towards Water First’s STEM-based water science programs provided in Indigenous community schools in British Columbia.
Engin Altan shared his personal connection to the cause, drawing parallels between his character, Ertuğrul, and the fight for social justice and the rights of all people, and his real-life passion for raising awareness and addressing clean water challenges in Africa.
This has led to his partnership with HCI for the Water for Life North America tour.
Access to clean water remains a critical issue globally, with UNICEF estimating that one in three people lack safe drinking water worldwide. The United Nations has also called attention to Canada’s need to address violations of clean and safe drinking water in First Nations communities. The BCMA President Mr. Asad Ghondal presented the $20,000 cheque on behalf of BC Muslim Association to HCI managemernt at stage.
“We are incredibly grateful to the Muslim community in British Columbia for their support of advancing HCI’s mission of providing clean water to communities in need. Through their contributions, we are able to make a tangible difference in the lives of millions. Together, we are building a brighter future, one drop of water at a time.”Mahmuda Khan, Executive Director for HCI.
HCI, a Canadian relief charity, has garnered immense recognition for its humanitarian aid efforts in over 40 countries worldwide.
On June 15th, the Newton Athletic Parking in Surrey played host to a remarkable event as the BC Muslim School soccer tournament, marked its triumphant return.
The tournament, featuring 16 teams from Azia Islamic Academy, BC Muslim School, Richmond Surrey Muslim School, and the Iqra Islamic School, proved to be a resounding success, bringing togetherstudents from different schools and fostering a sense of unity, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
After a three-year hiatus, the tournament underwent a significant transformation aimed at promoting collaboration and cooperation.
By merging schools and forming teams consisting of both Surrey and Richmond students, Janief Mohammed, the event organizer, sought to create an unforgettable experience that celebrated the power of teamwork and the values ofsportsmanship.
The revamped format sparked enthusiasm
among the participants, who eagerly embraced the opportunity to compete alongside their peers from different backgrounds.
The emphasis of the tournament was on building bridges, expanding horizons, and promoting mutual understanding through the beautiful game of soccer.
Throughout the day, the Newton Athletic Parking was filled with the sounds of cheering fans, spirited competition, and laughter.
The matches showcased the remarkable talent, determination, and camaraderie displayed by all the participating teams. The players demonstrated their skills while upholding the values of fair play, respect, and collaboration, setting an exemplary standard for young athletes.
In addition to the exhilarating matches, the tournament provided a platform for students to forge new friendships and create lasting memories. The merging of talents from various schools not only enhanced the level of competition but also fostered an environment of mutual learning and
growth. We are thrilled with the overwhelming success of this year intra-Muslim school soccer tournament," said Janief Mohammed, the event organizer. The participation and sportsmanship displayed by the teams were truly inspiring. Alhamdulillah it was heartwarming to witness students from different schools come together, support each other, and celebrate the spirit of Islamic unity.
The event concluded with an awards ceremony, where participants were recognized for their outstanding performances and contributions to the tournament. The awards were presented by esteemed individuals, including Sharif Khan (Danny), Dr Ali Mihirig, Hassan Malam, Feroz Khan, Feroz Dean and Aaron Khan. Their presence added prestige to the occasion and highlighted the importance of acknowledging the achievements of the young athletes.
Among the notable winners were Surrey Schools made up of Iqra Islamic Academy and Surrey
messages on Twitter, telling his fans this week: “I’m up for a cage match if he is lol.”
Zuckerberg, who has followed the trend of tech bosses getting buff and posting martial arts videos, responded on Wednesday on his Instagram Stories with a screenshot of the message and a response: “Send me location.”
Tech titans Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are in a fierce business rivalry that has spilt over into a playground spat, with the two men offering to fight each other in a cage.
Months after Musk took over Twitter, Zuckerberg’s Meta hinted it was planning to launch its own text-based social media platform — essentially a direct rival.
Musk has trolled Zuckerberg ever since with
Meta confirmed to AFP that Zuckerberg’s message was genuine. The exchange has provoked mirth on social media with plenty of fight predictions — Zuckerberg emerging as the clear favourite. “Please god let this happen,” technology journalist Taylor Lorenz wrote on Twitter. “The best Musk-Zuckerberg cage match is one in which two men enter and no men leave,” wrote podcaster Bennett Tomlin. ‘Sane’ Twitter jibe
The two men have baited each other for years with opposing views on everything from politics to artificial intelligence. But their new business rivalry has supercharged the animosity. Musk responded angrily to a recent claim by a Meta official that there was appetite for a “sanely run” Twitter alternative. The Tesla and SpaceX boss bought the social media firm for $44 billion before sacking much of its staff and allowing banned right-wing conspiracy theorists back onto the platform — sending advertisers fleeing.
Musk defended his handling of Twitter at an event in Paris last week, saying advertisers had come back and he had eliminated almost all bots.In an interview earlier this month with US podcaster Lex Fridman, Zuckerberg was asked
Muslim School, who emerged victorious and took home the annual Championship Trophy Cup. Their exceptional teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship were celebrated, further reinforcing the tournament emphasis on unity and collaboration. The success of the Muslim school soccer tournament serves as a testament to the power of inclusivity, diversity, and shared experiences. It not only highlighted the talents of the participating students but also demonstrated the potential of sports to bring people together and create a harmonious environment.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all schools, coaches, teachers, students and volunteers and spectators who contributed to the success of this memorable event. Their support and dedication made it possible to promote unity, foster friendships, and celebrate the true spirit of sportsmanship.For further information, please contact: Janief Mohammed 604 612 0850
Aarif Khan 604 715 3705,Omarr Khan 604720 7335
Reported By: Janief Mohammedto say something positive about Musk’s handling of Twitter.
After an eight-second pause for thought, he said Musk had “led a push early on to make Twitter a lot leaner”, a move he said was good for the industry. Zuckerberg announced thousands of job cuts at his firm months after Musk did so at Twitter. Source: https://www.dawn.com/news
Allhumdulilla The Miracle Media is proud that the Miracle is the only one in the BC Muslim Print Media market which is non-stop a bi-weekly publication during the Pandemic 2019-2022 and after the Covid crisis till this day. Its availability at Website. miraclenews.com, Facebook (the Miracle Newspaper), Twitter, (https://twitter.com/Miraclenews1), and at two other digital printing service providers, “Press Reader” at https://www.pressreader.com/canada/ the-miracle/latestand “Magzter “ at https://www.magzter. com/CA/.Miracle-Media-Group-Inc in all over the world.
The relationship is necessary but dependency is not. Pakistan must be a party to the terms of engagement, but should not promise what it cannot deliver for fear of losing aid.
By: Touqir Hussain, dawn.comWriting about US-Pakistan relations is always like writing a piece of literary criticism of Shakespeare’s Hamlet — looking for new answers to old nagging questions, falling short and often ending up with new questions. The challenging new question now is: Will Pakistan have to choose between the US and China in view of their intensifying rivalry? Pakistan’s anxiety is a reflection of its dependent foreign policy that cannot afford to lose any major relationship, yet cannot find the right mix. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar hinted as much in her remarks, as revealed in the Discord leaks reported by the Washington Post, that Pakistan can “no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and
the United States”. In a more recent statement, the Foreign Office spokesperson also said that Pakistan has not joined the “China block”. Navigating between the two relationships is not going to be an easy path. So the question is, if Pakistan has the option to keep relations with both China and the US, how much should the share of each be? The answer can only be provided by a correct understanding of both Pak-China and Pak-US relationships, their relevance and their importance to Pakistan’s national interests.
While there is largely a national consensus on the strategic nature of relations with China, the same is not true of US-Pakistan relations. The understanding of relations with the US is marked by long-held myths and misperceptions that have hindered a cleareyed view. This article hopes to address some of these misconceptions.
For over six decades, US-Pakistan relations
have served vital interests for the two countries but it has not been a ‘normal’ bilateral relationship. Its central irony is that substantial aid levels from time to time have not reflected an enduring and substantive relationship. Instead, it has fluctuated back and forth from close alliance to estrangement and antipathy...
The first engagement from the mid 1950s60s was the last time the US really helped the people of Pakistan. After that, the relationship was largely between the two ruling establishments in Washington and Islamabad who had stake in it for different reasons and purposes. In the next two engagements — during the 1980s against the Soviets in Afghanistan and their post-9/11 alliance — the question for Washington was not what kind of relationship it should have with Pakistan but what kind of role it wanted it to play for a particular geopolitical or security need. More importantly, what it would take to make the regime do what the US wanted it to do. That is what determined aid levels,
not what intrinsic importance Pakistan had or did not have...
From myths to misperceptions
All this created serious problems in knowing the truth about the relationship in both countries. The public was conflicted between their own reservations about the relationship and the inflated image painted by the governments. In the US, the political and military leaderships came to believe in their own propaganda and felt let down when they found Pakistan falling short of its exaggerated image as an ally.
Washington was not happy with Pakistan’s relations with China, the 1965 war, Islamabad’s nuclear programme, and Pakistan’s contribution to the failure of the Afghanistan war. And there were cries of betrayal.
The Supreme Court (SC) on Thursday sought the record of all those arrested in the country in the aftermath of May 9, when violent protests broke out in the country following the arrest of PTI Chairman Imran Khan.
According to the court order, a copy of which is available with Dawn.com, Attorney General of Pakistan (AGP) Mansoor Usman Awan was asked to submit the record of the “total number of detenues in the civil and military custody on account of offences allegedly committed by them under any law in the incidents occurred on May 9 or thereafter”. The AGP was further instructed to specify how many of those taken into custody were women and juveniles and how many advocates and journalist were in civil and military custody.The directives came
as a newly formed seven-member bench, down from a nine-member bench, resumed hearing a set of petitions challenging the trial of civilians in military courts. Earlier today, a nine-member bench comprising Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umar Ata Bandial, Justice Isa, Justice Masood, Justice Ijazul Ahsan, Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, Justice Munib Akhtar, Justice Yayha Afridi, Justice Sayyed Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi and Justice Ayesha Malik had taken up the case. However, Justice Isa had stated that he did not consider “this bench a bench”. He also said that he could not be a part of any bench until the case relating to the Supreme Court (Practice and Procedure) Bill 2023 — which aims to deprive the office of the chief justice of Pakistan (CJP) of powers to take suo motu notice in an individual capacity and which has since become law — was decided. At the same time, he said that he was not recusing himself from hearing the case. Justice Masood had agreed with Justice Isa’s views. The hearing was subsequently adjourned after all the judges left the courtroom. However, CJP Bandial decided to move forward with hearing the case and formed a fresh seven-member
bench, excluding justices Isa and Masood. The petitions in question were filed by former CJP Jawwad S. Khawaja, Aitzaz Ahsan, Karamat Ali, and PTI Chairman Imran Khan. Khawaja, who filed the petition through his counsel Advocate Khawaja Ahmad Hosain earlier this week, requested the top court to declare the trial of civilians by military courts unconstitutional. The former CJP pleaded that Section 2(1)(d)(i) and (ii) of the Pakistan Army Act were inconsistent with the fundamental rights conferred by the Constitution and therefore void, and should be struck down.
As an interim measure, all proceedings against civilians based on the sections should be suspended or, in the alternative, any military court should be restrained from passing a final order in any case against civilians based on the sections, the petition stated.
Before this petition, five members of civil society from different cities, through their counsel Faisal Siddiqi, sought as illegal the trial of civilians in the military courts in connection with the violence in the country of May 9. Likewise, Ahsan, who has also served as a
LOWER DIR: Jamaat-i-Islami chief Sirajul Haq on Wednesday said civilians should be tried by anti-terrorism and civil courts and not military courts. He, however, said the people found involved in the May 9-10 riots and attacks on government and military installations should be punished.“There is no need for military courts to try civilians as the anti-terrorism and civil courts are already there. However, there shouldn’t be any clemency for the people involved in the May 9-10 vandalism,” Mr Siraj told reporters at a hotel in the Timergara area here.
Former MNA Sahibzada Yaqub Khan, JI leaders Izazul Mulk Afkari and Shad Nawaz Khan, Dir Chamber of Commerce and Industries president Mian Noor Alam Bacha, and trader leaders Haji
Anwaruddin, Hameedur Rehman and Dr Noor Mohammad were also present on the occasion.
The JI chief demanded of the government to immediately bifurcate Malakand division saying the division is the largest in the country with a population of over nine million.
He also called for the restoration of the economic and industrial zone in Malakand under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project.
Mr Siraj said Malakand should be declared a tax-free zone until 2030.
“We [Jamaat] have planned a massive drive to claim rights for Malakand division,” he said.
The JI leader said Malakand division had great potential for tourism development but the successive governments did nothing for it.
He also complained that the region’s residents lacked basic facilities. Mr Siraj criticised the PDM government over “poor” socioeconomic policies and said Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s administration had failed to deliver.
“It seems there is no government in the centre as well as provinces,” he said.
The JI chief said the people were badly hit by record inflation, especially the escalating prices of essential goods. He said both PDM and PTI were equally responsible for the current economic and political mess in the country as they’re more interested in accumulating money than serving the people. Mr Siraj demanded of the government to announce general elections and said free, fair and transparent polls were
former law minister and also spearheaded the 2007 lawyers’ movement, explained that the primary purpose of his petition was to ensure that none of the thousands of civilians who have admittedly been arrested for allegedly having partaken in the May 9 violence and being nominated for trial be tried by military courts. The petitioner said he did not seek to scuttle the trial of any civilian before any lawfully established court of criminal jurisdiction.
In his petition, the PTI chairman sought a declaration against the arrests, investigation, and trial of civilians in peacetime under the Pakistan Army Act (PAA) 1952 as well as the Official Secrets Act 1923. Source: www.dawn.com/news
ISLAMABAD: Lal Masjid’s Maulana Abdul Aziz dodged arrest on Wednesday after his guards put up resistance to the police party when he came out of the mosque after leading Zuhr prayers despite a ban on him from the authorities. Soon after, female students of Jamia Hafsa
the only solution to the current crises facing the country. He alleged that the PPP leadership and Sindh government violated the Constitution and democratic norms during the Karachi mayor’s election to get the party’s nominee elected.
The JI chief said his party would stage a rally outside the Election Commission of Pakistan’s offices in Islamabad on June 23 against the Karachi mayor election. Source: www.dawn.com
blocked several roads, including Jinnah Avenue and the bridge near Kulsoom Plaza, to protest against the attempted arrest of the cleric. However, confusion and lack of clarity persisted over the entire episode as statements and versions from both the police and Lal Masjid failed to answer several questions. Situated at the centre of the capital city, Lal Masjid came to prominence when the then military ruler Gen Pervez Musharraf carried out a full-fledged military operation in July 2007.
Talking to Dawn, a senior official of the capital administration acknowledged that a team of Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) had gone to Lal Masjid to talk to the Maulana and ask him to present himself for
clearing certain queries.
Maulana Abdul Aziz evades arrest
Among the queries was his re-emergence as khateeb (prayer leader) in Lal Masjid despite the fact that he had retired and was replaced and attempts to take control over the adjoining plot of the former children library as well as other matters. However, the official was not clear how Maulana Abdul Aziz reached Jamia Hafsa in G-7 and why the CTD teams could not stop him. Meanwhile, on his part, Maulana Abdul Aziz floated his video statement on social media, in which he explained how some official vehicles came to arrest him as soon as he left Lal Masjid after leading Zuhr prayers. “Two CTD vehicles chased
me and stopped my car and then several personnel came out and tried to arrest me; they fired at us, which led to a fight. I got injured; you can see my car but my gun failed to fire,” Maulana Aziz said, adding that four to five CTD personnel got hold of him and pinned him down. “I was injured but with the help of divine strength I got hold of the gun of one of the personnel and started firing. In the meantime, a large number of people gathered, which gave me an opportunity to escape,” Maulana said. He said despite being injured, he was able to reach Jamia Hafsa. A footage showed his car parked on Kulsoom Plaza bridge on 7th Avenue with bullet holes on the windscreen. Source: www.dawn.com