Miracle 613-December 29, 2023

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Volume 23- Issue 613- December 29, 2023- Jamadi ul II, 16, 1445 H, $1 www.miraclenews.com BC, CANADA First Muslim

Biweekly & Bilingual



An inspiring evening


03 & New Year

09 of spiritual renewal at

BC United’s Media 09 Townhall Metting with Women Empowerment 09 Team of BC promotes

Will the 2024 US

08 election save TikTok Self-reported


15 experienced by M.youth

near Israeli embassy 06 Blast in New Delhi, all staff

06 Israel-Hamas

war live: Israel vows to 06 Exports to Middle East jump 29pc in

Israeli forces bombard refugee camps in central Gaza as UN appoints humanitarian co-ordinator


ew signs of Israel-Hamas war inflaming tensions around the region. Israeli forces on Tuesday expanded their ground offensive into urban refugee camps in central Gaza after bombarding the crowded Palestinian communities and ordering residents to evacuate. Gaza’s main telecom provider announced another “complete interruption” of services in the besieged territory. The military’s announce-

ment of the new battle zone threatens further destruction in a war that Israel’s military says will last for “many months” as it vows to crush Hamas after its Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel. Israeli forces have been engaged in heavy urban fighting in northern Gaza and the southern city of Khan Younis, driving Palestinians into ever-smaller areas in search of refuge. The United States said Israel’s minister for strategic affairs, Ron Dermer, Cont. @ page 5

May this year you find peace and success in your life. We request Allah to forgive our sins and grant us a life full of happiness and prosperity. In this year let us help others get their wishes fulfilled.

The federal government wants Canadians to switch to electric vehicles. Are they interested?


ith electric vehicle sales in Canada breaking records every year, the demand is clear, say advocates of EVs. Christmas Eve travel woes at Vancouver airport “There is currently very high intercaused by ‘unplanned absences’ at Nav Canada est, and that interest is growing,” said Louise Lévesque, director of raffic flow at the Vancouver ber of flights “to maintain a safe policy at Electric Mobility Canada, airport returned to normal and manageable quantity of aircraft a national industry association that Monday following a series of movements” on Sunday during the works to advance electric transpordelays caused by a staffing shortage shortage.“(These decisions) help entation. Environment Minister Steon Christmas Eve. sure that airspace and airport infraven Guilbeault last week unveiled The delays at Vancouver Interna- structure do not get overwhelmed or the federal government’s electric tional Airport – which impacted the gridlocked,” a spokesperson wrote in vehicle sales mandate regulations, travel plans of many passengers dur- an email. “Our team is working acwhich include a national target of ing the holidays – were the result of tively with industry partners to safely 100 per cent zero-emission vehicle “unplanned absences” at Nav Cana- support airline efforts to keep aircraft sales by 2035. In making his anda, according to a statement from the moving as expeditiously as possible nouncement, Guilbeault also noted air navigation service provider. over the holidays.” Nav Canada how the Canadian marketplace is Nav Canada said the decision was announced operations were already experiencing “a rapid shift Cont. @ page 5 made to proactively delay a num-


toward zero-emission vehicles.” But some observers say the market and demand for EVs is more nuanced, that data shows most Canadians still aren’t particularly eager to buy one and that the targets laid out by Guilbeault might be difficult to achieve. “If we have to get to 100 per cent of new car sales by 2035, the path we’re on right now won’t get us there,” said Niel Hiscox, president of Clarify Group Inc., a Canadianbased automotive research and advisory firm. “You can’t make the transition if the cars aren’t there, if they’re not affordable.” Recent data shows a growth in electric vehicle sales. According to a Statistics Canada report this month, new zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) Cont. @ page 5


Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023


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Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

By: Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen


haykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his commentary on the aayah (interpretation of the meaning), “And those who do not witness falsehood (al-zoor)…” [al-Furqaan 25:72]: “As regards the festivals of the mushrikeen: they combine confusion, physical desires and falsehood, there is nothing in them that is of any religious benefit, and the instant gratification involved in them only ends up in pain. Thus they are falsehood, and witnessing them means attending them.” This aaayah itself praises and commends (those who do not witness falsehood), which has the meaning of urging people to avoid taking part in their festivals and other kinds of falsehood. We understand that it is bad to attend their festivals because they are called al-zoor (falsehood). It indicates that it is haraam to do this for many reasons, because Allaah has called it al-zoor. Allaah condemns the one who speaks falsehood (al-zoor) even if no-one else is harmed by it, as in the aayah forbidding zihaar (a form of divorce in which the man says to his wife “You are to me like the back of my mother”), where He says (interpretation of the meaning): “… And verily, they utter an ill word and a lie (zooran)…” [al-Mujaadilah 58:2]. And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “… So shun the abomination of idols, and shun lying speech (false statements, al-zoor).” [al-Hajj 22:30]. So the one who does al-zoor is condemned in this fashion. In the Sunnah: Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came (to Madeenah) and they had two days in which they would (relax and) play. He said, “What are these two days?” They said, “We used to play (on these two days) during the Jaahiliyyah.” The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has given you something better instead of

f ait h Narrated/Authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (saw) said: that the Prophet (saw) said:”The Hour will not begin until ‘Eisa bin Maryam comes down as a just judge and a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish the Jizyah, and wealth will become so abundant that no one will accept it.” Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 39,

Celebrating Christmas & New Year

things that are a part of their religion? Is not going along with their actions worse than learning their language? Is not doing some of the things they do on their festival worse than just entering upon them? If divine wrath is descending upon them on the day of their festival because of what they do, then is not the one who does what they do, or a part of it, also exposed to the same punishment? Do not the words “Avoid the enemies of Allaah on their festivals” mean that we should not meet them or join them on those days? So how about the one who actually celebrates their festivals? ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr clearly stated: “Whoever lives in the land of the non-Arabs and celebrates their New Year and their festivals, and imitates them until he dies in that state, will be gathered with them on the Day of Resurrection.” This implies that the one who joins in with them in all of these matters is a kaafir, or that doing this is one of the major sins (kabaa’ir) that will doom one to Hell; the former meaning is what is apparent from the wording. He mentioned – and Allaah knows best – the one who lives in their land, because at the time of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr and the other Sahaabah, they used to forbid open celebration of kaafir festivals in the Muslim lands, and none of the Muslims imitated them in their festivals; that was possible only when living in the lands of the kaafirs. ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) refused to even acknowledge the name of their festivals which were exclusively theirs, so how about actually celebrating them? Ahmad mentioned the meaning of the reports narrated from ‘Umar and ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with them) on this topic, and his companions discussed the matter of festivals. Imaam Abu’l-Hasan al-Aamidi said: the one who is known as Ibn al-Baghdaadi said in his book ‘Umdat al-Haadir wa Kifaayat alMusaafir: “It is not permitted to attend the festivals of the Christians and Jews”. Ahmad stated this in the report of Muhannaa, and his evidence for that is the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): ‘And those who do not witness falsehood (al-zoor)…’ [al-Furqaan 25:72] He said: “(This is) al-Sha’aaneen and their festivals. He said: The Muslims are to be prevented from entering upon them in their synagogues and churches.” Source: a2youth.com

them: Yawm al-Duhaa (Eid al-Adha) and tions set out by ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Yawm al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).” [Reported by Allaah be pleased with him) and agreed upon Abu Dawood] by the Sahaabah and by all the Fuqaha’ after This indicates clearly that the Prophet them is: that those of the People of the Book (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon who have agreed to live under Islamic rule him) definitely forbade his ummah to cel- (ahl al-dhimmah) should not celebrate their ebrate the festivals of the kuffaar, and he festivals openly in Daar al-Islam (lands unstrove to wipe them out by all possible der Islamic rule). If the Muslims have agreed means. The fact that the religion of the to prevent them from celebrating openly, People of the Book is accepted does not how could it be right for the Muslims to celmean that their festivals are approved of or ebrate them? If a Muslim celebrates them, is should be preserved by the ummah, just as that not worse than if a kaafir does so openly? the rest of their kufr and sins are not ap- The only reason that we forbade them to proved of. Indeed, the Prophet (peace and celebrate their festivals openly is because of blessings of Allaah be upon him) went to the corruption involved in them, because of great lengths to command his ummah to be the sin or symbols of sin. In either case, the different from them in many issues that are Muslim is forbidden from sin or the symbols mubaah (permitted) and in many ways of of sin. Even if there was no evil involved worship, lest that lead them to be like them apart from the kaafir feeling encouraged to in other matters too. This being different celebrate openly because of the Muslim’s acwas to be a barrier in all aspects, because tions, how can a Muslim do that? The evil the more different you are from the people involved (in their festivals) will be explained of Hell, the less likely you are to do the below, in sha Allaah. acts of the people of Hell. Al-Bayhaqi reported with a saheeh isnaad The first of them is: The hadeeth “Every in Baab karaahiyat al-dukhool ‘ala ahl alpeople has its festival, and this is our festi- dhimmah fi kanaa’isihim wa’l-tashabbuh val” implies exclusivity, that every people bihim yawmi nawroozihim wa maharjaanihas its own festival, as Allaah says (in- him (Chapter on the abhorrence of entering terpretation of the meaning): “For every the churches of ahl al-dhimmah on the ocnation there is a direction to which they casion of their New Year and other celebraface (in their prayers)…” [al-Baqarah tions): From Sufyaan al-Thawri from Thawr 2:148] and “… To each among you, We ibn Yazeed from ‘Ata’ ibn Deenaar who said: have prescribed a law and a clear way…” ‘Umar said: “Do not learn the language of [al-Maa’idah 5:48] This implies that each the non-Arabs, do not enter upon the mushnation has its own ways. The laam in li- rikeen in their churches on their feast-days, kulli (“for every”, “to each”) implies ex- for the wrath (of Allaah) is descending upon clusivity. So if the Jews have a festival and them.” ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab said: “Avoid the Christians have a festival, it is just for the enemies of Allaah on their festivals.”It them, and we should not have any part in was reported with a saheeh isnaad from it, just as we do not share their qiblah (di- Abu Usaamah: ‘Awn told us from Abu’lrection of prayer) or their laws. Mugheerah from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr: The second of them is: one of the condi- “Whoever lives in the land of the non-Arabs and celebrates their New Year and their festivals, and imitates them until he dies in that state, will be gathered with them on the Day of Resurrection.” ties which are not specifically at odds with ‘Umar forbade learning their languages, and By Séamus Martin Islamic Sharia. Likewise with the continua- even entering their churches on the day of The short answer is No. their festival, so how about doing some of here are only two religiously sanc- tion of many pre-Islamic customs of socie- the things they do on those days, or doing tioned celebrations in Islam - Eid ties which in the past converted en masse to ul-Adha and Eid-al Fitr. These were Islam, e.g. the celebration of the new year of the only ones celebrated by prophet Mo- the Persian calendar. December 29-January 12, 2024 -Jamadiul II 16-30,1445H hammed, his companions and the next two A case could possibly be argued that the generations of Muslims who are referred to celebration of the Gregorian calendar new Isl. Dt. Day Date Fajar Sunr Zawal Dhuhr Asar Maghrib Isha as the Pious Predecessors. Any supposedly year is permissible under Urf, particularly Islamic or Muslim celebration not prac- in a non-Muslim country. However, such 16 Fri 17 Sat ticed by or unknown to the first three gen- celebrations in the modern era: erations of Muslims is a bidah, an imper- • usually involve copious amounts of 18 Sun alcohol and generally unIslamic activimissible innovation. Therefore there is not 19 Mon ties, even an Islamic celebration of the Islamic 20 Tue • may lead to sinful acts, New Year let alone the Christian one. 21 Wed Likewise, many Muslims refuse to celebrate • could be considered as imitating non22 Thus believers and Mawlid an-Nabi, the birthday of Prophet Mohammed, as this was an innovation in • are likely to contribute to a Muslim not 23 Fri being able to get up in time the follow- 24 Sat Egypt dating from the ninth century CE ing morning to perform their dawn 25 Sun under the Fatimid dynasty and was not prayer (salat) on time. observed as an Islamic celebration by the 26 Mon So, all things considered, for the reasons prophet himself or in his lifetime. 27 Tue The above observations about the two Eids stated above it would most likely be inap- 28 Wed notwithstanding, there also exists in Islam propriate for any serious, conscientious 29 Thus the concept of Urf - the acceptance of cus- Muslim to participate in New Year’s cel30 Fri toms and traditions in non-Islamic socie- ebrations on the night of 31st December / For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA 1st January. Source: quora.com/

Is a New Year celebration allowed in Islam?


Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver


Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

n A T I O N A L / B C N ew s

Why Canada’s ban on foreign buyers hasn’t made homes more affordable?

By: Yvette Brend , CBC News ·

ly priced,” said Wallace, after attending an open house at a promising $1.1-million condo. “The foreign buyers tax … I don’t think that’s making an iota of difference.” Critics say the foreign buyers ban, which was aimed at making housing affordable for Canadians, had many exemptions and was more of a political manoeuvre. They say it’s clear housing remains out of reach for too many in Canada, and that the country should look to other places in the world to find strategies to foster home ownership. Though Housing Minister Sean Fraser’s office declined an interview request, his spokesperson said the government had worked with cities across the country to help “over 250,000 new homes get built over the next decade.” Earlier this month, the government announced a deal with Vancouver — $115 million to fast track the building of 40,000 homes in coming years. In an email, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) said 2023 data from the Canadian Housing Statistics

Program is not yet available to determine the ban’s full effect. The CMHC said Ottawa is “working to ensure every Canadian … has an affordable place to call home,” citing moves to forgive GST from newly constructed rental units, $20-billion in apartment financing and other initiatives. In Vancouver late last month, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said the ban “is making a difference” by preserving housing where people can live. Earlier in November, Conservative Leader

Pierre Poilievre said that rather than helping to make housing affordable, the government’s policies have instead “made the problem worse.” The housing minister acknowledged the housing crunch earlier this month, but challenged Poilievre’s strategy. “He seems content to tap into the anxiety of Canadians without putting forward a plan that’s actually going to help them,” said Fraser. Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news

Three people in the same family are dead after crews discovered their bodies Tuesday in Lac Ste Anne County. RCMP reported Monday that three members of the Pelsma family were missing. Kelly, 39, Laura, 37, and Dylan, 8, hadn’t been heard from since Saturday, were believed to be using the family UTV side-byside and were overdue for a function they were planning to attend, said a news release

from Parkland RCMP. Search efforts by emergency services personnel, Edmonton police and ground search-and-rescue volunteers focused on the family’s last known location near the Alexis Bridge off Range Road 40A, about 90 kilometres northwest of Edmonton. RCMP Cpl. Patrick Lambert told CTV News Edmonton it is his understanding that the vehicle and the occupants encountered either broken ice or water at

the site where recovery efforts took place. He said personnel’s underwater efforts recovered the bodies of the two adults, not the child. Parkland RCMP, Lac Ste Anne County fire personnel and an underwater team recovered the bodies, which were taken to the medical examiner in Edmonton. Source: cbc.ca/news

Farah Ali Mohamud, 34, last spoke to family “Since then, there has been no communicaFriday but hasn’t been heard from since. tion,” Ali told CBC News on Tuesday. Ali said GPS last pinged his son’s truck in the By: Ozten Shebahkeget A 34-year-old truck driver from British parking lot of West Broadway’s Sherbrook Columbia has been reported missing after Inn hotel on Friday at about 5:30 p.m., but family said he stopped communicating with he’s not sure if Mohamud was in the vehicle. them shortly after arriving in Winnipeg for “We don’t know who drove the truck here,” he said. a delivery on Friday. Farah Ali Mohamud works for Reef Truck- ‘Shocking for the entire community’ ing Enterprises and drove from Vancouver The worried father said he drove to Winnito Winnipeg to deliver a load on Friday peg from Edmonton to find his son and is morning, according to his father, Ali Moha- working with local police. mud Ali. The 34-year-old is a father of three “So far, we haven’t gotten any clear picture of young children and moved to Canada from what they’ve found,” he said. Somalia in 2011, said Ali. “We are going to be here until we find the Mohamud was supposed to pick up another answers…. We are hoping for positive reload Saturday around 9 a.m. that morning, sults to come out.” said Ali. His son’s wife last heard from him On Tuesday, Winnipeg police confirmed on Friday at about 6 p.m. that a missing report for Mohamud had

been made by family members on Saturday and that an investigation had been initiated to find him, but could not offer further details. Saiyed Ahmed, a family friend, said it’s a challenging time as the holidays mean added delays for the search for Mohamud, and his family is also unfamiliar with the city. Ahmed has been helping spread word about Mohamud’s disappearance in Winnipeg’s local Somali community through social media. He said

A year after it was introduced, the foreign buyers ban hasn’t helped lower home prices, critics say. Kris Wallace and Andy Ali of Vancouver say their search for a larger condo to give their family more room has been frustrating. Real estate and rental costs in the city are so high that their 26-year-old daughter is still living with them and they’re all feeling the squeeze. A year ago, the federal government instituted a foreign buyer ban after passing the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act in 2022. The two-year ban, which came into effect on Jan. 1, barred non-citizens, non-permanent residents and foreign controlled companies from buying up Canadian property as an investment. But Wallace says that ban didn’t do much for her family. “There’s all of these very luxurious buildings going in all around us that are outrageous-

Three family members found dead in Lac Ste Anne County

Family desperate for clues after B.C. trucker goes missing following delivery in Winnipeg on Friday

Mohamud’s disappearance was unexpected for his friends and family. The 34-year-old’s disappearance also hits “close to home” for Ahmed, since he said Mohamud was a family man just like him. “It’s very shocking for the entire community, particularly [for] the family of Farah.” Source:cbc.ca/news

‘They can kill us’: Fear and Sikh resilience in Canada city amid India spat

Six months after Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s assassination, his community members face threats but say they’re not defeated. Surrey, British Columbia – On a Saturday afternoon in a Sikh temple in Surrey, Canada, boys and men with determined faces wield swords and sticks at each other in an ancient martial art called gatka. “We are a rebellious community,” Gurkeerat Singh, a farmer, electrician, photographer and spokesperson for the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Temple, tells me. Surrey is about a 45-minute train ride outside of Vancouver. The city of half a million people is home

to the second-largest Sikh population in the country. Today, as the first snow of the season melts in puddles outside the building, there’s a small but encouraging crowd watching the gatka tournament inside. “From a young age, we teach our children to be armed and learn how to defend themselves,” says Gurkeerat. That need for the community to defend itself no longer feels like a hypothetical scenario in this fast-paced suburban city, which has the slogan: “The future lives here”. Not since the assassination of Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey in June. “The game has completely changed,” says 42-year-old Moninder Singh, a spokesperson for the British Columbia Gurdwaras Council. “Now, it’s no longer, you live to fight another day but you don’t know if you’ll live, the way they’re operating. Hardeep’s assassination, although not a surprise, was still unprecedented.” “They” refers to the Indian government and “you” to the Sikh community in Surrey, which is at the eye of a major diplo-

matic and political storm that has engulfed relations between Ottawa and New Delhi relations. Nijjar, the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurudwara president who came to Canada as a refugee in 1997 from Punjab in northwest India, was driving out of the temple’s parking lot in his pick-up when he was shot dead by two masked assailants on June 18 – Father’s Day. Many in the community believe the killers were local gangsters, hired by the Indian state. They felt vindicated when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced to Parliament in September that there was credible evidence that India had a hand in the killing of Nijjar. It set off a diplomatic war: Each country expelled diplomats from the other, trade talks stalled and even visa services were temporarily affected. At the heart of the accusation against India lies its effort to crush a separatist Sikh movement that Nijjar advocated for vocally. For the past four decades, many Sikhs in communities around the world have been demanding that an independent

Sikh state, known as Khalistan, be carved out for them in Punjab. India designated Nijjar and other pro-Khalistan leaders of the Sikh diaspora, such as New York-based Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, as “terrorists” – a charge they and their supporters deny. And in November, federal prosecutors in the United States indicted an Indian hitman on charges of working with Indian government intelligence in a bid to kill Pannun, lending further credence to concerns that New Delhi was deploying kill squads for targeted assassinations abroad. The Indian government has insisted that such acts are not a part of its policy and said it is investigating the US allegations regarding the plot against Pannun. Six months after the murder of 45-year-old Nijjar, a married plumber and father of two, several Sikh leaders in Surrey say they have received threats on social media. Some have been alerted to threats by Canadian officials. But many in the community say that whatever happens, they will not be silenced or defeated....Source:.cbc.ca/news/


Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023


T took several days of diplomatic negotiations for the Security Council to come up with a sufficiently bland Gaza resolution that the US would not feel obliged to veto. Even after it had been diluted to a meaningless plea for unspecified measures that “create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities” — which Israel would interpret as a green light to persist with its genocidal military campaign — the wretched Biden administration could only bring itself to abstain. The resolution also called on all parties to “facilitate and enable the immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale” to the Palestinians in Gaza — almost 90pc of whom have been displaced, pushed into ever-diminishing ‘safe zones’ that are often promptly targeted by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). Even if by some miracle the Security Council had managed to clearly demand a ceasefire, Israel would have ignored it, as it has routinely done since 1948, without facing consequences. The protection of its American godfather is paramount. Western media outlets have lately been promoting the impression that the US is striving to persuade Israel to reduce the intensity of its onslaught. That’s the equivalent of re-

o p inion

Obliterating Gaza

questing a serial killer to be less indiscriminate, while supplying him with weapons to accomplish his aims. Had the US seriously wished to halt the slaughter in which entire branches of Palestinian family trees are being hacked off, it could have done so by cutting off the military, diplomatic and financial supply chains crucial to sustaining Israel’s capacity for monstrousness. But don’t hold your breath. After all, it took decades, plus the relentless efforts of activists, for the US to recognise the horrors of South African apartheid (propped up with surreptitious Israeli bac­k­ing) and endorse sanctions against Preto­ria. Going further back, the Nazi regime enjoyed the sympathy of key components of Western elites, from the British royal family to American captains of industry. Long before that, the US KingCrane commission was dispatched to the Levant in 1919 to solicit popular opinion about the region’s future following World War I. It found vast support for a united Syria encompassing latter-day Lebanon and Palestine. Facts on the ground shifted the erudite commissioners’ views from backing the Zionist project endorsed by the Balfour Declaration to pointing out that it would entail “a practically complete dis-

possession of the present-day inhabitants of Palestine” and “the gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. It presciently reminded the then US president, Woodrow Wilson, that “if the American government decided to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, they are committing the American people to the use of force in that area, since only by force can a Jewish state in Palestine be established or maintained”. By then, the US Congress had effectively endorsed the Balfour Declaration, and the State Department decided that publishing the report “would not be compatible with the public interest”. It had little effect when eventually published by Editor & Publisher magazine in 1922, and continued to be disregarded when US backing for Israel went into high gear following the 1967 “pre-emptive” Israeli assault against its neighbours. A Palestine Liberation Organisation pamphlet noted that the population density “jumped in a few weeks from 208 to more than 6,000 persons per square kilometre”. Gaza’s population has more than quadrupled since then, and the conditions have deteriorated. The IDF has lately been renewing the status of longstanding refugees — often from

territories adjacent to the Gaza Strip, the areas violated by Hamas and its associates on Oct 7 — by casting them into the wilderness. The atrocities committed in the kibbutzim cannot be denied, while acknowledging that some of the deaths and damage can be attributed to the manner in which the IDF response unfolded. The precise details may never emerge, but the century-long context of repression and dispossession in occupied Palestinian territories cannot be ignored in contemplating today’s dire realities as the seeds of hatred are sowed anew. Benjamin Netan­ yahu’s response to the UN resolution was to visit his troops in Gaza on Christmas Day and declare that his war would be intensified, even as Bethlehem marked the occasion with a rubble-strewn Nativity scene. Reading about a Children’s Happiness Centre levelled by the IDF in its scorched earth campaign alongside hospitals, homes and schools, I was reminded of Northern Irish freedom fighter Bobby Sands’ prison diary entry shortly before he succumbed to the privations of a hunger strike: “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.” Courtesy By: Mahir Ali

Christmas Eve travel woes at Vancouver airport caused by ‘unplanned absences’ at Nav Canada

News Coninued from Page 1 Noel Colomn arrived at YVR to “I’m glad everything worked out of holiday travel, with an average

returning to “normal levels” by 4:20 a.m. Monday, but encouraged passengers to check on the status of their flight through their airline. The issues were resolved by the time New Westminster resident

pick up his family for the holidays. “It’s still in the back of my head, you know, if they would make it in time, if their luggage was going to be lost. The Christmas season, that tends to happen “ said Colomn, who showed up dressed as an elf.

perfectly.” Most of the departures on the YVR website were listed as “on time” as of noon, with just a handful delayed or cancelled. YVR said 22 flights were impacted in total. Last week, airport officials said they were bracing for a busy period

of 70,000 passengers expected per day. Approximately 65,000 people are expected to pass through YVR on Christmas Day, followed by another 68,000 on Boxing Day. Source:.ctvnews.ca/

Israeli forces bombard refugee camps in central Gaza as UN appoints humanitarian co-ordinator

News Coninued from Page 1 see you and we will get to you,” Net- cy said 240 people were killed over tactics. Government spokesperson the past 24 hours. The United Nations human rights office said the continued bombardment of central Gaza had claimed more than 100 Palestinian lives since Christmas Eve. The office noted that Israel had ordered some residents to move there. Israel said it would no longer grant automatic visas to UN employees and accused the world body of being “complicit partners” in Hamas’s

Eylon Levy said Israel would consider visa requests case by case. That could further limit aid efforts in Gaza. Meanwhile, the UN announced on Tuesday that it had appointed Sigrid Kaag, the Netherlands’ outgoing deputy prime minister and finance minister, to oversee humanitarian relief shipments into Gaza starting Jan 8... Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news

of waiting lists for some electric Electric vehicles “are at record sales. Absolutely true,” he said. “But bear made up 12.1 per cent of all new vehicles. motor vehicles registered in the EV market ‘not growing as in mind, we’re starting from a very low base.” While there’s growth in third quarter. That represented an fast as it was’ increase from the third quarter of Yet total sales don’t necessarily re- the market, it’s just not growing 2022, when ZEVs were 8.7 per cent flect the strength of the industry, as fast it was, he said. Some recent surveys also appear to indicate a reof all motor-vehicle registrations. say some analysts. In places like British Columbia and “In terms of actual numbers, sales luctance by Canadians to purchase Quebec, new electric vehicles ac- are not flat,” Hiscox said. “But what electric vehicles. A recent study by count for one in five sales. Mean- is happening is the rate of growth AutoTrader suggested that EV purchase intention has declined. while, there continue to be reports has dropped.”

It found that in 2023, only 56 per cent of car shoppers who did not own an EV were open to purchasing one for their next vehicle — down from 68 per cent the year prior. As well, online searches for EVs accounted for less than three per cent of overall searches on the auto market. Reasons listed for avoiding EVs included prices, interest rates and inflation. Source: cbc.ca/news

was meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday. Despite international pressure for a ceasefire and U.S. calls for a reduction in civilian casualties, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said the military was deepening the fighting. “We say to the Hamas terrorists: We

anyahu said.

UN appoints relief co-ordinator

Israel’s offensive has been one of the most devastating military campaigns in recent history. More than 20,900 Palestinians have been killed, two-thirds of them women and children, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza, whose count doesn’t differentiate between civilians and combatants. The agen-

The federal government wants Canadians to switch to electric vehicles. Are they interested? News Coninued from Page 1



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Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023


Israel-Hamas war live: Israel vows to intensify Gaza fighting

ations in southern Gaza”, with the air force hitting 100 targets in 24 hours. United Nations chief Antonio Guterres has appointed Sigrid Kaag as Gaza’s aid coordinator, but the path ahead for humanitarian relief remains difficult with no breaks in fighting. Herzi Halevi, the Israeli army’s chief of staff, says the war on Gaza will continue for “many months”. In Gaza, at least 20,915 people have been Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu killed and 54,918 wounded in Israeli attacks has said Israeli forces will not lower the in- since October 7. The revised death toll from tensity of fighting and are “deepening oper- Hamas’s attack on Israel stands at 1,139.


‘Did not ask for ceasefire’ in Gaza: Biden after phone call with Netanyahu

White House says the two leaders discussed Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, including its ‘objectives and phasing’. United States President Joe Biden says he did not ask Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza in a telephone call between the two leaders. “I had a long talk with Netanyahu today [Saturday] and it was a private conversation,” Biden told reporters on Saturday. “I did not ask for a ceasefire,” he said, in response to a shouted question. In a statement later, the White House said Biden and Netanyahu discussed Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, including its “objectives and phasing”. Biden “emphasised the critical need to pro-

Exports to Middle East jump 29pc in July-November

ISLAMABAD: Exports to the Middle East bounced back with a growth of 28.98 per cent to $1.257 billion in the first five months of the current fiscal year against $974.50m from a year ago. A surge in demand for Pakistani products was observed from countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, according to data compiled by the State Bank of Pakistan. However, the exports to Qatar decreased during the period under review. The government has recently signed a free trade

agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries which will further facilitate Pakistan’s exports to the region. In FY23, Pakistan’s exports to the Middle East shrank 12.62pc to $2.332bn from $2.669bn in the preceding year. Pakistan witnessed a 7.24pc decline in imports totalling $17.488bn in FY23, down from $18.853bn in the previous year. Exports to Saudi Arabia saw an increase of 50pc in July-November of FY24 to $275.65m from $183.73m over the corresponding months of last year. Saudi Arabia is Pakistan’s second biggest market in the region in terms of value after the UAE. In FY23, the exports jumped 13.1pc to $503.40m from $420.40m in the preceding fiscal year. Exports to Saudi Arabia have stagnated around $500m in the last decade due to no expansion in market access as compared to the UAE. Top exports to Saudi Arabia include rice (semi- or wholly milled), bovine carcasses and half carcasses, tents, textile materials, etc... Source: https://www.dawn.com/

Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs commission approves Sweden’s NATO bid

tect the civilian population including those supporting the humanitarian aid operation, and the importance of allowing civilians to move safely away from areas of ongoing fighting,” said the statement. “The leaders discussed the importance of securing the release of all remaining hostages.”..Source:aljazeera.com/

The King’s speech: Charles III focuses Christmas address on climate, conflict

Panel’s approval clears another hurdle in Sweden’s accession process to the bloc in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs commission has approved Sweden’s NATO membership bid. The decision, taken on Tuesday, is a key step towards enlarging the military alliance after 19 months of delays in which Ankara demanded security-related concessions liament, in which the AK Party and its from Stockholm. The commission, con- allies hold a majority. Sweden’s NATO trolled by President Recep Tayyip Er- membership is expected to pass, and dogan’s ruling Justice and Development then the measure would go to Erdogan. Party (AK Party), voted to back the bid If he signs it into law, he would conclude made by Sweden last year after Russia’s a process that has taken nearly two years and frustrated some of Ankara’s allies in invasion of Ukraine. The next step is a vote by the full par- the West...Source: bc.ctvnews.ca

examples of the imaginative ways in which people are caring for one another, going the extra mile to help those around them simply because they know it is the right thing to do,” he said. It was the king’s second Christmas speech since he ascended the throne after his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, died in September 2022, but the first since his coronation in May when he was officially crowned in a medieval ceremony rich in pageantry and pomp. Charles, who has long campaigned for environmental causes and recently told foreign leaders at the COP28 Climate Meeting that achieving climate goals remain “dreadfully far off track,” said he was encouraged to see awareness growing of the need to protect the earth. “To care for this creation is the responsibility owned by people of all faiths and of none,” he said. “We care for the earth for the sake of our The US accusations are meant to ‘distract’ children’s children.” from Washington’s complicity in Israel’s Source:cbc.ca/news ‘crimes in Gaza’, Iran’s FM says.

Iran dismisses US accusations of tanker attack off India

King Charles III reflected his coronation theme of public service Monday in a Christmas message that he connected to the health of the planet and conflict that are raging. In a prerecorded video shot with him standing beside a Christmas tree in Buckingham Palace, the king spoke of the message of Jesus’ life in serving those less fortunate as he honored the “selfless army” that forms the “backbone of our society” helping others. “My heart has been warmed by countless

Blast near Israeli embassy in New Delhi, all staff unharmed

Indian police were investigating reports of a blast near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi on Tuesday that did not cause any casualties. Officers cordoned off the embassy as they combed through the surrounding areas following the report of the late afternoon blast. Officials were still inspecting the area but it was reopened to the general public. There

was no information suggesting anyone on the street had been hurt. Israel’s foreign ministry in a statement reported “an explosion” near the embassy. “We can confirm that around 5:20 there was a blast at close proximity to the embassy,” Israeli Embassy spokesperson Guy Nir told “This evening… an explosion occurred in close proximity to the embassy,” Ohad Nakash Kaynar, Israel’s deputy head of mission in New Delhi said in a statement. “All our workers are safe, all our diplomats are safe. Our security teams are working in full cooperation with the local Delhi security, and they will investigate the matter further.” Teju Chitri, a security guard working at a nearby government languages training institute, told the Press Trust of India news agency... Source:ctvnews.ca

Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has dismissed accusations of the United States that Tehran struck a chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean, as tension rises globally over threats to maritime shipping. A spokesperson for the ministry dismissed the accusation out of hand at a news conference on Monday. He asserted that the US claim that an Iran-launched drone had hit a Japaneseowned tanker as it sailed near India was false. Global trade has been hit hard as Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen have launched a flurry of attacks on ships in the Red Sea. Source:aljazeera.com

FIJI: Rabuka on drug problem | ‘There is room for harsher penalties’

There is room for harsher penalties, but they are not being dished out by the courts to deal with Fiji’s ongoing drug problem, says Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka. In an interview with The Fiji Times‘ The Lens@177, Mr Rabuka said penalties should be used as a deterrent. “We have recidivism,” said Mr Rabuka. “That means you re-offend and reoffend. “When you have that, it means that your punishments are not having the deterrent effect they should be having. “We have the punitive and deterrence but punitive is not really the answer. “You are supposed to, first of all, make sure they do not re-offend.” Mr Rabuka said the punitive aspect of serving justice was the wrong way. “Maybe some of us just can’t help themselves. They’re so deeply into addiction that it doesn’t matter.

“They don’t know the difference. “You know the problem is not only the local users. It is those that make the trade pay and it’s mostly those that are the ones that are not finding themselves fronting up. “They take away the product and sell it internationally. “So, Fiji, no users, no pushers, no producers.”... Source: fijitimes.com.fj


Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

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Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

ga z a / T ec h / local

Could Israel’s Gaza war drag Iraq into another conflict? By Maziar Motamedi

What’s happened in Iraq?

In the early hours of Tuesday, the US military said it launched strikes against three sites used by Kataib Hezbollah, a major Iranaligned armed group, and other unnamed affiliated groups in Iraq. It came roughly half a day after Kataib Hezbollah, which is part of the umbrella group Islamic Resistance in Iraq, claimed responsibility for a major attack on a US base in Erbil in northern Iraq. Crucially, Washington said three US soldiers were injured in the attack which used a oneway suicide drone, with one service member suffering critical injuries. The US says its

earlier this month showed that fewer Americans supported a federal TikTok ban than they did earlier in the year, and Congress won’t take up legislation addressing foreignowned apps like TikTok this year. While no astrologers were consulted for this piece, it’s fair to say the stars seem to have aligned in favour of TikTok as it enters 2024. The new year is unprecedented, with elections in over 70 countries, including the US. “This is the first time TikTok will be front and centre as an app for political news and views in an election year, a particularly tricky path for TikTok to walk down,” said Katie Harbath, founder and CEO of technology policy firm Anchor Change. “The platform will have to make decisions that companies like Meta and Google have had to do in the past. Candidates will want to reach voters on the platform, the way the Biden campaign is working with TikTok influencers,” she added. Harbath was previously public policy director for global elections at Facebook, now Meta. Harbath said Democrats won’t be the only ones forced to use TikTok to reach young voters. Republicans, including the likes of

Nikki Haley, who have called for a TikTok ban, will have to do a mea culpa and use the app for their campaigns, she said. “Eventually, the place where the voters are will win,” Harbath pointed out. While TikTok may not be going away anytime soon, it will have to navigate tricky regulatory waters, something Harbath believes the company is adept at, given that it has hired veterans from other tech platforms and has worked at winning over the broader public. While conversations around TikTok being forced to divest from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, seem to have died down for now, the proposition is not dead in the waters, she said. Irrespective of which party wins elections next year, ByteDance will be pushed to sell TikTok’s US operations to an American company, she said. “A sale would depend on whether investors see a real challenge for TikTok to continue being associated with ByteDance. This could depend on broader geopolitical issues, like China’s actions in Taiwan,” Harbath said. The controversy over TikTok stems from

Iraq has increasingly become a scene for strikes between Iran-backed forces and the United States amid Israel’s brutal war on Gaza, with concerns mounting about a serious escalation. The US said Tuesday it launched attacks on Iran-aligned groups in Iraq, amid a chaotic 24 hours in the region that also saw a senior Iranian general assassinated in Syria. Let’s take a look at the main recent developments, and talk about what they could mean for Iraq and the wider region.

Will the 2024 US election save TikTok from near-death?


fter a year of tough government scrutiny, the stars seem to have aligned in favour of TikTok as it enters the new year. By Anahita Mukherji

TikTok is a lot like the young people on its platform – difficult to control. Earlier this year, the fate of the short-form video app in the United States hung by a thread as several states looked to imposed restrictions on its use, and one state, Montana, legislated on a ban. And yet, TikTok seems set to enter 2024 on solid footing. After all, which political party would want to start an election year banning a platform on which 150 million mostly-young Americans spend their lives? The app survived a year in which its CEO was subjected to a five-hour US Congressional grilling in March, the app was banned on federal government devices, and lawmakers called for a broader ban on the app, calling it “spyware” and “digital fentanyl”. While the obstacles in its path since then may not have vanished, they seem to have diminished in size. A federal judge blocked a ban on TikTok in Montana at the end of November, a PEW survey released

presence in Iraq and Syria is mostly aimed at combating a resurgence by the ISIL (ISIS) militant group. US bases in Iraq and Syria have come under more than 100 attacks by Iran-aligned forces since the start of the Gaza war on October 7, but the attacks had not left any US service members seriously injured before. The US Central Command, charged with operations in the Middle East, claimed its strikes on Tuesday “destroyed the targeted facilities and likely killed a number of Kataib Hezbollah militants” without causing civilian casualties...Source:aljazeera.com/

fears that it could spy on US citizens on behalf of China. FBI director Chris Wray called the app a national security risk, adding that Chinese companies were forced to do whatever the Chinese government wanted them to “in terms of sharing information or serving as a tool of the Chinese government”. He feared China could harness the app to influence users. TikTok’s CEO Shou Zi Chew, in his testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee in March, said, “TikTok has never shared, or received a request to share, US user data with the Chinese government. Nor would TikTok honour such a request if one were ever made.” He has said repeatedly that ByteDance was not owned by the Chinese government, and that 60 percent of the company was owned by global institutional investors..Source:aljazeera.com/

Some mortgage rates are dropping, but renewed loans could keep economy slow

Specific types of fixed mortgages are seeing lower interest rates due to predicted rate cuts. As some Canadian lenders expect central banks, such as the Bank of Canada, to lower influential interest rates in 2024, borrowers can expect a late Christmas present with lower rates on certain types of mortgages.

Rates of less than five per cent on specific types of fixed mortgages are on offer — the lowest Canadians looking to finance a home purchase have seen since the late spring. “The last time we saw a five year fixed at around 4.89 or 4.99 per cent was the middle of May [2023], around Victoria Day weekend,” said Victor Tran, with ratesdotca, a website that compares mortgage rates, credit card products and insurance costs for Canadians. Tran, along with other mortgage industry experts and economists,

points to lower returns from government bonds as a reason for the drop in some mortgage costs. “Fixed mortgage rates are directly tied to the government bond yields. So we peaked in October,” he said in an interview with CBC News, noting that the yields have since dived.an interview with CBC News, noting that the yields have since dived.

Bond yields vs. interest rates

The select mortgage rates that have fallen below five per cent are currently only for fixed five year, insured mortgage terms. This would typically be mortgages with a down payment of less than 20 per cent. Canadians in the market for that specific type of mortgage may be seeing lower costs than earlier this year.” They will find some savings if they have to renew a mortgage in the next coming months,” said Tran, who

noted that it’s “really nice” to see some mortgage rates coming down as 2023 wraps up. But lower government bond yields aren’t going to help Canadians who prefer variable mortgage rates. At least not yet, explained James Laird of Canadian mortgage website Ratehub. ”Bond yields react to future things, whereas variable rate mortgages and home equity lines of credit actually have to wait for the Bank of Canada to lower that overnight [interest] rate, which will cause the prime rate to drop, therefore lowering variable rates and home equity lines of credit,” he said. Laird also pointed out that his company has been tracking housing affordability in many Canadian cities, and that while affordability has improved in some regions, that was due to house prices falling, not because of rates...Source:.cbc.ca/news/

Heavy rains and strong winds leave thousands without power in B.C.

Heavy rains and strong winds in parts of B.C. late Monday left thousands of households without power on Boxing Day, as Environment Canada warned more strong winds would hit the province in the evening. BC Hydro says in a statement that at its peak around 2 a.m., the Christmas windstorm caused outages for some 28,000 customers on Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast, the Lower Mainland and the Gulf Islands. Crews worked overnight to help restore power, but more than 10,000 households were still without power by late morning, including about 5,300 on Vancouver Island and 3,700 in Surrey and Langley. The Crown corporation said the vast major-

ity of customers are expected to have their power restored sometime on Tuesday BC Hydro says the wind caused falling trees and branches to knock down wires, and it is warning people to stay 10 metres back and dial 911 if they see a downed or damaged power line. Environment Canada is advising people in the northern part of Vancouver Island and the central coast region of B.C. to brace for another round of “very strong winds” forecast for Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning. The agency says residents can expect to see southeast winds of 60 kilometres per hour, gusting to 120 kilometres per hour. It says and loose objects could be whipped

up by the gusty winds and cause injuries or property damage. The high winds could also lead to more fallen tree branches and power outages. The strongest winds should subside by around noon Wednesday, Environment Canada said. A flood watch the provincial River Forecast Centre issued Monday remained in

effect on Tuesday. Rising river levels created by Monday’s storm were expected to result in peak river flows on Tuesday into Wednesday, the advisory said....Source:.cbc.ca/news/


Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023


An inspiring evening of spiritual renewal at the “New Beginnings” with Islamic Scholars


n Dec 24th, a spiritual renewal at the “New Beginnings” event hosted by the Al Ihsan Institute, Surrey. This was a very special opportunity to give new energy of our faith and start a new in our relationship with Allah. Many brothers and sisters were attended this spiritual program in a rainy cold night. A few renowned speakers, Mufti Aasim Rashid, Mufti Taha Masood, Mufti Nabil Khan, Imam Yama Niazi, and Imam Sami (from

Victoria) led the gathering with insightful talks aimed at enriching our spiritual journey. Seeking guidance, inspiration, or fellowship, “New Beginnings” was the perfect occasion to come together with the community. All scholars have been delivered Biyan at different spiritual topics as per requirement at current situation of the Ummah and the youth involvement in New year events with Allah (swt) and to be stay at right path of Deen, rable to the knowledge of Allah. in towns. What to do and how to Quran, and practice at the teachings of Prophet Mo- It was a special evening dedicated to reflection, conmake more strengthen relationship hammad (saw). As our knowledge is not even compa- nection, and growth for our youth.

Women Empowerment Team of BC promotes unity and community at their annual get-together


n a heartwarming display of unity and empowerment, the Women Empowerment Team of BC organized the Winter Family Get-Together, a day filled with celebration, knowledge, and community bonding. This event drew over 200 attendees, showcasing the strength and resilience of the local community. Sofiya Minnath, Director of Women Empowerment of NANMMA Canada, captivated the audience with her speech, shedding light on the organization’s vision and goals. Sofiya’s dedication to empowering women and her leadership skills served as an inspiration to all in attendance. Misbah Naseer, the Executive Director at Voices of Muslim Women Foundation, shared her insights on empower-

ing underrepresented women in leadership roles,emphasizing the importance of education and professional development. Anas Aboobacker, a former mechanical engineer turned financial expert, shared his remarkable journey and stressed the critical importance of financial literacy and investing knowledge within the Muslim community. His story resonated with many attendees. Simon Abraham, a highly experienced realtor, addressed the audience, highlighting his dedication to community activities and support. His tireless efforts in making a positive impact on the community were acknowledged with admiration.

The event’s culmination featured Amjad delivering a heartfelt vote of thanks to express gratitude to all participants and supporters who made the day possible. The Winter Family Get-Together was a day filled with inspiration, empowerment, and unity, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Women Empowerment Team and the sup-

Taxes, and other public facilities. He introduced Ms.Punteet Sangara and said that we will have more great announcements coming on candidates not just in Surrey, but around the province one of the commitments I made early honest leader I was going to make sure that in this next election by the time we rolled around for the next election, we would have a group of candidates that represent the kind of background diversity more women and exactly the kind of strong group of candidates that we need to make sure that when we form the government will have people that are ready to get to work right away to fix

the challenges that we face and I have to tell you I’m just going to sort of set the table to where we are in British Columbia right now. The South Asian Media highlighted the BC Residents key issues: • Affordable Housing and new construction of Housing Units • BC Health Care system, shortage of Medical Staff at the ER of each hospital, and Waiting period increases day by day. The government has rented a motel so that we can send patients from the hospital into a motel room. • Increase in Crime and drug addiction. • Public Transport and the infrastructure of

port of sponsors and attendees. It demonstrated the strength and resilience of the Kerala Muslims in the BC community, leaving a lasting impact on all who participated. The event served as a reminder that when a community comes together with a shared vision, the possibilities for unity and empowerment are boundless.

BC United’s Media Townhall Metting with South Asian Media in Surrey


n Dec 22, The BC United party (Formerly BC Liberal Party) leader of the official opposition Kevin Falcon with Punteet Sandhar (MLA Candidate from Surrey) met the South Asian Media owners and representatives at Maharaja Fine Dinning Restaurant in Surrey. Mr. CJ Sidhu moderated the meeting. Hon. Kevin Falcon addressed his BC United vision in his welcoming speech, he criticized the BC NDP Govt. current policies and projects in progress like the Patullo, and Messey Tunnel bridges, under construction at Cloverdale Hospital, shortage of Doctors in ER, Public Transport, Housing,

the Roads, Patulo and Messy Tunnel Bridges, and Driving structure. • Educational system policies etc... The Miracle Media higlighted the important issue of the Surrey School Portables (without heating systems), where students spent whole days in Jackets and gloves this winter. Hon. Falcon responded “That you know again, I’m just talking about results this BC government promised in 2017, you remember what they promised about the school’s Portables? We will take care in future about the Washrooms privacy and all others matters.

10 Politic s / Healt h PM announced that the federal government has reached an agreement with the City of Vancouver, Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023


he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced that the federal government has reached an agreement with the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, to fast-track over 3,200 new housing units over the next three years. This work will help spur the construction of more than 40,000 homes over the next decade and help meet the demand in Vancouver. Under the Housing Accelerator Fund, this agreement will provide almost $115 million to eliminate barriers to build the housing we need, faster. It will allow for high density development including multiplexes and apartment buildings, help fast-track development processes, and build housing near public transit. As part of the agreement, Vancouver will work to streamline re-zoning laws, expand affordable rental programs, cut red

tape, and unlock non-market housing. These initiatives are going to significantly improve the way housing is built in one of Canada’s largest cities. The Housing Accelerator Fund is helping cut red tape and fast track the construction of over 250,000 new homes for people in towns, cities, and Indigenous communities across Canada. It asks for innovative action plans from local governments, and once approved, provides upfront funding to ensure the timely building of new homes, as well as additional funds upon delivering results. Local governments are encouraged to think big and be bold in their approaches, which could include accelerating project timelines, allowing increased housing density, and encouraging affordable housing units. The Government of Canada is supporting

the middle class – and housing is key to that work. Our plan to double the rate of housing construction over the next decade will help build the housing supply we need. We will continue to work with provincial, territorial, and municipal governments, as

well as Indigenous partners, to keep building more homes for Canadians, faster, and make life better for everyone.

Parm Bains Member of Parliament Steveston-Richmond East

Canada enters 5th year of COVID-19. Are we falling short in treatment?

By Katie Dangerfield

nary findings from Health Canada’s March 2023 report on the disease help shed light on the matter. It found more than 17 per cent of adults who got the virus reported longerterm symptoms after having had COVID-19. Symptoms can range from extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness, depression or anxiety or stomach pain, according to Health Canada. There is no cure for long COVID, and treatment options are scarce. It’s also not fully understood what causes it, but Dr. Brian Conway, medical director of the Vancouver Infectious Disease Centre, said there are some theories. “Whether it relates to residual low-level viral infection, whether it relates to damage that was done to the organ systems that were affected during COVID, or whether it relates to the immune system remaining turned on after infection,” he said, “all three of those things require three different treatments.” When Hulme fell ill with long COVID, she said her symptoms ranged from severe cognitive impairment, disorientation, and

shortness of breath to extreme fatigue. Confined to bed, she struggled to even recall her house address. She said she was desperate for these debilitating symptoms not to become chronic. “Like most people, as soon as you get sick with long COVID, you’re like, how can I make this get better, faster?” she stated. However, her doctor said there was not a lot they could do. She was told to take time off work and rest as there were not a lot of evidence-based treatments available. “It was a nightmare. We now know that the quality-of-life impact on people is similar or worse than those with stage four cancer,” she said. “The treatment is resting and pacing.” ‘We don’t have a lot of drugs to fight against COVID-19’ In Canada, Paxlovid (a mix of two anti-viral drugs, oral nirmatrelvir and ritonavir) is the most commonly used treatment option to help ease COVID-19 symptoms.... Source: globalnews.ca

basic human right by numerous dental and public health organizations internationally, more than 70% of the world’s population (mostly in low- and middle-income countries) are in need of appropriate and affordable oral health care. Poor oral health results from a number of factors, including a lack of resources, oral hygiene habits, oral health education and accessible oral health care. The WHO has identified priority areas for countries to consider when initiating or strengthening oral health programs.These include: Effective use of fluorides for the prevention of dental caries, Oral health and prevention of oral disease through a healthy diet, Control of tobacco-related oral disease by involving oral health professionals in tobacco cessation, Oral health promotion in schools, Oral health improvement in the elderly Priority areas for improving through health promotion and older adultfriendly primary health care, oral health Integration of oral health into national and While oral health has been recognized as a community health programs,

Development of oral health systems and orientation of services towards prevention and health promotion. A recent study found that oral health is a major public health problem in Europe and that oral diseases have considerable negative impacts on the quality of life of populations. The study indicated that, ‘vulnerable and low-income groups as a whole receive oral health care services less frequently than the general population and more so for emergency situations when in pain, rather than for preventive care’. The conclusion of the review of dozens of public health programs across European countries was that in the case of oral health, investment in simple preventive programs is cost-effective and that ‘solving the problem of poor oral health in Europe does not require an entirely new policy in every case or a reinvention of the wheel’. There are many programs in place to address the oral health inequalities for vulnerable groups, with new models and approaches to care being introduced and explored on an ongoing basis. Source: cda-adc.ca


s Canada enters its fifth year navigating COVID-19, some experts and advocates are worried treatment options for the virus remain disappointingly inadequate. Despite significant strides in understanding the virus, Jennifer Hulme, a 42-yearold emergency physician at the University Health Network in Toronto, says many Canadians suffering from long-term COVID-19 are left without many options. She is one of them. “I got COVID on April 1, 2022, and I’ve been sick ever since,” she told Global News, adding that when she first contracted the virus it was “relatively mild.” “I wasn’t completely bedbound for the full 10 days. I was able to walk around, and I was taking care of my toddler, who also had COVID at the same time,” she said. “I felt quite confident that I would be able to get back to my normal.” After testing negative on day 11, Hulme said other than lingering fatigue, she was functional and able to go back to work.

However, more than a week later, she said she was suddenly struck with a completely new set of symptoms that were “terrifying and disabling,” and exactly what she was worried about — long COVID. ‘It was a nightmare’ Long COVID, also known as post-COVID-19 conditions, refers to physical or psychological symptoms experienced more than 12 weeks after getting infected with the virus, according to Health Canada. While the exact number of long COVID cases remains uncertain in Canada, prelimi-

Oral health: A global perspective

What is oral health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines oral health as a state of being free from mouth and facial pain, oral and throat cancer, oral infection and sores, periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay, tooth loss and other diseases and disorders. According to the FDI World Dental Federation, oral health is multi-faceted and includes the ability to speak, smile, smell, taste, touch, chew, swallow and convey a range of emotions through facial expressions with confidence and without pain, discomfort and disease of the craniofacial complex.

Oral health disease worldwide

Worldwide, the most common oral diseases are dental caries (cavities, decay), periodontal (gum) disease, oral cancer, oral infectious diseases, trauma from injuries and hereditary lesions. Around the globe, 60-90% of school-aged children and nearly 100% of adults have tooth decay. In fact, dental caries (which includes all stages of tooth decay) is the most common, yet preventable, chronic disease on the planet and constitutes a major global public health challenge. In Canada, an estimated 2.26 million schooldays are missed each year due to dental-related illness and tooth decay accounts for one-third of all day surgeries performed on children between the ages of 1 and 5. In the United States, a child is five times more likely to seek emergency room treat-

ment for dental problems than for asthma, often because they are unable to see a dentist, are uninsured or cannot afford routine dental care and half of all children enter kindergarten with tooth decay. The economic impact of oral diseases Across OECD countries, on average, 5% of total health expenditures originate from treatment of oral diseases. Direct treatment costs due to dental diseases worldwide have been estimated at US$298 billion yearly, corresponding to an average of 4.6% of global health expenditure. Indirect costs due to dental diseases worldwide amounted to US$144 billion yearly, corresponding to economic losses within the range of the 10 most frequent global causes of death. The global economic impact of dental diseases amounted to US$442 billion in 2010. Overall improvements in oral health may imply substantial economic benefits, not only in terms of reduced treatment costs, but also because of decreased productivity losses in the labour market. Recent findings suggest that oral diseases account for productivity losses of over $1 billion per year in Canada alone.


Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

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Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

By: M. Naseer Pirzada


The year has seen the decline in severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the WHO ending its global health emergency status in May. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and Myanmar civil war have continued, and a series of coups, several armed conflicts, and political crises broke out in numerous African nations. An escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict occurred in October when Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, launched an attack on Israel, leading the latter to declare war on Hamas.



an • 3: Starting from this date, many countries impose travel restrictions on travel from China due to the relaxation of the country’s zero-COVID policy.



eb 2: Israel and Sudan announce the finalization of an agreement to normalize relations between the two countries

3: The US announces it is tracking alleged Chinese spy

5: The funeral of Pope Benedict XVI is held at Saint balloons over the Americas... Peter’s Square within the Vatican City. 6: Earthquake-damaged building in Diyarbakır, Turkey,

10-17: A deadly cold snap in Afghanistan kills 166 6: A 7.8 Mww earthquake strikes southern and central Turpeople and nearly 80,000 livestock

key and northern and western Syria followed by a 7.7 Mww 30: A Jamaat-ul-Ahrar suicide bombing inside a aftershock on the same day, causing widespread damage and at more than 59,000 fatalities and 121,000 injured mosque in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,

Pakistan, kills 84 people and injures over 220 others

time, in an upgrade of bilateral relations.




arch 8: 2023 World Baseball Classic is held and won by Japan.


reach a new record high temperature of 20.96 °C (69.73 °F),

3: In the largest incursion by Israel into the West Bank since the 5: Imran Khan arrested after Pakistan court sentences ex-


pril 5: Clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli police happen at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.


ay 5: The World Health Organization ends its declaration of COVID-19



States, fails, creating then the largest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis, affecting companies around the world

une 2: A train collision in Odisha, India results in at least 296 deaths and more than 1,200 others injured.

6: The coronation of Charles III and 6: The 2023 Kuwaiti general election is held; Camilla as King and Queen of the United Kingdom and following the annulment of the results of the 2022 snap electhe other Commonwealth realms is held in London. tions by the Constitutional Court.

19: At least 90 people are killed and another 322 injured in a crowd 7: Syria is readmitted into the Arab League after being

8: Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest bank in the United crush during a Ramadan charity event in Sanaa, Yemen.

suspended since 2011.

25: A mass cult suicide is uncovered in Shakahola forest in Kenya. 9: Cyclone Mocha forms in the Indian Ocean, killing over

13: At least 106 people are killed when a wedding boat capsizes on the Niger River in Kwara State, Nigeria.

14: Scientists report the creation of the first synthetic human 400 people and injuring over 700 as it strikes Myanmar embryo from stem cells, without the need for sperm or egg cells and Bangladesh. Pakistan’s Punjab elections to go ahead as court confirms r, 19: Qatar and the United Arab Emirates announce that they 24: Canada and Saudi Arabia agree to restore full diplo- will 20: SC stands by decision to order elections next month restore diplomatic relations after relations were suspended matic relations after a breakdown in relations in 2018 over during the Qatar diplomatic crisis. 30: Food pushes Pakistan inflation to record 36.4% in April the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi. Pakistan inflation rose to a record 36.4% in the year to April 28: The second round of the 2023 Turkish presidential 30: The United Nations Security Council votes unanimously driven mainly by food prices, the highest rate in South Asia to end MINUSMA, its peacekeeping mission in Mali election is held; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan defeats Kemal 429 followers of the Good News International Ministries are found in

17: The International Criminal Court issues an arrest war- shallow graves throughout the forest, with over 613 people missing rant for Russian president Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-

States violated its Treaty of Amity with Iran when it allowed its domestic courts to freeze assets held by Iranian companies



ept 1: 2023 Singaporean presidential election: Economist and former deputy prime minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam is elected president with a vote share of over 70%.

Second Intifada, the Israeli military deploys ground forces and prime minister to three years in jail. Police arrested Pakistan’s 2: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successarmed drones into the Jenin camp, killing 13 and injuring more former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Lahore on Saturday fully launches Aditya-L1, India’s first solar observation mission than 100. An attack claimed by Hamas as retaliation for the incur- after a court sentenced him to three years in prison sion, occurs in Tel Aviv the following day, injuring nine. 8: 2023 Hawaii wildfires: 17,000 acres of land are burned 8: 2023 Marrakesh–Safi earthquake: A 6.9 magnitude earth-

quake strikes Marrakesh–Safi province in western Morocco, 26: President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger is toppled in a coup and at least 100 people are killed, killing at least 2,960 people and damaging historic buildings. d’état after members of his presidential guard and the armed forc- 21: Canadian wildfires: 68% of the Northwest Territories es seize control of the country and install General Abdourahamane are forced to evacuate to other parts of the country due to 9: At the 18th G20 summit in New Delhi, the African Union is announced as the 21st permanent member of the G20. 30: 63 people are killed and over 200 are injured after a wildfires. 25: An estimated 170 people are killed and over 300 are suicide bombing occurs in Khar, Pakistan; the Islamic State 21: Saudi Arabia is accused of mass killing hundreds of injured during a explosion at a gas station in Stepanakert,

– Khorasan Province claims responsibility for the attack.


diplomatic relations which were severed in 2016, at talks ing celebrations of a People’s Defence Force administration office. mediated by China.


ugust 1: Global warming: The world’s oceans


11: Myanmar civil war: In the village of Pazigyi, at 8: Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to resume least 165 people are killed by the Myanmar Air Force during the open-

13: The 2023 Bangladeshi presidential election 19 Febru- 30: The International Court of Justice rules that the United

30: Prime Minister of Fiji Sitiveni Rabuka confirms ary is held, with Shahabuddin Chuppu of the Awami League, 23: Oman opens its airspace to Israeli airlines for the first that Kiribati will rejoin the Pacific Islands Forum

uly 3: Indian oil refiners start payments for Russian oil imports in Chinese yuan as an alternative to the US dollar due to increasing sanctions against Russia.


African migrants attempting to cross its border with Yemen Nagorno-Karabakh



ct 7: 51Israeli elite unit footage hours after the



OV 1: The first AI Safety Summit takes place



ec 8: Google DeepMind releases the Gemini Language Model. Gemini will act as a foundational in the United Kingdom, with 28 countries signmodel integrated into Google’s existing tools, including a “world first agreement” on how to manage ing search and Bard. 7: Israel–Hamas war: Hamas launches an incursion into south- the riskiest forms of artificial intelligence. ern Israel from the Gaza Strip, prompting a military response 6: Israel–Hamas war: The death toll in Gaza is reported to 12: At the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, a consensus is 7: A series of earthquakes occur in Herat Province in Afghani- have passed 10,000. Speaking with Israeli PM Benjamin Net- reached for countries to “transition away” from fossil fuels, the first stan, killing over 1,000 people and injuring nearly 2,000, with anyahu, President Joe Biden calls for a “humanitarian pause” such agreement in the conference’s 30-year history. tremors felt in Iran and Turkmenistan. The earthquakes are the In the Red Sea, one of the world’s most important routes for 17: The global average temperature temporarily exceeds 2°C 18: deadliest in the country since 1998. cargo and fuel shipments, a deteriorating security situation is reabove the pre-industrial ave. for the ist time in recorded history 17: An explosion occurs at the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, where 19: Australia defeats India and wins the 2023 Cricket World Cup ported due to attacks on vessels by Houthi rebels. displaced Palestinians are taking refuge. Many fatalities are re24: Elections 2024: The initiation of the nomination paper subUpdated on Dec 26, and feature in mission process for Elections 2024 has commenced nationwide. ported, but estimates vary from 100 to as many as 471. the Miracle is not permitted as it is. Candidates are actively acquiring nomination papers from the re21: Pakistan’s self-exiled former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Sources: www.https://en.wikipedia. spective Returning Officer (RO) offices situated in country. returns home ahead of a parliamentary vote Re’im music festival massacre carried out by Hamas as a part of its surprise attack on Israel.



Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023



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Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023

li f e s tyle / yout h

8 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

By: Asma Shams


new year often signifies a fresh start for many people. For some, this means setting health goals, such as losing weight, following a healthier diet, and starting an exercise routine. However, more often than not, the health and wellness resolutions chosen are highly restrictive and unsustainable, leading most people to break their resolutions within a few weeks. This is why many people make the same resolutions year after year. To break that cycle, it’s important to make resolutions that can not only improve health but also be followed for life.

nificantly reduce heart disease risk factors, body weight, and blood sugar levels, as well as decrease your risk of certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes What’s more, adding more whole foods to your diet can be done slowly and consistently. For example, if you’re not used to eating vegetables, start by adding one serving of your favorite veggie to your diet every day.

2. Sit less and move more

Whether it’s due to having a sedentary job or simply being inactive, many people sit more than they should. Sitting too much can have negative effects on health. In fact, it may be linked to an increased risk of overall mortality.Trusted Source Making a resolution to sit less is an easy and attainable resolution that can be tailored to fit your lifestyle. For example, if you have a desk job that requires long periods of sitting, make a resolution to go for a 15-minute walk at lunch or to get up and walk for 5 minutes every hour

3. Find a physical activity that Here are 23 New Year’s resolu- you enjoy Every New Year, people purchase tions you can actually keep. expensive memberships to gyms, 1. Eat more whole foods workout studios, and online fitness One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to improve overall health is to eat more whole foods. Whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fish, contain a plethora of nutrients that your body needs to function at an optimal level. Research shows that following a whole-foods-based diet may sig-

programs in hopes of shedding excess body fat in the year to come. Though most people start strong, the majority don’t make their new routine into a lasting habit. Still, you can increase the chances of making your fitness resolutions stick. To get started, choose an activity based on enjoyment and whether it fits into your schedule.

For example, taking a half-hour walk, jog, or bike ride before work, or swimming at a gym that’s on your way home, are simple and sustainable exercise resolutions. Then, set an attainable goal, such as planning to walk a few specific days per week instead of aiming for every day. Making a more realistic goal can enhance the chances of making your new routine last, especially if you’re new to working out.

4. Take more ‘me time’ and practice self-care

Taking time for yourself is not selfish. In fact, it’s imperative for optimal health and wellbeing. This is especially true for those in caretaker roles, such as parents and healthcare workers.Trusted Source16Trusted Source For people with busy schedules and limited time, making a resolution to engage in self-care may take some planning. However, it’s well worth the time investment. Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate or time consuming. It can simply mean taking a bath every week, attending your favorite weekly yoga class, preparing a healthy meal for yourself, going for a walk in nature, or getting an extra hour of sleep.

5. Cook more meals at home

Research shows that people who cook more meals at home have better diet quality and less body fat than people who eat more meals on the go (17Trusted Source). In fact, a study in 11,396 adults found that those who ate 5 or more

home-cooked meals per week were 28% less likely to be overweight, compared with those who ate fewer than 3 home-cooked meals per week.Trusted Source Start by making one meal a day, then increase the frequency over time until you’re making the majority of your meals and snacks at home.

6. Spend more time outside

Spending more time outdoors can improve health by relieving stress, elevating mood, and even lowering blood pressure.Trusted Source Making a New Year’s resolution to spend more time outside every day is a sustainable and healthy goal that can benefit most everyone, no matter where you live. Taking a walk outside during your lunch break, hiking on weekends, going camping with friends, or simply soaking in the beauty of your backyard or local park are all ways to incorporate nature into your daily routine.

7. Limit screen time

Many people depend on their phones and computers for work and entertainment. However, spending too much time on electronic devices — particularly on social media — has been linked to depression, anxiety, and loneliness in some studies.Sourc Setting a resolution to cut back on the time you spend scrolling through social media, watching TV, or playing computer games may help boost your mood and enhance productivity.

8 Try meditation Meditation is an evidence-based way to promote mental well-being. It may be particularly helpful for people who have anxiety or depression Trusted Sourc23Trusted Source Trying out this practice is a perfect New Year’s resolution because there are many ways to meditate, and it’s easy to find books, podcasts, and apps that teach you how to start a meditation practice.

The bottom line

Though most New Year’s resolutions are only kept for a short period, the healthy resolutions listed above are sustainable ways to improve your physical and emotional health that can be followed for life. Creating a healthier relationship with food and taking better care of your body and mind can drastically improve your health in various ways. This New Year, try out a few of the resolutions in this article to help make this year — and the years that follow — the healthiest and happiest possible. Email: asmashums@gmail.com

Self-reported stressors experienced by migrant youth in Canada



irst-generation migrant youth experience higher levels of stress than their Canadian-born counterparts but have lower mental health service utilization rates.


The present study aims to report on the social context of migrant youth, focusing on their own experiences of post-migration stressors that impact their mental health.


The study utilized Concept Mapping in which participants responded to the open-ended question “What are the mental health stressors that you face?”. Youth participants then independently grouped responses made by all youth into concepts.


Participants grouped the statements into seven concepts, including stressors associated with family, isolation, communication, anxiety, overburdened, school difficulties and working with others.


Post-migration stressors for migrant youth exist in a social context where they experience racism and discrimination. The stressors can intersect and accumulate, leading to the perceived necessity and associated pressure to meet others’ expectations. Introduction There are approximately 272 million international migrants (World Migration Report, 2020). A large portion of migration occurs from lower-income countries to higherincome countries (OECD, 2016). In Canada, foreign-born individuals representing 21.9 % of the total population, as of the 2016 census, will grow to 24.5 % or 30 % of the Canadian population by 2036 (Statistics Canada, 2017). First-generation migrant youth experience higher stress levels than second and third-generation migrant youth in Canada (Hamilton et al., 2009), but their mental health utilization rates are significantly lower (Saunders et al., 2018; Thomson et al., 2015). In a scoping review, authors noted the limited research on the mental health challenges experienced by migrant youth, adding that existing research on this population was frequently collected from parents using standardized measures (Hilario et al., 2015). In addition, relatively little is known about migrant youths’ perceptions of post-migration stressors that challenge their mental health (Hilario et al., 2018). The present study aims to report on

the social context of migrant youth, focusing on their own experiences of post-migration stressors. In Canada, approximately 1 in 5 residents are international migrants. The top five countries of origin are India, China, Philippines, the United Kingdom, and United States (International Organization for Migration, 2020). Migrants leave their homes in search of either protection or economic opportunity or both (King, 2012). Sharp distinctions between categories of migrant and refugee no longer capture the complex relationships that exist between different types of drivers of migration (United Nations, 2019). Causes can be attributed to push and pull factors (Ziaian, et al., 2023). Push factors include armed conflict, disaster exposure, gender inequality, lack of job opportunities, political corruption, and lack of access to competent healthcare and education. Pull factors include better work opportunities, greater security, healthcare and education. Language competency and whether education was completed in Canada are key obstacles affecting economic integration (Donato & Ferris, 2020). Mental health is a state of well-being, referring to an individual’s ability to realize their potential, cope with everyday life stress, be productive and contribute to society (WHO, 2014). Mental health is integral to an individual’s overall health and acts as a buffer to the hardships and stresses that

every individual face and can help reduce the risk of mental illness (Bartram & Chados, 2013). However, while the mental health needs of migrants are considerable, service utilization is low. For example, among the South Asian population in Canada, international migrants experience a more significant likelihood of extreme despair (Hilario et al., 2014) and high life stress (Islam et al., 2014) but less likely to consult mental health professionals than Canadian-born counterparts (Ng & Zhang, 2020). Culturally based health service barriers for ethnic minorities include 1) communication and language differences, 2) perceptions of mental health challenges as the result of a lack of commitment or “bad thoughts”, and 3) ways of coping through advice from spiritual leaders, keeping their problems within the family, as well as skepticism about members of other groups and professionals (Kwan et al., 2018, Kwan and Lo, 2022). The World Health Organization’s International Classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF; 2001) states that contextual factors, including environmental and personal factors, can affect one’s functioning and health. Migrants may avoid seeking specialized care because of unfamiliarity with mental health care services or stereotypes about mental problems associated with fear of discrimination and stigmatization (Salami et al.,

2019). Additional factors include language and cultural differences (Kim, et al., 2011), as well as practical challenges that are financial, transportation-related, waitlists or delays in seeking care (Wohler & Dantas, 2017). Our study builds upon existing literature by utilizing the Meyer (2003) Minority Stress Theory (MST) to analyze factors that contribute to stress and mental health outcomes among migrant youth. MST was first developed to explain why individuals in the 2SLGBTQ + community have disproportionately high levels of mental health concerns. Informed by social stress discourse (Mirowsky and Ross, 1980, Pearlin, 1989) and the social causality of distress (Dohrenwend et al., 1992), MST is inferred from approaches that describe conflict with social environments faced by minority group members (Lazurus and Folkman, 1984, Mirowsky and Ross, 1980, Pearlin, 1989). According to societal reaction theory (Goffman, 1963), minority stress explains the effects of negative social attitudes and stigma on stigmatized individuals (Marcussen, et al., 2019). From this perspective, individuals from disadvantaged social groups are exposed to unique stress and coping mechanisms related to their minority identity, which determines the impact of this social status on mental health outcomes (Meyer, 2003).)... Source.sciencedirect.com/


Jamadi ul II,16, 1445H December 29, 2023


Peshawar High Court suspends ECP order stripping PTI’s ‘bat’ symbol

By: Abdul Hakeem


he Peshawar High Court (PHC) on Tuesday suspended the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) declaration of the PTI’s intra-party polls as unconstitutional and the revocation of the party’s ‘bat’ election symbol. Justice Kamran Hayat Miankhel announced the verdict shortly after reserving his order on a PTI petition against the ECP decision. The court order, a copy of which is available with Dawn.com, said that general elections were scheduled for February 8 and the last date for allotment of election symbols was January 13. It directed that notices be issued to all respondents for Jan 9 and suspended the ECP’s December 22 order. The court also ordered the ECP to publish the PTI’s certificate on the commission’s website and restore the party’s election symbol “keeping in view the urgency, that a political party has been denuded of its sym-

bol, meaning hearby that aspirants from the general public who were willing to vote for the petitioners’ party were divested of their right to vote as per their choice”. The submission of the party’s plea comes after the electoral watchdog last week voided, for the second time in under a month, the PTI’s internal elections in which Barrister Gohar Ali Khan was elected as the party’s new chairman. The ECP had issued a verdict following a first-of-its-kind microscopic examination of the inner workings of a political party and declared the party ineligible to obtain an election symbol to contest the upcoming general elections. “It is held that PTI has not complied with our directions rendered therein order dated 23rd November 2023 and failed to hold intraparty election in accordance with PTI prevailing Constitution, 2019 and Election Act, 2017, and Election Rules, 2017,” the ECP had said in its 11-page order.

The party had termed the decision part of the “famous London Plan” and a “disgusting and shameful attempt to stop PTI from [participating in the] election”. It had also claimed that the party would still win the general elections, maintaining that it would appeal the decision at every forum. It asserted that its candidates would indeed contest the polls with the ‘bat’ symbol, come what may. Election symbol is the life of any party: Ali Zafar Talking to the media after the PHC verdict, PTI counsel Barrister Ali Zafar said the election symbol was the “life” of any party and a basic constitutional right of the organisation and its workers, supporters and voters. “Today the high court has upheld that basic right and declared that the ‘bat’ symbol belongs to the PTI and restored it.” Zafar said the ECP had given its verdict in the case as if it was an “opponent” of the PTI instead of a just arbitrator and also questioned why the lawyers

from parties or the government were present in today’s hearing. “It seemed that they were against the PTI together with the ECP,” he said. Zafar said that the ECP should remain “independent and free”. Meanwhile, Barrister Gohar Ali Khan said the PHC had undermined and eliminated the “conspiracy against the PTI, its symbol and its supporters” with its order. He added that the high court had restored the trust of the party and the nation in the judiciary. “It seemed as if the ECP were against us, it did not feel as if they were fair,” PTI lawyer Ali Zafar said while speaking to the media outside the PHC alongside Gohar Khan, adding that a symbol is a fundamental right. “The way lawyers from different parties were arguing in courts today, it seemed as if they were collaborating against PTI. One should not get this perspective, they should stay independent” he said.

Gohar said there was a “great need” for the suspension order since nomination papers for the general elections have been filed and the scrutiny process is under way. He said the PTI had sent its priority list and all the provinces accepted it other than Punjab, adding that the final list issued included all political parties other than the PTI. The PTI chairman said the party would request the ECP to ensure elections were free, fair and transparent, adding that the party had always expressed confidence in the watchdog.“Our trust was hurt, justice wasn’t done with us but we were discriminated against.” Source: https://www.dawn.com/

Pakistan deported Afghans waiting for US resettlement: report


he caretaker government’s huge deportation drive has forcibly repatriated scores of Afghans awaiting resettlement in the United States, an advocacy group and Afghan applicants say, alleging that authorities often ignored US embassy letters of protection. That complicates the efforts of such Af-

ghans, as the US has shuttered its embassy in Kabul and they must also grapple with human rights restrictions and stubborn financial and humanitarian crises in their homeland. Pakistan began expelling more than a million undocumented foreigners, mostly Afghans, on November 1, amid a row over accusations that Kabul harbours the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan and other militants, a charge the ruling Taliban deny. More than 450,000 Afghans have returned home, the United Nations says, many now living in difficult winter conditions near the border. At least 130 Afghans being processed for US special immigration visas or refugee resettlement in the United States have been deported, said Shawn VanDiver, president of Afghan Evac, the main coalition of groups

helping such efforts. He cited data from coalition members and details provided to the US government by its Islamabad embassy, which he has seen. The police have arrested more than 230 such Afghans, although about 80 have since been released, he added. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior US State Department official said the United States had “no formal way to track these kinds of cases”, adding that the number of Afghans deported while awaiting US resettlement was “very small”. Dawn.com has reached out to the foreign and interior ministries for comment on the matter. As the clock ticked down to Nov 1, the US embassy e-mailed protection letters to some 25,000 Afghans to prove to authori-

ties they were being processed for resettlement in the United States, after its last troops left Kabul in 2021. A US State Department spokesperson said Washington had also supplied Pakistan with a list of Afghans “in the US resettlement pipelines” after it unveiled the deportation plan in October. VanDiver and two Western diplomatic sources, who requested anonymity to discuss the issue, said local authorities had ignored the letters in many instances. “The letters matter in some cases and not in others,” said VanDiver. “Not all local officers are abiding by it.” The senior State Department official said the United States has examples of police respecting the letters but gave no details....Source: dawn.com/



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