The miracle 416 june 10, 2016 r

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Bringing Harmony To All The Communities ...

BC CANADA Bi-Weekly & Bilingual

Volume 16 Issue 416 - RamaWdan 5 , 1437 AH / June 10, 2016


O, you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous - Surah Baqrah , ayat 183

A True Ambassador of Islam

While world leaders are sending across Ramadan greetings to Muslims across the world, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has raised the bar even higher. Trudeau, who is a staunch supporter of minority rights, had Iftar with Muslims after his first Ramadan fast, and shared a heartwarming message on Twitter.”It was a pleasure to celebrate Iftar and break the first Ramadan fast with Muslim members of our Continued on Pg 2 caucus last night,” he tweeted.

Muhammad Ali

A Boxing Legend Passed away. see details at page 2 , 24& 32

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

T The blessed month of Ramadan Rama an has already begun to give aanother golden opportunity for selfeevaluation and spiritual growth. Ramaddan is the ninth month in the Islamic ccalendar, which consists of days in months cycle. The month is spent in tthe hot pursuit of Ta wa by the devout Muslims all around the world for one M month every year. m ince the Islamic calendar is lunar, aand the days begin at sunset, so there iis a slight chance of one-day in countiing error depending on when the new moon is first sighted. The date on the m solar regorian calendar varies from yyear to year. The month moves in the regorian calendar appro imately ddays annually. illar of slam: asting during this month iis one of the five pillars of Islam and is kknown to be month of re ection and compplete submission to od lmighty. astiing in the month is an essential part of ffundamental Islamic obligations. The beginning and ending of the month T may vary from country to country dem ppending on the moon sighting. IIn Islam, fasting sawm is abstaining or rrefraining from certain things for a speciified period of time. or e ample While ffasting, a Muslim is re uired to abstain ffrom se ual intercourse, food and drinks oof all kinds right from dawn to sunset ttime preceded by the intention iyyah . The mandatory awn to dusk fastT iing starts before the unrise a er and eends with Iftar at the unset Maghreb . E emption:The young children, the sick aand the elderly are e empted from fasting. Realising the pain of starvation: R The Ramadan fasting enables the MusT


lims to broaden their compassion for the ungry and the less fortunate.” That is why, the Muslims tend to generously donate to charity. It s pleasing to know that hyper-participation in food drives for the poor during the month is uite usual, as Muslims are motivated to give out for the needy and hungry for the entire year. The ur an is recited by the Imam during congregational taravi prayers every night throughout the blessed month. Essence of fasting during Ramadan and its goal is summed up in the Qur’an just in one word: “Taqwa””O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may attain Taqwa.” (Qur’an 2:183). Ta wa is both an attitude and a process. In fact, the proper attitude of the Muslims toward llah WT denotes nothing but love, devotion, and fear. This clearly indicates that Ramadanfasting like other religious practices in Islam is one of the best sources available to generate moral e cellence to appropriately handle the daily routine matters including social interaction. eyond doubt, one can achieve the best moral values and can easily become a role model for others provided there is no hypocrisy or double standards. If we are sincere towards llah WT, fasting in Ramadan helps us to improve self discipline and awareness about the plight of those have-nots who su er from constant hunger and deprivation. Indeed, the sense of spiritual fulfillment through a state of T W ” becomes attainable with month long

fasting wor -out during the blessed month, because the first verses of the holy uran were actually revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad P in Ramadan. And, Laaelatul- adr is remembered as being the anniversary of that actual day, when the uran was actually presented to Prophet Muhammad P . lso, the aaelatul- adr” is known as the ight of Power” which usually falls on any odd dated night within the last days of Ramadan. s sawm in rabic means refrain,” so Ramadan provides the Muslims with the best opportunity to learn that there is a lot more than ust the disallowed eating or drinking between the unrise and the unset. ortunately, the blessed month empowers the Muslims to be brave enough to restrain themselves from devilish or sinful activity including backbiting, gossiping, looking immorally at forbidden things and using obscene words. Thus, taking part in the mandatory practice of Ramadan fasting through o ering the prayers on time, eating and drinking as prescribed makes the Muslims well disciplined and Mutta ee od fearing . ealth Bene ts: Ramadan fasting definitely helps in ridding our bodies of stored poisons, including addictive substances, and we feel enabled to adust our craving and upgrade our tolerance level. Most of all, one s mind becomes purely clean and clear of all lustful thoughts after attaining Ta wa. mong the health benefits of Ramadan fasting, is the rela ation period for stomach, digestive system, refining

system, heart, circulatory system, the kidneys and the list goes on and on. s claimed by medical scientists and doctors, Islamic ast is also a kind of psychological treatment, because it provides spiritual enhancement and strengthens the feeling of being free from physical limitations and habits and addictions. It boils down to the fact that Ramadan fasting” is not only a time during which people deprive themselves from physical pleasures, but it s also an important occasion to practise morality through self-restraint for attaining the spiritual growth. n nutshell, the best use of precious time is connecting with llah through focusing on the ur an and o ering regular five times daily prayers followed by travee prayers, helping others, feeding the hungry and staying on the righteous path. It s the best time to get rid of hot temper, immoral negligence, la iness, and impatience. et s practise only the opposite of bad habit every day until the end of month and thereafter as well. The last ten nights this month are the most precious times for supplication, self-analysis, re ection and serious thought. ince the blessed month make Muslims feel morally re-conditioned and rebooted, they must maintain the momentum of carrying out their self-check up through increased religious dedication during the remainder of the year till ne t Ramadan.

By: Gulshan Aalani In criptural religions the spirituality and practicability goes hand in hand. aith and spirituality come only through observing the divine commandments. bservance of ivine rituals is a sign of pure faith-Imaan, which means one believes categorically that Creatoralone is deserving of worship. The first obligation of any eliever is to establish the worship of and obedience to I law. iscarding and replacing the divine commandments by the man-made rituals definitely leads to the paganism, unaccepted by llah-Creator.. ame ible Message. Real worship means desisting from violating the law of and pursuing the activities that pleases the creator and not the human gods who are usually anti, anti- criptures, anti-Prayers, and doesn t like to pray, which, indicates they are atheist, playing treacherous tricks to keep the innocent people away from llahCreator. uch fraud is dangerous for the ouls, and worst than the lies of aesh- S S. fter re ecting Islam, llah, uran and ma or commandments, one cannot claim to be the Muslim .The title Muslim is given by ivine to those who follow IM and Islam the religion of Prophet braham that is ust one Islam and not kinds or any kind of Tari a. Islam is taught by the niversal Messenger Muhammad W according to the order of llah sent through ngel abriel. o one is given the rights or authority to modify it or turn it into a counterfeit Islam, or change the ivine protocol. s a law of the land it is a criminal activity to sell the counterfeit goods

and so similarly to use the fake I of Islam and Muslim for the man-made religion is a criminal act against and a heinous sin. Conse uently, Islam considers the bond of faith to be the focal point which serves as the criterion by which people come together oneness of and oneness of people. That could only be achieved by making the covenant with the Creatorand not by following the human gods, replacing the true who has made it clear that there is no intercessor between IM and mankind. I contact line is open , all is given free of charge, free forgiveness of sins, nor one needs to be a paid member of Ma lis to buy the tickets to enterParadise that is owned by Creator and not by any human gods. slam has removed the idea of untouchable, segregation and discrimination. Islam promotes neither nationalism nor favoritism, which is proven at the time of a and in the daily Muslim alat- ama taught by Prophet W where lack, White, rown, the Jews, Christians, indus, Pun abis pray shoulder to shoulder to ne after accepting the final Revelation and all the iblical Prophets mentioned in the uran. This shows the beauty of true oneness of community, walking on the same ridge. Ironically there have been numerous attempts to misinterpret the uran as to one s evil desires, also declaring it as the wrong uran, by those who has no recognition or knowledge of Creator of the niverse who punishes for lying.. I order uran - o call not on any other gods with , or thouwilt be among those under the penalty”.

Calgary The ecutive Council of the Islamic upreme Council of Canada held an emergency meeting last night on the passing of a great ambassador of Islam, world champion and the legendary bo er Muhammad li May llah s mercy upon him . We are very sad by this news. I CC o ers heartfelt condolences to Muhammad li s family, friends and fans around the world. ll his life Muhammad li fought for the dignity and the respect for human life. e was not only a bo ing champion but he was a true fighter for human rights and social ustice. I had a very brief interaction with Muhammad li when he attended a conference in Riyadh audi rabia in early s. e was a huge inspiration for all Muslim especially youth and a true defender of Islam”, said Imam yed oharwardy. ot many Muslims know how many people embraced Islam because of Muhammad li. May llah grant him the highest place in the eaven and give patience to his family. We all belong to llah and we all will return to im. ISCC held a memorial service (FATEHA)on Sunday, June 5th, at the Green Dome Mosque Calgary.

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iddi ui, M. . . aumani,

Prayers for ISCC Offers Condolences Muhammad Ali on the Passing of and Dedication of Ramadan Muhammad Ali Spirit 2016

A True Ambassador of Islam


yed, Mr. hams

Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a s a a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r.

‘Faith&Covenant with Creator-GOD’


By:Pakistan Canada Association l Jamia Mas id ancouver, home of ritish Columbia s first Mos ue established in announces prayers in honour of the ate, reat Muhammad li to be held . call has been made for prayers to be held at all Mas ids throughout the ower Mainland oining those held throughout the world by all faiths to remember the life, and legacy of Muhammad li. Muhammad li was more than a fighter in the ring. e fought battles for racial e uality, ustice, and inclusion. ecisively anti-war and antibigotry, he fought to his dying days the threat of Islamaphobia and condemned the cowardly and evil acts of terrorists who seek to pervert the meaning of true Islam. Muhammad li, for those of us who grew up watching his fights, praying for him in and out of the ring was a larger than life figure - t times boastful,wistful, cheerful and gregarious. is kindness and generosity of spirit will be remembered and celebrated. fter attaining the eavyweight Championship of the world, Cassius Clay took the name of Muhammad li, entered Islam as interpreted by the ation of Islam, and later embraced unni Islam and studied ufi spirituality. e was a pious and humble Muslim, a great human being who transcended divisions of faith and race in his words and deeds. e was and will in all likelihood remain one of the most recogni ed persons on the planet. s we have seen by the outpouring of grief world wide, his loss is felt deeply.

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IMPO RTAN T N O TE: Le t t e r s t o t h e e d i t o r d o n o t r e e c t t h e o p i n i o n o f t h e Mi r a c l e m e d i a g r o u p .We d o n o t p u b l i s h a n o n y m o u s le t t e r s o r t h e le t t e r s o f t h e p e o p le w h o d o n o t d is c lo s e t h e ir i d e n t i t y t o ‘ Th e Mi r a c l e .’ A w r i t e r c a n u se a p e n n a m e o r re q u e st ‘ Th e Mi r a c l e ’t o w i t h h o l d h i s / h e r i d e n t i t y . Pl e a s e i n c l u d e y o u r d a y t im e t e le p h o n e n u m b e r fo r t h e c o n r m a t i o n o f y o u r l e t t e r .We r e g r e t t h e in c o n v e n ie n c e .


Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


Indian prime Minister arendra ingh Modi placed blame on Pakistan for nurturing and supporting terrorism, during his speech at the merican Congress on Wednesday. ccording to details, Modi said during his address that terrorism was being nurtured in India s neighbourhood. s a representative of the world s largest democracy, it is indeed a privilege to speak to the leaders of its oldest,” he said. Terrorism is the biggest threat to the world today,” said Modi. We need to fight militancy on numerous levels. Terrorism is being nurtured in India s neighbourhood,” he added. e also said during his address that the nited tates was an inevitable ally

of India and that a strong India was in the interests of the . Modi said that India had support from the nited tates in its e orts to establish the global solar energy. e further spoke on the -India friendship and how beneficial it could prove for the whole world.”India is the biggest destination for merican companies at the moment,” said Modi. Trade between our two countries has increased now more than ever before,” he added. India recogni es the nited tates e orts to keep outh sia safe.” Modi also said during his address that India s activities in the Indian cean could prove to be beneficial for the nited tates. e said that India and merica s mutual cooperation could result in growing interdependence between the two states. peaceful and stable fghanistan is both in the interest of the and India,” he said. The oint e orts of India and nited tates can prove to be beneficial for development from sia to frica,” he stated. e also pointed out that defence trade between India and the nited tates had increased to more then billion in ust a single decade. Modi also said that cooperation between his country and the nited tates was keeping both countries safe from cyber crime and terrorism.

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Chairman of the ational isaster Management uthority M Ma or eneral sghar awa said on Monday that Pakistan was prone to earth uakes and oods and faced enormous challenges in view of climate change. peaking at the inaugural session of a media workshop on reporting disasters organised by the M , he said, Pakistan stood eighth among high- risk countries with respect to climate change. nderlining the need for utilisation of resources for risk reduction during natural calamities, he said, the national ood protection plan had been finalised and hope-

fully it would soon be approved. e said media reports help rescuers to reach the calamity-hit areas while stressing on an early response in emergencies. Media should play its role by airing public service messages, he said.Presently the meteorological o ce did not have the capacity to forecast high- intensity storms, he said, adding I know about the limited resources with which the Met o ce has been working”. The threat of climate change is hovering over us which will stay,” he said. The M chief said that the nited tates, Japan and countries in urope became victims of natural disasters despite possessing modern technology. e regretted construction of houses on water channels and occupation of the same even under the threat of oods. Prime Minister awa harif s spokesman Musadda Malik while addressing the gathering said that Pakistan was one of the countries a ected by climate change. e conceded that there were weaknesses in institutions but said nobody could win a war against ature. There was a need to enhance the capacity and improve the performance of institutions meant to cope with the challenges posed by natural calamities. e asked the media to avoid spreading despondency and urged it to give a ray of hope to the poor people of the country.Referring to the China-Pakistan conomic Corridor pro ect, he said it would have far-reaching impact in the ne t two to three years

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i uestioning the veracity of the government s statistics during the second day of debate on the federal budget, the opposition in the ational ssembly pointed out shortcomings in the nance bill and predicted that the illusion of stability o ered by the finance ministry would soon come apart at the seams. The highlight of Tuesday s proceedings was the speech by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf financial wi ard, sad mar. The former ngro Corp C delivered a well-craf ted rebuttal to the finance minister s budget address that was far less didactic than Isha ar s argon-laden monologue. uring his speech, he informed the house that the government had incorporated a rider into the new finance bill, to amend the Income Ta rdinance, , which o ers cover to o shore companies. In Clause , section , subsection , clause bb for the semi-colon, a full stop shall be sub-stituted and thereafter the following e planation shall be added or the removal of doubt it is clarified that the trust under this clause shall include a foreign trust , he read, ostensibly from a copy of the latest finance bill. Why was this e planation necessary If they amended the law now, they still couldn t hide past crimes. This is why they havedressed this up as a clarincation, so they could claim that this was the law all along. lleging that this was how the government wanted to cover

Basharat Shah

up iits t ta evasion and legitimise o shore companies revealed in the Panama Papers, he claimed that all attempts to discuss the matter in the tanding Committee on inance a : 604.591.8840 had been stonewalled. If the finance bill is passed with this in it, my faith in democracy in Pakistan will definitely beshaken, he concluded. umbers game arlier, Mr mar said that many leading economic e perts had termed the government s numbers implausible and called the budget statistics into uestion. espite this, he stuck to the numbers given in the conomic urvey of Pakistan, underlining that they did not line up with Mr ar s claims of the country having achieved economic stability ven if we accept Spend 55 and get 4 Ltr Mil price of 4 the government s figures and e amine the comparison One oz Eggs 3.25 some restrictions apply given in the budget documents ... Pakistan s growth rate was . pc in the s, . in the s, . in the s, . in the sandinthenrstdecade of this century, our average growth rate was . pc. y the government s own admission, our average growth rate over the past three years has been . pc, which is the lowest it has been in the past comparisons to the sif li ardari government. years. The economy has slipped even below the levels Investment, which constituted to pc of the economy where our colleagues from the PPP left it, was his backaround a decade ago, had fallen to . pc in . ut then a handed compliment to the main opposition party. ensing government took over that is business-savvy Mian sahib runs that he could kill two birds with one stone, he continued a number of successful businesses himself. The current ecothis vein, showing the ruling party down with fre uent nomic survey, however, puts investment at . pc, the lowest 17063 - 79A Ave. leetwood it has been in the past years, he said. o doubt, my party criticised the ardari government, as Pm sure the current ruling party also did over the five years the PPP was in power. In that time, the PPP government amassed an annual Rs . trillion in debt, which is no small amount. ut in the first three years of this government, the annual increase in debt rose to around Rs trillion, he said, to the sounds of hame hame from the opposition benches. e was even more sarcastic when he read out the power generation statistics. The government is touting a -megawatt increase in installed capacity over three years, while the demand has gone up by , megawatts. If this keeps up, perhaps ussain awa s grandchildren will live to see a loadshedding-free Pakistan.


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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


s homeowner Myles u faces a -percent hike to the property ta he pays on his house in urnaby, ust a few blocks north, condo owner Rick Mc owan is getting a ta break. uch ta tales are common across Metro ancouver as skyrocketing prices play havoc with property assessments, especially for single-family detached homes, prompting mayors to call on the provincial government to allow di erent ta rates known as mill rates for houses and condominiums. ll residential properties in .C., whether single- or multi-family, are covered by one city-wide mill rate. What we re looking to do is have the opportunity to separate the mill rates if a city wants to do it” so that single-family homeowners don t bear too much of the ta burden, angley City Mayor Ted chafer said this week. We re kind of saying everyone should pay a little bit. We re trying to make it fairer on all property owners.” Property ta increases are based on how much the assessed value of a home has risen, year-over-year, compared with the municipal average. urnaby, for instance, saw an assessment increase of per cent on an average , home this year, so if a homeowner s assessment has also gone up in that range, they will likely pay this year s ta increase of . per cent. If their increase is higher, they will pay more. property assessment that is higher than in previous years does not necessarily mean a higher ta rate. Mc owan s Metrotown condo, for instance, saw a higher assessment this year, but he will be paying lower ta es. The story is similar across the region. In Richmond, the average residential property ta rate increase is . per cent this year, but most condominiums even high-end ones will see ta es go down, according to city spokesman Ted Townsend. Meanwhile, almost all of Richmond s single-family homes, regardless of neighbourhood, saw ta increases this year, he said. City of orth ancouver Mayor arrell Mussatto supports the idea of creating separate mill rates. In an emailed statement, Minister of Community, port and Cultural evelopment Peter assbender said overnment is aware of concerns that property assessments have increased significantly in some areas of the province, particularly Metro ancouver.” ut he added that municipal governments already have tools to mitigate the e ects of dramatic increases in market-driven assessed values and in keeping property ta es at a manageable level.” istrict of orth ancouver Mayor Richard Walton said his own property ta es this year will increase more

The nited ations has significantly revised the number of civilians believed to still be inside the besieged Ira i town of allu ah, a stronghold of the Islamic tate of Ira and the evant I I , or I I , to up to , - compared with a previous estimate of , . The o ensive by the Ira i army, backed by hia militias, to dislodge I I from allu ah began on May , but the city has been under a de facto siege for about si months. We have underestimated how many civilians are in allu ah,” rande said. People who are coming out are giving us the strong impression that we could be talking about maybe , to , civilians that are inside.” Thousands of civilians are caught in the crossfire in and around allu-

& I N T .


than twice as much as the district-wide average of three per cent. e attributed this to a surge in development in his pper Capilano neighbourhood, where, he said, all the houses around me are coming down, and the lots are selling for a lot.” When a s-era rancher in the istrict of orth ancouver sells for million, only to be torn down and replaced by a new lu ury home, it can a ect the neighbours assessments. Property ta es are also in uenced by other factors, such as school ta es and homeowner grants, which are being eliminated from homes worth more than . million, said Jason rant of .C. ssessment. It s all going to depend on how your property performs relative to the average for that community,” he said. The system is designed simply so more e pensive properties do pay more ta es than lower priced properties.” u, who lives in urnaby s outh lope, said his ta notice means he will have to pay , up from , last year for his split-level bungalow on a , -s .-ft. lot. e could appeal the assessment, he was told, if he can prove other homes in his neighbourhood have a lower assessment. In fast-growing Port Moody, which has one of Metro s highest property ta increases this year, some homeowners are getting big bills. eighbours Rick von and Craig ere owski e pected to see a . -per-cent boost an e tra for the year tacked onto the annual notices. ut they were shocked to see increases of per cent and per cent, respectively. von s property ta es increased by , while ere owski s rose by , yet they say they haven t seen any additional municipal services. Mc owan, who lives in a , -s .ft. condo in Metrotown, said his building is still waiting to get food scrap collection. I don t mind paying ta es, it s more about how they re spent,” he said. urnaby Mayor erek Corrigan said he is ust as frustrated as homeowners.

surge in Israel s destruction of -funded pro ects in Palestine is linked to the s decision in to label products made in Israeli settlements in the West ank, according to a new report. The report, titled uandered id and authored by the uro-Mediterranean uman Rights Monitor, was disseminated on the sidelines of a recent session. The report, of which l Ja eera obtained an e clusive copy before its release this week, documents Israel s repetitive destruction of -funded pro ects in Palestine. The uro-Med group estimates the total s uandered aid money at million m , lost over the period , with at least million m lost only during the Israeli assault on a a. uring the first three months of , the number of demolitions - per month - of pro ects funded by private, international or parties increased to , from an average of per month during . This includes documented demolitions of -financed buildings over the first three months of , compared with demolitions between and . It s the classic catch- ,” says Cecile Cho uet, a researcher at uro-Med. Palestinians need help to rebuild, but as soon as they start to get back on their feet, Israel knocks them back down.” emolitions and stop-work orders were particularly directed at structures located in rea C of the occupied West ank, which falls under Israeli security and civilian conSource: The Province trol. It is regarded by the international community as the main land reserve for a future Palestinian state. In a single week in ugust , houses were destroyed, leaving Palestinians homeless. The surge has attracted international focus. In , human rights groups condemned Israel s wanton destruction of Palestinian property and of pro ects funded by international aid in the occupied West ank”. The o ce of the Coordinator of Israeli overnment ctivities in the ccupied Territories C T claimed that measures are taken against illegal building”. owever, uro-Med reports that, in some cases, Israeli authorities have demolished Palestinian proects they had earlier approved. urther, permits are scarce, with only as few as . percent of applications for building permits in rea C approved by Israeli authorities between ah, close to the capital aghdad, as govern- and , according to the Israeli rights group ment forces and allied militias are trying to Tselem. The Israeli daily aaret reported recapture the city. rande said that more last Tuesday on a tense and di cult meeting” than , people have managed to ee the between Israeli and o cials, where the city in e tremely di cult conditions, having e pressed opposition to home demolitions and walked for days and faced I I fire to reach forced evacuations of Palestinian populations. government-held areas. number of them unfortunately didn t make it. We know that more than people have drowned when video of Canadian Prime Minister they tried to cross the river,” she said, also Justin Trudeau sharing an Iftar meal reporting cases where families lost their with Muslim caucus members has children while eeing. People eeing algarnered nearly four million times lu ah have been using anything that oats to help them get across the uphrates, which is after being uploaded on acebook on about to metres wide at the crossing Tuesday. Trudeau can be seen digging point in farmland ust south of the city. into Middle aster and sian dishes ource l-Ja eera like ummus, stu ed vine leaves and

The mbassador to Israel, ars aaborgndersen, reportedly warned that a continuation of the massive demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied West ank is liable to harm relations between the and Israel”. In accord with uro-Med observation, aaret ascribed the significant increase in demolition activities, especially of construction funded by the , to an Israeli attempt to adopt sanctions against the in response to the decision to label products from the settlements in uropean supermarkets and heavy political pressure by right-wing Israeli parliamentarians. l Ja eera spoke to Wi nand Marchal, irst ecretary for conomic airs at the etherlands Representative ce in Ramallah, who confirmed that utch-sponsored pro ects have been increasingly encountering problems during or after implementation, especially over the last si months. We have seen an increase of stop-work orders and demolition orders,” Marchal told l Ja eera. In a a, the agricultural programmes have during the latest war of witnessed the demolition of water wells, greenhouses, and packing houses belonging to cooperatives,” he continued. uring , utch pro ects incurred damages totalling over , as a result of Israeli enforcement activities. In case Israeli demolitions of utch development pro ects is continuing, this will have a negative impact on our relations with Israel,” the utch diplomat told l Ja eera. uro-Med deplores that since , information on damage to funded pro ects has been inaccessible to both the media and human rights institutions. Rami bdu, Chairman of uro-Med Monitor, says the report relied primarily on field research, including interviews with eyewitnesses, village councils, municipalities and relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies, as well as past publications and anonymous tips” made available by diplomats who asked to remain anonymous. In addition, bdu warns that some in urope are uestioning the wisdom of investing more funds in the occupied Palestinian territories particularly in light of the austerity measures implemented following the debt crisis throughout the region and the wave of refugees from yria, Ira and fghanistan”. Concluding the report, uro-Med urged the commission to substantively penalise the Israeli government when - or uropean-funded pro ects are targeted. ccording to ailey, Israel s targeting of funded pro ects won t stop until the takes action”. Source: Al-Jazeera

Justin Trudeau has Iftar .

ont from age 1

dates. The Canadian Prime Minister has been known to have a close relationship with Muslims after a video documenting his visit to a mos ue, showing him oining Muslim worshipers for evening prayers during Ramadan in , nearly two years before he was elected.


Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

On behalf of the Liberal caucus / Au nom du caucus Libéral,

Ramadan Mubarak! John Aldag CloverdaleLangley City 604-575-6595

Darshan Kang Calgary Skyview 403-291-0018

Terry Beech Burnaby NorthSeymour 604-718-8870

Joyce Murray Vancouver Quadra 604-664-9220

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Le Trés Honorable Justin Trudeau

Randy Boissonnault Edmonton Centre 780-442-1888

Sukh Dhaliwal Surrey-Newton 604-598-2200

Hon. Hedy Fry Vancouver Centre 604-666-0135

Stephen Fuhr KelownaLake Country 250-470-5075

Hon. Carla Qualtrough Delta 778-593-4007

Dan Ruimy Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge 604-466-2761

Randeep Sarai Surrey Centre 604-589-2441

Jati Sidhu Mission-MatsquiFraser Canyon 604-814-5710

Pam Goldsmith-Jones Ken Hardie West Vancouver-Sunshine Fleetwood-Port Kells Coast-Sea to Sky Country 604 501 5900 604-913-2660

Hon. Amarjeet Sohi Edmonton Mill Woods 780-497-3524

John Wilkinson North Vancouver 604-775-6333

Hon. Kent Hehr Calgary Centre 403-244-1880

Hon. Jody WilsonRaybould Vancouver Granville 604-717-1140

Wishing you and your family Peace and appiness in Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak

Bruce Ralston, MLA for Surrey-Whalley ing eorge urrey, C, T -



Sue S ue ammell, MLA for Surrey- reen Timbers ing eorge urrey, C -



Rajj houhan, MLA for Burnaby Edmonds Rumble treet urnaby C J Ra .Chouhan.M www.ra

arry Bains, i MLA for Surrey- ewton ing eorge lvd , urrey, C W arry.bains.M y


Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


arrated Ibn mar I heard llah s postle saying, When you see the crescent of the month of Ramadan , start fasting, and when you see the crescent of the month of hawwal , stop fasting and if the sky is overcast and you can t see It then regard the crescent asting of ahih ukhari. month of Ramadan as of days ”.

Ramadan Generosity in Action By: Imam Zaid Shakir


e often focus on the fasting and Tarawih prayers during Ramadan. owever, the blessed month is also a time when generosity is greatly emphasi ed. ne should try to be e ceedingly generous during this month. In this section pp. Ibn Ra ab e amines the generosity of the Prophet . This e amination is an encouragement for the believers to be e cessively generous during the blessed month of Ramadan.It is related in the two sound books al- ukhari and Muslim on the authority of Ibn bbas, may llah be pleased with him and his father The Messenger of llah was the most generous of people. e was especially generous in Ramadan when the ngel abriel would come and review the ur an with him. abriel would to review the ur an with him every night during the month of Ramadan. erily, when abriel would come and review the ur an with him in Ramadan, the Messenger of llah was more generous than the freeblowing wind. Imam hmad records this hadith with the additional words at its end, e was not asked for anything e cept that he gave it.” enerosity is e pansive and abundant giving. llah is described as generous. We read in the compilation of Imam al-Tirmidhi, from the transmissions of a d bin bi Wa as, that the Prophet said, llah is generous, e loves generosity e is noble, e loves nobility.” is compilation also mentions, on the authority of bu harr, on the authority of the Prophet narrating directly from his ord my servants If the first of you, the last of you the living of you, the dead of you the intact of you, the decomposed of you were to gather in a vast plain, and every individual were to ask of me his wildest dream, and I were to grant everyone what he asked, that would not decrease my dominion as much as the water taken from an ocean one of you were to pass by and dip a needle into it and then e tract it. That is because I am generous, e tant, and glorious. I do what I please. My giving is a word and my punishment is a word. My command to something when I desire it is but to say, e, and it is ” In a well-known narration, udail bin Iyyad mentioned, very night llah proclaims, I am generous, I love generosity I am noble, I love nobility. ” llah is the most generous of all. is generosity is amplified during certain special times such as the month of Ramadan. It is in the conte t of discussing Ramadan that he has revealed, When my servants ask about Me, verily I am close by. I respond to the call of the supplicant when he invokes me. ur an In a hadith mentioned by Imam al-Tirmidhi and others, the Prophet mentioned, uring it Ramadan a caller cries out, Those desiring good come forward, and those desiring evil stay away. llah has those e liberates from ell, and that occurs every night during Ramadan .” In that llah has predisposed is Prophet upon the most perfect and noblest character traits, as is related in a hadith from bu urayra, from the Prophet that he said, I have only been sent to perfect the noblest of character.” Imam Malik mentions this in the Muwatta. The Prophet was indeed the most generous of all people. The Prophet possessed these praiseworthy ualities even before Islam. wing to this, hadi a said to him, when he initially received revelation, I swear by llah, e will never disgrace you ou uphold the sanctity of blood relations, you honor the guest, you bear the burdens of others, you spend on the deprived, and you assist people in the face of calamities.” fter revelation these ualities were greatly amplified in him . It is related in the compilations of al- ukhari and Muslim, from nas, The Messenger of llah was the nicest, bravest, and most generous of all people.” nas also relates, fter Islam, the Messenger of llah was never asked for anything e cept he gave it. man came to him and asked him for a valley filled with livestock and he gave it to him. e returned to his people and said. People ecome Muslim, for Muhammad gives like a man who does not fear poverty.” nas further mentions, If it were the case that a man became Muslim, not desiring anything other than worldly gain, he would not reach the evening e cept Islam was more beloved to him than the world and everything on the face of the earth.” Imam Muslim also relates, from

afwan bin mayya, The Messenger of llah started giving me gifts while he was the most hated of people to me. e continued to give to me until he became the most beloved of people to me.” Ibn hihab aluhri mentions that in the aftermath of the attle of unayn he gave afwan one hundred sheep and goats, then another hundred, then yet another. In al-Magha i, al-Wa idi mentions, n that day the Prophet gave afwan bin mayya a valley filled with camels, sheep and goats. afwan said, This level of generosity could only be pleasing to a prophet. ” In the compilations of al- ukhari and Muslim, it is related by Jubayr bin Mut im that in the aftermath of the attle of unayn the desert rabs were tugging at the Prophet asking him to divide up some of the war booty amongst them. e said to them, If I had sheep and goats e ual to the number of these thorny desert shrubs scattered around us I would divide them amongst you. ou

would find me to be neither a miser, nor a liar, nor a coward.” Imam al- ukhari relates a hadith from ahl bin a d that a cloak was given to the Messenger of llah. e wore it and he really needed it. man asked him for it and he gave it to him. The Companions rebuked him saying, e needed it and you know that he never refuses a re uest.” e said, I only asked for it so it could be my burial shroud.” nd it turned out to be his burial shroud. ll of his generosity was for llah, be he Mighty and Ma estic, and seeking is pleasure. ither he would spend for the poor, or the needy, or in the way of llah, or to win over to Islam those whose faith would be strengthened by his generosity. is character was an embodiment of this book the ur an in that he was pleased with what it describes as pleasurable, angered by what it describes as evoking anger. e hastened to implement what it encourages and to avoid what it forbids. or

“O Allah. I fasted for You and I believe in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance”


1437 RAMA

Ramadan ate

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30*

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“I intend to keep fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan”



5:07 5:07 5:07 5:06 5:06 5:06 5:06 5:06 5:06 5:07 5:07 5:07 5:07 5:08 5:08 5:08 5:09 5:09 5:10 5:10 5:11 5:11 5:12 5:13 5:14 5:14

this reason his generosity and goodness was increased during this month Ramadan , because of the presence of abriel and his reviewing with him the ur an, which encourages nobility and generosity, with him. There can be no doubt that association with a noble, generous person breeds assimilation. Imam Zaid Shakir is amongst the most respected and influential Islamic scholars in the West. As an American Muslim who came of age during the civil rights struggles, he has brought both sensitivity about race and poverty issues and scholarly discipline to his faith-based work. Source: New Islamic Directions

T METABLE 2016 awaal

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M ay Allah bless everyone w ith peace and happiness in this Ramadan Timetable Source B MA

rom 5th Ramadan . ote: lease follow your Masjid Ramadan Timetable


Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016






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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016






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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


F A I T H /

he Taraweeh Prayer is an emphasised unnah of the Messenger of llah peace be upon him during the month of Ramadan. oth al- ukhaari and Muslim narrated from isha may llah be pleased with her that the Messenger of llah peace and blessings of llah be upon him prayed one night in the mos ue, and the people followed him in prayer. Then he prayed the ne t night, and many people came. Then they gathered on the third or fourth night, and the Messenger of llah peace and blessings of llah be upon him did not come out to them. The ne t morning


he said I saw what you did, and nothing kept me from coming out to you e cept the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.” nd that was in Ramadan These hadith show that praying Taraweeh in congregation is prescribed in the unnah of the Prophet peace be upon him . mar during his hilafah restablished this unnah of prayer in congregation. It was narrated in al- aheehayn from isha may llah be pleased with her that the Messenger of llah peace and blessings of llah be upon him would forgo doing something that he liked to do lest the people do it and it become obligatory upon them. arrated by al- ukhaari, Muslim, alaat al-Musaafireen, . l- ukhaari narrated that bd al-Rahmaan ibn bd al- aari said I went out with mar ibn alhattaab may llah be pleased with him to the mos ue one night in Ramadan, and the people were scattered, each man praying by himself. ome men would pray and have groups of people behind them following them. mar said I think that if I unite all these people with one reader, it will be better. Then he resolved to gather them behind

bayy ibn a b. l- aafi said Ibn al-Teen and others said that mar based this decision on the Prophet s approval of those who prayed with him on those nights. lthough he disliked that for them, that was based on the fear that it might be made obligatory for them. When the Prophet peace and blessings of llah be upon him died, there was no longer any fear of that happening, and mar thought, because of the potential division that might arise from people praying separately, and because uniting them behind one reader is more motivating for many people. The ma ority agreed with mar s decision. nd uote from ath al- aari. THE VIRTUES OF THE TARAWEEH PRAYER bu urayrah said llah s Messenger peace be upon him said e who prays during the night in Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from llah will have his past sins forgiven” greed pon The Ma ority of scholars say that by all his pasts sins it means his minor sin not maor sins if the person stand all the nights of Ramadan in prayer and not ust a few nights .

The scholars say in order for ma or sins to be forgiven a person is re uired to make sincere toba sincere repentance bu harr may llah be pleased with him said The Messenger of llah peace and blessings of llah be upon him said Whoever stands with the Imam until he finishes, it is e uivalent to spending the whole night in prayer.” arrated by al-Tirmidhi, bu awood, al- asaa i, Ibn Maa ah, . Classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi, Ibn hu aymah , Ibn ibbaan and al- lbaani in Irwa al- haleel, .

40K Raised in 20th Fundraising Dinner of Masjid al Salaam Burnaby

n May , Mas id l alaam and Islamic ducational Centre urnaby held its th annual fundraising. r Mohammad asin conducted the program, r meer recited the oly uran. CM President r aud Ismail thanked the guests for their time and dedication by attending this fundraising dinner to support the Mas id l- alaam. e also briefed the services of ritish Columbia Muslim ssociation CM to the audience in term of yrian Refugees as well as the e orts of helping the ovt. settled refugees in anncouver. r Mohammad hamim Chairman of the CM urnaby ranch talked about the services provided by this Mas id l- alaam.

r nwar adir presented a short video clip aboutt this urnaby Mas id. r M. asin stressed the importance of contributing for this Mas id and thanked all those who are contineously supporting this Mas id since past years. Imam and hatib of urnaby Mas id Imam ahyaa Momla elo uently presented the case for donatiing towards the Mas id and praised the members who volunteer their time in providing the services. Imam ahyaa asked the audience to be consistent in their giving and re uested them to pledge minimum ne ollar a ay through monthly subscription. t the ended delicious inner was served.

Abu Bakr Islamic Centre Surrey Now Opens!

By: Abu Bakr June the th was a historic night for the Muslim community. lhamdulillah bu akr Islamic Center had a very successful grand opening event. The massive Muslim population in the surrounding area was out in full force. The feedback from the public was overwhelming. It was revealed that the deal to a uire the property was put together in a matter of a few days and was funded privately by the grace of llah. This all happened after the CM re ected the opportunity to a uire this property for the community. The interest free loan on the property is . million. bu akr Islamic Center has gone through some e tensive renovations in order for it to be ready for the month of Ramadhan. verything from the car-

pet to the paint inside and out has been revamped. beautiful wudhu area was built from scratch. The building didn t have any windows so five new windows were installed.We should all get behind this new Islamic Center and help out in any way we can. When we help the een of llah, in return llah will help us. This is a wonderful oppertunity to donate to a worthy cause in the blessed month of Ramadhan where llah increases the rewards for good deeds. The management comittee would like to thank all the donors and those helped with preparations for this evening. Please contact Imran Yakub at 604-6187110 or email abubakrsociety@gmail. com if you wish to donate or help out Abu Bakr islamic center in any way.


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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

The Registration D eadline for the Summer term is June 15, 2016


Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016



Surrey program tackles ‘huge gaps’ in No taxes on Saudis support for Syrian refugee mental health or foreigners category. ut advocates and settlement

By Catherine Rolfsen, CBC News Advocates say long-term counselling services for Syrian refugees are sorely lac ing When yrian refugee Mohamad lorfi ed to Jordan, he lived under the constant threat of being caught working illegally by police. Just because you saw a policeman, you have to run away, because they always raise us on fear,” the father of seven e plains through an interpreter. Which is why the mere sight of a police station in his new home of urrey left him struggling to breathe. That is, until lorfi learned a deep breathing techni ue at an innovative new program in urrey to help yrian refugees cope with past trauma. When I remember the past, I use this method,” he said, demonstrating by taking a long, slow inhale. I do this trick to get over it.” lorfi and his family are among about yrian refugees participating in a five-week group session that deals with settlement issues through a trauma lens,” according to Corina Carroll, the manager of counselling services at iversecity Community Resources ociety. The program is funded by the nited Way, and is a first step in alleviating what Carroll describes as a huge gap” in serving yrian refugees mental health needs.

A real policy problem

I of C says that most yrian refugees will be able to cope with their trauma without ma or interventions, and there s no reason to believe that lorfi and his family aren t in that

workers say there is inade uate federal and provincial funding to ensure refugees who need it, get ongoing mental health support. We have a real policy problem in this country when it comes to refugee mental health,” said ylan Ma ur, the e ecutive director of the ancouver ssociation for urvivors of Torture. Syrian refugees anada yrian refugees got a warm welcome when they arrived in Canada, including from political leaders such as Immigration Minister John McCallum, above, some are finding it hard to get by on the government funding they receive, which is about e uivalent to social assistance. athan enette Canadian Press athan enette Canadian Press When government-assisted yrian refugees arrive in .C., they have a wellness orientation through I of C with a settlement crisis support worker like Margot angster. It s one thing to provide support in the moment on a short-term basis or a crisis basis,” angster said. ut there is no funding in place, either by the province or the federal government, to provide that more ongoing long-term counselling that some people will benefit from.” The federal government does provide some funding for refugees to access a psychologist under the Interim ederal ealth Program, but May ur says the application process is so onerous that only a handful of people are using it. .C. Ministry of ealth spokeswoman risty nderson says that mental health supports and trauma counselling are one of our main areas of focus,” pointing to recent funding aimed mainly at supporting those who work with refugees. ut advocates worry that yrian refugees will not get ade uate support when it s needed. or that population that needs acute intervention, the danger can be suicide, can be long-term trauma,” said May ur.

Ramadhan Mubara

ftar Bu et

By: ARAB NEWS J Ibrahim l- ssaf, minister of finance, has denied alleged reports that the ingdom will impose ta es on either audis or foreign residents, pointing out that imposing ta ation on residents was an old proposal, which will be discussed later. othing so far has been approved in this regard, he said, adding that it is among initiatives proposed by the Ministry of inance. e was answering ournalists uestions at a press conference on Tuesday regarding the ational Transformation Program . l- ssaf emphasi ed the role of his ministry in the TP , saying that its implementation would lead the economy to a new stage of growth and stability. Waleed l- amaani, ustice

minister, called the TP the main mechanism to reali e the vision of the ingdom, based on attested methodology, following pinpointing the challenges ahead of the ingdom, in the economic and development domains. l- amaani said that the draft of the Code of i h Rulings has been completed, and is under review. ulaiman l- amdan, minister of transport, said he wants to lower the ingdom s painful” road death toll under the TP. The percentage of car accidents is very high and the percentage of deaths is very high,” he said. This is catastrophic.” e said audi ports in the Red ea have e cess capacity and that more than percent of the global trade passes through the Red ea. e reiterated the ministry s e orts to raise the operational e ciency of the ports.

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


Hillary Clinton ready to be Democratic H uman Care BC Society nominee, Sanders not ready to concede 7867 124 A STREET, S RREY, B. . 3W 8 1

illary ill Clinton li staked k dh her claim l i to the h emocratic Party s presidential nomination and with it, a piece of history Tuesday night. peaking in rooklyn, ew ork, shortly after she scored the first of three primary wins on the night, Clinton told supporters that they were witnessing a historical moment. We are all standing under a glass ceiling right now,” she told her boisterous supporters. Tonight s victory is not about one person,” Clinton added. It belongs to generations of women and men who struggled and sacrificed and made this moment possible.” he had already secured the delegates and superdelegates needed for the nomination after a Puerto Rico victory on the weekend, according to tallies by the ssociated Press and C ews. Clinton was pro ected to win Tuesday s contests in ew Jersey, ew Me ico and outh akota, with ermont senator ernie anders victorious in the orth akota caucus and Montana. oters in California were also deciding. President arack bama, her rival in the emocratic race, called Clinton to congratulate her for securing the delegates necessary to clinch” the nomination for president. ut the president did not formally endorse Clinton. bama also called anders to praise him for shining a spotlight on economic ine uality and energi ing millions of voters. The statement said that anders re uested a meeting with ba-

ma, which will occur Thursday at the White ouse. anders was not ready for his concession when he spoke ust before p.m. local time in California, vowing to contest ne t week s contest in .C. and continue the fight to the party convention in Philadelphia, pointing to state victories and over million votes during the campaign. I am pretty good at arithmetic. I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight, but we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate,” he said. ased on primaries and caucuses to date, Clinton has now won , delegates to anders , . er lead is bigger when including superdelegates, , to anders , . The number needed to secure the nomination is , . uperdelegates are able to change their vote at the convention, although the last time they were a significant factor in putting a candidate over the top to determine the emocratic winner was in . en. Claire McCaskill, -Mo., said that for anders I think the math is unforgiving,” as a report in the ew ork Times indicated that the ermont senator could be laying o a significant number of sta on Wednesday. Clinton had praised anders for the e traordinary” campaign and his ability to e cite millions of voters, especially young people.” The former state senator and secretary of state said anders raised the bar on debate during the primary season for the emocrats. he made a pitch for his supporters It never feels good to put our heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and come up short ... ut as we look ahead to the battle that awaits, let s remember all that unites us.” he deemed Trump temperamentally unfit” to be president, citing his attacks on a federal udge, reporters and women. Source: CBC News

Accountant Ta






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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

n May th, enator Conservative Party of Canada on. alma taullah an met few Pakistani community members at the residence of r. Mohammad Tarik, consul general of Pakistan ancouver. he was here for the Conservative Party s annual convention in downtown ancouver. Miracle Media, rdu Journal and l meen rpresented the media with other Pakistani community members raised some political and local issues and spe-

cially arper s overnment policies and party position in ederal election . enator Jan accepted the hard facts and e plained her party s position. he said that now the time has come for the Muslim mmah to enter in Canadian politics and be involved in political decision making, and her party s doors are open for everyone. er priority is to serve the community in a better way. t the end C of Pakistan r Tari thanked

all the guests and served a delicious dinner. taullah an became the first Canadian senator of Pakistani Pushtun descent. taullah an is an advocate for the outh sian community she has served on the e ecutive board of the Canadian branch of The Citi ens oundation, and is an e ecutive member of the Canadian Pashtun Cultural ssociation. he immigrated to Canada in from Pakistan. Prior to her appointment to the enate she worked in the

n May and June st, Community Times Canada and Pakistani Canadian Cultural ssociation hosted community dinners at Madina Restaurant urrey to bid farewell to a wonderful Pakistani personality and well-known community activist Ms. adia ameeullah who has been actively working for the betterment of entire outh sian communities in last few years in C. ne of the dinners was organi ed by aris han, uma hoaib and

Toronto area as a realtor. he has a diploma in computer operations and is also an artist. taullah an was born in Mardan, hyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. er great-great-uncle is han bdul ha ar han. er father is aran am han, a former Pakistani senator and until recently secretary-general of awa harif s Pakistan Muslim eague party. s a schoolgirl, she was friends with ena ir hutto.

hamim kbar and other was hosted by PCC . oth dinners were attended by community memmbers including Consul eneral of Pakistan r. M. Tari and PIC C Mr. Charan ill. veryone acknowledged her sincere community services and Ms. ameeullah thanked all community members for their recognition and honor. Ms. ameeullah is moving to dmonton where she has accepted a Job o er in ealthCare ervices. The Miracle Media roup wishes her all the best in her future endeavors.

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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

n June , T I MIC C TI C TI held its annual raduation Celebration at the ICP Center in ew Westminster. It started with ICP Islamic Chant roup with heartwarming chants. The parents and the students were addressed after that with an oration about the importance of educating children with beneďŹ cial Islamic knowledge. The teachers then handed out the report cards to their students and congratulated them for a great e ort throughout the year. Principal assistant Maha Ma rouf handed out TI awards of hard work and discipline to Ru a bu asanein and Muhammad Jaroudi. he also handed one TI award of Improvement


lhamdulillah, on June th, many community members witnessed the graduation ceremony of high school students at the i i Islamic Centre in urrey, C. uest speaker, Mufti I aa shared his e perience as a student and provided the young graduates with guidance for the future. e stressed on the impoartance of practically applying the knowledge to the daily life. Master of ceremonies, r. aroon e palined the history of Jamea-tul Muhsanaat and thanked everyone for their support over last years. r. aroon was one of the founders of this institution. The guests en oyed a delicious dinner provided by r. mran and family. Jamea-tul Muhsanaat was established years ago to cater to the needs of educating girls locally in C. pon return of limahs from Jamea l authar in the institution was established in . In , girls graduated as limahs and have been teaching at local schools and Madressahs. The program curriculam was redesigned in to a three year Islamiyat Course. r. ultan adshah, founder and admimistrator of the institution, e plained that the time factor for students was the main reason for the program restructure. ince most students are high school students as well, it was very important to meet ob ectives of both e ually important programs� said r ultan. t the present time, this is the only program that caters to such an important need for our high school girls. tudents are taught by limahs who are able to understand the needs of this

and discipline to atimah Turk. Principal aa Imad ouri then handed out the rest of awards as follows TI awards of achievement and discipline for ayla Turk, Maryam arahmeh, Manar bree, Mahdiyyah bree, and yah ounes. TI awards for best accomplishment for Muhammad arahmeh and alam ounes. The Islamic ducation chool congratulates all its students and sta for a very fruitful year and thanks all for their hard work and e ort. It pleases TI to always present the pure and truthful Islamic nowledge to our community, and it announces that its doors will open again on aturday, eptember , for the ew chool ear .

young generation and guide them during their high school years which can be a very challenging time for most girls. uring these years students learned rabic grammar, uran tafseer, study of Riyad us aliheen, breif life of our beloved Prophet P and ahabiyat, eedah and i h te ts, and uran recitation memori ation.


raduating tudents

atima A hter ather : arvaiz A hter, Mother: arah A hter 2 ainab ahra ather: Muzammil Ahmed, Mother: Amber Ahmed 3 afsa han ather: Muhammad Asad han, Mother: Larisa Evdo imova 4 Tas een ane ari 5 tanzeel ane ari ather: mran ane ari, Mother: Shabana ane ari 6 alima Ali ather: Samsher Ali, Mother : Maryam Ali7 eha sidi ather: Mohammed Sidi , Mother : Shanaz Ali For further details on the program, please contact Alimah Haleemah Badshah@ 604-358-3766

The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects British Columbia

Congratulates the Muslim community for the blessed month of

Qur'an Recitation & Tajweed 5:00 to 6:00 PM

Rules of Fasting 6:30 to 7:30 PM

^Aqeedah Lesson 7:45 to 8:45 PM

*Potluck Iftar at sunset

*Saturdays free Iftar

*Welcoming Ramadan Saturday June 11 7: 00 pm



Eid-ul-Fitr Prayer @ 8:30 AM on Eid Day Eid-ul-Fitr Kids Party @ 7:30 PM on Eid Day With




27th Night of Ramadan 7: 00 pm


Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


By: Amer Khan. Prince Rupert; BC he area around Prince Rupert has been inhabited by the Tsimshian people for thousands of years. bundant natural resources along with the pro imity of the keena and the ass rivers helped the locals to survive and subse uently thrive in this remote environment. The area opened up to the outside world with the arrival of the udson s ay Company C in the early s. The fur trading helped in establishing new and old settlements firmly. The second half of the s witnessed the arrival of fish canneries owing to the abundant fishing prospects. The introduction of railways in the early s helped speed up the movement of people and goods to and from the region. In ebruary , the name Prince Rupert” was selected through a competition for what would come to be the Western terminus point


on the orth Coast for the rand Trunk Pacific Railway TP . The TP president at the time, Charles Melville ays, had a grand vision for the nascent town, but unfortunately he was one of many who perished when . .Titanic, on its maiden voyage, sank in the tlantic cean in the spring of . The economic lean times between the two world wars saw the city redefine itself as fishing community in the s and s and was crowned as the alibut capital of the world”. The end of the econd World War and the emergence of lumber industry saw the arrival of new settlers in the city, mostly skilled workers from urope. With the growing port third deepest natural harbour in the world , nearby pulp mill and a strong seasonal fishing industry, Prince Rupert has en oyed relatively long stretches of robust development. These days, the port of Prince Rupert is an

important part of ritish Columbia s economic engine. It encompasses the grain, coal and container terminals. The container terminal is undergoing e pansion to accommodate anticipated increase in container tra c in the future. urther growth is also e pected due to renewed interest in developing li uefied natural gas e port facility on the orth Coast. The city is conveniently accessible throughout the year by road, air and ferry service. rom sport fishing and whale & bear watching in the summer season to skiing on the nearby hames Mountain in the winter season,

Prince Rupert has a wide range of activities for everyone. If you are travelling to northern C during the holidays, pay a visit to Prince Rupert. ou might be surprised with what this small town has to o er.


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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016

By:Shabnam Khan – Family Counsellor elf-respect is crucial to self-care because it protects you from settling for less when you deserve the best. This is to ic to how you view yourself and how you allow others to treat you, your values and your boundaries. If you allow others to trample over your e pectations constantly, you re debasing your worth and chopping away at your selfesteem. ou might be afraid that if you have high standards for yourself, people might perceive you as a high-maintenance person and even abandon you in the process. et them. In fact, it s probably a good thing that they do abandon you and reveal their true colors. t the end of the day, your opinion of yourself and what you deserve is all that truly matters in life. aving high standards for yourself, your career and relationships protects you in the long-run. Think of things that fall below your standards as bad e periences. ou re not getting what you need and want out of it, but the person on the other side is. It s not worth the investment if someone else is benefiting from the positive return. ife is too short to waste your energy by allocating resources into goals that are not truly your own. Caring for ourselves means remaining authentic and recogni ing our true passions. on t be pressured into picking a certain career path ust because society says it s the right one for you don t always settle for crappy obs ust because they ll pay the rent don t pursue a ma or ust because of its financial rewards unless it s some-




thing that really interests y o u . ometimes you will have to make do with what you have in order to survive, but be sure you re still looking for ways to improve yourself and progress to something better and something that represents your true self. or e ample, if you dream of writing the ne t big screenplay, continue working on it when you have the time. etting aside time to pursue your dreams is important because these are things no one can take away from you. ou own the right to all of your dreams and the ability to make them come to life. The ey is to still be practical, but also to be passionate. ou were not meant to live this life doing ust what is re uired to survive you were meant to live life valuing your dreams. on t be afraid of failure, because failure is a learning e perience that will strengthen you and prepare you to do better in the future. Would you rather sit around and live in the regret of not knowing what would ve happened if you had tried or would you rather lead an e citing life by taking on risks and challenges that will ultimately lead you to what you were meant to do It s never late to start Living Your Dreams!

et us continue to be happy. It is like sitting on a see-saw sometimes reaching up high and sometimes dipping low. The same can be seen with our family, friends and dear ones. When things are going smoothly, we feel so light-hearted, happy and great as if we are on a high of the see-saw part of our life. The same is seen when our problem grows out of our control, we go down and even crash sometimes. The graph of our happiness usually depends on action and reactions of many other people, their behaviour, their accepting or not accepting things that are dear to us. Their response plays ma or role in our life to decide our happiness.

Let s ma e life easier

et s make our life easier then di cult. et us be easygoing. Many times we are uite strict with others we e pect higher standards and e pect lot more then we are ready to give, especially with our family, friends and dear ones. We do not see any way to move on. es, it is not easy to not to be a ected by people around you, in our family, at the place of work, our friends, at least we can try. We can try to understand them, their nature, situation and our ability to cope with it. We are many times strict even unfair to ourselves. There are so many things when done, after a period of time seems less important or scary to us. o let us take life as it comes as it should be dealt with. Many times ma or hardships are di cult to ignore or overcome by but it s there can t help it. In fact it will make us strong and more sensible. They are very much part of our life. Wisdom to accept and change and know the di erence and e ort to change the situation is called life.

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urprisingly we do not know how long we are going to be on this planet earth. We do not have control over our arrival or departure. We do not know how this ourney is going to progress .we can take the route we like but there are conse uences to every decision. Let s be cool eing happy basically and being happy by a ected by some people or happening are two di erent things. ur inner peace inner happiness should not be so fragile. It is necessary to balance our life as things are so unpredictable sometimes. What we assume or think and what happens are di erent things. This world does work on some rules some system. et us as people as a good human being respect that. We are supposed to live with good thoughts, good deeds, good intentions, and good deeds. asically let s be cool, cheerful and normally happy. When we will learn to accept our own self as we are with all plus and minus points, try to improve, change. We will understand others as well. We will be more tolerant towards people and situations. utshell. We are thankful to our creator, od, for making us human and all the things that he has given to us. is help gives us strength to walk through di cult times and on the straight path. We have to learn to make out happiness.


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Ramadan 5, 1437 June 10, 2016


my other hero, elson Mandela, served as a shining e ample of grace, dignity, and courage, through a lifetime of service to others. Those who would uestion his greatness have no understanding of the technical brilliance he brought into the ring, the courage he displayed outside of it, the voice he gave to the voiceless, or the risk he faced in order to do so. ecause of li, the sport of bo ing has given many, including myself, more than they could ever dream of. li gave to the sport of bo ing, more than it could ever repay My deepest sympathies and prayers go out to the li family at this e tremely di cult time. We share in your loss, our hearts grieve with your hearts, and our love is here for you to lean on. Muhammad li, one of bo ing s all-time greats and one of most popular athletes in the history of sport, Muhammad Ali entered the ring 61 times after turning professional in 1960. Here’s every fight from Louisville to London and

The career that began with such a thrilling bang ended in anticlima against erbick. fter seven uite even rounds, erbick dominated the last three and ran out the winner on a unanimous verdict.

The top 10 fights of Muhammad Ali’s heavyweight boxing career, ranked 1. Muhammad Ali (55-3) d. Leon Spinks (70-1), New Orleans; September 15, 1978 2. Thrilla in Manila (Ali-Frazier III)- Muhammad Ali (43-2) d. Joe Frazier (32-2), Manila, Phillipines, October 1, 1975 . Rumble in the Jungle - Muhammad li d. eorge oreman - , inshasa, aire ctober , . li- ra ier II - Muhammad li - d. Joe ra ier - , Madison uare arden January , - li- ra ier I - Joe ra ier - d. Muhammad li - , Madison uare arden March , . Muhammad li - vs. Cleveland Williams - , The strodome ovember ,

By Lennox Lewis For The Daily Mail Words cannot begin to describe the loss we all face in the passing of one of the greatest citi ens this world has ever known. o ing has lost its greatest ambassador and the world has lost one of its greatest voices. Today, we stand far removed from his battles in the ring, but we will never be able to stand far away from the benefits of his battles against discrimination, oppression, hunger and human rights, in merica, and around the world. is courage to stand up for his beliefs, his people, and his convictions, at a time, in merican . Muhammad li - d. rnie Terrell history, when a messenger like him was sorely , The strodome ebruary , needed, separates him from the rest. li fought . Muhammad li - d. onny iston battles that I will never know, so those that , ewiston, Maine May , came after him, would never have to. e paved . Cassius Clay - d. onny iston - , the way for the success of of today s Miami each, lorida ebruary , sports superstars and instilled a sense of pride . gold-medal match Cassius Clay and responsibility inside of me, and generations Munich to Manila vs. bigniew Piet ykowski P , of youth, around the world. Last Fight of Ali’s Rome, e was my source of inspiration, and along with 11 December 1981 v Trevor Berbick: L-10


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