Advances in Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering – Kim, Jung & Seo (Eds) © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02849-4
Digital diagrams in architecture K. Soliman Dessau Institute of Architecture, Dessau, Germany
M.A. Mogan “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania
ABSTRACT: The present study captures the importance and recent evolution of diagram use in the architectural discourse, seen as a mediation between intrinsic abstract ideas and communication of ideas. Besides the main characteristic of the brief explanation of the process and the end result, the diagrams can turn their role to a more creative direction as a core medium in digital design process. This duality is expressed through a case study envisioned in our Maser Thesis. 1 1.1
Architectural diagrams are methods of developing, configuring an idea, concept, space, through various graphical means. Departing from the etymological sense, the diagram or ‘diagramma’ composes of the two terms: dia—across, between two and gramma-a figure, mark, line that is made, and represents an abstract concept which describes a transfer of meaning between two parts by graphical elements. The information transmitted reflects one or more parameters and specific features of the design process, many times being a simplified sketch or a complex drawing with data clusters. In fact the diagram is the abstract space where the information-data is embedded and evolves into the architectural realm. This area of transformation and configuration has a wide potential for the design process. Here is the moment where the concept is generated, where meanings are sorted, analyzed, folded and elucidated. It is the space where various knowledge streams and the subject converge to the point where the story is created and the spaces are articulated. 1.2
Two main diagram components can be highlighted: once is the message, content, information, concept which holds the entire construct together and secondly, the varied graphical language that enables multiple readings and expands the architectural innovation potential. In other words it reduces to answering the questions: which is the story and how is it drawn. In this sense, when speaking
about the intentionality, we could observe the main feature in the case of the diagram as reductive or additive. The reducing process doesn’t encounter a mode of eliminating the valuable or the meaningful characteristics of a construct, but filters the wide range of properties which defines it. Almost like a dissecting process which variously takes apart particular features, from the main concept to other significant characteristics of the project, like materiality, functionality or energy. Looking at the creative approach, many times the ideas crystallized through diagrams are hidden within the process, pending to stand in front with accuracy and clearness at the end. Further, when being brought to the light, the diagrams need to be designed at their time, in order to express the design story, such as a scenario would do for the play. 2 2.1
From a broader debate and philosophical perspective, Gilles Deleuze, examining Foucault major topics of knowledge, power, subjectivity, defines the diagram as “a supple set of relationships between forces” (Deleuze 1986/88:36) and further more highlights that “it is no longer an auditory or visual archive, but a map, a cartography that is coextensive with the whole social field. It is an abstract machine” (Deleuze 1986/88:34). This key concept refers at an infinite state of existence, where the diagram unfolds in a process of grasping all the interconnectivities between anteriority, interiority and exteriority. Those terms formulated by Eisenman in the same article, round up the creative
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