HEALING ‘Healing from the bourdons of the everyday, both physically and psychologically, adhered to through touch. A literal out-of-body sensation, expressed lyrically.’
‘Collage as Philosophy’ In its truest, simplest essence, collage is pure composition, carried out within working planes. It is ‘formed’ through unconscious and conscious decisions on its constituents, which make up the composed collage. Such ‘constituents’ embody within themselves meaning and are individually related to their own ‘history’ of how they came to being. Through such decisions, the overall cohesive collage either subdues or enhances such history in the layering of the artwork, while adding a new layer to the individual pieces, whereby individuality is celebrated through such cohesiveness, a notion seen throughout society and history. This assimilation may be compared to that of society today, whereby all its individual members unconsciously conform and construct society in a cohesive manner, constantly adding and removing layers to the artwork that is ‘life’, shifted through time. On a micro level, however, each individual is a cohesive ‘end-result’ of matter (and its components) and of a series of unravelling layers through time, similar to the micro- elements that make up the individuality in the collage, giving one’s life and the artwork its distinctiveness through coherence.
Through unravelling’s and experimentation carried out in ‘Collage as Philosophy’, the derived artworks are an end result that embody shifts in ideologies, introductions to philosophical thinking and a respect in the continuous journey that is ‘art’. Further to the attained, ongoing, skillset, its direct relation to architecture, however under the ‘art umbrella’, allowed for discoveries within the field that have potential to change a course of life and that in the architectural field, through introductions in cinematography, composition, choreography, installation etc, be in in two or three dimensional realms, an unfinished process.
HEALING ‘Healing from the bourdons of the everyday, both physically and psychologically, adhered to through touch. A literal out-of-body sensation, expressed lyrically.’
LIFE’S PERSPECTIVE ‘Constituents of a life; fragments and variations of life, a perspective on life. Hiding oneself or seeing the unapparent through a conscious eye.’
eROTica 1 ‘Intertwining in becoming and creating oneself, in a process of delicate everlasting and periodical continuity.’
THE MULTIFUNCTIONAL ‘Experimentation, imagination and manipulation, allowing for underlying strongholds to prevail, unconforming to social norms.’
BLINDED VISION ‘Prioritising what is deemed important, regardless of the external image, however blinded by the false images of beauty - a selfish self-centred act!.’
eROTica 3 ‘Pain in silence, a psychological disparity in holding back what needs to be said, verbal cues and thresholds in breathing in new life into one’s own, or into others.’
LIFE CYCLE ‘Similarities in differences, complexities in simplicities - a cycle of life. Comprising such paradoxes through a merging of a compilation of individual, yet unifying, stories.’
BEAUTY ‘Femininity and its delicate perceptions.. Preconceived notions of beauty, permissible nudity, and contradictions on everyday life ..a complex everchanging notion of beauty!’
EXHAUSTING FORM ‘Progressive beliefs, contrasting constraints, impinging effortlessly on the everyday fabric.’
WALKS ‘Objectifying and quantifying normalities ..sexualising and conceptualising form in its entirety. A thoughtless act with unforeseen repercussions.’
Artists/ Architects Abloh, Virgil Araki, Nobuyoshi Basquiat, Jean- Michel Bataille, Georges Beuys, Joseph Claude, Christo Hoch, Hannah Hockney, David Le Corbusier Matisse, Henri Mr. Brainwash Schwitters, Kurt Stezaker, John Tawney, Lenore WeiWei, Ai
Artworks Araki, Nobuyoshi. (1985). 72 Sai Basquiat, Jean- Michel. (1982). Boxer Rebellion Basquiat, Jean- Michel. (1982). Cabeza Basquiat, Jean- Michel. (1982). Tuxedo Basquiat, Jean- Michel. (1984). Max Roach Cwynar, Sara. (2013). Cut Hoch, Hannah. (1923- 25). The Coquette Hoch, Hannah. (1933). Untitled Hoch, Hannah. (1945). BOA PERLINA Matisse, Henri. (1910). Dance Schwitters, kurt (1920). Dislocated Forces