short notes on this short life mirco azzopardi
Dedicated to those whom which life has been difficult to. To vessels of life under which circumstance unjustly threatened and force-ably progressed the fragility of life to its next cycle.
nature is...
just nature, it simply exists 8 nature & life 9 human nature 16 veganism 31
manufactured natural landscapes 16
on death 26
complex, yet simple 12 exploited, yet nurtured 14 active and passive 20 therefore, self- sustaining 30 undefined, unbound 32 a lack of morality 33
just nature, it simply exists
Nature is unbound from social constructs, and dependant only on external sources. It is carried out unconsciously, free from bias and moralities of just and unjust, it simply is. However, these sources in no way alter natural occurring cycles within nature, its sole driver. In its essence, nature is energy which is converted through infinite cycles. Nature doesn’t start and stop as desired, it is never-ending, an infinite transfer of energy. Because of this, nature cannot be created nor destroyed, abiding by the first law of thermodynamics. The following content seeks to divide and better define particular aspects within this cycle, despite all these aspects circling back to each other, naturally.
Life is only one aspect of nature (in measuring it), but in essence life is a form of energy. Life only occurs because nature allows it to, not because it wants to, but it simply does. It serves as a framework upon which life flourishes. Nature is that body of water making up an oasis in a desert, which a traveller stumbles upon and is nourished, as to sustain life. It is precisely this action of nourishment that differs nature and life, yet also unifies the two in an unbreakable bond.
One particular difference however is that a singular life has a beginning and an end, and this taps into natures cycle. This cycle in turn sustains life. Life however can be measured and compared when analysing energy expenditure within ‘ways of living’, and their relation to the chemical compounds through which memories are stored and life is therefore perceived and measured. Quality of life is relative to the particular vessel within which life occurs and energy expended, however has common baselines which insure the nourishment of life. These take the form of shelter from the elements, education, freedom etc, which are all carried out to the cycle that is nature.
These ‘baselines’ could also highlight differences between quality of life and aspects of nature (weather conditions), calling for sheltering of life from nature (elements) for the nourishment and wellbeing of that life, through nature and natural processes. (Quality of) Life however is heavily conditioned through social constructs and is at the mercy of ‘human nature’, broken down in a further section.
complex, yet simple
Natural cycles formulate the basis of life, and as mentioned these cycles are infinite, and operate in harmony on micro and macro levels, unifying processes at every level. These processes can be simply abstracted into functions of inputs and outputs, which are dependent on external sources.
This overall beautifully composed framework allows for life to thrive in harmony, feeding into its cycles at stages of beginning and end, life and death. Composed may not be a just term, as it insinuates that is has been created by someone with certain purposes in mind. Nature is free from intent, nature simply exists through the chemical makeup of all these processes working harmoniously. One must note that nature operates within rhythm, and it is such time- based rhythms that allow for life to interact and act the way it does, effecting growth, life-space, decay, etc of these functions.
Complexities of these chemical components can be appreciated through the perception of simplicity. Artwork is acknowledged as a masterpiece only when it is perceived as such. Thus, perception seeks to find tranquillity in the simple, yet the genius of
the artist lies in the complexities making up the artwork, through composition, brushstrokes, craftsmanship etc. The chemical compounds and cycles are therefore the hidden brush strokes that compose and make up waves on the sea reflecting bands of orange and purple as the sun sets into the horizon. An image, artwork full of life, perceived, appreciated, and acknowledged by life as a masterpiece.
For beauty to be achieved, one must squeeze the juices of beauty so hard that it becomes a painful act, detracting from beauty. But indeed, this is not a negative quality, and negativity can be seen as beauty, a struggle. When this is done, beauty in its entirety is then achieved.
exploited, yet nurtured
Be it that nature is essentially energy, this energy cannot be controlled and is a force (of nature). However, it can be modified and tampered with. This manipulation of cycles requires knowledge about its processes, and through these outputs can be achieved as desired through varying inputs. An example of this is the growth of genetically modified foods (GM). Despite these not being ‘natural’, the act of alteration their genetic material is not natural, however induces new natural cycles/ chain of events, giving form of new life.
This does not mean that nature can be controlled, but rather altered. Nature is to be studied exhaustively before intervening with nature, as can be seen in all industries/ facets that make up modern society today, be it the building industry, food production, road infrastructure, medical advancements etc. Such research is to be analysed as a whole, defining relationships between natural cycles and how each will be effected. If this is not carried out, the accumulation of the end results can be catastrophic. The most common example is global warming.
I do not mean to elaborate on global warming, a cyclical, recurring
phenomenon in nature, but it must be addressed, however briefly.
Global warming is a result of climate change, which has been affected through time in slowly, but gradually changing natural cycles, to the detriment of life. Nature is seen as self- destructive in this sense, but I reiterate, nature ‘just is’, it is unconscious. Nature feeds off inputs and outputs, whatever they may be. Climate change was induced due to a lack of knowledge of cycles in past times and was coupled with intent and circumstance. Rapid advancements in society relied heavily on nature as a resource and was exploited without prior knowledge of potential changes. Today, we are enduring these outputs, which are still recurring cycles and prevailing detrimental themes within nature. However, today’s societal intent is similar, if not worse, to that of the past. Economic gain is at the forefront of industry, driving intent and coupled with circumstance result in such ‘exploitation of nature’.
Humans are a form of life, residue of a natural output. Due to our chemical makeup, we embody a responsibility and construct systems which conform other systems. These societal systems of man can be considered as natural occurrences, similar to those of ant mounds, birds’ nests, beaver dams etc. We alter out built environment, or better yet habitat, because we can and because we have to, it is in our nature. Natural thinking processes occur and allow for such modification. The downside to this is that, due to circumstance and such human nature, we alter to the detriment of life, be it through altering inputs within natural cycles, or through conforming society resulting in hierarchies which degrade quality of life. That said, it is difficult to argue who is at fault, as such circumstance occurred naturally and generated desire and intent of wanting more, forming a natural capitalist society, detracting from the purity of nature.
human nature manufactured natural landscapes
As mentioned, man should be wellinformed on natures characteristics and complex cycles when carrying out ambitions that alter such harmony. Man is aware of such
cycles, so much so that he designs for them, striving to strengthen bonds between cycles and processes of inputs and outputs.
An example is that of plumbing systems, a system which not only is informed through natural cycles of decay and recycling of matter, but one which allows for (human) life to flourish and thrive. Such a system is informed through observing and analysing these cycles, and allowing for them to be carried out and mimicked as within untouched ecosystems through designed frameworks and infrastructure, mimesis.
active and passive
Natural cycles are bound, to a certain degree, by external sources (outputs). However, these sources can vary, in turn effecting cycles. These sources are never absent and interchange at varying degrees and scales. The sole constant denominator however is time. Time is constant throughout a natural cycle, and informs the basis and relevance of life’s stages. It posses the ability to enable growth and nurturing over extended periods, evolving into outputs that sustain life. It dictates specific rhythms, conditioning life.
These life cycles can be labelled as active and passive, depending on the environment of nurturing and circumstance. Passive cycles are common occurrences, processes within nature. They enable daily growth and formulate the basis for ecosystems to thrive as well as forming and sustaining the world in which we live. They are carried out ‘unconsciously’ through nature, in the sense that they do not vary and require repetitive cycles of inputs and outputs.
Active cycles however are conditioned directly through circumstance and can be seen as an accumulation of passive cycles. Examples of these are extreme weather conditions, rain,
global warming etc. They occur in short bursts or effect extensively surrounding contexts. This short burst however occurs through gradual build up, developed through circumstance such as human activity, wind tunnels, continental plate movements within the asthenosphere etc.
Nature, as mentioned, is however destructive. Not to the degree that it is detrimental to itself or terminated, only life can be terminated. Destructive forces of nature occur as normal instances, and it is such destruction or similar negative connotations that are still regarded as beautiful. Fear is a prevailing theme throughout life, and is important in sustaining life. Fear
beautiful yet frightening
Nature as a force is mesmerizing. Nature as a whole is beautiful, the cluster of cycles that make up stimulating environments is consciously classified as beautiful. It is our consciousness that acknowledges such beauty, and despite beauty being subjective in ‘the eye of the beholder’, ‘natural beauty’ is objective beauty. We yearn to reconnect to it in modern society, and find tranquillity in manufactured lands.
however detracts from beauty if one is too frightened, not allowing for beauty to be seen and appreciated.
The fact that life gets frightened is indeed beautiful and well necessary quality.
on death
The phenomena that is death is beautiful, that life terminates in order to cater for more life, a selfless, no-alternative reality is beautiful. The act of decay or dying can be seen as painful or in some cases unjust, however nature simply is nature, it is unconscious and its consequences/ end results are careless. Pain is a natural process, and when considered within mortality, it is an end result of beautiful and loving inputs. We feel pain because we are allowed to and allow ourselves to. This pain stems for perceptions of past memories of love, happiness and life. Pain, like death is therefore reliant on memories. As painful and frightening as the two notions seem, in their essence embody sole beauty.
The savagery of death in nature is painful and we consciously question and compare it to relative morality. Predators hunting down prey in the wild do so through natural instinct, carrying out natural processes. The savagery or injustice that comes with it is irrelevant, as the means justify the end, a crucial moment for natural cycles. Such actions are carried out naturally and almost unconsciously. The savagery of death through tragedy, manslaughter or murder
is however unnatural, despite the natural qualities that death induces. Such actions are carried out consciously, and depart natural actions with life, making it an immoral, unjust act. It is precisely this unnatural connotation that calls for moral judgement. That said, such processes preceding these unnatural actions are indeed natural, and depart from circumstance and intent, subjective to a particular person, in turn departing from the purity of nature.
Death is the great equalizer. This strengthens the beauty of death. Its relevance to time and naturally occurring processes through life cycles ensure a healthy, rejuvenation of life. A sustainable, selfless act.
Due to our chemical makeup and consciousness, death frightens many and hence detracts from our perception of its necessity and beauty. We can only speculate on what happens after, and find comfort in giving meaning and reason to life after life, as a way of ensuring that memories live on and life indeed has a individual purpose beyond that of natural cycles. This is not the case, and is somewhat unknowingly selfish to wish and speculate that ones life and part experience lives on and keeps on accumulating infinitely. It is an impossibility. Life happens through nature, and consciousness through life cycles die and evolve through nature. Unlike individual human life, nature is infinite.
therefore, self- sustaining
As mentioned, nature allows for a framework of a transfer of energy in an endless cycle. This is therefore to be analysed and well respected. Life cannot be ordered into a hierarchy, prioritizing certain life over others. Life simply serves a purpose through and for nature, it is equal on all levels.
This raises issues of veganism; of what and how we consume. Veganism is adopted and lives on three main tangents, by human life through consciousness of nature. These include adopting veganism for one’s health, for the acknowledgment of equality of life forms, and for changing environments within passive and active cycles in nature (global warming), as discussed previously. These tangents carry equal weight, and they too cannot be prioritized within the vegan culture, however they are prioritised or discredited subjectively through different individuals, which in turn is a naturally occurring selective process. Veganism is an acknowledgment of nature and its analysed cycles. However, veganism is at fault when it tries to blame specific industries, companies, and co-operations. The outcome of intervening natural cycles is an accumulation over time, and the blame shouldn’t be put on specific individuals or scenarios. That said, they are at fault and are ruled by driving economic, selfish gain, allowing for the blame to be put on them more than ever before, and more than necessary. The above chain of events is a natural cyclical process of circumstance and
accumulation. Veganism, in all its positive outlooks, tends to be overly dramatic to a point of its detriment, or disbelief by others. Veganism calls for change in a radical, profound way in order to prevent or hinder dramatically unfavourable environmental and moral circumstances and natural events.
undefined, unbound
As with natures cycles, it itself is limitless, unbound by scale yet conformed by time. Nature is only dependant on rhythmic patterns of inputs and outputs, yet is it undefined. It is undefined in its origin and end, as it has none. It is an accumulation of circumstance, but not even that statement can justify or quantify its becoming or existence. That said, nature can be and is measured and impacted.
a lack of morality
As has been repeated throughout the text, nature is simple a sum of parts of the same thing, itself.
It is solely processes and cycles that sustain life. Looking at death once again as is an equalizer, a biological refresh, who/ what is affected and how is irrelevant on past situations or questions of morality. Aspects of illness, biological deformities, oddities within life are natural occurrences, despite them being viewed as unnatural. Nature is unconscious, and simply does, informed by processes and slight changes in DNA/ chemical makeups. Due to this, life can be perceived as unfair and unjust, as infants develop tumours, and murderers never seem to get adequate justice. These are just examples of morality and justice within nature. Nature is incapable of doing so.