Bio photovoltaics

Page 1

Huang Yuan Zhao Ziwei Dourampei Eleni Maria Eskandarnia Hoda Design Tutors Marcos Cruz Christopher Leung


Science Advisors Brenda Parker Paolo Bombelli

B(R)PV : Bio-receptive Photovoltaic

All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by electronic or mechanical means without permission in writing from publisher Copyright Š BiotA Lab, Research Cluster 7 Bio-receptive Photovoltaic Group Bartlett School of Architecture 22 Gordon st University College London London 2016-2017 2

















Firstly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our advisors Prof. Marcos Cruz and Dr. Christopher Leung for their continuous advices of our study and related researches, for their patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. Their guidance helped us all the time of research and testing of our project. We couldn’t have better mentoring and support. Besides, we would like to thank Prof. Paolo Bombelli, and Dr. Brenda Parker and Prof. Sandra Manso, for their insightful comments and encouragement, throughout our experiments and calculations. Our sincere thanks also goes to Mr. Vicente Soler who helped and guided us throughout our robotic fabrication days. In particular, we are grateful to Javier Ruiz for enriching our design with his Houdini knowledge and Richard Beckett for his advices on casting techniques. We also thank our fellow lab-mates in for the time , materials and ideas that we shared and for all the fun we have had in the last year. BMade has been our latest home. Without the staff and equipment we wouldn’t be able to accomplish our project.


Last but not the least, we would like to thank our families. In China, Iran and Greece, they have always been there for us supporting us spiritually throughout this project and our London lives in general. 5









Our project has been established through 4 main ideas. Each one of us, through their individual thesis, investigated an area of research and study of this project.

Ziwei Zhao Environmental Studies

Ziwei Zhao has grown up in Jiangyou, China, and studied Architecture in Chongqing University. Being passionate about environment he aims to find ways of preserving its natural sources.

Yuan Huang Design and Casting

Yuan Huang has grown up in Liuzhou and studied Architecture at Tongji University. Aims exploring new designs and computation to contribute to digital design.


Eleni Maria Dourampei

Hoda Eskandarnia

Bio-photovoltaics and Casting

Species and Robot

Eleni Maria Dourampei has grown up in Athens, Greece, and studied Architecture at UCA in Canterbury. She is passionate about how all environmental resources can help our generation to produce energy when we mostly need it, through Architecture and building facade detailing.

Hoda Eskandarnia has grown up in Iran, and studied Architecture at Mashhad University. She loves culturing species at the lab, and experimenting with hydro gel viscosity and printing it with the robot.










0.0 Introduction

5.0 Casting Strategies.........................................................................................................................300

1.0 Research of Species........................................................................................................................12 • Algae Strain • Algae Cultivation

• • • • • • • •

2.0 Material Research............................................................................................................................44 • Agar test • Hydro gel - Soft Scaffold

MPC Chemical Reaction Ingredients and Aggregates Ingredients Test Casting Steps Compaction in Layers Casting Process Layering Process, Result and Detail

3.0 Design Strategies.............................................................................................................................82

6.0 Bio-photovoltaics

• • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

Inspiration Computational Logic Differential Growth Behaviors and Volumetric Data Structure Thickness Prototypes and Analysis

4.0 Environmental Studies.................................................................................................................194 • • • • • • • • •


Site Analysis Solar Analysis Radiation Analysis Case Studies Weather Data Precipitation Radiation Analysis Orientation Evaporation Irrigation System

Case Studies Bio-photovoltaic diagram - Anode Bio-photovoltaic diagram - Cathode Carbon Fiber resistance Test Carbon Fiber Application Techniques Bio-photovoltaic Assembly Bio-photovoltaic Prototype - no design Initial design electrical connection Final design electrical connection

7.0 Robotic Fabrication • • • • • •

Patterns Printing on non porous surfaces Printing on porous surfaces BPV assembly Printing on 3D geometries Final fabrication with new system














Our group’s project is mainly focusing on interactions between bio-photosynthetic algae and MPC (Magnesium Phosphate) concrete, how algae could be seeded and colonies on 3 dimensional geometrical MPC concrete and how these 3 dimensional prototypes collect bio-electricity and use it to power a water misting system. We firstly use computational techniques to design 3 dimensional geometries, such as circle differentiation, point track and we 3d print them into plastic components. Then we cast these components with multiple strategies like multi-layer soft rubber, “sandwich� casting to prepare the negative mold for the concrete. Later, concrete is being casted with different colors of aggregate to create our components. Robotic printing on these prototypes will apply two kinds of materials to help bio- photovoltaic algae to be seeded on prototypes. One is hydro gel; main source of absorbing water. Second is carbon fibre; printed to be a soft scaffold to hold hydro gel and the essential material to collect bio-electricity. The relationship between hydro gel and carbon fiber will differ according to the shape of prototypes and direction of water absorption. Electricity collection system and water pumping system is also designed on prototypes, which are placed on our site in London Zoo, according to the most shaded area, after testing the sun radiation levels. Ultimately our prototypes will be developed to meet architectural functional requirements as well as provide suitable conditions for bio-photovoltaic algae to colonies and produce energy to support its ecosystem.

01 Research of Species



Green Bio-printing The Dresden University of Technology in Germany has successfully developed a method of 3D printing algae-laden hydro gel scaffolds for possible medical applications and use it with human tissue. In this project, they used micro-algae of the species Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii were embedded in 3D alginate-based hydrogel scaffolds. They used the high viscous material to build up a 3D structure in a layer-by-layer fashion. Material strands were then deposited into six-well plates in four, 20 and 50 layers constructs. Immediately afterwards scaffolds were transferred into cacl2 solution for 10 min in order to crosslink with alginate. They tried to combine human cells and micro-algae within one scaffold in a spatially organized manner hence, to establish a patterned co culture system in which the algae are cultivated in close vicinity to human cells. This was an indication that the micro-algae have the ability to survive in the process of printing and were able to grow within the hydro gel matrix. Furthermore, the Photosynthetic activity of the embedded micro-algae was detected by changes of liquid oxygen concentration and measurement of oxygen release within the first 24 hours. This might lead to the development of new therapeutic concepts based on the delivery of oxygen or secondary metabolites as therapeutic agents by micro-algae (Figure 8) (Lode et al., 2015).




The project of 3D printing algae was done for biotechnological and medical applications which clearly proved the ability of algae to be compatible in the process of rapid prototyping in terms of biofabrication. Further methodologies and techniques need to be considered for larger scale fabrication and multiple layer application of hydrogel printing.



DAY 12



DAY 12

DAY 12

DAY 12

DAY 12

3D plotted algae-laden alginate scaffolds. After fabrication, the scaffolds were cultivated for 1, 6, and 12 days. (A)Four-layer constructs; (B) microscopic images of four-layer constructs; (C) 20-and 50-layer constructs. 2015. Available at: Green bioprinting: Fabrication of photosynthetic algae-laden hydrogel scaffolds for biotechnological and medical applications, Engineering in Life Science, 15: 180.


The BIQ Algae House The BIQ housing project in Hamburg by Arup/ SSC/ Colt., for instance, is a bioadaptive algae façade. It consists of bioreactor containers with microalgae which with the aid of sunlight it can grow, produce oxygen and absorb CO2 during photosynthesis. This enables the house to supply its own energy. The algae flourished and multiply in a regular cycle until they can be harvested and then re-used for the generation of biogas as well as research by the cosmetics and food industries (Entwistle, 2015). This project clearly shows that during such an ecological design we can challenge our designing associated with the achievement of high energy efficiency and evaluate our designing performance. This could lead to green architectural design as the best environmental remedy for today’s designing problems regarding the consequence of climate change, energy saving and other relevant topics. In the same way, it can open up a discussion regarding the beneficial use of microorganism to optimise our designing that will be more responsive to the natural environment.

Smart Material House: BIQ, Hamburg, Germany, (2013). Photo © Colt International, Arup Deutschland, SSC GmbH. Available at:



Algae Strain



Micro-algae Algae (singular alga) are a large and diverse group of photosynthetic, eukaryotic, plant-like organisms that use chlorophyll in capturing light energy, but lack characteristic plant structures such as leaves, roots, flowers, vascular tissue, and seeds. Algae range from single-celled organisms to multi-cellular organisms, some with fairly complex differentiated form (New World Encyclopedia, 2008). Algae are amongst the most efficient photosynthetic organisms with fast growth rates, diverse products and tolerance to extreme environments. Diatoms, green algae and cyanobacteria (also referred to as the blue-green algae, Cyanophyta) are the major primary producers in the aquatic ecosystem, contributing to carbon dioxide removal, photo-oxygenation and also serving as sources of valuable biochemical (F. L. Ng, Phang, Periasamy, Yunus, & Fisher, 2014).


Microalgae in nature




Algae Isolation Our investigation commences with isolating fast-growing species of microalgae from the local environment. The aim of this work was to find the most proper algae to inoculate with hydrogel for further experiments. The samples are collected from favourable places, for instance, shady area of tree bark, soil, artificial substrates such as wooden fences and brick walls where algae are most likely to grow . In order to examine growth rate of our species two types of nutrients namely, Tris-acetate-phosphate (TAP) medium solution and 3N-BBM+V (Bold Basal Medium with 3-Fold Nitrogen and Vitamins; Modified) were prepared. Each sample was fed in two flasks with 100 ml of 3N-BBM+V and 100 ml of TAP medium at a ratio of 1/10 . After a period of about 2 weeks, the result shows that most of the species were grew better in 3N-BBM+V compared to TAP medium . The result which conducted from this experiment lead to further exploration in this way. Therefore, the test was repeated in the same conditions, with 3N-BBM+V as an applicable nutrient for culturing collected species.

Location 1, 140 Hampstead Road

Location 2, Hampstead Road

Location 4, Arkwright Road

Location 3, Finchley Road

Location 5, Downshire Hill

Isolation of Microalgae from Local Environment.



Species culture in TAP medium and 3NBBM+V.


Samples Incubation on a shaker. Algae Lab, UCL.

Species culture in 3NBBM+V

Day 14

Species culture in TAP medium

Day 14


27 Refreshing sample cultures after one month

Refreshing sample cultures after two month

Species collected from soil after 14 days fed in 3NBBM+V stock. 140 Hampstead Road, UCL.



Chlorella sorokiniana Among algal species with industrial potential, the green microalga Chlorella is attractive because it can grow both phototrophically and heterotrophically with a high biomass concentration. Chlorella is one of the commercially important microalgae. It was demonstrated that the green algae C.sorokiniana could grow at a higher rate on glucose in the dark compared with the phototrophic cultivation. Also, the thermotolerant characteristics of C.sorokiniana (tolerate up to 42 °C with optimal growth at 37 °C) greatly enhanced its growth performance. The high growth rate makes C.sorokiniana a potential species for high-density cultivation. The environmental pH from 6.0 to 8.0 is a suitable range for the alga C.sorokiniana growth and the optimal pH is 7.0. However, as changing pH of the culture can affect the algal growth, further optimisation is necessary in order to enhance maximise the growth of microalgae (Zheng et al., 2013 for renewable energy strategies make it as a promising candidate for this study.


Microscopic image of Chlorella sorokiniana, UTEX, Culture collection of algae at the university of Texas at Austin. Available at:

Kingdom : Eukaryota Division: Cholorophyta ( Green Algae) General Habitat: Freshwater | Terrestrial Morphology: Unicellular & Non-motile Growth Medium: TAP Medium


Algae Cultivation Chlorella sorokiniana



Algae Culture Among algal species, it is proved that Chlorella sorokiniana is a promising candidate to be used for embedding of cells into hydrogel scaffolds. The high growth rate makes C.sorokiniana a potential species for high-density cultivation (Zheng et al., 2013). The green microalgae C.sorokiniana was obtained from the culture collection of algae at the University College of London, Department of Biochemical Engineering. In order to achieve high growth rate, C.sorokiniana was cultured at two different nutrients. The first initial culture contained 10 ml of C.sorokiniana with 200 ml of Tris-acetate-phosphate (TAP) medium solution(Kropat et al., 2012) at a ratio of 1/20. The second culture was conducted in 5 ml of C.sorokiniana which was fed with 200 ml of 3N-BBM+V (Bold Basal Medium with 3-Fold Nitrogen and Vitamins; Modified) at a ratio of 1/40. All the C.sorokiniana cultures were kept under controlled temperature and light. Also, all the media including the stock solution were autoclaved at 121° c before cultivation. The experiment carried on for 22 days which the comparable specific growth rate was exhibited when C.sorokiniana was cultured with Tris-acetate-phosphate TAP medium solution . It can be seen from the diagram that the growth curve of C.sorokiniana was fed with TAP medium was considerably higher in comparison with the 3NBBM+V application. This presents it as promising nutrients for microalgae to grow.


Chlorella Sorokiniana incubation, Algae Lab, UCL, 2017.


Chlorella sorokiniana culture in TAP medium and 3NBBM+V [ left to right], Algae Lab, UCL, 2017.

Day 0


Figure : Chlorella sorokiniana culture in TAP medium and 3NBBM+V [ left to right], Algae Lab, UCL, 2017.

Day 2


TAP medium and 3NBBM+V preparation, Algae Lab.

Algae samples for calculating optical rella, Algae Lab.

density of Chlo-

Chlorella sorokiniana Growth curve for 22 days.

Optical density measurement tool, Algae Lab, UCL.





Material Research


Hydrogel Soft Scaffold



What is hydrogel? Hydrogel products constitute a group of polymeric materials, the hydrophilic structure of which renders them capable of holding large amounts of water in their three-dimensional networks. This is a water-swollen, and cross-linked polymeric network produced by the simple reaction of one or more monomers (Ahmed, 2015). As a material, hydrogels are shape-retentive polymeric network emerged as an attractive medium for cell delivery and ability to encapsulate cells ( Atala & Yoo, 2015).Another definition that can be mentioned is a polymeric material that exhibits the ability to swell and retain a significant fraction of water within its structure, but will not dissolve in water. Hydrogels have received considerable attention in the past 50 years, due to their exceptional promise in a wide range of applications. They possess also a degree of flexibility very similar to natural tissue due to their large water content that makes it as a biocompatible material for cell delivery and tissue development (Ahmed, 2015).

Why hydrogel? In general, it could be claimed that hydrogels are highly biocompatible and non-toxic systems that can be used for microalgae-laden suspension within. They have good porosity for diffusion of oxygen, nutrients, and metabolites that make them as a favourable scaffold for natural growth of micro-algae and other microorganisms. Also, the structural and mechanical properties of the hydrogel in the context of stability, as well as biodegradation of this dynamic material must be considered for printing algae-laden hydrogel. Indeed, depending on hydrogel composition, cell type, cell density, we can consider all of these factors in order to define a proper material for fabrication. Different properties require for a hydrogel to be considered printable. Rheological properties such as viscosity and shear forces are one of the most important parameters for the optimization of hydrogels. With more understanding of these properties, we may be able to design hydrogels on 3D geometries and different porosity substratum. Another important parameter which can be mentioned is gelatine time as well as the mechanism of cross-linking contribute to a hydrogel’s overall function. This can lead to multi-layer applications of hydrogels printing which open up novel fabrication approach towards large scale fabrication of hydrogel in the practice of the built environment (Atala & Yoo, 2015).



Step 01 The research group from last year proposed hydrogel composition that resulted in alginate/methylcellulose-based hydrogel, as a successful composition suitable for multi-layer additive manufacturing (Hagopian, Huang, Mohite, Zhou, 2016). Build on what we have learned from their result, we began our investigation to explore various hydrogel compositions based on the formula that previous students used. The formula which is highly optimised with the empirical potential of microalgae, to enhanced rheological and mechanical properties in order to achieve a high growth rate of algae within printed material on MPC concrete. The results demonstrated that hydrogel with Laponite has an ideal viscosity property for 3D-printing; however, it has a lower rate of algal cell growth inside gel in comparison with the formula without Laponite. Therefore, the group decided to eliminate Laponite from composition and work on Alginate-based hydrogel to explore the required formula. After careful consideration, the combination of Sodium Alginate and Methylcellulose was introduced as the proper hydrogel composition. This formula had appropriate mechanical strength as well as gelatine time which makes it as a proper hydrogel for robotic printing on the porous substratum. Also, the result showed that it didn’t have a negative effect on hydrogel biocompatibility.


200 ml water

18 gr Methylcellulose

Solution In-Progress

9 gr Sodium Alginate

Combine and Mix Ingredients

Solution In-Progress



Combine and Mix Ingredients

Step 02

Step 03

Final Solution


Agar Test



Materials: Agar / Hydrogel / ... 3D Seeding: Robotic seeding / Soaking / ... Algae: Bio-photovoltaic Algae

AGAR test: Mixed with other materials, gelatine/laponite/curran/calcium lactate; React on Petri Dishes, Concrete, Wire Netting. Start with 200ml water, 300°C A: AGAR+GELATINE 1a. +2.50ml agar 2a .+1.25ml agar 3a. +1.25ml gelatine 4a. +1.25ml agar 5a. +1.25ml gelatine B: AGAR+LAPONITE 1b. +1.25ml agar 2b. +2.50ml agar, +1.25ml laponite 3b. +1.25ml agar 4b. +1.25ml laponite


C: AGAR+CURRAN expired 2015 1c. +2.50ml agar, +1.25ml curran 2c. +1.25ml agar 3c. +1.25ml agar, +1.25ml curran 4c. +2.50ml curran D: AGAR+CALCIUM LACTATE 1d. +2.50ml agar, +1.25ml calcium lactate 2d. +1.25ml agar, +1.25ml calcium lactate 3d. +1.25ml agar, +2.50ml calcium lactate


day 0


day 2


day 3

Materials: Agar / Hydrogel / ... 3D Seeding: Robotic seeding / Soaking / ... Algae: Bio-photovoltaic Algae

AGAR test: Mixed with other materials; React on Petri Dishes, Concrete, Wire Netting.

day 0

Agar soaking in water


Hydrogel soaking in water


Materials: Agar / Hydrogel / ... 3D Seeding: Robotic seeding / Soaking / ... Algae: Bio-photovoltaic Algae

AGAR test: Mixed with other materials; React on Petri Dishes, Concrete, Wire Netting. day 2 Hydrogel



Original Hydrogel + 200ml water, 400°C, 3.75ml Agar

200ml water, 400°C, 4.00ml Agar


Soaking while cooling

Still wet Partly flow down

Harden Little amount flow down


Original Hydrogel

Ways of seeding: Hand-brush

Status after 30mins:

Agar soaking in water


Hydrogel soaking in water

Still wet Mostly flow down


Materials: Agar / Hydrogel / ... 3D Seeding: Robotic seeding / Soaking / ... Algae: Bio-photovoltaic Algae

AGAR test: Mixed with other materials, sodium alginate, methocel, gelatine; Temperature for boiling, solidification, and duration of time to curdle. React on Petri Dishes, Concrete.

day 3

Material solutions: AGAR solution: 200ml water, 2.7mg agar powder, 300°C heater boil for 5min or less. AGAR+GELATINE solution: 200ml water, 2.7mg agar powder, 2.2mg gelatine powder, 300°C heater boil for 5min or less. SODIUM ALGINATE solution: 200ml water, 6mg sodium alginate powder, stir 5 mins or more. METHOCEL solution: 200ml water, 12mg methocel powder, stir 5 mins or more.



Agar, Hydrogel+Agar


Methocel solution

Way of mixing solutions


Sodium Alginate solution

25ml agar solution temperature testing


25ml Agar solution+25ml Sodium Alginate solution

25ml Agar solution+25ml Methocel solution

25ml Agar solution+25ml Sodium Alginate solution



25ml Agar solution+25ml Sodium Alginate solution+25ml Methocel solution



25ml Agar+Gelatine solution+25ml Sodium Alginate solution+25ml Methocel solution



7min30sec 25ml Agar solution+25ml Methocel solution


5min 25ml Agar solution+25ml Sodium Alginate solution+25ml Methocel solution



2min30sec 25ml Agar+Gelatine solution+25ml Sodium Alginate solution+25ml Methocel solution


03 Computational Design of Bio-photovoltaic Prototypes


Inspiration • Computational Logic Differential Growth Behaviors and Volumetric • Data Structure • Thickness • Prototypes and Analysis •



Inspiration Nature Environments

Cooled lava

Calcite deposits pools

Rock lichen

Red coral seafan

Wave cliffs

Karst holes



Picture from (https://www. N07/2485873008)

Picture from (https://www. N06/8961958362/)



Picture from ( huanglong-sichuan-china.html?m=1)

Picture from ( post/145412721454/kruegernational-park-south-africa-travel-via)

Picture from (https://www. N03/2944965203/)

Picture from (https://www. N05/6298435090)

Picture from (https:// ee/2552356561)

Picture from (http://www.lichens.




Poland concrete

Curl noise disturbance

Partical movement



Surface folding

Growth following curve

Picture from (https:// pin/359302876512661013/)

Picture from (https://www.


Computational Techniques

Picture from (https:// pin/328129522835934084/)

Frank Gehry Bilbao Guggenheim Museum


Origin circle

Resample controlling points

Points iteration

Smooth points path






Computational Logic Differential growth 74


Single growth unit with same pscale value for every controlling points. Pscale value = 0.1 Frame 2

Frame 7

Frame 12

Frame 17

Frame 22

Frame 7

Frame 12

Frame 17

Frame 22

Frame 7

Frame 12

Frame 17

Frame 22

Pscale value = 0.15 Frame 2

Pscale value = 0.2 Frame 2

Computational Logic Growth Behaviors 76


Multiple growth units with same pscale value for every controlling points. Pscale value = 0.1 Frame 1

Frame 3

Frame 6

Frame 9

Frame 11

Frame 3

Frame 6

Frame 9

Frame 11

Frame 3

Frame 6

Frame 9

Frame 11

Pscale value = 0.15 Frame 1

Pscale value = 0.2 Frame 1

Computational Logic Growth Behaviors 78


Single growth unit with different pscale values for every controlling points. Pscale value = 0.15

Frame 1

Frame 25

PointVOP parameters: Turbulent Noise: signature 1D Noise Noise type: Original Perlin Noise Frequency (-0.1, -0.1, -0.1) Offset (0, 0, 0) Amplitude = -0.252 Roughness = 0.146 Attenuation = 0.759 Turbulence = 5 Fit range: signature float Source Min = 0 Source Max = 1 Destination Min = 0.05 Destination Max = 1

Frame 50

Frame 75

Frame 100

Frame 125

Frame 150

Frame 175

Computational Logic Growth Behaviors 80


Single growth unit with different pscale values for every controlling points.

Frame 1

Pscale value = 0.15

Frame 15

PointVOP parameters: Turbulent Noise: signature 1D Noise Noise type: Alligator Noise Frequency (1, 1, 1) Offset (0, 0, 0) Amplitude = 1 Roughness = 0 Attenuation = 1 Turbulence = 1 Fit range: signature float Source Min = 0 Source Max = 1 Destination Min = 0.05 Destination Max = 1

Frame 30

Frame 45

Frame 60

Frame 75

Frame 90

Computational Logic Growth Behaviors 82


Single growth unit with different pscale values for every controlling points.

Frame 1

Pscale value = 0.15 PointVOP parameters: Turbulent Noise: signature 1D Noise Noise type: Alligator Noise Frequency (0, 10, 10) Offset (0, 0, 0) Amplitude = 1 Roughness = 0 Attenuation = 1 Turbulence = 10 Fit range: signature float Source Min = 0 Source Max = 1 Destination Min = 0.05 Destination Max = 1

Frame 25

Frame 50

Frame 75

Frame 100

Frame 125

Frame 150

Computational Logic

Frame 175

Growth Behaviors 84


Multiple growth units with different pscale values for every controlling points.

Frame 1

Pscale value = 0.15 PointVOP parameters: Turbulent Noise: signature 1D Noise Noise type: Original Perlin Noise Frequency (-0.1, -0.1, -0.1) Offset (0, 0, 0) Amplitude = -0.252 Roughness = 0.146 Attenuation = 0.759 Turbulence = 5

Frame 25

Frame 50

Fit range: signature float Source Min = 0 Source Max = 1 Destination Min = 0.05 Destination Max = 1 Frame 75

Frame 100

Frame 125

Frame 150

Frame 175

Computational Logic Growth Behaviors 86


Multiple growth units with different pscale values for every controlling points.

Frame 1

Pscale value = 0.15 PointVOP parameters: Turbulent Noise: signature 1D Noise Noise type: Alligator Noise Frequency (1, 1, 1) Offset (0, 0, 0) Amplitude = 1 Roughness = 0 Attenuation = 1 Turbulence = 1 Fit range: signature float Source Min = 0 Source Max = 1 Destination Min = 0.05 Destination Max = 1

Frame 10

Frame 20

Frame 30

Frame 40

Frame 50

Computational Logic Growth Behaviors 88


Multiple growth units with different pscale values for every controlling points.

Frame 1

Pscale value = 0.15 PointVOP parameters: Turbulent Noise: signature 1D Noise Noise type: Alligator Noise Frequency (0, 10, 10) Offset (0, 0, 0) Amplitude = 1 Roughness = 0 Attenuation = 1 Turbulence = 10 Fit range: signature float Source Min = 0 Source Max = 1 Destination Min = 0.05 Destination Max = 1

Frame 15

Frame 30

Frame 45

Frame 60

Frame 75

Frame 90

Frame 105

Frame 120

Frame 135

Frame 150

Computational Logic Growth Behaviors 90

Frame 165


Pre-frames layer up forming a volume which records the behaviour of differential growth. Resample length 0.15 Pscale value 0.2 Turbulent noise type original perlin noise Frequency (-0.1, -0.1, -0.1) Offset (0, 0, 0) Amplitude = -0.252 Roughness = 0.146 Attenuation = 0.759 Turbulence = 5

Frame 1/200

Relaxing solver: Transform translate(0, 0.1, 0)


Fr am



am Fr

17 5

Fit destination: 0.05-1 Relax max iterations = 10 Point radius scale = 1 Smooth cutoff frequency = 0.1 Smoothing iteration = 7

Volumetric solver: merge prev-frame and input frame

Frame 200

Frame 125

Frame 50

Frame 150

Frame 150

Frame 175

Frame 100 Frame 75 Frame 50




Frame 1







Frame 25

Frame 100

Volumetrics Volume including pre-frames 92


Volumetric as group. Calculation among voxels of the space.


Frame 1

Frame 8

Frame 16

Frame 24

Frame 2

Frame 10

Frame 18

Frame 26

Frame 4

Frame 12

Frame 20

Frame 28

Frame 6

Frame 14

Frame 22

Frame 30

Volume including pre-frames 94












Differential growth has a data structure of multi-generation, this feature could also be observed in the form of outcome. Based on the rules of differential calculation above, the data could be simplified and make relative buildable adjustment.

Original Data Frame 1

First Generation Data Frame 15

Frame 25

Descendant & Parent Data Frame 35

Frame 50

Frame 60

Frame 90

Frame 117

Data Structure Elements of the differential growth behaviour 106


Points with the same curvature Earlier data determin later data

Unit Character 1: Mirrored protrusion

Unit Character 2: Parallel surface waving Earlier parent data becoming Dead Data (points are too close to each other to be casted)

Unit Character 3: Double layers

Unit Character 3: Bigger double layers

Unit Character 4: Bounches of protrusion wider parallel waving becoming Protrusion Unit Caracter 5: Protrusion expanded

Data Structure Elements of the components 108


Data Structure Small Components 110


Data Structure Small Components 112


Data Structure Small Components - Section 114


Data Structure Connection with bio-photovoltaic system 116


particle separation voxel scale influence scale droplet scale


particle separation 0.05 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.15 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.2 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.35 influence scale 3 droplet scale1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.55 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 1.5 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 2 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 1.01 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 2.75 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 4.25 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 5 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 0.3

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 1

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 2

particle separation 0.1 voxel scale 0.75 influence scale 3 droplet scale 2.99

Thickness Parameters 118


Components with interior surface in shadow and prevent humidity.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 120


Components in concrete with interior surface in shadow and prevent humidity.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 122




Column components with interior pockets to hold water and places for algae to grow.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 126




Hollow cube differential growth components. Gaps and pockets.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 130


Surface differential growth components on steel structure.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 132


Column components with steel structure.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 134


Concrete components holding water, while steel structure holding the components.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 136


Concrete components holding water and hanging on steel tubes. Concrete components assembling on steel frame structure.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 138


Steel tubes to hold the weight of concrete components while components lean on each other making sure they would not fall down.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 140


Steel tubes to hold the weight of concrete components while components lean on each other making sure they would not fall down.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 142


Surface folding components on top to collect water, while hollow cube components as wall to receive water and culture algae.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 144


Surface folding components on top to collect water, while hollow cube components as wall to receive water and culture algae. Hollow cube simplified to single piece.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 146


Other ways of volumetric differential growth.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 148


Edges interaction in differential growth.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 150


Components cut in three parts.Top part as water collecting components, middle part as hidden algae growth components, bottom part as leg part to hold all components above.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 152


Components cut in three parts.Top part as water collecting components, middle part as hidden algae growth components, bottom part as leg part to hold all components above.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 154


Components extending the folding surface width. Adjusting the thinkness from top to bottom with thinner edges at top and thicker body at bottom.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 156


Another components strategy is devided into top crown part and bottom body part to cast print hydrogel separately.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 158


Aggregates strategy for crown-body components, dense dark aggregates for crown and porous aggregates for body.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 160


Geometric growth

Frame 25

Frame 150 Frame 250

Frame 290

Frame 260

Frame 300

Frame 270

Frame 310

Frame 280

Frame 313

Frame 50

Frame 75


Frame 200

Frame 100

Frame 225

Frame 125

Frame 249

Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 162


Component shadow analysis


Frame 63

Frame 127

Frame 189

Frame 250

Frame 313

Frame 377

Frame 439

Frame 500

Frame 563

Frame 627

Frame 689

Frame 750

Frame 813

Frame 877

Frame 939

Frame 1000

Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 164


Rain analysis


Frame 25

Frame 50

Frame 75

Frame 100

Frame 125

Frame 150

Frame 175

Frame 200

Frame 225

Frame 250

Frame 275

Frame 300

Frame 325

Frame 350

Frame 375

Frame 400

Frame 425

Frame 450

Frame 475

Frame 500

Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 166


Final two crown-body components.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system - Final Design 168


Two different components have two printing strategies for robotic printing on body parts.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 170


Gaps and small pools on the top are for holding hydrogel and water, and guide water to the bottom.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 172


Section of the final components. Thinner edges on the crown parts and thicker edges for body parts.

Prototypes Components of Bio-photovoltaic system - Final Design 174


Height colored analysis of the final components. With relatively higher edges than center area, water will tend to drip to the inner components rather than dripping out.


Components of Bio-photovoltaic system 176


04 Environmental Studies



Case Study



The word 'biomimicry' describes the process of humans borrowing designs and systems from nature to create their own technology. Jolyon Brewis of Grimshaw Architects did exactly that when he based the architecture of our Core education centre on the growth blueprint of plants. He used opposing spirals mathematically based on Fibonacci’s sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ...) where every number is the sum of the previous two. The spirals on a pinecone, pineapple and sunflower, like the Core roof, usually represent two consecutive numbers in this sequence.( Accessed 2014. eden-story/behind-the-scenes/architecture-ateden#QQmX0WzjK4gf61fM.97)

Eden Project



Site analysis Our Site is located in Zoological Society of London (ZSL London Zoo) A small garden near ‘Land of Lions’ and B.U.G.S 184


Land of Lions


Main pathway of visitors Boundary line The site is located in one of the London Zoo 's graden. It's situated beside the main path of zoo, which might have lots of tourists pass by all over the year.And oceans of different plants are growing around . One of most essential influence factor is an Pyrenean Oak tree , which is around 9 meters high and almost cover one third of the whole site.Besides, other typies of trees and bushes grow vigorously.



Site Analysis Plants 188


In the centre of site lies a white cabin (2.1 meters high ) The main path is connecting the paradise of butterfly and lion forest, which means continuous people will pass by this area. Can u imagine that we did nothing except looking and measuring the size of the site, still attracted lots of people to stop , look and think. From west to east, there is a altitude difference around 1.5 meters, which could bring another challenge (unstable foundation ground) Oceans of plants are growing on our site , and there are six species of them have more influence on the component than others. We list the major parameter and the position of them.



Goat Willow (Salix caprea) 2.0m aestatisilvae Multi-branched,dense,shrubby tree Reproduct in very early spring in sheltered places.

Buxus sinica (Buxus) 0.9m everygreen small size plant Growing aboundant and prosper

Clematis Mostly vigorous, woody, climbing vines which is a deciduous and herbaceous perennial plant

Cherry laurel(Prunus Laurocerasus) 2.4m everygreen,shrub,spreading tree Fruit rounded and green at first, turning red, and then then finally blackish purple

Pyrenean Oak(Quercus Pyrenaica) 12m aestatisilvae slender more open crown than most other oaks reproduct around June and July colorful and brief display in summer



Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor) 0.3m It is a perennial herbaceous plant typically found in dry grassy meadows, often on limestone soils. It is drought-tolerant, and grows all year around.


Solar Analysis Site 194


solar path + dry bulb temperature annual hourly data chart

Solar path combined with temperature and relative humidity 196


The solar path combined with temperature shows that in summer, the temperature reach the maximum around 31.3 and there is more area that exposure to sunlight than other time. In this condition, summer time is one of the most adverse condition of the whole year, because continuous scorching weather will accelerate the algae to dry out and less shadow will help the water evaporate faster than usual. Both of them are bad news for algae or Bio-photovoltaic. In the following analysis , this adverse condition will be paid most attention to.

solar path + relative humidity annual hourly data chart



Radiation Analysis Site 200


The solar path combined with relative humidity illustrates that the relative humidity is extreme high in winter, especially in southeast direction. So if we set the geometry towards southeast, we could suppose it remain water for longer time because it's more diffcult to evaporate water, and again, water will evaporate faster during summer. Combined with analysis of solar path with temperature, we could focus on the most adverse condition happens in summer with maximum temperature and minimum relative humidity. If the geometry that we designed have to let the algae stay alive during the summer. This result are based on the algae need more water to live and grow, less water will kill algae gradually. And southeast direction might hold water for longer time than other direcion.

December 22 (Winter) total sunlight hours : 87.33 (hours)



Sunlight in winter shows in winter, most marginal area inside the garden will gain less sunlight and more shadow because of the plants nearby covering them. The maximum sunlight hour is less than 4 hours per day inside the site. So in consideration of the algae need sunlight, but which water need shadow area to remain. This principle lead us to select the area that have both sufficient sunlight and shadow area.

June 22 (Summer) total sunlight hours : 230.70 (hours)



sight from tourists

sight from tourists

when time goes to summer, it's clear that more area gain more sunlight hours than other time, the center area of the site is almost full of sunlight, but the marginal area still have the shadow area that gain sunlight hour less than other. Therefore, we select the area that close to the cabin and a middle size tree, those two could provide more shadow area.

Oak tree Cabin sight from tourists

Shadow change and selected area



Based on the previous research:

1. we needed a place where have shadow area and direct solar radiation area at the same time. shadow could help geometry to remain water for a longer time, and direct solar radiation area will supply sunlight for algae to conduct Bio-photovoltaic. 2. The place should be around the Pyrenean Oak tree or Cherry laurel tree so that algae could have a better chance to collect nutrition and seeds from those trees. Besides, trees could also create shadow area. 3. And sight from tourist should also be taken into consideration , the place should be able to attract tourists as much as possible, that means it should be center of the site and capture people form all angles and path ways. Therefore, we selected the area that painted in red on the left page, it meets all the requirements above. The oak, Cherry laurel and the cabin will block a lot sunlight on the right side area, and the left side area will gain more sunlight . Tourists could notice the geometry the moment they set foot on the pathways in all directions .Those plants around will provide nutrition and seeds .



Weather Data Analysis




NNE 1000


NE 750

500 WNW





From the wind rose diagram, it's easy to find that the wind comes from southwest is the strongest among other directions, it has 4 hours when the wind speed is over 38 mph (miles per hour). And have more than 87 hours when the wind speed is over 24 mph. On the other hand, the wind comes from northeast is the weakest wind, which has only 154 hours when the speed is over 12 mph but less than 38 mph. In general, wind come from southwest is irregulalrly decreasing to northeast.
















>38 mph meteoblue

Wind London Regent’s Park 212


30 days

25 days

20 days

15 days

From the wind speed diagram,it's obviously that January and gains more wind than any other months, and July , on the opposite, gains less wind than others. Meanwhile, there is a gradual decline from winter to summer in speed level. When time passes July, the speed increase gradually till winter and then repeat .

10 days

5 days

0 days Jan




















>38 mph meteoblue

Wind speed London Regent’s Park 214





30 days

25 days

20 days

15 days

10 days

5 days

0 days Jan


20-50mm 40 °C












< 2mm



Dry days 100 mm

Snow days


Precipitation amounts & Average temperatures and precipitation From the precipitation chart we could gain the expected value of daily precipitation in each month and through the year (Fig 3.1.8 & 3.1.9) that shows in the winter (September,October and December) will gain more rain in approximately 2 mm every single day. And the expected value of average precipitation in london zoo is around 1.82mm

30 °C

20 20 °C °C 20 °C 20 20 °C °C 20 °C

17 17 °C 17 °C 17 17°C °C °C

10 °C

0 °C

7 °C °C 777 7°C °C °C

8 °C °C 888 8 °C °C °C

2 °C 22 °C 27 2°C °C °C

11 °C 333 °C °C °C 8 °C °C 2 2°C °C 222 °C °C 33 °C

2 °C

2 °C

3 °C




23 °C 22 °C

75 mm 20 20 °C °C 20 °C 20 20 °C °C

20 °C 12 12 °C °C 12 12 °C °C 12 °C 12 °C 12 12°C °C 12 12°C °C 11 11 °C 11 °C 11 11°C °C °C 10 10 °C 10 °C 10 10 °C °C °C 14 °C 7 7 °C °C 12 °C 12 °C 7 °C 77°C °C 11 °C 10 °C 4 4 °C °C °C 444 °C °C 7 °C

14 14 °C °C 14 °C 14 14 °C °C 11 11 °C 11 °C 11 11°C °C °C

20 °C

23 23 °C 23 °C 23 °C 23 °C °C 22 22 °C 22 °C 22°C °C 22 °C

17 °C

15 15 °C °C 15 °C 15 15°C °C 11 11 °C 11 °C 11°C °C °C 15 °C 11 8 8 °C °C 8 °C 88 °C °C 11 °C 555 5°C °C °C °C °C 5 8 °C 5 °C

4 °C

50 mm 8 °C °C 888 8 °C °C °C 3 °C 33 °C 38 3 °C °C °C 25 mm 3 °C

0 mm

-10 °C

Precipitation Cold nights




Mean daily maximum




Hot days




Mean daily minimum

Wind speed meteoblue



Radiation Analysis Orientation 220


when the project came to more detail design, we thought that orientation, depth and width, complexity and surface area of the geometry is super essential, because all those parameter will determine the result of how much water could be remained. The less area that receive sunlight radiation, the better condition in terms of the water to remain. Therefore, we put our design prototypes in our site and analyze the radiation situation of each prototype by Grasshopper of Rhinoceros. To select the most appropriate prototype step by step. And the principle to select is mainly depends on how much sunlight will be received by the surface of each prototype, also on the difficulty level of assembly.

Total radiation: 132

Total radiation: 124 222


Total radiation: 161

Total radiation: 124 The results shows when put prototype on south direction, it could gain less radiation than others, because there are more shadow created by the prototype itself, the water might stay inside the component longer. Combined with former analysis of site (solar path and wind speed and wind rose), we selected south direction as the component towards to, to minimize the sunlight radiation, and also to block wind from southeast.

Total radiation: 145 224


Because there are less area that face to sunlight directly,the radiation of horizontal prototype is lower than vertical. And more surface the component has, more radiation it will receive, but there will be more shadow area at the time.So size will be more complicated at this stage

Total Radiation : 134.94

Horizontal strategy



Total Radiation : 375.90



Total Radiation : 372.52

Vertical strategy


Total Radiation : 440.21

Obviously this prototype has more area exposed to sunlight and gain more radiation than horizontal groups. Another factor is weight. As chart shows, the increasing of surface and volume will not only increase the radiation area but also the difficulty to transfer the prototype. Moreover, the hydrogel could pill off from the facade easily. Therefore, we didn't choose vertical strategy to work on


Total Radiation : 51.34

Level 1




Total Radiation : 56.72

Level 2



Total Radiation : 60.48

Level 3



Total Radiation : 67.53

Level 4



Level 4 Selection of depth and width We set four components which came from same node and same parameter on site to figure out the how the shape affect the radiation situation. As the charts show, more surface area will bring more radiation to the component, but, also bring depth, which is important to create shadow inside,So there need a balance between complexity and depth. I named them level 1,2,3,4 in order of time and complexity, level1 and 2 have less radiation area but could be helpless to remaining water, while level 4 have too many small pockets, which will be extreme difficult to casting the model in reality. Taking all those factors into consideration, level 3 became the final choice. It has suitable depth and surface complexity than other levels, and could be casted by ourselves.



Spring (March 21)

Total Radiation : 0.000278

Sumer (June 22)

Total Radiation : 0.000522

Surface Area Version 1 242


Winter (December 22)

Autumn (September 23)

Total Radiation : 0.000222

Total Radiation : 0.000029

Surface Area Version 1 244


Sumer (June 22)

Spring (March 21)

Total Radiation :

Total Radiation :



Surface Area Version 2 246


Autumn (September 23)

Winter (December 22)

Total Radiation :

Total Radiation :



Surface Area Version 2 248


Spring (March 21)

Total Radiation : 0.000223

Sumer (June 22)

Total Radiation : 0.000432

Surface Area Version 3 250


Autumn (September 23)

Winter (December 22)

Total Radiation :

Total Radiation :



Surface Area Version 3 252


North- South exposure

Selection of Surface area We wanted to know the difference among those prototypes in different amount of surface area,(scale: version 1> version 2> version 3) In order to understand the particular situation, the components were put in four special dates (Equinox and Solstice), because the analysis in chapter 2 shows that site in summer might face the most disadvantageous condition than other time, so putting them in those special dates will make the comparison more specific. As the charts indicate, version 3 receive less radiation than others in summer. But in this case, the shadow area for the component is enough for the algae after last 3 steps of selection. Therefore, we prefer take version 1 as our final component to develop.

North-South exposure Horizontal growth

North-South exposure Horizontal growth Middle level complexity

North-South exposure Horizontal growth Middle level complexity appropriate surface area 254


Radiation Analysis Final Component 256


Total Radiation =0.312

Winter time 258

Total Radiation =0.579

Summer time 259

Evaporation Experiment



In this experiment, the main purpose is to find out how the porosity effect the evaporation. So that we could receive from the result to indicate the further design. The test materials are divided into three groups: control group: water only; sponges and Mpc concret ,then give them same amount of water and see their ability to retain water by measuring weight from 1pm to 5pm each day.

A.60ml water in jacinth bowl(71 g)=131 g

Test 1



B.60ml water + 3g sponges in green bowl(71g) =134 g


C.60ml water + 138g Mpc concrete in cyan bowl (71g)=269 g




Remaining Water

Remaining Water 50g ____ 13:00 47g ____ 14:00 45g ____ 15:00 39g ____ 16:00 36g ____ 17:00



Remaining Water 12g ____ 13:00 11g ____ 14:00 10g ____ 15:00 08g ____ 16:00 08g ____ 17:00


51g ____ 13:00 49g ____ 14:00 47g ____ 15:00 43g ____ 16:00 40g ____ 17:00

Remaining Water 26g ____ 13:00 26g ____ 14:00 26g ____ 15:00 26g ____ 16:00 25g ____ 17:00



Remaining Water 51g ____ 13:00 46g ____ 14:00 42g ____ 15:00 39g ____ 16:00 36g ____ 17:00


Conclusion from the chart above, it's obviously that the Mpc concret could hold water for a longer time than sponges. However, the sponges is better in capturing water. As the aspect of design, it lighten the way to use the MPC concrete as a basic material and we should also focus on different porosity which could bring different connsequence. Remaining Water 20g ____ 13:00 20g ____ 14:00 19g ____ 15:00 19g ____ 16:00 18g ____ 17:00



A.50ml water + 184g MPC concrete in jacinth bowl(71 g) =307 g

Test 2 270



Remaining Water

Remaining Water

48g ____ 13:00 46g ____ 14:00 45g ____ 15:00 43g ____ 16:00 41g ____ 17:00

50g ____ 13:00 47g ____ 14:00 45g ____ 15:00 43g ____ 16:00 40g ____ 17:00

Remaining Water

Remaining Water

DAY TWO B.50ml water + 184g MPC concrete+11g Hydrogel and Chorella in green bowl(71g)=317 g

21g ____ 13:00 19g ____ 14:00 17g ____ 15:00 15g ____ 16:00 12g ____ 17:00


6g ____ 13:00 4g ____ 14:00 2g ____ 15:00 1g ____ 16:00 0g ____ 17:00









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162



MPC+ Hydrogel and Algae


Conclusion from the chart above, it's easy to find that when put the hydrogel on the MPC concrete surface, the water inside is evaporated faster than the MPC conctrete own .



Irrigation System



Concret component

Components Hozelock Dripper

Water tube carry water to the place that need irrigation

Hozelock Sensor Controller plus automatically control the frequency of watering

Water Pump pump up the water to higher area (maximum height is 1.2meter )

Generally speaking, the precipitation in London could not satisfy the algae that living on the surface.(the value of expectation of daily precipitation is around 1.88 mm per day) So we put our irrigation system as an assistant. There basic working process is: use a pedestal as a collection of water, pump up the water by a pump, drop the water to the algae. The key point is the timer to control the watering automatically. Based on the evaporation test, the duration of watering should be less than 2 days. Besides, the water could come from rain water or artificial supply.

Prototype 1



Perspex tank

Aluminum plate


Prototype 2



Misting system

Prototype 2





Casting Strategies


Hard Scaffold Megnesium-phosphate Cement Paste Concrete 286


MPC Chemical Reaction Ingredients and Aggregates • Ingredients Test • Casting Steps • Compaction in Layers • Casting Process • Layering 289 • Process, Result and Detail •


Hard burnt or Dead burnt Magnesium Oxide: fairly unreactive MgO

Ammonium Di-hydrogen Phosphate or Na2HPO4, KH2PO4: Acid Soluble Phosphate

Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate Borax or Boric Acid: Set Retarder and Solvent

Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Hexahydrate: Final Hydration Form

Na2B4O7 • 10H2O MgO + NH4H2PO4 + 5H2O ————————————— NH4MgPO4 • 6H2O NH4H2PO4 ———— NH4+ + H2PO4NH4H2PO4 ———— NH4+ + H+ + HPO42NH4H2PO4 ———— NH4+ + 2H+ + PO43MgO + H2O MgOH+ + 2H2O Mg(OH)2 2+ Mg + 6H2O




+ NH4 + PO4


———— ———— ———— ————

MgOH+ + OHMg(OH)2 + H3O+ Mg2+ + 2OHMg(H2O)62+

Magnesium Oxide

Ammonium Di-hydrogen Phosphate

Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate Borax

Na2B4O7 • 10H2O ————————————— NH4MgPO4 • 6H2O

MPC Chemical Reaction

Megnesium-phosphate cement paste chemical reaction and materials 290


Theoretical surface Natural surface

For different kinds of aggregate, the natural surface of the aggregate and sizes determine their reaction with MPC cement paste, thus for each kinds of aggregate, there need different ingredients for casting.

Colored-black sand, 0.5-1.0mm

Colored-grey sand, 0.5-1.0mm

Porous aggregate, 0-0.8mm

Recycled Glass - Clear Crystal - small, 2-5mm

Standard Ingredient: Aggregate Quantity: 1709.5g Magnesium Oxide: 207.6g Ammonium di-hydrogen phosphate: 118.6g Borax: 19.6g Water: 51.9g 1.5-time Ingredient: Aggregate Quantity: 1709.5g Magnesium Oxide: 311.4g Ammonium di-hydrogen phosphate: 177.9g Borax: 29.4g Water: 77.85g

Ingredients and Aggregates

Silica sand, normal sand and recycled glass. 292


Through ingredient tests to different aggregates, we could conclude the most suitable ingredients for each aggregates by comparing samples porosity, water evaporation condition, weight and hardness. By observing moulds’ before and after demoulding, we could predict the reaction between components and moulds.

Casting blocks

After demouding

Ingredients Test

Different ingredients to different aggregates. 294


Through ingredient tests to different aggregates, we could conclude the most suitable ingredients for each aggregates by comparing samples porosity, water evaporation condition, weight and hardness.


After demoulding

Ingredients Test

Different ingredients to different aggregates. 296


Adjustment 1: Aggregate Quantity: 60g Magnesium Oxide: 6g Tri-sodium phosphate: 4.2g Borax: 1g Water: 6g

1/4 time fixed

1/2 time fixed

1 time fixed

1 time fixed, with much more water

Ingredients Test

Different ingredients to different aggregates. 298


Adjustment 2: Aggregate Quantity: 120g Magnesium Oxide: 12g Tri-sodium phosphate: 8.4g Borax: 2g Water: 12g

1/4 time fixed

1/2 time fixed

1 time fixed

Ingredients Test

Different ingredients to different aggregates. 300


Adjustment 3: Aggregate Quantity: 120g Magnesium Oxide: 12g Tri-sodium phosphate: 8.4g Borax: 2g Water: 12g

1 time fixed, with Borax 6g

1 time fixed, with Borax 5g

1 time fixed, with Borax 4g

1 time fixed, with Borax 3g

Ingredients Test

Different ingredients to different aggregates. 302


Adjustment 4: Aggregate Quantity: 127.4g Magnesium Oxide: 12g Tri-sodium phosphate: 8.4g Borax: 2g Water: 12g

1 time fixed, with Borax 6g

1 time fixed, with Borax 3g

1/2 time fixed, with Borax 3g

Ingredients Test

Different ingredients to different aggregates. 304


Casting MPC concrete bricks in different thickness and porosities.

Casting 3D surface folding geometries in different depth and porosities.

Thickness: 3cm Porous aggregate Printed hydrogel 2 days Thickness: 5cm Porous aggregate Printed hydrogel 2 days

Thickness: 5cm Non-porous aggregate Printed hydrogel 2 days 3D printing positive models

Making negative models with soft rubber

Differential growth model in steel mesh

See details of differential growth MPC concrete model in different porosity aggregates

Thickness: 3cm Porous aggregate Printed hydrogel 2 days

Casting Steps

From 2D mountain panels to 3D surface folding geometry 306


Casting in layers help material gets enough compaction and sufficient touching surface to stick together. Press all material at one time

Only material at bottom gets sufficient compaction


Height Weight of Aggregate Number of Layers


Intensity of Pressure

NxnxWxh εc= ─────── V


Press all material multiple times

Material gets multiple times of compaction


Volume of Mould


Compaction prototype

Compaction in Layers

Compacting material and cast in layers. 308


Rubber mould making. Applying vaseline on rubber and 3D printing model.

3D printing digital models and fixing with clay.

Making multiple layers of inner and outer rubber moulds.

Cutting and melting recycled rubber under about 190 degree centigrades.

Assembling rubber moulds and compating material in layers. Pouring rubber when it liquidates. Demoulding in layers.

Casting Process

Casting strategies for 3D geometries. 310


Compacting mixture of aggregate and cement paste layer by layer First layer of material compaction.

3D printing digital models. Making multiple layers of inner and outer rubber moulds.

Second layer of material compaction. Compating material in layers.

Third layer of material compaction.

Applying vaseline on rubber moulds.

Casting Process

Mixture of aggregate and MPC cement paste.

Casting strategies for 3D geometries. 312



Demoulding inner rubber moulds which are cut in pieces.

3D printing digital models.

Making multiple layers of inner and outer rubber moulds. Sanding error edges produced by layering rubber moulds. Assembling rubber moulds and compating material in layers.

Casting Process

Casting strategies for 3D geometries. 314



Rubber moulds in layers.

Casting strategies for 3D geometries. 316


Process of making rubber moulds and rubber mould condition during casting.

Process, Result and Detail

See closer to MPC concrete components. 318


Process of casting. The weakness of geometry make it hard to demould and even break and the weakness of rubber vmold produce extra ridges on MPC concrete components.

Process, Result and Detail

See closer to MPC concrete components. 320


Results of crown casted alone, and crown and body casted together.

Process, Result and Detail

See closer to MPC concrete components. 322


Results and details of body part casted alone.

Process, Result and Detail

See closer to MPC concrete components. 324


Results and details of body part casted alone.

Process, Result and Detail

See closer to MPC concrete components. 326


Rubber molds for final body casting.

Process, Result and Detail

See closer to MPC concrete components. 328


Casting results of final components - Top Part 330


Casting 332 results of final components




















Case Studies As explained in “Surface morphology and surface energy of anode materials influence power outputs in a multi-channel mediatorless bio-photovoltaic (BPV) system”, bio-photovoltaic cells are a new bio-electrochemical technology for curb solar energy through photosynthesis of autotrophic organisms. Low efficiency currents are the output of these bio-photovoltaic systems examined in this case. Filamentous cyanobacteria have been considered for their “exo-electrogenic ” activity. Anodic conductive materials used in this study, as indium tin oxide-coated polyethylene terephthalate (ITO), stainless steel (SS), glass coated with a conductive polymer (PANI), and carbon paper (CP), helped to compare the performance of different photosynthetic biofilms of a multi-channel of a bio-photovoltaic device. The anodic materials used determine the interactions between the electrochemical photosynthetic microbes and the anode, under light and dark conditions with different ratios of light. Bombelli et al., (2016) has created a non-vascular bryophyte microbial fuel cell (MFC) in the following study: “Electrical output of bryophyte microbial fuel cell systems is sufficient to power a radio or an environmental sensor” (Figure 02). A novel three-dimensional anodic matrix was successfully created and characterized and was further tested in a bryoMFC to determine the capacity of mosses to generate electrical power. Some microorganisms, termed exo-electrogens, are known to be able to oxidize organic substrates and donate electrons to conductive materials. Another recent study of bio photovoltaic vascular plant technology in “Comparison of power output by rice (Oryza sativa) and an associated weed (Echinochloa glabrescens) in vascular plant bio-photovoltaic (VP-BPV) systems” by Bombelli, has shown that higher plants harvesting solar energy and metabolism of heterotrophic microorganisms in the rhizosphere plant, can generate electrical power. Two species were compared, crop plant rice “Oryza sativa L” and “Echinochloa glabrescens”, planted in the same soil and glasshouse conditions where the bio-electrochemical systems were regulated without additional energy inputs. During an 8-day growth period, constant vibrations were observed in the electrical outputs of VP-BPV systems.

What is a bio-photovoltaic system?

Figure 01 “Moss Table” by Paolo Bombelli

Figure 02 “Moss FM radio” by Paolo Bombelli 2.

Bio photovoltaic devices also known as biological and electrochemical systems also called “living solar cells”, produce electrical power from light energy by relying upon the photosynthesis of living oxygenic photoautotrophic organisms such as, Moss and Algae3. Bio photovoltaic energy is a new way of converting chemical energy into electrical energy using plants that photosynthesize and preferably thrive under extreme environments. When Algae receives light, reactions split water into protons, electrons and oxygen and bio-photovoltaics use this charge separation to generate electrical energy.



Bio-photovoltaic Assembly Moss Photos Taken at Cambridge University by Eleni Maria Dourampei 352


Bio-photovoltaic System Layers

How does the bio-photovoltaic system work? A bio-photovoltaic system consists of the anodic and the cathodic matrix. The anodic surface is where the electrons are generated. The anodic surface of the bio photovoltaic system needs to be a surface where the photosynthetic organism can live, grow and colonize. The anodic parts need to cover as much surface as possible and to have certain characteristics like “biocompatibility”, “water retention” and “low electric resistance”. This surface needs to be electrically conductive, like carbon fiber and needs to contain a certain amount of water; otherwise the photosynthetic organism will die or kill the protons while they are travelling from the anode to the cathode. Eso-electrogenic is the spontaneous process that drives the bio photovoltaic process. The conductive element used needs to be made out of a material with a certain degree of durability and with no much potential of oxidation. In our case, carbon fiber is the conductive material used for the anode of the BPV.

Bio-photovoltaic Layers - Diagram Anodic Part 354


Bio-photovoltaic System Layers

The cathode contains a hole and has two parts; the internal one and the external one. The external one faces outside, as it needs oxygen. One of the problems of the cathode is that it consists of a carbon paper that is very fragile and when handling, it needs extra care. One face of the carbon paper is gray and the other one is black. The black part is where the catalyst is; the gray part is just the carbon, which is fragile through mechanical stress only, not time. A piece of rubber used in the cathode, prevents leaking, and supports the carbon paper preventing it to break. Stainless steel mesh touching the catalyst helps us not to damage it, and is the where the crocodile clips can be attached. All studs supporting all parts of the cathode together need to have an even touch, otherwise the carbon might break because of uneven pressure to it. The anodic matrix needs to be combined with the cathodic element, with a catalyst that permits the cathodic protons to move through water. The ending point where the electrons are consumed needs to be in a spontaneous direction, while the cathodic part could be much smaller and it does not need any light, but requires oxygen access. A piece of paper or a part acting as the “separator” needs to be placed between the anode and the cathode, in order to electrically divide the two. We need to be able to move the protons from one area to the other. Hydrogel is an effective material acting as the connector, as it contains a lot of water. On the cathode, electrons and protons need to be combined with atmospheric substance. Electricity from a bio-photovoltaic system is generated from the electrons captured by conductive fibers, in our case, made out of carbon. The ‘moss pots‘ in the bio photovoltaic table (Figure 01) by Paolo Bombelli, act as bio-electrochemical devices converting the chemical energy into electrical energy using biological material. This biological materials can be Algae, Cyanobacteria, and vascular plants.

Bio-photovoltaic Layers - Diagram Cathodic Part 356


Tests and diagrams The following tests show the measure of the resistance on different amounts of carbon fiber embedded into 50gr of H ydrogel. In this way, we are measuring the condition in which the anode will be created. This is essential as from this point forward we are moving on creating the item and introducing the cathode to it. Figure 11 shows the elements needed when I started building the different carbon fiber amount containers with hydrogel. Each container has 50 gr of hydrogel (sodium alginate 25% and methocel 75%). Figure 12A’s container has pure hydrogel. Figure 12B’s container has hydrogel with 1 gr of Carbon fiber. Figure 12C’s container has hydrogel with 2 gr of carbon fibers. Figure 12D’s container has hydrogel with 4 gr of carbon fibers. The following diagrams (Figure 13 and 14) show individually the ratios of each container and also the relationships between the different containers.

Figure 13

Figure 14

Carbon fiber (CF) loading affects the loading of CF effects the electrical resistance of the hydrogel (HG) acting as the bio-responsive material. Four experimental conditions of CF loading have been considered. The following color code is adopted in this figure 12A: 0g of CF (black), Figure 12B: 1g of CF (red), Figure 12C: 2g of CF (blue) and Figure 12D: 4g of CF, photographs of the actual experimental vessel. The CF loading was increased from 0g to 4g. The first diagram shows the variation of resistance over time for the 4 experimental conditions. The second diagram shows the variation of resistance versus the CF loading.



Figure 11

Figure 12 shows the different resistances for the composite material carbon fiber (CF) + hydrogel (HG). 4gr of CF and 50gr of HG mixed and prepared, with different amount of carbon fibers. Measurements were taken over every container every 10 minutes each.

12 A

12 C

Only Hydrogel (HG)

12 B

HG + 1g of Carbon Fiber (CF)

HG + 2g of Carbon Fiber (CF)

12 D

HG + 4g of Carbon Fiber (CF)

Figure 12



The following image show the layering of a bio-photovoltaic system on MPC concrete. MPC is acting as the base of the BPV system. Stainless steel mesh is acting as the electron collector. The anodic matrix was created with the expectation that its surface area is large enough to improve the contact between the Algae and the anode, which leads to a better overall electrical output. Algae is chosen as the photosynthetic specie generating current as it thrives in extreme environments, has dormant state abilities and is able to grow and survive in hydrogel.

How do smart materials connect to create the bio-photovoltaic system? The concept of integrating different materials which overall create the bio-photovoltaic system has derived from the idea of combining two materials and a living specie that would be able to survive because of the existence of one of them. Hydrogel made out of two parts of Methocel and one part of Sodium Alginate, is known for its ability to form the shape of its mold, maintain moisture for a long period of time and is able to host vegetation in it. Previous tests in Biota-Lab in 2016, have shown that Algae can grow in hydrogel making it a bio-responsive material.

Magnesium Phosphate Concrete (MPC) is considered to be a bioreceptive material as it can hold hydrogel on it, and it is very water absorbent, a key element for a suitable anodic matrix. New and more multi-layered applications on 3dimensional surface morphologies have been explored, as well as intertwining hydrogel with different porosity concretes. Ultimately, investigations on the possibility of a living architecture by means of using selected Algae strains inoculated in lab as micro-organic matter to be proliferated within the printed material substratum. The robotic printing of these prototypes applies two kinds of materials to help bio-photovoltaic Algae to be attached on the surface of our prototypes. One is hydrogel, a main element of absorbing water. The second one is carbon fiber, ideally printed inside hydrogel and the essential element to collect bioelectricity. The intensity of water in the material is controlled by the exposure to the outside environment. By calibrating the surface geometry, material porosity and exposure, allows us to calibrate the evaporative variability to promote more or less growth on the material. The interval between natural rainfall events is too long and irregular and the quantities of rainfall have an intensity that is too low to compensate for the rate of desiccation under prevailing conditions in the hydrogels tested. Relationship of hydrogel and carbon fiber will differ according to the shape of prototypes and direction of water absorption. During this time, materials’ behavior to the water will be documented and measured, thus finding out suitable shapes and comfortable environmental conditions for bio-photovoltaic Algae to grow and later on produce energy.

Bio-photovoltaic System Carbon Fiber (CF) Application Technique 362

Carbon fibers are the mediator between hydrogel layers, acting as the anode of the bio-photovoltaic system. The integration of carbon fibers in the bio-photovoltaic system is because the anodic surface of the BPV system needs to be as vast as possible and carbon fibers could indeed provide these characteristics. Two techniques of carbon fiber acting as the anode have been tested. One is using the carbon fibers as hair like parts, running through hydrogel layers connecting different sides of the 3dimentional geometry together .

Chopped CF embeded in Hydrogel

CF Hair Line Application


The other one is a combination of small carbon fiber segments – 0.2mm-0.5mm– and hydrogel, all stirred together as one substance, acting as the anodic part for the bio-photovoltaic system (Figure 06 and 07). Knowing that the novel substrate being conductive through all of its volume, there is a bigger surface area for interaction between the donation of electrons from microorganisms and the anode.

Robotically printed hydrogel on Carbon Fibers 364






Bio-photovoltaic System - Assembly Carbon Fiber (CF) Application Technique 370


Bio-photovoltaic Component on smart materials Anodic and Cathodic Parts

Applying Carbon Fiber embedded Hydro gel in designed components Old and New Design

Bio-photovoltaic Prototype



Screws to fix Anode and Cahode

Anodic Connection

Cathodic Connection



Bio-photovoltaic System - Initial design Interlocking neighboring (Parallel electric connection) 376



Crocodile clip attached to the anode 263

Crocodile clip attached to the cathode

Design Development Bio-photovoltaic System Interlocking neighboring (parallel electric connection) 378




Preface: To investigate the effects of carbon fibre as the elements of BPVs, on the growth of Chlorella sorkiniana in a non-destructive way of measuring the algal growth. As the algae is embedded in hydrogel, we need a way of measuring in-situ. The way that we came up with is looking the chlorophyll has a fluorescence which micro plate scanner (spectrofluorometers) for fluorescence was used.

Methodology and Observational procedure The microplate consisted of 6 wells (see Figure23), which the algae-laden hydrogel as a control was printed in a first row and algae-laden hydrogel with various amount of carbon fibre was extruded in the second row of the microplate. An alginate/methylcellulose blend in a ratio of 2:1 was used as plotting material. The same amount of Hydrogel and species were extruded in all the microplate wells containing 13 g of hydrogel and 1 mg of C.sorokiniana which was injected per well via a 2mm diameter medical syringe within printed material. The same material composition mixed with 1, 3 and 4 grammes of carbon fibre separately which were printed in the second row of microplate wells respectively. All the material dispensed into wells and 1 mg of TAP medium as required nutrients for microalgae to grow was injected daily to them. In the plate reader we used the excitation wavelength of 410 nm and an emission wavelength of 670 nm as a proxy to measure cell growth. The biocompatibility of carbon fibre with C.sorokiniana to survive inside hydrogel was observed and documented over the course of 7days. Moreover, as the contamination of samples needs to be considered, 3 samples of each printed composition was extruded to get a legitimate average for the recording of the growth curves of C.sorokiniana beside carbon fibre. The fluorescence was measured using the gains of 87 with the top and bottom read mode.

1 gram of Carbon fibre

50 gram of Hydrogel

3 gram of Carbon fibre

50 gram of Hydrogel

4 gram of Carbon fibre

50 gram of Hydrogel

Experiment 1 | examination of the growth curve of Chlorella sorokiniana with embedded carbon fibre. 382


1g CF

3g CF

4g CF

1g CF

3g CF

4g CF

1g CF

3g CF

4g CF

Block A

Block B

Block C Figure 5: The growth curve of chlorella sorokiniana with and without the presence of carbon fibre in Block A, B and C (from top to bottom), 2017.



Results and conclusions The following data shows the growth curve of C.sorokiniana with and without the presence of carbon fibre in 3 different blocks as a control with the same composition. As the result from top read mode was more clear to illustrate the growth of microalgae, following data are conducted from top read mode. The result indicates that with the presence of carbon fibre C.sorokiniana can grow inside gel; however, it can grow slower compared with the application that there is no carbon fibre inside gel (see figure 22 and 23). It can be seen from the line graphs that algae can grow faster with the application that has 1 g of CF compare to the one with 3 and 4 gr. Therefore, with the less amount of CF, algae could grow more inside hydrogel.

Figure 6: The growth curve of chlorella sorokiniana with and without the presence of carbon fibre in Block A, B and C (from top to bottom), 2017.



Experiment 2 |To test the growth of C.sorokiniana on the layer of carbon fibre-hydrogel composition. Preface: Based on the result of previous experiments, it was demonstrated that the green algae C.sorokiniana could grow at a higher rate on top of the carbon fibre and on the composition without the presence of carbon fibre(see figure 24). To improve algae stains’ robustness multi-layer composition strategies was conducted. The objective of this study was to further improve the biomass productivity of algae dealing with carbon fibre for further investigation on the potential of this algal species besides carbon fibre for energy generation. Methodology and Observational procedure: 50g of the hydrogel was mixed with 1,3 and 4 grammes of carbon fibre. The mixtures were thoroughly stirred to obtain a homogeneous plotting paste into separate Petri dishes. In order to achieve high-density colonisation, 1ml of C.sorokiniana was added to 5g of hydrogel for the second layer of printing via a 2mm diameter medical syringe over the printed material. After completion of the algae-laden hydrogel scaffolds, 1 ml of TAP medium were alternatively dispensed every day, and incubated under illumination at 25°c in an Eppendorf incubator. The growth of the embedded algae was documented and observed over the course of 7 days.

Algae laden hydrogel printed on 1g CF within Hydrogel

Day 0

Day 7

Algae laden hydrogel printed on 3g CF within Hydrogel

Day 0

Results and conclusions: The growth of C.sorokiniana over the mixture of carbon fibre-hydrogel could be observed after 2 days. The estimated growth rate of this experiment was comparable to the one algae in hydrogel. Therefore, it can be mentioned that it is a suitable application for further testing of BPVs assembly.

Day 2

Day 2

Day 7

Algae laden hydrogel printed on 4g CF within Hydrogel

Day 0

Day 2

Day 7

Figure 7: The growth curve of chlorella sorokiniana with and without the presence of carbon fibre in Block A, B and C (from top to bottom), 2017.





Robotic Printing


Robotic Fabrication Fabricate the living 392


Robot assembly



We investigate the implementation of a pneumatic extrusion system by means of air pressure and solenoid valves, that could lead to the generation of hydrogel extrusion on the various porous substratum. A computer-controlled pneumatic extrusion system was attached to an existing motion platform’s end-effector. The platform is a Kuka KR AGILUS robotic arm; model KR 6 R900 sixx. It weighs 52kg with a 6kg payload and a maximum reach of 901mm. It has 6 axes and a +-0.03mm repeatability. At the pneumatic extrusion end-effector, algae-laden hydrogel which was contained in an aluminium vessel, extruded trough 5 to 9 mm plastic nozzles with the maximum pressure of 8.2 bars.



Final Assembly of a robotic arm system, 2017.



Solenoid Valve used for controlling the process of extruding material


Aluminum plate as end effector joined for the robot arm

Piston extruder


Material Container assembly


Material container with Max pressure of 10 bars

Algae-laden hydrogel inside pipe

Circuit Board for the solenoid valve operation


Printing Parameters various parameters should be integrated to inform the variation of material behaviours and 3Dprinting strategies. It is necessary to consider the mechanical properties of the material with the optimal speed of material extrusion, as well as air pressure to enhanced a constant flow of printed material on the substratum. To develop a crosslinking between printed material and substratum, the height of the nozzle from the substructure should be adjusted properly. This can lead to 3d printing algae-laden hydrogel on the different porous material. In addition, it could be claimed that the geometry of the toolpath and substratum can create a challenge in developing design principles and strategies for additive fabrication of biological material.








Printing On non-Porous Surface



To understand the material behavior and printing parameters we conduct an experiment with using various speed of robot from 5 to 100 mm/s and height of the nozzle from substratum between 0.5mm and 3 cm. Also based on the viscosity of our material the max air pressure of 5.5 bar were used .



Air pressure

Speed Height of the nozzle Size of the nozzle

Break line


Straight line

Curly effect


Model 01 Air pressure: 5 Speed: 75 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5 mm


Model 02 Air pressure: 4.5 Speed: 60 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5 mm


Model 01| Time lapsed: 24 Hours


Model 03| Time lapsed: 24 Hours


Model 04 | Printing on agar as soft scaffold

We investigate the probble effect of material substratum on the material behavior of printed hydrogel with casting a mould with agar as a water based material. The result indicate that printing on agar as a water based material improve the longevity of hydrogel to be moisture for more amount mount of time. This will lead to a favorable condition for algae as selected species to grow.



Printing on porous surface



Preface As understanding the crosslinking mechanism of hydrogel on porous substratum is essential when strategizing to print on MPC concrete, various printing and crosslinking strategies have been used to achieve print fidelity and resolution. Methodology and Observational procedure The hydrogel was optimised to achieve desired viscosity and mechanical integrity for printing on the porous surface. In order to examine the effect of MPC concrete as a hard scaffold on hydrogel as a soft scaffold, an experimental system was derived. Briefly, two types of blocks with porous and non-porous aggregate with 0-0.8mm silica sand and 1-2mm gravel plus cement respectively were casted by the size of 30cmĂ—10cm and 30cmĂ—30cm in different height. Plotting materials were alternately dispensed using the nozzle with an inner diameter of 3mm. Various tool paths were generated using the computational program Grasshopper for Rhinoceros. All the tool paths were tested by printing in one and consecutive multi-layers applications as well as 3D triangular tool paths to investigate the relation between printing parameters, for instance, air pressure, the height of the nozzle from substratum and speed of printing material to bind our living material on the porous mould.



3d printing of hydrogel on MPC concrete, non-porous and porous MPC [from top to bottom]



Model 01|Porous MPC Air pressure: 5 Speed: 100 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5 mm



Model 02| Non-porous MPC Air pressure: 5 Speed: 100 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5 mm



Close Up



Time Lapsed 24 Hours



Model 02| Porous MPC - Time Lapsed 24 Hours



After printing, all the panels were soaked in water for further exploration on mechanical, optical and environmental properties such as hydration-induced shape changes, or fully disintegration of printed hydrogel over time. The result indicate that nonporous MPC can hold the water for more amount of time in comparison with Porous MPC. Also, it could be claimed that hydrogel absorb the water faster than Mpc concrete.





Results and conclusions: This method was demonstrated that the combination of the materials and printing parameters of water-based robotic fabrication on the porous substratum. This was due to the observational discovery that once the material with high viscosity was printed under high pressure in connecting with the surface of the substratum, it could push the hydrogel inside the porous surface which its consolidation integrates more with the porous material. By putting panels inside water provide moisture environment which improved the legibility of Printed hydrogel on MPC concrete which this area of work asks for further exploration.








Hydrogel Hydrogel



MPC Concret MPC Concret Hydrogel Hydrogel

Hydrogel Hydrogel MPC Concret



multiplexter EK-04 Box multiplexter EK-04 Box

USB Cable USB Cable

Humidity Sensor MPC Concret



BPVs Assembly Printing with Applied Carbon Fiber



Preface Following the result of the previous exploration, multi-layer application of different robotically printing strategies have been considered for BPVs assembly with the use of carbon fibre. The use of smart materials and technology selections reflect design considerations at different stages of fabrication of bpv system.

Methodology and Observational procedure: MPC concrete with lower porosity aggregate was casted in 30Ă—30Ă—3cm as a bioreceptive scaffold. A series of tool paths with different geometries were generated and evaluated for extrusion consistency of layered deposition of algae-laden hydrogel with the presence of carbon fibre as the element of the BPVs assembly. The manufacturing process of BPVs typically includes 3d printing of living material on the first layer as the spatial structure and embedding the hair of carbon fibre manually on the printed material. In order to achieve more connection between our microalgae and carbon fibre, the algae-laden hydrogel was printed on different layers over the first printed layer. Multi-layer constructs were alternately dispensed using the nozzle with an inner diameter of 3mm and afterwards cross-linked with spraying a CaCl2 solution. Finally, a piece of steel mesh was used to fix the filament of carbon fibre on the printed material.

Figure 10: Robotic fabrication of hydrogel on applied carbon fibre.



Figure 10: Robotic fabrication of hydrogel on applied carbon fibre.


Figure 10: Robotic fabrication of hydrogel on applied carbon fibre.


Model 01| Fabrication of CF filament on printed hydrogel



BPV assembly - Robotically printing algae-laden hydrogel on printed substratum Air pressure: 5.5 Speed: 75 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5 mm Number of layers: 3



Model 02 Air pressure: 5.5 Speed: 70 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5 mm Number of layers: 3





Results and conclusions Initial results of deposited multi-layer fabrication of the living material and carbon fiber show the possible manufacturing process of BPVs assembly which each filament of carbon fiber counts as one BPV elements that can work in parallel.



Printing on 3D Geometry Moulds



Preface Advances in a structural material deposition on hard scaffold enable the use of computational design for designing 3d geometry moulds with exceptional properties. This renders a viable and promising strategy for water-based manufacturing on porous surface evolving towards manufacturing BPVs. This is an investigation trough the integration of environmental analysis, material study and fabrication techniques for casting the moulds and robotically printing in order to maximise the growth area.

Methodology and Observational procedure: The 3d geometry components were designed and casted based on the computational model of a mathematically generated data with using the computational design software Houdini. Differential growth technique similar to growth logic in different render frames of growth was used as a dynamic computational process of designing. In the same way, geometric tool paths providing control and operation of the extrusion system were designed and printed based on substratum geometry to provide structural support and as a reinforcing scaffold for robotically printing of the living material. As for assembling our BPVs, filaments of carbon fibre following the geometry of the toolpath were manually embedded on the printed material. Then, the algae-laden hydrogel was continuously extruded as a second layer over it.

Figure31: 3d printing on 3d geometry mould



Air pressure


Size of the nozzle Height of the nozzle

Model 01 Air pressure: 5.5 Speed: 70 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.8 mm Number of layers: 3


Figure32: Printing parameters consideration for printing on 3d geometry mould


Model 02 Air pressure: 5.5 Speed: 60 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.9 mm Number of layers: 2

Model 03| mould cast with recyclable plastic Air pressure: 5.5 Speed: 65 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5mm Number of layers: 2


Designing toolpath using Rhinoceros


Model 04 Air pressure: 5.5 Speed: 65 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5mm Number of layers: 2

Figure34: Designing toolpath using Rhinoceros



Model 05 Air pressure: 5.5 Speed: 65 Height of the nozzle from base: 0.5mm Number of layers: 1



Results and conclusions As we are dealing with water-based material, there are several considerations which affect extruding of the material on 3d geometry mould, for instance, the limitation of the height and the angle between the nozzle and the geometry of substratum, gravity (figure32). With understanding the dynamic of the geometries, we achieved maximising the active area of printing which a geometry of the substratum effects water-based material behaviour in the process of printing and post printing. This methodology plays a key role in a structural system which the geometry has a potential to hold our water-based material and affect the legibility of hydrogel to remain on the surface of the panels.



6mm OD hose adapter, connecting with air hose 135 ml, cartridges

1/4 NPT female treads, connecting with 1/4 NPT 12 mm OD male adapters Chopped CF embeded in hydrogel

CF Filament

M5 screws 25mm L, 100mm OD, 50m ID, Aluminium by lathe side screws in order to establish the cartridges 5mm OD treads

After testing the conductivity of carbon fibre filament inside hydrogel, we realised that in order to improve conductivity and make a better connection between microalgae and Carbon fibre, it is of great importance to have a chopped carbon fibre inside gel compare to the one with the filament. This can open up a discussion on new printing strategies that will lead to design a new system of printing which enable us to extrude our required materials: hydrogel, carbon fibre embedded in the hydrogel and algae-laden hydrogel respectively. Therefore, for the fabrication of final component we used this strategy.


3mm Plywood by laser cutting



MPC concrete

Hydrogel (Protective Layer) Algae: photosynthetic species Chopped CF embeded in hydrogel Hydrogel (soft scaffold) MPC concrete

Based on the results obtained from the robotically fabrication of BPVs on MPC concrete, with printing on different geometry, using various printing parameters and observational study on printed material behaviour, we came up with new strategy for printing on our final component by extruding different amount of hydrogel on the (surface of) outside and inside geometry of the component. This will open up a discussion on controlling the water flow/absorption/transferring the water trough mpc concrete which will lead to keep the panels moisture for more amount of time, and provide favorable area for micro algae to grow. it could be mentioned that design parameters and casting strategies have been adjusted to achieve this goal.



Final Design Fabrication



UR10 New System





London Zoo Proposal



Final Exhibition at the Bartlett



Conclusion After analyzing the relationship between the smart materials mentioned above, and after assembling a bio-photovoltaic system with bio receptive and bio responsive elements, but also having a living organism in one of these materials surviving in it, we come up with a concept of sustainable and bio receptive Architecture that can be further applied on our every day lives. After creating and testing several designs on bio-photovoltaic systems, it is very interesting to question, what could the energy being generated be used for. As we know, this energy produced is very limited (ca. 0.1 Wm2) and one idea is to power micro-fluidics system to support and self-regulate Algae growth by irrigating specific amount of water on specific times controlled with a switch. Following previous studies on bio-photovoltaics developed at Cambridge University developed by Paolo Bombelli, and given that the 10,000 fold difference between bright sunlight (1000W/m2) irradiation and the current estimate for energy harvested from bio-photovoltaically electro-chemical (0.1W/m2), (Mc Cormick et al., (2011)) the possibility to power micro-fluidics to support and self-regulate algae growth, in different viscosity gels will also determine the adjustment of the carbon fibers extracting energy from Algae. Electricity collection system and water pumping system can also be designed on the prototypes. Finally, we conclude to the point of when dealing with the concept of bio-photovoltaics, being very fragile, scientific and tactile, parameters that are surrounding it can be altered and modified to the preferred result, when the bio-photovoltaic system itself needs to always be structured in the same way. When combining this concept with Architecture, design is a parameter that can be altered and based on the needs of the components of the bio-photovoltaic but not vice versa. By designing around an element such as the BPV, gives us some specific rules that make the design more driven and directed.





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