GfNA-II-B-GRU-IST-quality assessment – version October 2010
Klasa: 605-07/11-02/29 Ur. Broj: 251-359-02/04/11/3 Name of evaluator: Mirna Karzen
IST reference N° ES-2011-302-007
Family name: confidential Name of the applicant: First name: confidential
Note on the points system: The ratings of the application against the quality criteria result in a total number of points out of a maximum of 100. National Agencies may add 15 points for national criteria. Each main criterion is given a total maximum number of points. Please note that applications scoring less than 60 points (out of 100; points for national priorities are not included) in the quality assessment should not be selected for funding.
GfNA-II-B-GRU-IST-quality assessment – version October 2010
The activity programme is well structured. It employs adequate methodology/activities in relation to the stated training objectives and the duration is coherent with the foreseen activities.
The content of the training activity is relevant for the applicant's professional activity.
The applicant intends to undertake concrete and adequate preparatory activities before the actual training activity.
The applicant has the necessary language competence to be able to benefit from the training activity.
Content and duration
Impact and relevance There is a clear match between the training selected and the applicant's training needs in the field of adult education. It is clearly described how the beneficiary intends to incorporate the results of the training in his/her professional activities in the field of adult education. It is clearly demonstrated that the applicant will benefit from the training in terms of personal and professional development It is clear that the training activity will have a positive impact on other stakeholders, ie. learners, the beneficiary's institution, other organisations. European added value The training activity has a strong European focus in terms of subject matter and/or the profile of participants and trainers and it will have a greater potential value than similar training in the applicant's home country. The applicant's participation in the training activity will clearly contribute to increasing the European dimension of his/her home organisation (if applicable, i.e. if the applicant is working in an organisation concerned with adult education) Dissemination of results
The applicant has a realistic plan how to disseminate the results of the training upon return. Additional points for applications for training events resulting from EU-funded projects (ie. Socrates and LLP Multilateral Projects and Networks) The applicant applies for a training event resulting from a Socrates or LLP 0
GfNA-II-B-GRU-IST-quality assessment – version October 2010 centralised project. TOTAL POINTS FOR THE QUALITY ASSESSMENT
National award criteria for 2011 NAs to insert the national criteria and priorities here (for example, priority to be given to applicants who have not received a GRU-IST grant over the past two years). The applicant institution hasn’t received a grant for Grundtvig IST since Call 2009. Applicant is from one of the priority regions, namely the counties: Vukovarsko-srijemska, Brodsko-posavska, Dubrovačko – neretvanska, Ličko-senjska, Sisačko-moslavačka, Osječko-baranjska, Požeškoslavonska, Karlovačka, Šibensko-kninska, Splitsko-dalmatinska, Zadarska. Applicant provide support to teacher training quality enhancement and raising their competitiveness in the labour market.
OVERALL COMMENTS: Please be as specific and clear as possible, ensure that your comments are consistent with the marks given, and use polite language. In the case of less good quality applications, please explain points which you feel could be improved. Your comments may be sent as feedback to unsuccessful applicants. The application is clearly written and there is a link between the applicant's professional experience and the needs in the field of teaching foreign (Spanish). The applicant outlined the preparatory actions to be taken regarding the analysis of the use of her own teaching methods in order to improve those methods, but also to transfer knowledge to other participants. The applicant has adequate knowledge of the Spanish language in which the program will be held. However, the application received lower points for the following reasons: • The application does not clearly state the needs that the applicant will receive through this training program. These needs are stated very generally in terms of enhancing knowledge of the Spanish language and culture. • It is also not clear enough in the application how the applicant will use the new knowledge in her work in the field of adult education, namely through what specific teaching methods and methods, what topics and with which target groups. This part is also listed very generally. • It is also very broadly stated how the applicant organization or students will benefit from further training of the applicant. • The dissemination plan has not been sufficiently elaborated, ie dissemination of results has been retained at the level of the organization and experts, but not the general public, which could also benefit from the increased visibility of the Grundtvig program. the applicant), or Impact, the
GfNA-II-B-GRU-IST-quality assessment – version October 2010 applicant could explain more specifically and in detail her needs, the methods she wants to improve and how to apply them more specifically to her students. The application has European added value because of the enhancement of interculturalism and language training which the applicant will pass on to her students. Vocational training is not the result of a Socrates project or a centralized project of the Lifelong Learning Program, and it is an element assessed in the application. No points for national priorities were added as the applicant is not from one of the priority counties. However, national priority points were added regarding the fact that the applicant's institution has not yet received financial support for Grundtvig professional development and that the training contributes to the quality of training skills and increased competitiveness in the labor market.
Prijava je jasno napisana i postoji poveznica između prijaviteljičinog profesionalnog iskustva i potreba na području podučavanja stranog (španjolskog) jezika. Prijaviteljica je navela pripremne radnje koje će poduzeti, a koje se odnose na analizu korištenja vlastitih metoda podučavanja u smislu poboljšanja tih metoda, ali i prenošenja znanja na ostale sudionike. Prijaviteljica ima adekvatno znanje španjolskog jezika na kojem će biti održavan program. Prijava je međutim dobila niže bodova zbog sljedećih razloga: • • • •
U prijavi nisu dovoljno jasno navedene potrebe koje prijaviteljica ima, a koje će dobiti kroz ovaj program stručnog usavršavanja. Te su potrebe navedene vrlo općenito u smislu jačanja znanja na području španjolskog jezika i kulture. U prijavi također nije dovoljno jasno na koji će način prijaviteljica iskoristiti nova znanja u svojem radu na području obrazovanja odraslih, točnije kroz koje konkretne načine i metode podučavanja, koje teme i sa kojim ciljanim grupama. Taj je dio naveden također vrlo općenito. Također je vrlo općenito navedeno na koji će način organizacija za koju prijaviteljica radi, odnosno studenti imati koristi od dodatnog usavršavanja prijaviteljice. Plan diseminacije nije dovoljno razrađen, odnosno diseminacija rezultata je zadržana na nivou organizacije i stručnih osoba, ali ne i šire javnosti koja bi također mogla dobiti koristi od širenja vidljivosti Grundtvig programa.U ovom dijelu prijave koji se konkretno odnosi na ciljeve prijave (Aims of the applicant), odnosno utjecaj (Impact), prijaviteljica je mogla konkretnije i detaljnije objasniti svoje potrebe, metode koje želi usavršiti i način konkretnije primjene na svoje studente.
Prijava ima europsku dodanu vrijednost zbog jačanja interkulturalnosti i jezičnog usavršavanja koje će prijaviteljica prenijeti na svoje studente. Stručno usavršavanje nije rezultat Socrates projekta ili centraliziranog projekta Programa za cjeloživotno učenje, a to je element koji se ocjenjuje u prijavi. Nisu dodani bodovi za nacionalne prioritete budući da prijaviteljica nije iz jedne od prioritetnih županija. Međutim, dodani su bodovi za nacionalne prioritete koji se odnose na činjenicu da prijaviteljeva ustanova još nije dobila financijsku potporu za Grundtvig stručno usavršavanje te usavršavanje doprinosi kvaliteti obučavateljskih vještina te povećanju konkurentnosti na tržištu rada.
I hereby declare to the best of my knowledge that I have no conflict of interest (including family, emotional life, political affinity, economic interest or any other shared interest) with the person who
GfNA-II-B-GRU-IST-quality assessment – version October 2010 has submitted this grant application. Furthermore, I confirm that I will not communicate to any third party any information that may be disclosed to me in the context of my work as an evaluator.
8.06.2011 _______________________ Date
Mirna Karzen_______________ Name and signature
ANNEX 1 DECISION No 1720/2006/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 November 2006 establishing an action programme in the field of lifelong learning 1 (Excerpt)
Article 29 Objectives of the Grundtvig programme
in L 327/46 Official Journal of the European Union of 24.11.2006
GfNA-II-B-GRU-IST-quality assessment – version October 2010 1. In addition to the objectives of the Lifelong Learning Programme set out in Article 1, the specific objectives of the Grundtvig programme shall be: (a) to respond to the educational challenge of an ageing population in Europe; (b) to help provide adults with pathways to improving their knowledge and competences.
The operational objectives of the Grundtvig programme shall be: (a)
to improve the quality and accessibility of mobility throughout Europe of individuals involved in adult education and to increase its volume so as to support the mobility of at least 7 000 such individuals per year by 2013;
to improve the quality and to increase the volume of cooperation between organisations involved in adult education throughout Europe;
to assist people from vulnerable social groups and in marginal social contexts, in particular older people and those who have left education without basic qualifications, in order to give them alternative opportunities to access adult education; 24.11.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 327/59
to facilitate the development of innovative practices in adult education and their transfer, including from a participating country to others;
to support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning;
to improve pedagogical approaches and the management of adult education organisations.
ANNEX 2 Description of the Grundtvig IST action as included in the LLP Guide 2011 Guide (excerpt).