MEDVEDNICA OUTDOOR FILM FESTIVAL 2019. 13. i 14. rujna 2019. Zagreb (skrivena lokacija) *For English version please scroll below.
Već drugu godinu zaredom, Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival (MOFF) održat će se kao sastavni dio Medvednica Outdoor Festivala 13. i 14. rujna 2019. Cilj festivala jest upoznati raznoliku publiku s outdoorom kao oblikom sporta i rekreacije, probuditi avanturistički duh kroz inspirativne ljudske priče te potaknuti ljubav prema prirodi koristeći film kao medij. Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival pokrenula je grupa outdoor entuzijasta i ljubitelja filma. Ideja MOFF-a je promovirati ovu specifičnu i često zanemarenu kategoriju filma te dati mogućnost svim filmašima i ljubiteljima sporta da prikažu široj publici vlastiti video uradak. Trenutno jedini festival u Hrvatskoj ovog tipa, vizija MOFF-a jest postati vodeći regionalni outdoor festival koji okuplja filmaše, sportaše i rekreativce iz regije, ali i šire. Dodatni sadržaj dio je Medvednica Outdoor platfome i kao takav obuhvatit će izložbene postave, predstavljanje proizvoda i materijala s ciljem zaštite Medvednice, poticanja zdravog i aktivnog boravka u prirodi, ekologije i održivosti.
Medvednica OutdoorE-mail: Tel: +385 95 5538 623 Facebook:
Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da se prijave i predstave svoje radove na MOFF 2019! Filmovi se šalju na mail do 20.08.2019. Molimo sve prijavitelje da popune i online prijavni obrazac: Odluka žirija o filmovima koji će se prikazati na MOFF-u bit će do 05.09.2019. Uvjeti za prijavitelje: 1. Filmovi moraju biti outdoor tematike. 2. Filmovi moraju biti dostatne video i audio kvalitete u .mov ili .mp4 (MPEG‐4 aka H.264) formatu. 3. Filmovi ne mogu biti duži od 30 minuta. 4. Filmovi čija godina produkcije nije starija od 2017. 5. Prijavitelj može poslati najviše tri filma. 6. Festival je međunarodnog karaktera i prijaviti se mogu filmovi iz svih zemalja 7. U konkurenciji pristiglih radova, stručni žiri bira 10-15 najboljih filmova koji će se prikazati na festivalu. Nagrade: Stručni žiri dodijelit će nagrade za: •
Najbolju montažu
Najinspirativniju priču
Najbolji prikaz akcije
Dodatno će se dodijeliti i MOFF 2019 nagrada publike.
Medvednica OutdoorE-mail: Tel: +385 95 5538 623 Facebook:
MEDVEDNICA OUTDOOR FILM FESTIVAL 2019 13th & 14th September 2019, Zagreb, hidden location For the second year in a row, the Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival (MOFF) will be held as part of the Medvednica Outdoor Festival program on September 13 and 14, 2019. The aim of the festival is to familiarize diverse audience with the concept of outdoor as a form of recreation, to awaken the adventurous spirit through inspirational human stories and love for the nature by using film as a medium. Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival was launched by group of outdoor enthusiasts and movie junkies. The idea behind MOFF is to promote this specific and often neglected film category and to open the opportunity for all filmmakers and sport lovers to show their own videos to the wider audience. Currently the only festival in Croatia of this type, MOFF’s vision is to become the leading regional outdoor festival gathering filmmakers, athletes and sport lovers from the region and beyond.
Medvednica OutdoorE-mail: Tel: +385 95 5538 623 Facebook:
We invite everyone interested to apply and present their work at MOFF 2019! Send your film by bulk download or other file sharing (e.g. wetransfer) means to email until 20th August 2019. Also, please fill a short online survey: Jury decision on the selected films that will be shown at MOFF will be September 5, 2019. Criteria for Applicants: 1. Films must be of the outdoor thematic. 2. Films must have a sufficient video and audio quality in .mov or .mp4 (MPEG-4 or H.264) formats. 3. Film cannot be longer than 30 minutes. 4. Film should not be older production than 2017. 5. Applicants cannot send more than three films. 6. Because of the festival’s international character, we welcome films and applicants from all countries. 7. In the competition of the movies received, the jury will select 10-15 best films to be shown at the festival. Awards: The jury will give awards for: • Best edit • The most inspirational story • Best action Audience will also have an opportunity to select the best movie and award it with MOFF 2019 Audience Award. Medvednica OutdoorE-mail: Tel: +385 95 5538 623 Facebook: